HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-18, Page 1IT Ds key rest NT. be ids Fn of ,0. kgas alt= it.; to. eller mattS Year :RY tv of tion. r`rs is OtS aaa. e fay ation lag • i. ctd. new e r buy, Ales :tiler- the '.Idge rc: rag Sime. .trine in Mr. tc r• ola t by tea: -' !short loth Food: Ed a tonld ions:: d for and as of t in last, isual .h at rst of was the The ed of c}ia- tired .. chose I: viz.. ul- tew- slop.r •kin, -lora. gine lved; ar- cora- took fee - 07/ Ring ntly mit. and one , the NTT., 11 be ' ng, in-- r n-r of his. aced be mit- -sac- .t it;sac-t a rder as as,. and. of h aggo 1'ie tha oho ire ex - hey :fly. ter - •1 ,ose gs, ght FOURTEENTH YE.AR. WHOLE NUMIPIIR, 693. SEA] ORT 1'RIOAY, SEAF0IR, T H. & SMITH WEST ITH E CLEARING A OUT R PILES. OF DRESS GOODS BLACK, CASHMERES At Prices you cannot obtain elsewhere. IZ MEMBER The .Loge_ Redactions made in price of (foods will only last A FEW DAYS LONGER. i :. We purpose either Removing the Stock or Clear- ing it all out this month. - DON'T LOSE THE OPPORTUNITY To: Get Bargains in Rev. Mr. McLean's Reply. To the Editor of the Huron Expositor. SIR : Being anxious • to see Mr. Hart- ley's letter, I delayed- till that letter made its appearance .before I would re- ply lett r ce s ply to "Lover of Justice' , hoping that one reply might do for bo h, if there should happen to be anything in Mr. Hartley's letter that would cell for an answer. And first, let me say ` what I hate -to say in reply to •"Loser of Justice." "Lover of Justice" tries;to evade the point at issue, -viz., the chs ge which he himself characterizes as so severe" on my character by runni g away to side issues. But .I will not allow your readers to be so led away from the point in dispute. "Lover of Justice" charged me with "reporting every little trivial matter in the past that might in any way appear detri- mental to Mr. Hartley." ' Now, I show- ed by the reference which I madeto the records of Presbytery, and the extracts I made from such records, that the charge was groundless, and that coq o. gnently. "Lover of Justice" was guilty of deliberate falsehood, and a slanderer. This I proved so clearly that even "Lover of Justice" did not deny it, This, then, should settle -this charge.' What has my being furious, even if I were so, what has my being "particnler- ly indignant" at such a charge being preferred against me, to do with the . truthfulness or untruthfulness of that charge ? Nothing at all. Any indig' a tion that I may have exhibited o er myo- i. such a charge was unknown to e, as ng ge to lid he in - NEW AND FIRST-CLASS GOODS. . r & WEST, MAIN STREET, SE:AFOBTH. I could po: him. '• mean th s•bly -br ng to light y,th� '� i understand t in In first letter 1 eager to ttac ; Mr. Hartley grasped sit any'th'eg I could ge •sbytery again m to light. khat he says of Justice" wants some a rota he minutes of 'resby i say o, and he sh :11 hav shall. prove h m to b king else than ustice. of Justice" assert, e against Mr. Hartley heP reporta rte of Presb Y n Mr. Hartle has re- s a notice of t e same abytery was n t deem - yen.'.': Here, again, I aye • what is untrue. ving a storyof ;a "kind to apply t• him, I may state that i its not a char: cteristic of a "kind and faithful" beast I of the canine tribe to s eak`by when he in- tends to s ow fi_ht till his spponent has pass�e hien, ; Ind then when he back is turne( bite, as. tacking. Unless lost. And' of Justi right`'to choice P arsona to decoy readers t tions reg; of asla{m{ With eat there is refer. I only tinned .+ against him to was so that I t in the et him Now, , f r .is not th minutes' o ' ro t b h , and ; g • here arse 'f thagt tree. If over more fan. tery let them, an gain Boucle 188`1 S:EAFORTH cuser when he preferred the char and, consequently, could not enter an element into it., As to my be "p.arti�cnlarly indignant" at the chaff being hurled against me, I confess, it, and I hold that my assailant p, me a compliment 'unwittingly when affirmed that I was "particularly dignant" because of the base chaff I reeard it as complimentary to m get to a lover o Further, nr `` tfLclic des nit redL i fiat* char - in. the report ol P ed necessary Or assert that he With reepect to and faithf dog' "that char have appiei tery, andl t fluted ed th, s • to him `,over �e uitd r n,� enecd w, M ce ' acie regale y o che cease aeyour gie t rdg ere r d ✓ sp them that' such was;to be what surprises me.IfurthE se ce of anything dike di th conduct of , "Lover of ta ing such liberty with hi on the contrary; an apparel as indicated in the folk gr phs from that '':letter, Ju>�tice' very likely well be fehimself," :and : Mr. d thing in "Lover of . Ju: at would suggest to a that the writer regar an as' a malicious ebem S ragraphs, to say the le angel. I know from r� Mr. Hartley to myself, "Lover of Justice's" first time before my letter in re and if be disapproved of case being usedin he c which they appear d, he w itten to me at one disc\ rr disap M me, a are h: er c chat ," as bing andt both e ch H rtley act- o y (lst) et;eis, nemb hese:t no "tl idE Le pa by ction with it and . Hartley knows y charge against .0 before the pr assure Mr. Hartley to steal up be , ind and acted on the "advio f Justice" di• in at- that I gave, viz, s an anonymous name. before the brethren, .I:te is to the point it is curse prescribed a by the laws of t Editor, I bi c uld. But 11r. and if you b r that in order to' 'fir readers w v ce it is necessar� know who my aeonE he should be a 1 church. Without t bis impossible to act on t oth conditions were w c se. Rumour, which is sfe guide, says, the 11 r. -Sutherland, bu are, although havi admit that Mr. Har berty of appealing to a ut not in the sensle the id. Pani . appealed f oprt to' another. = nd ppeal of which M . Har umself; relieves to a xtent the clashing betw: ion vows and his r fusel he request of Pres •yter 0 recom ask him aninouE say that I was "particularly indignan ate Ilfro ff at being falsely accused • of designedly g doing endeavoring to destroy the characte% of g not ble ir- a8 am t" a minister of the Gospel, and I can conceive how an innocent, honor man could feel otherwise: in such cumstances.. There '-is such a thin o being angry and sinning not. I presbp�0 now charged by "Lover of Justice"with hie sbvitt 12. attempting in my letter of defence "to ley des1 nub destroy a brother minister's chars ter ley dgltEry and usefulness." This charge, let i be b resb ,'n Ro ge observed, is based on what I said in { self defence in my first letter. Pray with, a�n1 spp chargee !It a. who began this nefarious business of ed th' thet ;rep destroying a minister's character nd' reoomrn ndatio usefulness, and that, too; in the " oat motimi pas c contemptible and unwarrantable pian- motion. • word fc the de as recti sive of union "Lover deem it. th such slandering, anonymous flow him sk your is asser- ssertions ions, you can pages, but I e weight to e that ,the serve. to Mr. Hartle point to whic is, where he s the truth wh eputation's u to the Pres. Is 11 • ne ha e half ttne da:,io bo esi aop ley h any •. ord tation. aclt on he tie dsk .11 a ner?" Who is to blame for anyt- ing ley ws I said about Mr. Hartley? Who set that he forth Mr. Hartley as a target, and en sconcing himself .behind him from ccwardly private retreat. attacked so that I had no alternative as Ion€ my own charaeter was dearer to than Mr. Hartley's but to defend reputation over that of my br shrink from saying anything natio ,1881 bl t h' I had no other course open to me unless I was t) ander the formal charge brought ag�inat ce askd t did plot hat i. pastoral charge will be evident me,. as I must ':I'hhve ;finis mendational of irony l ten them, chic they tie it have own , mina minister. However much I might ,•that f y' g n thin that might ' i Make be unfavora e to.him, him , to lie cam me. But why refer to Mr. Hartley at ( the all, it may be asked ? He did not a e ride was ittle' way Ili ZL BP OS_ OUR SCOTCH AND IRISH TWEEDS We are now OBOWING SAMPLES of SCOTCH - wail IRISH TW EDS for. THE SPRING TRADE. As these Goode were Purchased by ns DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS We are Enabled to Otter Them AT VERY LOW PRICES. the charge. I answer because 1 charged with reporting "every trivial matter that might in any appear detrimental to him," and, there- fore I had to show from the records of Presbytery by adducing facts thereron that the charge was false. That wicked man, "Lover of Justice," -and I ask your readers is the term "wicked" too strong to denounce such a slanderer— has been so far theinstrument of the arch enemy, under the cloak of region and=justice, that he has succeed d, by stirring up foul and filthy wate s, in BLARNEY TWEEDS. 1.4.E. ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE LINE OF SAMPLES placing two ministers of the-Gos such a position, in relation to other, that the reputation of the must apparently be defended ovei of the other. But that man abed 01 thc Celebrated BLARNEY TWEEDS, Man- llactured by MAHONEY BROS. CORK el in each one that find, if he has not already found it out, that his mischief, likethe boomerang, shall return with redoubled force on his own pate. Some may think that mgr first letter was too severe, but let - it be re- a P membered that we must suit our wea ons of defence to the nature of the apt- eh 1 tack made upon ns. As a celel living Southern divine used . to "There is no way of driving a d but by putting the lash on him,'' so in this case. A milder -course would be lost on a man'of the stamp of . my ac- cuser. All that I am sorry for ie that such a man ever took upon himself to be Mr.. Hartley's champion. Well may Mr. Hartley say "save me fro =i my fa friends." Here we have the proverb wa verified that "you cannot touch a claim- def ney sweep without being soiled by him." e Anything .that I said about Mr.- Hartley pet I was compelled to say in self dfence, no which in my opinion is a sufficient plea 1 in for all that I said. But what plea.can An my accuser' present for his attempt to bring me and my character into pute ? Certainly not that of se fence. I never to my knowled tempted, nor does he charge me attempting, to destroy his chalracter. I am surprised to be told that M _ Hart - one, es be the r ne, f ccs enda ions. As any one. will see, rst recd mendation had to be de - first. T e Presbytery asked�Mr. Harney to do certain thing, and Mr. Hartle? hal ether to complYor not- `o resign his charge.: If id done what the Presby - to do, there Would hello, was adopted and le court to act on the the Convener of endation,and ing between But the Prest pct in this Be d to disjoin tl in the face of isive of the u: O ons," as state on. I cannot wha Mr. ;$a,tley means by "it a$i itrtpo sible for him both jartI" ` of the recon The only 4,ho•ce he had in was to do nr of to do what tery a s,kect hi to, do I wo gon= se fully nto explainin wer : t riot that Mr. H lett: r, implie, that I was rt of the a sign, a g.dt e Y rte fa' of E cShje bylery hings i urlifav ieli. w rm 's letter, I shall ates that s n l mei, I 'animoas 1 ytery t - j n his charg was un- I d co rt. Lest ed by that uld think th t I am njuatioe, I sh 11. quote e recommen ationB of 1 lit- "That inasmuch en dem- e present tions, the to resign. Mr. Hart- • has -been ta ntaining of t two. congreg: Mr; Hartley hat in case ARCH 18, 1t881. McLEAN BROS., Publishers. X1.50 a L ear, in Ad-drance. done.' And ✓ is the ab - approval of Justice" in but, s name, it approval, swing para - '.'Lever of ab la i to de- artley sees tice's" letter is mind the ed Mr. Mc - y f his .+ . Such st of it, are ma made r k n that e saw otter some- .ly appeared, ,is name and nnection in should have ning all con - roving of it. d if he has can bring it urt. I can wo d have e to med it, +y co plaint us ' adopt the by Scripture rch,i I only must emem- sue an ad - that I should nd (2nd) that ✓ of My own • ononditions ice, and in my lwaye a • e ad ntin not t my accuser is a of t• is I cannot be g my own opinion. ley aad the higher court, Apo tle Paul om c ne civil his liberty of ley could avail considerable en la's ieduc- o comply with Yours; &c., A. MCL1Arr. Messrs. F1 tcher, Canmer?on, and Lang, }appointed t • elder, was pp it visit the congre- gation of txeter with 'a view of forming a anion between. that congregation and Fraser church, Biddulph. A conference on the State of Religion is to be held at next meeting of Presbytery, which is to be held in the Presbyterian church, E etc r on second Tuesday of May at10a.m. Canada. Au org n is to be introduced Knox clan ch, Torontb, Rev. Mr. so nstoras . P thirt y people le fro m the e vicin- ity of PattsvillsoWord GountYare emigrating to Kansas. —It is expected that the new Cirist will t of ac - of on, go - n of y at st- i [ED. NOTE.—`Ve ha e •no i Bring with thitl contr.versy, nit the-sneer-ing r•eferen e to o cLean makes in bid 'ng a enged. matto said; a Lean a had ee his ;way to . this, the Justice" qo .past uncha issolve: the 4onnection the coriedpondent is a Ville and Ex ter forth - who it is what i who said' it, that Mr. M y Exeter as separate • be concerned about. moved. and d ly second- writer, and we knew li n to b •rt be receivtid, and the s thereof adopted. The cried unanimIously. .In this decision, Mr; Hart - 0 resign, whe see his way t .?' From the that Mr. Hartley either understood the recom- the deputation or forgot-;' h latter he may easily ng that he has not the ore him when he affirms commendation wet; an alter- ' as if he had a choice given pti�ig either one of said re he stated resign bis above it , anclt Mr. tery 1 nece` seuo the and, com' men Gong tion t wo reco h twas rt1eyh s ea' lain si' y for tl a ecomr ,n on )xis eter. �e Pad Ito ion;, a �e atiens alien! de+ agregat menadat respousible gentlema ufficient'-guarantee to j atter. We further o those expressed bis o y others than he. . minded ig not a sla�td ad no immediate mea the charges were well fo ly wo published -the '.co course, to give Mr. Me who mightassuine the opportunity of- reply. have given all a fair favor, and we cannot doing in the matter.: Ve won on ate n at bitt purpos re sur i to r- hE r folks as bis private secretary, but t at he shortly afterwards appeared h�re with her as his wife., The nthor ties are after him. —One h tired and fifty tic etc for A chibald Qrbea lecture were sold ishing at Av4nbank. A very successful ` tanment was given :re- literary cute g — e � th in, fifteen � inu�tea in Winnipeg 'i est sale ii record within the same ' cently under:, their auspices. g � rind -of ti a—yet the lecture was 1 —Cyrus Long has sold his farm in Pe for John._ Lynn, cancelled. . � Wallace township to J y two million bushels of 42.,800. Three years ago he was offered —There a e � grain shippe from the west of Europe ' $3,600, and refused to take it. annually, a d it is claimed that if . the —Rev. Ar hibald McGregor, late pas - i . re ational church in Lis - e of the for of the C ng g scheme for inter navigation ,a vt e were adopted it would I towel, has received a call to the erence of four cents pert Western Congregational church in Tor - freight charges t6 Liver- i onto. between =The anri.ual draught match betty l 1. township i emigrant named Wm. � the town of ;,Listowel and the town h p I beingon a spree with of i'iorningtbn, took -place a few days ii t 1enteen t3ions a few nights ago in ago. The fi�F�rmer won by ��ev lid himself robbed' of nine games. I 'i - went to and a c...,... dollar I —Three �i11lLl.e9Ueare youths cions on agri4nitural subjects and all questions relating to practical farming. But attention is not confined to these alone, —The Sons of Temperance are.flour- St. Lawrenc a.ke a diff E' shel i th b n 1p ol. —A your Slmith, aft€ some compE London, for English sov bill. He police, but c r'�bbers. —The P • chased a q Orth of c elf a mill rst install ctive word any, of th t'on head 1urope thi, —A yo ^homes A himself a. f a drug s 1 num uda he conten his death. unates su dosed he t he conse Mr.' C ays that and were art of M n the we ibson, n �innd in a ad alwa i' r this i tnrvey ha church, n be complE about $9,l —Bross cused of Maggie will be t: —The ing to di the tart: its next ing. - —The Herman tract to ed Polio: ings. —Mr. breeder Napane: Associat ing for ► —The House, and tele; of the c reserve• hardt. —The ferred by' a woman named Hall a Dr. Washington, Of Oraingevill being inquired into was found to pure case of blackm.iling, and th tor was honorably ajcquitted. 1—Ch ries C. has entt�rea an acti 000 fro Sir Hugh Allan and th ala Im rovemeut Company for of cont act in connectidn wit Easter Extentioa Railway, Scotia. —As an indication of the qua oatmeal Elgin,:1 that on r tailed arrels x tonE —Me eal fo n ree urt, rge r mown ok her departures w building; at Petrolia ►ted this year, at a co )00. n, of Chatham, ho is laving prociired the des h eying cCrae, atBiiffalo, toy abo t� ken to Buffalo for trial. 1 oronto Gaelic society i2 cuss the proposed ebolitic ns in the British arir eeting, wit a view to pri erlin Knit ing Winks of cram enl Eby, hast a Gov upply theNorthwest M with wooll n socks and f onald Fra er, a noted f Erneston, was entertai, nox� rico by the- LE(n lAg on on Friday, prior to his anitoba. manager of the Grand oronto, is flooded with rams from all parts o untry ,asking to have for admirers . of Sarah charge of iidecen4 assau g con- � nt- t ck: ock at ral av- e 1 .era ters the eats ern- I pre - bast on baa Doc - 1 atentioa of inter- ut we 3aunot per- rrselves which Mr. Lieu to "Lover of The identity of -et no public. ini- ed not the person nd the public need the ; name df the a +expectable and , and s we. onsidered a stify ds in pu fishing his that sentim nts similar corre.ponde t were hold barge • r accusation if well r. W: did not know and s of a certain ng whether nded .r not. onsequent- muui ation, Intending, of an o any °cher person respo . sibility the fullest This • e hay done,—we Acid, a d have shown no cense +nrsaly s of wrong d Sugg st, however, ho pa of all to let w, mo e especially r and personal turn can be gained by none of the parties inuo i supply to gratify ivo fee ings.] - that it would be wiado the controversy tenni considering the=somew it has taken. No good continuing it, and we would desire to con personal ends or •indi • Prespyte This Presbyter the 8th March. Committee on was read by Mr. 1,• to disc ve on the State of Rodgery Ile cords were exami ytery w re • The remit on ond recom- I up. •It was mo' pis aforesaid a seconded by Mr "recent ac- Presbytery while pion of the details of the re 1 in the rst of the principle o underst nd ': Moved in amen Saying at i and duly secondee to accep of at this juncture emendation. present practice the matter amendment was the Presby- ; The following d not have sioners •to the Asse the matter ! Messrs. Fletcher and tley, by his i tion, and Metsrs. eeping Back ' y o me The tatis in &3aforth on report of the y. Said report d to be sent to nods Committee n. Session Re- d attested. ation; was taken y Mr. Fletcher, n to r cover 100 "Lover of jastice" first = Messrs. Govenlo with 4oing. 1 And when ' S„) Landes rly respecting the sessio t in quoting was to sho said records rable to him re never re that I stated, the matter gaged in the as the object d, and that o tend to enter versy with Ve refer to oth 0 which I ta e, exceptionl Schools whene Mr. stet rep 0 of we app but nkey disre- 1. • BQ 110 • i Will n m nu weee r Gaily n the in :co to iiro ladder And I sh as nt, ry • The Blarney Tweeds are the BEST GOODS in the Market. . Fine Styles and Splendid Qualities. Every Suit We Make We Guarantee a Perfect Fit. HILL BROTHERS, SEAFORTH. ley sees no evidences of "Lover of Justide' " letter, in w flings the slanderous charge a,gai This is not a little significant. C ly no traces of love to me can be seen t e in ich he ertain- in that letter. With regard to sion, all I will say is that any o knows anything about church I know that the session is a "closed court," and that many abut- ments come to the session whiich are I not necessary to be brought before the t congregation. And I repeat that the - Session is to some extent responkble for the eze made of documents handed out from their custody. he me- w will e who ill to a new charge preferred against me by "Lover of Justice." He says hat in my first letter I "attacked Mr. artley with ail the little ill-natured t ings I ist and k, 1N1 oron Gibeon. Messrs. Loc were appointed me Committee of ills Mr. Cameron re • he minute I that there ante with 'the! if reported, to empower fieSS orted by me. to the Lord's had in view that the minis ject was self preaching thep ! press the min 'nto a news the importAme r. Hartley, Third, that tla • to him, and the reference interfering with es of Preebyt fele in sel ined in ustice," and el with cliedain what leave of their Hartley." inutes of option with ce as evide SI MS. iei OU I bad shi an ry as to hit Report received defence, a adopted. The y reply to adopted respect with great ignation : "Th o, I say em minister of St. 4 . Hartley 'a testimony to t us, charge b ought again t takings for th exceedingly r et that an - He never spare all those wh ollow at leg ons t able iquo- spel B of of pri lcate the and folios ng M Pr roth Andr terly of K e en im well him th uncalled for) and painf mpat airs as that which no 00-0 en Mr. Hartl y and myse at lad that Mr. Hartley h s church courts end lo he "had no suspicion" bf all its decisions, he ue enmity t " him before devoted a large po ersy began, a a 1 here state societies snola as no such; steSpicion of is have for their bject t of man. Th Pres d brother with their h though regre ng hi as the church, ho tha the blessing of God g any to me. But wh is, that I cannot underst o e could -,dare to drag fo Lover of ju time," without an understanding betw n a consumed in the cou he St. Thonaas Times d firth alore4 Turvill Bros during the past few mon of the naeal equivalent t -o d▪ ame Boiette, a rorio tune -teller,! has b en fine iving sentence at the she immediately' prod 11 of bills arta counted o of the fine, handled it o • 1, thi3 y the five mile skating Match other even!ing, between e and W. Miller, as wo nto a Cim- reach the tity of , have y of lares nearly ereigns reported the loss to the I Stratford oril a bout one Sunday recent- Ould give no clue as to the 1 ly. The resUlt was a matter of $10 a piece to the Police Magistrate, and $25 to the owner of the horse for abuse of the poor aninial. —Considerable timber snatching has n railway ties, and the been going on about Wartburg, in ent of their steel rails for Ellice township. A man who has They have also' selected hitherto held a prorctinent position in r engineers and construe-- society and in the church, is to be pro - Mr. McIntyre left for ceeded against.on good evidence. iweek. —The ne Withler street Presbyter - rig man in Paris named ian church, in St. Marys, will be open- scombe, aged 25, poisoned ed on Su da,y next. Rev. Principal w days ago. He was sent McVicar, of Montreal, Dr. Prot:Afoot, of ere by his parents for some London, Drl. Cochrane and others aro 4na on the way home drank expected to be present on the occasion. of the bottle, which caused —Mr. A. 'Mitchell, of Mitchell, lias acific Syndicate has pur- tarter of a million of dollars' since their organization, He was one of the unfor- purchased t ject to drink, and it is sup- built on the dk the poison not knowing the towia b u'ence. original cc! ekburn, M. P., of Muskoka, price paid! atit summer 20,000 acres of $2,500. discovered in the' southern —We reg skoka. This And is situated property ern part of the township of Walter Th(:mpion, of Mitchell, has been er Bala steamboat landing, destroyed by fire. The loss being on est desirable locality. It machinery, boiler, etc., $16,000, and on s, been considered that land grain 41,700; insured for $9,000.„ The gion was worthless, and a building was rented. never been made until last —Rev. r. McKay, of. Formosa, leo- ear. tured on iday evening in Mitchell, --Saturday morning as Mr. J. Camp- and held. ervices in the Presbyterian hiant of Iona, was proceeding churches tn Stratford, on Sabbath. intensely interestea and de - e fine brick house lately beautiful site to the west of Mr. Hugh McIntyre. The t was $6,000, and the by Mr. Mitchell1 was only et to learn that the mill Chicago, owned by Mr. )3011, naer he stripp presente die limb, ed a her resid ✓ and and dau bands an the ma_ States- a jubilee i easily which w collectiO after the latter. Miller is a 14-3 ear old d the villagers will ba k hira in the Doniinion. —A b'rthdaY memento, in the shape e anxious to sec nerease day eve ing to the infant child of ex - with &load of produce, on Large and: he village of Lambeth his lighted andieaces greeted this noble ke through the ice, which and earne' t Christian missionary in e road, withhis fore foot, and 1 every plao . the leg just below the' knee, —Mr. j:mes Robinson, of Wallace, committing suicide, a few y taking a dose of aconite laudanum. By the prompt- etite, coupled. with the fact taken enough to poison ten s soon restored to his usual d, it bare to the fetlock, .It came near! 4 frightful appearance. Dr. aays ago, eil, V. S., London, dressed ! instead of ad the animal is in a fair way iless of e v. e,held a family re -union ' at state of he . rice one aay lately. Her sons —A_ eor' espondent of the St. Marys liters with their wives, bus- Journal Sa s : The Conngiate Institute farailies gathered from dif- in that to n, which has long borne a tie of Canada and the -United creditable, name, ,siuce New Year has 9,1other's" call, and held a been dech ling slowly, yet none the less the old home, the memory of surely "go lig to the dogs," and. proph- li be a sunny spot m their re- esies a lar ie exodus of pupilS shortly if to the end of life. The day re -union, a family roup photo that he ha ird, an aged resident of men, he w f wages. The present aries1from $1 to, $1.75 the men employed in th sider too small. They iners re an pay er da se tra ish t Ifixed at 42 per day for first-cla 'A strike on a small scale has taken place. —The directors of the Great Railway have issued a eirctila with the agitation for with the Grand Trunk whether if 22001,000 st gaine yearly in workin say t at they will not gi e up t erica, allies for amalgarnation Gran Trunk. --2_1,n explosion took piece las morning at the Victoria! Oil Louden. By great exettions was prevented from epreadin t the rels of loss is all of The rling expe eceived Mayor orthwood, of Chatham, by the , which gentlem ii, who were guest's of His Wor- OB eon_ ship on is retiring from the Mayor's rate chair, t e son and heir having arrived s men. the morning after the banquet. The Lready cradle 14 of solid silver, panelled with , gold, and is inscribed with both the estern ", names Of the recipient and the donors, eating ; the latter numbering twenty-seven. ation doubt t —e The. other day Mr. John Munro, of uld be heard a commotion in his yard, as he concession of Westminster, s 8, and thought, from some vagrant dogs. On eir Ana. going o t he armed himself with a two Friday object. "Get out of there I you. brute," !arks, in he ejac lated, at the same time letting to other fly his fork. What was his surprise reating when a yell, not from a dbg, but from a well d essed young man was heard. .10 parts of the works, b house, with over 700 ba totally consuma The ed at over 412,000, only covered by insurance.' the s ason will take place a 20th r 21st of this month, a the eaviest of the past wi pretty general over a large par Ame ica and is likely to cro ill be sidera d with t snow Grea more ity. —Timothy Shea4, of Gu been'entrusted. with the task o ing five cents per head or all entexing the grounds :a that the regular monthly fai s. 0 casi of the last fa- he g the umber entering, hile man on watch made it 269. is co sequently char ed with men Tue day last week, in which fi were engaged. It seems one lin as recently badly beate Mc tyre, and got hie brothe to h s help in taking vengean pu melling him, which led hich clubs and pistols A n mber of the rioters ha rested and fined —A man calling hirdself Pr lin, and, giving himsielf out a ologist, arrived in Woo week, accompanied -by a pr young woman of abont 21 ye whom he represented as his they remained two prithree the other boarderge Suspec thing "awry,".made things ant for the strangers that th afterwards transpired.; that lessor" had been two Weeks ford giving lectures ; that h ed the affections of, a res there ; that he had taken he Britain. There "cold dip" of co The month will'e il, was stimat- hich is storm o out th ter, an of Nort lso on A few BOMeW premi in the agains prove himse the pres Mr. Levi hii ed ma swamp, t great noi dog. Th tie -with after a lo were laid t state of mismanagement esday, the 8th March, while Heath, of Elms, with his was engaged at work in the ey heard the dog making a e, and supposing that he hadi r, they at once made for the y found him engaged in hat - whole army Of raccoons; g and bloody fight the 'coons side. Notwithetanding -the hard win er they were fat 'and covered with a be- utiful coat of fur. Mr. JO boro, Out tory at E —It is the prese 300 miles —Som ceeded of excelle out from "I'm punaed fast P' he cried. An in- veatigation showed that the. prongs of the fork had pinioned the man's arm to the ground. Had the deadly weapon gone a p3w inches to one side it would probably have penetrated the heart and. resnite in death. . The ,kind-hearted ji farmer at once released the captive and took h re to his own house, when he a bim with bed and breakfast. ears since Mr. Munroe had a at similar affair happen on his me He was turning over his hay oft one morning, when he struck something soft. The object . to be a tramp, who had made fa warm bed among the straw. Lietowel spring show is to be u Friday, the 1St of April. ghteen fine horses Were shipped from E5t Marys for Boston last week. 1 e Bever ain an ph, ha collect cattl place a the oc ve 118 a police Shead Mbezzle cLaugh to com e. The d bega a very successful tea meeting last week. the riot, The aipaount realized was 4100. The held o —E —T at the Listo —A was s ere were eighty teachers present North Perth convention, held in el. recently. young man named Ernst Eizler, ot throughthe hand. while taking a charivari in Logan. e Presbyterians of Mitchell held re p.m f. Fran a phre tock 1 possessni wife, a9d se. Her aye, until some- unpleah- the "P in Bra had g table away recipi - cane. ; plu—ckl orcha larto Vogt, hand anitoba News: xpected that by the end of t year trains will be running west of Winnipeg. __ of the Mennonites have sue - raising and curing a Oantity t tobacco, from seed -brought —The settlers at Turtle Mountain are prep ring to erect a church. The beilding twelve fe church. —The steam grist mill at Nelsonville has been purchased by Mr. Fraser, for- merly o the firm of Fraser, Fit- blado o., Canada Pacific Railway contract rs, who will move his family tO Nelsonville. The price paid for the mill was $8,000. —Thej Great Western excursion party which lieft Toronto on the 2na. inst., under Charge of Mr. John Knox, of Hattnito , arrived at Winnipeg on the 10th. hey were four days bound in a snow-st rm east and north of Chicago. The exe rsionists are none the worse for the f tip°, and speak well of their treatme t. —Ar ngements are in progress to constru t a railway from Portage la Prairie n a Northwesterly direction to Po -ace iver, touching at Gladstone, Minned sa, and Prince Albert. These places 13. 43 expected to give large bonuses to aid t e enterprise. Those who are taking toek in the road are Sir Hugh Allan, ndrew Allan, Peter Redpath, and the Earl of Airlie, Scotland, John Paton, t f New York, A. Drummond,of Montre 1, and other noted capitalists. —A ennine bull -fight is reported from n ar West Lynne. The fight was not a ut up job, but au accidental meetin . The animals engaged. belong- ing res ectively to JOe and to Loms Dupes. The bulls fought half a day, and alt on& every -effort was made to stop th fight the engagement did not cease til Joe's bull got one of his legs badly ialocated. Enraged at this the animal. went full speed against tb.e door of Joe's house, breaking it open to the utter consternation of his wife and children. oe was away fromhorne at the time, but no further damage WAS done. ; The animals leg has been pu. t int sp and joe thinks that it will t to be 20x:30 feet, with wall* t hi„gh„ and to be called Knox he leader of the Elma Centre terian choir was' lately made the tit of a handsoMe gold -headed pear, weighing 14 ounces, was d last fall from a tree in the essrs. Baurabitch and Henry of -,Ellice, are preparing to erect me brick residenees during the g, summer. a mo t successful teacher in St. Marys Pub c School for many years, has re- signed her situation. —iLvonbank has a farmers' club, holds weekly meetings. very interest is taken in the discus- whi livel