HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-26, Page 5t
lBin. 26, 1880,
�'J$ �PE C �L 1 E F
—1-0c s7
11 R L�, STOCK. L T-1 'N.
E9 §PEC I o ection.- J i
4 e �0�iices. T-e�chers c eand Fe -
ea Olt United State trot bled 11. Ocal ES F R THE WINT EAOHE]48 WAN
Ott Ji and all the Chil� x
No. I 9�cKilloli, two
.1 fluenz,
he bull's atten 1"dea bylaW. olds, Cou i('r:) 141DE' S ANID SKINS. TR AT H IFE oTamei,tothe )remises of ;icatione; will be receiVea up to DO -
editions are exc� '11 E., J; P, 0 L PiCKINIM �h p4 on for any quan�,�; E the uders5 C conceasion, H. R. S., luale P
C', ap
ay Shortiaess9f br( ath - C , i U!" E ii-ty 1 1,9 -ill l lay. the 191208t'006 pc_ysonal application preferre,41
comb er
driver -on th 0 t he first of AUE Ust. a red, 4
Williams" engine 4 _.� '14 —4. ide 3 Ishoe' �epAf skins d9L Tuftetis kith a L TTr-TA'IL#r Upr-AVTV- Le
Ir" t�tranqe to e e It ed Dy 41, zac 3:: L O.L 0 WO ail or on, . same on T A-Pply tie TV, el4i4l
and Northwestern Railwa truck or trs. , for., h Wn hay4
Ili ved at,my! rni ro altore., No yea rlinR e
ng charg la. ORN
With lio, scalded at Beeton, on Hicksc n's COUg] L Syr I i ILIts, JOIFXX a. roitTER. 664 Proving prope n �11 p y REc GOO S' AN D 1ILLINLIl
injury friglIthIllY eye 9 615-4 was HAN N Alf. third cluff
braises. The xplosion of one, of the are 3 us as silce ss 5 e bed ai ACHE� WANTED
5 Mai
)�o ULN G, 1 Sea A's Block) l, I for School see -
Till 6100lato tile o(male(rf
St Ill 1�a V
f ineial i f heChoicest Gro@cric 1, the oioa 2, L
ch bot, R oldl N o-. 4 Toj E -hip 01 Gr( -Y, fo: lel
oas soon ag. T&OXday, by the e by the same reme y; W11 SON� e n on hand a Large an A STRAY STE promises o. TECeTtific mftle(rff�
Rues in- his engine. Direct- ons on e2 Vified Asset fvtl E u n d erbiE ri e 1, Lot 14, Concel 3 �I. ApplicatiOnA
t 25 acres of sugar teets I -r ass, a baying been bollagI t R S, TuokerBpi bh, a oub themiddl) of Suly, a will be rece ved until the Apply,stat-
ei y and
Ille last _JOwCs obles therato li ; the owmer co n have the Clio be, Ing salliLry,' vith testitnoUio 0,
of Grey, OIX Aou Were at 25C d 50C each. M �11�ac– Cash P offi ypa's 4) 1n the former laill e Lines z"In Cashm res, to A. MCDONALI)v
In the vicinity of Bellevi n I I -4
ad- through the $owl' d for E ale c. at, I F-1. "I ';he IOwes In, It i Numerous (311 sameonpjovingpr(pe,�t�r and Paying chorgets. Secretary, Ti.,Jiiestown P. 0. 674
e result has bee t* I - n U usually GoDdVi I i 8 - -_ -_ —
tnred ; ( I awd Figured Good all descriptions.
ed at 827r. It Spril n ell Ire y Hickson & C.'s - )rug kto�( Jea- to iers, and t] le Pul li( nerally. JOILN DOIG, Si. — DeBe� FrecA TwilP WANTED—
)g Th s rei- 675 T nober wat6d hola-
e of the farmer
atisfaGtOrv, 80 forth. HiCkSbia s Sura- Or ril for: ises Of the ig thi d ela3s certifies to, male Or em 9
able ng a ` d of from 920 to 30 tORS tO fo�t B, 3TRAY 00 0 into t4e pren I
C for School 'cc t ion N o. 9, T� jvmsbip of GreY,,
Tuck'a notel pOTti Yle" I th-eH.,crseD1seE se ma, A P, rl us E� undersigned, L dueesaian a Hul�
re bts, 1 1
red -cow. 18811. Ap wtins will be received utilthe let
Iber of and of 'er let, about th 1 vember, bir
he Scre- eii for sale te' 6ii ily;. I to I SaP3 y of Dee in e Al -ply. statibli-EFLisir witlitesti-
ttLel Samo on Vloviug pro e
Vswioua Patterns arld a], ve,
-le day last week a messenger of at 11111rices F r a Tbeownerc tg ROBBaT mcAII- Is, td ALEXANDER1 McKAY, Secteitary.
OL nd� 1�ic Dinner, Break- peity and pa�j N ; 0 1 N G monia
2 WRS thei-I by clar (:a' .�ARTICULARLY NEW
A�Jontre&l Telegraph 'Company, S11,168. P�r,8010s�.rw n !of 677x4 Sloncrieff P
box which it the 10.
AnCtio 3. Sal Us, OJ3 AEL.
t, T �houfi I not Fail to
fou 510 bill, which he they win find t
other p&roels -ph , rLsoN u -No's, lore in '10 IF ?1I I -a's Gliel. Wed Bday, Nov4 mber 4,111681 on� Wi S T B AT IJE _lCamoin'to the prerniq08 Of
Which -mr, Lp rges b S took in Me 0 64ilty' t Choo ostumbs and Chil e fem le teacher holdi ig a third class corti-
to the. .10, Cc cession 11, a fem
rettIrue owner, who offered III so Fro A E, 'Blue F
Lot 2, ( one( Bsion - .3 H 1.1 eI '�fGlakswaro, and Fauly 1he undersig ae A 4190.1-0, 00 a id� Pale ronch wills, forLadies'
ae with hi of beer as a reward for big elVa, led Sto6k ij ficote for 11 ion School Section .1\70. 5, Hullett
In glass arMi. Lb ego , in 41, Tt ck(,r4mith, abc Lit �the j�jst of November,. a red rials. Every Shade and, Styl(- it Pompadour 1"elvets' a for
Stock'& id Ii plern, UL a t om Presents. On han Suits. All the 1� ewlThinga in Trimm*g Ma
Gie ods on, Tab o foi �ment!don't JIW to See on as tal,ght pretaed,. Application% t I
his hotue he honesty, Liberal 1 i- 1. ite yearlin r heiter. Thb own,.r. can laRv In this deparl e who
mence at lt - ,w Fruits and Frosh i1rocei ies. Do not Forget andwb Folka Dot, and I lokin Stripe Velvets, 411 sba es
I �'clock P. M. ayl ovi ig ip4operty 61d pa� ing charges. ststing Sall �ry, will be reveiv eabytheluudersigned
the, Best ValUe All � same on P.1 Frcp�h ]WId Gloves,
sket contaimug rs. BabinVton,' of Bosanquet, ha 3 It tb e place who] o yok can ,ot
proprie r; qeorge Barro* a t" eer. CHALIE S ROBB. fill the Ist of December no) t. S'� HABK1113K
No trace Of nship for 3, oel�ries (T the tow 0': 1`41 )lei Ir Men By in G Secretary. Anburn P. 0.
r.ecelv6d 1.1',25 from - Tile Way, Novem bar 3 on Iiet is at Scott's Block, Main
-caused by a defectiva y STRYHEIFE 11—Cvmc�into tlippremiseg
broken 6, Bayfl old koad N orth,St rm,, Stroet� Seaforthil .67 ALL TO RANK, FOREIVI� ST :�SSIST T TEAOT'7-
i0rixocal, says the of the uudor*ig�od abo E D'- -e'
highway. The price is moderate, bc t F arm E to ACKN EDG
I heifers. T il
q e r 3oth
ck and 1i opleme 0 t9berJV6 sp #WeA, be
I f - weetchor holdi lag a, third
st pitiful case, 0 0. which. ar 0� oul prnving fir-,
at 12 o clock )On In owner can hit 0 't 6 EaMB
Ue of a series of less'ns I
z 8 COMInalice oats dutinto conimenu 1st December, lclr
Iti011, when 1, —0ak I'All is S ling OVerc r for -3 tbo bat
alpalities will do well to pona�r ot opertyand a3 Ug �,Xpcuse& 1 C&RNIE, pai, 19 And I also one who
Frank Johns Men %nd b)ys it Rock Bottom ric�s, 16 k% 1. 0. 1 file, sel eirk, ITIftlies off ve You can 11AV-13 I a School Section'No6 6, StkiloY, for six
hL ck, proprie ior. Pr
JO I P cents.
rof. Jame -Watson, formerly Brovmsou L 677A It hich I aSk A preferred; engagement
Wednesday, De(ember on to rg "t it. Hally Andqr- i nttable French Glo�o, th"e Janbert," f0is "Y taught bel re
gind don't jou sarWith testi-
by the intense. months. pplication,3stsUng
ator of the Observatory Of the Un�- 1 Lot 7, GonedsSion C Tucki, ith. Un, Oat� JISTRAY CAT"TLi _C.aine into tba Iremises of neinials w! I be received by i the nudersigned till.
ire Son, Seafo
u the railwa MeASH
.y ihe underAil d, Lot 6, oncef
I a p 1 on 'In the Ist of Dreem
y of Michigan, and an eminent reserved of Fa.m Stoc R! si)u 6,Tack her. JII� I ` llepatmenfi we haNe hacl
'since MOrnitIg Tersit Lie I— N 677xl
I at M emmitb,olb-iat t1,1 first of August, a Steer and T—In this 'Vorna, P. MILLI v
k Ile: had er, who Wi$- ments. Sala toloo: menc( oc an c t, �ruly busy, season so Jar, the orders pouring in compelling tb� -ii1illiners to work after
astronom 19 cif jr—bot h I e The nwner is requested
C AM 'B -11-L L chaigeB at d take them epsti ient is owing to ot
,k o 1) 1
plove propeityj pay this i
674X4 in the large
n on Tuesaay last was born iXI P.X. Rob�rt,Gla pr t, -0, hours. T ie sucees in Lr havng like Liatest 1110y1cs, Ih-C
1838, Brine,&uctioneer. GEOR I TTONK, In, and becat se the work Cannot be eyc cities, -where F0 SALE 011 TO LET.
colluty, Oat., June 28, aw
ttention paid to W�ddin and Orders.
of, Ray. The sked.. Special
bat comfoxi
-re ta�ttjre whence his father, a few years af ter- Friday, Decemb r 10, 18 dou4e eiprice is a able bick store, with
8 the promises
and ("A_oni NiG HOVIS iTRAYB'1rrI RkOgme into TOMN n Street, Seaforth, at
Michigan. H6 dils- Cocession 11, S inley. 1 a�m M04 . -,;f I room 1 bove on, Nla
-Waxds, removed to E of the und e:riji�,neo, Lo� 18, c3t�ccaaion 14, i I i . I
I I . ; I I ocupled L;W.I,- Wtson. Possession
eu this deparime n
& 18 asiteroid' three Small pla*- and Imp ale 0k I- TA4710. , alout,thelffoetober, a re d i and white eld the pre Apply to'Mo,
J cove
c,,n.t&inec1- re lements. S SEA ON t of F ruary.
I � �The owner ca4 have the, SILK 0E.PARTIVIENT
harp, yor old e . i er for w se are large and prices will be given on the Ist of F
wat carried ing a ariAgetting inylarge car
propridor; �J. P. I rine,�ai, ifig emely, low. Ise
Sitiol L to er
6 and January rl It ALMIE 01, 1 674-4 Luiring these goods Taint: unheard of before
ets and tWO comets between Api 2P, at ll.ol, pa Fi4g charges.
look A. M. s a. B aker, ftsao�tr t I now have, and for w elding orders my -ou ts,
bibperty and Purel these goods in large quau itie
antiquated 185 1 1 found i
_u 4
(ioul'i call* your �po
ates he Sabsci 1111t8i Imni in a 9
Tues lay, Dec6y eT 14, 1 8.0, Lob nes pyoe�xahle. In Colors I hav e. on hand Navy, Prune,
r the Shoulder- nt by the United Sh Ir lack (Cc 200
he Was S( of Bee, irt In. I My B a are th, best i 34,. i -ncessien 2, past
an 'f Fall a rid a o in ..o the Cruises 7, and Fa-wn
r I tiontimi is,! s Seal G:&� at prie!s ran
iin, China, in charge of 22, Couces t to(lz o. STRATSUBI ing from 85 cents to $1 21J-. -a;,pwards of 1..#D ]acres cleared; good
the stamp (It ernMent to Fel Sion 1* Q acres
the una ori Q di!Lot 81, C 04cession
thee edition to observe the transit f Farm ")took, lmpl:) mients, "04 kille t, F,, dwelling, lbarnE, outbuildi�igs, orchard, and first
T17inter Cio on&Gents' V)'- [c Itillop, &b ui I e! ata vember, two,
_XP JR-nW; known asV-r OlivWal-aTtla. Apply 'have I I)era cla so
I arc, NTeaUS. commence at 11 0' AOUM, y9 a, eweaaudtw lai btt.�' The In nereatil In this we C, 67-14 .
Ma mutt A ia 107 Ob evibraces ev I I - —Still fulli t 0 W. W. V ARRAN, CliutW#�
an�ses. 7
ffizwks on being E - Bos3enberry, a�lctione(r; :0 by ovig P1 olle qy anO'Payi 9 exi? 11OS- MANT I DEPARMENT pe�-ncd,-but in qc_aforth� Some beautiful 1
riety 0 c the largest stock one the cheapest stock ever o] REk�—Tl rent S good
rw-0�nt Tailor�s Goods .1,0 S, Sea Yrtl to Ill Beaer Cloths for I STORE, OUSE To
Af&ntle Cloths
^he radiator, to lin, proprietor. thin a Lhhu olmans, Large i ange it, Water Cloakings and
of T-jaL in Germany., thigs, ( pgrain�i storehouse on tl�e south aide of the
-Cd. � Also ock in Seaforth,.lwithtwo sets Iscaleslii
on sat 188
for th uraay, bece cr'Gener:d O�W. -V STRAY S Ell I rewises of 1, Over of ts lad Ladies' Mantl 36 at all
—0 Mo into the , f railvay t]
-e 5
JISrr JIrupp'g Steel and iron WOrhs at I P1 XOSBi011 Choice Liq be or Ladies' 1AMn66S- JP the u eftifned Lot. 31, doncesaic I I jiggers all wm�-lete -, poestsroiOn on.
Off his cap, the on Lot No. .20, C an 4othrs, Sea-fo-al
Germany, ma-aufacturin g ITaborne, alsouf 116 first. �of N!Aember, two ly to ISC t t e
ixtv vears were A verY Superior F L 'a 4. to com- 11,S_b6Tythin- in this LiII6 iminedialely. App
nrm. S owner of,
3earling t3teers� jjt� red ini color. The A�D FUR 'TRIMMING
steel C1111110`11 and other fine pieces FURSi prices that iljv�jt comparison. or to tb a proprietor, R(iBRRT SCOTT,
OM8,p gprop t and paynaff Niarket, and at
Te the f walts or of mence at 1 O'CIC -k 9?. C e -pit ptovin Goods that is he be had 'in
R1-__A'Qyh1APE.0NL0THING1, can have the boro.
0. 677x4
machinery, m&v_ p
q III years g0rib be supposed to em Flood, proprietor 0 charges, ROBI Luinle rent ths
r working- in L i�) at re ei V'ed a lar go lot of Readyyr ade LACK 3MITH SH
highest classes of labo tioneer. Ilave j ud, prchas )a B
�that leaves hila of blat camith Phop atthe Red
811.d in coullectiou with ma- OVE ROOA" S, a ad tho - New St le of Gents' UL- STRAY I, AA-0arne into the premises of e. —A ant dl�thing to ha Sthool, -on the
-.1 1 y H 1R.0 uother i Large Shipm are certain of is souirroun-aed b 7
.iree score years, Ma uble prilei the mid r igped about the Is iof September, CLOT fIO DGininion, and like the Iftst aiTiVals, giving Rippen. v id, In Tuolmrom th
I , M the best makero in the
chilierythatareto be found in thi1t TE 1i S, wl) iob t tea( on direct .. .. � anda good mechania
n Lot 19, Sion 3, L. R. S. . ucker�mith, a rocured in 131en's, 'Boys' and C44,dron's wear- apiendi, farming c
—TI e LliteSt A rierican. F a Ii 11. Ro- entire a6sfaction. E verytt"r, that can be pi ft"An, od basWess. P&Ssef3-
o 1, ear old W if r1red and whit % The owner and Stead rc man." an—do a
cen�ts in I& country., Skilled laor- worling Singly ER WEAR.' 1 Over oilts Always a 141 ed'ally. rent ffsonuble. Apply tO
port says -that F cyTwEe, I vell Oats, ND imm., ey;
can have hei 02.1, rl�vipg pronert)
Orin SMEL11 sho.pg, at the fluer trades, r ind paying ex- �dlat I 5x4
:1ngld Brea ted ulstnfs ar -t4e PE TH &PIAN,Rippilln. P. 0. 677x4 t DXVID WORE.
L Full no of First-Olass All penses.
iave ot hai) d i
es, but; !.these are &III I � Mav get higher wag he Gents"; Furnishing Depar mnt
lard. F�:r favorit-,s for, fall a; ld Wint B .1y 4 il one Dt &WERS, from 15 eel. t Sul) ARX NOR SALE—For sale Lot Xo� 20, Con-
Vool SHUTS see of ENT OURNI N G-
1�—Qame into t, le,premi
-no st hir g E�s- 1 :ep no vortl less trash in Stock G ok-ed with all th _T X F 1,00 acres, 80 of
ons and affqrd aii.c S .30148 fine value in �
exCepti 'P STRAY C4 Se�ILlt�es in.Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, & Stauleycont i 'eluLs. at is call9d factory or foundry work, Anderson of the C ak Hai- I �o 1, 11.0 $2 75[; 1 kE %1, Lot No 5, �oncession 14) cession 4, ainnag - fenced an4
Wh gi 111so a, Lot (if Outside �Flanri 3� andTwe d Shir�s the und r4i which av cleared, undord'ained, tablist ment areshowiD I le E Ssort- Tqc1i's ii�tted Hose.
L in grqu�s, 11allett, about t Lie, I at pf Odober, one yearling ;ivation. The balance is
Liatowel intend, of larcse bodies of men !and �one t In a flyst S158 state 4.t cul d framel
wok e -ling heifer
"Sbly I meDt,)f extra heo vy Scot1h Tw(+ es steer red atie -w.th-hprdwooa Thierelis a Zoo
S es CAP I. -ter aud
of the poor of the hops and 0 6,wnci�. can bave the same sectite y4ur Underclothing be -
nearly all wh to all &-rid 1 &AQ plent7of wa
the Essen s mills pro� R%T I I
pecial'y irnporte L for th64e 1 E t I df NIL- UND N G— c house, ft e barn and tit
oyal t An& payin!pc larges.
the MaXIMum. These Works eT B r ovin LOT H I Canadjan aU41 EngliSh 'W00I Shirts and a young4robard just Commencing to bear; as 3-1
11 11!Pc 0.
give ape garmeats-, and arE WOrth,44fdris �Jaei*. I� in Hatri ving P �stook becortiefs X ced;
tratford, has Mver befoi-c -N as�TaY tOck 80. ft. those IT I a 11yole, 677N fin Everything in Brucofteld, abd 6 from ITUtOn- a
I all il a ariet in fas i u—, Dewveis prices tosuitev( rY 0 miles fro
ploV17,000men, Of whom t ,000 and Caps AMBR043) I Terms c
T`bey �roduce 500,090 1 will Is out,close school v thin two mile asy ; PO
lose two of his coal miners. kQLENI� -Strayed or stolen ion at time. Applyl to the p
R a ropri
ight of �Iie 218t of 677
ad ,000 to�s of cast ST COOK, piloprieter.
tons of Coal &I from 14 1 Ra ilia 4tbe n S—Thig branch of my traae is in the height Of Byticefiel . W t 7 years old,
bes TIElt X ARKEP rS TS. ITSI trust to, the large,
-.son, of Elma,,to(yk 16ht steel per aunam,- t GLOV NP MIT: a mi" ch cov lipht rod abo a AND SHOE
S elt t Any BOC relia le godds, I ask but a sUlAll and I ZIRLOTFOR. - ORTORENT-13cing
d ts, nd iinintroket f each. Success. 11 keep good -e.,;bipmen:tsQf Lales' I CORN 2, tovm-
Plovnng be�ilig for 1871, -when the lna�x- w!Xb bow b3i Inoi
SEAFORTH, I qov. 25, 1880, Calf G� oy a, lined,00len Glovesan perscia givingb Sal a vhi�h.l make for the ofits. 111ave opelreft ice1hings in the West half of LO 10, fonicession
figures Iuc Mond A c' nine Buck Glove,a and u1 information as will lead to dan Call; very cho 'zF
early RU
for proc ts and lof ch Kid, ersiap GORt, and Cana I ship of 11, cout at ing 50 acres, n
k1ope, ) I S aN eral L nes
of demand ber'recover3w,41111C, isuitably reworded. SID- F ire Wes in Fren
d Childrees Shoe a in a oplen
imum, Fallwh3at ............... 18 Iiii I'l 0 of cultIvation;
Ele ebeared'i
Chairman of the, both- reached. T 8
-were Suring Nftest,rt if&,P( r buahe�..i. NEY FAIRB Ele eall.� Me 3es, an res
vages paid 2 1 i 5 fall wheat and '15
r SP�OIALM wellwatille'd, 7 acres -6ford, declines to wages paid, were �AB,6.00 000 e I Siring heat,Bed.-Ch ,perlins 0 o 1 12 alail stable,
T" "'TRA111 T Strayed from Lot 6, cres pl�wed; good fayin. huse
ra to
re of a PC bn3hol.. it CUT S a - cat al,
er Oat .. ....... 0 o 28 11 � all that I expected.
avur- for I L Hof me win ha. to Stanle. 3 he d of young Have arrive - -nil beaxin-g'or1CbaTd, cOuvellile
anum, being au&verat . ....... 4 4) .0 65 Pirtiesb Lake Reis. I Rz ME 0 DS— I Coil well. a hin hall.
b Sis of 300 Peas e bashel.... W1 Y R 113BER G Goods at the -lei Mat posE ible figures, die�t from aj 9 an �atholie chui ich and school i� Esq., %tmtford, per hand, or,o Barley rbuishel.. . .. Ft of Ch rue. Cattle : t,%,( 0' dai is yearlings a steer and thom.10 e. I have I c ased these I Rom
. . ...... ��.! ill ;C1 a 0 0
70 3 heifer; thetl I 'Tow -drtb,
ideut of the St. 3-5 ce ts 8 lie two vearold eifer and is of i , and I have saved 1 esale ad, 4
in the year, Butter, In.], Loose .. ........ to o 0 Onirc i ride t keepsa e Sam quality-
rking days WILLI A I I and 8 of 'Dublin I his it; pr
tni - i tht He go, ds much lower t1i In any other house in the is it; e of e
lie conxin year. (I for the Whole for e. Butter, 'ab ..... 6 !0 to 0 0 a blue colM information thal, will lead t t
per diem ELroull 0 .6 to 0 7 'Morehant Tailor, Sea ortb -1 o, will b -vinced that,you are buy iig at tZ right price. I a -eye faril is in t b c t own", ip. Fo terms, &Z., al) -
1 Pr 0 998 ......... .. .... ........ . -�l . 'CASTLE, .0 premises, top KEiNNELL
the recovei those libera I ly re n� be con
lotberwell have ab Ut i P'l B yfield Post La 11111a, eo these goods a ply on
il� a b the Usual whol profit. N I can retail ! a mile o I Hron gravel. mil�s of� Be
A -t tiest 50
The &Ve to wages emnec W Post
100 lbs .............. .. warded.
t Flour, per 675x4 P. 0 ortoA. D. RK.ENNELLY, Lnekno
Same Salaries per eaita, the �nys Hwy, tie N ............ ...... . .. 0 'y 9 cc. -675
96 cents per them 1B ILDING' MATERIAL Offi hdlarge stock, �ud Vill 0 e.
�AGSIn t�ig class of g oas I now a are genuine 8 -ply Bags -
5500. and qj&% ilful forcser and puachets receivilng Miles, er Ib ........ ........ to 6 to 0 07 G R ti�cesfor$825&dozen. Remom)x-rtI10
cre wbile u'n- S.beep.3 cins 5 25 Be b Fhat weigh 18 0
_T_ 0 E P. SALI
about flouble of this averag �2.88 a 0 FOR S LE CH on—But red in Canada. oi?. SERVICE.
CeiVe 0111 y 1)!per barr( I .......... .0 5 4— N D the be4t ever offic 3TOciK r
I laborers re
Ortner, of skfflec Salt(w, tolesale)per In i -tri, By PTIBLIC AUCTION—
age naked firfures, if left 1 0 undersigned has purchastt. ntire 'PARWI FCR S blia Auction
1twhillney Farill in week. But th potatoc B, per bushe new ....... �o 0 t! .0 1 he of slue building ater
in- 'o THE - I t -L-, The Itudiirs *dwill sell by Pu
W t 0 5 Btocl- al a n Saturday
S3,500. The to stand ill this shape, do' T 1- Apples, Per bary �5 0( !to 5 10 th planil gimill atlly0ectipiedbyGon, & cott, at the Comme Oi (LI H tel, Sefifort a, o
-)�rietors 0 �L -h, Dt! -mber 41 In 11 t 1 010locklI.Al,, his farm,
-Whi s b P U RCIH AS I NG -
Essen. O%tinco 1,Vvbrl ....... L IS SOLICITED BEFOR
0 015 e forth. I- o(k confists of pine A C L
D�r 0 1 hit a
justioe to the 1 Tallow per lb..... being Lot 1W 21( i i't ao 1201 con( 00
5 ?a 1. and n �ple I
��r; poineldoorB--ii larl en �ion of McIW GC) Go
medJohn Stewart, a Very, very low b the Amgri- DrescU H098,11ior 6 0( t1l, 6 lot 10. c) es, 40, of wh ell ish jo i
wages 11117 do,% Saab, TbisBtdUha1 be P contoiri-01 0 are cleared
I the wrhmen, 0 S en I �l en� an(i nearly J eel, f T n timps; onthinpremises is or not. Alyusu �Scount allowed on all Cr
Va a few d staudard, In ll�� X1 t, ou%e to show goods whether purchasing i can ON. 1880 u at about �alt tsyalue, and w house;
t e shae of I CLINTC z. ninbe: and ituated a, n r ii xebarn and a p oo I Ing
tip !desiring 41M
ts at cilia time an lilivecosiderable offset ill 0 ILI acev: dingly rtip i A well watered u1 5 17 to c �a;s I lay 10ru
ing, -,Thich tbe propie tOr pb;r busb 4, a tend- the soil
eap liv Fallw1neat, u ilding :: ate] in W iuld In ake mone3 0 ec iDg!fLcrosl o
p ell Advocata. )ry ch He does not Spring Wheat, perbu. hel ....... . rLi( a I lea 1) Purchase C�n ( tain by a sprin n Seaforth. il
:ting i THOMAS
the Jirantees to 0 0 �o Lhis ; b T r of purchase
gn to i Oato,per linshel..... 110 2 iny intfor nation rvi&0 on alitilica'don a the the farm. I �Cno per iny _ -nee t eir wauts S611 croods bi� p� V '810, 1 he bala o be
1 0 0 5 porsev% black mith Money to Gn 4 � i -*RA ne aersigned vi -
as beeil enlar,ueed eculate in t1l Barley, per bushel... 8 �u en's I [ otel oi E i Jo� ill leave between BREEDERS
13P 6, N2 paid in 30 1 lie P:rop4ctor iv To P
F. 1.1ES1 pold, near
earty the at biah prices, nor permit 1611Y abel ................. !10 6 0 5 keeodurb3g. the pro ent sewson on Lot 8,
�serveni the h Peas,per bu. 0 0 he p, Sea torth y inteTest, in conoess�on 7. Stallle -
00 and $ )6 t be without Hills areon,
Thloro=ff re
a German popula- one else to do so. T qua taime i1f. THOMAS r - t Crine p slyable
the ter... tif 11, av x URI in" SAW. In the of re-
ction -with' works, FLO D, PrOI ri tir. P. DeCA" o here is.animmense Bu� VILON, Ane C I RC LR dBeTk6biye,,Bow,
bakeryill COMIC Potatoes'no 0 0 F iTHE I at the t* of Servie
.......... ... ... 677 -674
01 are m 8 60 1 tioneer. Y.
'dle, of loaves of br aide ........ turni-og ifnecessar
L orth, East where 15,000 Ilay,porbon .......... 1
3 io. be
,;he working Clover Socd� t dersigr 7 prop I y HIRE 130AB —Th -,B undersigned- V.,
rol le of S1 orthv tb� firs OF VRIM VALUAB B
911pplipd to Y., * * - * * - * 7 ed is no, ared �o Buli a osevery 1) S95 T t el s !beef CTION for the in-
ja There are SJ ores to STIP- Timothy, 860 4 AU M IN ONV SHI O� GREY—Pu ke 4ming the pi esent season
as a crushed foo�t ail at cost. cl-oceries and Dressed �Iogs pwr,iI66 i�a .`6 0)1 6 by the qx arten He will ;III and delivrrkthroe or F AR
at R1 1,reji Squiro,Esq., Sion H�Otcl, Sew-
uant to the o -d r of ot R! piovem ut of stook, at t 131.0 Alan
Of couple of hi Iry goods, All orders a S T �M A N HSHIRE
ply clothing, 1 four timils each we a; required ge of the uiity� CoIrt of the County of H E FASITE foTtb, A TTIOROUGEIBRD BER
provisions at cost, scLL.00ls, reading wh Olt tol,Sea i rth, promptly & -it or maltter of Logan H A N L A N BOAR, itock. Tema—$I, with
DVERPWL, N V. 24. S 0.1 1 iefl at Weir's IN u rem the best
to. Rol ERI .6 -IC 617x4 Iluron, malic UnecessaTY- ROBERT
that Mr. W. atre, &G., S1a workr4en, -0S 8. Logan, lie i 4�etbel0rdda� of Septem- i the Pri ilegeolretwW191
l:ns a the Os 6 d ;, red Witter, IG 1.2&; 16hite, roo -67US -
hospital 0 will offered for
wh ph, are cared for 1! 4. y !— —
Jitchell Advocate, en Si club, 10s 2 1 oat. 612,d bar. her, A. D. C' L Thei
il od ; A the slid audge, on
-wages SNOTIC S. I th e p r 46on at Sale -with X t VISIT PIGT� e
W `60st, b ef, SATUBDk anly-mr, the present 1
�.�is reCent indispo, -1 ENTH
ithout receiving ha houses 7s 3d peas, 78 0@d POI 7 )c d�y of DI-IOE X-�
a,re lodged in ta�l IV, W 0
i . :. ecial! meet, g of
The workmen eeSe, (7s Od. OTICZ—Tlie rri a sp BER, 1880YAt It h !helur of 12 o'clock, noon, a bi h te n
.01 THE ftleld -
8 Hot boy(,uglbr, ad Ber-kab re I
attend to business 598 01 ; ch !I I I I Brussels, by C. sea som, a TI i Boat, brea
1 . 4 Lipp, nominal rent; 1N Opunq, I Sea- el in !the v. Ilage c
I bv Kr, the �AeKill(p . at Carr the Qa en'O B o on both sides and wi ranted
0Vnec Decein One �.E I at 1 0 1 ock M* P1, Cooper, �iu �ti oi ioer� Lei i N o. 12, in the 14th fro vall le ce, B oc . -at the
If -ft 11itchell for din these seveal ways the wages of TcJtONTO, Nov. 25.--�-Fdl ill �St, 61 .10 ifin bi bn� I er --$I for fihe season payable
to rewivem on .0m. t1l c tow pure. Terms
Aten ey 1 fl coilcessio-- ji shi p of Gi ey lin the County
TI e, Trelailare
tink lepe �oj returnina it
k�er for the benefit of the E sse-a laorers 8,re SaA to, be about I;'!( ats, 5 0 OJ serice with t1fe pirkivi I
to $1.16; Spring,' �1.16 tc Win ing 100 v ores ol laod. The pro- 677,
Pat, he intenkagg their m ortgn9es or of Huroii'lzi`
5C to 7 )c to i 8, - 677 ' I y Proprietor.
T. 10 1A evie. pert.y Is withi i (a cefroiathe town Plot
ts #ool, urob.
.6 to $13 10;
:11. Uis dia;ugliter double in effective Value. - , I of Grey with THE N C ROPS, OU p� BREED1,:RS — The undrsigneil has
peas '6 tin a4d posb office, HANLA :T SAW
�1.0( hay, pei toin, so
GOunelil Of the C)r0ora ion of IiWi tts, to he thi iv*g market Vil- his 'Wei
�k to proceed to: the TI own also in close ] )rc x To a 'I known Berksb-m- boar,
i(x bu el
At on her father. Manitoba. batter', 20C to.24,; pota, the'Couti of 1111ror will meet in the sils. 'Over 7 acres &to cleared and 91DU illkeep him this Be& -
ail -way B�6nuseS In lt
R , on ruesdi r, the Is fenced an4 has a good lr(ofBelmout," tow, hir water -works Internation 0; last 30C bo 35c; egg;, per 1210c to C.; Htll,� in i he T )v m f ounts must pre- fit for culti'lrA. ion fole occupation son fo theimprovem4litol stock an hits I -AM
tb ;slon of tI I an. T
The Emerson to $6 Ix farniand fr4m3 rV T11E WORLD. ayable st- t5e,
4. was voted on by 1.00 1b i j$5 00. 7th Dece.] her Ul be Be St C TJ.TT1WG iA W near R-Celegerville- T
dres 3ed hogs., pei ae socoid day M yD r 11mr, � the Place; FASTE ego of returningIff I
IT - GreenWay, seated b(fore ]) 11 there I s a Is y ppg r ia heavy clay by a. m&j.Or- IT ;W A )ANSON, Don. ki Clerk. and of tinke ci� rWrvicewitbthepyivi
A the land is Ri� b tl i r6ning DER 677-4
I gi es a of meetil WILLIAMEL'
_�ICMUtaiu, is in the city, anc 9. 177-2 i4pnitable, Tery —Ton per Coup
iritv of 13 was in r �1 Novembe, 22, 183
few points in reclarc �M ma ein Live St)ck A' kb loam. Tif
I to proffre e in 30'doys withoup
e 0i the old Tucker- n RREDERS 01 FIG19—The undersigned
a M)INTREAL N v. T. uch ithe IP .- The down 'It ti
ing up, the bonus business for th I)ISSO="ON OF PARTNE S11 nderlible ortio of the balancl
work ybe Champion, Jqjzp:roved Champion. and 1 TOwi 1 keep d the present season -at
�terworks buildings. iere Ill her!' .0 existiffig ption, Ile left on morlb� le o have t P eniiaCs in I . On oj�o7ugb I
0 'J; b saeE Cat pai more ) 1.) way, at the Pa. Msers 0' his- P
Soat western Railwi idersig led -it de firm namel of ark byed ge breed Bed
he havincy just larger number c t q farther partiC4
1,ek t 7 per de t interest. For ishire bear, for the im-
a 1 0 t�ksmifhs in thel il' ge of gage g. 0 Barrister
m:einfrOM triPthro" eM- made Jit less th,u 3c ), and J in III I Ue,l &I bl airpion, Esq., Lane his is one of the bestis
a6h the e 'I " appi IT Tooth, Cross -Ni saws. co -law some ca 2b N0e 'ieali�ed Folie,'aq ull'sa I ! proverr ent of at ock.
ses 'not over 8 er, St u rs uIA do
a 'y been dissolve I b tual Esq., Barn
b y
Mountain country. Bi qfiqldi, has t In
in Goderich; 1% 1C. Woe& P utyandfarxiersand othe
Mr. Andrw Mo- to per so'd Aeve' i f t 13owd: at 'he fir?n I�le in the A o !stock ccusentl All d btij�!duev or to Utdcom.
Ii wl per,laric ionter tosee him befri taking their
ouds to the COPanY Is xys ; 0 well
of tho Avonbank for issuing b ilities ill.be
R. J. Hop 'd : Our b. LT&me9Fo1e)bv:,vhoi Ala I or� Solicitors. �Signed W. R vhe e. tim-if Of
by the North Du�erin 4c V ar 1b. J. Rob p4n ocl will also heremfer be son & Wa&e,l 677-4
12 cows, which av- be considered - If] less t4mu liquidattel. '91 bitsineF �preout 1, 1vo. t livi goof re un the catt �e at §38 ea( la, or a 1 , 1, SQUIERI Rel� TIES IN ALL SHAPES11 seriiee, with the
aiGipal Co�uucil on $turday� carriedn by 'UntilS F lie. GROW cow Mul ce tle 'i STOR, sary.
inilk e.%cli du in(? LO [)BIB. cow IE'S IN ALL $HAPES 1. H. CA proprietor.
3th inst. , The by-law provides for a 4c p �r lb. He E ISO so ITANIES- FOII OF VA ABLE
877X4 R —The undersignd I
Nov(3&�24 1180. ANI 10::: INWALTON—Vader and IDA
or. t(4 put this iuto S of $100,000 and one of its coudi- at � 33 eacli. S Dunk df P6. tb, old! Balyfleldi, 1, 1
u 1. '- I I or of Sal A oncession 8.
Of these e()ws for bou 14 J1'41k YEars Id, — I'r z Conti 6in6d in a certad w keep on Lot N 0. 7, C
*irtuo of t 10 W
-tl 4 _SE'v ACTORY.- be antiria of o: f.gage, %i bich 1�,W "be produce ith his )Vell a -u(] favOrftbly knolvai
�rth to, th(_Ar owner tions is that the r�ad sball run within twelve Steers, 0 -INBftN 011
Onville. it alsO stiPu- at V.87�2 per 00 lbF 1, - dTuck rin
aver MeStitig 0. t 4 Shi re -holders tind D OF AXES o for him during the I
- Knburn Cbedse . M'4nufactnridgl Company at the tim.( of. a L16, there will be 10red for sale b rHE FIN SIT AS.SORTMENT Berk., ire bo�r and v ill tak
one mile O Nels WIN0 d number ofhowS. Retall
Shall b,c built with7 853 lb's. H. Ba rows 1 aa rloaM Of of the on Itond Public Au(ti� n a i SAGE'3 1101 EL, in the'villa WE A�E S1E10'EVBj% S RVE1. presem seapaW a limj�� eays at go
1,ates that the Tom rows 1 ake plac ft lb-ownilele's Hate TUESD!& SB VE N, TH DA �IowN IN SEAFO I guars. teed tboxoghl red, itud I
�t-niiedy of Ellice law providing for a cattle a 5. ea V 61 '1 her Jots will NVALT( IN � c n
s. A by- 52 . I L D aceiiiink r 6, s 30, kt IQ �6,.elock the of oc� P. M., by Mrll ja a any in the :conutry, This
lther (ik'v for New in two year Id Irl ary On. nd t ,, train i action OF DE OE dl�' 111, 1880, a � 2 0,01 Sk0()o is to -be considered by of s ieers and dr cows I o] pqrOse in �Dire Lore a � will ut.oiieer the followhi valuab last seaton.1
I I A eb ct in Is J. P. Btin 9 splenod pig Served Ita-tv. where lie boilus of �c . I e 61 �e):vice with!
C,ouucil of Lorne. 0113 dition were sold by -we �J, 0 a r!)m oi other busibets. :,Anie6ting of the pat Terms— $1, P
erty, iz rf reel '140. 1. Lo � 2 and 3 sycible At the tim
the prop NT T VARIETY.
the Mull b - held in th, e Vera '%NTaItO N GRE A
pal 11 cc Hall, Kinburn, t of the vi,lage of thepr�viiege ofreturling if necessary.
in one of the Er I H. ox, s Su -vt y b par BELILS
t., and bythe per 1_00 lbs., or lit 3c same day at 'Clock Pi lKnox's LEIGH 677
Molday, the 15th �1., for thc� pu I rlose 01 ParceJ No.12.' I
He ex- le East half of thO East half i MUNDELL.
611 Friday. The bou.7 cattl receivi vastitlm0it sous opera concessio
of ht'six. sma I rg ' 0 the past SOIL he 11th
36wreace -I ft) -01 r h f 11 ERS AND vears. A Conc old,. from Cons and i i r 013 nexi he N orth Ilia Ifto Lot 28 in t n Ithe coun I:SlpdTtT,,VNT To I'Ar
lovides that the yeas own I �l t ty f i
gGruents reof the To ni h p of 'XcKillop, i ng pro-;
GS Louise bv-1aW Simply P lier- season. Al e is partimi arly esi E R8 OF PI _71*he tubscriber,
J) EN KcMIL' PrI ure i'Lt Co
1e same 01 t 11 fttt en a � I Co.' SEAFORT
roadS11a11 run tbrourd, the MuLIIC1Pality a 1,28 Each, 0 about 40dent. Huron, less �,J;a,,res off the.N. tli part thereoi W OBERTSO' & derablo outlay the best Therough
-PPI d, 0, 111
�t ihort i company. bind few good lambE were ;I Vat K t which eel Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 �nd 6, and th3 -to Boar flud'S orted
ever imp
0M east to west. The (I t etweL u 1 find cording to L brea14orkkhi
fr 1g], the muni- $,4.5 sevei 10 Of '?�tOTICE (IF D'.i�,-,0lXTION—X,(tice here road &IIONNial c Huronjand winners 61 ftgtprizesi
plan Made b�, aady, P. L. S. Upou Parcel the County of
0 each, an' ob iveu I at P ttnership ho-otofore sub a ey UzAmjlt=�!
themselves to buildthro Y6 The Dreal, Toronto,
in Stratford, t1.1,-0 grs. It is ex- 1&ynbg� in fair cc nditiol t. f �c rc is at n bt or� and Diplo-mas at NIc
etwhol 11s, a . undersign6d, as Puml No..
itie tWO ye ing I is at frani e buili Lin Lon IbSo.
run 'within 53."5'eacb. Pcor larb S 11 at fro ad by Mr. Pi My IUhli r ST 3ith a!; a oral store:, fieR
I I '' Zurich Pil e Merchant$, Sign of the CirculO S W, in
Ll I the Vil:tge of gen i i ason, at theJ.'
1[�IPE lAakers ii nd Cai pol ters, in r servUe eturir-g the Fe-
peGted that the road Nv! io ParcLIN02adjoinstbe i will bO kept fo
ep er lilonts;
26, Concestdon
C has beew thin day dis- and other On: P 4o 1,
U'l before, the P70- T es of nX 1 the snbscri be-, Lot I STANBURY� 674xA
Ono mile of Archibald post Office, three 42.25 to $92.75 a.Dd SRE 1 lite Count, f �lur ill: d contains abitit ten act farm
Piv n' u oI �ons, rit. Ali, d,,bts 0 Ving W villageofM oaala H'�N
chanro (if shop- :5 30cb. s)lvedb m best quaity TEBMi
ilesnor6hof pe- iva,CrOSSiIIg and ple atif ul at. fro.. $3 to r e ils, (if the mb Jand, MOV0 (
len tifal i b u the,aaidparti Crab. ar to be paid � to tie "&.y of sale a N P A D L 0 C if --- ----
ftillv proven, Ke m r 3 tl� I oforetmid and all OF S" per,cout. on C 'H G 0 D undersigned ill
t one 111ile north of � Cry9tal City. bo� s were a litle m 2 eller, t th ill e o Zurich xontb th,reafter; upo 0 F T BREEDERS — The
t an One t
being abou be pre- the bujan, 0 T 0 the pTe6C.nt, Sea'60111 A
lit'the were h thl ��.Saie �eep at Varna, furit"g
eld at 6c i� claim again t aytnershi are to: the purebas r
I ell ')AR, and will
Mr. Greauway feels GO'IfiaOlt :th 9t p1E__JVeqt1ote. anted o th Jac b L. Zelle y w am th� popuent f h law, money THOIRO 1.3UFFOLK B1
Nvere to th ;Ri 11 Rsegsio,
I 1�urrALO,NO .23.' 'toa,:conveyanee ftbdtOPO
by-lawS Will carry. 0 e III , lid nited numbeirf ow8'
Flame '"'ill 'k et d- ated a e 1& 0 of sliallb sei at ltbe th-ae of Sale a li,
trt, 1505.2 ; be, p pared to receiv
t4 y t a puyoha for
Extra stee t P. vlco; tbishog
wth�; ill ja rs, al itable this if 13overabe��; A. . 1880. of the pro vas bred by -Mr. olln Gix-
th y
Choi ). G U itness, apeora(titfoi the co#
to 1,40 5�urich, this 1! to sign a] ipletion of t1l clrto-,
ittee[B a conditions Of -chased from I
to';5.60. AOO ST HI�L
13 L. Z E'. Ll i P fb )art Ix4 purchase. ., I
yl Lininston, Bxalatfoyd, and took th
)( (11 hip]')ers , 1� 110HA FL T1 L �'Xij nrion application to tile i r
other Births. I cularE ani
e, aud the lbs 'N'.85 to. sale way lie 0 ROTH E RS, SEAFORTH his dam was 8, tboro*�
nst., VIC we"to $4.5 to $1 .80 71 fai igu ed 4ro. Thomas Hiall,wri. JOHNSON Prize at Toronto in JEr
a�1 t ,do, jameA
nr4oc0s. I under, y
ituxuarried siiter. arlaia, the 1901 i L
FYVEL—At hei v has become andwasgotby. bog wnc,
f the Observer; of it IMA 1G. Bic 4 got b
I)U1IgallL,. Co. eaforlh bre d,
0 Asw int, th� ME diUM, 6-1 to $4.10, iitoli,ers jo, tb be. Regulai-IlBapti t J-Ji�ll & Co of t
'HEY it, HOL)ilfe 1 Wa. in 3, of Trafalgar I his gra d dam wal
STE_VV,&RT—It1 Brusels On th Ovemb 0AU C.,
In -1, 0 4'solicitc is. Oi service, witb�
6 of Senfoith to hold t#O andei �k 18W. y Fisher of Golbornol-4
t of a soll. 50 to 1,100,' 53.65 C, IOIC Church of t 110 0)) L time
rutforct a hort tinie 8, tedlfnls]br 0"m use of ich c0grega- STE 675-8 Dyablest the
P., delivered a 11, oil liv I-Ith inst.,tho MIKed. lot Of lig ht buta d f aTEc
I eref N jmproVe 674-4
d Cliam- the privih
of ,Ile, llftrtN�h;k, Of a tion; I the said Tr"LeeBl VAL IjALE P New A. 8 of returning if
ad i-utertaining .85; �O ItO sell and will A10 T(- A F, LE o- d I"
I ive pliblie Toot4 an Varna.
helferS, �3-50 to $3 1 , to, ice ibat we intenc fl�—'UnNr�r ' & ITOS I IN
id cowi , thin 3 b, E d helf 8 1" IN U ORT Lance
0 ff er foi � gale
was W(.11 atteuLled lots of 0 b v P lblic, Au etion at � e ate (if R. A� 1) LOT, N 81 n
o , f I inE:q id Trubteeft o L ppolNersofsal contaiiiLd 'on Cros -C i D NEWS FCR FARMYRS.-
Marria S. b in thi town of i: tile P1 ut Saws. Te w�
;0 cl oic I I r el t, o 0 andbyv . S
$2 75 to, age which V.11 red Berkshire Boar�
wert .�Xforfll, at Carroll'S 1 01 itock' noon op SbUltl) �-Y the three sev( ia� do 2,turu � of Mortp, known Tho'iwigli
In) atime 6fFal% othe improy-z,
T--IZZ-1.tI)--1 23rcl in0t., $3 �ollowirlg ; tI lore will by off 19yonag DenniS,"Will be kept TOT
)II tht, -11 dly� of a I)rpdu(e(I Vt. 0
! - to $4; 6xtrE DI'O'EMBER xiexf,l 'the b
11r. Col the COMMF, -
iioul, by ltvv- - n on Lot 29, COIME110A
-ughter of f 25) t Amtion at
irp-10. I n d P: -1 is sit noted iii the! iown i0f. Sell- fo� Sal -� �,y I tib went of Stock thj[813t
rtha, da stock, 1.50 to ands ed
C-TrITTIliat-t, t SEAFORTH, ;ot by Eas
r. NVIII. 1 tolvilghip. qtroig t orth isL"thc conn,j Of; an CIALI HAIL in',the town 0:
Invon, anc eing th FO
& B, cornel U R T H day VALE mjleh cows in air su] lJl I Nisgt ur.1 - he by F of ',N -souri; -dam
11%za"', all of x of CHOPPING AXfS,. i Mbbert. f
fliv rE.sidt-nee of the U o ,d of Lot No 112 ci f Wi 1�al &I SAel '3D I M., y BURREVS, AND WELLAN -es; BIoi lo(k P.
-TItIllituba, lo t inarked c 'ail of I)ECE MI �E 'q, at 2 ot Lady Hamilton, by
. n the la, w eek'S pri as I a 3, WARI
anies tActs, cc Porploxitl,
bridu's fli, g( dl�-tib. choicl n au Aioueer, Ing gran( a -am perplexit, nd grand sh
1�-eij, Ale. P.A. 1 $ Seaforth iu�ado f) Tanies Mr. J. P. 1 Youno
at 520 to 1 i25 9( the folloW*
inst., 1T iaxt of the d t( OIL Pal No. 1. Lot onita'Is pedigree that
9 eel
4). per lea Tern cas I �)at �d r1i pe ty'' viz; I It wi I be seen fr
13. A., 1wat. 11 to $3.1; extra Ine, A3' 3natti( hnd S I ark. 1 valuable P in the at Strain of erk-1
111111t No. 20$, in � le -svest Nift of Jarvis street Dcut�is" is from the :cry be.
ly Uf A t I
'0 YD COAL OIL LATERV13- le lls�
of rt fori ember,
fori 5 ith a his, 11 th d L, of �'-N tiler wita the
fori ei - - 18E
dalighter I Vea" in limitel ROTT, A CIII town of Sef My b, tog buildings �J,,EJGH LS A� be besten;
B D 1.0 BIEL shiref, and his stock -an not ret Supp -C, ontai,ild� Ing g Ayr 3RET c
4lich 5 at $5j75 0 N, uery therein -kerl prizes where shown and
V thereon anIf i
)OUG.ML Truftees-' By J4ME 11
",ill inst., at pine cr)od demand I Dr prin ta --Oil 010 t side of I Frestsfu -asPrIzew''Inners� Term, X1r 5C- heavy fed, �Rgguu3-50 5x Parcel ot No. U4, OIL the Eap been very Pulec AIr. M
al1c, I �')heejb ax d ;beir A ttori e service, wi.
by ReV, 2 of Seafortb, Vith e
the time of
if Port Ord Sty the town -1 PC r sow, paya;ble
'dull. all d W
to 11,41ea ILLIK9
R( id, of uron, lambs—The b �,yhon. Paicel No. 11. Lot No. �5, 12 INCHES. �the p vilege ofreturli,ingifniec
part tor.
it vith � fee' llle,,beilnE of Lot k o. ETY, FROM V2. TO I
8 w Oing O'Kat S Th, -v 1 EBE RHART, propri
lliert, ; nothing doing 4 STOC r fEgmond
�LTCHF0111 --At tho ITAIenceo N ey ersmi h
11 iu� t ie,,)r. l'i R.S. pneesviou ofTnek
Ito (in t le 10th coinu -t:),Ioor st 3 1 1 L) TO THE BEST—R_ UWS Items. oil", I , SKOES, IN GR�AT VARIE 1, �
the bride".4 We quoth amC. into tp e- prOnalises of i )� 1 is cri eted a frame building it- i BR -BE
Webber, ANIr. Ed. to T U. Pon paxce 1 -.4, to §4.40 STIZA IE, 00-1' F la will keep forerv4ce th,
to ch oll 4 9, C n asion 7,
by Itcv. ed Lot No. 19,J COnle ning mill and eortainsthe fOH(w- I TuTner,Brueefif
I; C; .1
lwilfioL, tc $3.75 ; good! E tea up for V Msz'-
with eltra feeders, il Qk 4,7, ei�je: almop. T h6 i j@)d, e � � 11- e, I TeVOIVilnl� sal -on the thotoul 111;'yed Ber-k8bite pwp
54.65 Au .uEt last, boile� and en Yin
very re*idene(� (if t1w foot d ana `0 Edmon�
. elli( is Grey, xbou ELme ing A an dia[ Cr al Oil- ohn snell,
C. 11tudem on t owner can avc Me g quis, bred by Mes
W111TE—Al TON—kt, thu oving )ropelty three aid sticke
be, lambs, to 1 imuatcher 0 saw, I � By iml;;Olud Royal Xay�
I I tables, In t- was
67;x 1 his pig'fl 6110 of Cirences-
a itw and
-C. cirii
liar 138. e
f&tlit 'cor to Catherine A. DUN4 mlar saL ten; eel Swanwiek,
Nlr� G go: aud po yi n8 c �m Mo. Upon pareld o. 2 is cree x -d idas xiy�,
oraliteL to AY I All B—C ame zaent fraiai Lud; his
11(,,yoler ha, of bree,ebied by Mr. m was Lady Leon
ftughter of Terenuall E aging i t e pr of I ingi pul tl-%,ell ng liouse;,uEon i i ter, , ingh his
Et qt ill Danger izo: It ST'
'0 a doubt i dwelling 12 Lmd!7
ft nni Sion 6, 1
E 7 Con CUM Sir D. Card
in the Tilace. CANNTWELLjt Lneknow, on the JEorses al] ovet 6 e country. taeuh�ers.dned,Lot N ptenelier Paronel " 0- Czted' a )!�ra Liverpool,
ry I .. X —The pur,ha: I got 'V
r. Thee. I EiCks 0�, IS. T krr8m*I,a101Ittl1620thOf8T fs or at the tilue Of Leatielas'V-, 9()t -
C, the i i MERCHANT$ n. e at the DomilliOn
insit im e
1I,Vlu, (if the ;t., by It- Renders, M rIlhe S-ares1l C %me u;On sale will b �e, I r d tdipay a de n 1:0- breii e we]? ivCrpOoI Won let at ihe 1?z(�-
Webster h ges. IJ0 9- r
16th in, Catherine, daughter rem I�Imb. rhe bwner can I�OBE LIT B HARDWARE
I11ii only o f .,; I 1101 u I LI, to cure fo 1d,, Heav( S, 0(� of )urchase NSON
surviVin" r 9piz tiom in
Esq-, Of tile same provir. g pr;y erty 4ndi tying e a ortion D every Ln Was sold for $700-
677xl P thereaf r; Ind. Fair - 1874
and the i ice ir
Iff w
Sb 01 be out Ie to
of the I& Patrick Cantw ds, I I i0l d i'Blp- CLAIM. withi� 1 month let t the Boyd sho
011 We Imth iust Goughs, Cd . bl� , W towmillip. ISO, E I d"Ic a 11!ge fr 'M rayed f�omLot 23, Con- upon Ps Yin inl, the pnT6asei D, bara arquis is from the
ossessiou. IT me ifill thus be 9 t bred stock �oz
-b-, ke Brie, lien W _ud� jeA that X both -tiaoo -
a Gonve all, it d to be let into
and Dur
aina Eact —St aboiLt tha�! I at of all, 'Cut of a verT best slid Dur
Ly ESTRAY RE t Hallett, rtion of the �nr AIN STRBET, SEA -F0111
Ud Lako Ilurou frozen Deaths thLe Nostri s, (ession 6 : all'o heifer, 'will be giVell 011 Pa) In d- Trm—SI tfith, V&SIVe
son of e- jear� old, this, f 6 month$ 0
of reaChillg SnAlip—lit Grey, on tile 13th iust-, pisease of ihe &c., July, a bN on satisfac io - security biting be, Rege �th chase 0 Igy ith the pyk"
wi e V1
& white with lre 1i neink, and long In 6d -tieni ire nd conditions of at the timef sery
ors�l .1 r- . I I irt er pai 4
�Air. ArwSharp. c attle, Wven.- IRNER
son C uliax to erson glv:Lug 6 0h info vember th, J. TL
orris, on tht'Gth ills -t-, the "fan"t Y recovtr will be sale a P111 ito t e undersig LOOK.
'WAY—In M act u red oTL i for sale white face. i 1 1 Lri ed.1 No en&r*.9 PAD ifneceSs
new d Ave weeks Man& mation e a w* - lei d o er U Y HO 2A STED, V .3 GOLD EN of Mr. Robert WRY, age J*fth inat.," Rarab, 0 t E. Hic, tson, (,/().,s 4Dr L 8 IGN OF THE
hed by the Bfeqsrs. 19 suitably ievarkplel. THOMAS LE -2, Londes- 67r-3
_NG—ju (+rev oil the solicito rs.1
F O�
boroti gh
'Young, aged 21 years c'
daughter (if Mr. ;tor6, Seaf )rth.
null (file luouth,
York edi- It is copyright -
ee W
- ---------- -
1 0