HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-24, Page 9G -rangers in At the meeting of . vineial Grange, held. Toronto, a large deput bers. waited upon the ment, and presented t Provincial Grange on the abolishingthe power of mu pbrations to impose, marl et were courteously receive , a ed.' that them atter should consideration. The Co _Railways reported that h was a growing tendency on railway companies to c nib purpose of increasin th freight, thus destroy g th competition which in h should exist, that, the e should be taken by t e remedy this growing mittee oil Vommerei Galin falai of endow_ trade with England necessity of raising a Ptock for that Market out one of the• funds, the Order, viz., to sell in the fleece and. less n in this way increasin qualities of their far s. the Committee on A n to the excellent me iu farmers by the Grang f r t rent of their own co di ion ly urged the imports ce of on such _subjects as ett it tillage, better -stook,.,n agement. The repot o th on Fire' Insurance 11. we poliCiea had been-issu d by ion Grange Fire Insu a ce to the present date, a 'd th hoped that in view o he opposition offered th; c mp organization, that th em • Grrangeiwould give it h ir The Committee on B nk that as Saturday was a pro ket day, they though t e be kept open till 3 o'c k noon of that day. T impressed with the n ssi a purely Farmers' .&r cul from .which substant al fa. obtain pecuniary a s star having to submit to tort of interest. The rep of tee on House and Ho dr to the importance of ak tractive, and to the o rtu edUthe Mothers of d- tin their children. arigh ' T members were elect e1 Dominion Grange: E. Trowel, A. J. Hughe I. bel Robinson, W. Br and- Messrs. McLe9 C ridge, 'Wilkie, AlcCal c bray and. Shepley. business before the liberations of . the fi se Provincial Grange NIT s b el close. 1 There are in t1.e Granges, having a n 35,000. ., A few moat Grange -was organi ze and Quebec will shor 1 Ooiii 11E 0 ILEA tion o n taxi e vie v cil. Mario Friday ' the re Gov s of nestion • icipal es. d pr eoeiv due ittee On real t ere he pa. of lie for ttlie lateE t •he t in erest of •re some e slatur 1. he 13. ;lai ons re.o: g ug the and as to lettr cla t1ier sy car tai rin cip ore n hoo he •ushel the prod T e rep re ref offered leaniind spt: 0 diseu r sybt tter Com tha the I) 'ompa Com deter Iy •si rs o est su g re ti inent auks s the re fu of ural ers• • ee wii ovate he Co w att ng ho •ities the st efsoll ate Hilbo Doy 1. Mo rlyle, ordie, s c adlud and t ion ought • 1431P- • • ul In 0 e x IS 11 . • g Indian Si The Ethnological Smithsonian Instit under the supervisioi • jor Powell, the publi "Memoirs on a Vari lating to the North One subject treate Sign Language Arno Indians." To illust of the Indian sign la gives the farewell ad (Spectacles), medic' chitaa; to Missioner his departure from t as reported by the 1: D «rnini0 ber hip of ago a Pro in ova fo ow sn T lk. Ur au ou. has f it; chi ion of a s of ubje en I 11s St No th Ain e t e cap nag , the th sso Kin Che -e ma of t W A. . Hal upo hits r : 111 g 4 3.nd theupoiuted upward before d.eScribed—I love ether.) Laying .,_iis righi e clasped his hands to efore-71-I love you. ;Plan and en my shoulder, he is own right should r a .astin behind. hi When his hand w ind im—, breasti 't he1c x finger ou go aw he clinche a stick, an F.i we:e trying to the ground with t held in au uprigh stay right here. I I "Placing his right ipleoed hotli his ham s ou bieathecJ, deeply two or laenois ug the rude f each land asif he pin, he placed the t sition Ei.s. if he weie each•hand and betw forefinger of each ha and then let his h each other, still. hol the setae position, a a threeslip betwee !hands lwere two fe long tiMe. Laying ihis breaSt, then exte .of the Pm° hand, h 'at halfrarui's length nearly upwarcd, then with•the finger th side to side, about steps injwalking, ea hand get farther fro four times, then su left hand in a hori the fi rs extende that 1 the palm! was the ri t hand; pi together, as a-bateli down smartly, just the fMg'ers of; the plaPinglhieleft han and forefinger I close brOlighl his right ha same iflOsition to:his were holding some thurah 'and forefin right hand away as castingii, heirbm fr 1 1 remaining at ' his folio lig Insli while nger, and 1 s.piri "Pointing u back cf his le forefinger of negative sig heaven'. Po bing hi fore hand; lie aga, No w lite m same sigu ag with the for right liand, ,J times betwe man in h back Ofhis h tive sign, ru Y. st p • RTH, FRIDAY, in.'i! the way lira 014 Great hEliad on me, 's iboom a ng !I hi right far 'iv 't. over i he were lit lie ship only ver hi: shoulder pO' ti ig behind Point ig to hi e iiefT: ;haad, as 1 ade a 'motion asif lie o as Woking o otxim if the stick sit'o -. 1 stay, -9r I Ia h d la me, he 13 •rast and thee times ,• thiter S.nd thumb 1 ing a small rid in this jad- e t ead in e the b and d close t gether, nd T he e from • inp hi fi gers in • if e er letting them until his t a, ail --Yon live is *gilt hand on ding his forefinger klin,g i from him the Ian er pointing na0 ' his hand, is le ended, from : Bf. a man i letting his HI r three or ,i deu1 placing his I! • ta position with and, together so sid iiv'se, he -used extended, fingers t,, brought it ism ng the i ends of itMind. . Then th 1 he thumb th heart, he a ra in the left,t On, as if he hip between hiset, er, ;moved his if , e iwere slowly is left hand st and his eyes about a little cut off shortly a or will die. • 11 11 "Replaced one ha o my the other ou his own, hen clasp two hands together a tor t e ma our congratulations --We aro f Ile placed one hand n e, the on himself, then phd c he. ringers of his right id betwe lips --We aro brothi: s plac right, hand over my cart, is lef over his owu heart, li-ii li ked h lingers of his right a 4 left' hand hearts are linked tog then! He 1 right hand onrne lig tly, t en p his mouth, with th knu 'kiss against his lips, and ado a e mo Hipping water from h rig 1 t hon linger, each flip castng tile han arra from the month foo 1 or so. bringing it back in the fie; e po [This repeated three r fq.n'• times lies talk or talking.) He 41 eu na motion with his rig t ha• la as were fanning his rig tear ;I this r ed. Ile then exten ea hi right f • with his index finger poing u ; his eyes also being turne up . You have told me of the GI eat F Pointing to himself lie egged hands to ins boson4 s if h were tiotiatsly clasping so 1, ethi g he • • 4 •I. • lio eat - and, rIl-- Iker. bth 00-, 11 Is in bre ight I g ut wi IE 11 gi a par , th n Tubbing the tiha • d' tly with the s mg t, h , gain gave the —IN° India " there, '(in nting upward, then rub - "'ger o •ser +.h pack of my o raa e the negative sign I th re,. 0 made the n on y he elt his hair r nger nd thilimb of his ollin .tobe air several ' th finge a No black en. Then tubbing the • •d aid Ma. g the nega- img t i e bac I f my hand eking t.e neat ve sign, feeling of his li:ifs w t , th 11 thumb and ger of hs rigl t hand and making 4egutivo sign then :using both hands as if h were reachi1rig around a hogshead, h b ow itt thE forefinger of his right 1and to t e froi:tin an up- werd:,position fte their 1 manner of count itg, andsaid h rpb -..-No Indian, no W ite Mat no leek ii n, all. one. Maki g the ‘hogsh ad! Isi,lti, and that for 'look,' he place. the orefinger of each i hand 81 (10 a y sid • ,f pointing np- wardi—All look the sa, ii 0, or alike. Running his hand over his ;Wild Indian costume and over my clot ies, he made the 'hogshead' Sign a d. t I et for 'same,' and said thoraby—A11 dre 0 alike there. Then making the 'hogsh ad' sign and that for 'love' (hugging la'll hands) be extended both 1 handi on ward,paims turned downward, and m de a sign ex- actly leinailar toi the way 1: • ies smooth a bed iln making it ; 'his is Oa° sign for 'hap ly'--All will i • happ ;alike there. He t en made the iirilfo 'talk' and for ']fatPor,' pointing t Mins If and. to me -Y pray for me. Hot '6u made the sign r 'go away,' orcin to me ; he th re his right b no , o •r his Tight shou ler, so his in. ex Skin, pointed be- hind him --You go away Calling his nam he madethe sign f 'look' and the igu of negatio , aftei pointing to me Kin (Jho -)ss s e you i More.' orkiu 111 the woods nt th in'iles from y hea l the howl - Oyes 1,,ear by. Ile took leg : bail for unnin ' farl about a and aw' them fol - in his track, wren lie took off ket, threw it on t «h road, and 'the snow more 1iv1 f om his on he did the fir ,11 • ile. On rig the Shantj- lie as so much ned that he was ill f r some fterviar s fr tnerVoi excite DECEMBER_ 24, 1880. : I ,i411 41, 4 young inan back ef Ottawa, ab the lanty, sidden Ing of! a pad 'of drop' a his ae an the ; anty. er mile e looked 'bac lowi his psho6 feet read fr timP 1 0 4. tit 880. t ANDERS() 4,1, 7,4. :„so R , - ,...,,,....„,..,.....,--:;........117,,,-,5:1 0 ttu 1 -,-;,....AL.-!...., --... .., Itiff ,,,..., - ---4. 1 ,ft-iior 1i111111 llol iirr' fl'I ' ri- ?1,1< 1475:1•1:1 p I1 I, 1 . , A illi .,....... :,,, , Nog • tr ullitt startdi 6n. the ted, a s. Our gland, oods, xonys s ecially lysians, AT • We Every lin c sh and a d it wi prises: 401Cit i 3 cotlau of •Che or Ulsti es iJR oa es the a t fE di we EMBER. w CD CD w CD 1-11 0 c -t- 55-1 very large sales made jay us w weeks, our Stock is fully are able to supply all de - WOOLEN DEPARTMENT nusna Irelan ngland oits, (c rs. Ge and Pr: 1 PS, 9 an Tro nfin ma side F 1 attractivp, the productions of leading manufac urers in Frappe. The novelties are to be found in Worsted serings and Siiitings, Irish and Scotch Tweeds in d Styles.) Also the celebrated Blarney Tweed, made and French Overcoatings in Diagonals, Stripes, Naps, ts, in all the new shades. RS, MITTS AND GLOVES. r now howin a c mplet stock of the above goods for the winter season. s igeland al have beenpurchased direct from the manufacturers. To mpt aying ustomers tilese goods will be sold at a very small 1 advance, tedly be to our ilterest it Felts, extra value her Weight Fe1ts, xtra Fur F lts extra Value. ndou few English ti ew Eng1ih Fea value. New English Sof to, call and examine. The st ck corn - New English Wool Felts, extita value. American- Stiff Wool Felts, extra value. American Stiff Fur Felts, extra value, Canadian Felts, extra value. E FUR' DEARTMENT. WE tiAVt A A I I ljents' New 1rian Lamb value. gent's New So valUe. Gents' New 0 t ents' New D Gents' New Mi Gents' NeW/ N-4 Gent's ATew GE VARIETY OF ALL THE NEW SHAPES H• opitig tock, !and' DAVID HALL T, IC. ANIAI Sea Sai C Caps, extra Caps, Caps, s ex iia Caps, ey Caps, hav uring aps, extra aps, extra IN njw Plush, Im. Seal and Clo h Caps,- • extra value. Aid a large variety of cheap grar es. NOw Scotch Alma Caps, Odra v lue. value. NOw Glengarry Caps, extra valu NOw Tam O'Shanter Caps, extr value. New Kid, Leather, Buck, Do Castor, • Cloth, Chevoit, and the elebrated Ringwood Gloves at all pii es. ra vlue. xtra value. extr value. extr4 value. the pl ou of o e I are, asure of Showing you tiirotigh our r best services at all times, ours liespectfUlly, ANDEliSON.