HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-24, Page 3RMER E at ?TOTE, to can get good et `ea, ever c . e t some of per lzmind. Enid, A, per Monad, one. clozeta, l.'aekerel, nits, lour, Oatmeal, Split Peau ',oke Herrings e to barrels and Fxr�h Finnan: . h itz 5 pound d. Prom Alf Seaforth.,, LARIES I! BUT ;SLEEP• ;. 4 TVA KE mends and the rt w i:h first class he latest styles lath, love prices: ee,si in the past,, r :tune. Pictures • hen dark clouds r and lightning ti ows; awl where tzrth-no mutter t always takes a t a No. 1 Photo. Pletnre frem-es €'eople's Favorite, `e the Commercial [ Flt, Seaforth. ;Dial darkness. LTTIE totting of hia Flax Jo a good active menege it prop- owtt, and in splen- rrtE g steadily dar- n arx► c ,tnznection with er. LOA, uan on reasanahie security. Commerce Build' BEATTIE. )RIUM. aiks hie numerous: rad ethers} for their pest 7 years, and close attention to deuce and trade in enlarged his prom- eow prepared to,pay kSK PRICE eah Eggs, delivered ,4AFORTH.. 25 tons of good dry D. ILS€ kGE FACTORY BERER and snake to Order, Varciagcs, Bug • other articloitn their tend their oven busi- good article both as: tp. btiir Rork cannot be e +ttkblishments. ended 'to. Give us a we can sStisfy yon ps ft the public, having. - forover] ,rears. ss k ItABERER. J ER.E. R RENEWER. yet discovered does lid satisfactorily asthe ails to restore GRAY to its youthful color SPECIFIC ALIMENT Er, and in this way its 7 -STORED with rapid- eching and Eruptions,. L. sweft and heaitl?y- 1)rekitting, imparting to I 'Oftnesd6 which is the. tt and be convinced-: EA1'O1tTI by J. S. is,ttla. 66S-52 I ORGAN 'reaches Music in all $1 :Wiener and Harmon', •ipii.e taught to write tFat,liu„ enntposers to t.a ;. e�ireful attention x€i.Fu the moat approv- tbt sting and develop- dlesitett without extra =.t for pre tice ; charges urge Street, first raf,.rtlt. 673 IAMB; &00- &o., ONTARIO. 4 ls,nerl. Money Lend 5tLus'tRace. WILLIAMS s Ca, APPLES= c inhere, Ten Thousand - during the nest two r ,king varieties ;.no. .SON Cu.:, Seafortll• 3 IR £TTI LITH, osier in LEATHER; and et Every Description. l -eat Stock kept. Terme- ;ted. All ordore by main.' Etled. 11. N.1'sas r DECENZ$ER 24, 1880. Katie's Answer. Cch, Katie's a rogue, it is th rue,. Bat her eyes, like the sky, are so bine, An' her ditnplee so mate, An' her ankles so nate, She dazed an' she bothered me too - Till one mornin' we what for a. ride, Whin, denture as a bride, by my side, The darlint, she sat, \yid the wickedest lutt, 'Hoath party girl's ehiuiver tion. Q.n' my heart, arrant, thin how it bate ! For my rate looked so tomptin' an' swats, wid cheeks like the roses, An' all the red posies That grow in her garden so nate. Brit I sat just as mute as the dead, Till she said, wid a toss of her head, rd known that to -day he'd have 'melting to say,. Fd have. gone via. my consitz, instead." Thin I felt myself grow very bowldl, For I knevaahe'd not scold if I towld Lfv[the love in my heart, That would nicer depart, Though I lived to be wrinkled and old. An' I said : "If I dared to do so, I'dlit go uv the baste, an' I'd. throw Both arms ronnd her waist, An' be stabil' a taste 1.7v them lips that are coaxin' nig so." Thin she blushed a more illegant red As she said, widout raisin' her head, An' her eyes looki'' down 'Neath he -r lnshes�o blown, `-Would you like the to, drive, Misther Ted ?" 6-aaeties. ,, What isthe meaning of : e nililo ' with the clirna nail fit'" asked a Highlander of a vil- Iquence the e lage schoolmaster. ''Weel, Donald," I me11, broke for answered the dominie, `•I dinna mind f As the earn: the literal translatio=n ;. but it j ust means 1 hands to the r that ye canna tak' the breeks aff a High- j tone of sadn 9ss landmau." I his lips, and _The Vicar -"Well, Ors. Smith, 1 face, with tit tell your husband that I do hope he claimed : will come to church next Sunday." "It is na •,is: Mrs. S. -"Ah ! you doan't know Smith i To which th sir! .'E'd never .goo if I told 'un that i firm and rhe there! I'll tell 'un as you do 'opo as 'e class leader re, want !„ estness : -"Do you want to kill the child!" "Yes, it is, exclaimed a gentleman is he saw a boy , catch 'em cart: tip the baby out of its carriage on the 1 . walk. "No, not quite," replied the boy, ' "but if I can get him to bawl loud 1 Gulil le Before the enough, mother will take care of him 1 to the 'pubic, while I go and wade iu the ditch with i contained onl Johnny Bracer !" 1 bein. ranged -A Galveston d.arky has returned , quite a crow from a busines3 trip to the interior of 1 their noses a, the State very rueli disgusted. "Did- i- door to look n't yon receive any offers to pick cot- ; containing -a ton ?" "Yes, sich as dey was. A man ! hat, an overt offered me,one-third ob de amount I , wear, and a picked, and. when I looked at de field I I report being saw for myself dat when it was all pick- i belonged to ed it wouldn't amount to one-third, so 1 pierre, or Oh I left for home." "You was in luck dat solved by a he didn't fool yer." "You bet I was, 1 ins off his Sandy. My refmetic was all that sabed = comment:nig me. I tell Syr all, send;yer childretis to s what was a school." ting, been entran of the hazards of th edified by his d ep like piety. It was a grand a---. With a cr Father P. iu the nothing to diver were the large u guns, which, as t veniently near ag yard, and outs_de itself, The open proniise of a Brother J a quite demonstra The congregatiol ested. The pre: subject, argum: I poetic imagery, power of unstu and overwheltne. Bat between he the impassioned p#: ears of the can re peculiar yelp of The 'sagacious I and believed, a I electrified. Th tense interest i 1 and roused Pro strains, which rupted by the t of a herd. of de fleet and faithf su 1 th ng 00 C1 eh eh 4 r S va he u r 1 o' ti st de an ly Cr 1 ter, in wbic --"What ! that coffee all gone ?' Referring "Yis, mam. There isn't a blessed relics, recall drawin' left in. the box." "What! four t paper about pounds- of coffee used up iu our small I is a parallel family in one week ?" "Small family `' i tare of P ek Musha, thin, mam, there's two of yez 1 ciliary mad an' the maid, and there's rue and me 1that a ston foive admirers, who- has f ' ]h a night to bore the i hisself, and how ye can make a small I have this s family. out of tin o' us is beyant me in- what it tirely, I don't know what yell do whin 1 Calling a I come to fill in the other two nights o' 1 the propde the week wid young men who wants a eagerly : ! sup o' hot coffee for to keep the chills = "Did you nq away 1" a cc j { the bast'. -e rui ' =Iu the course of lecture T -he i "It rjia b a an t or al t at� 801 ire air Ut p 11 t to & to 1 SC on ay t or, Wonders of Nature," says the Albany fetched Journal, a scientific gentleman inform- stable, ed hisauditors that a series lot exhaus The a tive investigations had shown him that , would. t the cornnaon house fly lays £upwards of 1 "Sine fitty thousand (50,000) eggs; in a single it,";sal season, Among those u pori whose ears I guldens, it th w s utilu fd e y•u ha ler a "bet s al n t e a tic s :ye ro v ol+ ie y t d n y,'h- n•t oil,. hie 01 ; ac ly ld:r n.tti the steep figures fell, was a .vide•awake, house," enterprising Y'ankee,. who raised poultry "Rat for a living. No sooner wad the lecture fessor ; finished than he made for the platform, 1 and yo and eagerly inquired of the lecturer - Whel "whether he thought it would be pop- brough • siblo to graft a common 'house fly on a zealou hen '." -A. lady of rather a - positive turn of party mind once gave a tea p ,ty to s me lady friends in her bedroo "Jon," she said to her husband s she' heard the company coming, ``ge under the ! This i bad'" John tried to resit, but finally E stone fresh able c out an, damag succumbed. Every now and thou lie would make an effort to peeep out as the ladies laughed and made i perry, but he was mercilessly, driven baf geredwife. At length aft had exploded among th,F put his :head away out. will you ?" whispered his nudged him.. -No !" sli as long as I have the spiri� in me I will take a peep!" 1081, date 1 was e k by his are years r a good joke "D party, John 1 peas,: turns they'.. et it fitt•d turn 't " of co upon Tb; the ho present and ay "Get iu there, wife, as she ieked John ; of mau left -Dr. Macdonald, of F crossing the ferry at Fess his frequent journeys. very stormy, and -there w getting the beatacross. mann, one of the .pi.sseng: saying that where Cher: coats there was ayeill asked the Doctor if he reason for it. He answ usual quickness that mi war with Satan, and tha lie, as the _prince of the air, was at the bottom o Coming back some time was fine. The same al there again, and this ti marked, rather to the the Doctor, "i see you peace with the prince e the air." rriutosh, was ick on oue of 'he day was s difficulty in An old wo- rs quoted the were "black weather," and could give any red with his sinters were at he supposed' power of the the matter. after, the day womanwas e quietly re- iscom fiture of ave made your the power of 111 Father . P erins at the Class Meeting . bi' �e It was in 1812,—a week day appoint- o' ment for a Methodist i in ge:t meeting at An- thony's Greek, Greenbri .r ,,County, Vir- or'ec giuia.. Brother J --as to preach. Ta. ed d The larger gable, bear, wolf, and even a:n o panther, were not up:bommnon there- w abouts, and deer were bundant. The il reacher had soros pulpit ability, and etc p at times was impassion ct and eloquent. in Though Though not young, he as unmarried. of n peculiar, and seldom sire- iled. The con - h gregati0n were maim', rude hunters I no8 i and their rustic famili s ; and the t res- 1 si s ty rifle, the faithful d g,the ns que hunting shirt, *it "brain -tanned" I and t ruoceasin, and be and gleaming knife, were as sure to pint iu their appearance m gh at "week day meetin " as the hunter tr. ns ,:w himself. The place f worship was at N Father Perkins's double cabin, which had been built with as much reference n to worship as to the comfort of his own I m 1 family. This notable man of fourscore I was quite distinguished for piety and his gifts both in prayer - and as class- leader, but not more so than he had been for his superiority as a hunter. ZVitb him the ardor of the passion for the cho.se was unabated, though he was o entirely disabled by the infirmities of ,, t ie -he age. The writer has, at the ,:same sit- 1 pains tI : s „ t ]0 t b hi rs:,I, „ ped Tl to th .. d ec he el e u hr r€ Bain H ian hu ch year . It this extra nev - r s sono:W1 ing he ate,` 3'e . apo 'ogi yet utt re ma] de r thi g so t' not reciog' to d ble in he els id a 91 s e li n t it 1S 1 II er gt be at 111 SW it ad at hur*teit's undeul to asior < for wde Flo kms :eb tten ior4, ser of ` 1, w . re t th f enc wa1. of serv' ce'' m eti t ath tions sand hild other aril , and BS it and con - the house great Both' s were tions, inter- .f ith his .I into s and melted nee. ins of rained ed the hound. erstood on was of iii- Ipulpit,. higher ' inter- proach by the neously t of elo- n, Pell - ren Ca he cu elo atien 11 kno te ed r re pr s er of th osely gs. the la con door. reacl onrOr gavie her. tare it she'll coarser.s it.' usual with tion, it shou in every cas sliculd be growth of h to keep the rheum or 'd' face by freq ing ; this whole Ilea salt Water) and by tho until -he s to the hair. tives are: Backe s scalp in p cri sil tis or wi lo co the Wit If oine sed 'cal en oul wo oug ftne t is ping v tic o ded, ped his comical ent on d on his he ex- the in- ter and at earn- ; theY'll rothe sure." Sigh whe he res t the e cont of b ranch tie of lated na er ar use a dres le to poli ertai the B e de ced iption ant the pr ec rit th was open building oh were exhibits, flattened a case batteted he objects nd throw-; Moro elf amid; If a ud laugh- gion, t' eas about Pru German man Bar, which spoil a mall aut. be elo discover The door The we OW Sel kind a It i enabl gr pression broa e 1111 Womla ought. kward h itb her ErrorS drily wh. they 9e, Exagg ic an ce and ase est me an paniois a0 atly th foal y d o er et op ly A entl or 11 mpli ends lyi nev d eal 00 cle bac soul. are 1 urther :t is Eccentrici an's!r put hey ar Wen hey are ulc"O The cake 'never h en t Vine. loth an t wo all ere fit enc ay 1 hi uen dev itho SO ugly -rep f eg th S US on th y the the st ppear farm will 10 ht stable ection, e ser Who - said t stone grand buil do US ant. from father it to yqur id the pro•• y resideuce, the farn3er to o t over, to re- not of its venter- horn on; not with- out have been* 'a,nd sup ton wli pu 160 al due iu tone pon with , aical in cr at it nal exclad he ri ht fro his be even Is an tin uble he m tone ns the ter t bever ust broth _r's If i parat Th who iave vanc T1 BURO1i EXPOS TOR. e of coarse tex- e,out short in child- bpth darkens and hi and. fine, as is londe organist). - lose to the head i sure a healthy t is needed bei g oA..ly free from y to excite the stir - prolonged bruSh- ni3 by bathing the old water (sea or ee times a week, mg and brushing iliness returns 1 hair resters, - tonics, whose friction on the The hair cif a tificially' curled, maltreated. • A' • the most ar- atment for it rr te the value of kring. Some of our pet earnest women r which annoys their hemselves. It is th mother if , the EST smith, Ju ES ot furnish a fit ex- holights t to move freely g, heelless shoes ; e. :t inherent yigor b plenty of E.,xer- d by training her rteous habitis of is unselfish, mod - d is not apt tO be in bearing. abou The and li's Wisdom. t loses its' memory. 0 his faith with his Oman- sepports 'hers counterfeit bills. It is re well eitecutedi that ike ,rope --the c ed, the weaker it • f they are natural, es, nd i cultivated, ES own and ES IEFEB.-Came into the premige last, a red, yearling heifer. The geme on proving property and RAY S"EERfCame into the iremis he subecriber, Len, 25,' Come:Bei n 2, two menthe ellen a led and whit steer wner can Lave the same by prov ng pro CATTL'.:-Came to Lot 81 n 2, Elan, a oi4 the middle of r is retries ted to rove property eke them away. 1VILLIAM. 11 BAY die nu u nrab Bleier. The property all LAND . lpt TRAY Bu 1. The pa Charge 1V SON. f it ma ted an b si tr ame into the ersigned, Lot 1, Conciess ut th 5th of Novembe owneritian1 have the gam pa ying charges. JAME UL C me into the dt 7111 ow nerl is 801 take him away. s of arty 78x4 24, ConCes- Nove ben r old, The psych rges ITH, Hen - on 5, Hul- , a ye fling by pr ving 6 Ox4 enolos re of of November, a yearling WILLIAM 679-4 -1-J he under eig ed ste,,er Th o leer ca PrciP M 9, bu pr le rty OD. Lir u 11. nTislio perty the nd bs. he rty ; he animal is mark d in he shape of a V, oi ag the same wi uT,j Drysdale. TRAY Sl'HERS-Strayed pa sigeed, Lot 21, e of November, t od in color. The 13 de bo ow PlaY have the same on roving arne into the premises of e , Lots 28 and 29, Conpession t the 'ddle of Kay, a yearling et ca have the samt on proving peeling expenses. DAN ID KNIGHT, HEEP--Came into the preraiees of reigned, Lot 1, Cone Elston 13 Hal- e first of September, a Ewe nd two owner can have the t and 1ying charges • i prop IP NNE TEA mise btiog nut s lea ned to obey -is he wh has nor irnposed upon. ever asked a real of lai tailor. rts e captured by e. able in finding a e too much of it, and BO tl Or 00a qualities. albeut the in 'leers, bath from II n 11 er • reco er wal 1 '', STRAY Pr -LEE 1: ---Strayed r in the premise s 1 white.1 year Id. _Any infoi tion 1 sdine to j , Nobby t 4 warded E 110- CAMPBEL .1, Wal On. 679 I Lae toe.d East ✓ pins en manila asters a busy man's ing. ou earth tc, whom nd whom wd pay so e schoolmaster, often the moSt subtle ote in our eye that -nor is y -ant their pay in ad an Ing i er feat s. f si Mace hea ing e w boas seek des to ore e tiau r of D ce is de is 'not dinar edam n ap so m spect. at the admit script Hsteil this, rose, eloqu He ase. not se t him wha es a - coning reme t Pi s are tires u d creed hat," ai ay. ou can moue aareed id, at o ce paid ay t e tone e matter. ate thtis efers • celebrate Dr. the Pres yter- to those who as learne, and mpous, ye bay - e was verbo e, pal actor cilld 1 rid ..;et wcluld be at hole would Se m 1' e the late atb er one cou d tell, bombastic and s very Witty", arid knoW t. Again, d. I praye he 1, on Some o ca- sorlpe4 that he tame in Gi ek, a tha the people 'oxe, f We tern and any a us - son' chat e of e me erat re t led al ud rov all deul h id cur ered r ciers sh, 1 amel readi COM 0! etter 111 eu fi gl fr tl lf Sc be st he r as o of et wh e o buy he es,ifi er S Of er Pu r. uthority seta own e glories of a w- ithers are tis ally ers pounds ffe an curlS from air w ich nature res osig arg vel AlaS3Ka. f food for Man an hough few ar this cotintry ha -to the worl every srear, an soul, We that now tit, 11OViener, A.111,Ska ilit giv u n idle 1st of Fehr ary. Apply to Mc- 1 OUR COMe pre eh o mined by VV. N. Watso . Posses -ion m to stay and make ID as mast people seem t i -ra' cat FOR SALE- 4: stet f r sale in the - -2-1-1 tine mg village of He nail, own ad the Is hi tatiou of • 678x4 P AND 3 CLEARING SA1....E AT E THIS INIORNING A. GRIND CLEARING SALE OF STOCK OF NE1W GOODS 4LL MY 1LARG ti Curtains, Oil Ci from the pre- lbeifet coming on both eare, forked. Any be rewarded. 67814 $ to the remig es encessi: II 6, Haya O one year old wner an have , He sell post nsisting of the Latest No lvets, Mantles Shawls, ne -Hosiery,- lo-ves, Rib reads. Fla,une s, Cottons, hs, Carpe n the night o light red a o yea the g will ward WEEPI AN is PECIAL I I have on had to dispose o ecure low. MY &FOCH/ eltiee in Dress Goods Silks, Ceehmeres, Velveteens, aptle Cloths, TJ1ster 4kc. Full Lines of ohs, !Lace Goods, Corsets, FaUdy Wool Goods,'No- s'IJUderwear, and an Iramen$ !Stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Table Linens, Shirtings, Towels, Lace MOTIONS IN IVIILLINERY ! CHAN . DESIRES Stove Resin GEO GE NY she hopes t extended to t self fOr so in ALL MILLINERY MATE,RIALS. d Mantles to be Cleared Out. The balance of the Stock to be . Extrao dinary Bargains in Blankets, Flannels and. Winceys, 0 EV RYONE REQUIRING CLOTHING. this nion h. This is a splen4id opportunity for those wishing to 13argains. A few Small Boys' Overcoats Will be sold extremely Is the largest have ever any other hou e in town. Ladies' Misse and Chil Rubbers. ' WE DING I was able to o er you bet Cashmer - with my Bla e stolen 2 1st of ars old, h. Any le id to 672 ' Some 'ST Y TT E -Came nd dike th 17 e had bl poi tek, lo ecut (la ji , il i ,, ::; - U- -tvblee8;13P8tanyh:lied,' 4t,i, b.).11 .0A ."r 3. I;v. leiiii st a'r, ta::;e,:i da.:OsonTohei4daerbtaoloae ire aa 18,1'eawfot: hd.8.411in8 ! rwitTbo - troLeuELitoebreCibr-6.8serul-f'1.0erocile 1 PS R Y ST OK -Strayed from f ''j of title tin ersigned, Lo 8, r. The lite kramebdsotviienonwiiiiiealliabdt rucefield, P. tune ege. so prove prep P away. •110 MIT SANDER - 679* • -Strayed oat hrop, du mer, bey xe ding, conduit 2 ; ts, and was o small size. Any be suitabl eward d, and any the law dir e s. A STRONG, • It is un I right price. emit) 0, Howirk, to thlapremises of r old, One red and and v,hite Heifer, ✓ will please call, d tak them away. the 1st of March, 678 he premi oneeseion d hole ha es L. ho hole - An WI ear ith pune ed ng to the reeov ry suitaltly renter ed. OF BOOTS AND S.HOES1 eld and I have opened, out this week several import - 1 than E OF BUSINESS E. WHITNEY, o state to her customets-and the at she has dispesed of her Tin and ss to her sons, CHARLES 11.13,71 ITNEY, who have had the Vinci. the business for several years, and le same liberal patronage will be em that has been accorded to her- itconnee 'on with the atove the undersigned beg to tate that they will continue to keep on Italia, at the Old Stand, a full -stock of SVOV S OF ALL KINDS Tinware Work of Every .Pescription. T-Ve -o prepared to do Custom, of Every A,scription, onthe. st Notice rind Cheap Having a thorough practical knowledge of the business 11 Is branch s they hope to tone to the 0.a and well-know:la house for so many TNEY 1030TI-IERS. N.B.- parties indebted to Mrs:Whitney veil? telease settle their indibtedness -with her at once, as the new farm opia new boeks and the oui. business must be -cloned. Parties desiring to settle can do so at the store of Whitney Bros; until the !dint of October.; After that date the anctrents will be pot intei, other hands fot ilRS. E. WHITNEY. t,s. I sell Ladies' best quality Prench ower settlers I have a full range of the celebrated Riveted Shoe in 6,35 ren's sizes. Everything in Long Boots, Overshoes, and AND MOURNING ORDERS ANADIIAN BANk Of COMMERCE. ntion and can be all made up 'complete on the prem - Paid Capitut, - $6,000,000. complete in every shade and ervery pri e, d I ever , I offet to•day a full i•aaige of All Wool and Union at Reef, - - - 1,40:4,0100. er value thanI am to -day. _Allays in the front rank s. eatitiul Things' in Low. Priced Furs. e and L ow Priced Min ings in Ch ldren's Seal School Caps, from 151cents and upwards. • SEAFORTf,1 BRANCH. ! The Seaforth Branch lot this Bank continues to 1 , Draft on all the principal towns and cities in • , Canada. on Great Britain, and on th.e U States, ‘bought and sold. Office -First door South of the Cernmertial 0 NEIrD TO MENTIr TEAS. Totel. versally known that I always hoia the right article and sell it at the Just to baud, the Largest Shipmeht I have ever receivea.. Grocery epartment always fully assorted. • • I,!arti ularly call he attention of Cash Mayers to the great inducements 1 offer them. I purchas my Goods on the very closest erms, and my prices are such. aS can ot fail to rove acceptable. It will be your advantage to look through m stock, and I shall be glad:to give oti an opportunity to examine and co -npare in prices, so hat you may satisfy yourself that my value 'will stand the, 1689 A. H. IRELAND, M,anager. Cor et of Mai and Market Streets. CHB TMAS AND ETV' YEARS E CEN4RAL GROCERY SEAFORTHI Olt Lo Ap really care to co mini House, oppoeite the the act with the countr dote, uron & Bruise Rai way, a crooked. voyage in is to ns is by far the bett ✓ can es made by the ,6a ry from one to thr any waves like and channels, e easily 'Add! bete May ride at anc or or a smooth beach, are to s packed in boxes, and bl m clothing in rubber y be truly in into partners ed with the wi r way to enter of the mount the waterfalls p every night ieneath wide evergre 681 pal ohn, 1111 francisco 11111 tly over these i ail, and a limes. Good Rea STO EHDUSE TO BEN d enter along yo Portal brnaanQscalieess' of the atians compared be 'found in arti es I ha ea- co ndo 0 CO en ts: have Eind and a ston masa Bitte patie tack use pill st Or ip in er secured the agency for is i6uncl for DyspepSia and 'riser lel .auSpicesi being very hi /Lily &and recommended. Its on- ffinit31 to tile Digestive Or &US Li;Iver, increasing the dissol nig i pm:lilies of the Stomach and. nig tha, Liver, can be teste by • hi ty It dg pgslY FOR SALE e State of cultivation ,uildings, &c. Berry t, goadeuen For fin ally or by leate Stree toivn rOD able Alain ITp by the :Doctor o tors have fail.0, to cur e heir patientS up to Le hitt rs have often been 1. -er, kidneys and ur r0 sitively cured by El ,11 a ache and all billio ra them, and :be con heal rip the best medicine Spiel by E. Hickson & Co. tle_! 762-26c the the ary ctric sti- inced ever t 50c ship clea well acre goo Ro 11. end B ions store in °Monk, the The store is 6 I feet in length i poSseSsion given wStrNia 1311 ons eusall sout 178 rent a good side of the sets of Se les, erg, Seat rth COTT, ox - For sale in th with all the bustle suttabla 'hitne 's block, long with a he rear. Rent r on 5t January THE S. areopt ea; eG rWvreeer yewnopat TOCK Year invite Geore adde Arst OR THE XMAS AND HOLIDAY TRADE - 11 ery Complete in Ever# Department, and ll, whether purchasers or not, to Come and IN T E GROCERY d specially d Japan, kage of Te ANT, the cash. WS' offer f the Main Oa?' com- store ason- 1881. EB OT FOR S st half of L of Mc contap watered, 7 acres tin lowed ; good ler 'well and bearing, Catholic Clam eh of Huron gravel r Dublin; this is • STOCK 1well broke! to harnaes. beautify and preserve the teeth berryi" the new toilet gem. 1! Samr sicliasie, 5 cents. 67942 and s M Ki SOO Fel r OR 0 RENT 10, concession 2, ng 50 [acres, ne state of cant er fall wheat house and 118,114 conveni ad, • 4 Utiles of 8 ne of the prett • R SALE. Beiug rly all nd 15 stable, .nt to in half est 50 eafor Post • ✓ sale a bay gelding Sired iiy Lord add°, SES FOR SA. E For Sale, Tw Heavy T, Roxboro. op; or address Se forth P. 0, OBERT 667 BOIUGEL BRE BULL -For s le three 678-4 NOTICE. 1 Or horns, bud sh w d rk re color. JA lo estate of John Boddan, late of t o the BOth day of OP ober lest are r b forf the 16th day of January next lar 6°1' itors, the fel psi -tic -elan of t secunty, if any, eld by them, a t we will proceed o dietribute the deceased among ,he parties entit ing reference mil tO the claims o 11 then have noti e, pursuance tut B of Ontario, Chapter 107, ed 16th Dectm er, 1880. JA CH and AND RW McCAA, E s id John Lod an's will. Mc a th • Of any er of the e Town - All per- Boddan, who died (paired, cm to send eir dahlia ter which assets of ed thereto, which -we f Revised ection 34. ES CAB- eeutors of mighty & 680 4 tock o ver shown impo a. te tines THE DEPARTMENT raw your attention to our large s hich we are selling at extremel sold by ns to give satisfaction special inducements to those pu P..171 -1.1J11. FORBES, ING purchased the Stock $01.1 Trade of the onignereial Livery, Sertforth, from Mr. Whiteley, begs to state that he intends g On the businete in the old etand,and has ly large stock. None but bev.ei and Open Buggies ,tord Carriageo, and Dora) e and Single Wagons always ready for UoM3. Spec'ai An-tingevkent-s Made With C10711.*. Inerial Men. earaptIY attended tot, ock of TEAS in Ima°k, low prices, We guarantee o the purchaser or refund 4hasing in -large lots. General Groceries umll be found Equa to anything ever ea& ited. K OF FROIT THIS YEAR IS AHEM) by us before. In Currants we Off, er Vostiza and Messina, th ed. We offer in Raisins : Black 'Basket, London Layers, Sul selected. Yalentias. HEST FRUIT IS ALWAYS, THE CHEAPEST. RESH LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON PEEL A full stock. Sauce , Pic Pure round Burnett's. Pure Extracts, a full assortment, Also Figs, Nut es, Rock Cocoa, Manioca, Cocoa Nut, Gelatines, Potted. Meat I the Crock shown in Seafort Toile Sets and New ear's Giftl. S. PORTER • SEAFORTH. Entire Stoch.4Of Eurnitim regard- less of Cost.1 HOSE IN WAN*, it will pay them to aseer- give a largo discount to those paying Calib, es- eehdly to newly irdtrried couples. I am still selling Six highly finished. chairs for '2. I alao keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the beg and cheapest in the market ; warranted per ectly noiseless., Vareroorns ec epposite M. R. Counter's .4 Ea t Side, 625 JOHN S, POBTEXt. HAND— IIERMOS WELL, Proprietor G'ooD Harness of al] kinds $0117a on hand, totether vita everything 61,36 be. lo ging to the team' ess, which will be sold eaper than .evert. FUR'NITURE, FURNITURE. Specially low rices given to newly married maples requuni furniture. Call end see 1217 ELL, Zarieb. eqock end pricee lifer° purchasing elsewhere, as yOu will save 1310 ynbyERdoltincgiqsovir. AW L -GS WANTED. 630-8 DIXIE SAW MILLS, HAY. ANTED, at the Dixie Saw Mills, on the 6th Logs, for v,thie , The Hig test Price in Cash '11 be Paid, Parties hayi Tirober to eell, either On the stump or nie. entered, can receive the very highest price 4 it in eaBh. Apply at the ill or address Hermaii P. O. ki Every aturday _from NEW YORK stia GLASGOW (10 Londonderry) and LONDON „ Direct. . '1 TICKETS Mr Liverpool, LondondertY, knee. 1, now, end fal, rts of Europe. Faxes as towel 1 any other firs - lass line. ry and Glassware Department gur stock is superior o any r 1 Prepaid Pa.:age CertifielitCS Unica to persons before. We show Breakfast and Dinner Sets, Tea Sets n -wishing to b out their friends. DICKSON, . 593 At the Post 011iceiStatentla Passen hr accommodation of Anehor Line e -plain and decorated, Chamber Sets from common to .400 Steamersnre ruzpassed for ele.gance and eiOnn- immense stock of Fancy Goa s suitable for Christmas a a fort. Apply t I mo TO p than it% 0 TE CUPS AND SAyCER hina Mug; French Gruel Bowls, Majoh rticularize our entire stock would ake up the publis ers will allow, therefore , Cordially Invite yon all to Come and during the present FOR OLD & YOUNG STEA CIDER, MILL, Ware, Vases,- Ornamentso;s e. , ore space in THE EXP 1110B il HApNaleNaGto 1 1 during the 1 680x4 ion our Immense Display *net -Proof Premises, we are Pre- , ill be lf cents per imperial gallon ter season. ' T't S. C BELL, Provincial Lana "Surveyor • and Ciall Engineer. Orders ley rata proapt attended $4. 79 I D. S. CAMPBELL, 'Kitchell.