HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-26, Page 11880. L. & CO.'S, T, I that is New, Feathers, Orna- es, Satins, Vel..Ribbou, Pinch, It Hats, Strew le most moaer- LL, & ca's lead English, at als• Corkscrew' eriele• elegantly II value, at ALL & CO '8 lie, Gros Grains, remarkably low $1, 50. Ex.cep. ems Black Gros value than ever ALL & GO;. 's g qu4litiete tiats, Greuada, kvsoni -Navy,. IALL clitOas. Ica - ehe new caors raw Colors ; Dee sritble shades; •Ati - 'Jaw shades; ety ; Brocatel, ded Materials in ul various quell - a great bargain et cents., at GALL & gO:S. r,* ee, a most aosir- autitul shade of ett, the new maiee nue ; Burgundy, Cardinal, and tALL & Ca 'S Twined Cane - GO pairs, all at [CALL & CO.'S iambly, in White, a!, washing prop - d!.; others. Eng - (treat bar-. MAIL & GO. S. !ies• Chenille Ties. Bilk Ties. Novel - ries. Novelties in ttons, at {ALL & ca.'s. at 7ti gents and. GALL & CO.'S: (Ids Hous' of rest, ONTARIO. GA LL & luta teteey Dry Geode, saese, !has to be cut away with a pick -axe. eis liusieess there is ekltor, on account Of so much bending atson's run far the :keit 20,000 bushels ;teased to hear that e_ season are very necessary repairs :le whiter, so as to eak next spriug.--- neselites had a rare aid, Friday even- ,' averts, ,Mr. How - Church Choir er with the cele - 1',e tokhouse •BoWL- i. iii the operatic tainments. Noth- their coming "luta eistered. at the thee at once had • enact that they neert that evening. their novel way of :own hall. was per- eveninge by a most ntive audience. To t in full on the per- •venings should be rtist equal to those c perfermance. his- assistants. are st water. It is the mpany to pay See,- `eturday and Mon- ne want a treat they t zee:. • FOURTEENTIE YEAR. 'WHOLE NUMBER, 677. t e• AFOR'M F I AM, ii$C) 1 MBER 26, 10. •ITILD JE3ROS. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO °WING TO THE GREAT RUSH THIS SEASON FOR •OUR CLOTHING • We have been compelled to again visit the WHOLESALE MARKET, And are now Opening Up OUR SECOND PURCHASES! WE WILL.SHOW: THIS WEEK AND NEXT, OUR (From OR ,NT Our ()we THE •NTA The visi or to bition hel in t ticed in th art of sketche and attached to whi tario School of to be exp:cted like onr o , wi ture yet to mak in .art, et has the c Art and fernier ca disadvantage to this ground, wi ones, the ietere meted in .very Soe. men is ei 10 SOH he lat is cit depar draw ; h wer rt." that ,lishah on e o a ufact not I be n: he la out r ts of a b so,tseyssiottill yin o'f tli the Ontari the Gover of art in t within the dined the the groun Step by st though no troubled institntio staff inclu the Provi attendant pupils. rection of 116.00 SUITS FOR $14.00. - of whom $18.00, SUITS FOR $16.00. Artists, We bought a Large Lot of these Two Lines, and are thus enabled to offer them at • man. T year was increased amount t • at a meas ire, t reac mean work p th wit out pa eters corni s, mat' to- es ei ht of ce, d the of neari he school i council of s LETTER rrevo �1,-0p Indus mus ent ngiUsi tr be , ' hou 11 s you -n tory d lead e eaoyos, m res- gleeted er ts r 0 t T the and - rent the tie letie er, an sa ere -no td t shoul way. rtists, lisped order artist • of o taining of g od art schoo has sing th en to 1 y the e first egister two unde ven,th •f the Bks bei ent g this nd • hable • erate e thei ce th cures. as well. la, enefit jIt e he ! foe t will I th theme is ndeed, the the Gayer' ine to cove; 1e ould b eh nstets of eks eac syste e as t a an tructe and a, and s g, art n and es ca, SB1013S pup edin nd ly ha ned e and. sys p to lr 0 d be t. f draw g s esigns fro t have be ger pn p r schoe_ res ot inceea e other p endiu e 1 one tno- les. lery btain kuo ble t tee ols, 0 leg wing 'ad. of a i alrea ccup cially tude art theit the ears • art tic st hopef o So 'min( r enf r atdva, t, ture sten e, •g,fro re ts, al st pr nnebte patt to f 1 artis the sl: hel , rded 1 re m on. M e G 1,100 to $ e cou: mbers r. Oro vern whit ,100 Heil is reran THIS GREAT REDUCTION. ers, who •formily ga to pl t nigh y, for the WORSTEDS, who woul othe wise FREN,CH AND ENGLISH tend. In no case do AND I $5 per essionl, and readily se n that The kICOTCH Arm CANADIAN TWEEDS money --m king one. tuition a We are Showing also a. Fine Stock of I are condu ing the d y, bu 11-011 ted AT ALL PRICES. ! agement ay that wer grant su cientl lar penses, n fees ‘at AB we have in our establishment one of Th yea Beat Cutters in the Country, customers On The depend on getting a -First-class Fit ever y sessions, time. of four' w i is substa art schoo Pupils ar hand ou •; vance are spective omy, orn course a quired in matter o the prese departrn painting. i pupils w slight sm ! ors, wit• worked their often very mut forced to elementa i lines 8fD, blackboa, • pected, pupils at T Toronto, number I the Pro GROCERY DEPARTMENT ! In our Grocery Department we have a few Cad dies of that Wonderful FIFTY CENT JAPAN TEA In Stock, and persons who have not tried should do so at once. HILL BROTHERS, SEAFORJT Next Door to the Rost Office. THE ONTARIO HOU SMITH & VITE ly co wo of eke, Madly s of at me a taugt gore went arse ten w ndthe the sa Engl first i. awing t light drawi 1 desi these branc one o two s fact, ery fe • t timeenga nts of oil It fjequen o have obta tteri4g of of out havin way to t turn ack y pro esees i. co ying d. s mia uch he lba tendi g the thou h a ome rom t nee, uron i —and a very s ccess I -with her siste •cou pupils clesire o ly to enough •f art o be rudimen s of i le sch others. w sla to did d hig to th se br uches HAVE OPENED OUT ucalicu vhicli -they others a ain will app tion in induStrial A SPLENDID LOT OF • not a f:w—and esp I show th greatest ap 1 inteuting of followin MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED COORS sion, an of. enterin those w on latter artists o Canada,. other th -ngs, system thing, a d it epeaks future • f the I On ta, that the rule of beg Ladies' Sets, ginning is, ri orousl easy to " see what Misses' Sets, , branche, of a,nufa, Ladies' Caps, from ar ; ho*, for i range of wool worki to ' the finest carp chea,pos to th 'high Cbildren's Caps, how all Linde of ca and eve iron ork c Men's and.Boys' Ca,p the imp oven' nt in • sign wh ch armsure plicatie to t ern of At the onclueion O term an exhibition i. and me -ills ale awl successf 1 puedils. 1 TUE 00 -ED =1101 The • 'lesbian of ff the sex:s has come form. young lad with diztinctien the year Une ergraduate sity, ap lied to the versity ollege for 1 lee -tares there, in or be ena,b ed to finis applica ion was ref ing, as niveesity illStitrUt on provided of stied nts ,fter to pr 'vent her her t mei at;tl obtaini g a degree. the Col ege authori r for thei - decision, i CONSISTING OF Misses' Caps, The above G.00ds, in MINK, SEAL, LAMI3 and CONEy, will -be found very neatly finished an excatent value.. See them. LADIES' MANTLES. We 5110AV a New Lot of Mantles at Remark - IMF Low Frites. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS Melt s Overcoats, boys' Overcoats. • anomalous that wo Itirpe (mntity of these goods we have sold mitted o Universit nring the pat month satisfies us that our at the si me time *tenant g lectures where ti ey cen fit Coods are Right and Prices Low. ing the . The eh the Col ege felt it t against the satin') the ma ter, end se SMITH body a, d un,artimo tion, dichtrit g tha lecture in Univers thrown open to wo institutnn uld b 86 WEST, MIIN STREET SEAFORTH. 1 eopy o he fo ities, bu 11 alter t is to be MAP MT ,y has b e trusts lbuilthn , in. or er w from •g erectio hqoli houses. esolved to ce ity ai Model ece Ve hi the rai 1 • f the teitelution was or- warded,Ito the college whether or not the W- • eir vie* in consequence een. • OL aceepinforeerioa• chool elacommodation of come anitelihadequate, s hales 'been obliged to in the weetern part of er to afford room for the he regular schools, pond - f ono or more new he Beard have also nte e sehools of the ool, and teachers will e usual1professionel lasseswere begun at month 'n a oto°19f. G .CELIN LIMITS. ineorporating into the Mir an hamlets with nde 4 and which was perii g meeting some pare 'tly been allowed ere bjedting to the tax rtion which they y would have to pay. je t even- now, however, eg of the superior a,p- e city ea' 'witness! the 11 mmence g-1 Nig ber f the XTE1i qulestie e atio ; it s sa sedat a ag , ha he y. rat 11VM08 do ihot p a van n es of it erituhless P rk ale; t t -ei 1 P, se IS re is s with the1cityi ras o pany oal ti he 511 u h i is s e n les eted a ed en a s f eel 11 11 a u s 11,3 it di Of ti 1 s, cis id tlJ IIJJ an 1 ty 19 to 58 ji ily lia tin iev VC Co 11 111 (git3 09 th be m num halin in ho who b g it r. I igat A ch 4e n bf th e y e ditvis; be p d that s itatiop, for •w ence of e ufferlOg e denies t frauds d offering ✓ and ii na ira o d guardecl o unite n, and al head see t1me record aeltea on th hous wall if tiejy Wive any oabts a,bou it. ' • ; —4 few days ago he aonfreal team lof driving oIree 'as sold b am4irbi1t, o Tiffl , to W. Yorla for $2,000: —he 21st an copacy of Archbi bratea last Sund Cathdral, Toren —Mr. Sandford ford, Yen & Co., o chased the Merch in W nnipeg for `1, passe At S other and Prov ol a na the seveee storm over Onterie ori rnia, ;Port Col or ports vessels ere therwise here died denoQ in To rsary of th Lyuch, w s at! . St. Mi h f t e• firm of S e iltou, h s ts' !hotel p op '°°o16.e.' owl an atueday edriNrenall LI 011.; Lt the Ho d tc, the oth ed:Amanda small . O. :few ele- el's nd- ur- rty WO al1 imani ive of Niagara, 'who had eat age of .01i yoamls. n the first of November twelve new post offices ere opeiled in the Province of Ontario, seven in klani eba, three in Quebec', 3 in Nova Se gee and One in British Columbia. — orty-eiht i!IToronto m ni ters un - u rew P isori pri` ISE ki ea ind ght. and Ore of day, len, hed have agreed to oo duet services in whiei the inhabitants days and, Tneeday 1 at the pted the services of a Mer er Reformatr3 end Centra fire brigade not -long from the 14th ies t.; the 24th o next. AD ' 1 --Complaints ! I Made t thing seriously wrong pupils attending 4 we Model as. Sone time age the are taught algba, gogre,phy s bstittiteapetroleum for istry and hyginp at the ex nufecture of gee, and spelling and thei i4o e practical ,1 itebMlJiancv bee not of e tt If • 11 • 0 CI 11 11 e is aid n t littl he tt The nom ake pa getaway Ottawa ced. A Miss theriotBugu A youn urea by Quebe The op 11 propos d t Lynn Lest Sa, • b oyl, age gin hs ch in C bc Mr. Dtn is year ha, v Is 0 11 11 1 ilv r w, la ightt than: us le it -11 s, wh ves th 11 was runs a.1 greater ris pris u Christi& B likely the matter will —Edward Me by a &irnrnitteo df th St. Lawrence 13. to Troy, New Y American lady, when she was ; some time ago. •never sure wha —The total lea the two disasters rniuo, Nova. See sixtyione, • aged parent ty.two chili taken for sIt •Mr. -Sanies been in the emPl Leggatt, Hamilt, e yea •s, and whp business for hirla ing presented * andl a valna.ble he eeteena o ucetien. Mulhe fore being recapb —Mr. Massie thedentral Prie workt er. At la the prison se a prisners, and. his hope thet y t on count of its in- —hos.ne of ;the c gravity.e Lunatic it does not cir- of t In*, Toro throtigh thallowed outside e pipes and0 Other d made use of his f any t Oases deposits on data by; get sprdruek. He mad a y, which ob- terrible ra, at doLsequoitly, The gas also ap- ordinarily noxi - 011111 • IS ees lof poi • mature e the gre jet out, i , es - 11 111 stea, MAT1C the se us el) CUARIITY. steinatic co opera erities thro ghou discased: It is to b ething wilt come of th ile no onel disputes th reat deal Of destitutio mong our poor, it ea at there is also not professionat inendicanc the °heritable could econeinically distribu re mere easily detecte ainst, ere all thq char on a °rumen pllan t the selves •un eilaa4 tions t in North Oxford of on Dedenaber 2nd. p1oees. 1 ares letween Prescott It was fx 4 ave en consicierably Alnhla Munro,', ' ‘ which left MOt wison is on a le: turingHamilto , had s esternOntzio. ubject• the unfortunat behind, b er o a all Montreal, o It !to marry a oltolok aefa,n stopping at t It Irk ioauptp, ebt ie. ber of su ere at Stellarton are wee hu ely , thirtywi nd ono hu dre •tin. Measu es 94r relief d rin I , liernard, who lof Messrs. -.W , for the past eig 1 eves the ad to was the o her a hands me 1 de ei plate, ;sa his, late f llo tlat the pro nta,n T. eal la,st Sa urd Eked the sa, • e f t a th i ly favo able 8 •ilifher to retu e new ,W is &nada un ay'e s aadre d rm them ey would 1, head p- and nin twe e bee - win • at ra • th hoo 1 em - se o che IS to, 111 ke ate wa an ver rd n ssi sed th efiN rt as we 108,0 f ; heel n 6f the t it the r at 0 c rld is said to have been tgariain ahyai bg esehn tver danf doe w lves ar the Bee nod • - I rn fro cr s of lam e acre. Captai his ca ta,tion seein equeac s Teadhe s ring int t ol trus ee holida s f i t t the tr st s two re ek It is ta deal rs it Mesrs. don, E gl le and 40 th fro If H IS 11 ri 1 • e cd -c: Up wh ti rank Tt. o ave 0: uth er th '- her ed, I h: olleg for the heir a fro)) O ni r, Wli t ies see nen eXEL e t t tl hena' Vadrc u eir a f th °raj: sly 1 Y eu. pro Ur for • • It 1 11 ilto . atiotij Lest Frani th Wit). seand conte teot Willie er 1 ving onO mile and laud boye i the towns 'yeas, t folly consu ely eSuaping hasensib reught 400. logo las Cream, tweed with crinain riday pr s ner r verdic ri's motlie tawa. fer 6, charter f 'w, Morris a beina wit Or 11 ho h. far of • I Gil 11 th ettetin 6, died of seat 1* t erg. is S rth, sted 75 bushels Of e ss than two and ii, eing carer 150 bue el cott, .1 was thro go tIne other morning i inn eg, Where he friendoff. No seri re aprehended. shonia not forget w eie contracts with r to agree 013 the lengt r 18B1. If there is el do treat defining es P shorten the . 1 ed It t two Amhe ave Oncluded a cont demean & Rolanaso &s1 400 h a tter of be f or One ye the Rey. poplexy while the e Metrdist liv -ti of Anaast r, TS alf Dr to - Lo • M n.ere a,t Th Gu us ed. fri en ral Do of th no Co he po g e • shipm nt rs of the ,ea The engin el Theme. aete gone ve 80 there EL ietwo pl ce etreazie no,v ga ()rise of abou hey will po e riment. -t-A co :aria etre and two •ouse in ✓ in the beside s • and th ous bu situati ad been 'tnths ol M of Gu ,114 egg New, I h liftmburgs but sitters, is this: j 223; Marc 3$; Jun r ; Sep e sat ovember ta sed 22 nd„ qu lifai to b • • mide aba it the is 11 were inm tes IjR . 0 e boy e aft r b i 00; i sur The trial Tho as • don, Ont., ry Fa, lkn con lade jury retur ty," and t Miss Fan 1. nds reside in i;:) The Tor:int inion Rolli Canada Pe fernywilt& ation at th 011 11 Gailice Co "$1teek Co pa eoliaated old 14 for la ts of oli- lia ent.l Application will for aii a t to anthotize the hal ip 0 ed wit O for nt. go lt y hina ottel e is la s by cPal dred ows, and have the have wage hand Basin never got a single cent of , and have net enough ca to pay their fates home. movement s on foot to ha stations ler cted at certain gerou points alo g the shores of Erie and Ontario —Mr. John !Reaaing, of Guel the Omer , of eight piens. Durin they ha e laild. 1,114 eggs ne. ;Who says he Crotty, who left ago for British C pined superinte of the Fort Ya ewaterworks, at a of $1 500 per annum. expe The a rai citiz that been way dang 30M ease raise tiot p soli a bitty, has od' teen enter even - clock oken era - eller co tt, y for :to as tele- dee,- aiting n to Is 22 chick ofitable ? r. Prank fe W year as been elling wis, a -west Mc - y fire, their some Loss elud Edw mur split left trac petr pris lege Feb torn Jan their h on e life dan- akes h, is this and 8 are lager- lum- dent alary he village Of Portage la Fairie ts to have a daily mail sliortl. and • the ear prospec13 o way at the' us wild wit a daily mai doors has se alight. few days ago! it ;was discovered large quantity of dynamit sent over the Great Western o Loudon, thence to Petroli roue article was containe on travelling trunk and d detection. they tight a, man u, living near Bat is hottse. His he& &xis, and -the a the col -blood ted the murde he trial of Carroll and the ners under °anent for murder of he Donnelly fa nary lasi, his been fixed y -General o at for the ary, 1881. It said that Ca eron and Osier Will preside trial I , — pat3sionata and brutal fa Tor nto has been in the habit o ing nd strikhig his young dang the eaa. She w sixteen age, a victim of Me deri g on *eau' cru and uniaat treatnaent r ceiv fro her father. I A few days ago there were hipp Ingersoll 19 mammoth c Christ as ra rket in • were made b Mr. J. S. on, at is factory, North Ingersoll, end were, perh t lot of faricyaheese ever eh 'cheese weighe ast Sat rd Nave ered in li had Rail . The in a thus amed , wee wto open wit e was here. The pollee think thy can d villain wh pet other he 14 - in y At - great etent, but game particularly elk, bears, dm., both on the prairi woods. was abundant, Chickens, duck, e and in the —The Welland. Cana is frozen up. An attempt ie being m de to have the ice broken with tugs, as! a large number of vessels are still due tO pass through. —The Msers.j Pain, of Doon, are making extensive and valuable im- provements !and additions to their already large flax work e :and twine nill. —Rea. Dr: Cochran, of _Brantford, conducted the annivereary services in connection With Knox Church, St. Thomas (Rev. M. Frazer, pastor) on Sabbath 19,st. —The Consolid.atedBauk building in Montreal has been purchased by the Canadian Pacific Railway Syndicate, and will be used as the :head offices of the Company. The price pala was $80,000. ' • —It is stated that from January 1st to November 1st 956 heeds of families, representing some 5,000 persous, all from Canada, settled in Pembina coun- ty, Dakota. ; The figure e were obtained from the land office. —A two year eld aaughter of Bellecoure, who lives in Amher pi-m.10d her left !arm into a pot with grease, which_ had be outside to cool. Her arra was severely scalded, the skin peeling off to the elbow.: —Samples of 6and found up the Ot- tawa and !suppesed to contain a large percentage of gold, have been for- warded O'New York, with the object of 4th of inducing Oapitahsts ei er to purchase ustices the property on which the sample was at the i found, or to organize fit company for its . development. enry tburg, filled n set her --The Methodists f Dobn villae, beat- Waterloolcounty, are ter On feud. aboet the chute ,earel'of tion being determined r- certain kind of brau, d fear piety is a scar that conrgation. d —A namerouely sig r ing the Meyer of St. tal wea.knees bo McLEAN BOS., Pulblishers. $1,50 $ ear, in Agvance. • his family from sending for medical aid, as he felt convinced that he could. not endure th intense suff ring but for a brief period —The oth4r night Mr. John Doug - les, farmer, residing neat Strathroy, had 21 valuable sheep ki - ed by dogs supposed to b long to Stra hroy. —A span o horses beim •log to Gar- ret Pierce, o Arthur to xiship„ were killed by the ailing of a tr e a few days ago. It appearsthat duri g the storm o ' that evening they were razing near the bush, when a tree was lown down, Which unfortiinately killedl both horses. —The othet day Thema Ouellette, a lumber merchant in Am rstburg, re- eived an order from Bu lo for nearly three million feet of hard ood lumber, Mostly balm and ash. It s to be used s in the agricultural works, ox factories pa ether e ablishments in Western New York. --A tidy lelmsernaid in rantford in- advertently consigned to t e flames the Bum of $12. 1The matey was lying on a table amon some west papers, and in the titlyin up process t e whole was gathered up end cornmitt a. to the ten- der mercies of the stove,ft a in a trice it Was cone ed to ashes. —A young ad 14 years f age, named Coggeshall, as killed hile sleigh - riding down hill in G elph a few days ago. is sleigh stru le against a lamp post, and he was t own violent- ly on the ground. Afteri medical aid was procured he rallied f r a moment, 1 but died an hour after th accident. —John Rhbinson, tow line, Lobo, had all his I outbuilaiug , grain, bay, 11, strawstaeks, and three ogs destroyed. by fire on riday everd g last. The hogs, which ere let out of their pens and driven apay a safe di tance, strange having a fierce to say, retuled. to the b ening stacks Ito introduce a :caused by a park from a tobacco pip. organ, one tee- and were ro sted alive. The fire was which the other —Thelittle station at right on the tyethe result [c3A t e party meet' determinedly oppose. We Grand Trimk, shipped duriag last e' commodity in week 4,500 bushels of ba ley, 575. bar- rels apples, 340 lambs besides 70 ed -petition ask- sheep, 400 b shels turnip , 245 barrels atharines to call and 125 sacs flour, and 1,028 boxes e purpose of dis- cheese. Th section of !country about the country, de- Bright is a • st-class ag icultural one, 1 u into the exodus and the peo le are elle getic and in- dustrious. • 11 fro the •The der ne fine Ca 600 St w ek Of orm rly of .illusgMiss 1 ab rtion, afte noon. of "Not' s dis harg- and other y, the y and. ining incor- f Par. made uction int on acific Mani - other River. • nown room go by ny at B after pa Bs On iso b onst e p ien y of •ome wan ally loak hs omp . 11 st, of braech r ilway from 10 act th main line o tLe CaUa of R ilway west o the boanda of to a to rine lbert or per po nt on the n Saskatch the 4 c not gen; he p ; andsbus (E) ers pointect to -urvey th ni Olia,thra to widen the Uni the round. Thy find- the patt 13th feet b t een the old e the ea a ex- da o MB. •9411 0v- al reels deo nveureee ed some fe m Grand Tr -Ink Reilway n St tian, ICPoronto rn Of ,einiiler in, h parcel of 'ye ents !i omit tomie of deposit and ,ollowi one cent Per y for ta ay the parcel is hi the Companyhold he selv s to the e tent of fif dol a le is appliedfor w apple an e extensive ringe the all t r f Wen wo h, pr motet 40 ents pe other dealer. oweve ; the libe to be f ea., nor of hi :.-Whereabo Most ever s 0! toifr4iSz as ldt t: the Do kire'MeN 400i )2.3, Re He elves; the els f r hie*: betw •eta reF eti5iWtoolltoian 14: M. of 0 lWere wo a tha to ma lelw ld involve ha, t a, Alien t ominien t Ithe pto, o dal vi • lo lieWd eane hi h t e as a o sto e:l nae elothee he :tdv o d y had e d ht eve be fo his mele disco'e n. ;At. ur ,ear ol eft ar e of a ba y. rk Palli ,,, 2 Napieg s w tee see hat Me. lph, h ns that d e4sed 22 chi ve 13 ens—silver spa eat that are no! 15 hen in all. My! r ry, 395; 73e" lily, 249; !A bete .150; October 1 ; tot 1, 2,386 eggs, wi e, the other e icke Any per o 11 ri SS ting day,day, in ring a,ng- ight th 111 J. fn arti laths. An ed it d dis- C unty y of from 0 hild thii an e, s not trac hree ea reet, es ead- di cove ed. ' laid in the townslei ens. ton has been gled men boarded reed, Hamilton, ae cord ietor, s out arsine e bari 00. 45 .eggs ;,r4) nary, April, 346 fi May, • gust, 69; R Secord, M One k•ns have alli and t to the exte can o flag rnen w 11 • titut ons in rge for e for only, dition- . The nsible ovided twelve elf W. ases of 1:it the to give more Ely y time oh aser elight • yet rower d Ber- nd his Hotel, he pro- - disap- o ma,de 00 and ord, G. s. Hop - he lat- Som.e for hire 1 eh ma da h a car resp 9, p thin him purcil ugh isin barr en p 1 pu as th ts b fruit eet a He inio lop, an' an ve en r Se d M zed— rrels king 11 0 BO ese f nglana, a public meeting for t . Hen- cussing the state of °eked, mamas an investigati ps, the front ! Canadae a consideration of ade in whether our tariff shOuld not be further —Mrs. Cooper, of Vount Forest, da. E about increased or reduced or made deferen- being out of4epper and requiring some pounds. tial toveards the United Sates and for the feed dinner, bo rowed. from a ----The fel:Oily Of kJ. Hageret wnship man, other matters of great impor- . neighbor what was supposed to be of Saltfleet, were nearly suffobatted the tance. , pepper, but i which after examination other night by gas escaping from the The working of the discipline at proved to be hellebore. The Cooper co di'y in Toronto, for : family escaped injury, but several Ha s been eminently members of the fannly from which the hal are at present supposed pepper was borrowed were TOO the Reformatory. badly poisened, and had to have the work for these and medical tresitment befor4. recovery. The ser Mbers who are ex-! parcel from which the: hellebore was in, ithin a short time, taken had the na,me marked on it, but tea into for the, the servant itrelesely ovarlooked it. ve wonaen. One-, --The eatension of 1 the Toronto, leing for the asy-. Grey and Bence Railway from Tees - institutions. water to Ki*cardine is now being agis ce Mr. John Tay- tated by the people of the latter town. eeting of tbe citizens was • er night and the f•ubjct lily and enthusiastically any of tile speakers de- tove le their dining. rbin. A16. the Mercer Reforraa er awoke dining the nig11, feeling the first ! month h suffocted, and on Nisi ing the satiefactory. There il vrhere her children elepti, found fifty-one inmates in xi in a still worse couditio . The In order to provide vices of medical man lwe e called for the additional n and the A disgr a sh.or ion bet adians French ket-boo is terro , close rder to car sta Ca th 0 in tra in u bo tai • 11 G -e in th str au of gi ed th na co hi 01 • amity has now tee vered; pected to be added cefal row ocaurre on the contracts will be ent distanee from Sea 'borough labor of seenty- fi een a number of French third will -do the wa nd a newsboy, whom one of lam' and other publi en acdused of stealing his —4 short time sir. containing $100. The by, lor, Of 13arton, in y pars ed by the mob, and It is now rep , fled P the rear end of the had a , horse an escape them, it is the rear end o said, he Taylor consulted a the oar the whereabouts of the missing prop- clared their i willingness 1 to support a ped fro le going at full !speed. Thpocket- erty,' when she was itformth a, ed at the by-law granting a bonfrom $20,- of fro$20,- 1 k was fterws found, and con- missing property c ula be found, but 000 to $40,00 to ;secure' the extension that if she sought to recover it she of the road nder Grand Trunk man - giving his . This frightened agement. committee' was appointed ght a drove gelded over it so to see what could be dote. • Loncloia the o lier mornin riled her mind has --It is le rued that juries Sweeny, m to several bu chers for sale. His giveil way. ! formerly a resident of ',Kincardine and 1- nge actions ex. ited their uspicien, —0ne evening IaBt week a young engaged as bar clerk at the Queen's they had Hic1a arrested oii a charge lame ' in Chatham revelled upon a, Hotel, was 1711 board the ill -fated -steam - eying stolen Iie sheep, as he could yonng lady to inarry iiw, to which she or Alpena, hich went down on Lake O no satitfactio as to how e obtein- consented. So they etarted at once to Michigan a out five weeks ego with thern. t has ince trans ired that the residence i of one' of the ramisters, about eight souls. A ebnple of months len from a fanner and ivere there joi ed. in the holy bonds ago Mr. Sweeney sold his grocery busi- with wh -HiOks of matrimony. T e next day he, in ness in Wineham and afterwards rott- en. He as been coropany with a nether young lady ed the bar on the Alpena. His first milted for tri I. I with whom he had been keeping cona- - trip on the boati was the fatal one. Mr. two years, left for Sweeney was employed in John A. Mg the bride of a Wood's grodery store in Guelph in 1875. t on the hasty step In the fall of that year he went to bine eardine aud remained there until last taCe M. J. Patterson, spring. Mon, was instruct- —A sad dase of bereavement has oc- s ' for overdriving a marred. at Sandwich. Joseph Berthise 0 W. H. Hannon. unae, in juler 1879, met with a sad be - was rendered, Mr. ' eavement in the death of hie wife, who at he would not pay was a daughter of Cyrille Janisse. eeMed himself inno- Some time later her babefollowed the ctaelty to the horse, mother ; on the 3rd November baste a self an injured mat. daughter aged six years and. a son ore Judge Sinclair' On . aged ten were carried off by diph- ive security for the . theria, and ages in instalments, four yeare for forty deys. fatal mala Harry Henry, no- of fifteen Career of drunken- of seven ch entworth county, A public m buggy stolen. held the oth rted that Mrs., was ehorou 1f110 -IA teller as to. discussed. ed only A You rge Hie $12. g man 8, bro eine as of sheep ,offering would be shot dea Mrs. Tayor, who b mueh that it is rep • sheep ed No rked as 11 If ere et dham • ed 0 11 A ser ris On ek, Wher mes Go life, wh, .14 sl'aped an to the bott fe t, striki st ries! as pi ked; up f se us accident °cc edues ay afterno by a young ne ans,' arpenter, e working on t cCcsh'e new fa fell through the m story, a distan g on the rafters he W nt clown. ✓ dea , but in a me to. n exa ination s • eral ribel were roken, and he has s stain d internal —011 We nesday of last w gracef al seen was WI adoe, n uple of d an old t, and accor ingly su mber of heir friends to ay." A long the motley re some magistrates, a co veral others, whose duty i at order I was reserved. f s proceeded evth, and afl e one of he pa ties got so melled that he had to be car field. --SurveyOrs Ogilvie dr St returned t Winnipeg from v ying tour in t e great T e former, started from a fi e miles niertlivvest of Fort c ntinued est t the Tout i3 t an area, of ntry, there bei each twenty wart complete our townships, O ten miles we O soiltin one p and in another are well adap rposeit. The n trac surveyed er on it, suitabl es. The prairi a tible of easy d ar ell .4 erud elaware own char e, agreed SO ockinee o iles of co -tso block., s flare. St d vision of blocks, so llice. T s ndy loa 1 am. Bo c Rural p ton of the p plar tim g purpo d susce SO If • rred ' at pan for the past rt of t parLs unknown, lea n na, ed single night to retie early ost shelled taken. e. roof of --Ashort time s tory: He of the Customs„H oof dolevn ed to pay damag e of fifty horse belonging f the two When the verdict He ,Was Patterson vowed t short time I the; money. Re owed. that cent of the alleged it is fear- and consideredhlni injurie. He was brought be ek a most Friday, refused to nessed ; in papient of the da 1 eters, who o have it torous for his lon- illage. ' A and Vas sent to jai moiled a nesie died the ot et; morning in To a devoted ensband and father. see air roue: About forty-one years ago he - —The rantford Expositor sas: 74 man name a prolonged druak, Inspector 1 -schools for Jamaica, West • reer as a drunkard, 1 Mr. John Ashton Savage, late Chief meet chequered one. tral Soho° observing the working of since. The man's Indies, sp t several bours-in our eeri- er, sailor and soldier our schoo s. He acknowledges our et long. He was , in • eystem. to e muh. in advance ef that in Infantry during the Jamaica. In the latter place there are s riresent when Mott- 700 schoo chiefly under the control of as burned. He was the differe t aenonainatione, but aided toi at one time, and by the go ernment. Over these are Rlechester and other seven insp eters acting under a Chief plackwell'h Island Inspector. Mr. Savage resigned last talile with i bottle, September and i.8 upene his way to in other prisons in England t enjoy there!theafruits of his rt periods. Since he toil, receiv ng from the government a or nto he has made the pension of 1,500 per aiannue A very comfortable sum to retfre upon. —During the storm if 8aturdity and Sunday laet there was much suffering on water craft caught out in the storm. The schooner Garibaldi went ashore on Weller's bach, a short distance from the late Bell Sheridan. disaster. The vessel wee bound for Toronto with coal, and as driven mit of her course et by the gal . She the* tried to make Presque e, but could not, and drop- ped1 ancho on what is ealled the Mid- dle Growl , but broke her cable. Peo- ple from the shoe° 1succeeded in rescuing t ree of the' drew and the cook, a board all were take mate, bei badly fro were two 11 four days later a son aged 11 a victim to the same y. Thus in the short space onths a wife and four out dren have been taken from ssemblage col menced his c stable and and he has been o was to see on ; and off, eve The fight career has beet a er a short He has been labo a,dly puna- all in turn, but ne led off the the Queen's Light Rebellion, and w wart have gomety's hotel their :sur_ abseot from Toro orthw st. visited New York °int si Ellice, ty- calf* He was o ud for , eating a con wood 11 Is and lso sojou ne ,728 square the States for 'eh g seventy- came beck. to four miles jail the sub- ach of two den t of Fort mer rt" is a Fri 8 home. saac Waiter of the toesas y of Yarrao ay last- 11 from hie o a well known res ip of Malainde, for- th, died suddenly on was drawing coed - rich clay woo n Woodsto the houe. d for agri- When about fortyrods from his resi- rthern por- denee hewas sti denly seized with a has heavy pain in his head, BO severe that it 30113 for biiilde pletely blinded him and rende ed him is rol ing, inCapable of diving his te m. He Ix es of he ssiniboine The t soap called for help. His wife he ring bee e Beaver and Scissors c eaeinksa,getibnutn- ream ha a su ply of ver good water, i off th ceeded to hi rongly i preg nto the hon e team home • t the wa er in he Scissors creek is ; in : *bout ten e second block o a mile 1 ng by ide was ound ater. F sh did at onee pr . She led t •e load and 11 ated with alkali.In die a lake three-quarters 1 peri one-quarter of -a mile year containing very 000d Hi not abound to any IOU e0 . Mr.W odical atta,c 8, though of attack was illy severe assist; got him e, where mutes afterteards he Bei was su ject to s of the kind or many a much ixuililer type. eudden and 'so un - hat he dies .adea his oman. Three remained on night. Not morning they 1. off, Lewis' Stonehouse, the g dead, and.' the other two n. The captain and mate f the three remaining. ,