HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-28, Page 71881. 1113:111111111111111111MMIIIIIIIIIIEIR avEis MEDAL tighest, Awered, tato Exhibitions 1880. R. 1881. AFORTHZ kttention of his nidic generally to OVES 1 1 !_art-,:tr in the. XTFORD. Advantagesfr vreciated by thc7n. :RY STOVE I:3 or Q=tality. 1.3 7 eleORTIt. STH ID AGENCY. .R0NG Llano Stoek, rue es, and is proper- etrable tame, e beet Loan So. 'arches°. of Farm 'int -Class or Sede. vette per cent. teamship Tickets, Ws Store* Main 645 M MERGE )110-sTo. e30,000,000. 1,400,000. McMaster. &NCH. auk continues to tetit is allowed on vete and cities in t on the United the Cemmereial eND, Meleager. SrG MILL, ID FACTORY texik hienumaroti nage extendedt0 Settfortheend th a, ooritinuanee [d do well to give keep ons hazed Powts, Shingles isfaetiontotheme atronage,asnons. eyed. Custom Peening )ADFOOT. — LWERY ES1 Trade of the *th, from. Mr. that he intends Id et arid, and has dvehielea to the; ides and Good e Kept. d Carriagefe, and es ready for twee e With. Com. y of the hotel* T_E-Z, F- AFORTH !,/s, Out mg ture regard - v them ta *ulcer- elseveltere. I eayiug cah., ea- elied eheire for eriag Bed, the tet werranted e. I. CouaterRe f.reet, Seeforth, S. PORTER., 10*4 R.NTESS, iSfitilENT I Eropriebor. always Irything eke be - be sold NITURE. Lowy reamed .11 and Hee mi g elsevrhere, as gide, Zuriehe I t, JANUARY 28, 1881. Varieties. The mercury went down 59 degrees in twelve hours at Hastings, Michigan, , on Friday morning. -Very severe weather prevails in 'all parts of Britain, and bronchitis has as- sumed an epidemic form in London. -The New York Herald estimates that Gould made five to eight millions by his recent manipulations of telegraph stocks. , -Thomas Collins, of the Marquette Review, has been elected first Mayor of Portage la Prairie by over one hundred majority. 1. -Mike Sherwood, of Alamo, -Michi- gan, took out at Bowker's Lake the other daymuscalonge weighing 16 pounds. H3 hooked it. -The Pe insular Oar Company em- ploys 200 hands in its shops at Adrian, Michigan, and will soon employ 40b. The shops are to be enlarged. -We regret very much to learn that Hon. Mr. Mackenzie has been so ill this -week as to be confined to bed. Mrs. Mackenzie Was telegraphed for from Ottawa ou Tuesday. -The Boers are reported to be re- ceiving a large accession of Kaffirs and Orange Free State Dutchmen. It is • also said that the British camp at Pot- chefstroom has been surrendereder , Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting -'f -By e gt thoroug knowledge of the natural laws which cern the operations of diges- Von an:1,ntrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, lel r. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judiciou3 use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong eueugh to iesist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub tie maladies are floating arnund u ready to attack wherever ther is a weak point. We may escap many a fatal shaft by keeping curselve well fortified with pure blood and properly nourished frame..." -Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets lehelled -".Tames Epps & Go., le omceo. pathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London, Eng." -Also makers vf Epps's Chocolate Essence for et/10011 rise. 482-52 4 — A Remarkable Cure. West Townsend, Vt., May 14, 1860. Messrs. S. W. Fowle & Son, "In the spring of 1847 I took a severe cold, which settled on my lungs, where it remained without relaxation. I was then in Massachusetts, and growing worse and becoming unable to attend to my business, I returned home and commenced searching in earnest for some medicine which would restore my lost health. I consulted. physicians, I tried many remeclies, but obtained no help, but daily grew worse. I had a terrible cough, and raised a great deal of blood. I had profuse night sweats, and severe pain in my side. I con- , tinued in this state for months, and be- came so weak that it was with great difficulty I could walk, when I was ad- vised to try Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and to my great joy I soon found -that this remedy had arrested the disease. I continued to use the Balsam to the extent of five bottles, and have since then experienced no diffi- culty of the lungs. I believe the Bal- sam saved ney.life, and I shall eveehold it in high estimation. Yours truly, 642-52 LEWIS PHELPS. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. It always gives us pleasure to drar attention to articles which are deserving of public patronage. Probably no article ever_ offered to the public has met with the same success as Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Thousands of fam- ilies la the Dominion keep it in their homes as the standard cough remedy. The sale of this article has assumed enormous proportions. Our advice to the public at large is to treeits virtues if they should at any. time unfortunately contract either coughs or colds. It is sold by all chemists. 684-26 ----• Zopesa. Zopesa, from Brazil, is now come into Canada. It is a mild purgative; acting as a wonder upon and giving strength and energy to the Digestive Apparatus of the human stomach, cor- recting and increasing the acids. It iFi strongly anti -bilious and carries off all surplus bile, tones up the Liver, gives sound digestion and speedy health to the dyspeptic and the bilious. Ask J S. RoBERTs, Seaforth and Bayfield, for, a 10 cent bottle and teat Zopesa, the new compound. Large eight ounce bot-' ties 75 cents. 679.52b • Spread the Good News, As a family medicine and tonic, there is no remedy at present giving such uni- versal sa,tisfaction:aiill effecting so many astonishing cures, as Electric Bitters. Ons druggists report a lively demand for them, at times being unable to supply the many calls. Alf Billions Attacks, Stoinacii, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Diabetes and al -ravel, readily yield to their curative qualities. Sold by E. Hickson & Co., at 50 cents per bottle. 662-26d Delicate 'Women. Cases of female weakness, delicate and enfeeoled constitutions, and those suffer- ing from .Stomach. Liver and Kidney Complaints, will aid Electric Bitters a speedy -and certain eure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice that such a reliable remedy is placed. within their reach. Health and happiness will surely follow where Electric Bitters are used. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. Price only 50 cents. 622-26d Eclectric Oil. Safe, certain, proropt, economic. -- These few adjectives apply with pecul- iar force to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil - a standard external and internal rem- edy, adapted to the relief and cnre of coughs, Fore threat, hoarseness and. all affections of the breathing organs, kidney' troubles, excoriations, sores, lameness and physical pain. Free of Cost. Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Con- sumption, Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., is given away in trial bottles free of cost to the afflicted. If you have a severe cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or any a.ffectiou of the throat or lungs, by all means give this wonderful reit', edy a tlial. As you value your existenee, you cannot afford fo to let this opportunity p ss. We Could not afford, and would not give this remedy way unless we new it accompli h what we alai 1ar p. sands of hopeless cases 4aviet. already been gem letelr cured b it. There is no needle ne in; the world that *ill eure one-half the cases that D King's New Discoverer will cure. F r Sale by E. Hickson & Company. 61-52-6 Congestion of th Hardie/ any elle who h quaintanae or who reads or death notices in the 09‘13. fall to haste noticed clisease congestion of the really Seems sometimes a half of all the deaths that winter t appears to grow ous. ¶Ihis season it has b lent; o ne, probably, to s and the unusual amount o gestion of the lungs iuva with a oold, to which scar attaches any importance, is negleoted until it result fol and al a cold !" e nethy. Colds hav ays alarming d hoed the ren cold is always killed more me ties have.' There seems of guardi4, against conge lungs. One person is as s other to ii orous heal gienie lave it. Conge . Rugged con h, general atten , have no powe tion of the Ju giant as q ickly as it sla Lungs. a a la ge the o ituary itbli prits how tai a lungs is. I if it misled Occur. E oh ore er- en ver ri- ddenangels ;snowl,C iably Ely, nd t n th siease. Wned to be tha, o be n •tion bject titutio tion to igs s ' s a an v e ybO .y obld pain- rOtiy Abbe - ore a. vay r the s 41t- vnt nt Ys -E10, 10m7 ; an accomplished athlete as quick y a tt puny invalid.• One meets bis DI •nilag a friend. flushed with yohth ner Within a few days he is de bees - clown. foot re 'to egiu- hieh foie a. c tion of the lungs has out him Persons who care to live, a d th that they do live shows that the - cannot be too watchful o the nings of congestion of. the rings, is one of taii most insidibus a midable foesipf human exi tepee Fellows, the inventor of Fe lows' pound Syrnp of Hypophosp ites, is so deeeqedly popular very says : Without offering an o , ie ere, arg *Gent to enforce riy, opinion, I mot postveIy assert as faet, so long as the ' atie t continues to bres.the, no matterj ho languidly, phough abandoned b the physician, the case is by ' no eat hopeless. Fellows' Hypipphos bites administerell with Cod Live Oil, s di- rected, will act bfonefioiall and effed- tively. It xciiies the move ent f th secretions, s imulates the 1 erve an of xpeatoration, c mein out muscles int action, and d:velop th process the tubes sind s.ir passag s, in iices appetite, str ngthens and r stare the sufferer! to health. Let e r alder) whether ph sician or lay an, r 'flet that this is 4 ritten not for ere rer- cenary consi erations, the rite lhaH known nio y cases, has witn sea many cases 1lreatd by his sytiapi n,:l has treated Sevelial himself with his syrup, iia no single instance ensu c ss - fully ; al were restored to ealth and in several instances they were ro- nounced bey -end -the possibi by ee re- covery by attending physicia s. I Si 811 Buckle 's Anaics, S The • best s ive in the wprid Bruises, Sor s, Uleera,. ISal Fever Sores, lTetter, Cli ppe. Chilblains, C rils, and all in d Eruptions. This salve is. elm give perfect SE tisfaction inj ev money refuncTed. Price, 5e. f'or saleby E Dickson & Co. alve! 1 f r s; • s, . sof jii an ed to y a e or pe b x "They All Do It" To beautify and preserve he nd give fragrance to the b ea Teaberry," the new toilet geoe. le package; 51 cents. 679 52 London, : iiron an • B °me NORTE— :Express. ail. e A.M. M London, depar 7 40 2 20 8 40 8 25 Exeter .... .... . ... 8 62 8 88 Hensel' , 9 05 8 52 Kippen 9 11 3 57 Brucefield 9 21 4 07 Clinton. ' . . . . 9 n 4 28 Londesb.oro... 9 58 - 4 41 Blybla 10 06 4 50 Balgrave . • „ .. 10 24 5 06 Wingham, arrive 10 -15 5 25 onto- soura- Mail. Eipres A. M. P. M Wingham, depart7 00 2 55 Belgrave 6 Blyth 6 Londesboro Clinton 0 DEN e are $iiio Deber TELIE HU JA N ON EX POSTOR. UARY, LION, MAIN -141., L LINE$ FOR J wing ,so e Speci ber Tria e, amo DRESS 6,00D§Lour Stock of Sty iOn'and cheap. • • , • , , • Q0sTUMEOLOTHS—We havl still a few r . vyl, Brone and Brown, which we offer at 2 1 Ds—In Black Velveteens, Black :rds and Blaok Sateen our stock will ress Goods wi Eti..AG10,210 L inens, lEN1ITGaPiniCiTbaSblelLIWeeanrs, To areshown 1881 SEAFORTTI. . I { ANUARY. 1 tines ior the g them . 11 be found very attractive, ieces of Costume Cloth in 5 cents per yard. Silks, Black Cashmeres, be found very cOmpletel 11 beautiful ra ge of Linen Goods, em - able Napkins Doyle's, Hollands, etc LCE CURTAINS—We Tionld al40 call attentjon to our Lace . Curtains Curtain Nets, White Connrpnes, Toilet Co it, Toilet Sets, •&c. I :1 ceys our Stoek i still large, ad our prices will be fonnd *INGE s --4n wi light f).s usual. , AEWrORE NEW GLOION(Ei • H OEFIlr, LACES, El? SLK HA i ?TO AND N BBY LINE EMBROIDERIES, INSERTIONS, 1.ADIES' TIES, OOL ScUrAROI AB ve Goof& DKERCHIEFS, Good Range of cal the Y .paciuroNs UR TEN RY CHEAP --JUST SE ENT LIN CKETS VERY CHEAP;. WQOLSJI4WLs AND J Tl\T$1=rEC'TIO IiT"\771'1" R. JAMIESON, Seaforth, 6 2 7 2 7 7 5• 7 69 8 08 8 25 8 45 8 52 909 9 . Exp 6 7 18 818 735 828 '744 8 86 8 02 8 64 Brnoefield 4 8 20 4 07 Kippen 1 8 80 4 15 Hensall 8 86 4 20 Exeter. ...... 8 p2 4 82 Centralia 92 42 Lendon, arrive. 10 05 36 Grand. Trains leave Sea lows: • ING WEST— . SEAFOBTE. Express .2:19 P. M. Express ...... .8.55 P. M. ixed Train.9:15 A. M. ixed Train... 4.5:40 P. M. 1 5 7 7 743 7 59 8 85 8 10 0 trunk Railway, and Clinton SatIjon CLIINTbN 240 045 10:00 6:15 CLINT 7:30 12:9 Ie, 4:1 P 10: 0 A. G eNet EAST-- SEAFORTH. xpress . . ... 7:50 A. M. xpress Train....I. 1:101'. M. ixed Train... -14:45 P. M. tied Train... .10:50 A. M. • 14- N s MONEY. $ 0 0 TO LEND -On first security ft4ds. Applicants IT rate of 7tper cent. per annum address JA.WIS DI --1--- ltrONEY TO LED—Money to lend -Le emprovedfar s only, at 71 per fie eat peyable yearly; private hands; char , eralte. JOHN S. PORTER ONEY TO LOAN In large or sm on first- ekes heettilty, at 8 per ce interest. Private funds, or on thein pia 'Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. i ONEY-A. G. MeDOUGALL is lauth lend money at 7 per cent. on Mort an amount, and for any number of Iyear est charged only on the unpaid pri cipa ,at he Store of A. G.McDougall & 0 - -- ---- — -,- - t tbe p ivate on t. .lred ter- es mod - 81 ONEY TO LOA. -On Lenprove Fa arty, at 7 per c nt. inteiest. neer abl half -yearly or y arly, as desired, wi tio of the principal, if so preferred. Ont. lig t. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, S ONEY.-Thetin 1fl0flyfi im mot tgages on farm p per out. interest ye agr fort 11 slime t. yearly tallment 6261 rized het age, fbr ; inter - Apply 678 Prop - st pay - h a por- xpenses aforth, 625 ersigned has a large stun of ediate investment n first. operty. Seven, and a half Hy; principal astiay be_ r, Sea, 638 I „ ed upon. J. H. BENSON, Saheb AUCTIONEERS. — • H • e• P. BRINE', Licienced Auctioneer County of Huron. Saks attende part of the County All orders lett at 'POBI OR Office will be protaptlyatt nde ANCIS GRAHAM, ACC, TIONEE AND • -1- LAND AGENT. -Special attention ven to Hale of landed proper y, farming and Lhurough- bred aback. Cattle s Ieeted ler the Align h mar- ket. Mae and Anet on Roonts, A,elieso 's new Bbock, Goderieh, Ont Terms inodertite 615 - - or the in all he EX to. A EXANDER DE eer,MeKillop. sale of Landed •P. Implements. An or signed at Walton, cession14, will be p bills) notes and ste ALE. DELGETTY GETTY, Licensed etion- Speeiel ttention g ven to, operty, arm ;Sett. end, ere left with the under- . 0., o Lot 14 con- omfly ttended t. Sale Sale pe furnished if re uired. alton. . 639 NO 10 premises former pie byi e Bank of Com - 11 the Commercia e a n r et. Eng pu FA loite rafts Bran MORS P niche sed at Rea tent sted, s oft 4Ti nely t� Lopo o SOUNTED ign Exchange nd 8old. LE IklOTES °nab e tttes .. • 11 Ciell tercel Securitie. pa*, le at par at all e Bank of Commerce. • ! flow ed on DePosits 11 Mortgages. ar7 M Ss anaiet. and Proprietor. :• In L 0 _LEND. nall Sums (it reason4 es or interei. AP Or at the RT AGES :11,A1SED. 0 . 0, GOUINLOCK, . Bee s en , &Van. 681 OT:C S. fflee f I 1ORT MAKE TI0E -1 Ste ar, has 1 another, ithont ea aetounta le foe ane this date. Seaforth, SeeeeWAR IS S EilGUSi?JO to 1 e nookut 0 yell be gi d to recei se many eW o es ft pa.trontig . 'R elm oflice. M SS le RITISH E CH te Ot. WkI. OX tete teak esti M st ducted litte]sin the c mediate Red sn plied. Good st ---; AIR le 0 ; their li doing up MI the . top sEie OW tches, in tl car th ,Mark 1' T 0 The as my wife, Ann ft rny ed sr d board, with se or reason I will not be ebt s eGn &au ted by her after Jan. 19 1881. GEORGE 685x3 Dreg maker has removed er the post o ke where she e all her old catomers and will favor her with their er the lace-OVer the poet S N. 684-4 NGE. OTEL, Goderich, Popri tor. This is one of °rattleble and Best Con - Pro a , ,' , T ee Itoems are e ¶2aand Bar liberally bang inonneetion. 63-52 --- 117 -Mir . 01Inuate eturns thanks for eril a e, and she is still • As arraz, •es it with roots at een n kel cerl from combings, 1., r et Is root, tSeefoeth Ont. 678 lc r id , pith:, &ee 11 o dere sent by elle a tene d to. F cc dopes west of t Ma OA SEAFORTH, Jan. 14, 1881. Hain teenth Seaforth Camay o crone C Public g eral pat the pas strict att and fair ontinu the futur I shall oceaeion old ousto new once ed to fe pa bronag them tha ture, ae i utmost them all, them as g money a any other in Wester M. R. Wittchma Sea completed my four - ear of business in I take this oppor- thaning my num- eiomrs and the tnsile, for the lib- nage -given me in and I hope, by nt,ion to business eating, to merit a • ce of the same in e glad to have an visit frOrn all my ere end as many e ma* feel dispos- er nui with then. ,and 1 can assure I will in the fa - the past, use my (leavers to nit nd' will guarantee od value ler their they can get at otise in the trade Ontario. U N TER, er and jeweler, orth, Ont. _ _ I 1\TOITIC FA RMERS. LOT 0 MOT] F'CD F CIIQICE Y SEED H PAID iFOR CLOVER, ield Seeds,IDried Apples, BUTTER AND CHEESE, S. RO ERTSON'S Butter and Cheese Emporium. 666 A distinct a E nd peculia0 Com LL COMPOUND SYR HYPO .1] -LT organization, the organizatio In conit illation with the stitei-e- khleagent phosp ing slightly alkaline, and is dispensed n. the convene Its effects are usually visible within twentyaremr ulation of the appetite, the digestion Rua t>.seinilli circulation ; it tones the nerves and muscles • exerts n.either disturbs the stomach nor iejures the system be discontinued at any time without inconvenience. In a word, it poesenses the stimulaute to amuse th it, and merit of a high il-re. P OF esse tial to the oxidizing gents a orus, possessi g them nt and paiata1le forne ours, and are Marked y a sti entering direct' into t heoth:aetic reodf the 4. 7 inationa MEDICAL. OPINgage fr a. scoTT, it. D. &e, Physicianleurgeonand S 9 r" ° den ee south side Of GOdelrielt Streeteeeeond doer Accouchene, Seafortb, Ont. Oce aillafM•4 east of Presbyterian -Church. ' , 342 II*geon etc ,Coroner for the Oornty.of trueoue L VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Phyekan, Sur- Ofice and Residnce, on jarvie street notth, directly opposite Sealorth Public Scheo. T_H TA 71 IL35iNt1wEi M.D., C. M.. Graduate of i VV McGill Universiy, Physician, Surgeon end Acconeheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Reeidenee, erre door sonth of the Catholic Oleurela -49# e • tonic. :T1 MeNAUGHT Vetetenaey Statgefene Grad: Ont. Office and Residence in rear of -Kell eu • ate of Ontare; Veterlinary College, SaforA, nt of be- yan s. Calle promptly attended to, night Ior a syrup. day . A stock of veterinary medicines on Innad and ramay„ Charges reasonale. Horses -examind este sontl- cretio se , ress and eertificates given if requited. 467 111 • under proes":13 strength, the tonics FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSP 1TE$ SPEEDILY AND t'SRMANENT9 tURES Congestion of the Lung, Bran rhti !i, Conunption, Ye.rvous Pr strati* ?less of Brath.. Palpitatinof thr Heart, TT-4.41bl; ny Of OM lands Limbs, Physical a ild M ItaZ Depr.ssioal 1.0.rs of dpp ate, _Loss' of .1,:ergy, Loss o4,21,l' mory And will rapelly improve the weakened fienei ens and or rans h upon voluntary, semi voluntary, and involuntary nervous atet EPRY DAVIS a ON the body, whie 1. ir-;,;W SEND F LA_ GENERAL AGNTS, MO AL. depend Ft A PA T..4- DERI3Y8IIIRE .1.e. D. -Le- t Surgton Dentiete Graduate of the Eo -sal toliege of Dental o retail' Sur,ns of Ontario. Office P. M. ROoms In Mrs, Whitneys new Inie k block. Main Street, 1 home from 8 A. M. eaforth, I - (1 CARTWRIGHT, L. D. e-te• Member of the Rein! College eie:e e. of Dental Surgeons of -Csepel. Shor- Office -Indian bloek, Market St.! et Stratford, Ont, has now etpenedent en Oflieein Seaforth at the queen's }rta, where ho will he prepared to perform all dental -operations with hease and skill. °face open. first Tuesday in evely or ealth ; month. e63-52 PHLEt. RE NCE LEGAL. - CENTRAL bRUC 8 ORE, ACOMPLETE and Full Stick of Drugs and, Cherejes.la constasntly on hand and warranted of the Best qualisy. and at Moderate Prices. Medical Wines and Liquors can be re- lied on asbeet quality. A complet stock tee Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Cheeit Pro- tetors, &o., always on hand. Also Sta- tionery, Sohool Books. Fancy Goods, &e. The Central Drug Store, (Wine's old stnd,) direaly opposite 1 he Central Ho- tel. e62 C. }LUTZ, Exetr. LUMBER FOR SALE HMLOCK, First quality, $6 per M. PINE from, $8. BILLS OUT TO ORDER, Ali Length, from 10 to50 Feet, at the PONY MILL 1111eIKILLOP. The Subseri1rnr has also a LUMBER, YAR IN SEAFORTH Where all kinds of isumber can be ob- Weed. 979 TH 'Yee DOWNE3 The Great COUGHS, _73 1? 0 NV 17010R, . TJER OA T Piheparecl from eious Flavor.) and Tonic. Supe alltPle above ca,n of the Gum whic -wiViut doubt t Idedicinalpurpos very one has heard of the won- der:1U' ef- fects of the Sp at ices and the Pines in eases of Limp Dts- ease), 171, France the/ ;physi- cians regu- larly send their eon - $14 nap t ire patients to the pine woods and order them to drink a tea vuide froM the. Spruce tops. American. RemedM fo OLD S;. S THICA Iris Lass 0 _AR SENE S- AN PPE' TIONS .findst Red Spruce Gum. (Del oramtoica, nSoyettnethimineErcporeecredtorflaonctrnt ic must valuable ILati'LV Otk for i4.7 Ar078TherZttlti eCnISPMC12" tree JAMES T. GARROW, Barrister;Attorney and ee Solicitor, Goderieh. , 681 AMERON, Rot& & CAMERO, Beeristeete Solieitors in Chancery, &e.. Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, Me -G. Can- eron. 506 NVILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer alla sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Aecounte an4 notes colleted on reasonable terms. - 366 TT W. C..1t1E'YEll, Ba ter and Attoiney -e-e- Law, seelecitter in Chancery. Commissioner for taking a fed/mite in the Province of Meinitolette Priva,te funds to loan at 61 to 6/ per tnt. 633 Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, ' TeENSON & MEYER, BaleiStere and Attorney st La, Solicitors in Chaheery and Ineetiveney , Coneyncers, Notariee etc. Odies-Sete forthendBrassels. $28,00n of Private Fun& to Invest at once, at Fdght pereent. Interim t.payable yearly. - 61 33ENRON. 31.W. 0.; ITOYEks = The above fuen has this day been eliseelved mutual' consent. All atcolints -due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will Ply all liabil- ities. MCCAUGHEY & HOIMESTED0: ,.; Nov. 27, 1876. oFFICS, JAMES E. BZNON. H„ W. C. SL'coAtWt); cillAloNclEEArit:Dg:re7::ea:rtCtiu „...--..thfi„.0,0. , c; OL ICITORS ft) i• gab:Wee 13ank oif 1 ki Canada and the Cana44421131" ';I_C°1unCrl 1:1 ainnFSnesiraf°s.r.thna. Town and Village Properev bought d ld . - Money (private Iniede) loaned on, mortgage se moderate. t reasonable rate e of inerest. Charges Money inveeted foe privaee persons upon the thhe:ieemtdoretrgage secuxite, wiehout any etpensete 1 S. G. McCAUGIIY, M. A. F. /11:LST. STOCK FOR SRVICki. r c, In- this his A5 fiClreiLC,I RUP RED Gum, -a4;elPal.ctt/titeres. anti- pas4- modic eo- p aantinti hais mic prop rties a re re- , se ry 71177:)alyi8recrc ttt ppared ateind • 0 TO .• CO00 • TO IG- BREDERS-Thie undersined' will -e- keep during the peesent sweeten on Lot 8, sensual on 7. Stanley neer Hills Green, -. . e•-' 2 ThorenghbredBerieblete Boar; terms •$1,psyeble turning if necessary. at the time of service v.20thsEthrerEpHri3Dieiesegoeo.ofeixe4- :1 QUEFOLK Plel-The undersigned will Dreee for servce during -the piesent season, on Lot 5, • Concession 11, Hibbert a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar Pig. Terms, $1, • payable at the time of service, with the peivilege of.rebarning if neces- sary. THOMAS LEEMING, Pronxietor, Crom - arty post office. 485x4 THE BEST PIG ---The undersignedll k wieep st his hotel in Brueefield during the present season. a Thoroughbred Berkshire Bote bred - from the best stock on both Bidet and wairarited pare. Terms -$1 for tit season payable al the t Irae of Ferviee with the priellegoot retuening if ri se ; necesaree WCOOK, Proprietor. rT 1.C e 1;:7471tm a a ofthe GUM r4Leni. c tap soeutto Its remark ble 'power in reliev certain forms of Bronchitis, and almost sped effect in .curing stinate hacki7 g Coughs, is now known, to the Yublic atilarge. Sold by all resp etable chemists. Price, 25 50 cents o. bottle. The words "Sy • of Red Spruce Gum" co tute our Registered Trade Ill rkand our anour tora until abels are also ttegister IttERir R WA T SON ['Wholesale Oruggists, Sole Pr.' 'etors and lefaeturacturer liontr 4 E '..clx Fif 1:1 -4' " c•• 4 fe' c. c • i. .., ..7. te'.. .11, - =° - -7-•:^12 W - st 7; ..c:•,..-':::0.,,,.•.,7;-,1. -6-4u:'.,::.:;::-, 11: ai . P. _ E' • 4 11 Mill -•••,,-. ez .E.- !.1: ::"! i' 4C3Ildg" _- c.:, :4 ,. ,•---, • - 'C 7: • ^ ... et, ... 1.. l• I...< 0-- pc t'--tt P ....4:. 4•44---..4:4 bc, 51 1 .-xc 4 ,,, ,,,, , ''-` •• 04 l' '-*' g.=4- 0 1 ... ,34 0 ›''''',-4 . , 0 Ire 14 ' °fr4 6-' 24:34 ?'..0 7! 1:.--.. ..1`-`. -4,.,;z1lzii4 ,e'' .1 ;ay i P = e" .0 - ee I . ......e. go .,..: 4.7 :7_,, C ' • rf -7 . ..11, 1 - „„„. ,..- ,., ,.... ---,_.- 4 ... • '---. Pti ure, 677 !eta: TO BREEDERS OF undersigned will keep during the preeent seasen at nest I` his ptemises in Egniondville, a thorongh- 4 bred large breed Berkshire boar, for the letn- te provenaent of sock. Tbis is one of the besb pigs 111 the county, and farmersand others valid do wll tosee him be fore taking their stoeir ese- flfJ wher. TEEMS -$1, to be paid at the tine of its service, with the privilege of returning if eary. J. II. CARTER, proprietor. 875 en iA BERKSHIRE BOAR -The undereigned 1'nekersmith his well and favorably known Berkshire boar'and will take for him dining the -114 present seaeona limited number of sows. a -a is guaranteed thoroughbred, and eaves as g cod er aock as any animal in -the country. T his splendid pig served about IGO sows last sees On. Terms -$1, kayak at the time of service w ith the privilege of returning •if necessary. W. 8. ;I:lettbEEILRI; 6711 7 BREED TO TIIE BEST -R. J. Tnir, Brncefield, wjll ke.p for service this 3es.?on the thoroughbred Berkebire pig, Mar- =• euis bred by AI essr• Schp SnelPs Sons Edraon- ' • ' ton; 3 his pig's el4:3 W88 impotteil Royal May- = bieeze,hred by Mr. BuselSwanwiek, of Cirences- ter, England; his dam -woes Lady Leonidas XIV., lee got by SirD. Cardiff hie grand. darn wee lreadY will keep on Lot No. 7 Co; 3, '4^?; r•:- &aa" c co •-• ttg , c M 011'. r Lou Leonniae V., get by Lord Liverpool; Roy albeit 1:0- breeze won 2nd inize at the Dominion Exibi- tion lit 1879, Lord LIN et/pool won Istat the Pro. vincial Fair in 1874, and was sold for 870 eir "i I'Careiff wen 1st at the Royal show in Engeandt' C ee It twill thus he seen that Alarquis is from the -•• very beet and nurest bred stock on both eidee ; La. 1 he is 6 mot ths old. Terine-$1 cash, pedahie o't the time of Feiviee, with- the privilege -of re- turning i1neeesary. R. TURNER. 675 PAINTIN PAINTING. HOUSE .'1A_ND SIGN P.A.I . GRAVES is prepared to do eU kinds of House and Si ng and Whitewashing. SaLsf stion Guaranteed or n eft at Wilson & Young's, Ltimsden & Wilson's, or Wm. eceive prompt at t ntion. to WHOM IT 4, MAY CONCERN. TAKE McCULLY, of Se niieeed front. our not and Lever ,will tewart, of Seaforth, f r enap loymento is ou L. D. S I NDIle G teem hone our local agents tisfy all whet fever ns apectfally GEORGE STE 85x8 General Age OTICIEe forth, having been dis- trnp1omcrt lea Artgat, be our agent. George bo has been 7 years in general agent. WYER & Co., Hamilton. able, have • retained all and will ; endeavor to with their orders. Yours ART, i t for L. D. Sawiyer & Co. PAINTINd. TING, Painting, Paper Hen charge made. Orde obertson Co.'s, wi 1 117_ _L — -FOR 1881 trusileti Fuels to all applicants and to etaitomerswithott 1' 1 cpt•-•4 • it. It contains five mien/id plates, 6no-engravIn va) ages, and full-descriptins, prices and directions or tlanting 15s0 varieties of Vezeuttlle and Flower Seecti,Platitas 'Roses, tc. Invaluable to all StIId D. M. PERKY & CO., Detroit, ich. EXTRA Value in Sugars, Tea. , Coffees nR0asiEs,isus, 6C7n8rran.ts and Gof:teal Groee es at D. D • MISCELLANEOUS. p OST mortem .examinations have, in some in- t staneeseed to the discovery oi thesears of com- pletely healed abscesses or sores -upon the lams. Tbis of itself shows that the lung tissue when dieeasee is susceptible of restoration to a sound and healthy condition,. Persons afflicted with lupg disease may reasonably hope to recover health by the use of well chesen xemeafee. Fore- most among these is Northrdp & Lyman's F-Yul- sion of Cod Liver 011 and Ilypophospitites of Vine arid Sock, a thoroughly atteeted and highly a ereeitcel epecille for coughs, teas, asthma, beton- clstis, spitting of blood, and other affectione of the throat, chest and kegs. Puhnonary irritae teen is promptly arrested by the Cod Liver Oi, and the hypophosphites, whie'le are among the tiniest renovants used by physicans, revive the flagging energies of the debilitated system. 68/ 11111E GREAT FEMAT.EREMEDY.--joh Moms- Periodkal invaluable medicine 1. unfailing ni tho cure of all those pcinful end dangerous diseases to which the lemaleconst• ittu- tmioanleves sannbabeevtra. eItitmaxaztlitnerdates Isspealledeyxrureseamnday rbee- relied on. To enseriadladies,ititt peewee-de:lite& It will, in a short tirae, bring on the Monthly pe- riod with regularite. These Ipille should not be aYeali elpais1ntsbla eh 07noelflna:aasetsNlaekneta ahlarivellOydri IhiLergreat i8tnel nu th;teeaft g uprienybctarh nifiteA f fgessuoaeiht;M :et:ran; cation, palpitation of the leas% hysterics, and whites, these pills 'will effect* tare when all otleer means have failed ; and, although: a powerful remedy, do not contain ironcalonieleantimony, or enything hurtful to the eonstituion. Fedi directions in the pamphlet isr912.11d each packages whech shod uld he carully preserved. Jetlgosios, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12 cents tor eoatageentiosee to Northrop & Lyman, To- eronto, Ont., general agents for the Domittkine will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills return mail sold in Seaforth by Hielreon & Bleasden, J. S. Boherts,ana B.Lumsde. f584.42 !!, 1 • 4: • - • r -44 •