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The Huron Expositor, 1880-12-10, Page 2
2 A. REPORTER'S ROMANCE. III. Into two • or three such places , Hilda led the young man for a moment, while she eagez;ly searched for some one— whomWalter could only surmise. Once or twice he was gldwered .at by faces which he remembered very well from his old night -reporting days as those of cut-throats. He knew . they were ap- proaching the river, and this meant a constant increase of peril. So when Hilda tuaned swiftly down Oak -Street, and, ie response to his "Where now ?" said, faintly, "To Walter Street. Will you go there also with me ?" (go with her l--hd would have gone to the end of the world • if she had asked him then), he bethought him of a ruse, and an- swered, gayly, as they were passing a police stetior� "I shall certainly do nothing else ; but I tvokald like to run in here•and light my cigar, if I may." He lightedhis cigar, to be sure, but his real object was to ask for a detec- tive to follote them closely. Then the two pursued their zigzag way, buffeting the wind.. Few people were in the streets—it was too blustering for that—but from all the many drinking shops came sounds Of rude music and riotous' revelry -.Even Hilda could not help remarking .how frequently they met policemen. "Do you sea that half -shut door over there ?" and Hilda pointed it out. "I must leek there. If I do not find him, then—I don't know what I shall do." They dressed the street. and were just under the large red lantern, when a great commotion was heard within, the doot burst open, and . an old man was cast headlong to the pavement by a blow from a young ruffian, who, follow- ing to compete his work, was met by so stunning a counter -blow from- Con- don as stepped his interest in that quar- rel at onoe His companion, seeing him fall, leaped at Walter, bat met instead the detective's club. It was ;all over in half a minute, and Walter ti rued to Hilda. She was hold- ing the head of the insensible old man on her knee, and with her handker- chief stanching a cruel wound in his forehead., With a face as white as his, but calm, with tender industrious hands, and a solicitude regardless of public gaze, she bathed the old man's bleeding face, and tried to restore ani- mation to the wasted hands, while others pat drops of brandy between his lips. Walter knelt beside him, and told her' the heart still beat. But Hilda Only moaned, "Oh, father,. father, came back to me ! come back to Lae!" By this. time a stretcher was -brought, and laying the old mau upon it, two officera carried him to the police sta- tion, sett'ng him down in the back room —the se -same • station and the self- same spo, where old Baldy in had lain five year before. A surgeon had been telegraphed for by the police, and, with the hospital ambulance, was waiting at the station when the, little procession entered- the double doors. The surgeon pronounced the wound not necessarily dangerous, and ver soon brought back con- sciousnese, the old man . opening his eyes first on Hilda, to his evident as- tonishment. "Father," she said to him, softly," "you hate been hurt; you must lie quite still until we can take yoe home." 1 T :E URON SITOR. that an Irish woman, who tx ti onoe discharged from her em stealing, had disappeared from ingtou abou t the sante time as t But search for her had proved fruitless. Walter's breath cam there rushed upon his recolle memory of Elsie, and - of the "who wanted to take herr away police station. "Finally," Hilda wept on weary voice, "our money al g so hat we could pot pay a y tee ives ; people became tir pat izing with us, and the had ou sorrows hi dec©ro s Th:u papa -a- Oh ! I can't tel acb ut it. You must know ho it as, and I can't explain, I if 1 do." :• gain Walter bade h r ot. Ne ' ertheless she did, t Ili g h pa-sionate earnestness, o h ba <! changed from the pod, h ma into the decrepit 11 d ho she bad resorted to s no hei amusement in eariir yea liv •lihood ; and what a r tch of orrew she had borne 1 degredation. . ' One day last Septembe tin ed, gently withdrawrn. `he tehand frttre Walter's for tal en it in an assuring cjla sh had been sobbing with of .. er recollections—" papa m re like himself, and fita tel da wa he no use, and I could only{ p to vait a few days until 'I hi . He bad obtaiued se'l ing his last little pie Well., we came• to New an plans, but by a fo fo we tr: a ni in be hi. a . w tb Hca .tle ngane that he believed ling was in New York, anq resolved:to go himself to . I pleaded with him, but r8u cul ohne of ork tuiiate ous wa wa at . but go out in the eveniing ht he did not come home t and then I could sere the rad h red C le ga ase cou .1 e nd a good boardingl s hopeful, and said l ck of my sister, but him. He would sta e a n drinking again, and money. I begged. ]dim ay the next evening, but -fol owed him, and peraua. co- • e home. In that way ha nts..where he went to of en I have been in_ th pl?ces at midnight when I du e him to leave earlier. I he will never give it up. 0 fa her, how could yousin so ilda's brave voice was ost de pairing cry, and she had th in time to recover her Br: be ore the cab stopped. { Iv. t is the next afternodn. n Walter's bed, in the n ro ,ta off the --library," ,lies B and, quietly sleeping,. Th th : carts on the avenu grinding rumble of the h so .earns of the hucksters, 1 ho rse noises of, the city st in a subdued -roar that is di: twice and brick wall into so nd. hen Walter entered, this q h found Hilda sitting in a lo chair by the bedside. 'Has he become Clea asked her, for D n somewhat - delirit ht• 'Yes," she answered, I in a e knew me, and aake w: re and what had happened, t e to care very little fo thes� o ly begging Elsie to coe to alter started. Wei hs the lost daughter and erste , t of the old man's heart, r lac hi weak moral nature bad ro E sie was not an uncomm n mght be only a "coinciden e. "Hilda," he said, qu etl c: uses your father to thin ' s t ., at your sister -Elsie di y m me was ?—is here in Ne P rheas he had some clew wh h 1p me to look for her a d • teetive." "I never could find o t. s: id that the Irishwom n c: me here, but afterward •tl at he knew anythinj I ave always thought lit h 1lucination- of his, brit n :ver dissipate ;" and he si ilr 11'Teanvdhile Walter was saying to the police surgeon and the grave -minded officer behind the desk, "That is as much of the story as I know. Doubt- less I shall find out all the rest from the young lady very soon. 1 •will have the old gentleman taken to my house ; there, surgeon., is the address for your driver. Meanwhile I will be account- . able for tie appearance of Miss. Brand and my s if as witnesses against - the prisoners if the old gentleman cares to prosecute them." Then turning to Hilda : "This gen tient Del" for he would not betray what might be her confidence—"this gentleman must go to the lroepital, and we mustgo with him. He will be taken in the ambu- lance, and I shall get a carriage for us." Where the "hospital" was he forbore to explain. Whereupon he went out, and return- ing presently, helped tenderly—in spite of a slight revuls:iun of feeling—to lay Mr. Bred into the springy couch of the hospital van, after which he handed ed Hilda into the carriage he had brought, and, directing the driver to follow the ambulance, seated himself beside her. ".Mi: z . 3rand:" Walter asked, gently, in a mo ent, seeing that she was eom- posed—"giss Brand, you began to tell me soruexhizig about yourself when we were in the restaurant. Will you cote: tinue 1 I am better prepared to hear it now." "Yes," she answered, wearily. "It is better you should kno w all now." Then she related to him rapidly the chief points of her history. How her father, an educated roan, had been editor of; an influential newspaper iu ,Washington, but becoming' involved in unsuceeeaful political schemes, had. lost pais positron ; how misfortunes rapidly followed; aui how her father • had re- sorted to wine and the gaming table to drown hie sorrows, until he -had Ma- poverisleal his family, which then con- sisted of Hilda and another daughter much 4 ouuger than she, whose birth Mrs. grand had not survived. They had to give up their home, and were very unhappy. It was a sad story, and Walter protested against hearing any more, seeing the pain it gave her to tell it. But she would not cease. "It evils only a little while after that that mysister and I went out to do some errands one pleasant afternoon in October She was four years old then, and I took her everywhere with me. It was nearly dark when we got through, and huxtr%iug home, I left sister a mo• i!nent with a playmate, telling her to come gbickly. Our house was only two squires away, and I had no fear of her not knowing the way. They told us she really did start after nie almost immediately, but I never saw her again. Where she went, or whether she is even alive, none of us know." Hilda{ spoke the last sentence in so low auc sad avoice, that Walter could hardly hear her. "Papa clings to the hope that we' shall find her. some day; but I think she is dead." Paralyzed at first by the blow, pre- cious time was lost before active search wasbegun, and then no trace could be found, the only thing discovered being 11 0 rse he ree te h: be ni rly r. 1113 jus co a . F t 00 wa jn.e1 "Tell me what Elsie Locke a ,ked, again, and was sta tie r: semblance she drew f her t re of the little girl h had b, rbarism five years be ore. s , oke of her sweet silvery v i' arked characteristic; ati l d living earnestness on the • hich she sang, he way the identity, and carne o it the whole story. "If Elsie had only live s sted in thinking her de n. -ver would have been 1 sure. It is his des jai re a inc idea EL 1. a :: lda ha loy :f Was e ohil equal fast tion t beide roma in h ve on ora d f sy to be silenc you terrib hall cid to try, m, wit; r lathe,, dsor4 f' enkarc. raptly —for weigh neliue Ida co forg )1 he h ` en on mise me lir lo:t that b eek f twas .f de hi go wits; oney is report witho accide t • Pap out e doutiome and o e 1 mor he ha• lost a l t to did, so hire. 'o rued h s ble, 'an• dreadf dnot i'r in afra ,fettle , in th o mo 8sessi. . . "Oh, keep up your copra • e .! tl)o late to renew the sear .. a fain I am famous as e, de ect The surgeon dropped in be a d announced Mr. Brand to 1. b and weak, but tliatihis c. s erred to be good, anal al t c an's anxiety was co , ce atient's habit of moanin a ig in his sleep, as thoug he s-ttled grief or perplexity, w i duce congestion of the b. ai Walter thought it all o er r: called every incident eh Isle's hietory, and recite t 11 that she had told him of :collections. He quest ou: c nce more as to her si •tei ia ore he studied the re em f' co, form and manner, the �. o became convinced the t ister" was the lost darling of it was with mingled sans.tio; dmitted this, and wi )h 1 opesthat he resolved to pu est. If his Elsie was the?. uQd be no question as to i3ut he had been ind lgi+ eternal anticipations of er nd been allowing his lova f• aif to grow beyond his re ow the prospect of losi g h itterness ie it akin to he et'her's heart would feel i li tances. So his honest . op. ight be able to reunite t amity was in conflict wi h •et irrepressible wish the t rove, after all, not to lit only his. Doing and thinking t several days, during whi rst) Condon went about . anal. Mr. Brand's w nd he seemed to grow . .. . • e s e at at et old M rattle e hea'y cars, t •�.: house' , ming pared soothi e iet roo roc • o. . J1 scions nd h ring t whispe here et see. thints, im." lsie t e d'arli of who endo • line. t • "wit t , stron u say he Yoe ch wo • p afam ther o 1llyo .f e den t it. onl I co ed w: �. : 111 like," U o the on fr hen Ge as alt ty wa t sur blurt ilda d)s ay It's I tell vie." ore for be fe stitu e ph ing d Mutt had s.l eh mi . e t i e. d remained ; read ally hafed becaus: his illne n from search ng f hi 11 knew What his earl ' roll uiit to ; yet, . erh ps, lea of . her rue f te, o lli id have m re : bo y art. s .1 s of the F . urth War Surge() ' urgeoli posit vely dee :!re$t that unless t i e pa ien he would nn. edify die! plat Samlt da cheerily to corn into th when when she h: d p esen;e h, a puzzled a r, he aid! : 'you are looki g w 11 t•Ini on re ;ar ed b s e ed, With seen fo m ver ung y an one. ous t an 11 h• b ed; I thin,k den heroicall I' am sdrrouu " she teas le he had at I should b roubles aun Wore cou ag do you a, k ? ' ecause," a said, s re of tem n:rues thing " )h, is it, o ?you':fogad its 'Yes," lie ens tt.she ecam nd a clue—so iell you altos ;person is rig y Ida d;d not n her delicat lap, listenin words,, her light, full of e tness, ou have Ihe rdhat e : r.. Ti e, t dmorrowmere u the' Hinds d see th `s Pere the aft moon her quite saf ter the I'wh l y kite s ' E .e one Ise sh 'Of course I rly, "if you t(tell mle, ho y id, and vented tighter. $600,WILL PUB lighter. Stable, Sto ?.WOUld Lower Wingham. Ap have Barrister. EAL EST H 0, a ly to d • Li a w. SALE. need Hotel, re of land in C. 678x8 never t R RE CHANCE: T eu in the Aw lh hoose and b'. rn or t last Tliia, l roperty is well ,.it ate O COII- gorge purposes. `Tit o 'ndi d fret- BOI ItT'BRETT. ' a called ibrary, erself, SECCl, OOSSENS e ny at 7, "I `n befo•e ad � new: t oiit any hi ere cal e'o It y0 t+ E peak ha with ace a t+ . i. . , so al e wl ✓ si to sie j S]e ds c1 as raj at ripp u nde b CO 0,1 ,) D en i, pr: .10 ng I hall nalttle n. e� and can ly. on Cher tlii sie, o W has in "I n wil go bink I ca did '0U ,�: u a '1 19 c e ' ou stall kn,w to -mo he ne t _ i�noi: ing was my—o>ie of t ose e: rliet s sotpetiele: fo ow be h th t light ✓ appr ✓ to ft t aunt t 11 di t pit ofrfarden the single gra epee in the s n in dark cou s ipe-shooting. stren th e en to the pie 111 11 g to ver and •uaiit ma oh stir TO SALE.—For -IL ill, nearly new . situated in the &nut ale nd shi ores of land - her farm' or ApplY to 615 oWn easy deri ass Planing ning order, t Seaforth, Enquire! of FOR S2-1—Li. ond-ville at The hortee acre and is r particulars cesearyncion- , nearly all 5 miles of re is a good. is a square e did locality. • 674-6 t; Miii8 pit PERTY IN EG 0 MILL F r sale the hous and lo in g your prestos 6 occupied r. 13. Ca OTO ▪ kind- one f the best brill sit) ia ightest Th" is a agitrwiwIlebila ad all d her 1 to let ally do . A CORNER LOT 0 Tuekersmith, con tail in 5 delved and in a eple di 1 et you to awl all undoidrained. is la you Seal' rth, on a good gr ve ro °relit rd and plenty of wa er. lot, nd ono of the be -t in —or— cony nient to school at d i about Appl the. words Is or %TEO AS LEECH. osedly hatre et Lot 7, -on the 6th VAI, AI FOR 'SALE II. R. S tontaining ks she the place Liam and if bearing orchard; goo ve and fall wheat sown, about 4i miles from the to n o township, and will b spld upon part eualrs apply to the Mon to pm. ises, or if by letter to S ith a MON K. bt cree 11 at a tl of el rly tut 1 west half -of ice land s 011 tow, y0011g h; is within on a good pertiesin the pri -tior, on the 674x44 f tY and F101. FOR SALE—lop A best state of cultivalio , the b Gaines the land is .underdrai ed, we good water in well an VW° ci acres under fall -whoa ; brick or if by letter to Seafo pos offic Now you to. ith me e back decide g lady it is • said, is per - and. g days fiercest rt into ep that ts were well as ept out eyed in eut to u stone ng bud foe ex - le -aged ed the an in - younger fishiug ss, wadi ks and, quiea oundedi PPY in/ eying. a ittle re- py and, ard td y drove df the pupild siuging ion par - sweet Hilda's for Lie of the at that did not teacher O Carry watch- recog- to wait. ager ges- t it pos. Elsiete roo ge • 11* ly Cht. te ue troe be lame in 0— treet, an t e prospect of is d ugh er heir destm,a ion r ac e ty town..k. S rne ne i th' e neayo t8 he ecc arra gal w th th p c tie,ss to hart arts t e us re and w'mming eyee. Then al light seethe to re waiting her, and la tlei an u:I. he wag thinsiug 18 ly 111. He ted hire er va H. and lance ore fir is gee s that amflic it to lsie, t his d g al ture, the li ord, u ✓ ha sorro e circ that s bro is sel he nn eir us own h. after his work ett r, yet • ly le be ng he ad a 811 lea 41, Id no fied plac time et wh 111 tete ebenged tar her tha ressien. rather the before sPe had ha Thou he krew v. 01 re, t viSt re th er old Time wept cn. IN r. seem d to r me lie aid beodatht up n th in the; pliea of insapty, h learned of Mr. Br alter liecame convi c years-e-toceed d fro beillian min un ta ' His strength :glad to eccept 0 one of the with W Her 11,1 roti he 11:1 upon er coun- to tell she her - to re - ho. was ht that arkling 1.1 enjoy - 'ng into ady she r recoi- whose her for- nIdscape -but now eut ago. an im- leap up, eard her h r CO 1 fe t rn ou ✓ ha e fr ran W01.1 tion cif arhalce. And kit) briety. o hicle rea the life te f Wash bitte d show race h 1 he had t excuse InOre e old man than in on of a strong nre sor- and was Ada re - 11 posi aily s hel which are cleared and in gel t st tion; the balanee is oo ha dWo are l0 acres of fall mho t sd 11; leg barn and frame 6 ed goo !we good bearing orchas ; else ell from Brucefield, and! s Conte tient For urther particulars apply o'th JA. 1'S SPROAT. ed ion eing Lot 3, eared an, in ell timbe ed; d, pleat there al , frame of over Seafor he premises, 678-4x h half of Lot , 42 acres of odbuiosgh ;ht of 40 arn 100 , 6 ere and roprietor on chasing can got his arches() intercst at 12 per cc t. per who aro unwilling t asaa here not seen, may t u sav expense of a person 1 to 4. STRONCT, Lan gen tin Cr nt bu tic 700 acres to ny patty var- y back, with at the end of the purchase Parties who w prices, but g what they time 9114 the ttoba. Apply th. 668-4x 175 ACRES FOR All,E- 2, Hallett, consisting of.175 under good cultivetio , the uable timber.; there re 22 a rest of the farm is see ed dow wood shed, &c.; tw fram sheds; 4 good wells a d'a yo is on a gravel road 5. miles school and church e nyeni on., or two parcels, t snit the premises to A. ALKE Constance post office. 8 es its Or seriber offers COIICCRSi011 5 cleared and er under val. all wheat, the briek house, , stables and rine orchard ; earorth, -with 11 be sold in r. -AppiLy on by letter to 67 x4 VARM FOR SALE in one parcel, or tw and orchard ; the la vation, is well watere roads, &a. Any pers good locality, will do apply to JAMES LA the premisete or to 3, Mill Road, Tut: ers a Gres, about 85 acres el are there is 30 acres of f 11 Whe good and. conamodio s, aleo chards in the towns ipiand within one mile and quart the Great Western R forth on the Grand runk; farm 8 in the County and Possession to suit t e vire FOR SALE — or clay loam laud, eh ut 66 cleared and in a, goo tate remainder is good ard good spring creek u nin This farm is situate 1 mile from Brussels on a go d g particulars can be o Wined proprietor on the p eraises he ea t ha er mit o 15 d is in wani 11 to look a For artic EN ESS th of 200 cres elf of Let 26, acres foe sale and 50 ecres ood state of eulti- el: • Rusted as to this one be -1 ars and terms aforth. 672 FOR CHRiSTMAS AND NEW LIST 0 F WE PRE DiNG, INIAS AND NE NTS TO 13E FOUND A OOK AT IT, JEWELRY EMP RIAD IT XAMINE THE YEARS MUM GOODS, Til QUAL- liSitock oj Watc1 es, Clocks, J Sp etacleS and retincy ot 29, Concession , containing 100 naerdrained, free the lbuilding are nta f water it is r of rucetield on 8 cn of the best -1 b sold cheap. er. Apply to the ,, eoncession :s Of . excellent of1 which are tivationii the icled up with pump, nd a tgla the land. b4ut the same, 629 —6"or sal Lo ntatnin 10 te 7th c noes es The, him nd in a goo re 45 acre ced and drain and plenty 0 to schools, al' 5 miles fro TWO GOOD AR S FO acres, also Eat; hal o Lot state of cultivation. There water. Ona he sma farm cleared, free•ftem 1j8, 'ea ed. gicg buildings, ood man, within 8 miles :of e tort and Dulnin, with a good ro d le ding Becchwood P. O. J ES VARM FOR SAL ---1Bein -12 14, Township o , lot of choice land woith litge bueh hardwood 1: th -e are 16- e last four years ;1 colt a id ho s 60x40, all on stelae f clati about the fiat 'pr t elfth J lttee of 1311th, Wher are good market and a Ivey s ANDERSON, proprietor, B yt Lo laud b o se a eel sa tete cloaca ovor tha 41 24, Concessio irdng 14:1 acre the reinaindo 11 u wit n th is hewe logs ring orohard ad and \Vitilil h s end school, o . Apply to 0. 678-4 'tie containin 1 75 of which ia a state of well timbere 1 • within three o the best farm ipprietor on th 0' MILES Mc 664 FOB SALE cession 2, How ✓ lose, about 16 s s, two g6od lo 11 fenced wit* er 100 rods of good state of s been lying in good well an 1 m Wroxeter, tilt ifsorta$rm5,50is04 be secured by t. interest, for title indisput. y. For farther ✓ on the prem. o t office. 6J7.111. one hundred acres •oi land, are cleared, free frc stumps balan with hardwood ; th !re is a fra and splendid Iv ter ; is 3 TM the same dis Luse from Ci from Seaforth all gbod running past the fa na, an a in • the townShip an -sill b :s ld ther particularis ea ply to th prerhises, or te Bruoefiel ick, containing 20 aeres acres cleared and nearly fr e acres cedar and bla k; aab, two barns put np ce• dar and black as tails, cu• ltivation, and ov r half pasture for a numb r of ye plenty of choice wa es the from the village o Gorri from school, and 2 rout c great bargain, and can b $2,000 cash down, bal mortgage on the f inlet 8 a term of years, te tp im able ; possession gi Riess• :15.2,87 if by late tO Go WATOk ES. ith white n Fancy Tit welry, Silver-Pla ed Ware, oods West or Tdi on4). Ladies' old Geets' Gold Hu Ladies' end Gents' Gold Op Ladies' and dents' Silver H Ladies' aud Gents' Silver 0 black, ait CLt aln.ut Cate Eight Da ters, key and stem n Face, key and stem nters, key end stem wi en Face, key and stem illtaninated dials in Waltham, Elgin, L and Swiss anufactnre. OKSJ CLOCKS. ers. in dal. gine; English,. ght Day and, Thirty Hour. Plain eneered Cases— an Thirty Hour ; both Spring and. Weight. rooches and Ear R rigs in Roal plate. Of the Cele rated M Crosses—very handsome. Gem Rings, Band Rings, eal Rings. Scarf Pins and Cuff ttons. Studds and Collar Bit tonti Large variety Black an Jewelry. Very ieee stamped and warranted as repres nted inner C store. pergere or Fruit Stands. Tea, Pots Wine Sta ds. rtlt Sta ds. ugar and Cream Dessert 1 Sets. oilet Se s. aiters' elven. Biscuit rs. Butter ishea. Cake Ba etst Cc ea 11 le r basal: nad p TureenS Flower tands.1 Berry D'sbes. Ice Pito • ers. Toast :cks Card Re eiveta. Napkin ings. Childreb's Knives Forks poo' ns and Nati • inner nivesr- inner orks.I inner poops. . Tea Spoons. IN 04.SES. Pie Fo Pickle Ladles Salt S Musta Fish Fish Fruit Butter SPE9TACLES AND EYE GIAS Steel and nbber *amea, from 81 50 t $12 per pair. Connno 25 cente to al per pate. 41. case given ith every pair. Have with Blac & Co.'s ndicator and get fit ed the first time. Pen ils. Tu ng For Nai and To tic Batishes. Fin and Dr ssing,,Cornbs. Bac Combs. 1 Scis ors and Pocket Kniyes. Poo et Booke in Leather. Poc et Boas in Shell. Poc et Bootee in Steel. Me sebum: Pipe& Bri r Pipes. The Large s. Spo ks. nivee Kniver Rings. I rt Id, Silver, Spee acles from ur eyes tested Clay Pipes. Pipe Stems. , Tobacco Poue es. Cigar Holdere. Tobacco and" igar Stands. Tobacco and igar Boxes. Fancy Flow ots for table. Walking tut s, Statuary. , Ladies' and 4ents' atchels. Fans and Va s Piano Orna t Stock of Vicahis in the Co nty, which I will sell a dollar. Violin Strings, Bow , Tail Pieces, Keys and WATCHES CL In all thei branches, on to all wor entrust d to 0 011 the CKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, he shortest notice. By giving my e, and havieg over twenty years ce warrant al work to give satisfa.ctio I *ill pay Cash or Trade. oppos* j. S. Porter'S Cheap Cash • ree of tSilver-Plate in urniture Store. :rsonal attention perience in the 1 for which Window, directly ECEMB themselves v.,t ndon's, and 11 tadies. So whet passed, and Elsie i quietly attdAittppil September Vain a day from the tit came to our office] do, and Wolter ha duea her, those tW la her seheol, and another yeat of s ta New York by ttvening, and sat by them. It wee on the noble rivei her greatly by he villages an.d t line the bail '114g. tit and the pa -deck made her Ina tiShall we not go "Is it not toj rot eigar," stiming her -seat, ly the dancing pet ahe had seen ti leek in. the face eigar hanging ads eyes on. her ee Of the S ilence that aoble and true to oin I ever pay yd, ; She does not pass yourself ; and hal -will you not tinst The burning tal eyes raised timidll pith. nay. Liszt was at P - tail himself as a b having expendedl unsuccessful law euable him to ret place of residence] essed only three i, ever I have eredi with my piano, I me by the Emperc ing is of little veil ate fine ; sell the! the money, The strattger re Liszt compelled b front his naieerabl had stolen it, Iasi thrown into prisoi for his generous told him that the_ and that he la "But who sx si My name is Li “I know of ma fi a a 1.4v te br ye jpeows se itre. i , "But do you kt MOD& are worth 1 ."So much the a 1: !t`Bveuttilyeointif in" ust such presents. "My -sole fort= eats," said Liszt. i Move the ends of ',1. much money as I i t‘Then yon are employ," said 1$if . Seeing a piano,. :oraeatilvteaidslehoewhiwu'elltoesarirplsip.tlieellair! "You know hi ' al have never s aittel 'thut there fa lent Liszt who -,ea4 The jeweler wa r was released 1 concert in their et , ing the homage ta I 'than of genies, wt ! ing an alliance wi "Adorable I" WA tiWbat do you: i : conlii:Ntisetdelatioohueyllittetti tl oh t v'a4Itii. nkivyi let: -.et :eel). t 13 "Gladly," rep Boy 3 Some of the in tons have been i The inventfon of the steam tee bay. Watts left he had no way tot except by levers : ne set up a large. Mines, and a bey valve levers; them Nark, yet A requil be saw that part$ in the right diree tithe be ha,d to 01 ne procured al one end fast to ta engine, and the o lever; the boy he seeing the engine rOgtdatity of mot ter the foreman c the boy playing ' °eking at the ei Kennity of the bol FACTpRY sperapanni- jat toeuitheder tore in where tee and eee„ EEK article IES. EEP. and the rsaclais st 'styles prizes. the peek Picture"( k clouds lightn.ing lad when • matter , takes a 11 Photo. e frames Favorite, tiri inertial keens. 1.EA-FORTH PORK vi , bnueowswii Inpl er:g saplaefrotorftd, ot: P. i io r :0. istn. b j I also open a. -Doran & Ryan,s, on hand a eh -other Cutting EN ED THI but a gee RGLA ITTED I RC VER A Traat oi )004iploul;r:iiet vgadirdr-ftemtmei::::gdi our yenansn: et:ftidt it 1,i The undersigned wi 3eafort h, next door to ti ie will keep constantl ;ages, B ologna, Pork an iTORENI. III. BE 0` Give me a trial. Nofhing kept, and eatisfaetion -g,aranteed. DARING B MAY BE COM CALDER IS 114 TO TB el Wants of 13 -a- public at large, sapp work of the Photograph and neTvest elesigr s, a, it, This is the inain secret uld will be my motto for Liakan when the tempes1 hover above us, when1 rages, when it rains, when he sun's bright raysl what the weather may ble. good impression and tUrns Old Pictures copied and kept in stock. 11$ mem ' The Pioneer Gallery,' N. B. -,-No Pictures t e many frien • ying them wit c Art, inthe la reasonably $ ef my success the future. blows, when di thunder and it snows, shine forth— Calder alwa out a N snlarged. Plato er the Peoplela opposite thee ken in totel ea SEARATH LAX -_ 1.13 IE hie Visa it prop. .tion With ree Build TIE. JOHN TS STILL Desirous business man, who is 1 ing the season, the benefits which be will give the purchaser. EAT of disposing ely to mana in conne MONEY Any a-nount of monty ra tes of interest, on go OFFICE—Canadian ings, Seaforth. 1 JOHN. TO LOAN, to Loan -oniaeasonable d farm secnritl ank of Comm. BEA EGG EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber -a- customers (inerch hopes by strict intie business to merit the:future, Having ises during the winter THE HIGH.S For any quantity 4 at the Egg Empori Wanted by the s clean wheat etraw. mamas - ) for their te trade in lids prem. to,„pay delivered 1 good ea SON her Ole G m, bs ,riber, by thanks hia nts and other ty and close atftention confidence and eatl., enlarged, he is now prepared CASH IPRICE od Fresh Eggs, 25 tons e. 5 D. la WI THE ZURICH TT,A.VE always -Li- Wagons, glee, Cutters, nees, and can gas to material and w or For Style and Repairing pro to quilt and prie Mr. as is well been i business i RRIACE FA TORY. to Order, es,Buip. dein-their le bothss cannot he Give ns s lie, having years. on / 1 and, and mak le Os, Carrin n every other art an •ee a good anti tiship. Fi. ish their work ptl attended to.i . kn wn to the pn. Z rich for over L 0 0 CINCALESE NT 0 OT 1-1 val. Pr 'LI, its work so CINGALESE It and life, as it cont which is the life o , NATURAL COLOR ity. It cures Dan and keeps the he the Hair a silken I admiration of at ROBERTS, at 50 H E $°.. E. Atlea °Alyea the ore GRAY - IMENT 's way its ith rapid- Eruptions, healthy. is the 1 convinced. 668-52 , AIR RqiEWER. pa :Um. yet disdovered uic y and satisfae ne .er fails to reS in t• the SPECIFIC th: hair, and. int a RESTORED, 1 a , Itching and a cican, sweet and st e and softnesa*hich ry it and be e1.1 s a bottle. PIANO tter RS. C. M. DA •13-1- its branches ; a specialty ; adv, given to young be:, ed vocal training ing the voice give moderate. . Resi door east -of Main riga in Sil Harmony t to write approv- d develop- bout extra Street, -first 1 67.3 . D ORGAN TN OP Teaches M sical Science s.t1 111 nee a pupils tang inn •rs ; also the most or rergtbening a 1 w en desired wi 'enc. e ,on George :tract, Sealorth. -UNITED, STA Every Seto GLASGOW (via Direct. TICKETS for now, and ell part - Prepaid Passag wishing to bring The Passenger Steamers are DM fort. Apply to 593 JOHN WILLIAMS Bills Disconnted. . on Real Este Sail YORK and LONDON Mae - as low an to persons Anchor Line and com- . Seitforth & 00 Money Lent es. ES da Lo Ay •rpool, of .0 ut cco rptissed MAIL STEA.IWERS Isom NEW I donderry) wadi London4rry, Europe. Fare rtificates issue their friends. inodation of for elegance c the Post (mat, D afts Issued. e at Lowest Ra. rril undersigned people of Seafort by the quarter,. four times each left at Weir's hotelaforth, o Supply the elass beet three or 'All orders attended. Thousand next two arieties; no isinow He week prepared -with - first ' 1 killand deliVer us required.; promptly APPt,ES. APPLES WANTED by Bushels of months ; must be sweet apples wanted. the _Ap so ubscribers, Ten les dttring thie or cooking SE Wholesale and Retail SHOE FINDING None but the VeryBest moderate. A Trial Solicited.: or otherwise promptlY 011TH, osier in LE,ii. of Every DesoMiption. Stook kept. Allorders filled. HER and Terms by mail ECEMB themselves v.,t ndon's, and 11 tadies. So whet passed, and Elsie i quietly attdAittppil September Vain a day from the tit came to our office] do, and Wolter ha duea her, those tW la her seheol, and another yeat of s ta New York by ttvening, and sat by them. It wee on the noble rivei her greatly by he villages an.d t line the bail '114g. tit and the pa -deck made her Ina tiShall we not go "Is it not toj rot eigar," stiming her -seat, ly the dancing pet ahe had seen ti leek in. the face eigar hanging ads eyes on. her ee Of the S ilence that aoble and true to oin I ever pay yd, ; She does not pass yourself ; and hal -will you not tinst The burning tal eyes raised timidll pith. nay. Liszt was at P - tail himself as a b having expendedl unsuccessful law euable him to ret place of residence] essed only three i, ever I have eredi with my piano, I me by the Emperc ing is of little veil ate fine ; sell the! the money, The strattger re Liszt compelled b front his naieerabl had stolen it, Iasi thrown into prisoi for his generous told him that the_ and that he la "But who sx si My name is Li “I know of ma fi a a 1.4v te br ye jpeows se itre. i , "But do you kt MOD& are worth 1 ."So much the a 1: !t`Bveuttilyeointif in" ust such presents. "My -sole fort= eats," said Liszt. i Move the ends of ',1. much money as I i t‘Then yon are employ," said 1$if . Seeing a piano,. :oraeatilvteaidslehoewhiwu'elltoesarirplsip.tlieellair! "You know hi ' al have never s aittel 'thut there fa lent Liszt who -,ea4 The jeweler wa r was released 1 concert in their et , ing the homage ta I 'than of genies, wt ! ing an alliance wi "Adorable I" WA tiWbat do you: i : conlii:Ntisetdelatioohueyllittetti tl oh t v'a4Itii. nkivyi let: -.et :eel). t 13 "Gladly," rep Boy 3 Some of the in tons have been i The inventfon of the steam tee bay. Watts left he had no way tot except by levers : ne set up a large. Mines, and a bey valve levers; them Nark, yet A requil be saw that part$ in the right diree tithe be ha,d to 01 ne procured al one end fast to ta engine, and the o lever; the boy he seeing the engine rOgtdatity of mot ter the foreman c the boy playing ' °eking at the ei Kennity of the bol