HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-31, Page 3• HERIES 1 get geed cam ever t aortae of eound, ?aura, ne dozen. Oetraeal, split pose Herring sorrels mad eh Finnan In 5 pound. 2in All r - eaforth- RIES SLEEP .1K.F; as and the tlx firstecilaaa latest styles '10w prices. in the past, e. Pictures dark cion • lightning a, and When --no matter rays takes a Q. I Photo. attire frames Lea Favorite, Commercial Seaforth. darknesa. TIEMILEL z of hie Irlax I. good active iage it prop and. in Explore - steadily &tr.; nnection. with AN. ea reasonable aity. amerce Build. .viATT1 14 hie numerous tlrers) for their it 7 years, and ae attention to e and trade in rged Wa prezn. prepared totpay H PRICE Egg, delivered .F011T33.. usof good_ dry WILSON FACTORY, ZRER make to Order, r riages, Bug- er their their own bud - 1 article both as . work cannot be iblishmente. id to. Give u� a pan satisfy you. &a Ls over. 12 Tears': HAB:MtRB. R E RiF.KEWER. discost'rod does isfactorillY as the O restore GRAIL' a youthfulCoalor IFIO ALT aB,. in this way REle with rapid - g and Eraptione% eet and healthy. ging, imparting to nese which is the d be convinced: 'FORTH by S. 668-52 0 R GAN hes Made in all and Harmony taught to write ring composers to, ,; careful attention the most epprov- ;ning and develop - red without extra practice ; -charges :eorge Street, first rth. 67S ( )NTARIO Sued. Money Lent it Rates. 11-3-.1A & Co. P LES. ers, Ten Thousand ring the next twe oking varieties; no Co-, Seaforth. E T "T„ in LEATHER and ry Deeeription. took kept.. Terme AU orders by mei:. R. N. BRErT DEctiviBER 31 1880. THE 1 iJ ON EXP SIT R. • 3 Give Thanks Fer What. "-Let earth give thanks," the deaon said, 1 And then the proclamation read. "Give thanks fer What, an' what bout ? Asked Simon Soggs, when eharei was out. Give thanks for what? I don't ee why The rust got in an' spiled my ry The hay want half a crop, and c m All wilted dowil and looked forlo The bngs treat gobbled my porta re, The what you call, 'em linee,tors. And, gracious 1 when you come tlo wheat, There's more than all the world an eat; Unless a war should interfere. Crops won't bring half a crop t s year; I'll he to give 'em away, I reek n 1" "Good or the poor 1" exclaimed the deacon. "Give thanks lei what 2" asked Simon Boggs: "Ter thfreshet carryin' army ogs ? Fer Dobbin goin' blind? Fer ft o Ilv my be: t cows that was alive Afore the sraashin' railroad come And made it awful troublesome? Fer that hay stack the lightnin' struck And burnt to ashes ?—thundrin" luck? Fer ten dead sheep ?" sighed Smola Soggs. The deacon said, "You've got er hog e 1" "Give thanks 2 And jane andliaby silk ? e'en most wonder if ole Nick Ain't runnin' thinga." The deacon said "Simon 1 your people might bo dead 1" -"Give thanks 2" said Simon Boggs again ; - "Jest look at what a fix we're in 1 The country's =shire to the dcgs At race horse (Teed 1" said Sim an Boggs. "Rotten all through ---in every State, Why, ef we don't repudiate, We'll have to build, fer big nd1 small, A. poor house that'll hold no all} Down South the crooked whir y still Is rennin' like the devil's mill. The nigger skulks an night's disgu.ise, And hooks a chicken as he ilieS. Up North there's murder eve ere, And awful doin's I declare. Give thanks 1 How mad it m kes mo feel, To theak how office -holders et al The taxes paid by you and me Is four times bieger'n they sh uld be ; The Fed'ral Goa'ment s all as ew ; The ballot's such a mockery, o Some votes too little, some tob raneh, Some not at all --it beats the utch And now no man knows what to do, Or how is how, or who is who Deacon 1 corruption's sure to ill This gloriolis Union never wi I'll bet a continental cent, Elect another President Give thanks for what, I'd like o know 1" tIL 44 The deacon answered, sad an "Siraon 1 it fills inswith sur Ye don't see witar yor duty li Kneel right straight down, i And thank God that it aitt't —W. A. Cfoffut. King Frederi k's Joke. Conspicuous among the few men, of his time who ever go the better of Frederick the Great i a a jesting en- counter, was an abbot .of the Catholic Monastery of Camenz who succeeded in that high office ti t, worthy Abbot Tobias, an old favori se and friend. of the Protestant hero whom, upon a memorable occasion, e had saved from capture by a party o foraging Croat horsemen. The kin disliked the new abbot as heartily e liked the old one; but having been hospitably enter- tained by him during ever paid to Camenz, ting to recognize his by some special mar and, calling the abbo window, as he was a from the monastery "Ask me a favor." the abbot, "our Bacon is recently dead. D jetty can dispose of Berlin. Will my serenest monarch d with a second bass V a moment's reflectio you one from Neusta It flashed 'across that Frederick had previously set up an improving the breed town mentioned by what sort of bass sin liar humor would pr • ward to Camenz wh its choir, he proraptl dread sovereign, in t tude for your grad accordance with t order, we shall bes second bass the na donor. Hewill be as Fredericus Sec made no attempt t ons home thrust,. low, ' rise, s; all the muss; o wiles 1" names of a art and re them all to est, amiab and scoun language, o conscience the tongu the heart deep for w tered in or inflections depth of power ove vested of t fined art a which it lntehni, e be th O men els. the even that -that lrds, oifir h dere the ed setm oeS n rod' ' t, and name and And art, of it hose of 1 speak t o profir langn hutria sion, as man "tee story hi to classic t rightful' of musical I will show rue, hon - traitors e socul,i'"of ftli:Lhee Son. It is redly from oughts too to he nt- unless the ce, and its ell its i Se 1110 t re- umberto' belong. 11S x An e The sto f shepherd ho that he w•uld the 811111 •• it f cending ing. shepherd Sonthron say;" an cession C Isle of sovereign and Ath the gron ing, part visitor, " two mor sir, but -sir, jus -t] this is b3 dorms ; That's fi that doo I hope point on certaiint a the last visit he e deemed it fit - host's attentions of royal grace, to his carriage oat to drive away ales, said to him : '*Sire," observed bass choir singer ubtless your Ma - any chorists in aluaightlest, all- ign to begift us The king, after ; replied, "I'll send - t on the Dosse." he abbot's mind some short time establishment for f asses in the very im, and foreseeing er the king's pecu- napt him to for- rewith to recruit rejoined : 'Wog ken of our grati- us bounty, and in e custom of our w upon - our new e of his exalted OV711 in our choir ndus !" The king return this dexter - but drove off in m a e of t on' 06 fa ha ib e ; ou • )1 Delicate perience a a cup of it because its a sensatio ing strengt wea.kness. it ghoul b possess h fluid, in taste. more 0 food. than o with St4W nutriti, e s -be woo such vi • 61 tr th 11 e th 11 Bo b t a to 11jo sive Pr he West ld an E ee six Ik e 13. ctive denc ande el, sir e poi and, CO a he ,fa coast hich tland. • raftlg" akes f 111 S1d la, aboci y e best ir, the yor f ever gang; I -can Pt 113 1 • pe9t. . S0,6t1 rid sh tourist oms from were as - as !; amus - you mean, seeptical (Ilan' what,I tit ut lii sue- gl ,d; the oral and a of ; !Derby eland; :and were, 'stand- " Said. the d you have hat's true, Weel, d, and *, ing- 'seven. ki gdom is ich sir, tla '8 a Wit ony . , omachs ex - g effect from at breakfast, rveS creates in of list - 6 of food, itmust gastric gr eitble p 808S animal nut4itious e hMixed d rr 't a than on htindr Catholics The reinforcedby 10 force up to 1,000 —The jonrne agitati hours SiX tee e thea and work ki a 5p closing Chath passe itUte is of co ronto are number they wor and rete They d that thei and cea: --The Institut day an' This In: educatio its origin to and years ag0, in En fugitive Slav --Th Icier ing their p 014 Sara B nli rdt. to has ot bee social a oral man0i is C. pastoralre warning her pe no young the co " Lea huugr said it albusi less th e W —A wife o wood, been i time, into a Cover breat respe rnour w u Foo p etites ad er strep e on meat i ac ion on the B btle y c themempbreti nd gr u re ction of 1., eri to area e et ble food an phosphat shes ail soup 0 it. fo sdthbaesyregego • phos ,' • e, ou:to 111:ed:rittio. moot fa t, and be esible de • lie .t wagon a lis for hi •ut putti e hairnets; self: " brou had ha' He mut " unhilic e house Vt.) lifira4( tty Hil.ar , 1 an s in a Ina land, in. ort ople in dn fast day t churcht for th t f they lila a dep ' tat int the rie y the o d like - he eve1ti griigavidl; se of a pr ces, nn , a &Jo t ti it zen m rnini4 hi 00 S, plajced and ass the nd wai. 11 it pan ae ab in alka ies ari roomsi c bb other v a 1 • Co An the otl of aul drunkr. bring I nt • hi Shelblirn as he !wa. touches o he said t horn!" and foun the wago enough n went'in —Ruthla, HA Agent ber of h west 01 his vPor church., they' their Mau upon ed he tv woul Ch • k 11 • decree, ion of ha ac a re o rid defioi4r't in oa Etlivays eat gravp Or peciallf rich • amd nalush- cVery and S. 8 silence, which he maintained unbroken for nearly an hour, aide -camp, he dryl is what one gets by But he never again sode in which he fe thoroughly worste hen, turning to his observed: "That ioking with fools !" alluded to an epi - t that he had been ededto Science. Watson appears to o science. His will roperty, valued at en to. the National ces of the United the munificent sum s considerately set rt of his wife. Thin migrates his large peaks poorly for his ea of pensioning his nullity of $150 per th a paltry $200 per egarded as generous. igan allow .any man to corarait SO unjust a discrimination against those de the interest of sm. ity, they are g remember the ac and the interest right, except whe fill of those 1-wh bold an eqoal i every dollar of t The late Prof have ,beeu arcade& provides that his so,opo, shall be gi Academy of Scie States, excepting of $3i000, which apart for the supp will, while it de - love of science, humanity. The mother upon an year, and. his vvife year, will not be - If the laws ef Mic • 01 Itt ndent upon him, in lice or of public char- ievously wrong. To demy at Washington of science was all it rna,de liim forget- , by all moral. right, terest with him in e money and stocks which he attemp s to place beyond their reach—iaerOce n. the don, kno tion fron win oWs, beg n, to thin a tip aia, cha he tha as • • e t wage er as whic acqu uld atte el n 1.1 a 11 1 1 111 1 d the 1 th rm lin, om ab he car wi ort of 1,T11,e y tsaftli nege but hre lMr. T died v I rather •nd on woon f 11 • a on Cc il • A Music an on Music. It has been sai that music is the alse, according to our definition of language of! passirn. This is true, or "passion." Tak the word in its low sense, and in the whole domain of mu- sical art there is harmony with i the thief, the his inspiration piano, beettiaBei t 1108B of the kind strument. ,No only the highest not one single note in The profane man, orderer never drew 0111 tb e tone' of the er° is no suggestive - u the music of that in - musical art kindles flames—the flames of patriotism, of votion to the noblest sentiments ; it lets hearts .on fire in friendship, love,faith and charity. Nor is it extra,va.gan their highest st -whih is good. as a passion . worthy of adrai and duty. Wh. the battle, fired. music, by patri melodies? Not self-sacrificing degraded nation east no goel Ch Mi sho par 811 11 to speak of these in te as "pa.ssions ;" that ust exist in the heart efore it can become ation and praise in life - is the soldier, before b sweet •and stirring tic hymns set to noble for bloodshed, but for devotion. Bad men, have no music—at music. Tell Me the 01 rae. ter ev gotten owe o a to 11 no na ad fo the ark he rch higan dug lc pa per f Dr. kngwn w amd. thel inter for thh.1 K tion wit --Tho gtutio ceive ea h th A th di 00 • fi m 0 lo 18 t ;117:4 a. 0 0. as frofe as lf 'ad a s Drtink ✓ o m the the to go lit lie h o me c tim still .ould drive ovir to e whsky Just the finishing rrangenolents, horse has got u his lantern sed the pow' to , "I aril drunk • the bast, and sl ' it off, CriDWdi loys great nu in ufactory' th er tiniceurage 1 1.11 appoi Mary ed v ent iflarr a eco year Mr: Put:4 valu e attend ld theM eY wool ay in that lice a receive e same been la work, n was appoin ployer tliat "i over hours the t tlie kethodi Trnsco ery. occurred durin n NO Lou we repar ed th 'n th e ago. labcrate houi, dr can dies the cessio se ;Ugh ed ever chee but th y • • , df whom fort' are oldstreams are to be 'nen, bringing the en. an b ers of To - for a de res.se i the f labor. At prissent to eighteen bourn, r $5 to $6 per 'Week. ow their emplieyers at 5 la. m. ommeue ;, were old. on Mon- IriviceS at Wilbeiforce off vercredi ably. esigned f r the igher re peop,e, and owes e subscribed, any a d, for the benefit of 41 f ontre 1 are warn- againe patroaizing Her character hither - in 'acordance with law. In all the Ro- o °hes pn Sunday a from I the Bishop, pl against attending 1 1 • sited a St. Marys n t other night. During . said tothey. m.: soon be over," with a ok in her eyes AB she exclaimed "1 have emfflat down street in minutes, and must go." Weeks ago Mrs. Wells, mas Wells, of Green - suddenly. She had bad health for some e, occasion. named fell m which she never re- d in five -minutes had r 1 at. Deceased was much lad aves a large family to los Cl e of Oshawa has been assistant teacher in St. ool, the position render - r. McMurchie's appoint - headmastership of th school. Mr. McClure list and is very highly, His salary for the first 00. On his retirement was :presented by th a handsome watch chid • - h ed he ted nt to tor 11 31 agre a de judgi the verdli in th tiff poll the 1:1,ev diet' or repti sido! th 11.11 to cDI wt a n' nd or ght t. .te or 1 ada b av the tim whi of r on i tho sch wer be hig dra tai of t bt 9 t Fre was • alch, ed, an all h Frank iter e was st he 1180111 nsingt that agree n the w th w lef ne 5,000 this ed by onth he 5 od is ras 1 t auc accor woo $25 onnd se 111 1 0 0 i jay, at w ik a ied a tely, oller ales' wing de r jjistl as orn i ---,-T one eiat hetii:,Fael urnedi ice Ir f ,th h . e fc si 11 01 1 princ s y narr f not ile foll w da3, d thrcjw ir Der4h nd Tr ousellol wpiidthiy grin , he was fa jury. e Scot house, bark is th aian s ar out ata m the 10 gl men are n the la tt 4U L waa ver that n b 'lids, and aside appeared es e eon egation alhout , coun by, ai rab hich ty m losers ad for land, ional distin fish c he gland ent. een t n Rivet road re- 1 m the 'paymaster 1 car is running at mile , minute. e n thrlown from The total ' amount ymaste • I axed. Africa s, and $ from 4 o size au ; quality. up by ; title roots, per 1oii unsplit m 440 it Wales lias had a ape fropal a severe death. IA appears ,1 the ho0 ds in Nor- .1 her spi Princ Proby ✓ of thS Prince of ho was; closely fol- prese0e of mind aught the Princess i ing, an& saved. her ds are to be raised n before ; the regi- Irela 'The Scots which, when d ' at Chester, .n hones 110 lan At ed lyi pil TO so po fa be to ta Se • 11 ictoth =DMA DonigonwsExtgib(ittion,• rs the hi me de re G 1, I 4' • 1 40P• elleville were nable t LI ict, eleven bein in favo d one for plain . Th them to be locked up fo consented to a settle the verdict wan opene jndgment for the plaid - was given. The Judge , when it was found that e still in favor 0 a vet - ant. They wern severe na sent back to re -co 1 ct. 1 r s' Aid Society df the dan- t church in Listowl, novel method. Of raising hey have been ;for so e in getting up a qui de to do duty in the w s by having embroider thread the na es of e ten cents toWards t o ething over 770 naines Finally the cluilt is tool auction and. spld to t ei r.' This last a.ct in t; me off at a literary entr- e given by the ladies wine ngs. er in the North of Eng.. to be unusually severe. a severe frost has follow. di snow storm. The snoVvis oot eep on the ground, an is fts. It has blocked he riously injured the orcps. sr ard products have ben d ie. very direction by the wind. as peen a violent gale in the est na the cold is intense. Ite- Shields state that the ery cold, that -snow has at more is likely to fall Last week thei gale oer- Steamer trading between - and Newcastle, The 6ap- wned. Several, sailing tves- =ark, NorwaY and Stived- arts, were also wrecked in he cold, is inItense. The the metropolis con nes sonable and dirty. Ve lat ere but a Met o hit on ims. en 181 ag fu 1 th gel ho dv secure ut tup bid i to t t eve wi ike wo est a me 08 TI OS 1,1 re :11 .7 fo • w ath mld, 1 a rp an • • Eiso ALLS 1880. srLvER: fl3ghest Toronto E EDAL ward, ibitioa • iiN KIDD, SEATOITH, EGS1 to call the Speelal Attenti many Customers and ihe public s varied assortment of toV ES 1 STOVES 1 I of his e erally to FrOm the BEST Manufacturer Lin the Dominion, viz.: WM: BUCK, OF BRANT ORD. These STOVES poseess Many Adeantages F(hih can only be Appre an Inspection of th WE WARRANT EVERY 11 he lin Defy Competition in Price or •4ited by TOVE aality. GRAND CLEARING SALE AT KIDD'S, SEAFORTH THOMAS IC I, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 1\T IN om is nd ong. cattl age s dir tri coal e. r unse THE SEAFORTH SURANCE AGENCY VIN the t bleu WT arine, Life and RANCE A been in the Ineuranc st fourteen years, I ances on all kinds of T POSSIBL • • 41 cciden d E N I COMMENCE THIS MORNING A GRAND CLEARING SALE OF ALL my LAROE STOCK OF' NEW GOODS Consisting of the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Siks, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Velvets, Mantes, Sb.aw14, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Claakings, &c. Full Lines of Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Aibbons, Lace Goods, Corses, Fancy Wool Goods, No- tions, &c. Ladies and ents' Underwear, and an Inimense Stock of Blankets, Spreads. Flannls, Cotto s, Shootings, Table Line)* Sbi-tings Towels, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths, Ca ets, (tc. SWEEP-1,NG • EDUCTIONS MILLINERY ! A) AL MILLINERY MATERIALS. One ilundtred Moat es to be Cleared Ont. The balance of the Stock to be sold at Net (Jost. Extr ordinary Bargains in Blankts, Flannels and. Winceys. SPECIA TO EIVERYONE REctUqIING CLOTHING. I have o hand $5,Q00 worth of Readymade Clohing, which I am determin- ed to dispose f this m nth. This is a splendid orortunity for those wishing to sedure Genuine Bargai s. A few Small Boys' Overcoats will be sold extremely low. MY STOC OF BOOTS AND SHOES Is the largefh I have ever held, and I have opened o t this week several import ant ond very attractive lines. I sell Ladies' best q ality French. Rid lower than any other house in town. I have a full range of t se celebrated Riveted Shoe in Ladies' Miss& and. C ildren's sizes. Everything Long Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers. WDDING AND MOURN NG ORDERS Command my special attention, and can be all ma e up complete; on the prem ises. My stock of Silks iscomplete in every shade and every price, and I never was able to offer you better value than I am to -da Always in the front rank with my Blank Cas ores. I offer to.day a full ralge of All Wool and. Union at 38c., 400., Vc., 52c., 7c., 670., 72c., 80c., 95c., ant $1. /Insinees r M. prepared to reperty at t e RAT None b t firt-class =Companies repreeented CA LOAN The Oldes OnReal Sal] ALSO AGENT FO1 THE DA PERM NE T AND SAYINGS COMPANY in the Dominion. 1111aney silvan ed atate at Seven per ee t. CHANGE OF 1:r MIMS MR. E. WHITNEY, ,t1.3A.F0:11,r;1-1, ES RliS 0 state to her zustemers and the p bit that she has diSposed of her Tin and Stove Business to her eons, CHARLES and GEOB3E WHITNEY, who have had the princi- pal e rite of the business ler several years, and she licipes the same liberal patronage win be extended to them that has been achorded to her - sell for so many years. '1 . 1 ALSO AGENT FOR LINE STEAMSHI ng between New York N WA SO COMPA Y, nd Britain. situ Street, SEAPORT, Ontario. FFICE -- In Campbell's 1 Block, oPP he Mansion Hotel. Zopesa. eaa, ona Brazil, is now Come anad . It is a mild purgative, as a wonder upon ; and giving th d energy to the DigeStive atus of the human stomach; c r- an increasing the acids. t is gly ti -bilious and carries of all us b , tones up the Liver, ives di tion and speed v healt to vsp id and the bilipus. k J. BEE Seaforth and 13ayfiel , or ent ottle and. test Zopes, the oom u d. Large eight ounce b t- 5 Ce s, 679.52b he well *tory, is uished for lture, and 'amed at 11 connec- e various is diamond t is carried , don the 5 to $50 i; and a ie and a $50 per ed. hunter Fortu- ,I the Con- re ment MUT rter o • • , T bea d ivei e herr O pacI OTalAanei, re Is, Il i o lr:se; is:bra:I:1 . 0 r y of I e 0 floral confidence reposed e Ingres ent whiela compose it .= are the purest . d ost .. dieing oils ; no alephol impure it -9 ren h . ansing evaporation, and it can pd ed as art award application or an fate nal edicine. "c• f lotion or unguent can eo are Ur t ei r i efficacy or purity. As it i3 a in • imi d, by unprincipled dealers, pirech sent 806 at each wrapper bears the facs 0 nre •i'l . N. Thomas, and ' the Jinn tune ropi L an/blown in the =bottles. Sold by ugg Is.• Preiered by Northrop 4 yrian P to, Ont. 682 H GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—J1 ?doges eriOdical Pills—This invalliable medicine is • in -he cure of all those poinful and iebases to which the) female ontitu ljecli It xnederates all excels an re ofitT4etionsdand a speedy °warn y be To aeriedl diefeitis peculiatlys 'ted. If a a ort tim , bring maths mo. t y po- larit5. These pills should not be lee daring the first three month 0, es they are sure to bring on mo- at t any other time they are afil in of Nervous and Spinal ectious, •o tack and imbe,-fattgue on light ea- , 1pi ation o the heart, layste ce, and ese ills wil effect a Ore when all other • ve failed ; and, although aarrerbel o n t eonta n iron, calomel, tinuney, ng artful o the constitution. 1 Full in he pam hlet around each package, ul be caret lly preserved. •Job Moen, ole Proprietor. Si' 00 and 211, cents e e closed o Northrop & Lyman, To - general agents for the Dominion, re I bottle containing over 60 pill!! by maill. Sold in Seaforth by H ek on & ,J. S. Roberts, and R.Lumsde . 634-52 hey All Do It 1" ify and preserve e teith agrance , to the brath, use ," the new toilet gena. Sam - et 5 cents. 679-2 1N cionxiecflon with tbe !aboe t e tuidersigned li g t state that they will continue to keep on h1, ta, at be Old Stand, a full 3tock of !! 1 IES OF 011.71.1 KINDS —ANI— ST Tin site BANKING 110USL • SEAFORTH. ip 7 E-491 the pre? ises for k occupied by the Bank of melr e, and under the Comm Hot1el, Main Street. NOT[ ma Buis DISCOUN BnIcliksh and Foreign Ezell nge 1 I Purchased and Sold. h -- L -WAY CURE, bet positive, per- rehef, sooti experienced, follews the s' Eclectric Oil for coughs, colds, SO chest, rheumattsm, ne algiea ncll diseases' of horses and catt e. In rof ssional men of eminene ; ipex-1 tiler, it in every case prov itself in it;. 0 A. R R I Some Beautiful Things in allso Prime and L.ow P Nobby thinge in ?hildren's Seal School Caps, NO NED TO MENTIO It is universally known that I always hold th right price,. Just to hand, the Largest Shipment and Liquor departments always fully assorted.. er- 0711,- cial ED .1 ou gun ort id ro ow Priced Furs. iced Mink, from 45 cents 4 upwards. MY TEAS. right article and sell it at the have ever received. Grocery „ 1 bus- tinu to t year will onc old sett e can 41,o so at the !;•store o Whitney Brs: an'' the Ord of Octobr- After that date the acc nuts Will be pat ixtto otheT hands for col - lee ion., 665 • MRS. IE la BITNEY. are lof EveryilDescrption. TVs e alo prepared to do Custom 0241c �f Every pescr teen, ontke hottest Notice;land heap. vin a thorough prietietil owledge of the / es in all its bratihes, they hope to con- th large patronage which lass been given e 0 d and well-knOvrn ho se for so many riiITNEY RO Parties indebted please eettle their indebted ,as the new firm open new ainesie mast be °Weed. P HERS. Mrs. Whitney ess with her at books and tire rties desiring to csEI 331 -.TY RIB ! I particularly call the attention of Cash Bny rs to the gret inducements I offer theni. I purchase my Goods on the very cl sest terms, and my prices are such as cannot fail to prove acceptable. It will be to your advantage to look through my stock, and I shall be glad to give yo an opportunity to examine and co -apare my prices, lo that you may, satisfy your df that ray value will stand. the THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth. test. 1" Corner of Main and Market Streets. FA MERS'SA E NOTES' Perchaeed at Remo ble Rates. ITIonley Lent on Collett la ling lag ron 'on B81 ov 8al on gr go, ase in cirri al 1 psin erti wlht Ca s, ✓ -3,, o a d re to •hi e e Yo ✓ ost nte, '11 lin to n le de 0E11. The majority ootohmn, the Irish- ' r lion iiiiirabering less ral @teen Issued, payable at par ches of the Bank of Comm BEST Allowed on De • Money to Loan on Mortgages. -11 Manager and ENING M MES W I a for ove cns oprie HIN Sl ATS ities., •tal rce. t HADiAN BANi OF ONIMERCE It/BAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Plod. upl Capital, - /116,000.000. Beloit -ji 1,4004,400. CH ISTMAS AND : AT:, W YEAR THE CENTRAL GROCEIRY, SEAFORTH OUR STOCK Is this Year we invit :Inspect FOR THE XMAS Very Complete in all, whether purch r Goods and Note IN THE GROCERY We wod d specially draw your attention to our Green and Japan, which we are selling at ex every package of Tea sold by us to give satisfa the cah. We offer special inducements to tho 77.7ite Our Stock/' General Groc rz to anything ever Dealer in all kinds JFiretClasi ILY AND M NUFACTU G SEWING ting Machines, d Irons, Sewi rs Needle., Oil Attachments, *CHINES. tawn Mowers, Machine Re- ., &c. the ONLY Agent in t1hiS part of the County for the Celbated ITE SEWING MACHINE h has sueceeded in aking the First Prize o years in succeseio at the Seaforth Fair, ler & Wilsoi, Howe, C, and any Machine U its competitors. o Agent for the 'Me e A, Wilson, Wanzpr omer may want. All Kinds of Se1ng Ma hines • Reps. d. eeond-hand Machines, taken in ex -pa t 'payment fer New Machines, and sol Ion easy monthly payments. atisfaction 44arantee. T s fp N • nt, Ho. Mcltfaster. AvoRTIJ BRANCE. -- m4 Seel forth Braneh of this Bank continues to receive dposits, on. Ili& interest is allowediee the most favorable tetai.s. -Drafts n all the phicipal. towne and cities in Cana 8.' n Great Britain, a d on the United State,b ught and. scrld. e -1 -First door -8out7 1 the Commercial A.11 IRE AD, Manager. note 6$9 TH ND HOLItiAY TRADE very Department, and sers or not, to Come and Prices. EPARTM ENT E C'0MMERCIAL LIVERY E 0 R T ART HU R FORB ES pnrchased the Steck and Trade Of the Commercial Livery, Sleaforth, from Mr, Geo ge Whiteley, begs to state that be intend earr ing! on the businees in the old stand, and has add$d several valuable hoiseS and vehiclesto the foriiferb large stock.! None but Fir t-gass Contftirtable leellides and G-ooZ IlOrses Will be Kept. co mail and OpenThiggiee and Carriages, and Do ble and Single Wagons always ready for use. Sp• Arrangeinents Ara& With, COM. rrtetifcia' Z ken. dela left at the Stables lyr any of the hotede pro ptly attended to. arge stook of TEAS in Black, emely low prices. We guarantee tion to the purchaser or refun4 purchasing in large lots. s be found Equal hbited. OUR STOCK OF FRUIT T IS YEAR IS AHEA Of any -ever show;a by us before. In Currants we offer Vostiza and Messina, best brands imported. We offer in Raisins : lack Basket, London Layers, tana, and tbe finest selected Valentias. • nge as - achines J M E S MAIN STREE, EAFORT Block, op: °site the 668 FICEIn Campbell's Mansion Hotel. "-- — to $20 PwEolDAf $5! free. Addr se STIN- at home. Samples 13 14 & Co., Portlnd, Alai e. 6264 THE BEST FRUIT IS AL W4 • FRESH l_11710N, ORANGE A full stock. urnett'S Pure Extracts, a Saucs, Pick1ei4 Rock Cocoa, Maniocs, Co Pure Ground Spicea, &c. CROOKRY AND GLASS In the Crockery and. Glassware Departm shown in Seafotth before. We show Breakf China and Granite—plain and decorated, Ch Toilet Sets and Ian immense stock of Fancy New Year's Gifs. MOTTO TEA CUPS AND SAUC China Mugs, French Gruel Bowls, Maj To particularize our entire stock would take than the publii3hers will allow, therefore YS TH.E: CHEAPEST. We Cordially _...... _____ iTLTIRMNT I T-TIRM,.. 1 1 J. 87 PORTER isEAFORTH. I tzEin:914deirteerinStoiclhte .dof Ft° ull rTitaurre°ruegt anirdY- Iless of Cali !O8E IN WANT, it Will pay them to snar- 1 ii tain prices be$Ore puMhasing elsewhere. I gi e al large disconnt to tbose paying cash, es- peially to newly Married Couples. 1 am still sellingisix highly finished thsirs for Il also keep Knowltdn's Spring Bed, the belt and cheapest in the market; warranted perfectly noielese.I Waeeroeme direetly opposite M. R. Counter'S Alt,mtnoth jewelry' !Store, Main Street, Seaforth, Est Side. 1 25 .-01:1N S. PORTER,. t3 1 THE d ZURICH. SADDL iy, HARNESS, #URNITURELEilliABUSIAENT 1 - 1 /JERmoh WELL, Proprietor, A GOOD Stock sitf Harness of all kinds always -(1-3- en hand, together with everything else be- henging to the hueinesse which will be sold cheaper than everi FURNITURE, FURNITURE* Sp cially low -prices given to newly mauled r, !soup es requiring fundtere. Call and see ray titock and prices before tr!Ohasing elsewhere, se Yon Will save moneybyRdOaincgseow. 630WELL, zurieu 1 SAW 'JOGS WANTED. the Sul ND CITEON PEEL, 679 all assortment., Also Figs, Nuts, oa Nut, Gelatines, Potted Meats, D XIE SAW . ILLS, HAY. ANTED, at the Dile Saw Mills, on the 6th Concession of Ha , Icily number of Saw Ieag , for whiehi -- Ie Highest Trice in CciSh Will be Paid. arties having Timber to sell, either on the or marefactured, can receive the very hig est price for it in cash. Apply at the ill or s4res Hamill PD. T. WILSON. Invite yon all to Come a dviring the pres LAIDLAW ARE 'DOARTM'T. nt our stock is superior to any ever t and Dinner Sets, Tea Sets in ber Sets from common to good, oods suitable for Christmas and RS FOR OLD & YOUNG lica Ware, Vases, Ornaments, &c. p more space in Tiaz EXPOBITOB 4 ANOH�R LINE. uhNITED spiTEs oL STEAMERS 1411 Every Saturday rem NEW 10101 and G-LASGOW (iii Lon onderry) and LONDON • Dbfect. GIsa ICIIETS ,101 Live ool, Londonderry, nolw, and ,aU vette of ilnr0pe. Faits se Iowas at other firsticlase lin. repaid Paisage Certificates lamed to pertains wi bing to being out tbeir friends. he Paeeenger aceomlmodationof Anchor Una Bt,sTflet8 are arisurpasised for elegancessultena DICK1301% 698 Al the Post 011lee,43e..sfOrth View our Immense Diplay. t month. FARLEY, Seafdath. SEANI. CIDER MILL, _ EGMONDVILLE. TIEAXING irest-Proef Premises, We are paredto mitke eld for customers "narrater. O4ir charges- will be 34loente per imnst:141 gallon during the winter sea on,£SOx1.. 4 . O. & II. iatiON. 1. , 1=CMIMR•IM. 5. GNVOELL, Provincial 1•1111a • era Civil Engin orderaby sisilprouses 1 attended tO. D. • . CAMPBELi, WAS%