HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-28, Page 31881. FACTORY o la e the Pork Business peeing the highest_ Fy of good pork to rO TH . on hand at his Stora lent Stock of tees, Bolognet, Cuttings, ng td the business. ler the Place --Next RCBB, Seaforth. 'UNBAR, $ if :porter of all kinds els G ens, Bifie,t, Re - Sporting Goods in rublic that he has t= in lir. Roberts'' -ite Cartlno`e Hall, usiuesa. All kinds: Keys, Guns, Revol- Table, Plate, &n. ing of Sewing Ma- s, Knives, Skates, ed and repaired. .l and Si1vEr. Old as new. All work I;tI attended to on AR,-Seaforth. NICUs N TIE °sing of his Flaxto a good active manage it props own, and in splen rang steadily dur- . n connection with r. LOAN, cart ott reartonable security. Commerce Build. BEAT'Ti. R,IU M. kit bis numerous: d others) for their past 7 years,; arta lose attention to once and trade in ' larged hie prem- w prepared to,'.pay SH` PRICE: ih Eggs, delivered: IA,FORTH. torts of good dry- WIISGN FACTORY. i make to Order, xringesr atg:; ter ar: tielejn their their own bud - I I article both as work cannot be bUahmetite. d to. Give ua a :an satisfy you as ,e public, having fiver 12 years. HABEBJB. rMILL. TED.► .11QUHART rr all kinds or gs, delivered in ±an have hem: owing' most of usA.BT, Reagan. 'FALTERS Sail YOBg and Ltd Lo-Nnoss onderry, Glee- area _es low Stut. ed to per cone Anehor Line knee and corn - f' ce,: See.fortli; Music in all and Hammy e,lit to write • = ompoeere to OW attention most apprgv rand develop- ithout extra Mice; charges o Street, first s7S TING. inches ; Sign r, &c. White- next door to le . Reset; 1 TBR and °t iption . pt. Terme Fera by mail BRETT .d Surveyor 'ail prompt mite :ell. o on Wed - Joey, about 7 rewarded V(}R °ince;, oRIESQN, 611 JANUARY . 28, 1881, The Bargain With the St, Pail, Syndicate. [CONTRIBUTED.] Before this is published, the Syndi- cate contract will most probably have passed through all the stages of the Rouse of Commons, and be in the hands of the Senate.. It is, therefore, too late to expect to produce any effect upon the votes of members, or to delay in the smallest degree the ratification of the' contract. It is not too late, however, to enter an earnest protest against it on behalf of the people of Ontario, and to warn the parties concerned of the dangerous character of the enterprise they are undertaking, or to tell . them what they have to look to in the future at the hands of an outraged people. They will find themselves most mis- erably mistaken if they suppose that we are going to submit to such a state of things as this contract would brin about. We are neither Irish peasants nor Russian serfs to be bought and eoid in this way, and. if all constitutional means oi'annulling the contract and of cancelling the monstrous privileges it creates should fail, we tell them that the people will find other ways of d feating them. A. careful Study of the contract itsel as; presented to the House of Commons in the votes and proceeding of the 10th of December, will make it clear to any candidman that it has been prepared entirely in the interests of the Syndi- cate, and that the rights of the peopl' have not been kept in view as the ought to have been. To demonstrat this proposition, we will consider a fe of the clauses in detail, -_, . The first thing that strike3 as as bd- ing exceptionally in ,favor of the con- tractors is the second clause, providing for the payment of interest at 4 per cent. half yearly by the Government to the contractors on the cash deposited with the Government as security far construction of railway We are net aware that Government!'has been in the habit of paying interest on cash de- posited in this way, and we see no rea- son why they should do so.. The money is taken for the convenience of the con- tractors,.in 'lieu of personal bonds from sureties of sufficient financial stand- ing and position to make them good and sufficient sureties far the due performance of so large and •• important a contract. Be- sides this, the rate of interest is higher than could be 'obtained for a similajr amount of money at the present time on first-class securities. This may not be a very important matter in itself. Indeed, in view of the enormons privi- leges given to the contractors by later clauses of the contract, it sinks into atter insignificance. It is important, howevr, as going to shew'that the con- tract, from its very inception, bears the stamp of exceptional favoritism to the contractors. The third clause is as follows. We quote it entire : "The Company shalt lay out, construct and; equip the said Eastern Section, and the said Central section, of a uniform gauge of 4 feet 8. inches, and in order to establish an approximate standard whereby the quality and the character of the railway and of the material§ used in the con atrnetion thereof, and of the equipment thereof may be regulated, the Union Pacific Railway of the United States as the same was when first col.= strutted, is hereby selected and fixed as such standard. And if the Governneent and the COM - pany should be unable to agree as to whether cr not any work done or materials furnished rindr this contrast are in fair confermity with sue . standard, or as to any other question of fact, ea$ chiding questions of law, the subject of disagr went shall be from time to time referred tot e determination of three referees{ one of whom shall bo ehesen by the Government, one by the Com- pany; end one by the tworeferets so chosen, and such tejerees.shall decide as to he party by whom the eepense Iif such reference Shall be defrayed. And if such two referees shonid be unable do agree upon a third referee, he than be appointed at the instance of•either party hereto, after notige to the other, by the Chief Justice of the 8nprei Court of Canada. And the decision of en referees, or of the majority of them, shall befinai In order to establish an approximal standard, &c., the very lowest clads railway that was ..ever constructed iti the neighboring Union is taken as the standard a railway which was so bad • ly built, so highly graded and so poorly equipped, 'that it was characterized b competent persons as "a wretohe tramway," and had to be nearly • a l built over again., We are aware that the -Minister of Railways produced letter from three of the contractors to the effect that they were willing t take the Union Pacific after it was r - filcalt, is the approximate standard, an not the Union Pacific "as firat con- structed " on-structed" although such is the wording of the contract, . - i Now, if we are right ;1 in our sta - ment as to the character) of the Unio Pacific "as first constructed," does n t the adoption of this road as the sta dard of construction go .a long way t, prove that the rights and interestsf the pe€sple have been so seriously neg. iected in` -the preparation of this co - tract as to warrant a very strong su- picion that the parties who represented the Government had their eyes blinded' in some way. There is no getting over;. it. ' Either they knew the facts regard-; ing the character of the Union Pacific!, "that it was a road -utterly unfit to by taken as a standard, and so knowin€ did wilfully sacrifice the interests of th country for inscrutable purposes a'f their own, or they were disgracefully ignorant of the leading facts of the subject which the country had intrusted to their hands. But this- third clause contains still more dangerous matter. It is well known that in all contract with the Government for constructio of public works a very close and rigi supervision by Government Engineer.i is always provided, and all work;has t0E. be done to the satisfaction of such officers. What do we find here ? 13 place of the proper and necessary agree- ment for such supervision by Govern ment Engineers during the progress the work, we find an utterly im.pract - cable and ridiculous provision for • arb•- tration. Who is to see whether th work as it goes on, fifty or one hundre miles from the north shore of Lak Superior in the wilderness, is of a proper character or not ? Are we to wait till the road is finished and then hold an arbitration over every defective culvert, every rotten tie and every heavy " grade upon- the road ? ! This third clause is, in our opinion, enough of itself to stamp the whole contract with the taint of fraud in its inception, and would be sufficient to warrant hereafter such au appeal on the part of the people to the Queen in Council, or to the Court of Appeal in England, as would indu a the abroga- tion of the whole contra t. X. In the fifth and sixth c eases the po- sition of parties to the c ntract become reversed.. The Govern . ent are here the contractors. They b lid themselves to complete those portio a of the road now in process of constr ction in 1885 and 189 :spec; vely, t i opinion, entirely; ' oink a only re • nable ; zouse giving o er,, the F xailwayl dicate o body,•° ►ontract We are old by t : politici better t give th !work ogre pany be,auee:th:;a oonstr works by the G' vernme source of oorru on an attaelif o weigh whate gement .oursel W Board Public "oris: b to its d ty, if t• _ Gove mere an other p a• cera o meet w o Have '• the re Canada proda:d 80 works of high a*. endu it the men whe have b Lawren a and W:Hand s ani tercolon•al and cit'• er ra w their cu Hing it a. forgo te fessioia lore-rf this "b other mere be app: inted i�• t Butcthe�argamen rema n the only one that can be o ing up the cons ctioni of work into priva : hands. here is this : Ho • do the gain in regard to avoiding 'jobbery,' when b; this contr taiu in their ow 1 hands .th constructing a• . t oneth: whole road and • . rt of hi cult and expens sectiois be built-eportio . s of the require as long fi e to conA. of the portions a en -owe tractors' ? Clause seven p : vides-f r by th overn' n t of thos the ro which :y are o to th' contract and e the w ole road th all 'th theret pertaini • shall 'be t of th . Compa• ,' andh therea ter shall ! i cientl ran t e same fo s `: ver. the a senceof a ::11 and antee become: painfu What ecurity, := would a k, Gover ment pre{ 1. ed for th•s porta t part of , .: contr et not ti d any ex e • t the r one-fif h of th.. land grant onus; a8 •rovide and 20th clause: •or ten. completion of th oad. help considering I: very w tient security in e:d. We now come to clau for the) payment ;a the e the co parry of sidles, 000 in oney at. 2-5,000 0 land, rid here • : are led i ous co sideration f the •tet division which 1. been a subsid es in rela n to th tions.00 the road by,fou with E the reason or ally Yn- what v'e4 s that tis• to a corn on of such' s a !fruitful bbery. 'We to this ar- ay, if the compe ent erlt 'E gui- ld i.n- t art hatede y: of any p blit' ohara ter t It the St Is, -th yebay heir p o o the e er plag°s nd it is n for , gijv= t is rest T e pint to ernmefit OS ibilit'y of c they re - e• work of rd of the most difti hat are to o k th t Iwi11 lite s tIy o t h- , Inti d ;1i ery port o s bf buil ver la res 11 t rivil• g s propeyl ompany t •neand, s wheta nt guaaai �p areilt:, have th; est im- W . an tent , o , t or 16,nd th 17til s of er th ! we ' aneet and inle fri- 9, pro iding overnm nt' ;oi viz,: 42 ,0 ,,-I D ;ac es; f to a curl- sod o Bab, o ted forl the d fferent se-- a'nhertht n. Seedn" i tion f the er I s ation, ipissi g, tin he h ads o r, to a point h• nder B cion :m a n v.st of Mani tclyMu . hrough t e . it!w til the, Hey, we fferent oportio: of it of Ial vigor oubtlees propria iqn But sue is it ary, the d to the actuall ld b it ile, ors t iece kelt' o $1,0 ,- Tres f' T ilt il, PP ;opria on is +3 • t mateddost A reas :nl- ;io of he .to, Tra big wro. ave plain ut the re- 8uc 8 we h yaw lead is to b i 5 .. DJ t It m y be wel what i called t the co tract, me line extending fi at the east end € o the Canada Gen Lakes ,Huron an of •jur�otion wi branch. The the prairie noun toba to the base tains, with abon eastern slopes o be reasonable to sidles, both lin o be appropriated tions in some m the probable or struction i,n sac really intended struction Should on both sections have been the provided by the c not the case. money subsidy ! a Central or prairi more than the G that portion for own the road, or n are giving the Sal railway, ‘-‘the + n pay," and they a e 000 in money a• land more than while the mbne to the Eastern o than one-half th of this portion o able inference fr subsidies is, as says, there must When the Syn• had their own w o, exp "Easte s that Call Lake 1, rpun� Superi the tral S� to the c¢f the R 4 0 mile hose hi l: pent. t a and, these • nreofp timate. lost ase, and if t the Wo k on with eq ch woul t.odof a ntract. the e propria) sectio rnme t Q n s 8 0 t 1 1 t $1,000 round " sect n givingit, e 12,00!0,000 could be absidy ; a ke Se�ti c west es he lin this die. e Toroi soared c te, whc{ y throhgn paration of this ' o. tract,ak, division of the an •sldy as this, an ungnestionab : 'ght to di plain inference i•h the acts to, namely, that .{f. intentio as rapidly as post:i " e the' don, as • a .'feeder Manitoba Railwl� , owned ing men of the S. n e 'cage, with the constru tin of tiers: If such w: r: not th the framels of th!:.ontrac the contractors g.. t, at the mate, as flinch s f b idyl i the Government o ld bei for appropriated o the p and less than h'1 1 i what buil4 the lake, se ' ti n for ? known that the.:. i t then railway westt of "innip built for $10,000: mile in any land, or if it ere co to build• it by 1 nld a could be built fo .=12,00 be selected in alt :.rotate the property of t e'jGeve run in, the.intere: tf th is bad enough, bu tis t objections to thi: oat contract.. Lot u consider ment the 100 mi a of roa Winnipeg, now oder co the Government undne and see how it is dealt wi to a Toronto co emporar to be well infor 'ad on The Syndicate a tato get miles of road an to bonus land of •. $4,750, , less $9 they are to allow he Gove cost of constructs .and st If any additio proof, to strengthen thi 'ew, �e present agreeme t" cul a b rairie 8 to the St' Pau a4 a t•elea nod to tri e h = 1: k sect nt .n ion of h lion d 1' w .st es if ;a:h alone s $ t•e ro d & i secti0 coul is w miles ud tho d ett ti ns, , t C es, and and T1 tOfte na y n_ •. est f on n�ishe cordin it. This section asovides dicate shall pay • he Go actual contract c :s of th .' 00 railwaywest of innipe , o complted. The c ntract I: c section was $6,11 1 er mil s steel rails, which e pro ii Gover went, cal sting 88 mile, ould coat $ ,000 makin the total cpst per'1 or, $900,000 fort ` el whole a ti miles, bile on comp) ti n road ould be o d " by th ment. Now; ac ruing to se clause A, of theo' tract, h S is to receive frons he floe n the $900,000, the a tual q st f o eeirr bjeb ndzJe y an hic t fps thi wnti� 5 bf the furn'sh h S a e t tIa miles ties 1 of t by nt Pe ileth , nlll thofe r i�- Gove 1 tion ndie mit ar the r y 1 : r.: . • •r $1, 12,6 i ao which, at . $, 51,000; $4,751,000+ X890!0,100 t foad 'tsel , or th : it k count y's Foot oti miles mai . 000,01 in wool. own ways • e era : yams or ` the S ndio- • $10 0: 0; the hey an 1 ,500, $3 pe:acre 000, thus n 500 000-o' actua coat pre e t of bars ain. this 1 $9, PO per centr:1 or dent that 9 lann grant would be this p rt of road i self : c mp Hyo upnth cos , it C' bef re the Ho s , in stated that,. favor .ble t: regar Hol, o: eitbier of the he p stateI • 0, . per mile (or n hey pay for it), d land grantof or 1,250,000, nld amount to grand total!of Ards, for their receive -the D' as a bonus ing it off : the same rate of ection of 1,000 i' e, ould cost $9,- th Governme nt h ch'' would el - s pposed to be nd r the contract the Government r $1,000,000 more the contract for), f land, which, at ur t to $37,500,- nd total of $47,- 11 ore than its oil y this, but a itself into the e lw 6 at and 0 1,00 aneS .411 ta 000 ler cash t the Oad asset an te et f o h oul 00 Wog a akin a • and no t ;esti mat equal ecom cona et arlea up defe ding his O Atm sh an la former ra t, costing only ir ample of the on, it is quite-evi- of a 5,000 acre to 415,000) per mile nt bonus to build rovided that the property of the of comparative er, in his speech of the whole t is contract; to ntained more e country with roOositions, and minstrate that wee ed t h present Tara t, he said, car- airea ext) 11a84. by e Government 0 000 ores, hi e values at e acre, maki 4E11 tot subsidy of 8;p0 ,000 The subs dy pr villa' f r the Allan. isi,nd 5 ,700i 00 acres la d, which he tvalue at $ per a re,.j ma ing the cost to th cou try !mid r hat contract 484.170 PO for the '4 le. ,vicasubitii,dy in land an money pro- de y th l!ltacken4ii[a A t 6f 1874, ac- cor nag to, Sir Charles Tupper, was eget 1 to $104,887, 00 , taking this land Thi Wimp, e '!iEl 0 toll ted by the. Op - not matter bit fo on alignment. We Will take ir Cb. rbe Trapper's own figii es and rocee t he* how utter- eas bsid lis SP ,0 1 ,0 0 more than ob. author ty to ' 'ye w ile with re- ar to the and 8 b y, , is position is (c)lt eV, ellial. mu 0 th t Olean acre e co ntii as unfit for a 'at that t tne al m l‘h igher propor- an than 0, er a re wohld be now. tic !;yercago II 'prio'03 btained by the Th Ranks qf the 'Northwest - ,ern tales u ng; rth ye r just closed v to thi Yndi ate, with the wide fat,le e of elect'on and the exenop- :we Mil, 1 b Well Withi the mark. Thta t's, the Valuation. of $3 per -acre no* hi reall a Much; lo er valuation in q her wo d , that tlie 1 nds are bet- th : ,, i Or $1, Such being he case, then, h ..I de we Did the cerap risen of cost tin o sta. lidimthtei We caii. only say we ; pa,eifi• Sca al coract of '72. thia, k he people are II isburg, &eaI• d as daring scout of ia teen ears, 'Pith w om a young far. et. narn di Bei. fell ' love. The capt in obje ted to the • suitor, who is ()nix twenty yeai 9 ' .„ but the latter B, detoarliii (1,4 (ii e father, finding ke.° determ ned to son er to Missouri, ago and take cum ir Ichrn r a cle cal -16 .48 g saw in one roll4 up a hi t. That bundle was r. Re d the! Before going e et it Th o men were then t pull sma , which they did, c as eilertiheae heanntd. the 'faithful one. he *stepped forward, hi the i love# oined hand the aCe oda ing ' ist minister pro -0 33.011 d the ma d wife. The in - ate irate ath a ness reigns in the • • out na Fife, th a sbh Amuse h, wa I initial spit o a young lad ars, while play- ed Tully at a p and thrown to such severe in- fforts of three FOR We haws deterrined Upon refft01)- "g to ,Ma itobc4 and drer by Private S le 4 Ent &ock of New and aple Dry G ods, Ready- made Clot mg,. Hats 1 and a Caps, Boots and hoes, at Imniense Reduc- tions. _Spe al attention is directed to OM' Fil e Aelsortmei t of Men's and Boys' vercoats and Readymade Clothing. Ladies' Fur an oods, Clouds anl Winter of all criptions will be cleared out re-. o. tr- XXXXXXXXX zz zz XXXXXXXXXX H▪ HHH 1-3 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 td td td td td td td ttl td td td td XZXX td td td td 1740I'd td 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 td td td td td BA I This is BONA FIDE Sale, we hop owr Friends nd the ublic Gen rally will Ina l them- ood Barrga ns at once. 01VCIrr -16 lock, oppo te t ,e Man- sion Seaf th TO THE READERS OF THE 1881 WHEN VISIT NG SEAFORTH !REMEMBER THA. THE MOST SOI-TOOD JE304pS And all Schoo LUMs Call end get FOOLSCAP PAPER. S HOOL BAGS, &c., is at Eft& WILSONt NE* E30 $TOR, 0 500 zee ived a Large Stock of WATof, PAPERS since movin nto lour *VW Stand. V NOW GROATE1R 0',A0 Than Ever for Transacting our Leto and Increasing Trade in TENT MEDICINES, DYE 8TuFt Fs, &c. Onr Stock is Very Large and of the Best Qaality. EE. We have Ayer's, Cfreen's, Radway's, &e., In liErtglith, French, an OF THE CIRC LAR' SAW 801 IS We THE also ;COVV TIE WE ARE THE HANLAN CROSS - OUT SAW ' FASTEST CUTTINS7 SAW IN_ TILE WORLD. iLance Tooth dross -04 Saws. ALL SHAPES. COW TIES IN ALL SHAPEiSi 4111 WING THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF AXES EVER SHOWN! IN SEAFORTH. SL IGH BELLS IN' GREAT VARIETY. Hardware "Lanc rIchants,, Sign of Circular Saw. OP THE GOLDEN PAIPLOCii. ON B ROT,1 E RS SEArORTH. TOoth" and- " keur IMpoved WARNOCK ROR.REL'S, AND *LLANO VALE C1,11pING s .4'IOH BELLS AND ICOAL OIL L VT4 N.B. SKATES IS pREAT VARIETY, FROM 71' TO 12 •IN014. Cham - AXES 1sT BROS., HAlthWARE MEOIANT MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PADLOOK. OOD ARTICLE AL VVADE BROTHERS' Pt1OTOGRAPH AND MUSIC EMPORIU.4, WH ITN VELVE PhOtOg BEST AS Y'S BLOCK, MA111 STREET, SE AY S " STUDIO FORT FRAMES AND PHOTO 148,UM ASs9rtment, at Wholesale Prices during next niOntii. ityle of the Ote. • N PIANOS AND ORGANS •14 Call and see them. ;, WA E BROTHEIO k 3 dH GE OF BUSiNESS m E. WHITNEY, DIES' ES to state to her castomersand the pub a that ihe boss dieposed of her Tin and Stove B einem to her -some CHARLES. and : GEORGE WHITNEY, who have lila the embroil', pal eharge of the businese for ,several years, and she hopes the .same liberal patronage will be extended to them that, has been accorded to her. self for sio many years, oon on It eetion with tbe above the verde/signed o state that they 'will contiene to,keep , at the Old Stand, a full atoek of STDViS OF ALL KINDS 'PAW relqf Every De8cliption. afr.e alao prepared to do Custom. i Wo if:very Description vitae Sho test Notice, and Oltecw. Ravin t• horough Pra.ctlealknewledge of the in !all ite brenchet, they hope to con* o lave patrottage which hes been given :1 d lend weIllknown house for vo many 14.1B. All parties indebeed to Mrs. Whitney O will plea e settle their indebtedness 'with her at I .onee; es the ne.w firm ,open new books and the 1 old bruti esti must be elesed. Parties desiring to -settle ea de so at the store bf 'Whitney Bros: until th fiest of October- After that date the acconnt will be put into other hands for root- 1 665 MRS. E. WHITNEY, TO 'KAT SAII•OVORO•CEIPESI Which is how going OR lit THAT THE PLACE where you can getgeod • .2- berg insi. The beet and. cheapest l'eas ever ; sold. II a how Belling- Come lend get soine ; theM be ore they art all soli. Gre n Teas at 50 and 60 cents per pound, 4-etp n Teas at 60 eeets per pound; Tea net at 85 cents per pound, Goo Soap, 80 bate ter $1, oo Toilet Soap, 25 cents for one dotele 20 poande of rice for $1, pounds of Pot Series for $1, 11 ands good dry Sugar for $1, 12 p rinds of Raisins for $1, 18 p turas New Cueranee for $1, 20 p Dile* s Dried Apples for $1, Pnr Honey, all kinds Telli , Canned Salmon and Mackerel, To aloes, Lobsters and Sardines; Oats, P as, Beans, Oorntheal, Flour, 'Oatmeal, 11 Bueltich et Flour, etaeked Wheat, Stdit Foie Eirtham Elem., Co( flab, KaOkerel. Lake Herrialln in hill. barrels, Labrador liereings barrebeend half , barrebi, Efer, lege in beetle, Fresh Finirele Haeldio s, Bologna Sausegee Cod Fish in 5 patina boies, Fresh Butter, Egge end Lard. A Call is 'Solicited Fro* Alt NO Trouble to Show 00018. SEVyIN9 MACHINES 1 JAi/ES WATSON. ./oseiler in all kinds of First -Olin Knitting Machines, Lawn Mowers, pairs, Needles, Oils,,Attachments, 1 ate. the ONLY igent in this part of theoonnty • lot the Celebrated ViffilITE SEWING MACHINE for erwo years in snotression at the Seadorth Fair, Overall its comprotitoire. Alio Agent -for the Wheeler & Howe, • Oshorno3a., Wanzerp, and any Machine a customer may want. Alt Itinde of Sewing Machines seta/144mnd Machines taken in ixchange as part payenent for New Illaehines, and Idichinee„ .eold'ion easy monthly payments. Satisfaction Guaranteed. JAMES WATSON,. lktAiN STREET, SEAFORTEL OFFICE -1n Campbell's Block, opposite the Bilins,i012 Ile? I. 1108 A 044.RD OF THANKS. JAMES CAM.PBELL, 4---L lege to ,return his grateful thanks to the Farming and, Mercantile Public generally forthe support given him during that time# to etate that he b.as now on hand ent of all tin& of and begs full arse OODS AND GROCERIES And alweys be ready to mete -pnt to thein good a icle at as reasonable a, price He ha a large quantity Of PORK (Side, &04 of fixate se quality. be obtained. o exehange Patent Medicine in al:.:1104.Eulingelloo impBuza, All kinds of Firming Rroduce taken, cash cX 1 657 BUTTER BUTTER 1 • E NOW PaTTIM TEE he Irineet 1.in4lt.ir4iIkitter in Talc. e;• 4,46 = e -*WRY &OM . 3'4(1 :D:r1571 -'0Lo•