HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-04, Page 4• ,e,•1
New Goods—A. G. McDougall & Co.
To Fariners—E. Hickson & Co.
Abstract—Township of Tuckersmith:
Dissolution—Forsythe & Kyle.
Egeriondville Mille—James Kyle.
Yonne, Bull for Sale—D. McNaught.
Farm"for Sale—John M. Davies..
Faem for Sale—Thomas Oliver.
Good Farm for Sale—Alex. Dalgetty.
New Goods—Re Jamieson.
Entertainment --Methodist Church.
Entertainment—Mechanics' Institute.
Music Teachiug—Miss Jones.
Notice—T. E. Hays.
Spring Goods.—Hoffman Brothers.
Dissolution—McIntyre & Willis.
Cut Nails—Wm. Robertsou & Co.
-Auction Sale—Edward McNamar a.
Bran aud Feed—A. W. Ogilvie & Co.
For Dakota and the North-West.
Farm for Sale—R. Broadfoot.
Dominion Parliament.
Our DOthini011 rulers- at Ottawa seem
to have reeovered frora the demoraliza-
tion which eneued after the passage of
the Pacific Railway contract, and when
not attending balls, suppers and other
festive gatheriugs, seem to devotethem-
selves to business with a reasonable
degree of assiduity.- During the past
week good progress has been made with
the suPply, bill, and several measures
of importance have been considered in
committees. It is likely that after all
there will be a measure passed provid-
ing for the extension of boundaries of
Manitoba, but it' is not likely that the
award fixing the bouudaries of Ontario
Will be assented to. All the sick Min-
isters and members aro again to the
fore. Sir John and Mr. Madkenzie
have taken their accustomed seats,
while Sir Charles Tupper is rapidly re-
covering, and is expected to be able to
attend to business in a fewdays. There
is no definite word yet as to when the
session will Close. The Senators, as
usual, are busily engaged doing nothing.
Listening to the delivery of the opening
prayer is about the heaviest portion of
their duties, and for these valuable sere
vices the country has to pay about two
hundred thousand dollars annually.
Thither we a+ Drifting.
If the people of this Dominion care
to know the probable result of the
legislation inaugurated at Ottawa last
week by the passing of the Canadian
Pacific Syndicate Bill, they have only
to read "The Story of a Great Mono-
poly," as told in the last Atlaaitic
Monthly Magazine by Mr. H. D. Lloyd.
It is the history of the Standard Oil
Company and its several aliases, with
the various combinations and con-
spiracies for robbing the people in con-
nection with the great railway monopo-
lists, Vanderbilt, Scott, jewit, &c. The
article itself, though occupying 0301310
sixteen closely printed pages of the
ro.a,gazinesis so pregnant with state-
• ments of astonishiug facts, BO closely
and tersely stated, so fres from reduns
dant language of any kind, that it is, ex-
oeedingly difficult to condense into fit-
ness for our columns, anything like a
clear relatien of the enormous abuses
which this article discloses. We pro-
pose, however, to give our readers a
few of the leading facts. We shall
adopt the plan of briefly stating the
leading facts as they occur in the nar-
rative. -
The railways have grown to sech a
power as to be a kingdom within the
Republic. They rule the Legislatures
of New York, Pennsylvania, ikew Jeri-
sey, Illiuois, and several other States.
They dietate terms to and veto the de-
cisions of all the Courts in these States
and even of the Supreme Court of the
United States itself, The debts of the
railroads in bonds and etoeks amount to
forty-six Iniudred millions of dollars, or
more than double the national debt of
the United States. They tax the peo-
ple to the amount of four hundred and
ninety millions of dollars, or one and a
half times th Whole revenue of the
country. T is enormous. power .is
practically wi lded by four or five men,
who have contrived to get into their
hands the entire management of the
leading roads and, through them, of all
the branch roads . and. connections
- throughout the country. The Standard
Oil Conapan vetoed au act of the
Pennsylvania Legisiature to carry out
the provision of the Constitution of the
State that every one shall have equal
rights on the railroads.
The prices of grain in tie: Western
States were lowered twenty cents a
busb.el by one stroke of Vanderbilt's
pen, last winter, when he, in combina-
tion witla the other three or four rail-
way maguates, raised the cost of trans-
port from Chicago to New York by
thirty eente a hundred pounds. The
remarkable series of railway strikes
which took place in '761and '77 and
convulsed the Union, were eolely due to
the horrible tyranny and abuses of
power by these men and their com-
peers. The feeling of the men is best
told in their own language, as expressed
in the address of the employees of the
Pennsylvania, Railroad to the stock-
holders of that road: "The stockhold-
"ars were reminded that many of the
"railroad's men did not average wages
"of more than seventy-five cents a day.;
"that the influence of the road had been
"used to destroy the business of its best
"customers, the oil producers, for the
"purpose of building up individual in-
"terests. What is the result? The
"traffic has almost disappeared from
"the Pennsylvania Railroad, and in
"piece of $7,000,000 revenue this year,
"although shipments are in excess of
"last year,, your road will receive less
-"than half the amount. This alone
"would have enabled your company to
"pay us enough for a living."
The meaning of this is that the offi-
oials and managers of the railways
being corrupted by bribes of moneyfand
stocks in branches and connections of
the Standard Oil Company, used the
earnings Of the road to pay back re-
bates and allowances to this company,
by which it Was enabled to rush out
all opposition and dictate its own
terms, not only to the producers of oil,
but to the , refiners and consumers
thereof throughout the world_ It was
+melded to pay dividends of a million
dollars a month, while the handkork-
ing employees of the road,were iuxurir
ating with their fenailiee on sev n
cents a day. Is it to be wo e ed alt
that these men struck, and st pp d th
trains, and tore up the t ase s, an
sroashed the locomotives, and burnod
Mao station houses? We think / 01
Mao contrary, the only wondertoe us i
that they stood it so long and so rinietlyi;
and that the telegraph poles al g th
lines did not bear in alternate order e
railway magnate and an oil rin pree
dent "sus per cot," through ut it
leneith. This is surely what' t ;yr are
drifting to. If the people a, ie 4leuied
justice in the courts of th d e if
they find the Mell to whom th g, ardil]g
"of tb.e rights and liberties of eeple
is entrusted, themselves bandin iu fou
conspiracies to defraud and b th
people, the people must and ,w 1 have
justice, and if it is denied tho SS in the
courts and ev_eu in the Oongre s of the
United States, they will take
it n their
own hands, and then will come he day
of grief. Then shall be seen t e wild
great daseger ahead of the lrejsipuybltihce
justice of revenge. This is
Socialism with all its evils'co • 'never
find a foothold in the States i ti were
not for this abominable abuse of Wealth
and power, which is eating to th
very vitals of the .commonweal li. I
order to show our readers one plase of
this railway monopoly busin Se and
how it operates to the detriment of
honest industries, we propose td!
a few leading • facts about oil!
Standard Oil Company has Asp noipal
refineries at Cleveland, Ohio, ab t 150
miles from the oil producing gions.
By means of a corrupt bargain,o agree-
ment with the managers of th rail-
roads, etude oil is carried • ee of
charge for this company to C e land.
There were a large number of e eries
in Pittsbtirg with over two m llt ns of
dollars of capital invested ie 1' them.
These have all been crush°. tit or
driven into combination with t Sten-
dard by means of the freight d , crim-
inations and combinatioes aga n them
and in favor of that compan "The
"contract is in print and was . duced
"in Congress by which the Pep s vania
"Railroad Company agreed h the
"Standard Oil Company, u' I- the
"name of the South Improvem ii. Com-
"pany, to double the freight n il to
"everybody, but to pay the t dard
"one dollar for every barrel jof oil it
"shipped and one dollar for ev arrel
"any of its competitors shippe
Vanderbilt gave ' thee, S tanda, 1 one
concession after another unti they
drove competitors out of the field.
When he was charging other s ppers
$1.40 and ft1.25 a barrel, be ch -P d -the
Standard only 80 cents a bar e , Be-
sides other allowances, he aid the
standard a rebate of 35 cents a !barrel
on all the crude oil shipped by it !Or its
competitors. When the .reducers
constructed an independent pi le
lino of
their own to the Reading Rai SSy, so
as to get access to the sea boa d y an-
other route, Vanderbilt red c et the 1
rates to the Standard to as 1. w, as 10
cents a barrel. For 10 cents ii 4 Van-
derbilt hauled for the' Stan Oil
Company a barrel weighing 39. ounds
four hundred miles, while at ti. e same
time he was charging the fa m rs 45
cents for hauling a can of mil eigh-
ing 90 pounds 60 miles into N Yore
city. The Standard's contro f thp
Erie was not less complete h n its
hold on the New York Centr The
Erie shipped only ten cars f r outl-
siders in a whole year, and ths& were
given in mistake. After p oiaising
cars, of which it had hundred jO le, tis
independent shippers, th es Er e with-
drew them at the dictation # the
Standard. Oise shipper ha [1.0,000
barrels of oil brought down to h side
of the track by pipe line to be p4t int:O
cars promised him by the Er ee The
agentof the Standard appea ed and
stopped the shipment. W e thi
shipper told his story, mouths fttr, t
Mao New York Committee, the o 1 ha
not been shipped, though m a whil
the market price had gone dow ' hirt,
per cent. To such an extent a this
system of corrupt favoritism beCOX-
ried, that to -day, in every part • the
United States, people who bu n kero
sane are paying the Standr. Oi
Company a tax on every gallon ountl-
ing to several times its first c at to
that concern. The price of crud °flat -
the wells or at Cleveland wa , i De-
cember last, about three cents llon.
For oil that the Standard sells a New
York with, a good profit at te nd a
half cents a gallon, they charge le Chi-
cago niu_eteen and three-four hIcents
per gallon, thus charging the p of le of
Mao West.a tax of nine land a quarter
cents a gallon over and above a fair,
legitimate working profit on thi: erticle
of almost universal consumpt on. In
Pennsylvania the tax levied - by the
Standard over and above all le itimate
profits and expenses of th trade
amounts to $2,555,000 on the 11 con-
sumed in that State alone. Weil a any
other people in the world put p with
such a state of things as is
disclosed? And this is the 1
legislation that we are how
upon. -In the franchises given
St. Pani Syndicate we have s
seed of similar irresponsible p
the hands of a few men, and b a
we will reap the fruit.
• Ontario Legislatur
(From Our Speeica Correspo?
The past week has wituesse
• interesting discussions on to
nected with education. When t
for "schools in new and poor to
came up, a reference to the jP
counts brought out the fact th
of the aided schools are in old.,
like Wentworth, Elgin, and We
Whatever the reasons may be fo
schools in these districts, it
certainly be better to ohangel
scription of the item in the
and call it a grant to new
The emoluments and wor
High School inspectors came
Mao annual reference. Seme
• of the Opposition seem to thi
otrasbent upon them to question every
00:h item' of expenditure, and they do it
with that, kind of oracular look which
reisinds one of a crow when he first
'siglits a grain pf corn and is endeavor -
in to come jto a dicisioi about the
propriety of picking it up. 11 these men
wquld once foi all make themselves ac-
quainted iwith,the nature of theinspec-
toes duties they would have less to say
ab ut the emoluents. Fortunately
mth Minister of Education- was not left
al ne to defend gentlemen who are not
in a position to defend themselves.
Se'ijerai other members came to the
reil .ue and took the bold ground that
rneu with the qualifications. of the High
S ool Inspectors are under,lather than
ov§ paid. '
is much to be regretted that Mr.
oks cannot keep his University
till, nod' followers in accord with him at
all, imes.. In the matter oniversity
Cagl ege appointments' they give him a
]]a.t hearted support, a;eid oi the 'Upper
Ca ada College question th4y broke out,
both lett year •and'this year, into open,
defiant revolt. In colnsecinencei of op-
poitio from his own Side o
Me Crooks hall net only abi.
ideL of expending au' men
ire rovement of the Colleg
1) 11
has nnounced his i
ing d wn the Prineipal'
I u tr. ents—aboe t $4,500
ecting the work done t
r t e Education Depar
nelfally reorganizing t
iti n of the institution
haheing its usefuiness.
• e Means of staving off
of the College fora fe
[pon is sealed. The fee
continuance is very str
Mao Bouse,
doried all
33, on the
ention of
exorbi tan t
ment, and
o internal
th a view
This may
he aboli-
years, but
ug against
g all over
the provin,cewill get
, and stronger as
the High Schools become more influ-
ential in their respective localities. The
mo tr ublesome question' is what to
do i( ) w th the old buildings on the
pre ut valuable site, and (2) with the
eridi thont, which, with the site,
a midi i to about $420,009. It is not
Iike1 hat this sum will be divided
am0 gst, the High Schools, but it is
do0 tfal whether it can be diverbed to
thdd rOvincial University. rj0 will
wor} in favor of the latter proposition,
for ory year the financial necessities
of University . College aie growing
merle I urgent, and will at: the
sarne Milne depi-eciate the value of the
Upeer Canada College buildings.
Ie the . course of the debate on the
Eddication Estimates; referenco vas
e t dgins and
Mao Public
few years
h over and
•rief testi-
efore 'the
O ' proved
aboee t
con 'naively that his uSefulness is gone,
and if Mr. Crooks retains him an the
pub ic service he must be prepared to
take the co sequences. In some
mySterieus w y the ; inquiry started
in the ,'Public Accounts ommittee
was this, year completely b rked. It
was evident fro the tone an. questions
h, while Dr May was
ion, that he wess anxi-
owp as easily as possi-
act that the Ibpiposition
ously • absented , them-
e' Committe evidently
rea,son thanto I pre-
ation from going on.
end the
st e re-
tcl o it.
rk of
o as
ill be :
Mao fact that Dr.
ay had drawn from
ury during the 'past
thousande of dollars e
eir salaries. The
y iven by Dr. May
ic iA_ccounts Conamit
Mr. Meredi
✓ exanaina
to let him
ble, lead it is a
merhbers stud
selies frorr t
for no ot
vent the in,
If tkey thin
t is is going t
matter they will find them
taksina, for there( is a state
eaboltit the depo itory that m
d if it tak. s ten years
tier Mr. Crooks finished
ding his University bill.
twol mportant 'changes , in Conn
with Convocation, but dbes tiot
far ejS the graduates wished, and
lookT upon as nothing mor than a
modll um of relAef from diffic Meal. The
first change is the , putting bf all the
facia' ties on an rquality in espdct of
mernbership in convocation bachelors
of aiits being now members iimo' facto as i
well as bachelors of law and medicine.
The, eecond change is one relating to
the Mode of co ducting elections to the ,
Sena e. Herod er every can date must
minated in writing by seri mem-
berseand his nwwo will be ent Out to
each !voter With the 'Voting paper. This
will effectually, it is hopedhreak up
the Olique business in University slec-
tionC and deep n and widen the inter-
est felt in University mattors by the
geadaiates. The last educational topic
Ilpre ose to not ce, is the school bill,
liich is also boyoud the chance of
c ad e. Part of it, is designed to ren-
d r itiore effective the compulsory pro-
visions of the school law, and these
clauses were .accepted by Mao House
with the inevitable • oracular and depre-
catory remarks from Mr. Lauder. . Not
se tl::e proposal to i prevent any more
High Schools from becornin Coll giate
Institutes ahoy the expiration of the
curr t year. The , oppesitio to this
of his bill was so. stroll th t Mr.
Ore s was constrained to subs itute
ii..aiit er, authorizing the D par ment
to de, ermine whenla High chool was
fit toe ass over into the charmed $750
circle, This was not acceptable to the
Houee either, and eventually the Mat-
ter se s left as it is , in the SOlool Act
nove,i, : nd a promise was given that dur-
ing tl e year it would receive the Min-
i er ,t earnest attention with a view to
d13vi a remedy.
Tliti, great topic of . discus
e eitlek has been th.e Sault
011 iters of the Ontario P
pil . ailway have rfallen o
unit of the Gra,nd ITrunk h
taken into into the scheme' and
are pqr
he le
O li
be n
s of th
tering ipr
o • th iti
h th ee
er iii
d by
ver4. bf?
con• reut.11:,1
btl miaAPnscy'-' 1 S
o nties
an de:
nd'poorr di
f the
k tb ei nr s- -17411
s a
t, o
•ria and orthwe tern Rai
moting a rival chisrter t Ot
d coMpa y, as recons .uct
dition of five directors epr
OntarioGoveAnne , wi
day get a chatter rom
and will probably a so
f 12,850 a mule. fro G
o the ,Seelt Ste. Marie, dis
Miles.' This with Gr nd
g isecure the buildi g o
ne, even if ell the eais
or at Ottawa ire ref ed.
oat impo taut topic th
aid. The G-overnrri nt
caucus todayl whic the
s fully discussed, land he
actio in proposing o as
rd and run, the Ge gia
tillingteu, and the Erie and
isads— 11 partially co ple
e • stain d. Mere were, .fc.
ents, and no doubt me
inst the measure in t e 11
g plea was put in for the Tor-
ey and Bruce; but the feeling
Dist admitting it onany other
three named._ • Thie is probably
1 ;
• Mao
d by
sent -
1 un -
et a
t of
• arty
Gov- •
• the
1 •
:the last aid that will ever be giv n from
'the Provincial Treasury to jrtllilway
achemes, excepe, perhaps, for c ionize-
, .
time purposes. , 1
It is expected the Legislaturl will be
prorogued on Saturday.
News of the NG eek
THE NEw PnEsIDENT.—Gen, arfield
left his home at Mentor, Chin, n Mon-
day for Washin ton, to take up his new
uties at the W ite House. i
Orphanage at ,Hyde Park, P
burned on Su day night. •p
children have •been taken ou
The bui ding w s occupied by he Sis-
ters ofharity.
PEACE MEDI mail -England,
and Italy have espohded to P
quest for their mediation in' the war
with Chili, upo1 the Conditien that the
atter, State ag ees thereto. Germany
declined to hate fere. I
ru's re,
fire broke ou in the State' House at
St. 'Paul, on Tuesday night. Both
Houses were in session at the time, but
y the aid of 1 dderS the me • hers all
escaped, some sightly singed. r he loss
ton the building is $1001000.
IRISH LAWL SS/IESS.—Hearn , land
gent to the le e Lord Momu morris'
lotheri has beee fatally shot at Bailin-
obe. A band f armed men i Kerry
ounty went to many of the iarmors'
ouses, oompelI ing the occii iers to
wear to pay no rents higher th n. Grif-
th's valuation.
ails, Dakota, fuel famine is prevail -
ng. Telegraph poles are cut own for
Luel. The publ c schools have closed,
d business i generally - !suspended,
Owin,g te the dr fts no trains were run-
ning. People a e burning corn.- Part
of the railway t ack has been t ken up
rand ties burned.
Roue MARR AGE.—Prince Williazn,
dest son of th Crown Prince dIF Pres -
isia, and grand on of Queen Victoria,
as beenlmarrie to Princess Augusts
ictoria, da,ught r of the Gra d Duke
f Schleewig-Ho stein, and pres mptive
napress of G rrnany. The rince of
ales arid the Puke of Edinbur h were
resent at the c remony. ,
I a,
EST.—TVe sev rest storm of the sea -
on occurred in some of the Wostern
tates on Sund and Monday. j Trains
n all railroads centering in hicago
nd Milwaukee were suspen ed: A
entlems.n from Clinton, Iowa, iaid the
ain passed s me sections of the
Prairies where he little farm houses
were almost h lf submerged by the
water, and, that miles of he !railway
rack were covered.
ladstone, on al ghting from his car-
iage on his retu n from the H use of
ommonS one n ght last week, slipped
nd fell backwa ds, cutting the back of
is head several on the iron step of the
arriage. Later reports say the 'Honor-
able Premier as almost completely
recovered from t e effects of the acci-
dent. He was a le to dine with the
Queen at Win sor on Monday night,
and was present in the House on Wed-
Sounr .11.Earc .—The British have
Suffered agother disastrous defeat from
the Boors. 1 On Sunday morning Gen.
Colley wa.s attac ed by the enemy, and
driven froth his position with fearful
loss. General Colley himself was killed,,
and only 100 Betish out of his force of
627 men are sai to have escaped. The
defeat on the Sp tzkop seems to have
been due to the General'over estima-
ion of the etren :th of his position, and
ot to the want of ammunitiOni as was
first reported. General Roberts has
been appointed t • succeed General' Col-
ley, Sir Evelyn' 'ood meanwhile aeting
as commander.
Presbyt ry of Huron.
To the Editor of he Iluron Expokitor.
• DEAR SIR: I netice by your lest issue
that Mr. McLea is quite furious over
my article conta ned in your issue of
February 19th, a d in his reply indulges
in language that is certainly most un -
'becoming to a hristian gentleman, to
,Say nothing of a inister of the Gospel,
nd he certainly fails to practise that
Christian spirit hich he would have
Others cherish al d practise, when he
loudly declaims = garnet appealing to the
public press, and] at the same time fol-
lows precisely t e same course himself.
Not that I would
deny Mr. McLea
of replying to m
ing himself in
through the pr
Lean's conduct i
terving of the see
ttempts to dest
haracter and u
Mao most contem
able manner.
• for a moment wish to
n the rightful privilege
• article, or of !defend -
n honorable anuer
ss, but where 1 r. Mc -
this respect is de-
erest censure, i in his
oy a brother mi ister's
efulness, and het in
tible and unvarrant-
ut here let me emark
is attempts mtuet most signally fail,
nd serve °Lily to show the bitter feeling,
if not open hatred, he cherishes towards
Mr. Hartley, and, while Mr. McLean is
forced openly to edmit that thq report
of the committee appointed y the
'designedly omitted by
Lis defence thet said
, through design of the
used. a place on their.re-
adds that therefore the
ot a part of the minutes
and then goes on to de -
Clerk is left entirely to
ion as to how moch and
ie Minutes be shall give
Now, Mr. Editor, let me
oment to consider Mr.
ments, in the t o last
alluded to, and in the
()hid notice his r marks
report of the committee,
ted a
to me,
d bonorable a lpody as
should appoint •al com-
their number, arid after
r finding or resolutions,
the same to be sent to
rested, and yet keep no
me themselves, aid now
econd place to th
's article where he
liege of .giving an
e publie what h
Presbytery wa
.him, he adds i
report was als
Presbytery, re
iord, and. the
aid report is
f Presbytery,
clam that the
his own discre
What part of t
Ito the public.
atm for, a
cLean's stet
• alters I,hav
rst place I
oncerning th
hich he decl
lace on their
d no part of t
ow, Mr. Edi
• hat strange
hat so wise a
he Presbyter
ittee oui of
oto adopt the
eider copies of
t, e parties int
cord of the s
°lame in' the
f Mr. McLea
e has the pri
olding from t
isdom,.I suposesees fit and
res was not gra
ecerds, and henc
e minutes of Pres
or, it does seem
nd unaccountable
t part
in his
ere I ana for ed to say this is too
• nch of e priv lege to be clalened by
tiy one Man, mtauoh more to be granted
,any one man, and especially to a
in of Mr.
osition, and I
le if the end
cLean's nature and die -
think it very 'serration -
of justice are to be
always furthered by stioh a privilege,
being granted. ,Of conrse 1 advance
this as my Own opinibn, and leave your
numerous readers to form theirs. But
I must now pass on t� notice, and that
briefly (for I 4eaf I a , already tree,
pasising on ybur valuable space), that
Part of Mr. cLean s arti1e where he
charges, in an, indirect and nwa•rrant-
t •
able manner, Mr. Hartley, er the elder
or session of Rodgerville with being th
"justiee." Now, a,v
abettors or writers of the article
hcle signe
Lover of
Mr. McLean clearly undetstand tha
Mr. Hartley Or the session Of Rodger-
ville had. nothing to do with the article
referred to, and that. his suspicious na
ture has completely rni1ec1 him, and
can also assure him thy'sawthe article
for the first time when it appeared in
public print, and, the afore, cannot be
charged with it; and .0 id somewhat
amusing to notice ho» Mr. McLean en-
deavors to strengthen is sespicions, by
declaring that up to d he had only
mailed twq copies of the report, an
those to Mr. Hartley's address, one be-
ing intended for himse f end one for thit
session of Rodg,ervill , and by this in -
fere that Mr. Hartley nd the sessioo
would alone know of t e 'report. Nov
is it possible that Mr. McLean is a*
ignorant of the nature f that report a
he would leadus to be ieveeer is ignor
mice assumed for ' ce bin reasons be
known to himself? oes Mr. McLea
not know (I eve him he full benefit o
the doubt) that saider pert is uurnis
takably intended for tho congregations o
Rodgerville and Exeter, any perso
can see by reading it, and I would als
inform Mr. McLean that said repor
was publicly read at the laian' al meet
ing of the Rodgervillel cougregatiou o
Monday,„the 7th day of 'February, an
I am informed also tliati Mem ers of th
congregation not being resent at paid
annual meeting, and ishing to read
said report, were ,afforded an oppor-
tunity of doing BO, and pia read it as
well as myself. SO yod see, Mr. Editor,
Mao report was not of the private nest
ture Mr. McLean wouiI lead your rad -I
ers to sup ose. Mr. cLean is par-
ticularly in ignant at t stit peat of m
article where he says i4 is ch4rged with
Seaforth. The and is don
ay, and
the farms are go d buildings and r-
My two sons, William and Ro rt,
live near-Marlett 'liege which is ne
s large as North Brandi. This ads is
splendid sect on' of country. y
boys have good f rms and all paid or,
and each one has a good team and i
?dements to work with, and all his oWn.
The railroad. rim in' sight of Williana's
and they can see he cars passing every
day. I live wit. my two youniOst
eons, Malcolm a • d. John. They have
each a good spa a a horses. We have.
35 acres cleared, •Ind intend to clear120
more next summ r. We have 20 acres
of fall_ wheat so n. I think the freest
has hurt the fall wheat, but the old Pe•
habitants say n�. rThey tell me t ey
never experience. such hard frost h re
nor such deep an. long continued sqw
in this part of Mi higan. as this wint
but I thought the winter much mil ier
and more please • t than winters in n
tario. I think ny youkig man w th
small means co id do a great deal
better here than n Canada. There is
lots of wild Ian. to get • yet. Somesis
burned land an. some is hardwoba
bush, green. It .anbe bought for from
e, and five or seven
$3 to $5 per ac
years to pay for it with interest at? per
•'r cent., and we' h ve no Syndicate con
§ tracts nor John .'s to contendswith.
n. Nearly all the p ople who are settled
f around here are f
s• all seem content
1 they may be. W
re all winter. Plent
0 and. teams at goo
t Men get froln $2
om Canada, and they
d and happy, as well
have good times here
of work for men
wages paid in cash.
to 125 per M01101,
4 and teams from $ 50 to .$3 per day amid
rt board. I do not emember of anything
M.Aietr 4, 1881
, amnia
terrace. He intends shortly buil
a residence upon it. This is one of the
prettiest sites for building purposes he
the town.
Srcx.--Mr: D. Jenkins, baker, whiJ
on a visit to his son-in-law in Harristen,
took suddenly and dangerously in. 151
Sloan was telegraphed for, and hurriedly
took his departure for Ilarristota Mt
Jenkins died on Thursday morning, and
Iris remains reached Blyth in the aft.se.
noon. The deceased was highly ea.
spected, and his sadden death is inueh
regretted by our citizens generally.
ACCIDENT. — While the mixed train
from the north- on the Londen„ nom
and Bruce, the other day, was 'passing
over the railway bridge in town, a ivalle.
able Newfoundland dog belonging ee
Mr. Thos. BaWde was struck by the
engine and install ly killed. It appears
the animal took stroll up the track;
and while on the bridge fell through
the cross -pieces, and was unable te
escape. Mr. Bawden had refused 1$0
for the animal.
• Wingham.
SUDDEN DEATEL—Mrs. George Greses
'died very unexpectedly, on Tuesdey
morning. Calm, said to be he• sie
CHURCH BURREAD.-011 Tuesday morit-
ing the Presbyterian Church, here, was
totally destroyed_ by the. No cense is
known. The persons last seen amend
Mao church were two men, sent to re.
pair one of the chimneys. Insured in
the Victoria Mutual fire inaupance com-
pany, of Hamilton, for $1,000. The
loss will be about three tirnes that
an exodus will
from Winghameduring the COM-
E VING.—gaite du
ing spring and eunimer, for the North-
west and the 'Western States. Me,
Thomas Nicol, son of Mr. E. Nicol,
grain buyer, of this place, left on Men- -
• day. His father intends to follow ewe.
Mr. James Thorn will sell his goods, dice,
Friday. He intends to settle in Dakota.
reporting every httle trivial Matter tha
might appear in any way aet "mental to
Mr. Hartley, and allowing, my languag
to be rather seivere, yet I I maintain he
does not by his willingness aed evident
pleasure, as evinced in the Manner he,
has attacked MrHartley With all the
little ill-natured things lie could possibly
bring to light or to; bear against him,
give me much ground or
change ray opinion, but on
trary, furnish me jwitthe
evidence that he entert ins t
verse of a Christian s irit to
Hartley, who, I ana onvin
treated him' in other th nj a courteous;
and Christian manner and here assert}
that charges made I against Mr. Hartley}
have appeared in the resorts f Presby-
tery, and that when Mr. artley,ha*
refuted these Charges a notic.e of thel
same, in the report of Presbytery, was
not deemed necessary Ir given. Now,
what I contend for, :nd think only
right, is that where a c arge is made
and disproven the repor of same should
inviariably be given, in •rder that wide
as the charge was math known, so wide
might the vindication e made known.
And in conclusion, i r. Editor, allow
me to remark that Mr. McLean's little
dog story is all lost, in- .roucla as it does
not apply, for Mr. Ha tley and hisao-
termed party have all along been acting
the part of defendants notassailants,
as is well known throu Neut. the con-
gregation, and so I trust if Mr. McLean
sees fit to favor us with anot.her little
dog story, it will be about some kind
and faithful one, and n t about fighting
ing dogs. And o ce na re, Mr. Editor,
dogs, as I ate no sport nd dielike fight -
apologizing for thb length of ny article,
I would beg per issiobefe e closing,;
to briefly state y reason fr writing
my former letter, and it is 'this: As
you and many of your readees are no
doubt aware, Mr. Haiti y's 'ease has for
sometime past engaged the attention of
the Presbytery, and has also been the
matter of some little di cussi n among
the people, and, althoug a I Lri happy
to state that the Rodge vine congrega-
tion and pastor are get ing On nicely,
yet many of Your read:rs, a.0 well as
myself, thought it strap e that nothing
of the final Settleinent oi Mr) Hartley's
case was gisenl in the last i report of
Presbytery, and it was soleifor the
purpose of finding out t le reason of the
omission that I wrote ily ti, st letter,
and not, through eny sp rit ' f malice. ,
Thankipg you for your very valuable
, space, I BID, yours i
' Lc& It OP JuST1cE.
1 ,
[En. NoTE.--Sivice thc abo e 'wal in type, we,
have received a letter irom Re . Ilirt Hartley on
the saroe subject, *high we a e forced for lack of
, rnom to leave over until next •Teellz.i J ,
se I
An Ex-IVIOITillop boui
; cllor
Heard Fr
else of interest t
wishing all my o
and especially in
prosperity, lam,
say just now, brit
d. friends in Huron,
cKillop, health and
ours truly,
J•Wm. Bnea.
F. 25, '8L
Mar et Fees.
The following a e the clauses of the
Bill- introduced by the Provincial
Treasurer into th: Local Legislature for
the -regulation of o arket fees and to Is
council shall have
t on -highways:
1. .No mumcip
reason to
the con -
10 very re-
wards Mr.,
ced, never
power to compel ersons selling farm
pageluce of any • escription, or other
articles Within he municipality, to
ofer their produc for sale at anyi mar-
ket established wi hin the municipality,
or to otherwise r strict the place or
places at which sa, es may be made, So
long ELB market fee,: are charged for the
•use of the establis «ed market -or mar-
kets, nor shall an such council haVe
power to impose earket foe i on persons
who do not make • se of the established
market or market But market fees
may be imposed s heretofore on all
persons actually u ing any such market
for the purpose selling farm pro-
duce and other ar icles thereat.
2. The council icif any municipality
having an ()stab'. hed market which
rket fees on any per-
using the market,
regulate the place
'leg farm produce Of
d all other articles,
he sale before
oon, of such produce
elsewhere than art
ein contained shall
ipal council imposing
as heretofore, the
nicipality, of farm
scription and •other
neas tolls are cola
the authority of a
ip council on the
unty or countie
unieipality for a dis-
I does not impose m
son resorting to a
may as heretofore
: and manner of sel
• any description, a
• and may prohibit
,! o'clock in the fore
, and other article
Mao established m
3. Nothing he
; prevent any muni
fees or regulating,
sale withm the m
• produce of every d
• articles, if and so 1
leeted by or under
county or towns
roads of any c
• adjacent to such
tance of — mile
DEAR ExrosrToR,—T1iinkig a few
lines from your old frie d' might be of
interest to mamy of your eaders in
McKillop and elgewher ia e county
of Huron, I new, occup a w spare
moments in telling you nil t em how
a loyal British subject njoye himself
under the Star Spangle Ba ner. As
you,are aware I am loc ted in Michi-
gan. We have had a plendid winter
for lumbering. The deepest snow we
had,was 18 inches, but it made splen-
did sleighing, but: the .uti is now get-
ting strong and there arr indications of
its giving out. • 'At th North Branch
Saw Mills, that is our village, the yards
are filled with saw log:—six or seven
logs deep, and the yards are v ry large.
The logs are principally pine ash and
oak. We put in logs e ougij to make
fifty or sixty thousand f et o lumber,
sold twenty thOusand i logs at 15 per
tho-usand to be deliver di onthe river,
which is within a mile and a half of
our place. The logs we sold 1were all
pine. We had: plenty o "doWn pine"
on our farm to pay: all that the 'land
cost us. We are in a cl ared up part of
the country,. We can see the North
Branch village from our Iplace which is
two and a qearter mile distrante The
village has two churche , One aw mill,
a planing mill and furni ure feetory and
shingle mill; two grist mills and one
foundry, also six dry g ods Stores, six
groceries, two hardware stor , a post
office, bank, three • m 11inerj shops,
seven blacksmith shop , two carriage
shops, two, harness s op, Iwo shoe
shops, two jewelry shop , two furniture
stores, three drug store , four doctors,
two limbs of the law, two hOtels, two
liquor stores, and BO on. It is situated
17 miles from La,Peer;the county seat,
and. is surrounded by a beautiful cleared
country just as , good as that around
MARKETB.—Red winter wheat $1 tio
$1.02, white winter wheat $1 to $1.04,
oats 33c to 34c.
TEIE SPRING 8 w.—Brucefield h
aaain secured the pring
show Tor ent•
•sEock:for the Sout Riding of Huro
B, all appearance a large turn -out f
st ck, principally horses, is expectec...
T e show is to b.e held on Tuesday,
April 19th.
Man by the nam; of George Bacon
brakesman On the 12:35 freight goin
south, had a very narrow escape a
this station on • uesday. He wa
coupling a lumber ar and the lumbe
projecting over the end caught him b
tween the ends an a box car giving hi
a very had. squeez:. Parties loadin
lumber in such a la antler cannot be toi
severely censured f r thus eudangerin
Mao lives of the bra -esmen' and other
TEA MEETING.— tea meeting wil
b held in the Met odist Church in thi.13
p ace on Tuesday evening next, when
a dresses will be • elivered by Revd.
Jr. Williams, D. De Goderich, D. 8,-
S therland, B. D , Clinton, Thomas
Cobb, Seaforth, a
B ucefield. There
in attendance and
6 'clock. The co
m fled to spare no
m eting a great .su
Mao church will be
of Stanley, near B
otheavy draught
one sired by "Lor
other by "Honest
can buyer for the s
Stewart also sold
other buyer for $17
theee years old and.
Piire." All these
b Mr. Stewart hi
gr tulate him on t
he has made out of
d Mr. Thomson„
will be a good choie
ea will be served at
mittee are deter.:
ains to • make thiS
Gess, and we hope'
• rowded..
r. William Stewart;
cefield., gold a span
iates five i years olds
Haddevi" and the'
Beady," te an Ameri-i
of 000. Mr.i
nother .naare to an-
:. This 1 mare was
WWI sired by "Simon
orses were raised -
self, anti we eon -
e respeetable pile
• Removere—Mr. . J. Senior, photo- ,
graph artist, has oved his busirtess
from his late site i Mrs. Foy's gallery,
and is now away u, town, and next door
to pMaoEA sp To silt Ac RAc Re.
OT BUGGY.—Messrs.
McKinnon • & Mc 4 Tan, grain buyers,
have bought a carl ad of seed peas, free
from bugs, which t ey,are disposing of
to farmers in this • icinity. 1 The peas
came from Paisley, coinaty of Bruce.
LECTURE.—Itev. M. Milligan, of
Toronto, delivered a lecture in the
Presbyterian Chur h ri
ett1e,d Owing
to the bntedadwMane. ishi!?,in
ath r, not very many
came out, but those who did went away
with their full mon ;y's worth.
PURCHABED.—Mt. .H.Young,of Gray,
Young ea Sperling, has purchased from
Mr. Joseph Combs 'aif an acre of land
fronting Dinsley treet, and situated
directly opposite r. Carter's brick
Huron Notes.
Mr. Isaiah Hall, one of the pioneer
residents of the township of Grey lett
last week with his family for Manitoba.
—Mr. Robert Torrance, of Mcllillop
fell from a load of hay lestweek and
dislocated his elbow,. He is recovering.
—The Dominion Government have
appropriated $1,000 for improvements
on Port Albert Harbor. This won't go a
great ways. •
—Mr. John Kippen has sold his
house and 10t it BrU0380318 to his brother
Duncan, of North Easthope, for the
sum of 1800.
—Mr. W. J. Chapman, of Goderich,
has purchased the tannery lately owned
by Mr. Mason, in Wingham, and will
likely become a citizen of that town.
—gr. John .Stinson has sold his
farm on the 13th concession of 1,1*
borne to Mr. Archibald McCurdy, ter
the sum of 16,600. The farm contsins
100 acres.
—Mr. Francis' Sheppard _is about to
renaove from Hoveick to a farm near
Palmerston, an.d the place he leaves
will 'be at orce oacupied by Mr. George
Mitchell, from near Grienallan.
—Dr. Wild, of Bond Street Church,
Toronto, has written to the Direetors of
the Exeter Mechanics' Institute stating
that owing to a multiplicity of engage-
ments it will be impossible for in to
lecture for them this season.
—A young man named James Wil-
liam Cummings, of the township of
Colborne, was committed to Goderich
gaol last week as a dangerous lunatie-
He will be removed to one of the asya
hams as soon as a vacancy Occurs.
--The residence of Robert Conn, a
farmer near Bluevale, was completely
destroyed by fire last Saturday night,
with all its contents. No insurance on
the latter. The origin of the fite is
supposed to be a defective chimney.
—There are now four stores in the
thriving village of Ethel and one at
Etkel station, besides one of the largest
and best saw mills in the county, Be
that the people in that section
are pretty well supplied with vile
la.ge conveniences.
' —Mr. James Braithwaite, who hail
been Clerk of the township of Irullett
for about fifteen years, has never yet
missed attending a Council meeting
during that time. •ne is one of the most
careful, punctual and painstaking
Clerks in the Dominion.
—A couple ofyoung men in the vis
cinity of Bluevale, named J. Ilughee
and A. Ma.cgee, liSt week felled, cuts
split -and piled 7. cords of hard wood ire
7 hours and 40 minutes, on the farm or
Mr. James Caisemore. The cutting was
done with a lance -tooth saw.
--Mr. John Jackson, a deaf met;
who lives on the 9th concession, Howe
ick, had the misfortune, while cutting
wood on Mr. Brown's farm on Teiesday
last, to oat his foot nI a very seem*
manner. He will probably be laid up
for the rest of the winter by the aecia
—Mr. Thomas Greenwa,y was before
the Immigration Committee at Ottawa;
last week. He said that last year he
took 1,000 persons from the county of
Huron, about 25 per cent. of *hone
-went to the United. States, in addition
to several parties organized by persons,
for Dakota direct.
—The genial Clerk of the Pea ca and
County Crown Attorney, Mr. Ira Lewis,
has recently met with a serious Leas.
favorite Thomas cat, presented hiirt by
Mr. Wade, Sr., and named Sir Daniel
Tucker, committed suicide,. A in-
quest was not deemed necessary, but
Ira wears crape on his right arm all the.
—Messrs. Lawson, Acheson anti Me-
gaw, of G-oclerich, have purchase di the
schooner Elgin from parties in iPort
Colborne for the sum of $12,000i. The
Elgin is full canal size, and will ear/7
20,000 bushels. She is to replace the
schoGner Two Friends, lost on IAake I
Michigan last fall.
Denby, of the township' of
East Wawanosh, brother of Rev_ 1Mr.
Danby, of Varna, has sold his farm of
100 acres to Mr. W. Stackhouse, for
the sum .of 14,500, and has bought lthe ,
100 acre farm of Mr. Redmond, on the
Babylon Line, Stanley, for 415000
owfhAiephrite takes possession eateon theist
—A gentleman from Port Albert,' in
Mao township of Ashfield, 'relates the
following curious incident: On Sunday
evening a ewe belonging to Mr. Vim
gave birth to two lambs. On Monday
morning, finding one of them suffei!thg
from the cold, he took it into the house
to warm it by the fire. A few days he -
fore a terrier bitch belonging to him
had a litter of pups, which had all been
drowned. The lamb was placed near
the bitch
looking a
ing the la
-quite con
--On Si
out in the
had been
feet of th
the Prom
the Ore
week say
--“is Out w
"get out
wish ou
there wer
county a
it aieuld
a o1dtoM
Exeter, n,
old stall
cock," for
mall • was
Hunter is
thi e one,
Will not el
week, Mr.
with a se
Mao Gran
He was r
and eutte
traOle a fr
may 'pro
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wiul ho
next birt
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=dress w
been lar
the! wow,
itt the to
night of
an od se
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aiad reti
741, an
-the mor
bee* h
is4t a a
We fact
-wound -
into the
to awell
able, sig
a0wo 0
the top
.is! etip
ner, o
but hie
Leek o
of Wi
12:10EIS 0
sit up,
Which -
the ft
test foi
log, an,
not yet
Mac Ph
the ch
bet tw
throw throw
tut in
in a
but w
!and r
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ter fr
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