HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-05, Page 7• MIER 5, 880 SILVt.it , Righest & tion, Torouto 1880. u"2411,, 1880, 03 SEAFORTH :he Special Attention of th k erg and the public generally to ent of STOVES I Manufacturer iri the ()minion, viz •()F BRANTFORD. possess Many Advantages ,zly be Appreciated 6y pection of them. NT EVERY STCritE etition. in Price or Quality,. IDD: rREET, SEAFORTII, N C E Ac k Net "SiAT ze, Life and .Accident NOE AGENT n the 'noun:ruse Business; for rteen years, X ara prepared to an all kiada of Property a out • >OSSIBLE RATES ,lass Companies represented,, O AGENT FOR THE PERMANENT SAViNGS VIMPANY. Darainion. Money advanced Seven per cent. AGENT FOR TUE 75TEAMSHIP COMPANY, - !en New York and Britaire. WATSON , SEAFORTH, Ontario. h Campbell's Monk, opposite i Hotel. [ MACHINES! WATS-ON, :all kinds of First -Class ID MANUFACTUR' (11441G MACHINES.,I gtines, Law -n Mozo4s, Sczoiny Xachine 41es, Oils, Attaolurzen ge nt in this part of the County r the Celebrated MACHUVE Oed in taking the First Prize q•,ccession at the SeafortliFeir, titors. 7 the Wheeler & Wilson, Howei Wanzer 0, and any machine - rant. d` sewing MachineEt Repaired. tachints taken in e/ohanga as New Machines, and Itlachinee inly payments. tosa Guaranteed.. WATSON, TREET, SEAFORTII. ; ampbell q Blockapposite the 6613 3 I BUTTER! )OUGALL & /DIV PAYING THE PRICE EN OA$1-1 ,t Quality of Butter in. Mbar (1 I rpe Three Sevens acre,: { Sr (Worth. =.t.D0--GGALL & Co. TER SEAFORTH. Tmed to Clear Oza ny vi' Furniture regard - t. NT. it win pay thqm to aseer- fute purchaing elsewhere- I quit to those paying cash, Ss-- rr.arrie d couples. cvirPosite M. R. Counter', , iitore, Main Street, Seafortht JOHN S. PORTER' . NE OUR ES Dy;pepetia., jaundice, Constipation, Piles, Sick Heacleahet Debility, &a. roxuale Complaints. Vitaline iS sts. Plice, $1 per battle. -RAY MEDICINE Co., Torento • du by E. Hickson & Ca., Luta, .1`. S. Roberts. 6634 12—For Saiii•a good bay Colt, sars o/d. Wel/ broke tb_ harneas- p-Conoession 5 MeRillop. 1AS. SEPTERBER 5 1880. Itsaroad. Dropping Out of Sght. Amnions phenomenon has occurred in the dropping out of a piece of road near Ravenna, Ohio. About ten years go there was a settling in the road, but uo great ohange occurred until last june,-when, in a single night, the whole r,ort-isu (eight rods). cracked square e-,rees the road and disappeared from 'eight, leaving the banks perpendicular and as smooth as ough severed with skoife, While the strange submerging was taking place, the south side of the road was forced up from beneath bv some power to the height of nearly ten feet. Then, like a grand p iuoarnio Beene, it was slowly carried oross to the north fence, then disapp ared, its place being taken by more eari h, which underwent a similar journey seeming- ly attached to an unseen xis and slowly revolving. The next day a pond. of wat r mark- ed the place of those- eight rod bed, the depth of which was has since been ascertained. ewe in in a stream the size o but whence it came was a co The most astonishing feat hovzever, the presence of a la ber of fish—shiners, sunfish bass, nearly all white in color, the appearance of coming fr armless habitation, bb eina sl their actions. As these fish hve in pure, healthy water, t I! THE H FON E PO,SITOR. 1 . • ... • . - tv not experiment 'th the l suffer should recommence him tip% Syrup); whose merits have be so long, and alwat satisfabtorilt . Balla . of hre' in the stomach and rOViar• Syrup can'tl dwel, together. .1 nd to your druggiO, he keeps it si.lway ready, SVA , and try it. • arm; 642-52 1 Grateful thorough k which ,gov , tion and nu • plication o selected co our brealf flavored beverage, which _ , many neavy dontors' bills. judicious use of such artie a constitution may be 'g up until strong enough t tendency to diseas e. Hu , he ruVian tested It will work like ac • Cocola. and comforting.-.-- owled Ye of the natio- rn the operations f rition and b3f a eare: the h ne propertie oa, Mr. Epps 'has at tables with I a may R It is els of aclua r es ared of road- maladies are foaling 41,04 not nor ready to attack a w he water there ie a weak plot. We may a barrel, many a fatal shaft by kee ingci undrum. well fortified with pure bloc) re was, properly nourishea frame ge num- vice t.4azette. I Sold on ` in nd , rock labelled—"Ifames Epp ,St and had pathic •Chemists, 48, hr m some Street, ant. 1/0, Piccad'lIy, L al 1.ws ,y3y fl ap- ogee ws u 1 ovi ed •e icately ve I' us y the et that 1 s even f sub - a ggish in 482-52 1 an only e basin wherein they now are must be furnish- Dr. King s New ed from such a source. As soon as the surnptiOn, Coughs remarkable contortions ceased the work Bronchitis, &c., i of rebuildino was commenced. In all bottles free of cos about four °thousand loads drf gravel. you have a severe wen. th wn in. For the firstlfew days of breathing, hoa load after load melted away like sugar, of the throat or lu but at last it began to build, and gradu- this wonderful re ally, foot by foot, the bed was eststb= value year existe lished, and those engaged in the work to let this opport began to think that the appetite of the not afford, monster had become appea.sed. A reined aw i careful watch was kept until 1.ast Sat- accomplish t &day, when the contrite*, upon sands of hopeless visiting the work, noticed ' a terrible been complete' commotion among the fish,' turtles, no medicine in 1 th snakes and frogs. The fish wpre leap- one-half the cases ing oat of the water, turtles running ' Discovery will c hither and thither in alarni, snakes Hickson & Ooriap twisting and crawling about angrily - darting out their tongues. In an hour You H or 80 he noticed. a "sinking spell" corn- Have yo ing on, and almost immediately the whole rebuilt portion broke loose and Free au n1 h with clyspe , there any seemed to dive forward and disappear. from day.to da , stomach, sick Recent Regulations in Regard. tiveness, 'bra a paia eas of Co Dino and given to th cough, eness o gs, by edy a e, you nity p ould se we k e cla. caaes red b world hat •D re. Po ny. ,• ry w ay afihi ny 1 m anl . dm11 \ I)t gi it flerit ive at w Xing Sale 6 752-6 la to Teachers' Certificates. The intermediate now take S the place of the third-elass certificate. A recent regulation makes an important amend- rant respecting extensions of the lat- after.ellating, lo Vy ter. Hitherto the regulations -provided POsItiely our that a candidate, in -order to enter for to Yoar drug es certifi- Green'n A gu t o so only your 4.ure is c rt /lister of this, get a ample tion of a , try it. Two do ht be re- 1 626•52ta8 burn, wate pains at th pi skin, .oated taste .41. the 0 11 ati sh, on ou a 0 ist an extension of his third -c1 cate by examination, could by the permission of the M Education ma the recommend county inspector; also he mi pima to- attend a model School before Sbread: the renewal would be granted. .The Education Department has recently As family issued a regulation to the effect that is no reined ail in accordance with the spirit of this versa sate regulation, County Boards of Examin- astoni Our d ers are now empowered to exempt can - them, didates wb.c.; pass the intermediate ex- amination, but have already had ex- the perience in teaching, from attendance ;Stom at s. County Model School., as i a condi- Diabe tion cif their receiving a third-class cer- their tura tificate, in all cases where the Beards Hick on & consider the teaching experience equiva- 662-2 d lent to attendance of one term at a County Model School. An intermediate (not graded A or B) does not qualify the holder, even after acquiring Isuccessful experience in teaching for ohe year, to - enter the Normal School. fence those having taught who have obtained only the internaediate grade, rcinet study to obtain a higher grade, or apply to the County Board. for an extension of their third-class certificates. • I • • no CU G R A BROS. RHOTOS MADE IN I• FROM MIN tietic e Frames an Wr t jaw e Fravie Mo ldi g, Splendid .4ssort zent of . IANOSI a us Fit erever AN escape rselves ; and a 1 Ser- ackets , omoso- needle nclon." ' I H VING EC Sole Age ts Pi ! ' ; i • i 1 . Alnd in cei neetion ther ; 1 ;i •eitraindti pmentt to pi sth , 1 ficulty PHY AN TNEY'S BIA)Q1 ALL STYLES OF THE IATURE TO LIFE Fro/rites Mad to Order Bel f7tolesalit and Retail, at Reduced elvetFraines andi 11,040 4./but ATANS BOTTOM I ECEIVED TEE APPOI T T JD -e Oininioft r Or .this opp.zy, we are *hg speeial, redu tions a • n those ebraied instruments. I 810 SEAFORTI-1. 1 ARTi, that frrices ices. ve4 cite NTLY for t nos twith et rehas rs DE B ectliu ;, 1 us give ',ITIPTTT TTT ..laff:o: -.11' TT TT , e this TT el conk' : TT T I T wouldho Ii ' ' TT , . 1 TTT lready here is ll cure a New by I E. . • 5. excuse or s , liver co e plaa hy yo -i' sho 11 ompla. i g wi dache, abitu n of tile hear gnawi and the s ach . , tie an �i3a h, con$n 1 uP irits' c 1 N • fault f you and g a b lower f r 7 in, bu 1 f y ottle f• 10 C es wil reli • e pr factio es, ep hing uggiets attlme any call ch, Liver a es and t; ive q Co., a —There are at present some seventy- eight persons in the House 0if Industry at Toronto, who are fixed inmates at all seasons. —The track of the Credit Valley Rs.ilway extension from Ingersoll to St. Thomas is being surveyed, aia.ft the line is to be pushed forward. —Sir Iliclia.rd Cartwright arrived in Toronto- on Monday afternoon from Centre Huron. He is the guest of the Ron. Alexander Mackenzie. —Paisley merchants have been troubled considerably of late by some youthful burglars in town. Sometime between Saturday night and Monday' morning the store of Messrs. Grant & Sinclair, hardware merchants, was en- tered through the back door, which was opened by making a hole through the door and. reaching to the bolt. Goods consisting of revolvers, knives, &c,, to the amount of about $20, were carried off. herry Pector -• Time, it is said., proves eve ything,and among other things it has proved the -value of Dr. J. C. Ayer's aherry Pec - of diseases of the throat and. lungs. This A LOT total as a standard. remedy for the cure is a household medicine with thousands Goo icine a sent gi , and e as El rt aliv mg un All Bi d Kidn avel, r 50 ce D lica je Ca es of female er,fee -iled onstitt ing lirom Stoma Com laint speedy anal prostrated reliable re reach. 11 follow wh For pale only 50 ce ts. 6 Buck1en's The best salve Bruises, 'fors, Fevet Sores, ITe Chilblains, Cern Eruptions. Tii give ;perfect satis money refunded. I'or Sale by E. H will certai shoul edy i alth a re Ele y E. i . 1 . GRO ..ERY, NEXT TH lif?er5' rigs i - 1 1 1 ' (I1 igso oP • 1- l' h- stair - 1 008- ,, 6aia 0 T a at; 4 i , . urning ' cif food - ' yellow k i reeable 6. Cil-ni . pFN!.ii, i it 151 - ttle 1 of! , ONT je(t; les i it nbs dt; ' 1 :L 3 ENTS. 0 e yon. I ' s• i E S. 1 0 SPECIAL NOTICE, oc'd% 0 0 0 000 ..-•••••.•••••1 TO THE LADIES. We have much pleasure in informing the XaditO of baforth and surrounding ountry that our cflorit of 6odot Illutto4 ijUI- jntvq, &c., is now very com- lete, and that we have just P? o hand another shiipment Of those Wtrittro soli much _[ Admired by every 1," that R OES' Ilas seen them. Al§o a few tur ,fltapto in Nib and Meg, direct from gent 11 Whitn TTTTT'PTTT TT. TT TT TT TT 'TT TT TTTT • • STORE • toni ng s ting c ric -4 de, ; )1e t• Co lily s 4 Wo weakn tions, a Liv' find E • cure. rejoie • place d happ tric B ickso 2-26d. ll sna , detli th t an tric d 5( cent 1 B OK, GREEN, S 1"Mak this week. Our stock ani of Black and Colored Sat • - ns, Plushes,Velvets, Feath- offer rs, Flowers, Ribbons, and 1 to 0 .1 -Tat Ornaments, exIcels all thers in town, (Oti a att old IT romptat N.40.) i bur stocksl, of proo(O0(1, , , ij rimmingoiattiatrtp,,f$11m10, ovotto, Otoreo, budfrp,&c. • re also larger than at any tetitlitO uaOrnt. Ottr Trim - ed ?fit and kloititt be- artment iis equal tOltha of nY 441 OtnitIbitl"nt em- PORTIANT NO racing all ;the Novelties in ____ rimmings, all of which rea ffered at tack Imit41. i)rite0 Terms cash, and only one , price. Wp will be pleased to ,see out Many Friends early . 4 1 1 eaforth. TTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT nts Can'tte in the Domi Beg. 60 NTJA 0 NT M F F tbiete . B ST VALUE IN OF ' i ' eh uni-i • I . i o many • ittere. . C7. T ese Oodd., are all of y, ,, d Stre • gi i supply and for aa -1 ttacks, ; plaints,,•1 i 1 *ki. t Ent immumeimrammimommamiammommumummiliallIMINEM111511111111111111.1 bottle', Fl I S IL 0 I S AT P DRAT --,-- I . atelancl I e sufferi Kidney m and itters . a • 1 0 ,IN ' S , S. 1E1 A F R . 1 1 he Best Quail' I). ,D EE1 recti FHCE. B AN, 40 CENT 45 CENT Ineded for Fla —AT— hel ick th t: sueh within their ss *41 surely' ers 14e used'. Co. Price Salve. Te Die new pui.ifying ting the mouth, -littl toilet ge dru gist for " -626- 2 rn.1 in the leers er, and a salve action Pric ckson Lioerr der to whitening thlei e breath andstiroul the brightest,! cosiest, ext t. Ask yo r eaberryi;” price 35 rid for mita, Salt Rheum. apped flasids, kinds of Skin guar nteed to ever cate or 5c er Ibox. Co. 1 657,-.'.52 ; Tb 1\T TI ofpeople, and deservedly so, for it has been in use nctei.e than forty, years, and all who use it know that it accomplishes even more than is claimed for it. Nearly every community possesses evidences of its great curative power, in persons who have beer cured by it of various throat and. lung complaints, and who owe 'Ot. alone their recovery from the threaten - Mg symptoms of consunaptiOia. In emer- gencies like croup and su4dert colds, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the remedy that every family should have at hand for the treatment of these cases as they arise.—Ricbanorirly 1-rct., Standard. 669 Bryan's Wafes. Is your throat scue,or are you annoyed by a constant cough? If so, use prompt- ly Bryan's Pulmonic %Valera. They will give you instant relief. They relieve the air passages of phlegm or mucous, and allay inflammation, and no safer remedy can be had for coughs,colds or any coeaplairt of the throat -or lungs, and if taken in time their efficacy will soon be Proved. Sold by all druggists and country dealers at 25c a box. 634-52 Peruvian Syrup. Doctor, it feels like a ball of fire! So %peaks oftentimes the sufferer from Yspepsia. After eating, it seems as if there was a veritable ball cif fire running beand down through his srtomach. If eats much he feels it ; i he don't eat up mach he feels it. It destroys his en- ion:tent of life. If the doctor be really desirous of curing his patient he should TIMOTHY Cis4$1-1 PAI •Field Seec YIOJCiE 1 . SEED FoRi FOR 0170VER1 TTER 11111r. S. R Batter andi Cheese s, Drzed APples, NDj CHEESE, —AT— BERITSON'S J?HN WI LI BA WROXETE ER Bills Discounted. Drafts on Real Es ate at L 6 5 JOHN •po ned. irent o est Rates. graaAmt3• I ' GRO AND. A FULT, KRY fotN Provisio s, EXTA1 G? Re$ = 4 eed Ind n er th V , - ..1 1 ' 11 TO K LA 11 Feed El IN TEA. ANDI laceA dal Slplici MO s TH. t ICES T H. AR, SUGAR d. F RTH. K K AAI: KK A A ; KK AWA K K A A' K K 11 H 11 A 51 II AA 11111111 AA H H 4aa..1A 11 11A. A LLLLL LLLLL °Sliarl4,1010 CIMV ALLY & ANDERSON, SEAFORTH HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Canino' s T3loc1c, Seaforth, TICE 4D coruLsoRy R In consequence of our Store being .0) . small ,"or ,our large and increasing Trade, we .14 10 _eeen, compelled to Remove tolLarger Premises. i'We htvo fitted up, at a great expense, the ',Store forOerly op* ied ey Mr. ent, new d9or South of the : ,it' ontreal M- ee, where will be f6und the .Largest As - of Scotch,I, rench, English and Coutdian, ver imported into 443 Marled. > r 0 ive ill TS he u S POI?) FALI ee t4, ES. E3 OT bef re Ft a11 Goods is olc at OF su e • to no ernai EE Show you jikNb rcha,sin C mpl te a ly Eow 1 1 a SHOS. els where. T H E 91E PTI. 01D,, Jr., Iain Street, Seaforth. the n every cn Prices. m 0 11 (•-•, , CD c -t- :•,.; cp Pt.... pg 0 PI P c -t- P 0 ra a , CiClo g p 0 0 Zi t• -h 0 BE WISE, AND BUY OF US. CD .. -.- 0 AD II 0 " el 0..) j:•;', - • `-▪ ' - --. CD t•—•N P CD -1 0 IJJ g CL ;ID TRICTLY ONE PRICE—All he Goods Marked in 0 . Plain Figures, and Positively No D viation. O 0 c24 Ed CDs g . ti 0 t....4CD . O 5 5 , -,• ,...,• ... • 0 • 0 READYMADE 01..01111`4G. o 0 ,.. 0 1 ...z ... , i ...,., 1 - ' , raf• t—t) 04 0 i l't 'We have added toour Merchant Tailoring 1epartment a Large and Select let Stock of Readymade Clothing, consisting of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Suits, and 0 ' • - • Xen's Youth's and Boys' Overcoats. Parties wshing anytleng in this line will I do well to call and insna inspect. These Goods are all new, and eannot fail to s.ike re-. ce • cor4,. 7• an impression that I'l OAK HAL.I.,THE GREAT CLOTHIN HOUSE DFTHE WEST —1 1 BROADFOOT & BOX, 0 George • egraph; sortmen Tweed§ OAK HALL -A N AatIVE WEEK. Our Store daily thronged wih customers. I Sales increaping from day t;;9 dar,,, Popular Satisfaction evinced at the Lar e and E1egnt Display of our andsome and. NObby Stock of ClOths, Hats an Caps, and, Gents' Furnishing G ods. 0 5 0 ° 1.1 • cp CD G cids Al GR ing an left at 13cuiv NT S i rre White as ilsbn Yo rompti at te AIN11NGj PAIN SE k D SIGN P! ITING. ared to klo U kinds of House an Sign Paintmg, Paper ng. Suitief. tion Guaranteed o no chairge made. ng's, L m den & Wilson's, or "Wm. obettson 64 Co.' don. G. WHY'11 Because we have everything connected with our line of business, and plenty of room to show it. We sell Goods for what they re. Nothing mis- rpresented and, as cheap as any other and far superior. 0 0• SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &O. FUNERALATTENDED UN Tlig SHOIRTEST NOTICA COFFINS AND SHROUDS AthAYS ON HAND. rderS Is the Inez° tabu Clothig, Hats, Cap and Gents' Furnishings. ,wilt HEARSE FOR HIRE. HALLY St. ANDEA Oa N Hall, eafortlil Ont. .• 4