HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-02-11, Page 11881, aeassams Lis physic. s d were very welcomed by ted still tarries amity of four of whole are ND k Gem Neilane, the lector for the returned bis lent of taxes paid in, thus a and leaving 4n done, too, other harsh There are or any other - show' such a creditable t, Ext people of. Fubte>dly, the ce. Tie goes L sc stematics e e lia«wbexes" ✓ pother, and xud agreeable r to pay him f axes Long he township able services e. t, by corning llundrett at the rn.%Ri' 687 notice Mr.. ;t away from fes of cord - easel to state Finked of Dr. Mr, Robert "iave entirely of scarlet 0 Sacrament be dispensed Ik at „l<lodgger- 11 o dock a, gas usual in rmoaneter at • Weduesday ro. This is nap ever ex= country,and. eh colder. we t.s will have the matter of 1:T11X L. --it lironiele the • tee_+k place elf rice of her Etee, at the :,. Decease: in this part e have seer: e number of erlav evening er Goderieh, ises to attend die is charged 'keit-book be - :ear. of Tack- y& $!10. ack-cE}r$!10. Wo 'he result of -tree.—The intend ` eetiler here 7th inst. A. II the sane of ('llnton; Nei pains or the members 1 a geed time irstauel that village, who S-beeu in the mi Brothers, ,a leased from low occupied ierrliaut, and cit a general 'seri long and Hid will, nc share of Iitiel Turner, ibe'rt Turner, «•ar old colts 2.270 pounds.. sum of $220. don't pay to Turuer4 of tend f,.:r their will net de illand tax- Ct x •t ascer- e n the road •elnieersten it and robbed is wore ar- we in Wing - at 10 o'clock E re; searched. iwir persons.' was arrested what richer arrested in. l+t -eesse}r of 1 ati:141. The : after their arriston cou- v«.- the fob e.t the: pre:r- :tle'ttin John 11 kw eii, lea as Lue /been burn Ireland, and 1 :,crated to iter residing .v1tere he was •re•, he carne at tied a aitll- i he tilled :profit to his .tt(•r bee+1m- 1 ,l ,le of the ,T1' _I.•cses 11i 11+•ii 1:v : re ' tie• flillc ear - r /[t yearn. where tie l r. Robert :red fr?irrt .1 «le vested e•:•uit., for a veer: to hie Cr' curries or: and coin - year ap- Lhe Mo wet. : arauce Mr. -. eke of the a man of ( te•erned by is his !` :uneil, as .e last five awl by ac- Lip. Ho is FOURTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 688. SEAFORTH. I8•0i SILL EROS_ OUR SCOTCH AND IRISH TWEED S • I We are now SHOWING SAMPLES of SCOTCH • and IRISH TWEEDS for THE SPRING TRADE. As these Goods were Purchased by ne DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS We are Enabled to Offer Them AT VERY LOW PRI CES: BLARNEY TWEEDS. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE LINT OF SAMPLES Of the Celebrated BLARNEY TW1i;EDS, Man ufactured by MAHONEY 'BROS., CORK ! The Blarney Tweeds are the BEST GOODS in the Market. Fine Styles and Splendid Qualities. .Every Suit We Make We Guarantee a Perfect. Fit. HILL BROTHERS, SEAFORT H. OUR ANNUALi 7TOCKTAKI NG SA1 NOW GOING ON AT MCDOUGALL & CO.'S. GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL WOOLEN GOODS. WE AR NOW SELLING OFF Winter Clothing a Wholesale Prices, Boys', Men's and Youths' Overcoats at C ost, Ladies' Heavy Cloth Mantles at Cost, Blankets at Cost, Ladies' Fur Hats, Muffs and Boas at Cost. 'OUR VERY LARGE STOCK. Our Stock being yet very large, gives a good assortment to select from at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE. We cordially invite a look at the Great Bar- gains we offer. A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO. DIRECT I tPORTERS, SEAFORTH. THE DAIRYMEN'S P 1 *LTA, MENT. The awnual meeting of hel!Ontario Dairymen's Association heldt week at Stratford' was a .very su cessful and' interesting affair. The Convention. continued in session for he greater,, part of 'three • days. The attendance was large and a number of most inter esting and instructive add esses were delivered As most of our readers are[ more or lose interested in da�i1ry ng, we append below a short summary of the remarks' made on the leadi gI ubjects discussed ; HONEST MILK. Rev. W. F. Clark rea a paper entitled "Honest Mil. dealt with the frauds pe etr-a small patrons, especially in the watering, and urged the nee ssi stop being put to sudh pr ctic said we cannot have a poli em tioned in every barn -yard. eb want to cheat in a small we. means of doing it. The many who are only honest wl are well watched. It is a good shun all dealings with. those v known to be tricky, mean and r take little advantages when th There are people who have this tion among their neighbors, such should be rigidly. exclude the circle of patrons of a clad tory. "So-and-so is a very go of a man, bet keep /your eye when you trade with him. ' your milk carrier to drive pas man's farm. He who will c eat direction will cheat in another-; all, the only influence' that wi human nature of its dishonest cies is an influence from ahs man once went into a corn f steal a bag of ears, and took h: boy with him. Before commencing tc fill his bag, he looked this way and that, to see if any one was 'watchinE him. "Father," said the boy; 'there': one way you forgot t ; look ; yo. didn't look up," "Thou G 'd sweat e," ex claimed one of old, a .'d another asked. "How could I do thi 'great wic.'educe and sin against; God? Let this houghs be ever'present, and `honesty ••ill be the outcome of, it ; honest+ in thing: large and small ; honesty by w:ht anc by day ; honesty in the barn and a well as the chnrgh. Mr Ballant nn, M. P. P. :an Harris Lewis st]ngly approved Clark's Iremeeks, and the fo gested he propriety of ap : o inspect r to go around and 'ns. milk. r. Losee thought t e more i skimmingthan i It =beg n in tea -skimming. I patron ook a pint of cream x great d fference in the cours o son. e. once calculated it a d to eve $ 00 in connectio w factory Ile was afraid th ea on the increase, and felt thing should be done to s was in favor'of inspection, by Mr. Ballantyne, and he suggestion would be carried i Hon X. A. Dillard' heartily of Mr. Ballantyne's sugge t employing an iii Spector. T Borden, of condensed milk f it necessary to adopt this pia to -secur-epure milk,. and necessary to tae such steps sure of gektting good mil Roberts, Of C rnell Uni glwd to notice t e tone of sion. It was ell that we s to "look a " in these matter from a hi h se se of- duty. however,. ay - ` word to sometime the urnishers o not to bla e. He knew o which mi k wa adulterate was great myst ry about At length how ver, it was that the dairy aids, who w re hearty damsels fond of a gold milk, were in the habit •f t h 1 f 1 d d d' lengthy ." He ted by way ofl ;y of a. s. He n sta- ?le who ill find, re tod n they ale to' ho are Cady to y,canal repnta,' 11 nd a1 i l from sse fao-/ d kind skinned Instruct t that, in one After 1 cure Itenden ve. eld t lsl little HORSES WANTED G. A. HOUGHTON. Is now prepared to buy any number of GOOD SOUND HORSES, Weighing from 1,100 pounds and upwards. U • Hon of Mr er sug. Mg au Qct th vil wa atrring. f ade a sea it cams ith hie • it was Isom el - it. H repose pprove Late M . e,foun n ord .. ever WILL BE AT SHARP'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, EVERY DAY. • G. A. IIOUGIITON. MORE HORSES WANTED. GROSSMAN & SHARP ILL be atSHARP'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, every Saturday, for the purpose of buying Heavy Draught Horses from 8 to 7 years'old. 656 GROSSMAN t SHARP. s r 0 ed th t effec d as t seeme t ma rofess ty, w i discu • Id lear anda h w wb.thul +• lk we a case 1 but : the e matte . sdertai,in d buo , drink of helping themselves re y, an a in • jwa er make upfor their takings/. - lin cases, skirnmin . the knowledge He approved o inspectors. M vide, argued that what was ed than a syst:m of inspe sense of honor nd justice. torymen, such as would- le this matt - e, iu ! the ee von though a factory .fon he was at by another. etoryrrien sit hen' fraud home to a patron, it ought ft effect of brand :ng biro as a shunned. Mr Clarke had right groe.nd, t dishonest, an them. Unles- co-operate wi could no be e ENI Mr. D. H. ;t urrell, of L tt .e Falls, New Yo k, in response to a re uest, proceede to a plain that ensilage i green fo der p eserved by el • se packi i and totalexcl e sion of air. = silo is cellar bult of stone and heed' wit Portland cement, so as to • e " air ars water tight. By way of ex+eriment, .i drilled and d soyved broadcas seven twee of corn, and built a [ silo to contain I i when ready or packing : way. Thi corn was cut p short whe. ii a gree state, thrown into the si.l', and, whfe all was in, wooden followe were Flu on top of the mass' and alio. t fifty tan: of stone thrown on to pre. s the u corn into the least possible compass In this condition it grad cally settle• down and compacted into solid mass The end;of October its us was com menced.' It wail cut with hay knife and found to be in very mu•h he sam+ fresh, and green state as -hes packed away. i The cows eat t readily About a:ton of the ensilage ould les a cow ogle month. Thirty t us' war.: got to the acre. It would r adily b,: t • 0 a 8 were take: oft Zvi Le t .r privity of thea pa ro the proposal to appoi t . Hopkins, of Brown mo a nee ;tie , was a re:mg fa : the o . It ws ernes , o rnan w s furni'hil g envie taken This w uld stal?d brought leave the n to De t leen the d shun fee li gs with r pared to r, the evil • own: act toget er i. usually t e ca get milk, hat cast off t y on dishonest milk on as a patron wrong. IP he f together, and 0 as seen this cool end a whe Hatt Cant plan Hi P3 SEAFORTH ►� <cLEAN BROS., Publishers, 1.50 a Year, in Advance. w grew was th feeding value of spa ` tion.. A y green growth e• th s ensilage . He had pack - y s me Biun ai;ian grass, and fed o t it wads i a very fresh and ral ata a He wuld recommend diem dairymen jto try the silo in his that he the 4u owned of the kroii't" R� man con, wl can to s y. aem ble t paid td was[th as t w TAB Prof ni e ",ata, I: e eta rove t er df V. a Hargis: Levis as asked to give nione ! f eesilage. He replied was; jest„f that yste or co, w.I` rtiollsi �itch h ierg,' a hat in e natant,. want o e was not It was larke s id he had read plait is nbjeot, pro and I.a ap ear in the Ameri- nd he deemed it Important the aperiment was at-. untry;, it was desir- ,ttention should be ons, one of which i feed, whatever it way air tight, o t. CIIBE POR DAIR este, of Cornell on to speak on d ex roise or dairy cows.' at in endeavoring to im- dtion of uolws in the mat- eccdmmod tion, we had 'he atremn to another. alt air .and ventilation, we e of too little. s measurements ittle air space is in what are abl uarters. This in hp case of bank bas ents. It was to t ne basements, usu 1 y damp. ie tars ight be good sto green fodder, sui ble to house - ie p r ferred stables It of ollow wooden vith cut straw, ten- ter” 1i of that sort. .e ell lighted. No e rider the floe s 3d. Various ways f re s ecified, and la p1a k with aspha t was pecially recede. 1 air often pervading de iimental to the d of er animals. No 'tn culo.is," a dis- o he spoken about add ess last night. o say much on experience. He much enamored a kind of "sour 1s cc t careful the coedit t the gree m st be packed e n mould and rc AIR ND , EXEI - Icows. sso . city,as dal led P Rot aird ed tt e o tab/ fm 0 e td°` the ex re h « .. ed'by v fou i• cast to :wail to anima ost : ed putter• iellly tru a : nd stone objootion ey were stone eel Un which to y were not ninaals. II O : round, bei: s, filled in r some nea ; should 1 de eft �lerrn )0 sn iff+ ting this we three-inch the joint wa hb fp one roi ad e / hat as al bonstd Was es ar lso la hat otg }lac s rent h • LVll bo !al earl iLa Ira: hot ere g 1e e ing f bet e end :table • ealt . .f c d wE h: wa C • 11111 at they shou have no de they were h each othy ectnelly put AGE AND SIIO 1' • el fie ha ca se er. be th al ss. th 80 m •ob he it be A ki n v re di ne of t aj.i s •ngiQdi is Via y +ws a n lied' gledt ar ke's s tjhe fuitf 1 cause of other T$`e importance of cowsele end trop eth. t mune 80 e eaejrci8e1and the inhu ofee i ani els c ashy con - ay, ere' ably dwell interi3sts were har-' :ose laws of health the well-being of the rge. 'cows. under our ch ITHEAiiE 0 Harris Lewis owl," urged t ma ager mut i ca e. ' Hl-Sstr oadnotefe It was p: ssibl often } es Ito i g of the ud, horn ghlly to of mil . 0: • n[ his address oil d importance hof; respect to feed gly urged that Itore than t ce b feed so mu t{erfere with t Which must be care proper se;' a; day feeding ter th tree times, because it secure . omp rte ruminatidn. cows with oor t:eth ought to by being fed so e soft feed, meal,', which •• ould lay so A cow should be an the bo eri •4� i e mu e of me Mr eryti wh Mr side riv' fact han que to p the erie any ski to b was wh the n0 ash D:184 the sai • lee . pa fi rmals an an cos wo to! do cot wo Mr ies bui ohs eve ch st: in th ha A anti mIU ieei tthe' weir Uni lisp chje mei do• e• un be E. - her ne her aged bon ou four t six . The e vin tax on the stre ring"the int ed and g oo aded to e his wig- filt Re port ars t. Fee our wa esir e hpurs, and necessa y to"t Irregel r inte enable.; One nd and r of arityl it ilk s: ter to'1 k e u e eeks rest beftrr process was a th of the moth - cows ought to • like a horse:. owe loaded with las salting wa always at the Milking at e same per- fdllest yield ale of milking nterval of 1 ourteen, led retion. It wo. le t df is en In ry eight ho re. ng a pe as 'ade in regard o eatmeot o cos.((Newly calved hold be waterb at least twioe Give them ai the water they an I $hey will the mingle the at go to make sowing of grasses fay were recom- i ed considerable h Professor A of some exper m, as the reap to the conclusi n nd Short -Hot s e breeds of raft e I SE FACTORIES.; ., o uelph, was then k o "Creameries! as Jhee : Factories." le pay: g a high corn li- iiees z en . of Onto, to. ld, s Iver' and bre ze an r• in which t ey whe has now become in is country. If en enterprising the Would a as large to -day Making butter making chene. iigher prices 'f�or ories. They .nkit an article of skins en - to r- .8 d rm 1$. arid or pasture and d. address elf ct s ion aerie w i d g v an' !ac ount n sl ca red o by.h h p liitdddddllcom e Ayrshires he most desire ry P A qE . I rl, Es on t ' ape/ reel with ended b to the e • de erved• g dabs f r th o ked -p into est men hid be inte es ss o se interes er t an had aid ghee e fati , but :reds s. un v . C c El c bet rtieriiel shah spade `btitte c, whioh issold :as such, and the poorer classes in England obit of chee e, wlifo could not oth ego so Ou butter- sent fromerie ble ��of t�e av,e age has brought forfarm 's e�ma•e'b Iter. lVehave received gh as w Iia -eight cents per poitzxd. t 1,810 b k:s of (lkim cheese were e whish `bre ght,or the most part, nd a . al f c -nts p 'r pound. There limit -d scose for the business of lying 1. rst-cl ass b atter,and it ought gone in of more extensively. He let th- c nt act `for a creamery to e t a e e Hilt in Wa kert : n, stone basemen brick upper sto ies, in addition t one ,in Teeswater, He had un ded kith n the future . of cream• r. Brill's remarks were heard wit h interest, and. elicited a numbe estions as to the building, equip t and management of creameries Johnson, of thi Haysville Cream •' as called on to; make some remarks, h he 'did in clroboretion of 3wha Brill had t3aid.1 There was,he con ed, no limes ary opposition o ry between ore meries and chees ries ; they c uld work hand -in together. fter some furthe tioning, Mr. Ca well said he wished t a very imp rtant point lefor: eeting in rega d to these . crea . He did not believe - they pas better than ch ese factories, unles : -milk cheese vias made in additio Iter. The ma'. ing of skim chees a new thicg in amide.. One reaso our cheese brought a good pri�oe i i nglish marke + was that there wa aspicion of ski.. cheese. He woul Mr. Brill if •reameries conld be e to pay in the absence of . skim - ;se manafactnr: ? 'Mr. Ballantyne this was a mater that ought to b ed at very care ally. For his} ow he; regr tted the day when, th pound o ekll..e cheese had •'bee e in this unt y. It had hart the talion of ur p oducts in F,nglan would co tine : to hurt them mo more. the creameries woul, ne themselves. to butter making h d be glad to 'ea them multiple y extent, n this li terbalanc d do if Brill said t a profit t paid b se. He that wh` se. Th. d twelve o cheese. danger skim th :rican cr soon get . Prof. +. eking sk ed profit: lines. Canadi ad wrou ed State d a re se, and it �• tain it. est the n deeper of c eam, an suIplied wit IIS II e. • Bl tic m tis • • • RES loved by njamin H n would • ernmenn e promin with 1ph, and employm tha qie cal • at t good they wool would be very muc :d by the injury the hey made skim chlees . they could run creeme and only make butter, ter also to make skin x onld remind them, hov'- t he ma a was half skim mi k as allowed to ours a d was then made lu r. a ford Ashley s •d as tat beginning wi y.w uld go on as t e had NS PASSED. . S. Losee, seconded, pkin that this conve the necessity of givittg nee o dairying in connee- oul respectfully suggest and that, in additiinn to °liege, that he be e - meetings at cent al ose of giving practi- ult., since Which time nothing has been rtl of dairying, and , heard. of him. His parents are extreme- s df his experiments V anxious about him. —About three weeks ago a cat belong- Losee, seconded by it 10 duties at 'the ea to held es, for th: pur lessons i . the s 'wing the esul J ph Sha man t dairy int restE d 'lag his le tare s of whic was ich was li t country. siderit, Secret rke be a t before-th: Go be corn . 11 be com 1 lic may bu ter. account of his experience at the end of 4 year, if he survivee for that length of 1 —Mr. James Marr has been elected President of the McGillivray Conserya- -Messre. CrunereEr Catepbell, bank - Office at Ripleyi —Another 30,00q baerele of apples have been shipped .from -Western On- tario to Chicago this wintee. —Fears are entertained that the se- vere weather Will destroy, the peach trees in the Niegare district, and much reduce the croP next sumnaer. auoted at Teterboro by Rev, E. P. Ham- mond, have prodnced confessions of , —Two new bridges are to be erected Over the Nith at New Hamburg during the corning season. The bridges are about 86 feet span and will likely be of iron. thousap" a five hundred [tons of hay, destined for the United States, liave been taken across the ice bridge Hochelagar eine° the opening of the 1, —A walking ,mateh for $1,000 a side has been arranged between Charles Biggar, of Guelph, and James Quirk, of Brantford, to come off at London in a Week's time. [ —Near Hastings some days ago, a man named John Douglass, was killed by a falling tree. He was 28 years old, Mourn his untimel $eat in the House for the first time si 14() was received trom both sides of i; —Kincardine far are charged with s d three children to end. Mackenzie took his n Friday afternoon, ce his recent ith hearty 'cheers ers and teamsters fishly keeping their teams on the broke track, leaving to toot passengers the unpleasant • alter- Oative of the ditch or being run over. —A few days ago Mr. Robett Richard - lion of Minto, sold thoroughbred bull ball' to Mr. Hugh Montgoniery, of Mary - borough, and one to Mr. John 'Howes, Minto, for the han.dsorae sum 'of $175. —The Rev: Dr. McNeish delivered he first of a series of lectures [on the &clic language, in the Presbyterian ollege at Montreal, the other evening, the Rey. Prof. Cariapbell in the chair. —James Carroll, the famous [Biddul- her, and Samuel Hedging, the Gran - on constable, who was so t3everely eprima.nded by Juetice Cameron, have eon dismiesed froth the ' county con.: —The Waterloce County 'Teachers' Association, which met in Berlin last week, was attended by 80 teachers. Waterloo has long been [celebrated for the excelleiace and efficiency of its com- mon schools. —In Essex county, until this week, no rain )nad fallen for two months, and very little for some Infonths previous. Many farmers are [compelled to drive their stock two and three miles to water, in consequence of :wells and creeks having dried up. —Enoch Shantz, a young man about 18 years of age, employed at the Walk- erton planing mill, has disappeared. He was last seen on Thursday, 27-th add resolved—That s po put on record ion of the eminent y Trofeseor Arnold. to of this Associatiion tour in 1879, the ra- an improved quality p, to take steps I to tgislature in regard rine, th manufacture of ely to be commenced in ry and Rev. W. ernment, and pray a law providing t act re of oleorear this coutAr 81191 anu ence ne" n all cases, that the e pr teoted against buying ivareseion of its being 1 he F. t - for at ar- ed 1.0 John M Mil an, Seaforth ; No. R. Perkins Barrie ; auditors—X. Scarff, Woo stock ; W. Watson, 1 0 111 0 R. Pierce, wa destroyed by -ire dnesday gh of last week. The3.1 or of Emerson, Ma it ards the exec ion of a bridge Red Ri er, ae that point. Sixteen your.g men at the ob rversity ave een so stirred by Hemilto as o volunteer for n, and -hi brother [George Coll rsea, cut 193; oords of wood, t I. wlogs an ni,ne rail cuts, awing tw lve loads of wood —A youn man who recently Toronto rom i England, got Tuesday last! week, and is ng to kee hoese on his e a week. His pluck deserve ward, but we would like to f resit or as- at - 118. er, o. 11, 12, C. J. al- ied ba, ant ver urg the as al - of son es de ,the needle came o the feline's neck. T starved to death, ' anything for a number of days. was fatally injured the other day by stepping through in open door from the hall of his mod Although 110 outw ble, his internal i cause his death. age, and left a fatetily. —It is said. that a certain firm which bought up the negatives of all the pho- tographs of the late Senator Btown in the interest of a publishing, will a to restrain the G1 from issuing their trait of the decea —During the p of the family of Anderdon, Essex diphtheria, at th Another son, age the same diseas also siek. The f sympaehy of all —A number of pneyed men of Ham- ilton have in. contemplation the con- struction of an indliued railway up the t, mountain, simil r to the Cincinnati inclines. They in Kid to purchase areas of land, which they will' convert nitre building lots. Thecars will be run by a stationary engine either at the top or bottom of the incline. —A few weeks ago a horse belonging to John Robinson, of Heron township, was seized by the bailiff for debt. The animal was place stables at Ripley by public auctio 8th ult. it was ma.licions person and stabbed the flicting a fatal w animal died a person who pe has not been disc hoped. he will ye —A short time farmer, who resi and who conte , and the other day t through the side of he cat had been nearly being unable to eat nee td the basement, rd wounds were vish: juries Were 8110h SS to e was 36 years of doubt, and with 1 the papers. —Two thousan Comber last week being $5.90 per 1 hromo they intended ply for an injunction be Printing Company steel 'engraved por- st month three sons Thomas Bezaire, of county, have died of ages of 9, 7 and 3. 11, is very low with , and Mrs. Bezaire is naily have the sincere •n, their terrible afflic- wering brow shouted tailor Bs!" He got hogs ere bought ['n —A wrestling match. f $50 a ei :Ptah teweityd,aYasnclag took place in Tor between J. Smith, McLaughlin, of C man won. —Rev. John The:reps° rida stin far gs nig trued on music in t terian Church, on discourse was inter tive, and delighted —A MeGillivr 'y newly slaughtere milk house the ot dulph farmer lost tabling $25, when last week. --West Middle night. Tbe and instieic- o heard it. er had thr len from! is •11 Lacer' on Tuesd BeX is infested by gaing of robbers, who go about the la houses stealing and pin ndering wh ever they can lay their hands on. Beer, residing ear 'Napier, lost pounds of honey he! oth r night. lost a, valuable h rs ing by infiammat on a very fine one Mr, Carpenter he ate with his ho every year since —While out driving t 1} to her marriage, a bride was thrown from the 0 her face damaged so bail to be bandaged at the n, to such an extent that t could scarcely see wheth right one or not. —The house helot' in one of the hotel revious to being sold On [or about the iscovered that some ad entered the stable orse in the flank, in - mid, from which the ew days later. The etrated the base act vered, but it is to be be brought to justice. ago a etrapping young es near Rort Hope, plated deserting the dom, had occasion to er of marriege licenses necessary document. ne were put by the red premptly, though the query was asked, y a spinster'?" The ted for a few minutes, that he did not think a widow then ?" On ad not the slightest • • IS ranks of bachelo call upon the iss to procure the The usual questi official and anew blushingly, until "Is the young la young man hesit but finally replie she was. "Is sh this point he Be r. 40 r, f .Kincardine, tht other mo n- wOrth fully $1 0. , having lost o e moving to Eine r- n Owen Sou y that it h ptial ccremo e bridegro ✓ it was t mg to ja, es Dunn, near Speyside, a out five mi es from Acton, together with all the c n- ly of 46 tents, was destroyed by night, last week. The escaped with their live them in going to their n had their feet frozen. -1-Five of the eitrAld wa have been notified t unless they disclaim seats at the Council ard, their p petty qualification not being suffici to entitle them td sit as representati of the people. —A few days a o in Bruce count financial meetin institution is in with peace and borders. Its rec trensactiens du •ng th year to be ab $1,500, the SaViti liich would. from $375 to $45 —A party of eeri skaters star went fully fiftee to Port Dalhou could plainly see all safe. This not been known taut. They st fully six inches tion of the way. •I—The new Co feein, is said to men in the dorm teen members, ik 2,704 pounds, pomade each. 268 pounds ; w same township i the council. T ferin must be fa of giants. —It is astonis snow Will Cause citizenof Owen been reading an in and killing so awakened thirte by—John 1 Joh almoet sure the up and see." T dawn found J shovelling and is as clean now summer time. —The celebr °gopher, Thom is announced, h Canada. Arno nephews and n the children of wa pilau nsiestotleesdiathe dren of his bro of the Norma nephew, and. of the late Al married the ni the death -bed. —Mr. P. Nas who left the cit British Colurla travelled overla to Manitoba with forty-two sold in Manito pied four mont were living at As Columbia, but speake terms of the Nort which,he desc bee aft cold.. He says he onl reach maturity in that toes, barley nd oa. frozen in the s --ek few day Ontario school magistrates of Wellington co Wm. Murray, attending the pleaded that t within school house, and tha under the au The Magistra Peace held th under the teacher from t home for sch being dismisse • fire Tueed family bar , and some arest neighb rs at they will be by the Prep - heir rights • • the Armow Gran , had its winding of the year. T hermohy within Die g ow its busin fi ratty afternoon, ie„ wh ch place t When they rant. s something that by the oldest inh te that 9 the ice thick the greater p ed a fine, amounting- with costs te in:a summary and forcilmewsiaotyre.theee S'7',85, to be paid to the school trustees. This point has probably not been raised i court before, but it was effectively fe years a,go, who undertook the proof ttled by a retired Guelph teacher a t-atFerrloauouCisoutayukoaruho ltahset 1 !years, shuffled off this mortal coil o Saturday, 29th ult., at the ripe old age of 82 yeaes. ,,He was a native of - Ireland, and leaves friends in Hamilton in conafortalle circumstances. He was b lied in the Potter's field. —Last Friday the Knox College. T lento, metaphysical and literary so-, ci ty debated the all-important ques- tion : "Would the co-education of the 80Xef3 in our universities and eollegesbe expedient?" After a, long debate the President, Rev. Professor MeLaten, de - °tiled in favor of the negative. 1—The Mount 'Forest High School BOard has agreed to pay! monitors in the following &martins te of .the eh for the • e junior de - is condi- sehool from $10 to $15 e cerrent year, viz.: eh geaphy, algebra, and t tienal on the certificate of the head aster that the work has been done in atisfactory manner. i --An arrangement has been entered to by Mr. Langmuir, Inspector of P isms for Ontario, by which the in- •ci stries of the Central Prison at To. mato will be diversified by the intro - d .ction of the menufacture of wooden w re. This indirstry will be carried mil in One of the shops at the prison, and will employ from [50 to 75 men in mak» sorts of knick-knacks which are a :present mostlY imported-. It is ex- pected that the new manufactory will be,:in operation by March 1st. 1.---A runaway horse created a great sensation in Tordetd the other day. It took along the Sidewalk on Strachau street and kept iti for over half a mile. I ' its mad race it junaped over a group o three children i without doing them 1 tgYe ri sueijo.tuhnretYraii na il inBdg tialei!t ba jaounb y°s. N rev ie rwt hos' mo uP 11 k ocked down aed seriously hurt. It to 1st timetely struck. a little girl, knocking 0- h r sensi3less, and threw itself full on es Up its 138 Ilt be ed nd ey ed as bi- as or- nty Council, of Duf- ion. fFhere are t or an verage of d thel united vvei The ,[deputy reeve s the lead, he weig ile the reeve of the [sinallest man orable to the gro 16 ir.g what misery a mat sometimes. S und whose wife of , the inmates, n anise the other n ear John 11 I of is falling in ; fait glimmerin en the hone • anther and is bnother Alexa a family of nep t township, the 40 ra chPeI, Toronto, Car yle, of Bu tryle, B. A., and! was prese , orthierly of Ott three years ago ia d fro ong 1 of ht 08 of ing he in uf- he A ad .—Quite a sensetion was created in a, hotel in LOndon on 'Wednesday e ening of last week, after the libera- 1 n of the Biddulph: prisoners. The reorn, when Bob Donnelly suddenly Made his a,ppeanance in their midst,. On approaching the . bar he turned around to the _crowd and cried, ‘4I as ght 'get I of ou und-ertakeSt to handle thy neigh - top or's horse InalW sure that thou hatit ntrol of thy Own. the —The recent cattle.fair OlarrifitOil. 8.-8 been the most suecessful and satia- ctory - to farmers of any held fOr f re reported and prices [quoted as fol - per cwt: Jamea Lang, 1 cow, 47-0y 2 de OWS owes, 1 head $80 ; A. Pringle, 2 heed 67 ; John Gordon, 2 steers, $65 ; John 95. Over 20a, cattle changed hands. ent ell you meederers to come and. vitt 13 ve something." No one -accepted elie invitation, and Bob retired aoon a;:t—erFive years aigo Patrick Powers, -son o John Powers, Sr.., of Anderdon town- s ip, in Essex i county., left home in c rapany with Tatrick Foley for Ne - ✓ dm, where both had secured emploY- ent on a railroad being built there. r some time letters had been received. ' ✓ gularly from ' him, but lately hie ends had not l,leard ; from him. Du- ne the surPriee at the parental home nounced, waliked into the house with bloonahag bride leaning on his arm. ()ley was killed in Nevada some time t rough Newington, near Cornwall, the her day, a horse harnessed to a, ea- r, and etandieg without a driver, on t e street, made up to join in the fun. ccorclingly he Started after the string o vehicles at a' rattlieg pace. One of t e guests, in endeavoring to st,:op the i truder, lost control of his ow/railhead a it ran away. The consequences ere a lade tunabled out and a cutter le 00 returned. the latter p ith two ot 8011 ord, t at wa, for He ace ers, orees,, Which were be a. The journey ccu- rmination. Mr. ion of BrAish in unfavorable est Provinces, being intesely• products w.aich clime are pota- , wheat being laav e me. before he tovv ship of Ni sol Sect on No. 4,Ni wh is a youug ool. The' defer' sat t did not o t ere ore he was s and Justices of t the school law that- the scholars uperiutendence of e time of leaving until their return. 0 11 r., 130 0 the the hol, last an ant cur ool not her. the ex - ere the heir fter der - —A young inarried man from Brad - rd named T. W. Rogers got himself to trouble in Toroute. He breught 113 young wife, to the city some days go and put up at the Bay Horse Ro- tel. Rogers then weot forth to pure hese goods for his better half and. for- ot to pay for Some thena.. He was rrested, charged. with purloining oods, also with carrying a loaded re - elver, to both of which he pleaded guilty, and Was sentenced to thirty lays in gaol foe the larceny, and was fined $50 and oosts or thirty days for arrying the revolver, Ile had bettor ave remained at home and epent his oneymoon Bradford. —One eight iast week, Mr Richard. lynn and his Iwife, of Sarnia, were re- tuning from Port Huron about half ant eight o'elock. When about a, hird of the Way across they broke augh the ice. By great exertion Mr. Glynn maneged to cling to the lee 4nd assist hie wife on to a solid part that appeared istreng enough to bear her. The current was vety Strong, bending Mr. Glynn's legs right Ander the ice' and threatening every moment to drag him through the ho3e. His wife offered hire her hand, WhicIr to the hole again but she ineisted, and after a great aet1,1 of careful clam- bering for dear life, Mr. Glynn, in._ as 'Very exhausted condition, got out.