HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-11, Page 73: • • INIAMilt 11, 1881. • HE HURON EniOSITQR 4ss Malt. ;Acta, Main -6415 110E 00. es to "edon. tlealu alta rEtreled ger. T. rard- 1 wee - re. th, e. ,a far Ote Inted atea'a forth. sT1-1 kinds ,de Le Ilea beds' kinds , kates, trL . Old work .$ ath. TORY ameren udedto etlx,and neatness to give - nand a ocrrs, t hoe* KB non* Plerilut DT. ELLS to Fla. active prep- eplen- lly dor- m with 'sortable • ed ieh rigs ed cora- always, ur two to. le O. C. ' tBES. Li IART n..13 of ered LETY. e. them Pleat of T, tisalL lJet ween rectkere Huron, Willis, wit- eonsent. airs of lis must he said -reigned, And, to Cruet be. TYRE. • r Remarkable Remedies. Sir Walter Scott's piper, John. Bruce, apent a whole Sunday selecting twelve stories from twelve south -running streams, with the purpose that his sink master might sleep upon them and be- come whole. Scott was not the man to hurt the honest fellow's feelings by ridiculing the notion of such a remedy proving of avail; so be caused Bruce to makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence lie told that the receipt was infallible; afternoon use. 482-52 • tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever t a ere is a weak point. We may- Ow Pe many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves a er- ets 130 for well fortified with pure blood Ip.n properly nourished frame."—Civil vice Gazette. Sold only - in pae labelled—"James Epps & Co., Isom pathic Chemists, London, Eng."-- but tlaat it was absolutely necessary to success that the stones should be wrap- How to Get Rich. ped in the petticoat of a widow who had The gi eat secret of obtaining riqaes never wished to marry again, upon first to practice economy,- and, a gpd . learning which the -Highlander renoun- old. Deacon Snyder says, " It ute to eed all hope of completing the charm. worry the life out of me to pay enoYm s Lady Duff Gordon once gave an oil doctors' bills, but now 1 have stritc Egyptian woman a powder wrapped in- rich. Health and happiness reign a fragment of the Saturday Review. preme in- our little household, and She came again to assure her benefac- simply because we use no other medi tress the 'charm was a wonderfully but Electric Bitters, and only costs powerfui one-: for although she had not cents a. bottle. Sole. by E. Ffickso hie done her a great deal of good. She 1 been able to wash off all the R110 writ- CO. 662-20 ing from the per, even thatAstonisng thWorl. little had • would have made an excellent subject For a perfect renovation of exhau for a Llama doctor, who, if he- does not and enfeebled constitution, female w happen to have any medicine handy, ness and 'general decline, nothang writes the name of the remedy he would surely and speedily produces a per administer on a scrap of papearnoistens nent cure -as does Electric Bittess. T it with his mouth, rolls it up in the wonderful cures are astonishing form of a pill, which the patient tosses world. For Kidney and Urinary .0 down his throat. In default of paper, plaints they are a pei feet specific. the name of the drug is chalked OR a not give up in d.espair, for Electric board, and washed off again with water', tees will positively cure, and that w which serves as a heading draught. everything else fails. Solo by E. H These easy-going practitioners might son & Co., at 50e. a bottle. 662-26b probably cite plenty of instances of the efficacy- of their method. Dr. John Zopesa. Brown, of Edinburgh, once gave 'a Zopesa, from Brazil, is now i c laborer &prescription, saying : "Take into Canada. _ It is a mild pnrat that, and come back in a fortnight, acting as a wonder upon and ' gi when you will be well." Obedient to strength and. energy to the Diges the injunction, the patient presented Apparatus of the human stomach, himself at the fortnight's end, with a rooting and increasing the acids. I clean tongue and a happy face. Proud strongly anti -bilious and carries of the fulfillment of his promise, Dr. surplus bile, tones up the Liver, g Brown said :' "Let me see what I gave sound digestict and speedy health you." "I took it, Doctor." "Yes, the dyspeptic and the bilious. As I know yott aid, but where is the S. ROBERTS, Seaforth and Bayfield, prescription ?" "I swallowed it,P was a 10 cent bottle and test Zopesa, the reply. The patient had. made a new compound. Large eight ounce pill of the paper, and faith in his phy- ties 75 cents. 679.52b -. sician's skill had. done the rest. Faith is a rare wonder worker. Strong in the belief that every Frank is a doctor, , .. . Gray's Syrup of Red Spr1a an old Arab, who had been partially awn. t The beat known remedy for all a blind from birth, pestered an English tions of the chest, lungs or throa traveller into giving him a seidlitz pow - Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. der and some pomatum. - Next day constantly used by thousands of the chief declared that he could. see sorts suffering from the above disc better than he had done for 20 years.— and in nearly every instance it off Chambers' Journal. • Preparing Poultry for Market. A commission merchant in New York gives in the American Poultry Yard the following directions for slaughtering poultry : "Food in the crop injures the appear- ance, is liable to sour, and purchasers object to this worse than uselessweight; therefore, keep from food twenty-four hours before killing. Opening the veins in the neck is the best mode of killing. If the head be taken off at first the skin .will recede from the neck bone, presenting a repulsive appear- ance. Most of the poultry sent to this market is scalded or wet -picked, but dry -picked are preferred by a few, and sells, to a limited extent only, at good • prices. Poultry may be picked dry without difficulty, if done immediately after killing. For scalding poultry the water should be as near the boiling point as possible, without actually boil- ing ; the bird, held by the legs, should be- immersed and lifted up and. down in the water three times—the motion helps the hot water to penetrate the plumage, and take proper effect upon the skin.. Continue to hold the bird With one hand, while plucking the • feathers with the other. without a mo- ment's delay after taking out—if skil- fully handled in this way, the feathers and pin feathers may all be removed without breaking the skin. A torn or broken skin greatly injures the appear- ance, and the pribe will be low in pro- portion. The intestines of the crop should not be "drawn." After remov- ing the feathers, the head may be taken off, and the akin drawn over the neck bone and tied ; it should next be "plumped" by being dipped. into water nearly or quite boiling hob. and then at once into cold water about the same length of time. Some think the hot plunge sufficient without the cold. It should be entirely cold, but not frozen, before being packed. If it reaches market without freezing, it will sell all the better. immediate relief. In cases of tro it u- ty k - SO a- eir he m- it - ere ck- me ive, ing ive or- is all vex to for the • ot- 0 eo- is t is er- ses, rds ble- some, tickling cough, where the ila lent passes sleepless nights, one or tw d. SOS of the Syrup has such a quieting, *th- ing effect that rest ensues and the •ugh speedily disappears. Try it and b on- vinced. Sold by all chemists. 'rice 25 and 50 cents per bottle. 684.2 Wistar's Balsam. From P. N. Bodfish, Esq., of are - ham, Mass. "As- a remedy for ung affections, I consider Dr. Wistar's Bal- sam of Wild Cherry, the par excel ence of all the numerous patent medic nes, and. never fail to recommend it to my friends who may be afflicted. My m other and sister have both made use o the Balsam, and the effect has far exce ded our most sanguine expectations, om- pletely restoring the former, to the sur- prise of her numerous friends, of a 1iard, dry cough which had nearly -brokei ,her clown. One has only -to try this $oel. lent remedy to become convinced cf its manifold virtues." 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. 642152 ' BO p Of c tti o d et SpOotiaiti g pt Perna about:it. T •eurtih whcjh .not telijyon t Pao el d rend an itg e ni in 1 c d is th, old st an a d nnrseh i Free of Cost. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption, Coughs and Colds, Ast ma, Bronchitis, &c., is given away in trial bottles free of cost to the afflicted. 11 you have a severe cough, cold; difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs, by all means give this wonderful remedy a- ti ial. AS you value your existence, you cannot afford to let this opportunity pass. We could not- afford, and would not, give this remedy away unless we knew; it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thou- sands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will cure one-half the cases that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure. For Sale by E. Hickson & Company. 657-52-6 a• at us ta • : e e -g teeth ? so, go at bottle of s. Winslow's p. It Wi 1 relieve the ufferer im ediately—de- ; there mistake ere is not j a' mother on s ever uselI h, who will. t once that it will regulate d• give rest to the mother, health to the child, op& gic. It is perfectly safe t ses, and pleasant to th he prescrip ion of one o best fem le, physician the Tithed States. Sol t 25 celata- a bottle. 692-52 OD speptic 1 lire. R• ekedbi in nmerablo pill) 8, restless by day, cr) alt lessI., t nig t, rising unref celled in themorn.- in ; witnu1t ap etite, and pe tared by varying , .pe le -' symptoms, t e dyspeptic takes . d a 1 m view of burn n eidetenco. For the /..• s of lie seems gon . Heartburn, op pi siori M ft,he ,it of the sto si soh, and the at te ant a n ya ces of eonsti ation and bilious no: s eh hitile t render him utterly ttched, b tthere istott • e will but take advantage 1 it, re 'able aorce of relief fro all this misery. N r hrop & L man's Vegeta to Discovery an D tipepti3 CI re is, as its name imports, a botani pr ; n, fretfrom mineral s (Aeon, and an all au i, tientIrene. y for indigestio in •its most ob st• te f rm. t not only enriches the blood b ennbling h4 di esthe or Ins to convert the foo re . ived i tt ti trenent, at d puratee it by in or asing h ae ion of the bevels and kidneys ,t natu,. al pnt ots for its imp Ries. But whil: it relaxeEi the • wels, it never dclos so violently an 4.witi pai , like • .drastic caths tio. It aids, bu n v r forces na tire, invigorat* g as well as pari fy ng and r ul ting the systeni. It thorough' re oyes th se seasod humo s which tend t. vi$iate the 13. oo 1, purifies the urinary secretion aed promot s flow of healthy bile into th lt neural ne ,besides expo g it from the air or letion. xi) rience has pro ed that this stand and Medi in is a thorough re ed3r for dyspepsia billiensness, ostivenees, ki eY complaints sercifula,lerjei salas, salt rheum, 10mbago and a irepariti s of e blood: Price, $1. Sample bot, t1, 10 c nta.i sk for Northrop &Lyman'e Veg.:it t ble D' coke and Dyspeptic Cine. The wra a lobeaelaariaittie sairmemileasif atmheoir:itgrhialitte.r, bothSoldba In an: aga o enlightenment ik.r!the present, tht 46 if Enlightienmen.ti vai ae °role tr city, and of cornpekurds containin elect 'elpri ciple as rereed0.1 agents, is widel ediline lle ere, 1 1 1 11 1 r .gards tho th roughnees and af ty of its effect, akid the kapdi ty of its action, is Thomas' Eclectrib Oil' a wi4e1jp pular external and internal reined ter cong s, o ds, sore throat, ,.astlima, croup, an i cit er a ect'o • s of the breat mg organs ; an ' - va nab' outw d specific for ame back, soreness and eontrai ti n .of the rouse' s, and every variety of sore er hiui ; a prompt sonrrce Of relief for pain, and a roediein upon which the public oan alstii3 implicitly ep nd in meek 41 rheumatism, ne • gia )i1e1 nd kidney 'coMplainte, inflamma- t ory ecti n: dysentery, Red many other ail- reente. It , :i sistent use cradicates the moat bstinate at tie disorders to which it 18 adapted. Physicians :peak of it in the highest .• term Itwith h osotshe gr :telASIS.neSe018d8 fblyr diseasesameairinde arninhdisur sr oreover, 1 o semen and stook raisers a eal rs. Rrepnjrc 1 only by Nort rop & Lyman, T 1 I• . I I I . ronto, Ont. , • Land n, Huron and. Brube. • Sausage, Scrapple, and Lard.. Sausage is a cosmopolitan prepara- tion used in all countries and localities where civilization and the pig exist. Scrapple is a product confined mostly to the Pennsylvanians, but it is good enough to be known everywhere. Sau- sage is made as follows: For seasoning 50 potunts of pork, one pound of salt; six ounces of ground black pepper, ana. a teazpoonful-of cayenne are used. The meat is chopped fine, the seasoning is evenly mixed with it, some finely rub- bed sage is added if it is desired ; the meat may be packed. down in jars cov- ered with a layer of lard or tallow, and when used rolled into balls and fried. Scrapple is made of the head meat, trimmings of the brains, shoulders, and. other parts, the heart, liver, the skin of the parts used for sausage and lard, the feet and the ears. These are boiled until -tender, and strained from the liquid, then chopped fine. The liquid is increased by the addition of water to the proportion of five quarts to three of finely chopped meat: The liquid is then made to boil, when fine corn meal is stirred in to make a thick Mush, which is boiled for twenty minutes. The meat is then mixed in evenly, and the Whole is seasoned to ' taste. It ie packed away in tin pans or earthela milk pots, and, when cold, cut in slices and fried and eaten hot. It will not keep very long, and should be used in the cold weather. In putting away lard it will be found that a tablespoon- ful of salt added for each quart, when the scraps are beginning to brown, will serve to keep it sweet, -give it a white color and harden it. Rest and. Combrt to the 1 Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea h s no equal for relieving pain, both in cruel and external. It cures pain in th side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma-i tiara, toothache, lumbago and an Y kind, of pain or ache. It will most Carelyi quicken the blood and heal, as its act -I ing power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, an of double .the strength of any othe elixir or liniment in the world, shoul be in every family handy for use whei wanted, as it really is the best remedy i the world for cramps in the stornach and pains Sind aches of all kinds, and i for sale by all druggists at 25 centS bottle. 692-62 Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting.—"By thorough knowledgeof the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication -of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a, delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may- be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- . Eclectric Oil. "It is a Great Public Bene These significant words were used. in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectitic Oil by a gentleman who had thorOughly tested its merits in his own case hav1- ing been cured -by it of lameness f the knee, of three or four years' sta ding' It never fails to emove soreness s wel as lameness. 3-0INGNotT Lon4on,d Cent alia Exeter .4. Hensall . • Kippen. trueefield ;Clinton. Londesho Blyth. Halgrave WinghaM &Om; Sole inghain B el ava 33Iy h Lon esbe ft ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cut, .Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheu . Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped fr add , Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Sk." Eruptions. This salve is guaran eed t give perfect satisfaction in every ase o money refunded. Price, 25c per bo leer sale by E. Hickson & Co. 657-52 Eclectric Oil. Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes— 'I w induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eliloot Oil for a lameness which troubled for three or four years, and 1 f nnd the best article I ever tried. Jt h been a great blessing to me." 691-52 St CI Ben Xip Re sal4 Exeter. ; leen tralta ,Lo doe, ton.; efielld en I — Expre s. Mail. Express. A.M. P. M. A.M. part 7 4,0 2 20 6 25 84$' 326 7 28 863 8 88 7 40 90p 852-:753 911 357 759 921 407 808 9 39 423 8 25 o.... 9 58 4 41 845 10 06 4 50 8 52 10 24 506 9 09 arrive ....10 45 5 25 9 25 II— Mail. Express. Exprees. jit. M. P. M P. M. depart.... 7 00 2 56 6 20 7 18 818 688 735 3 28 :655 744 386 7 04 8 p2 354 7 24 8 20 4 07 748 880 415 759 8 36 4 20 8 06 Et 62 4 32 8 25 arriva10 05~ 5 36 • 9 02 4 42 8 49 10 10 egs OR EGMONDVILLE. 11Y- S UR NOLAND SAW MILL MES KYLE to ih orm his friends and the public evilly that his SA MIL ow full workingorder, and he is pared ti) do TOM g SA WIN E .G JUSTAk A. C. AULT' China Oa Sets Tea Sets a?d Fla of dell.' Very will be sold cheap that Good TeaDu such good satisfac of the Celebrated.1 - of the best CofflY new lot of the Gents pr pound and Ja an—try best in he marke meit of all kinds Aigh,est for. Fir re - the hortest notice and most reasonable e. e has also on h nd and for sale term A INDS OF SAWN LUMBE Bills Prom tly Filled. OODS 'Lyra) AT 1 SEAFORTH. very -heap. Stone n Set.!. All kinds lee Toilet Setif— .A fresh stock of st, which has given.' ion.. A fresh, lot aoka. Also some: n the, market. A est Teas, at Fifty in areen, ;Black hem --they are the A fresh assort - of Groceries. The market price paid in cash t- Class.Butter. A. G AULT SEAFORTH. FLOU ING MI L n oblilrge �f1 a First - prepare he em' 01 t "They All Do .It." To beautify and preserve the teeth and give fragrance bo • the breath, use. "Tea.berry," the new toilet gem. i Sam- ple package, 5 cents, - 679-52 1 • Mother -s! Mothers! Mothers 111 Are you 'disturbed at night midi broken of your rest by a sick child Buff- ering and crying with the excruciating PING ANI hortest Notice: =Satisfaction ass Miller, and h is to do OHOPPI G Good Work and all eranteed. RIN TIME. S kLT 13er, when yon ant a grist ground r a tuber sawn go t the Egmondville M Is. JAMES KYLE, Proprieto 4UST RECEIVED ND FOR SA hole Oil ake, oarse Grou d Oil Cake, 'me Ground Oil Cake, -n,seed 31e& and Flax Seed E. AT •WANTE • ?ars having a firat-class article of Sp ng Wheat if the Lost Nation and White Rue Mn vittiety ilor sale, FIT FO] SEED, will pl lase call at My Seed Store with sample. 11 NOW T SALT! AT THE EASON ING WHEN IS APPROACH 1:20 E:R1S Will be, requiring SII4LT for AGRICULTU PnlrpoBea, I THO. COVEilLOCK & SON ( Late Merchavts Salt Works,) Beg to inform intending purchasers that the riave now on hand a Large Quantity of WELL SiEASONiD SAL. Which they offer to FARMERS at LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICE Scales and Every Convenience for Loading. G 11/E US A CALL, W • F 1 ROB!ERT$0 • SEAF RTH. ADFO T &,B0 SEA? RTH, ERTA ERS, 8{.9. 1 N BALLS' AT ENDED UN THE 81101?TES NOTICE. F INS A D SHROUDS ALWAYS N HAND. T HOS. GOVENLOOK & 'SON, co SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. 690.4 EARSE OR HIR -E. E 140R ES WANTED. GROSSMA & SHARP -wii Heavy? 688 be at SHAB very Saturday, raught Horse 'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, or the purpose of buying from 8 to 7. years old. ROSSMAN & SHARP • E. ly at 70 C ELI% CAMPBELL, rovincial Land, S lad Civil Enginetr. Orders by mail pr 3 ded to. D. Sj CAMPBELL, !Into 11. THE SIEAFORTH IN UNANCE AGENCY. - 7TAT SO 1T File, Marin Life and Accident IN LM4ANOE AGENT. TT AlVING been the Insurance Business fr J---11- the past four een years, I am prepared effe et insurances on all kinds rProperty at the Loin/Est P SSIBLE RATE None but Arst-c 8.28 Companies represented ,1 AM ALS AGENT EOR THE CANAD PERiVIANEN 'LOAN AND AYINCS COMPANY. • , The Oldeat in the Dominion. Money advan e on Real Estate at Seven per cent. ALSO kGENT Mit THE STATE LINE 4TEAMSHIP COMPAN Sailing between New Yorit and Britain. WM. N. WATSO lIn combination wit the sti ing slightly alkalinie, d is Es ll Its effects are umay visible ulation of the appet te, the° circulation ; it tones t e nerves neither disturbs the stomach n be discontinued at any time wi In a word, it possesses the st it, and merit of a high degree. Ad istinct peculiar Co tbioation. FELLO S' COMPOUND SYRUP OF IIYPOPllOSPIIITES TT contains t1 elements essential to the animal organizatio4, the oxidizing agent- and tonics. elating agent pho4hor4s, possessing th ensed in the conve ent 4ud palatable fo within twenty-fouhour,4 and are mar igestion and a irijd1atioi entering dir d muscles; exehelalthti r injures the syst M under Ypacrololigel hout inconvenien mulants rto arouse he strength, the to cs to retaig FELLOWS COMP LIND SYRUP r H POPHOSPHI - SPEEDILY AND r'ERMANEN Of CURES merit of be of a syrup. d by a stim- fly into the e secretions; 0, and may Congestion of the .L ngs. Bra tchitis, Vonsump o1r, Nftrtrons PrOSIt nen of Breath, Paipttation, of the Heart. ' "iron/Wing of th e Ha ds and Limbs, ysical awl Mental Derr re.s „ Loss -of ..elppeti . Loss of Energy, Loss o ernory, .• Arid will rapidly improve the weakened functions and orea - ;f the 11Vy,EwtilliohdCcpnAdmfoprheaT.Ith hpon voluntary, semi veluntary, and. involunurry 41tion. soFOR sAKLE PERRY, DAVIS! & SON '& LAWRENCE, •1 GEN-4RAL AGENTS 15:01ITEL'AL. • I CENTRAI. DRU ExF,TER, ON • 44 STORE, ARIO. ACOMPLETE and Fall,. Stec Drugs and Chendea s constantl hand and warranted of t • e Beat Q and at Moderate Prices. • MedicalWinee and L quore can b re- heon aabest quality. IA. complete tock of Tmsses, Shoulder races, Chest Pro- tectors, &c., always on and. Also Sta- tionery, Sohool Books, O'ancy Good:, &e. The Central Drug St re, (Winan stand,' directly oppositje the Centra tel. 662 VI). Estee C3 WTI 11•M3 330 of on on 'ty Main "tie , SEAFORTH, Ontario. OFFICE.... I Canipbell'Ir Block, oppo4lt8 , the Mansio Hotel. SILVER MED Highest Award To ion, ronto Exhibiti ng 1880. GOLD MEX Dominion Exhibi Ottawa, 11879 1881. INTER 18811/ s old Ho - i UMBER OR SA E ! 1 tlEMLOCE, First Quality, $6 P1NB fro.. $8„ r.. BILLS CUT TI ORDE11, All Length, from 10 t.:50 Feet, the PONY MILL, cKILLOP. The Sabscribe has also a JOHN KIDD, SEAFORTH, iEGS to call many Costo his varied assort TOV 1 From the WM. BUG These STO Which cati. an -J9 WE WARR And Defy Oo veyot j 01:3: mpt the Special Attention of his vers and the public generally to ent of - LUMBER YARD I SEAFORTH Where all kinds of L labor can lie ob- 479 THOMAS DOWNt.Y. The COU h, P eat American _Remedy for OS, 'GOLDS, ASTIT3L1, BRO C1iiTL,)OSB OF VOIC .110ABSENE,88 AND AFFEcTrams: thefInest Reel Sprig CM. (Deli - r.) • Balsami, Soothi Expectorant Superior to any medi ne offered for ri,b complaints. A sate ti e combinatiofl n, which exudes/rout. t d Spruce tree t the most valuabie titT Gum f07 THR Prepare Citrus .Fla. and Ton. all the ab of the Gu —without Medieina urposes. Every one • has hear of the gem derful e Teets of t7 a Spruc s and t7 e Pines in • GRAY SYRUP Letea:u3 esne.gepliDv! :14 In Trail e Pe_ L4‘ D o,t cia.,..tv„., pared at a theiriarl 1c8e01114 8)11.1,7)11)I 1 ci)D , L, velit:at ezz: fa zr•eonntli taeLe the sprplit a:tit; 1--_) -- e- U C- : 1::::: woods a a to a ri * order th ),,, GU VI. '1 i e k e' - qua nt:ttp a a 7' g c .0? )111nnit)leitno tops. schui 1012. • • Its remarkable power in reltevinq . certan forms of _Bronchtis, and its alnio t specific effect in, curing ob- stina e hacking Cough, is now well knowin, to the Public at icrge. Sold by an respectab/e chemiSts Price, 25 and 50 centa bottle. The teorda " Syrup of Red Sprue, Gum" eonsti. .K.,ERRY, WATSOX. cr; CO., tute ouir Registered Trwadhoeiesilala lerl.: 7a.it gd go isuisr ,icapper and l atOels are a/so registered. Sole Proprietors an.cl Ain nufacturer, ..ifontreaL • in th.is prep.ora- tit) n. the GUM nee& se purees, mud al/ its n ti-spas- modie, er- p eetoraflt tonic, balsamic properties tz re pr e - e r v e d.. This Syr- vp, Cli r fully Pre - :LOST OR F01314".)..: OBSE BLANKET FOUD—A Horse Bla- ket, nearly new, was found on the Huron Road, tw* miles west of Seaforth, on Sunday, February p. The ,owner can have the stone on ppyng Lat IDE EXPOSITOR 9FFICE, -aru1 - taying fort this clveitisement. . 690 WANTED. TvT ONEY WANTED—Wanted to btrraw, for s tom of 10 years, from $1,t00 t $2,000, with interest at 6 per wit. Seveny, first mortgage lan PElllAppl'atTHE EP0SIO'ROFICZSearh.690 WAGON MAKER. WANTED—Wnted, a good opd 31, oiler for a :wagon shell 313 Brussels, In connection with a blatksmith slop having 3 fire'; thcfre is a gcod buildieg and lots of work. A114:: vatted, a. first-clas blacksmith for light work. Apply at 0710010 Bcx 47, 33rusels. :6884 MTDICAL. T G. SCOTT, M. D. &e, Physielan,Surgeon and. ti • Aconeheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office aleiresi- d mice soli h. side of Goderich Street, second door east of Presbyterian Chuch, 842 STOVES I 1 EST Manufacturer in the omi ion, yir: BliMNTF07). 18 poesess *By lid•rantage• 4±4) ifs:01144 ovo a ••• o 4, ••• .4aes 1.220 0 1:,•• Ec0 52! g110:Sf ••:$117. 0 At fII • • • t P • !: 1:274:1:1:1 rl I w 0 ra • A, :71A:2.7;i::;11,4,0:-: cv:), 4.1 r9,1„q 171.4.0. 1• 474 di at P's ...Evil to os 17, fZt - 23 tr4 ;ft' g cec 1.4 139 ✓ -0 a •t$1141-; H-1 1,33 Ix! liet3 era Si a mil 11L. liiTERCOE, M. D., C. AL, Phsician, Sur- • geon, etc ,Coraner for the County of Huron. Office a.nd Ieeidence, on Jarvis street north, directly Opposite Seaforth Public Behoel, 17M. HANOVER, M. D., C. 11.. Graduate of MeGill 'University, Physicia, Surgeon sard Aecottchtur, SeaforthOnt. Mee nd Reeidenee, first dons 'south a the Catholic Ch 498 D B. E 111 (HINSON, Graduate Of McGill Cl - N optical, Licentiate of the Roy al Col lege of ;Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House S u re e cz ef Ci aiiIockbart Hospital, Edinburgh. Offiee—Wingliam, Ont. 886-52 DMeNAUGHT, Veterinary du ' tgeon Gra.dn- • ate of Ontario Veterinary Colege, Seaferth, Ont. Office and Residence th rear of Killoran ift Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary reedibines on hand Charges' reasonable. Horses examined asto sound - r ess and certificates given if required. 4.G7 DERBISIII E -L. D. • 44por-: t ..:.g s Surgeon Deiitikt, Graduate mama of the Royal ( o ege of De.nteI Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours Isom 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block M-ain Street. Seaforth, ly be ted by eqion (Sif them. NT EVERY STOVE petition in rice or Quality. STREET, SWORTH. 6613 ID BANKING HOUSE. SEAFORTI1. OFFICE—In ly occupied merce, and th,e prem the Ba nder the Street. NOTES AND BlIrLS DI English and Foreign Purchased and FARMERS'SALE Purchased at Reasonabl Money Lent on Collatera former - of Com, ommercial OUNTED. xchange ld. PTES ates. Securities. Drafts Isued, payable a Ipar. at all Branches of the Bank of i3 mmerce. INTEIR*ST Allowed onl Deposits Money to Loan 011 Mortage.s. Manager and Prop etr. MONEY TO LI1ND. In Large or Small Sums, at reaso' li- able rates of interest. .ITALESI VW/triLE sicium HAIR EEMIES. NOTES AND -MORGAGES PURCHASED. APPLY TO W. C. GOIBLN OCK, Or at the Office of a. H. Bensou, Se foitth. 681 JOHN WILLIAMS CO. BANKERS, am.. WROXETER0 - Et S STANDARD AHT1CLEI ig COMpOtlIIded. ith the greatest care; its effects are as w n erful and satisfactory as Over; it restores gr y r faded hair to its youlthfal color; it re- m v s all erraptions, itching and dandruff ; and t e s alp by its use beeomee white and clean ; b AS Oa roperties it restores the capillary gl lads to t eir normal vigor, preventing bald. xi and Malting the hair grow thick and strong; a a ressing nothing has been found so effect - u 1 o disirable. Dr. A. A. Ha N es, State Assayer e M seachusette, says of it: "I consider it the b st lIreparation foir its intended, purposes. Allt kingliant's Dye for the Whiskers. This elegant preparation may be relied on to chane the color of the beard from gray or sty1 other undesirable eiba-1e to brown or bias at discretion; it is easily applied, being in one 1freparatiofl, and quickly and effectually pro - d 08 a permanent color which will neither rab n r Iwash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & ashn, N. 31. Sbld by all Druggists and ealers in Medicine. 669-52-5 441 Mee—Indian blo Stratfod, Ont., has now opened Seaforth at the Queen's Hotel., prepared to perform all dental o ease and skill. Office open first T month. (1 CART WHIG , L. D. S., v -i• Member of th Royal College of Dental Surge° es of Canada., ek, Market St-, eat an -Office in re he 'will be ers.tions 'with esday isittalery • . LEGAL. A1110W PROUDFOOT, ton, &c., Goderielt, Ontario. Pondfoot. AMERON, HOLT & CAMER Solicitors in Chancery, &e., M. C. Oameron, Q. C., Philip Rol eron. rristers, Soiid- T. Garrey. 686 N, Goderieh, Ont. ,M. G. Cam- , 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyane Sfoner in B. R, Wroxeter. Appraiser. Accounts an4 note reasonable terms. r and Commi- uctioncer and collected on 868 11W.O. MEYER, B airister a • 1,714, Solititor in Chancery for taking affidavits in the Provi olioitor tor the Bank of Henri •Private funds to loan at 6 to IctEN SON & MEYER, Barrister at Law, Soioitrsirz Chancery Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, forths.nd Brussels. I 23,000 of P nvest at once, at Eight, percent. X yearly. XAB. H. 13BX80N. The above firm has this day be mutual conent. All accounts be 33aid to Mr. Benson who wfl ities. Bills Dicouted. Drafts Issued. lifoney Lent on Real Estate at Lowest Ra es. - JOHN WI:111ANS & Co. 6613-01 IOKLES 1:10KLES I Just Received, a supply of Fresh Bulk Pickles, at $1 per g Won. FRESH OYSTERS. lIp Bulk at 35 cents per part in Cans at 20 cents, 25 cents, and 311 cents per can. NEW OONFE TIONERY. A Fresh Supply of ' New -Con fectionery just Arrived and opned. out. LLIES; JAMS, &C. receive in l IOW days, a large consignment f jams, &c., ib Balk and ,Glasses, which aril' be sold chap. jAMES . No. 27, 1876. H. W 4 - M. J. RIGGS, Seafortb, Next Door to Wm. Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store. 690 kOttSES WANTED G. A. HOUGHTON Is now prepared to IMY any namber of G OD SOUND EllORSES, Weighing from 1,100 pOunda and upwards. •d Attorney sit Commissioner esof Maitoba. ton, Wir3gham, er cent. 683 and Attorney naInsoIveney . Offices—Seas ivate FUlat to terest,payable . DIEYRit. n dissolved by e the firm to pay all Habil- H. BENSO. . MEYER. MCCAUGHEY & IMESTED1 LAW, CHANCERY, AND COI\ VEYANCING: OFFICE, Scott's Block; Main St e t, Seaforth. QOLICITORS for the Oon o 'el Canada and the Canadien B in Sea forth. YAM, ane Town and Villagj an eold. Money (private funds) loaned iero rities, at reasonable rates of i oderate. Money invested for private Bi( roortgage securities, withou h.GIlteLLIGHEY, ---. Mated BRA a k of COMMiII430 roperty boright 71 mortgage se- terest. Charges nous upon the any expentte te HOLMESTED. M1SCELLANE US. 10tRITISII EXCHANGE HO EL, Godericb., Oat. 'WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Meat Comfortable and Best Pon- dueted Hotels in the Proinc. The Room ei are coMmodione and the Table and Bar liberally suplied. Good stabling in connection. 685-62 -4 HAIR WOBit—Mrs. Hunt returns thanka for . their liberal patronage,and she is stili doing up hair. As she exrangesit with roots at the top she ean make curls from combings, switches, braids,puffs, &c. All orders sent by mail carefully attended to, Four doors west of the Market, Market Street, Seaforth Ont. 672 *IpILE GREAT FEK A T=14 ItEkEDY.—job *Often -L Periodical Pill—This fnValuablemedicioe is unfailing in tho cure of " all those point* and dangerous diseases to which the femalezoruatitu. thin is subject. It moderates all excess:1mA re* moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure maly be relied on. To ina.riodldies,itis pecnliailvertited. It 'will, in a short time, bring on the 3nontblYpe- riod -with regularity. These pills should nOt be taken by Females daring the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on iziria- cakriage, but at any othertime they are safe, Ix all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affechions, t s, pains in the back turd limbe, , fatiguo slight -ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hy terioan ' it whites these pills will effeet a elute wh n till ether 1 means have failed; and, although a poWerfni reMedy, do not contain iron, ealomel,antimony, [ or anything hurtful to the constitution. I Full directions in the pamphletaronnd each pa . which should be carefully preeerved, deb Mosas, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 bents; far postage enclosed to Northrop & LytreaTe, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dornirion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seafrth by Hickson it Bleasdell, I. S. Roberts, and R. Lumaden. &34-2 W BE AT SHAR 'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, EVE Y DAY. • G. A 110 OGIITON. • " NIL DESPERANDUK" TRADE MARK. *5 TRADE MARK. ,c) ea g •,... se '01Before Taking ':.-4 1,A After Taon. rut; GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Nor- ' veins Debility and all Nervous Affections, irsi elndilag Sperreatorrhea, Seminal Weakrie,a,exit,i results of Self-abuse, indiscretion, AL fa GRAN'S SPECIFIC IvIRDICINE. This ie tit* Only remedy which has ever been. known to l peri itnanently cure Palpitation and other affeOtionsi Of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier atages4 Bushing of blood to the head, 'wind la the tomaeb, Indigestion, Loss of Memory, wild of energy, Bahfulness, Desire for solitude, ;liiedis-i position to labor on account of aveaknse,i Uni verbal Lassitude, Pain in the back, dimness o vision, Preto atnie old age, ect. Full partial lai in our pamphlet, which we send securely 'sea on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Specific is now Pold by all Druggists at $1per peickagei or 6 for $5, or -will be sent fee by nntil 1 receipt of Money, by addressing k589 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO, Te0llt:0 R. Na EIRETT/ sEAFORTE, Wholesale ind BetailDealer in TAATRAB tad SHOE FINDINGS of Every DescriptiOn. None but the VeryBeat Stipa kept. Tenni moderate. A Trial Solicited.. Aall.clird..eStellyvtnal/T OV oteherwise.promptly.filled w