HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-28, Page 8aaIt Ifill aaION EX PO �TOR. E- HU aawil" a Company foi his Carrie& In socorAstLes with t a late atriek Reating - No' i wn with it; that effies y 91 at 4 I. -m. A� fall at- nt of tio'nal effies the Mi where a, splendfflia re] i i a asro. :,ohn Jcqaft And E. Ph*,ir req,* 0 A04. The milk rout v rty wishii3g t) insu 0 in was amendmen to a Sahool, Act 880 it Me aw%ited I lent which �vas � dulv as district, any tii�ae, mathat Jit w uld iiitr6dueb, alp re. IE be the duty Assessors in rt No. 3, Xboars.,' and Jas. saluted t ra James Strong UTO J00W ciated an I a o b6 enloyed by I,i i4lao, bf let it th i B day.—F..G. the oompan, and finding it i convenient i-41%irt, an undisai b�e of voteri. sball 11 - 4, Messrs. B. Cook i6nd ose appetitea were wel all p, M idaows� th a 4iaeto `118 ex-nonk, will to see any oi theabove direct oral sall,giiid One novel, oved the 12 am bar of 0 r Be co age each Njo I i curlers though apparently appr 16 i the Mae ismout R.. Maood; No.. 5, Messrs. as. its pl�n of co- between 5 and ned by the exercise oil thE ice. el do liv,ilir his lect in Cardno's Hall, on send a post jard:.to th�. ;ecrot&ry Mr. princ the Bill �V_ and I'dwin arling; No. % DISTR10T. MATTERS. e a fi�w laourB wei most p V ddiiesdAir- evbt ing : lext.—Mr. Wrn. Robert Murray, The eet- erciag deliAquents by ning them ta roll.. Moved by ander Re rar, sec- Gilpin P Sp th t B I W No. Me 8 hy IELMO i supper a ea Win. V n ssn �. S Spence and Samuel ly passed, boastong add sentim, 3 I El w bt` I a 8 a E a ourning in the ing seerfted*ell pleased -with the :om. proportion to their alsoBf ed value. T11e onded b I IV" - at as no Ce to the Johnstone. 10M onths, has pany so far, and 'well they r in a t again� on the evening Of P UB L I S- H.E R S' NO TIC lowing each other i read 1 sreferen Y st Ing o n rlapi succes lor 0 on !y for a ight. club will rohibit n of obst dtions on the pub- Cou: iom D s.—At the la Meet I p r 3e expe ary to c iscuss, no r- Win. Danii I until iiab'nt one a. i, hen—Aiild e.i or lawir e,,44 ma, cted. here the first of I �ebiru the sub- p t is townsLa 0. is he higI mays in p., be of the owick Con it, M jecti, 11 Res lved, th6 the Franchise it �veek )rtelia id4s, He Comes b c -at A,' s9 Hullett. MR. W. H. CODY is now acting as .L&ugSy�W.'uIosed the Ipwi ieeffii igs. y Ipasse Carried. owi ac- was re y bintela clerl, ary INQ Bufficientl Atendea I in Canada under a foll 110 0 I �of - 14 Bw O'k.—A rel)W-G having AkGooD COLT.—Mr. Robe Soo, i of y isit , I counts ere orderez be paid 7 04 to �200., ith the'usual perqu . eat to 'be 11 El the present onditions of! society. oroag lab I adoded�� a Me ra, Geovge Stron I I or so travelling and business Agent fo� i. OLD FuiFNDS HF,&RD FRom.—The fol N 3u, cirou'ate Z theatffc-ot - that the Hullett,.near Londesb reci atly Henry I lildebright or staturtiI, nEX14SITO.R, and is empo cei, -were unsafe Oro r V,6 lowing ip�ragrapla fron the HB(Mi or Ltihg a ICU ks sold a niag 'deent heav r ught colt, wered to 0 vy d hy, trestau, -or, and iGeo. e Padfield', -assessor -a .1 , of -Rnov r on th Porter's E�M. refunded; $6 to Mulbern Compa r subscriptions and orders for wor�, Col Times, Will be'read . th riterest ia� or ao�couu ,of a roofs, we 18montbs(ld,toMr.Papat,of G:der- for scral er ; $20.53 to[John C. Morrison, each a' the sariae salary as last year. b many of oi Ir rei xders: 11 h( far Uals lect moneys and grant receipts f4r the I at& A that any sue ich towashia, for the sum of 1300. mas an ames Collector, forstatuie �abor and dog tax I a, who were an- St..� Johh's PreB' t %I lu d, i.8 the ro ant- Elliott, of his villap , that camiot be collected ;--64 to James Di Siaith Wipre a;ppointed auditorg. Ox Is' n de 018 Are Thiscolt wi What's 6a sired by 1, same. tb p e ast y arju shipy church," amilton, under -ibe Lug I a a0is ko t p otlai, free from Snow gaged I Ang horses NeLEAN,BROTHERS Pubhshe�* Clusky,foruseof house for election; This V�&s the �raincipal business -of the led,"recentl7owtiedby'Mr. ThomikaJ. of the ah'arch8unday'Sclic ol, oi , Fri 1.1&3 I If kre i 'te's Colt -is said to bEII one of the Manitoba, e again vigorously! engaged re raning y Bell. This $4 to Alex. Dalgett�y, deput re council. 01 evening last'! Was W ii ttelidea, t�( or an�,,naala i that in parchasillig, heavy horses, with whic aTnE OLD FSTABLlsHzD BLACESAUTH' best of the many superi oMeer, and 82 for use Of Grang aStormy atlibir to the, out' ary- I iotw ilith. 14mos�, , SE4, IOUs A tIDIEXT.—OU Sat-- Sfrop, Seaforth. Reduckion in. Prices, John E this horse b as Ief b b&ind h m. in this to start for the ar Northwest. I it 1 for elec tion. The next Mae ng of a roof IMoore., sneeessor to David McNaught, begs to' an4 tanding, illowin that th' ch4drews I i day las th Mr, 0, C. Wffl� Is IT A. BOG* ?—Jnamense exel 9 9 0ountv'. :o-' Acc][DEXT.—On Sunday last, nounceto the customers of tho.oldaud favorably le&a.t were not to he'd pri ad -of. go 'k Agri altu 11 im ement wareroom, ment prevails here, occasioned 'by the Council will be helA At Crawford's 11 In of tel, Dublin, on the �Iasb Monday i I John iGilmour, was leaving Baucefi�ld known shop, and the public generally, that he N annual at teiiainiment I ho gh ralmoy �a orIg bu Iding, in' re ',r of 'and attachea Hibbbrt. appearance of a light, on the far now-prepared.to do all kinds of general bla*-i ith big team, lne -of his horses becaine I tolhi� gtof wa- under the weight God - raary n, )xt. W nob might be oc a I a re c rs on run ANNUAL T [ICETING.---�-The r. a man, fift concession ar, smithing aud repfLiring in a manner that can tryung to manage 1he fractions, and i1a be excelled by any other simiar establiahi ient in, ners Btor a desert n d usin 38s enami of SAlow UP 1, and h ill in with a fear- ipg of the Hibbort A icaltural O(iety, ich townsh: p. This. light, which ap,- ay- I 11: the coun �y, and at price4- to suit the times.: Horse 7 team one of the lines brolke. orally suspended. ppo)bedi gs In' In &fill. side3 of the' building as hold it the town halli' Is, or peared aboit the egirining of last a Shoeinga specialty. X&rse shoes will be e -set OBITU My.—It is with feelings of the Moar 1jumped from the sleigh n throughout were most at rabah Ing nd sp.e Ouh ri a roof split in the 0 mouth ago h caug for 10 cents each.. New Shoes for 25 ce is eachaa; othe 13th ini t., and the f llow�'no o cerIf March, but unt I Alogat a SiZa of � deepest egret thatiwe refer to th deat aug one of tb e borses, by the he 0 ng became PreBident, Ja ad "bott, ha& disappe 3,re is about th I L i All other work proportionately cheap. I enjoyable, both schola al ieaellars t rf I, 1 d i li. buildi i tho ;Coin a L abo " who after a and workmanghip gumnteed. Wagonmiking' pointed of Miss kggie i WiIW But getting into deep snow he lost 3�is nw Ila the many j fri 6 present leyel�ed ii,l blip ground. M Vice-Presid?,nt, D. McLachlah S�crei�' common lat tern,, and wander ro- as ell a i. Willson tracted lluess departed this life on 81;ln- f000ting and was ran over by both all, its branches. Now on hand, a number Df ArSt: being hig ly �leased ith t at tert lai ni elf voai liit! the bi 4ing at the time, ng marsh' be sold cheap. obbing, ain-1 n tary-Tressu rer , L James C day eval Ing the 164h inst. Miss Willis horses He was picked. olass wagons, which w M, .4mlichael the woods indl: an adj . 0'1DI iag as If and sleigh. It and general -repairing 'promptly attended to and Ment. The singing o6hplah Id can v L raB I lad I re parka ble escape from in- Board of Directors—A. H"ke T. sometimes. v �ppe Air carried by was a young lady Whose life promised and t rrows--Also oi hand, dt. an b.ome. Further than a fow- aScott, D. IdIcNanglaton, John neatly executed. Iron Ha a prominent feature t h venm',g.' at in deai a. a heard the buildinal 7010re, human being, and at other time is tng and made to order, the Celebrated Diamon d in any noble things.: She was A o painfu bruises:he is bt, hurt seriously The excel lent instiller i lach . ;he! or 60 * g d ant i a to femove some George Caldwell, Wria.Viponol, A. ald. ascends into the trees and disappears . I 1 in- Ume Harrows. Uernember the Rlice, MeNlaught's 0 I lady of excellent intelleeftial. ta and will likely Soon be able to xes 9 a riale contained t6 the well., J. Burns, W. Balfour. I 'dereid, as a ball of; fire. it always appears stand, in rear of T-amieson s store. Be sure c oruse re r6n b i hi m. - i 7as nol 40121 of r( as I 1) U tosed if any of it went Monts, and filled the position of ss1st- work. It -was fortlina a allow I -_ wakaien, coal and enqnire for yourselves before going ell most rem rkable while 931 t, atout the same time every night, 91119 'on as een visited ant teac aer in thiB Wingham, li�lie was deep where he fell, or otherwise 1he where. oRiTE.Moon. M the solos by various stnll, Ic ran i ras la t ie rea end. He had Tucker8mith. and by numerous t h' school f6r i time, with gresit rodit n have been seriously if -not latially XFORTH.—W,E) Will also good. ' Mr. Georg§ SOW( ight of HILL BROTHRIRS,; SE Gine, Is. 01 elygiltin1when,the. crash came, spectators-. Asthe chemical Compost- A- GOOD BULL.—Mr. Robe:t Coruo- to herse f and satisiaotion to the oard inj�raed. sell during the nerxt two weeks at cost the alan DO, serves every cornalefidali n 'or the D., teford.: a could escape he was tion of the soil upon which the light is 0;ls leg. of our stock of Furs, Buffalo Robes, Ovexcoats,� han, of the 3rd conceBsiou c I TuCker- EdUC LtiOn of that town. Her iel!ids 'Winter Tweeds� Ladies"Mantles and Clouls, a -great interest he ' akesl in't a ff ngin 1. of dked b o'. '_ he' grou d with the falling frequently Soon is such that gaEes can- Of TE_k1MvETiNG._The peo "a of the ith, haEl purchased frorn Mr.; M. have the heartfelt sympathy f ath. a Presb3 terian Church -,on thpe B -a all classes of heavy Hmr, BRo; ms'j a a bars a, I 00yerec up with debrai8. he light, its re- Woolen Goods. the schola,;rs aud the eflo Ito din IBdI1,ulI,,Dnke not atrise to produce t Seaforth. 686 to teach -t] i fil tra )r rthnste y he b cTaggart histhoroughbr rance entire neighborhooa in their, aye Road, in Stanley, Rev.. ar. DaaUy IBM w4h such app )ued to be near a has caused great exciteaJ6 or a po rin op a i ping In f Kent," paying ther6f a I and &PPEia ment. Death is ' terrible thi g jno� pastor, intend having their sannual R&vm� MADE Ext success.' The a aii L at be time, and 'the Ment on the part of those �. owning the' ar ill ual repor , IN doll was ast. for g una. Thie animal is t1lee read, was very a cour4ging, aao� sbo,N� labiers f in acrosi he driving wheel, 'party as well as those4n the-immeaa; matter in what formt it may pres nt, it- meetiI g in the church on he Great Britain of Goods for the Spxing T ra f pro xal. are desirous of lowering our present stock, v, I h �aona a was pu ohaso�d by Mr. MeTaggart self, but when it unatches froi n 'Our of Wednesday next, when - a the force of the will offer for the next two weeks Great Bargains the school to be rosporing to or In- rom Mr. Jsme�jCowart, of dlochmore, diate vicinity. I ng 1 midst t4e brightest and fairest i n the will W delivered by Rev. Mek-rZis. X-C- i Dry Goods. HiLL Bitos., Seaforth.' 686 ary degr D rai the� Eme ling kill 11 , and; d doubt isved his life. In a ear Gidt, And is from the oelebrated short timo i A Oro wd of people Blnevalea. morning of their lite � it is still implire Donal.A, of Sealtorth Pritch 'GOIX were, Bn ad W tea and -1ak 3, -a pl 6rt ralay, Y. terrible.-,' No sea Ives as thle� I from his U1 con' herd of Mr. J. L., Harrison,M6 soit g- Uri n of B, efi .1 6 Mauc4ester; Thow OAUTTED.—In our report, of tbe ail, of the pro-,eedings highly-, r)li Billed] by J a II awas removec —The al y i an no' perilons position. At- Mr. Camochan has already ELtb&iu ed a CJREFSF, ACTOILY MRET'NG. '� terrible i. r ads. Mrs. mits %naie0on,, of Var I and, McCo��h, Ulvaaa ail meeting of the: Soutli Huron Agxi-� ; the claildit 61n. T4e past6� E v. Th 13. 1,13 nualmeatinc, ot the Shareholders of from its las nu as 41 �, 1 g@od reputstion as a stock br�oder and is truth be And Patterson, -of B4yfill the Bluevale Ul M 6 lbhe;�Cow Cultural Society we inadvertently omi'j-! Goldsmith Mr. [A. 1. Mach at z�e, U_ th a I,h c01191 prably raised he was not Cheese Factory was held. putsth a utifally before ingstoii Bader, and this new able ad- ted to mention the Director for Hay� peri-inten' d t of School: t each ra sea 0 usly -in ur d, At is -now nearly in Pattersotils Hall, Bluevale, on Tueg- the following lines: Thechoir,ofthe Seaforthrresb�teriiu ownship. ree ered ag 'tio-A to hi heed will pI:C hirl. in Church will attend to the musicit p44 t Mr. Robert McAllister wigs' I.and others wereltetiriog in b W a to - i 4� TI building was a day last. A cry 1,,,' number of I'Leaes hivve their time'io UU, nAnd r istthe north dit a. to I wrec k, 3 reaper and a van a better position. Ta kersmith, Ao*ers to awithe -winWa breath f the] entertainment, in od �on ananimoti8ly elected the represen jatiN a tion to - th�, wans of the .a 01 0 intereste 'but au", i -s'to set, Itids fair to 1 become the ban er town- � se And stai -assot Jones will give somebf t - 0 deal, 4 I lothe, machinery was Iwhichi Prof Al for Hay. Mr. McAllister will be a ne'd; The child n attondin'g the EntwOT �b fip for shc' thorns. ings of the factory 1 attended the Thonhj�astall asons]io� thine own, 0 leath. his lo,o�t solos. Theaun e� member of the Board. He is a le It' division of, thQ school wpr6,, Al o prose at )r 3n an C e4royei What with the meeting. The 8hairman, opened the, uat tea, m1e, ta 99 to eeti y. our best and most' enterprising agriculaa,� in thi� church are usually in large fo.-ce, and altogethel . . . . . a te %C, I- Al S,� of I 10 Pie b - ken timbers, And i proceedings by calling -on thEi Secretary' Very ear Walton. attended nd. vlary snecesful, turists and a large ad Successful ex id �s6 iolars and all COIL ellned Bra ra aents of y an lying in one d the minutes of last meeting, us o:rne, eta at I hibitor at our agricultural shows, and 'a' t, LumiBrim BusisEss.—The c Dc' nald to rea at ng arttici�.,ata the coming, one will bi ed on ',the success of o i ised 2'a ouxur.. tll' the first o be cong.-atulat' 1�11 ,thb ruins. presented a after the adoption of which the report TnE -this 'cou better selection for a Director con d n ti Miller to rifle �sjedacle. The debris I Irdthers ai car�aying on Lteu� of the seasoi 1 Is b' sineaB was read, Show- of the Usboriae Co nell for this v ar,� equal po the betof its predtce r& WebstiEa� their anu al enteitaiialmont. agive lumbev business this win er, g V have been made. -ed 9 Ing ing that the Conipany had received at Mr. J. qhi6r was nanituously a a howe ilerl, en al clear, ' up since, I i I �mploynaent to i about twent hinds, 4 P 1881. Mr n ve f THr�, ti _kRy BOCII�Ti.� n 01 otedl y n I ihe bil I g is Ming reconstru the factor 850,697: tbs. of milk, and Deputy Ree COUNCIL DOINGS.—At the meetina (Ifi ivhich makos times quite brisk amund i evening 'last the debate on )a Ps C!�C Elan I vill b, rib, y for :)ocupancy in aew had made 1, 7,446 tbs. of cheese, giving Clark �as re -app �ed Clerk, at James White s'.bppid S#PP the Town Council, held on Monda r Railvf ynd ate 'tee I mt, n d the village. � They have already gob int for the or 4i'ha p'no,t learned Mr.ill-, 0. th ay ic qa an average of 1-0 44-100ths lbs. of milk ary of �13 Messrs� Thos. A-Ilen ind. from phis Station ofi- Wednesday committees for .7B.. � W evening, the Standing over a nil U feeb Olt loas. the. -Auspices of the Liters So 0y, so L's jexact a, but, 'should judg it to each 1b. of cheese., The average Williani Routley w, rie appoin.tea Audi- Buffalo Market !a carload f -veiy fitie the year were appointed as. foil' a Fim,.—Ae house owned occu-1 OWE took,place in Caidno's, Hall. This- hf�Aftl ivil �mouqt ever I hundreds of dol- price received for cheese was 11 cents tors, at a sa 5 teah, a they horses. Finance—D. D. Wilgon.,L Dr. Gain ipbe 11 ad by M Jolatu Mc( h r was used ii istead of the � Tow A 91., pri liai s. , He �not 3#nd this much, "lay, was totally p or 1b. Th. Cos of Making cheese, in- were in tructea to tt in It "own,- BRku) Bust a, andM.Morrison. Streetsanddram's— -ever, i Ae that he escaped with lestroyed by fire at aboub 10 o'clock a.. 11 on the 2� rd, of FebraiftyL. to that AIr John Bell, baker f xeter account of the latter being ( C pie I b, eluding all supplies, 4rawing' milk and ship Hq t �y bo vii 61 lars, io ti 0 n Council R, � wei th Treasure N. Cluff, 0. C. Willson and R. Ii . I pari tatively' uninjured. 6. on Tuesliiy, 18bh, inat. It: r the T W on t a d hil fe au n a 61.53 per The' audi accounts f -C so% 9. I P Fire and water—The Mayor, Ree ! 18 'BuP- boxing, wa hundred. who has for a, umber f t - osed. the fire originated -fro 0�7e .. There was a fair Audience, qi I ite a I TI 3now 'heavy, and pri6e charg d for! Making was a2f cents yeax 18 0. Mr. Th o�raas Coats wi 6a �p. bread in this village, has —The Mayo - Jas. i Ill dutel is very In tbapipe A.- Stewart. Relief T M here it pa3sed through the upper floor. p cotintr. 1he ria- tarrow escape and earnings of pointeoll Treasurer bt the current year, his trip 'hre, a�n,d made ar bar being Iromi th a da heavy per 1b. Th the factor Beattie an.& John' Ward. H oss 6500, intilrance $300. The' loss s upheld. y - r. BIshoultillo I 0 era not were $4,203, and. the ;' expenditure d he is required, to with M8 Orge Weston, Baker lof this Win.. Campbell, John Loun dicate agreoment� *a' was at a Sal, iry of �$70, ill r. Ge app6intd . &111 George Ja and Dr. Col p mil t late on th 03,503, leaviag a net profit of $700, from rene place, to Supply Ing customers. man, i� d p a roofs ill come very heavy on MrlMc�lay, wbishiondsto �'eamouitof $121 - y SEN Up.—Damid White, jolaria6yaman - John Ward. Court of Revision- be a he is a It tan - of limited mea I was oppo3ed b " MesBrsI` 1 a 8 t0f, b ir olis which a div� dend o er cent. on the 000 at the. next Meeting Of C Un6il. ]Reeve Deputy Reeve, Wrn. Can pbell, ad t andJohn McMillan. iThe �IiAir AS �Xopf the Comp4ny Mr. Thomas Heyv rood was appointe shoe aker, in this place, Was arrested e Dr.. G anapbell And John Lontisbut y. 1. paid up'capital stoc I unal�. , MusxoKA.—The Wroxeter'. I occupied by the President. ot the So- wa& paid 0 shsarel�olders,' also one- Assess a S1 14iry of 670. Mrs. here aifew days oii suspicioll'of a statement from the market Cerk, for REV Mr. do nald, Of 'this town, has 1 The quarter of a cent per g ating a pockt-book c ciety, who -explained at the ani THF, HORTIOU TURXL SOCIR�rY,-4 allon was paid to Grace( -riffith was LIlowed the at m of propri' Ip the six months ending January I rede ed I 0 illowing, letter from ;he WroxiBtr,�Ior- - $32 for )oard and �Lttendano 01 Lnnual meEbing .of I GOE63, -the debate that Although the an A 4, shareholders on the whole of their sea a of Wm $96, belonging to Mr. Wia& omeer -1 p Ching- son's milk. The was a to, r in( Tb Of hi late Khowin- the'ieceipts from -weigh qcalep, discussed CH. ical f ab eel following* gentlemen Smillie, being payrfie!utp to tbol 23ra of Tuckersmith,;and was trie� 1b r Congregation icultural sq. ociat was held at J Of is on the 4 pound and liall in that" time. to a �n ]or&, -V- now I cated in Musko. on's hotel, Wro eter, on Thuraday.1, the war �bati meeting w96a in �noi` sense oli ti�al a Directors: James Elliott, of January. The �Aer of Mr. James Squire's Petty ADA ise, Olid Be nit D itself: I 6191.73, was received and fi A It ex Di o electe Carl imeeting..'. The subjec was a laitec. tior "a 13th inst., hen! the followin�,' oficers John R. ]Miller John Diment, Peter Brooks to supply tee; dar and hei nlock to Goderich to aw ait his triaL plications from W. 0. Edwards �r ti a T= 0 auE Ili Tan. 17th, 1881. r 1881 Were elected: Archibald Xal- Fowler and Samuei Black, the. first lumber for the use bf the municioalit sis.—Thiere, isousiderab-1 a Iadiscussion, by the) Society 0 lit �T 3ounox i4, I sing Road,, SICKN-B position of policeman, and from Mess. y was cousiqered to be: of more int 3resf DEAW IleSS 86' S I take the liberty of olm Presilent- Alex. Thornp6on,!Vice four being Members of the old board. was accepted. The, following p(ism's present. both in the ill Imet Simeon Morton, Andrew Sutherla !�q WX ti ag Yin u� h; t i is tim a to inform you "residbrit; Wria.� Lawrie, Secreta ty Uounx Ithan any �ther that could be ele,.0 d, au'l 'Peter McLa ran was elected Auditor for were appointed fenoeviewers fo the surro-uning comitry, principally E. Lusby and Wim. Dorrance - for tile a and woul Consequently dal v a I Lr� er ho we arelp t 12gi along in the bush. iO&BUrer; auditor, Alex. L.1 Gi soil. the sharehol, ders. At the'elose of the current year, viz.: John Francis, David by col 8 contracteol- during th position of market clerk were- � received a leverl audience nd tlie! mor; fully Carry out W acres cleared on irectors Saudera� - Joseph 'Directors hold a Kirk, Andrew his meeting the Board of imoir, a.. ormy weatheia we have e4e=- a ave i qO.1 welve hos: B and left over for future -Conside�aioll, i ain object n ft krm 0 I d th boys have hard har- i the Social y had in On the In Patten, Ric meeting aill elected JaMes Elliott Coaes ind A*eod Odl. T1 a re e pa8t.. It is to bi� when the Courl'i adjourned unti next slill owan, An Irew' 2 IE nFer enced. bir some tim, Will soo be faivora with L Up view, VIZ: to rais:e a small si im 4 �id fal at at, arE of age. We all Pin, J11ohn, I uox,'Lawrence Lo Ill Wm. President, a ad appointed John Burgess was authorize te Joh hoped Ronda t 0 g as G h a0 y evening- the fundsof the Mechanios"I I situ a, lib �) I a bus1li I` e we 1, -and my dear Howlett, Ge rage H. Secretary; Wria. Messer, Treasurer, dell & onapany, 13toQ'k broker, amild, and more pleasant weathhe We�r se.,E T THr, LVE STOCK AsSOGI&TIO. — At %nd that 13st. some should ELitern i ejas W hei Ith ever since we '110flatt. I was ascertained that the and Thoina 37arrow, Auditor *for the ton, an tiate oi�a the pu IMB-BR —OUT eniter1, rising roll se of I h blav 3 all �he family'. lihe society, b ai the annual. meeting of the Huron, Live use the re§ulb of 1��Iae debate W, J ;h� n a ere , AE �osition of, oth finan :*ally, Board. Mr, Johu Townson has been three t ship Wa debentures, the tinther Merchants, Mr. T. Ja� Wils(, OR an y b "dec 8 and otherw'se, is bettor than it eve r I ugh time V wa:s re-engaged. it a cheesemaker for the an- terms nrchaw to be approved of purposes, t. had been ed 1 b i. )p�.rt ave I Uad lio c pretty to Stock Association hold at C, n on p Y Mr. Jc hn Fazerjrie 'gett-ingut, a 1i ira� practice,", n ask have great lint'[1, W6re, and. the officets and dire tors suing Beason. the Got nail. Afterl: assing: a couple'of ntity -of a timE r Monday last., there was a' fair attend- from the o dinary it we carno ere, W a I mense qua quarle f the the audier ce to give any doell The at sofa to be th inkfal We have at- Otart out 11th brighter hopes 'for the ad ance, of the leading stock men Charity grants, thei ouncil adjo winter,, and the large number of McKill.op. in e0n3un ised a a In ad a. w�y provi( ' ad for us, though' y L I ray- they keep constantly employed is: 5omai- lan4, lei y -the subject was disduF U g4 $ear to colme. i county. The chair was taken a h ro ily t - till Sat, irday, the 20t;h day of Feb a President, James Biggins, , Esq. si� as - as t- bii;� as it TI a and exbaa 3tiV61y, on both- d dar 1. We hope and FOR Micia wAx.—Orl Tuesday last Mr. thing astonishing; and we notice. ad. Cranb7' olk. finsicial report of the Treasurer sh6v - limited tir ie at � the dispooal of the s� that tl,kis3 ill fin I you, Mrs. .Alo- Thomas Dorrence, son of James Dor- moviis. dition to the, tfinl�ber business a . i It era pen. jag, 4 if speakers ould p ifaJm y, all n the enjoyment SocrAL.—The Gra of this place re ed that after'defraying all ex. emait, and the a fin nee, and 111[ra. Hugh Bums left for A B&D PRLCTWE�Mr. Editor, Sir: i6a 11 jurpose haiing 9, 1300i I in Dames' gal son is Bhippii-g &� large qua, the year, there will be a small b tic a ence. Merited intensely inferei i �e d )od and prosperity, and Cedax Lake Michigan, to push their Allow Me space in yo-ur valuable JO-ar. bark. Ithe Imti I the d you tie V lome. Mr. Findlay, of sometime soon.: A g A time' iB1 eim fortr left in the treasury. It was nflul well plea ad with d At a. 9 a Inj [ lines. blay much success attend nal to SELy a few words regarding odg subject, boweverI, is 9, at a I if racebri t A . -us tb at you had got a pected. mouBly a -greed to continue the E a -big� a 4 them. men who are�in the ;habit of oh3wing the KNox Ciaupoia,—Thie Sacrament of I I sales., and � the following offloers ail speak� ras erred at all, th e� I it irriE d in le ov and .`ai fful, manse. We wish TAE: Fii38T OF!' THE SEASOS.—Mr. tobacco in church. I I Must say si r that STOLXN PLIMAS One Directors were elected: James B: gg-inn endeavon g to cover too mud I gr(u] 0 I ma, days -in it. Mr. Find- tie LordIB Supper will be dispon"d ill ohn Cam bell, of t4e Oth' concession I call it one of theI y p greatest pie as , of last week a youtliful pair h from i6i the C Esq., President; M. Y. McLean, 3ecri instead of taking up two or tI � Be BE Ii al was Up Ion a I tour to Nipissing in tie above church on Sabbath text. OfMcKillop,bad a ewe -which gave ignorance intlae known world fo 9 tary and Treasurer. Directors: -Clil. poi t�mber, o � . . g churches and Preparatory services to begin On I Any Clinton, Claiming to be Man and nizin Fri- birth to a finie lamb oin the 17th of Jan- antB and thoroughly exh%u� I ill in 9 young imantoicome, to the House' of the gent a Sewing machine ag ton—M. MeTaggart and E. Hclmesl; as they we at Alon: . On 'exi Uf it sitif p n merits. He organized c aY at 11 a. IM. Rev. S. JO, UEISI�, 1111 pe Of nary. It is doing well and growing God and, n t b Ill to sit one and a stoppla'at the Comercil Hote.., a.. Idn4inest 9 Goderich township—Wta. Wise; i a loor louse �ou the 19th of Brussels, is expecte ist 1 he, splendidly although it did come to the half hour hewing and Spitting after spending the evening rabied to r I* J. Ll,. evening Rqv. Mr, Hill has' hi idly roll to- as t .8 O' 'a at' I aBtor. without Courtice and John Middleton; oder'- ad to give lecture wh ch wi . Ito e nabb had at van members. country in r Abor a cold season. This on the floor a young me I will UERTING. The 1 annual we rest. But A his pened that & hird y ings. T E "13U �et baptiz d. Three I . F 101 ANNU,&L ich town—A. McD. All a trated r dteh I i chil Ire are 0 is about the earliest w,e over heard Of take heed and castii ff ignorane and party from Clindn, a livery =.-all - Wait lee eqting of Knox, Chu Graham - Colbome—Win. Dixo ail will be -!,Ilown' - South." This 0, ell Go at apbell all U I vulgarit nil 8 me;ted for the Home ugMg&tIOn and Mr. 14 keep� it as a Y.—SPECTA4' rived on the scene, and the rement. y a is one of them. as held dia Kond4, the 24th �iva M on B curiosity' W L. Ferguson; West Wawa os -h-- we undersitand, Will be botU Anal 9 TH.E CONGIL.— lie newly a acted bfance� of this fut Seemd to aisturb U1 I be meeting was pi tt d d Jo* art ad ; ad instructive and will bid A � ini.�aiste: .3round GOOD HomBs.—Mt. John Malone, of hn Washington and Rob a Epecially 400a once a month retty well a 0 e 7 council of Morris, v George Forsyth, I the dreams of the pretended man sial he financial standin Of the couglega' East Wawanosh— Thomas H. Taylor; designed f6r the edification A benedt awl read n I Our house. We bad a the 4th Concession, was recently offered iler wife, who arose and decamped before solved of the 3 ou�mg, and should lie largdly atid t ONE) 8 cond Sabbath- -during on is pretty satisfactory. TherO - Reeve; J. R. Mi pu�ty Reav Morris—Jamos Logan, W.G. Hingstol his heavy dr�ught brood mare, Is Messrs. N ray, breakfast, no doubt feeling the full forc4 use'.Of t owever, scme debt on the mail aged three and a half! years, by a forei and George Moffatt; Hullett—H. Snel., patiouh e 'especially by. the p apus of th! Is mM r' Do Lr Sir, I have to inform seia� bu� 3380 for looney, G O�sman and 10 Ing! 0 911 Councillors, held t la4ir first im f the -proverb, "There is no rest It the vi ag It YOIL t at V ai o bul is hopedthat it wit be wip be- expor asau, John Cummin, Thomas John M the High nd Public Schools, T, I I d a PreBbyberian ad,' O ter, but refused �o accept it- This iaccora UCE) with �hb requix S, of wicked." d. Ore t a fir of Janu y. 1882- Moon and Thos. J. Bell; S,,�auley_ ture wilt c minen� ce at 8 CIcIQ1 3kshi km. log A ureb. tv given two acres of hiiat at the London C is the same animal -y;Socir&TyA Literary Statutf. Mr. Ww. 4 'lark was re-ap�. OUR Lrirnmn I lar for t a church and b r a I an agen It 7 6 ac at it w� A! tBe wl �y �tO; to a I Z IiU aa d d, a IC I 9 John Ketclion, Alex. Inues', Wm. Big- our Exhibition f 1879 w4s awarded second y- C Zara., Vidial ound Turnb6rry. pointe Clerk at 6, salary of $120, Society having been organized in gir to Ans Wm Dennison and Hugh hew ther logs, prize, mau7 superior outside judges —James ing at 16 Concert. in WingbArr bill ld� it, ma io tf.-e shir gle, a and roof it, COUNCIL the last EIT 9� t - LooAri RiFFs.—Mr. T.,46;lia silto , I I the first entertainment was -hold tio Sr.; Hay oadinan and S= .10 il jrrl�, �ting being of the opinion tla�t she really d Messrs Mark, Cardifil and Adam Rioic ich i were al opointed Aua4ors with an allo., the Town HAD on Friday eviening! last - of the 19 Rannie; Exeter uke and John 4 Fe)ruary, gotten d� JU � *6 nil [Si i BI i some lumber from the E the Turnberry Council, Mr.John served first. Mr. Malone _J lip 1,11 has several rues �auce of 68 each. Mira. Proctor was re,41 There was a good audience. The aull urc Wilks;,Usloorne—re nard Hunter auspicef C f St. Paul's C,41 1, Of t" ) Db mill to fio)r i , i 6 nd fo doofs and win- 1'rifogle. wa ii awarded the sum of 83.75 other fine horsesi of t is val liable breed, 0 aplpoinlaed.Assessor� alt the a f VO� tertaiiment conglated of readigs c Ma sono Thog. Russell T ckrsmith— George town.­�Ita. Wm. Robert3lon, f 03k- dONE. G000., amberi �usand for damage i for 0, hor 0 gebting,hupb on among which are a ftdid five year It was resolved to tl % W1 t the mil., 0 I!; have ;aken it upon me 'ihe bonnda ay. le pt;rning and a debate, T4achair was tako It by y between Turnbe# Sproat, Robert Dickson, A:. 4160a), ville, w4b Miss Carrie Bob i tson v, ao & Ti� and old mare that has oblain6d for the last officers at the last Unicipal. 61610tioni Mr. Boswell, Vicle-President. 'Both tioli; Ird John McLean, Jr., and Robert Char- had bee-pyisiting, friends for E V_ to aalk. it 0 3 4 rOat favor if yoncould Culross. Mossrs-JamiesJobinstionIlRob- years 'back I nainy pri2 as, :and her filly, the sum of $7 each; it iucludeconstableg readings and tnn4io were good,th is_&r grant . ters -- McKillrm- —Wm. IS Griev( and oral days return A�d horn on Satu-d 3 06i loot a 0 n1al stbacri, tion aimongy some 6 -t Eadie: and T; K. Powell were , ioach which recei ad three firA-class r -Mi -r fees, and that $3 b 1 aid for each the Doing much tile pre"nee, woe. rem Robert Govenlock7; Seaforth Alex. Mr.Rot�ertson'sinanyfricijad�.in bdim -of, your W lalt mernliers. We would p ad the sum of 48 for services I as! Re- umsatthelairsift t esej�quartera last schoollionsesin hch the pol, ne of Mr.F.'He A �xW Of 0 -as, good oiga-tis Davidson and John G. Wilson. were glad to see binma lookin go wall, it veiy.'k$n.4, and' it would, be a ti imirta Off cars alit the late' Minn autumn. -a Was I Ir favo to lk here in the backwoods. olec�tio_n. H Hamilton was aworded Th subject for debate WE held. Hr. P. Kelly i 6ppeared be; othe spivea y -nd ciable �.s of yore,— rs th tb� a It and as joll a F30 THF, DEWTE:—The deloatig,ju school Counci. Asking for 10(inapengation for a at egro has tuffered more a:t the, to , ave no ff n 0 r- t a other gr n TnE Icn. The following IS a 'at 6f As soon as it became k ty t of $6 for keeping! the house No. 4, on th I q*_88tiotfl. as to hands of the white Man than betiree village ot in Blytla which had been I the the prizes com�peted for by the S afortb dayth t' e'roof of Mr. Wil Son's I CHARLrlS'WOODS. t wriship b thy. Messrs. Jameh Ypung whether Cai iada or I 'Indian." The affirnitive he JUniWd. States �sold foi back taxes'tl rough an in; 'was taken -hi Curling. Club at points and the parries wareroo had fallen im. the Cit ze as r. CD� #14 wishes -us -to stgte aadWrn. McPherson were appoilited nil nt.whenthE said villag offerthe beit induMMIbuts for Settle- asse by Messras.:Jamieg SnAl and Thomas -8 of of the successful players: A Spee &11 generally, as'with one- ao: iif an t ply 4 iditors, ai A Mt. John McTavish il was iment laaigWbe 3 was �f the municipality of I [Orris. 0,panpe, r,oj-(I,,'hiE d, to' I,t isposed to com, with was pected from A p "" 'a prize of a NiatGla 7sea . played Cr b� therooN of tbeir buildi4gE, dallow h3t uel t iiii thel latter part of the $1 Dpointed E s'sessbr at the saih 8 lary or Henderson, and �heaegative by X�Bssrg. Mdge the nature o -*a suV act very inter- 'The Reeve was infitrIncted to make Frank Cassweller and- Wria.Hodorson. ski Robert help ng hadd to their ii, 3 la8t,year. A' petition from Robert a ps only, won by Mr. le at to altob;' shovelliag�was a �fashiona,, (cuplatipit ano] Uii( 1 esting on%Ae mora'so the North- Aitken and others, asking to bw re a *,est search in the County' Treasurer' ffie, Dr. Buchanan, assisted by Mossra. a Special prize of a watch. sea&I layed during thb afternoon.- -Arran11geiJae4ta ret ren it'lluskoka Ito complete their ��.naic late 'Witill. i L11 hich it implies and gain such infornnation as is pos uuap for by members exclusive of skips, wo are now progrem r a r m,USI a M' a C U ho)l section' ormad o MeTaggart and Fee, acted as ires.-' aconce . Ing eo p In 0 ra, by Mr. R. Conalkbu. These seats ae nd literary entertainme to ])a gi U o repeive thd.r aulbser tions,and will undary I no between Turnberxy nd a -an ip itation of the a�. A was agreed how- and if necessary t '0cure legal i and keenly Contested, it was in the sbailIe of a curling stone Add 9-�,e shortly in ler the' auspice 61, the Me- Claw rd - ill to Rev. Mr. Findlay '.'ulross, taking in tothe union lots �'7 to ever that t1lis shoul I ubt be touched Olt 6avice as to Morris' Iiabilit!y for the � laril.. that though both ha been badly:uma z 13 aul chaics Ihatitut�, and fo 9 bOnE :,,I) inclusiv 3, on "'the � 12th co ei sion, Sancaaa avery handsome and valuable pri fit 1 I to f will 3. h�,t they are properly ap- upon as it had not ye i been duly. After passing a nuua�er of accoun is thel by the white, Man., the atag..meut went f. We arej�gla t �N as read, F nd Was leo until n t Meet- were presented to the club by one f its theroo d o Iba�i � ihat h [r. ' pl ad. tionod' by Parlianne it. : The save 0.^-n"^4l ,,L f -.r% Q'hr��M 4-_'6� Iral 1eela �utwu members. The stone part is g unine F. Holl. 4 a, of the Roxaboro,,Mi Us, near ing for fina. act on. 'A bv-la7l appro- Speakers the *' b. . After in In `ntaill,od bhe advantarg wors ea of jFebruaiay. a polished Stone, with gold In dle; 4wauosh. -iating the all of 0 for their Senifortla, w'hob4 been s6riditsyilllor i 200 for charil respec ive 'Countries in a credit- i the- Quen the' ugng -1 ence isne The followip prizes, also contributed several eE)kS,'i' Ow nearly r rop, INI ul 40� domrANY.—The- ant year. waB'passed. Th e ad, overf?d- COI- able marine a How�LCR- 9 West lie carr d,although the savo- wellsAtisfied with the evenillg�a aer-: n+ rprise tainml haia, h d wee by -.members of the club, were open fdr and tba be expe AIIOS I f nsurance COM Cates of TJu eta Sa In heRl out induce- TaE !rBA MERTI a' The Ent ant. Meetings will be hef US to be able t:) attefid vit 9 t t1lat Fire J ii ctor was instructed to have I axes e ave runn y tk nnua dlected and his roll closed bi t a it 1pg meeting at the 0 8 mants in a tv i9ty of Waye, the �aya of;, the tea m. a ing held in the lie club: 1st, e4 to buid ss and�,' tb oompetitioia�to the who f1hold great v orri cash, won by Dr. Vercoo; 2nd, box; f I agatd abol t the beginning of ext we'_Ik. ai�e of ill nuton, on Tuesday, the Februar3 After a' few othe nim.- Canadi'ans lad sorne things whereof to Presby chur a: t � Brian The gap- myth. acurling stones, won by J. Lyo Mr, Ho)Ia ads is a g i er, ano�! if Pday Of t- i )rtant-mi e ouncil ad o Imed boast, and lig as citizens a K 8 at 11 o'clock V at our Bali a4tb gental ail OO I t I meet again in LowerWin& ax:i oa or as were so from 4 oIcIo3k bill Loc&LTIRs.—A carnival was he3d P y persot can Make the I loxbc ro MiRls a.. �rn,, the I s! 16ut Charles Girvin, 6hould be "IJanip Mi . i 'I, he a ter 7 '4"ntri - that Lorne Shating Ri air of Slippers, James Hatt; 'a white shirt, Audrew Young; 5-th, box of' a success, 3e is be persom-11 a coq� E 4.�' in tlLe Z r. �� Ti be Secretary read I [a first Monday in March. a vdth all thy faults M., and ng t* be- the nk last n- tm Val we love the( i atilli"� Thedecision. of the tween hree and Idur hundred persons eve:: i . I and proved a success 1-.n linen handke4cbiefs, J. offma'. 6t; I trayiroadstrebadlyb1ocked wt sno a ep Of t114 ransactions of the com- fol orb chairman w is iii:. favor of Canada. The "t down before as empting a meal as respe box of eIg P Cav 7tla I And business in town Ila �cong quen ly pany.for the iing December 31, KIn7bun. ­AgOntlenaan by the n pair renc bject dth t the excution of ever graced table* -in Howik The atare from Zurich, has b on ing�CO 811 Re 3o1v dth 140.01 eal hottleB, A. avZoia; 8th, been du�l dutin and ISO a at t ant of TH E DE, 131-TE.—The t rub,y picki wee the ti Kinburn lJobating Mary Queer of the ast p Of Cott 4 was not justifi- apeakeis- were Re*a�s. Messrs. I �roley, the Ing mill oWned by' W. cigar case, J1, A. Wilson; 9th, Tarn 0 pitch lacle in a mie places am teri C. po3ition of 111L company, which were ub met on'the 18th inst., when a,.Bill able" will 4l discuss, id next Thursday Brown, J( ilon ilangto, 1�siikie and Mim r, and templates having it in 'ar a�, ted by the meetiog, X make Voting for Canadian ]Parlia- evening Fel ruary 3r' . The affirmative Messrs. Dorland apa Walker, es ell of sho e Shanter Bonnet, J. C - Laidlaw; - lobli, —The t na fra mthe Eas't love 2 UD *MOU315 I p and C f ' in Bora George -Murdie as- At y. Mr, W Au- gent's scarf, rley; 11th, louble late na 13 ever day during t ativeB Comput Y, willi be led I y Xr.! Yin John Fa his we, k, Fro the St�l E ents above. referred to, i entary Represent' whom delivered vor�'entertaiiaino, &d- neck yoke, ffeDry Cameron; 1,tli, I a on acco burn, intendsirectig a WOOI nt of at it p pears t a i rapany had 306 policies ith c auseg to 12 M OU vy snow orms ea t. provide for extreme sisted by Bars; Ja as Lockhart and dresses, which we M� 4interspersec' with a larg, 3 a c 10 erce, 0 V3 ny $35 , 49 pair of ladies kid gloves, - G. ord; The �relfl t* a -for January in. Mooes it' f aat risk, nd se4, was liscussed, which resu:ltbd In George Turnbull., he negative will excellent music holm the choir, _cale shortly.—Mr. W. 13th, plted pen bolder, G. Pat;ers'l and son leavesiext week for GlSgOw,_ 'Clates'. Wee tbor 44r- thA. Y: fav r of - y Mr. sairiaes Hartley assisted inade t le imeetin Bab 6ok have All o6me the - 0 tremium. notes to the- decision By the audience in be led b 91 , ery enjoyable one., I laud,, New York, 141h, fruit Cae dish, R. Carm, b root. 14o3e i I head &V I ILOUI ra, anioant o L �382,10, After deductin LeBill. Thaphilcipal arguments ad- by Messrs. George Lockhart and Goo. The prec Bly�ek. 9 eeds; amo# ted to 673. This GO all t reon that the com.- anced in lavor of the Bill we're, rat,- !McIntogh. sund is Jobe applied I to the 15th, half dozen tea spoons, above Ven "Br ap a weat or pro, hot ayme PapstapdLumBdoin Wila)n PC 1. DOINGS.— building Wlal� McGregor, an Donald; 16th, walking stick, M Messrs. I Lny had o ilo t a dollar during the at voters generally have. no obje tion COUNCIL joid, and reached almst much esteemed resi4ent of the town— arsuant to stat- fund, 'm hich. has ia�7 Campbell. On, Tuesday night, tl a. clu 3 I have'select dons r t -wij I aake no assessments on ;c voting if they can only be got to the u licil me at McCribbon's. $1,000. ship -of Grey, died Of the raost le' ew and ant nl y ate the Co ou the 111th ' t celebrated the &nuiversary of -V�R bitat. valentines we have ever f ieen. Ani, of the remin tic f ies ; that since the for- 5@11, and b3 compelling them to, atte4d 116tel Winthrop, After an illness of thres Months. I .. - I 1 012 onday, 17th inst. TuE CoN.sicRvATIVE. AssocuTir .—At of the immota Burns by- a match be- ourre n of bh npany nearly two years '.,or a time they would be induced to take All the old Council woi tween the Canadian and old Cj) the Howie]: Con- of dea bh a�n ineral- caucer a4er3 inteptding to i Lvesb in tblEse M1 iti ing re-elected de the an lual meetin she, an misSives, Ebould �come to SEa ort , to ago, 6 d- expenses only interest n it, and would th re posite ei oa o oe a * i p. by be oaths o qualifi- servati a Associatiod, held at Go rarie, a born it England in the ye avers, three rinks on each side, I 71 i ar 9. 1,04.29, which would ucated in;;o the importance of voting; cation with the- Cler Pi e buy Th,ley could not be boti e - served an D*uted M ved by Goo. resolut-i6n was paBsa in favor c f the When very young the family emigi6a,ted 0 losers to pay'for the supper, inc. udina in Toronflo.—Mr. Samuel. Hat nab, of an LO*At to a I �,ion over 2�c 'er 0100 Econd, that it,would lessen personal 11 Holland, second C1 Win. Grieve, that Pacific Railway Syndicate 81 -heme to Ma; ell' p rkhaim, Canada,. At the of the Ghieftain O' the puddirt, race, Oil acity, ennsylvainia, a I Ito ri neral �Cf fpI t�� two) loss a and expenses. canvassing, and do Wria. Evans be elec )d Deputy Reeve— brougiLb forward by the Government, 16vearss,ew&su ltee in marrig4loto aaway w�th, the I Cl Iby; out vrhich was provided by Brother Cali- this seqti n, has � been on a I isit O T a follo"i a itlemen were elected tEmptation for candidates to overoome ICarried. Moved Win. Grieve, see- After which the follawing offican i gan1. he� I �e husband, Who died ab M -a for, some day 3. -Mr. H i u- eo P13 Messirs. Charles i 11 a aversiot L of oters t o- going to the, on d ad by George! Ho AGrahu jebael, of the Mansion, whose skill friends be� di 81: and, that Win- were elected for t a an- years igo. � Mrs. Meqrgo was all, ld caterer especially in the hag& Jbi nah intends returning or. Mouda3.— Gi Vhinn y - poll by brib3ry. 'The objections to the ard be ap Auditor—C White, 21 in Thomas Mor POE poiri�ed H. Pbr-! reside, it of Grey., haviaf g spenti Ah, arried. suingyear: Presi e it is deservedly faons. In this Ma The anl'uEl Meeting of the DirElictorwof rish,,,,CoIbcrn lay, Aslifield; esperiment waro, chiefly, that al�vote I The Reeve appointed Joseph Evans king ; Vi a t Mr. S. Mu Ice-Presid 8 rove y Mxs� MCGtegor C West Wawanosh; T. H,a, 'being a right (�.t being designaiItel K. Boddy - was a consistent -member of nd Obeese Factor will )ne win G4'anb� d as I Auditor. Moved by George Holland, Secretary, Mr. Thos. the old,coubtrymou won the I rots the West ears [it the township, r the seconded by Wim. Grieve: that Donald urer, Mr. James 1erkins p held at I ' rmicIiael'S,_LHo1ieI,'()n Trols- Ta East WjLwanoBla, and Georgq :uch by tba projector of the Pill) it I i vision byterian Church for years, F ve and the haggis by nine points. A t y1lar D 00US conclusion of the match all repaied tp day, February l5th, at 2 P. In., ani.lof an, 1, H iroll Eacli'director being 1 vfuld be u acolastitational to iiatedere McGregor I 6 re-ap 'ointed Assessor— Commi btees—Nlo. 1,1 Messrs. Cliales and three daughters Mourn her log aIf