HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-26, Page 7, 18.80. ROSE® RTH, premises ,for-iner_ e Bank of Corn - r the Commercial it. DI4GOUNTED. l it Eatohang and Solea• ILE NOTE4 eenable hates. siidtera' ldeea[riires,. tale at par at all nk of Commerce. ;.e -et on Deposits. is Iorteeit es. Proprietor. SILVER 1V EDA.L Highest Award, Toronto Exhibftio 1880. 1880. -EF'RTH,. - keial Attention of hies the public generally to STOVES 11 .iifae urer in Cher ., viz B,:t_L rFO%.w. s Mary Advantages Appreciated by 4 q them. EVERY STOVE e Price err Q i31it_ . s EAForlrm 668 Lift I .TI A EwY. ;e, and Accident E AGENT. Insurance Bnsineee for lava 1 arra prepared to tin:la of Property at the S I BL .E RATES •mpauiee repreeented. tNT FOR TIIE KMA+T PtNl CS COMPANY. •tion. Money advanced per cent. F, FOR THE MSHIP COMPANY, w York and Britain. tr.tlT s O 1 FORTH, Ontario. pi'th's Block, opposite 1AOHINES 1 Lan of Fir„t-Clans WAN MACHINES.: Lawn Mowers, fitttr/ :Machine, Re- hOils, Attachments,. thus 1 art of the County lederats =1 d 401-1Ittie tal.ir a the First Prize,n it the Solforth Fair,. • l.de %ea E :�iz, Il:awe, C, told. auy Machine win - IVSachinea Eldred. t 7 la: ri iu c xehauee as ,e -t! ' r. `, :.tel :flee hinee Ci + fei5ra ntectt. A , 1 S 3 Teel oel . oppose -t e th 668, SEAFORTH. i•t 01,a' Olt In,y `'t 3`rt l f fir`rS t`, gard` v.itl pay tl,'•ra to aster. eo-,rilaeirre elsewhere. I t 'wee paying cash, ea - h el cenes. F 0eite M. R. Couetter`9 Main Street, Seatorth., JOHN S. PORTER. NOVEMBER 26, 1880. From the Talmud. "Wlio is strong ? He who subdues his passion. Who is rich ? He who is satisfied with his lot." "Ho who sacri- fis a whole offering shall he rewarded for a whoie offering; he who offers a burnt offering shall have the reward of abufrnt offering; but he who offers hu- niility to God and man, shall be re- warded with a reward as if he had offered all the sacrifices in the world." «There are four characters in scholars -Quick to hear and quick to forget, his gain is caueelled by his loss ; slow to hear and slow to forget, his loss is can- celled by 1 is gain ; quick to hCar and slow to forget is wise ; slow to hear and quick to forget, this is an evil lot." "There are four characters in those who. sit under the wise : a sponge, a funnel, astrainer, and a bolt -sieve. A sponge, wbioh sucks up all ; a funnel, which lets in hereandlets out there ; a strain- er, which lets out the wine and keeps back the dregs ; a bolt -sieve, which lets out the pollard and keeps back the flour," "He who has more learning than good works is like a tree with ratty branches but few roots, which the first wind throws on its face ; while he - whose works aro greater than his knowledg41 is like a tree with many roots andifewer branches, hut which all the winds of heaven `cannot uproot." "If thy wife is small, bend down to her and whisper in her ear, He who for- sakes the love of his yoiitli, God's altar weeps for him. ' He who sees his wife die before him, has, as it were, been present at the destruction of the sanc- tuary itself -around hint the world grows dark." "He who marries for money, his children shall bo a curse to hilt." "Rabbi Jose said, I never call my wife 'wife,' bit `home,' for she in-` deed makes my haine." "Underneath; mate of the wings of the seraphim e stretched; �' ' eon and the arms' of the divine mercy, ever ready: sidenoe, to receive sinners. -The Universitu Mag that ls7 causing $o muci wonde,ful cures, .cu hopeless c es. Over of Dr. Kix' g's New D used withi. perfect sa We can u really the lung affect mend it to tie free of For sale b • A Grea The La of Electric greatest to a large tensive sal wonderful Wherever known, it H RO excitementthy iter ing th usen1s o" one million bade scovery bavelbee the last year, and have .ive ,&action in ever ins ' nee heel tating. y say last t is i my sore cure for hroa,l I,au ons, awl. can cheerf 11y r atom all. Call and get tri %it ost, or a re plate s lze f 1 E. Hickson st Co 65 -52- Chicago Ent - rp ' ser the m of cturr hikago' loy men n ex l o thi to i ling rl be otne le o , cup t}i -ire' tru :ail Exch. oratory for Bitters i one o terprises, giving e tun ser of hands. allready attaine remedy is a once introduced•a sal ost i;inpossib ply the de are beta :Ise of merit --during here all °thier"a and at a reasonable p -ice (5 Fc.) Sold by E. Hickson &I Co. 62- Teabeirry. • The new powder for whi teeth, purifying the Breath at ting the mouth; the brighter little toilet gem, ettapt. druggist for . ``Teab ;rry ;" 626-52 jeni tai d sti ul. t; cosies sk; you price 35 • ,-r 1WEDICAL. JG. SCOTT, M.D. &o ,?hyeieiar}',Snrgeonand • Accoucheur, SeafortY_, Ont. Ower sed resi- dence south Bide of Gode rich Strelet fire t door eas:.t of.i'res •yterianChiiro i. 849 HL. VEROOE, M. D., • geon,ote., Coronerf Office and Residence, ort directly opposite Seaforth C. M., P$iyaielen,Snr• r the County bf Huron Jarvis etreet!north, Public Sohoo WM. HANOVER M.Iz. C. M. ` Gr McGill University, Physician, Aeooachenr Seai rth. On Office and r first door south o the OatZholic Church. Ct irle- MoNAUGH, Voteri l • -ate of Onta o Veter, Ont. Office and esidenc Ryan's. Calls pilon ptle day. A stock of veterinli Charges roes enable. Hors Epp's Cocoa. Grateful and comforting. -"By thorough knowledge of the -natural laws which govern the operations of dues-' 1 nese and certificates given tion Al1 nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well. selected ccacea, Mr. Epps has provided; ary Surge*n, rade nary Collf{ige, `eforth, in rearlot tiloran & attended to, night or medici,�oes hand s examined as o sound - if if requir d. 407 DE • Snr, of the R S(rrgeons our breakfast tabks with a delicately, s hours from 8 A. M. to flavored beverage, wnich may save us ; Mrs, Whitney's new bri many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Seaforth. judicious use of such articles of diet that ! CA rVVRIG aeonstitutiou nae be gradually built t r C. Me bee of th rip until strong euuugh to Iesist even t r % .� Of renta Surgeo J - 1 1� Offi ce-I dian Blo tendeecy to disease. Hundreds of sub tratford Ont., has now i maladies are floating lrounc. us ! S eaiorth, at the lQneen's ready to attack us wherever i prepared to perform. all there is a weak point. We may escape ¢ ease and skill. Office op many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves • month. well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser; vice Gazette_ Sold only in pockets lebeli:ed ".James Epp & Co., 11 orcece pathic t:'heniists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London.' 482-52 ,BYSHI ' E L.l D. 8., eon ,Den`ist, G aduate eyal Coll ;ge of Dental of On alio. Office 5 P �4 . Ro ins in 'block, Main treet, 1 Very Natural. When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answering the purpose for which it is intended, he will Tp L.D.'S., Royal College s of O�nada k,Market St., opened o'• t an office in. Hotel, were he. will be, dental o«e atioirs with, fir n st T e3eetday lin every f 652 .LE •3L. TAMES Sol.icito AMERO Solid M. C. Came eron. GARBOW, Goaerich. , HQLT & ors r Chan on,. C., Ph WILLIA sione Appraiser. reasonable i SiMALL, C in BIB., Wr Accounts a erm EE. a :later, A,tori(iey and 63I AMER N 13arristerie ry, &o., gdderish, Ont: lip Holt, . G. Cam! 506 veyanc r' nd'lommiaa xeter. ten do�,eer and d notes' olielcted on. 3681 nal eadily abandon it for one of donbtl• FRED. fel reputation or concerning which het Law, knows nothing.\V e are led to make 00 l0afree,n.• M t - these reiva.rks owing to the course al- -- -- -, was W. C C. MEYER, B, • Law, Solicitor -in that celebrated and. valuable horse for t eking affidavits in t medicine known as "barley's Condition Soli citor for the Bank Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy:;' , Priv ate fuads to loan a OGERS, Ba .olicitorin Co c Block, , aIeful attent All are so well pleased with it that they $ENsor & MEYER, will not use any other ; many have • at Law, Soli itorsin waited several weeks until the agent Conveyancers, Notaries 'Th could obtain a new supply. ere is - forth and Brnssele. $23 Invest atoece,atEight • .nothing equal to it as a con- ;yearly. dition medicine, or for any . complaint eras. ee BE.rsaN. afiectixp the wind of horse' The above firm has t Remember the name, and see that theb mutual cdnsent'. All a signature cif Hurd. & Co. is on each°; card to 117r, ;Benson g; � package Northrop & -layman Torou• - rister area Attirney at ncery, C,pn,oye. eer, &ds. ingham. Trust. Fnnde on to col lection biter and Altt hancory Comn . e Prcvinte of 1"1 of Haim on, Vv ngharn. 71 to 8 p r cent.;. 633 0 0 652 ; ---'always rney `a issioie -m mitoba. ,t?t-1 ou 11 wee 'Inti orr ;ion, an lot my hat will LY AN r' �. t,ntn�a:ui�..�nnwum<o,nmun.r. uw •� n uou••��rcnsdtnu� . ���� w.um .. .. neem., II't �, .. alt 'Ir , / a I(��,U N OR NG DEP. A A ED Che ds. ay ct f U S TE We fact rer' and aur this ea tern qu O. We met ,opo be tg sel clue aFble to, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Solid Nov. 27. by all medicine dealers. _ 634-52 • MCC UGN;EY Wistar's Balsam. ' LAW, CHANCERY, Frons Mrs. Isaac Moore, of Richmond, Vt. '`:Same throb years since I was at- Scott's t€ ! l tacked with a severe cough, soreness and • - LIer le irritation of the lungs, to which was • SOCana� 1 added asthma in a severe form. Duly- in seafor ing the first. year I tried. several of the Farm a 187 most popular medicines of the day, but an received do real relief, and. I. had almost despaired cif.- ever regaining -my health, me when I was induced. to try Dr. \Vistar's Balsam of Wild c merry, which very soon be relieved idle. My cough became loose, • S the soreness and • irritation disappears fid, and my general health began to mend I IMP continued its use, and a few bottles stored me to better health than I ever hoped to enjoy again. I believe tie Balsam to be the most reliable remedy that can be feuiid." 50 cents and $I1 a bottle. Sold by all ci ruggists. 642-52 A Fact Worth Knowing• Are you suffering with cclusuinpti couirhs, severe colds settled on' of Block, lila ORS for t a an the Ca h. : • d Town and d sold. Money (privet° fund ritiett : t rea3onable oderat- Moneyst mor e lende G. Mc n, he breast, pneumonia, or. any disease 1 of the throat and lungs? If so, go to your druggist and get a bottle of-- I3osclic:e's German Syrup. '17nis medicine ltas lately been introduced from Germal y, and is selling ou its own merits. 'J'he people are going wild over its success, and druggists all over our country re writing ..s of its vVonclerful cures aame ng theircustomcrs. If you wish to try its superior virtue, get a. sample bottle lo 10 cents. Large. size bottle 75c. Three d ses \ill relieve any ease. Try it. (3 G-52bb Given Up by the Doctors- lihere doctors have failed to cure,rid have given their patients ftp to lie, Ek-etric bitters have often been use, and a cure effected., greatly to to Tthe astonishment of all. Diseases of the etoinach, liver. kidneys and urinary organs are lsositiv Cly Gored. by Electric Bitters. They iniva.rialbly - cure •consti- pation, headache and all billions; at- tacks. Try there, and be convinced that they are the best Medicine ver used. ~rid by E. *Hickson & Co. at;50c a bottle. 66‘.2-26e Bucklen's Arnica , alve. i . Tkie best salve in the world for uts, Bruises, Sales, Ulcers, Salt Eh um. Fevre Sores, Tetter, Chapped I.1 rids, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of 4,kin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteeld to give perfect satisfaction in every case or iit.erreey rei'U.aid(e.. .'rice, 25c per ibex. I''or sale by L. if ckson & Ua. 657.52 Stop That Cough. If you are suffering with a cough, aide asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, Cvnsump- troll, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the throat and lungs, nee Dr. Kinz''s New Discovery for Con- sumption. on- sumption. This is the great ref iedy MR • nves,ed for gage securiti I AUGjEEY,M - I DR.TA JO arristerS and 1 hancery li . d I ablic, et Of .000f P•v,te rcent, I se t5reti B. 3 day be counts ho 'wil n. u P TAMES .H H. W. o'» H Id ND CON' ICE, n Street, Consoled adieu B illage ]rc loaned .n ates of i `tt )rivate .p rE , withori k A. ' ttorney olvency - es -Sex• rinds to payable 63 o. EYEx die»»lved by' tai firm to y e .1 liabsl- SON. �I R. TED, Y,A. cINc ' afort BP te. Bank ii1 of d mme e t bongt m, igage se- re: t Charges ons Inponthe pease to 0 r ESTED. Pe T N N Has JustReturned fron the and h; -s secure 0 Sya s,- Teas, Genera All of hich will be CROCKERY A CLI RE 00 Goo AR N- New • Grocer, old Cheap t r a to CEt and will spe spe � i Bo ing t, a iali W all the plea sed 111g y sho' , a eve be 1. A A AAA Bet T: e. e e bri s er :� •neer 0 ee C CO 1V of bjli n ale O ha to t3 p 1•: n u ell '•o eo K K K K KK K K K K H I3 Iglish g00d' e t on eg 0 110 ea it sh. EN iNG t Ir W E E S A AAA. Al Scott , ren an have be n se] ate the most fashrd abl ve this l e arta l•;..art s e but th beS• wo erfect - it, but p -od pe and give gei,,!ral LiSH BROA !t'LO AND S ♦OT i' T SIT Ott TH M E NT. L L LLIeLL LLL TTT TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TH SEAFC RTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. GROCERY STORE NEXT THE PO$T OFFICE. SCOT` B: OTHERS PRdPRIETORS. Uu Tea `,t 4b and 56 cents Can't be Be t, The Best 60 cent t Tea in the Dominion 60 ICN" BLACK, 1 60 CENT GREEN. 30 ENTS. 35 ENTS. 60 GEN JAPAN, 60 CEN MIXED. ti✓OP���+ F EST` VALUE IN COFFEE 04' These Goods are all cif the Best Quality, and reco and I Stre9t - PIA.1A OFT ES! imp SUPERIORITY OF THE EMERSON- PIANO Is recognized and acknowledgedby the Highest t> Musical Autlenitiee, and the errand for them is steadily increasing as their Melita are becom- ing more extenaiirely known. Other Pianos 40 CENTS. Supplied. 45 CI:MTS, ORGANS. ORGANS. See What the ADVERTISER Says of ZMended for Flavor Our Organa D. D. RpSE,' SEAFORTH. I8 O: BOT T E DS►, Can dian wi h are, Gi sh ` de and eci' 1 aitten- km n. We ce ents - sati' fa tion, ar H OR- E DSi. ve the His life. ei'sonal y selected froru l the bes manu- ;ill ID :lglancl and Scot an , and,,for ap eaiiance t . ey ca not be su pass . The olo Ings r e trem -ly good, a d t styles .nd pat - nytb w. 0 • QA s QA INGS ' ND UL 'stet t adeq at for 0 r best - n c eavo sena lest m, rgi of cl . g. Ods, an l avp ted, nd thu c • ntlnl Cou ty. EADY ADE L TH 1 rge and sale t s ocki which we ill sell n( in tLis line will do 'e bound to sell t em v r,coat and UIst rs. NT ' F U R ha d m de a special teat; novelti s in tl o ay that w have 1 r t 1e best s ock w d a . give y u bette re. ur stopk of Is very ttt1ra Rutianc HeE.rt, Parsla AN! At any n. Markets,! finish .a NS 4 TON ILL Sto k, Try lit EMBE TH -AND- NFECTI Biscuits, Pipes, gars, and Fresh DIS ED TJP IN opposite coo 4 el 0 RY. at lila Led. W ar everyo anc at 11 r • siei for h. our sa se le t an 1 w H P AS EN'S CARF tive. n Gu be ne rds, R dsor S 1 eff is ee va HIN rt tb ep sug ve e ue ID rs seb ND sty rry D ESS !II TS uc 14 cannot be ciu lled. IN UNDER 1-11 re are4 to me t .01 sisting of Shet an s and Draweis al PLEASE CA L N le largest and b t ss HATS ANI: AP s s cr this season are on and Soft Hats anclud' ys' an4, Youth nt SiHIAFES IN AL hTe RwlaiGtsSiof a t, k ep only Men's Youths' Cost. I Parties t call and in- ason ssfUl in bee ra sae t nd the he its and ol, Scot sizes, fl for me EE ed stoc 1 to secure We are purchas- ne than 1 s ades. d for fit, wi hes of om small ibbed AND S undersigne and will bi Sold at Remarkably Low 1880 OES, BOOTS. ANiD S-H9ES 1 TO PIANO AND ORC1p4 DEALERS. iWe are seeking -to establish Now Agenelei for la Call before purchasing elseWhere. onr superior Instrurarets whe everthey are not , , 1 yet represented, and eat 11 Goods, is now Conplete in every ,., IINEXAY!PLED TERMS TO RE- LIABLE PARTIES. Prices. , SCOTT BROTHERS, Dan iel Bell ,t1, co.'s Exceleior rgans hale taken the First Prie at the Toren o Industrial Re. - have taken, ..or they certainty are the finest toned Organsieve haVe heard, We have been in- ti formed by competent parti a who are using auy other organ rormufacture in Canada. Vo would, recoreMend all who ar iritemling to pule ch -ase to see the Excelsior befolre purchasing' SEND !FOR A CATALOG -UE. OME AND SEE THEM u the Goods. C)1NT-2 1:14L -LI G. OFFORD, AYER'S PECTORAL I -or Disesees of the T rest and. bangs, mech. as Congh8 -, Celds, Whee pi ng Aetlaina, and Con- sumption. The few compositions 'which, hive won the -confi- dence of mankhad and become house - h Id words, among t only one but any nations, 'must h ve extraordinary' virtues. Perthaps no one eveil secured so wide a reputation, or maintained it, so long, us AYER'S CnErtny PETOILAL. It bee been kutewn to the public about forty „years by a long continued series of marvelous eares,Itaiohave won for it a confidence in its virtues, nelver equalled by 'any other mediefine. It still makes the most ef that can be Made by medical skill. Indeed, the CHERRY Pri:Ton&t. bas realty robbed these dangerous diseases of their terrors to a great extent, and I given a feeling of immunity from t.heir painful effects, thas is even fotmded, if the remede be tsken in eeasoni. Every family should have it in their cloBet for the ready slid prompt relief of ita i members - Sickness, -suffering, and even life is eaved by this timely protection- The prudent vhduld not negle4t 4, and the Wise N'Tin not. Keep it by you foe the protection it -affords by AB early .nse in eladden aitacks. Prepared by IL Preetical and Analytical Oh mists. So1.1 by all. Druggists teed Dealms in 11e icine. 669 -52-1 CENTNPIL DRUG STORE. EXETER.„ ',POUND SY • In comb n etion w' tin the ,stilmilting agPnt phosphorus, poc tile 711erit f be- ing slight!: alkaline, and is t iepineeed. tlee Convenient a !,(1-p.k.t ref!: form. of a syrup. c. re& atio 1:; it tones the nen es and muscles ; ea Ilealtby aetion of the seer! tions; neither d ,trurbsIthe omac nor injures the system undcr rr(4onged. use, and may nie it of ,a A distinct and pecopar Combination. FELLOW.' COMPOUND YRUP OF 1111P0* -PHO Pllq TT contains the cll.:merits sFential to the animal tl'ongestie f dte Lungs-; ronelaitis, Consumption, "Teruo is Prostratimi. Short- ness of B4eath. _Petty f. a Hose of Jim Heart, Tretabltag i be Hawis aFtd - nd will ra dly iniprove ihe we, -ened functions and deans et the hod:, 'which depend Ifor health eiND FOR A PAMPHLET, upon vol Lary, et:raj v, !-.:nrary, and. involuniary nervous acuen. It-tf ER -7 AVIS SON 7- AWRENCE, & ' & ' . • 19, 5, , ; oo. 2 1 ' - .0, : a 'fee* - :- le 5'6 * - 47 g---...0, la .4 ; 8. :F.: ,. :70.! 6. 2 - Ix )*0.0 : ! .. 44 , i: :oi 7 ."- -8 : 1 :: z :II:. .1 1 . °c,":„ z . on old° . 1 • t;i' ci Cel,..., rtHe nz,e'. cei i:,1 -c_ T., ,....e, rcotei )„...--ereir: 1 ...hot • e 114 • LIU Lem provenient of st ock,. T = ti e county, and farmers ct, well to sen hiin }Wore a ipg their stock else- where. TERMS -$1, to i9Ei paid at the tim.3 of service, with the privilege 4 -returning if meoes- cc efe CI A COMPLETE and Fell Stock of Drags Iltla 171 tee Chemicals constantly o hand and warranted of the Best Quality andel oderaterrices. Medical Wines and Lielei is cart be relied on as 1 best quallty. A. coinpet* stock of Trusses, , ou hand. Also Slationery4 School Books, Fancy directly opposite the Central Hotel. 662 C1 LUTZ, Exeter. will keep dining tbe present season at his prerni se s in thorough bredlarge breed Berkshire boar, fox the bil- is one a 'the best pigs nd others 'would do ca 12.• LUM1BER - R SALE. fro CI-IKN-0 OF BUSIINF,SS. DILLS CUT lov s ;and rr HI *16-1R.--orT 1 ea -1 our bli,sin ss; and b more ex ensive ing a., er large st shap s Men's the 13. te Chris - Men Cana• dian d Cap p4 OF of Alnla and Tam Seafor h, Ont. Havi Orchased. th Seaforth Fonndr3t from John Nopper, we will continue o keep o ibhand, at the ld stand, Main Street, Seafort .' a full assortment of lows, G ag Pillows, Scufil re, Land Rollers nd all other Implements in our line, epairine promptly Mid 33 a.tly done and satiefacticin guar uteed. Give 118 a trial. S EAFO aTII, nt.i April 3rd., 1880. Having diisposed of m ' hnsiness, I must, call n all those indebted. to me, , either by note'or book acc tint, to call and. gettle the samie before the First of , May, as £1,fter that date I ill place everythmg in the hands of the Clerk of the ; iTer ATING-1 purchased the Sroel of the Goderich Fon dry and Manuf I -L "I' sof o a 40 horse Engire c ue (20 -horse Engine t o 5-horae Engin loom for the minufacture of c ther articles. Orders taken for Eng Mill Woik.1 Repairs attended o on the shorteet not- ce. Address All 1,,ength, from I PON7 MILL, Th.e Sul/Berl LUMBER YARD 0 ORDER, o eo Feet, at the has SW IN SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Dim er can be obtained. THOMAS DOWNEY BUTTER 1 BUTTER I I ARE NOW AIYING THE HIGHEST PR E OASI-1 E. NOTICE. For ihe Finest Qua of Butter in Tubs. e new and second-hand Boil- orse Powers, Brass s Cooking Stoves, be sold theap, to make nes, Boilers, and, all kinds of Goderich. JOHN WIL BAN on Beal Esta JAMS &CO. ts Issued. Money TAIit