HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-28, Page 5281 1881. • -11111111.1111r110.111111118ft Mob. the Brussels hospitably enter - rel ohiels, and a a very pleasantly ; is the scorn LISTOWEL, No. 1. Ratainan, 'D. Morton, Wm, Bell, G. Ford, Skip. -25, No. 2. CL Clemmie, A. Olen:ante, A. Galloway, J. Coutts,..Skip.---0. 45 an.—The children.' held their annual Town Hall, cora cations, dialogues, laatern views. A a spent and the all patrortized. cgotes Duff have al - new saw mill at aorticulturai So- ar 4583 iu prizes, ad among 98 dif- a of Exeter, has tie Vice-Presidente ddiesex Fire In- ao left Morris Iast tee, has returned. convinced tha rownabip Council aud J. R. Wm. Wakefield, Assessor. lough, of the Ilth ne, is preparing Ition of a brick mina summer. k gr. Wra. Tre- .o;cket. book con - id between- Hen- sa of Mr. Daniel a, of the Homan have this year so E pork, for which price of 46.25 per Firth, named Wm. to; jump upon a it, and one of the ()tit his legs,brins- and Kincardine ch at Luoknow Royal Caledonia t by the Goderick is. C. Chriatie, of Stephen, had a aoved from her a, of Exeter, and f John Keeley,. royed by fire on hey lost nearly as 4500; insured n, of the toms - a London town - bred bull calf, )O cash, and two piece last week.. yf the village of aed to out things 'a fixed the sal - year as follows ad Collector, NO, nage of Auburn, to Mr. Thomas Eor $2,250. The >ssession in Feb- ; parcel of the es will regret to Mrs. J. W. Me - and formerly of lace last week. a most estimable tly esteerned by a Mr. Buraball, ay, prepared a on going next id in which he he fortad that ad been stolen son of Thomas -.. th Miran, has toff of sessional ng a sessional ✓ session. Mr. e to do better 3. McCartney, was driving ton, his horse Y , throwing the aging the ve- ortunately, no La collector for on the 16th of artaseit House, _610 from 1 p. wealthy town - how to make has been ap- James Brown of $85 each. :sed the town- ny yeors, and. best possible of Brussels irths, 11 mar - This is the a been register- -le of Brussels his, especially • lines. Robert Pent - near Nile, accident in a was retUrlailag uride..y Meat, limb a fence, ine a hie leg.of the Kin- ahich will be Tuesday, 1st object will be aat the fron- ded izz Can- ' conditions of : Clinton can theoldest, if the.oidest, ned aptain in he ombaion. ho Ids the a. 4 Company, hie commis-. : 'ear 1/351, the A .Eigia, who metal.. The tin years, still t in all things and has under at is rated as 1 JANUARY 28, 1881. .......1 the bo:t Volunteer Company in the triot. The ''boys" regard him al as a f: titer, and well they may, fo watch s over them and their inte with thonghtfulnesii , and con8i tion t at does him credit. — e are glad to learn that lss Ettore t, of Exeter, organist of k he Metho ist Church, who has been an- gerous 3-, ill for someti e, is now e. - coven g. --NV: note by an AIjcna, Stiehl n, paper, that Mr. Th ra s Westrop,f of that pl ce, formerly conductor an the Goderi h branch of he Grand Trink, died t ere on Sunday, 2nd inst., from pneum •nia. He left l a wife, an'two .thildree . / —At the annual seting of the est Huron gricaltural °piety, the 41 oW, - ing offi ers were elected: President, W. Young ist. Vice- resident, W. J. Hayde ; 2nd Vico-President!, J hn Salkel ; Secretary John Var oia ; Treasn er, R. .B. Scott. —Th. London Ad ertiser speaks as follows of au old uronite : Samuel Hanna Director of tlie Oil Exchange, Oil Cit , Penn., is in the city on a visit and intends visiting his old friends in Huron before gping home. Mr. Hanna is now ane of the oil kiugs, and look as young as ever. f —The newly ele ted Mayor aud Deputy Reeve of Wingham, Dr. Me - Donald and Mr. 11. W. C. Meyer, en- tertained the members of the prese t Council as well as the retiring m bers of Council at a oomplimontaiy supper the other night. The 'fathers" had a splendid time. —The following are the municipal officers f the village of Blyth for tho current. year. with the salaries paid o each : F. Metcalf, Clerk, salary 351 C. E. 'Tanner, Treasurer, salary $4, C. Ha ilton, Asseeso , salary $401. Auditors, D.' B. McKinnon and J. A. Andersoij, salary $5 each. —The Sons of Temperance of Ethel have presented Mr. Ratohffe, a menial- . ber of their lodge, withl a han(lao gold breast pin, accompa iel by an dress, in recognition Qf his valued vices, more especially treasurer 1 f the lodge. Mr. Ratcli e is justly very proud of the handsome gift. --Mr. Newsorne, of he township Grey, re ently caught a large wild c in a trap which had been set for mink The animal was captured in Mr. Tho Lanes' s atop, about Bixmiles fro Brussels. It weighed about 16 pounds', and had bcen in the trap for severe days before Mr. News me noticed it. 1 —Mr. John Haggit, who has bee carrying on the bla ksmithing an wagon making business in Londesbore for sortie time, skipped mit on Mo daY might last. /Hs liabilities are abou $1,000, and his assets nill, he. ha in collected all his accounts and pocket the money. He has gone to the St .43 —Mr. J. Bastard. and Mr. Hunte , o Usborne, were breakin in a colt to th 1 cutter. They started u on turning out to pass began to kick, and the field, shattering the clear and went boTi neither of the occupant —At the annual mea trict Orange Lodge of Morris, held on Tuesday of "last week, the following, officers were elected for the tarifa year : WM. Magill, W. D. M.; Art Woodmair, D. D. M.; Wm. Brown, 18- ost he- sts a- 4- f for Exeter, team the pot B turned into a v utter badly, g t w ie., Fortuna e y s was injured.f ing-of the -.,..,_. • Oi stook subscribed to be Hance Cu ming, Hug —Miss LiZzie, A. Mag 1,1c and Henry °ghat were rectors for he ensuing ye resident of Ttitnberry, Michigan " teach soh while walki g home on evening slip ed and fell, ankle. Me ical laid was cured, but spitie what c the joint in amed, follow and althoug two doctors tendance,1 y were nnab life. ---A large and enthasi was held at Por Albert night, to aped s th3l bringing a ilway throh West Wawa osh!and A.13 Albert.' Mr Joseph G i Reeve of As field, uccupit A number o interesting 's delivered., a •81 a, c mit to open corr pande ce wi way compan, willingto bi proposed. . —Mr. R. I win of Clio the contract o Mr. J. St pkanson fr the erection • a new storehouse, o he built imraed telY abngside, and some- what larger hap the one owned by him at the Grand Tru k Statioi. When the nekv Wild ng is dnapleted it is intended to be the most rfect of its kind in this section of Ontario, and wit hold one hundred; thousandbrishels of grain, or two hundred and fifty c loads. ' i1. ---The annual meeting f Hu lett District Loyal Orange Lod was eld in Clinton on Tuesday last eek. T et; was a large number in ata n ance, an 4l very deep interest in . the cause was rnanifested. ;The followin gentle e were elected for t e ensu year ; Canteloia ; Treasurer, Copt in E. Diaw. D. M., Brother John. Scarlett; D. D M., Thomas Copper ; See etary, D. son; Chaplain, Thos. Malveen ; D. o C, J. Brintn 11. . 1 —At the anal, meeting loll the Nett Huron Agri ltutal Soci:ty the ' fol- lowing officer land Directors 1 were ap. -pointed for e current year : Piled dent, Mr. C as. l Hendets n ; ce President, Mr! Alex. Young ; Secret Treasurer, Mr. John Ander* . Dii• tors—Messrs. W. T. Bray a d Georg McKay, for ingham ; John Ferro and Mulvey,- r Tiarnberry ; ,Riley, fo Wawanosh ; I. Ulster and Walton, fo alorris: In lite evening the annna dinner was he.1 atlWingham and was —One evens ig last week a sleigh load a very success gland pleasan affair: of young lathe and gentlemen, of Exe- ter, to the nn milber Of twenty-two, made .i,,, sidence of Mr. Fife, in t - a'p1Aied. $2 C.uuniigh a point d L. I eo, a ter o went last,' f e o mating dm Pbtle dPoulo d by loc ja pre iti e to saveer s na eti eat F, id h East a Id to ; '11'D n d :the ha eechee w e 'appo nt any ra illd a e dn 1. er to 11, , er o- t-, id oat r. ere ed , haat let y • • a raid on th.e Usborne, whe they were hospitably entertained 1), he family. After pass- ing a merry ti a e they retu d hone. The only dra - t task- to conailete enj y - meat experie 11, d by the young en i • ' was that they ad to walk a couple of miles or so to Kt out of the little limn- enience once ieylhad returned to -- ell, the sleig8 e Debating Sobiety Was; 7th of January. Its. d fortnightly in Case's The last Meeting, Joni ,'was an interesting pate. iscussed was,. ' .Resol ed ' ion of Charlie I, was r. Geo. Moir cted 'as 1 Chaplain ,; Henry Clot Joseph Cunha, D. T Harrison D. D. of C. --Mr. Wm. Weir, concession, Goderioh cently offered 4350 for heavy draught Mao, The gentleman who last year bought one fr in foal, :paying there or 42-50. S ed, he sold it 1120 prizes D. Secreta easurer ; ja. f the Bayfi wushp, was a six year end refused ade this o m him that after the foal was wea 4200, and obtained two —The other day a la the mareand foal. . Mr. Willi ms, of Usbo ville, was killed by a f , tree lodged in another, was safe, Mr. Williams when it s ddenly fell, st on the head, killing it other horse belonging escaped n hurt. —Dalai two very y ;, es re- ld it. er, as on for. on rse belongin t ne, near El th)- 11ing tree. he. and thinkin it . drove Under it liking the ho's ' instantly. h to the te 1 Stewart, of Brussels, ha, ucceSsfal sin ing classes " the township of Grey, no in Lynn' school helm, No. 4, every Meade evening, alnd the other oa Wednesda3 evening ix4 School Sect4n No. 3. Thi is a very leasant way lof'spending ar evening, and will no doubt prove benefit to he young pea le concernef —The ober day, whi e a young Ink named Edmund Small, ear Elimville inthe township of Ils orne, was at tending to the co WS., on of the bovirse made a rub. at anothe ,but instead io hitting the mark, she st uck the yonia man below the lower lip the horn goib through and striking t e top of hi mouth. No teeth were knocked out, but the lila was badly torn. —Mr. John Gourlay, of -Usborne, purchased from Mr. W4liana Stinson, Sr., on excellent farm on the 13th con- cession of Jsborne, for which he pays the hand °roe BUM of 47,000. Mr. GI:Imlay h e his eye on two, other ex Oellent far s. If he should succeed in purchasing the latter, it is understood he intends stocking his lands with a herd of thdroughbred eh rthorns. —A few days ago a little boy in Ex- eter, son of Mrs:Bailey, had a remark- ably narrow escape from severe injury. He was returning from school with i a number of other childrea and jumped On tl; pasfa g sleigh. Lo ing his hold, he fell o, and one off the runners passed over his foot, tearing the sole completely off his boot. Strange o say be wanot severely njnred. —The Molesworth 1 Joint Stodk Cheese and Batter Mann actnring Cone pa.ny held their annual 4ieeting in tlie school house, Moleswo th, on Thu day, the 6th of January, it was well a tended. Mr. A. Roberts re of Howie was chosen President, ad ably presi ed on the occasion. ¶he -Secreta y read the report. The 4eport showd. the mpst rigid economy had been c4-. ried out in the entire nianagement of the factory, and that Mr. Wood., the cheese maker, had performed, his work well; of 1,462 cheeses m de, there was not a single cull. - The t tal amount of. cheese 1m -a ufactured wtas 89,691.62; total amen t of chees Bold, 88,127 pOUrtaB, wh eh amonutedI to $9,399.9 sold to pa,tr ns, 2,751 po nds, amours , 11291.71 ; m ney paid to the patrons f r the season 37,654.92; ota1 expendi- tura, $1,7 4.99 ; naann acturing ea- penses fron. the stand to the cars, $1,&51.91; 1 debt on fac ry lessened this year, 1i8.37; totall debt, interest to Novenab r 1st next, iiialuded, assets —The ormed on th eetings are h school hon Friday even n The subject that the execn justifiable." leader of the a derson led the the Chairman, decision in fa The subject f solved that fic than beneficial be led by Mr. negative by .Mr .1 —At the an bets of the Mo Society the fol rectors were Cumming ; Ari Jr.; Directors McDonald, J. Potter, L. Th. Geo. McGowa Kinnon and J. odors' meetin he Society's lection of Hu nd James Mc rm tive, and Mr. n- ega,ive. A .1 the close, Mr. Geo. Lowe gage the or of the ffirmagve. r next meet ng is, "Re- im is mot inj rOnis " The a.ffir etiv will the is lt 1 . F„ Robinsen an Ged. Moir. I nal Meeting bf he m ris Branch .Ag icult owing officera an dl : Prefiden e-Prhsident, XII es Geprge Pie ce, og4, A. W. ,..loa rne, N. Ounl ieg Anditors D B. 'Andersou.1 Th , which took pl ce eeting, resul i MeQuarrie, S °wan, Treasiir nnual dinner f this Society! eld at Etwin'4 Hall on We ebrnary 12, arld as it has alwa • ccessful, we t inklthis one! f. 11 behind tho e ofi other ye ancially the s cietY is in a ve eroas. n. Phe annu S owed that th receipts for ear had amou ted e.:peaditure to 543. landsome hal nce oat cots and me bet o tainly to be ongr f vorable and, f r lo tiohal a result. Si o 4629.97, 0, leavint of 4119.4 of the so6 tnlated �r al sooietfe — ,Q the a t the °Ono USiO or u ing of the Brutes le ouncil, th elected Reve, Mr. 7 C. Rog: dressed the asse bled ratepay t Linked the ele tors for placin the position of -Reeve of Bras said he was willing to devote vate means to esist the vill While he and his colleagues wau d go i for economy an keeping dot xa tion, he did not he1ieve in ch e e par, ing. The repa ring Of road... fia walks, etc, wouldalways be le •y i - dr, so as to all w any one t e op ot4 tutaity of doing tie work. In the- semi'. naonthly meetin s of tho Coancil he would wait a qn rterlo an h lir a the time appoi ted for mee ibga would then proc ed with,the 1usin s of the evening. As t salt, he aa other i1ce:, for ernatt , h' d proc:ed. it A pub ip ra : :t • in do t in matter Wori18 be e nonnced pa 'ies ke capital Of it s calling thein aa. �f ped the seta lof th such that at he i os ould be re -e :3t,e b Cr ir. ine B p qill TB. 1 r y Nasi 1 r-jior he pas na th te▪ tyiat su 4. , exoeit la st wl rs, ad. H rs. i Is. H is ge land M - written to Petora and information rega ding t site promised hit, won the work in the pring. jag would be 1 calle when the whole ained. He d Were trying to m 13g his promises, coakers. He h Conneil would b of the year they colanaation. T:IUN N—In Sisafcirth, on the 21st in Mr. Michael Da /of a sae. MURRAYIn Seat° h, On the wife of Mr:Fran 000K—In Seaforth, . Mr. John C 31A.RRIS--In Hens Harris of a son. WORTHINGTO— the wife of A. • daughter. OAMPB ELL—In G wife of Mr. 0 POTTST—ln Blyth, 411 e wife of Mr. S4t t., . . iie1e of _1 d nsti tie htet ' • e wife Of . George th bast e (11 ti, the e is Murray ofa da n the 28rd in t., k of a dough the wife 74.1 Clinton, on he Worthiegten, M. ey, on the 1 th pbell of d ugh the 16th inst, t f a son. hell, on the 1 th r Thornspn of da II • • r. a nst 4 th ',QUEEN • bride's n ult., by assustedib Queen,RE—W by the Rae, Es Sarah Jan Mr. Writ; E1AGGITT-] by Rev. W Miss Alihe Wawanoah! ri es.' THE RONfitt.EXPOSITOR. ROMS N -- t the residence of the le Ne Stews{ -t, Esq., .on thc 9th A. S wart,/ uncle of the brie, tRev. C. Fletcher, Mr. JohnMe• I ra Th mson, allof Us orne. eafort , on the 25th v. - MCDo akl, . , of atto , York , young , t vie OS—A Birks Matli inst., John i °nun y„ to I et d tighter the late na. ; Myth, on the 19th 'nst., 1 r. George A Hag It, to . Moss, all of est AMAN-- hi YN.7,-- n •Usboroe, oil the 18th 1 inst., at h reside ce of the brido'kfather, bY ROV. GO. Weobe Mr. George Heitman, of Exeter, 'Miss E a Pay ne, of Usborne, 4 01039N— ERT N— n Kincardine on -CLIMIE—III NS t the reside ce of the 1, i r the' 12th n t. • Rev. Mr. Murray, Mr. son, of Kin ardine. Joseph T;- ckso chtes eon of Mr. Isaac ' Jackson, of linto to Miss Mag ie Robert- i gins, of Oh t e tg.arl .T ne, - tighter ei mr :‘,vm. Hig• i bride's faih op t e 19th inst., Rov. A. Stewart, Mil. o in urrie, of. East awanosh, 1:r/rya. M CALLUM-=4- I liT by Rev. W. en gh, Miss Mart Hert, CiKMEYER—LA:IE P. Russ, enOie 19 eeyer, cliE hel to : 1 MSON-4Itie EAN 'ride's fatber, T Ise n, Mr. Oha le homsori, Es , 1 eLean,df Tile b i t the parsonae, Walton, Mr. John MaCallum, to oth of MeKillop. In Bmesels, by Rev. J. inst., Mr. August Eick- Miss Emma 3. Lake, of -At the residence of the urg, by Rev. Mr. McRob- meson, son nf Andrew itchell, to Miss Jessie C.A.mp13--Flp G—SUTHFR A •—On the 26th inst , at 1 he resid nee of he ride's father, by'Rev. A. STOCK OF THOSE IBEALTTIOUL .111cDo ald, .. •os Young of' the town - hip of Pl te Miss Jane!,Sutherland, of MONTRE L, Januaty 25. — The few IA MOST IDECIOED SU6CE prevailed est ThurOday, although not et sales Mad were at higher figures than higher than the priOes a week ago. Good butchers' cattlel brought from 4c. to Iic. per pound, and common cattle from 3.10, to 32c:, while a few of the poorest kind were sold at about 3o. per pound. There were no live hogs on the market to -day ; dressed hogs are about $6 75 per 100 pounds.; 1 Live Stook Markets.' THE LEADING Ho,USEr FOR CLOTHING. TWEEpS 1 TWEEDS CM AND SEE ullett. ESPIE by Rev. A. . tho bride's fa Seaforth, tO IcKillep GH—WakIR On ti . Hartley, the ether, Mr.179. ss 11; liptheth . of L cDo her, Miss —On the 26th inst., ld, at the residence of r. James Gillespie, of ary L. McMillan, of .„, 19th inst., by Rev. A. esidenco of the bride's gh, of Stanley, to Miss De N—In Sea >Ali erbert, :icsdnifest 8 menthe. NOCK—Niaini Mole rs. wean aged REGOR—'!- n y.1 m. MeGre s gel tt, ., eldest Bori of Mr. pars and it tithe), TH OBALD-1- adbert, Rein ' r. lyth, agq4128 re.. IITCHEOINH-I Win he wife inton. ths. /the 28rd inst., David of Mr. H. Town, aged worth, on the 9th inst., years. n the 13th inst., Mrs. 52 years. n the 19th inst., John Rickard Jackson, aged 6 a, on the 17th inst., Theobald, formerly of ./ am, on the 18th inst., Cutcheon, formerly of ties • Wednesdat, !Feb Lot 3, Co 08 litfol1 Stok and ahapieme rnence at la aiclock 04 les Caitet,4. Brine, anctione .11 Sales. ary 16, 1881, on Hnllett, Farm .s. Sale to com- . M. sharp. Mrs. eprietress ; J. P. 1C ICE pebl at D. D. 10.11.TarEAL His 11 rete ass S eaf Co In ex Mills. 1: It LIB OR Herrin 4, in! ere', Fin oh fiti LOGAN'S Ae,a10 , 1 'ND SAL ii --A. la Land Sal Pa., sale rth. Mu h el this 0 nd fall, a , d is' tnalte h. ooe Pic4iseialBf pay the treat ;as ol-pickin a Hide , ci at my Illiattme s 'r everythin • 1Jo MC AT WO RE • nter Clo ye', Men dies' Ile kets at es'Eur IA IN G otices. an Haddies at 70 8 d for Oats at the & URQUHART. 981 etrings and Lake barrels, Kit and Barrel and other Fish go to 680 quantity of first - heap at the Big Mills, was made last sum - d . A. W. Oeinvim & ES AND SKINS.-- pricee for any quantity eep and calf skins de - re. No truck or trade, S. PORTER. 654 NUAL !NG SALE ON AT LL &. CO.'S. JCTION 0.11T ALL 17 GOOD.S. OU VE Onr .tock be ent to t, A A ELLING OFF olesale Prices, h' Overcoats at Cost, antles at Cost, and Boas at Cost. GE STOCK. large, gives a good t a BLE PRICE. rdially *rite i lo ek at the Great Bar- offer. MC130 ALL & CO., DIRECT 1-14B0 E S, SEAFORTH. Fall SIV Spring Spring P°eaatgappeeil Barley pa Butter, Bntber, Egfle . • Flour Roy, ney Hides, p Sheep akIl SaIt(iretl Salt( Pt Appl s, Oatra. al Tallo Dreee Wor Fall Sprin Oats, e Berle Paseo 11 PC PHM KETS. BEAF ETH, Jan. 27, 1881. 1 00 to 1, heat,PI e0per bushel.— 1 08 to 1 heat,R elf,lha kpebnh01 8005 too 10 tuthel.. 4,:;... ahel.... • • • • ••., .•.... • 0 60 to 0 64 bashe ; .! . . 0 65 to 0 19. O.], Loo O.L.. 0 17 to 0 18 • . 0 28 tO 0 015 to 0 18 100 lb ..i .... ... — 2 75 to 2 5 • .'• . . ... 900 to 12 6 rsle0Oschlb. 4....:.1.. ......... 0 75 to 150 7 00 to 8 06 il)per b irel, 1 00 esale)prbar 1......., 0 90 per blehei, n w. 0 30 to 0 36 rbi- 1 . 1 0 30 to 0 40 bril.g... ..l 4 • . ..-.I 6 °) r lb • r; '' 0 (: o 5 ° Lo 0 p°6 ogs per 111 /6 640 to 6 .4s i °ord... .. . ...1 ... . 2 25 to -2 50 2 6 • or, wren, Jan. 270-881. h at.per b abet. . . .. 1 02 a 105 1 12 e .. @) nt'l 1 08 0 BO 0 0 32 ,p r bushe . .... . 065 @ 085 e bushel. . • • 0 60 @ 0 70 016@018 080 0 085 Matti • • ' • • .. . 41' POtat004IneW.... 111Hgagy,nP"eWo.i. ...... • • • • • eiontea Sed • s T'lethyl Seed. Dreisled Fogs per q.00 LxivUBpooL,a.. 9s106d, red r 08d; club, 104 5s 3d; :•eas, ; 7s 04 chee:: :s . I Ths to pi pes, butt 45e dres NTO, Ja ; sprin 30 to hay, r, 20c t o :50o; e hogs, p 1! 00 (d 12 001 4 00 4 50 8 10 0 8 5 6 00 0 670 Spring wheat 9s 08d; white, 9s ats, 6s 2d; barley, pork, 67s Od ; beef, . all wheat, 41.08 1.1 to $1.18; oats, 376 6 o; 1 barley, 78c to prtoi4,$8�� to $14 00 ; 24c j potatoes per bag, per doz., 2043 to 28c. r 100 lb ., $6.50 to 37.00. • 8 WEE &FOR SUITINGS NO HING LIKE THEE.. VERO ATS, OVERCOATS are Bargains will now bet given, in order to Off the Entire Stock, at Clea ampbell's Clothing and 024 ttirag Estalishment, Seaforth. No. 1, Campell's Brick Block, Main Sreet. WANTED. ITUATION WANTED -As Houseke4r, by se thorough] -4 respectable woman, id a fatally; here thew are no email children. SfOst be espectable. pply by letter to H. 0. ALLEN, arlock, Ont. 686x4 ESTRAY STOCK. STRAY SH EP—Came into the pemise's of the unders gned, Lot 88,,Conoession 2, H. R. • Teckersmith, about the first of November, a we, marked 'with the letter IL The owner rnay ate the same on proving property and paying penises. WM. WILD, Clinton P. 0. 6854 FOR ALE OR TO LET. ROPERTY IFOR SALE --Por Sal, on easy t erne, that desirable residence on Ja.mes Erect owned by Mr. George Dent. Enquire of .8. PORTER, Seaforth. 681 TORE TO R NT—To renta large and 4.:lln- modious sore in Whitney's block, Main treet, Seafort , in the best besiness part of the wn. The sto e I 61: feet hang with a eitore •om 80 feet in ength in the rear. Rent reason- * and nooses ion Oen on lith January 1;:1. pply to WHIT EY B1iOTHE11. 579 A- RM FOR 0 —The iliqth half of Lot 26, Lot 27, and the east half :of Lot 28, Clonces- s on 4, L. B. S.,Tuckersmitb ;1200 acres for gale i one parel, or two of 150 mares and 60 acres ✓ spective,ly; first -glass buildinga, godd fences, a • d orchard; the land is in a good state of °WU- v tion, is well watered, and is well situated as to ✓ ads, &e. Any,erson wanting a good farm, in a g od Win do well to look at this one be - 1 ire buying elsewhere. For particulars andterms a ply to JAMES IAWRENCE & BR0THER on t e premises, or to MESSRS. 1.1cCAUGHEY & OJAIESTED, Barristers, Seaforth. 672 MEETINGS TO BE HELD, OTICE--/The Annual Convention of the Wes- tern Dirymen's Association will be -held in - own Hall, at Stratford, on Tuesday, Wednes- y and Thor's& y, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Feb- ary. MenberR can obtain certificates entitling em to a reduc ion of railway fare by applying the Secretary at Ingeroll. By ordr, 0. E. ADWICK, Secretary, Ingersoll. 685x2 NN UAL la ETIN G—The Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In- ane° Cos:openy will be held,in the Town Hall, rieh, on lMo4day, the 7th day of February, D. 1881, t 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of e eating Di ctobs and the transaction of such o ber busin as es may be necessary. /T. V. ,D STEIN, Secretary, Zurich P. 0. 6134-3 OTICE A General Meeting of the Share- holders and, Patrons of the Bluevale Cheese F etory Company will be held ma Patterson's El Blueva c, oh Friday, February 18, 188, at 2 o' lock P. M1, w cn the incomir g season's make of whey will e offered for sale. Also the draw- ing of milk oln t e difierent routes and the deliv- er of a- quantity of firewood will be let by public le der, and ny ither businese transacted that m y be brou ht efore the meeting. By oder, JO N BUR ES , Secretary. 686-8 ab th th 10 fo of. Tr N. 'OSBORN AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE IN 3t1 ANOE COMPANY—NOTICE— e Animal M-eting of the Members of the ve Inenkonc - Company will be held at C(1121)04'8 0 a ce, at Farquhar, on Monday, 7th day of Fe .rnary, 188, at 1 o'clock P. M., the purpotse f electing a Board of Directors the current y r, receiving the Annual Report the Directors the Financial Repoxtl of the asurer, and o her business of the Company. J. CLA11, ecretary. ROBERT GARDI- , Preside t. 685-3 IMP9RANT NOTICES: ARROW & P . . tors, &c.1G-o Proudfoo OOD CUT a Portia EV. A. D rE nd O'CDFOOT, Barristers', • Ontario.—J. T. Orarrow. 686 FOR SALE—For sale cheap, utter, new last winter. Apply DONALD, Seaforth. 686 13. HUT() IN ON, Graduate of McGill Col lee, filo tre 1, Licentiate of the Royal Co) lege of Physi ian , Edinburgh, and lat House Sin g eon of C aig ockhart Hospital, Edi burgh. Offibe—Winh re,- Ont. 86 iAIITION—Th ublic) are hereby cautioned ed d against &yin credit to my wife, Mary Jane Kis p, without rap written order and conent, as I in not be r speinsible for any debts contracted by her from•t is date, she_havinglef t my bed and bo rd without my knowledge or consent. WAL- TEt KEMP. Se forth, Jan. 11, 1881. 684x1 TOE PE A CAR A DREW CIL 41- begs to tende grieids in Seafort &little who have Patr nage since ere bus' eS13 some eig tha ks for their ve ho have been ind nd he character o tad to me my th ssu e them of my tte tion at all IV rlios successful se sinc commencing tied of the past se rano on the busin t hil the profits on b e moderate, I h ll te nyae1f on the r tion . I start this dete mination that, t114e wants of my ehalllbe no exceptio 10 aflnonnce dnrin sei4y and rapid gr bUsi ess in the pas see a» my old mato at p ssible during e de vor to give th ail a d carry oat a irg N. 'th everyone d A. CA ER, LE'S GALLERY OF THANKS.' We wob r1 SM.APOIVra. IS ria--= DUhICAN & DUNCAN, SEikF0 CHEAP GOODSMUST ND WILL T CUR CLE ARINC SALE HAS BE ti MOST SUCCES THE QUAETITY OF GOODS SOLD SURPASSES OUR E TH, FUL. X P E 04- T i0 eN S i FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS; — asommilit THE 'CENTRAL CROEBY 1.:41 ewer IN .ARDN(7Y$ BLOCK LtAIDLAW & FAIRLE„ GROCERS AND SEEDSMEil. 7-- T TTTTT -T T T TTT TTTTTTT •T T T , T TTT TTTTTTT qt lav Yeas, di goods rOM common to the choicst. Coffees, Roastell and Ground OR the premies. Sugars, raw and refined, extra gooti Currants, new and clean, andivery choce. Raisins, in Tr4lncias, Looe, illus. catel and CANNED GOODS. Canned Meats, C and a full line i Spiess,- &. trued Fruits, Canned Fisk Pickles, Sauces Ethets, • n Consequ nce we tor Another T STILL FURTHER REDUCTI TO EFFECT AN ENTIRE CLEARANCE NG - M P 6 THE EMNNT TABLE WELL WE ER, Photographer Seaforth, to his numerous patrons and and the surrounding rannici- vored him with their tallied arking in the Photographi° t years ago, his most hearty, liberal support. To those GO by my reasonable prices my work to transfer their nko are also due, and I can 'Lstservices and courteous s., I have just .closed the FULL LIN eon's trade I have ever had e business in Seaforth; The eon has been notably in ad - a of any previous on, and individual transactions, have ve good reason to conmtu- salt of the season's opera. beyar'evsenbumsoinreessetriient atthwenfitiromu isspEc any kind friends, thie year • plaeing me in a poSatien the corning year the Barnes wth which has marked ray, I shall always be glad to ere and as many new 811138 e present year' and 1 shall ✓ ery best of satisfaction te traightforward line of deali ing business with me. ppoeite Commercial Hotel. I t DU NCA FU ontinue the Sale Days. NS TO EillE MADE 0 MAKE ROOIPA-FOR rTA111 0 I- LL OF BARGA OF VE1tY DESOR1PTI N, AND IS ALWAY/ IN STOCIC CROCKERY ANS ,GLASSWARE1' Gtanita Tea Sets, 1bhJs Tea Sets—plain and dee-crated Brealefest,and Dinner Sets, Mita& Setf, —pleln end dedoratedr Table Sts, Toikit S etei end' a huge afsortrcent of Fancy kloods. Prices Low and Good Al. SEED DEPARTmENT. Coser and Timoth. Seed forSak. Field tind Garden e eds to mie. Higbeetpriee raid for good clean Clover and "Timothy Stott • • , NOT] THE VACT. That ail Goods eoldbrits are Warrat.ed 10 be le epresented oratsli Refundd. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY SEAFORTIL VAt.. EN TT E VALENTINES. NS VALENTINES. VALENTINES. BOTH COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL • AT ALL PRIRS, FROM WORTHY OF AN IN PECTIONI AL NE.. ONE CENT TO SI.50 EACH. ARE A1480 REAT REDUCTIONS I REAT REDUCTIONS 1 REAT REDUCT10148 I REA+ REDUCTIONSl! REAmi REDUCTIO11S I REAT REDUCTIONS I REAT REDUCTIONS I REAT REDUCTIONS I resp? of 8• dully Solicit a Ca iving Entire Sati S OF GROCERIES AND BOOT lON 8011ICITED. SILKS, DRESS OOLS, • WME118. STRE$, SIIHM RE CLOUD' FURS, 80. 1,19 and feel :con dent Tactic* A' Very Large and Betattifiti Assortnznt. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, , 1 AND SHOTtS, C EAP. & DUNCAN, IMPORT, PARISON NV1 ED. RS,' SE FO7TH. EAFORTII - - ONTARIO. YSTERS. OYSTERS. Plcazz: 181. M. J. RIGGi SIEJIFOR1I4, AS now concluded arrangements th hale Oysters impoited DIRECT FROM SAINT- * ORE, and diesires all who want GOOD kRESHOYSTERS TO GI'S% HER: A CALL. 1i4O HOTELKEEPERS AnI d others bUying in Log, Quantities 'there -gyp be a Liberal Beduction men. ! • M. J. 11.10G, Seafortba; Opposite ;the Cortunercial Hotel. ORYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL EOiLER MAKERS. Subscribera have bought the Tools and Boiler ;Itisirtese lately carried on by the ilod- eriatFoanary and Mantifacturing Company, and listing had an experience ot over eight Years in ituhIllshitoep,batraenenholzprepared. to oar*" 011t.4e trade lay work entrusted to tie Will receive Plotnpt attention. First-class work guaranteed. :likiudgof4;ierema°eana 7Palredals° 3rokeStata SheetIxon WOrio8 res- Boublera. th47seawortesalit Pnanotigrera,aadediulatdpricles°0413.114141111K14.efy cotImn- petition. CRYSTAL &i BLAC, 682 Box 103, Gederldit*, 41 877