HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-01-14, Page 8• **iron tix!rooitor. DISTRICT TTERS. PUBLISHER'S' HO3'IOL Mit. W. H. CODY is now acting as travelling and business Agent for THE Exaosn'ou, and is empowered to receive subscriptions and orders for work, col- lect moneys and grant receipts for the sante. MoLEAN BROT . RAS, Publishers. LAND SALT.—A large aantity of first - eines Land Salt for sale chew at the Big Mills,. Seaforth. Much of this salt was mado last sum- mer and fall, and is quite dry. A. W. OGILYiIL & Co. 684-13 Fon LABRADOR Herrings and Lake Huron Herrings in half barrels, kit and Barr ;Mackerel, Finnan Haddios and other Fish go to JonN Looltes, Seaforth. 680 CLEAT ! CHEAP !' CHEIAr ! — See the New School Bags at._LITUSDKv & wresoses, Sea - royal. 684-1 IN HIS NEW SHOP.— John Dorsey has got his new shop completed, and, Sow occupies it. The shop lis the ean1'e size as the old one and is of b,iek. :It is as fire proof as any buil ging can be.' In the show room there i a concrete floor, and in the b1P,,;gsmith shop the. floor is of cedar block pavement. The building is a most commodious and at- tractive establishment and is creditable to the enterprising prop 'etor. The worst wish we have for la' : is that he may enjoy at least as liberal a share of public patron _e in his new premises as he did in the of The DAkOTA PARTY. — bout one - hundred persons assembled at Car- . aiichael's hotel` on Tuesday last to meet with Mr. Wilcox and ga information concerning Dakota and ; -aking arrange- ments for passage and freight rates. Owing to an unexpected elay at Chi- cago Mr. Wilcox did not reach here in time for the meeting and nothing de -1 fin=ite was done. Mr. Wilcox, however,' arrived on Wednesday, and a meeting of those wishing to confer with him will be held at the Mansion Hotel on Monday next at two o'clock, so that all those who were disappointed on Tuesday and any others desiring to go to the Northwest can rely upon meeting lam on that day. We may also state that Mr. O'Connor, of the Chicago and. North Western Railway, and Mr. E. W. Wiley, of the Michigan Central, are expected at the meeting. Peeso NAL --We had the pleasure ether day of a visit from Mr. An Cowan, of Peotone, Will County, noir, formerly of McKillop, who resent visiting friends in this -sec Mr. Cowan looks well, and is; hig pleased with his location in Tllinois has no desire to return to Canada ag and says he can make more money make it: much easier there than h Corn and oats are the principal they -raise. This they use mainly fattening 'stook, principally pigs, wh they raise themselves, and for they get ready sale. Dairying, pays well. Be keeps a number of m ems, and disposes of the butter dealers in Chicago. Eighteen cents pound is the lowest price realized, >t often runs as high as 30c and 35c pound. Mr. Cowan informs us that brother Walter and Mr. John Elli alelo from McKillop-, who reside kiln, are well, and doing w and are quite as favorably impre with the country as he is. The m friends of these- parties in this sect will be pleased to hear of their conti ed prosperity in their new home. Cowan expects to return in about weeks. the drew is at tion. ghly last for. Louis andandproposes to f is a steady y he will do w ere, adjourned m: crops Seaforth Che in in the Town ich terian Sabbat which der the aus also, Huron, wiI b filch. nesday next. to elected Presi per and per his ott, near ell, sed any ion nn - Mr. two not need ing a hos: the Conn. tended to used very 'establishi without e. originally pleting on o inouf the expen e tower pa was con il, ands the mone expend in this w judioi:usly and g a ]ire . alarm wading the am + n intended to expo d wate#aworks sy e it c THE LII ERAErSooI-T. meeting o the ;`terary Soc day night last, • hen sever readings -ere von. R also be gi ' en on • ext Tues but we ar : unab to give We under.tand +at on t Tuesday :venin ; that will Tuesday i Jan '-ary, ther - grand deb : to on f the - Synd ment, and that small a will be ch rged, : nd the devoted to aid th Mecham Further a ' d fu particul- however, will be iven i_,„ a LOCAL i eldest dau, of this t e , sista:at be Qohool. ed and ole are sure, The roof o Merchants a RIEFS, l a lfiss M l eery If John n; habeen a +tar i. the Kinb ss Kil ran is an • er y.. g lady, a ake a - excellen one o the blo salt • Arks fell i heavy wei. ht of s : ow upon Fortunately no p arson was the accide• t.--T.'e High Schools w: e-re-otied on with a goo atten l ance at b tions. — a r. W C. Mc secured a •-: tner ip with McDougall of St. t homas, leading. leg :1 prao tioners Ontario, le t to n or his ne Tuesday. We x•;11 be - s N1r. McLis: d s not yet mark in the leg 1. rofession. man from t e c u • try dropp bills when i . to n he other finder wou d :., - honest would be lioral y e -warded the same at the xroslTOii The nomin : tion fo a school t the East w:, 11 '11 •e held o day next. "' e h p ;this atte a trustee • ill pr. ; e more than the la:t.=--Gri o`'s oomi has been iss, ed. It is good, person who can aPpreciate colons shoalget a copy.— weather boo has been pub contains a v: st amo int of us mation, and well eserving age.—The e nodus fr pm this hood to Man toba atd Dakota to be even grater n xt spring !We are sor y to lose so m citizens, but ' e hop they will in the new 1::. d.—a r. John. of Mr. Bober Jones„Sr:, of t who has bee • engaged at the business for •num +er of Mr. Wm. Ca.. pbell, , left on •ille, K..,ntucky, llow hi . trade. ung m.= . , and w 11. in hi new ho ening o the Patr cr se Fac y will all to-. ay.—Th Sch.el Conve es of r he Pres held i ' :Clinton Mr. D,= Hogan eat of the Tuo Branch Agrio lfgral ociety. selection coolnot h: ve been 0I : f erect- lated by w in- oul be Berl in ane tion it was in com- as a nes- ere ting igs will eve in names. ollo loving `he last 1 e a a ree- sion lee ers nstitute. of this, mei frill ran, n, 'sqi, ted as- rzi ! P blic c O plsh- d I will chic at ]der t w. red Pu on, ay h inst se ha of est he me ised ake A genle- $20 lin t nd ]leavi Fluot nstee Thu pt to noes: aI a+ nd ev: th ri se O: gh d.. til ir#f f atFe el hb. r mis:s is last. good posp • e , a' 8 tow to loris rEl wit Mndaly el lie .: Jajn(s re sn•e e.' ---The sbfthe e held Presb ion tsWv nl ec s` beet er itt 4 vette ade. lie. the we the the eek. bc c li ast itu- ing lin he the rn on if s Deities IN Centime. — At the last 'meeting of the old Councillors held on Monday evening last, a deputation from the Directors of the Mechanics' Insti- tu;te appeared before the council asking for the annual grant to the - Institute, which had not yet been made for the past year. The council granted the sum of $6.0.- A resolution was 'passed to the effect that the copy of theagree- meat between the Grand Trunk Rail- way and the town,and also the by-law for opening Jarvis street across the railway track be placed on file awaiting the action of the next council., as it considered inexpedient for the retiri. cou.neit to take action in . the master. The sum of $5 was refunded to Mr. S. Smith., of McKillop, on expenses paid by him for cattle he had in the pound and also: a similar amount to Mr. Morrison for the same purpose. .The Mayor was allowed $30 for the use of his office during the past year. Mr. Carclno was allowed the sum of $60 for the use of the town clock for the past year. The school grants, am•runting to 41,200 for the Public School and $1,400 for the High School, were passed. The Golleotor was instructed to complete his roll and return the same to the Treasurer on or before the 15th day of January. The Council then adjourned. Fate AL:Arai. — On Tuesday night about half -past nine o'clock, the fire alarm was sounded and the citizens generally turned out. The members of the fire brigade were promptly on hand, but fortunately their services were . not required, as it was soon learned that the cause of the alarm was only the burning out of a chimney in Mr. A. G .&nitrs; brick block on Iklain Street. On this becoming known quiet was restor- ed. We are informed that the engineer at the water -works. who had retired for the night, never heard the alarm at all. i the very modest This is not sur -prising as no person ! first of ,next M. went to waken him, and when the which the Comp wind is blowing from the South East, - have expired. I bete -veep this and ance for five year larswill just h: annum on a tho second class.- In not be so much, fourth classes it This is certainly is only about half companies would seen, therefore, amount of money ers of the County these companies course, the savin aggregate the amo ing were it figure Messrs. Wrn. McC Sullivan, in their very highly the ne: ner in which the b• are kept by the Shannon and also THE INSURA al meeting -of Killop Mutual was held in t afternoon - las attendance. Mr. James K Company. T by the Secret -tors' report. discussions, w versational an than otherwis ed as satisfa Tuckersmith r following gentl tors from tha Broadfoot, Jr., Elgie, Donald McEwing. laws of the Co slight amend ing dispersed, fled with the m pany and the v is ance it affords ng of the directors .i members' me was re -appoint Shannon was and treasurer, vice-president manager. The and Mr. John appointed a co pass applicatio —From the the follov`ing i ber of member - the past year, insured, $2.276, year, $777,595. notes, $55,529 ; year, $18,375. pired ,during t 374 pcilicies iss increase df 51 The receipts of t and the expend a balance of $7.0 amount paid fol this added to $8' rowed for the p paid last year, a which forms an makes $2,1772..2 working expense salaries, expense . CE MF the me Fire.I e tow The TIi G.— bers of surauce hall 0 0was a he chi r was o0 rr, the e annu y, as oth re ich we exph The tory. ired t men town John ' oss, S ter co • pany, eats t , Preside 1 report as also orts elici `e more iatory c iwere bo Phe dire a year, w re elect ]lip, viz. Hannah, len ley, an sidering ,nd mak ereto, th 11 app gently w nagemont of t p rate o :At the the clos Ir. Jam ry che' them. - held a ting, :d pros "dent, M re -app: inted s Ames B John t, vice -p +, direct to exa; mbershi report on : Tot 1,682 increas 50. v 31 ; in Amo • Mr. . nd M reside Britto mittee s for m irector format 0 lye of grease du nt of p i acre i,se duri ambe e year, ed las ver t. previo e year were $3 ,307.61,. ftreasur vas $1, the mo year will price of the Coi ng the year, in lections, $543.38. five ye organiz her losse ate, an thongs $5, or sand dllar risk the fir: t class i hile i the thir ill be : fraction cheap iinsuranc what of poli 03. The year, b tore $ 9int- lesseee, 2, bete evioi s d the sset of lean of th of co gure o y, th : n3 w no fur that en on ve cos 11 the sound of the alarm bell can scarcely be heard at the works even in day time. This is another proof of the ab ca th ao tin fur as c.h. Coo witF fo est gra wo eye this long now sae:: Bre; solute necessity of having an. alarm nnectiou between the main street and e water -works building. As matters w are our water -works are compara- -ely useless, at least, they do - not nish the degree of safety they should, much depends upon having water' to mitmita fire in its incipiency. The ncil should attend to this matter Tout any farther delay. We are in= armed that a sufficient alarm could be ablished between either of the tele - ph offices in town and the water- rks building for about $60. But n should the cost be double or treble amount, the work should not be long delayed. As the hose can be dried. most effectually by ing them in the derrick at Mr. : adfoot's.lumber kiln, the town will ed the safe' and menus, edge, th facte.' - FARM sold' his f to r: Ge L' rr. left or p of 's fri safety. GOOD Nei mane, lambs fr a had ; Faint the 5th c farni of for the sL Carbert block. THE HUROW EXPOSITOR. to insurers as being all . of which state - from personal knowl- ly borne out by the 7LD arm org Mr Cts end PER SOhA formerly t present in this loc; to take up SPEI4LIN took place pupils of s o 1 7 which r::nl Mr. J. D. taro:t, Miss Gi1p of gage ing in:f• akinfivo mi... 1 rey. Mr. James Dunbar 'nus t 25, concession 5 Grey, riove, of Logan., lake, farm nowu l. -er of Grey, 4st-' eek. Some ars. an%iou6 as to his +, n . alas. ullett. Last week Mr. Thos. .Iar ock, purchased twenty n ►, r 'Cble, of Hallett, at $li ve y :oc d price fo lambs. 1 LD Mr. Thos. B- ownlee, o . .f Hallett, has sold his ac e. ;to Mr. Thos. Carbert o 2,800. This gives Mr. f r.' of 300 acres in one ac sit li th n- ho orris. r. George Johnson, ir. section 1'o. 5, is at his numerous friends! Mr. Johnson intends; s udy of Medicine. T re—A- spelling match' iday last between the' ectioiis No. 5 and No. in an even contest. !teacher of 1o. 5_ and Minn No. 7 were en - tit the spellings each es. TE Ma heir ainnu ng of Tue he c air llop and in here willj hoir. The al ot b an ts It an fai th rea udi hor Con cte the, rec MeS ert mes 1110 eet- tis- ni- ng the err j. ary oot ttie nt, nd pan ing rtY hm the ex - ere an ar. ing he or- as fe al ng at he or ill 0 Or us r- d l- er 11 0. he large what ; an im is say broil In is ,sin -d to the the age ividuall3 11, but i up. 1The au nnell 'Find Joh repor t and oks of ecreta , cc urate the Com y, Mr. recomm ave r6centl aster, and qounds ers and aho TI G — The members of re av: decided to hold ay the 25th inst.,I in their a wi I be served at 6:30 and be taken by the pastor at Ad resees will be deliver - Me ars MeLean, of Blyth ; a g; and Reid, of Walton. al le musiC by a good eltings are always well we re sure this one will xoep ion in • this respect. nd he proceeds: will be ddii another let to the nds. The congregation e ei :de, very handsome s ;ow Ilaa1180 for their he w_re to enlarge the h re t small is a most on t e art of the manag- d e 'b rally seconded by y ar, old fill f r the hiande t e last en hi ars o eight horS s, at Reid may lo c n ration. ” One in o t is for high of Stanley ?" TEA MEET G SU cesstul tea mee to have taken plac w s postpone on It was opene by s af er which boun T e proceeds if th is o erase the ebt T. a ✓ David Reid re- s x farmer a two y "Simon Pare," of $200. During Reid has disposed average price of highest being $225 ' This is making d we hope Mr: e to reap such: his worthy (mou- nt asks "How is econd concession er the auspices of was held, on the en Line, a very , considering the Thr meeting was the 31st ult., but unt of the storm. tg, ng and prayer, if 1 tea was par - w d addresses by an eeting, including d to $154, which n the parsonage at , HE DEBAT in I Club I met flounced te did ed that Co-op SMiety." Th tended ' by a once. The di u form of pro al results Of " ni than weighin he tion as now e if pl port of the rest) ut though Smile . ha -Ruch as were al get variety f 1 club adopt th-I 'a choosing !side a ed, as it wo ld his will 'ave th renaer on pro he" striat th of t oratory a d th The next eeti day eveni g, th wil be br ught a ing v1 ting raei Kinburn Debat- e 4th inst., as an- e subject "Resolv- is beneficial to g was well at- ook rather the the probable s of "Co -opera- ' the literal im- The discussions miscuous, were d to awakens, f thought. It the future the ntary system of , in place of tofore employ - each of the aherent opinion er discussion. obable truthful - and. will now coasistent with e cultivation of ng after truth. e held on Tues - mend the Can - lection Law by iee 1141 in t ora ul Stitson has ret bsence of 11 FOR DAEOTA. wns the The peopf t. place id ill n pon near in t g an th it is villagd hav s ccessful iteti materially t th cess may be' att he Very el quen TEA. MEE INC Yon DIM s a ng n co nec ce Hall, land f;ri the excellent Is. Moffatt, of h le ar t enib give tritte TLie haa gs, short 3. The 4 on inst., as 1 11 h ea th Re the ayile er, a hag PY 11 gclesuti TS.—Mr. John a visit after an e geld region of d hearty. °Inas Lee, who place, has de - the machinery Forks, Dakota. have erected . Lee a bonus ery and work od Templars of eries of very h has added er. Their suc- to the active ; and also to s delivered by e ago. nual tea Meet - St. John's Ins village on' the Temper- ely attended. .musical and could be de - great praise B had prepared s r, and Rev. opened the which the rn lody, entitled c year." The Ef en addressed W t the con- w vot,43L- of thanks were tendered to• ' the cliaoir, speakers, chairman, wait- er anila the ladies who provided the en., er,jettinmetit The proceeds amount.- Locrius.—Mr. Charles Tough, Stanley, h s organized a singing class in this vi age. He is a very superior teacher, d ys over, the public school was opened o Monday last, Mr. McAndreW, late of B ake, first !teacher, and Miss Katy alker, Sta ley, second teacher.—Mr. J. hn Robins n, blacksmith, has again co de menced usiness in his shop, lately ociupied by r. J. E. Moore, where•he vei be founcl as of old, always ready to at -end to thelwants of all those who m y favor hialiwith their patronage. ricultural pleraents of all kinds Vi • e, an old Iles:Went of this place, has re /A oved to Fit, town, township of Hay. hat renaoved to that large and com- mcidious shop, 1 tely occupied. by Mr. VW), where he ill be always ready to at nd to the so es of the people.—Mr. Jo n Tippet wae made the happy par- ent! of a bouncing baby girl last week. Wroxeter. IliARKETE.—Fti,11 wheat $1.00, spring $5. 0 per cwt, ;butter 18c to 20c per ERS0NAL.— r. Wm. Small, who for a n mber of yea B filled the position of vill ge clerk, lef this place last week, to ocept a situ tion offered him in Cli ton. We d not know what line of bus ness Mr. Small is going into but we wis him every Success in it whatever it 14ay be. COarrare—A grand fancy dress car- niv 1 was held on the Wroxeter Skat- wee . The rink presented a very gay 13, ing ink on Thursday evening of last appearanee as it ere were a,bout forty ska I rs in mask ; Some represented his - tori ad and soM national characters, but be majori y ere dressed for the com cal. Clo n appeared as jolly and out ad seeme to enjoy skating as muc as ever h enjoyed archery. A off s natural r vitY and for two hours aud a half tut led and rollicked as gayly as any. I is understood that prize carnival eh rtly which we have cessf litits Was th last. comMenced, an to have a larg pied by Messr intends occupy n Parke into ds li hall, nd w 1 kelp all ki de of maclai TE MEE meet- ing 11 be eld in Bayfield, o the January 2 th, w dress s will be son, o Brumfield be fur ished by a serve at helf-pas DiSpICT LODGE. ing of 1; Stanley Dia ,Lodge was held i Hall, n Tuesday, officers have bee ii Simps n, District Direct r of Ceremo Chaplain ; George Edwaril Briggs, the brethren took i place ;there- th would e held. t resolved to celebrat of July,in Exeter,' a The ne t annual di be held! in Tama. • • • ng fishing has already nd profitable winter's . George Parke has (3 and lot lately occa- it himself. Mr. g in the upper part, lewer part as' an min and machinery on hand at all times ery manufactured by of Ayr. 'he annual tea meet - t. A.ndrew's church, vening of Tuesday, en interesting ad - of ISeaforth ; Thom- ui able music will ho r. Tea will be 6 o'clock. There us , as the meeting st uteresting one. ric Loyal Orange he Temperance he lth inst. There Ce The following e elated : Thomas ess before the lodge, to onsideration the an ual Celebration was unanimously the next Twelfth d the whole dis- vor of that place. trict meeting will • • Brua field. barley, 70e to 75c. )3[781.'1:H.—Basin ss has been good here th s winter, as rucefield has got a good *lame for a arket for all kinds of graine &c. Saw ogs seem to be all the go here now. ' Peer Kiaeare—M . James Ross, Jr., of the , London Road, Stanley, near Saturday last by th train. It ippettra the colti, along with two others, got on the tradk, and the! 1 .45 train coming along s ' tick it, cutti it fairly in two. ilr The ot ers were b y hurt, but are ex - township of Geor a, will learn with regret of her deal hid' occurred on Decem r 31st. . Corner was well- known i the vici of Varna. She %vats a si ter of Me s s. James and John Turner, and Mrs, T somas Simpson, of the Par Line, Stanl y. PRESE, Tama. e members of the ha,ve pr Belated the u inister of the cir- cuit, Re , Mr. Livirqstone, with a pair of handeotne and cimfortable buffalo robea aa a Mark of t eir esteem for him and apPreciation of his services. It and few are more de ening than the NOT ROAD AS Run TED.—It was re- ported ciat Mr. Jo n S. Brownlee, a cheese faptory, and w -as reraoved from the county of Essex to Dakota a short time ago„ihad been lo t and periehed in one of this snow stot s in that country. We are now glad to le rn that that re- port was tiacorrect, r. Joseph Hig- ince the !report was urrent, and the amily were then w 11 and doing splen- didlcy E. hew fadtory, wash otel, on Saturday ast. Mr. George ' r. josep Higgins ecretary. There as present a fair re n• sentation of the 0'6 tO patrons, an , all expreseed them well pleased With the returns th received for heir milk during th in NYhich th r business has been acted by the roprietor of the f Mr.:Hugh eCartney, ;who act repdrt which was read by the au Mr. George aird, showed that t erage pelling ,price during the season was 10.86 cents per pound of cheese, and of which! the patrons realized 8.52 cents per peund. This report was Ela adopted un nimously, and several of the entleme present expressed their entiste satisfa tion withi the result, as weillas with e manner in which the factdry had b en conducted. In respect ney aicthe would make i and box the chee e and draw the milk for 2f cents per ound of heese made. This offer was t once cepted. Mr. McCartney was °appointed salesman and treas- urer. and Medsrs. Wm. 'Sinclair, Alex. Mus ard and Joseph Higgins were re- appo nted a committee of management, and r. George Baird was reappointed audi or. • The business of this factory duriag the paat season has been more profitable to the patrons' than to tho proprietor, owing to the fact that a smaller busin ss had been done than in sense forme years. This was due to the lew prices whieh prevailed tor a couple of year previously, discouraging some of the patrons, and, consequent- ly, they sold off their milch cows. This is a difficulty ith which most factories have ad to c ntend during the past year, ut the ood returns and good again and we may expect that this ex- cellent factery,l,situated as it is in one of th best fa -ng sections in Canada, will s on get u to its former large out- put. • selves ey had e past anner trans - ed • as and that nnual said mea ditor, that such he av- damage b as also be 1 to the iuj nag pf the Monday. HORSE rola of Bo interestin 4, on Sat large numb ful art. vided atte habit of and othe thie tow digging d gravel, t Hay. PERSONAL.—Mr. Thomas Case, whose 'conva. escence as reported a short time ago, is now at ome among his friends, and is rapidly! egaining strength. He remaa s at he e for the remainder of the year, not initendieg to resume bis college course Until he is thoroughly re- nual meeting o the members of will be held ''n the township h Zurich,, on Mo day, February 7 18 at 11 o'clock a. M. The- object of meeting is to elect officers and direct for the ensuing year, to hear the ann. report Of the year's proceedings, and transaet other basiness. There should company is doing a splendid work, a saves the farmens of the district h dreds of dollars nnually, and the mem- bers should talt a lively and active in- terest in its aff rs. EXASTINATION ND ENTERTAINMENT.— The regular ha, yearly examination. of the pupils of section No. 2, Hay, was held on Wednesday, the 22nd ult. The pupils in both diepartnientS were sub- jected to a ca ful exarnmation in the different subject allotted' to their re- spective elassea y their teachers Mr. Collins and Miss ,Whiteford, assisted Mr. An erson mid Mr. Case, and sho their .w rk had been performed durin ed by t eir pointed and emphatic a provide by the ladies of the sectio the pas term. A bountiful repast w and was partaken of by a nuttier° body of visitors. The examination, spoken by all, was one of the mo suceessf I held he this section for som time, music ' and literary ente tainmen was gi en in the schoolroo on the e ening o I the same day by th pupils, sisted y their friends. Th entertainment as a decided succes all being More t an pleased with th singing of the ttpils in concert. M of the ptipils in his department W9. crownedli with great success. Th solo singing, of 11r. Collins was well re ceived, and also the recitations an readings ef Mess s. F. Collins, T. Fyfe A. Ca.se and othe se The singing of th National Anthem 'brought to a dos the best school e tertainnaent ever hel an - the all, Riding Agri 81 in Brussels the ors ual to be his nd un - JANUARY 1,61i 1881: bailie ions on the rclads in ii! ip, as also excavating or I holes therein for sand or STOCKTAKING SALE law . prohibiting the s: Me, 1 the clerk be mstruc d to - NOW GoING ox AT II 41 OUR 4NNUAL able t pay t e full dam ell ecture in BC 001 hottse No. ay eve ing 1 st, to qui e a t on of is he era, while he' gave an exhaustiv addr ss on the in- telligence, t aining and general treat- ment of t la, horse. On •the Mon ay dir following be ween 30 and 40 persons e - vicious ani ls si ply by the bit, with- horse-brea 1 g, ho to tr at those that its, forcing hem o sub ea ission under all circum t nces, ithou injuring or abusing th . Th supe -ority of his method ' 111contro mg lid subduing out the us whi or ta Ming of any kind, was arent e all ; from the way in which t e he practise upon won Id, in a few utes, Willingl; submit Ito his will, pr v ng, as does the truth of love than f a ," even amort:st the lower animals. H also ave m • ch useful in - the horse, es eeciall deali 'g with thoSe Bras els. rivate oney loan at ,7 time. Apply to -C. R. Cooper,1 Brussels Poat Office. 684-2 man is lyin ery ill. Ita.-1113TAr.4 Thom s Da ford, dray - Holmes wa appointed cha Man. Stewart, blacksmiths, ha e dissolied partnership.I Mr. Scott ill carry on TEE EAS SoCIETY.—The g of t e members of East u tural ociety will be held Thur day, 20t3h inst. , by eh g for last year as bursements $ spring, $1 to IVIISSIONARY missionary • is church will ib sionary agen Sunday next AteNUAL meeting of t Branch Agri u tural officers were cted Morris, Pres Grey, Vice -Pr Forsythe, A. foot, John Hysl Robert Browit, re -appointed The auditors 1 06 ; peas, 60a, barley, 65c $7 to148. he =anal St. Johns' Sr the inis- !rapbell, on — annual era of the Grey Societ was held en th following Ferguson, hn Broad - W. Smith, rM014 in preaahed caning and ETING me 1111 9 sid.ent. Di p, R. Martin Thonias Ke ly and W. Donald Stewart was tiL eretau and Treasurer, ort showed e receipts be $631 aad the die - 11 as EXAMINATIO, St Mon at the A e the 24th ult. r- did lot of boo m trustees for di tion was cond Bp ing from the e answers in th r. reading, writi g gent fates of he children," lcombined e' the close, all a re evidence carefal - training receiv at the hand of their d teachers, Mr. Bier I and iss Kest- , nighan, also t theY theme Ives had. singing, Miss Kernighan pr took the chai hen :short f were delivered e- others. A un was tendered t t tiring from the efficient mann • charged her d after which th to the' great delig The benediction Rev. Mr. Coo pleased with t , is gratifying to services have b The annual' examina- urn *wheel, *as held on were provided by the ed by. MeS4 ray and DO upils ready and spelling! nd the brig ie, elicit - were re - a IA Killop. PIG BILLED.— n Thursday night o last week, the roo ofs, pig house on th farm of ,' Mr. J riaes Kerr, northern gravel road, brok in with the weigh of snow which SA accumulated upon it, and killed a ine fat porker. Mr Kerr had several , thers in the pen with this one, and it is fortunate 'that they DEBATING SOCIE 17,—The ueual meet- ing in schod sect on No. 4 was held last Thursday e ening, January 6th with a fair repre entatien of hearers Prominent amen the number were several ladies, w o have been the first to honor these me tings with their at- tendanoe, and we ope 'he eXample set 111, will be followed y ot ers. The sub- ject, "Which has bee productive of the greatest amou t of , evil, ignorance, wealth or overty " weal well discussed. It was de ided th t the advocates of ignorance had ma e moat points. The next meet'ng will_ e held on Thursday evening, anuary 0, when the subject, "Affirmed that anada offers better United St tes," w 11 be dismissed. The affirmative will be led by G-eorge Turn- bull, supported by James Hartley and George Mantosh • the negative by Geo. Lockhart, support' d by George Murdie and Tame Lockh AT REDUCTION ON ALL WOOLEIV GOODS. WE ARE NOW SELLING OFF Whiter Clothing at Wholesale Prices, Bosa', Men's and Youths' °vac 3ats at Cost, Lad es' Heavy Cloth Mantles' a Cost, Dia kets at -Cost, La es' Fur Eats, Muffs and Boas at COL, OUR VERY LARGE STOOK. Our Stock being yet vety large, giros a good assort t to select from at a VERY' REASONABLE PRIOR. We eordially invite a look at the Great Bar- gains we offer. and distributed—Corried. Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded. by Mr. Brett,, that the tecretary advertise for tenders for the erection of wood sheds at the various School housea where _required, tenders to be received. at the next meet- ing of the Board and contracts let— Carried. Moved by Mr. Wood, second- ed by Mr. Wallace, that an assistant be procured for No. 1, if the school has over 70 scholars—Carried. Moved by Mr. Wand seconded by Mr. Wallace, that thelioard de now adjourn to meet again on the 19th of March, at Egm.ond-- vine, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving tenders for the erection of woodsheds and other buainess—Carried. OPEN *MING.— The members of Winthrop Lodge No. 201, Independent Order of Good Templars, gave an open meeting in their Lodge Room, which was condhoted in the manner in which. the private Meetings are usually -carried on, givingthose who were not members of the order, an idea of the working of a Lodge while in session. Brother 11. IL Blanchard, W. C. occupied the ehair. The entertainment consisted of songs, readings, 'recitations and dialog -am. Brother A. Govenlock being called upon made a feW suitable remarks en tem- perance. Brother C. Herbert assisted by sister M. Blanchard gave a humorous song. Brother Gee. McLean, Sr, gave a reading entitled, "The Sorroxyful Tale -of the Servant Girl." Brother Wm. Hall gavel an excellent reading, and Brother J.IE. Johnston gave a reading entitled ti?.13 Temperance Fanatic.), Bro. C. 'Torbert again entertained the audience with a song, Stster M. Blanch- ard presiding at the organ. Brother R. GoverllOek gave a very interesting reading. yother J. R. Goyenlockgave a reading entitled, "Only a Glass 4 Wine." Brother C. -Herbert and sister M. Blanchard entertained the audience with music from violin and organ. Siker M. Govenlock gave a reading; Brother R.1Govenlock and Brother C. Herbert a dialogue: Broth,er J. E. Johnston a recitation ; Sister L. Goven- lock a recitation entitled the "Orange and the Green ",; Brother Wm. Moffat a reading ; Brother 0. Herbert and Sister M. Blanchard a song, and Bie- speech. Several parties then gave ih their names as desirous of beconain members of the order, after which the Lodge closed in the usual form., when all repaired to their homes well satisfi-* he exer- usic and Siding at Habkirk addresses mous vote (lif than 'as Kerniglaan on r rofession, foil.' the ver n which she had chs t es dOring her term t of the little folks all separated. highl ow that Mr. ifiller's Couticie —The 1 st meeting for 1880 was held at Mc ribbon's Hotel, Win- throp. T e follo ing accounts were Andrew G venloc for lumber, $15.18 to Louis cDonal for lumber $4.50 to R. Pethic for repairs to scrapere, &c., ing, $5 to lames ysart for charity, $8.61 to Francis Case for gravel, 75c to Robertson & Co. fc4 stone harnMer and nails, $11.70 to O. W. Papst for station- ery, $5.89 to Wm. Cameron for gravel, $40 to eaDli councillor for services let- ting and paSsing contracts, ticc., $50 to the Reeve for servides attending boun- dary line affairs, &el., as also aa order for the clerk's salary, $36 to. James Scott for inapecting Roxboro bridge and use of sand, $1 to Francis Catnpbell error in dog tai4 $1 to Ridley McTaggart error in section labor, $9 to Mr. Messer - for grtvel, $10.98 to Patrick Ryan vel, d $1 each to Henry MO- ACCIDENT.— as Mr. Peter on thelarm of Road, Tuckers met with a ve was removing s the machine, caught, and tw partly taken o badly crushed. ed that he will permanent inju • 11 kers 'th. n Friday after kenhead was r. James Not ith, Mr. Alb id ISCHOOL BOAR Public School 6th inst., in the Returns were p Connell, the ret ination of trust uel Wallace, Wood and Davi to serve for the Having signedt the minutes of and confirmed. passed and paid signed and sea Wallace, second that John Doig current year—C THE OHEESE FACTORY MEETING—The! annual meeting of the patrons of the Rodgerville Cheese Faetory, was held in the Factory on Tuesday last. There was a good! attendance, and much interest was; manifested by all in the operations of the factory. In the fore- noon the Directors met for the purpose -of winding tip the business of the past year. They! decided to declare a -divi- dend to the Stock holders of $3 on each share. At the conelnsion of the . Directors meeting the Shareholders met and elected, the folloWing Directors, viz : James 1,ang, James Moir, John obertson, McDougall, James tewart, James ,Comiors and Peter earetary and Treasurer. This con- e the 'business of the Directors nd Shareholders. The Patrons meet - g was then bea The financial re - ort, which was read and adopted, °nulls of k had been delivered at e factory,' from which were made hreshin Londo rt Not y painfni accident. HO raw trona the nd got his I -of his fing , and. the thir Medical aid nd hopes are recover witho • Y. .—A rdeetin village o esented • held Eg from di s, declaring t eir declaration last meeting , Several amen and the ed. Mo d by Pe be chai man rried, Moved ended. by R. oat be secret current year— t year, and dis ers—Ca econded teacher arried. ded ,by get t earing of ft handl ft„ th • was a ntertain t serious 17 .of the on the 9,223 pounds of cheese, taking 10.4-6 to eh d, John T elected se r. er unds of milk to make a pound of eese. The average price per pound. alized was 11.59 centS. The total mount receivedior cheese Was $20,- 2, the port on of which went to the trons bein $16,629A4, or an average ice of 9.33 Cents per pound of cheese. he Directora amaoanced that for next ason they would. draw the milk, make d box the cheese for 2i cents pc3r . Thiel offer -was 'unanimously cepted. The following officers were pointed : Jas. Lang salesman ; Com ttee of Management, Messrs. James nnors, Peter Moir and James Moir. is concluded the business of the ding. The tneeting was a most po er ea bY e:hrneuadel, Co for the 4Tilel by Da- vid Manson, se ,. Brett, that George Sp ry and treasurer for the ,anied. auditors' report the same as la et form I wil. ributed Pre that an assiStant e engaged for 1 the No. 9 for three uties to cora- i ed a mence at once— oved by Mr. 1 We number of monthly merit pard.s printed Biti each. patron seemed perfectly satisfied With the management of the factory, and. with= the result of the past sea : rations ; mad large as - last- .6e-49am ke was, we" fully anticipate that this d at Turner's for gra n and Duncan McGregor error in by Alex. Kerr, that whereas it that some parties are in the Cribbo dog tax appears miss Maggie Collie has been made recipient of tokens of esteem, vain - t $10, prior to her departure from strtainster, where she was engaged as her for three years. The best hes of the section accompany her to evale, where she has gone. QIT ' where respec Hario 118 b • lesv Seafort Lender Q OFF Canoes Boar d sserrita of Tnehe can • hal ing ehe Berx pa. wvTeeett:t:31 well tit( 01432160 • DU Thoron 11731171210 STOS room able an APPV bewe Varney wh prensia there is shwa ttl. - aired Brume Towtt day arid rusty - them t to the VIIAD other b MUST F The A the Oe the 7th: for the for the - of the Tress astetes sasaa ott le er03.7 sin eat eas at -the aide 12* Ont. MOT per -cep vember Anetio JANU • ai the ▪ 34 numb Towns t ontei eirahl There . stump hard - loam dwelh atm deem the I) Sone be psi time o flume ehase fixed b of th.e tare up Deeent Godert Ooderi-