HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-28, Page 6THE *HUB ON EXPOSITOR. Township Councils. Tuc1 sushi s.--•-Pursnlant to statute the. Conne.'1 met on the 17th inst., at Daly's Ho el. Present—Messrs. `Valk. er, Reeve • Hannah, Deputy Reeve, apd Mundell nd Sproat, councillors, who snbscrib the oath of qualification aid declaratio of office, when the Reeve took the o air. Minutes of last meet- ing read d confirmed. Moved by Mr. Mundell, econded by Mr. Spoat, that Wm. Mc onnell be reappointed clerk and tress :rer ; Wm. McMillan,. Esq was appoi ted auditor, and the Reeve nominate Archibald Dewar, Esq.,''.as the other, auditor; the Deputy Retain ing Officers to be paid the sum of `$5 each for services at the late election— Carried. Moved by Mr, Sproat, sec- onded by Mr. Mundell, that Mr. Papple be paid the sum of $2 for a drain across Centre street, opposite lot 15, and Dt. Campbell $5 for medicine and attend- ance on Thomas Downs and W idle following woo' • nts be pal I , Rogerson for pl : nk for K' walks, as pet} c. mmuted F $18.93 ; Thom s Brown' for damages to -oad in $1 ; to Francis i owler iso road in _teamin grave in $4—Carried.1 ov ad by r onded by J. H•*wain, that lee be paid $1. 5 per week fo lodging and ,c1 'thing Mar, that Michael O'Hara :.a d Kenzie be ar,to ed $1 pe the aforesa;la rants to b: fret January, 1881; until othe wits by the C,outcil, and that h instructed terite to th the Waterloo Poor House what their charge .is for in said instil`ut:ion—Ca ri J. Britton, seconded b� J. McMillan, J. Howson a• d be appointed a committee tract for building bridles and 11, lot 36—Carrie. 17 t 0 Doig --Carried. Moved by Mr. Hatt- nah, an M nah, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that they Lasham, sero dad •by Ho following sums be granted in charity ''the sum of $18.68 be r�fi nil Thomas Downs, one cord of wood andfire tees of.th . mari Cat $1; Mrs. McNamara, one cord of wood section, being theamount :p: section in 1880 by way of t: and $2 ; L. Schafer, one cord of wood ! and $2 ; S. Reinke, one cord of wood, the county scved grant, of and the following taxes be remitted : Carried. Moved by J. Meso Mrs. Wm. VanEgmond $3.24, Mrs.by, Britton, that the ter de J. Knox, to supply rock elm pla Troyer 55c, Thomas Downs 55c—Car- ed at $9 per thousand feet b: ried. Moved by Mr. Mundell, se' onded and that he deliver sufficien by Mr. Sproat, that the Reeve be era- long at county bridge, and s powered to purchase the following quail, - feet long at western bridge, tities of lumber'for the use of the town - three bridges oh S. R. 15 an ship—eight planks 22 feet long, 8x10 11 and 12, the iemainder ;,o inches ; 400 feet plank 12 feet long, two inches thick ; 8,000 feet 6x8 inches, all upon; at the rtes meeting of cedar ; - 8,000 feet of rock elm plank, 16 Carried. The onncil then feet long, 2a inches thick, to be dehv r to meet again t Londesboro ed in equal quantities at Mr. Wilke 'a, the 4th Febra ry. l Mill Road; Mr. Elgie's, con. 3, L.R. GREY. ---The new Council met and Mr. Mundell's,. con. 8, H. R. S Tucks Hotel ranbrook, 19th Jana Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, s pursuant to et tae. The oat of d onded by Mr. Mundell, that this Co lavation and alification h ing; b. cit do now adjourn to meet again t duly admi>;i tee ed, the fol ow" :8 gen Daly's Hotel, Egmondville, on Tuesda men took their seats as t>e n Col the 8th day of February, at the hour f for the year 18 1, viz : T o s Stra 10 o'clock a. m., for the appointment f an, Reeve: jell, Hislop, Dep ty Ree pathmasters, fenceviewers, poundkee Walter. Oliver Edwa d I3r -an ers and the transaction of ordinary Wm. Leckie; ouncillo oved W. ' Oliver, s conded a . Brya business` that the collec is time be e -ended the 1st of Feb. Carried M 'ved b Hislop, second d by Ed, B ans, t Alex. Stewart be one of th auldit for the curren year.. Carted. ` Reeve then ap ointed Ja es , the other audi or. Moi d, y , Oliver, second by W4 Le kie, the salaries of freers fo • t e ; c year be as folio s : Clerk 11 , Tress er $70, Asses or $85, Coll ctoe . $ Auditors each 10, and that In°xt be allowed. T e Clerk Ito draft law to that offt.—Carried. Dr. Minutes of previous meeting read and ` presented an a4count of $5 for am signed. Moved by P. Douglas, secon - ing the toe of J cob Kesseler,' detitt ed by J. McKinley, that the following man, who had oth feet batt y f oz bills be paid : Wm. Erwin, repairing Moved and sec nded th the -I actio scraper, $6.90 ; . Henry Oterbein, fo be paid.—Carried. The Clerk was i>ni- gravel, $3.30 ; spreading gravel, $1.25 structed to prepare a 'a -teal, prclhibit- Carried. Moved by J. Torrance, :, se - ing the piling of lila er,ord-Iwo i , ended by George Castle, that the Reeve saw -logs, or any other na, .tergal of i tl e give an order to Robert Sanderson, public highway Thefql , wing is oun s granting him $1 per week from and of were presents and ord: ed to .e paid ter the 4th clay of- January, 1881, for the Angus McKay; Adam 1 • rn1 ul , ;antes maintenance of Mary Bannerman, an McNair, Alex; Ross :... R b:rt'Pizie indigent person, as long as she continues $4 each for services as :et ruin- o 'ceras, under his charge, and also that a bill !df- Wm. Spence $x.20 for e urn n • ffi r 11.75, presented by D. Wilson in favor'. and fixing ballot box, Trestee1: of of said Mary Bannerman, be paid' No. 4 for use nit school h 'use I: t el cti Carried. Moved by P. Douglas, secon $3, Nd. 5 $3, N 9 $3, N 2 1.3 0. ed by J. McKinley, that this Connc 1 $3, Dames' hal $3. D :nald olc au; grant the sum of $20 for Jane McDo - lin sallary as c Hector, stagy : an old, she being in indigent circuming as essor's ox $93.5 u stances, said money to be spent.by E for gr vel, J: elinor a ,i ward , Robinson --Carried. Moved b $5 ; H gb McNeil refu G d d J. Torrance, seconded by Geo. Casts , Wm. ines, re unded do -ta • that Charles Logan's account of $3.1 Spene , registr tion Dela s, for gravel, be paid—Cari'led. Move Marri ages $5. 0; Geo. WI by J. McKinley, seconded , by George $2.50; Robert owen on av Castle, that the clerk notify the audh tract 44; Kerr & Auld • 'nt' tors to have the books audited by the Mogi non rep iring sc ape first of March next—Carried. Moved 40c; A. Stewart gravel : • d bCMr. McKinley, seconded by . George work °.3. The Council : en astle, that the following persons be r to me :t again at Egan': H funded their dog tax: John Stephe' brook, on the 2nd Mond son $2, Mrs. Dawson $1, Andrew Sti - next. 1 son $1, John Galbraith $1, also that ' -r .Alfred Grower's dog tax be taken off the Dol ' las O •wit + e • . roll—Carried. The olerk was instruct- At : time w en Arc bal • le ulke of ed to have a by-law framed and passed, Dougl • s,' was residi a fixingin I. olra d the salaries of the different ofd House, Edinba g he, on: d: st pp d cars as follows : The clerk's salary, in- into a barber's shop, a d d •ing is eluding voters' list, $100 ; registration sword out of its sheath, aid • he b r- $10, postage and stationery $10, assail- ber, " i wish to get shaved; • :,ore rel sor $70, collector $70, treasurer $75, to not to cut me, If you do, t ; sin a ut include postage, caretaker $10, auditors your • ead off with this sw :r.." The each $5, returning officers, including barbe told Ms Grace that h n at not poll clerk, each $6. Moved by George fear tl• at, as he had . sh: tie• Castle, seconded by J. Torrance, that thous: ods in his time, and h the Reeve give an order to Andrew any parson yet. After the s a Stinson for $1, for one cord of wood for frnsb.:d to the Duke's satis a• the hall—Carried. Moved by J. Torr asked the barber; how if w rants, seconded by P. Douglas, that t hand • as not shaky when h.: k Reeve be instructed to confer with t doom bleat, was; hanging ove h persons interested in the 4th and 5th heroi knight o the soap br sh concessions, from lot 5 to S. B., and "Not bit of it for you see I report at our nextmeeting—Carried. in ha • d. Had I cut you I The Coilneil then adjourned to meet on finished the job by cutting vire the first Saturday in March, at 1 o'clock ear to year, and then Ilwoul hay p. m. . nothing to fear from you .or y a g' The Duke, being fond: of a joke, was so` well pleased wi ber's reply that he not : sly, well for his work, but gave some gratuity before leaving Generale News It A: Jew was recently! Morocco for lending money —The new ,University has been burned, with manboats. --Mr. Thomas DeWitt T of the celebrated' preacher, de f .Ta • c t •tittle ofj ehlo sie- the n text* 'W la or,, turn -d to .MO o: `a+ al) aslee a . in hien e ra 'el, detid on the Cfld r. es to he fisU'er e a • it' 180, Bay, Michigan . n tto , : ec- tea. It is ten . or ro • n- shor , and ra to re boord ng, men s. The °etc n1 , : nd light 1 c-' – ohn Ma foe sok .eoh, and Malcolin M n he:lst se tenced by her ode ed toreceive ten tri al rk be fob stealing 0 nig na•er of tobacco fro a, h asder sin —A famo s 'he nt :na. ce num 'vering )2 per IMo e• by of a stable o the ,so , t • at Friday. • T ort` ug Las • am game chicks s we let ton- of the cattleware co . 10 The totm.1 loss is $� ed, b J. -It is sac na' sorb, to at"def t- outts' tmerri o the take Place i a:I da licsc ool little chapel n t a d by .aid Pie° dilly. T e e es tow rd prof nd secret, an - id yea kno n to t' a. th soon • ed -- ` r. Jana a Sh of R. H. at Bellymot.., 1.4 k delis er- found, Tues ' a in aadep••d, COIks(iousne: n t 16i :et fro his ho .e. He i� ciEent 16 wa di, never axing d also at ne s. He•le•• vett a 16i cores. dr n. e sett ed The Lo dot Ti ounci -r– improbable ti • s,t;Pa djourr ' d when he hag to ata VI Fria:�y, criniila] chef et au lenged not o 1 the t bat the Imp: r al Pa may find p• • lar crumbling we der hi:' Short hal ; dres ga meg in peblie fav w o attend a large vi w to enj y 13010' for} the disp a Of st pped upo ,nd m zeaof the "'ra wi h the inovation aliforiiia disp:'t st gewas ata da 4 mi ee T e bodies f an one wo a ivi • m tilated n pre shit. T eIndia! ha q numbered fort' z Mrs, Anson, a i.. i he tivo son near Br bund in her house ing, 'wing f r1161, ho ae u L. He sons w ed a d fros itten m th r to a neiglhbo is a posed to have tr mp, whcj, after th ew the a ch ar.e ' On •Fria 'nig. passing hr ugh e. t • vilie''divisio of the{ Raili•pad, b oke in t ereT v were hedged i • so suffocated' with t en ne that all b:• T e men on the ' tie,' th ah. in this eon, i th • .• here, where cri i al condition. :. train oil the coil sting of seven . nu 'e• ter of passers e th n from the tr ar po t an Tuesday mo: a s' ' w en i o were overturns g tsgx ed, •°me . being throw , n1; W . wa • itch into the fie i ths: a' d pails, tigers were badi s rayl havi. g his ankle oro 'lin co:.- her 1 ead badly ori: $ ; • son :internal. injure: d ; pick l here le !now eve dajojirued pr t a hent English a rail- gilt S. Jinn Cohn: eb •nary ha ' esued t chall: any .Q an my Ameri•a acro ding to the r le priz $ring, for £500 0 an. ees to alto pu.1 st to Yiit En too •• erioa1 acid Iiigi t'' ex •�. Vises are paid. Ill he aged poll (w••, togeth wit fro a 1 cold a ; d de ne: Toronto , is t who, ever 40' Year Ma Mackenzie no d y de s: forest, n ord in vas cape of "the ebel • to , e tur Of who , dea ha is bee Offered liar t. e • e e de a a, wh was m a hei :i , at that tim •: re li ; .tra Binary mnscu ar a fist won�I erful powers • f ld b e out a 1s timer assi fr m assn ted Mackenzi- d mad good he escape 0r3." caturda r ti al Mo>fni the: rain fro h bi r- via' • e Lake IShlore, a id h. m abo t 4 o'clo k. Wh a ha' • of ti• a wheel and t coni pieted, t e strtl made that the two; w an two o the fro t that •vonta ned ove hal cin gol nllio o se ha :een held tog: ua le wh le as son s,s I • 1 ed at they' a.• I•o s n wh:i h had,n ,t tui , e. d''n- situp slid a On re i- the fact that t the •)eels firm y 0, 0 and • notedly ha e be s dent.41 o tip he Morris I pie ant eventing off. ih ahua inst,: Dation Of their m : inti in tl e school hou, e era ria The house was c i c with Members an the eremenles we e L nil ten. » of the Well fi 1e • re 1 = vi d a toe 8 ea, in :s o the inner antsh 1 me ti g w s. called t ip ` o W Ray otedto th N rfo ' 1 , _son .L and )maxi° tto aye cd until the ' wee am ' tee 1' The spa ke Ra , 'Walkei:, l\1c '. wi , Ourey, isbister and singing 'ere pail Salter'�,` Tipli g, Best), star, tcLea Br nd Mills, Pugh,' Isltis er Tho best of order• as on � out-- i'ntel1ec ualit , good cheer enliven, d presence of the bean ty the neighbor nod l and all separ tot' e the s ntime t least, of their lives wa ofarni and inhaled en the Professor r re - e his wife was yet ir and the child was 's city on Saginaw contains 125 sh'an- twelve miles from eine .large reinforce- as- thus far been orman Macdonald o 'onald have been Black, Stornoway, s with a birch rod and 21'pounds of of Jersey cattl , e ed by the burni g oleman estate, n b ed dogs, goats a d Iso burned. So e a reed at $3,000 eac ,00. t e Baroness Bu - a will undoubtedly or two at a oerta n undred miles fro a t day is kept a he place is on e persons. e ' ottom, postmaster don township, was r+inti, frozen to u e road about a mile + ied an hour after- egained ooneciou wife and five chi y STT1�LEY.—After making and sub- scribing the required declaration, the Council took their seats, when it' was moved by P. Douglas, seconded by J`. Torrance, that the following persons be appointed to office for the present yea: viz.: Geo. Stewart, clerk John Reic treasurer Joseph Higgins, oollectbi Alex. Sparks, assessor ; Andrew Stihl - son, caretaker ; John Beatty, auditor ; the salary of each respectively to be the same as last year—Carried. The Reeve appointed George Baird, Sr., auditor. es says : It is n t ..:11, at the moms t a • his trial. on a .I •• hen he has chal- IC ritish Govern merit iame"nt to combat, pport in Ireland eet. ee are: decidedly r, and young ladies rty or ball, with a andnot merely ong train to be ngled in the swift et," are delighted hes report that a Indians on Fri - Fort Cummuns. en le - oil e; nd by • s, to at •rs he on er t• at r:tat site utpt- te nt . gs Tal l4ed fro: • •a : the d ver and three men n ; pasnger were found bur •. Troops are in. are supposed to s 0 n • 1 e man living with dford, was fatally •n Sunday morn-. s after in great e also badly burn- ile carrying their s house. - The fire een caused by a ighting his pipe, ng shavings. a freight train net on the Straits- altimore and Ohio o, and while the there they became smoke from the ame unconscious. following found ion and brought y are lying in a anada Southern, aches with quite a ' s on board, wa •k near Wellen ning. All but th, • and badly wreck - beyond the rail - ds. Some of the. hurt, one of them n, and a lady had ed and received. y prospect of an ht between two + d American pu- • liar Tug Wilson e, offering to fight at catch weights of the London. ;€1,000 a . side, xpenses for an nd, or he will g n Canada if hi • man, Anderson • is wife, perished ti ution last week e eritable old negro go, piloted. Win, sa ely through the ✓ o effect the es- e, r'iot," for the cap. d klive, $1,000 had overnment. An est. 2 inches 'M as a man of ex. development and durance. With- ce, it is positively c• uld never he g, January 8th • San Francisco, rived at Buffalo n an examination ticks was near' ng discovery wa eels on the rear ruck of the car million and i ••ere broken, and ✓ by the brake were open, show n; into the wheel ,around at all, bu track. But fo • rakes had hel .lace, there would • a serious acciL re HIILLETT.—The Council elect for the township of Hallett, viz.: John. >v a - Millan, Reeve ; John Mason, Deputy Reeve John • Britton, Joseph HowsGn and John Lasharn, councillors, met at Londesboro, on the 17th January, 1881, made and subscribed their respeotive declarations of qualification and ofiioei, and entered upon their . duties forthe present year. Minutes of former meet- ing were read and confirmed. Moved by J. Britton, seconded by J. Howson, that a by-law be prepared and passed, fixing the salaries of the township offi- cers for the present year—Carried. The ly a few days age, at hi; by-law was then read and passed.. Moved deme, Brooklyn; 'N. Y. by J. Howson, seconded by J. Britton, —Bin Vanderbilt has c on: that James Campbell be an auditor for to the fund established by the present year—Carried. The Reeve for the aid of i digent etude then appointed George Stephenson the University of North Cerolin other auditor. Moved by J. Lasham, =The cold weather in seconded by J. Mason, that Robert surpasses anything within t Smith be reappointed assessor for the of the oldest inhabitant. present year, at a salary of $90—Car- been icelin Pose del Note ried. Moved by J. Mason, seconded by thick. I J. Britton, that Thomas Neilans be re- —The' Russian Embassy appointed collector for the present year has been infor ed by e ata salary of $90, and that a by-law be clockmaker the the Nihilis prepared and passed to confirm the ting to constru t infernal aforesaid appointments of officers— use in Russia. Carried- The by-law was then read -The Old D minion S tea and passed. Moved by J. Howson, sec- parry's receivin warehouse onded by J. Lasham, that James We.. Virginia, with 400 bales I of ster and Wm. Cowan be refunded $1 $10,000 worth of other good; each, dog taxes for 1880, they having ed the other morning. been wrongfully assessed, and that Wm, —In the Home at Waehi Riley be paid $1 for one day's statute has beers introduced for Ilpr• labor performed in 1880, be being at the spread of contagious dise: time a volunteer, and, consequently ex- " domestic animals, and otie erupt from statute labor—Carried. Mov- importation of machineryu ed by J. Britton, seconded by J. How- manufacture of jute or flx. son, that the clerk be instructed to no- ' —The wife of Professor tify the County Treasurer to cancel the J of the Yale Art Schoo non-resident taxes against lot 23, con , health, kept a bottle of ctrl 5, for 1880, as said lot should have bee closet. assessed as resident, and not as non- F was at cl resident—Carried. Moved by J. Ma- chair, an son, seconded by J. Lasham, that ;the , old, crept . .I m ta 51 • it h •a .e • alt lr E At c s at gt ave sew �ed IR r n Sunday whitie urch she fell Isle ,p their child, abpul it to the closet amid e he . : n 1, ee ra t 0 w t u d as • n, ti • a Igt a a h f ee i t e r 1 u ba in h o bt in®d 1� t . ge had a yer e occasion of th cars. They me in Section No. 7. ' ed to repletio eir guests. Afte oncluded the con ,hampers of the with considerable of gusto. After een satisfied, the • order and Mr chair. Speeches ere indulged in, •ours ayont than s were Messrs en, Elston, War : nd Salter. Masi rmed by Misse Mesdames Web rs, and Messrs and Triggerson •bserved'through onviviality an y music and th and fashion o d the occasion ing imbued fit one . evening, a happily spent. • THE SEAFORT,H AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT _ EMPORIUM. 0 . WILMON, PROPRIETOR, Has now on hand a full Stook of 4 ; iSEWING MACHINES I Consisting of the following kinds : aier 4'.,I Wilson B., anzer I Louise, nil other makes always in stock. It i now an Cknowledged fat that the Wanzeri seriefa of wing Machines are ahead of any in tie market, l;ie Wanzer 0. being OMETHING BEAUTIFU..I • ts principal points of excellence being the lame lroomy space dander the arm, the adjust.ibil- of all` its pars ; the principal ones being of dened steel STEEL FEED n both sides of the needle ; a triangular needle ar, with oil cup niokle plated balance wheel, Rfith loose pulte}f; Positive take up ; S EXTREM[LY LIGHT RUNNIIIg, 1 It kith little or no noise. These are some of the J t Machine Oils and Needles 1fjading features in this popular machine. ALWAYS ON HAND. swing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! E ! aA full Stock of Horse -Powers, Straw Cutters, (rain Crushers, $awing Machines, Root Cutters, and all Machinery' belonging to the hrsiness. all and See Our Goods ! Before purchasing elsewhere. • C. WILLSON, - - SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH U S ICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. COTT BROTHERS PROPRIETORS. 'IANOEORT'E! THE SUPERIORITY OF HE EMERSON PIANO [s recognized and acknowledged by the Highest f2 bical Anthoriti e, and the demand tor them is it adily inereasinnas their merits are becom- n more extensively known. Other Pianos hjpplied. RGAN S. O RGA!IIS. What the ADVERTISER Says of Our Organs : THE EXCELS Th niel Bell & Co.' th First Prize at hi ition. They a h ve taken, for to . ed Organs we fo med by oom th : Ee instruments a , y other organ w+ nld recommen c••:eetosee the E SEND F T 1 PIANO „ 0 y e are seeking to r superior Instr t represented, a /i INEXAMPL L 1SGOTT Sea forth OR ORGANS.— We sed that Excelsior Organs hav ta ken the Toronto Industrial Ex - e well worthy of the p1aee they hey certainly are the A nest ve heard. We have ben In- tent parties who rare as ing that they are not excel ed by anufectured in Canadl.. We all who are intending to pur- oelsior before purchasing' R A CATALOGUE. ND ORGAN DEALERS. establish New Agencies for mrnts whereverithey are not d offer D TERMS TO RE - LE PARTIES. BROTHERS, ▪ Ontairio. BOOTS AND SHOES • JANUARY 28, .188L CIJEAP,EE TH NEVE j i 1 THE PARLOUR S WILL SELL HOODS FROM, NOW UNTIL THE 15TH Of FEB UARY, AT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IF YO OFFORD, Jr., Main St • TORE OST GOLD MEDAL SILVER, MEDAL Highest aersee, Dominion Exhibition, Toronto Exhibifloas Ottaws• 1879. 1881. WINTER. 1881. JOHN KI DO, SEAFORTH, 10tEGS to call the Special Attention of his many Customere and ihe public generally to his varied assortment of pincE.1 STOVES 1- STOVES.11 From the BEST Manufacturer in the Dorninion, viz.: WM: BOCK, OF B_RARTFORD. These STOVES possess Many Advantages Which, can. only he Appreciated hy an Inspection of them WE WARRANT EVERY STOVE And Defy Corapetiti6 Price or Qttality. MAIN STREET, ri3EAFORTII. 888 THE 'SEAFORTH . INSURANCE AND HLAND ACE.NGY. A 000D ARTICLE AT EXTR VALUE IN SUGARS, NEW LAYER RAISINS-, NEW LONDON LAYERS, NEW BLACK 'BASKET RAISINS, NEW :VALENCIA RAISINS, NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS, BOXES NEW TURKEY FIG NEW CURRANTS IN CAS BURNET'S AND LYON'S B COMPOUND EXTRACTS, CANNED TOMATOES, CO AND LIMA BEANS,j FRESH ORANGE, LEMON FRESH ALMONDS AND FRESH 1FILBERTS AND e A CALL SOLICITED, AND CQMPAAI PRICES INVITE at" The Grocery next door to the Post (1)ffice. EST EXT AO S; N, GREEN P ARS, ND dITR N EELS AZIL !\IU S. ON 00 000D AFO FOR OHOIdE FAM I LY GROCli RI ES Cl'OCICERY, AND G-14. WARE, GO TO M. MORO SON'S. CHEAST PLAOE IN 4,3EAFOATH TO BUY YOUR Groceries, Crockeiry, or lassware TRY IT. TIM IT. TRY IT. DIS8OL TION OF P RTNE atiL it Is absolutely necreesary that all outstanding debts be pa d ON Os im FIRST OF FEBRIPLR lir NEXT, as ! the businesS the firm tuust up by that date All debts not then paid will be; pnt into Co for collection, GREAT CLEARING SALE FOR THE Will have a Great Clearing Sale. The whole of, their Ipmen ing to over $5,000,Iwill be offered at COST F C*SII EXT THI EAFOR e Stock of Hoots ndSho TS AGENT for Several First -Class St011.0 Are "IL and Life Ines.rance Companies, and is preparl ed to take risks on the most favorable terms. Also Argent for several of the best Loan So. and Village Pioperty, A .NuMber of First -Class imprOved Farms for Sale. ;r, Interest. Agent for the sale of Ocean 2 teamship Tickets, OFFICE — Over Zionism's i3tore, Mai* Street, Seaforth. 645 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCEi - HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, 56,000,0004 Rest, - 1,410050004 President, Hon. Wm,. illartraster. SE A'ivORTH BRANCH. , The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues -LS receive deposits, on which interest is allovredosl the most favorable terms0 Drafts on all the principal towns s.nd cities* Canada, on Great Britain, and on the Unito4 States, bought and sold. Office—First door South of the Commercial (339 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. SEAFORTH PLANING MIT,is, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY sabscril3exbege leave to thank hisraimaroa him since commencing business in-Seafettli,sal tru.stahat he may be favored with a continuanai of the same. Partiesintending to build w,ouldrdo well t glut bim a call,as he will continue to keep on and -11 large stock of allkinds -et Dry Pine Lumber, Bashes, Doorsi; Blinds and Mouldings, &tingles* Lath, &c. Ilefeelsoonfident of givingsatisfactionto these who may favour him with their patronage, snot* bat first-classWorkmenareemployed. Particular attention paid to Custom Plan* 201 JOHN H. BROADPO T. THE OOMINIEICIAL UV Rir TT ATING purchased the Stockand Trade of tke George Whiteley, begs to state that lie intend, carrying on the business in the old stand,and formerly large stock, None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles anri Good 1?eliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Cairlages, and Double and Single Wagons always ready for noel Special Arrangeraente Made With Com- mercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. taibtive7ly baiessZe didi J. S. PORTER' .SEAFORTK I. I- am determined to Clear Out ink ! Entire Stoa of Furniture rega4-. THIS IS A GENUINE„ OS T As "the Stock must b e reduced preparatory to the dissolution Of partnership, an ready money and want cheap goods will do well to avail the selves of this offer Remember the Old and Popular Stand: Ea st Side Main Street, Seaforth. - CHANGE OF BUS SE AFOR Having purchased the Seaforth Foindry from to keep on hand, at the1old stand, M Street, Plow, Gang Plows, ScufIlers, Land Ro ers and Column Crestings, and School, Chute , Garden Repairing promptly and neatly done and satisfactio ALFRED R. NOPPER. JOHN W. HOPPER. } NO SEAFOR Having disposed of my business, I must call 0 either by note or book &count, to call Iiind settle May, as after that date I will place evelrythieg in t Court fo collection. NtSa. H, Aptil 3rd 1880. ohn Nopper, -we will ontinue other Implem nts in our line. A all W hate the IL IS. PER BR1DTH RS. H, Ont. Alit 8rd 1880. 1 all those i debte to me, e hands ef the Cler of the IOHN NO PER. TRW IN WANT, it will pay them to lime Lain prices before purchasing elsewhere. give a large diecount to those paying cash, es4. peciany to newly martied couples. I am still selling six highly finished chairs for $2. I also keep ICnowiton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest In the market ; warranter:1. perfectly noiseless. Wareroome directly opposite M. R. Counter's Mammoth jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforthe East Side. 625 .TOHN S. PORTER.; THE ZURICH SADDLERY, HARNESS FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT A eon. Stock of ,Harness of all kinds always -.ca. on hand, together with eveuthing else be- longing to the hnsiness,i which -will be soli Cheaper than ever. FURNITURE, FURNITURto Specially loW prices giren to newly Married Couples requiring furniture. Cali and See my stock and prices before pcurchasing elsewhere, &V you will save money by doing so. 680-8 =SUCH WELL, -Zink& fi ha Ed imaj tithe oy Ron this Vac Otta aeisn thor whic tioh plica our b judie a con un tende tie is a many ProPe vice Isbell pathic mtk-ei:ible holt °J81w01:11hb(13::r., p: 111 nh.ea io 0:h:gr 88 co me lartnePasi faillasId:Itotit tehbee' din:: i7iIn44 4 BIM' Ba 2 374 attention ever agar the same Ries in t homee The sale enorinous the publi they the sold lett a Zopesa, into Cane. voting ae Appatatu sttbngly surplos hi sound elig the d-,ti.spe S. Roenna a 10 cent new comp ties 75.cen Spre Asa .fa versa. sati them, at t the many Diabetes their .eura Hickson ,SL . Cases of enfeeoled ing from Complaints speedy and. prostrated : reliable re rea.ch, He follow whe For sale h only 50 cen These fe a standard. eeitgbe, for and pb.ysi Dr, Kin Bronehitis bottles free you have a of breathin of the throe this aanatler value your