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The Huron Expositor, 1880-12-10, Page 7
1880. AFOOT NbTRUME T 'OR TEsf` tIORITF OP ON NAND lodged by the Z tgbeal the demand for theca is heir merits are becoat•• w: wn. Other Pianos, 0 ROANS. RTISER Saes fog rgans: Ft ANs. we see that iaior Organs have taken Toronto Industrial Ex., I worthy of the piaeethey Iertainiy are the finest pard. we have been is parties who are using they are not exoelled by tetured in Canada. We are intending to p before purchasing' °CATALOGUE. SCAN DEALERS. :sh New Agencies for wherever -they are: not FERNTS TO RE E RTIES.. (;)THERSt Ontario. SIL 1.1=.,31 MEDAL i Highest Awards- Toronto wardToronto -Exhibitions, 1880. 1880. SEAFORTH, ecial Attention of his n the public generally to. STOVES It `armfacturer in ha yiz : BRANT ORD. 8 :zta Ian Advantages 1'e Appreciated :rl of them. °EVERY STAVE t. in Price or Quality. 1ID JD SEAFORTII. FORTH E AGENT(. r_AT ©'T kis and Accident FB AGENT. l*•Qurance Easiness; for xt ma, I am prepared to e..:•ds Of Property at the BIBLE RATES •rnl.anies represented. FUR THE ,R ANENT NQS COMPANY. :tiara. Money advanced per- cent - I FOR. THE NNW COMPANY, v York and Britain. rATSON, FORTH,. Ontario. pbei1rs Block, opposite E. II ECEMBER 10, 1880. THE HUR} POSITtR. G-eneral News Items. ime well employed is Satan's d 1.est foe ; it leaves no opening for barking head. _-t is understood that when Paarlia- pend assembles Gladstone will propose s grit of :c25,000, to Gen. Roberts, the hero Of Cairdab ar. _Black swans and many other rare slid dostly birds in the Central Park, Nee, York, haveaeeen T killed bypolice The foss is � 1, p ceased of negligence. ar awed on an old stone in a little lir laud graveyard, after the name of the dead and the customary formula, rosy be read the words, "He held the sea t the funeral of Shakespeare." well-known police officer says thstiu New York city not more than one'hinan1au in twenty-five is mar- ried, and that the most of these are unit to Irish wives. He believes that -day there ale not seven Chinese wool in New York. __everal railway accidents are re - 1 port. from the several roads near Buff o- An engineer is reported killed d Several employees and passengers . aeriolisly hurt: Such a number of acci- dent about the same time and place dog d indicate carelessness in officials. comparison of the mortality oi,a of Chicago Sluing the year end- deber 31 with he figures of the rnal Board of Health, giving the crate of the principal cities inAmeri- d Europe, shows Chicago to be the beal hiest city in the world, the death rate being 17 9-10 to the thousand. — genuine case of leprosy is said to bevel been discovered at Lisbon, Eli- -, Bois, in its latest and . most loathsome il stage. The victim is ten years old, a son ef Jacob Jacobs His nose is com- pletcly eaten off, and one arm is a fes - t term's mass of poisonous corruption. The deformities on other parts of his bod3r are horrible. .The New Tork Post says : Many oleo men in this country have lately FT' received a circular from. a London i dolor in second hand sermons. He . offers sermons °lithographed in a bold, round hand,' so that . those who hap. 11 period to see them would suppose that rI they were manuscript, for twenty-five 11 cents each, or twenty dollars a hun- 1 dred. He has a line of cheaper ser rims in print, at ten cents apiece, war ranted orthodox ; and others -aa little more expensive -which have "a pleas- antness, yet an awful solemnity. Zabou them." Nati Seat, caa, • Epp's Cocoa. - Grateful and cotriforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural law which govern the operations of diges- tion an1-1 nutrition, and by a careful ap plication of the fine properties of wail selected cocoa, i'lr. Epps bat.; provide• unr breakfast tables with a delicate. flavored beverage, *filch may save u many heavy cloctors' bilis. It is by .th judicious use of such articles of diet tha 1 constitution may be gradually buil n i until Strong euough to i esist eve tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub maladies: are floating around u ready to - attack us whoreve there is a weak point. We may escap many a fatal shaft by keeping curselve well fortified with pure blood, and ,fcoperly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- (nce t=azette Sold only in packet} hbelled—"fames Epp & Co., l -t omcen pathic Chemists, 48, Threadneeclb Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London.' 2-52 Not Quite -S-o. "Itis among the most savage an eebasef tribes only that the con.ditio, at comfort of - the horse have bee, 4eglecced," but we believe there ar ,many in civilized countries who ars lty of the same neglect, and withou the excuse of the former ; here all ma trail themselves of the use of an ar fele which has done more than any, ting else heretofore knowi, to improve tha condition and relieve the suffering :`:the horse.- Those who will not tee will be the losers, their horses the afferers ; to, avoid both use, "Darley' condition Powders and Arabia 3eave Remedy," and you wi well satisfied with . the resul ?member the name, and se.e that t: e Lignature of Hurd &-. Co. is on eao. 'kage N es,lCanada. T Sol ',Ont.., proprietors or 'yallrnedicine dealers. 634-52 Hair Renewer. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair R:.- `over has the hearty commendation i f lousarals .svhose turning locks ha •e .u- restored 'by it to. their form:r eattty of color and growvth. - It is, ire 4 t, a miracle in its way, even -in t i s of wondrous improvement -a fact • o WI every one who leas given its vi lis a test will certify. The propri . 't:13, It.. P. Hall &c Company, are 111 11 :liberality and enterprise, who gi e tebenefit of their discovery to t)e - .lurid at large, and have placed it n :lie hands of every druggist -. in tie :xuntry,, that its benefits may be ex- �eadt;d alike to all. If there is t e eas't suspicion of gray hair- showi -g tA if upon your head., go - at once a -d tacure a bottle of this celebrated H it eaewer.—Carthage,,.N. 17.,,R •publican. A Fact Worth KBO VPI11g. Are- you suffering with consuinpti-. °oaghs, severe ..:olds settled on t , e - Creast pneumonia, . or any disease • of •throat and lungs ? If so, go to yo r druggist antl get a -bottle of . Bosch -e 's ernraii Syrup. Tais medicine - has ,ately been introduced frim Germane - lis selling on its own merits. Tie 'pie are going wild over its succe. s, . tddrttiggists all over our country are ting ,.s of its wonderful cures amo:ag ircustomers. If you wish to try its `'tperier virtue, get a sample bottle for 10 Sts. Large size bottle 75e. Three doses 'i1 relieve any ease. Try it. 626-52-hb given over to die by par b and it was evident to all t tion was claiming hint Learning these facts, my a bottle of the Balsam. wh and in due time, to the gr Bent of his friends, was a tomed occupation, snatche. from the very jaws of Beat other cases we have ad ,• Balsam to the consumptive, with the best of success. meats are simple facts, vouched for at any time me at ray store. I remain, 642-52 Jona B. t phy.si Basile at constini0 - 8 a vi tin. ife sent hini: ch he at as his ascus as it ter!e . In man :istered t and al wad These state- hich can be calling on yours rc ley ARLICI A. Wonderful Ilia For the speedy cure of avid all diseases that le d t, stubborn coughs, uegl: ate chitis, Hay Fever, a,st iva, side and chest, dry, ha kin, ling in the throat,hoars -ne and lungs, and all chr diseases of the the thro King's New Discovery has established for itse reputation. Many le recomn lend and us practice. The formul prepared is highly rec medical journals. The press have compliment glowing terms. (-o to get a trial bottle fre -regular size for dpi. Hickson & Co., Seafo • overt' consum it; 811 .olds, pain it cough; ,so t ti re r nic or lin er4 an lungs, Dr. as fa din fro m ole d OR Of or h. . o equa world phys in whicl nded y an in the d ruggi; cost, or sale b r 657-52- t tw ;ci t1t thei it' i y 41 m Envied 1B What is more liands bright, clear comple beauties of perfect hea joy these advantages Bitters. Impure Bloo of thea Stomach, Li Urinary Organs are 8p Nervousness and all at they are a never -failing itively cure where all - the Electric Bitters an their wonderful merits. Hickson & Co. at 50e. Chicago , All the world now;,lo as the great western in ica, being, far ahead cities ; but none the es Electric Bitters. Fro sic value they have front, and are now far remedies, positively Cu thing else fails. To t convinced.. For sale Co., at 50c. per bottle au me h? yu ani r, dil lend era. the be F.. bol than a showin Ml ca ing Edit cbrlse all s idneyd, cured. Ile nt ail a . s dy, an s- s fail. y onvinc d of r sale y + .; le. 66 a e ks tro f e d. p to Chic olis of 4n- 11 conn so, in its life r real i` dva hea mg t 66 ced 't of al where em is Hic -26a Bucklen's The best salve in t Bruises, Sores, Ulee Fever Sores, Tetter Chilblains, Corns, and Eruptions. This sale give perfect satiafacti money refunded. lfr 'For sale by E. Hick o ca wo baa 'ilRI is- e8.t in very c:(4 well e, ' e c per lox & o. 65'•5 Saly ld fo alt R ped inds o u arae ll STOCK. FOR, CE. ao ri CI L ndc n; Hu IGOINa oar - i . Lond n, depart; Exetr Hens 11 . Kippt nn 1 4 Brno eld ...«......- Glin - B1yt c6 4 5. win hanf, arrive 5 2 GOING SouTH— I ai 54 1 0 Blytwin ham, depart... - Brno tfield....... Kipp Exet r. rand Tru Tref a leave Seaforth ark 9 follows : GOING WEST— SE 04 Exp ass...... ...8:1 P. Exp ess.... .. -...8.6 P. Miro Train......8:0 A,. Mixe Train.......1:0 P. GOING EAST-* BE OR Expr ss . ....•.. ..8:00 A. Expiiess Train. ..1:06 Mixed Train.. .4:15 P Mire Train., ..,..7:85 Great Wester Wester Trai4sleeve Brussels st as and r: G TNG NOR7 Mixed g 10:2! Aocom. - .8:1 Mail - ......9.2 a TRtO PIG BBEEDES —T keep during the presen concession '7. Stanley, T horonglbredBerkshire Po at the time of service -with t turning if necessary. JOS a e se oar r; PH dersigtEd on on 'I,o Hills Gave rms $1, pa rivilege ref UDSO re- BERKSHIRE BOAR—`'' keep dui ing the prese provement of stock, at the forth, A THOROUGHB BOAR, from the best aloe the privilege of returning, • CARMICHAEL: e t se an: ED ndersigtdd will son fore ini- on notei�, a-- BERK Ff: RE - terms—$1t' with nee: saary. 1 BE"B ' 77a8 Bleeding at the Lungs. Putnau- ( aur, .. March 20, 1869. is ientletnen—1 avail myself of this p - '"unity to say a word in behalf of r. 1tar's Balsam of. Wild -Cherry, wh ch „ve made use of in my family or "eral years, and always with the rii-)st , .teial results. fly wife - being of. ;ate habits has always been troub_ed i shard, dry, hacking -cough, wh n - G s. taking a little cold, and has :m - 'ed various specifics without obt: in - .E any relief, until pre-vailed upon to ='`the virtues of �� istar's Balsam, h.e l �aterf which has been trulyastonishi - rt than a year since a young a an 'l° g -tug in this place was taken. ' ith sag at the lungs, in connection 'ith '°ateevere- coags, and was fin.11y THE BEST PiG-The un his hotel in Brueefield season, a Thoroughbred B from the beat stock on bot ere dur rks sid pure. Terms—$1 for the s aso time of teryiee with 114e pr'vile necessary. W. 000K, Pr prie TOkb PIG BREEDERS • still got his well "Duke of Belmont," an Ri: son for t he improvement o: near Rodgerville. Terms time of service with the p nebessary. WII,LIAMEL ed wilk8e(p ng the •greent ire. Boal, and wa ranh1 payable at tis e of retn'niDp, if or. 6 7 rwn 1 ke sto ivil eE ndersigiled hats erkshirp boar, him this, sou-! k on his tar�nn payable at tile.' e of ret tEitig f 67P'4 IiRKSHIRE BnAR, B keep during the p provement of stock, at b na, a thoroughbred Berki sire were imported by M and be has been a slice exhibited. Terme, $1, i service, with the privile sary. JOHN E. MOOR rOF is hi .9 ssf o b die o E. he nt s lack Bo egm I pr pal re TO BREEDERS i2tFPIGS will keep during tli his - premises in Egon bred large breed Berkshi provement of et ock. This in the county, and farmeri well to see him before to where. TERMS—s1, tq be pal service, with the privilege o ret sary. J. H. CARTER, .pro riet 'p dvil e b son nd ing A BERKS:Eu RE BOA will keep 'on Lot i Tuckeramith, his well B erkshire boar, and will t present season a limited guaranteed thoroughbred, stock .as any animal i • splendid pig served abiu; Terms—$1, payoble'at th. the privilege of -returning MUNDELL. • • TO BREEDERS OF PIGS will keep during the. p rese premises, -Lot 18, Concession 2, Thoroughbred Large Breed Be the improvement of - stock. T'. best pigs in the county,' and far would do well to see rim be stock elsewhere. TERMS—$1, time of service, with the privil if necessary. JOHN RAMSEY, GOOD NEWS FOR FAR known Thoroughly ed "Young -Dennis," will be kept ment of stock this season 3n L 8, 11 ibbert. - "Young Derr is" Missouri ; he by First Da at Lady Hamilton, by First Da gland dans Perplexity, and gra It will be secn.from this podig Dennis" is from the very best shires, and hid stock can not b taken prizes wherever shown a been very sucesessful as »vize - $1 persow, payable at the time the Privilege of returning it nec EBERHART, proprietor. - I' ndersi 'ed ;111 ason, fo the i mith S p,; r. His am a d llsr,of G:Yde i e taker LMh e at thattl a f ningxno 67i` The -an• esent s e, a t r, for of the thers their st at the ning i r. —''he un o. 7, Conce and' favorably kef rbun d umb .r of Now and leaves th coantr 00 s ws last tim of serv',F if . •cessary A.M. P. M. P.M. ancit -1* Bruce. red. Express. M. P.M. 6 7 49 1 - 758 2 75 oy 8 25 15 8 5 - 2 00 9 2� 'axed. Express. Id P.M, 65 - 6 -20- 10 6 56 15 7 24 ob 7 9 1 ` 8 06 S 00 825 frac ayr. li n Stationl3'as rt om om ed LINTON.- :30 P.M. :15 P. M. :45 A...M. 1:45 P. M. LINTON :86 A. M. 12:40 P. M. 8:80 P. M. 6:65 P. rt 0 ay. h And south 30IITH. . .. 5:55 A. M. ,.12.88 P.M ...8:15 P. M JA KETS A H M BRO JT.;r-sT T NED OU MISSE AN ODL dAKE All hand made t� order we hate exhibit d thh other 1pt of NE In a ew da; H D 0 S 'GODS ERS. THIS WEEK ILD EN' HOODS re the NicestGoods se i ion. :We expect an- i, ODs s,:eMnei tlg of, Stolle and Fancy Dry floods, Mil- finery and handle:. Woolen oods c. , ANOTHER LOT In Ladies',Mi sea SO(SLETHIN e NEr A t. F FURS an Kihiklren's. n 111 ar e Res' To Oall and Sealf RY CHEAP. f ily Invited heiselveti. F FM A 1 Carcl7 o's . l QTHERS, ; eafortla. .A.R f,ANKINC SEAF IR,S' OUSE. R" H. re zees former- s k of Com- th Commercial et.- OFFICE—In, the 1* occupied by 't n erce, . and unc' otel, Main SO "Lance ' o WARNOCK'S HE GtLDE,N PADLOCK BROTH TH ERSA SEAFORTH BURR S.1E,IG. SKATES .JQHNS f1 a 33 d 66 New Iimproved Cham ro s -Cut Saws. 'S, AND WELLAND VALE 1HOP0INC AXES ELLS AND COAL OIL LASTEL NS. r CtRff T VARIEITY, FROM 71 TO i2 INCHES A7nzerte to and N SI9N Q anadian Coal Oil ps., HARDWARE MER AIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE G HANTS LDEN PADLOCK. FIRST - M. M LABS A w English nd F Pu chase he un t seaso or he RS.— well erkshirc r, as got II st d sire le it. strain _beaten , hp d his 1 aye inners. 'rep— el serVite; whit as TNARMERS BREED TO T season tho thoroughbred B quis, bred by Damian. John S ton; 1 his pig's site was imp ter, England ; his do.m es L got by Sir D. Cardiff ; s gra Leonidas V., got by Lor Liv breeze WOLI 2nd prize the tion in 1879 ; Lord Liv rpool vineial Fair in 1874, an was D. Cardiff won lst at t, e Ro It will thus bo seen tha M very best and purest br e sto he is 6 months old. erma at the time of service, ith t turning if necessary. 1. J. T p for s mice this kshire ti . Mar - 11's Son 'fbnAn- d d• am It, Lady pool ; Boo al May - Dominion ,sifibi- iln I show in g_ana: uis is ire 1 the $1 cash tayhiele D.igouNTED. ign Exchange nd Sold. RS Pure ased Et ioncy Le it C NOTES Boilable Rates. lattital Securities. ed, p of the B ble nk red Et,t par at all 11 out Deposits Flo EXTRA 600E1) emem5er the GOODS T MOJD0ERATE PRICE AT SEAFORTH ON HAND, A FUL OK A STOOK OF D GLASSWAR andi Provisions, Mill Feed, & VALUE IN TEAS AND SUGAR Rabe. A (Tall Siolicited• MOR ;ISON, SEAFORTH. ENWR For tihe inest Qua Rettnenibe AY lip.. THE IN CASH ty Of' utter in Tubs. ree ',Sevens Store, or GOIL Co. it 1880. BOOTS A Give the n His kt line, an S HOES BOOTS AND SHOES. of 1Fall 9-o ill be Sold ill Deem before urchasin elsewhere. ds is now COmpthe in eve at Remarkably Low Pric s. AND SEE THEM. Pleasure to Show you the Goods. I-FCZ CD OFFORD, Jr. HALEY & NC ERSON, SE CLOTHIERS. TAILORS FOOOTH THE TAILOR!NG DEPARTNI II 11 H HH HH 11 11 A A AAA IA TWEEDS. TWEEDS. The Best i-)glish, Scotch, Frenc Tweeds. These goods have been sel and may be relied on as the most fashion correct fabrics. . We Ove this Departm n tion, ang employ none but the best that will keep t eir shape and give ge e OUR STOCK STFD CO w6 have facturers of En and durability this season are terns quite ne F ENGLISH BROAD ersonally selected from land and Scotland, an hey cannot be Aurpasse extremely good, and th LL and Can4dian ed with icare, ble shades and special Outten- orkmen.1 We duce gar ents al satisfa tion. FOR OVE COATINGS AND UL OTHS, OW. WEED • The col rings .) We have a stoick adequate for t metropolitan c' Our best endeavor be to sell on the smallest margin of durable and sound goods, and have du always well assortecl, and thus cond.* t ing Ho -use of the County. ; IMPO MR. Has Just Ret r ed ir and GOOD enera All of whic Will be CROCK ol NOTICE LOGA t e Eastern Markets, se, tired GAINS heap to Cash Bay re. rge Stec' GLASSWAISE. oose From. CLIN CSN air's Celebrated S Corrler ,of JO LS FLOUR Mills Flour always ry it. TIGHT !-IE PLACE : d John Streets. TO::1 FAR M ER S... A LOT OF CHOICE CASH PAIO FOR &OVER, Field Se BUTTER AN CHEE s. ROBEiRTSON Butter and Cheese Emporium. VS R1EADYIVIADE CLOTrIN We have large and select stoc4 of Men's, Zouths' and Boys' suits, which we will at Cost Ilarties wishing anything in this line will dolwelli to call and in- spect, as we are bound to sell them cut. We make a speciality of Overcoats and Ulster's. ENTS' FURNISHINGS. We have ade a special effort Oils season to isecure all the latest novelties in this Deimrtment. *e are pleased to say that! WO have. been sqcessful in purchas- ing by far the best stock we have lever been able to show, and can give you better value for your mon y than ever before. P_)u.r stock.of MEN'S SCARFS AND TIES Is very attractive. The newest styles are the Rutland, Byrdn, Guards, Roseberry and the I Heart, &c. The Windsor Square Ends in all Parisian ties i4 all shades. DRESS SHIRTS At any price, eon r attached -and d4ached, and finish' and quality annot be equalled. IN UNDERCLOTHING e wants' of a t tin* will Depart ents be lead - 666 We are fully prepared to meet the wants and vil. everyone, consisting of Shetland Wool, Scotch' facture, Shirts and Drawers in ail sizes, fro Men's to Double xtra 0. S. Men's, Canadian and Plain Shirts a d Drawers, suitable for men at all prices, from Oc a suit up. PLEASE CALL AND SEE Our stock of' Silk Handkerchiefs, Braees, Gloves And Hosiery. The largest and best assOrted, stock $11 Sea - HATS AND CAOS. This is a 'very; important branch of our businikss, and our sales in tlle past have been most sa isfactory. Our purchases for thisiseason are on a much more e tensive scale than forrherly. We are now showi g a ve large and well -assorted stock of all the newest shapes 1. IVIen's tIm English Stiff and Soft Hats (including he note Chris- tie Hats), Men's American Fine Hats, en's C nadian Felt Hats, Boys' and Youths' Hats and Caps, NEWEST SHAPES IN ALL KIINDS OF F South Sea Seal, 1111ink, Otter, Beaver, Persian, Russian Dog ; also a large assortment o Alma a PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. REAEMSER T Oak HA Sea,for Crest, perial hades. op fit, hes of manu- ibbed r boys, d Tam