HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-05, Page 3.R 1880. IRKF�,,MRy bustines9 for theN n"'w prePared a v Of Pot ki subject rVe will toe, Gf!f n A it Pon (41 iiiOnldr NGINEW% 011 1�11 It kRt(,re in a, where a c"llGice Rnd urk Me%ts, Sa.tl� other "EMED. TH_-;1S WtEK. bu t $k hood F Aranteed. L F"GLARIE8 VER ASLEEP alld the 'In WIZ11 styles rt a mivatjv low prices, in tlie, past, r "le fut"Irc-, Pietures dark intier an(j liZj_ - ning when f')rtll—"O lilatter aksfr he MeCOlumercial ER Stlaforth, �f. u in 41 darknefirt, LLSN t EATT IF, di.4 odn P _g of his Flax_ 11118 CO a tv Inanage it prop. e U n, a ad iu &plell_ 1`01111tillg Eteadilv dur- Lits in coursection with LOMN. 1-01%11 On reasorable of Commerce F Mild 0, R lu" M. ;that4un his, a,jtmerone and othe vast 7 yeairs, &194 infidence, and trade in, d - eala,Tged his prem - now prepared La pay .DASH FRIGE Fir e -.4 1 t Egg-i� d elivered W I 25 tons of good- dry D� W1 LSON AGE FAC ARERER and nilke to Order, Y utherartielein their.. Ltelid their qwn busi- 900d article botb,aff 11p, .heir--wo,iti, cannot be �Icadcd to. Give as: a, we call satisfy you ag Fo the pliblie,having 1 for over.12 years. 7f E E. "R ER. KRIM yet diSeOVered does IC fiat izitaOotilya the tj re, -,tore. G'-q.A-y its ToLithful C()Ior ALT.U-ENNT and in thIR way its SToRED -with rapid- in­ and Eruptions, 4'weet and healthy. irnpartingto, ,of tnc-s which is the and bl� convinced. bV J. S. O -R GAN in LL11 aud Harmony talight to -write latliug evinpouerg to attention X�Oit R. Prox- p e4nd devalop- %Nlthout extra a(it O!v 'P.h -'et, f1rAt LINE. TYAUETIS Sail NLew iYORK ay.d I.rry). R,n4 LONDON tr�i aH low as �Uot i�snejl to yerio-no nehorLine e %Uci eoin� W -ward. will luiLd to the re- in Kip- Oeti.-ber or the rewartl oft 0 k -ad, to the rev,iy- dt-N-etiOn. aud con - PP L ne.xt no Co., ��@farth. Z F. T Tj; H, . in LEATHER and rery DeaOription. I.,�tock kept. Tarmo All orderg-hy m&J.'j- I R. N. ,TT icial La d Rurveyo, �ders b y licil Prompt. L Our Dog�. 04 USINESS watched every Opp ES 4.uity i rn i 'i rr uot b r ;'a vigoronE determina- Iff. �ORTANT NOT IC�, S. S. COLT. h r'; not e he( 1880. IMMENSE SUCC GE 9FB er love indeed,;, a 9 isso. i C411AN 'did le 111%,youilX0 called to' �r; ths n i0ii it 91 RL i1i ATTENTI( N—Al I prqrties man endeavor in the,; least, to (313116 Ile!U] I 1v e mada for y 411 111 tile lareybonnit, �o slim, you know : . M and at C% t 14, i 0&me from Mis lonj; long ago. from the, 8tcdR pub1% th Siaforth � 'miling Club, slid wb� dairs, ouilm 11 nbt B t yourse�-' bo the . desire to �e I!,M161 ni,.ntbers for th 'ensain yeair d tire )i!os- edaii )n and iage�of terpetua - are tlle wolf caa beat; of his fut � i 1.1 Secietary i once. Al. It. CO IN ER, jL'I g of ( e "tain. ;6sX t Ttlrk8Y, I'm called the'dog of the street but openly boa 3te 9 t Td reqn0s ed to band in tbei nAmes to In pact, Saying in the By, It won't 1 M S. E. �VH ITN r— T ar-v. i over the world. n parties, Italy I atil a lady's pet feiitr will a THOS. KIDUS -ty race is Ue Il§ 0 tome r 4iel 6, Su Efer., T )eE;t way E RIUM) E A F 0 RT H pretty tall: p. �erm a-�,,self he I -opert all these carpiD,, ures is. to t y;and gaunt, aDeerhotiud. am 1. y! 00me df - bese: )f eSc P D4 aha,4,ug the (ILeer with cloath in my e3 a. k ru the L r, lord of t days�" "How Would I 40 for the a a. All thir E s are for SAa-FIC A ?vTICL S. Svrift,"gteady and sure, I follow the trail he Br IDS e� gre wic 4ous 3 hih 'Oil f t ine3ming future, iqli tire and I never fail. is the I' t RUCKi 0 R SIALE.� �6:r sa'. e a; twc whoo 1 RES to 8!tatel rond the a Coln timber log truck-, ew ; pstoft; will b a 01 ,w t sjia ba l dis a Aud 1. never Lrg(§Bt and bleSt hot at all 'T o her castonle to LdeLIX6 y E RF -A 1,EPARTMENT tha TO the stately Ettag no mency I shew, 0 mi clin osed of her Ti -nd the property'of Mr. sold at a! place, a ur and yel are 1 gaiu.i Whee s 5 fict 8 inches j i T DYMADt CL THING An little of friondshil) with man I kIIGW. , i t I Stove Business o bi r sons, CARLES and bon. Oil &' t dianiet ri, 3 inch ti eFf, 2 i ob sqll LrO Rile and I i 110t ler oce &!Sion 11-icha a] w a hris S an 1��Is is GO& GEOR aE WRIT,EY, who have had the prinel. y 't to somple e w rkin order. Ada)(Pa fr price to kil. was born in the Kingdom of SUO-'V- head to exe 1 pal eh trge of the buisiir ess for Beveralyears, and im. a§ heB�awtde old iberal patronsif IMcGR 0 & IQUIB T, Hi nsk0l, Opt. 6W she hd es the same te will be For my mIst"'." dLatille-88 love I Show. gelailemall �ai a p by, jIlThera goes my Ti Ubapi oftt, le AnLe Of exten4ed to theroL tb4 I las been �wocorded`to her- and will. Mrk evermore-, At M r VERY 0 er. ye AUCTIOIS 3. -)or. V N THIS DEPARTMENT; AS BEEli self fof so in any �j 1 t EEB "When irientl or foe knocks at the th BU4NESS I AtULY u EX RAORDIN TherO'A fir love ill My "Oft, blitek eye, i i ley's p&. ants 1, LE Iouisi an& "ESSFUL' AIND THE SALES and shaggy pitz-dog aul I." g 1'ell a Lucan ��and.. Of i for er le�m bar of ti SUC Co Q.-UNTED The whitee it is supposed he Nf"06 allied that Legis w P. lqR [0A, L:icence:; Ano ioneer for 0s LAY GE, W11IM I CAN 13,1.$ILY BE FOR w 6 w�is hil d n bhe C on Q1 V. .101 I WHEN YOU EXAMINE THE PR10E, LErAND Fh ISH y ew I ij atu thc Bloodhound, and man is my game, n)r more , j I ConiRt: Unron.' Sales 6ttendee in a 11 matter bv o� f hij i brot i!o'rs. i fedo� the X nection 'w tbe sbovs the under igned r ;e qm ri g the 1PILrts of thelConiity. Al' order left at the Z OF I 1Y LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. h slenth-hotind of old I won, IUV fama, The e As t 0 Mel 14 to state'tha t,bey will zontinute to kep lope t occuk� �ad inde - ',the! Orl" B Datiolidra, tell hi a BLIry jPOSITOR 0 Cly Meg& to. ffibe Willi be pra p at the d St anfull.stook of it Fagiand anti Scotland 1 helped to, keel) following cirou ustancee': M:, Ein4oWdiwith lall, the r Us zn li&pd, 13hae �Uig- to at- order av a tb ief have c4lased o'er the borl der. ley arnved-at � �Iyth in corupan3 vOith trac i a a 4n03 of ung Itt �e% he had tANCIS GRAHAM UCTIONPEE AN And ma F LAND GE;T.-�p.cial ad en4on I iven t) 0 I VA11known afar by my deOp-t011ed bay bis brother' T )m, latiol 31-Y ucagsfu In r ip of .0-M 69 STOVESi ALL KINDS L And m terrible race is passin-, away. 16 of laod. property, f rming and t1 orough SUITS—MY8tock of I leil's Tweed and WoTated Suits, f from ; lriea. been i c ox: tsh sa MIEN'S thi brother, i wet t to I a � th the 4di gar bred stock. M4! *- r style nd price, the best er offere The reason ' ighter Of 11 &I verlji�vw" (ISIthy 8 to $2, 1, are acknowledged to be, fo d in Seaforth y Cattle selecte I for the L ngli ith IND- Iwas On; ts 1, tile Iiish W-Olf-cIog, lleit appear, ccoilin of. a legii mi ent to, plaote who v as a so -a exiber of the ket, Office and Auction Rooms, Ae4eqoAls no It a 7,nW we, li for 1i to g`I . L�u�e..'. 'hel atob I par 3nt, I I i _ are of Ev, Desmiption. Block, God(rioli, Out. Terms moqera e. 615. th .,Lkp by hills and L Va les, Michael, by M a w S—In Tweed, Nap and C all sizes and prio jVitb Illy poilited. nose and ears so que bo Le ' s" pvrd the mock 1m meet her thE. (etin took eing . an ie're dhara,.ter ULSTE Anti keep the'll. safe W11CM the wolf assails -e. T�i m 4ed I-JELGET"Y & BARRON FS, �i: n %d Anctlo)]. cheapi in the market. arr alio ppre d to do place at 4 p. -'M young S irant for MB eero, U Killop'. S ped a tt,�tic nuch as the (log I know Mondall 4th C)6t.) a a at and, hibit Of the..' Is n g�yoll t) " 7t t t7 &S I of ve-ry bescri U, wprA; ption oi ke, 110 P. M. the "6uple in! augl er And'LlustrOn- f&rtOf19httl1efOe-" )Veree unilie, h ap&,' inst t )d a very I Rales lot iL ded: Propely, St 'k I by'a 4ethodi�t ti iniste ile� oro- 1 011 perul ilyjabout He bad jiliplemeAtig All;orders :ef inof I t wit!h el the QbATS—Tp suit all, both in material in�jprice. BEA-VE131S.from PS ortest, Yotic a-nd Cheap. ,L&hold pie here finest --of the Bull -do- rXec, und?rslgi�e4 at Walton 11 - 0 L t cot - I aBly-tl The UPI rem i4 I I - Q, 5 5( �; TWEEDS in e Newest Pwbterni fr6m $iO ; Fine ;orsted in al, shades,, marrag OVER 0 sid at tied jecoi alvipry f4vorably i es3ed with cession 14; 1 r at teadbury P. r .. Ot 29, col - ,�Vitji short, strong jaws and urly face. i) -g ed and b sBt quality, mant factuTod for the Read�made Trade� tical knowledge of the t6 aS, in an Having a thorotighprae all I ight, ano� next mol niu� lis = I be i prompt. y att 0 de to. U e i, Tlle Mighty bull I venture to fight, Bl�th ould do I I ! nelles, they hope to cou- b sitilips in all its bu' IMiRbed if requiroU. oil' ,A ray bite. departed for' vberie thi re ion.o'r t 8 fal 1 E 16 I tine V�e large patroja ige which has been gaven I I I TY, WaADII; GE0,13APIROW's + ,And even the lion dread, safe 3,Ud ! b a stamps 1 U ills' 01 Ouse r so mAiry ALU,X� D to tbelo.d and But, as a breetl, we're not Very wise, mained L a fev; d 4ruoe of the large ; i . , 639, oys and Youth's Suits, Ulster Over- Sys, i,i hen fin 1 ag I lit �dmZisti Leadbury. BOYS' AND Y UT H'S And not uiuch soul looks out of our eyes.11 ator' impossible to i pplaase� t le V� raith ( f' &I �r@pe �: ty whic� his daug ater roilld re- coats. ca Jackets, &c., in any material,l and at prices that. will, conTice all that I Bell yeals. incense i (jeive A his n-' deaffi. Tbe yolng cheap than any other house in the trad,e cl-I am the 'Newfoliuland, trusty and bold d pare it, Micb "I deeii d i I love the water, aAd do a Ilm. told. I HITNIEY BROTHERS. klj(�Winjtf W 1, prudent -to dee 6m.p, f6igettilig to eav MEDI�AL. man) V je 0331]y he as 1, alometimes.rouglI in my bottilding play In itne. th all �h b deg o lin bi 3 69, �e- ier. I TY t" ph C tall b b1l �nd ET his post office addreSS ond-"' Arrived this, week, a- full assortment pjt:jt-�je to exellSo it -'tis Only illy way, Mr. IM i �ael wat�r, RA& himsel so as to G. 800 2T, Id'. D. &a. Physician, Surl �eon and. G I N TEV FURNI, HINGS N. V. -All parties :i idebtrd to Mrs. Wh 0'iiave Quigley's r his And ruanY It life I've been known t ep.0 a Ion J� i, the pas 1 was deepe k tw impre non n sa tisfy AceQu, afort l: , On t., 0111cm I n d relE i- etry 4ue. will p1pase settle ithei� dbtedness with "ller e sdencesouph ide To11sGod-,-jch Stred, ftat door t once, &11 the new Arm; )pen -new books aud the treach.rous wave rather fast, bu,, of J t From the cruel dopiths of tb i �'e h 3 has eell expec ant,` fa`tIiqr-l1Aaw' �' ii6t he east of Pr9al 'riiinChur;h. oid.b4inessmAbetlosed. Patiesaesiringto 1-C more steady. How 4r, tda aiE Ai94 free! 40i ii the of tb e , uth of the make, extri the stareof Whit 'The Spallid I--ia SPAin I was found, vy Canadian- L good value. sottle �an do so at ne Bros; CfkRDIGAN JACKETS ea evinced since t ie rec '�it of the j n: elh- per;oq. Ile kijpt �Iway -cm his old YE. But in every land, I've bovn renowned. H. L I . until the first of:Ootol.er. After that date the M., Ph ysic- WOE!, M. D C In,S tifits Will be put 'I ato other hands for l3ol- I am always faithful, docile aud wise; gence th has bieen so polgiant com we aco plri6jas Nvho k A doub g On., �'tc-, Coroner the County Hu±6n aQ t� an Re8idclice n 0 Li r% ir c�r%_ i r%,r Li i iu n _S' rawers in Fine from B13 tful I I have giijeLil hair and beautiful eyes. n AAM lInt 2.1 TVT . tilMn, -on U"rl inM, 11CIN All Offlee a, Jarvis afre birtBilana D Lamb's. L, I, 6 J you mivy treat me well, or treat me ill, Kibbon. The s ympa tbies o: I the Owl Qouvliial�lty, w1mbang I W. 1%�'hilc I live, and you live, I'll lovu you still.' and su oundir om'lau'nity axe 1. Inc I I appened: tha t 1 at* the ad- ol3lack and Tan Terrier! Yus, I am olifs. tander M r�. 1N -_QX.ibb)aj the a air 9nL of liegislitura at B66ton 1�01d, handsome and f aithf ul—b 4 * I I rimful of f tin a g: veto return - i althou 4 ear ap O' & I, when t4le i mb 311rs i A litilldred rats lie ia it day In , y are (Pill !th( Ro. e i other side, Sad sa tlAb if the , )IIA' of t E�) riCh sugwr From earth-retreatS I drive oat my prey y lel a homa, sqwe And so it happen,,, froin terra, 'cdrth' wantedto ma -r' theyi, had ­ a &fee pla,Aten Oran d S me a q iet little -ga 14 (An old Latinword), iny name has birth." ri lit t6'40 y A , eamboa . Of is 9 So. - It is reported Mr, Of 3c, k ar �on a ]L�ibboil hLas eiril ated , 6' action a I ast par lebtar t fatl ter -in law &I am the dug of the Esqumaux was t ex, his a tal pung I (I -ray thf-ir sledges over the snow; Quibley On the grounds ithat of ih e giallai n )er f com o c�)ld of i9e, audi this t 'i tb er 1,ST e r dan rA and leap—I lau-11 at th ter ;as not ugh a, IL iet, bbis I'm kiud and true, and I'm strong aud hold. vices of el wymau, wei -e I ob s i , all r_ arlded a 16 big ga a, by the in ie,�-bouud huts with my mast -I ers . dwoll.; fSlSE r toil for them., and they lov6 me well." jp�ret L ces. iss looker, 3, 00, eat the pla' having a by QuigIE)y und,-r 0 T Ll and El mma McKil: bon, w 11, h (I j u. itj lar- und!3 tbpw 4011.�.T ),r, more to �431y lime is.B&rry, of the St. Bernard; rived at her seventa. th ear a lay )7 i Th b6ti, -f�-ho' fore, were Wheuthesnows &x1ftde(.-p,iLnd the wind blows I I young IS ly of 6 rerna r a re otse�s, pretty hi�h a the galaxe itB a lively Sand, see me flYi sing appearanc �, and s I oke TIPOIL ne,i Id ra SU gel bands, Ton inay bear my bark Ing Cris C, n - the lost and r"cue the (1vim, To guidt its the behe )f Wi a ha S re, i itho: U a east di urbing. the, Aittiougli I -wear no collar of gold, i 1 about fiNe feet our il�c as , (I MeE equa, L L ity o t) i a play�rs. At. last, Allover the world ray praise is told.. s f 4 good jBS C g �-his �la tation, i n the' ed of gure. 1 i bb6 I S watch -dog true has a fair edu, ation imp bad t 0! h a )Ia� ,'to rin- "I am a yq.is,, 1javin, a hore't supe t Of an 1 Ud �i a Wpmen 9 Mauv a noble deed I do. a a ISrj mour ; is a tolerably fair mu,�Ici in Fnigland. I'm yellow, in Burope, white, Anti my bayson-ndq f ar through the silent n' -lit. j sessor of a fine 3oprano �olce. M h Bug r L- and rr �la ies, turtiied to the of LL I e fought the lion, and couqkiercd the ble cause all the w6 oint f! IF= g membff�� r in New Or] emus and H ask Beata Do. PIS off him to I ke 1 bis il� friends I protect—let my foes beware." fact, qbi;e a si ilart loo ing fellov gave himself i b� any airs wo �al iis c "heyoung 1�oinance of a Violin. good cloi hes, a A vi . 'd gc od tj Ste i 1 an I retail., led thathe fne v nothing The Roe corespondent of the New t1A Bela -tion ( f a bri e, il ili DD Iij a! awe. 11 -le Ad bee i Ic Aing on, u diorstoo( York Evening Post relates �he follow- e qe. thou I t)iat h' L tb 3 leai,ling NVAIL great diffi- in- O n but wo d -or Mr. Beec er oh� Ca re a 4cL�� AiOh,':. re ly be PIS] i ter k. i cc LL - !)at .Phe hist y of musicians and singers ( a ilimea is often a romance and a dizzy ascent I I retti�n pl' ib boldly, 1 IStand all your 8, 8* from the . depths of poverty to the The apostle declare� In 0 8 irit f L11111 I� lip Y8 ia r 1, s6es." i I heichts of wealth and luxur 66I �wo [or tbesE ruction the young Y 116 Of true I)enevolez ce ofi od d these musicians, already on tha first have yot � withc Lit arblulDESS' 0 A It nail 14 d se--eral'rounds vi ith reat rouuds of the golden ladder, is heresa off ' b u t 'f one i SYS, I O&Ullot wit D t rude 6 inexeal iug - biB rinciTal's -an E Tuta, aL young ItSi&n girl. She i 13 ile .1 s the ProceedEd, halvina eas ing c ff dut3 , it.is (tare hat s i years old, and yet, has already take 'I . , a e a sMall Eir are at bluff, the, in - from lov,3 and (onscielil: c Ist. it n !the the first prize Lfor the I* t the upon Gol.. Nc W, care is tie g6 U f oc 11 ydunal 819 was sta di e I by nv'o' of bi xpeclLant 1 Paris Coservatory. She had wenty- Christiajifty O. of C1 Lristi a- rrit reBpc ii Be to a raise (f four competitors ft-om 16 to twIty-five ligio�n Et PrOT ipts m act a at 'el n4law 1'250. He' allit with a wise seilsibi at k , pomba1ive, years of age, but received the pri�e by pres a a vety pl xk and ad- H� did a ke to be theunaninious coserit of nine of -the i future.- ForelcAing tiolay nspirbh I a )u$ you 1. bast maa-ters,in P&M.SL, The success of ad couxa,g,e as well as fea but, I a- Iri ell oUt by SO f idabl,( 11rase," thjSLMn8jMj'PrOdjgy is due chiefly' to looking ivith fe �.r makes"tolle-lat.- ndl,t st4nd � q p pa, e ff. His. o I 11 10- im, and herfathar,a bicklayer of Turiu.. He ge-neraly prefej to look ut1ith n ou JribndE;Oould laug earued nifty cents 0, day., but 6111t of this ty, With feve -, w Ulous! f :6t. vei fut! I& wuld p is, fe father -i 4a ith ��i I hin' I -ss of 1 n i he pe una tell'bim- ne cent! daily, silm. by laying aside o The f utr xe is a i if it qer6 Sla Ce 11n, hin" 10 tin n Id savedtwodol,ars and bought P. o andinei fisbidit. Some fi,ttcli.11et, S el t )e, bacl �e. that gnomini- er. o, ter a r3 close in- with ii violin. Without instruction ad fish, witli pie(er, of i i TAOI1 y in, t air u I ann only his natural love of music t9 guide mouths, and sc me caL6� de 'I - 8 it pelbt f h ir�d, the a 3h youth e TP41 i ith appall rais of hini he finally succeeded in, playing a "-dependsonbo, a mda.. eB. I I -be a ill hbusan� ollars due' zumber of tunes. future a to wl St he b, -ings 0 1 b(�at. M10, n 9 a hose bstituto he: SE I a )y I , Thelong eve-ningSL after big daily toil The�way in wl- ic a h�'n lives 1. i 3, -ye tlei Va L oft lanter was nearly -1 in thus digging, as i. were, L: grea,t deal to dy with h S f r Lbe vlaw 1e were pL,sse( is bat by i his bet.! He fro the violin the Melodies iat he future, f:)r thei 3 are o6- I itibns 'of., ;he tal t' 3 . Out Of h ugh - that Ibis young !friend � was remembered. At last, music. mad, he body where tht re is rbid lid yt:4�lil� but of olor rse, as he. ass rendeli, a 11 Le v _r placed the Violin and the bow in the bility of nerve and 1 hiSlpr neipal's gaiae, which liands of his little daughter 6 ye rs old mansenhitivet felar.� t B! qu) t , I I t I . I Va 1 B;4 rather @16se a pr�der t one, he and said _- -Do as I do." Tlie: child vain.to talk to a main SUE arinc that. could �;beat 13nst ha 06 f�'ar aVe R obeved and was soon able t ay far cerebral morbii ity of le f 911,y 0 :.and thebecessi y -of i Ism] ssi 're. j fr 11", �6 be, forfeited 5250; and better than her father. The ii d6fati ie ir6l fj Ora e �contest. ;pis young gable bricklaye then said to his wife - I Man get out of orde�� by exe, vein- ad remi�xy, h ug!hiB attention dtawn You must learri the guitar." 11 -But I i dustry, from st, ally wS ich, from i q, -by him a§ he. have nu au dBorendermorbidtli NVILO'Ien(rvous off byaf- II 4 ett�n iha,and I cannoG 'Lay." an ntlyi left aL in e DakeB, impru These objectios wee Useless L2, -nd fo - the iine bein the system, ! �6 't.e. The- rE mady table tut d down. ru6ther Urged on. by her jLnexora. 1.8 &ud draw fear from the f ut n c r son e a inj I music iovin husband, could last fur.such Men i, neitlie bibl, 0 nor pt ly- Itati was too grea for the! Play a discreet accbuapaniment to the , er book-, nor pr er, an 'ithe. is ln)tlaed, 3X a bant fat! r -in-law of 5he osti )r ni� 9' violin of Theresa. The three th 11 went to call it. the I: inisterl They ne(of: 141 YOL an in tl e State and td)l a qui at bis i tor's r he, U11 ass I I, -11 * tb cafes doctor niore t] an t inin iater, le avi fro�ni city to city pl&yiut, C reat -0as M disgusb and hor-1.1 aud hotels, ad the faher ved m9ney I the rainister is doctor 8 Well, 65,aii an f t; i OT iscove-1 hat�-he bad but two �i en.ou,,h to:take te, to Pais. A lady doctors , 1ould be mi,: Lei S. ,ex- Iti I L o � B 11 I of Nice gave him a letter to Alosetir cesses should b) avoid0j. 11 as ixes" '0 h re- 3 the rst: duties of tbp old Massa;r�u-,'Director of the Consei: vatory, daueroas to t ink to' mu" BI;Cut,; tl>. llaut� %N as t address a �eltert)his it is t think I t)o I iuch c f 'any I P v as t -Who immediately perceived -the aston- ligion as Iher over ishiall t8jentB Of thO child. Ut re be- otlipr But )ject. Too m' ah ii i too Lach i (1&,Ug Iter to 0 t he 41c; man w4c m he or she gius the romance of the story, or tl�e of anyth in CF. ome M, il I an � born hi Ype- was n d, an all ide4 A marltying father had no more money, and how f al ;' tke y go i Pon Ii e -,s actly a Magi ed an l�ha tails i b6- Be ded. 1 buoyant boat fl )ats up it th 3 waveal. It DIM was the little family to live during the i four vears litecessay for Theresa's - in- I goes UP When. t, iey go 1�, it falls- w en h S 111ta S Blonqieur: klassa-rt, like I they fall, but ii evorm,, L te LCn t, -a 1� ur- Gener Tow ory, rubbed his golden �1 face. I have I nown loan banhiuj ted here is I �ow a tri -I :eE y Imail. in the st ae'XIL �Mo­nj I 3t lamp, and ten obedieut gentlemen re- I &nd t,he3 came UP I ua sl it- from" Portage U I rairi( 0 id bity, !w ana sonded, by him each six. dollars ing Then tl- e ce are other Men V lose Mini elloa, Y, MUM. T here Sre t I reseii t �5 i,atiantsin i Mo,iithly for his Proteges.. he result hope 1 a mi ai a . Jutlt� is F—�. lit). These of their'liberality and of Monsier M asi never ra lia-n t t ) them. 0 grea, illit the I 19aiie As um at To I l� 1-' i attendants, instruction is that the eX-brick- is throw int the fu�ure n't1am A ide-, emiloyees an rig laver TuK has been offered by a enter- sfres. 11;iBuo wrong f r r ie;A it Ide- constit te a pmtty.� large�r family, In rtlainl P is not. v5p'ng wiut�f I bey t S dgily fivo barrel§ 'of prising American the expenses Of him- Sire rich 3s. C� y enty-five a, Sud the young violinist, to desir� that - flAch si, t1e.prin'' I flouf, �4 rtee� 1 1 PO rids tea�. t1v his wif �p a for a periodof five years'L and, 640,000 motive tc) indu try. ut if this -. st.,ear- po'ur� JSi - OffE ej 1 Si hunitred pdunds hesie. Ile, however, thinks it 18 not ried to eicess, an bo Q m0a ril, 1do ,,.beef. f6urtee I 1 bushels pptatoe,! and CDM 11-sitates to acceL)t the testable. The a are rilu1titudesA ]all squd oth a rn,, u or art cle 3. �6here euough. and a that never thit k of e*.yin j wlid out 12C acre 3 of lan I ni der culti- er. are acquirinor r ches: They pub it 11 to Lis a, and thq�sa'es fro t1is source 0 yealt rc-aiiz-3d $ L2, 00, bich Ai Ujifortunia-te Termina ion of the futu a, and they live in a P6x, 6i U al durii cr the w UjSj Elopement. Iq 1 host sa;isfactory to - i anxiety aildfrE t over bhe 4 of is'un 16ul te& an ;very sult..i TI, y4ai well by patients, Acoupleof Nveeks ago itwar3,st&ted I property. Pr Terty is h &od le ILI s plo hi thebe ooluvaus that Miss Emnia B1!0- thing, but it n( ver ii .I.! aqd vouAd biAr f %vorablE I e'drinparison f dOr Ribbo'r,, eldest dau-Liter -of Alexauder justified a man in sa fia g �hid li4' f t1le I est o Canadian ELIE] 1 2 Ba Pi- with 8 me 0 n - I v�rk, They b 3-ve eight sq., a prominent aiizein of I ness or r it.,, enl plov M IN 0S sou, fo RON vi man, r m. hall eloped with a young man there are sffel iug a , as �o : 10_w� t hors�a and ti enty-seven milch ows, named Quigley. Vie following addi- children Should starI4 in IiJe .ha t, ieir and fai'se, On 11 average, about t elve r tirjual liarticalars we publish family sliould Land, Alad. if , 'next ear tons o pork fed from the slops kboul- three vears a.go a yon -n-1 njan. they shall be a 3 prosterous as th y are out itA th kitet-en The latients Iseem B ow in any rso ther arl9! � f r. There 11%ra'bd ) -hael telegr�phoper- this. us to b exc edip N, ell carc d f lie _'ator a- 1.=Sn, Allsa Craia aid other that brood and brood. junlIE OOSS ly, as! id!o v o o res -�ai it in tb e; building in o I 11 .1 Ilea her May antl that is r 6zn fea Ra . I the ha :a of a Plait", t)u the Grand Trunk 13,ailwt,ty, tothefutureo: thej,r�cbilp 'fe al a Ca.litte r) Winallain where he started a that they may not turb , Out , w!e I. 1H oji 3id . There h4s been no the restr i ti on i bl" 'ale side fur' a,bodt two ifectik'.niery shop for the sale of fruit, has told a lie; he is on the.road tl� able ovsters, ea'nay, &c. He also had charge dev V don't behe e ithst il ere (,,at., *hie] rather remark IWO, y Tb Of the 1),�tiiiniou wires in his establish- ever w s a abi'd that'did not lie. �"t is ec �re 23' ay lig patients, and the 1 source is part oxheir irlierited na,t, m, ­an. t is aMot nt ieceiv d rom trl " year. During the winter' made but poor headway in his an evil, ud a I -reat ev: 1, an i is be 1 $2 1 6,( 00 ia, ad B. wb, a mpal;hg t1here, , is dance every Fri ay: Consequently he was unable I plucked up by the'roots. ween an to Lueet bis en.ga.cremen-Cs,, and the store 'ijjto my gard)u,neve- cr land ay. ilighi i, in whi4 b t 200' w�,, cb-),ied shortly after it was. opened. -,There'LiLre so: nany weeds 11 am. li veir pa!ti� nts takE )ar The lity * c urch I)tj1*iu,, h -s stay in. Wivabam Quigley going t havE a garaen.' ever, : i a er, a oi�;s a4d o 4er riends 613o giv con- artainn L611tB. here dig u) the weeds land is ce ts and Ott at e t raaae rt-,be,"acquaintance of Miss NleKib- never; I with whoi he professed to have will have a ga. -den.' And. 80 PS. r I iR al�Lo amaF iq In, tern be'.onging 0 the t, I IM', fallen na ladv encour- fearful for tb air c, #&k A y; whi i largel­ ratrohize& ii. love. The you il, di, may i #&k i aged h;F, aavauces and i7turn became courage. Nois, as io 'tbb' ramea fo a �beildi the patienA Play eards, I I d vqejlei, ch k illia, arli 'row out Is, and other i"fatu ted with iiler I'd ng Mike." he evils that of,, 'his I v ile for This Ste of ffairs fifteen the futre—aii I first ",a miust Pt the ki le e1here 113 1 Jim a library AVELB the st and the Months ao, since which time the direct resisteme of the will, X1 lakei co sistin o� 1,1 volunies, Parents did all in their power to keep a great difference whetheiia.ma dau,, circillati, n the year amounted tjIeLir daughter from associating with dles his iorrow on his kne' or S a LOS., ;00.1 During the summer months, to bqd� X ake th a:tielints Iiave' pie-ni( f nd enjoy� Quigey, but althuh apparently their the Born ow and puts it ilj,unctiona were followed, as they im- a great differet ce �vhe.bher * wan take tb )Be aying at crcquet,', k4ined, vet the yourig lady secretly -a poker )y the hot end or he col le I] d, la�vrl ` I I ...... .... directly o, y p tirs,t ) I �Rite 8enfortl tiblic Se#oo wwn, M.D., C. N1.1 G uate Of 16 il, University, �hysician, 8,� a geon &*d Accohalleur Seaforth 0 1. � Office and r Bideno, door so Lth Oi th; 0 tholic (' hureh. 1 4961 MeNIA GHT, Vetej I ary Surgeon Grado ate of,. ntaxio Vote 7i nary College,$eaforth, Ont. Offllccaand ]Residen,e in rear df K .1loran & Ryan . 0 ils p�ompt;13 ittended to, night, Dr day. Aslobkofveterinqv medicines in hand' Char4 es roa� lenabie, Hon 6examined as O soun d- e ificatcs� give a if required. 07 DEIBTSHIRE. 1,. D. SurUeon Dentiot, Oradua le of the Rcyal College of Dental SurgeonE of Ontario. , Oftl ,e ho ra fr in 8 A. M. to, 15 P M E ooms n Mrs. Whit,ni y s new bri 1 block, ait� strect, Be forth.' I. D. CAAqwBIG111, e )erofthel3oyal o e c aaf 11[eut I Surgeons of Can& a Oce -I c 'fan l3lock, Mi rket S I .1 tratfoid,( nt., has no,*�� ( pened out. an offlee in Sdiforth, at, the Queen's Butel, where b) will be purppared t perform all dental ope a wins wi h ease and sk 11. Office opetfirst Tile da5 in ev y th. LEqAL. I GAIVROW,- Barristu, A. torney alid _TAMES�Tj Solioito Goderich. AMERO HOLT & CAMEBON Barristeia, soli4it rs in Channery, &c., Godefich, Qbt C * Cai*e on, Q. C., P il. ip Rult, hi. G. Cpm - a on. Soo i WILLIAK SMALL, Cm veyancer and Comm Le- w RionerlinB.IiR., Wimeter. Anctioneer a2d Al lAccolinte and .ppraiser. notes eoll ected )n reasonable tormal 36( RED..BOGERS, BarriAter and Att)rney- t - Law fiblicitoTin Charcery, Block, lVibighain. Conveyancer, TrItHt Fun o. s 0 fd c e, I U sonic to loan. Carefulattention to collections. 65 H. W. ANEY U4,'Ba lbter and Atto.rney at j Ink 1$olicitor in Chancery. Co�nrnigsioner or ta Ing I Rva. e in Solicitor to ro"i"oe If Alam NVinglia ol the:Bank Pri ate ft n :s to loan at )f If amiltion , 4o 8 per edut 638 BENSOS MEYER, 3a 1banceryanliItsoly rriBteVa and kttorney utLair., 301110"torsin cy Convey 0 B N oZries 1 'an �orthaud $23j)c tiblic, ego. o of Private OR ces-Ec ea Funds to ,pi iinvestat no o,&tHightp,.rent.Intc cii;t,payable . flarly. i 63 JAB. H. BENSON The abp4. firm has to i3 H clay bee w . r6YE11. Qlve y mutn.1 4njunt.!�All adecuuts paid t ldr. Benson wl:.o wij.1 due PRF th to all liabil- i�be Nov. 21, 876. JAXE� W. R. mpu BIENSON. ER, MCOAUGHEY & HOWESTE LAW, &NCERY, AND COISVE.�ANCIN OFFICE, Scott's I lock" �Iaia Stre­t, Seaf or h. QOLICI US for the 0Ons01 ida d Bank,of kj Cana a and the Cauadian Bank (A CDMIIle ce in Soafor h I Farm a a Towi and',TilAge1'roperty bou lit i. and sold -r � ! i Uoney (pil ivate" un 14 0 ne 4ter n in or gage e- ourities, t aablc r t of t. Chft.r eB moderate i � Money nieSted for priv priN i -e pi ran s upon ;he best morligi �70 w thout any egpenR( to tile lender. S. G. ldcqA I JGHti Y, 'vi. &. F. H 0 GIA I R ST I �,D. IIISOELIiA EG US. A' �EBI�_$12 $172 a- day ft bol, Adc e easily TRUE m CoGtly Ou tft; free. e B CO., An Istil Tasin 1326- 5 HA.ILET lT3rtnq d & %066 A "V EEKinyourown P 85.cl.tjftt free. Aldiessffi town. Co., Portl�a d, Vaine. 62�6,_5 $5 t0i 20 PER i worth DAY 66 at b free. onip. Addr Sam es RST SwN & C4 OAIB,nd,Main�. BRITIS EXPHAN(,,E HOIEL,� Goderiih, 0111� M. COX, FI`Dpi -ietor. T�is is onc of the Most Com t fol t able and! - eat Con - ducted I -In els in the Pr(Nll' I ICO. *h 'ROOMS I Lre commodiotal 'and the I &I -le and B r libengy supplied. ood otablin i p connBCtl n. 6q5;52 -7 PAINTINO-W14. R. IRE - Nv. la e of S t - land', begs to intim its to the inbabitant; of Seaforth : s d barroundinE couu try 6E t he as commenced business as General lionisi: Pain , Paper R nl� er, Sign NVHUr, &t. All work n - trusted to him finished' in fj r8 - it," 8ty'le, �yan's block,Mllia S l"o afor.,; ororderHileltatD. D. Eto;e'sw] 11 Omptly attended t. o�� WX.R.REW- T' 632 E LECTRiClryl THOMM" TxN Tis ),X:CE- SIOREMEX RIC AVEIGHT IN OrL-VIOJITisi GOLT).-Paiicaaootstaiid:vbereitla"uFed. ,)TS Itis tL�s cheal?cs medicine e,-ev made, Ou4 dose CUTes common 1) e throat. no )ottlt hisbaredbro- chitis. It I:t-voen�i3'worihiasoui-eda-il)ldst na- ast a, ingeoug - UP sitivelYutyes citaribl and cro Fift�cent;R' worth h wcur�,dcric in theback,and thoeame quinLitylame ack 8 yearfal start ling. The fol' any lett. a few of tte m er3 lowing t)mt are have eN.,tracts flo b received from different parts of 3 at ada, % hi , -we think, 'r should suflleientl�satisly fliemoRt s eptical� Jr. Collard,oftSpart4,011t. wriftes, "iend me6domn hadflom Dr.Thon�ns'Ecl�r-tric6ii,taves(ldaI truily you, and 'want more u1j'9 derful." Vm- 1AKfcGuir ; Gj As carm Franklin, are won- writes,,"I have solds. � the agent Is t,, t acts like a charm - it was alom at first, but takes splf nolid now." H. Cole, of Tc I a, writes, I I Pu ase f)rwa d 6 do ren Tbomao'� C lectricOil, I nit. nesi ly out, nothing equals it� : i is highly recormendecib 7 hose ho have used t ." J Bedfcrd, Thaineov I] , wri es, " Send me it once a futher supply A Eclec �ric Oil, I haw nly Oe bot! le I oft. I nei e saw a ny�- thing Bell ) well and gi e Aneh genei -0 satis, ac- tion." 3. PhOMP80111 I 7oodward, w;ites,."S, ind me Boras I dore 1qclectri � 0 it 1, I have " H sold eutij ely Her & Reed, Ul- out. Not) Ing taikeslik, verton, P. write, " T. te:,� geled ric Oil isgett lug a great roil itati*n hen and is daily (alled !or Send us a f: rtherstupply ithout(lelay."Lemolne Gibb&Co Bucinghar. I.Q., Wn't 8,11sen an one gross f Eclectric ij, 10ine We dealers. fini it to e Prie 26 well." fjo I by�liall M N T4031 P & �!L PELEUPS, Toronto N y- Ont., 01 NORTHR Agents fo the Pomin Electriz 4 NC Sold TZ.--i-Eclectr �e- in 0eaforth 3 Selected Lid X. Hic�gbu &I Co., B. Itobetts S;d L 68"2-2 665 MRS, E. WHIM an Wobl, all prices; Wlnte, Qord R�gatta, amil, Flannel Shirts, Collavp, Cana Hani 4erchiefs, Gloved, Mitts, and WoO ad kenno Hose in End -less Variety. TE AS TE .S. IT:- f4 S—Speci al Attention to ES NT MA AND DOLM Is dir'�ted to utles and D Imans ; over 80 different nroples ; well c�lt, han- my rge Stock of Ladies'Ma e trimmed:, and beyond doubt I I er cent. chea�elr than they can be vehaEsed som HIEW else ere. RiE I 0041 L NES -1 NOW TO -HANE"% FROM MY Lr � I y ey �and Provision Store BUYER 'N" THE 'LD COUN�R P Ir V-13 le you can `gtt the best js 17 6; � 0 in T Aue ey ever Offered, i tr % our 111 7 e '. L Ar d Diree rom Canad an manufactii ers, for which invite comparibu, defy i ust, 4 ry bif *1, --theyang re-Ally.goodaud con tpetition, give Five Per 4.1ent. Oil count Nor knpoW: Mantles, Dolmam�j� Mantle chesp� Also a 4611 ve cted.9tock of Fresh 1 Velvets, Man c Cloths, Ujstelr Clbakings, 81ba?!ls,i Furs., Par Trx�mmlgg, Wool Goods� �,311tnkcts, M CHUN S A -M) HeyISIONS, Flannels, W eys, Prints, and a fuirliDe of Can diad Hosiery. And � nice atoct of I kinds of FRUITS, tuoh IS -8 O-Angts, Le�aons, Apples, aten CraabeM Re Jam by the poland, Mack -Current -d� BEAUTIFUL T IJ USTARRIVOr S0M HINI'l S Curra t Jelly, Pine Apple F1949� Raiins, Prun s, Dried Atples. In Ali Wool Cashmeres,, Lovely Shadel I Burgundy, Navy Blue, Seal 13ro w4u, li-LB. BOTTLES,' 0 EY I 1 Priue and F lain Eatra Valute in Russel Cords. srs�an Le of the t A Dst in the =,&rk6t,'At. 'en ts per po�a. New Tea -at 40 and 50 ceutt h for pouno. T �is nou Vopletes ovr- Iines, in i s8 Goods' Depahn,ent, whic r m- Ties, at 50-asidsovento Black Con$ au I "Yoriety, Style and. Prih m-ses aT, Surp !ything perV.. and. T my Youm 9 Hytn Ten at 0, 60, B5,60 vud e er 6,,fore qff�,, the House. v 65 celc to per pouli& Try my Tea at 60 cents per pciandj it is r 31-11y good valul. CARPEITS-AN IMMENSE 8TOCK IN ALL WOOL, UN N T < D TNT S A good supply of tboseimperior Soked8syst Cuieq Hsms, Smoke bvicone, Plain HaIng jaud AN -D TAP�ESTRY. Bao Our, ort Bran, Cornmeal, Oatmealj rot I ailley, Oats and Potatoes. afo th. AS KIDD) Se T�OM JFRL 11T JAk& FRUIT JARS,' Av large stock 0 Glass Om Frit in a R-1 si es, Norhich, �beipg boD before the rive _ght price,1wilbesol4ve cheapt E'AFORTH N G, S, I - I I A�. G. AULT, KaiU Strett.ZaafOrM T I 1 HA.VE ONE OF TH,,,, LARGEST, THE BEST ASSORTED AND OREAPEST STOCKS OF CA�ADIAN BANK OF E GLASSW�R G R 0 G F_ R I Es, CROCKERY AND, UEAD 9FVICE, TORONTO. Pa U111.0[wilItt 12' 0 F FF, RED F OR i S,,J L Ef ILv TgE MUSTY. I&C 1,400,000, I Pre identj H6n. MoIllaster, E 'TH AV E RECE.'VE"D THIS Wg�EKi S AFOR�'TH BRANCH. e SeaforthBrat an* ie T� ch of this B, outinutes to AV ry fine Lot or No Season's Teas, 0imprising ; recei . deposits) on�whicb interest isallowedn the most favorable tirms. Di fts �on all the orincipa towns and cities in Ki AND JA:P.*NSp F L LINES IN GREEN�l 13LAO Canat a, on Great -Britain, nd on the Uni,44' State bought aud Old. Off&-Fi-rst door South 61 the Commerel�t Which for Quality and Price cannot bel be iten. by any house in the trallip and Hotel" equalled� y 1 �ery ew THE 8 AFORTH o -i Alo n e 2d in a cases, y Reft'. de--' 11V .18atisfaW091'Guarantee I 111INSURANCE 41RD L -AND artieB wat- �'Our Now ants and RELISIDS receive(,— ther Fruits Oil the way. P r to � thtir advantage to ive Us a r Visions, Viour or eed. v ili find it A :;iug&nythjuE ,Groe�riew,Pro LON Z"TRON01 deraoldbyanyoue. Oneoaro Alnerl- 1 Old , as we lviv�e a fall st-ock of uvery line, and w 11 not be un a tock as I car, Corn tor h�and- In Crocktry, Glw- sware, La ups ind Lamp Good a we have all flue 06 IS �-GENT forSeleral FivaVCless Stook Pkb can be found aDywhere west of TotontO. We ji apoA. our Crockery direct, an(t buy all for'cash, N't I le Jusuran-c Compwrlles,wnia is prepILT'.0 s4d 1A thhe enabjing U4 to Sell.. t, pri ces much below' the regular rettLil price. _ In c td take rit-Irs n the moot the'very lowakt; priaes, e -have a -very fine F ne Goods �ne as French and English China Tea Sets nd Toilet Ware, w Al�io Agent for se,feral of the best Loan So. h ass ortMOnt t 01 choose from. Ali �o Agent or tbt Sale "d Puobaseof Fam ageProporty? and o?6r Goods and fl-n(l 0 id ou; Pr�es b�.fore purchas-ing elsochere. Hit tPrice paidfor Butterl, d o1her Farm, Produce. i6ees- 919s, an 'A Number of Fint Class 17aproved Warms f�or S -ale. WILcidN & YOUNG Seafprth. to ;C I \ToLrT][C_U t fox the sale lif Oce" 0teatiIship Voke -'M:P01:Zrr_A.1\T i . Ageli tail ONIer M. Alorrigon's atoro, 'Main Stree�, Seafrth. Z 0 �-UILDER F ME RS OTH E.F?S.L THE LIVERY S BA F 0 R T R 0 T_ 0 a I K IARTHOR 'FOORBES3 :)Uld Lhe attention O the public to 0�e follo-wi-nig'branobes of busiii1ess' in W f ]EJ&V�ING pur4a,s�dtheSto.eksndTr.&Aeeftbe which I� is engaed at Winthrop, four and a half Nes north of Seafo#h Conlrunrcial 4i.yery, Sealer-th, from Ift. bogS Lto state that he intends 6cor e Whitelel carry ng on the blisitlessin the old standsud bAir AIL SAW MILLS. SAW MI &I va,lu*e horses and VehlelelfftO tl�lll �SAW LS. idde sev ei i frmeirly large steck� Xonebut R1 MUCK- -1umber out from green 1099- Bills for:Bnilding, Fencing and Ditching filled 4.m.short 8�Uoil:88L_Co Fir- notice. E uantity of dry 1 1 ch end 2 inch oo band ; alBo a considerable quanti lg. Rhabk brses MIl be Kept. JiM-A largo q SO FT NAPJA��Dry, cut to the 10 wjng sizes: Lind 2 inches- �xg, and 4x5 inches. Covc,'d and Opf:n lBuggles slid 40striags, au4 HARD MAXLE-Dry, out to the fG Owing SiZeS izes : I an d BIaCH-Dri cut to th2j following n4hes. Double and 8113918' tgoua AlWaLyo reiady for mae. aDry, cut to the following sizes ine'Xi. I I ; C BASSWOOD xngements -Made With COM. "LE FFN-cE-La;ely improved. Set up straight, tliu4 saving the amount, requir- I.Sp-ecial Arn P ENT MD ed for ci oft in the old method i I Men. CEDAR POE �S_Split and Round -1 Ord�rs loftat the #able@ or an yet tbe -hotabo rom omebundred one hundr0d and fifty cords. i 7 ! TAN BA RK4-F promitly atteadea t4. RAILS -A. number 11 sale. BI AC ASII' SP-AFORTH I PLANING MILL, ND FLOURING MILLS 'SAU, DOOR A1110 ft"A 111MID AIC TORY GRIST and good work warrintfd. Flour. Coarse and Fine Shorts, GI�ISTING pl omptly Attended to, to. thanklites"o-WOU Bran ani L Ididdlings, alwl I LYS on n. cu#,orners for the liberalpatrogge axte]Aded*4 to cotnm=014 buiiaess iii Smfoxflioni THE� GENERAL STORE. hiraii* witit * voutinaaft trustobAtle may be favored k, orp simig the Is -test patterns in Tweeds, Ducks, Cottonsdo I, Shirt- of the! sa- Dj �y G 001) SIA large otoc; Pjarbesintending to build voidd do well to .91" its, i ings, Dr.�B Goods, Priu joall &she win' ontinue ou b k of all he leading lines �eoustlantly on d and selected with a Vre. hbn a to keep Ad- a OCERI E 81l, -A. large stoc 'to�j of allki4ds of GI 1. S-A well sop rted sitock, from Men's Ifeavy Cow Hide to Ladles' Fineit Kid. large BOOTS ANIJ SHOF d Youth?s At c0trft�onding wood Suits for. $7 &-nd up. BoysR an ry Pj?W JU'mber, R11ADYMAD CLOTHING -T D figures. Sizog well assorted HATS AM) CAPS-2den'll and To th,g in Felt, Cloth and Straw. Aindg iffouaivrl ishinglej) Lo�ks, jjiVge#, &rewsl &c. A ve finie lot Of ]URDWAR essed and Cut �sils, Bolto, ry Harvest' ools. Aerit �11 gly-ingstunfactJOID10004 reans, Mirrors, �Tables, Chairs Bedsteads"Cribs,. Lounge He elsoont FTRN'ITUR n g on ho sylisvon.rldmiw-.Jth-tbcoir-patro.nage a e VR_ The undersigned. haTin , j 0he bLest, fgcjjij`jej for buying and light expoxises m cftMItI9 On who tomore ithe articles zboT� mentioned at lo price@- but hio bnainess offers his cuts at attention v�jd to Custom pl"Isl Pa M. BROADMOT. A. GOVENLOCK, WinthrOp tD T