HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-26, Page 31880, ACTORy• D , ta for the Pan pared, as. mean, h. subject to the :eke off '2 pouuti oft . Shoulder E tion a- Store in. & Ithati`e, -where ed choice and area hleats, San- Atttiugs, &e. THIS WEEK. t e. rood article 'd- Shaforth. LARIES )f.BuT ASLEEP .1 WAKE r friend:4 and the am lei' h. that. clasef the latest styles eaely lew prices. eese in the past, P lc turee when, dark donde ar and lightning eaews, and Wilen rt—no wetter alwaes takee a Lt a No. 1 Photo, e. „Picture fretates • ople's Favorite, t e the Commercial Elte.Seaforth. :teal darkaess. ( 1.RLLSL .K4sing of his Flax it()n gcod. active 4 manage it prop, 4c, w n, and in splen.. enhg stettdily dura ,n connection with er. LOAN., heau OR ref:satiable L aecurity. • r Commerce Build BEATTIE. )RIUM. zelr,s hie nnreerous nd others) for their past 7.- years, and . close attention to &mace and trade in atlarged his prem.. :ow prepared to pay kSH P R !GE (eh Eggs, delivered - EAFORTEr, -35 tons of good dry 1), WILSON ,CEFACTORY., ..[BERER and make to Order, Carriagat., Rog - other article in their End their own bush. Oted. article both as teir work cannot be ebtabliahraerds. ntied to. Give us it - tee can satisfy yell aft e the public, having tor over re years. S3 & IIABERER. LW AUCTION. NOV. 23, 1.tore thedate there in.ction, at 2 o'clock supberb kND PREIVHS ES gage Dent. tfortable and elegant own, the above op- ; any one wishing mat for the prentieee, d P. G., Brant Co., di be made known on 1, pruprietor. 675-2 E:REM RENEWER. yet discovered does d satiefactorily as the ile to restore GRAY • it youthful color t• tE.,CIFIC ALIAIENT r. and in this way its e-reatso with rapid - china aced Eruption, • swt and healthy. 1treted on, imparting tO 1 r•ofttletui wbich i:4 the tt tied b • convinced- elhtFORTII by J. S. nth). 668-52 C ORGAN 'reacher; Music in all neituee and Harmony ttptle taught to write : • _zeoline! e(impoaere to careful attentioix liaso, the timet approve et la ning and develo•p- ace i7Eil Wit 110Ot 1.7N: Us! t foe tractive ; eharg.eze • (hewer.: Street, first ate •r• h. ,673 • LINE. Ur STEAMERS NEW YORK. and eary) and LONDON • L4.ndenderry, Glatt - tope. Fever' as low fkFt iesued to aereone z friend -4. edit, n of Ancher Line • ea eleganee and cone - .!N .e Poet Office, Seaforth APPLES. ecribere, Ten Thousand durine tho neat two :r euoltiog varietiee; no iON Co., Seafortla. -:RETT RTH, oder in LEATHER and 1 Every Description. ett Stock kept. Te.rms teth ordera by mail E. N. BRETT • • NOVEMBER 26,.- HBO, Gaieties. The late Dr. Bethune asked mo- rose and miserable man how hewas getting along. The nian replied, "What business is that of yours ?" Said 'the doctor, "011, sir, I am. one of those who takes an interest even in the meanest of God's creatures." _Robinson (after a long whist out at the club) —"It is awfully ate, Brown. What will, you say to our wife ?" Brown (in a whisper) h, I shan't say much, you know ; ood morning, dear,' or something of that sort. She'll say the rest," —A clergyman in Pittsburg lately married a lady with whom be rec ived the substantial dowry of 010,000, d a fair prospect for mo -re Soon fter- ward, while occupying the pulpi , he gave out a hyinn, read the first four stanzas, and was reading the fifth, Forever Jet gra.tef al heart His boundless grace adore, when he hesitated and excla'med, eAhem! The choir will omit the fifth verse," and sat down. The cone ega- tion, attracted by his apparent con- fusion, read the remaining lines : Whieli. gives ten thousand blessings no - And bids Me hcipe for more. - —The review passed splendidly through all of Job's afflietions, and. the exercises had. reached the question : "Who comforted Job ?" which was confidently put by the pastor and as fearlessly responded to by a b5ight- eyed girl in the aesembiy, whose aised and agitated hand espresso her anxiety to answer. The pastor' eye caught the zealous activity of his little scholar and pleased to gratify the ild's desire, he said : "Well, Gracie, peak up loud, now ; who was it coin orted Job ?" *And the response came clear and with sincerity : "His sistersand his cousins and his aunts." Beauty en Dress. Mrs. Haweis, in a volume entitled, "The Art of Beauty," makes the fol- lowing points with regard to beauty dress: "The reason that an ordinary' low neck with short sleeves looks , worse in blaek than in any other color is because the hard line mend the bust and arms is too great a contrast to the skin. A low neck always lessens the height, and a dark dress made thus lessens it, still more, and it strikes the artistic eye as cutting the body in pieces, in this way ; if you see a fair person dressed in a low dark dress standing against a light background some way off, the effect will be:that of au empty drebs hung up, the • face, neck and arms 'being scarcely discernible. On, the other hand, against a dark backgiound. the head and bust will be thrown up Sharp- ly, and the whole dress and body will disappear. This effect, common enotigh, is execrably bad. If you must wear a, low black bodice, let it he cut square, giving, the height of the shoulders (or, better, with the angles rounded, for corners are very trying), and have plenty of white or pale gauze or thin black net to soften the harsh line be- tween the skin and the dress. White gauze or lace softens down the black- ness of the dress at the edge of the bodice, and thin black stuff has au equally good effect, as it shades the whiteness of the skin into the dark color of the gown. Only under these conditions does the sudden contrast enhance, as some 'Arsons suppose, the fairness of the_ complexion. "Short women should never wear double skirts or tunics—they decrease the height so re Lich —unless , M deed , the tunic is very short and the skirt very long. So also do large, sprawling pat. terns used for trimmings; let these be left to women tall enough to carry them off. Neither let a very little woman wear her hair half down her back ; let her lift it clean up as high as possible. "Large feet should never be cased in kid—least of all white kid slippers—for kid reveals so clearly the form and movements of the feet, and streyies so easily that few feet- have a, charce in them. "Those whet. are very stout should wear nothing but black; those ho are very thin should put a little pad ing in their gowns, and neither should be in the least decollette. Perpen icular stripes in dresses give height and in- crease fulness, and are thereto e par- ticularly suited to very sligh , small people,_ said particularly unfit ed. for stout figures." 1 H voice to aingit after nature's al has taken away always a oreeth that many are v in recogniking t selves eve than vii discovery, that know ho -to si not the p , ysioal By the au Or o Words. Eeelno "Would you I go in and. get course not," she think Henry, t sive, nd that it ing e enemy aft ticed during right, ' h said; more, s eet," utter ble love a their tro . Ju ice or an salon now, meant t but, s You a tice conbmy cents for le Giga creats—W ce night Let's go and t ke a drin but s e was ma own ead off. AB az:abridge in the r: "Igo to write to have fu a boat a mall got ter didn' hi e. T rie aft ome all the ver an mo ey to We fire we do y watch, bring ho shill bri if I can Children and- Music Let. no child be taught music not a natural aptitude for it.. musical talent generally ,show eisrly. Many children sing befc can speak. I have written dow , with the date affixed, ess that there ould be no mistake, more then one actual . tune invented and sung by a small person of three' years old. But.' the negative to these positive instances, it less .easily aseertained.'. The musiCal, like many another facility, develops more or less rapidly according to th tames grows in. - And there is always thin. period of "grind" so very feel that many a, child will de "hates music," and wish to give when a little perseverance woe, of it an excellent musician,- I no cultivated musician • with all my heart,. the hard -work of life had allowed me to be -1:7 -but Ifeel grate- ful now for having been -cornpellcd, three times ,over, amid many tears, to "learn my notes," which was nearly all the instruction destiny ever vouchsafed me. :.\2,Tevertheless,1 believe .1 did a good deed. the other day. A mother said to me-, "Igy child is 13, and has, been workiug at music ever since she was seven. She'has 'no- ear and no taste. If she plays a false note she never knoWs, it. Yet she practiCes very conscientiously two hours a, day What must I do ?" answer was brief : "Shut, tho piano, and never let her open mores"' The advice was • taken, and • the girl, who new ,ip-euds. that unhappy two- hours upon other things, especially drawing, in which she is very diligent and very clever, would doubtless bless litG in her heart if she knew all. .But the love of n3usic, which she had not, often exists' without great talent' for . it. Still, in such cases, oultifation can - do Many voealists, prof;ssienai and otherwise, have begun by b ing vox et Iffrteterea- that is, possessing fine organ, but no- skill in ueing it. While, on. the other- hand,. many delight- ful singers—I recall .especially Thomas • Moore and Sheridan Knowlee—have had scarcely any voice- at all.. The ex- pression, the taste, the reading of a song are as essential and delightful as the 11 th ; eas th w but ilnevi hat g to part ry long a s. der to the 1:,list a 1 t lo 1 dec ger its Se BO 1. q long *el the rs real y ha ing it. n Go n ow, n g a song, (John . alif, x ower s n , ho has )ecided itself re they here it a car- istaste- tare it it up, make A sena moth forgo place out i and of w long be b mother cries Me some my bead barn on smil if lost shall and chuc s 11 T heal are tigat ing r chil kept sick, cam exa, gra oxid tion heat hot, side - and doll, 11 C ind sta g cigar ?" he eplied 'b at Brae n will be r Mar court ‘a'indshaS him a t then t , and h. treat y, it wring e ts sa over of wat enou Y's oy af i ountry ot here , g fore; is a . A ' elle a the +at e out, dI I know h 11' other li they ' TOM ime. I haV ' 111 111 9 e e h o lac di Pois ect, of child d has Berli 1 sul s. �ihaiTing a it for som an the d c} co ered ina, ion t of such , or 60.58 aye, after) 62.64 gra ' bite on cl: th zinc, 3/4' ph sphoril wh ch heal less,' ab ut 5811 obta ne , Coll dr. of zi c o ide. latt r is attrib som g., ' ay a re goi4i, o -nigh 't hay and. a e so hom t eni i nous ndia r n in een s and. V O instaa oll of t time i 11 laid 'th ani re was a doll, er con being s ect of an ;ash y clings ie. te ere trace of ro to lad nil ver a • er t se fur :0 1 11 1 b re t'll k d. "1f d n'ty ,expe racti pra ou'e e cL t ve Pe as for a fb 0, Tye T th e Lon tabi tice han, dow peri an no the sho Pu and as t afte in, the jou: seri tab the he ing he and mo on. lu s hal hea Heart le other d on g Me ,on Pune' . On ve ere th newsp thla.t Pa ch wa. is of an Englis to r the dic beguile Lend et e cast the s of get lance er rep arty Illust pers a 1 waite canned the bey sdoWl other ileu made 'p'. hi e shee , So don for I it, acids been 84 er Oa It isting o the se ted th f c t s that a you 's Lib wait f al, an 'lluetrated and then table at ved o sig The foreig oung f of th ch. the r 1e e 3 ead newsp portion sti nal be; he us one.' e' a each ouig ma ould get •ver' to Lo ung dow reabhed f eat the he table a rated, mu the ts that be 1)1 a 112 m Y pr ri • r 1 a isn h 1 W t he P he ichig cheron horses public ia,ver i cross upon th thecoutitry, p certainty tho looking dappl ular everywh vy draug atidn of 1100 has e than g annual' he ?erche pu ely br vy borses. became ave. ob por Fr Mo bei 8.11 be th th of the'r t wi a'hea, ti e. hey are n tro tors, but act'ou and st un' venally eq ads among rac ; mad it bination of u e bred for , until ly fixed ti o of horse ting even se. tiring the ron stallio M. W. D e county, -Au exc se ms to be g eii e on the p the revised e they may see made. The will he that abput the old ch when n say that ,horized m the sacre spbeniy, a remark h Book of ake hay -w ke 10 iwe tio fir ra ce ho ch Pa au of bl th th the 3/4Illu his ht. glishnilan d rea iid ering, advert as on . n Farri•er a have g 'owe. s r chef* the U it small •oducin larg gray h re as t hors the een r 'Area impor on is t d of The 8 o not 12 of h ed. m 11 t eeial d, lab attract . rvers perfo ad in t sped aha ength oncede the hor es as for hiS ;full eenerat 'on he tY e an tha43 in th the est 1 s hav uhani linois tinge eat an. rt of tion e bat C euble hey d Bible hey se he ce ddling book d at th was h ob to ile the 0 an e t k Ito .1; r sidier littl tan n tihs nd ti s 11 1.1 an um to an an he e, rea , pr C- T ti ir 8- • sin le nta went ; e bier k's ab - o his and y niee went over, se full a good. got to . His d. She kicked have fixing u 91d shou d I rry. u kle svo /1 BAR with prop en pu ERT It Mill, ated I be s ORD, 1 CHAN 011801111 rty is w oses. BRET T ATE FOR S11 —Twnty-fiVe more of I land arn for sale in Egta • nd,ville. situated for either twin or tle in hiputable. pply to fn5 Sale a first °1a8s Planing early nd and Ix i good muting order, the ilo ishing Town of !Eleaforth, ld cheap Terms easy. E&ialre of OSS.11/4 i& CO., Goderich, 0 t. f . OPEI TY IN 11 MONDVI E FQ SALE. For 5: le the h u e and lot in Egme Wile at r :ent upied b r: 2. Cameron. T e house frame the let e attains half an aer and is of th: best ding sites i Egneondville. h re is a good w 'and all ether necestary con - on ' ences and w 11 sold chep. For particulars p ly to 3. S. H. B SON, S &forth. ' 621 11 11 e tifey nves- strik- Web a 1, bed h grew r, n. .7 25 111 Z‘TIC er por- ts ed w1ijie si, be- e, iron ot her "hair - 1, ere of the he oi- 0 nt ook e. uto at the e no- tbe .:Te sat tflOr0118 • With Esiery BiT/BS who gh with so wl, fMwr er- fl Clt.TflEi out, but coruic the the last hat n ust ew rcl 111 ea of OBB At Y disel s Pa the es 11 lmO. 11, so ral the a rea are &TIC ace ✓ w tte re, Jour bly s , l i o as fa nati 4 6 all wit ou y cithe ial cOns: at t sen i e O Mo y oh not ex ed ac 170 orte ne, iid ira op)e ve t p en c4cfiizo t hoaitd this cham SS 1 thr uot s. 3, OOR ER LOT FOR SA E.—For ' eat° the' Eat half oLot 21, ooncession 4,,L.R. S. a kerem th, oonaining 50 acres, nearly all f e red a d in e aenditl state of culivation, n all mil erdrain di It is ithin. 5 miles of • re ard el. . eliorthe in a goo gavel r al. There is a. good a ..pleat wate This is 14 square ot, and o Wet the best in Tnekersmith ; it is ionvenien to schpol at d a splendid locality. .p ly on he pre • ses or o Seafo a P. 0. ;oxes LEEC: . I 674-6 1 BM OR S a—For sale the wes half of Lot 7; on the 6t1 Concession of Tuckeremith, .. ., iontaining 50 acres 4 ichoice land ; on h: place is a frame bare nea ly new, a young lel ng or hard 4od well and pimp; 18 acres of al wheat sown; a ontr8 acme of bash; is within iles ;tom th town. of Seliorth oh a good vel roa . This i one of tliebest properties in the ship, and wilflbe sold oheap. Foil farther ticualr: appl to the roprietor, on the ✓ min, lir if bY etter to S eiforth P. (). GEO. INK. 1 i 671x4 -t 1 ARM OR S 1 -or Sale, North h lf of Lot No. 0, Cone (*On 4, LB. 8, Tan ermith, co tainin 50 ate s tf excellelnt3land, 42 acres of eh are eleare I u. in a ko d state of cultiva- ; the balance isf good h dwood b eh ; there 10 aer a of fa fwheat so n; good 1 g house, barn ndfrem hed; go well of ater and d heft lug or ard ; (do all other iecessary verde ees ; is ineated 6 ii les from S aforth, 4 m Bru efield a d is cbnive 'ent to school, &e. furth r par le liars apply o the proprietor on pram ses or if by 1 tt r to Kippen P. 0. S PROAT 67614 •• 0 tie ti oh th Eft de 11'1 ANI Lon Oct fro n, is w lities, 1 .—Th ing to sing c n get orest 12, per ee yea s, if be ney d es not e ire 110 arches o. are unwillit ()not een, ease fa A. ST ON • ARM OR Lot 7,an sites 4, L R. S., in one pi reel, .4r re:pectiv ly; a d oreh rd ; ✓ time, i: • ds, & . gr od loci lity, foe buyi.g els w a ply to AMES Ile pre •• ism, or H I . TED , elected F r Sale C owner, fr guarantee in, parthee cent. per a o desire it aced $3 ee the g4Ito haa 4thus sa ozial visi • a rra Loto p; 21,700 per8031 that any p rty pnr- money b1aek, with um, at tie end of where the purehase an acre. ties who ()Sent low p ices'but re buying what they e mach time and the to Me.nitob. Apply and AgentSe forth. 668-4x 44 II in Best acres to 1 inspec- E—Thti north half Of Lot 26, east half of Lot,28, °maces- kersmith ; 200 des for sale o of 1 0 sexes and 50 acres buildinge, good fences, nd is i a good state of =M- . e d, an4 is well sit ted as to 0111.3014 wa ting a good arm, in a 11 dt well to look at this one be- Fdr particulars nd terms IVRENGE & BRO1IHER on MESSRS. McC HEY & i•ters &Worth. 1 1 672 1 ARM ,401ISA. 3, i illBoid res, abiut 85 a. in steno, we ere is 110 acme od an comrio arils i the to o . e 111113 e Grea Wester rth on the Gra rms in the eau ssesintri eul p opriet • r on Lo EXA DEB F For haleLot 29, Concession ekersmith, ' oont1iing 100 leared, utiderdra lied, free need and in first el es order ;- all wbeatt the buil Ines late us, also ono of the best or - hip au 1 plenty of W er;tit is a quatter of Bea .tafield on Railway, and five, tom Sea- Trtenk ; one Of the boat , and will be eald cheap. he purchaser. Apply to the pn the same Concession. SYTH. 675 ARM 18, e By loa o eared. main remis( f •ftme k ood sp his 16 nd 10i oraB Dation roprie HOnl WO 7, ores, a ion of red ac tate o ndyot Ater. leared d ater. Main nb lin pply t ceche • - . AR ces ne e cle dod ith rdwoo arn a id stab and sp endia he sine di from 1 eafort runn 1 g past quart sofa in the towns FOR Hull( et, Ian I, had in a er is aro a tehen, ing (re m is sit relies fr ussels o ars ea or on t 0 S GILP TM. —For sale, Lot 2, iOuCeRSiOfl containing 5acres o excellent about 66 acres of ,hich are good state of cult* tion, the d her wood bush. On the all lo house, side up, with itit good well and pin p, and a running through the laud. ated 1 mde from nanteck P. 0., Seaforth, tandabont the same geed gravel ree. Further 0ebtained on applie tion to the prepaises or to H look- P. 0. proprietor. 629 00D ItF41I SALE —F oncestio McKillop, cont so East ot Lot 8, on Uteri eKill)p hp ntaintog 50 acres. e farm, tea 60 -acres cleared an eultivati There is a good 1 ng orch also a never faille On the 11 fartn there ar free fro Wips, well fenced g build' a good orchard ar# Both f are convenient tol mihn 11 Seo:torth and 5 with a g ss road leading to e the pro law on the prein ood P. 0 L&MES REID. 11 FOR km 8 ndred red, fr altivat ther premi MILL L°° Fo ick, acres tierce hardw two b Muse beftei cedar board eultiv pasta plea, from t from great $2,00 mort a ten able; patio ises. ROS articul 8, or HE tainul cleared e(1ar a d bu. h ; log steli 11.18 pa 11 nd bla k fenel n tion, a e for a oovu f eholl' ege h chool, n argai cash d ageof 3-e ena posses lars r if bt sale.holo Lo • eences- tea hgnooaci. alus house ring of 5 acres and drain plenty of chools, are Ace from eh place. see or 1) 672 o. 22, Con - eon taining of which a state of Itimbered .1 E—For Sale, Lot : S., Tackersmith, re! of land; about 7 ( m stamps, and in the balance is we ere is a frame hone and frame also a i young beati • g orchard 4 ; .is 8 miles from Brucefield, tee from Kippen, and 7 miles 11 good markets ; gravel road arm, and a school within three i This is one of th liost farms d will be sold cheep. For fur- :iLpply Id the proptie r on the Rrucefield P. O. sts Es Mo- -1 he $5,500 FARM FO it SALE — .1 No. 7 and 8, Conelsioat 2, How- ° acree mon) or le 13, bout 160 nearly free fro stumps, 10 I el: ash, and the elance good there is a new ban i)14tn, other with cedar posts, wo good log end other outbaildriga -, a good his fartnis well /egged with rails; 111131 ove 100 rods of his farm le in a dod state of ter half 01 11 has lien lying in her of years, w ithod hwell and tii ''S ,ter the year roan 1 miles 1 Croerie, 5 from 1,7 -exeter, 1 ) from i church ; till arm is a can be bought 19r $5,500— , the balance to be I s :eared by t HMOS EXPOSITOR. TO M E 11 Cif AINT TS ' FOR ' 1 WRAPPINg PAPERS I liST COST. WILL FOR :ONE MONTH n(1Paper Bags at COST to LI the Entite Stock. ST K 00 SISTS OF Br�virt, Rdkj and Straw Wrig0 Manilla Bags, Brown BagR, No. one, o. tl o, and Brown rapping rap s Cle 0 farm atI8 per cent. in suit parchaser ; title ivenithmediately. F o the proprietor on ti to Gerrie post oft' crest, for iludisput- k farther he pram- . J. R. 671 B7'011,14 -Llaqs, Etra Iiectvy ilfilltn-e,r g • Wht si4es, a d Fifty gacki i I . Y4 . P rST, ! i C5Ti s OSET T improv est, e ayable onto .TOH EY T n' fix inter-st. P plan. Apply $1. to CN ety month thin. Add Wall street, 1, MO EY. 14:ND- Money to 1 n f•truie 01 ty, at 74 • pet e 4y;.pri -ate fande; ..4;1POR Elie • AN n large o Its secarity, at 8 p b funds, or on V. mare seaforth. L4,) 006 Invested i Stocks nut *eke sent free 011)13 • BAX ER & Co., w York. •• . AS 0 :SEY TO- LOAN On Improved 13-1- erty, a 7 pcfr cent interest. I all -yea ot yearly, as desire f the r bcpal, if so preferre Appl t 'THOMAS D. RYA. .4 • • able tiou light Ont. o33 good at. inter- ges mod - 631 i11. Emma t. yearly tallatent '• 628 Wall .6 b., CI3Ortunes i leg every- tikers, 17 587-52 ter m Prop st pay - h a por- xpeeses eaforth 625 2tEY. oney mot ages per q eat. int agre d apo forth. 0 e)nderigned has e Ia iinmediet inyestmen lie proper y. Seven a lt11 yearl principal a NSON, loll e sum 0 on first s half 'may be itor, Seal 638 FOUN • , ner s NEY AL ohn L The owner c erth nd pa LOG "S S 0 e Tea in all ound Fliyur AFoRTHji ERS. 110ICE EE D - CLOVER, d CHEESE TSON'S mporinm. —Feund, in the store of ,Mr. Seaforth, last wee , a $10 bill. e the same on 'proving prop, argee on applieat cu at JOHN 6764 ivr(NEY Dublin able sum of stem on pro &per cation 1 a ID —IFonnd, in an Rotel in i.tnhoey. 8tleTohfooNolyvenmerbero., ti ia , choanv so i dthee r - property and payi g harges on o AMES FOX, Hur n Roa, Me 676x4 • ,1 JA _A FTER —1- begs Farming generous and begs full aasor OF HANKS P ELL, CA a i• Linde Of sev tch rh arniihis gr n M rote tile Pa, u pt given hitn o t in that he mi xtf4 Of all kinds DRY GO, AN And will 1lwayii be jready t good ert cies t as reaso in the Tri de. He has a itlante quantity of first -dial quality, Eahthe w re Of atvery de White Lad,(Jlaimed , &o.) )lors. u4 Shoes a Spe 1 Hyman & Co e re clattery for ment of C B;ots kno n fir Ay ar le be orin cll Patent Al kin each nge 657 ye fel lo g dn n re in Walton thanks to th nerally for th ng that tIm w on hand OCERIESL met out to them a le a price as ary o P4BK (Side, &e.) o ipton. Glass, Oil, • a general sew t- i lty, from the wel- ,I widen. a co ntry store oin dine in all the telof Barming Prid JA inei. 00 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS. LIST 0 WED TNG, XM4S AND NEW YEARS P.:RES NTS TO J3 FOUND AT taken, cash or BUQGI Parties es tin to p 11 5 bstan UGGIE BUG liS, CA IAGE 64 IP IIVIOCR TS. COU ' 1 1TER'S JEWELRY EMPORIUM I 3 CHANGE 0 BUSINESS MRL E WHITNEY, ThESIRS to state to her easterners's:ad-the pabl e that alas has dsposed of her Tm. and Stove B B111088 to her sons, CHARLES an* GEORG WHITNEY, wilo have had the prize* pal eha e -of the biisinea4 for several years, and she hope 1 the sane literal patronage will be exteaded to them that ha been =corded to here • self for s raany yers. • beg o state that thy will e,ontintie to keet) con ection with th above the eindersigned on haat at the Old Stad, a full stock of LOO AT IT, READ IT, EXAMINE THE GOODS, STOVES OF ALL KINDS ' Tznwt4re of Every iDescrption. .We are algo prepwied to do Custom AND YO THAT COUNTER HA.S--TAKING TRE QUAL- Wo k of Avery Description onth, ODS arTo CaNSIDERATION—TnT Shoirtest Notice, and Cheap. Having :a thorough pra tient knowledge Of AO business in all its bran es, they hope to elm - thane tht large patronag which has been given LARCET, BET ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST Tto rth: o d and wllkn o is house for so malty WHITNEY ROTHERS. N.B. All parties ind bted to MTS. Whitney will plettee settle their hadebtednees with her at Stock fWatches :Clocks, efweb•y, Silver -Plated Ware once, as ithe new firm open new books and the old business nrast be eleaed. Parties desifingto Raley Goods West o tToronto. until th first of Oetobeit. After that date the settle a* do so at the tore of Whitney Brest will be ptzt int se Neat and Can find Marko them at WM. G He has also a ntu UMBER W Wh oh e Will S IE'S near he b r of splendi ONS, 1 Cheap Repairee an HOrse Shee ng Promptly t - tended td. Re ember the j1 aker at the 4ew star d• RASSIE BROA N FUN C 0 F 14.'0 0 SEAF4, ERTAKE RAJ- iTT7 H1?Rf$LS1TIN .,VrirTS ON S F D• and ly attende 79 .- • •• • BEM, Prov itvoi.Engineer. D. S. CA • GjR. Aij FEMALE • Per o ca. Pills—This unfailing n tjhc (are of dartgeron 8 odis ase0to whie tion issiibjectiii 1 It. modera motes all c:btrLictiCflS, and relied me • o mriadIadie It Will, in31sitdrt time, bri riod with eg larita . The taken by loniii1es lnxing of Pregrarl' y, at they are sur carriage b t at an' other tip all cases of Nervous and pains in t bark and linibs,1 ertion, p pit 041 of the h a whites, t h • se pi11sw], effect a c means 5 o ailed; and, al h remedy, d not contain ham, c or •anythi g hnrtful to the o directions n t 0 pamphlet aro which alto d e carefully prc New Yor 8. lcProprietor for poet .on losed to No routeineral agents will Jingle' a bottle cont in TBeltetiamede it: Sold in Se fo • . Roberta, an BO 'D ON T 0 "ICE. R 0 U 'D. HIR. Land Sun, by mail pro Pt LL, Itlitche 1. Be i DY. --Job M see n a • ablemedici e te 114 t ose pcinful and h female cons itu- 1 es all excess an re- m p edy cnrema be ,itis pecalietlys ted. g • the raonthl pe- e s should n t be h st three nio ths o bring on �ls hey are safe. In pinal th.ffect one, t gm. on slight ea- t, hysterics, and re when all other ugh a pow dial lomel, anti ony, stitntion. IFuil d each pan ed. Job M p00,tanLdym12sin, eTnots. the Dom" on, over 50 pills hi by Hicks() dr, . Lumsden. -5g 1iTILLI1?IN !TY OP WAT With wh- ectacles a ES. . iLadies' and Ladies' and Ladies' and Ladies' and WATCHES. WATCHES. Gents' Gold Hunters, key and stem winders. G-ents' Gold OpenFace, key andi stem windrs. Gents' Silver 'Hunters, key and atem winders. Gnts' Silver Open Face,,11(47 and stein winders. te, ?black, and illuminated dials in Waltha , Elgin, Longine, English, and Swiss manufacture. CLOKS. OL CKS. aCC01111 lection. 665 TEAS. • TE THE' NEW CROP • 1 other hands for col - WHITNEY. S. TEA. JUST ARRIVED. 11.. C÷. I.A...T3-1.A T' S Gery and rovision Store II w TS T E 82071 wheil you can get the best -A-• value for lour Mone* ever offeredin SeafOrth. , Just 4 his -Ncw *3-eat-Ithey are really good and • cheap. Also a well teletted Stock of Fresh --', FRESH CROCUS- AND -PROVISIONS, „ In Fancy Walnut Cases+Eight Day and. Thirty He Eight Day and Thirty Hour; both.Sprr JEWELRY. fle. 5911, Ladies' Bright and Colored Gold Sets. . Crosses Brooches and Ear Rings in Real plate. 1 Gem Rin Brooches Said Ear Rings i:, Electrplate. i 18-k. and Brooches anEaRings 'n Gilt. Scarf pi Lockets, Ne klets and C1arms. i d t Bracelet, atch Chainand Keys. a Studds a d iet iLarge va ELEpTRO-F'Lis.TED Of the C lehrated Merid n Brittenia Company and. Ro fature. Ever piece stamped and warranted Dinner Caste s. Breakfast Ca tors. Pickle Caetor. Individual Ca tors. Card Cases. Epergeres or mit, Stn -ds. Coffee Pots. Tea Pots. • 01 Stands. Wine Stands. 0,ugar and Plum D ssert , Sets. Syrup Cups. oil et Sets. 7alters'Sa lv rs.dividual Salts. Children's Knivtis, Forks, Spoons an . . IN CASES. • inner Knivs. Dessert Knivle. DTeinanKlier iFveersis. Dessert Fork. ea Forks. , inner Spoo s. Dessert Spoo s. Tea Spoons. And a kice tock Of all kinde of1 FRUITS, such Plain Veneered Cases— as 03111es, Lemns, pples, Dates, Cranberzy nd Weightfr the poued, Blhck Cut -tent Jlly; Red ple Fis, Raisin, v handsome. and Rings, Seal Rings. Wedding Rings. a Cuff Buttons. ollar Buttons. Black &Fancy Jewelry. ARE Jam b Curran Prance Jelly, Pito At Dried Apples. HONEY IN Somli of the best Te 85 centper pound. Try ley New -Jaan pound,. Try my Blaek COnge per po nd. Try 65 cent Try it is re y Young 1fyse per pound, y Gunpowder Ily good value. B. BOTTLES. Dust in the market, st ea at 40 and 50 cents per . Tea at 50 ad -60 cents 'Tea at 45, 50, 560 iid ea at 60 cents per pound, A. good supply of th se superior smotea Sugar cured .gains, Smoked Bacon, Plain Hams and Bacon4 Flour, Shots, ran, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, era, Smith & Co. menu- Pot Brley, 0111110.131 Flow, Oats and Potatoes. as represented. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. A very large e took A Glass Gem Fruit Jere, af Biscuit Jars. all .sizes, which, being bought betore the rise in Butter Dishes• pried, ill be sold very heap: Cake Baskets. Call. Bells. Celery Stands. T H E CANDIAN BANK OF COMERCE. A. G. Al3LT Maid Street.Seaforth Tureens and Cups. Flower Stand. Berry Dishes. lool Pitchers. Swing Kettles. Spoon Ho1deri3. Toast Racks. Vaes. Cad. Receivers. , Napkin Rings. &c., • HEAD OFFIJCE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - $6,000,000. Heidi - - - 1,400,000. Prsidet, II Wm,. McMaster. SEAFOR H BRANCH. The Seaforth Brant of this Bank continues te Napkin Ringsreed* deposits, on 4inch interest IS aliowed the mbst favorable t8 . D- rafts on all the patincipal towns and cities in d. Canad, on Great Brain, and on the Melted Pie Forks. State, bought and. so Piekle Forks. Office—First door South. of the Commercill 1LadlesSalt Spoons raA 11 33) manager. . Mustard Speeds. THE EAFORTII Fish Knives. Fish Forks -Fruit Knives. Butter Knives. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. L. pluk& Co.'s an Lazerus, Morris & Co.'s man Steel and R,ubber Frame; from $1 50 to 612 per pair. 25 cent top per pair. .1.A case given with every pair. with B ac1& Co.'s Indicator and get fita the first tim I SUNDRIES. ol4 Pens and H4ders. alaiilL andToothB ushes. en ils. IMdyer Thimbles. r uling Forks. O and,Dressing Combs. leek Combs. oilers and Pock t Knies. nc et Books in Leather. °blot Books in Shell. ll'ocI3t Books in Steel. eerschaum Pipes. riea Pipes. • The Largest Stock of Vi Violi INSURANCE Ali) 'LAND ,ACENCY.. AIONzq) STRONG T S .4GENT for Say ral First-Clas Stook, Fir -I- atid Lift Insuran r Companies, and is prepare! ed to; take risks Ina t e molt favotable terms. Alto Agent for sev ral of the best Loan 13:o Heve youe eyes tested il\T cioties. A umber of First-aass facture in Gold, Silver, °nem= Spectacles from and hIlLae Property '' Al tio Agent for theiSalearA Purchase Of F10111 . • 1 Improvece farms tor Oaten. e, • 1-• Clay npes. Pipe : tons. Toba co Pouches. Cigar olders. Tobac o and Cigar Stands. Tobac o and Cigar Boxes. Fane' Flower Pots for table. Dom oes, Waiki g Sticks, Statu ry. Lathe ' and Gents' Satchels. Fans nd Vases. Accor Jians. Piano Ornaments. 15 • ins in the County, which I wi sell at 75 bents on the Strings, BOS, Tail Pieces, K ys and Rosin. WATOINES, Clt CKS AND JEWEL Y REPAIRED, 1 In all t ei branches, on he shortest nOticee By givin to all or entrhsted to Me, and having over twenty trade, 1 caii with confidence warrant all work to give sat ld Gold and Silver ill pay Cash or Tra $5,060 Worth Oo REM BER THE opposite J. S. Porter I tN.1 my personal attention ears experience in the sfaction. anted, for which e. 1 ATIree oitfurSeihsretro-rPe.lte in Window, directly sSCTheapNCDas—h rarn M_ COTTI•Tri'MR, Watchmaker a Jeweler, Seaforth,. • $450101)11) to :Lol n at Pi-CVC110 per relit. 1 Iliatvreett Age+ for the sale 4 ()teen Steamship Tielret. O. ICE — Over ;M. Iforrisonts Store, Main Stree1., eaferth. 1 645 TH: COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEFORTIL. ------ RTHUR FORBES, IJ'NG purely -god the $ tock and Trade of the Commercial Livery Seaforth, from Mi. -Eltor e Whiteley, siies to OLate that he intend* carryng on the husilless in the old stand, and has add -e& tiev•eial Tamale hones allay -awes to -thn formerly large stock,' None but , ! Pirsii-ClassComf table Vehicle -sand Orjod 1 Reliable Illrses Will be Kept. Coyezled and Open IBuggies and Carriagee,and Double and Single Wagons always ready touse. Specfal Arrange*ents Made With- Uonti4. inericial Men. i 1 Orders left at the etables or any of the boteio prom:II:Ay a;ntomandTri et;pL2NING mu, ,.. Skill, DOOR AND BLIND FACTOR! ...-4.... riculsubscrib erb egs leave to thank hisnumere* tomerslor the liberalpatronage extended*, himsinee commencing business in Seafortlaang traste hat he may be favored with s continnanee 1 °f Pt1141atlreineiending 4o build w-onld dowel to eel him* Gall,'he willeentinne to keep on band argest eel( of all kinds el Dr4 Pine Lmber; &Am, Door* Blinds and,i2tfouldings, 8hinie lath, &c. Relleeleeonfident Of giviiageatiefactientetteitit who ayfsvourhlii witatheirpatronageuanotte but fhatr-elatewer en ',reemployed-. Particular situ). on paid to Custom Plottial 20[I JOldf 1I.BRODFOOT. • 1.114 •