HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-03-04, Page 3881. [INES I so -Class zACTIJR• i MIES. t Mowers,' whine Re- tachments, the County LOHINE le First Prize Seaforth Eder Howe, any Machine A8.0/1,ines exehange as Find maehines teed. S 0 N 11TH. 0nres:te tee t— LACK, • ERSi ehe Toole and on. by the Gen_ -Company, and eight years in ry on the trade 'eeeive prompt nteed. rePaired, also a, ;tee at me - les repaired on that defy cone - JACK, GOderiCks FARM. Illation, at the 4 SATURDAY, M., that- Val - 'ion 2, nullett, Munn, lioad,4 teaforth. The F. less, with SG cider grass and and 6 acres of welt fenced. pied and 200 lard of grafted ; hard and soft. eia and a good end vroodshed. ;i1x46 with good r 20x80, a good shed and other er cent. of the Dr and the bid- :- the parties. LE, Proprietor. • 685- U M. his numerous Altera) for their ;a 7 years, and se attention to and. trade ba- rged hie prem. - prepared toepay H PRICE Eggs, delivered XORTEL US of good, dry WILSON FACTORY ERER Make to Order, riagea, Rug - r artiolein their :heir own bud- artiele both as work cannot be liahrttenta. to. Give tre a - ,n satisfy you as public, having er 12 years. HABEREli. FIREI LDER who oo kindly etograph Plante kg' of Thursdey, s many friends has S BLOCK sere he will be f all who may ethy in all its r.11,. Sceforth. 0 _ 1?GAN Music in all and Harmony k,uglit to write eerupeeere to ireful attention most approv- re and develop - without extra eetiee ; chargee go Street, first 67a NE. 'EAMERS Sail W YORK and F,ad LONDON auderry, Ghea- ares as low se tied to persona if Anchor Line fence and cora. • Ltftice , Sea forth iEVfrT ranches; Sign ger, &e. hite- n • next door to: La D. Itose'll 8,33 • • MARCH 4, 1881. THE HURON EXPOS TOR. • 4 ; 1 i O'er the Tiflis 0Argyle. 1861d, whams. Iaddie o'ten as I gaed o'er the hillso' Argyle, 'Tb er way is sae rocky and step, l am weary this - emu a mile; • east leave me, and gang on yorirsele the road rm no likely to miss," Then my feyther stooped down 'wi' a laugh, and gien me a tender bit kiss. "Why, Dc nald,"he said, "bo a man, and keep mind • o' the words that I say, A. strong, stout heart and a sturdy step gang o'er the steepest brae.". "It isna the steepnessrI said, "but the wafis sae wearifur tang." "Tat! tut! if your heart gies the order, your body wit just hae to gang. Think, Donald, o' wither and hame, and dinna give up for year life; Step out to the sang you like best—liere's to the bonnets 0' Fife r, Sing, lad though you sing through your tears, and A strong, stout heart sud a sturdy step win o'er the lax gest way. Then I s'dd to my heart, "Gee the order." Sing- ing, I ;walked or I ran ; My feyther stepped, laughing beside me, and called nu "his bonnie brave man," And sae, ere the storm clouds had gathered, we - were safe at our ain fireside, And feyther sat watching the snaw-drifts, Wine culdled close to his side. "Donald " he said,, "my dear laddie, no matter Lerever you stray, Keep miad—a strong heart and a eturdy step game o'er the steepest brae," Now far from the beanie Scotch. Highlands, I've te yelled full many- a mite. Yet always, in trouble or sorrow, I think o' the hils o' Argyle, Say, 'Hart, gie the order for marching !" strike up the old "Bonnets o' Fife," And then I set dontifeind bravely my fae,e to the mountains o' life, For the thought o' my feyther is wi' me ; and "Donald," I her him say, "Keep inind—a strong heart and sturdy step gang o'er the steepest brae." —Harper's Young People. keep mind o' the words that I say, • Gaieties. "I can't go to Europe," a lady. is reported to have said ; ,,r am reading 45 continuedstories, and. my limited means would not let me pay the passage." -f ! —"I have nothing bat my hea t to give you," said a spinster to a la yer who had concluded a suit for 1 her. 'Well," said the lawyer,grufily, "go to my clerk; he takes the fees' —A schoolmaster thus describes. a money lender. "He serves yon, in the present tense, he lends in the con- ditional mood, keeps yon in the subjec- tive, and ruins you in the future." —A yoring lady recently presented her lover with an elaborately construct- ed pen -wiper, and. was astonished the following Sunday to see him come into church' wearing it as a cravat. • —An honest Hibernian, in recom- mending a cow, said she would give milk year after year without having calves. "Because," said he, "it runs in • the breed never;i for she same of had a calf." •—A witness on entering a Testament presented declined to be sworn. Bei reasons for refusing, he nal "1'11 tell a lie wi'''-. ony mo but I'll uottwear to it," —WheniDr. B. and law finding that the slate was not hung up, his announcement took the followin shape: "Let as sing to the pr&ise an glory-- I say, why doan't 'ee hang out the slate ?" During the singing the congregation in the nave turned their backs upon the clergyman an looked toward the singing gaineer • w e the rmers parish 'clerk and his fellow petf were ensconced. In' a. Yorkshire village church early in this century the 'nstru- ments in the singing -gallery w re the violin, violoncello, clarionet, serpent, and bassoon, and when the ol lergy- man wished for the "Old Him d" to be sung, -he called out to h*s clerk, "Straaok up a bit, Jock I stra k up a bit ?" Of this same Yorkshire I ir it is related that on the occasion of te first missionary meeting, when th ongre- gation were waiting in the ohu eh -yard, the old -Vicar said to his cler ,"Jock, ye mannt let '-em, into th' oh , rch ; the dippitation a'n't room I" but On the arrival of the two clergy_ 1 ei who formed the deputation, the cher o1er1 called out to the people, "Ye mai4t gang hoame, t' deppitation's coo ?' The old Vicar introduced the two d1egymon. in addresses that were models of brevity : p4 "T, Jura .deppitation will rape k l" vT! second deppitation will s k " after which the clerk lighted sothe addles id the singing -gallery, and gave Out for an appropriate hymn, "Vital Spark t of heavenly flame I" The pariih clerks. who gave out the hymns and lead the5 congregational singing are, probably at the present day only to be'found in a few remote places, and in parishes where there is a second church, at some miles distant from the mother church, with its one . Sunday service. •Here, very likely the man is to be fotifid vi hp unites in his own person both!c erk and choir. A friend of mine had such a clerk, and the hymns were 1 those of Tate and Brady. First of all the clerk sounded the note on a itch l pipe, and. after this musical prelude he wbund up his nose, as it were, and with a strong nasal snarl, pitched the key -note and began the psalm. • A great favorite with 'him was what he called '_,!".t. The. Happy Man," the psalm beginning 1 with the line, "Happy the man whose tender care" -=which , word he pronounced '"car',—and the last line of the verse, "The Loard sholl give him rest," was repeated twice and shouted with great fervor. The rustic audience were charmed with his execution of this, psalm, and l are greatly pleased Boanerges out of their own r thus display the power of his All The Yectr Round. A 13roker's Roman a cow that he box, had im, but he g asked his ely replied : i' England, er H. were walking arra inarrn,a w g said to a friend, "Those two are just equal to one snme. npthila ate a ho eight 1 loteurrly .i diffeee hal:111,7, et est is one mb lmOs et his times, words that!" he p it is ntr.astd wi Of 1io seeni rumsotban i bebin The highwayman." "Why, friend. "Because it is a 1 doctor—y4ur money or yo —An Irish; porter, closin rainy ev+irg, took off hpale, haggard, suspenders br putting up ;the shutters. When asked why he went out in his shirt sleeves in bunged up and his boots all mud. the rah, ,,ehere,,, sada he, „"don't I '.'Have you—have I you cang epizootic?" she gasps as she start want a dry coat to go home in ?" asked his wyer and a r life." a 'shop one s coat while 1 t 111 es to hat ne Or t st bri •• es ahs 1' dJ t 1, t •ns, alv :ry i. or ed to w 'te wh ion as ofaaopPeP" s crab st d' front h rd -bon s a yea." fet+ion,iin may b9 vi uding oi ia t su •hfiags a . reat de e rien s e t of Jhe e sits it a d idtei rays al ie ne ,whO Da ty" m '- rutty o r13 h. ea 5, 4' ; . - It is a -very touching meld heard a Southern editor tellin 'elevated train yesterday, and a great hurry to get home and his paper and make an affidav was true. The scene Of the opens in al palatial mansio York. A lady sits in a pa with the most costly luxur es. Dia- monds as big ,as filberts glItering in her. ears. LaCe 008tIOg_ $36 alnaost hides the color of her sight. A clock costing 1. $18,0 the hour of 4 p. m. At this her husband 'rushes into t when a nks can lungs.— e.I • • We it on an e was in put it in t that it. romance' in. New' lo filled II 1 ost pu it. 1— C ee Highlander g the1:50 p. rr o S rnibury. mil from C is h lf .n h ur a 1 err_ yard cess from 0Strikes Moment e ?101.1861 ken, hat t the —A rich Scotchman at the point of death, said to his pastor: "Do you think if left £1.0,000 to the Presby- Tih eec even raga at ain ••Noi S01111 no Bur we l briny 1 • n he has unfoitun- eet et, d b sins Of c nrse, the hich e include wed fr m qtite a t. N doubt it ses ; n doubt it an w alth, and 1 .bette —the so- ip of BODY3 of the race'. Fame, too, holds out th the ectual energy is with ambition. as Suffered froth st have felt, at • Mr. Bagehot's it of f me, when he grae- realities Surd d trifling nd to leave 'less ; I ctator. us. from the east ar6 train from Craig - Sornsbtit7 is only aigleece, and the late, Angus: "1 r train than this pefore." Tonald . We would pe at if it d dna remain ndyl "But est station et to:Sorris- er to wait (In con - d if she'll losing time next train er for cer- 11) wau sta her bur3 nger thi pe sto pit at u N‘Ti p 'for the ne t train." cluillibn) 'I doubt oi ng ion ne er id I to efor uo an e re." S ill pe the lon til we far soo All : t all a ess in ere, th pefore Lh • 11 mak as, much pro whe she'4_pe left d'pehi will pe in tai0 " e en' "Christmas }Boli for £300. Van.eties. manuscri t of Dick - Carol" ha:just been The, autogrjapl ter Scott's pG y sold in Lend er being a boo are. An im been portant has develope yea, s in the manu pet boxes, he pec Ufa the bads Of pie 'e, inst ad of co a 4: T of the sa, s e mac ark cut • p is, 1;2M M SMITH &WET —ARE— OSINd UP BUSINESS manuspript of Sir y Mannering" was n at £390, the pur- :seller n Trafalgar rise for in t acture o uliarity the cove nsisting e cover and. b e form, are ix me, and with g frond paper nbes, rolled for the accur cy. le body pose i of any desired size ; the heads bottoms are adjusted and. the box :44 • up. "Oh! wife, we are' busted -L -ruined -1 gone up —smashed flat as a shingle!' 1 he`moaned in reply. "How ?" terian Church iny soul would be saved "I invested $75,000 in tllic Qrooke4 • I/ "I ean't promise you anything," an- River railroad at 98 and it' -ha declined swered the good. man atter a second to 4! Jay Gould has bought and conl- thought, -but it' s worth trying." • —A_ Boston wife softly attached a a pedometer to 'her husband when, after supper, he started to "go down to the office and balance the books." On his rettirn fifteen miles of walking were- recor d e d .1 He had been Stepping around aim billiard table all the evening. --The rishan had a correct appre- ciation Of the fitness of things, who being asked by the judge, when ho ap- plied for a license to sell whisky; if he was of a good moral character, replied : Faith, yer i honor, I don't see the necessity of a good moral character to sell whisky !" —Lord. Beaconsfield is as quick at .repartee as ever. Not long since a lady, in talking with hitn, spoke of the Zulus as savages. "Savages, madam !" said • the prime minister ; "how can you call savages men who have -defeated our general (Chelmsford( and converted our with $50,000 I had laid away to send bishop (Colenso) ?" the heathen on Cliristuaas !?' solidated it! We Must 1 palace'and all these luxuries -of art and. take two fourth -8 overin Brooklyn." She laughed merrily and 1 'the sudden news crazed thought it had ; but he was feft the room for a moment a ed with a pillow case, contai 000 in greenbacks. 1 t•Let - the Crooked ItiVe Crook away !" she laugh° emptied. the money at his f have given me this anone past five years, a few thouSa at a. time, to bay little ,rtick I had saved it up to get Me stockings for Sunday, buit hand it over to my good bus him on his pins. Take it, and if you ,can get a 'Ala Gould bite him hard, and ave 'thil nd work or y room. ecu. d Iretur inn $200 0 railroad as et ' "You uring Abe d Idollars s of toile a pair cheerful and to s y darlin k at, J back y —Says the Loudon Truth l!The PhptrmhradAi1 vires joy LLL - land, my friends,' said. an Irish orator peace.— Wall Street Daily ;NewS. the other day at a meeting, 'has belong- ed to the people from the days of Adana.' 'Adam, indeedJ' replied a voice in the crowd: 'do not speak of him; he - was evicted from the garden of Eden with- out compensation.' " • —A "minister" at Ayr introduced the following petition iuto his prayer :— "0 Lord, bless the Established Church, and the Free Church, and the -United = Presbyterian Church, and all the other Churches. Thou knowest the various Which can be gained only by the p r - nicknames, Lord, by which they are sistent labor of years: It is one of tlie called ; bless them all." most arduous of professions, if a Ina is —"Edward, what do I hear ?—that brilliantly successful; it is one of e you have disobeyed your grandmother, most wearisome and least remune a - who told you not to jump down these tive, if by ill -luck, which genera ly riter is co - for ' position. t an av r ge lawyer ill would—an old lady like her. • gain a better ineonae, and gal it re —A poor Irishman applied for relief, easily, than the average Dal f lett° s. and upon some doubts being expressed Moreover, literature has the mad -van- es to whether be was a proper object tage, from a monetary poiut of view, of for relief, he enforCed his suit with being open to all' the world. Ny one much earnestness. " Och ! yer, Honor," can take fees as a physician or bar4is-' said he, "I'd be starved long since but ter or receive his commission a" 1 and -exp journalist, as training al o ; y &script on engaged in e remune 'a - workman is In very r- igh r pe In country churches the loft was, and. of the mind, the strain is ofp n can even is, usually known as "the singing_ erable, but the man of 1 tter feels gallery," the musical instruments being most. He works general in solit the clarionet, violin, violoncello, fiuto, and without the contact ith his dm. Mr. Noake, in his Rambles in lows which diversifies th abor of , Worcesterehire, says that in Tenbury in other professions.. Th are few Church., in the year 1771, there were not cupatious, hOwever intel teal, w only horns and, clarioneta, but alsoi a are not to some exten echani drum, whose sound was heard in divine The artist may mix hi • lors' Literature a4 a Tracl.e. Mr, Trollope, who is pleased to c literature a trade, says that any th may set up in the business who c command a table and cbair, pen, in wed paper. The prospect ieeld but this popular novelist is no a lusive. Success in journal sra, *f not u literature, requires a perio of techni al -training, and an amount f acquisiti. n t u 0 11 11. strawboard e past few round pa - of which is s are of one of a disc and ttoms, being ade by the eat rapidity f the box is omplete. Mies Jielena, de ghter of the P 1:d, is causing Eigland and- on t 11 y e- - , ra dil la eci Te idea f the Prime 14 ,uister becomi g 'a teacher, or, as BO eother authoritiAbs state, secretary a.e d active agent, is Something so new tO the aristocratic feminine' world of rope that it is reeking an "epoch," ail they say. 1.--A a icious 1 Will keel well, a better a ter haN, ing bee week, is an east y obta,i :11ake tw cups o sugar, I butter, one cup .f milk, t 64d one-half t aspoonf riowder nd thr Makes five lay the grat d rind . Ole juice also, iimter, +e teas tablespeeeful of httle water ; bo then place betw —FCW of our view t Ilness i house apart f ehould, funny should widest •4ial in /Jeep! 'fbf the Whole • onditi, n which is .hole Tot only so, b t a el° ith it lights and sha 'ug ,bran rah colrage de ertnin tion to ful caner, and men o Engle, of the d Gladst ne, a young ime Mi ister of Eng- uite a ensation in ie ;Cont' ent by the eloped n her recent int r a active and to Or the young ud.tergo example. mon jelly cake which d 'which is in fact kept for at ale luxury. all a cup o ares eggs, tw Is of bakin e cups o flotir. Thi e -s. . For the jelly us f two large lemons au ue egg, hialf a cup o oonful Of butter, on flour mixed with 1 until it thickeus, au Ecp• sen the la ets of cake. houites ar built with the fa, ile. In ever ere should I be n room se ✓ a sic , chanabe . This roo in the first place, h ve a war exposure. The i dew lig t be a ple, and comernand t e ossible view. T e lfiest esse sick T 9 07 is 90d, liber e. Through it, by _raeaile warmth. whicla erates, t oom is kept in a tmospher e'ap.d pier tithing fl e , its risii dsi, its curlii ored s okee and i rs, Ifurn ehes I ceasele . steps ?" "Grandma, didn't tell us not r„, ..eea,-ns want of ability, a to, papa.; she only came to the door polled to occupy an iufe and said, wouldn't jump ' down those There can be no doubt th steps, bots ;' and I shouldn't think she medical man or an averag for inv cat," "But for what ?"asked. architect, without a speci the astonished magistra.te. "Uy cat," sive course of study; Th replied the Irishman. "Your cat—how we have said, needs his so?" "Shure, yer Honor, I could her but literary work of eve eleven times fox a shilling a time, and can ea attempted by me she was always home before I could. get other oceupations, and t -there rayself." , tion of the professional' Music in. Old_ English Churches'. lowered in cousequeuce. suit which taxes • the 11 service for some forty years after that brais but he has also u h TS md- t • a 41 parks hang iversi :ivatch. nd qi subtly and glo any -pc ful eneb n to' he sick one who lTh g it,. T °thing isiliniore soothin ieting t an the i flience steals 'nto the se of him w gazes' ream y iuto the the flame. jJ Is a' -`companionship its* The wal too should 1are their oper ado linents Pictin peeeee.and the outside, shoul with Lits vases leering vine, cl ;ceiling; libr iliar books; .0 irtains t light While adleaittitng it i who lie o more of lit weals. rningat "Wales take their Music ed. ties ' th , us ir pragres musicia ughly Da trays itself he her tou above all, on the nielo and Schumann, and -s : witlp wondeiful talent young Priticesses, se f. es that suggest quiet a free, fres life of nat - be on th m. A brack f flowers at green cla, nging am it ously to th ry case fi ie1 with fa al soften th 11 these 14 helpful to on and can take :a little room r • —E very inc three daught rs of t have""Mainnea" w moments later, ap 1.gowei and remailns leeseu is over. 1 Princess mor that her daughters. In, appreciate th aconsunaraat dreamy; thor in weakne e than wi M HORT tiSE rye been made in 11 save a goodi deal of money by securin pplj of Step Dry Goods for the coati during this REDUCTIO each • department, a VERY nd satisfied f Onatomers ily. ele. d yor1 'our g sea• ODY PLEA ED et this Sale is Genu ire. Crowd§ ON PEM AL ATTENTI . - - . . r Grey And White Cotoles. Tie s will soon be ,sold out Secure ire before they are all gb e.. Is called to o • ading Lin what you reg 9 o'clock 1.1. e Princess 10 lesson, The p, veho, a, fe in her dressin them till t interests t education f c she can full being b.erse f Her delicat i h nature b She dote les of0hop 6 plays thei . The thr e e, Victoria 4d • . • WM. LOGAN, SEAFORTH, SUCCESSOR TO THOMAS COVENTRYI. . . HAVING PURCHMED FROM MR. THOS COVENTRY BLACK COSIIME . I 1 , . We offer a arge range of the Celebra 23c, 28e, gee 40, 52c, i3 Ladies should 8 ecure to be had at wholesale p Brand at 20o 15 and 1 50 while they ar I\ra, differ as greatly In character in hysio no y. The eldeSt, Lou has the fine eatures a 4 thie grace her Mother; ,she is g title gay affebie, in sh rt the P risienne thre. • V ctotia, the s cend dau de, is the imaee of her father. S. el_ proud, ra lfe reserve , and Eats, en he self lit le (3:people. Vhn she oc v d ofsome on however, jo al use Of hi, date. In some country churches the hand, and finds .in his a goo chemit, th tL1e st es ot cha e 1 tters, pond on age Of b I I • number of the psalm that was to be sung was chalked on a slate and sus- pended from the front of the singing - gallery. It is said of the parish derk'of . Isle Brewers, Somersetshire, that in giving out the hymn, and suddenly deal that is restful. T astronomer, the engine man, and the barrister to the desk like the man If his bread and cheese pen, has also the disadv • • :4 ho hi in gro aff at dig H rintel ed only The.; you - can *till ten Year bears a mther, herted, fon ction hvhr wavers. She unite iorough donsciousness of her on Dzi a generous heart, easily moved. ecti which is greatly dev p - enc ers her thp more engaging. ge t sister, rincess Maid, e c Iled a baby. She is Iat of 1 age. In appearance he ea likeness to her. gra4id.- tho Qeteen. She is good - at times a little serious? ES HIS VERY LARGE STOCK OF 1300'isS ..A.1\TD 8110 S THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL THEII AT AND BELOW WHOLESAL ed Crolvn c, 85c, ir dres ea ices. PRICES. In Men's and Boys' _Long Boots Specio Bargains. A MALL IS MOST RESPECTFULLY EVERYTHING YOU WA14T 8 Flej 10f iiid is bios des er Ito To be had a again hi Ge OVER • We have beund . to. now foi 83 $8, polv $5 LadlesMa Outh prices as yoe will, Goode. eral Dry OATS, OVER • THOMAS 00VENT*Y'S OLD ST W. LOGA ! i SOLICITED. ot obtain SIGN OF THE GO JOHNSON OATS D. Seaforth. i.,DEN PADLOCK. BROTHERS, AFORT 14 • E. HICKSON •& cos ORUG AND JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. 1VE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING. O. OUR STOCK iErZTRM DRUGS' NORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES,i Pensine Dye Sit', Toilet Artie. 8, Perfumery, Pancy Goods, ;cee. PURE- DYE STUFFS*. We are just receiving a hesli supply of Haeidy Package Dyes in all eaiors Madder, Logwood, Cochinal, Elastic, Indigo, Alum, bladder -Cam. pound, Solution of in, &c, all guaranteed to produce biilliant and durable colors. PERFUMERY, • By the ounce, such" as Caroline cologne, White • Rose Cologne Lavender Rose Water, Joekey Club, Music, White Rose, Kulti Kahle Eei3ene Boquet, Mang 'Ylang, Bergamot, &c, All Nine- ties el Perfumery in bottles, from 10 cents upwards, including English, French, *lemma, American and Canadian. NAILS -4T BOTTOM PRICES—AILS. BARN DOOR.-IINGES, BARN DOOR ROLLERS. a few :Oercoath left, w ieh wei are ell, Those sold former y for 50 ;1 forneeriy $6; now ; fornierly 75. Men's Suit, Boys!jSuits, en d 1 i ' 1 i tlee reduced he mimeiwe ,, ii 1R. Plow d usual tnd do noti vri suit. T3' ; • not ask second Price. WA SB UB STEEL BABEM FEN AT LOWER PROES, QUALITY CO Than any otiler 'Fencip Wire in lif0E.1‘ he educed price of each artiole,an d te waste time over it i it (Toil r ot ALL Are con GoodFi WHO WISH eously shown through t oh customers do not re impertinently premed upon them. • -E SIDERED, the 'JOHNS N 13114P1ERS„ SEAIVORTH. arket e stoc, and piiro art not SIGN OF T E CIRCU HANLAN THE. FAST -171- MA IiS 1T11WOR" I SO IS1 T HANLANI CROSS -OT SAW" Ch w. !\1 No 3 CAMPBELL'S *LOGIC. THE' fASTESTiCUTTiNG SAW IN T We also have' L hio Champion, Improve. nce Tooth Cross -Cut S COW TIES INALL SHAPES I 1 1. • i , • 1, , I 1- 1 . . . , WE AR p SHOWNG THE- INEST A.SSO . • , VEI:;, SI:10 N IN SEAFOR ' . • . . . . , SI.EIGitit'B4LLSHIM GREAT V - .,• , ; , 1 ! AV4. ROEERTSON- & go, Hardware *Ierchntsi Sign �fIthe Circular Saw. RLD. *pion a HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINtS. We h'ave pleasure in calling your attention to our own make a Condition Powders, Ifeave, Cough, and Epizootic Remedy. CATTLE FEEDEiR. In these Prepara,tions eve give better valne than any article in the mallet. Our FEEDE11, es- pecisily, will more than repay any person raising stock to use it. We supply it both in paekage and qteentity. COVV TIES IN ALL SHAPES, PATENT MEDICINES !I STOCK IS ALWAYS comrsEn. (UF) : TOILET ARTICLES TIENT OF AES ARII4TY. Comprise in part thr Eineet -Soaps 01 .11 idndsi such AS Glycerine, Elney, Windsor, Alniond,1 Rose, White 110.11e, doetey Club, Castile, White! and Mottled, Transpret, Glees Sulphue, Tex; Shaving, Carbolei, e. Also for the Toilet.i Glycerine Jelly, Glyeerin.e and Rose Water, Wisee ter Fluid, Camphor lee, Cold Ce•eam &c.,—ell are A. For the Skir, Ruge, Lily White, Bloom. of Yonne, Pearline, 2 Ilexes and Puffs, Polf' Powder, Violet Powde , Tooth Powder, !Tootle Paste, and Teaberry. For the Hair VD have Hair Omani, Ctlft0TiDe, Vaitharadineli*irWaah• Vse,ine, Petrofina, fte SEAFORTH. SPICES AN • EXTRA91SI GROQERY eTORE NEXT THE FOST OFFIOE. A QOOD . itRTICLE, AT A FAIR' PR1OE. For cooking puiposes, our 'stock is freela end pax& Baling Poweer perfectly fresh, oonetseite ly kept on hand. Curt Pewelerinstock,ganniee BRUSBE , All Rinds* HAND MIRRORS, PRESTON BOTTLES,Svc, EXriiRIA VALTIg IN SiTJGARS„ TISAS, .COFFEES. NEW LAYER RAISINS, NEW LONDON LAYERS, NEW BLACK BASKET RAISIN NEW VALENCIA !RAISINS, • NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS, Boxgs NEW TURKEY FIGS, NEWICURRANTS IN CASES BUR ET S AND k..YON'S BES CO 0 ND EXTRACTS, • OA NE TOMATOES, CORN ANO LIMA BEANS, FR SH RANGE LEMON AN S, AND BARRELS, EXTRACTS, GREEN PEARS, ITRON PEELS, E. -HIKSON .41 CO., MAIN STREEZ, AFORTH. • CHANGE •OF BC -SINES MRS. E. WHITNY, TIESIRES to state to her easterners end die • • publie that she has disposed of her Tin and Stove Busines s to her sops, CHARLES and GEORGE WHITNE, who have had the prinei. pal charge of the business for severe' years, and she hopes the ssme liberal -patronage wall be extended to them that has been aecorded to hr- self for BO many years LMONOS AND VVALNWTS, FRESH FILBERTS AND BRA]L1 NUTS. 1 . . . A CALL SOLICITED, PLNI) ICOMPARISO OF GOODSNi) , PRICES INVITED. ••connetioe with tbe above the midersigeed •e- beg to state that they win conVOIT(0 to keep on hand, at the Old Stand, a full stock of STOVES OF ALL. KINDS FR SH Dt D. Or The; Grocery beat door to the Past Office. SE, SEAFORTH. AND . Tinware of Every Descriptio. We are al.lo prepared to tio Custom Work of _Evey Description on the Sh,ortest Noti e, aid Cheap. Having a thorough practical knowlege of the business in all its b4ancbes, they hope to eon tinue the large patronage -which has loon given to the o.d and welt known house for so many years. WHITNE BROTHER& N. B.—All patties indebted to Mrs. Whitney will pleaee settle theer indebtedness With her at once, as the new firm open new booke and the old business mist b closed. Parties' desiring to be ttle can do le) at tie store of Whitney Brom; meta the filet of Oc ober. After that date the accounts will le Inil into other hands foz ooi- iectioa, 665 MRS. E. WHITNEY. M PORTAINT NOTICE. To the Farmers of Huron. T. MELLIS OF KIPEN, AGAIN REAIDY FOR BUSINESS. FARMERS, if you want good Seotede Dhehiond Barrowe, with T*2 teeth, the best harreew in the market, Baum year orders rit *once lo T. Mettl, Ilippen, for he has a good stiptdy outand, and ie etili reeling more to eupply the detiaand. If you want your elrharroweend plews 1.0a/red now is the time to etch them along. Another supply of Monroe'e (Seeforth) Plows on band. Thistle Plows, So, -Plow, Generei Perpose Plows end Garden Dow& Plow Castings i�f all kinds always ou band WI o rse-fsk4efugand teenern1 B Inclognsithing done with neat- nss and despatch. T. Mellie still hells hie high reputation in this li le of bneins, mei his large inceease of trs.deirdrit,ehistngpa;hveaeei.e: As et niyaeliraug.8171,311kairmomf more confidence tha evr; shewiog that ae."th.e 1 rBainagdhrnt:aalirdanetingItr:tollne G tes mede to order. Al!1 =s- tow, work done en short noticeand et starVation pikes. A. call solicited front all. Ilion wiR ed. ways find me ready for bueineFss. Remember the Sign : THOMAS 111ELLIS, Kipieen.' KIPPEN CARRIAGE WORKS Waggons, Carriages lama lgusigiles• VDGAR & MF.LLIS, of Ripe/este nowlinautt. • lecturing Carriages and Wagonon ,larger scale that ever, in Order to supply the ever In- creasing demand, Parties wantmg Carriages. Waggons, Buggies, or anything it otu• Line of trade will find it to their intentiat t� give Edgar & Meflis a trial., Old Waggons end Kuggiee turned inside out and made into new ones. tete. Repairing of nisell kindsriikia entraoostea.v tokinsour cWateagwg:21118ranecde!vetigg7iers htBeeest-Psidutedtteand ttgOonn.d. 1311:rrtui done a; low as g GAR it =wa• s, pen. ship will alloer. i • .1! 4