HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-18, Page 73 C NES . F Fs of Handy Logwood, dder Com- raateed to. rue, White er, Jockey Xesenat rill Tarte_ j cents and CINESa tendon} Rs: meatball IDE1R, es- rn raising package SES_ �E. ALES 1 kinds,: Almond, (a White our, Tar, Toilet, er, Wig. —all aro B1oaru Vis, Puff Tooth 70- have s Wash, DTS . esh and >natant - alumna. ESS Min ad the .n ma and ettei t, and ill be her- ,igoed. r keep DS We torp t the t the con - given many Unify fr at the eg to 3ros; the eta- k�r • r== MAR CH 18, 1881. Mir The Fuel_ of the Future. The Nautical Gazette makes the following announcement in regard to the use of petroleum as fuel: We shall soon be able to announce a wonderful stride in the mechanical appliances for using liquid fuel for generating steam in both marine and boiler. The matter is in the hands of practioal men, who will soon demonstrate that they can make froom twenty-eight to thirty gallons of crude petroleum, costing 85 to 90 cents, do the work of a ton of coal, costing from $4 to $4 25, and Without dirt or smoke, and when, as in the case of a large steamer carrying from 40 to 50 men in the fire room, one man each. will be abundantly able to keep up uni- form pressure of steam at all times. Liquid fuel is the intervening step be- tween coal and electricity, which will' in due season furnish motion for the world. But until we arrive at a thorough knowledge of this subject, and of motive power, liquid fuel will have had its day and generation, wiping out the last roinpant of barbarism, coal. The fireman of the future can wear broadcloth in the fire -room, while the coal passer will have laid down his "Shovel and hoe" to become one of the memories of the past. This condition of things is near at hand. On' Deserts. All young hou:3ekeepers should learn as soon as possible how to pepare dishes for dessert which can be made on very sliort notice, that they may not be annoyed in the event of unexpected company to dinner. In summer fruit answers every purpose, , but at other seasons, and particularly if the first course is not very elaborate, she will need to have something more substan- tial. A delicious pudding can be made in a few minutes by taking one pint of milk and stirring it into half a cupful of cassava, half a cupful of cocoa -nut, two eggs,., a little butter, salt and sugar to taste ; flavor with vanilla. Cook this as you would. boiled custard. When cooked and put in the dish in which it is to be served, pour over the top the white of one egg beaten to a stiff froth, with a tablespoonful of pul- verized sugar added. Set it in the oven to brown. This may be eaten warm or cold, with jelly or preserves or without. Another dish which is easily made .and which is economical as well as palat- able, is to take slices of cake which are a little dry and pour over them while hot some boiled custard.; cover the dish quickly, and the hot custard will steam the cake sufficiently. Raisin cake steamed_ and served with some pudding sauce is good: "Velvet cream" to be eaten with cake is made in this way : Beat the whites of four eggs -to a stiff froth, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly, two tablespoonfuls of rasberry jam ; beat all well together ;. cream may be added or not, as you choose. Or- anges cut up, with . sugar and grated eocoanuts sprinkled over them, are also nice with taker—R. Y. Post. • Flpps's COcoa.' Grateful and comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gevern the operations of diges- tion and n'itrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables, with -a delicately flavored beverage,. which may save us manyheavy.doetors' bills. It is by the iodic -roue use of such articles of diet that a constitution :m13 • be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. , We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with- pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Uazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epps & Co.,. ktomceo-, pathic flhemists, Loudon,. Eng."—Also makers orf Epps's Ch'colate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce drum. The best known remedy for all affec- tions of the chest, lungs or throat is Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. It is constantly used by thousands of per- sons suffering from the above diseases, and in nearly every instance it affords immediate relief. In eases of trouble- some, tickling sough, where the patient passes sleepless nights, one or two doses of the Syrup has such a quieting, _ sooth- ing effect that !reit ensues and the cough speedily disappears. Try it and be con- vinced. Sold by all chemists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. 684.26 - Zopesa. I have: secured the agency for this new conpouut. for Dyspepsia and liver troubles. It comes to me under moat favorable auspices, s, being' very highly hl Y endorsed and recommended. Its, won- derful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices, correcting the acids and carry- ing off impurities of the Stomach and regulating the Liver, can be tested by securing a sample bottle, which sells at 10 cents, or large eight ounce 1pottle, 75 cents. J. S. ROBERTS, Seaf,trth and Bayfield. 679-52a Given Up by the Doctors. Where. doctors have failed to cure,and have given their patients up to die, Electric bitters have often been used, ander curt ciectecl, greatly to to the astonishment of all. Diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and urinary organs are positively cured by Electric Bitters- They invariably cure consti- pation, headache and all billious at- tacks. Try them, and be eoavinced that they are the best medicine ever used. Sold by L. Hickson & Co. at 50c a bottle. 662-26c I• A Great Chicago Enterprise. The Laboratory for the rnauufaeture of Electric Bitters is one of Chicago's greatest enterprises, giving employment to a large number of hands. The ex- tensive sale already attained for this wonderful - remody is astonishing. Wherever once introduced and becomes known, it is almost impossible to sup- ply the demand, because of their true merit—curing where all othqs fail— andat a reasonable price (50c.)—Exch.. Sold by E. Hickson & Co. 662 26c Only Tvv enty Cents. To meet the growing want of I the age, and. at the same time to reach the poorest in the land, Messrs.. Perry - Davis & Son have lately issued from their'establiahment a new sized bottle of their celebrated "Pain -Killer," that retails for only 20 cents per bottle, and which can now be had of any respect- able chemist, and nearly all general storekeepers in the Dominion. It is no wonder that this firm have made their "Pain.) filler" famous throughout the whole world, when we consider that, in the first place they have the very best family medicine ever discovered for the relief of pain, either internal or ex- ternal ; and also that they have always made the price such that no person, however poor, could not purchase it if suffering from any of the thousand little ills which flesh is heir to. The new bottle that'' retails for 20 cents is large enough (holding an ounce) to last a person for a long time, and will be found a convenient medicine chest, compact and useful at all times, whether travelling or at home. Our advice is—"Go and buy a bottle at once." Peruviar-n Syrup. Extract of a letter from Rev. Richard Edes, of Bolton, Massachusetts : "For years I was a sufferer from boils, so that my life became wearisome through their frequent and pereistent recurrence A carbuncle, which ulti- mately bccupied a space of three or four square inches, formed in the small of my back. During its progress large pieces of decomposed flesh were every day or two cut away ; and the prostra- tion and general disturbance of the system were great. Before I had re- covered from this attack two smaller carbuncles broke out higher up, and I was again threatened with a recurrence of the sufferings to which I had so long been subjected. It was at this time that I commenced taking the Peruvian Syrup. I continued taking it until I had used five bottles ; since then I have had nothing of the kind. I attri- bute this improved state of my system entirely to the Peruvian Syrup ; and I feel that I cannot express my obligations .to it in terms too strong. For years I was one of; the greatest sufferers. Other medicines gave me partial and tem- porary relief ; but this remarkable remedy, with a kind of intitutive sense, went directly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a thoroughness worthy of its established (char- acter." 642-52 . Mothers ! Mothers! Mothers ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If -so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it ; thfre is no mistake abort it. There is not a mother on. earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States., Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. • Rest and Comfort to the Suffering. Brawn's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, anf of double the .strength of any oth"er- elixir or liniment in the world, shoul� ' be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 • Put it to Proof. At the time whet, the community in flooded with so many unworthy devices and convictions, it is refreshing to find one that is beneficial and Pare. So con anous are the proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery kir Consumption, of the worth of their,remedy, that they offer all who desire a trial bottle free of charge. This certainly would be dis- astrous to therm, did not the remedy possess the remarkable curative qualities, claimed. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will positively cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Stubborn Coughs, Colds, Phthisic, Quinsy, Hoarseness, Croup, or any affection of the throat and lungs. As you value your existence give this wonderful remedy a trial by calling on E. Hickson & Co., Druggists, and obtaining a trial -bottle free of cost, or a regular sized bottle for $1. 657-52-11 • Bu ekl en s Arnica Salve The Best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corals, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price, 25c per box. eor sale by E. Hickson & Co., - 657-52 • "They All Do It." To beautify and preserve the teeth and give fragrance to the breath, use "Teaberry," the new toilet gem. Sam- ple package, 5 cents. 679-52 MONEY TO LEND. In Large or Small SUMS, at reason- able rates of interest. NOTES AND MORTGAGES PURCHASED. APPLY TO W. C. GOUINLOCK, Oratthe Office of J. H. Benson, Seaforth. 681 BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &O. FUNERALS ATTENDED UN' THE SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS AL WAZs ON HAND. HEARSE' FOR HIRE. 0 i TATE HURON E%POISITOR. NOT LL LIVE AGIA,N. t,�;, fifllil"�!Iill ��� v — a I il[�ll1111Q1Ulll(IG� 01111rnl41 �• fail " � { t ti 'AilI0..11111IN.:N11f�nidi111ta...L,. ;Il.,t1IL. ,pgT��,T7����n..jj(�in.7111 tc.�d)rllh - r E RSOIrt bROWI GREATQ SALE THESE MO COME A 1 ED SALE CONTINUE Fy Q r r m 01 Z UT Y OF GO �7C7-A.TFR. ; DS ONE (MONTH. DS MUST BE $OLD BEFORE ING BACK TO THE CHID_ STAND. NO SEE US ND GT THE BARG 'IVHILE •TFF,Y ARDOING. ORDERS LOTHING.m-SIVE' CENT. OFF ALLY 9Lom URING THE GRE E EM B ILL GIVE TEN NG ORDERED T SALE. RE- IN PER THE PLA - O E -NEXT DOOR TO JOH KIDD'S A'R E WA t. R E•srri, of H LL`( & ANDERSON. SELLI G OFF. M. MORRISO SEAFORTH. For Cheap Crockery nd dlassware, try M. Morrison. For Choice Teas, Sug rg and Coffees, try M. Morrison. For Good Flour, Fee and Provisions try M. Morrison. 1 THE BEST VALUE IN GENERAL GROCERIES IS AT M. MORRISON'S, MAIN STREET,,, S A.FORT P-. SU B$TITtITES 0 - ear The public ale cautioned 1a rainst a custom whish is growing o lite common of late among a certain c1.+ of medicine tie'iters. and which Is this : When asked �r a bottle of Pain -Tiller. they, suddenly discover that thev are "sold out. ' "but have another article just las good. if not Getter.' which they:will sunply at the sante price. The o ject of this decentidnis transparent. Thee substitutes are made im to sell on the great reputation of the Pein-killer; Jul being compounded of the viler. and cheapest drugs, are bought by the dealer at ah -n half what he pays for the genuine Pain -Killer, wh;Ch enables him herefore to realize a few cents more profit eel r battle ui;oa the genuine. imitation article than he can on the FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, CRAMPS, AND ALL SUMMER OIj. BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER 3, IS UAEQ1'ALL4i.). IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. The PAIN -K Lr.RR is put up in oz. and 5 oz. bottles. retailing at 25 and 5o cents respectively,—large bottles are therefore cheapest. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS JUST TO }AND, BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT EASTER CARDS! NEW DESIGNS IN BIRTHDAY CARDS. C. W. PAPST, Bookseller; Seaforth. CHANGE OF B SINESS. THE S A.FORT FO .TN"DRY% SEAFORTH, Out„ April 3rd, 1880.1 Having purchased the Seaforth Foundry from John Nopper, we will Contin ie to'keep on hand, at the old stand, Main Street, Seaforth.' a full assortment Of Plows, Gang Plbws, Scuffierl3, Land Rollers and all other Implements in our lire. Column Crestings, and School, Church, Garden and Lawn Chairs a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done and satisfaiction guaranteed. Give its a trial. ALFRED R. NOPPER. • NOPPER 'BROTHERS. JOHN W. NOP1#ER f } SEAFORTH, Out., April 3rd, 1880 Having disposed of my business, I must call on all those indebted. to Ire, either by note or book account, to call and. settle the same before the First of May, as after that date X will place everything in the hands of the -Clerk of the Court fo collection. i JOHN NOPPER. PAINTI J. GRAVES,is ing and. White left at Wilson & receive prompt G. PAIN I G. PAI NTI N G. OUSE AND SI9- PAINTING, repared to do all kinds of ashing. Satisfy^,tion Gua Young's, Lumsden & Wils ttention. ose and Sign Painting, PaperHazg - anteed or no charge made. Orders or Wm. Robertson & Co.'s, will P.A. - MFRS' BANKING HOUSE. SEAFORTH. OFFICE --In the premises former- ly occupied by the Bank of Com- merce, and under the Commercial _Hotel, .Main Street. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and Foreign Exchange Puroh>jeed and Sold. FARMER SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Bates. Money Lent on Collateral Securities. Drafts Issued, payable at par at all -'Branches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST ,Alloweel on Deposits Money] to Loan on lliortgages. M 'Pt 11 A YES, Manager and Proprietor. STABLISHED 1867. R. COUNTER, WATCHMAKER, AND JEWELER In Ordinary to the Citizens of . Sea - forth and Surrounading Country. EPAIR I NC IN ALL BRANCH S 01 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Fine Watches a Specialty. LARGE STOCK 4F' COLD AND SILVR Watches,3 (chains, Rings, Brooclies,j Zar Rings, Silver Plated Ware, Clocks, 'Fancy Goods, And Spetctcles, OHEAPEFF THAN EVER All Goode Wa4aited as Bepresented. { i M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. ITISH EX B 0*t. WM. CO the Quietest, Most ducted Hotels in th co modions and sup lied. Good st GE HOTEL, Goderieh, , Proprietor. This is ono of omfortable and Best Con - Province. The Booms are he Table and Bar libetilly bling in connection. 685-52 E M elDICAL JG. SCOTT, 11. I1.6te, Physieian,8nrgeon and - Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Offiee&ndreti- d'enco south tide of Goderich Street,.sevgnd door east of Presbyterian hnrch. i 842 T3. L. YEBCOE, 34 D., 0. M.. Physioiaiin, Ser- geon, etc.,Coror er for the County of It tion. Office and Residence, on Jarvis strre#i north, directly opposite Seteorth Public School.; '7 M. HANOVER, IC D., 0. M., Gradtate of McGill University, Physician, Surgbonand Acccuchrnr, Soaforth:,Ont. Office and Residence, first door south of the Catholic Church 496 R. HUI CHIN SON, Gaaduate of McGill Col- kge, Montreal, Lietntiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Burt con of Ciaig;oekbart borbital, Edinburgh. Office—Wingham, Oat. 686.52 e AUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, i Gradn- D• h7 . ate of OntarioT#terinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of K11oran Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or day . A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Charges reasonable. Sorses examined est o sound. - nese and certificates ;liven if required. 467 . i3ERBISHIRE L. D. S., :Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the loyal t oilege of Deng Surgeons of Ontario. I Officehours frons 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Baoins in Mrs- Whitney's new brick block. Mains Street. Seaforth, .,. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., '• • Member of the Royal , College' t%' •;- . _ of D:ntal Surgeons of Canada. Office.. -Indian block, Market St., Stratford, Ont., has; now opened out an Offite in Seaforth at the Queeli's Hotel, 'where he *will be prepared to perform i all dental operations with ease and skill. OfHcti open first Tuesday, in every month.. 568-52 LEGAL ABBOW & PRQUDFOOT, Earristerl3, Solici- toes, dc., Goderich, Ontario.—J. T. Garraw. Wm. Proudfoot. 686 CAMERON, IIOL/ & CAMERON, Barristers, v Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. 0„, Philip Holt, M. G. `Cam- eron. -506 ILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commit - stoner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Account and notes colleicted on reasonableterms. i 866 MEYER),Barribter and Att ,rney at W.C.. Law, Solicitorf in Chancery. Commissioner tor taking affidavits in the Province of anitoba. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, inghani. Private lands to loon at 6i to Q per cent!,. 688 pENSON & M1IY13{B, Barristerssand Attorney at Late, Solicitorain Chaneeiyandlnsolyency Convoyanoers, Notarrles Public, etc.. Ofimcist—Bea• forth_ andBrnssels..B23,000 of Private Fiends to [nv est atonce, atEight percent. Interest payable yearly-. 58 JAB. H. BTNSON. H.W.(AMY/M. The above firm has -this -day • bgen `disc ,lved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BE SON. H. W.. C.MEY R. NlCCAUCHfY & HOt1NETED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYA (GING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. QOLICITOBS for the Consolidated lank of Canada and the Canadian Bank ofColCnmerce in Seaforth. I Farm anti Town irnd village Property bought and sold. Money (private ftf'nds) loaned on mortiage ae- carities, at reasons£bie rates of interest. 9harges moderate. ii ' Money invested :fir private persons upon the best mortgage seen):ities„ without any expense to the lender. S. G. ,IIcCAUGHEY.. M. A. F. HOLMifSTED. RECORD OF THE LYMAN EARB. FIRST PRIZ S AWARDTD THE 11 Lf "Y MA N ” 4 -BARB WIRE FENCE G At Montreal, (Qu,•ebec,) Ha'mil'ton, (0 tario), Cincinnati, (Ohio), Syracuse, (New Tor ), and Davenport, (lowa), Exhibitions, for Ex ellenae and Superiority over all Competitors The Cheapest and Best Fencing in the World. Adopted and in ase on 19 Railway Lin in the United States and Canada. See that on trade mark, "Lyman .$arb," is ateneilled n each reel. Bay no other, Send for prices an circu- lars to WM. BOBIERTSON & Co_, H vilest*Merchants, Seaforth, Sign of the Ciro r Saw, or to the DOMI ,IION BARB WIRE ENCS Co., Montreal. 692-26 " NIL DESPERAN DUM " TRADE MARK. 0 TRADE M RK. t. co o Before Taking S THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY }ot Ner- vous Debility;itaill ail Nervous 'Affect ons, in- cluding Sper uiat©ttrhea, Seminal weakne s, ect., results of Self -Ouse, indiscretion, &a. is GRaY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE, 1 This h the only remedy which; has ever been known per- manently cure Palpitation and other a ections of the Heart Consumption in its earle stages, ei; , Rushing of blood to the bead, wind in the stomach, indigestion, Lose of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, Indis- position to labor 4n account of weaknt: as, Uni- versal Lassitude,I'ain in the back, dirtiness of vision, Premature# old age, est.. Full particulars in our pamphlet, Which we send securely sealed on receipt of a three cent stamp. The :Specific is now Fold by all irnggists at $1 per backage, or 6 for $5, orwili be -sent free by Mail on receipt of Money, by addressing i d89 THE GRA MEDICINE 00,, Toronto; AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL! After T For Diseases of tha Throat and Lungs such as C o Ali g h s,, Colds, W h o o ping Con g h, Bralnebitia Asthma, and con- sumption. he- few compositions 'which have won the confi- dence of Mankind and become house- hold._ words, among not only o but many nation" .,' must have extracrdinary virtu: s Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a reputation, or mti}intained it so long, tie 14YETL'a CHERRY PncTon- It has been kn.own fto the- /pubiic about foryearn, by a long co timed series of nzmrvelocures, that have 'von t r It a confidence in itirtues, never equalled by any other medicine. i It still makes the most ref fectual cures of f, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that can be made! by medical skill. Indeed, the Cunni PncToB4 has really robbed . these dangerous diseaS of their terrors to,a great extent, and give a feeling of immunity from their painful effe s, that is well founded, if the remedy be taken ih season. Every family{ should have it in their olioset for the ready and prompt relief of its memllers. Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved by this timely protectioht The id to I�,} hon aand t e not eat it,the i will r ndenr''e p 8 I not. Seep it by -router thepxoteeiiont=t,.flffortl8 by its early use in sadden attacks. Prepared by DJ& .1. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, 6iaas., Praetfcai ,and Anelytioal Chemists. Seidl 'by all Druggists and Deers in Medicine. 6661152-I. ROB sAJ,F.—Fier Sale a first .class •hating Mili, nearly hew and in good: , ..' ' order, situated in the flourishing Town of _8 }forth, Will be sold cheap. Terms easy. En, hire of BECgBD, COSSIINS & CO., Goderich, Ont.