HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-02-11, Page 5�oholl'a fareweft being moved. to.
kken, from I C�or. &a beea started� rVilds & Selwood, manufacture of 1 to an usiness with larease the num- �auds. i
adows, ex-mon-k,j 1:1 larys, on Sunday, ill and hurck are packedt, and may unable- t*L
room.- At his
Tuesday - even- by a crawdeal Dr. Sahmidt is
gville for Galt,,
I an interest in
o exchange. the �r- Schmidt bast lucrativa prac- LiebringavilleL and
ry much'regret. cc1-1 yeaxs old, Marys. He, ter in, the ixei,4- .day, 'when the the- strawatack rcl over, burying When found he took- place in a Or evening. A ,t and another !sex got arguing. ,1-� th& Reform tes, floorea llig .k the Couserva- i took the: art p again defeated iusemeat of the 2.8th inst., large )ars of Knox. MlAed at -the, ants completely .)i.Qg to- preseat Tse of ri _31d, Atx sicknowl- �services for the�. -a Rev-
opriate, ,rs 0 the unex- o 4 i i 3ss ter. -tes.. rat Manitoba, leave 0611- March..
ieer resident of
died last week
Fordwich. He
says that N[r. of Godadch, chool childxen �al festival faet h e ship h ow n firat two werer of GoderiA farm of Mr- Bayffeld a on- acres, for the Johnston left- visit to ffiel.r County, Tei�as. between two C,,cf Ham- alleged irrega- :;h the County Tuckeramith,
1 stairs, a few
of her arms,
.erself. She, is
Q,f Morris, day last week
His leg was S inflicted of a
�)F wall known
,�,G take chare, in BrULBSOIS mt 20,000 fo this, anin- isaad- are usea.. �Blyth Fou.a-
*nted a. now
he expeata
�team engine.
not be
name of Mr. �oderich, has
'Ummission of
iI Hurau.- No -
for the re�
.ed with the
4or's corners, empla,te the urch a, jittle
ilding. They
aid are well
,,rhood and i%_
Material. Iff
i -Lt is, likelv to
t( ;tugrain. A el I01aing at M. t week. X. and it, folks, The
in re-
Hicksoll, Of
fil Which he meeting �Irly 'I, will likely
art e,
I y t Of Goderich, 3re after Fri- aud see the
a mer-
uOrly resided of a letter it is stated ar-0 xenicyviug to 1,rch. These
eople of the erui'rate W
9 frc
tm what
r TJ I L - Tum T-7 0-
aeteriI .. ned fire . 0 =d,13e com-
a pri( per I o t,,Pn as he is
DOR'4tve P16therm6asure that
[d to 0 � 3 iro )erity oftbe village.
Howi-41 I is t listof the officers
e en�uinglalfyejax: Chief, )ell- , oapta* �P.� Scott;*. lit
naut,! C. "Vaastou6; .2nd Liet
A. *ott; I oc-Tr6asurer, F. lst gineeJ C. R.. Cooper; 2iid
B&V'11; let I Bran�chm&n, T.
I 2id i J. F.1 Waddell, 3rd R.
ns. 4tl Geo. anleron. 1!ust 6 ne. RLYAI�iitz.-- n.Saturday even.
t,the6table a d barns belongingi
Rober Porte bad a narrow es-
om de I'tructi oil by fire. It ap-
hat M W. Porte7r went out to
ble to, attend the horses, and set
ad I&ut 3rn oi i box, just bebind
the hol see, wh.qh baokea up and
he lautern,c� ising a conflagra-
It wasl wi�h 0 fficulty that the
3 exti4;uishe�,, W�inthrop. ULTETIT 'ae annua� tea meet. 3onnecdon with 'Cavala church,,
.op, wi I be held in the church'
asday vening next. Addresses'
d6liv)red Revds. MQssrg.'
Varna; Stowit, Clinton; MCI-,
1, BeaAorth ; 'McCoy, Egmond_:
Ind �T ornson, Bruce old. Thet:
of 'the Be forth Presbyterian"
,under the leadership of Prof.1
willbein attendance. Thepeo-
Cavan a nr( i no tEd or their
id Buccessfu. goir oes,"and if the
r is favorahl )u Tu day eVen-
I, the charc i N rill like be filled
ftowling. hould f ttend as a.
me � is ii t stor r'the.n 4 -ti [6 tt. r SOLD.4--Mr, John Crozier has
1 far -M, hicli ia on the l3th con-
toXr, Tho mi s , Humpbrq
, for
i of,$l,)W, The fitrni contans
LY A F�6 TI e �sthrej and dwel-
Mr. NT. c ams, Londes-
id a n rowi Be Alpe from estme—
fire ori uIlda F morning last'a
ling be am'eligniied from a stove
iieh papsed h -ongh it, and it
,h cons deia le difflokiltv the fire
wcome . Be -ious d image was
n, kxZ aflini 'h Tdr A fl vne.
9 � . I I W. H. Murray, C.. T.; T. Cooper, very Bmall sum of somethin 1j, le 3 was pr E tty ba �ly. IgI toned, as well he It was -so decided to hold the To -day the position of the ty is G L. al ight be. next annual meeting, and the 12th' of Jhey have $8.11 on hand, th(loyot .0 e T19 04- 1#1y celebration for this year at Exeter. :*t seven per cent interest for eiii- B3 tl..
I—Mr... John Washingtong of West 250 t6 pay up al I -losses,, ar t avoi Wawanosh, iutends building a barn'48 taking any agaestiment. So t,
3 . at thE cultural dinner
by 72 feet, with stabling underneath. members pay notbing at I o insur- ia,kp E 19NINGS ag ri
was hq 3'. d in E min' Botel oi i Wedues-
Mr. Ford has the contract. Mr. John ce this year—som, ingun alleled ay e'N (ning I 8t, a d t urned out to be
J we believe,lip the a a (Y. 1 anec. cess. H'd e ro%ds been in
.,u,n�kett, of the Bame township, , 4 . I I I , gr 3a � sue gc ing to build a brick house next Bum companies. st Ido bt more would
better ILU6 no r. James. Young, of Auburn, bag Upon 0 n, the report oX the Di� hav6 Attended TN6 ases before the
th contract for the carpenter work, i ectors a nanirnously r(�eived an Cou t of Queel's B n Blyth on
�dopte be following littl 6 irl, d tughter 'of
es Russell, of . Carlow, the brick gentleme w0lne� ay. -
and Joseph Stasic, of Aubuirli -�vere e cied-Directors for the curre Mr.' owdoi L�' h a. e nisfortune,
the stone work. �ear, viz.:! John B. Geiger, H. L ve, Sr whAe in the a it of . j�u ping, n a pass-
-T here is incarcerated in the gaol at Henry Blf,er, Peter Don asi Danie T slaigh, to �niss er footi and Blip
Gad-onch a dangerous - lunatic nam - arus, Henry lHayroia , Thomo ed un43r the.runners Mtho h she re -
T �omaa Joint. On Tuesday last week early, H. .. Dirstein, andli 11 ernar cei'v ad quite a 'few 3ruises . . . . . i 1 Bhe is
got into tatrums, ad get about aust.. Daniel Stthinbach, and. Wm abM to move %iourl L' Tbis hould be a
demolishing tlie walls of his cell, which ilsori Fansville, were app in, ied Ant I I to b war oys.- -T[ie P�-esbyterian
II3 succeeded in doing to some extent, iors for 1881.- con$7% ation in B1 4b will bold corm- until. restrained by the Officials in A rather � informa discssi n too mu 8
J.Poi service 'onISabbath day next,
charge. He rent big blaukets and bed- lace as-t�6 iih&Propriety o 01 Ing inT the! 113t i hist. Cling,. and broke everythin g. breakable III urance ill e stea threshin achine� the call. Joint is said to have become re at *oik, bich is thi� ruli i of th TuckeOsbaith- Ire- IZ,
sanefrom busin-eBs troubles and ociety at present. * It appf �are, I to be F Rr,,NT9D — An Michi A Heffer-
liggious excitement. animouB opi na 61 the 2n4 d ndesBior, L. R. S.,�
I he un * ' Dion of the : neeti4 —The tea meeting held in: Duff's at in atters -she uld re -main as they are� has 'ED ted hS fa to A� -r. thomas
I �h
,Church., Walton, last week, was largely 2amely, thal the society would. not b� Da ng,ofth3towhs ipof ay, for 5
a tended, and although several of the, -esponsible Iifor loss by fire catised yea 11 I I t t a re lta�l of about $400 per
promised speakers faile I d to put in an 3team threshers while '.at wDrk. yeat, This I �rba contains 100 acres,
11! rearance, the affair passed off �ery 3nanimQus vote of thanks' was t3ndere a n d h; one of Ablie b st in the township
-feasantly. Addresses -were delivered o the D' iredtors for their* able and e -Mr, Hefferna int nd 3 goi to live on*
by Rev. Mr. Reid, of Waton, Dr.Sloan, ient� maiiagement of the agairs of th� his: fw, .m. in N OKill p. Of Byth. and Mr. John Kerr, of Me- ociety during the past year, '.aft . S Elc P LEAS:,D.-;— r. MoorE -has leased
Killop, who gave a very interesting ac- Which the meeting adjourned. his I Lcamit i gho al the 4ed Tavern,
count of his recent trip to the old i A meeing of the newly ele'eted 13oar4 on i � 8th c)Dces ior t to Mr.. Daniel
country. Th ' o RrusselB choir, uIlder., f Directors of the comp y was hel Su erland, of.': Me il op Mi. Suther-
the leadership of Mr. D.- Stewart, gave after the close of the annu d I ieeting. Ian, I ormerly or ed �iih *r. Grieve, a number of ver . y nice musical selec7-' Al the merJ'aboB of ' the Boi xd 3reseht. t burn, add is s a to be an excel -
E sq.,.. en Im
tjons. Quite a respectable -sum wag Upon the firsttbalot H. Lo 3, S ized for the I purpose of enlaginglthe orkmar., A Qro d Bh�p in, this rpal was re-elected President, an �* upon th6 a e vi ill be i u grea i c nvenience- to the
uu'ds- orhooa.
an,se gro second ballot Jo'hn'B, Geiger, E 3q., was e le )f tbispeigb
�_Wingham hag an unenviable r pti.- lected Vice -President for'the ensuin #I, LAST . JOLD.- Jaines -Dick-
t4�ioa for harboring more prostitutes ear. H. V. Dirstein, Esq., was unant Ion has gold t4e Ia.. t o big bull calved.: n ay other.town in the -county. 1 A ously re inted secretary andimau� hi mae was pure as a b Mr. Rich.
appo y b I tob of persons was sent down I to n director. Ten I new licati=4 ).xr d '.dKee, 011 lop, near Lead -
9 p Goderich- gaol frona that town ial3t insurance were next passed by, thp�� Durl !o - tb Mm. I 484-00. He was al
week, Charged with keeping a ba*dy - oard and signed by the Pre ide at. Tho aend�wei&ed 610 pounds. He
hmBe. Among them was a young, D&afn I luestion of 'steam th-reshers va i intr 8 a, sl lendid imal, and wiII.Ao good
nmed Wm. Webb. - Upon being luced to the notice of the be ird, bu eri 14c in improvi the stock of that
s, eabed at the gaol, a pair of cut ipon mature consideration i 5 we, deem e0i,b of MeKillo Ile was of dark
h 3,ndcuffs were found in his posgesslon, d advisable to leave the- matter i ied 1 cc lor and was sired by Udoras Ox-
amd a letter written to his Ctwi oil ibeyance till the next me)tinl� Th' iord. .1 I e b1l �bat took second prize at
Annie McPherson, the keeper of he medtino then- adjourned to' me 3t agaii the, at Ha ilton last fall. 0 I I Pr(viuicia.! I Wingham den, while he was� in Gue : 1 . - Mi. Dich 5'On's Joel
Zurich, at 10 o'clock a. in., on th� , u's Joel brated-tborough-
gtol. After telling her that he ad nd Monday of May next. I bred 6�-ow hiw, haa another splendid' b, on sentenced to a month in. gaol,'he bul ;c: df � thii : se"on from the well
-�ound up by stating that Mi
knc 1 bull y Attrill, c1f
i 1A iff bad, my Ink is pale; Brussels. i "ne " Mypon Goi 6r'.eh." T�Wis i f is said *%by good
My love for you will never fkil." kollEy.—Private money t oati a Jud 'E .�o tb t the old Cow hals
I , Ile e be Ni�,ebb is evidently a bad churiacter. He per cent. interest first year, and Of per can in-tere9t each year ater. Inter O'� , eveR b ad. i� sqd to have been implicated in e paytt yeafl�r. Apply to C.A. CoopF.R, Brussels Poll Obice. 686-P n3ii her of u neighboring �-Aniong tie pe5itions presented to
U.111 gly jobs in the BAD ROADS.—The mild we- ther an counties. ain -of the early part of f is weeh thel ouse a few days ago as on.40
—ThetGoderiGh Signal of' last week - I so . F, ay. t-
iave made the roads in a, very badstato �N - iat:� ou; o ordinary w 9 -ves the following : On Sunday, 31st of -JIe hav' was p esente, I by Mr.; Robertson of
October, a I young lady, sister of Mrs. Lud consequently Very few p�rop iset�for that in the' i�-
eon seedin town. i !1.''homas J. Marks, of Bayfield, was Ibell.0m of 1�07, J:)hr. Farish, then followed ou the street of that -village by MAIRKETS.—Fall. whe&t 98c to $lj; 1 t, . su 1 lio� clotbing to a, com-
$1. 'to$1.05;:Peas, 60 Dae, Spring wheat 2 �an an ten up at Belld-
a uumber of young inen. She ran into to 65c; Oats 30PL to 32c Bi rle 660 t of vo,�ur tpe�s bt
her sister's house, where she remained. F -07 to $8; Porl ol. lbel F ott 3aberg. He neg-
'67 �7.251; VW') ly C:
1grs. 10arks had occasion to go to a, Oe ; Hay to lect a d senain. ilia b �s bill for some tim
g a 18c; Butter 186. . ,g 4,jstant'part of the village atbr one of and hen he%id so was informed thait
COUNCIL MEETING.—A Bpee,jal Meeti ' I
'her children, and left the house about the no duri 1 wl icb it could be., ra-
of the villa -e Council "'was hold in C ',4� aif -past six Walock. She was pounced 0 - ceiv ec had ei eing in gma., upon, by some of the young men, who ooperls, office on Saturday las Th� I i �
CoUne he neglected the
_,,,or g Can: 19 aneds a Ahe im, been waitang outside, and who Reeve and all the ere py -
sent. The Ina rl, but I 8 sir. ce become'reduce
:new clerk, Mr. D. Wa�tsod e under the impression that it ivas Thi)�s Lim is )Dad $ 700 without inte or g was duly sworn and took ais po§iti Ite iri. Aftor some struggling, t�ey est. i Nfany the le ding merchan a
9 jscovered that it was Mi M k d as Clerk. I au' 7. ;;; I
f Xamilton nppo -t o petition.
La �n Rmq-AAy.-4iss AfeCrae ht4r �9,u.off. The unfortunate'g�vo�mran vas 9.dly frightened, and has been cofiEed John McCrae,. of Morris, while I turnJtg othe house since. Last wee Mr. the -horse which she" -was drivihg'�.neajr A- ictic n ales. he front of the post ffice, up3eO an(I 7h isday, Ppo'brua 7. 17, 1881, on
axks laid an informatio against' we e horse ran away. He collided wit$ Lot :0 5, C i cesspion 6, Hibb A.
2 e ,
f thq ringleaders, Frederick - Alhilern Faftm Stock �hd I plBments. Sale to
the telegraph pole in front of � t.1- e oq- ond James Wawin, for, aggravated I a& treal office leaving the cutte' COD! Lm ance at 12 o' oc i noon.' Andrew
$ault upon his -wife, b6fore Mr.!'C. rand. somp of the harness, Miss McCkv',e:--ecoiv'e4' Cal lv'OU 5priefor Thomas King,
'J. : ( ; ra,.bb, 'J. : . The complainant ��d reviously gone ton number of magis- no injury. AxOTHrm FiBr,..—A 'V-& nesd6yj Fe ru iry 16, 1881, on
-at all refused to take the case, fire brokE� �O`Ut iJ1 ates, b� Lot 3 Con(essioA 3 Hullett, Farm
the dwelling of Mr. John.... Igh, o' oriDg various excuses. Upon. -r. 11 o'clock on Monda beiDg notified of his dismis Queen street, a I stock and )Iern�entB. Sale to com-
rabb Bad 5, ruing. The building wals dEstroyed. e ac-, at 11 ),clock A. M. sharp. Mrs.
rom tIle magistracy, he dropped the oss unknown!.; total insur�ncE $1,*�06 Chixlei Ca: her, proprietress J. P1.
qase, and s no other. Justice of the Briue, lauctic a-eer. 4ce in the Standard. A brisk wind w%s eac ill town would take it up, it will robably be. carried before the Gr�nd blowing at the time, and hut for th`0 �y by the. County Attorney. timely arrival of the steam , engine, Gal otices.
liefire might have.prov.ed m -)re dil- imicv, Vr( sh, F un in H addies at 7
&strong. The fire is attributed.. to per,'b-&tD.b.AbsE,s. 67s The B:orse Combination.i candianism ARA Nyal le in ug axs I Teas I Coffees R 13ir Si Curran ts and 'en al Gxoeeries at D. b.
Mit. I Er)I-J;oR—Siit : I read in �-our 'TD:E �FiRu OMPANY. '_!'The Semi- 678 paparaconpleof weeks ago a letter Annual meetiu� Fit 0 5 of the . 1 ussels �e Q0, t .—OL yes, on by coming
�Tom Mr. Bi Smillie, Secretary of 1�ip-. Company was held in the Council goo*, t et Chop C ai n for 81 15 a hundred, at We
pffn Grane.1 in which it was stated that. Chambers on Wednesday eve ug last. 'He�sttl)IW�.-�ACGILErOR&-TJRQUI[A-itT. 687,
lie ip SA.La I irg quantity of first -
the owners Pf imported horses in his- There was aifull attendance, of t2 aqs %nd Salt �06_r &I, difti) at the Big Mille
county had I formed a comnatio. or members, together with a nu riber of " �i S [go th. -Alue i -of ithi I salt was made- last scun-
intended for -ming a Combination for I thei citizens wbo expressed thei - wfllingDe�s mce a d fall, ai d is te y. A, �. GnvM purpose of kaising prices. Now, BiT, I to join thetCompany, Consequently tbe Co., 18 Jaa.ppen to belong to the class of men I I strength of the company was largely VOOL PIC] iN0.8,1H1U)FS ANID SKINS.—
'bee I'% ill Pay �pecified, and I thiuk if anything of the increased. � Several gentleimeil an4e the b' gheat Tsh picee for any quantity
f 170(l picking: - -
�, Rides, sho �ep and caff skins 'de-
Jkl nd had been done, or was contam- honoray members. T $0 lin. ree at e� 'Notrack or trade,
here i vas &I lated, would know solnething a�out, presentF.C. ogers,Reeve',whom 0"s eas 'foie-vekytlkng� X5oHN�SoPoRT,,R, 614
C RIEVE—In MOR on the rd inst., the wife I of Mr. Thomas " of a daughter ! I .]g STitAX SHEEP— )ame into. the promises
'I IN D!AL��L—In Era.i Awanosh, on" the � 18th ulti.,J the undersigned, � jot 88, Conoeggion 2, H.
I'. of M
the wife of Mr. e a Tindall of a daughter4 S. Tu keramith,abon; the first of November,
'V� rALLACE—In Bi a Is on the' 81st, ult., the E"'e, irked with thf letter H. The owner ma
wife of Mr. Ma �eo law of a daughter. 1, have he.same on pr mibg property and payin
expein co Un WM.WIL'?, O ton P. 0. 6s5x4
WANN—POLLOCK—At the residenc� of the! bride'smother, towushiO of, Grey4by Ret.1 STOCK FOR SALE. George Brown, Wr oxeter Mr Francis Minn, I ; ' __ C L FOR SALE orsale, a bay geldin
to 7688 MAry F ollock, M ORRIS --%-PATCH — At GLnd, Bend,� on the* Olt coming t br a. Sired by Lord, Hadd
25th ult., at the ret idenc6 of Mr. Rol�ert Ful- w d I ioketo a ape Apply on Lot 84, oonce
ton, by Rev. A. GI ndonning, Mr. John Met- 11 1011 0, MORil OP. 8 DORRAN019. 676
ris, of Clinton, Ld Miss Agnes Patch, o.9 Stephen. rO�K FOR SALF, -Ford ale, a Thoroughbre
G�BBINGS—SHITLEY—At the residence of-tho S, Durham Bull,about 6 months olil; also
bridolstather, umnlioad,onthe 27th ult.i, iTloroupbbied Dnrhwm Heifer, in ca.0 to
by Rev. R. Thohmi 'Mr. Thomas Gib gs, ot i Thoroughbred Bull. They are both splendl
Clinton, to EliziLbe �,h, eld,est daughtei of olUl animals and will be soid cheap. ; Applyl on Lo
Shipley, Esq. 8 C ncession 8, MeRillop. ROBERTXeMIL
S A, LKELD—GREE R- -On the 26th ult., at thol 684
residence of tht �; b -ides father, by ev. Dr. mPI( eton S Williams, Mr. Z os ph Tej , eld, to Miss Margaret M. daughter of Mr. George MEETINGS TO BE'HELD.
Greer, Bayfleld Be Ld. ; I
All 1NS—FISHER- -Al - the Parsonage, W dton, by CHEESE FACTORY' NOTICE— A. Genei
Itev. Mr. Bang )n the 6th of September, Meeting of the I hareholdo rs of the Varl:
ino, Mr.... Willi d. Akins, to Mar, r, eldest Cheese Factory will bl held in the Town Ual
daughte; Of wo Fisher, E9q., Sea orth. Va ,na, on Wednesday, !the 16th day of Vabruar
Woo 18E 1, at 2 O'clock P. M. The resolution or b
D�ath I Et. la passed at the annual meeting, resolting th
J.A MIESON—In I B allett, on the 27th nit , James th( Company should be wound up and its bus
R. Jamieson, &,,ed years and 2 m9ths. nei a a nd property d�sposed of to Mt. Rob
Me Us rtney, will be sqbmitted for conArmatio
WJ TMER—In Wawanmh, Minerva, daughter of JOI IN MeASH, Pregid6nt. 687-2
Mr. Benjardin',Vitmer, aged 6 years. , i
LA WBON—In Hu' lett, on the 24th uIt.1: Annie, -A Gener 1 Meeting of the Shar
youngest dangi ter, of Mr. A. Lawson, aged 7 N OTICE-
years and 9 mo atbs. 1 � I holders and PatriB of the Bluevale Chee
.C1 EEAR—In Gre: o the ist inst., th 1,f,,,t Faitory Company will.bLe held in Pqtterson
child of Mr. J6 in Creran; H s 11, Bluevale, on Fri February 18, 1b8l, at
P31 TEES—In Wa [ton ' on the 31st ult James O'0 LOck P. M., whe
1 Peters, M. DI., .0 b �s 65th. year. : I o I vhey will be offered for sale. ' 18o the dra
SM ALLDO��-In reyi on the 2nd inst., Freder'-� I nf of milk on the difierent routes mud the de
ick Wilson Smi ildcn, aged 6 months mud 212 eii ofs quantity of firewood wW be let bypubl
days. . I tender, and any other business transacted t1m
DA VIS—In Wingh un, on the 28th ult., William ro my be brought before the meeting. By o rd
JOHN, BURGESS, Secretary. 686-8
on f Henry Davis, Es I., age# 11 days. h C olina, on the Z ult�, Elizabeth, -wife of L. B. Harkin an sister _XO�EY. to Messrs. Jollu i. a Walter 06venloc Groy, _CF —_ Money to lend: on
agdd 48 years. ONEY TO NDL
Improved farms only, at 7J per oent. inte
est, payable yearly; prhrsts funds; charges mo
BEAFORTH, Feb. 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN—In largo or small sun
Fall Wheat ......... # ............ 0 98 t I 00 on hist-claso security, at 8 percent. year
interest. Privatefundo, or on theinstallme
Spri g Wheat Fife al busb*l.... I 05 t I 10 plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628
Spring Whest:Re& ha, liperbush. 1 00 9� .1 05 OatF per bushel...., o. � ........... 0 32 to 033 Peal par bushel.... 6 1 .. ........... 0 62 td 0 65 N"ONET—A. G. McDOUGALL is authorized t
Barleyper bushel.. j1 10 ............ 11 o 60 t4 0 70 _ � lend money at 7 per cent. on mortgage, f
Butier,No.],Looee,� ............ 0 18 td 020 an: r amount, and for apy number of yeais inti.
Butdor, Tub... 0 16 to 0 18 est charged only on the unpaid principal. App.
6Dougall & Co. 678
Eg ........... ....... 0 18 to � 0 20 at �he Store of A. G. M Flon , per 100 lbs.. 275t' 285 PRIVATE FUNDS AT6JPERCENT.—T
Ha. now ...... I 0 00. too 12 00 undersigned has .&few thousand dollars
Hid a, per 100 lb...1 . ........... 7 00 to 8 00 She p skins each .... ....... 0 75 to 1 60 PrivateFunds 'for immediate investment upo
m. rt age eeenrity at per cent.
salt retail)perbsi*.1 ........... I 00 9 Pat sunny
0 2 A EBB. BENSON, �Salicitor, Sealorth. 688
Potmoes, per bnglr 1,new, ....... Q 30 td� 0 ,a MONEY.—The unde: -signed has a lar $a Sam
........... 'go tol o 40 1 moneyfor immediate investment,ou fir
Oatn 6 00 to� 5 00 i m. ortgages on farm prc party. Seven and a he
Tal w,per-lb ..... ....... 0 05 to, 0 08 percent. interest yea -1y; prificipal as may I
Dre ad Hogs per I ...... 6 oo to! 6 76 a greed upon. . H. PEN430N, Solicitor, Be
WO.0, 1, par cord ................... 2 60 to� 2 76 forth. 638
I )LINTON, Feb. 10, t281. FAA I whastoper I oo @. I od AUCTIO�R SALES.
Sprii tgWheat, perb ' ash ......... 1 05 @ 1 0$� Oats per bushel ....... I ..... i.....0820 0 84 UCTION SALE )F VALUABLE, RE
Barb y,per 0 65 @T 0 85 AESTATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WD
Peas,per bashol... 0 60 0 70 LET—Under and by -v rtue of - a power of s
Batt 'Ir ............... 18 0 20 colitainedin a certain indentme ofanortgag
Pots. oes,new ......... 0 so @ 085 1 dated the 15th day of March, A. D. IS78, an
Eggs ................. 0 15 016, which will be produce" on the day of sale, th
Hsy,perton,.. 1000@1200 will be suld by Pa i Auction, at the � Qneen
Clovi r geed. ....... 4- 00 (jo. 4 ro Hotel, in the town olc�eafort.h. on SAWURDA
Timothy ........ 8 10 @ 8 25 thb NINTEENTH da of FEBRUART, A.
'clock in he afternoon, bv Jooep
Dres Red Hogs per 1 00 @ .6 76 1881, at ten o'clock in P. Brine,. Auctioneer, the, following lands an
ieeg,, viz.: Thiot crts,in parcel or � tract
IVERPOOL, 9. Spring wheat prem
I e, L 98 land situated, lying, a d being in the Townsh
9s 04d red winter, 9s 06d; whi of Bullett in the Cour ty of Huron being col3
0,6d; club, 9s 3 Qd oats, 6s 2d; bhrley, posed of Lot No. 12, in the 5th c6neessi6n of 0
5s 3d; peas, 6s )9d pork, 67s Od;' beef, said Township. of Hullett. containing One htu
74p Od ; cheese 68 Odd' dred acres,- more or les . The above is a, valuab
property and very fallorably located. On
premises sre a good frame house, TORONTO, Fell .—Fall whest,:51.071 other conveniences. 9 erms �Of stLle end other 11
to 1.10; spring, $1.10 t . 01.15; oats, 37c 1 ormation, will be made known ot the day of Sal
or ra be had by application to the nudersigue
8c barley, 78e, to a
pe&3,- 63c to Datel at Stratford, th, a 8rd day
f February.
96c ; hay, per ton, $300 to 6�400; D 1%1. T. J. BEATTY, Vendor'S L Se'fioi
bu.Uer, 20c to 24c; potatoes per bag Stratford; 687-3
45c to 50c; eggs, per doz., 30c t6 3�c.. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE. TOW
dressed hogs, per 1 i 1647 25 to $7.55. , VILLAGE, AND FARM PROPERTY, B
(OF BLUEVALE).—P irsuant to the Decree I
TH� this Cause, dated the 1; inth day of October, A.
1880, there, will be sold by Public &uction, at t1
�O AL,
Dg at eleven o'cloek in.the for' noon
of FEBRU FgIDAT,, the 25th de, ARY, A. I
L A D I HOU.SEN '1891. by Henry M&cDe mott, Esquire, Waster the, Court of Chancery t Godericb, tke f.ollowin
:parcels of land, namellri I.—LotnumberNin
in the 6th Concessiou'd the Township of Tar
ber)y,containingl.00 ores, more orle�sj at pre4
OR H I N i en1-nder, leme to one William Powell� at a rex
talL Of $280 per annum ; about 80, acre 4re clea
ed and chi6fly free f stumps ; t soil
good; there are on the offand two fr e
and a log barn and stable, and an exec [lent ore
T N E E ME)% I TWEEOS I ard ; the pnolefired. I&E d is fairly'wo(4-ed wit
ord�inary woods; the land is Bitnated.41�out fou
i milrs from BlUevale, a station on thei WellinE
CoAd A.ND SEE to : Greiand Bruce Railway, a4d about t
salle distance from the important own o
belW- ham; this is an epEcellent farm, ue of th
u tho towaship ; it will be sold iibiecti t
0 A IS f P B 1__ S I L Tl! a 8 the lease and to two mortgages ame' inni get er to $2,600. II. —T a sontherl
Lo s 89 and 40, in the First ConcesBi(
STOCK 01, T OSR'BEAUTIFUXJ To nabip., containing I 0 acres, more pr sent leased to one I ichard A Aridg e at 1.
pr desellribed
per aunum., and partlet larly desci.ribed n a mor
TWEEDS FDR SPIT GS. ga theneof to Anne I lelmore lbamUell; the
are aoirt 60 sores clear )d, nearly all fro
NOTH'. 14G LIR, THEM. st, ps; the balanee is well wooded ;a bIranch o
the River Maitland flows through the I tot; ther
h&rJ'j net beginning to b aar;. ther
is -0, young ore OVER00A E , OVERCOATS are a f rame house, a fro me bam and sta ble on th
pr - iises; the soil is good ; tbis,� also, is, an a
R*a i e Bargains wi R1 , D be given, in ofder to cell at farm,, in a good neighborhood, boing fly
v . and 1J miles from 331nevale
Clear Off �h4 Entire Stock, ab i miles from Wingbarn I hot n good. markets ; th is lot will be sc Id subjec
oppbell's C 14 ting and OuO tt to he lea�e and a mortgage for $1,200. III.—Tb
Mg noz th part of T own Lot number Five, in' Foley'
Es tabb slit) tent Seaforth. Snivey in the Town of'�Wigham,haviug a front
age of 25 feet on Josep4ine street,,, and the %out
1� 1,Campbell'iEriok Blo-ek,Maini? rest. par ofTown Lot num. er Four, in sai(I Foley'
8 vey,inthe'said T having a frontage o
15 ��et on said jrosephiv��treet; on the nortl
erly,'sil e Of this parcel v: erected a two story brie
MTERI"THE FIRE building used and occupi.ed. as a r store� by T.
7 milps, to whom it was rbpted for $2501 per an
I num, and� who still occapies, althugh, his leas
13aq expir�.d; this property is in the eel ' 3 Ltre of th
,ANDRE C-ALD)ER business portion of the To-wn ; the vacant Ian
is very valuable for ba Iding purpose8i; �f foun
Mi -RILE Tbrkinj all 'those who eolkindly deArable td the sale, this parcel may heidivided
assisted in sav mg his botograph Plant, anil the store and the -iacant land sold 0eparat
&c during The fire a the morningof Thursday, ly. thpi-els a mortgaye on this parcel for $1,00
Feb i nary 10th, begs to inform his many friends to',T'o1nuNeelands,6'f k'Y'ingham,ba inga�outtw
v1 and the publiq in gen(ral that he has i years to run, subject t) which the prop r y
be sold ; there is alsoa lane along the s, utherl
Bidocommonto this-amd the adjioiniugpropeit
01'ENED- UP IN SCOTTS BLOCK INT. ill4geLots 73, 76, i7, 92, 93 A�d 94,i
Do can's, Survey, in the -Village of Blueval
Ov (r Wilson & I obn g's Store, where he will be up�n whieb iserceted. a 11 story frame bous
pleft3ed to attend ;o, the wants of all who may SIDI a garden, orchard, &a " beini the picAp rty O.,
favo r him with a cafl. Photography in all Its ; this 0
bra itches executed on ihort notice. wh chth6lateJohn 'Ali sFe, resi4ed pare
nencumbered. V.--Yillage Lot numb. relah
688 ABDREW CALDER, Seaforth, on ithe w.est side of (lyde Str'ebt, in Dancan!
S vey, in the said 'Village of Blnevale, upo
is cireeted the Aore formerly 000ppied b
JZ;t (D:B:B:) S the; said Itite John Mesf er, and now ba his broth
er"William M esper ; there is al�o a s,torehous
& stnblo. upon this p -eel; this parcelis une
MEAT 'Al A R K E T! Cu ere . .— he �state, right, title. and I
ter.st of the litte John 'Messer iu a pr.r I t of th
MAIN ST _E�T, SEAFORTH. roL I helly he] f of Lot a u mb er 28, in'; the Firs
coneV.S%lon of the said Townshijp of - Ta!rubei-ry
bel �.g all that part of the soutterly haRf - of sal
]REMEMBER BUGH ROBB keeps conatantlY L(Anotcnveyedby argaretDunc&A4t.a1.-t
on hand Spi(ed I eef Hams, Fork Hems nod John Diment by deed, ated -the 16th May, 1.875
Spi c ed Pork Boll i, B reakfast Bacon and Clear containing eight acres, more or less ; It is state
Ba( ;in. Also thi � Be st Quality of Lard, Pork thatonePun-can bas the right -to redeem thi
Sausage and Bol)gna Sausage, Pork Cdttingsj parcel on payment of t. ie sum of $350, I but th
Fre E h Fish, &c. deed to John Messer, deceased, is absolute
Callandseemys�ock. Re,member the place VII,Tbb estate, right, title and inteimst of th
6M HUGH -BOBB, Seaforfh, said lte John Messer in Village Lot number 10�
on Clyde Street, in Dun oan's Survey, in the sai
of �Bluevale, upon which ia,Olecteil
ititended to be used as a Cabinet Fac
i tory. VIXI.—A. certain mortgage, and the inte
COD CTTE R F R SALE—For Ee,16 che4p,i
a Portland Cut er, new last winteni Al.ply, est . therein, as Mortga e of the sid late oh
* , Messer, dated Che 12th day of December, A. 1:
to IEV. A. D - M CPO AID, Seaforth. 6E 16778, made byDuneau Stewartto the r -aid lat
John e'sser, on :Vil age Lot laumber 128,
]C�XT NOTICES. Dunesn's, Survey, in e said Vill%ge of Blu
ale, for.$400,. upon w cnabout�3400ispastdu
CIRD OF THANX-E, —The m3derai&nedl drsireB. 'and unpaid, There ill be a reservied bid o.
to return hi 9 � dace re thanks to t he memliers" each parcel. fixed by t � Master. TERM S—T
of -.1ne Fire Bri.aa� e, amd tbe citizens of Sieflfo'rthi per cent at the time of ale, to the Vendor's S
who rendered r-adh valuable aid in saving We; heitors, nd the balan into Court, without h
P -3pertyfrora Icsa on the occasion of th: terest, in one month t iereafter, � when the p
9: ursday morn�vg last. GEOROE chaser will be entitled to their coVeyane
Szorth. For further particular i apply to Messxg. Sung
&Mortom, solicitors, Goderich. and. Winghan
C_kBD OF TILL IR —I beg to return my sin- E. Campion, Esq., Slicitor, Goderibh; to t
, cere thanks, 0 t ie Gore District I Vendor's Solicitors' G oderich; and � to C. a
Company,and tbe J,gen In em. 0 - '� r* I Scott, Esq., Wingbam, the Aue oneer appoint
N. Watson, for the prompt and sati factOrY bytheMatter. Dated B t Gode-rich, the', thday
ME ner in which they settled tho 8 s4sta- I January,, A. D. 1881. H.*Mae EW OTT, Ma
byme on the oce i(n of the ]a -e�, C.:WJ ter at Ooderich. GARRO A!RO FOO
PA I �BT. 6 Yedors'Solicilors, n t'
e'voe 0
e rge T1
18W Ol
IDt al a, d
d g -y-
nIR3 M MI BMM FOR E ALE!OR T 0 LET. of 'P310FERTT TOR SALFr--For Sale, on- terwoo thi t desirable Tesidenco Stieot ow.nia4 b: Mr. Giaorge Dent. u in 1.84; PORTER, ;eafor-th. Y g STOBEIIC)tlal TO RENT4—To rent a st6r ouse on the Aouth aide or Ma raliwaya t c in Beaforth, with two sets of scalmh true a and Jigge rwall coloplete; ossesislangi*-a ad' tely. A.) ply to Scoft, Brothers, Sea&rth. 9 -SMITH E ST a proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rex- or to 0, [QTO_R�TOR11NT_TotentaI&Te anjd cow. d4i ore in Whitte me OUB a yl block, X*is treet, Seafortl, in the best bualnesspart of tb-s d —A�E— own. The stoi a is 60 feet long with. a stoie oolu 80 feet In elkgth in the rear. Rent. ibloand posses, Ion gl-.veu ou �bth j&uj=y, I d 88L �,p#ly to WHITNEY ZhoTHERs_ t LOSING'UP OUSINFESS Licenced Auctioneer jor ,Qp �Couuty:ol Hron.., Sale(sAttended 6, of the Zqunty- A-11 orders left at the ZZ. al D... OR Offee *ill be promptlyattendeft IN o. -pit IRAHAM, A.'UCTIONZER A" IS yl LM AGUNT.—Special attention given 4* of lauded p�roperty, farming and thoxiougtk- y- at I ir d stoclr� Cattle sLelectod for -the English mazr- IM r_r ]a le Office and Auction Rooma begows new t, Goderich Ont. Term moderate. 615 U. 'DELGETTY, Lieeneea Auction- A LEXANDER eer,McXiAlop. S.Pecial attention S!ven to a- I a of Land�d Proerty,4 Farm Stock .1 n ements. Be orders left with the undar�- �d at Walt,on P. O.,! or Lot 1.4, cop- c a lon 14, will be -promptly attended to. 80a - amps e i requir Y, Wilton. 639 JMr DOE EDUCTIONS M WANTED. JKRVANT WANTED—A Good Servant Girl wanted immedi"y. Apply. -at SHARP1B TEL, Seafoith I 4 TUATION:WANTED--k&,sHoaaeke4eperbys Have been made in each dlep�rent, and you 15 � thoroughly espectablO woma d allily hdre there, wre. no small children. Hust -be r- w!" shs a good deal of mou!.eYlbY 98curing Your riespectable, Ap, 11 H d- Ply-byletterto ALLEMP 1, Ont. supply of Staple Dxy 6 oods loi the coming sea- WAGON MAKER WAXTED-Wanted's on during this sale. wood Volker for a wao5oflahvp in Bramw1k, nt connectioli v�ith a bls�dksmith :shop hay.flig as there Ira a good building and lots of war*_ so wmtedi s. ork. A, ply� at once to Box 47., Brussels 6ft 0 or 0 CONTRACTORS—Tenders Wanted for the Building of -Nine W-oodaheas—The, ndtf- �VERYSOD� JkLEASE r, gwd will receieSealed Tenders, �m behalf of a Public School Beard) up to the 1�9-th day of 3h, IE81,.at 2 O'clock P � M , in the Village of le ville: for buil&g W�o' of 914ond dsheds at Sehibel gas Nos. 1, 8. 4,:6, 7, 10 and 11. WoA n to b b completed on or before the Ist day of Sep w t�mberuext. Plans can be rseen. at the submrib- eils, on mud after the 15th February, -and infor, Ani4 sat iefled that this Sale is Genuire. Crovil's mgtion will- be given by I any member of 7.tbe of : - Boaxd- GE-04GE SP .Beoretary Pa!bft at of Customers daily. School Board, Tuokers 687-2 if TATE FOR REAL ES L.E.. NOR SALE.—Far Sale a first- clan Plamil* nearly new �nd In good running order4 simaited in the flourishing T own of Be aforth, IAll be $01rd cheap. Terms easy� Enquire lor L SIPEC11AL ATTENTION : iooRD, CoasENS& co .Goerich, Out. I,a —For.so- e Lot No. 20, Con- �4RMYOR SALE cession 4, Btanleyeo.ln ining 140.0 acres, 80 of d v hich are cleared, utaiderdr ned, wellfenced I# a first aIaFs state of c ation. .hebalance iie re timbered wthbardwoo. erels agood frame Y, h nise, frame bam amd s a I plenty of vater And 7 31te Cottons. yungprebad Justecom, , cing to beir; in SJ to called to oar O." d The A? miles from Brucefield, 4 from Clinton - h d Log iding Lines *,91 soon be gold out. Secure school within two miles. Terms easy; "sea- sib4ats;ny time� Ap Ply to the pr ' to t olme r -a P whJ Lt yo u requireleflore they are all gone. Brucefield. W.COOK, pr pr pr irletor. 677 e ARM,, FOR BAE—Lot: No. 10, CocessIon. 8, Grey, contairing 100 ai rk a, about 65 tleared - a bowed log house, frame �rivar, log. b f i arne- stable - thdBoil -1au] my loam - 1-6 acres ci- I ill wheat sown; a �good b�anngr�iarau 1-1m d & ver tailing spring.; pn*e piemisvia, and 600 a liberal reauctioxi to -a eashurchaser; e, 131LACK ICASS-1 MERES there is no encumbrance on the farm, and - & pa the time 'of chase if do- an� be aired; title indisputable. For further particul"*- r. 0 ROMER ROBPRTSON, Proprietor, ,apply A1119 FOR SALE..- For . the -west half CA ot F L E N�e offer a largo ra]3g( of tl�e elebrated Crown H� .7, oil the 6th e 'OntaLining 50 aer'S Lof obolce land; I= .n I the -place is 'a frame ban nearly mew, -you ,a . ng Bri ud at 20c c, 28c, 850, 400�i) Bic, 62c, 850, $I- bearing orchard; good well Lud rap;l8acresof PUI a III wheat sown, about 8 ac. -es of bush;4a withil 16 iud $1 50. LthdiesshouK a oure their dresses 4 4 PMeS froul the toV'n' 6 ' Seaforth a gooa gravel road. This is one of'gLebestpropertiesin tho wb�l a they ate to be had at who6sale prices. toWnship, and will be sold Fo luxther f pLarticuaks :apply to the; proprietor, Oil tht
9 plt9niseA, or if by letter to 'Beatirth P�O. GRO,. a, 674X4_t f ALP,—Te �prth half of Lot 2% IF,&R*m FOR s Lot 27, andtbe east b4f of Let28,,Conces�- sioin 4, L. R. S., Tuckeismi6b ; 200 acres T,or ss:16 E ERYTHING y U WANT in one arcel, or two of 100 sel-es and 61) acre* a V respectively; fist -class b�dildings, goo& Jenccw� and orchard ; the land is W a good stateof cultl� h Tat io, is wellatered, and is -WklI situated as -t,6 r I &c. An person wauting a good farm, in res dig goo d locality, will do well look at thisone be,� A totebuyingelsewere. POL 'PSItieUlargand-terrult f :&P -ply to JAMES LLIVRENICH A 73ROTECER ola a' T oq I be had at, anch pricis as �o will nobo obtain the premism, or to XES�RS- McCAIGGMY 0 HOL.MESTED, Barrister0eaforth. d8. again in General Dry Go� CORXZRLOTFORSLIE� TO RENT�Reing the West halfof Lot , Concession 2, town -i- ship ofMcKfflop, contrainng,50 acres, nearly -4 0. clearedi.-Aind in is splendid stgte;of culdvatiou well watered, 7 fall wheat =a aac�res plDwed; good farm . house and stiblei good well and hearing 'orchard, convenient to f Roman Catholic, Church anilsebool; within-balf O�ERCOATS, QV ER00 S a mile of Huron gravel roa4, 4 inifles of Seafort,14 a and 3 of Db -11n; this is one'of the prettlest 50 0 acre farms in tile township. For terms, &c., ap- pl' a, to P. 1MXXELLY Seafortit P! on 1ht, 'Pre is 'O r a 'O o A-!nD.e HENNEMY, Ti�jkhi;; Post Office. 675 t IN STANLY—Por Sale� FA" FOR SALa *a have a few Ove'te oats le ft� which we are that valuable farm, aftu#ed in the T onshl P of Stanley, being Lot 14, 1*4 6thConcessioell' r erly for 5, PSIT d to sell. Those 9014 Lin�. The farm is a mile snd lii h bonlu quarter of the Village of I a, where there are f' no for $3 50; former] y $6' i Low 4; form stinps, post office, sthoO house, blacksmith rly s4ops, and everything that a -village xequires; ji k $8,;, now $5 75. MtWa Suiti , Boys' Suits, md. RN bit 1-00 rods of a grist and saw ill goodgravel roads pointing ii all directions; the r& a m. 80 acies, or bi Id - :85 in fall wheat, La ies Mqutlei reduced in amMe way. a with meadow amd the land is a high state of cultivation thpte is also d orL-hard and good frame buildings. For particulars apply to the proprietor, WI 68i4 JOHNSTON, Varna. a0 LOOK ECEII-E — $5 500 FARAI POP. SALE For Sale, Lots No. 7 snd§, Concession -2, H -ow- - 0 IR:Ei _-E -S ril ick, containing 200 acres more or less, about 160 &ereS el�JUed =a nealfly ree froul Sttlmpsi 10 cedar and black ash, i1nd the bal ance -good n hrdwoud bush; there is a new bank barn, other barns put rip with eedar posts, two good log e, e, houscs� log stablerand other bulbuildings;,agood bearing orebard; thislarm: is well fncid :�Ith cediar and black &sh also over 1-00 Tods ot el lease do not ask second I e. Wequote the board fencing ; this f arm is in a good state of I "Itivation, and'over half of it has been lying in n u,susl 6na the redueed i A eL 1. rice Reh And pastre for a number of yearswith good well4wd pl6ntyof-eboieeva:tErtheYO&-rro-and; is4 miles. d9 i Lot wish to waste ti m a ote it if it does ot 1r6m. the' -village of Gorriol 5 f -T -LOM from school,rud 2 fl*M this farm is :a� p*at hai-gain, and Lean be 'bought for S5,500— L_ $2,000 earh down,the balne :to be fiecurt d b_T a ml)�t.gagiL.,rn the farm at 8 per cent. interest, for a torm of earti, to suitpu t rebaser; title indisput-: ab)e; I)oscessix-,n3?..ivenimraodiately. For1urther d psaiculani apply to rhe proprietor on therem- 0 isea, r it by R-tter to Gormemt 41fice,- J. R� LL W HOL WISH d OR SALB—For Bale, Lot 3 and east half of Lot 4, Concessin 13, Huett ainirig 225 acres � ; 190 acre4 cleared, under-: 00 0 dr ined, nd nearlyt-lear frem. StUMPS ; 'the bal-: heavily tim a -e I., bered with. beech, maple, ebu 5 d basswcod ; there are 50 aLeres in fall wheat d an and 60 acres in grass.; thLe land is of tht best a thro a the stock, nd I Ajei courteously shown lit b Ang a rich c1RY loa-% ; this farm lay .a a q, E, ,ut not hilly ; A never luiling "zing r- aA require are not gh tb e barn yard; this is a first- Peds which customers do ertek mus tbrou. 01� s?J gl C�iu Ordairy f Zirlu ; there are 6 acreB f a im I eitimently pressod u] on t,12e n. yoang orchard, withL apples, pears, Peaches, Ana ebe�Tieg, j n ut beginning to bear; -the. dious; there is a e. ba0dings are large and oommo
latge bank baru 5&0, And is nearly new; the n d vIng house and stable is -40x&OL, and is new ; the bonoe isa large two story frame, Vith L k#ehen ana wood shed attached, and good �stoe d (5e3lara L under the whole building, iind is filled between. studding -with limti and giavel from b0t- tom to top ; there is a good- school, post Offim store and blaekamith tbO er -w,:es r m& i[ rr ia r fam is situb�-d 10 miles M -Om. Sealorth, 12 from 18.'& goaL
6 froln Londesboo.; there he it gravel road from the place to All the above e kets, A.good part of the purchase inoney tan ke it out of rem= on mortgage long enough to ma pply to TH03TAS to Barlock ofteplace. For partioulats ,art
ATKINSON,on-te premiee0i Or No. 3 BLOCK.
ge for -Hamilton, and presented
then subirutted the'�eport ( f the
with a handsome locket (in dia-
tors for th� past year. T Q ID11o,win
-�ve -1
setting) and chain, d
ite I e cul I
interesfing I , 1115 . w , Ifrom.
� th :
Ing 3
a most flattering address.
eport : h Society at pre out
to o r,
—Mr. S. Rackingham,, of Exeter, had
f 911 m=bers, whos, 1 1 premiun:
oB�cape the other day.
otes am v t 021,�O(.�.5
� cover.
to the cupboard ..to take a dose. of'
ing insiarlanbe on proper y imount.
Unknown to him big wiffe
g to a fiac I tion -.over $l,0)0,0)0.
T,prefer to,cast in their fortunes
00. -
it, but Mr. Smillie's lette J the fir it
w f
ith the -Americans, where they will
)f L
intimation I had of ani -tb g 4 the
pal: 3
�&,ve at leatit competing railways.
kind being in contamplatt7ni on rask.
in di
I —A convention of the class leaders
ing enquir ies aince, I hav 3, learned that
ind, local prewers of the Goderich
one horse' o w'ner did adv� icare the for--
Pstrict Methodist Church of caniax,
mation of such ja combiEsti3n, but as.
be. did'no
ill be held in Clinton about the
The of ',this
receive the sh ht(
agement from any of the
Pall I
in February. object
eetin 9 is to discuss matter a relaiing
men, the -matter did not gc
ther. It
ny f a.
th. this special branch of church
will thus be s en
that ti e
—Miss Jane Burc hill, daughter of
Grangers ;.and Mr. Smil 0
mited thleir fears to be un.
Ave pe: -
1 Bm�'
mr.r. Thomas Burehill, who resides iiear i
aroused. I So long as t ere
is one h
0 JVingham, died last week at the villag
had �one
keen comli tion in the �oro
there is is like' 'y
Of shakeBpeare, whither she
as now and . 0.be
The direc POrs were able to p y 4109
f�r treatment for consumption. Thel
brought home to Wing-
season,_t6re is L not mue fbar
combinatioui and the Gra' ger�
!will he
9i this fund -to'help to I)BO,
remad-na were
that the working
or the part year only anion tec'
aja for etment. She was juO 21
spared,th 6 unnecessar y
n Be an I
!to I
ears of age.
risk of importing horses
heir ow a
—Recea-tly the eXLpress MeBsengei on
use. Yours' &c.,
London, Huron'and Bruce Rail SY
sE -
under his -charge a exr p
no ordinary character, in the peron
iiay Fire 's . uva,nce
, one
& an interesting little three-yearlold.
I by, who, had been expressed at Wing-
j Company
upa �1
to the address of another i�di-
aual mAAting of�t e� '
6f Hay Fi')re Insurance domy
fire v
at London. Thegoods were
in ZOrieb Friday
iny wa
O. K.
; —An old lady naJned Mrs. Phillips
�eld on las,
as a lar ye attendance o, ' th
. T her:
) farme
-very suddenly in Goderich adme
�terlestc from Hay,. Stephen
i TH
ago. She -,,4as evidently in
P of tea, WL
o drinking a OLuJ h9n ohe
tan ey I aore so than had 3vej
any prev ou s annual *me,
- been a
Ing i:
to the #6or dead. No person rds
MOkernubbifori the grolwi
& Dg
the room at the time; but one of the
nanffeste4 In the Wel f
of th� -
hearing the falli wen t to see wiiat
3ociet Y.
the matter, and found his mot er
Henry Boller� Esq., having
been ap'�
the floor as stated.
iontea chairman, the min ites
of lag
—The nunaerousfriendsLof Mr.Jtlhn
Western Railway. ag�.nt,
neeting W!erp-read and app
�ove Sr. Esq., Presidento:
e 1of . H.
ia, waited upon him on he
6nd H. V. Dirstein, Esq., E eym
tary an4
llon� if
previous to his - leaving that
Director for the na
at vear
r TJ I L - Tum T-7 0-
aeteriI .. ned fire . 0 =d,13e com-
a pri( per I o t,,Pn as he is
DOR'4tve P16therm6asure that
[d to 0 � 3 iro )erity oftbe village.
Howi-41 I is t listof the officers
e en�uinglalfyejax: Chief, )ell- , oapta* �P.� Scott;*. lit
naut,! C. "Vaastou6; .2nd Liet
A. *ott; I oc-Tr6asurer, F. lst gineeJ C. R.. Cooper; 2iid
B&V'11; let I Bran�chm&n, T.
I 2id i J. F.1 Waddell, 3rd R.
ns. 4tl Geo. anleron. 1!ust 6 ne. RLYAI�iitz.-- n.Saturday even.
t,the6table a d barns belongingi
Rober Porte bad a narrow es-
om de I'tructi oil by fire. It ap-
hat M W. Porte7r went out to
ble to, attend the horses, and set
ad I&ut 3rn oi i box, just bebind
the hol see, wh.qh baokea up and
he lautern,c� ising a conflagra-
It wasl wi�h 0 fficulty that the
3 exti4;uishe�,, W�inthrop. ULTETIT 'ae annua� tea meet. 3onnecdon with 'Cavala church,,
.op, wi I be held in the church'
asday vening next. Addresses'
d6liv)red Revds. MQssrg.'
Varna; Stowit, Clinton; MCI-,
1, BeaAorth ; 'McCoy, Egmond_:
Ind �T ornson, Bruce old. Thet:
of 'the Be forth Presbyterian"
,under the leadership of Prof.1
willbein attendance. Thepeo-
Cavan a nr( i no tEd or their
id Buccessfu. goir oes,"and if the
r is favorahl )u Tu day eVen-
I, the charc i N rill like be filled
ftowling. hould f ttend as a.
me � is ii t stor r'the.n 4 -ti [6 tt. r SOLD.4--Mr, John Crozier has
1 far -M, hicli ia on the l3th con-
toXr, Tho mi s , Humpbrq
, for
i of,$l,)W, The fitrni contans
LY A F�6 TI e �sthrej and dwel-
Mr. NT. c ams, Londes-
id a n rowi Be Alpe from estme—
fire ori uIlda F morning last'a
ling be am'eligniied from a stove
iieh papsed h -ongh it, and it
,h cons deia le difflokiltv the fire
wcome . Be -ious d image was
n, kxZ aflini 'h Tdr A fl vne.
9 � . I I W. H. Murray, C.. T.; T. Cooper, very Bmall sum of somethin 1j, le 3 was pr E tty ba �ly. IgI toned, as well he It was -so decided to hold the To -day the position of the ty is G L. al ight be. next annual meeting, and the 12th' of Jhey have $8.11 on hand, th(loyot .0 e T19 04- 1#1y celebration for this year at Exeter. :*t seven per cent interest for eiii- B3 tl..
I—Mr... John Washingtong of West 250 t6 pay up al I -losses,, ar t avoi Wawanosh, iutends building a barn'48 taking any agaestiment. So t,
3 . at thE cultural dinner
by 72 feet, with stabling underneath. members pay notbing at I o insur- ia,kp E 19NINGS ag ri
was hq 3'. d in E min' Botel oi i Wedues-
Mr. Ford has the contract. Mr. John ce this year—som, ingun alleled ay e'N (ning I 8t, a d t urned out to be
J we believe,lip the a a (Y. 1 anec. cess. H'd e ro%ds been in
.,u,n�kett, of the Bame township, , 4 . I I I , gr 3a � sue gc ing to build a brick house next Bum companies. st Ido bt more would
better ILU6 no r. James. Young, of Auburn, bag Upon 0 n, the report oX the Di� hav6 Attended TN6 ases before the
th contract for the carpenter work, i ectors a nanirnously r(�eived an Cou t of Queel's B n Blyth on
�dopte be following littl 6 irl, d tughter 'of
es Russell, of . Carlow, the brick gentleme w0lne� ay. -
and Joseph Stasic, of Aubuirli -�vere e cied-Directors for the curre Mr.' owdoi L�' h a. e nisfortune,
the stone work. �ear, viz.:! John B. Geiger, H. L ve, Sr whAe in the a it of . j�u ping, n a pass-
-T here is incarcerated in the gaol at Henry Blf,er, Peter Don asi Danie T slaigh, to �niss er footi and Blip
Gad-onch a dangerous - lunatic nam - arus, Henry lHayroia , Thomo ed un43r the.runners Mtho h she re -
T �omaa Joint. On Tuesday last week early, H. .. Dirstein, andli 11 ernar cei'v ad quite a 'few 3ruises . . . . . i 1 Bhe is
got into tatrums, ad get about aust.. Daniel Stthinbach, and. Wm abM to move %iourl L' Tbis hould be a
demolishing tlie walls of his cell, which ilsori Fansville, were app in, ied Ant I I to b war oys.- -T[ie P�-esbyterian
II3 succeeded in doing to some extent, iors for 1881.- con$7% ation in B1 4b will bold corm- until. restrained by the Officials in A rather � informa discssi n too mu 8
J.Poi service 'onISabbath day next,
charge. He rent big blaukets and bed- lace as-t�6 iih&Propriety o 01 Ing inT the! 113t i hist. Cling,. and broke everythin g. breakable III urance ill e stea threshin achine� the call. Joint is said to have become re at *oik, bich is thi� ruli i of th TuckeOsbaith- Ire- IZ,
sanefrom busin-eBs troubles and ociety at present. * It appf �are, I to be F Rr,,NT9D — An Michi A Heffer-
liggious excitement. animouB opi na 61 the 2n4 d ndesBior, L. R. S.,�
I he un * ' Dion of the : neeti4 —The tea meeting held in: Duff's at in atters -she uld re -main as they are� has 'ED ted hS fa to A� -r. thomas
I �h
,Church., Walton, last week, was largely 2amely, thal the society would. not b� Da ng,ofth3towhs ipof ay, for 5
a tended, and although several of the, -esponsible Iifor loss by fire catised yea 11 I I t t a re lta�l of about $400 per
promised speakers faile I d to put in an 3team threshers while '.at wDrk. yeat, This I �rba contains 100 acres,
11! rearance, the affair passed off �ery 3nanimQus vote of thanks' was t3ndere a n d h; one of Ablie b st in the township
-feasantly. Addresses -were delivered o the D' iredtors for their* able and e -Mr, Hefferna int nd 3 goi to live on*
by Rev. Mr. Reid, of Waton, Dr.Sloan, ient� maiiagement of the agairs of th� his: fw, .m. in N OKill p. Of Byth. and Mr. John Kerr, of Me- ociety during the past year, '.aft . S Elc P LEAS:,D.-;— r. MoorE -has leased
Killop, who gave a very interesting ac- Which the meeting adjourned. his I Lcamit i gho al the 4ed Tavern,
count of his recent trip to the old i A meeing of the newly ele'eted 13oar4 on i � 8th c)Dces ior t to Mr.. Daniel
country. Th ' o RrusselB choir, uIlder., f Directors of the comp y was hel Su erland, of.': Me il op Mi. Suther-
the leadership of Mr. D.- Stewart, gave after the close of the annu d I ieeting. Ian, I ormerly or ed �iih *r. Grieve, a number of ver . y nice musical selec7-' Al the merJ'aboB of ' the Boi xd 3reseht. t burn, add is s a to be an excel -
E sq.,.. en Im
tjons. Quite a respectable -sum wag Upon the firsttbalot H. Lo 3, S ized for the I purpose of enlaginglthe orkmar., A Qro d Bh�p in, this rpal was re-elected President, an �* upon th6 a e vi ill be i u grea i c nvenience- to the
uu'ds- orhooa.
an,se gro second ballot Jo'hn'B, Geiger, E 3q., was e le )f tbispeigb
�_Wingham hag an unenviable r pti.- lected Vice -President for'the ensuin #I, LAST . JOLD.- Jaines -Dick-
t4�ioa for harboring more prostitutes ear. H. V. Dirstein, Esq., was unant Ion has gold t4e Ia.. t o big bull calved.: n ay other.town in the -county. 1 A ously re inted secretary andimau� hi mae was pure as a b Mr. Rich.
appo y b I tob of persons was sent down I to n director. Ten I new licati=4 ).xr d '.dKee, 011 lop, near Lead -
9 p Goderich- gaol frona that town ial3t insurance were next passed by, thp�� Durl !o - tb Mm. I 484-00. He was al
week, Charged with keeping a ba*dy - oard and signed by the Pre ide at. Tho aend�wei&ed 610 pounds. He
hmBe. Among them was a young, D&afn I luestion of 'steam th-reshers va i intr 8 a, sl lendid imal, and wiII.Ao good
nmed Wm. Webb. - Upon being luced to the notice of the be ird, bu eri 14c in improvi the stock of that
s, eabed at the gaol, a pair of cut ipon mature consideration i 5 we, deem e0i,b of MeKillo Ile was of dark
h 3,ndcuffs were found in his posgesslon, d advisable to leave the- matter i ied 1 cc lor and was sired by Udoras Ox-
amd a letter written to his Ctwi oil ibeyance till the next me)tinl� Th' iord. .1 I e b1l �bat took second prize at
Annie McPherson, the keeper of he medtino then- adjourned to' me 3t agaii the, at Ha ilton last fall. 0 I I Pr(viuicia.! I Wingham den, while he was� in Gue : 1 . - Mi. Dich 5'On's Joel
Zurich, at 10 o'clock a. in., on th� , u's Joel brated-tborough-
gtol. After telling her that he ad nd Monday of May next. I bred 6�-ow hiw, haa another splendid' b, on sentenced to a month in. gaol,'he bul ;c: df � thii : se"on from the well
-�ound up by stating that Mi
knc 1 bull y Attrill, c1f
i 1A iff bad, my Ink is pale; Brussels. i "ne " Mypon Goi 6r'.eh." T�Wis i f is said *%by good
My love for you will never fkil." kollEy.—Private money t oati a Jud 'E .�o tb t the old Cow hals
I , Ile e be Ni�,ebb is evidently a bad churiacter. He per cent. interest first year, and Of per can in-tere9t each year ater. Inter O'� , eveR b ad. i� sqd to have been implicated in e paytt yeafl�r. Apply to C.A. CoopF.R, Brussels Poll Obice. 686-P n3ii her of u neighboring �-Aniong tie pe5itions presented to
U.111 gly jobs in the BAD ROADS.—The mild we- ther an counties. ain -of the early part of f is weeh thel ouse a few days ago as on.40
—ThetGoderiGh Signal of' last week - I so . F, ay. t-
iave made the roads in a, very badstato �N - iat:� ou; o ordinary w 9 -ves the following : On Sunday, 31st of -JIe hav' was p esente, I by Mr.; Robertson of
October, a I young lady, sister of Mrs. Lud consequently Very few p�rop iset�for that in the' i�-
eon seedin town. i !1.''homas J. Marks, of Bayfield, was Ibell.0m of 1�07, J:)hr. Farish, then followed ou the street of that -village by MAIRKETS.—Fall. whe&t 98c to $lj; 1 t, . su 1 lio� clotbing to a, com-
$1. 'to$1.05;:Peas, 60 Dae, Spring wheat 2 �an an ten up at Belld-
a uumber of young inen. She ran into to 65c; Oats 30PL to 32c Bi rle 660 t of vo,�ur tpe�s bt
her sister's house, where she remained. F -07 to $8; Porl ol. lbel F ott 3aberg. He neg-
'67 �7.251; VW') ly C:
1grs. 10arks had occasion to go to a, Oe ; Hay to lect a d senain. ilia b �s bill for some tim
g a 18c; Butter 186. . ,g 4,jstant'part of the village atbr one of and hen he%id so was informed thait
COUNCIL MEETING.—A Bpee,jal Meeti ' I
'her children, and left the house about the no duri 1 wl icb it could be., ra-
of the villa -e Council "'was hold in C ',4� aif -past six Walock. She was pounced 0 - ceiv ec had ei eing in gma., upon, by some of the young men, who ooperls, office on Saturday las Th� I i �
CoUne he neglected the
_,,,or g Can: 19 aneds a Ahe im, been waitang outside, and who Reeve and all the ere py -
sent. The Ina rl, but I 8 sir. ce become'reduce
:new clerk, Mr. D. Wa�tsod e under the impression that it ivas Thi)�s Lim is )Dad $ 700 without inte or g was duly sworn and took ais po§iti Ite iri. Aftor some struggling, t�ey est. i Nfany the le ding merchan a
9 jscovered that it was Mi M k d as Clerk. I au' 7. ;;; I
f Xamilton nppo -t o petition.
La �n Rmq-AAy.-4iss AfeCrae ht4r �9,u.off. The unfortunate'g�vo�mran vas 9.dly frightened, and has been cofiEed John McCrae,. of Morris, while I turnJtg othe house since. Last wee Mr. the -horse which she" -was drivihg'�.neajr A- ictic n ales. he front of the post ffice, up3eO an(I 7h isday, Ppo'brua 7. 17, 1881, on
axks laid an informatio against' we e horse ran away. He collided wit$ Lot :0 5, C i cesspion 6, Hibb A.
2 e ,
f thq ringleaders, Frederick - Alhilern Faftm Stock �hd I plBments. Sale to
the telegraph pole in front of � t.1- e oq- ond James Wawin, for, aggravated I a& treal office leaving the cutte' COD! Lm ance at 12 o' oc i noon.' Andrew
$ault upon his -wife, b6fore Mr.!'C. rand. somp of the harness, Miss McCkv',e:--ecoiv'e4' Cal lv'OU 5priefor Thomas King,
'J. : ( ; ra,.bb, 'J. : . The complainant ��d reviously gone ton number of magis- no injury. AxOTHrm FiBr,..—A 'V-& nesd6yj Fe ru iry 16, 1881, on
-at all refused to take the case, fire brokE� �O`Ut iJ1 ates, b� Lot 3 Con(essioA 3 Hullett, Farm
the dwelling of Mr. John.... Igh, o' oriDg various excuses. Upon. -r. 11 o'clock on Monda beiDg notified of his dismis Queen street, a I stock and )Iern�entB. Sale to com-
rabb Bad 5, ruing. The building wals dEstroyed. e ac-, at 11 ),clock A. M. sharp. Mrs.
rom tIle magistracy, he dropped the oss unknown!.; total insur�ncE $1,*�06 Chixlei Ca: her, proprietress J. P1.
qase, and s no other. Justice of the Briue, lauctic a-eer. 4ce in the Standard. A brisk wind w%s eac ill town would take it up, it will robably be. carried before the Gr�nd blowing at the time, and hut for th`0 �y by the. County Attorney. timely arrival of the steam , engine, Gal otices.
liefire might have.prov.ed m -)re dil- imicv, Vr( sh, F un in H addies at 7
&strong. The fire is attributed.. to per,'b-&tD.b.AbsE,s. 67s The B:orse Combination.i candianism ARA Nyal le in ug axs I Teas I Coffees R 13ir Si Curran ts and 'en al Gxoeeries at D. b.
Mit. I Er)I-J;oR—Siit : I read in �-our 'TD:E �FiRu OMPANY. '_!'The Semi- 678 paparaconpleof weeks ago a letter Annual meetiu� Fit 0 5 of the . 1 ussels �e Q0, t .—OL yes, on by coming
�Tom Mr. Bi Smillie, Secretary of 1�ip-. Company was held in the Council goo*, t et Chop C ai n for 81 15 a hundred, at We
pffn Grane.1 in which it was stated that. Chambers on Wednesday eve ug last. 'He�sttl)IW�.-�ACGILErOR&-TJRQUI[A-itT. 687,
lie ip SA.La I irg quantity of first -
the owners Pf imported horses in his- There was aifull attendance, of t2 aqs %nd Salt �06_r &I, difti) at the Big Mille
county had I formed a comnatio. or members, together with a nu riber of " �i S [go th. -Alue i -of ithi I salt was made- last scun-
intended for -ming a Combination for I thei citizens wbo expressed thei - wfllingDe�s mce a d fall, ai d is te y. A, �. GnvM purpose of kaising prices. Now, BiT, I to join thetCompany, Consequently tbe Co., 18 Jaa.ppen to belong to the class of men I I strength of the company was largely VOOL PIC] iN0.8,1H1U)FS ANID SKINS.—
'bee I'% ill Pay �pecified, and I thiuk if anything of the increased. � Several gentleimeil an4e the b' gheat Tsh picee for any quantity
f 170(l picking: - -
�, Rides, sho �ep and caff skins 'de-
Jkl nd had been done, or was contam- honoray members. T $0 lin. ree at e� 'Notrack or trade,
here i vas &I lated, would know solnething a�out, presentF.C. ogers,Reeve',whom 0"s eas 'foie-vekytlkng� X5oHN�SoPoRT,,R, 614
C RIEVE—In MOR on the rd inst., the wife I of Mr. Thomas " of a daughter ! I .]g STitAX SHEEP— )ame into. the promises
'I IN D!AL��L—In Era.i Awanosh, on" the � 18th ulti.,J the undersigned, � jot 88, Conoeggion 2, H.
I'. of M
the wife of Mr. e a Tindall of a daughter4 S. Tu keramith,abon; the first of November,
'V� rALLACE—In Bi a Is on the' 81st, ult., the E"'e, irked with thf letter H. The owner ma
wife of Mr. Ma �eo law of a daughter. 1, have he.same on pr mibg property and payin
expein co Un WM.WIL'?, O ton P. 0. 6s5x4
WANN—POLLOCK—At the residenc� of the! bride'smother, towushiO of, Grey4by Ret.1 STOCK FOR SALE. George Brown, Wr oxeter Mr Francis Minn, I ; ' __ C L FOR SALE orsale, a bay geldin
to 7688 MAry F ollock, M ORRIS --%-PATCH — At GLnd, Bend,� on the* Olt coming t br a. Sired by Lord, Hadd
25th ult., at the ret idenc6 of Mr. Rol�ert Ful- w d I ioketo a ape Apply on Lot 84, oonce
ton, by Rev. A. GI ndonning, Mr. John Met- 11 1011 0, MORil OP. 8 DORRAN019. 676
ris, of Clinton, Ld Miss Agnes Patch, o.9 Stephen. rO�K FOR SALF, -Ford ale, a Thoroughbre
G�BBINGS—SHITLEY—At the residence of-tho S, Durham Bull,about 6 months olil; also
bridolstather, umnlioad,onthe 27th ult.i, iTloroupbbied Dnrhwm Heifer, in ca.0 to
by Rev. R. Thohmi 'Mr. Thomas Gib gs, ot i Thoroughbred Bull. They are both splendl
Clinton, to EliziLbe �,h, eld,est daughtei of olUl animals and will be soid cheap. ; Applyl on Lo
Shipley, Esq. 8 C ncession 8, MeRillop. ROBERTXeMIL
S A, LKELD—GREE R- -On the 26th ult., at thol 684
residence of tht �; b -ides father, by ev. Dr. mPI( eton S Williams, Mr. Z os ph Tej , eld, to Miss Margaret M. daughter of Mr. George MEETINGS TO BE'HELD.
Greer, Bayfleld Be Ld. ; I
All 1NS—FISHER- -Al - the Parsonage, W dton, by CHEESE FACTORY' NOTICE— A. Genei
Itev. Mr. Bang )n the 6th of September, Meeting of the I hareholdo rs of the Varl:
ino, Mr.... Willi d. Akins, to Mar, r, eldest Cheese Factory will bl held in the Town Ual
daughte; Of wo Fisher, E9q., Sea orth. Va ,na, on Wednesday, !the 16th day of Vabruar
Woo 18E 1, at 2 O'clock P. M. The resolution or b
D�ath I Et. la passed at the annual meeting, resolting th
J.A MIESON—In I B allett, on the 27th nit , James th( Company should be wound up and its bus
R. Jamieson, &,,ed years and 2 m9ths. nei a a nd property d�sposed of to Mt. Rob
Me Us rtney, will be sqbmitted for conArmatio
WJ TMER—In Wawanmh, Minerva, daughter of JOI IN MeASH, Pregid6nt. 687-2
Mr. Benjardin',Vitmer, aged 6 years. , i
LA WBON—In Hu' lett, on the 24th uIt.1: Annie, -A Gener 1 Meeting of the Shar
youngest dangi ter, of Mr. A. Lawson, aged 7 N OTICE-
years and 9 mo atbs. 1 � I holders and PatriB of the Bluevale Chee
.C1 EEAR—In Gre: o the ist inst., th 1,f,,,t Faitory Company will.bLe held in Pqtterson
child of Mr. J6 in Creran; H s 11, Bluevale, on Fri February 18, 1b8l, at
P31 TEES—In Wa [ton ' on the 31st ult James O'0 LOck P. M., whe
1 Peters, M. DI., .0 b �s 65th. year. : I o I vhey will be offered for sale. ' 18o the dra
SM ALLDO��-In reyi on the 2nd inst., Freder'-� I nf of milk on the difierent routes mud the de
ick Wilson Smi ildcn, aged 6 months mud 212 eii ofs quantity of firewood wW be let bypubl
days. . I tender, and any other business transacted t1m
DA VIS—In Wingh un, on the 28th ult., William ro my be brought before the meeting. By o rd
JOHN, BURGESS, Secretary. 686-8
on f Henry Davis, Es I., age# 11 days. h C olina, on the Z ult�, Elizabeth, -wife of L. B. Harkin an sister _XO�EY. to Messrs. Jollu i. a Walter 06venloc Groy, _CF —_ Money to lend: on
agdd 48 years. ONEY TO NDL
Improved farms only, at 7J per oent. inte
est, payable yearly; prhrsts funds; charges mo
BEAFORTH, Feb. 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN—In largo or small sun
Fall Wheat ......... # ............ 0 98 t I 00 on hist-claso security, at 8 percent. year
interest. Privatefundo, or on theinstallme
Spri g Wheat Fife al busb*l.... I 05 t I 10 plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628
Spring Whest:Re& ha, liperbush. 1 00 9� .1 05 OatF per bushel...., o. � ........... 0 32 to 033 Peal par bushel.... 6 1 .. ........... 0 62 td 0 65 N"ONET—A. G. McDOUGALL is authorized t
Barleyper bushel.. j1 10 ............ 11 o 60 t4 0 70 _ � lend money at 7 per cent. on mortgage, f
Butier,No.],Looee,� ............ 0 18 td 020 an: r amount, and for apy number of yeais inti.
Butdor, Tub... 0 16 to 0 18 est charged only on the unpaid principal. App.
6Dougall & Co. 678
Eg ........... ....... 0 18 to � 0 20 at �he Store of A. G. M Flon , per 100 lbs.. 275t' 285 PRIVATE FUNDS AT6JPERCENT.—T
Ha. now ...... I 0 00. too 12 00 undersigned has .&few thousand dollars
Hid a, per 100 lb...1 . ........... 7 00 to 8 00 She p skins each .... ....... 0 75 to 1 60 PrivateFunds 'for immediate investment upo
m. rt age eeenrity at per cent.
salt retail)perbsi*.1 ........... I 00 9 Pat sunny
0 2 A EBB. BENSON, �Salicitor, Sealorth. 688
Potmoes, per bnglr 1,new, ....... Q 30 td� 0 ,a MONEY.—The unde: -signed has a lar $a Sam
........... 'go tol o 40 1 moneyfor immediate investment,ou fir
Oatn 6 00 to� 5 00 i m. ortgages on farm prc party. Seven and a he
Tal w,per-lb ..... ....... 0 05 to, 0 08 percent. interest yea -1y; prificipal as may I
Dre ad Hogs per I ...... 6 oo to! 6 76 a greed upon. . H. PEN430N, Solicitor, Be
WO.0, 1, par cord ................... 2 60 to� 2 76 forth. 638
I )LINTON, Feb. 10, t281. FAA I whastoper I oo @. I od AUCTIO�R SALES.
Sprii tgWheat, perb ' ash ......... 1 05 @ 1 0$� Oats per bushel ....... I ..... i.....0820 0 84 UCTION SALE )F VALUABLE, RE
Barb y,per 0 65 @T 0 85 AESTATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WD
Peas,per bashol... 0 60 0 70 LET—Under and by -v rtue of - a power of s
Batt 'Ir ............... 18 0 20 colitainedin a certain indentme ofanortgag
Pots. oes,new ......... 0 so @ 085 1 dated the 15th day of March, A. D. IS78, an
Eggs ................. 0 15 016, which will be produce" on the day of sale, th
Hsy,perton,.. 1000@1200 will be suld by Pa i Auction, at the � Qneen
Clovi r geed. ....... 4- 00 (jo. 4 ro Hotel, in the town olc�eafort.h. on SAWURDA
Timothy ........ 8 10 @ 8 25 thb NINTEENTH da of FEBRUART, A.
'clock in he afternoon, bv Jooep
Dres Red Hogs per 1 00 @ .6 76 1881, at ten o'clock in P. Brine,. Auctioneer, the, following lands an
ieeg,, viz.: Thiot crts,in parcel or � tract
IVERPOOL, 9. Spring wheat prem
I e, L 98 land situated, lying, a d being in the Townsh
9s 04d red winter, 9s 06d; whi of Bullett in the Cour ty of Huron being col3
0,6d; club, 9s 3 Qd oats, 6s 2d; bhrley, posed of Lot No. 12, in the 5th c6neessi6n of 0
5s 3d; peas, 6s )9d pork, 67s Od;' beef, said Township. of Hullett. containing One htu
74p Od ; cheese 68 Odd' dred acres,- more or les . The above is a, valuab
property and very fallorably located. On
premises sre a good frame house, TORONTO, Fell .—Fall whest,:51.071 other conveniences. 9 erms �Of stLle end other 11
to 1.10; spring, $1.10 t . 01.15; oats, 37c 1 ormation, will be made known ot the day of Sal
or ra be had by application to the nudersigue
8c barley, 78e, to a
pe&3,- 63c to Datel at Stratford, th, a 8rd day
f February.
96c ; hay, per ton, $300 to 6�400; D 1%1. T. J. BEATTY, Vendor'S L Se'fioi
bu.Uer, 20c to 24c; potatoes per bag Stratford; 687-3
45c to 50c; eggs, per doz., 30c t6 3�c.. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE. TOW
dressed hogs, per 1 i 1647 25 to $7.55. , VILLAGE, AND FARM PROPERTY, B
(OF BLUEVALE).—P irsuant to the Decree I
TH� this Cause, dated the 1; inth day of October, A.
1880, there, will be sold by Public &uction, at t1
�O AL,
Dg at eleven o'cloek in.the for' noon
of FEBRU FgIDAT,, the 25th de, ARY, A. I
L A D I HOU.SEN '1891. by Henry M&cDe mott, Esquire, Waster the, Court of Chancery t Godericb, tke f.ollowin
:parcels of land, namellri I.—LotnumberNin
in the 6th Concessiou'd the Township of Tar
ber)y,containingl.00 ores, more orle�sj at pre4
OR H I N i en1-nder, leme to one William Powell� at a rex
talL Of $280 per annum ; about 80, acre 4re clea
ed and chi6fly free f stumps ; t soil
good; there are on the offand two fr e
and a log barn and stable, and an exec [lent ore
T N E E ME)% I TWEEOS I ard ; the pnolefired. I&E d is fairly'wo(4-ed wit
ord�inary woods; the land is Bitnated.41�out fou
i milrs from BlUevale, a station on thei WellinE
CoAd A.ND SEE to : Greiand Bruce Railway, a4d about t
salle distance from the important own o
belW- ham; this is an epEcellent farm, ue of th
u tho towaship ; it will be sold iibiecti t
0 A IS f P B 1__ S I L Tl! a 8 the lease and to two mortgages ame' inni get er to $2,600. II. —T a sontherl
Lo s 89 and 40, in the First ConcesBi(
STOCK 01, T OSR'BEAUTIFUXJ To nabip., containing I 0 acres, more pr sent leased to one I ichard A Aridg e at 1.
pr desellribed
per aunum., and partlet larly desci.ribed n a mor
TWEEDS FDR SPIT GS. ga theneof to Anne I lelmore lbamUell; the
are aoirt 60 sores clear )d, nearly all fro
NOTH'. 14G LIR, THEM. st, ps; the balanee is well wooded ;a bIranch o
the River Maitland flows through the I tot; ther
h&rJ'j net beginning to b aar;. ther
is -0, young ore OVER00A E , OVERCOATS are a f rame house, a fro me bam and sta ble on th
pr - iises; the soil is good ; tbis,� also, is, an a
R*a i e Bargains wi R1 , D be given, in ofder to cell at farm,, in a good neighborhood, boing fly
v . and 1J miles from 331nevale
Clear Off �h4 Entire Stock, ab i miles from Wingbarn I hot n good. markets ; th is lot will be sc Id subjec
oppbell's C 14 ting and OuO tt to he lea�e and a mortgage for $1,200. III.—Tb
Mg noz th part of T own Lot number Five, in' Foley'
Es tabb slit) tent Seaforth. Snivey in the Town of'�Wigham,haviug a front
age of 25 feet on Josep4ine street,,, and the %out
1� 1,Campbell'iEriok Blo-ek,Maini? rest. par ofTown Lot num. er Four, in sai(I Foley'
8 vey,inthe'said T having a frontage o
15 ��et on said jrosephiv��treet; on the nortl
erly,'sil e Of this parcel v: erected a two story brie
MTERI"THE FIRE building used and occupi.ed. as a r store� by T.
7 milps, to whom it was rbpted for $2501 per an
I num, and� who still occapies, althugh, his leas
13aq expir�.d; this property is in the eel ' 3 Ltre of th
,ANDRE C-ALD)ER business portion of the To-wn ; the vacant Ian
is very valuable for ba Iding purpose8i; �f foun
Mi -RILE Tbrkinj all 'those who eolkindly deArable td the sale, this parcel may heidivided
assisted in sav mg his botograph Plant, anil the store and the -iacant land sold 0eparat
&c during The fire a the morningof Thursday, ly. thpi-els a mortgaye on this parcel for $1,00
Feb i nary 10th, begs to inform his many friends to',T'o1nuNeelands,6'f k'Y'ingham,ba inga�outtw
v1 and the publiq in gen(ral that he has i years to run, subject t) which the prop r y
be sold ; there is alsoa lane along the s, utherl
Bidocommonto this-amd the adjioiniugpropeit
01'ENED- UP IN SCOTTS BLOCK INT. ill4geLots 73, 76, i7, 92, 93 A�d 94,i
Do can's, Survey, in the -Village of Blueval
Ov (r Wilson & I obn g's Store, where he will be up�n whieb iserceted. a 11 story frame bous
pleft3ed to attend ;o, the wants of all who may SIDI a garden, orchard, &a " beini the picAp rty O.,
favo r him with a cafl. Photography in all Its ; this 0
bra itches executed on ihort notice. wh chth6lateJohn 'Ali sFe, resi4ed pare
nencumbered. V.--Yillage Lot numb. relah
688 ABDREW CALDER, Seaforth, on ithe w.est side of (lyde Str'ebt, in Dancan!
S vey, in the said 'Village of Blnevale, upo
is cireeted the Aore formerly 000ppied b
JZ;t (D:B:B:) S the; said Itite John Mesf er, and now ba his broth
er"William M esper ; there is al�o a s,torehous
& stnblo. upon this p -eel; this parcelis une
MEAT 'Al A R K E T! Cu ere . .— he �state, right, title. and I
ter.st of the litte John 'Messer iu a pr.r I t of th
MAIN ST _E�T, SEAFORTH. roL I helly he] f of Lot a u mb er 28, in'; the Firs
coneV.S%lon of the said Townshijp of - Ta!rubei-ry
bel �.g all that part of the soutterly haRf - of sal
]REMEMBER BUGH ROBB keeps conatantlY L(Anotcnveyedby argaretDunc&A4t.a1.-t
on hand Spi(ed I eef Hams, Fork Hems nod John Diment by deed, ated -the 16th May, 1.875
Spi c ed Pork Boll i, B reakfast Bacon and Clear containing eight acres, more or less ; It is state
Ba( ;in. Also thi � Be st Quality of Lard, Pork thatonePun-can bas the right -to redeem thi
Sausage and Bol)gna Sausage, Pork Cdttingsj parcel on payment of t. ie sum of $350, I but th
Fre E h Fish, &c. deed to John Messer, deceased, is absolute
Callandseemys�ock. Re,member the place VII,Tbb estate, right, title and inteimst of th
6M HUGH -BOBB, Seaforfh, said lte John Messer in Village Lot number 10�
on Clyde Street, in Dun oan's Survey, in the sai
of �Bluevale, upon which ia,Olecteil
ititended to be used as a Cabinet Fac
i tory. VIXI.—A. certain mortgage, and the inte
COD CTTE R F R SALE—For Ee,16 che4p,i
a Portland Cut er, new last winteni Al.ply, est . therein, as Mortga e of the sid late oh
* , Messer, dated Che 12th day of December, A. 1:
to IEV. A. D - M CPO AID, Seaforth. 6E 16778, made byDuneau Stewartto the r -aid lat
John e'sser, on :Vil age Lot laumber 128,
]C�XT NOTICES. Dunesn's, Survey, in e said Vill%ge of Blu
ale, for.$400,. upon w cnabout�3400ispastdu
CIRD OF THANX-E, —The m3derai&nedl drsireB. 'and unpaid, There ill be a reservied bid o.
to return hi 9 � dace re thanks to t he memliers" each parcel. fixed by t � Master. TERM S—T
of -.1ne Fire Bri.aa� e, amd tbe citizens of Sieflfo'rthi per cent at the time of ale, to the Vendor's S
who rendered r-adh valuable aid in saving We; heitors, nd the balan into Court, without h
P -3pertyfrora Icsa on the occasion of th: terest, in one month t iereafter, � when the p
9: ursday morn�vg last. GEOROE chaser will be entitled to their coVeyane
Szorth. For further particular i apply to Messxg. Sung
&Mortom, solicitors, Goderich. and. Winghan
C_kBD OF TILL IR —I beg to return my sin- E. Campion, Esq., Slicitor, Goderibh; to t
, cere thanks, 0 t ie Gore District I Vendor's Solicitors' G oderich; and � to C. a
Company,and tbe J,gen In em. 0 - '� r* I Scott, Esq., Wingbam, the Aue oneer appoint
N. Watson, for the prompt and sati factOrY bytheMatter. Dated B t Gode-rich, the', thday
ME ner in which they settled tho 8 s4sta- I January,, A. D. 1881. H.*Mae EW OTT, Ma
byme on the oce i(n of the ]a -e�, C.:WJ ter at Ooderich. GARRO A!RO FOO
PA I �BT. 6 Yedors'Solicilors, n t'
e'voe 0
e rge T1
18W Ol
IDt al a, d
d g -y-
nIR3 M MI BMM FOR E ALE!OR T 0 LET. of 'P310FERTT TOR SALFr--For Sale, on- terwoo thi t desirable Tesidenco Stieot ow.nia4 b: Mr. Giaorge Dent. u in 1.84; PORTER, ;eafor-th. Y g STOBEIIC)tlal TO RENT4—To rent a st6r ouse on the Aouth aide or Ma raliwaya t c in Beaforth, with two sets of scalmh true a and Jigge rwall coloplete; ossesislangi*-a ad' tely. A.) ply to Scoft, Brothers, Sea&rth. 9 -SMITH E ST a proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rex- or to 0, [QTO_R�TOR11NT_TotentaI&Te anjd cow. d4i ore in Whitte me OUB a yl block, X*is treet, Seafortl, in the best bualnesspart of tb-s d —A�E— own. The stoi a is 60 feet long with. a stoie oolu 80 feet In elkgth in the rear. Rent. ibloand posses, Ion gl-.veu ou �bth j&uj=y, I d 88L �,p#ly to WHITNEY ZhoTHERs_ t LOSING'UP OUSINFESS Licenced Auctioneer jor ,Qp �Couuty:ol Hron.., Sale(sAttended 6, of the Zqunty- A-11 orders left at the ZZ. al D... OR Offee *ill be promptlyattendeft IN o. -pit IRAHAM, A.'UCTIONZER A" IS yl LM AGUNT.—Special attention given 4* of lauded p�roperty, farming and thoxiougtk- y- at I ir d stoclr� Cattle sLelectod for -the English mazr- IM r_r ]a le Office and Auction Rooma begows new t, Goderich Ont. Term moderate. 615 U. 'DELGETTY, Lieeneea Auction- A LEXANDER eer,McXiAlop. S.Pecial attention S!ven to a- I a of Land�d Proerty,4 Farm Stock .1 n ements. Be orders left with the undar�- �d at Walt,on P. O.,! or Lot 1.4, cop- c a lon 14, will be -promptly attended to. 80a - amps e i requir Y, Wilton. 639 JMr DOE EDUCTIONS M WANTED. JKRVANT WANTED—A Good Servant Girl wanted immedi"y. Apply. -at SHARP1B TEL, Seafoith I 4 TUATION:WANTED--k&,sHoaaeke4eperbys Have been made in each dlep�rent, and you 15 � thoroughly espectablO woma d allily hdre there, wre. no small children. Hust -be r- w!" shs a good deal of mou!.eYlbY 98curing Your riespectable, Ap, 11 H d- Ply-byletterto ALLEMP 1, Ont. supply of Staple Dxy 6 oods loi the coming sea- WAGON MAKER WAXTED-Wanted's on during this sale. wood Volker for a wao5oflahvp in Bramw1k, nt connectioli v�ith a bls�dksmith :shop hay.flig as there Ira a good building and lots of war*_ so wmtedi s. ork. A, ply� at once to Box 47., Brussels 6ft 0 or 0 CONTRACTORS—Tenders Wanted for the Building of -Nine W-oodaheas—The, ndtf- �VERYSOD� JkLEASE r, gwd will receieSealed Tenders, �m behalf of a Public School Beard) up to the 1�9-th day of 3h, IE81,.at 2 O'clock P � M , in the Village of le ville: for buil&g W�o' of 914ond dsheds at Sehibel gas Nos. 1, 8. 4,:6, 7, 10 and 11. WoA n to b b completed on or before the Ist day of Sep w t�mberuext. Plans can be rseen. at the submrib- eils, on mud after the 15th February, -and infor, Ani4 sat iefled that this Sale is Genuire. Crovil's mgtion will- be given by I any member of 7.tbe of : - Boaxd- GE-04GE SP .Beoretary Pa!bft at of Customers daily. School Board, Tuokers 687-2 if TATE FOR REAL ES L.E.. NOR SALE.—Far Sale a first- clan Plamil* nearly new �nd In good running order4 simaited in the flourishing T own of Be aforth, IAll be $01rd cheap. Terms easy� Enquire lor L SIPEC11AL ATTENTION : iooRD, CoasENS& co .Goerich, Out. I,a —For.so- e Lot No. 20, Con- �4RMYOR SALE cession 4, Btanleyeo.ln ining 140.0 acres, 80 of d v hich are cleared, utaiderdr ned, wellfenced I# a first aIaFs state of c ation. .hebalance iie re timbered wthbardwoo. erels agood frame Y, h nise, frame bam amd s a I plenty of vater And 7 31te Cottons. yungprebad Justecom, , cing to beir; in SJ to called to oar O." d The A? miles from Brucefield, 4 from Clinton - h d Log iding Lines *,91 soon be gold out. Secure school within two miles. Terms easy; "sea- sib4ats;ny time� Ap Ply to the pr ' to t olme r -a P whJ Lt yo u requireleflore they are all gone. Brucefield. W.COOK, pr pr pr irletor. 677 e ARM,, FOR BAE—Lot: No. 10, CocessIon. 8, Grey, contairing 100 ai rk a, about 65 tleared - a bowed log house, frame �rivar, log. b f i arne- stable - thdBoil -1au] my loam - 1-6 acres ci- I ill wheat sown; a �good b�anngr�iarau 1-1m d & ver tailing spring.; pn*e piemisvia, and 600 a liberal reauctioxi to -a eashurchaser; e, 131LACK ICASS-1 MERES there is no encumbrance on the farm, and - & pa the time 'of chase if do- an� be aired; title indisputable. For further particul"*- r. 0 ROMER ROBPRTSON, Proprietor, ,apply A1119 FOR SALE..- For . the -west half CA ot F L E N�e offer a largo ra]3g( of tl�e elebrated Crown H� .7, oil the 6th e 'OntaLining 50 aer'S Lof obolce land; I= .n I the -place is 'a frame ban nearly mew, -you ,a . ng Bri ud at 20c c, 28c, 850, 400�i) Bic, 62c, 850, $I- bearing orchard; good well Lud rap;l8acresof PUI a III wheat sown, about 8 ac. -es of bush;4a withil 16 iud $1 50. LthdiesshouK a oure their dresses 4 4 PMeS froul the toV'n' 6 ' Seaforth a gooa gravel road. This is one of'gLebestpropertiesin tho wb�l a they ate to be had at who6sale prices. toWnship, and will be sold Fo luxther f pLarticuaks :apply to the; proprietor, Oil tht
9 plt9niseA, or if by letter to 'Beatirth P�O. GRO,. a, 674X4_t f ALP,—Te �prth half of Lot 2% IF,&R*m FOR s Lot 27, andtbe east b4f of Let28,,Conces�- sioin 4, L. R. S., Tuckeismi6b ; 200 acres T,or ss:16 E ERYTHING y U WANT in one arcel, or two of 100 sel-es and 61) acre* a V respectively; fist -class b�dildings, goo& Jenccw� and orchard ; the land is W a good stateof cultl� h Tat io, is wellatered, and is -WklI situated as -t,6 r I &c. An person wauting a good farm, in res dig goo d locality, will do well look at thisone be,� A totebuyingelsewere. POL 'PSItieUlargand-terrult f :&P -ply to JAMES LLIVRENICH A 73ROTECER ola a' T oq I be had at, anch pricis as �o will nobo obtain the premism, or to XES�RS- McCAIGGMY 0 HOL.MESTED, Barrister0eaforth. d8. again in General Dry Go� CORXZRLOTFORSLIE� TO RENT�Reing the West halfof Lot , Concession 2, town -i- ship ofMcKfflop, contrainng,50 acres, nearly -4 0. clearedi.-Aind in is splendid stgte;of culdvatiou well watered, 7 fall wheat =a aac�res plDwed; good farm . house and stiblei good well and hearing 'orchard, convenient to f Roman Catholic, Church anilsebool; within-balf O�ERCOATS, QV ER00 S a mile of Huron gravel roa4, 4 inifles of Seafort,14 a and 3 of Db -11n; this is one'of the prettlest 50 0 acre farms in tile township. For terms, &c., ap- pl' a, to P. 1MXXELLY Seafortit P! on 1ht, 'Pre is 'O r a 'O o A-!nD.e HENNEMY, Ti�jkhi;; Post Office. 675 t IN STANLY—Por Sale� FA" FOR SALa *a have a few Ove'te oats le ft� which we are that valuable farm, aftu#ed in the T onshl P of Stanley, being Lot 14, 1*4 6thConcessioell' r erly for 5, PSIT d to sell. Those 9014 Lin�. The farm is a mile snd lii h bonlu quarter of the Village of I a, where there are f' no for $3 50; former] y $6' i Low 4; form stinps, post office, sthoO house, blacksmith rly s4ops, and everything that a -village xequires; ji k $8,;, now $5 75. MtWa Suiti , Boys' Suits, md. RN bit 1-00 rods of a grist and saw ill goodgravel roads pointing ii all directions; the r& a m. 80 acies, or bi Id - :85 in fall wheat, La ies Mqutlei reduced in amMe way. a with meadow amd the land is a high state of cultivation thpte is also d orL-hard and good frame buildings. For particulars apply to the proprietor, WI 68i4 JOHNSTON, Varna. a0 LOOK ECEII-E — $5 500 FARAI POP. SALE For Sale, Lots No. 7 snd§, Concession -2, H -ow- - 0 IR:Ei _-E -S ril ick, containing 200 acres more or less, about 160 &ereS el�JUed =a nealfly ree froul Sttlmpsi 10 cedar and black ash, i1nd the bal ance -good n hrdwoud bush; there is a new bank barn, other barns put rip with eedar posts, two good log e, e, houscs� log stablerand other bulbuildings;,agood bearing orebard; thislarm: is well fncid :�Ith cediar and black &sh also over 1-00 Tods ot el lease do not ask second I e. Wequote the board fencing ; this f arm is in a good state of I "Itivation, and'over half of it has been lying in n u,susl 6na the redueed i A eL 1. rice Reh And pastre for a number of yearswith good well4wd pl6ntyof-eboieeva:tErtheYO&-rro-and; is4 miles. d9 i Lot wish to waste ti m a ote it if it does ot 1r6m. the' -village of Gorriol 5 f -T -LOM from school,rud 2 fl*M this farm is :a� p*at hai-gain, and Lean be 'bought for S5,500— L_ $2,000 earh down,the balne :to be fiecurt d b_T a ml)�t.gagiL.,rn the farm at 8 per cent. interest, for a torm of earti, to suitpu t rebaser; title indisput-: ab)e; I)oscessix-,n3?..ivenimraodiately. For1urther d psaiculani apply to rhe proprietor on therem- 0 isea, r it by R-tter to Gormemt 41fice,- J. R� LL W HOL WISH d OR SALB—For Bale, Lot 3 and east half of Lot 4, Concessin 13, Huett ainirig 225 acres � ; 190 acre4 cleared, under-: 00 0 dr ined, nd nearlyt-lear frem. StUMPS ; 'the bal-: heavily tim a -e I., bered with. beech, maple, ebu 5 d basswcod ; there are 50 aLeres in fall wheat d an and 60 acres in grass.; thLe land is of tht best a thro a the stock, nd I Ajei courteously shown lit b Ang a rich c1RY loa-% ; this farm lay .a a q, E, ,ut not hilly ; A never luiling "zing r- aA require are not gh tb e barn yard; this is a first- Peds which customers do ertek mus tbrou. 01� s?J gl C�iu Ordairy f Zirlu ; there are 6 acreB f a im I eitimently pressod u] on t,12e n. yoang orchard, withL apples, pears, Peaches, Ana ebe�Tieg, j n ut beginning to bear; -the. dious; there is a e. ba0dings are large and oommo
latge bank baru 5&0, And is nearly new; the n d vIng house and stable is -40x&OL, and is new ; the bonoe isa large two story frame, Vith L k#ehen ana wood shed attached, and good �stoe d (5e3lara L under the whole building, iind is filled between. studding -with limti and giavel from b0t- tom to top ; there is a good- school, post Offim store and blaekamith tbO er -w,:es r m& i[ rr ia r fam is situb�-d 10 miles M -Om. Sealorth, 12 from 18.'& goaL
6 froln Londesboo.; there he it gravel road from the place to All the above e kets, A.good part of the purchase inoney tan ke it out of rem= on mortgage long enough to ma pply to TH03TAS to Barlock ofteplace. For partioulats ,art
ATKINSON,on-te premiee0i Or No. 3 BLOCK.
ge for -Hamilton, and presented
then subirutted the'�eport ( f the
with a handsome locket (in dia-
tors for th� past year. T Q ID11o,win
-�ve -1
setting) and chain, d
ite I e cul I
interesfing I , 1115 . w , Ifrom.
� th :
Ing 3
a most flattering address.
eport : h Society at pre out
to o r,
—Mr. S. Rackingham,, of Exeter, had
f 911 m=bers, whos, 1 1 premiun:
oB�cape the other day.
otes am v t 021,�O(.�.5
� cover.
to the cupboard ..to take a dose. of'
ing insiarlanbe on proper y imount.
Unknown to him big wiffe
g to a fiac I tion -.over $l,0)0,0)0.
1 Fv
placed &I bottle"of iodine beside the
he audit lof 188%. the balan 36 on
4old J
bottle, and Mr. Buckingham
as $45; ffie baance at aul A
f I 811
cess i(
his medicine from the wrong hot-
.11. Thelotal-hicome, of the
so iet I
te 3i
Medical aid was promptly securad
the last year, including
40 ao�
d he is now� all right, not having
was .$246. This income iar
red much beyond a bad� fright.
from a sftsmont,maae fit the
I timq
ling I
—The annual meeting of the South
�f inau e� of,five mills 0 th
d ollar'
ding of Huron Orange Association
'Which it i1a supposed should pay
all tbd
tion I
k place at Exeter on Tuesday of last
ex 'nses of the association,1
when the following, Officers for
The direc POrs were able to p y 4109
ensuing year were elected: F. W.
9i this fund -to'help to I)BO,
was V
C. M.; B. F. Holmes, W.
M.; I J. , Hal, C. C.; J. McNeith, C.
that the working
or the part year only anion tec'
to t
was (
r TJ I L - Tum T-7 0-
aeteriI .. ned fire . 0 =d,13e com-
a pri( per I o t,,Pn as he is
DOR'4tve P16therm6asure that
[d to 0 � 3 iro )erity oftbe village.
Howi-41 I is t listof the officers
e en�uinglalfyejax: Chief, )ell- , oapta* �P.� Scott;*. lit
naut,! C. "Vaastou6; .2nd Liet
A. *ott; I oc-Tr6asurer, F. lst gineeJ C. R.. Cooper; 2iid
B&V'11; let I Bran�chm&n, T.
I 2id i J. F.1 Waddell, 3rd R.
ns. 4tl Geo. anleron. 1!ust 6 ne. RLYAI�iitz.-- n.Saturday even.
t,the6table a d barns belongingi
Rober Porte bad a narrow es-
om de I'tructi oil by fire. It ap-
hat M W. Porte7r went out to
ble to, attend the horses, and set
ad I&ut 3rn oi i box, just bebind
the hol see, wh.qh baokea up and
he lautern,c� ising a conflagra-
It wasl wi�h 0 fficulty that the
3 exti4;uishe�,, W�inthrop. ULTETIT 'ae annua� tea meet. 3onnecdon with 'Cavala church,,
.op, wi I be held in the church'
asday vening next. Addresses'
d6liv)red Revds. MQssrg.'
Varna; Stowit, Clinton; MCI-,
1, BeaAorth ; 'McCoy, Egmond_:
Ind �T ornson, Bruce old. Thet:
of 'the Be forth Presbyterian"
,under the leadership of Prof.1
willbein attendance. Thepeo-
Cavan a nr( i no tEd or their
id Buccessfu. goir oes,"and if the
r is favorahl )u Tu day eVen-
I, the charc i N rill like be filled
ftowling. hould f ttend as a.
me � is ii t stor r'the.n 4 -ti [6 tt. r SOLD.4--Mr, John Crozier has
1 far -M, hicli ia on the l3th con-
toXr, Tho mi s , Humpbrq
, for
i of,$l,)W, The fitrni contans
LY A F�6 TI e �sthrej and dwel-
Mr. NT. c ams, Londes-
id a n rowi Be Alpe from estme—
fire ori uIlda F morning last'a
ling be am'eligniied from a stove
iieh papsed h -ongh it, and it
,h cons deia le difflokiltv the fire
wcome . Be -ious d image was
n, kxZ aflini 'h Tdr A fl vne.
9 � . I I W. H. Murray, C.. T.; T. Cooper, very Bmall sum of somethin 1j, le 3 was pr E tty ba �ly. IgI toned, as well he It was -so decided to hold the To -day the position of the ty is G L. al ight be. next annual meeting, and the 12th' of Jhey have $8.11 on hand, th(loyot .0 e T19 04- 1#1y celebration for this year at Exeter. :*t seven per cent interest for eiii- B3 tl..
I—Mr... John Washingtong of West 250 t6 pay up al I -losses,, ar t avoi Wawanosh, iutends building a barn'48 taking any agaestiment. So t,
3 . at thE cultural dinner
by 72 feet, with stabling underneath. members pay notbing at I o insur- ia,kp E 19NINGS ag ri
was hq 3'. d in E min' Botel oi i Wedues-
Mr. Ford has the contract. Mr. John ce this year—som, ingun alleled ay e'N (ning I 8t, a d t urned out to be
J we believe,lip the a a (Y. 1 anec. cess. H'd e ro%ds been in
.,u,n�kett, of the Bame township, , 4 . I I I , gr 3a � sue gc ing to build a brick house next Bum companies. st Ido bt more would
better ILU6 no r. James. Young, of Auburn, bag Upon 0 n, the report oX the Di� hav6 Attended TN6 ases before the
th contract for the carpenter work, i ectors a nanirnously r(�eived an Cou t of Queel's B n Blyth on
�dopte be following littl 6 irl, d tughter 'of
es Russell, of . Carlow, the brick gentleme w0lne� ay. -
and Joseph Stasic, of Aubuirli -�vere e cied-Directors for the curre Mr.' owdoi L�' h a. e nisfortune,
the stone work. �ear, viz.:! John B. Geiger, H. L ve, Sr whAe in the a it of . j�u ping, n a pass-
-T here is incarcerated in the gaol at Henry Blf,er, Peter Don asi Danie T slaigh, to �niss er footi and Blip
Gad-onch a dangerous - lunatic nam - arus, Henry lHayroia , Thomo ed un43r the.runners Mtho h she re -
T �omaa Joint. On Tuesday last week early, H. .. Dirstein, andli 11 ernar cei'v ad quite a 'few 3ruises . . . . . i 1 Bhe is
got into tatrums, ad get about aust.. Daniel Stthinbach, and. Wm abM to move %iourl L' Tbis hould be a
demolishing tlie walls of his cell, which ilsori Fansville, were app in, ied Ant I I to b war oys.- -T[ie P�-esbyterian
II3 succeeded in doing to some extent, iors for 1881.- con$7% ation in B1 4b will bold corm- until. restrained by the Officials in A rather � informa discssi n too mu 8
J.Poi service 'onISabbath day next,
charge. He rent big blaukets and bed- lace as-t�6 iih&Propriety o 01 Ing inT the! 113t i hist. Cling,. and broke everythin g. breakable III urance ill e stea threshin achine� the call. Joint is said to have become re at *oik, bich is thi� ruli i of th TuckeOsbaith- Ire- IZ,
sanefrom busin-eBs troubles and ociety at present. * It appf �are, I to be F Rr,,NT9D — An Michi A Heffer-
liggious excitement. animouB opi na 61 the 2n4 d ndesBior, L. R. S.,�
I he un * ' Dion of the : neeti4 —The tea meeting held in: Duff's at in atters -she uld re -main as they are� has 'ED ted hS fa to A� -r. thomas
I �h
,Church., Walton, last week, was largely 2amely, thal the society would. not b� Da ng,ofth3towhs ipof ay, for 5
a tended, and although several of the, -esponsible Iifor loss by fire catised yea 11 I I t t a re lta�l of about $400 per
promised speakers faile I d to put in an 3team threshers while '.at wDrk. yeat, This I �rba contains 100 acres,
11! rearance, the affair passed off �ery 3nanimQus vote of thanks' was t3ndere a n d h; one of Ablie b st in the township
-feasantly. Addresses -were delivered o the D' iredtors for their* able and e -Mr, Hefferna int nd 3 goi to live on*
by Rev. Mr. Reid, of Waton, Dr.Sloan, ient� maiiagement of the agairs of th� his: fw, .m. in N OKill p. Of Byth. and Mr. John Kerr, of Me- ociety during the past year, '.aft . S Elc P LEAS:,D.-;— r. MoorE -has leased
Killop, who gave a very interesting ac- Which the meeting adjourned. his I Lcamit i gho al the 4ed Tavern,
count of his recent trip to the old i A meeing of the newly ele'eted 13oar4 on i � 8th c)Dces ior t to Mr.. Daniel
country. Th ' o RrusselB choir, uIlder., f Directors of the comp y was hel Su erland, of.': Me il op Mi. Suther-
the leadership of Mr. D.- Stewart, gave after the close of the annu d I ieeting. Ian, I ormerly or ed �iih *r. Grieve, a number of ver . y nice musical selec7-' Al the merJ'aboB of ' the Boi xd 3reseht. t burn, add is s a to be an excel -
E sq.,.. en Im
tjons. Quite a respectable -sum wag Upon the firsttbalot H. Lo 3, S ized for the I purpose of enlaginglthe orkmar., A Qro d Bh�p in, this rpal was re-elected President, an �* upon th6 a e vi ill be i u grea i c nvenience- to the
uu'ds- orhooa.
an,se gro second ballot Jo'hn'B, Geiger, E 3q., was e le )f tbispeigb
�_Wingham hag an unenviable r pti.- lected Vice -President for'the ensuin #I, LAST . JOLD.- Jaines -Dick-
t4�ioa for harboring more prostitutes ear. H. V. Dirstein, Esq., was unant Ion has gold t4e Ia.. t o big bull calved.: n ay other.town in the -county. 1 A ously re inted secretary andimau� hi mae was pure as a b Mr. Rich.
appo y b I tob of persons was sent down I to n director. Ten I new licati=4 ).xr d '.dKee, 011 lop, near Lead -
9 p Goderich- gaol frona that town ial3t insurance were next passed by, thp�� Durl !o - tb Mm. I 484-00. He was al
week, Charged with keeping a ba*dy - oard and signed by the Pre ide at. Tho aend�wei&ed 610 pounds. He
hmBe. Among them was a young, D&afn I luestion of 'steam th-reshers va i intr 8 a, sl lendid imal, and wiII.Ao good
nmed Wm. Webb. - Upon being luced to the notice of the be ird, bu eri 14c in improvi the stock of that
s, eabed at the gaol, a pair of cut ipon mature consideration i 5 we, deem e0i,b of MeKillo Ile was of dark
h 3,ndcuffs were found in his posgesslon, d advisable to leave the- matter i ied 1 cc lor and was sired by Udoras Ox-
amd a letter written to his Ctwi oil ibeyance till the next me)tinl� Th' iord. .1 I e b1l �bat took second prize at
Annie McPherson, the keeper of he medtino then- adjourned to' me 3t agaii the, at Ha ilton last fall. 0 I I Pr(viuicia.! I Wingham den, while he was� in Gue : 1 . - Mi. Dich 5'On's Joel
Zurich, at 10 o'clock a. in., on th� , u's Joel brated-tborough-
gtol. After telling her that he ad nd Monday of May next. I bred 6�-ow hiw, haa another splendid' b, on sentenced to a month in. gaol,'he bul ;c: df � thii : se"on from the well
-�ound up by stating that Mi
knc 1 bull y Attrill, c1f
i 1A iff bad, my Ink is pale; Brussels. i "ne " Mypon Goi 6r'.eh." T�Wis i f is said *%by good
My love for you will never fkil." kollEy.—Private money t oati a Jud 'E .�o tb t the old Cow hals
I , Ile e be Ni�,ebb is evidently a bad churiacter. He per cent. interest first year, and Of per can in-tere9t each year ater. Inter O'� , eveR b ad. i� sqd to have been implicated in e paytt yeafl�r. Apply to C.A. CoopF.R, Brussels Poll Obice. 686-P n3ii her of u neighboring �-Aniong tie pe5itions presented to
U.111 gly jobs in the BAD ROADS.—The mild we- ther an counties. ain -of the early part of f is weeh thel ouse a few days ago as on.40
—ThetGoderiGh Signal of' last week - I so . F, ay. t-
iave made the roads in a, very badstato �N - iat:� ou; o ordinary w 9 -ves the following : On Sunday, 31st of -JIe hav' was p esente, I by Mr.; Robertson of
October, a I young lady, sister of Mrs. Lud consequently Very few p�rop iset�for that in the' i�-
eon seedin town. i !1.''homas J. Marks, of Bayfield, was Ibell.0m of 1�07, J:)hr. Farish, then followed ou the street of that -village by MAIRKETS.—Fall. whe&t 98c to $lj; 1 t, . su 1 lio� clotbing to a, com-
$1. 'to$1.05;:Peas, 60 Dae, Spring wheat 2 �an an ten up at Belld-
a uumber of young inen. She ran into to 65c; Oats 30PL to 32c Bi rle 660 t of vo,�ur tpe�s bt
her sister's house, where she remained. F -07 to $8; Porl ol. lbel F ott 3aberg. He neg-
'67 �7.251; VW') ly C:
1grs. 10arks had occasion to go to a, Oe ; Hay to lect a d senain. ilia b �s bill for some tim
g a 18c; Butter 186. . ,g 4,jstant'part of the village atbr one of and hen he%id so was informed thait
COUNCIL MEETING.—A Bpee,jal Meeti ' I
'her children, and left the house about the no duri 1 wl icb it could be., ra-
of the villa -e Council "'was hold in C ',4� aif -past six Walock. She was pounced 0 - ceiv ec had ei eing in gma., upon, by some of the young men, who ooperls, office on Saturday las Th� I i �
CoUne he neglected the
_,,,or g Can: 19 aneds a Ahe im, been waitang outside, and who Reeve and all the ere py -
sent. The Ina rl, but I 8 sir. ce become'reduce
:new clerk, Mr. D. Wa�tsod e under the impression that it ivas Thi)�s Lim is )Dad $ 700 without inte or g was duly sworn and took ais po§iti Ite iri. Aftor some struggling, t�ey est. i Nfany the le ding merchan a
9 jscovered that it was Mi M k d as Clerk. I au' 7. ;;; I
f Xamilton nppo -t o petition.
La �n Rmq-AAy.-4iss AfeCrae ht4r �9,u.off. The unfortunate'g�vo�mran vas 9.dly frightened, and has been cofiEed John McCrae,. of Morris, while I turnJtg othe house since. Last wee Mr. the -horse which she" -was drivihg'�.neajr A- ictic n ales. he front of the post ffice, up3eO an(I 7h isday, Ppo'brua 7. 17, 1881, on
axks laid an informatio against' we e horse ran away. He collided wit$ Lot :0 5, C i cesspion 6, Hibb A.
2 e ,
f thq ringleaders, Frederick - Alhilern Faftm Stock �hd I plBments. Sale to
the telegraph pole in front of � t.1- e oq- ond James Wawin, for, aggravated I a& treal office leaving the cutte' COD! Lm ance at 12 o' oc i noon.' Andrew
$ault upon his -wife, b6fore Mr.!'C. rand. somp of the harness, Miss McCkv',e:--ecoiv'e4' Cal lv'OU 5priefor Thomas King,
'J. : ( ; ra,.bb, 'J. : . The complainant ��d reviously gone ton number of magis- no injury. AxOTHrm FiBr,..—A 'V-& nesd6yj Fe ru iry 16, 1881, on
-at all refused to take the case, fire brokE� �O`Ut iJ1 ates, b� Lot 3 Con(essioA 3 Hullett, Farm
the dwelling of Mr. John.... Igh, o' oriDg various excuses. Upon. -r. 11 o'clock on Monda beiDg notified of his dismis Queen street, a I stock and )Iern�entB. Sale to com-
rabb Bad 5, ruing. The building wals dEstroyed. e ac-, at 11 ),clock A. M. sharp. Mrs.
rom tIle magistracy, he dropped the oss unknown!.; total insur�ncE $1,*�06 Chixlei Ca: her, proprietress J. P1.
qase, and s no other. Justice of the Briue, lauctic a-eer. 4ce in the Standard. A brisk wind w%s eac ill town would take it up, it will robably be. carried before the Gr�nd blowing at the time, and hut for th`0 �y by the. County Attorney. timely arrival of the steam , engine, Gal otices.
liefire might have.prov.ed m -)re dil- imicv, Vr( sh, F un in H addies at 7
&strong. The fire is attributed.. to per,'b-&tD.b.AbsE,s. 67s The B:orse Combination.i candianism ARA Nyal le in ug axs I Teas I Coffees R 13ir Si Curran ts and 'en al Gxoeeries at D. b.
Mit. I Er)I-J;oR—Siit : I read in �-our 'TD:E �FiRu OMPANY. '_!'The Semi- 678 paparaconpleof weeks ago a letter Annual meetiu� Fit 0 5 of the . 1 ussels �e Q0, t .—OL yes, on by coming
�Tom Mr. Bi Smillie, Secretary of 1�ip-. Company was held in the Council goo*, t et Chop C ai n for 81 15 a hundred, at We
pffn Grane.1 in which it was stated that. Chambers on Wednesday eve ug last. 'He�sttl)IW�.-�ACGILErOR&-TJRQUI[A-itT. 687,
lie ip SA.La I irg quantity of first -
the owners Pf imported horses in his- There was aifull attendance, of t2 aqs %nd Salt �06_r &I, difti) at the Big Mille
county had I formed a comnatio. or members, together with a nu riber of " �i S [go th. -Alue i -of ithi I salt was made- last scun-
intended for -ming a Combination for I thei citizens wbo expressed thei - wfllingDe�s mce a d fall, ai d is te y. A, �. GnvM purpose of kaising prices. Now, BiT, I to join thetCompany, Consequently tbe Co., 18 Jaa.ppen to belong to the class of men I I strength of the company was largely VOOL PIC] iN0.8,1H1U)FS ANID SKINS.—
'bee I'% ill Pay �pecified, and I thiuk if anything of the increased. � Several gentleimeil an4e the b' gheat Tsh picee for any quantity
f 170(l picking: - -
�, Rides, sho �ep and caff skins 'de-
Jkl nd had been done, or was contam- honoray members. T $0 lin. ree at e� 'Notrack or trade,
here i vas &I lated, would know solnething a�out, presentF.C. ogers,Reeve',whom 0"s eas 'foie-vekytlkng� X5oHN�SoPoRT,,R, 614
C RIEVE—In MOR on the rd inst., the wife I of Mr. Thomas " of a daughter ! I .]g STitAX SHEEP— )ame into. the promises
'I IN D!AL��L—In Era.i Awanosh, on" the � 18th ulti.,J the undersigned, � jot 88, Conoeggion 2, H.
I'. of M
the wife of Mr. e a Tindall of a daughter4 S. Tu keramith,abon; the first of November,
'V� rALLACE—In Bi a Is on the' 81st, ult., the E"'e, irked with thf letter H. The owner ma
wife of Mr. Ma �eo law of a daughter. 1, have he.same on pr mibg property and payin
expein co Un WM.WIL'?, O ton P. 0. 6s5x4
WANN—POLLOCK—At the residenc� of the! bride'smother, towushiO of, Grey4by Ret.1 STOCK FOR SALE. George Brown, Wr oxeter Mr Francis Minn, I ; ' __ C L FOR SALE orsale, a bay geldin
to 7688 MAry F ollock, M ORRIS --%-PATCH — At GLnd, Bend,� on the* Olt coming t br a. Sired by Lord, Hadd
25th ult., at the ret idenc6 of Mr. Rol�ert Ful- w d I ioketo a ape Apply on Lot 84, oonce
ton, by Rev. A. GI ndonning, Mr. John Met- 11 1011 0, MORil OP. 8 DORRAN019. 676
ris, of Clinton, Ld Miss Agnes Patch, o.9 Stephen. rO�K FOR SALF, -Ford ale, a Thoroughbre
G�BBINGS—SHITLEY—At the residence of-tho S, Durham Bull,about 6 months olil; also
bridolstather, umnlioad,onthe 27th ult.i, iTloroupbbied Dnrhwm Heifer, in ca.0 to
by Rev. R. Thohmi 'Mr. Thomas Gib gs, ot i Thoroughbred Bull. They are both splendl
Clinton, to EliziLbe �,h, eld,est daughtei of olUl animals and will be soid cheap. ; Applyl on Lo
Shipley, Esq. 8 C ncession 8, MeRillop. ROBERTXeMIL
S A, LKELD—GREE R- -On the 26th ult., at thol 684
residence of tht �; b -ides father, by ev. Dr. mPI( eton S Williams, Mr. Z os ph Tej , eld, to Miss Margaret M. daughter of Mr. George MEETINGS TO BE'HELD.
Greer, Bayfleld Be Ld. ; I
All 1NS—FISHER- -Al - the Parsonage, W dton, by CHEESE FACTORY' NOTICE— A. Genei
Itev. Mr. Bang )n the 6th of September, Meeting of the I hareholdo rs of the Varl:
ino, Mr.... Willi d. Akins, to Mar, r, eldest Cheese Factory will bl held in the Town Ual
daughte; Of wo Fisher, E9q., Sea orth. Va ,na, on Wednesday, !the 16th day of Vabruar
Woo 18E 1, at 2 O'clock P. M. The resolution or b
D�ath I Et. la passed at the annual meeting, resolting th
J.A MIESON—In I B allett, on the 27th nit , James th( Company should be wound up and its bus
R. Jamieson, &,,ed years and 2 m9ths. nei a a nd property d�sposed of to Mt. Rob
Me Us rtney, will be sqbmitted for conArmatio
WJ TMER—In Wawanmh, Minerva, daughter of JOI IN MeASH, Pregid6nt. 687-2
Mr. Benjardin',Vitmer, aged 6 years. , i
LA WBON—In Hu' lett, on the 24th uIt.1: Annie, -A Gener 1 Meeting of the Shar
youngest dangi ter, of Mr. A. Lawson, aged 7 N OTICE-
years and 9 mo atbs. 1 � I holders and PatriB of the Bluevale Chee
.C1 EEAR—In Gre: o the ist inst., th 1,f,,,t Faitory Company will.bLe held in Pqtterson
child of Mr. J6 in Creran; H s 11, Bluevale, on Fri February 18, 1b8l, at
P31 TEES—In Wa [ton ' on the 31st ult James O'0 LOck P. M., whe
1 Peters, M. DI., .0 b �s 65th. year. : I o I vhey will be offered for sale. ' 18o the dra
SM ALLDO��-In reyi on the 2nd inst., Freder'-� I nf of milk on the difierent routes mud the de
ick Wilson Smi ildcn, aged 6 months mud 212 eii ofs quantity of firewood wW be let bypubl
days. . I tender, and any other business transacted t1m
DA VIS—In Wingh un, on the 28th ult., William ro my be brought before the meeting. By o rd
JOHN, BURGESS, Secretary. 686-8
on f Henry Davis, Es I., age# 11 days. h C olina, on the Z ult�, Elizabeth, -wife of L. B. Harkin an sister _XO�EY. to Messrs. Jollu i. a Walter 06venloc Groy, _CF —_ Money to lend: on
agdd 48 years. ONEY TO NDL
Improved farms only, at 7J per oent. inte
est, payable yearly; prhrsts funds; charges mo
BEAFORTH, Feb. 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN—In largo or small sun
Fall Wheat ......... # ............ 0 98 t I 00 on hist-claso security, at 8 percent. year
interest. Privatefundo, or on theinstallme
Spri g Wheat Fife al busb*l.... I 05 t I 10 plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628
Spring Whest:Re& ha, liperbush. 1 00 9� .1 05 OatF per bushel...., o. � ........... 0 32 to 033 Peal par bushel.... 6 1 .. ........... 0 62 td 0 65 N"ONET—A. G. McDOUGALL is authorized t
Barleyper bushel.. j1 10 ............ 11 o 60 t4 0 70 _ � lend money at 7 per cent. on mortgage, f
Butier,No.],Looee,� ............ 0 18 td 020 an: r amount, and for apy number of yeais inti.
Butdor, Tub... 0 16 to 0 18 est charged only on the unpaid principal. App.
6Dougall & Co. 678
Eg ........... ....... 0 18 to � 0 20 at �he Store of A. G. M Flon , per 100 lbs.. 275t' 285 PRIVATE FUNDS AT6JPERCENT.—T
Ha. now ...... I 0 00. too 12 00 undersigned has .&few thousand dollars
Hid a, per 100 lb...1 . ........... 7 00 to 8 00 She p skins each .... ....... 0 75 to 1 60 PrivateFunds 'for immediate investment upo
m. rt age eeenrity at per cent.
salt retail)perbsi*.1 ........... I 00 9 Pat sunny
0 2 A EBB. BENSON, �Salicitor, Sealorth. 688
Potmoes, per bnglr 1,new, ....... Q 30 td� 0 ,a MONEY.—The unde: -signed has a lar $a Sam
........... 'go tol o 40 1 moneyfor immediate investment,ou fir
Oatn 6 00 to� 5 00 i m. ortgages on farm prc party. Seven and a he
Tal w,per-lb ..... ....... 0 05 to, 0 08 percent. interest yea -1y; prificipal as may I
Dre ad Hogs per I ...... 6 oo to! 6 76 a greed upon. . H. PEN430N, Solicitor, Be
WO.0, 1, par cord ................... 2 60 to� 2 76 forth. 638
I )LINTON, Feb. 10, t281. FAA I whastoper I oo @. I od AUCTIO�R SALES.
Sprii tgWheat, perb ' ash ......... 1 05 @ 1 0$� Oats per bushel ....... I ..... i.....0820 0 84 UCTION SALE )F VALUABLE, RE
Barb y,per 0 65 @T 0 85 AESTATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WD
Peas,per bashol... 0 60 0 70 LET—Under and by -v rtue of - a power of s
Batt 'Ir ............... 18 0 20 colitainedin a certain indentme ofanortgag
Pots. oes,new ......... 0 so @ 085 1 dated the 15th day of March, A. D. IS78, an
Eggs ................. 0 15 016, which will be produce" on the day of sale, th
Hsy,perton,.. 1000@1200 will be suld by Pa i Auction, at the � Qneen
Clovi r geed. ....... 4- 00 (jo. 4 ro Hotel, in the town olc�eafort.h. on SAWURDA
Timothy ........ 8 10 @ 8 25 thb NINTEENTH da of FEBRUART, A.
'clock in he afternoon, bv Jooep
Dres Red Hogs per 1 00 @ .6 76 1881, at ten o'clock in P. Brine,. Auctioneer, the, following lands an
ieeg,, viz.: Thiot crts,in parcel or � tract
IVERPOOL, 9. Spring wheat prem
I e, L 98 land situated, lying, a d being in the Townsh
9s 04d red winter, 9s 06d; whi of Bullett in the Cour ty of Huron being col3
0,6d; club, 9s 3 Qd oats, 6s 2d; bhrley, posed of Lot No. 12, in the 5th c6neessi6n of 0
5s 3d; peas, 6s )9d pork, 67s Od;' beef, said Township. of Hullett. containing One htu
74p Od ; cheese 68 Odd' dred acres,- more or les . The above is a, valuab
property and very fallorably located. On
premises sre a good frame house, TORONTO, Fell .—Fall whest,:51.071 other conveniences. 9 erms �Of stLle end other 11
to 1.10; spring, $1.10 t . 01.15; oats, 37c 1 ormation, will be made known ot the day of Sal
or ra be had by application to the nudersigue
8c barley, 78e, to a
pe&3,- 63c to Datel at Stratford, th, a 8rd day
f February.
96c ; hay, per ton, $300 to 6�400; D 1%1. T. J. BEATTY, Vendor'S L Se'fioi
bu.Uer, 20c to 24c; potatoes per bag Stratford; 687-3
45c to 50c; eggs, per doz., 30c t6 3�c.. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE. TOW
dressed hogs, per 1 i 1647 25 to $7.55. , VILLAGE, AND FARM PROPERTY, B
(OF BLUEVALE).—P irsuant to the Decree I
TH� this Cause, dated the 1; inth day of October, A.
1880, there, will be sold by Public &uction, at t1
�O AL,
Dg at eleven o'cloek in.the for' noon
of FEBRU FgIDAT,, the 25th de, ARY, A. I
L A D I HOU.SEN '1891. by Henry M&cDe mott, Esquire, Waster the, Court of Chancery t Godericb, tke f.ollowin
:parcels of land, namellri I.—LotnumberNin
in the 6th Concessiou'd the Township of Tar
ber)y,containingl.00 ores, more orle�sj at pre4
OR H I N i en1-nder, leme to one William Powell� at a rex
talL Of $280 per annum ; about 80, acre 4re clea
ed and chi6fly free f stumps ; t soil
good; there are on the offand two fr e
and a log barn and stable, and an exec [lent ore
T N E E ME)% I TWEEOS I ard ; the pnolefired. I&E d is fairly'wo(4-ed wit
ord�inary woods; the land is Bitnated.41�out fou
i milrs from BlUevale, a station on thei WellinE
CoAd A.ND SEE to : Greiand Bruce Railway, a4d about t
salle distance from the important own o
belW- ham; this is an epEcellent farm, ue of th
u tho towaship ; it will be sold iibiecti t
0 A IS f P B 1__ S I L Tl! a 8 the lease and to two mortgages ame' inni get er to $2,600. II. —T a sontherl
Lo s 89 and 40, in the First ConcesBi(
STOCK 01, T OSR'BEAUTIFUXJ To nabip., containing I 0 acres, more pr sent leased to one I ichard A Aridg e at 1.
pr desellribed
per aunum., and partlet larly desci.ribed n a mor
TWEEDS FDR SPIT GS. ga theneof to Anne I lelmore lbamUell; the
are aoirt 60 sores clear )d, nearly all fro
NOTH'. 14G LIR, THEM. st, ps; the balanee is well wooded ;a bIranch o
the River Maitland flows through the I tot; ther
h&rJ'j net beginning to b aar;. ther
is -0, young ore OVER00A E , OVERCOATS are a f rame house, a fro me bam and sta ble on th
pr - iises; the soil is good ; tbis,� also, is, an a
R*a i e Bargains wi R1 , D be given, in ofder to cell at farm,, in a good neighborhood, boing fly
v . and 1J miles from 331nevale
Clear Off �h4 Entire Stock, ab i miles from Wingbarn I hot n good. markets ; th is lot will be sc Id subjec
oppbell's C 14 ting and OuO tt to he lea�e and a mortgage for $1,200. III.—Tb
Mg noz th part of T own Lot number Five, in' Foley'
Es tabb slit) tent Seaforth. Snivey in the Town of'�Wigham,haviug a front
age of 25 feet on Josep4ine street,,, and the %out
1� 1,Campbell'iEriok Blo-ek,Maini? rest. par ofTown Lot num. er Four, in sai(I Foley'
8 vey,inthe'said T having a frontage o
15 ��et on said jrosephiv��treet; on the nortl
erly,'sil e Of this parcel v: erected a two story brie
MTERI"THE FIRE building used and occupi.ed. as a r store� by T.
7 milps, to whom it was rbpted for $2501 per an
I num, and� who still occapies, althugh, his leas
13aq expir�.d; this property is in the eel ' 3 Ltre of th
,ANDRE C-ALD)ER business portion of the To-wn ; the vacant Ian
is very valuable for ba Iding purpose8i; �f foun
Mi -RILE Tbrkinj all 'those who eolkindly deArable td the sale, this parcel may heidivided
assisted in sav mg his botograph Plant, anil the store and the -iacant land sold 0eparat
&c during The fire a the morningof Thursday, ly. thpi-els a mortgaye on this parcel for $1,00
Feb i nary 10th, begs to inform his many friends to',T'o1nuNeelands,6'f k'Y'ingham,ba inga�outtw
v1 and the publiq in gen(ral that he has i years to run, subject t) which the prop r y
be sold ; there is alsoa lane along the s, utherl
Bidocommonto this-amd the adjioiniugpropeit
01'ENED- UP IN SCOTTS BLOCK INT. ill4geLots 73, 76, i7, 92, 93 A�d 94,i
Do can's, Survey, in the -Village of Blueval
Ov (r Wilson & I obn g's Store, where he will be up�n whieb iserceted. a 11 story frame bous
pleft3ed to attend ;o, the wants of all who may SIDI a garden, orchard, &a " beini the picAp rty O.,
favo r him with a cafl. Photography in all Its ; this 0
bra itches executed on ihort notice. wh chth6lateJohn 'Ali sFe, resi4ed pare
nencumbered. V.--Yillage Lot numb. relah
688 ABDREW CALDER, Seaforth, on ithe w.est side of (lyde Str'ebt, in Dancan!
S vey, in the said 'Village of Blnevale, upo
is cireeted the Aore formerly 000ppied b
JZ;t (D:B:B:) S the; said Itite John Mesf er, and now ba his broth
er"William M esper ; there is al�o a s,torehous
& stnblo. upon this p -eel; this parcelis une
MEAT 'Al A R K E T! Cu ere . .— he �state, right, title. and I
ter.st of the litte John 'Messer iu a pr.r I t of th
MAIN ST _E�T, SEAFORTH. roL I helly he] f of Lot a u mb er 28, in'; the Firs
coneV.S%lon of the said Townshijp of - Ta!rubei-ry
bel �.g all that part of the soutterly haRf - of sal
]REMEMBER BUGH ROBB keeps conatantlY L(Anotcnveyedby argaretDunc&A4t.a1.-t
on hand Spi(ed I eef Hams, Fork Hems nod John Diment by deed, ated -the 16th May, 1.875
Spi c ed Pork Boll i, B reakfast Bacon and Clear containing eight acres, more or less ; It is state
Ba( ;in. Also thi � Be st Quality of Lard, Pork thatonePun-can bas the right -to redeem thi
Sausage and Bol)gna Sausage, Pork Cdttingsj parcel on payment of t. ie sum of $350, I but th
Fre E h Fish, &c. deed to John Messer, deceased, is absolute
Callandseemys�ock. Re,member the place VII,Tbb estate, right, title and inteimst of th
6M HUGH -BOBB, Seaforfh, said lte John Messer in Village Lot number 10�
on Clyde Street, in Dun oan's Survey, in the sai
of �Bluevale, upon which ia,Olecteil
ititended to be used as a Cabinet Fac
i tory. VIXI.—A. certain mortgage, and the inte
COD CTTE R F R SALE—For Ee,16 che4p,i
a Portland Cut er, new last winteni Al.ply, est . therein, as Mortga e of the sid late oh
* , Messer, dated Che 12th day of December, A. 1:
to IEV. A. D - M CPO AID, Seaforth. 6E 16778, made byDuneau Stewartto the r -aid lat
John e'sser, on :Vil age Lot laumber 128,
]C�XT NOTICES. Dunesn's, Survey, in e said Vill%ge of Blu
ale, for.$400,. upon w cnabout�3400ispastdu
CIRD OF THANX-E, —The m3derai&nedl drsireB. 'and unpaid, There ill be a reservied bid o.
to return hi 9 � dace re thanks to t he memliers" each parcel. fixed by t � Master. TERM S—T
of -.1ne Fire Bri.aa� e, amd tbe citizens of Sieflfo'rthi per cent at the time of ale, to the Vendor's S
who rendered r-adh valuable aid in saving We; heitors, nd the balan into Court, without h
P -3pertyfrora Icsa on the occasion of th: terest, in one month t iereafter, � when the p
9: ursday morn�vg last. GEOROE chaser will be entitled to their coVeyane
Szorth. For further particular i apply to Messxg. Sung
&Mortom, solicitors, Goderich. and. Winghan
C_kBD OF TILL IR —I beg to return my sin- E. Campion, Esq., Slicitor, Goderibh; to t
, cere thanks, 0 t ie Gore District I Vendor's Solicitors' G oderich; and � to C. a
Company,and tbe J,gen In em. 0 - '� r* I Scott, Esq., Wingbam, the Aue oneer appoint
N. Watson, for the prompt and sati factOrY bytheMatter. Dated B t Gode-rich, the', thday
ME ner in which they settled tho 8 s4sta- I January,, A. D. 1881. H.*Mae EW OTT, Ma
byme on the oce i(n of the ]a -e�, C.:WJ ter at Ooderich. GARRO A!RO FOO
PA I �BT. 6 Yedors'Solicilors, n t'
e'voe 0
e rge T1
18W Ol
IDt al a, d
d g -y-
nIR3 M MI BMM FOR E ALE!OR T 0 LET. of 'P310FERTT TOR SALFr--For Sale, on- terwoo thi t desirable Tesidenco Stieot ow.nia4 b: Mr. Giaorge Dent. u in 1.84; PORTER, ;eafor-th. Y g STOBEIIC)tlal TO RENT4—To rent a st6r ouse on the Aouth aide or Ma raliwaya t c in Beaforth, with two sets of scalmh true a and Jigge rwall coloplete; ossesislangi*-a ad' tely. A.) ply to Scoft, Brothers, Sea&rth. 9 -SMITH E ST a proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rex- or to 0, [QTO_R�TOR11NT_TotentaI&Te anjd cow. d4i ore in Whitte me OUB a yl block, X*is treet, Seafortl, in the best bualnesspart of tb-s d —A�E— own. The stoi a is 60 feet long with. a stoie oolu 80 feet In elkgth in the rear. Rent. ibloand posses, Ion gl-.veu ou �bth j&uj=y, I d 88L �,p#ly to WHITNEY ZhoTHERs_ t LOSING'UP OUSINFESS Licenced Auctioneer jor ,Qp �Couuty:ol Hron.., Sale(sAttended 6, of the Zqunty- A-11 orders left at the ZZ. al D... OR Offee *ill be promptlyattendeft IN o. -pit IRAHAM, A.'UCTIONZER A" IS yl LM AGUNT.—Special attention given 4* of lauded p�roperty, farming and thoxiougtk- y- at I ir d stoclr� Cattle sLelectod for -the English mazr- IM r_r ]a le Office and Auction Rooma begows new t, Goderich Ont. Term moderate. 615 U. 'DELGETTY, Lieeneea Auction- A LEXANDER eer,McXiAlop. S.Pecial attention S!ven to a- I a of Land�d Proerty,4 Farm Stock .1 n ements. Be orders left with the undar�- �d at Walt,on P. O.,! or Lot 1.4, cop- c a lon 14, will be -promptly attended to. 80a - amps e i requir Y, Wilton. 639 JMr DOE EDUCTIONS M WANTED. JKRVANT WANTED—A Good Servant Girl wanted immedi"y. Apply. -at SHARP1B TEL, Seafoith I 4 TUATION:WANTED--k&,sHoaaeke4eperbys Have been made in each dlep�rent, and you 15 � thoroughly espectablO woma d allily hdre there, wre. no small children. Hust -be r- w!" shs a good deal of mou!.eYlbY 98curing Your riespectable, Ap, 11 H d- Ply-byletterto ALLEMP 1, Ont. supply of Staple Dxy 6 oods loi the coming sea- WAGON MAKER WAXTED-Wanted's on during this sale. wood Volker for a wao5oflahvp in Bramw1k, nt connectioli v�ith a bls�dksmith :shop hay.flig as there Ira a good building and lots of war*_ so wmtedi s. ork. A, ply� at once to Box 47., Brussels 6ft 0 or 0 CONTRACTORS—Tenders Wanted for the Building of -Nine W-oodaheas—The, ndtf- �VERYSOD� JkLEASE r, gwd will receieSealed Tenders, �m behalf of a Public School Beard) up to the 1�9-th day of 3h, IE81,.at 2 O'clock P � M , in the Village of le ville: for buil&g W�o' of 914ond dsheds at Sehibel gas Nos. 1, 8. 4,:6, 7, 10 and 11. WoA n to b b completed on or before the Ist day of Sep w t�mberuext. Plans can be rseen. at the submrib- eils, on mud after the 15th February, -and infor, Ani4 sat iefled that this Sale is Genuire. Crovil's mgtion will- be given by I any member of 7.tbe of : - Boaxd- GE-04GE SP .Beoretary Pa!bft at of Customers daily. School Board, Tuokers 687-2 if TATE FOR REAL ES L.E.. NOR SALE.—Far Sale a first- clan Plamil* nearly new �nd In good running order4 simaited in the flourishing T own of Be aforth, IAll be $01rd cheap. Terms easy� Enquire lor L SIPEC11AL ATTENTION : iooRD, CoasENS& co .Goerich, Out. I,a —For.so- e Lot No. 20, Con- �4RMYOR SALE cession 4, Btanleyeo.ln ining 140.0 acres, 80 of d v hich are cleared, utaiderdr ned, wellfenced I# a first aIaFs state of c ation. .hebalance iie re timbered wthbardwoo. erels agood frame Y, h nise, frame bam amd s a I plenty of vater And 7 31te Cottons. yungprebad Justecom, , cing to beir; in SJ to called to oar O." d The A? miles from Brucefield, 4 from Clinton - h d Log iding Lines *,91 soon be gold out. Secure school within two miles. Terms easy; "sea- sib4ats;ny time� Ap Ply to the pr ' to t olme r -a P whJ Lt yo u requireleflore they are all gone. Brucefield. W.COOK, pr pr pr irletor. 677 e ARM,, FOR BAE—Lot: No. 10, CocessIon. 8, Grey, contairing 100 ai rk a, about 65 tleared - a bowed log house, frame �rivar, log. b f i arne- stable - thdBoil -1au] my loam - 1-6 acres ci- I ill wheat sown; a �good b�anngr�iarau 1-1m d & ver tailing spring.; pn*e piemisvia, and 600 a liberal reauctioxi to -a eashurchaser; e, 131LACK ICASS-1 MERES there is no encumbrance on the farm, and - & pa the time 'of chase if do- an� be aired; title indisputable. For further particul"*- r. 0 ROMER ROBPRTSON, Proprietor, ,apply A1119 FOR SALE..- For . the -west half CA ot F L E N�e offer a largo ra]3g( of tl�e elebrated Crown H� .7, oil the 6th e 'OntaLining 50 aer'S Lof obolce land; I= .n I the -place is 'a frame ban nearly mew, -you ,a . ng Bri ud at 20c c, 28c, 850, 400�i) Bic, 62c, 850, $I- bearing orchard; good well Lud rap;l8acresof PUI a III wheat sown, about 8 ac. -es of bush;4a withil 16 iud $1 50. LthdiesshouK a oure their dresses 4 4 PMeS froul the toV'n' 6 ' Seaforth a gooa gravel road. This is one of'gLebestpropertiesin tho wb�l a they ate to be had at who6sale prices. toWnship, and will be sold Fo luxther f pLarticuaks :apply to the; proprietor, Oil tht
9 plt9niseA, or if by letter to 'Beatirth P�O. GRO,. a, 674X4_t f ALP,—Te �prth half of Lot 2% IF,&R*m FOR s Lot 27, andtbe east b4f of Let28,,Conces�- sioin 4, L. R. S., Tuckeismi6b ; 200 acres T,or ss:16 E ERYTHING y U WANT in one arcel, or two of 100 sel-es and 61) acre* a V respectively; fist -class b�dildings, goo& Jenccw� and orchard ; the land is W a good stateof cultl� h Tat io, is wellatered, and is -WklI situated as -t,6 r I &c. An person wauting a good farm, in res dig goo d locality, will do well look at thisone be,� A totebuyingelsewere. POL 'PSItieUlargand-terrult f :&P -ply to JAMES LLIVRENICH A 73ROTECER ola a' T oq I be had at, anch pricis as �o will nobo obtain the premism, or to XES�RS- McCAIGGMY 0 HOL.MESTED, Barrister0eaforth. d8. again in General Dry Go� CORXZRLOTFORSLIE� TO RENT�Reing the West halfof Lot , Concession 2, town -i- ship ofMcKfflop, contrainng,50 acres, nearly -4 0. clearedi.-Aind in is splendid stgte;of culdvatiou well watered, 7 fall wheat =a aac�res plDwed; good farm . house and stiblei good well and hearing 'orchard, convenient to f Roman Catholic, Church anilsebool; within-balf O�ERCOATS, QV ER00 S a mile of Huron gravel roa4, 4 inifles of Seafort,14 a and 3 of Db -11n; this is one'of the prettlest 50 0 acre farms in tile township. For terms, &c., ap- pl' a, to P. 1MXXELLY Seafortit P! on 1ht, 'Pre is 'O r a 'O o A-!nD.e HENNEMY, Ti�jkhi;; Post Office. 675 t IN STANLY—Por Sale� FA" FOR SALa *a have a few Ove'te oats le ft� which we are that valuable farm, aftu#ed in the T onshl P of Stanley, being Lot 14, 1*4 6thConcessioell' r erly for 5, PSIT d to sell. Those 9014 Lin�. The farm is a mile snd lii h bonlu quarter of the Village of I a, where there are f' no for $3 50; former] y $6' i Low 4; form stinps, post office, sthoO house, blacksmith rly s4ops, and everything that a -village xequires; ji k $8,;, now $5 75. MtWa Suiti , Boys' Suits, md. RN bit 1-00 rods of a grist and saw ill goodgravel roads pointing ii all directions; the r& a m. 80 acies, or bi Id - :85 in fall wheat, La ies Mqutlei reduced in amMe way. a with meadow amd the land is a high state of cultivation thpte is also d orL-hard and good frame buildings. For particulars apply to the proprietor, WI 68i4 JOHNSTON, Varna. a0 LOOK ECEII-E — $5 500 FARAI POP. SALE For Sale, Lots No. 7 snd§, Concession -2, H -ow- - 0 IR:Ei _-E -S ril ick, containing 200 acres more or less, about 160 &ereS el�JUed =a nealfly ree froul Sttlmpsi 10 cedar and black ash, i1nd the bal ance -good n hrdwoud bush; there is a new bank barn, other barns put rip with eedar posts, two good log e, e, houscs� log stablerand other bulbuildings;,agood bearing orebard; thislarm: is well fncid :�Ith cediar and black &sh also over 1-00 Tods ot el lease do not ask second I e. Wequote the board fencing ; this f arm is in a good state of I "Itivation, and'over half of it has been lying in n u,susl 6na the redueed i A eL 1. rice Reh And pastre for a number of yearswith good well4wd pl6ntyof-eboieeva:tErtheYO&-rro-and; is4 miles. d9 i Lot wish to waste ti m a ote it if it does ot 1r6m. the' -village of Gorriol 5 f -T -LOM from school,rud 2 fl*M this farm is :a� p*at hai-gain, and Lean be 'bought for S5,500— L_ $2,000 earh down,the balne :to be fiecurt d b_T a ml)�t.gagiL.,rn the farm at 8 per cent. interest, for a torm of earti, to suitpu t rebaser; title indisput-: ab)e; I)oscessix-,n3?..ivenimraodiately. For1urther d psaiculani apply to rhe proprietor on therem- 0 isea, r it by R-tter to Gormemt 41fice,- J. R� LL W HOL WISH d OR SALB—For Bale, Lot 3 and east half of Lot 4, Concessin 13, Huett ainirig 225 acres � ; 190 acre4 cleared, under-: 00 0 dr ined, nd nearlyt-lear frem. StUMPS ; 'the bal-: heavily tim a -e I., bered with. beech, maple, ebu 5 d basswcod ; there are 50 aLeres in fall wheat d an and 60 acres in grass.; thLe land is of tht best a thro a the stock, nd I Ajei courteously shown lit b Ang a rich c1RY loa-% ; this farm lay .a a q, E, ,ut not hilly ; A never luiling "zing r- aA require are not gh tb e barn yard; this is a first- Peds which customers do ertek mus tbrou. 01� s?J gl C�iu Ordairy f Zirlu ; there are 6 acreB f a im I eitimently pressod u] on t,12e n. yoang orchard, withL apples, pears, Peaches, Ana ebe�Tieg, j n ut beginning to bear; -the. dious; there is a e. ba0dings are large and oommo
latge bank baru 5&0, And is nearly new; the n d vIng house and stable is -40x&OL, and is new ; the bonoe isa large two story frame, Vith L k#ehen ana wood shed attached, and good �stoe d (5e3lara L under the whole building, iind is filled between. studding -with limti and giavel from b0t- tom to top ; there is a good- school, post Offim store and blaekamith tbO er -w,:es r m& i[ rr ia r fam is situb�-d 10 miles M -Om. Sealorth, 12 from 18.'& goaL
6 froln Londesboo.; there he it gravel road from the place to All the above e kets, A.good part of the purchase inoney tan ke it out of rem= on mortgage long enough to ma pply to TH03TAS to Barlock ofteplace. For partioulats ,art
ATKINSON,on-te premiee0i Or No. 3 BLOCK.