HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-18, Page 2' 2 iNs •••Il • • MRS. FLINT'S MARRIED EX - PER HINOE. (canal/mare) Such a relation is not a movable feast to her ; it is once for all; and if the circumstances or pique betray her into this faithlessness, what does she think of herself when it becomes inevitable ? - The widow Gold did not tell. She was paler when she turned from the glass than when she looked. into it, and she trembled when she went down stairs to sign the papers before Parson Roberts should arrive, The beat parlor was opened to -day. The high-backed chairs with old bro- cade cushions that had belonged to Sam. Pratt's grandmother were ranged along the wall like a row of stiff ghosts; the corner cupboards were set open to dis- play the old china and glass that filled thein;• there was a "bow -pot" of great red peonies, abundant and riotous with color and fatness, set under the chim- ney in the well- whited fire place ; and a few late'roses glowed in a blue china •jar on the high mautel piece. On a square table with a leaf lay a legal pa- per, that Sam was reading, with his hands supporting his head; as if it was hard to understand the document. The deacon, in his Sunday garments, was looking at him askance ; and Mind - well, with the • little girls, Ede and clingiug to her gown, was star - ng out of the window, dowiathe road— staring but not seeing, for the *splendid summer day that lavished its bloom and verdure and odor on these gaunt New England Mils, and hid their rude poverty with its royal mantle, was all a dim blur to the head -wrung woman. "Mother," said Sam Pratt, raising his head, "do you know what's the sum and substance of these here papers ; and. do you agree to't r' - The widow glanced aside- at Deacon Flint, and caught his "married eye," early as it was to use that ocular weapon. "Why, yes, Samwell. I don't know but what I do," she said, slowly and rather timidly. "Well," said Sam, rising and pushing the paper away, "if you do, why then you're pin' right into% and it's right, I s'pose ; but, by Jiuks : I think it's the d--" Mindwell's touch_ on his arm arrested. the sentence. • "There's Parson. Roberts, Samwell ; you jest help him out of the gig, will you ? He's quite lame, I see." Sam. Pratt 'went, with the half -finish- ed sentence on his lips. He was glad his wife had stopped him, on many ac- counts, but he did long to give Deacon Flint his own opinion of that prelimin- ary contract. He inddlged himself for this depriva- tion after the stiff and somewhat mel- ancholy wedding was over, and the staid couple had departed for Bassett in the Deacon's wagon, by freeing his mind to his wife. "Miss Pratt, I was some riled to hev . you stop me when I was a-goin' to tell the Deacon what I thought about that there contrack ; but I don't never stay riled with you, mares, as yoe'd ought to know by this time;" and Sam empha- sized this statement with a hearty kiss. "Besides, I will own on second thoughts I was glad you did stop me, for it's no use pinclain' your fingers in a pair o' nippers; but I do say, now and here, it was the darndest piece o' swindlin' I ever see, done under cover of law an' gospel., you may say, for the deacon had stack in a bit of Scripter so's to salt it like. He's got the best of the bargain, _ I tell ye, a long sight. I'm real glad your father went and fixed that prop'ty so she has the use on't only, for she wouldn't have two cents in two years' time, if she'd had it to do with what she's a mind to." "I'm glad he did," said Mindwell. "I have felt as though mother would be better suited if she did have it to do what she liked to ssith ; but if this was to happen., why, it's as good she is pro- vided for ; she can't want for nothing now." "I guess she'll want for more'n mon- ey, and mabbe for that too. The paper says she's to have her livin.' ; now that's a wide word ; folks can live on bread and water, I expect, and. he can't be holden for no more than he's a mind to give." "Oh, Sam, you don't think Deacon Flint would grudge her a good living ? Why, if he is near, as folks tell he is, he's a professor of religion." "I'd aalurned sight rather he was a practicer . on't, Miss Pratt, Religion's about the best thing there is, and mak- in' believe it is about the vsust. I b'lieve in Anaasy Flint's'religion jest so farforth as I hear him talk, an' not an inch further. I know he'll piuch an' shave an' spare to the outside of a cheese rind ; and I haven't nogreat rea- son to think he'll do better by Mother Gad than he does by himself." Mindwell turned away, full of fore- boding, and. Sam, following her, put his arm about her and drew her back to the settle. "Don't worry, dear; she's made her bed, and she's got to lie on't; but after all it's the Lord who lets folks do that way, so's to show 'em, I expect, that beds ain't always meant to sleep on, but, sometimes to wake folks tip. We're kind of apt to lie long an' get lazy on feathers. I expect that's what's the matter with me. get my husks by- and-by, I gaess." Mindwell looked up at him with all her heart in her eyes, bat she said nothing, and he gave a shy laugh ; their deep love for each other was "a fountain shut up," and so far no angel had rolled away the atone and given it visible life; it was still voiceless and sleeping. Before her wedding day was over Mrs. Flint's new life began, for Polly Morse had been sent off e night be- fore, being the en 4 of an even week, lest she might charge ninepence for an extra day; so her successor without wages had to lay aside her plum -color- ed silk, put on a calimanco petticoat • and short gown, and proceed to get supper, while Polly, leaning over the half -door of the old red house which she shared with the village tailoress, exchanged pungeat re/masks with old Israel on the topic of the day in Bas- sett. "No, they didn't make no weddies heel ; there sva'a't nobody asked, nor no loaf cake made for her ; he wouldn't hear to't, noway. I'd have - staid and, fixed up for her to -day, but he was bound I shouldt. As for me, I'm most areazin' glad to get hum, now I tell ye. I'd a sight railer be in Sinsbnry prison for a spell, if it wa'nt for the name on't." i "Say, Polly, do you call to min I said three weeks back abou Flint comin' home? Oh, ye do, Well, T ain't nobody's fool, be guess I can see throngh a providin' the hole's big enough, as the next man. I'm ' what yi call a mighty obsarvin', now. figger eonsideeble well on folks, can't on 'rithmetic, and I knowed as well when I see him rigged up' i Sabba-day go-to-meetin's, and hi p'inted for Colebrook, what he wa to, as though I heerd him sa-ask'n' to hev him."- _ "Wei \ I never did think S repty Gold would demean herself to. have him. She's got mean's and areood home, and Mindwell sets a sight by and.so does Sam Pratt ; but here s ben an' gone an' done it. I woul ha' thought it, not if the ange brief had have told me on't I" "Guess he's in better business 1 than goin' round with Bassett gossi 4iiy- how; but what was yarso tooki bok by ? Lordy ! I should think yoi Was old enough to git over bein' surpri ed at, women -folks ; them and the weat er is two things I don't never ca-io'lath o' n. You can't no more toll what a woman '11 do, 'specially about marryin', •than l you can tell which way in the Toad a pig '11 go; onless you work it. back'ird, same as some folks tell they drive a and then 'tain't reel reliable—they May go right ahead when you don't a mite expect it." "That is on thing about ne9, I allow, iseel ; you can always tell which • way they'll go for sartain, and th t is after their own advantage ; an' n body else's, now an' forever." "Amen ! They'd be all fools, me, if they didn't," assented the man with a dry chuckle, as he dro what Miss toye? tIone, Well May can f I jest his 080 p her er, e's n't a-• like old e off his empty cart. Yet, for all his sneers and sniffs, neither Polly- nor the new Mrs. Flint had a truer friend than Israel ; rough as he was, satiric s a chestnut burr that shows all its pribkles in open defiance, conscious of a sweet white heart within, his words only Were bitter, his nature was generous, kindly, and perceptive ; he had become the per- ipatetic satirist and philosopher that he was out of this very nature. Dowered with a scorn of scorn, a love of loy and free with the freedom of indepe - dent poverty to express pungently what he felt poignantly, being in his own kind and measure the "salt of tie earth" to Bassett. But in spite of comment and pity, t thing was a fixed. fact. Mrs. Fbnt married life had begun. under new ; al spices, and it was not a path of tos upon which she had entered. II ousekeeping- had always been frog ith the thrift_that is or was charaete •tic of her race ; but it had been abUn nt for the wants of her family. T iands she provided were those of i t lace and period, simple and primSi slough ; but the great brick oven W ell filled with light bread of whe nd rye both ; pies of whatever in rial was in season, whose flaky chrl nd well-filled interiors testified to h owledge of the art; deep dishes, aked beans, jars of winter pears, Pan golden sweet apples, and cards ellow gingerbread, with rows of su w nd puffy biscuit. Ede and Syvi new very well where to find c is okies and. fat nut cakes, and pie wal iterated three times- a day on Ss, ratt's table. • It was a part of her "pride of life at she was a good housekeeper, an indwell had given her the widest li ty; but now the tide had change he soon found that Deacon Fliut rsirnony extended into every detai er pies were first assailed. "Sarepty, don't make them pies nen so all -fired rich. They ain't gbo ✓ the stomach ; besides, they use u 1 the drippin', and you had ought t ake soap next month. Pie is good d I think it's savin' of meat ; but i mpers up the flesh, too good li'-ines, and we hev got to give a lint." count, ye know. I don't mean t ave no wicked m waste laid to y Slc So she left out half the shorteein m her crust, and felt ashamed t e the tough substance this econotn oduced. Next came the sugar qu:es n. 'We buy too much sweetenin'rSar ty. Them's a keg of tree molasse wu cellar. I expect it's worked some t you jest take an' bile it up, an' sti nsider'ble saleratus into it, an't '11 do want to get along jest as reasonabi we can. Wilful waste makes wofu nt, ye know." . Yet in his own way the deacon wa edy enough. He had the insatia appetite that belongs to.. people of figure far more often than. to the ut. `He's a, real racer," said Uncle Is 1, reverting to his own experience in s—"slab-sided an' lank. I bet you Id count his ribs this roinnit ; arid t's the kind you can feed till the day er never, and they won't do ye no dit. I never see a man could punish ties the way he can; but there ain't more fat to him than there is to a ts forehead." rs. Flint was not "hungry or kering," as she expressed it, but a, sonabie eater of plain food ; b t deacon's mode of procedure w 8 uliar. Say, Sarepty, don't bile but a sm 11 pie( o' pork with that cabbage to -d . got a pain to my head, an' I do 't no appetite, an' cold pork gets eat for supper when there ain't no need .17 Obeying instructions, the small piebe atpork would be tooked, and, once he ta,ble, transferred bodily to the con's plate. "Seems as 'though my etite had reelly come back. I guess as a hungry headache." And the d woman had to make her dim+ in cabbage and potatoes, season d h the salt and greasy water in which y had been cooked. here were no amusements for hr of the house. The younger peop e their berrying frolics, sleigh ride, hen dances, nuttings and the like, their elders their • huskings, apple and sewing societies, but .againelt hese the deacon set his head. face. t's jest as good to do your own e - chores yourself as to ask folks tb e an' help. That costs more'n it es to. You've got to feed 'ern, and enough keep a big fire up in the e room. I'd ruther be diligent i ness, as Scepter says, then depend eighbors." e sewing society, too, was 'denied or Mrs. Flint, because they had t )71 w is a v 8 a te a kn of y a k co re P .th M e 5 pa 11 yo fo in al an po do ac ha CO fro P6 pr tio ep do bu co as wa gre ble his sto rae pig cou the, aft ore vit no hen _han rea the P60 pie I've feel up on't 0 of f at t dea app 'tw tire fro wit the T out had kite and bees all t • "I try siOn2 corn like spar busi on n Th to po 's ha cb ti ot fri an pi at re on on ha be th ne tO de.: th ar: p s a a ; h • seI w: e aipugot eli t otiOng Mee ✓ , Oil ly ✓ ad: in at: at er., no ther eJ.adsp iSt d the nailed tams og'-d i nythi be fo s tally se *it i ed iu re ihc 0,601 e In At th 4f f ton for t n eir isu : in h ono la do thope w re. d ; lhi a oo oaiiise m B hu se hi w to 1 fe , st'l w flux of ha he: eff an sen po bet pea gift She the he re be m no for nit of eve yo ye we Th duty her Flin stoo trac no n finer gow ter had, and vice busy hour bear: ed tb ing fi onr "livi in c) viaT tthel h seem of swee fair b grand fectlyi waner? secretis turnd ed hba 11 ; e st n rw rk co pl tur 11 • thill le iceiev'iscade ta, see h al ay* to • doze w' man 304 he e , or a erely t id no lt k ved, f a glaier ereld t er to hataeStied re. Illin o n her ; and their ea 0 0" t rs we er4 THE }JUR for them. prayer mee- not deny her, for they and :officially he attended ing on Sunday was an- t, when she could see s, receive kind greetings, any eyes a sympathy and 1106 pleased nd exasper- N POSITOR man in her place might it or guile enough to hav essure ander which sh nd submitt4d. She was feeble souls to whom a like a blow, nd who will g and every hing rather nd fault wi h, and who °come drudge and slaves [whom they ive, and ar ill-treated si ply becans able of resen Ment. Ther sons who et 0 in thi so much f m want of om aboundin and eage those whom they serve ering, when they discove s. been thelif I labor an is known only to Him who ied, betrayed, an fled io shared His dai y bread." 't pad no affebtion. for her e married hi • because it thing to do 'and obeyed he was her husband, as rn• in those d ys. So she bly from , day to day, half d, desperatel lonely, but ining, forher constitution ,strong, and erves were mfort was the rare visits en. Mindwell found it home, but s spicious of omfort, "she ade every r as often s possible, carry her so e little pre - fresh eggs Which the oiled privet ly, and ate scanty 'm ale, a few ittle loaf of ake—small demonstrate her feeling. ow what go d purpose r Mrs. Flint id not tell what she en red: She o well how M dwell had. delay and c sider her she would no wn to her ad made a I mistake, • had as m oth human omposition 8 the rest , ho does li to hear est friend - s , "I told t on in this w y for five ay being a ittle more ry than the preceding. red paduas y still did nday gown, for none of ever passed By this time 9 01 e. LII r 1 • 4 • nd Ire umicol s the; S Vi" mune 'S hands. she under- mondville, under th into Mrs. i Kyle, has been di f lly iivh t her ante-neiPtial con- • The bushiest will hereaft ant. he had her lying, and 1 Jas Kyle, who w' 1 ooll ✓ . people could. EV without 1 andpay all debts du by th FOR SYTHE, JAME RYL 1881. NOTICE TO DE -1.1 to me, either b STOCK TO PIG 13REE ER keel during t press Thoroughbred Berkshire at the amenf serViee wit turning if neceet,y. JO THE BEST P1G----The -L. his hotel In season. a Thoro from Um best ate pure. Terrns—$ time of service, necessary. W. 0 TO BREEDER OF P -I- will keep d ring t his premiees i Egm bred large breed Berksh provement of stock. This in the count', and farmers well to see him before ta where. TERMS—$1, to b service, with the privilege awy. J. H. ,CAR'ER, pr canoes on 7, tanien he ndersigned w 11 t season on Lot 8, near 13Hills Green, a oar; t rma $1, payable the privilege of re - EPS IIDSON. 674 nacelle ghbred k on bo for the th the OR, P ndersi ned will keep t d during the present erkehire Boar, bred h sidee and warranted !mason payable at the rivilego of returning if oprietor. 677 G8—he undersigned e present season at udvill, a thorough - re boar, for the ins - is one ofi the b est pigs nd others would do ing their stoo k else - paid 4 the time of freturning if neces- prieto. 675 —The undersign' d o. 7, Concession and favorably kno n ke for him during t e m ber of SOWS. He s and leaves as go.d the Country. Th s 00 sows last seaso A BERKSHIRE BOA 4-' will keep on Lot Tuckersmitl, hie well Berkshire btr, and will t present seas n a Fruited n g u a ran teedthore gbbred, stock as a mal about y art serve ayob of re sp lendid pig Terms—$1, the privilege MUNDELL. e at the time of service wi urning 'f necessary. W. • I 677 VARMERS BRE Turner,Bruce season the thoro guts, bred by Mess ton; 1 his pi's sii y Mr. breeze,bred ter, England got by Sir D. Leonidas V., breeze won 2 tion in 1879 Lor vincial Fair in 187 D. Cardiff weln let It will thus be see very best and Imre he is 6 months o at the time oIf servi turning if ne essar 1) TO old, wi ghbred . Sohn WAS 2 Russel his am wa Cardi ; his got b Lord d pr zo t Liverp and w t the R that t bred e d. Ter ea, with . R. J. STOCK FO THE BEST—R. 1 keep 'for service t Berkshire pig, Ma Snell's Sons, Edmo ported Royal Ma wanwick, of Cirence Lady Leonidas XIV randdam was La iverpool ; Roy al Ma e Dominion Exhib ol won: lst at the Pr s soldtfor $700; eir yal show in Englan arquie is from t e ock on both sides; s-1 cash, payable the privilege of re - TURNER. 67 SALE elOLT FOR SAL—For ••-/ colt coaling tierce. 9 well broke to harn as. isp s i On 5 , cRi II op . AME S QTOREEDU SE TiREN kJ grain storehou e on th railway track in Se forth, trucks and jiggers all compl immediately. Apply to Soot or to the proprietor, BO boro. Q TOOK FOR SALE—For s-) Durham Ball, about Thoroughbred Durham II Thoroughbred Ball The animals and Will be sold eh 88, Concession. 3, MoKillop. LAN. ale a bay gelding red Lord Haddo, ly ori Lot 84, conees- ORRA.NCE. 675 rent a good south side of the ith tWo sets of scales, te ; possession given Brdthers, Seaforth, ERT SCOTT, Box - 677 ale; a Thoroughbred months old; stiso a ifer, in calf to a are both splendid ap. Apply on Lot ROBERT McMIL- • 684 IMPORT.NT r)ISSOLUTION OF PA. "1-' Partnership hitherto s undersigned, as Milers. in firm Solved veu w coarse repla ys bo 4, thout warmt linsey-woolsn ed the soft roe • a stuff -for win- inoes she ght for that purpose, u linen checki was Ber- m u 04 mer, though kept her t ax 1 wa eel and loom many an he Ilia. outlived the early for- eic s her married life, nd learn - as , tcl beg, to persist entreat - hat she a,bsolutely eded, for thisl Way could Bs el get her g.' Her Only vivid pl sure was onal v sits from Ede nd Syl- v:1Y lit e creatures whona itheir's beauty of ch r cter and t t's cheery, gen 1 nature o cern ine, and with so much II's delicate lov liness, her f the r father's fa.. that to k eye contrasted ith the t oily eyes they se med per- autiful. For them he poor I:diem: , and toiled, nd grew She hid a comb pf honey •• fe Whzn the deacon's back was nd t it for Sylvia, who lev- y like a real bee -bird; she 1) rea p armains in the parlor V.e ; and when Sain Pratt ) Hart ord with a ioad of wool, th children as fair as Bas - ay at Deacon Fliover- ht peer - °manwould ake for erhre: • such as thoy remem- d Say ry cookies tlat they t ough she encountered hard head ords, too,for wasting her d s selbs ance on anothor man's 1 II ho ha. a 'ready MECD4 ry and a gue, w s the first to report to 1 Wise comments of "Grand t ' asi th y were taughtto call other,' she exclairc d, "I do d:.r i real mean !" de y u mustn't tal so about s and otters." t hlp it," chatteredon the •le chid. "What di he want iutc e kitchen for when s g g us supper, d scold he ade 000kies for ns? y'' os cried, and he kept d saidb fore she sho ldn't do wohl 't have it." ta,illa about it, Edo," said r, hill of grief and digna- stor d clos tiLfo wen int and ro sett nigh the lboevree d. looks tL husba, childre - Ede, fluenti o Mind* sir himj think "Foe, your el "I c irrepre to cobs' granuy beca B Gran how e it, ar4d "Don,l'ti her moth tion. 0 a I 4. Oil : I 110 "Moth r, its liruo. I heard hirn too," interpose S lvi ,-who thong p Ede's word was doubttbd, for the voluble arid out.spokei child was a little at to em- bellish he repor s. "Well, ylgy dear, it isn't best to talk abon a good many thiugs that are true." But fOr all tha, Mindwell did discuss Ihe matte with Sam before s4 slept, ill that "grand committee of two" which is the gm gtit and comfort of a happy marriage. , "What 'ever can we do a out it, said, with tears in r voice. ar to hoop the chi • en to their sets by 'em lik her life t ey're going to mak trouble her •n Deacon Flis t, don'• t ho.d ought to prey: i t their does 4eem hard on but I guess I can ad t heap of wheat t y sr, and I've Ben ro nd np for us. JI d s nd a barrel on' eent. The us1 nothing, nor Iu ab'out her nein' on' Sam ?1 0.1 "I can't b home—s —but if between you thin going th i every v;ray, know We east lot la mill to be I'll take a Mother Won't Say no hildre 19 To be Continued.) 10 other taYou that it to guess over to deacon can't for the MORE GRO WILL. every Heavy Drartg t Hrse ES WANTED. & SH RP S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, ay, for the purpose df, buying from 8o 7 yea old. ROSS1N & 3 : ARP 68 , I 14 t4. OTICES. TNRSITIP — The ibeietrg between the the 'Tillage of Eg• ame of Forsythe & y Mutual .consent, ✓ be carried on by -sti all debts due to late firm. JAMES November 22nd, • 691-4 TORS All parties indebted • Note r Book Account, will please pay the sera et once as s have disposed of ins business with a view leaving Seaforth. Parties wishing to ettle w th nie will find me at my old stand from 9 to 1 A. M. and from 1 to 4 P. M. for one mont AU accounts not settled by flat date tvill be p iced in other hands for collection. Parties ha g let their orders with me for custom work, or work to be repaired, will please call for them t once and oblige. THOMAS COVENTRY.. P. S.—I hope that all my old customers will giy rayi successor, Mr. 'W illiata Logan, then conti ued patronage. H has purChased the stock at rifts that will en- able him to sell at or below holeeale figures. 690 /IONE MONEY TO LEND—Mon improved farms only, a est, payable yearly; private 1 erate. JOHN S. PORTER. y to lend on good 71 per cent. inter- ndss charges mod - 681 mONEY TO LOAN—In I j -T -L on first•clase eecurity, interest. Private funds, or lan. Apply to W. HILL, Se rge or small stuns at 8 percent. yearly on the installment forth. 628 viONEY.—The undersigne -T-1- money for immediate i m ortgages on larm property. per cent. interest yearly; p agreed upn. J. H. BEN forth. has a large slim of vestment on first Seven and a half ncipal as may be ON,olicitor1Sea- 633 iir ONEY—A. G. McDOUG Lc.43-1- lend money at 64 per oe any amount, and for any n est charged only on the un ommiesion 'charged. Apply . McDougall & Co. L is authorized to t. Ott mortgage, for ber of years; intr- aid principal. No at the Store of A. 678 TOR SALE OR ET. HHOTEL TO BENT—To R Brick Hotel, at Pollock's ayfield, County of Huron, a y Charles Stalker. Posse ex. Apply to the Tenant, to,EDVilA RD FEE, Executor; Zuf TORE TO RENT—To rent lar medicine a tore in Whitney's treet, Seaforth, in the best bUsine town. The stem is 60 feet long room 30 feet in length in the ear. able and possession given on th Apply to WHITNEY Bh.OTH BS. VII OUSE AND LOT FOR • 42- FORTH—For Sale, the ot on the corner of Market a ately occupied by Mr. Isaac tinge old cheap, as the proprietor has ot sold it will be rented. Aptly t ard Agent, Seaforth. rit, that well known Corners, Village of present occupied sion first' of May, n th premises, or h P.O. 690-8 e and com- block, Main s part of the ith a store Rent reason - &unary, 1881. 79 SA we d Sp E IN SEA - ng House and ding streets, raith, will be eft town. If A. STRONG, 689-4 • - - - AUCTIONE P. BRINE, Licenced A °tie • County of Huron. Sales att p rts of the County. All orders 1 P SIMS Office will -be prompt RS yatt eer for the nded in all ft at the Ex- nded to. RAMIS GRAHAM, AU LAND AGENT.—Special le of landed property, farmi b ed stock. Cattle selected fo k t. Office and Auction Room B ock, Goderich, Out. Terme LEXANDERDELGTTY, eer, McKillo. ppecial a H les of Landed Property, I plments. All orders left signed at Walton P. O, or c sion 14, will be promptly a bljIls, notes and stamps Jinni ArJEX. DELGETTY, Walton. TO inc g a the ,A oder EER AND tion given to d thorough- ngliah mar- heson's new to. 615 ice sed Auction - tent On given to arm Stook and ith the under - Lot 14, con- tended. to. Sale hed if required. 639 MEETINGS. VARNA CHEESE FACTORY—A Meeting of the Petrone of the Varna Cheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Va M roh 22a4, 1881, at 2 o'clock purpose of making arrangement year. All interested are parti to be present. ROBERT Mc pr. etor. a on .Tnesday, 11. M., for the s ,3r the coming arly requested ARNEY, Pro - 692 -2 LOST OR FOUND. TTORSE BLANKETS—Lot, between Kinburn and Harlock, a pair of Striped Horse Blank- ets. The finder will be suitahly rewarded on leaving the same at THE Exposirron Office, Sea - forth, or at Broysnlee's Hotel, Einbarn. JOHN TORRANCE. 692x2 'WANTED. issr ONEY WANED—Wanted 41-1- term of 10 y ars, from $1,5 interest at 6 per Ioent.. Seenrity on improved f m property. EXPOSITOR OFICE, Seaforth to borrow, for a to $2,000, with first rciortgage Apply at THE 690 ESTRAY TRA. Y BHEEP—Came into tho premises Of -u41 the undersigned, Lot 26 S ath Boundary, Ste ley, in October last, four She p. The owner can have the s ame on proving pr perty and pay- ing sharg es. JAMES JOHNSTO 600-4 -••••••• GREAT SP d 1 h • N CAN , • --•-•-1 --,"--lr''''''''"- 1 „ ORTATIONS, & DUNCN, ill be fo ?RN d Unusually Large and een Bleketed with Great Care from est anu aeturing Centres. Our Importations • Varied, hailing the First and SEAFORH. IN TAKE GOODS We offer the most select asaortment 61 Prints being represented. Also Do.Oks, De ims, Cott ings in great variety. IN in all the latest designs and novelties, every style ns, Table Damasks, Shirtings, Towels and Towell- RES GPODS • Our variety of Styles will be found a ove the vertigo in Cheek cOlaosthwhineF re.ancy Figures, Cheekir and St ipes, Woo en Cloth, Black N TWEEDS and Fignred Print Cloths, Satin Lustros, and Black and Colored Our Line of Tweeds is a Spedialty. 11 the diff rent assertm.ents of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Diagonals, Wors tedI Coating and Wes of England Broadcloths. MILLINFRY Notice of our Millinery Opening will 14e given n 8 pecialty in itself. When we will be ble to sho t • we ek. all the Our Millinery Department always Parisian Styles and Novelties. ROOERIS. alWe have a full stock of C oice Fa ily Groc eing a ries, co prising Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, &ea A COMPLEE ASSORTMEkiT OF BOOTS AND SHES. CALL AND EXA DUNCAN & INE GOODS AND PRICES. MARcri 18, 1881. CHOIYSTAL & 13LAOK PRACTICAL BOiLER M,AKERS. TRE Bo Subaeribers liave bought the ToolaSnd er Business lately carried on by the God. e rich F Xilldry and Manufacturing Compay .mid having iad an experience Of over eight years that fah p, are now prepared to c arry on thetrade In all i Inanchea. Anyl4jork entrusted to no will receive prompt attenti . First-class work guaranteed. All killads of Boilers made and repaire, also I Smoke tacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at res. sonahle stes. New at Pans made and old oneia 11:Tithed on the sho t t notice, and at prices that defy cam - petition CI RYSTAL & BLACK., 686-52 Box 103, Goderlehe H I? 411. FOR MNITOBA. All pariies going to Manitoba or the North:West would do well to call at HUGH ROBB'S MEAT MARKET I IVI IN -ST., SEAFORTH, Where hey can be supplied with all kinds of Cured rests of the Best Quality., and at the Most sreasonOle prices, such AS Clen Bacon, Sugar Cured Fork Hams, Sugar Cured Spiced Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, Spiced Poak Rcl s, Lard, &a. These meats C1113 be bought 30 PER -C-ENT. CHEAPER From Mr. ROBB than they can be procured in M a ni t oli anns d coequently it 'will pay parties to s make th ir purchases before starting: Several have aliedy applied for supplies, but there will be abun4ance for all. 6UGH ROBB, Seaforth. TJIE OLD FAVORITE -GALLERY AN REW CALDER rpm: Pi neer Photographer of Seaferth, having gone hrough the fiery ordeal, is now re.nning again in all blast, in his new and commodious premisee n Scott's Block. This is the oldest Gallery in this section, and has been thoroughly refitted ilea equipped with all the latest appli- ances and scenic effects specially for the aecom- modation of Mr. Calder's large and increasing trade. Raving now got into one of -the hand- somest and most completely furnished galleries in the west, he is now in a better position than at any rOvions tittle to turn oat all -work in the PhotograPhic line entrusted to him in a auperior manner, at the lowest living prOfit, and on The shortest possible notice. A call is cordially o- licited fron all. 692 4. CALDER, Scott's Blck, Seaforth. EG 06 EMPORIUM., rrHE Stibscriber hereby thanks his numerous 1-- cnstoa in ers (erehants and Others) for their liberarpa prenege durins the past 7 years, and h opes by Strict integrity and close attention to business lb merit their confidence and trade in the futur. Having greatk, enlarged his prem. is es during thewinter, he is now prepared toaray THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE . For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg mporium, MAI STREET,. SEAFORTH. Wanted $y tbe subscriber, 25 tons of' good din clean whea straw. D. 0. WILSON ICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. S- & HAERBER ' • ; DUNCAN, I PORTERS, SEAFORTH. I THE Zit TT NDER THE CLOCK, N CARDNO'S BLOCK.rtr TTAvE lways on hand, and make to Order, -1--i- Wu us, Sleighs, Carriaes,lIng- . les, Cu -term, and every otherartielein their TH E CENTRAL G ROC RY, SEAFORTH ezapdettexani siattpe:riangteonodatheireirouewnothusi- neTesli, to materialand -workmanhip. ti 1 b h as For Sty l and Finish their work cannot be TIEJ,AS. A LIR GE Consign roe lit of New &DEWS Te e arriveand Ovened Out for Inspection of Cus tomers. These ocds werebonght at Allot on in tie New York Market, much below their value, and we offer them to the public at LESS THAN REGULAR WHpLESALE PRICES. surpassed Jy the large city establishments. Repairing promptly attended to. Give us a trial and *convinced that we cap satisfy yon as to quality and price. Mr. Hess is well known to the public, having been in bu bless in Zurich for over 12 year. 636 ITESS & HA1CREB. DISSOLOTION OF PARTNERSHIK — • THE Partnership heretofore existing 'btween -1-.. the undersigned as boot and shoe makers Three pounds of Fresh Ne w Season's Teas for 1, actually worth SO cense per pound, sugars in the to n of Seaforth, in the County of Huron cheaper than ever, 9 po un de of Whi te 8ugar for $1. Loose Muscatel Raisins selling at $1 60 per has this da been dissolved by mutual consent. box of 22 pounds. JOHN MeINTRE, ROBERT WILLIS. Wit under the name and style of McIntyre a wflas: V 7 the late firm a McIntyre & Willis must i nese, JAME S H. BENSON. Dated, Mtrch 2nd,i881. WITI1 reference to the above, as the affairs of be at once wbund up. All ae.00tmts due the said A LARGE STOCK 0 In Pears, Peaches, Pine Apple, Plains, Se nees in abundance. • Onr Ground Spices are pure and unad oast and grind our own Coffeets • F FRESI CANNED GOODS oma toed, Salm n, Lobsters, Sardines, &a. Bolden and iterated and onx Extracts are the best in the market. We THE CROCK I It 'DEPARTMENT. We hold a heavy stock in this Departrn nt, an4 we are offering epeeist inducements. A White Granite Tea Set of 44 pieces for $2 . China Tea ets frorn $5 up to $20. Our Glassware Stock is immense—eall and see it. .•••••,• THE1 SEE DEPARTMENT. Garden Seeds as usual, by the packet bulk.1 CI ovelt and Timothy Seed for Sale. Turnip, Ma ngel Wurtzel, and other Seeds will be k pt for saae by no as for merly, and trust, from our past experience in this department, to sti1hmeni1 the confidence of the public. Hig •est Market .Price Paid for Clov r and Timothy Sed, and Potatoes, Eggs and. Bitter. Free Delivery. LAIDLAWI & FIRLEY, Main Street, Seaforth. PILLMAN'S • CARRIAGE WORKS, SEAFORTH. THEY ARE AGAIN TO TH E FORE. PIIItr ar 00 - BEG to state to those in want of Buggies Eh they have now on hand as good and hand- some a collectior of NEW BUGQIE I %/1EiAl BUGGIES,' Of various designs and styles as can be foand in a y shop west of Toronto. They are all made by themselves, and they can consequently warr nt them as to workmanship and material; REPAIRING 0F ALL KINDS.. Promptly atten ded to and neatly and substantially exeLted, and satisfaction guaranteed. We are i also prepared to take ord era for )immindVehiclei of all kinds, and can guarantee a fad- eless job at reasonable prices. s CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL And be eonvine,ed that we can do better for y n than niost othtt firms in the Trade. PIL M4.t.N & Co., Seaforth. N. B.—Buggies and Light Waggons made to order 11 desired. firm roust who is ant 'whom all cl presented /o Dated, M forthwith paid to the undersigned, xised to collect the same. And to hs against the said firm must be ayment. amiN McINTYBE. h 2, 1881. 691-1 PIANO AND ORGAN MRS. C. T. DUNLOP Teaches Music in all -a- its bra Iches ; Musical Science and Harmony a specialty, advanced pupils tatight to -write =nine from ound, thus enabling composers te write their own compositions ; careful attention given to you g beginners; also the most approv- ed vocal tra ning for strengthening and devlop- ing the vokp given when desired without extra charge. Os of instrument for practice ; charges modera te. Residence on George Street, firstdoor east of f‘Iain Street, Seaforth. 678 iINCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday from NEW YORK ani GLASGOW (va Londonderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glas- now, and all arts of Europe. 'Fares as Iowa. any other firs class line. Prepaid P ssage Certificates issued to persons wishing to 11, ing out their friends. The Passe ger accommodation of Anchor 1.1118 Steamers are unsurpassed for elegancsand corn - fort. Apply tla 1 S. DICKSON, 598 At the Post Office, Seaforth MANIT ?'BA EXCURSIONS. THOIVIAS GREENWAY Will star: another Excursion Train On VVEDNE DAY, MARCH 16, Connecting with the one over the Great Western Railway the same day. Concentrate at Centra- lia, freight menday before. Apply to • • THOMAS G-RENWAY Cntralia, Or to WILT. ;J. WHITE, Express Agent. 691 Exeter. PAINTING. PAINTING. 'CAT1NIC.. 'ROUSE PAj " Writr, D washing and Megarey's bak Grocery ptinot T1 B. CAMP anacisu ly attended to. 79 XIIRe TING in all its hranehes ; Bign orator, Paper Hangar, e mate. alsomining. Shop, next door to ry. Orders left at D. D. Bose". Ily attended to. 888 ELL, Provincial raise Surveyoe ugineer. Orders by mail prompt D.. Si CAMPBELL, MitblL EsleS, • '$easonahls 19ez7 l „..:, tirwciii 3.aveehnLgoeyno_teis tiorim otttl Some one else 1 size to keep on Don't burden nwri slaiverill a If you liappe, lend them to li or any one else., If you get toacj Your ulster or first one who 4 keep it with plel Always -can, bot lemonae, ts In the distance i;;Co33: ;ptiruespt hgripe;r4 mbf3t;:r it h:ae virl back, shell belie Skaters Woula. that love on skal . fellow that ow vicommanding ul tianhavep ifyoititicrk ityaa erdereswear at 48a. for the souls H s, green skat don't give it; pei a greeny. sig.esatu If aPr;oltYr girfe4 tad offer your as if your siater tupid work to pi :. o Ivadt; pyY:oki elu cl aid:7th: te ri li you fall, aol Ilatriakp 413ansdpodrotnfboireti Don't learn to ioned methods; atice.—allbany P, i . They Grey terl This proverbi being Flemish., origin, and ma from the !olio -gentleman havits eonsiderable bea whose -domineers .aard of marital 510115made his ed. her father to and her islowr "Poo, pooh I" a "yon know not t gevern their 3irls3 proved. Harms st4bbalsec't taciaat ' iakeco horse in every h ii master, and wife governe. ,ggs gone before htb.aitnifk yyoeuurrbcorassee will tale my dais you may keep first home the 5 heard the wife, 1 voice, laid her door ; here he 1 iquiry. He vial house with the were nearly all at the seat of ng the country. II master, who ba stirring, he was once of the latly. for the intrusion, ihb▪ ali3. twihelinsegPesr;oauthn4eath room and confir upon which he which horse he li struck his lanes he would choose fit for a side ad. the substantial black hone vso wife persisted in niyoauresiot "What akehabel:, Shall; for. I am seuels the better my -dear, replied you please, if it quoth the gentle now fakes* egg, any horses back live happily with Uncle Aar was mattereo nd. outhouses fai an:nleTrieeAelluolin hfrisorojaoaxet,liheorwtob • aInllf• leefen,tyh°ary towattsba,eantilaims'e inlm.him a Uncle Aaron r lug a trap,and if a few days he wo of rats which wo was not lying. "Ail right," a, yedreudwillteh just me adtrainlneg,e lAsinirloet listVi:eenknhoiws -friLs last thing he sai A hundred 18 11 The trap-Tinele 012 Wag ft sort of large as a big bar Wa: ethEIHbeigOr O Ht and have it so rig string would spri the floor, making fortable for any it happen to be aired Ytrap, i 1 11 ittaisi-swen leau denidtbinYent ehaarvelblited connted at least t veestigoae atninngtrhat ntge kept up or save /hie 0 ntrt. tptieen manoeuvre had t lug several of the trap. Then he anecess. He c almost any time dozen or twety, 46 low" for a bigger platform was no 1 anmals. They der it as readily • •