HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-26, Page 2r m 2 H I CI•EETT'S HOLLOW. Situps Hickett stood on the side next our carriage, waiting for his turn, and I hadabundant opportunity to satisfy my curiosity regarding hiin- and his com- panion. She was a blowsy, vain -looking girl of about twenty, with a round, simpering face, rosy cheeks and dark eyes—rather pretty in spite of the five distinct shades of red she had contrived to combine in her costume. The man's magnificent physique almost startled me. Tall and well formed, broad in the shoulders, deep in the chest, he held his handsome head like a stag. The features mere clearly cut and almost perfectly regular ; the long,sensuous eyes were a deep, perfect blue, well shaded by profuse black lashes. He would have been beautiful, but the lower jaw was too heavy and sullen, the mouth too dogged ; and, as he turned to speak to the girl, one lost sight of the pure tiiit of his eyes after, : the expression became visible. "Jinny," said he, in a mellow bari- tone, which accorded well with his face and figure, "arter w' gits t' watey- melin, le's take hit in t' woods. , We kin eat hit that, au' I kin talk t' yer better I •oa-aut s' uatin' to yer fur t' fellers a-runnin' arter yer." Jinny seemed to object ; possibly, being a belle, she did not care to waste her engaging manners and brilliant costume on Simps Hickett alone. "Oh, no, Situps," she said, giggling ; "I don't keer fur t' melin hin t' woods —V preachin' '11 'gin 'fore long. Yere's er good place, nigh dis wagint Come 'long ; nobody ca -ant yere yer thar." After a little demur she seemed to carry her point. Sirups shouldered the melon, and they sat just back of our carriage, with only a farm wagon be- tween them and Ibbie. Bell's voice, speaking close to me,made me start. "What's the matter ?" she exclaimed. "Your face isas white as your dress ; I am afraid this long jaunt has been too much for you." I nodded toward the man and wo- man, now busily engaged with their col- lation.. "Ibbie is hiding be -kind that wagon. Oh, Bell, something will- surely hap- pen." Scarcely was this sentence uttered when the little ragged girl, who had evidently escaped from her mother, crept from her hiding -place and accost- ed the man. "Gimme er piece, daddy," she said, extending her little dirty hand; "I'm so hongry." Situps had been too much occupied with the feast and Jinny to notice the child's approach until she spoke ; his first expression was that of astonish- ment ; but almost imm ediately his face darkened. "Who brung:-;yer yore, Nance?" he asked. "Mammy brung me ; sl' brung !Pete, too ; we's ben yere putty nigh all. t;' N " inornin . "Where's yer mammy now ? said Sinaps, rising. "She's roue' thar, 'hin' t' wagin1. She - let me an' Pete play all 'roup'yere till w' seed yer. an' Jinny a-comin ; den mammy hid us 'hin' t' wagin, she did." She's hid 'bin' t'' wagin, are she ? Well, yer-g' back t' her, an' take that wid yer." Here he struck the child with his heavy hand, as he added, with a short laugh, "Yer kin tell 'her I gin hit t' yer." Nancy shrieked with pain and terror. At that instant, as if summoned by an. irresistible voice, the mother sprang into view and caught the sobbing child in her arms. Then she turned fiercely, like a she -wolf at bay, her blazing light eyes glaring on silly, frightened j Jinny Cox. "'Twu_z you got her that that lick he wouldn't ter .teehed her ef hit warn't for you. I tell yer, Jinny Cox, yer'd better el'ar 'way Vona yere putty quick, if yer want to save yer mushy face." Ibbie still preserved her peculiar guttural chant, even in the midst of her rage. I remember I thought at the time it increased her resemblance to an angry beast. Jinny Cox began to whimper. "La, Ibbie, I .never teched Nance. I wouldn't hurt, her to way. Slie's wet come t' a piece er tulip.' Yere, Nance, take er piece, an' go give mammy some." I'll m a e S d t e t w h m k c t i P p h k Y r Y a h n e grad ok then stroi ally settled into the scared, we. had not oed once Were. her jealous fondness for this Iger than fear, asserted tself last leffort to recall him. •11 never meant to make yer Situps,'° she faltered. "Cc me, wid me an' t' obillun Yer �;loze on mended good an' t' dinner's in'.' l e made no reply—he w gust herself. nor Ibbie blundered on, tempt .at ease : V'y, I brung t' d fin' yer, an' t ce, Situps,'mint 'yer think . ye din er an' cloze, au' fool Yer come yer rep ied he. "I kn 'member, ef I ever atter : me that's all. - Jinny 'n' p'ny ter day. I reeko she gal, exh.� .P• ly a e,. coni Con Lt chilla 11 ye erag kin ech ? : -tope. ..s ye etohe: jis' me 's loI'llh sez. She's or powerful yer see, Ibbie," with a hit kinder res'4 er mai arter he's •'an her ugly vimmin.' Returned fr ward the Cox =. "Come 'long, you no More." Jinny, now self bad been her habitual stood waiting f triumphantly. of them after first time her to trouble her. looks at her ankles, then around, put o called ``Pete," ten, miles' tra carriage in or bonnet did no seal that the di,nmed with was working. She still ca arms, the boy ins on to her not appear to had happened mother's tear her not to or if her:foot party hada t peerance, and stand it no to "Come her down, while I diener." She walke Iblpie' time t turned my h the same reas She was the 'I never se: yere all t' tim The unsub told melmu "For some copld. ``Wh: preacher, Ibb e ?" didn't gi t' y "1 wur too fu off." —`'Did you s e m Looked to .tu ping, as I "I saw you he your husl?� "Yes, tha gal wur. his hain't seen -h ben.. stayin' monntsn we cousin, yer take her ho switched yer l 'ike hit kee. Belle's ha 'and the chil Ibbie dashed away the peace -offering, and strod up to her rival. "Ef she teches hit, '11 whup her worser'n he done.Go 'way what yer came f'om, an' leave my man an '1:Ohe." Jinny shrank in her terror' closer to -Situps, and this goaded Ibbie to frenzy. elf yer doh't want ter git hunt, ye'd better step. lis minnit." She added, with a Still, deliberate utterance, which I had to strain my ears to catch : «I swar, ef I ever gets hole yer, yer wont nuver - Yei,'d better take keer, Jinny Cox." Jinny was beginning tomove off in a bewildered fashion, when Situps,. who had been watching the rantic woman with a. set, dark attention, now inter- posed. "Yer kin jis' stay her_ e yer is, Jinny," said he touching the girl's shoulder. "Leave her t' me. S kin fix her ; set down au' wait er minnxt. I'll isoon git done." Approaching Ibbie, with his half closed eyes fastened on her, I thought, in spite of his handsome face,'. he was neither pleasant to see nor sale to en- counter. When he spoke it was in his deepest voice, and with a sense'of mas- tery which had it's effect at once. "Hain't yer knowed no better'n t' come yore peekin' arter hue ? Is I got ter learn ye.'gin ? Ibbie, after the firs glance et him, looked down at the child in her arms, and began nervously to pick at its frock. "I s'pose yer feels mighty. smart, braggin"'bout tearin' people's faces," he continued, -'-'but I tell yer, an' yer know I haint mucher -an' fur foolin'; ef I ever yere yer talkie that way 'gin, w'y I'll serve yer like I done t' big rattlesnake tried to bit me las' week ;. he'll never pisin nobody no more ; yer seen me hit him," and his grim smile pointed. his - last remark significantly. "Take dem chillun an' g' home faster'n - what yer come—d'yer ere ?" The woman was no match for Situps i Hickett ; she knew it, and, attempted no reply to his threat. One felt, while listening to hint, that there was a strong reserve of moral force which he kept in check; he might employ it any time, but the present occasio did not demand its use. As he spoke, Ibb 's flushed face en h em I irl, s d sQ bie, a Ymig Jinny. S 11 passible ave ted, h self compl er Si eo ps, b Ibb e did tha last t ote.que She„aveor ado y free' she whee h:r sla and was p. .he -h: er to gain t _hid: he f: bright, 1e ears and t ied he lit rotted be rock. The thin. any exc: pt the aece 'et; • SS an art avel Bell ger. , Ib ru e q re ad e: n. firs d. y' ued t no ime t do 41 m war 's le 10, s a d iokly ov.r ow: rd to sp all' o Etna' look e ai yo e t1 -re an eagerness Ibbie refuse took one m but she shool f red the foo "I ca-an't l ike t' vitti aal, fur t' yer got 'nuff We watt is{as no long my comp breath, and carriage, an meeting-hou "Some pe ea "Marthy she vigoutro piece. It; after the me e a I gave a iiuost truthf to my book. Merthy." communiccat inquiry, ling rind re -dust In my dire° lout I askel jis' aro B tns ere tai ing L1.d."' 'co BM, r fu e ay 'rou h see, an e. .N ni cost in es h n a -w ds ere f en ere whi h told t take nth u1 he hes,d eat ▪ " s'd 'ho ch lin sow's 1 ed ler r visibl nioih. we de w ike s, J un se h e. pie is s A n," sly d as bo tin at m rin1 1 s atei B t t Sh; e on to :rine in ng the.jfu ion eV h nt s th st th r is id a m resently br 11- bo er br ong, I'm an't look e ke out ke h hin in ut en' egging hero n 'Hit do 'pe: r like got t' sense :.h' 0 u ye abo vine sol see"e at I h:iatr Be ar ,er e, wa, $' yer .pe' iii tak eepi v to goo • 1b. in col. 13paile ter o6 a uch THE HU t I '121 diately go e w ong en of on the E f ,, n t this ge gatite's ed a pe or `wom k. Sh was` ite' I ; bat t et «tell"; y, t ' e water ro ►n a� y one t Go bu she in :1'n i e ' tines, loO:, o hiw.' Sh q� ] ile, and I w I' take ou 'rou av: y.'r ' Who is It's th S :wsp an t ken sudt nt nap twa e ; but o: ;n and O e e Worn o ;let to e e S tot o irely a or n lb, Em earner e, er ice res Cell sh sh idlin • a he otfa�e' i he nut; for jth figure ofh•xjq an sung b eady fq e to p. e roadi ce. W e eyes e har e gir :r si chil hing fact O was wa . The nd hea t e calla ; get Ott so away tiegz herse ,:land the c dvvd f ee t her yet. ," she replie Is e▪ 's wine , yer Must a on estiing wa n well Insist s we ttgain pr Com i chill way acime:" 1 her tell flg Then' 1 loo ebse 'IlltalBndi, ret°' tie" fools lions the our or did ntly had 80 e. She invi vicini dust nituree glen's now aed tie tions :an d in vvitla: "Th , ef sonse. peep ea m. sena§ eenee re.W 1d1'Ien r lift '1ieo ndtu,s �t 's Miles c bie re wa tWo 0 nd t 1 e ri 'Is tha a, f s, I rake ly. 1u1', ho s id h. ' bo y :k oe a `Ye it?" we t poor` pled up here; o Sctuir e, "how cru' oathing rt conic n of Ib loss saf h's d it; bu one. W .w. Yo a" eel ]li ms lh a n0 e anxi0 I ” said and n the ro arm -thou distant, alhere dim three e room el en et ebl _ 1 Ue m.poo1l e hang ff e r to ri Hes o ee en. oler ae '. Brim biew: mete: 1 Wlio' • s'sheilo' ar . it's, I, Ibbie. up t on bie os' pits skad ' i anything e f ne, said. "At rm ; b -t that old gone ` t last, and wit - t into the live w!' en I come e d c says she is n deep enough ere,' said Belle. , as r ceved severe d he can't live , s ben' asking for nt y u • ;o gel ready, d. -.t4 ite's right 11 c . ted ing; b y on don t wit that y etc Kort mal: iel� encu vilnh sh 11, • 'd heI Lt Oqe of the. situ : d, wed nd she had all a "I vo not ing to t 1e 'inut s later d. e s onl about nd. a oon reached lb 'e. is ett lay.. ight b nin inside, om . n wet seated we enters Belle he a and spoke. al ?' aid hetsick ie. Hickett. o Kith's men, lnderstand," perplexed gap come to 1 hing, to be o a yoke of e t give way. ac ett's weight gh I thought nt was at the says he was or thi g, she's ettjter o with ad ressing his listen wh Oh, Ibbie, the cross them kill Can't you 1 , "Died— repeated Meaning, "Yes, I slight pan Whisper, 1 it, Baa much t When less, and leave the done, too, etaining assed o resolutely elilh got e.n' ad a ter ahs ai t,so cod' a e to die, c illu an' y now," s.ie e. ere, Iib � e " s "Jima ta . brag c hi 411 him h ,'PFa1 nth him eon ted thiseq ue. th at ?" s id kdd in ee di or $ o ked at m fll d, 's nal trouble, T he Woman for bim,,an her. on t he favor II i Vh4e is Si t' ei en ee tell 'feeled '11 tell,' her he d unea t 11, pot ef they h v oli ne rust, las isisit:pr t 11 figure daeke eat the' e la 'pie feet 1,03 al faint o um roo here: to In egla to ans Pa ty'S ben er et bele° no od 14 b nfe l?" d," he said, ', !'Baa , I'm a- 1 sort to go," rt pans . "Not livin' ter make ef'twa ant fur t' 'aby. I spec •ai` i, m king an on of the ent o er to th! tel xealy, rnd then er nthred with the ch d tint he brawny t itla.ce him be - by, '1 she urmurecl,, ith het ha d hand. or le I pray e loves y for you cans —He bbie, as Then her ow wha elle ose, the ooto but bie hand, kiwi', at and left lin midd We en 'Iome in An hou ell us lb 'stele the ie IrEm POSITOR. 1 He died on yon. He let IIe loved ns so. oping for the dcled,i in a hoarse —1-ef yer think b was speech- ' otibeed us to hina, and we e f the room. actor stopped. t ea dead. JACIETS dun 6," said the sick sb muttered, tossing 'f eked. I wouldn't kill d e dead • AS 11 My mon no ' Belle as a ed he oor-way. ye e," said his wife, SI SS IS 411 "Whatab at bbi icket otised into .ud en nt rest. "W'y, se's foil ri Sii g'in. An' f h ke ch : s her a would'nt ike ter s an' in hat's all !" "How do Holler, an' co e acr an' Jitney (lox, plump over ter t'l oiler. At talked ter inny er pi stazted 'ion Wine. I speak'n tor her, but Bryles, he co e ac He, tell'n' Mi Pett take no fo a lin' off n off Ibbie." Only t o J.*ays a * sonrse, the lit le Sh not be use , and I wa for a week or more. One eve ing, as w the parlor t work, in and sto d quietly looked up, nd naet s is' corn st Si Sh' crest p hurie ost I go • he ody. ter t efind deta yond t the told r sh er si e s Rieke z gal lnis ter - e w uch Wer ch a the at bec rey °Make my 1 th tti 21 1 at ke 1331 BEL ske no st 10 su exticept fa nt e tow e low t then take 134 of dea: Th All at groan ism herta terana n re Bel e (tee b tabl Ve HOFF s it. got Human' ter 1 don't want me tip next room, a d silence. 1We mu d, e ati voices from t d ight r, nd one of tifil ly ho ght , her Neel er a fel questions. 1, ke o 6 ow V1 bridge thou ht i detect a look 0 iik ave vte th r1; ▪ t' Wez i Ibb e, f hellishly eager ; no - re MO ent e, doct r returns) him if she re not alking to from his le k th t the on. be ver ne t near r than I pr ritiee you I, tin I want the e boys OPEN HOODS N BROTHERS. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S1 WOOL All hand we have e other let o LT bbie, e ✓ boys e was b the tad of the ne to plac k tr 4 IS 1 for for r w hea side lo rack the elle bbie ord. of • er t' learn they'll p -,it s likr 'taint So .unbrokein1 elle, as. they dropped 'e en to speak in. could 13.ow end, I he wee' tryineto lidptiest! at this bed ade to order, a. In a few da,)7s liv j and 4, HOODS, 3DIWT C31 -0033S re the Nia st Goods on. We e peot an - 0 0 'eloteiatipg of DUNC IDIR.-5E- Goons N efic. DUNCAN, aaaa SEA THE DiA- GOODS iIOUSE OF THE COUNTY. °ma ppeared to hetet. she cried, piteously, " it d and fell on her he bld, LAIOttAliti WE ARE .N IMME THE COMPLETENESS OF IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AND THE LJLCIIGIE6 OF IViANY DISINTiRESTED PARTIIES PROMPT'S VS TO SOME OF T TO CHEAPNESS IS A' OHARA ONE IS STRUCK (BUT IT DON'T HU SE CR CKERY A AP f0 The Stock is L Th oo s re of rted. And e offer Ba Call and WE MEANi ga cony'nced that Special_ Value in Sugars an obae Remember the '131ece—Dir the Town Cl kilCardno' LAIDLAVF- sEr Free Delil os. ctly Blo under k. FA RLEY, DRESS' GO1ODS OF ALMOS RESPECT. , THE TRIMMINGS, TO MAT ORDINARY PLAIN BROCADES' 'OF OBI `JERISTIC ON 'ALL SIDE Y THE LARGE QUANTI NOVEMB R 26, 1.880. SEAFORTH PORK FACtORY ix -Li -CI- ot313 AVING tommen ed business fok the len tit d Winter Tra e,is now prepared, ss usual, tO purchaee any quantity of Pork, su)ject to the /61 lowing regulation : We will take Off 2 pounile per hundred if dry and 8 if soft.; Shottlder SOMETIIIING POEM,. hutk, 25 cents. The uedcrsipned will ale° open la Store in Seafort next door to Killoran Van's, where he will keep constantly on hand a. elaoice and ' (templet e stock of a I kinds of Cured eats, gaa. !ages, ologna, Por and other Cult' , ke. S, I AND EV1eRY ItIS OF GOODS, *TORE Will BE •OPENED TH iii1:11:11tenma ealatistlif4aelti Stalorth. oqd -article DARING URGL RIES MAY BE ORMITTED 1 BUT °ALDER IS NEVER PISLEEP HE IS ALWAYS AIVAKE I -1- public at large, eupplying them with first -clad 'work of the Photographic -Art, in the! latest styles and newest desig 13, at reasonably low peeve This is the main s ret of in/ success in thepast, and will be roy ro tth for the fut e. 'Pictures taken when the to pest blows, whe dark donde rages, when it rains, when it sae s, and when the sun's brieht trays shine fort —no matter what the weather marbe, -Calder alWays takes I good impression and turns out a iNe. I Photo. Old Pictures copiederarensyd,:eonkplacijogisneitdtoe, ttPhaledetanorrynnikne fegrerani::: kept in st ock. Rfireeni,Ab.erctlAiL2PeBoxle,s'seFelaov:urite, IL '31' ,oTtNhele..3371.—onNe:rvGicatln ,SEAFORT FLAX JOHN BEA TIE 1 S STILL Des roes of dispos- g -Of his Mar -2- Mills en reit* nable teems to good settee business -man, w o is likely to manage it ewe. erly . Be has t.0 gent Flax soul, and in splen- did order, to'llet the Ifill tenni steadily dar- ing the season, t e benefits in c nnection with :- which he will giv the purchaser. MONOY TO L AN. Any (mount of money to Loan ou toesanalee OFFICE—Ca,nadian Bank of C mmeree Bend rrTIE Subscribefr hereby thanks his numerous -1- customers fraerehants and there) for theft t 74 years, sad e attention to e see trade in ged his prem- repared tufty lib end patronag dram'. the pa h opes by strict integrity and clo business to reel their cenfidert the future. ing green., enl lees during the rite; he is now THE HIGHEST GASH PRICE For any quantitY of Goad Fresh Eggs, delivered EVERY DESCRIPTION. A REALLY MAG- I „Cs POSITIVELY 1UNRIVALLED IN EVERY at the Egg EmP° MAIN ST EET, SE FORTH. Wanted by tbs subscriber, 25 t as of good ft clean 'wheat stratr. 11 THESE GOODS ARE A PlIDTURE, FROM SILKS! AND SATINS TO VELVETS AND NTAL RICHNESS. WINIcEYS AND FLANNE S, AN' Aumsr UNLIMITED VARIETY. SE ASONA LE GOO S ARV MUCH 1N DEMAND, AND A GOOD USELESS 0 SAY A 'IN -THING ABO WE KEEP NONE UT THE BEST TATION FOR ORE NESS IS EST.A T OUR COTTON GOODS— LISHE D. MANTLESIE HAVE P ID MORE THA' N USUAL THE ELECTION 01' THESE GOODS, AND ALREADY SOLD I SUFFICIENT '1,0 WARRA !MILLINERY --ALL THE 1119VELTIES OF • TTENTION TO E QUANTITY I.TS IN CALL - M. HE SEAS N MILLINERY T EEDS, OV COATING , AND TAILORING—ALL HE NEW AND MOST F SHIONA LE STYLES, WELL A , TAPLE GOODS, ON IS Ole ALL FNEST AND CHOICEST ST EN'S, WON EN'S AND CHIL A ILARGE LOT )F TEA J TEA. A CKS OF OIDTS AND SHOES STYLES RE KEPT UP IN REN'S. • ST TO 'HAND, N THE ZOCERY DEPART - ILL BE 'SOLD AT A SMA ADVANCE ON N TO THOSE BUYING BL CK AND GREEN ULL LIN e OF CHOICse GROCERIES FULLY KE T UP. CALL AND INSP CT THEM. ONTARIO. THE DRY GOODS HOUSE OF THE CO :NTY: THE ZURICil CARRIAC4 FACTORY. TT A VE alwa3is on hand, wadi make to Order, Wes, Cuiterril and every othpiartielein their line. T hey person illy superintefelltheit own bnsi- to material -and workmanship - For Style a d Finish their work -cannot be surpassed by t e large city este bliehments. trial and be eo vinced that we can satisfy you tta to quality and rice. Mr. Hess is -ttell known to the public, having been in businets in Zurich for iiverI2 years. / FOR SALE BY PUBLIO AUCTION. ON TiTESDAY, INOV. 23, TTNLEss sold privately befor , that date there •-) will be sold tiy Publie Auction, at 2 &dock P. M., on the /remises, that supberb DWELLING HOUSE ANL!) PREMISES recently oecupid by liar -Georg Dent. residence in a wide awake to , the above op- portunity it an exceptional one I; any one wii3hitig to treat privately with Mr. Den • for the premises, rnsy adik:ess him at Scotland P 0,, Brent Co., Ont. The terms a e easy and will b made known on CINCALE E HAIR RENEWER. V-0 °THE Preparation ye , discovered does 4-1 its woik so quickly and s tisfacterily as the CINGALESE It never fails to restore GRAY and li f e, as it ordains the SPECIFIC ALIMENT which is the ) e of tho hair, atid in this way its NATURAL LOR is RESTORED with rapid- ity- It curestDandruff., Itchi g and Eruptions, and keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. It is -a very d+grable Hair Dre3sing, impartingto the Hair a siliken lustre and softness which is the a dmiration cif all. Try it and be cenvinced. Sold by Drug ists, and. in SRAFORT31 by J. S. ROBEItTS, a. 50 cents a bottle. 668-52 PIANO AND ORGAN. MRS. C. 7,i. DUNLOP Teaches Muttic in all -ou- its branohee ; Mueical Science and Harmony a specialty ; ,i advaeced pupils taught to write music from sbund, thus enabling compoeers to write their oWn compoeitionsi; careful attention given to you* beginners ; als • the most apprev- ed vocal trailling for strengthening and -develop- eL ing the voic given when desired without extra charge. Use of instrument feryractice; charges moderate. esidence on come Street, first door east of Main Street, Seel rile -673 TTNITED STATES MAX STEAMERS SO ‘-' Every iBaturday from NEW 'YORK and GLASGOW ,'{via Londonde ry) and LONDON Direct. 1 TICR'FTS ;I or Liverpool, Londonderry, Glas- now, and alliparts of Europe. Fares as low as any other fix t-elais line. wishing to ring out theirl ends. The Passe ger aceommodaylon of Anchor Line Steamers ar unsurpassed let elegance and corn- f5o9r8t. Apply 08. DICKS0112,31. APP ES APIaLES. 'NU ANTE13 by the Subscri ere, Ten Thousand T Bushel of Apples d ring the next two months ; m st be sour or elooking varieties no sweet apple wanted. * 673 D. D. WILSON dc Seaforth. Wholesale and RetailDealerl in LEATHER and SHOE IINDINGS of Every Description. moderate. TrialRolieited.:, All ordere by mail or otherwiee'premptlyfilled.1 The late Dr. getting along. Th takes an ieterest e Brown.. What w Wife ?" Brown fl shan't say Mite $131t. She'll say t —A clergyman. married a lady the substantial do fair prospect for stanzas, and Wite Forever let ray Trte boundless when he hesit 4:Alsem 1 The eh Verse," and sat 4 Willa gives ten t And bids vie hope —The review through all of Jo exercises haa 41Who comforted Confidently :put b fearlessly respell eyed girl in the a and -agita,ted anxiety to anew: taught the zetilon scholar and pleas desire, he eaid 4 YAP 10U41, nOW amid with sincer hie cousins and Mrs. Haweis, lowing points wit, neck with -short s black that' in lupe the hard iine roe WO great a COrt a dark dress mad if you see a fair .therk dress sun backgrottud -soul will be that a a Up, the face, n scarcely discern head and buet w and the whol -disappear- Tbis execrably bad. low black bodice,. giving the height better, vsith th corners are ve plenty of white o black net to softe tween the skin gauze or late so ness of the dress bodice, and thin equally geed eff whiteness ef the CIelor of the gown eenditione does enhance, as some fairness of the col "Short WOMeri 4011b143 likirt,8 -or the height se eau< tinaie is very shoe: tern.s used for tele left to women t them off. Neith Woman wear her back ; let her littl "Large feet taltS kid—least allei kid reveals so movements of tilt Vasily that few them "Those who al wear nothing hat very thin should their gosvils, an the least dee4 -stripes ip dresses' cres,se fulness, an tieulatly suited people, aud ”par etont figures. idreti Let no aim bi tot a 'natural apt Musical talent / I early Many chi tan speak. I ha the date affixed, no mistake, morS invented and BM' three years oi.a. these poaitive aseertained. Th another faculty, rapidly accord,* grows in. And t tain period of "g "hates 1111113it," lwite/1 a little per ,of it an excellent, With my heal had allovsed -me _ Ifni now for ht three times eve wslearn my totes the instruction .4 me. Neverthel ,good deed the 'said to me, ‘41111 been 'working at was seven. taste, If she pi etever knows it." must aor "Shut the pieta it rnore," The the girl, who two leours upon' drawing, and very cIeVer, 13149 in her hear, the love of nausi Still, in such much. Many and. otherwise, et proeterea. fine organ, but While„ 013. the oi ful Moore and SI had scarcely an pression, the tet Etre as essential,'