HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-24, Page 10} r RON 3CP SI —SIJ PLZMENT. . L .. a•a.S,:•it.. 7x,•.xi Var'ietie • -The cedar block pavj+i• eut s to b tried on Yongo street, T• , into. --The ladies of Kum cht.rch, S Thomas, realized -$100 as t e pre seeds of a Mazar last wee c , r --`the Director:= of the x, ink •f 'En land raised the n),} iiriu- • rate of ..di xi ? ��„rliit � to �f t' ?JOU-- ; ilos one . occ tlw Stella',4 iaax` a a.. Sc �cit:hutit to 'Of l% of turf time. u�•A.,.�si :t rii,lgt «say 11&x; 9, . t tee; 9z over so carry as this e r -for tut live `'cars. •—The Brookfield *o ton twill, S :uckpvgt>_A _s,s } dirt cid e entl�, Lo !.30,000. %our hundr-d per; one a thrown out of eruployin t. -,A Mail clerk on the Gran 11£tkl y i under.suspe sou o of beiug found carousin_ vith colllllau1on in. liostal.c, —. man ju lai.eagp m• ed ' ho ,'te trichi r}Elie: ill- sal. sages; other night. His wife d tl siren are not likely to r cover. --A sick, old mac, victed payment o , k.ent from cabi estate of Karl Fit,.w�illiam, �� icklow, Trelana, died while ricd out the other day. -- -ti OWS wines of shocks t ,f eart , in 1 he Wit ider (u Ifs 'i, iu t o Iat t o Trun�i i chat,' 3 fem poking died t# e ree cls"- for-nc , Cour eing 6,V-1 .tttaKt: from St- Thome. Indies, aua political aitc One hawked citizent ,pl asci have been arrested. Iev , lei. l-a,nlinoi , tho ;,,included }jib evangel stir Niniiipeg, on Thursday ni.gb .e Vik. On his way tics e he. :.i few days in Emerson. - •.1 respectable farnic incautiously displayed containing $30 in bill' . notes of hand, While i Bothwell;- on Monday last. seen it since. --According—According to t1ie� state . nished-the "San Fran i.co stock of wheat in Cal' form 33,000,006 bushels. ! ler far this year have bees z bon bushels,- -Forty-si roads a Illinois aaru:ed during June 30th $13{),000,0 iL not be buret .to meet. of had bee --Fif were co oth 3r da to that driers." Portage! illicit :v: of Novo dian I?, 'evivali abors of. 1 $t ill spe a r of .`i?;uphe l a p'tckeL-1 an $3300 a• (11 hote e has �0 ing he y 0; n ti(;1.,000,000.` This i sa e unp some roads doubled d eir over those of the precedling _11. F. ,snsickle,' the A.neaster, has three g gs o ing timber; and intend : taki ` 000 cubic 'feet of shi tim • Quebec market this inte portion: of it will be s i •ped ford. --The ceremony oft the Home for Incurs, was perforeao'd on 110 act -Governor Robint stone of. this institute t17,. Louise 18'79. —Twenty six acci sels, with one bundle an lives lost, ire notedby th General of United tales t,el:t in 1680. Two h. Brea million passengers ore (luring tlio year. '1'tic, newly reuu pension bridge, at.0 i few ilayt; ago.by the weighing 357 357 toes. :Adored to be able to the weight of all tl rails can accommod —(meat prepare. Ji Windsor for the -co nineteenth. anniversary of Consort's death. Tie Pri and bis family and all the drew how in England. will Frogmore for the occasion. —Bev. P. Wright late was inducted into the pa of liuox Church, St clay of last week. auuutu, the first qu being promptly paid conclusion of the ins —It is underst 13ritish Government ing corrupt practict prohibit the use o committee rooms, ix closed'01i'pollin ; days. are in. despair over he in —The farmer's - arou Wentworth comity; who paving milk to Rick r factory during the seas arms against the ettle by the proprietors or mi thein. A law suit is lik • oro les, day n. n w u S bk .eats erald, pp is a xport4 10,000, 40( la sto in. ha re et!, 1. of WI ret so 00 In yerd es, n snp.1 dwa 'e taus u baz! AA Cyt 'oh 1too o th le 's rei in a lake o th the mo feat bei t o gtie c6iee e S agar t•us. It tl e' zr oft' b uLe;i 'von ices—A IDOL'ni xew it is ¶he e he amp! lie #i the; i78. Decked, and the -gravid, e furniture aved. allons di w E. sated a . S i The li uor o int in flour e poli.e au ✓ 'port tri un i key pe ars )er.•on Se tic') c Railaiy. . T•agU file Vrll Ll did not C' i8 a hitaiits, We three oct jewelry st. es, one urli store, Muret Ls, one j3,arn 1, threehotels u er fre of e South Ben• a .s that a wi e its w:lth,. outh p:rlor ecce iu that u'iness in - ar endl t incle, eceden h. et earns is ear. f o�vnsh 1�• men > k g out, - r for he A 1aro rom Z3rq.ij h 11y ope , ibg Park ale, y Lie en - he .co er s .laid' by pternber of nts t steam es - eighty' five Inspe tor - team, 'ss - and ti -arty trausp r rted1 tod railwayl::,lis- ton, as tes ell a ssag of a ; rains he bridge is coni suppo, t five ,t; ice e losed ca - .it te. a P ns ar makiig memo ation op the P, ceof1Nt ueen h. c assemb" e f Mon total c :atford, ou W a Salad, $2,00' > rter's salary,!' in ad ance, 3nctio . rod- tl at the; Bill 'or sup; s at lection, pub is , lion nd or • •r the e pul. lligene d- Ski ve be achie's , are i'�41 ent -p deliv ly to ---A young man named has been in tho emplety of well-known Toronte men. arrested on charg and selling privately for flt,.sevoral hundred doll rifles and. revolvers taken ployer's premises. --George Jaussell came te Buff lo to hear ,Ingorsoll's le tur Fillmore Hotel, and. was morning dyiug from ois ed by his own hand —In the Anglica °ha bec recently pasto all from the Bishop f church people of the dio titions for Present tio Houses of Parlittme to legalize maxriag wife's sister. concession of Beverlly, w alter retiring to find the his horiee in a 1)1.8,08, thrifty hour arlor etwe toard, rid i York 4 d V ter pa t of ❑auufa tnrec athich al, pun s ;,o t •i uiauds of 1 costs 1:ss than hal ;the price ported; arti 1 ;ane '•, is more ', e than any o11er ' i'htrese, be - ,re weight iso tai • 1 from a uantity� 'of ilk, : 1 a better ;' a e reale ed. 'eat exp olio took &i e on the 1 u of the Oth at Pe guaig, the - co fiery in theridd • Valley. elieved t at 87 Pers• • perished. 1 adorers disco • ered�: ;corpses. j leiroh • as i'.peded by after- 1 ,a • d debr s in he pit About a j r.m this :cane a; great; explosion 1 - inas olio y hoops:.; place iu 1 i hie ho Se was, i8 •ut no b:fore the 10 er oor ,irsue"ate a 1:111 # lues nes%.:: rrels t • "sun - h ride at of hitt using t e u of t}'e C 1 g Of No fi lis' ; th e fou: ture $' grove; sa shop red ,foil a �lrs 1r e rr tr 01E ► t sal plant 3i1 oken 1 (Ind.); Tlri une, ale Otis vine ugh a brie wall u• ex- aye !Iil- Y, an is row- i t NV slant It came n, the 1vali and 1 now ijver two iscons „ produce the nabilrger• i xn r • United ' Rat: nth ua- • '1 song '111 has .,.,:. ,hree drug fiber- I one t� two liv , Ons. 9,. .1 $aa et G su, Returnel from aid has B .Ge7 rat All of . hieh wig I be So C OCKERY AND GLASSWARE L to Ea s used GA tern Markets, i s i R.GAI;N r 21.1 Fruitry G' ocer•ies, d Cheap to Cash ,COME 11 Been). it a JC, S Ol d boto hc;1 ds is now 1 1880. AYER' CATHARTIC PILL FOR ALL THE PUR- POSES OF A FAM- ILY PHYSIC,—Cur- ing Costly e n 0 8 8, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestio1, Wien - try. Forel Stomach r_OOES. and Breath, Head- i3� l _ s� oebe,Erysipelae, lie, s, Rheum at lint!, Ernie.Imo" - tions and Skin Dieea- aaa,Dilliouaneae, — = Liver Colupin int, ,' D3ow,'Jetlet,.'lnntpHlIidSaltBherim;Worme, -,, Crape'-" MI's. the Mood, aro the most congenial purgative yet Cont, Neuralgia; as a Dinner Pill. and Pniifying larfectt•d. Their effects abundantly show how -` much they cxcelall other Pills. They are safe -a '4 -^"�T and pleasant to take, but powerful to sure. They verge out the foul humors of the blood ; - 1, they btim;ilate the sluggish or disordered organs '1,; a 1 r Low Prices. into action ; and they impart health end tone to Lt TJe111a1 the.wholebeing.. They cure not only !the every day complaints of everybody, but formidable and contsgeous diseases. Moot useful phyeictans, most emnentklergymen, and our;best Citizens, Wend certltleat is of clues performed; and of , great benefits derived from these Pills. They are the safest and brat physic for children, be- cause mild as *ell as effectual. Being, sugar coated they are easy to take ; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely ha- miens. Prepared Goods. by DR. J. C. AYER 6; Co., Lowel1,Moss., Practf- Sh0w you tits l Goods, cal and Analytical Chemists. So Id by all Drug - .gists and Dealers in Medicine. 669-524 SEE THE P1eaSuro t JT,Y 1\T P±-LTCE, G. (FFO1 D, Jit., Ma._rl Strut., ' eafol tli. A distin In cornbraioi nitlj t hag slightly lkal ne, aero Its effects ar;c su ill v elation of h' . p tite, Circulation , •iti°oto e the reithei. dist rs h slier Le discontii ued 4t uy t' t and peculiar Corlbination, FL.LLOW5' �o�Po�'DO S -P IT: s contains the elements essential to the animal organization, th oxidizing agents 'and toads. e stimtllatiu o agent phospho s, possessing the merit of be- ciispei sed. n the canvcnien and palatable fohn of a syrup. Bible withri twentyifour hou , and are marred by a duii- tlie digestio. and t .ssimilati*n entering div .ctly into the ei'veaand nt soles ; exerts a healthy action of a secretions; aehnor injl es the!system der prolonged. use, and Iraq ue tvithcut nconvellienCe. . -' 1n a wort , it os: esses the stimula ., and mer't Of t iet dogree F L t`ongestion o t tI e 1 f� 1 nosy uj iSr •a h. .P a2 i‘ fry s, h.y/� An,will rapugll}#• <in uport1 volunt�a1i, 9 S'i DMP.OUND *PCEDiI,Y ..4411, S Il/'Onchita Buyers. I A Largs Stock to Choose from. CLIh11T01V • •Ccttbrated Cli Stec ILL. FLOUR' ta» It] ill,,: Floor always Try it EM ER THE PLACE • 1 JOH ER w-A.LTO1\T+ 1 A CARD OF THANKS. JAMES CAMPBELL, • A F'IElt a residonct of seven years in Walton, begs to return his grateful thanks to the Farming 'and Mercantile Public generally for the - 1 generons support given him during that time, and' begs to statethat he has now on hand a . full assortment of all kinds of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 1 And will alwaya be ready to mete out to them 1 good articles at as reasonable a price ae any in the Trade. IHe has a large quantity of PORK (Side, &e.) of first class quality. Earthenvere of every description. Glass, Oil, r White Lead, (James', &c.) and a general aeaort- ment of colors. Boots and Shoes a Specialty, from the well- known firm of Hyman & Co., London. Any article necessary for a country store can be obtained. Patent Medicine in all the lines. 911 kinds of Farming Produce taken, oath or exchange. - - 657 JAMES CAMPBELL. THE SEAFORRTH is to arouse the trength, thet ' oiucs°e t retain SYRUP OF I YPOPHOSPHITES . PERMANENTLY C RES Co•n4-tlmption, 31r rvous Prost. ation, Short- dpitais .l and i1I i> ital. Depression, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Laic 'fly, Loss of Mel tyry, 'tYkakeued Pune ions and organs of `the body, which d'epend for health tion of the Heart, Tren+.,ie-ng of the Hacis and FOR A PAMPHLET. tary; and }t'ivol tary nervous actio . , SEND SIS SON GENERAL A INSURANCE' AND LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT for Several First-Olass Stock, Fire -1- and Life Insuranee Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on the moat faVorable terms. Also Agent for several of the best Loan. So - Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Farm , and Village Property. LAW RE NCE, A Number of First -Class GENT% MON ./1/2717'02 -'ed FaIrM8 fOr Sale. • examine his 3t dr ef 00 order on, ier ;eh rt 1. tion. Ills dee oink tate. Funerals kitten 'ESS rit THE LECTORS. ' $50,000 to Conn nt *oven per cent. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tickets. mind 7Ones, shore li 'o you going to V' e iS ettingi.play;;A out and I want to go F OM a first. rate furniture at, very low OFFICE -- Over M. Morriaoif a Storo, Main i al n w pradic, and they say that ho has the very best and. cheapen(' in the btreet, oa or . s tie Lige that 14.har, removed to the Pr .miaes lately occupied by Mr. John CENTRAL DRUG STO!11 .E. EXETER. tilt Free anil. Indeperulent I eopleot Huro!I, : , ors, nd that hels now prepared to fu ish everything in the Furniture line %,. • s, II tending•ptilreha sere will [find it gr tly to their advantage to call and , Ca re P rchasing ehiewhere. Repairing pr mptly attended to. Furniture made = -,e,... o4e . Tioturo framing a specialty. 11 work guarantee . Farm produce, ; Egc ,... .,.-.. "; 4'•' • ERtAKING DE ARTME T: = Coffins, Shroud.; will be foun complete, and a tho very lovrest the country. API:fears() for hire. temember the plan of lin is ow Wth from of D kirk, (Alio igh mend nexil, ter ve ese to to 5th 3.er pi ke tip uppnr he fir n pe Govit 99,0 heu toy! ol l3ntter and C 0080 HERA fl E FOOT LOVER EESE, Havi to keep o Plows, G ON'S Column Repairin 49LFRED It JOHN W. N ;0:1:11e6 42:_co rs 'HAN TA OF BITSINESS. 1 4101 Jau (Under the new Act,)isened at the CC Lim CO Ca Ca CC ni twin m. 666 B OX RTAKER &C. S .ATTEN 'El UN nig LWAYS, ON EL ND. Havingidisp =se( either by;n te or b' SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. d. the Seaiorrh Foundry from John Nopper, we will continue the old stani Main Street, ;Seaforth. a full assortnaeut of 'outliers, Lat d Rollers and all other Implements in our line. d School, Church, 'garden, and Lawn Chairs a specialty. lad 'neatly dote and SatisfactiOn guaranteed. Give us a trial. 1‘113, PPER BROTHERS. SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. of_nay business, I must cant on all those indebted to inn, k accomit„ tn call at d settle' the same before :the First, of te I will place dverything the hands of he :Clerk of the PAI .'S1Y3IW3H3 A COMPLETE and Full 9 ock of Drugs awl Chemicals constantly on and and warranted of the Best Quality and at Mo erate Prices. Medical Wines and Liquors can be relied on se best quality. A. complete took of Trusaes, Shoulder Braces, Chest Pro ectors,&c., alwaye on hand. Also Stationery, 8 hool Books, Fancy The Central Drug Store, ( inan's old stand,) directly opposite the Central otel. LUMBER FO HEMLOCK, First Quality, from $8. BILLS CUT TO SALE. 6 per M. PINF All Length, from 10 to ATeet, at the PONY MILL,. IN MoKILLI OP The Subecriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY -1- oust omers o r the liberal pa ;menage extended to hinisince commencing business in Seaforth,and trusts hat he may be favored with a oontinuanee of the same. Parties intending to build would do t o give him a calLas he will continue to keep on hand • • large stock of all kinds el Dry Pine Lumber, SaSheS, DOOrs, and .11thiltli ,S711)111 who may favour him with the: patronage,' s none but first-classworkmen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing PAINTIN PAINTING. 201 JOHN H. EROADFOOT. is repared to do ell kinds of Ilouseand Sign Painiingli Paper Hang- . ing and itew shiug., Satistaleion Guaranteed or no charge Made. Orders left a.t W ilanp:tct Yttoeuilngticil.ust,LurcH. isa.f;J or B.obert on 1& CO.`2,. Will p made. Costly Outfit Iree. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Main 626-52 $66 4 W.E.,K in your own town. Terme and $5 outfit, free. Address H. HALLETT & Cu., Portland, Maine. 616-61 •