HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-11, Page 24: • MRS. FLINT'S MARRIED EX- PERIENCE. - (co -Nam uee .) "Yes, her children praise her in the gates, or they would hey if she'd had any. I feel her loss. And. Scripter says, 'It is 'not good for man to be alone.' Scripter is right. Yoq aro a woman that's seen affliction too, Miss Geld ; you've passed under the tod. Well, folks must be resigned ; profess- ors like you and me have got to set ex- ample. We can't fault the Lord when He takes our companions away, and say,. 'Why do ye so r as though 'twits a man done it, We've got this treasure in earthen vessels. Well, to come to the pint, I come over to -day to see of you wa'n't willin' to- consider the sub- ject of uniting yourself to me in the bonds of marriage." "Oh.!" said the astonished widow. "I ddn't want toAmAry, ye none," he went ; "take time Ott. I should like to get my answer right off, but I can make allowance for bein' bnex- pected.! I'll come agin next week—say this day week. I hope you'll make it a subjectof prayer, and I expect you'll get light on your duty by that time. I've got' a good house, and a good farm, and I'll do well by ye. And. moreover and besides, you know Mr. Pratt's folks ..are pressed some for room, I expect. I yttess they won't stand in the way of gour goin" to Bassett. Good-day— good-dry" And che Widow received a calm up- and-dowa hand -shake, with which de- corous caress the deacon—for we can not call him the lover—departed, leav- ing Mrs. Gold in a state of pleased amazement, partly because she was a woman. and a widow, partly because it was Deacon Flint who had asked her to marry him ; for the deacon was a pillar in Bassett church, owned a large farm and a goodly square house, and was a power in the State, having: twice been sent to the General Assembly. She could not but be gratified by the pre- ference, and as she pondered on the matter it grew more feasible. Her girl was her's na longer, but a Wife and mother herself, and she who had been all in all to Mindwell was now little more than "grandma" in the house—a sort of suffered and neceseary burdeta on Samuel's hands'but here a home of her own was offered her, a place of dignity among other women—a place where she could ask her children to come to her, and give rather than receive. There is nothing so attractive to' a woman who is no longer youug as the idea of a home. The shadow of age and its infirmities affrights her; loneli- ness is a terror in the future, and the prospect of drifting about here and there, a. dependent, poor, proud, un- welcome, when flesh and heart fail, and the ability to labor is gone, makes any permanent shelter a blessed prospect, and draws many a woman into a far more dreadful fate than the work -house mercies or the colder charity of rela- tives. This terror was strong in Mrs. Gold's feeble heart. She was one of the thou- sands of women who can not trust what they do not see, and she mis- judged her daughter cruelly. Mind.; well felt that to -day, as her mother avowed to her Deacon Flint's offer and her own perplexities. When Mrs. Gold asserted that her daughter could never--un.derstand what it was to lose a husband; Mindwell felt a sure but un- spoken conviction that the terror of such a berea,venient, which confronted her whenever her heart leaped up to meet Samuel, was experience enough for her to interpret thereby the longings of a real. bereavement ; but she only colored faintly, and answered: "Well, rabther, I don't see my way clear to offer you any advice. You must use your own judgment. You know Samuel and me think everything of having you here, and the children just begin to know grandma by heart. But I don't want to be ' self-seeking; if it's for your best good, why, we sha'n't neither of us say a word. I don't skerce know how to speak about it, it's so strange like and sudden. I can't Bay,no more than this: if you're going to be happier and better off with Dea- con Flint than with your cavilfolks, we haven't no right to hinder you, and we won't." Mindwell turned away with trem- bling ups, silent because. strong emo- tion choked her. If she had fallen on her mother's neck and wept, and begged her to stay, with repeated kisses and warm embrace, Mrs. Gold never would have become Mrs. Flint; but she could not appreciate Mindwell's feeling, she took her conscientious self-control and candor for indifference, and her elderly lover loomed through this mist in grander proportiots than ever ; she re- solved then and there that it was her duty to accept him. guess his'n do. I should hate mother take up with hire:" "What can we do, San?" "Nothina strenoously. II what 'tis about women -lo matters; they won't bee rdeddlin' with than a pa 6. you'll epile the brood if .y u finger. I'd say jest as in c about her beta' always I'll do my part of that Is music ; and that's all e she's set on havin' him, ph you nor me can't stop with which sound advipe from the milking stool it structed rake, took down a from the clock case, ran it hair by.way' of toilet, and. supper at the table with th haymakers. Mindwell and were going out to tea, so t sup with the men. After they came home S himself in a succinct but ,f nor to Mrs:Gold on the eu, marriage, and Mindwell faint remonstrance again!, b bid fear of ,selfishness slut throbs she longed to exp mother back into their htbi She and Sam both, tryi g best, actually helped. rat dered this unpropitious ma Mrs. Gold in her heart 1 with her children, but fear liked so heartily to be a hu hands that she was unjest and them too. A little les, tion and a little more simpl speech would have settled in favor of Mindwell arid. as it was, Deacon Flint , day. On the Frqay folio rived' for his answer, his gr y in a long queue, his Sun blue and brass buttons, his pantaloons, ruffled shirt, a all indicating a ceremoniel "Gosh !" said old Israel ging along in his yeast cairt, the gray mare in clean bu ped up by the deacon i t ment, the old wagon itsel once washed and greased easy tellin' what he's afte think them mulleins aril the buryin' ground would k round. I. don' know, tho Miss Flint's realized by ho t better off under them bee tie tare than she ever was in A 'a house. Good -laud! what folks be ! They don' when they're, well off. easy time along back, bu last on't—she's seen the up, Jewpiter 1" Nothing daunted by magnetic sense of this the highway, Deacon Flin his bony steed still more, good purpose that he itrri brook before the widow #a the last pinned up curl on or decided which of her collars she would put on, it would be incongruous brooch of blue enamel wi centre on which was depic brown tint produced by gri oil a lock of the deceased hair) a weeping -willow e tomb, with an urn, and urn. This did seem a littl such an occasion, 'so she blue bow instead, and w n ceive the expecting deacini. "I hope I see you well, Mr. Flint. "Comfortably well, I' you," was the prim ans But the deacon was not ed at this crisis; he plun into the middle of thinge suppose you've took into the matter in .hand, MiSS The widow creased her between her finger and seemed to be critical abou ing of it ; but she prett softly, "Yes, I• can't say have thought on't a goo counselled some with t too." "Well, I hope you're fit to acknowledge the leadin dello() to this end, and air to be my companionthrou of this world up to them the swellin' flood stands livin' green. Amen." The deacon forgot he prayer meetin, and so deo hymn -book, as Mr. Wegg, d lar poetry. "H'm, well, there's a go thought of thr and ag'inst marked Mrs. Gold, unwi too easy an assent, and 1,4D self in the eyes of her aout when her thoughts were down they appeared to be tars, and the deacon sec, point. He wasted no t transaction ; having shoo it, as he expressed himself ed at once to arrange the "Well, Sarepty, we're years, and to our time of dangerous. I think we' married pretty quick. that great lazy Polly Mors out 'cash right along; anl y to fix up any, you've got enough ; besides, wha's worms of the dust secb. as Catechism says, `Man's c glorify God and enjoy hi if that's so—and I expeciti 'tain't nothin' to be col what our poor dyin' bodi' in." Mindwell had gone down stairs to find. her husband, who sat by the fire fitting a rake -tail more firmly into a hay rake. He had been caught in a distant field by a heavy - shower, and was steaming now close to the fire place, where a heap of chips was lighted to boil the kettle for tea, Mindwell stole up to him and laid one hand on his handsome head. He looked up as- tonished at the slight caress, and saw his wife's eyes were full at tears. "What's the matter, darling ?" It was like a kiss to her to have him say darling, for sweet words were rare among their class; and this was the only one he ever used, kept sacredly, too, for Mindwell. "Oh, Sam," she answered, with a quiver in. her delicate -Voice, "don't you think, Deacon Flint wants to marry mother." "Thunder an' guns I you don't mean it, wife? Haw ! haw ! haw ! It's as good as a general trainin'. Of all things 1 What does she say to't ?" "Well, I'm most afraid she favors him a little. He's given her a week's time to consider of it ; but someway I can't bear to have it thought of." "Don't pester your head about it, Miss Pratt. You can't make nor med- dle in such things ; but I'm free to own that I never was more beat in all my days. Why, Amasy Flint is ,town -talk for nearness an' meanness. He pre- tends to 'be as pions as a basket of chips, but I hain't ho vital faith in that kind o' pious ; I b'lieve in my soul he's a darned oil hypocrite."; "Oh, Sam! Sam ydn hadn't ought to judge folks." "I suppose I hadn't, really.; but you now what Soripter says somewhere or eoenother, that some folks's sins are open, an' go to judgment beforehand, and I : - have hate al life if everything sat washis'n, and all to .o. to aindve 11 when I'm gene " I don't knew • "Do tell! He wasfore anded, I de - 1 ks in such dare feet l" exclaimed th deacon, bot o morerpea ed and ,diSpleti, ed ; fir if Lis wife' ge's rie tincome was be eater ban he sup put in a . posed, in caee.of hr deat before hi as: I could ' there wouldhono i crease to Lis actual come heree, [ possessions. i4. JIL, 11 lace it i "Well, .1 alway calc'lated you ha can do ;' i your thirds, an' prob'ly, nowin' Ethan ill, aa Was free-handed, ydu ha lelit out an v; iSs Pratt;" i out. This makes Beene di erence abou $ m r se 1 What papers VII have to have drawe his rec na Pp. Now I guess 'he best way is t a se coub, have a agreement! like this. I agree hr ugh biB not to expect to he an' to hold none o at down t your property, ale.' ou on't none of 4h ee ot ', e ' ' mine; but I to hay: the use o your'n, her mot et and you to have yo r livi ' out o' mine. seyj did of You see, you don t ha 6 no motC'I your livin' out of y • uen sow ; that's al , xpreseed we any of us get is this her world; rbi. le man- 'hevin food an' rail/ cut, et s s there je t of hex With be content,' a: Sari ter s ys. You tempted a agree to this, don't e.?" t her or- Bewilderedwi h the he et- ihrases, ballasted •y a es. to 0 that event e devlicasn. Gq tuel silo oe. to serve hi Oen, rs. o do tl4eir thatshe ve s put 'Ing h than lain- into 1 the ha 'de of his m riage. I agre -d to his arrange 1 nged to sta atort were not absolutely d and i - near e dare to. invent, such a den on tiLei as Deacon Flint, but he was to herself living man, and he itatin to mspe - him utterly, being no onest f among the dead, can this mattehim and hi like that the lebro le; ing res beyond thi: life carried . till be melted and re led int eg, he -• a HIM who made h e a hair, ie him a long life li r: ight f hood. Not till af tha Mrs.d low hoot-, left oecasion. Min ticker, jo.- she s he he allot ess, w " art fine ra. being Ith 'gosh! it I -shoul hacksi der rued raabb , ID e. text, ote id di rself , an out. true to r he Gold begin • thin er toti3xplai is ar well nd S: il ; an hrank from • a rig' so her weak WO.a n, sh .cularly hard vords owed on in a ge t fenorowbut lo u ine, so peace- ne iulN that he ha sor- row,and that va so gr at tat, with the propen ity we 11 ha e to balancp accounts 'with Pr. -idenc , sh thought her trouble had b n all .he cibuld bear; tut there was yet serve forj her that filaarp attrition of 1 fe w ich s differ- ent from the cal'. nd tul force of sorrow—go much more e asp rating, so Much more educating. Some instinct warned her to avp d re onstrance, by concealing from he chil ren the' "con- tract she Was abou to sire, and she felt too, t e'uncer ainty of woman unaccustomed t business ,bout, her Ownclear tinder ndiug of tihe situp, - Von e so she satin d herselfwith tell - Ing Mindw 11 of t near ap roach of her marriage. 1 "Oh, mother, o so n !" was! all 'Mire vvell said, th ugh her eyes and ips spoke far mor eloci. entl . 1 1 "Well, now, th thi g's settled, I on't know but wh t it May a well be vert with. i We ai 't young foliks, Mind Wel 'Tain't as i we ha1i quite a spell o rive." I Tears fit cid i r eye as she said it; c tain misgiviu stole over her ; just he it see ed a it feed thing that she you a not live Ion: indwell forced back the sob that hoed'her. A w man of single heart, he did not consid r a second. marriage sacacrcd. For horse f, she wo d rather iav5 taken her ch ldren to he town arm, cold as con orati e c arity is, than married anot er m n than Sam - even if he has ebeen de d thirty ea • ; and. she hi terly rese ted this efaiilt of respect it her father's mem- ry But her filia _ duty came to the escue. '-Dear mother, I can't bear to think of it Whet shall I do ? wha will the Ohl ren say ? I ii id h pe 1ou would tak time to consio er." «lit ain't real du iful in yo to take e to do, Mindwel ; I'M full Old to be lead fled, seems me: As for you and the children, I don't feel no great dis- iretiti. Love runs down not up, folks ay and and I den't b'lieve you'll any of ye pine a long spell." This weak and petulant outburst dis- Ma ed Mind -well; who had never seen hermother otherwise than •entle and pleasant; but, kit, the tact f a great 'heart, she said nothing, oul put her arms about the elder woman' neck and ed her over and over A this Mrs. d began to cry, and iji so thing her ess Mindwell forg t to ask any her questions, but set her elf to di - both their minds from his brief bitter outburst by .nqui ing what aration her mother men t to make he fortnight. #1 VT a she'sat of ti Fli t s warn en . know had an seen the 't.i Get ystie , r ation b ipp€al up d to 'such di in Ole - a endown foren ad, wo keld whe her o r a h a its d (in a fiinr Min u han Gdlds ding ov r e on the personalen iimnecl o own t bleeg 91)0 daint- 0 wadi ntly once. "I tiidet tion d?" ndket hief umb, amid the era- clon aid, deal tvlo Ichil pre red of P ov- 1'out adY !the v lley e ds be and darneoistns et i3iltui:e into cc • deal • ' g to gi eapen he darer b t rnly :ift ight arrie e in th, hand: n e pro cod gram IS 6. ' h alo ela tte k arid 've no 11 • • i • • • • IA Mrs. Gold did not epee all; she liked her cloth ought, to; but his prete awed her, and she said, in "Well, I don't need, no gr I. sha'n't buy but one, I do A. faint color stole to she said it, for she mean dress ; and Deacon Fli enough to perceive it, aid that this was a point • • carry. "One gown ain't neit there, Sarepty, but I aim your mind that, as'I said is dangerous. I purpose, vine blessina to be man two weeks. 'I suppose able." The widow was to deny this soft impeach went on : "Ye see, there's drawed up ; . you've got meanseand -so have I, a well to settle things fuet Ethan Gold leave you a 1 your thirds, or out an' out The widow's lieetrembl husband had been careful careful than she- knew,' til "He didn't will me no t iltin eft me use an' pais n p ill I las • g, epi ayi need od clothes clothes to ia? The nd to ver ' and r so why, srned bout if el thed s,i'aths hiw uLictural kly en t :0' g t belie It a% under dei o n mt II t 0 ut e ar her the an evel as tha ange ins Li hat her plausible unaware cripture not see entirely meekly ii If this I should h emote once condom fenseless ope for purify. he ma image o nd gay p man - gone di he ha ents to 'naively e many d words, life had • • • II kis Gol t:dits fur iver Ian ,pre illa don't look to no great pr paration," sighed the widow. "I have i ways had ,goea clothes enc ugh, and there's a 'piece of linen I w ve before we came laere that'll do for all I wan . I sup - 'pose 1 had ought o hayo a ew gown 00 be married in. When I w s married to Ethan, I had d white di ity gown :and a blue levantme p ttic t ; and if he,didn't: fetch me a big bunch of sand ;vio ts—they was blossenain' I then-afor to atch my eyes and my skirt, he said; but that's past and gone, as the hymn book says. I do want to have one good gown, Mindwell'; and n w rb a little along in years, I g ess I'll halve a dark .011 T'other niht, when e was up to quire Barnes' to tea, Miss Barnes s telling abou a piece of plum- ored peduasoy Mr. Battle bought in .r'ford for Lect 's we din' govvn, and wouldn't hey t. She said 'twasn't ly enough, an4 so sh 's set her mind a blueevanti e • but I should think plum color w ud become me real 11." I o the plum co ored silk was bought ; arrayed in its simple folds, with a worked colla -and la white satin , the wi ow old Was dressed for r second eddimhg. not Did she t ink, s she look d into her oval mirror that Morni g, w at a dif- nor ferent vision was thi it pn sober womanein decen el s. ga bl Di - day di REAL ESTATE FOR SA,LE ttROPERT FOR ;SALE—For Rile, on easy terms, bat desirableresidence on JStreet owne by Mr. George Dent. Enqu.fre of X. S. PORTE , 3eafoith. 'arT...ec: 68/ poR SAL .—For £41e II first class Planing Mill Ine fly new and in good running order, situatediin he flourishing Town of Seaforth, al be sold c esp.- ! Terms easy. Enquire of RECORD, COSS NS & CO., Goderioh, Ont. ' ilOU SI LI FOR SALL IN SILL- FORTE—'or S le, the Dwelling House and Lot en the corn r of Market and Spa ling streets, lately occupied by M. Isaac Langetraith, will be sold cheap, as tlie proprietor has left town. If not sold it will erented. Apply to A. STRON G, . Lai d Agent, Se forth!. 689-1 FAilli 1.1341. SALE—For Sale, Let 33, Con. 1, MeltilloP ; 101 acres ; 85 cleared ; in e god • state of cultivation ; .l 5 acres fall wheat; good barn and log r house; well watered and all convcni- neee ushall on a farm; situated -within a mile nd a half o Seaforth. For particulars apply to ILLIAIM WHITELEY, Huron Road,690ornito. linton P. 0 AIM FOR SAL—For Sale, that valuable Farm, Lot 9, east half, Lake Road, East, ta nley,' County of Huron, containing 101 acr • s, n good cultiva Ion; good barns, log house, goo d r chard and well watered. Termseasy, and made nown On Opplicaticin to ALEX. CAMPBELL, roprietor, m the Premises, or JOHN ESSON, i : i ayftelo. 690-8 , All el F03. E ALE --For Sale, Lot xi, Comics - Sion 5, Grey; 10CI, acres, 20 clean cl, 15 clear of bumps and Seeded ddwn, balance hardwood and edan ;'Ing non • S miles f.1024M Ethel station ill lie s Id Ole p. Also Lot 33, Concession 5, res ; s lendid hardwood and hemlock ; frame ionse ; tone el ared i 4 ranee from :nthel station. tor i terins, & ., ap ly to JOHN M. DAVIES, the, OM- 1.. 091-3 Al FOR S .LE. For Sale North West half ;of Lot 22, Coneek Rion 6, Tpwnsbip of anon is, donteining 0 aches; 30 cleared and balance ood hardwood. Thdre is a good be tring orchard nd I actes fall heat on the premie es ; log b m nd log house, oil a clay loam. The above 1 t is nly 2i rei lei; fr. m B ussele. The tc rms are my nd poses Mon given at once. Apply to THOU AS UCHAN AN C. R COOPER, Brum els ost Me690 4 n I • ARM FOR..AL]4-Being Lot '26, Conceit. ion 11, Hibbert cont4.ining 100 acre‚80 of w ich re /neared, en erdr ined, well fenced and ii a rsniclaes stat of cultivation ; the balani is Ambered with ardor ,od ; :there is a frame ho SIN tame barn and stable; plenty of good water na a young ore ar ; it is 6 miles from Hensa , 10 rorr Seater h, and 2. , from Crom at by. For nr- therpartien ar:appl to the proprietor on the premiees, or if y. letter t, Cromarty post o e ce. I . 601 2 MMO 0 ER. . we cal H -h s at . mon piety ugh, 11th vvns. C., 1. as an ding ',Be onto ibo, tared he lila • o i .Lt afore,tfix : thi: du'reco gree- i_ 811 prihed to ; b t, aid /3e th pip rs quiet, elderly, but not festal •ments, from he smiling, blushing, e -eyed creat e, in b spotless city gown ope ing over a blue petti- t, and clasped. at th thr at with a rich of still bluer violets? What es a woman think who s married second time A man satisfied e us Opel dent that now his house will be kept once Bt re, his clothe mended, his whims ! I at Did h mored, his tab e spread to his taste, is to BS in .a • d his children looked' afte n::dful, he can marry six d af r the other. They are e n:cessitY. The Lord himsel .n• t good for manj to be one ; al; :q te another thing for th my (To b Conti ued.) I. • d ge f e de . If it is ives, one domestic says it is but it is woman. To'wel PRO cit' lately known es Park co ntlisting of franle house en on Jarvis Stre Vohtsot. A g at present oc hoice Buildin ol ern an's Sin ON BROTH ERTiES FOR BALE—The p op - occupied by Mr. Samuel John on, Lot NO. 4, on Main Street, No th, aoreS of choice' laud, with ood outbuildings. A Pramo Cot age t, at present occupied by Mr D. od Frame House oo John St eet. upied by Mr. Alex. Scott. wo Lots on William Street, in Dr. ey ; well fenced. At ply to JO N- RS, Seaforth. 0 V ARM FOR -1: 1 ceSsion 4, hieh ate elea n a first class timbered w.th honSe, 1rame bi a roan orchar iles from Bri schOol within Bien tit any I ti Brricefibld. I ALE—For sale Lot 3No. 20, I on- Stanley,containing 1 0 acres, ii of ed, nnderdrained, we lfenced d tate dt cultivation. he balan e is hardwood. Therein 4 good fr me rn and stable, plenty of water and 1. justcommencing to bear; i. 3i icefield, and 6 from Clint0 two miles. Terms - easy ; po e. Apply to the proprieto .COOK, proprietor. Fat* FOR ALE.—For sale the west hal of Lot 7, on t e 6th Concession of Tucker th, H. R. S., conte ing 50 acres of choice land , on the place is ol frame barn nearly now, a young bearing orchar ; good well and pomp ; 18 acres of fall wheat sown, about 8 acres of bash; is within 44 mile: from the town of Seaforth on a good gravel cad. This is one of the best pt opertie sin the towns ip, and, will be sold cheap. For funher p artic airs aleply to the proprietor, on the premise, or if by letter to Seaforth P. O. GEO. MONK674x4-tf GROCERY $TOE NOCT THE P A. GOOD ART1CL AT A F EXTRA VALUE IN SUGARS, TE. n- oes- at '7 a 00 FAR FOR SALE — For Sale, Lot. 14, Co cession 14, McKillop, ecutaining 92 a res, about '5 acres f which are cleared, well under- draine , fenced, and nearly all free nom stumps; the bus I. is all the choicest of haa dwood ; good frame b ilding. , an orchard and plenty of water; also 20 ores of fall wheat. Is within a mile of a good gavel rci d leading to Seaforth and Brns- eehn anid is con enieanto churches, schools, boat office a d store:. For further par iculars a ply to the ropriet r on the premises or to Wa ton P.O. 4i.LEX. ALGETTY, Proprietor. 59 -4 FAB sign 4 in on Teepee and o ',ration roads, igood 1 fore bt apply !tho p H01 FOR SALE—The north 1. all of Lo 26, t 27, at d the mist half of Loti28, Co ces- L. R. S. Tuckersinith ; 200 asides for sale parcel, or two of 150 acres and, 50' cres ively ; rat -class buildings, good fe ces, chard.; he land is in a good state of c vatered, and is well situated s to &c. ALy person wanting a good farm, in a entity, ill do well to look at this on be- irg elsewhere. For particn era andt rms oJAi DS LAWRENCE & BROTHE on emis'i, or to MESSRS. Me0AUGHEY & ESTED Barristers,Seaforth 672 COR -ERLO 'FOR SALE OR TO ENT—B tie West half of Lot 10, conce ship 01 MoKili p, containing 50 ac , cleareal and in a splendid state o well watered, acres under fall 'acres lowed; good farm house good \ ell and bearing orchard, c Roman Catho lc Chinch and echo° a mile of Thar in gravel road, 4 mil and 3 of Dubli ; this is one of the 'acre fume in he township. For t ply on the pre leen, to P. KENNE P. 0., or to A. D. ITTINNELLY, (Mee. sion 2, t es, neon) =Rivet hnae van etdn aeSuut S of SCIf prweittthhi is 1.1,118; tt Sc neknow ing wn- all on; 15 ble, to half rtk 5 ap- rth oat 5 FARM FOR SALE—South half o cession ', Morris, containin choice clay 1 an3 land'; 85 cleare stumps, and b lance good hardwoo fall wheat an 15 acres of fall plo under grass ; he wholeis well no fenced and we watered; a good be of choice fruit there is a frame ba stables below, and woodshed d is wet' situate jBrussel and 1 way; apply C. Lot 2 100 a , '70 c 20 a ing ; 5 erdrain ring o k barn nd other outbuilding*; tram and hard and softy ter ; lb as to markets, bent only 2 on. the Great Wes ern Rail Trunk er partic tars remises, r to le. /91 OR S esion 2 ess, abdu stuni r from S aforth, on the Gran possession at once, For furl] to R. BROADFOOT, on the OOPER, Land Agent, Bruer, LOOK HE F ick, acres r Sale, ntainin cleared bus ; there is a new bark barn acres cedar an black ash, and thei balancb hard ood two b rns but up with cedar posts two gqo hone beani cedar board culti past plant tram from, great $ 2,00 m ort a ter able; par ti ices, ROS E — 55,500 FARM ots No. 7 and 8, Cone 200 acres more or and nearly free fro on- s of ✓ of s of cres and ard x60, use srm ilea ay, ail - L s, log et g °robe and bla fencing •ation, a re for a • of choi be vill eh ool, bargain cash di age on of yea possess tilers a r if by • ble and other outbuildings ; a d ; this farm is wen fenced k ash rails, also over 100 no • thiS farm is in a good eta d over half of it has nrabiar of yearsovith e va. er the year ron: ge o Gonie, 5 from d 2 rom church ; t and lean be bought wn, the balance to he frufra at 8 per cent s, to Snit purchaser ; on giVen immediately ply to!, the proprietor letter to Gorrie post I 1 1 ow - 160 ie t 1 ood log ood ith • of e of been ir g in good wet and d; is 41 miles Wroxo en 1 its font is a for $6, 00— s , for interr e sec •e itle in sput- For further on the prcm- office. 671 I-4 conta drain d, and ange is heavil and basswood and 60 acres quell to being little rolling, creek Iruns thr class krain or yoon orch plmimji and eh bulldings are large bank b driving house new ; the bon klt1uh4nandw ceUar under between atndd tom to top ; t store and blac farm is sittiatI Clinton, and gravel road ft kets. A good remain on mo of the place. ATKINSON, °Mee. i 1 GE F M BALE—Pc d east ashf ofLot 4, Concessi ing 22 acres ; 190 acres early clear from at timbered with beec there are 50 acres n grass ; the land i a rash clay loam; thi ut not billy; a never ugh he barn yard; t • airy farm; there are d, with apples, p rries,ind commodionet beginning ge 5 x60, and is ne m and etable is 40x60 e is a large two sto od shed attached, an the whole building, ing with lime and gr • • 13 Sale, Lot 3 n 13, Hu lett, oared, under - pa; the bal- , mape elm n fall 'wheat of the best farm lays a ailing erring 's is it 11.1.0,- 6 acree of a 11 8, pea to bear 5; there tlY new and is 111 hes, the is a the also frame, with good and is vet from ere is a good sch• 1 1, post o smith shop within hallf a mile d 10 miles from Seaforth, 12 from Londesboro ; there is a in the place to all the above part of the purchase mone tgage long enough to make i or particulars apply to PRO n the premises, or tolHarlock tone ed bet- ce, the ow ood can out post 31 . NEW NEW NEW PEW OX • a EW UR OM AN ND RE RE RE A CALL SOLI LAYER RMSINS, LONDON LAYERS, BLACK BA1SKET RAISIN VALENCIA' RAISINS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, S NEW TURKEY FIGS, CURRANTIN OASES ET'S 1AND LYON'S BES OUNI3 EXTRACTS, ED TOMATOES, CORN, LIMA BEA SI H ORANG LEMON AND H ALMON S AND WAL H FILOER ,AND BRAZI ITED, .e..ND MPARISON PRIO S NVITED. D. D. R6 The Grocery next door tt the Post Office. MARCH 1.I.) 1881, 'ST OFFICE. I SEWING MACHINES! JAMES WATSON, IR PRICE. S, COFFEES. ,D BARRELS, XTRACTS, BEEN PEARS ITRON PEELS; LOS, NUTS. F GOODS AND E, SEFORTH. 44_ IMPORTANT! TO FAR We ERS. have much pleasure 4-t introdutiny t Me Stock Raigers our New Preparation, HTEF RMERS' FAVORITE STOCK Thie valuable article i being ca and We can therefore al aye gn containing no mineralsi—Rosin, used' without the Stockibeing in fattgaing pulrpoaes it i nneurpa food; on acc nnt of thi Feeder r re heal A trial a to give instead o hawk ed l y qu anti efully manufactured solel anitee a pure artiele, al alt• Pare. It can therefore he Slightest danger of as ..-ge sed, it being unnecessary gutating the digestive or y cndition, causing them ill convince the reader of t fall value for the money selling old. stuff which ha around the country.) On ty. Give it a trial. Prepae ing the aninjala in a m andlgatteni g quicker. assetion. qlur object Feeder in th Market, less from ag , and been can be pure ased in a E. HI PEEDER ! by ourselves, Ety8 fresh and be continually ing cold. For use as much gems, thus plac- tP be easier fed 111 6 truth of this and the Best ;beconneworth- Stock Feeder d by KSON & CO., DRUGGISTS' SEAFORTII. ONTARIO. "A G 00D ARTICLE ALWAYS" WADE BROTHERS' PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO VVHITN VELVE AND MUSIC EMPORI Y'S BLOCK, 714IN STRET SEAFORTH. FRAMES 1D PHOr ALBUM$1 A Fine Asortment, at W olesale Prices dun tiext month. Photographs Guaraxkteed Satisf etory in any style off the art. BEST AS ORTMENiT OF PICTURE FR I4ver shown in:S aforth. Prices Red DOMINION PIANOS AND ORGA Call and see them, a WADE BROT E MOULDING e . S IN STOCK- ERS, Seaford!. DDRESS TO THE ELE TORS. SMITH.—" Good mo JONES.—" I itm gomn furniture, youoe min prices. Our batty want county." • ADDRESS' —1.0 M. ROBERT ON beg Kidd, as a Hard are std at remarkably 1 w prices examine his et ck baton to order on very short it 'feathers, wood nd mink HIS ing Jones, where are yen going to ?" 1 down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture WS erooms, to get some nw is getting played out and I want to get some fi st rate furniture at very low a new cradle, and they gay that he has the ve beet and cheapest in the the Free and Independent People t Huron to state that he has moved to the premises 1 tely occupied by Mr. John e'and that he is no prepared to furnish east thing in the Furniture lite Intending puichassrs twill find it greatly to their advantage to call and purchasing elsewhere. 1 Repairing promptly a tended to. Furniture made tics. Picture framing ;a specialty. All work guaranteed, Farm preclude, er taken in cxcbang • NDERTA !NG DEPARTMENT d will be conducted w.itt the greatest care and atten &c., will be found comp] ite, and at the very lowed cargo for hire. Rememb r the place. SEAFORTH. Is, as formerly, tinder his own supervision a tion. His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, rate. Funerals attended in the country. A MIROBERTS 0 THE HURON FOUNDRY, _T every working day.IIVING put an En lne into the Fitting S. 01:4 to drive Lathes, PI ' e ' the P 1Grindi g and Polishing ,g1 achinery, parties wanti time, as steamwill be ALL REPAIRS N ENGINES, MILLS AND Attended to oh short in Cutters, Land Rollers, furnished by parties w Iron; and warranted ham shop is fitted withGrIn Engines, Boilers, Grist Specilicationsifor Mills, nations on all kinds of It - P. 8.—As kr J. Mr. R. Rtincime.n until Mose. On h and and ng Plows, Grate B ting the same. Plo d and tough. Will ' g Stones and Eme nd Flouring Mills, &c. All Alterations achinery. iltunciman has gone his return. ade to order, Horse P re, &o. Plow Castings pointa & specialty, ma so Fit, Grind and Pons y Wheels for such work ant Mills and other Mac on Mills or Engines a S. RUICCI EAFORTH. Oland Drills, independent iof work done can have it at any _ • HER MACHINERY pr e, Grain Crushers, Strew ade to order from patterns ifrom G enuine Plow Pettit low Ca stings cheap, as the Iii ale o take Contractafor W ill make Plans *Ind ed to. Will also make van away for the winter, th N, Seaforth. trainees will be carried on by Dealer in all kinds of First -Caws FAMILY AND MANUFACTUR. NG SEWING MCHINES. Knitting ilfachies, Lawn Mower8 Sad Irons, Sewing illache R' pairs, Needles, Oils, Attachment* I am the ONLY Agent in this partof thee, for the Celebrated WHITE - SEWING -MACHINE Which bas succeeded in -taking the First Pea for two years in succession at the Seafortb Falo, over snits competitors. Also Agent for the Wheeler & WilsOn, Bona, Osborne A, Wilson, Wanzer 0, and any Menai a customer may want. All Kinds of Sewing Maehlues Repaired. Second-hand Machines taken in ex -dental' . part payment for New Machinen and M,adeaeg sold on easy monthly payments. Satisfaction Guaranteed. JAMES WATSON; MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL OFFICE—In Campbell's Block, opposIte the Mansion Hotel. 689 CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. eieBE Subsexibets have bought the Tols sta "L' Boiler Business lately carried on by the Goi• e rich Foundry and Manufacturing Company arel having had an experience of over eight Tema. I kat shop, are now prepared to tarry on theta& in all its banches. Any w ork entrusted tons will receive prom* attention? First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, Ina Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, eke., atm. sonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired -in the shortest notice, and at prices that defnes. petition. CHRYSTAL & BLACX, Box 1.03, Godieridt, 686-52 . HURRAH -.FOR MANITINR., All parties going to Manitoba or the/north:Wen would do well to call at HRH ROBB'S MEAT MARKET, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Where they can be supplied with all kindoel Cured Meats of the Best Quality, and ,atthemcd reasonable prices, such as Clean Baconi Saga' Cured Pork Hams, Sugar Cured Spiced Be Hams, Sugar Cu red Breakfast Bacon, Spied Pork Rolls, Lard, &e. These meats taarliebougit 30 PER OEfkIT„. CHEAPER From Mr. ROBB than they tan be proarells. • - Manitoba, and consequently it will pay partial. make their purchases befone starting. Sand have already applied for eupplies, but thereen be abundance for all. HUGH ROB, Seafiprth. EGG EMPORIUM., THE Subscriber hereby thanks his mime= -1- customers (merchants and others) fortielf liberal patronage durins the past yeaut,sal hopes by strict integrity and close atter:Ilion* tinniness to merit the' confidenee trade* the future. Having gr tab, enlarged his paw lees during the winter, e is now prepared tojpg THE HIGHES CASH PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggeodeliveal at the -Egg Emporium, MAIN SREET, SEAFORTEL Wanted by the ettbseiber, 25 tons of clean wheat straw. ,ll. WILSON THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. HESS Sz---11ABERER TT AVE always on hand, and make te Orik J-11- Waons, Sleighs, Carrinew,Bt gle 0, Cutters, and. every otherarticleintbdi They personally superintend their even haii ness, and can guarantee a good article bete* to rnaterialand. workmanship. For Style and Finish their work carmotii surpassed by the large city establishments. Repairing promptly attended to. Give all 'trial and be convinced that we tan satisfyyella to quality and price. • Mr. Hess is well known to the public, bMW been in haziness in Zruich for over12 Testi. 686 HESS & HARM& AFTER THE FIRE! ANDREW CALDER VT RILE tTbanking all those who SD Val assisted in saving his Photograph HA &c., during4 he fire on the morning of Taurs4 February 10th1 begs to inform his many frien9 and the publie in general that he has OPENED .UP IN IFSCOIT'S BLOCIf Over Wilson & Youngs Store where halal, pleased to attend to the want's of all who EW favor him with a Wall. .Photography in. All lit branches executed on short notice. 688 ANDREW CALDER, Safettk. Nola 1VXE.t.:Si 0'. PIANO AND OR GANV: MRS. C. M. DUNLOP Teaches Musin la -L1-1- its branches; Musical Science and Hansall a specialty; advanced pupils taught to yr* magic from sound, thus enabling component. write their own compositione ; careful atteaikli given to young beginners; also the most tante ed vocal training for strengthening and &mkt ing the voice given when desired without ad* change. Use of instrument for practice; chi moderate. Residence on George Street, 1'11 door east of Main Street Seaforth. • '67 ANCHOR LINE, TTNITED STATES MATT, STEAMERS SO %-° Every Saturday from NEW 101111_na 11 GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDQB Direct. TICKETS for Liverool, LondondernI4 01 now, and all parts -of Eurpe. Fares as101fa any other first-class Brain Prepaid Passage Certificates issued to pec$10 wishing to bring out theirfriends. The Passenger ancianniodation of Anlier1191, Steamers are unstnpasSed for elegancel.nd fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 598 A the Post Office,0dow PAINTING PAINTING• TM. PRE 7. T.T01:143E PAINTIG- in all its branches ; Sl IWziter, Decorator,Papertlanger, 39131W washing and Kalsortining. Shop, net Zan* Idegarey's bakery. Orders left at D. D. Esegli Grocery panctuallyattended o. ' 483 The 15; Alias Of Weld thiel, • O TO Boston town h Fortune.' /a 'a, He /laundered tapi on Oka Blain Till, tire& bathe Inge for tin Butsgazeandtod, totild be see To tell him where] for it wee, At length s police the way, He tonthed the gn did say otindeman, wad. ken Maur it nicht quote buts* 'The Yankee in •a.1 And asked i"min be 'mean. The son et Paisle command, But wad not ma understand • The Yankee onlyt dubious a*! i i. then .gegs foreeonen. "A What, ye nu& ibelTaohi:aee 3f* ▪ 1:le)::k4 yYe weaver.' Bridgeport, :: A laird of quarry, and wassides," foreman, worth e ytah side.ytise,ss play a terta4 ee des;th I'll gb o.,, 3ypt very spot and, and we liedoneaoit bi m 1 g4Tema:thanJaa,1 raly.iWe ao,aw yourbssi1 aycaei' henteealraairdt matters by Jock, let rnan that co worthy of t Lanarkshire and yell ma hundred wit audit ye h Lord, orir, artEn'tbhe e o' theQariy Of Carlyle has said : • Ug little 'lie script in intended to wlilfarareoemtreres . ftasheh4ito,n, ' 13u:sdI ilichisgoelny-soasiniipyrea a.erigo way and so maimed or unequal in everything script,rimpressalat itrehg ci bed. iook nr oe eanis.hility." printer had he bebame potsingroio or enaan ir,youretia your corree tine,yo that a pri toAushdu, w iieWloohtv:ip haY'firgart is ave tkHol torr:hwhi e a t 1 told it of b. The Ms Colonel pocket boo the Spring his chil4re t pat when. Inallondeayywifhte snight tin coerce . are rhaf3te A gent)' 'Colonelhi roPbtt3aid °,w na kitteny as a hc boy Iliad e amp, and had not t -called the he was pn in::Tdyers: it, and sai 4iffI havebe everymhitu,et tyco,e 14ttinseptwha43:mb:0 wi.onaenyt vo tetho;uhgnhYt' you had make yon have a g puTthheinboh ..oilththeat°a44lampthehge°1 The next alined cal it r -