HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-04, Page 8trot expoutor. .1)1.61.1`edeled1.1 3. 4 444 HURO POS TOR. 4:4 'Poland at the present time h 4,000,000 inhabitants and at t time distils and consumes wit self 30,000,000 gallons , of which when made down wit - makes nearly 50,000,000 :gallon GOLDEN LION. — The bulk of New Goods purchased by Mr. Jamieson, will be to had early this mouth. 6,11 BRAN AND FEED.—A. good supply of Bran and other Wheat Offal now on haud at the Big Mills, Seaforth. A. W. Ocirr.vrE & C J. 691.4 Fon DAROTA.—A11 parties going to • Dakota and the North-West are notified that the through train will leave Seaforth on Thursday, • March 17th, at 10:50 A M. Household effeets to Weeded an:the previous day, and stock on the ramming orate 17th. The train will also stop at Clinton and stations east of Seatorth. 691 — Miss Jones, daughter of Profebsor Jones, is now prepared to give inshrue- tion, either on the piano or orgart, to a limited number Of pupils. Pupils will be waited on at their own rr,tsidences. Terms arid other particulars ean be ascertained on application at the residence • of Professor Jones, john Street, Seaforth. G9lx2 , CUT 1NAILS AND BARBED at Wt. RominTsms: & Co.'s, sign of the Circular Saw, and examine their stock et Barb Wire, which will make the cheapest and best fence in the world. Cut nails at a very low ligure. If you are intending to build it willbe to yoar interest to cal and get prices. All kinds of hardware cheaper than ever. • BENErIcIlite ENTERTAINIIENT.--.uovers of Musio and Litexary Gems will obtain a treat next Wednesday evening, by attending the enter- tainment held in the Methodist Church under the auspices of the choir. The best local talent together with some from a distance, have been QU- gaged to entertain the addience. Proceeds to be devoted. to Willie Maiwen, Assistant Organist. Look for Programme. 691 NEW SPRING GOODS at 1101MIAN BRoTitgus, Seaforth. just to hand and Marked off this week the first shipment -of Spring Goods, consisting of Dresfi Goods, Prints, Cottons,Tick- ings, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Wool and Cotton Tweeds, Corsets, Frilling:ft, Ties, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries,*inges, &c. Fall Stock of Black Cashmeres direct from mills, better and cheaper thanany previous lot. Just take a look at them. To trouble on our part to show them. N. B. A nick lot of Untrimmed Spring Hats just to hand in Straw, Chip and tape. A call respeetfully solicited. Remember the name and place. IloriebiAN BROS., Cheap Cash Store. My =Alsace INIsT,ITUTE ENTERTAIN- BXENT.—The coMmittee have made arrangements with the talented andpopulex young Elocutionist, Mrs. Esther Owen Flint, Of Buffalo, to give. one of her delightful entertabanaents in Cardno's Hall, on Thursday evening, the 10th inst., for the benefit of the Mechanics` Institute. The papers in all the towns and cities where Mrs.. Flint has given readings, speak of her in bhe highest terms of praise, so we think the publichave a rich treat in store, and wo hope they will turn out in large I numbers. Music will be introduced in the' inter- vals between the pieces. Several of the lady amateurs have volunteered to assist. Mr. Hollis will give one of his humorous local songs. 691.- • SCHOOL STATISTICS.—The averdge at- tendance at the Seaforth Public School in each department for the mouth end- ing 31st January was as follows: Mr. Menial's, 55; Mr. Cameron's, 46 ; Miss Anderson's, 46; Miss Cowan's, 55 ; Miss Hogarth's, 47 t, Miss Shaw's, 56; and. Miss.Ma,bee's, 55, making a total aver- age attendance at the school during the month of 360. In several of the depart- ments the attendance is very irregular and parents do not attend to sending their children to sehool so regularly as they should, and thus do both their children and the teachers an injustice. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON.—The first skating carnival of the season will 'be held on the rink on Tuesday evening next, when several excellent prizes[ will he competed for. Should the weather be favorable there will hea large at- • tendance both of skaters and spectators, as the young folks are making great Preparations and expearto have a good time- No efforts will be spared by Mr.'t Xurphy and his assistants to make everything as pleasant aud comfortable as Possibfe for all who attend. This, will likely be the only one that wiltbe held this year and all who pos- Sibly Oat should go. igissso the last inuniciPEil elections in this town, a, deputation fr011i th,e hotel keepers waited upon the several candidates; and assured; them of the united hotel keeper's support and influence if they would pledge them- selves to vote for a reduction in the license fee, and vice versa if they would not do so. Same of thoscandidateg, we believe a, majority of theta, gave this pledge, and, if we mistake not, all the pledged oxes were elected.. So far so good. It was expected by mauy that - the licenses would, of course, be redeced. The time for changing the by-law ex- pred on the lst of Djarch, and as no , clea,n.ge was made, the licenses remain as before for anotaer year. The ehotel • keepers, thinking the time extended . -until the 1st of Mary when the licenses expired neglected neglected getting up a petition or asking the Catincil to make a change, andthe pledged councillors were only too glad to let the matter slip quietly • by. The result is the hotel keeperare mead, and councillors are chucklieg to' themselves at having got over a difficult a,ndempleasant question so easily. The hotel keepers had the best of it at elec- tion times, but the councillors have the •joke on themnow. .LVN ANOIENT Reeic.—We have been shown by Mr. Robert Govenlock relic in thelshape of a letter dated Poland, April lst, 1844. This latter was written by a cousin of Mr. Goven- look's, resident there, and still residing in Poland, and was addressed to , his 'allele, Mr. John' Govenlock. • It is a sheet of foolsca,p, and the four sides are literally covered with. writiug, which is small and close. The sheet will con- tain nearly as much as one page of THE EXPOSIT0R, and is in itself a small news- paper. We suppose postage was a good deal higher in those days th.an.now, a,nd , consequently correspondents had "-to 4 make their missives correspondingly lengthy. It was also written before the • days of envelopes and_ postage stamps, andbe sheet folded. with the address ou the outer square, and it had been sealed with wax. The . market qtiota- tious in Poland are given as follows: Wheat -18 shillings per English quarter ; Rye, 9 ; Barley, 8 shillings ; • Oats, 6 shilliegs ; Peas, 9 shilliugs and Potatoes, 2 ; hay from 1,12- to 2 ishilliugs per huudreil; working horse rem 15 .C.10 ca.ch ; good ridlug . horses from C.10 to fia5t) each ; working oxen fr-mt -ti to 1.tt; each ; fat oxen from f2.5 to U9 each; welch cows from 9 ; ea. es .123 to 125 ; swi ue from t2 to Same will also Io 'ph -.se 1 to lotati that they Nvere just aheut inauguratieg Natienal. _Policy Pelaud those days. The writer says : "One thing is making a at present. There. is great stir with us Government '11 - tend that the teed anying a heavy tax upon distil- • and put, I3.; stop •Ieries to try in some measure upon Tao distilling of spirits which I thillk DatiSt do gojd. to th.! couiltry at large. You ink, I" e some idea of the state of ineralite111 - wi.ou you ths, 8 83)0 .3 e in he spirit, w of e mon whigkey. So it follows t e c person consumes yearly over en a, Ions of whigkey." It will be een this that the Poles at that ti Conl not be classed as a teempera,te peopl' and if their National Policy as ceeded in curtailing the cons rapt o of spirits it has not been- en eted vain. There are other interee ng sages in this lengthy letter but «o h e not space for them. We un erst nd that Mr. Govenlock and his fa.i1y a e still hying in Poland, and th t t er relatives here occasionally ar o them. CURLINO.—Two rinks ni the Seat r .Curling Club visited Bretssels on day last and played a . triendl ma with the Brussels Club. Th m t was very evenly and obesely • onte t nt (1 e B n col. ists throughout, and much excell was shown by both sides. T sels boys came out with flyin however,beating their antago shots. This • victory must h particulerly gratifying to the ally in view of their bad fortu `match here. The followin score: SEAFORTH. 13 Rink No. 1. Ri A. Young, 1L Laidlaw, M. B. Comae; • P. Scott, R. Common, • F. Scott, R. Fulton, skip —26 John Campb • Rin.k No. 2. • Ri A. Davidson C. . Coope Jas. C. Laidlaw, A. Wilson, Jas. Hatt, R. McKim° J. G. Wilson, skip ---24 A. R. Morri 50 y8 ve be n , esp 'ern is It 11,skipf- •• No. 2 WHAT A FORMER SEA.FOR RTE DOING.—The Goderich Star of week says: Within a few yar s of t e Grand Trunk freight depot st nds o e of the oldest blocks in Goderic , a sq viver of the palmy days in the histo y of our salt enterprise. Some ems a o it ran in full blast, but during the e- -pression in the industry here it as h t up until last fall, in the mont • of. N - vember, When it was purchase by 111. John Scobie, the enterprising rait 'inel - chant of Seaforth. Since the it h s been running ort a fair aver e It e capacity of the works alio eiag t e manufaeture of from 140 to 16 earrIs per day. Mr. Scobie intends • man - facture 40,000 to 50,000 barrel • pf t this year, of which perhaps thte -fourt s willibe shipped in barrels. hu t e manufacturer has to 'purchas barr s made up, the small profit new realiiz d on the salt is entirely used up, but th s can be obviated to a large extentby t e manufacture of the barrels a the g t works. Mr. Scobie has now e ected cooper shop adjoining tne blo k, 2Q y 40 feet, which will require six to eig t hands, and by the first qfMay ext t s expected -the saw mill nd st ve fa tory will be running in fair o eratia This will enable Mr. Sc bie :to ma facture barrels at cost aridthu sup himself to the full exten of his • ema The size of the saw mill will te 25 50 feet, and when each cff these dep r ments are running, not less han 5 men will be employed. This i a ve gratifying change froin tee solit de ttt has reigned supreme in jthe m HMO block for so long a tiin , and «0 ec10 the wish of all that Mr. Scobie's ente prise may produce a "h ra" tat wi 1 amply repay hird. 1 t • pretty hard work fo the poor ors -s now, the reads 'AA (Ming so are —In 8, matoli on Thu daypeight f o t week between two ti ks f the married curlers of the Se orthl club and an equal number of he ingle me • bets, the happy bene lets beat the disconsolate opponents by a score f to •5.—Mr. Strong ha soliethe hou • and. lot owned by Mr. Langaith o r. Plunkett, of Varna', for the sum Of 0. Mr. Plunkett intends relmov- is family to eaiorth o they can. advantage of our exec, lent edu- nal instituti ng. We have no t but more wi I soon foll w h1s ex- e.—There wil be a mee ing f the Brigade thisl Friday vem g at clock. F' eme at- Goderic fir _the gave out befo e the lt the st ame was ' ould hay t a s earn - Wo learn mg tak cat dou amp Fire hal past seven o ten on 1—At the lwat r in the tank fire ,1 and as a res econt aratively usellesg. It 9ee -the same herfp had we Or nstead of wa erworks. from( Goderich thet the bo "etnd'rTrott sent to Goderich 'Mr Aiol4eBon hav received itenc Hollaud hlas been s low? Year in the eforrneto iancleTrott to thre years i Penitentia y.—Mr. tie has received a letter bro M . Thynn e her for Dakota about a '0 'lig to the. storms he is 'Ma Seen City, Iowa, and exp eorci two to three weeks t 'toe will be sufficiently el him to proceed. He is • per tveek for his board, and iCa Adians to rem.ain whor ;for Oeveral weeks yet. . 8 Local, BRIEFS.—We otioe Goderich papers that Moder and John Curry, foriner town distinguished themselv eecent fire in Goderich 'by their and persistence , in fighting th jured by being, hit on the h Mr. John gurry was Neel& was ,also somewhat search d recovering, however:—Mr. J has now got his new saw il montiville in fall running r has l'ots of logs, and is a,b1 t all earners with the very best Mr. Kyle is an enterprising Ma sure to sacceed.--Remember t annual meeting of the member Seaforth Mechanics' ,Institute t ing.—Lent commenced on W last.—March came deilike a, li it go out like a lamb.'—A hors nag to Mr. Simon Young create sensation on • Main Street on. SO It took a notion to run a taking the side walk At Morriso made things lively in front of _block until it -got -to J4miesdn' where it was very Cleverly le Mr. George Whitney. No seri jury was done.—A wolf was Tuckersnaith in the vicinity Alex. Alex. Forsythe's farm e: few d The animal was chased for able 'distance, but succeeded in its pursuers.—We regret toll Mr. Teter Robb, son ;of Hug Esq. of this town, met with loss on Friday morning last b in Clinton. He lost all his h effects, and had no insuranc:. self and his family had'baxel escape from the burning buil took nothing with them but th clothes.—Mr. George Whiteley the happy owner of the c;1 trotting mare "Gdpsek Less,' timei owned by Mr. Th.omas 1: a BrusCels.—In the curling nig& fak Gibbon's Medal between the lele . Wroxeter and Goderich, the lEtt er in off elictorious.—Mr. D. D. Wi soul* bought another span of mal -s. Ibii will be the fourth mule team thee he owns.—We have to thank M. ROVert) Jamieson for an interesting n mbee .,,of 1 Lon on Punch and late lasgdte pope •s.—Miss Mabee, one of the teachers iu th Public School, has been granted, ' Jetty of absence by the ' Tr stees enable her to attend the Norm 1 Scho61: - at Toronto in order to obtain : seeondl : ()lass certificate, and Miss Kat). Co anl, er will take her place during her 3bs nee. l! ,v-MeliSrs. Thomas Govenlock & Soil', Ave had the roof of their s lt block which caved iu aofew weeks ago epaired, and the block is now in full working; erder.—A musical entertadame t under 1 the auspices of the choir of the Methot dist ChurCh, will be given in th church ou Wednesday evening ne t.—The ladicat of the Aid Society b y6 had -andel; their charge during, the winter a class of small girls to whom t ey give 1 iustrtictiLu in needle -work eve y W,eiL:i il, nesdaly afternoon. They hav noW a 1 class eumibering over twe ty. he girls attend very regularly, nd manta ofi them have made great progress in this i most es§eutial of feminine acquirements. —Au immense amount of 'square tim- ber has passed through the to alto the,, railway track during the pest f tv dayte ' 111 f:er Da 6f t s at actieet fl arole bly ii - ad, an -He • es. Ey at er. supp lumbe and e Beni of t is eve dneSda n, rna beland.- a ema onda ay, al 's.stoe Strong' corn ught b bus ,il seen of •• ys ag Onside eludin arn -th Rob heav the fir usehol Hizn time t ing, an ir, igb id 1,44 ; 1 e H lland r robbing their gen- nten ed to y P ison, the Pro - elan Beat- fron his , wh.� left eek ago. stuck-- at cts it will before the ar te per- • paying $8 advises all they are 1 Brussels. ' euRe.--The ivision Court was held ,he on Saturday last. • The docket was .a 1 hgthy one, and owing to the mi- me essary time I wasted in arguing 'so e of the cases, some eight or nine .0e p were not dispesed of. : • eATING,—A grand skating carnival 'is t l be ; held here on Mond y ev ning 'ne . As this is probably to ,e the lies of the season, the pr prietor is isp r ng no pains to make it a grand 'sue pee, 01 we have no doubt but that his expectations will be fully irealized. i ilfE CoNceae.—The Concert in aid lof t. Johns' church, which as h'eld in the town hall en Tuesday e ening last, lwa. ,1 in 'Spite of, the stor y nicht, lar ely attended, ! and was quite a fin 1,,kcial success, though w have not he Lel the exact amount. Tho singers we e.. in splendid Voice, and e outside tal At that took! part in i gave the au ience al rare treat. The local talent th took part also rendered their pieces er creditably. •tletetANA.—TWot rinks from Seaforth la ed. two rinks of Brussels curlers her: on Friday last. The game was a ) lo el one all through. No le s than six i ee was it a tie, but finely egul ed in r of Brussels by 8 shots. The score be found elsewhere. Two inks Wingham,41played twb rinks of dsels Curlers here on ednesday Thel match; lresulted i a victory he visitors by 12 points. in ham, Brussels, 17., On the ame day !rinks from Wroxeter p ayed two of Brussels curlers her in which visitors were again victo ious , by 5 te. WrOxeter, 30; B ssels, 25. believe that two rinks o Seaforth e arranged to play two rin sof Wrox- o-morrow (Saturday) on the Brus- qionukntfyor. tb.e chrmpionshi medal of , 11 av fro Br as Or w. 29 ; in he poi We ete kels , he 11 11 1141pr tO gg we ult. the bea f t tim a b $i *at He gen r. yer Ma, IS r 5 Oh ult. the ng enti ever the t re Wr. xeter. , . RICETS.—Fall wheat 9 . , 1 a rig $1.05 to $1, 8, peas 70e, oats 31c 1 urst time in loo, pork $6.75 to $7.25, butter 20c, • He receive 6c, la.rd 12c.! they are exe , mem, who, b RLING. --: The. Wroxeter curlers t to LuCknowloin Saturday the 27th looking, he so as to supp liii fl,o play with t e Go.deriebi club fot Gibbous med.& . Altho en they speak n the high eir opponents and hope they meet them to be ab titer account of themselve V VT Mr. Wm. D ugi s, leader, assiste Messrs. D. hn ton and James ger. The eg tiVe y Mr. Char Ritchie, lea er, tirssiste by Messrs. j McDonald, . McKenz e, and II. Reid. The ext debate will comma at o'clock Bhar and it is partien a de irable thet b th. debaters and t etir be on hitnd promptly solPdAhltiussftprSo- ui Taggart for $3,000. • lar fMareim. iTnhg n of 50 acr the sum f bought f: o%af he purpo es v lot asgr .T ho roe • LOCA,LITE lest Sunday this section the roads Those who ,yet to haul —Mr. John enlisting a n summer. I Mr. S. For The pupae progressing teacher Mr. • 00 ale ing Hill.. D. Mr. deorge May has • of 0 acr8s to Mr. N. Mo - the handsome stinii of Maly intends retiring from will live in the village.— Pe per also sold his t rm r. Duncan McLean for ,Mr. Pepper as rm ear 'Brussels, wh t er re oving in the spri .— A.shford has sold his se as Nicholls. Mr. Nic lis t • eel of property i he by al- es S. M. Ce ly n- on opeEcsuTrrn fir o'clock on stroying $ of four tw Two were o grocery and ling. The Inured in fuimiture a &Most. H • s ail chil 1Si/ohe rain and thaiv rris. given the sleighin tty good pull down • ome places are eve timber and saw O °ginning to feel s Mc utcheon, Jr., in w feame barn ,this co iso be 40 by 54 ythe has the contr f school section No. 4 rap dly under their Janis Stewart. • disas Clinton about f ri ay xi:limning last, th' S block which - cons s storey frame buil cupled by Peter Rob proYision stores aud stock was partly s the Western for $1 d clothing not insu with his 1 wife and en escaped only pa hay a pr of • in nd re. gs ley. de ing et. are new le , : I 1 CTI di 11 clothed. T se next sto e was lama by Mr. John! Maeltid a, drug and Is store. Stock all lost, also the fur in the rooms over the shop, where and Percy Mackid were 'sleep They were aronged by the fire aro them, and c opped a hele through partition an woke Mr. Robb and t escaped thi ugh the window by th of a rope he etairway being b The buildin wee well insured.. gyeapathY is felt for Mr Robb and htsvsyrs.. a kid whose osses are v us ur de ed as el - d. 0; ur tly ed ok re hu nngci he en id nt. ch he ry 0 I I ifrst WawInosh. • MALQAB E . --- The Maccabees Bethel T n nuro.ber151, will hold regular r w on Wednesday, the 1 int. W would be pleased to see I ge atte d nee of Sir Knights pr s on Wednesd y evening. NSPECTIO .—Sehool nspector viTed Schopl Section o. 12 on Th da , 24th 'ult., and afte a searching, amination eapreesed h =self as e well satisfied with the result. W glad to see the Inspe tor lookin hearty. ' SLEIGIIIN .—The sleighing in t -cality is better now thatn it has before this inter, and n conseque great deal is and wood b be atutioue t sleighing las I PHOTOS — . nearly reach 'len, got hie to 1 gh badly MARE Sol, est terms the tenth c the next mare to Mr. e to give some sum of taking her to . iCharles arte .of doe, has atarted in busines, as hmaller in Mr. Young's b ick block. as a beautiful display of 11 that is 1 lyfounda jeweller's shop. tarter is Cupp' ing a Ion felt want ici it •he bring s the sv n yr an as g :best recommendations a a work - it is hoped he will ucceed in °iNvAefl.'=e1Ad-•`cort'gregationa meeting, ial was held' iin the Pr abyterian rch on theeevening of Fr day. 126th !The socia was a depar ure Ifrom isual' custom as regards t e s eak- 1 d singing, as foreign t lent was ly dispensed with. Th spe ches made by the different emlts of ession, the m 4i.0 - being furnished • e ladies and entlemen f thova- tion. Although public speaking as omething comparativel new to he ost f the, speakers, yet, the live - lies nte est was teken in all they said. ik The usi given by the choir was uch app:ciat 4, som.elof the pi ces eing ton red in a style; that defie criticism. y pleasant evening was spebt by Zlvel esent. The proceeds re to be dove ed to the replenishing of the Sun- day chool library1.1 1 +Ts I 1 Walton. .Aa IN SOLD. —lir James McDonald has 4 sposed of the Post Office Store field I roperty which he pure ased last week from Mr. Patteson, to Polls, d, for the sure of $3, P'olle d takes possession on th April He will Cary on it ge and e post offic l The Leadi ury will be s ry to los Pol- lard ut what will e their le Waltion's , gain. e wish him Klee*, and hope homay spe ally his rdle MIAs new ephere. 'Tile LITRARX SC:lIETY.—T 10 meeti g of the Wal on Liter rr.yRSi chifiertya 00. Mr. e first of aeral store eop e of Mr. Pol- s wi I be very ake e r gular ,) was li ld 011 Friday vening la t. here was a good.attenda ce and a very nter- esting debate. The subject discussed was eResoled that the Negr has suf- feeed ore a]t the hands of tike hite b.e ttffir- Man. han the Indian." mati was taken by Mr. J naes ale - Dow , Grey, leader, assistedby Mr. K. MI enzie, and the negative by Mr. Jams Bulger as leader assis ed b Mr. D. nston, Mr. David li ight Was chain. au audthe chairman a d M ssrs. Arai bald Hyslop and Charles R tchie werel committee to give th dee sion, whie they did after ome coil ider tion, Ito th: affirmative. his, Friday von- ing ' : lt ere will be re dings aid r cita- tions! nd_ou Friday ievening nex , the , ubjcj t "Resolved t at SingleLi e is ' appl er than Mande ' will e diecus- I (1' be the fallowing ides: • ffirmg.tive, ' prairie farm that rearing Webster has expects to re sa1•3 of them OPRNING townsman., being done siness. F • make u winter. r. Soder aylor, wh d his thre(;•score year hotograph taken for his life ,lon • Wedne the picltures, and ilea liken Nee of th the way ay be indu y his innu in the sa rmers see for the is rather ced to sit inerable fri .—Mr. John Webs ncession, sold MB T. Durnin $140. -Mr Dakota, 18 3 a for the Ira Durnin in o work o This is another pr good horses pays. some good fat cattle, lize good. rofits fro 14 a of eir 'th a nt ler TB- x - ng re 80 lo - en a og to Or as nd he y. as id od itt s. of ng d - ds a of r. he Hensall. UT, — We notice 0 r tr. George Murray, ed in opeuing the la in the s+e just vaeat rd. re notice Messrs. MeGre or re getting 'in an imrse s, and in erder to wok ge Among them, they h d a very fine yoke of o anlnie, of Hay, for hi -handsome sum of $]20 busily euga stock of good, by Mr. Pieka LOGS.—W 86 Urquhart number ofi lo good adva t jinst pure a,s from Mr. J. they paid th SHIPPED. ersmith, shi few days ego apples.—Mr. shipped fre fine horse. agent, infor good on the LEAVING merchant, of years c closed his 11 Ai rr Wm. Pick r nese, has ret gret losing M. village, as lee PERSONA . len, of this place, was called npon to occupy the chair, and discharged his duties in an efficient manner. I fear, Mr. Editor, it would be trespassing upon ur very valuable space to give a detai ed account of t e Whole pro. ceedin s and suffice it to Say, shares were placed at the low figure of $10 each, thus affording all ien Opportunity of taking a, share or shares, and in a very short time shares to the amount of nearly $800 were token. . A com- mittee consistin of Messrs. James Petty, S. T. Jac son, an Win. C. Char- ters was then appointedfor the pur- pose of soliciting more shares, and an- other meeting a nounce for Tuesday, 15th inst., w en it is ho ea a sufficient number of share will be taken to war- rant the corn i tee in i iiting tenders, and we have'not the lightlest doubt but that the ue essary mount can be easily raised, add. that , be sinking of the well is ti.th 0 t a cert haty. ullett. . COUNCIL DOI GS.—A geting of the Municipal Con cil of the township of Hullett was hel at Londesboro ou the 18th of , Febru ry, 1881,, ' pursuant to motion of adjou nment, or t e purpose of examining enders for 1 supplying cedar timber for the onst notion of bridges, dec., in the township. All the members present. Min tes of former meeting were read and con rmed. A r report froin the Township Clerk. wile read stating that no te den far sup- plying cedar tineber ha been received by him. Moved, by J. oivson second- ed by J. Lash m, that J. Britton be 1 authorized to se I the ti ber on conces- sions R, 4 and 5, lots 10 to 15', and that J. Mason dispose of tre On :concession_ R, 2 and 3, lot 1=Carri d. I Moved by J. Moon, sew dad. by . Lagham, that! the Treasurer b ,author zed to deposit $500 of the tow ship funds in the Bank of Commerce, t Gode ich, until re- quired: for the se of tie townahip— Carried. Move by J. Howson, second- ed by, J. Britt n, that this Council deeply syrnpat ize wi. h Mr. James Braithwaite, CI rk of this township,. at piresent sufferin under °day affliction so as to proven him f om attending the present mee ing of C tincil, it being, we believe, th first t me during a perioctof fifteen years h has been ab- sent from any eeeting o the Council, and that we sin erely hope that he mav speedily be rest red to h's usual health. --Carried. Mo ed. by . , Britton, sec- onded by J. Ma on, that the Reeve be authorized to ha ke the •eet bargain he can for the cede timber advertised for and required fo the tow ship—Carried. The Council then adjo (rued to meet again when call d by th: Reeve. -urioh. LITERARY SOC ETY. ,— Our Society it3 still progressing favorably and becom-1 ing more popul r, as wa clearly shown by the meeting f last Friday evening. Long ere the hour arrive to begin, the: ' hall was crowded toitssu most capacity, all waiting anxiolusly the °ginning of the proceedings, as all ex eeted a rare treat, and certainly none were disap- pointed. The p ogram e ! consisted of a literary contest, sides eing chosen by Messrs. Thomas Header on and Wm. 1 • Surerus. After the a pon4ment of Mr. Justin Mell•ck, of he Brownson line, Mr. Weir of Berne, and Mr. Walter Fee, of the Geshen line, as chairmen, the platform was occupied by Mr. Surerus' side. The programme was good throughout. The music given by Mr. Edward Dyer, of Exeter, assist- emisameenessamme • MAKE 4, 1.8f11, • Dodds, 2d Jane, Walier, 3d Magee! Hays, 4th T. Dickson. Junior tlati class—lst Sarah Dotrance, 2d •We Black, 3d F. Barrett, th T. Dod4ree, enior second class --Is A. S. Browne; d Adeline Sperling, 3d W. N. Aitc • on, 4th Lizzie Neilans -junior secenete lass—it Mary J. M Clure, 2d Ma, (Michael, 3d. R. McMichael, 4th orrance. Senior first class—lst eilans, 2a J. Brown. Junior fleet: lass -1st G. Dickson, 2d B. Dorraaee,e d G. R. McClure. Written exam1,4-: 'ow of fourth elasses--The result of cries Df written examinatione of Vier, urth classes during the month is'. •llowa, the papers given being thgaie. rmerly given for entrance to High; (shoo's, subject g ambler. The meta; er of marks obtainable was 400. Sell* th class—G. Brown 357; Maggie Wel r 348, J. Hugill 37, Sophia Camplie 38, Eliza Hays 318, Are Dodds' 20, . Dodds 290, J. Se tt 281, Liz•gla rieve 280, J. Do ds 280, Jane Moe o ichael 260, J. cClare 243. Junior i.urth elass--jeani Dickson 343, Joseph cott 288, J. Griev 24, J. MeCluie 70, T. Grieve 262, J. mkson 247, W. . Dorranee 243, J. Datrance 229, Mary parling 136. • Al a. OUR HOTEL SEE ER. -111r. Editor ,-:i. ir : Some of the eap e in this vicit4.- ity feel somewhat i dig ant on hearing • at our respectab e 1 ndlord of the lma, Hotel, who h s e er kept a quiet nd orderly house s nce taking posse - 1 ion of it, both on undays and wee ays, had been mu ted in a fine of $ 0 nd costs for sicaPI obliging a few sup- osed friends. Mr Erwin it seems , did upply some pert es with hquor on undity, but for thi offence he is not • early so much to am as those wIto i informed on him and h d him punish - d. He isnot in the h bit of violating he law in this reap ct, ut on this oe- asion he was stron:ly .rged to give •ft drop 'lust for the s omach's sake," and. tkot wishing to appzar overly strict or disobliging with Wise Whom he thought to be his friends, h: gave in and the re- sult is that he has ad to pay a fine of $20 simply because he V! EIJI3 good hearted 4uough to oblige a, f w whom he thought Were his friends. 111 course I do not excuse an infractio I of the law but 1 do condemn as very men the conduct of those who will i • duce and persuade man to break the aw d th inform on him and have his( •punished fdr doing that which t ey s duced him • to do. Mr. Erwin ke:ps quiet, respect - Able house and this will no doubt be arning to him in the future not to rust even suppose fr ends,—AN ON- ooKEe. Ex ter HOTErg CHANGE. The Royal Hotel ie bout tfi change la • dlords. On the 5th f April next Mr. ill be Aucceeded b Mr. Donald aylor. SPECIAL SERVICES — he revival set- ces which have be n progress in the ible Christian • c ur for several eeks were closed o 'T ursday night cf! last week, and on ileception service w umber -united. with 11 SP'1RMINTC31-, THE FIRST 14)Irt OF OUR OLD COUNTRY GOODS ARRIV comPaisme ovnt 300 pieces of ' Prints, astonishingly beautiful colorings and tite latest Japanese designs. 500 pieces of Florrock's celebrated White Cotton, 100 pieces of InnibrOideries,lPatterni• New and Prices Right. 50 pieces of New Hine and" Brit, DeniTs., • Lace Curtains, and Lisle and inlik New Parasols and New linnbr4Ilas„1 Gloves. Hosiery in great 'variety. New Silks and New. Satins. v.." For the next few elayi :every Steamer arriving will add Something New to our Splendidi Stock: THE MILLINfRY iDEPARTMENT• Notice of .our -OPENING DAV be given in next week' e altrertisement. nery Department will shove Specie' ' PARISIAN NOVELTIESI AND FANCY GOODS And will consist of a class and quality of %MI not to be had from any House in this sestion o the tountry. A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO. Tender their sincere thanks to their 'nuMerottal friends for the very liberal patronage give* the* in the past, and trust that this year our efforts to please will be equal to, it not exeseding other; years. If placing FIR S T -C LASS GOODS, ; At the 'Lowest Possible Living Profit, will continue to increase our bade, then. this year we will do the largest trade iwe have yet done. I I DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY tkinson retires, an rty in a profess erted as the result A HANDSOME itt andsome stores c lock, and recentl arling, Esq., are is one of the handso nd is creditable to este of the genie ed by Miss Clare Dyer at the organ and tores will be oceu Misses Zeller and Newert, of Zurich, rmself, one as a deserves special mention. Special. no- , he other as dry g tice is also due a dialogue entitled r. Carling has, 1 "Jonas Jones," which was cheered vo- ilkie property, si ciferengly. • After having oceupied the treat. It was sold i floor for nearly dne and a half. hours, rday last for the s i they gave way tio the other side, who'.ANNivERsAity SE also treated. the audience to a splendid Progairime. Special notibe is due the singingi of Miss 'rah Caldwell, which with rapt attention. ort of the side was a seAra.belles's Poor Re- rOgramme was then e, announcements for ade by the President, then given that Mr. 's side had supplied mme. The audience Ling that they had en- ldom to be had in ociety to meet fort - meet again in three nt of the Teachers' Association in 'Exeter being on the •e Meeting. . was listened to The crowning e dialogue entitle • latione," The • brought to a clo next night were and the decision • Thos. Henderso the belst progr dispersed, all fee joyed 4 treat 18 Zurich The (le 0 nightly, but will • weeks, on acco Mr. James Lang, of Tu ped from this statin, two car loads of clhoi Happell, of Hay, a here a car load of v Mr. B. Ellis, our wort s u$ that business is ve ondon, Huron and Itru Mr. James Pickard,gene o has for the past cou Led. Ion business here, h • sinless, and his son, , who managed the lbu rned to Exeter. We . Wm. Pickard. from t as a good resident. MIS. Richard Slate . who was one f the first business in this place, and has carried o tensively the blacksmith and ea business in all its departments h hi '3 business and villa intends moving s on hile we regret losi g an like Mr. Blat hfo t, we join with his ing him every success to ye, rn ROFITS 0 Samue Scar'let 14 regular date of t for DI rl lately sold on property, ap Manitoba. I enterprisin from our m friends in his new ab NEW FiReLL-Mr. Francis Bla,t and Mr. Ge rge Brown, of this v i have latel epateeed into . partn andhave pirehased Mr. R. Blatc blacksmith and carriage shop, al residence '011 King street, and carrying ou the blackstnithing an riage business in ell its branches. new firm ar experienced and. pr wcakmen, a and favorably IS 5. 11 as they are bot -mown in these pa have no doubt ut they' will succ building up st litrge business. SALT ATEETIlit1.—Iu accordance notice given,' a:meeting' of those eeted in the 1m tter of: sinking s it well here, was held on T lest in Hodgi s' Hall, and no standing the d being very s quite a numbe were present,and absence of Mr. IV. C. Charters, Dilala of the committee, Mr.- R. I _ lifor llag rshi 0 11 ford s o tend with- ormy, ' in the . Hil- ea Th ctica wel tis, w ed i wit inter tes esday Kill° • STOCK Rusnee.—Mr. , of M Killop, one of the leading faint rs of 6 13' county, will this year sell ov r $1,200 orth of stock, all of his own ra sing, • , ,. A_ FINE Asia .—The Stratford Bea- con of last week pays :le e sa,w at the Queen's hotelsibles ye teeday a heavy draught brood. mare, b gueht by Mr. G-eorge Bruce, o Dum ides, from Mr. John Malone, 1' eechwo id, county of HuroLefor $380. She ic finest animals w ever s ed. the Attention of a gre of horseflesh. aising 13 be a profitable b siness.' is right, This in are is the,beati ever rai ed in Huron, and. she will be Malone as iong she may be own thatl siie has county. Scrtooe REPOR' .—The foilowing is the correct standing of the pnpils of the school ifi. sectios No. 10, for February: Fifth class -1s Dan i'N.IcFadzean, 241 Jessie Calder, 3. Annie Elizabeth Alex tider. lst Harry Scarlett, 2d 3d George E. 1 eTa,gg Blatishard. T ird el Mary :Morrison, 2d. B Hiram Blaushar. , 4th A Third class juni. rl—oclks.t 3d Ma • one of the w, and attract - t many lovers ' oh stock must , The Beacon •robably about he county of a credit to Mr. MAMMOTH HoG. been taken ' from the • that tipped the sea es at 600 pounds. Such meat will be randi eating daring the summer. S' h ladred pounds of such pork shon el lalit a family of 'twenty all -summer. 1 Sunday morning * s held, when a, large the phurch. About to have been con. of t ese meetings. 1 LOC] •trip er OW es 41 the Pr ied -. — The twie el' rising Cb by r I ii snaga (3' $ Bnished. This blocks in town enterprise aria prietor. Both by Mr.Carling ardware store an. Id ods and grocerieg. lso purchased the 1 uat on William . at uction on Sat- ' m at $705.vics. . h • ' ersary services in the Presbyterian , hurch on Sunday last were well at- ' r. Milligan, of Tee : ciate, cl, but owing tb W11 g unable to 'be ; IS OUR SPECIALTY. No House can or shali undersell us. quality of the Goods being equal, we defy canpetition. -Parehasing, as we have done for many years in rite Old Country IVIctriets, Fr4oin the Old and well-known Firms and Manu- facturers, many of Which o'er customers 111,6 fa- miliar with, and among whlin we inly mention the following, viz.: ' Butterfield, White & do, Ithiehester, England. Farthingdsle, Roth & Bradford, England. Clark, Hood & Thiraite, Huddemfield, England.. Black, Holmes & Co., Belfast+ Ireland: Stewart and McDonald, elasgow, Seetland,1 Jules Fabre & Freres, Laces, ac., St. Pierre, net Paris, France. 1 ended. The Rev. onto,was to have o amily affliction h resent. The tri onducted by Rev. ter ; the af tern 11 e • ruing service was r. Holmes, of Ex - by Rev. Mr. • hompson, of Bruofie1i., and the evene ng by Rev. C. Fletch r. of Usborne, ach of the servi es lvas largely at - ended. On Mond y eviening following lecture was del vered by Rev. Mr. Webber of the • Bib e Christian church. he subject of h s leCture was the 'Scottish Covenan ers,'? a subject on , boll Mr. Webber had not previously lectured in Exete . The church wag 19%11 filled by a 1 rge and intelligent audience. Rev. M . Thompson, pastor of the church, oy Pe ed. the evening b prayer and then int (Aimed the reverend lecturer, who spoke about two hours' on this most interest ng: nd instructive theme. To say 6 at full justice was one the subject w uld , e pr Oeveral times Mr. Webber was loudly Applauded. At th conclusion a vote bf thanks to the 1 cturer wad moved y Mr. D. Wanle , and seconded by r. Ramsay, and c rrie unanimously. • lio SAWING,—gr. ood stroke in this y the appearance e able to run his his will no doubt s lumber is on th • rew Doig is doing a ine this winter, and f the yard he 'will mill all summer, e q ite profitable, rise. s she vies wherever At tie west side of d. We are only sorry • the township was ecen ly killed. a hog 2(1 Wm. Kenny, 4th Jeanie Gove 1st John,Hanna Andrew Calder, First class—lst Elizabeth. Kenn , Richard Pollard THE ROXBORO enooe4-The following 'the person of Mr. .B report, based on roficiericy, punctuality russeIs. Sueli and good condu .t, shos4s `the correct go far to show that standing of the upils 'n the Roxboro ',prosperous COIlditi S school for the monthl of February: -1 FINE HERD OP Fifth class —1st W. Sbc4r, 2d 3. Hays, Alexa.nd 3c1 G. Campbell, 4t1a bora McClura. t' soah of the towns Senior fourth cla s—lst TViaggie Walker, i finest herds of steer 2d T. Dodds, 3d . Grie e 4th ee The. this winter. The gill. Junior four h cies 2d Jeanie Dicksou, 3d Dickson. Senior third c LOCKING UP.—T e wade enterprising rie svnich the most HE EXPOSITOR have as lately takeu a the Itetter, and. if ous :nature °eines , the 'Grand Trunk ' ets hold of the To-: race iRailway, • the 6 in the near future rival. to many of , 2d. Kate Calder, 3d iher sister towns, w ich are now making i , dh Alexander th I -I considerable preten-ious. ' At the pros- ; i. l' Sa,mu1 Carter, 2d eent time there is ot . ingle 'empty , 3d. Ge rge Kenny, 4th ,dwelling house in the vil age, and the , • village can also spirt a plaotographer. in ! . Martin, formerly of 1 peerances as these , the v n. lio ft ttlheevrilelaa,dgeer of f of o o• :1 nv. r et I ihRI nee; Reinhart, s as4r—h, at least heard of, list; s4CetnahlidoMre_r,elviisnt v'Bilile change for nothing of a ser 3d against her, and i onsi cepIl c KG re engnoyr ., IrBoaniltow, aGYreeynnlaPnnanY1 gie E. Cash, ' probabilities are th Secoiid class— she will be no mea llage is in a , EERS, &OOD STABLES, r Robertson, at the ; ip, h S one of the i s that I have seen 1 herd consists of i which My. 1 Ise average f May. Mr. —Ist I. Dodds, ,1 eleven steers and a bull . Grieve, 4th j. 1 Robertson intends to m ase_lee Ameie i 1200 pounds by the 1.•$t , ! 1 Owing toother busireiss engagemnts, nel4her of ourselves could get aver to the ola Sod to buy,. but our stock has been selected from samples sent to us from our ma Country 1Vho1esale Mer- chants, and we have no hesitation in saylnig • Our Stock wilt Je tbe Eargesit, -the Finest) and the Chectpest4 We he yet shown, but we willleave you tri julge in this matter. Soliciting a Gall from New and Old. Ciastemars, -we are, your obedient servants, A. G. MCDOUGALL DIRECT IMPORTERS, SEAFORTIL Robertson appeata to be a gentleman who thoroughly understands his voca- tion in life, having two of his barna standing on high stone walla, which affords a large amount of stable room, but the large straw shed at the rear of the farm was unfortunate enough to, have the roof cave in at the time of the recent thaw, on &mount of the heavy weight of snow on it. He intendS clearing away the debris and rehutding a much larger one at an early date. The contract is already let. DOINGS OV THE ASSEMBLED Wisao3r.-- At the last meeting of llowiek Council, the Reeve was instructed to examine the damage done to Mr. Lambkin's field next spring, and settle with him for the same. The schedule for regu- lating the road work was arnauded as follows All assessed at not more than $600, two days work; at more than. $600 bat not more than $1,000, three days; at more than $1,000 but not mere than $1,400, four days; and for every 4600 over $1.400, or any fraction over' $400, one additional day, and that a by- law be passed for the same. The olerk. was instructed. t� advertise for tenders for supplying cedar for covering bridges, 2,000 feet at Gorrie mill, 16 feet long; 2,000 feet at Fordwieh mill, 16 feet long, and 2,000 feet at Lakelet mull, 14: feet long; tenders to be opened at the' clerk's 'office on the 25th February. A; petition was read, from Mr. Philip. AR- Intosh and 42 others, asking a grant to open sideline 10 and 11, cons..1, 2, 3 and 4, and to erect a bridge across the river on eon. 3 sideline 10 and. 11: - Moved. by Mr. Jacques, seconded by Mr. Johnstone, that it be erected and. the contract to he let at once. Moved in amendment by Mr. Weir, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the petition of McIntosh. and 42others be received, and that the bridge be built as SOOD as possible this year, and that no action be taken son the balance of said petition at present—Amendment carried. The next meeting of Council will be held at - Gorrie on the third Wednesday in March, when the pathmasters, fence - viewers and poundkeepers will be ap- pointed. ; FCTURT WHOtE „A. ARE C PILES OF At P was you , 1R01\ii The Large :educc FEW We enseese either big it 0 7T Li/SE NEW D S M T MAIN ST I SE OUR SCOTC 'We a now -SRO and THE SP As -Mete DIRECT IRO We ere AT V BLARN A LARGE Of the Celebrate MAH�N he Riarnev ITAv Pine Siyie4 Every f411