HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-24, Page 1Sales: of _SIRS an as. oFF !7 Boys' TERS. ?GEST, ancy Dry Goods, wls,c. peg, had his shoeing a lioro,e &beat i the rink is 1 evening.-- anice' rtli. of new will be oa the Central next and ery. 1.02 to $1.03t ;, oats 32a to eef per attar - t4.50, fowl 5c 'SsetiO, -Mr. Joseph es next week lr. Anderson a supply of s Good luck lub,on Tuee- ting, chose the :recipe for the Ritchie, T. R. r. .Gofton aud. eod. and pro- aediti present - !line Club by r' ku,r Mr. Ilea- FiVeu, 8,11(.1 is it is of solid r e,a pla,iu cir- le- a, wreath of by two brooms ht side of the i•n, ''Preseuted label ssass the aupetitien at teeling of mode 1, i.; name on it. !tit injuring the• it:4A,, it should !as to show to - tails ;rn what repreeentative eli!)ice assort- • r,rtt-iiieti, brag-, . lot sottpe, s preparations, t diet pow- l•rtielteis, back, see and pecket horn, t uks Laid ,t prices. Our .LP -4 Le cleared also our ; • , bloOk5. It! ,rus, Wire t L els, f tenet,' ,•w vu a fide ansi itnitasion and rub - clear ca508, to match boxes, wicker -work E. Mason ct irug Store. t Overcoats for la a b an Prices, : I 1 ally & Antler - FOUIVIablENTH YEAR. WIIODEI NUMBER, 681, ! •1111 I AFORT CEMB] 124, 1880 WITH SUPPLEMENT. 1— t Righ School THE ONTARIO HOUSE I "rust*e MR. EDITOR,—S I : HOODS. HOODS. SM ITH & WEST ilave just Opened Ont a Splendid. Assortment of "Normandy Hoods," ALL SIZES ! ALL PRICES! Navy Blue Hoods, Cardinal floods, Seal BrOVII floods, Light Bine Hoods, Wine and Garnet fled, Hoods in great variety of Faney Colorings. Thee Goods are THE VERY LATEST STYLES Prices ranging from Thirty cents to One Dollar and Fifty cents. FURS! FURS! FURS! A Lugo. Assortment of Ladies' Caps and relfs Caps to hand. your valuable paper b evidence of the liv in all that oonrr tional work whigh throughout, this- Pi accumulated in the hardy pioneer the forest, makes every farmer to b imperishable leg education. I beli saying that, in sp't total attendance to -day rather mor was ten years ag the' 'Council of among many go the pernicious di large and the ern giving to the for $750 a year and t legiate Institute made in the coir mains to this da The only conditi they should ha Latin, and fear perceive at a gl discrimination a male teachers, and mathematic are now 14 of th drawing annual above their fair granted for Hia it reasonable t should receive r. eighth of the wh to their fair shad while the other the same . sort Child them have more ing Latin, and To aggravate this arbitrary OVERC-OATS, OVERCOATS tinction, a nu in s the i goi o etc h se st i • neatno c of e- I of t he han • Ab ubl thi cti Hi a ne No • of s the im 60 star e nst Id and pr Y ibSacrhe at t her le gr e of 3 sch f wo than • th be m nd u bfr o sider xtrav in o inc t e iD old a tat' if h se ent ye r 8ds o igh • ex tee. ari t .is q te su • rtisin rpose best anot ers. f spe h eve pelle I/ 48 el have spent a co extra grant in ing their school 0 . seas in Beadyrnacle Overcoats and Clothing cast over the P pared to which Dotheboy's Hal feeble puff. By promises and vantages, to w certain enchan establishments duce some hun leave their own very much gres. well puffed. inst ilton and St. C chief sinners. that the aggreg pirates in adv prizes for the p schools of their have supporte with three tea mate method Money, to whi Proviuce is Co 1 share ? They have b I; tieing "special 1 ceivable cours possible stage I shoddy pedlar. Unsaid which commend thei this district h appOintment, delusions, or a "peculiar adv ntage the privilege o hav charge of a hu e chi like individmi, Eaten is absolutely imp yourself, Mr. dito which happencl iu trumpeted in tituti is engaged in , ne ming sorae th ee st compete for prize and thus beco 6 th next advertis nient ist" is iadustiiously of instruction to so dred hungry o ls. the peculiar a va -' FANCY VELVETEENS! oversight ali i which fell to compared wi I In recent i. Monthly and t nal, which ar posite sides; u. donning Um e their advent g at the expeu e bors. The figures to sh w ers' ink they eve effrontery- a i these instita ins A Line of Cheap Colored Lnstres, in all the famous, thei esu. 1 parison with t e r havo mneh exceeded onr expectation. We have been compelled to again visit the manufacturers, where we have.secarecl several lines of very desir- able goods. Our ETOFFE Sc TWEED ULSTERS For Foxret.rs are specially worthy of attention. lloy,' Overcoats and Boys` Suits in great variety. See Our Goods ! 'See Our Prices SMITH & WEST, • MAIN STREET BEAFORTH. II I LI, 13 IZOS SEAFORTH,I2NTARIO LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS. 1 n I a t It 6 t t el We are showing this week Ladies' and Child- rfa'R Fars at Low Prices . en in lasse. of st of a , they oiild ware ve fo he "s hel 181 A Line of Faney Velveteens, at 25 cents por yard , worth 90 cents. COLORED LUSTRES Ile s the sue 16 gen ite sch 3 to ollegi 7, . 1 . I ery ladle ars suffici erest you, t great edu steadily o . The wea t ourities' 3i • aae mghpai orns es:soa soul re. ui , ot lt rd tine, igh Scbo double ve ut that Instru gs, intl.: iv bets 6 h Sc 00 ecial ar u title oft' differ t t udy, hi h same fci esed Lei till boys d i An e c e un g el ls, a i st cleric gli ainst ilege 1 500. o of the 1 Pur ese 1 ore t ut, in the rt.! al is do , and „ pup la fou schief reaso these le pa t gently! ,a reading "dodg rs.' noun kens ng ou g Pre istseac sever 1 en a le: yours Soho use a ram s hav ite 8 spell , and of ro studelt er H !, Is this ding !lib to re taxeo-: , 013 a t ti t uped t e f vati 1 11 411 I school has a r ! Who scour the neents, vials ta 14aves not ing • mer", ought to d ult. obis ounl t int heap be ed t ts acter pate nce h th meagre re puffing so son !will a result. L cif thee" will soon sbhool th rest 943SU nouncerae same cha, tors eaid montheh shaken w' Brantford, the or ,by th ! " Cathartha s,' *la able sura ore spent nba ho distanced by t went tot e n no royal athw method f.ge Alithe! achir equal aownrig that any tudei and his c ance to those ffere he nue b exp tempt town. Mr. just to t ma,jori y advert se rupt 5l for'att for accepsing t 44 e gular wintry che s' c nd 0. If a is tO rnai ja0 ak 84 tsiness agent, ith advertise- ventions, and hat a "drum- nd et behold the y o her of these QS6 , the eorapari- st I the same g st dents beware s." !A great many ng choice of the 1 tte id. They may at the:" flaming an- ery as hos t I d sea e o 3 he ha it " for e y; an vane have e sup . As nd t ecial 1 after " tur g one s, wh ion a sible. an ne of th s. TLe ora dents w and c "top er Ano et breakie h ethin : You 6.1 ages, ividu are of 'damn the anada Tally 111 VI ols t uild 85 ey er Id ol ti r rie! f ry c r to relf ey see" e ulyt tn sist sael 'rink Y 0 lere e ate th u a 001 of their rn 1 quo after used, pude. b ave m tssuwitsi 11. la smallest sch ls i the P ilton, with 1 tea hers students, pa s d • 13,138 termediate! ation average, of `';) t 1 the i er aminations. Vh Mr. a state of ails, rs • hey s conceal, did t ley ot ho t GS inexperiene y t e sn figures, and the s udiouse )1' ;kik fair standar 1 if e teparieph4 I aan not a vo ating el , any particu a - sc ool, bit no expose the pu se 4 118. nee o BUY OUR 50 GENT TEA I win just fie .0u t L t . Schools in atc ell, Se f t , and Goderic la. I a to a , att th a . Ahade. PLAIN VVINCEYS in Plain Winceys and WINCBT SHIBTIN try have a tine stock st right prices. lic he is 4 much of the? of quack doe eies. In sia ber who have the flats of oil Hamilton, ,nave1" of St ent a coneider ey 4jvould bay nctl themselve who simpl )304. There i uing, no paten und educatio orld canna stry. Wit to succee quite equ city, whe ultitede Ind count' it 44 08 the t es • ill eil7 Nom ar:t s Yt • le ing a 3 ery n t t h sues Lt bo ho ia di sed to ns not fb nd I e IN el itor, 1 do not e C 11 g ate of thent a g eat , at whi ing. 1 No he rat lle 116 de IS t arle (16 er- n- ery ike ing re - OM is - are the be in ing 1100 to ase ell- ipal am - to ips, the ial- ead un - eine anal tion deed ;} 7 nal • our- op- on - sed elves land tint - the inch elves com- the arn- 400 t in - y an tee ex - is is fully 60 011 large O of a s of er to Mars, High Hilton dance Col- teach- assed 8. In ithout rish of , but siness, udents I have ion be- fre known e staff 3 urnal. ime to • to the of the . The T la allo should institute shOuld b 80,00 teda C addiu s th e • lev ley m . By lieges t one cei the T r6nto compelled to - Colle e has o Ltc i . •'' I . . • de ind 6 Etr tan an n a wis Ins aye ,not action h pekele; will be pa do ;I. censure the 50 t which t I th ink up rat do vn. $1.0 0,00 1 shin the -Upper Ca ight be oue witho the taxation. Ev s stye at last be t teet pper Cana d it S m to be u itutes. T so to spea ale of ban the schoo er than t The gra instead MdKiflop 1'0 t- e •IolioLv Ii recneon be iever in th tiona.11Plolicy, present to th paper a few proving the g Policy, whic or A. Macke for my inqui might never n there were 8 10 sown last' fall, 1J on Pi This, at aslver the able and an, ve will bring $1 30 0 Then, again, ove o havelone moe idiv.us, ado hill on 4cqo nt sf a ess ssion. You Nation s ou are an dpod effect 'of the you will p rinit me readers: of your value staitistis ona MeKill ffec of the Natio evflth3 on. E. B1 zi ana eny, and o itivb natur your read t e first pi ac es f fall wh ace nut of the ge f 20 bushel ge f $1 a bus cKillop al f of the ho than a he N. P.; eut roll, t 3 of those to nship ,, but d 4 they incr oeS around, t 11 for the N eut roll there e than half spring; now t ore cleared O of marked ention is tha hd had only lot of the od that way f now; and cres cleare last Ma oh, i were °ply 35 dead since o tber Me 71 thati the A Will he over ext, on the ouly )4100 oase ief t do s, SQS or le 00, atie ss cite m township clat-0 la three-fourthe or fenced. On hi ta provercient I IM ht Thona s Go slightly les tha the 11: e legiate Inst t te. The it ers; Hamil t , ad 17 50 candida e a d Hai other word., he e four any advert si • g, vithou trumpets, • tho t any ar cour Worth 60 cents. Best Valne tthelgarket. in the or A Call Cordially Solicited. passed ove • with oe-f • taken Ha cause it h dodges of HILL BROTHERS SEAM RT H supports a, Its Princi the ma,chi work of di city schoo Next Door to the Post Oili • n fourth ewer t Ind asl blt er sing. rtisin de otes •v f the spia the e ed the 8. 1. • • 1. acme homes y aliB . spring is 700 tween 600 a eveily berme remit in the lest! spring, and pereon tbesame p there as o E hi, t Pay OVfr t ere Will clear it all to th beef and b estimates a whea CODS of pa ties ;their axes very otice the t wnsh hag t eir t and 3 et an - enjoy;d a clirin r du years ago • J , Eas T e re Hur 11])i: lars, Inde the em 10th inst. devo ed t afte noon, Am lig ot jute est '1' 6 whi h is heel sed kee mg o til e even was open ete , and it w s re pos the e he nex disc Ste enso the opo' ide of t . Cie y wo els wher enl st th ou sider be 13 and Th rut): tient Is th thng t Te pia gr VS. cu SiOU a ent o e fac • , eare ead, It i he o aCr 411 eel °le cn ea na it ad 1 fe. di 50 acre h m de Sz. of his n bco 1• pe opo tio 00 tax on re SX , 00 4 tr ei era a 11 13 -a ss but a ileVf houtes and was intoxi ting when not ;Eitmt was strongly ought out as an ar rtinent why Good emplars Eihold no countenance it at 1. Mr. J. Di. Smith mmended to the most desirable per County Deputy. journed. • An evening sesei0 was largely ettende iuteresting. Recite music composed th proved quite length Gorrie, was re- ✓ nd Lodge as the !for the office of session then ad. - was held, which and; proved very dies, dialogues and •rogramme, which Can - Rev. Dr. r McK.a thie week lebturi a -A car load, o PO to St. Louis, Of Chatham. Gaelie Sec rapidly becoming o numbers and infla I --Twenty4siit th been expeude tn enetanguishene t -A. co tole feet started i Hamilt employment to up —Beni Min Ho 25 and Sts or t at the B Wyllie P ing a horse to deat is not haif Sever --An apple b from Si 'cob, ha p rob from t li! be ne dnesd 4 orbes ship afte of apples ti n, whi e —on It r. James e the Great Weste t Lucknow, met wi 1 The top of a sema covered vith ice, feet to the ground —Au gad resid ford county, Mrs died on be 10th i age of 8 Tie. dent of P ineeton oisons a uneber •ndchildr an name ant end wound in the le Peterboro by the at the doo of without ftt er 'pony. T e Pet approve of this --The series tellsat n! mine led to t el closin Works. Large nu out of , employ staring Itheni in now about 500 a Pietou Coanty vi only about one - been taken. , --Ne boast o 0 take by the gentle taken 11 11 11 a 6,1 leaves t • , a, large great -gr 1:1" —Ab able to to le al ke ly ce • at N. to el, ne. es ear nel ere are ow • ase ere P. the • ere nd ire - of 80 old ✓ 20 last on be- 11 41 w Caana s woma °ere of Oasis u 4. Re 1 n subsist oa, ehe boy, arid With() the wodde ' and cord V71001, at now engged. • —T Mr. Aucas dren, night has now e ence o lamp. great imp A-ovneu- cleared. swuibt hj eoc clearing ince the. es, nt of the .P., • y has increas din met While last s meg •ceadw an in the t wn- rowly nceme on $1 400: rev. dart° ous p and t howe ,ers who say be thils year, and attr bate ., as they can sell their at -a higher price. hese 1 urder, and 1 thin the bly ulader, as a nu ber afr ia it would eke neat year. An ther fe me in the wee, th of a rolunber of partie pay- bef Ire loaned on t em; r is in their living for I for AO er anyi roast gees na3 rounds, and three v ne. Your cinema, Colle n Teraplare er meeting of the L of Good ent •Qrder, was h ce ,11e11, Gorrie, o at ope th ere dis n n • ctu °lc • di ath 01+0 4m ene t see , eti tu tte at • Or le the ock 0.88 ; t st ti ngt bo IA .1 le Orning sessio biasinesse but 'n the meal& was held, e owing subjecte of 1gs6a : volock" • movment, ,,heing put forge i by • • ' to have the ti e for .11 hotels extent Ion Saturday e. Honors, of (!I at some leng Ip! the meeting Or. East emp- ld in the was ed..un ights, Wrox- , and o op 11 e handso JLU. Moff er, togetb ad a 08 1' the e Mrs. N ind, ion u t !which ulld hay V Path it an a ct ater ro seeped b ntlema down t ce, seve rowing et, fo jury and wa clericaliduties —qms even tra,veile attac of th the t peered in the refleCting on Lowe. Wile his facie bei of on Was arr et ew evoPi rcial t a v & Cp., v iliori, hi ekatin and a. • of Formosa, is ✓ Victoria county. ions has been ship - Mr. W. H. Tighe, V of Toronto is raportance both in e. and • Eliand dollars have new buildings at s summer. y is about being „ which will give rds of 300 hands. on has been fined lately. • On his retir months in prison, Council made him a ice Court, for -drive recognition of his This punishment service, ough. - —Mr. R. R. Kna,p ✓ named Shearer, • of Galt, Was recent •ft Norwich town- lor in the city of At some 0,000 worth majority of Over 400 atmers of that sec- One ' more clever eted to pay for. Canadiata evening last week —be contract f baggage master at iron ridge over th Railway station, Freeport, Watei•loo county, has been serious accident. awarded to the lleetailton Iron Bridge season is over, and hard in summer to p they pay them, whic lish. ssrs. P. AdaTn acturers, of Pa the medals an accom —M manuf ceived the recent Exhibitio trans.' —The bark Nile, f sized en the 22nd N the crew were rose and Iremainder o drownd. —Rchard Englishe formerly a resi- dent of Londo, and at one time a fire man ein the Great Western Railway, has been killed by a Idlway accident in New Mexico4 —Two hundred land seventy-five thous nd four luindred pounds of winter debt, if they often fail to s and D. Maxwell, is, have each re - diplomas won at at Sydney, Aus- om Quebec, cap- Vember. Part of Fre& The master the crew were • ItIcTaBAN BROS., Pu101isiter13. .$1.50 a Year, Adirance. °florally struggle I had extended so far that amputation th taked of her lie. Mrs. Felt:1ton is but check it could not be reSorted to in the 39 years of age i and is the mother of then low condition of the patient. From ten children, th youngest f whom is that time the patient sMile rapidly. He I but sixteen mo ths old. - was 62 years of age. i chees ohees $31,4 was till in comm were ea& in the West Nissouri factory last slimmer, for which 0 was realized.; he other day a I ten -year-old boy nvieted of stealing money from a a Toronto shop, and the Magistrate elated pon the frequency of such youthful ap earances. Alexander Burnett, for 18 years market clerk in Galt, resigned eraent the Town grant of $100, in long and faithful • I —Owing to the death of the Duchess --A committee of the l upholders and ' of Westminster, an aunt of he Marquis li promoters of the Scot Act in St. of Lorne, no entertainme t will be Thomas, are in correspondence with given at Rideau Hall until fter the 1st Mrs. Yeomans, endeavoring' to induce January. her to spend five or six weeks lecturing --In Montreal, by a taeit arrange - through the county. • ment, the Intsh Catholics, French —The Legislatare of Manitoba was opened on Thursday, ; the 16th, by His Honor Lieu nantGovernor Cau- chon. The enla, gement of the Pro- vince was the principal .eubject alluded to in the opening lreech. --A bald and a daciesis robbery was committed in the Presbyterian Church, Granton, some ay clearing the past week. Some person entered, and re- moved the entire 'Sabbath School lib- rary ; and as yet no tra, e of it is found. —At the meeting Of the Board of Directors of the Western Fair held in London last week, it iwas aseertained that the excess of receipts over disburse- . , a former resident y elected Council- nta, Georgia, by a over his opponent. • and. persevering r the erection of an Grand River at be o,i hore platform being Company, or slipped, falling 20 hbroiodgeohf 1a2s5foeuarolifipina t of Princeton, Ox- •-1AI a meeting Benjamin Millard, Board last week, a t., at the advanced recommending tha e had been a resi- seilt; to Galt for 33 years and and gain informat five daughters mad working of the ha grandchildren and intreduced into the —A. Burford far William Cove, u- 1871 was 2,000 b ffering from a severe ;was brought into psley stage and left e Protestant laome troduction or • cere- hero authorities don't y of doing things. ate disasters at the Nova Scotia have up or part of the bers are thus thrown at, with starvation he face. .There are els of the coal fields of 4ally closed, of which rth of the coal -has • Essex County, can who is at least able elf, though it is not ally employed by the ntly her husband was eying the means to Dk her etas and little naurraur went to ,corumeneed chopping top's mill on Thursday morning of last ieh employment she is week. He was etga.ged in tb,e lower flat of the mill, when his left leg caught i3 brick residence of in the machinery, and was crushed at tt, "Scotch Block," the knee and torn from his body. Mr. ✓ with (sae of his chil- Arkill lies in a critical condition. th ' The merchants and tradesmen of • $1.25 per bushel fo rise. Prices declined and with them the armer's hopes., Despairing of get. tin more, he, six Weeks ago, sold the pile for $1 per bushel --rather a bad spe ulation. • Mr. John Arnold, of Paris, invited ible class to an oyster supper and ra of $8,995. The s in the neighbor- ength. f the Paris School motion- was passed a deputation be to enquire nato on concerning the -time system lately Galt Public School. • er's wheat crop for shels. • He refused it, and held on for his a social evening at his residence. e - fore taking leave, the class, very much to the surprise of Mr. Arnold, present ed him with a handsome pair of gold spectacles, and Mrs. Arnold with a silver napkin ring. -+-Two cattle buying firms of Bien ! heim township, shipped some time ago on the "Brantford City" 503 heed. Out of his lot 23 head only arrived in ! po t. The cattle were bought at $103 per head in Chicago, and the shippers will be heavy losers, as' the insurance amounted to only about $88 per head. • —James Arkill, one of the members of • the village council of Elora, met with a dreadful accident in Mr. nor - Canadians, and English elect a Mayor consecutively three years,. 1 —Messrs. Beira Oliver ari the men wh ' forcibly r organ from ooke's Church, Toronto, have been fined $5, each and costs, or twenty days in gaol, by! the Police court. --The Rev. pr.11cNish,+f St. John's, Cornwall, one of the most polished Gaelic scholare in Canada, has been . elected honorary vice-pres dent of the "Ossian Society" for the .oaltivation of Celtic literature. —On Friday night burglars broke ments in connection with the show this • open a safe in a store ii Florence, 1 year was $594.33, shewing the Fair to Latnbton county, and at le therefrom be financially a decided success. ' the sum of $5,000, of whi h $3,000 be- -The Canada Metiapdist congrega- I longed to the township ef Euphemise tion at Windsor have during this year i The County 'Council hasloffered a res raised $3,000, and, besides pa,ying the I ward of $209 for the arrest of the pastor's salary and interest on the 1 thieves. church debt, have paido 1.500 f the ; ---Mr. Andrew Burrows; cattle buyer, principal. An example worthy of emu- I of Ottawa, has been commissioned by lotion by all Christian churches. i London and Liverpool parties to p01- -A ease nights since the dairy of NI -re ! chase for the account $80,00 worth David Cowan, which i adjoins his resi- i of hides, whi'ch are to be shipped to denco in the neighborhood a St. I England. as purchased. Mr. Burrows Thomas, was entered y sneak thieves, ! has appomte agents to epresent him 1, and notwithstanding light burning in : in all the cities and prim pal towns in the house, the scoundael succeeded in I Ontario. carrying off a quantity of butter. ! --Thoma-s !O Brien, a large real es- -A druggist named : Johnston, who ; tate epeculatior and. founder of Mount lel ontreal has been arrest - at the in - who declares Protestants oliCe every a McMillan, moved the keeps a drug •store in Detroit and. a , oya branch establishment at Amherstbtirgh, ed on a char where he resides, was caught smuggling stance of R. goods across to his Amherstburgh tore, that ne e of forger Ratrisa.y, forged hi ( Ramsay's) the duty of which. Would amount to name to receipts for sone $10,000. It about $1.75. Mr. Johnston is estimat- is also stated that the Consolidated ed to be Worth $50,0004 He has long Bank is a out proce ding against other char . Paris, whose r ;eagagement air" she had we) elle got & and a note fle plosion Of a coal oil Durham have iihown comMendabe escape iatt, with great pres- un:animity in limiting the term of credit klept the flames under to their customers. Some thirty of them including eight general dealers, been suspected of smpgghug. • , —Mr. Sigismuud Mhr, local man- • —A young man in ager and agent of the IBell Telephone ! affianced lir ke off the Company, at Qtiebee,lhas been fully , wrote for "t at lock of committed to the COurt of Queen's i given him. In a day or Beuch on a charge Of unlawfully sob- I bundle o1 di erent locks structing a public highway with tele- ! sayiag that lie really could not remora - phone poles, and thereby committing a 1 ber which Was hers, bat • hoped she public nuisance, and gave bail to appear i could. choose for herself and send back and ettead his trial at the next terna of i the remainder. TI -is '' almost too 1 —An aged pioneer of Westminster s, and we 4re bound to elieve it. few days ago. Deceased was one of the Veterinary !Medical • Aesciciation was first settlers of Westeria Ontario, having held in Trouto on Friday laet. A removed there from the Niagara Dia- goodly nuMber Of members were pre- trict in 1811, when but few patches in sent from dffereut parts! of Canada and the wilderness had been cleared by the the T_Tuited ',States. Tbei president Mr. pioneer's axe. Her himband, the late Wilsou, V. Se of Londensoccupied the Charles Burch, took a most active part chair, andinhisopeningreniarksreferred in the affairs of earlier Western history to the greati wOrk whichl hd been done and was widely known. —The London Advertiser says: Messrs. A. S. Murray & Company on Thursday finished the gold medal awarded at the la.st Western Fair to Cowan & Company; of Galt, for the best displayeof woo -working machm. - ery. The medal is Valued at 420, and daughter Of Mr. JOS Thompson, is a very handsome testimonial. The Asphodel, Peterboro county, was play - Galt firm are well deserving the award mg wish a shingle nail in her mouth, of merit awarded to i them, as they are seal after a time it unfortunately passed. among the most enterprising in Canada. from her mouth into be throat, where —Last Friday night Mr. J. Churchill of course it lodged, eaulsing the little Watson, Private Secretary to Col• one a g od. deal of pain, and considr- Williams M. P. coMmitted suicide by able tro 11) e and anxie7 to her parents. ful y -examinin the case, the a it necessary to adeniuister and while the child was in of Staefection„ the indigestible • was successfully temoved from man who runs the Emerson as been taking notes, apparent - Rays : "In Maaitoba ladies uch more reasonably than they ntario, especial* in the winter On the streets here very d aol the other day, on a charge stylish women and girls eau be noticed ttl, assistance arrived, a tPtal lose of the dwell - den the result. Campbell of Orillia ent while driving on ecently, which nar- months, after which interest will be iiig a serious one. The ! charged. orse topk fright' and --The other morning in Torouto the ideline ILO a trenaend- body of Merger t McKay, an old wo- damagng the cutter man, was seized • its occupant, who, mid his daughte ately escaped in- $50 due for nurs abled to resume his test the claim, 8,1bailiff in char three harness dealers, grocers, nullin ers, founders, and blacksmiths, stc., laave signed an agreement f to limit credit_ on current accounta to six 7 . • nam n Mr. ort H o ble w following day. lately a comm owe made a s rge. Wilson, prop Guide. The cense of staternent whitah ap- vOlom she wil: u'de several months ago Vestigation will take place - moral character. of I —During the late storms live stock pretty badly hurt, crossing the A 'antic had a, terrible ut and some of the tme. One of t e hands sent with the f his hands btoken. Cattle on the st anier Grecian, one of d and fined $20. the best of the Allan line, atates that gs ago Mr. Mason, a for three days nd nights during the ller for James S ther- etorm the bac es were battened down. near manufactur rs, of The air whee he cattle were became ais head against post fiio foul that the hay rotted. The cattle tl Thedferd, cutt ng it broke loose fro their fastenings and. Mpletely upsetti g his ere rolled all knocked around be- busiv crazy fit he 13carae ween decks he crew being entirely took several Men to nable to be:1 them. The scene was cal assistance was pro- dreadful. Th y knocked about with s finally put to sleep, every roll of the ship, and were batter - recovered his teason. ed and bruised in every way, and in accident occurred in Many cases th ir legs and liecks were East Williams, lfiddle- roken. Of t is cargo 89 head were ay of la,st week The illed. f Mr. James Godd had —Tbe follo ing' particulars respect - y torn to piece S while ing the death 1 the late Senator Chris cartridge. The first tie are given b - the Galt RePorter : For b of her left head had la few days a c rn bn one of his toes had . Part of her finger ben. troubling him very ranch and he the side of ncision, whic disfigure her rs in attends eery to amp ercial avage rietor by Henry Tidyman for an alleged debt of ing. The relatives con- ut the Tidymans put e of the corpse, and re- flised to permit the funeral to be held until compelled to retract. They now declare that t ploisoned- by her the Court, on the 27th of April. I good to be tine, but the ranscript says township, Mrs. Elizabeth Buch, died a I The saniiaal meetingiofi the Ontario e woman McKay was nurse Mary George to d her money. An in- tit at every step f Open Lodger was yelled by Mr. IJa,mos points drawn out we0 gs gave the public a ce 80 e g t ncy to ce of nuna • ef tempera than could they had. a tend thy and influ. Ps increase th of temperance lodges. ei strongly in f vor of ea:tinge. - • 'g of Sweet. ider , 0 mmended b Good L a by Mr. J. eli ited an aDiM row out cons h sides of the t c dei retained it ted d dere uesti bone Low _es cora land Han whi bad mind. Duri so violent th hol hien, d ud s stan A fright on ed own hi 4a, glat ands ili mg wit r and t al41Uti. blown ty, at for the .veerinsay pro. Ontario Veterinary Co few years Sago they SSioli by the lege. While a no standing in the public estuns. ion, they are now occupyiug a position of influence • an .d responibility. —A. little ,Chied about two years Old, CUT and the sex' 111111 her pia fin to Dath all lif it 4, ha #. ug de robabili The d iflbe n ds. ThOr are, villag out fe siting fio , po k rat er than a d th sh t tir d and stric en h sitaist4v 0 ve au, iw II 4 AI a 1 ti stranghng himself With a silk handker- chief in his room at the Queens Hotel, Port Hope. He had been drinking very freely for several dys, and it is sup- posed that be was on the verge of delirium tremens. • He leaves a wife and child, who were only made aware On car doctor chlorof a state obstacl her thr —Tb of the suicide by hearing et on the Newe street on their way down town the same ly. 11 morning. dress —A man named: Calvin Peters, be-- do M longing to Strathrey, was lodged in season. er face undertook to • t it. Happening to cut was observed that a of pusexuded, but noth t of it at the time. The very sore while in Paris, to a medical man, who icing. This Mr. Christie days, but without any ult. Another medical tilted, who simply changed nd thought a few days cure. Continuing to get riday before his death f mortification showed nd there being some delay e attendance of a physi- ve that when the medical e he pronounced the case •eless, as the mortification ring exchan will, in to the quick, face for small quantit think ing was thoug te the 1 toe continuin be showed it says: advised poed did for a fe beneficial re man was con the poultice, would effect worse, on symptome e indolent person in this employment, who pre - stoves and borrowing potatoes from farmers, p wood in the ush for his clam of dro es, after three days at c opping, he woOd is to gh, and ' themselves, nd cold, •and soon get in securing t air to their poverty- cin, we beli where they •li e in a 'man did a state until th winter 'as almost ho , . • • of desecrating the Sabbath. It appears wearm that he claims to be a Seventh Day raocca buffalo coats, fur caps and init. The consequence is they Adventist, and believes in Saturday as loo c eetsfille conteated and aomfort- the Lord's Day instead of Sunday. A able, a d ave not the red ears, blue short time ago he spent his Sunday in noses, a shivering •a!spect which husking corn in' the field, for which his chara er zes -city ladiee in Ontario. neighbors brought him before Squire The a tiv'ty of wcwaen m Manitoba Noble. A fine of $41 was inaposed, in Seems reater thin iu the States and default of which he as sent to gaol for Other arts of Canada few men Calt. thirty days. 1 overta e or pass la,d in the street --A very suddea death took place in here ; in towns of Out rio slow walking Sarnia last week. Michael Foote a Wome are in every m n4s road." b as found dead in his bed 'by ! ---F r those who take an interest in shbreds we quate the following a his wife. Foote had retired to bed ap- thoro , parently in good health, and his wife, item f ora the Guelph I Mercury: Mr. who slept with him, noticed nothing F. W Stone, Guelpia,, has received wrong with him dining the night, nor :word nem England that the fat cow, in the morning when she got up. After Cherr 4th, red, 1311 cd by Sheriff getting up, and building the fire and '(2996 ) (imported by F. W. Stone) dam getting breakfastready, she went back Cherr , by Grand Duke of Morten, to wake her husband, and found that ,f324 : )732 (bred by F. W. Ston) grand ' eituty 2nd, 13 Prince of the [5702080 (bre by F. W. Stone), a., had been awaided lst prize at at cattle show at Hull. This cow with whit Mr. Stone took st prize at tbe eiater Fat Stock Guelph, last arch, when she ed 1950 lbs. She was bred. by the Me. Thomas Arkell, and ie a aglabred shorth correspondent n, Michigan sa de of Canadian ountry at this p surprising. Fl ic f over 300 per n past, they ble population ay. It is true hy or well-to- ly those who ha is world's goods, he was dead. No inquest was consider° • am necessary, as from the appearance of iNort deceased and the opinion of the doctors, &c., heart disease was the cause of death. the —A -most distreesing burning aci- e is th dent happened in Hamilton the other the fi day. The victim was Mrs. Fenton,wife Sho of constable J. Philip Fenton, one of weig the oldest and moist respected members late of the Hassailton police force. She thor started to do sorthe washing, and had -- pretty well got thaougb when she dis- Her d that the I cotton jacket. which hag t she wore was on fire. At first the frightened womati endeavored to fight the fire by wrapp Og herself in blank- ets, quilts, and silch articles as • were most convenient, but these seemed only to add fury to the flames, and her agony con' at last becorclOg 05 -great she threw off wea all the clothing act fastened to her per- mos SOU, and rushecliento the avenuescream- , of t ing at the top, of her voice: for help. of e The neighbors at once gathered around , her the burning woman, and after extin- 1 wor guishing the fie, Carried her into her sho residnce, and sent for Medical assis-nae tance- andhetehtsband. Upon an ex-. up amination it was found that Mrs. Fen- 1 Ca ten was seriously burned from her hips her up to her neck, the doctor giving it SA ; thi: his opinion that her injuries were s0 thr severe very little hope could be enter. I Set this thin rate seas vain rtiting from Port na• Tighreanitiafipciiuurto- ✓ is truly sales ing here at the ay for the whole re contributing a o lour State and 4 are not of the o: classes, being e no great share but they are full ergy and enterpriso. They come take up cheap lands and go to toimprove them, and within a time have nice *nag. Many are with families al sons fast growing nd who trade off their farms in ale that they may .buy more acres to divide anaeng the boys. Of ugchto Dakota, Dgrakeoatta,liwhilelargenumbersaregng le in this State. •