HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-04, Page 6THE HURON EX POST Wi nburn. THAT BVSINEs'4 DISPUTE.—Mr. Editor --Sir : Will you bekind enough to give me space in your paper for a reply to an article in the EXPOSITOR of last week ? Mr. John Williams, of the village of Kinburn, for whom I wrought a short time, has taken the liberty of making statements calculated to injure me in my business if not refuted. Mr. Wil- liams states that 1 was hired with bine for one year, and that I left him with- out giving him notice, which is not cor- rect. He further states that he was to give me. $22 per month and board until such time as he could get a tenant occupying a house of his to leave, and then he was to give me $325 per year and house rent free. The conditions of. our agreement were as follows : Mr. Williams came to a field where I was working, and asked if I could come and work for him. I said I could. He ask- ed me what wages I wanted. I told him $1 50 per day. He said he could not give that wage at present, as there was not custom sufficient coming to the shop to justify it. I asked him to rent me the shop, that I did not want to work as a journeyman if I could help it. He said he would not rent at present, as he had a boy he wanted to learn the trade, and wanted him to get all the chance he could, so he made me an offer of $325 for one year and a free house. I told him `I would not take it, as I could get more, but as .I intended starting for myself in Kinburn the first opportunity, I might work for a little leas than $1.50 per day for a few months, so he told me he would give me $22 per month and board for a few months until we saw what would turn up, as he did not know whether to close up the shop or try another man, and I told him I would only make a bargain for -one year, on condition that he would rent me the shop at the end- of that time- He said he would see, and from that day up to the time we parted there never was another word. passed between. us on that subject. So now, Mr. Editor, the public can judge whether or not I was hired for a year or by the month. Will Mr. Williams admit that my wages. was to be $1.50 per day and him to rent the shop at the end of the year, as this is the only condition I ever offered to hire to bind myself for one year. As I have already stated, I told Mr. Williams - I intended to start in Kinburn the first opportunity. I notified •Mr. Williams within one hour of securing the shop that I now occupy, and was willing to go on, and work for him until he could . get nother man, but he told me not, that I would only work for myown in- terests. He says that I found the pub- lic was down on me for such • a mean action. Mr. Williams' great grievance Seems to be that the public are not down on .me enough. He farther ac- cuses me of sending a letter to Kinburn Grange,and not being man enough to apply to public opinion. Now, Sir, had Yr. Williams stated his grievance in public print, I should certainly have answered him as I do now, but instead of making statements of his complaint publicly, he went to private parties making false representations of the manner in which I had used him. I think it much more honorable to lay a true statement of my case in writing i before any respectable body of men, as I didto the Kinburn Grange, -along with a list of my charges for different items of work, which I have adopted for all who may favor me with a call, as I use all alike. I chose rather to adopt this method of putting my statement, as a large number of the farmers belong to tlie Grange, and had become aware of Mr. Williams' charges against me, and felt if they were true that I was not 'worthy of support. Mr. Williams says j it seems to him that the very fact of my taking possession of his house, and of him allowing me to 'do so, is quite suffi- cient to show that I was working by the year and not by the month. Mr. Williams knows that the first . week I was in Kinburn, I tried. to get another house. He also knows that when I '. went into his house he was to 'allow me for my board, and that I was still work- ing by the month and as my name was attached to his circulars as a partner in the business, he lowers himself by try- ing to take the advantage of me by stating that a certain party heard me say that I. intended working with Mr. Williams for one year. No doubt par- ties were told that I was a partner. These, Mr. Editor, are simple facts, and having, with your permission, laid them before the public, I leave them td judge whether Mr. Williams' course of going privately to parties, or mine in making statements in writing before the Grange, many members of which are warm friends of Mr. Williams, is the most honorable ; and, further; when I notified him of my intention of start- ing for my self, he .told me he intended giving me a rise on my wages, which in so doing he made an acknowledgment himself that there was no bargain made between us for one year: I have now stated my case plainly and truthfully, and leave the public to judge between Mr. Williams and myself. Hoping that we will both receive a liberal share of public support, I remain, yours, &c., James A. Wiesox, Blacksmith, Kinl- burn. [Eu NOTR.—As the natter in dihrote between Mr. Williams and Mr. Wilson is more of a, private . than a public nature, and as each has Dov laid his case before the public, the controversy, so far a:: we are concerned, must terminate.] • • Sheep -Raising near Lam` xge.' Cities. Wool -growing as a general thing is confined to places a good distance .away from populous places, where land is cheap and dogs are scarce. In these places the wool alone is cared. for. The auinial itself is of secondary considera- tion. Droves are sent to the great meat-tnarke, : by rail, but after all ex- penses are pale; there is not, generally considered, muc!: profit in .it. Sheep for the meat, and v•'tli the wool for the second cftnsideratiou is rarely thought of. TO do this well the sheep farm eheuid of course be near a large city ; • but there have been so many discourage- mento of one sort or another.that sheep - raising by a lame town is not by any means; .among the first things that Ftri'•.,•5 the fancy of a suburban farmer. _ i.i et. we have been reading lately an T ac-cuunt of one who, near one of our largo eastern towns, has paid so much attention to the little details which go to make up success, that he has made his sheep the most profitable portion of f his whole farm. He first cleared a : piece of woodland, and after leaving it- j lie for a few months, till the herbage appeared, he turned in the sheep, and ° t there they have been without any r t change -of pasture for ma. y years. Nothing gaptever has been do + e to the ground. TalYnatural grass an• Nature's own vegetation spring up, an the ma- nure which, the sheep themse yes `make fertilizes the whole. Of -the great °many of th h:ep-rais r —the prowling dog—he h: s n' fears, its every -Bight the. flock is ga hered tp- gether; into a stockade « ad in the centre of the lot, and in w ich they also get some feed in the seve e8t of whit r weather. This must • to a so ++ a lab which those who raise she p 'n the f` West are no doubt free fr+ ++ . f1' e proximity to market prob: bey akes p for this extra care and la+or. At a y rate he seems to make the eh pep tt t pay so well that it is sae wou, d sooner dispense with all 'the parts f the farm and all other b ancbes th n this. This is a very different ++ od'e of p oedure that many adopt under she p killing difficulties. Inste : d absnd + • ing the care of sheep bac: use dogsiw 1 kill some, or leaving the •• hole fa rii o run after some maker of dog laws f one's •protection, which ' ever, pro e t after all, this man falls to and prof eta himself,; and evidently eserves' t o e great profit that. energ , self -veli + e and good sense always bri(- It is well worth conaid :tin by ttioi e who have farms near ether of iur lar e cities;'whether there is not Imo e' n sheep culture than is generfly sup ose • —Germantown Telegrapic. + Water for the Fir An abundant supply o water is one of the prime in the arrangement of t Where this is not prow d and -running streams, always. be taken to secure of 'wells and cisterns. Di farm animals of all des more frequently occasion or insufficient s dent supplies pp -es o we imagine. Cholera in sheep; colic in horses, Mu. impure' milk in dairies, a result of this cause. In a water is regarded an sanitary condition. It, portant to the health of fa The steep wells in a filthy really not much more than which are collected the liq that ought to be saved a the soil, are often the! sources 'of disease in our li analysis of the waters fro would exhibit the presence which, while valuable for are the prolific fountains man and beast. The surest source of a supply of pure water in t is cisterns. The roof of a by 40 feet will, with the fall in our climate, afford 2 of water, and the : usual tions of a well arranged fa therefore�a,fford au am pl roofing to furnish abuuda. all stock purposes. ard. wholesor onsideratio e farmyar d' by sprang are . shou! it by mea eases amo riptione a d by impure water than m e, le ►d e a a d a g ho sin e4 ci 's, rat in ca!4t] ften It ies ; go dispense, of less n anirria; ba n yard es pools d manor d a plied 1n : uspect e st.ck.' n th se we is f s: bstaihc s tilzatidn, seas to c le s. n i9 0 d fe id e f: bu di_. 3Q0 Fe t a - In the construction of a, ci tended. to afford drinking • ate family, it ought to be made lar; to allow a full supply • to: b: c the winter, and provision' 4h. be made for a receiving c. am which • the water is filter:d supply reservoir; but if, dwsi for the uses of the farm Sar consists only of reservoir .f the water which may be ca out the year. The interior of the ciito well cemented with hydra which, in, compact clay, directly to. the surface li soil or joint ,clays it is i that the walls be brie cemented. . The coveripg . hot brick arch, and the ' op u ng pump securely crosed, to +re' admission of vermin and fil h. bun rm yal lding ary TS, gall° mined ardivi 11 ounit a •• e t c ater f 0 a 1. tern iia for' the e anon h ught ` n nld 1 :o ,er f o nto t; e •ed e cis' n`tai _ ht throng sl. ould • e is cemen , b• appii:d • saiisy I+ ensa,bi e nd 1 ..n Id be for tie eut t ie 11 Y I. 1 ens Such a cistern, constr ted with a well constructed iron ford • u + p, wbi h can be procured for $l •r 20, isa comfort, a convenience, an a s • fegu{ad against many of the disea es ' hich its fest the stock yard.—Farm opt •nal. General News 1 m The personal property of Eliot amounted' to '£40,000 It left for the most part to the Lewes family. Her . I sb Cross, is hard at work .re biography of the gifted aut..re The Stormont Cotton , m Cornwall are about to ma , e e additions. to their prem have purchased a pieoe adjoining the fnill, payi $10,000, on which they par the new buildings. —At a pleasant aid Methodist social held at ' V evening last week, the han collected was enough tip entire _ debt of the church. was subsequently collecte purchasing an organ. — A despatch from Edin Geer ,e as be1:n e berg f narding a + any ,t ti ten i es. h f +rep' r g therf apse ereeti 11 + u1 St�cces,s lve ton o. e some su. ipe of t About 'f$;�0 q r g 1 ll g v s • the details of a great meet g f H'g landers to protest against ainst e boli i n of the tartan in the army. 1 he Prrr e of Walesithe Duke of Edi iburgh, iat d also all the -Scotch nobility lave aged to petition •the Queen t stop t e change. The people thro. gbotit Sc t - land are intensely excited o er the p o - posed change. — One of Bret Harte's �.tories h a been dramatized and place! upon t" e stage at Berlin under the f�itle of. t e "Lost Son," but it has no met' wig h much success. The Gering s sa'y .tli t the. author's humor is no fitted for stage representation, and that seen' s of dissipation, which can b effectite y and humorously described in a nax`a- tive, become repulsive whe an atte]aa'; t is made to act them. —On Saturday afternoo a. near EP Fayette, Indiana, the conueating rods n the ening of a west bound;.; passe g:r train on the Wabash broke and kilo,.. - ed the cab to piecos, inflicting injnri•s on the engineer, Wm. Carpenter, whi h resulted fatally the same evening. 1 e stood' at his post until knocked out if the cab. by the revolving rod, and pr vented a horrible accident by putti on the air brakes and s uttiug' steam. —Six months ago Mr. Ar hur Cop and, of London township, f 11'from h s loft on to a plow, injuring hi- . knee. :ie did not pay much attentio to it : t first. The knee, however, k pt getting worse, and lately he suffered -agonies, : ew days since, unable any longer t eiidure the torture to which e was stl - ected, he had the limb amputated After the limb was taken off, the doe ors were anxious to know what it was hat caused the man so iz ea pain,and, g . . in pie int los th br wi ,Br Th !his de res wi psi WO br evf ton. bre we cat ant ,thE Ha ,gra tris els do Rif W] }he `an4 his :BAl 'wo wh iss$oting the limb, found a small e of iron which had been driven thle knee at the time he fell. - -r Alfonso monarchofSpain, nearly his life recently while skating . on Casa do Campo, near Madrid. He e through the ice, and was rescued h difficulty from drowning. The Will of the late Wm. H. Hollis, oklyn, leaves ;$20,000 to the Drew +logical Seminary on the death' -of father, and $20,000' more on t e th I of anothe rel ive ; also t e due of'hia este e on he death of h ow A.,(fesv nights a unknow sour broke into d Avenue, De rything they cc Desks were ken, and a lai re torn to pieces -The imports erica into Frai ase of the prey 1 -the impoasibil ports of;land vre alone amon mmes yearly. 1, Spain, Porta issued the sa 'Rich 'rd Jackson; a a, a the f o bug ched Seen suffer: oned settle +bug ago om he hoot on El ,troit, and destroys Auld 1 y tLeirhag a chop ed p, dos s ge nu berof books and nine tion of ork from ice is forbidden be - enc of trichinosis ity o exa ining; t ing cEirgoe , which t nt to 0,0 ,000 kit Russia, I sly, Au gal an Grbece hav e ord re of prohibl- shmond,- India iilst at work in crushed a pota l: afterwards to ear. Deep a ting in jterrible ted that he poi: aid seem to. ether the potat not. 4 -Mrs. Elizabe tten a letter ing them to na es -affixed to an college catal nth : letter she h i obie, instead .'1'zabeth,; and sa ghed to scorn to be calla key. There is gnified' name, g individual oh A young un Jerome, who Petew,awa, sa + was taken h losed in a c ed about four self in a position i d. H. umber in his a stun use, an eked against his abdc arly death. His - frii body a few inches ui it their :departure 1 e evening a young an i1 es ot weakness was !take a, the poor fellow ha ing t IV a very youthful•f lend n to another. Anot er sl also present in the gan daged hand. The wi ter a e been one full of m aerie o kers in the woods. On a Wednesday a euin� jinnipeg a .compan of oule, asserted sexes, g t in leigh and started to aur rise n ,3pringfield. They le t; th igh spitits;• but long be heir destination_ they lo after wandering g abc inc for several hours o aomill Theorses, w n e so -the' el ed wayfarers t p, and then knocked a liole ii f he mill; and climbed on t p of grain, where the rest es. When the horse begs . agajn the lost ones got sleigh, and started n wi posed was the directi tgrimage was lik of Israel on a s; nclered about di ntil noon the n hted the city, d withfthe the rful n •-gait of a funeral pr people _surprised ers. fur 3t. 1t• in oo n is a tre a 11 Cad her countrywome , rite their own fu 1 door nt , letter gues. ; I ing ovi see Su ie, Kitti4, Suit, atharin • s a b honk 1 �Y d ho w illd llow hi Jim y, J hnny a moral i flueno$ i repress :tin a lif ranter. arried ha Lyman, f ad be working on s the enalCana- me a -few days go ffin. e .lad been onths sego by placin i w ich man wa workin usi ess, an hands guidin ip -tile horse l the lever wa men, resultin ends had kep oder ound t Tome On th a the e - n to 0 o be oaii- from on iantyma with is Said t s. "for °th armlr, died at ed ldays ago. ith ie fo e 6 he b the s poi y Stanton h est spring his hand, inside of rmed, 're - It is be- lood. This questio aonous o� .+ ers had suffer the- square +e _ with, a lever uge piece past - him } y surpr t r recently fourteen to : a bi a farms city ore they got to 3t their way, ut the bleak. came at last re played out led the 1 the std a grea ed them n to fee ack int at the n of the city th of th. tall (sale, an cons late and xt d y, when which they en- len aka meas ►cession. Th fere the sar- elr 00 he h the or he .er 'Ore 'ire pnl 'ri: lir pi dren we orn t sic Zopesa. I have secured the ag ncy e compound for Dyspepsia ro ' biles i It comes to a u av,rabl auspices, being ve indorsed and recommen ed. er ul affinity to. the' Di estiv n the fiver, increasing the Iui ea, c rrecting the aci s -al tag o impurities of the Ston reg 1ting the Liv r, can: be t ec ring a sample' bottle, .whit 0 ents, or large eight o nce en Sr . I S. RoIIERTS, Seaf ab field G79 -52a "They 4 D< o!beautify and prese .fragrance to t for thi and live der mos ry high Its won e Organs hssoly n� id carry each au. ested b h sells' a bottle, 75 ortli and It. ' ve he teeth n' give a breath, use 'IT aberry," the new toilt gerji. Sam - le package, 5 cents..: 67 -52 r GOOD ST JUST ARRIVED AT AULT'S, S AFORTH. kiwi Tea S e sand P lelf. Yery be soul citec !t),, very hea.2i.. Stone a'In Set . All kinds 'Vice Toilet Sets — �,p, A. fresh stock of tVLa Good Tea Dust, which has given sic . good satisfaction. A' fresh lot te. Celebrate 1.T aoka Also some ;off t te best Co9ee ih the -market. 4 ne lot of the .)est T; as, at Fifty Gten s per pound, in t reen, Black ccn'l ap ft—tri ltem t1te are the br,s't in, t !market. A resh assort- - ell t' of 'l' kinds of Or (seri s. The ,I htyhsst tarket Iptice p cid in cash I fit Firs -'lass Butter. A. G. AULT, SEAFORTH.. TOR. TTTTTTT TTTTTTT' TTTTTTT T T T• IT T TTT. T T, T_ T T T T T • T T T TTT TTT, THE CENTIAL GROCER ! UNDER TgE CLOCK I CARDNO'S BL.O K LAIDLAW & FAIRLE CROCERS AND SEEDSIEN. S .EAT' Cs goods from common to cest. casted, and Ground on the i e8. au) aritl refined, extra good e, T Y, Teas,' al the • cho Co,ees, Pr' Sugars, val Currant:, new and clean, and v ry ' cho ice. Raisins, in Vatencias, L ose, ' zc8- cat l and' Layers. CANNEp GOOD Canned eats, CSntied Fruits, (fanned ish, and a ,fal line in pickles, Sauces, Extr ate, Spiess, e. FLOUR FEED, AND PROVISI INS A MARCH' 4, 1881. THE OLDEN LION, 11 MAIN -ST Ji l to z 0 REDUCTI y ' .� SE R AT QN$. DURING The Goldei OLDEN EB AFORT SNIVJIV9 UARY TJION. Lion will o'er during the mo nth of Fell4- rua'ry, at a Great eduction, the Bal an e of Dress Good, Shawls Woo Squares Clouds, Ladies' Ja kets, Orel= AL WATj S IN STOCK. coats, OROC ERY AND GLAS { SWA' E Granite ea Sets,,China Tea Sete—plain decorated, reakfast and Dinner Sets, Cha Sets—pea and decorated, Table Sets, T Sets, and 'large aselortment of Fnay Go Prides Low and Goods A 1. *MEI!) DEPART! Clover ai Garden Se good clean d Timothy Seed for Sa1e, ds to arri$. Highest pr. 7lover and imo thy seed NOTE T 'EN Field ce paid A That all Goods sold b us are Warranted t LAIDIrAW & FAIRLEY, SEA °RTE. ber ilet elamzeson in the 01(1 Country. cep ▪ Aliso Remnants of all kinds, in order to ma room for the Spring Stock now being Purcit ,sed by Mit and for BANKINO HO SEAFORTH OFFIC occ merce US pied by, the Pctnk of C and under the; 0711)716r -Main #$ftreet. NOTES ND BI LS DISC er- WHITNEY'S BLOOK MAIN STREE GREAT RED DURIN lkCTIONS IN EVERY DEP, RTMEN1- "A G0q1D ARTICLE L AYS WADE BROTH AND RS' OHOTOGR PH STUDIO UNT D. VELVET FRAI1#iS AND PHOTO go yle of the art. Englis and F4orsign E cha FAR ERS'SALE OT it. Pa chasexl at Reasonable R tee. ent Oil Collateral Socuri lee. Drafts Issued, p yable at ar at Branc es of the ank of Co mer all DOMINION• Pl4i0S AND ORGA e. A Pine Assortment, at Wholesale Prices clurin next month. ctory in any ME IVIOULDINp Evier slim in SealOrth. Prices Red ced. INTER. 1ST _Allowed on Dep sits oney to -Loan on Mortga PI II s, M nager and Propri tor. In Lairge or Small Sums, able rates of interes NOTES AND APP Or at the 0 Call and see them. WADE BROT S IN STOCK. ADDRESS TO THE ELECT° S. SMITH.—" Good morning,Sones, where are you going to 2" JONES.—" I am going, 40ini ti) M. ROBEILTSON'S Furniture Warerooms to get some lac* farniture, you see mine isf getting played out aed I want to get some first rate nrniture at very loW prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he has the veay beet a d cheapest in the M. ROBERTSON begs to state t4t he has rernoved to the promisee 1 tely oecupied by Mr. johla Kidd, as a Hardware storeond that he is now prepared to furnish ev x-ything in theFurnitnre ling at remarkably low prices. Intending purchasere will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stock before phichaeing elsewhere. Repairing promptly ttended o. Furniture madO MORTAGES . to order on very short notiee. Pictare framing a specialty. All wor griarant ed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and lumber aken. in' exchange. 0 ce of J. H. ensou, Seaforth. 681 SES WAN ED — THE HURON FOUNDRY, EAFORTK Is, as formerly, under his oiwn suph vision, and will be condn.cted wit the gre test care and attenli• Irate. Funerals attended in the coaetry. A'Hearse for hire. Rememb r the p cc. tion. His stock of Caskets, Cortina, Shrouds &ea will be found comp] te, and at the very lowest M. ROBERTS° G. lks BOUGHT • Is no prepared tszii bny any nurlier of GOO SOU D 1-101,SE Wei ghi flrom 1j100 pounds and upward WILL BE AT SHARP'S 'HOT SE ORTH, EVERY DAY. 688 . A. 11101UHT N. TTAVING pat an Engine into the itting Sho p to drive Lathes, Plan es and ri ls, independent or the Plow Grinding and Poi' shing Mac hinery, parties wantingtwork done,can have it at any time, as steam will be up every workiug day. ALL REPAIRS ON ENqINES, MILLS AND OTHER' MACHINE10 Attended to on short notilae On hand and made to order, Horse Pow3rs, El; in Crash era, Stravi Cattsps, Land Rollers, Gang lows, Orate Bars, &c. Plow Castings made to o der from patternd furnished by parties wantin the swine. Plo;v Pointe a specialty, made from Gennine Plow Point Iron; arid ranted hard and tough. Will also it, Grindand Polish Plow Ca stings chea p, as the Engines, oilere, Grist and Flo - Mills, Saw Mills and other Machin ry. Willi make Plans and ' rr shop is fit ed with Grinding Stones nd Emery heels for such work. ill else take Contracts for ' Specifications for Mills, &c. All Orations on Mille or Engines eaten ed to. Will also make -vali nations on all kinds of Machinery. ,, i i J. S. RUNCIM NI P. S.—As Mr. J. 8.1rinneiman 438.13 gone away for the winter, the business Mr. It. Buneiman until his return. ill be carried on byi INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. TS AGENT for Several First -Class Stoek,fire -2- and Life Insttrance Companies, and is vrepar„ ed to take risks on the most favorable teems, Mete Agent for several of the best Usti 80„ Also Agent for the Saba and Purchase of Flail and Village Property. A Number of First -ant improved Fairrus 1,9r Str,14 $50,000 to Loan at Seven pet cost. Agent for the sale of Ocean Eteamettip:Thaak, OFFICE — Over M. Morrition's Stave, Matt Street, Seakixth. 641 at $1 per gallon. FRESH OYSTERS. In Bulk at 85 -cents per quart ; bans la cents, 25 cents, and 80 cents paean. NEW CONFECTIONERY. A Fresh Supply of _New Confectionety Arrived and opeaed out. Will receive in a few days, a large coneigarned of Jellies, Sams, &c., in. Bulk and Glasaes, will be sold cheap. Next Door to Wm. Robertson &Co.'s Hardware Store. 890 E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD ()FMB, TORONTO. President, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAVORTH BRANCH. The Seitforth Branch of this Bank conantiesk receive deposits, en which intdrest istallowedea the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principaltowns and titlark Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office—First door south of the eCommanid - Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, Menem, J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I am determined to -Clear OW my _Entire Stuck of Furniture regard- less of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to mar. tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large discount to those paying enlace. peciallyto newly manied couples. 82. I also keep Rnowiton's Spring Bed, tke best and cheapest in the in.arket ; warranted perfectly noiseless. Warerooms directly opposite M. R. Colanter's Mammoth Sevvelry Store, Main Street, Seafortia East Side. 625 JOHN s. PORTER. CHARLES DUNBAR, LOCK AND GUNSMITH ATANUFACTURER and Inverter of all kinds volvers,Tishing Tackle and Sporting, Gogds in general, wishes to inform the public that lie has oper ed a General Repair Shop in Mr.. Rabertf (Druggist) old stand, oppesite Cardno'S 11111, where he intends to carry on buainess. A kinds of Repairing done in Loeke, Keys, Guns,1 eve', vera, Parasols, Umbrellas. Table Plat , &a._ - and Lawn Blowers sharpened and reilaired. Ekctro Plating done in Gold and Silveri. Old Jewelry made just as good as new. A work entrusted to him will be promptlyattentle to on the shortest notice. 683 CHARLLS DUISTAR, Seater*. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subs crib e r b ege leave to thank lite unmerea -IL customers for the lib eral patrona ge extended* trusts hat he may be favored 'with a continual* of the same. Partiesintereling to buila 'would do eten:to .08 him a willies he will continue to keep on hattd large stotk of al' k inds el Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, - Blinds and Mowldings, 812,i4g -who mayfavourhire with theirpatronage,garion but first-claeeworkmenereereployed. Particular attention paid to Custer° Veld, LOGS WANTED.. A RE Prepared to pay cash for all kinds of -L-41. Good Merchantable Saw Logs, deliveted their Mill Yard. So parties having logs to saw call hal, cut 'withoat -delay, as we are the time. 6E1 Hensel. BROADFOOT 130,2C1 SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. FUNERALS ATTENDED ON Till SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS— ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE,. JOHN WILLIAMS &00 - BANKERS, .3vc.. Bills Discounted. Drafts Issue4. Moneyled on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. 11 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Staler( -2-2 • andCivil Engineer. Orders by mallprnut$ ly attended to. 79 D. $. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. fita the graph in: the Week. it iatt. A strong p• Xingston, On .a few days ag thirteen ho .al ear 'Olds ments, barna hold effeetsi, five hives of h for becoming their regret a that when th the purpose eighty acres that tithe b found they co side they e A young and could ne He had bard', was hithaelf 11•1 few days ag< made him ill -1 begged him V •and then oath deal of sympa as -capable aul oaresr looks —A house farmerat Vita chusettS, was- ing, 3114o having barel night cloth the hose to goods, and the trunk of the ruins. by -the neig hag terribly Wood IN-Eis -children, eig when the hou —Thirty ye Ireland for A! one with her gni successful mr, vested His wife and Nary married moved to Ani. living in a poi By the taiscm to het moving father they lei -each though.l now finds heti Struggle, wort Grateful ; therough 'w-hich govern tion and tuff; plicatiein of -V selected. cocol our breakfasil flavored beve judicious use• up until stroi tie maladies' ready to • many a fatal well fortified properly noth vice Gazette. pathic makers of Ei afternoon use. The blood every person , to eleante a)4 perfectly, ai eenapentid as deed tb.at -else so italiZ blood. a'es perfect Wood! and prCmote1 their power ti and qrAckeni to betla mind! sustained, at' Camping t been I*2.01111i,.. tients,,an .- book on. tl venient to c! when all thl are prOcural4 Red flpraefi, and atireeal this native ) for coritOSI. bottle: 084 .This COR VI OUR ill -deli* forms of {rib ' ascertainab The Peruvi ing 4111util inanity Ma able disea.s A W - For the A and allilis/ stubborn 1 ehitis, Hay side and cli lin in thei diseases of I Ring's Nel hat establil reputationl recommen