HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-12-10, Page 3B80. TORY 33 la or the rail ed, se usual, thieet to. the off 2 Pounda • Shoulder 4 E Wi• a. Store in "a , whei-e (-beim and Meata, Sao., ogs, IS WEEK. ood article • eforthe R1 ES SLEEP. KE :de and fire !II first slaw itest etylee :J)ie prices. in the pa.st„ • Pictures :dark clouds d lightning and when, •• no matter eies takes a !N:o. 1 Photo_ tire frames FAFetrite, Commerciai ',Seaforth. darkness.. IS TIE. of Itis Flax ". good active ege it prop - and in spiert- eteadilydur- nection with tkN. tz reasonable t y. eieree Build TTiT41.. namerous :ere) for their 7 years, axed at t en t ion to wed trade in el hie prem.- ared to,pay PRIDE me, delivered 10 •TH, nt good du, 'ILSON ACTORY. RER ake to Order, trade in their rir own husi- !tide both ailt- rk cannot be hineute. Give us a .tatiqfy you MR nzblie, having r 12 years. IABERER. RE E.HEWER. overed does R.etwily as the store GRAY outhful color [C ALIMENT • this. way its Ie with rapid - id Eruptions, and healthy. 7c). imparting to ia which is the eonvineed. hy j. S. , 668-52 H RGA musie11 Laud Harmony -light to write, romponers to, eful at ten tiou most approv- , and develop- eithout extra ttiee; chargee re F.trLet, first 673 NE. AMERS 'YORK and nd LONDON enderry, Giese kee as l'iLT.W ed fiereone Arieheir Line - [alley and come Statorth & OOL TA RIO Mosey Lent LUIS & Co. 1 to suelly the 4111)#* beet rt10,,,= or e. All orde.re- H.:••.h.- ea in led (;77:4 LES 'Thetisend the next two erit t lee ; no o., Seatorth. T EATIIER and etscription. kept. Terms orders by mall N. B1ETT a a; i DECEMBER 10, 1880, turned to her reporting. They installed themselves in a cozy little home near Condon', and Elsie continued her studies. So when the spring had fully passed,- and Elsie came home for her summer vacation, affairs were moving quietly and happily everywhere. ' September came again, and a year to a day from the time when Hilda Brand. came to our office to get some work to do, and Walter had first met and fright- ened her, those two went up with Elsie to her school, and left her beginning sinOther year of study. They returned ti) New York by a steamboat in the eveniug, and sat. long on tae deck, watching the romantic shores sweeping by them. It was Hilda's first voyage on the noble river, and Walter interest- ed her greatly by his graphic accounts of the villages and cultured homesteads that line the banks. But the deepening night and the passengers leaving the deek made her suddenly rise and say, "Shall we not go in ?" • "Is it not too pleasant ?" he re- plied. "Besides, I have not finished my cigar." "Very well, then ;" and quietly re- suming her seat, she watched composed- ly the dancing path of the moon on the river—more composedly, .perhapsathan if she had seen the intense, passionate look in the face of the man at her side, his cigar hangingidly from his fingers, his eyes on her countenance. At lag, with a half-trembliag dread. of the silence that had fallen between them, she tarns, with downcast eyes, and says, "You have been very, very noble'and true to me and mine. How. C8.13 I ever pay you ?" She does not anticipate the an- swer that comes with startling quick - DOSS : "I ask a great price—even the gift of yourself; and having trusted me before, will you not trust MO The burning blushes and, the sweet eyes raised timidly to his do not say him nay. THE END. How Liszt Got his Wife. • Liszt was at Prague in the autumn of 1846. The day after his arrival a stranger called upon him and aepreseht- edhinaself as a brother artist in distress, having expended all his means in an unsuccessful law suit, and asked aid to enable him to return to Nuremburg, his place of residence. Liszt gave him a hearty reception and opened his desk to get him some money, but founi he poss- essed only three ducats. "You see," said the genero fi artist, "that am as poor as yours° f. How- ever I have credit, and can c in money with my piano. I have a mini ture given nae by the Emperor of Austria; the paint- ing is of little value, but the diamonds are fine; sell the diamonds nd keep the, men ey The stranger refused the ri h gift, but Liszt compelled him to take i , and he carried it to a jeweler, who, .uspecting from his miser -ab -ie appearanc that he had stolen it, had him arr sted and thrown into prison. The stra ger sent for his generous benefactor, who im- mediately called upon the je eler and told him that the man was innocent, and that he had given him the diamonds. "Bat who are you ?" sked the jeweler. "My name is Lizst," he re lied. . "I know of no financier of t at name," said the jeweler. "Very poesible," said Liszt. “But do you know that monds are worth 6,000 floriii "So much the better for hi gave them." "But you must be very ric 111 It hese dia to whom to make of 3 du - the jew- only to o get as said the f sorcery I parlor of ric artist provisos a, ung lady the close the jew- fore," she he world ch souuds he stroll- , the re - flew, and d by the give a eler see - 'd to the of form - IS each presents. "My sole- fortune consists cats," said Liszt. "Thenyou are a fool," saa eler. "No," said Liszt ; "1 hay move the ends of my fingers mach money as I want." a "Then you are a sorcerer." jeweler. al will show you the kind employ," said Liszt. Seeing a piano in the back the jeweler's shop, the eocen sat down to it and began to i ravishing air. A beautiful y made her appearance, and at of the performance exclaim° "Bravo, Liszt !" “You know him then," sad eler to his daughter. "I have never seen him b said "but there is no one in but Liszt who can produce s from a piano. The jeweler was satisfied, ger was released and relieve port of Liszt being in the city he was waited upon and fet nobles, who besought him coue,ert itt their city. The je ing the homage that was p 'man of genius, was ambitiou ing an alliance with him, and said to him: "How do you find my daug ter?" "Adorable !" was the repl . "What do you think of arriage ?" continued the jeweler. "Well enough to try it," s d Liszt. "What do you say -to a dowry of ,000,000 francs ?" he *vas ne -tasked. "I will accept it," was the eply; "and thauk you too." "Well, my daughter likes you and you like her," said the je eler; "the dowry is ready. Will you be my son-in- law ?" al • IA "Gladly," replied Liszt ; marriage Was celebrated the lowing. - Boy Inventors. Some of the most import nt inven- tions have been the work or mere boys. The invention of the valve motion to the - steam engine was ade by a boy. Watts left the engine i • a very in- complete condition, from th:, fact that he had uo way to open or clos the valves, except by-levere operated b the hand. Re set up a large engine at up of the mines, and a boy was hired to work these valve levers; though this wa not hard work, yet it required his constant atten- tion. As he was working t lose levers, he saw that parts of the en •ine rnoVed, in the right direction, and a the exact - time he had to open or close the valves. He procured a strong cord and made oneend fast to the proper art of the, engine, and the other end to the valve lever; the boy had. the sad faction of seeing the engine move off th perfect regularity of motion. A short time af- ter the foreman came aronn,E and saw the boy playing marbles a the door. Looking at the engine he s w the in- genuity of the boy, and also he advan- . and the week fol - THE N EX. bSITOR. 3 tage of so grea then carried genius in a pr steam engine ing machine, The power farmer boy W of such a thin with his lack got it all done, ahowea it to kicked it in have no boy a his time on s boy was delighted ing a trade, and 11 master was kind est in him. He was left of the on en up, which he The blacksmith s boy as an appren volition was it ve immediately had der the supervisio ed to their pprfec blacksmith farina ufacture the loo ed one-half ,the an out otic pe 00 oh kni e, is pie out ch a year the the boy's fat wit-li hlra a. was the in' power loom. of the astonishme when his son the inventor, looin was the he had kicke bl aer we ent Yo A Night Quarter The other was who stun to nventi thke 1r feet auto is the nV d nevi 5Q e wh itle ithagrn t other, s, im th foolis at the soon d too$ ade- a his fa owedl whe ee,an loom oo of the satisf ed the s, the profits alumni hat thy g of t may b t at t resen ik told eacsll ea a t n = t de '11 afc 8 r. Watts inventive made the atc work- nt 11 on of a r heard ne out he had .nsiasrp, at once wort d spend s. The f learn is n w e y inter - f what h.d br+- master. rdinary the in - O e. IjIe cted uin It work - and t.ie to man: receiv- about te to d bring thau who lebratsd In to judge • -old hothe (him as that 41° el that ar ago. hinese m80°. ied by a se quarter wded into a Union hstreet ae C- ae s . arer.• e ere IB always Ir but _once n, -habita- condition- could it a room 12 ith . seven et almost., er is that he whole ey patter den slides. rvice that •e sweet ijitd with 11 nt mer - s, sh ok ends v - tion lat d and You worked ks, kept 11z 2Elevd rya goods of cripti n. nd le v- , lima n- coun ry Stales.d the tops metimes out of y ghostly s we found I y the light f oil the d brtioe- ck there seemed as 43,11 night. mew street's fa Chinese oiled with fs floated re filled s dinper of the ies were for e a- little ng rat in Perhaps • clay, I as bor 3 do ea rooms playing did pot onsiet;itt tr P1 isit to t of an 111 g, ao he 0 . Here large 'ty th and resen co. cause the fa of hi is ori dirt., he sh ensio and an he * oes ot tthni hen ' are a. eir ittle ious Chino, ot's wife yen friend, we vi ited of San Faanc'sco. a space not Square, live tials. Outw John China speetable ap clean, I supp a laundryma over the thre tion he rever and faddy re be otherwise by 15 feet j other tinfot sleep standin our hot sun race into ear about in t What a cu world be ! in emporia° Our frien several of t chants, we hands in Me _ored to what we twiukled ir would have ihou by a string.i The in pure Chinese, New York a shop was far the most Adding some ing out the ed ourselves shop in one The cats we e e of blade and uch twe rdly ear: se b in hol s to els i Whe th nat • bof ng ac eir iTost p ent lato th can fashio ress our aw. They imond t thelt accoi4 could lia• • to iiiir cked (WI. With Honed', g i 1de office tola e might:. Newn,g interr rywh adi, xes, 411 eyes g 1)W in 8.I V alter sip y cary lig in a braii. in 10 1 'qi sever .J, s in fr, was feit autos !ails whidh '' a VO ale e clialra st floor vory di I confe3s n not ii ill of If a sei a, istian 3tua, y., s nisc pea ts, . n t the their great y a gloomy fashion. In ‘gold worker.: of a burning most delica lets. Alt o was no sin though th y After thre we found ou restaurant colored Wit .frona the wi eces• the bus wic • fig gh of expe din selv It MS, dow With flowers, an gong annoanced house, Oh he preparing t tables upst: disappoin t any form they reserIi some of thel fish. Around s sat a nu u nders tan holding u hands and as loudly Of the gam played in players rev tea without cups. Our part was led w sideration t the front a balcony lily decor and halter s". she color was st spread carved ebo table, au were broug t swininin of hot mite a We pain into our s an foun bitter. So we a 1 ded s cately pain ed 0 iiva s Mongol in tten mice whites Of h's eye at oui. A dessert o nut • and The forMe er very like sandal ood. In the aa w ere w a wooden:1 ung , and two Chine m lliona n es r8. nt the it f 4 r olio at4ic • (cl e er e es on t was' tedtd, • all ables ict er f China s w a ka4ria4) It seemed:: ngers hOU 1.1a outo OSS of ra wh elk me. Whe ved hemse tea, or • nails a qua stockings ti blue satin 1111 —4 had tak seemed t red robes The rest an instill •• violin, an ; a were, we. in went in, nd Theatte • d lite, and -x of the ug y well, if wish," ds• my smel forthco of the sti cenae, a time to el° ks st u AO 1, ion. -Before what ar at three men in on three drums. hestra consisted of mbling in sound a house bell. They. gods ups when we in wao deafening. re ever, rre very po- rh diffnt powers i.. '‘One make man a.er give what you Iliediatel wished for , but thy were not ere they 4ave us some h they burp as m- a: our departure in r hotelbefore the Jfre. F. of Hope. ve headMg the Cali- tiows a correspondent to emus merchants and Ihas known come to etunate!' speculation, taioral to our agricul- ,[ ne respect the city T e Under th for iaF m tell of t e bankers al gri f thr ug and. to p int turalpia ula "Now or of the dead hour passe some fond it grasping so tioa wither of Iife woo "Duri g o whom we h theii his kat tho son Be hi rn. feeing, Oley most geileroli easyco rdel to- ay h h tuiere wd.s op, du dnes f al aysi not wort couild have twenty tho • i, rnotrtgag , b ft0 I h ye literally l.o.k up alt. who ha ars me ith equi no thin A ve ot er, r he had in orei ha Wm We e pr ni rnin spl ndo by mile ric • m hi l a at months to.. T no at pl wed, its dee SU Ely SC ttere th : eho pets h do ers m n ho 'Litt ker pai • py at lit 1 us thon re w en dli th Ilion ea d.! dif a 1 6 a day, scarce an h does not witness ion wlted in the cherished expects,- heur, and the plans ver. we Me d n4 seen s ions were E etrhing p as 1 schola te . ii sentiM a i, 1 *Manly ho god. y Iof i the go t1te, • me ti d e nor, w tii the sen a; to -da ut a °liars ar 1 ha w•. th ha in BO go th cr or th a le Be sp d. sii rn di ted ner a th andfee ne t m a d a li the ba ker • m il of deo d he o 1 s occ fe, ous cf ath of The r res ber • • 1 El or bath 1793, t re spent nt to a a gentleman r mouths; bythe tens df ospered with refined in nt, having a heart. But here was the tleman, but e - that sub- ich reverses itive. am Doctor. I Junked and n bond and nted a little more, with my last shilling ng,' said we; only those that they owledge you have, and Cher fortune you did ars later we met an- nd honored at home oreign lands and stood assembled thousands Me ill ; his utterances in bdth hsrnispheres. The DO f ths life had arisen in eStis were measured m at ilia n, travelled en, (Complimented to seat sibl 8.1 But within six ge,.aa come over him Ante ready smile carne Furrows had been sadness had made on that long -sync) ey gone, children orse than dead, was spry of budding pros - an hour, of early the blooming, of hu ished itt a, night. the plain, plodding ountry, whose farms clear of liens, bow they should feel, and cl there is for the en, ich often rise within ear of men in cities Or merchandise by the ar, and who in a sea - than would bay a 'our out of five of less they have se - their creditors. The oe4tcres, or a hundred, di (fag go to bed any aight ir4 ilVat he shall wake up g wt h a home of his own w tNini it, for him and his. y, Pie city merchant or such security. The ming may bring him of all earthly hopes, at at night the penni- hroWn stone mansion; d friends all uncoil- ful change." yet yo dj ahead, kno AY STOC emit owne PaYi Es &bon The and ES Gre stee Pro Mc RAY 6 E the sub ri tWo hi01t at' RAY th Te uir lt ell: 1 ,a 1)o rtY a —Came into t 1, Lot 7.0onee a red yearlin aine on provin GUS KENN Came htt) t La 25, Con go, a zed and the same by WILLIAM sio • hitt mollies of 8,Tucker. Her. The eperty and 678x4 remises of n 2, Hay, steer call. ng property R. 678x4 ame into Lie remises of d, Lot No 15, on .esaion 17, Septemer, ;ad yearling an have the saline proving ng charges. tODERICK 6t8x4 -"S TRAY L the un 9, Morris, a it bull. The wne property ar. pa Wal on,P. 0. Came. into th1 e remises of d, Lot1s 28 and 29, Concession middle of May, a yearling n have the same ou proving g expenses. DAVID KNIGHT, 678x4 w RAY S the unders lett, about the ft La ba. The ow ing prOperty at PLAINIIEE ST AYE 2 ye relaoel$1d7h the bein eat in the pe I1011 findng RE IS AY Tr,, -psrrit.ig PIE the un e si Grey, about Au owner eau • aVe and paying hia V STRAY Ajud.itbisi eu rent ram 11111111. Prov pro CLARK -RSTIAY miders gne let ablaut he The ovener an hopiezAtymtjland pay —Came into the premises of ed, Lot 1, Con0138ton 13, Hul- ot September a Ewe and two r can have the same on prov- paying charges. MICHAEL 678x4 FER-- Strayed troti the pre- dersigued, a red h ifer coming al is marked on both ears, h pe of a V, or foked. Any h same will be rewarded. sdale. 678x4 —Came into the prernises of d, Lot No. 12 CoLcession 17, t last, a ewe eop. The same on provin4 property . A. DUNCINSO . 67.x4 ral , b The Came into the premises of ed, Lot No. 7 Concession 6, the 20t1i of Septeraber last, a ner eau have the same upon d paying charges. ROBERT 677x4 ame into the preir lees of the rn No. 2, eoncessitin 8 Hut- h of November, i red cow. e the same on proving pro - charges. RO BELT Mali - 677x4 PL4TtiAL t erB Tueeenis mit and whitey the same on etrA.nr..,Es E.lthe Octob r, two ow er can pro erty an Bro n on Came mb tho remises of d Lot No. 10, Con salon 11, the first of Neve ber, a red eifer. The owne can hare property and payi g charges. 6r74 --- RS—Came into t premises •gued about iho middle of g calves, bot4i heifers. The the same on provin g g expenses. M.I CARNIE, ake, P. O. • 677x4 utn nde ave usted y sipp,ing rom tliny ber w me w 04 in fo Id flinch coni ill le openi g on ith flags unc rtain bit: -1 ,a IihIy 1O1 ea e yes s ots. 1c1 t eteavite,r itie ces iiely aa ' ith deli7 60 !until -ithe hl ed. t att e' u u the i ar , a on ta te. al t fol 0 and s ley all • • er o a fo t d -appea ippe a, the in still atia her pair silk and gp hese darins Vee p rfectly presende ked t in unspeak le ontent1.1 about to le e, i 4 r‘. Ru • propretor the balcoa gave me so own celesti It is asto amount df age to exis reason the must go." a wayof d culiar. Itt little birds and basket meat. Su hang strin kinds of he On theIn We were fo largest tern interior wa ordinary d like myeilf to half its edibles, s!:n Chinameiik had not he bere was 1 reclined. th thlger e and ilk ca uld 1 a p ir of e nine (311V loped e. tnesS ; f our , /der d in g ue man- 0 us ' 11 ium mes , t we Were e Ho, the fi d mei to 1 1 et smile by hie p 0 sanall an ill man - is one Chinese ers have at is pe - row of the, un, Morsel of ceil'ngS • and plora nd t pen. than necip e aa ere g 4. sl ti fi New thre at ti nee o ye ott, ciety ns o rist the ief legat eitio issio e addr utioa he ovet O sire s mbve ure t fecti e a id gr at opp sed t Fr en ot t I Yer er f OS th rest& t, 1 an with a 4•s,v e 11. wers 1c ers. isbil g upo od Chin I iuppo e sa 'there he hales ing veryt he hops n st cks dr of d ied fis d fro of chick° s d veg ht f our una e eno 11 leo11 Joss p not much Ijar win• room, but; oul scar . 131- nte ts. T ene kin cons is T place oo s epta si ce al 1 ion ' eir he 8./1 yte • es de, smo ing: as i it eir ods a °dna s frieilds aring e rly oap . Ber h en; s, okiu tc ith sxi thy,' an arkable Woman.. ucretia Mott died at Philadelphia Nov- 136rn at Nantucket in ars of her childhood ton, from whence Ea s' Boarding School" qt where she remained 14 1 she took up -her ita ply in Pd Philadelphia, an t fihe married Mr. James isa partner. When the as divided on the ques- o 'lnient and Divinity of Lucretia Mott - adhered res - rs fling as a teacher part of cc ed Lt he s b ent lilo 41 res o •ed elli he 8. di t 1 ha It oubt s. t es to me under most vOra ices, co cti the acids and carry- rful ffi • ity, ti.oll the Digastive Organs ar all tel dors id th ier, creasing the dissolving shrt410eara ig' tl'Iutilp es, being very hi II d I r Pmmended. Its w ghlonY. Bmiiii.10,, Es_ce 01;ah_r, oyRr: ORO w co I nd br Dyspepsia and liver cr- off i rit s of the Stomach and anis. in 4 i'ver, can be tested by bottle, which sells at ccuerni cont g, a .lar eight ounce bottle, 75 Zits. j. S. OBEBTS, Seaforth and ayfiea. •79-2a T AY 40 op, nd t roving • DS, Ski 11 —Came into t 1remlee9 of ned, Lot 31, Co1iee8sion 7, e middle of Nov mber, two • The owner can have them and paying expo sea. THOS. 0. 1 677x4 E Tt Usboie, b year g etee can h ve the charg s. RO s b a 1 Came into the jromises of ed, Lot 31, &neassion 5 the first of Novjember, two th red in coor. 1 The owner on proviugpr perty and paying BELL, Luna ey P. 0. -677x4 11—Came into the prornises of ed about the st of September, ion 3, L. R. S. Tuts -eremith, a red and white. lrhe owner oviug prouert and plule, ex- AYMAN, Kip en . O. 677x4 VST tlie und rs on Lo 19, Con two y ar o11 ie can have hr lor . per se. P E • T) REN -L. room t oe given on CAU HE ' - 110 EL thri Cente nial Load In, II a got, 4118 Apply to T. — — en Hu le t, ab steer •ocl a nearlyt all ht° tru4vine pr o I3R AD E—Came into ed, Lot No. 5, last of Octobe ite, and one The owner ea y and paying NT, Harlock P the premiBeS of cot cesaiou 14, , one yearling yea !ling heifer have the same hares. WIL- • 0. 677x4 c.;,t TR AYE • i k-) frotu Ifens 11 on the night of the 2 tat of Sept., a m 'lc I • • , light red ab ut 7 goers oldi with tow home nd point broken of etch. Any pcsox giving et 6 information al lin lead to her re overy il be suitably rewa ded. SID NEY PAILB , Hnsall. 672 STOLEN—Stra,yed or stolea vSTR AY C tbe suttee Two reda • d w whte }lei e a both ye:r Prove prop r Y, If no call d to 1881, hey BALII,. E—Came into th pretmises of ,Lot 18, Concsssioln 01 Howick, Steers 1 year old, One red and One black aid white Heifer, The owner will please call, y charges an1 tak them away. n' or before th.e 1t of March, sold to pay xpe ses. JOHN 678 1, -/rain tor 1REH railw y tree i • tnrunickeidiaantdjge or tO the • Oro. 910 MED : Hi 111ettil,taincotiln ee" , and 1t tion, i1so h 111 fruit lreea, 11,' sPraathp endi any p,e7hon hom - re S.1tiL, C fa' LE OR TQ ET. t cmfortablebric store, with oi Main Street Seaforth, at by W. N. Watson Possession of February. pply to Mc- LT4ESTED.._ 631 SALE—Hotel fax sale in the age of Hensall, k own as the opposite the Bt1ation of the Bruce Railway, at resent doing Good Reasons givu for selling. 013T13. HenBall. 678 TO RENT..4O 'ent a good use on the so th side of the eaorth, with wo lets of scales, all complete; pouteeeion given ly to Scott Brothers, Seaforth r etor, R )BERT 6 l'oTr, Rox- 677 MEN OR TRADESMEN—T liege of "(inborn, jtownhip 0 table fra.mereSide ee in good -shed aud etebiel in connec• acre of land !we filled with aring. There is Ise a good The propert jwonld mak derice for a me 'cal man o ing a cheap and4 comfortable osopeaoble.. Ap ly to JAME e 678x4 and became one of their Ji In 1840 she went as a *I rld's Anti -slavery Con- in pn, but was refused ad- tiltib lunt of her eex; in 1848 hts i.Woman's Rights Con- mite Seneca Falls and presid- ealoca wit 1husband. Since that sionatan3 A ic a M Pc e as e O rsi ,red , fra ng or hBa fro en, one of the leaders in always a conspicuous - 0tNER he W rsuasive speaker. She ared and 11 tvatere es plo d well msn0 of 1301 D e farms othe Bucefieldl. therings, and a highly sh p on practical goodness ma, and, as a consist. az ) ted that a Christian 113 entiously support a goy- a I 11 the sword. Her earn- ence and transparent 11 t won her a wide circle I":n eeured. her arespectful 0 los. wig those who were bit - the views she advacat- 1- lllfe was devoted to unsai- d there was no movement dvancement of her kind we as not itt cordial syna- Bi it very many in active 00- -- 1111. opesa.: in cured the agency for this tw LE—For sale ot -0. 20, Con anley,coutainiijig 1J0 acres, 80 o , underdraine , w Ilfenced an te of cultivati n. he balance 1 rdwood. Thar is s good [rani and stable, pi nty of water an ustcommenci g t bear; is 3 field, and 6 tfro i Clinton; in o iniles. Terms easy ; pones Apply to the roprietor a 00K, proprietor. 677 --4— '011i. SALE OR TO ENT—Bein of Lot 10, co ce sion 2, town containing 50: as s, nearly splendid statj of cultivation ee under hall v. cat and 1 od farm hoiuie and stable b ening orchard o nvenient t c Church and sc loot ; within hal gravel road, 4 jnj1s of Seaforth this is one of the prettiest 5 e township. Fdr te me, &c., api es, to P. KENNE14LY, Seaforth KENNELLY, L cknow Post 675 lei re t/a T 011 c loke n 11, Me OESE Dra P ired two ye years To ea •d gi e eaba r er kag fygiscJ th All Do It." nd preserve the teeth ce to :the breath, use new toilet gem. Sam ,5 4nts. 679-2 q K FOR SAL LE—For sale„ a three. Sired by ant. Apply oh L JANIES DORRA SALE—For .ale o y ear old G ldi Haddow ; al° and one vvell-hred ply on Lot 3, ese Seaforth . 'O. BRED BULLS—F r d Calvet1 April and one in to . the very b show f or th m JAMES DIOK bay geldin ord liaddo t 31, conces • WE. 675 TH I0 9,RAND CLEARING SLE AT OMAS KIDD'S, SEAFORTH. MME CE THIS MORNING A GRAND CLEARING SALE OF ALL MY LARG STOOK 0 NEW GOODS Consist na of the Latest Noaelties in Dress Goods, Veivetsl, Mantles, Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Ulster C Fine ijlosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Lace Goods, Cors tions, c. Lathes' and Gents' Underwear, and. an Spread. Flannels, Cottons, Sheetings, Table Line Curtais, Oil Cloths, Carpetg, cto. SW EPI!G REDUCTIONS 1 AND ALL MILLINERY iV ilks, Cshmeres, Velveteens, CHANGE OF BUSINESS MRS. E. VHFmEY, DEBIRIlp to state to 1,her customers and the publie that she has 4sposedof her Tin and Stove Bneiness to her ! ons, CHARLES and GEORGE WHITNEY, 'w 10 have had the princie pal eharge of the busin-es4 for several years, and she hopes, the same lib Lai patronage will be extended te them that ha been accorded to her- self for so tilting years. akings, &a. Full Lines of s, Fancy Wool Goods, No- naense Stock of Blankets, , Shiatings, Towels, Lace 61 MILLINERY ! !TRIALS. 0 e Hundred Mantles tio be Cleared Out. The Salance of the Stock to be sold at jNet Coot. Extraordinary Bargains in Blan (its, Flannels and Winceys. SPE IALITO EVERYONE REQU IiING CLOTHING. • I ave on hand $5,000 Worth of Readymade Chliting, which I am determin- ilecure enuine Bargains. few Small Boys' Overcoats will be sold extremely low. MY STOCK OF BOOTS Two Hoar ge, bay color ne Mare riet Durham Bali oncession 2 . ROBER 6674 ✓ sale tlare0 • calved in June. They at strains of elves. All of ON, Tuckee.' 678-4 ONTRACTO S. ,Q1 e Ae Lf the 1*.jed by^the 17 h. Pia M nee, T H pdurn, b opened D Aternber seveto 1 EX. D sr P. • 1, DERSeeFor t e erection of for the Presli te ian Congreg et Road, Usbolfne,wiil be receive gned up to ne n on Decembe 8eci6catioflMca1 be seen at the Read, 8.nd at i 114e office of Al. rehitect, .etre, ford. Tenders tO s4ie Church, at 1 o' lock P. M. on 7t n Committee do t bind theni he lowest or ant other tender. , Secretary o C mmittee, Fait - 6T43 -11 corn etion with the above the undersigned beg k state that they c.ontinue to keep on hand, et the Old Stan', a full stock °I ,r STOIES OF :1ALL KINDS of Every 11)esription. IVe prepcoied to do Custom World of Xvery pescription mi the Shorliest Notice,-tand Cheap. Tinwar are Raving business i time the 1 to the o;d years. thorough practical knowledge of the its brancaes, they hope to eon» rge patronage which has been given and well-knorn house for so many ed to dspose of this month. This is a splendid opportunity for those wishing to W H IT NE Y BROTHERS. Is the ant on any ot Ladies Rubbe Comm ises. was a, with 38c., 4 ND SHOES ! argest Ihavo ever hld, and I have opened oat this week several import - very attractive lines. I sell Lathes' best cinality French Kid lower than er house in town. 1 have a full range of the celebrated. Riveted Shoe in Misses, and Children's sizes. Everything ii Long Boots, Overshoes, and s. • WED ING AND NIOURNI 11 44 • nd. my Speeial attenitioii, and can be all ma y stock of Silks is omplete in every shade e to offer you better value than I am to -day y Black Cahmeres. I offer to -day a full ra c., 47ca 52c., 57ca 7c., 72c., 80c., 95c., and a G ORDERS ; up complete on the prem - d every price, and I never Always in the front rank • e of All Wool and Union at 41- - B— 1 parties indebted to Kn. Whitney will please .settle their indebtedness with her at once, as t e new firm open new books and the old busine s must be closed. Patties desiring 44 settle can o so at the store of Whitney Bros: until the 1 rat of October- After that date the accounts ill be put in other hands for col- lection. 665 RS. E. WillIEY. TEA TE S. TEAS. THE N W CROP UST ARRIVED. A-RR11V orne Beautiful Things in Low Priced Furs. also Prirn and ir ow Priced Mink, Nobby thifigs in Child • Nb It is universa ly knowii that I always hold:the ght article and sell it at the right price. Jost to hand, the Largest Shipment I ave elver received. Grocery and Liquor departments alWaysfully assorted. en's Seal School Caps, fr m 45 cents and. upwards. NEEI: TO IVIENTIO NIrTEAS. • CA_ I-1 IE3T.TY IR,S ! 1 ; offer Iarticularly call the attention of Cash Bn.yeAs t em. Iipurehase my Goods on the very elose such als cannot fail to proslo acceptable. It will b throuah my stock, and I s1ca11 be glad to give yOu a compare my ptices, so that you may satisfy youkselF • test. TH011/A_S KT I)/ Seaforth. to the great • inducements t terms, and my prices are to your advantage to look opportunity to examine and hat my value will stand the Corner iof Main and Market Streets. PH OTOGRAPHY Ar WA E BRS., HITNEY'S BL .A. ITT__311"S Gr eery and ProvisiOn Store 18 THE1 SPOT where yon can get the best value for your money ever offeredin Sector -fix. just tiy hie New Teas4hey ars really good and cheap. A,lso a well eelected Stock of Fresh FRESH ROCERIES AND P1OVISIONS1 . , And and stock of all kinds of FRUITS, such SEI Oreng s Lemons, Arles, Dates, Cranberry , Jam by he poun, B1 ck Ciarant Jehy, Bed Currant elly, Pine Apvle Jelly, Figs, Raisin, Prunes, 1iried APplee. • H ON Y IN ILe BOTTLES S oMe o' the best Tea bust in the market, at 5 centg pler pound. Try ntyl New Japan Tea at 40 and BO cents per pound, Try re Black -Congan Tea at 50 and 60 cents per paand. Try ray- Young Hyson Tea at 4, -50,, 55,60 and 65 cents per pound. . Try mylOunpowder Tea -.1 60 cents per pound, it is reall good value. I' 0NTISI 0 1T S— A goo4 supply of t-hosaanperiorSm�ked Sugar Cured Hams, Smoked iacon, Plain Hams and Bacon, Flour, Shorts, Bran, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, Graham Flan; Oats and Potatoes. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. D MUSIC A viery .tirge stock of Oleos eem FZIlit aiIrE'01 all sieesovhich, being bought before the risein • ric pe,will be sold very,e esp. G. AULT,**IU StreetBeaforth T 1 E CK, SEAFORT4. • * CAIAIII1AN BAtili .OF .COMMERCE. 1 13 AD OFFICE, TORONTO.S MAD IN ALL STYLES OF THE ART,' • rtitiettor,a capital. . -$6,000,900.. 1,400,000* FROM IYIINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE. Atesqlent Hon ,i Wm. McMaster. EAF0RTI1I BRANCH-. Pi tare Ft amps and 1 reath Frames Made to Order at Reduced Pidtare Frame Houlc ing, Wholesale 0711 Retail, at Reduced Pi ices, A pend4 Assortme zt of Velvet Frames mid Photo Albums very cheap. • The S earth Branch kif this Bank continneS to rceerve4leposits, on wlch interest is allowedon the mosff favorable ternis. Drafts onall the priacipal towns and -cities in Canada, lon Great BriLlin, and on the United States, bought and 801(4 Offtce -Fist door Shwa of the Commereial PIANOS AND .6RGANS AT BOTTOM PRICES • 639 Hotel. A. ra IRELND., Manager. HAVING RECEN Sola Agents f r the .Dominion Organs and Pia os for this Cunty, • And in connqtion therewi h getting special reductions, we are noW able to offer extra i ducements to pure asers in those celebrted!instrUnaents. • WADE BROS, Whitney's Blck, Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH INSUlfANCE AND LAND ACENCY, At NZO STRONG TS IAG NT for Several rrat-Class Stock, Fire and Me Insurance Companies, and is pepar- ed t ta e risks on the ;most lavorable terms. Also gent for severed of the hest Loan So. Ale() gent for the Sale and Purchase of Farm and Vil. ge Property. 1 LY RECEIVED THE APPOINTMENT AS ,, • - . WILSON HAVE ONE OF GRtbOERIES, FU Whic &di Our mg any call, as can Co can be thee Fine G BOBO al A umber Of First -Clam nProved Ffrrms for Sae. to to Lentil lit Mea* per vein.' intittrest. or the sale of p cean 'Steamship TickeW -- Over Mi MorrisOn's Store, Mein eaforth ,,645 I - COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEAI ii ORTII, RT a U FORBES. ANIN-G purchased .' he Stock and Trade of the Commercial Lrv ry, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begstto state that he intends °amine on the busineas in the old stand, and has added sre,. al valuablehorses and YehicieS to the YOUNd, SEAFORTH .' Agent BF ST THE BST ASSORTED AND EAPEST sToqKs OF , OFFI Stre, i • ROCKERY AND GLASSWAK THE EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE (JOUNTY. 14 AVE I, LI A very fin NES IN RECEIVED THIS WEEK Lot or New Season's Teas, comprising former14 large stock. None but First-kas Colnfortoble Vehicles and Good eliable Horses Witt be Kept. REENS, BLACKS AND JAPANS, c overed and Open Biggiee and Carriages,and Double jind Single Wagons :always ready for use. se in the trade, and. 1Spec4 Arrip an:,?ne)V8 Made With Com. . inercial Men. left at the stains or any -of the hotel, attendedte. for Quality and Pri e cannot be beaten by any ho equalled by very few. faction Guar nte-ed in all cases, or Money Refunded. and Ra sins received—otherFruits on the way. Parties want - les, Provi ions, Flour or Feed, -i1i find it to their advantage to give us a took of eery line, and will not be underaedd by anyone. One car of Ameri- Order prompt] ea? Currant hing in roce e have full .tobaxjd. I Onnd an her west of lowest rices, thus emits Ods, stole as remit and ent to cihoose from. Crockery Glassware, Lamps and Limp Goods we have as fine a Stook as ronto. We import our brockery direct, and buy all for cash, at lug us to sell at prices ranch below' the regalar retail price. La English China Tea Sets tind Toilet !Ware, we fay° a very fine Call and see ottrGoods (ind find out OUT Pricesefore purchasing elsewhere. Highest price paid for Butter, Egg, and frther Farm Produce WILSON & CROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE DGIN4 a cash business of over 3.300 per week beat stand in town for the business; stare opportunity to a live Man, satisfactory reasons given ter wishing to sell. Fax particulars-addreal Lock-BOx 89, Listowel, Ont. 678-2 yi Si CAMPBELL, 'rovinciel alma Burma' -L-f • 11.111.1CiVilEnginter. Orders by mailproinpt ly YOUNG, Seaforth. 79 attended tos 1 CAMPBELL, Kitchell. - • [1. e-- • 44 1