HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-05, Page 2f ) ; „ 4.1 ' - 2 EIGHTEEN YEARS ALONE. A TALE OF THE Romp. 1. Of the group commonly called Santa Barbara Islands, so near main land that on the map they s mere crumbs of the Pacific coast, li is known even by Californians. Scar ly an American but has read of tropical islands where the myth Robinson Crusoe was wrecked, yet persons know that over the deso steeps of a nearer island of the s vast sea hang the mystery, the ho and the pathos of a story of a cap woman; a story, if it could be f told, more thrilling than that Crusoe, inasmuch as one is fic the other fact ; one, the supposed ploits of a hardy man, the other, real desolation of a suffering wom one, the tale of a mariner whom waters flung against his will int summer -land, the other, of one voluntarily breasted the waves, fought death, in response to the high love of which the human heart capa,ble. The Santa Barbara Islands, On on - which this strange romance was acted, lie to the southward of Sit Barbara channel, the nearest of group being; about twenty-five m distant from the main land. T names of the islands are Anaca Santa • Rosa, San Miguel, Saute, Cr Santa Catilina, San Clemente, Sa Barbara, San Nicolas. They are n urtinha,bited, and have been so years. The islands nearer the coast used for sheep -grazing ; a sail -b carries over the shearers and bri back the wool, The more distant known to trappers as fine beds of ot and seal. The sea -lions and sea phante in the Centennial 'Expositi New York Aquarium and Cincinn Zoological Gardens were lassoed off t outlaying islands of the Santa Barba group. Boats visit the beaches abalones, the meat of which is dri and shipped to -China for food, wia the ,shells (1.1 divas splendens, Ballo rufescens and. Raliotis eracherodii), so at an average price of fifty dollars p ton at the San Francisco wharf, a, bought by defilers in marine shells, c into jewelry to be sold to tourists, shipped to Europe, to be manufactur into buttons and other pearl ornaanen Excepting the .occasional camps shearers, seal -hunters and abalo packers, the islands are totally d 'serted. Yet, wild and desolate as they .no are, Cabrillo says that in the fifteen century they were densely peopled by superior race, and that the main la was dotted by villages. The ehildr of the islanders are described by ear navigators as being "white, with lig hair and ruddy- cheeks," arid the wom as having "fine forms, beautiful ey and a modest demeanor." The me wore loose cloaks, the -women dress in petticoats and capes of seal -ski heavily fringed and handsomely orn merited. The more industrious an wealthy enibroiderecl their Barmen with pearl and small pink sh:ells. Nec laces of sparkling stones and carve ivory were worn by the higher caste, an ear -rings of irishued abalone were n uncommon. They cooked their food i soapstone vessels, or in water heated by dropping hot stones into water -tight baskets. Bancroft, in his Native Races," mentions, among articles of their manufacture, needles, awls and fish looks ot bone or shell ; water -tight baskets, ollas of stone, and canoes, dee and long, with both stein and ster equally elevated above the wate Fletcher wrote of the coast whe lie viaited it with Sir Francis Drake i 1579. In the year 1542, Cabrillo landed a what is now known as San Miguel., an christened it Ysal de Posesion. He die on the island in 1543, and is buiied i its sands. Going back still further in our search we find that before the Spanish fleet Sir Fra.neis Drake or Cabrillo eve visited the coast, the -villages .thereo were thrifty and populous, and the isle of the sea swarming cities cf th period. _ Of San Nicolas, on which the scene of this wild romance are laid, very au has been known until a recent datee. I is the outermost of the geo.up, distan seventy miles from the coast, and thirty miles away from its neares neighbor. It is thonght to have been at one time the -abode of a people dif fering in manners, habits and mode e life from the inhabitants both of the main land and the neighboring islands Mons. De Cessac, a gentleman engaged , in collecting archfeological specimens for the French Government, says that the relics found by him on San Nicolas are more elaborate in form and finish, and show a superiority of workmau- ship. This testimony tends to confirm the story of the early voyagers concern- _ ing the cultivation and remarkable taste of the handsome dwellers in Gha- las-hat, centuries ago: , Mons. De Ces- Beck has found also upon San Nicolas articles of warfare and. domestic use, evidently belonging to a northern tribe, similar to those -picked up by him on the borders of Alaska. Hence, he infers that the place -was at one time the dwelling of north country tribes. Corroborating Mons. De Cessac's opinion, _search through ancient roa,nu- [ script has brought to light the fact that, many years ago, a ship belonging to Pope and Boardman, of Boston, and commauded by one Captain Whitmore; brought down from Sitka a lot of Ko - dials for the purpose of otter -hunting on San Nicolas Island. They were left upon the island, and years of feud re- sulted in a massacre, in which every grown male islander was killed by the powerful and well -armed Kodiaks. The women were taken by the victors, lived with them as wifes and bore children to the murderers of their hus- bands and fathers. The fact is re- corded that the inhabitants of San. Nicolas faded away strangely and rapidly, so that in 1830,1ess than two score men, women and children remain- ed of the once dense population. Meantime, Franciscan zealots poured from the south of Europe into America, and under . lead of Father Junipero Serra found their way up the coast, builthng churnhefheesicie the sea, plant- ing gardens of olive and palrn, making aqueducts and altars, founding a king- dom of temporal and spiritual splendor, which leaves to Protestant America the _ names of salute set indelibly on every etrearn, headland and island, along the • southern slope of the Pacific. It was the dawn of a temporary civilization whose ruins are m cinating. The missionaries press ei the I into service. The set the.. to the soil, hearding he flocks and e rying the nick. The ast he having been I put to labor the m padres turne' their gaze to the i t le .in the offing and brought t the e- land the p ople fram Sana Ros he Migueh Santa Cruz and St ta Ca i al The more distant Island of San few was left a while to repose i =i its h late darkness. How affairs prog anae during that ime on the island, w rror no account. At 41 is day the tive isle of Glia -1 fehat ies bar mad filly as a tomb a idst the sea. , of In this eserted . spot for ei on years, , a hu an being ved ex- Here she waS found at la p , by he men who - are living, and I whos a'; davits, properly votnessed, sta e true every detail of the reel arkab o a cident. who, 11. and In the ye r 183 Issas Spark st Lewis L. Bu tone: eerica s, char i is a schooner o twee y tons urtbe otter-huntin on t e lovv:t Cali e of coast. The-essel as ow ed by qn- Spaniard of Mout ria Mantled. by aptai tie The schoone bore nes Netdaaand g.he st be Barbara hat ipr, Oh pa, •ing, followed y th te, population. 1 n th uta • of a sailing vgssel w ow occurreiace. I t dre for the women o tae are tracted the friars oat meditative ga eon ngs hours previou to t are schooner, the curvi ter had been -ali e wit le- and lazy pedestri on, Spanish wor s . of ati their visitor. he After a su cessfu ra Nada came, hree for the more soot Fly ed unloaded her pelts ile under -directi n of as collector of e po Id Nicolas to b ng th er main land, i emir 1 re will of the ch roll fa,; ut reached their estin I or came up, risi g aim!, ed. of a ternpest Th ts. the Santa Yu z mous 9f from the valle sof I ne struck with f 11 fore of San Nic las, 1 waters into ury, 11 spray in voile s thro carvings of th low c was effected a ith di 1 increased in felon became so boi-terous safety of th vess la wasted. Th • islan en in. number, w re hur es and all spee • was n schooner. ed In the excit ment n, final abandoia ent o a- not known un il the •d that a child h d bee ts mother suppo d it k- rived aboard in the ar n She franticall imp -1 d turn. The ea tain ot must get to a lace le n Storm — to -m rrow, would come b:ck for t arti tic an if 1 fas dian illin quer- dian hriftY land • Sa aina alin icola athe asea hav UO] alien 11 hteexi lene,. sherl- a.ffir p5 e • ! and tete& , ifoi oraia rich rcy, and was °drill Charl y Hut bard the n me P or es rted o t of aiiti fie fine pril ern , eyes o the ntird se time , the sight s `reit a ever -day1 men a the .each, °seem: g ts, a cl. 1at- from heir seal ound o book For o depa ,. ura-o the g strei b Of 1.a.nd Nicht. ;hors rcten s, ex a tinging in praise concerning cruise, t4e Aor es onthsI later, into rbor of San Pedro, and inimedi te' y, Captain Williams, set s i for San islan e s to the dance Iwith the hers. .113 fore they 11. tion a den gale st to t tigr sevIerity winds hich by iv tains r deflcted e south.° n coast— on the upper end slung the shoal nd sheqting: the gh the picturesque Ws., The landipg multy. ;; the wind e. The I weather are to ei4dtinger the 1. No 1 time was ers, some twenty ied into the boats ade to teach the , , of litlideei°rIlhfonle°114 was were on the lahip left belai d. [IThe o have leen car- s of aaiI[o d sa lor. red the!' n t re - replied I, t, at I hey aafetyl; after the perhaps — 1.14y the baby. Fie, ihg sefie the te, and, . j u roped ugh the was ia tyAfirs e f Ian er air pt as o ent • awe; aey4., the af- ther ola uno ion the as ed. os, at ! or - he by 01 • • th en ly 11 • 111 IN that they we e going out to young mother -became deeper despite all efforts to detain her overboard and struck out tier kelpy waters for -the shore. S p widow, between twenty and thi a of age, of medium. height and r. her complexion was light, and n of a dark, rich brown. No fate n made to rescue her, and in a she was lost in the seething t The ship, already -under h d staggered through the storm d frighted islanders hnddled tog a deck, and fear shut every other for the time from theirhearts. , PeOr es Nada eventh lly reached ir , After au adventu ous vo a, , ✓ Pedro, where the exiles were lan. n Some of them were sent to Los nge s fifteen miles pack from th co e some were put to work in thenigh ing mission of San Gabriel ; tw of: s women'were soon married to L eel e men of Los- Angelos. I t It was the intention of Captg t bard teretarn to San Nicolas. 1 ately, to see if the woman r c t were living.- But the schoou 1.• 1 orders to come direct, to Sant arb - to take George Nidiver and'aj arty f otter -hunters to Santa Roe sla, afterward, carry from Monterey a catg° . of timber to San Francisco. T e beat was insurgent demand along tli co st, 1 and these two trips were int erat ve before a second visit could be ade to San Nicolas. Delaying their er and of humanity and justice a few wee s, tIiey I lost it forever; for on that veryit 'p the Peor es Nada capsized at the e trarlce to the Golden 'Gate. The ine w re washed ashore in an almost tusted condition, and the sehooner d 1 ed iut to sea. It was reported long. aft r, though without confirmaaion, t bvive been picked up by a Russian shi After the leschooner, there wits no craft r the 11,1 i of 1 kind larger them the canoes aud boas on the lower 'coast. cared to attempt a passage of miles to San Nicolas and after a tithe the interest faded out. T had been most olicit° should be sent, settled into t that the couple had petished d days of waiting; the r maind commuity, never having belie the woman had reached shore the stprin, were indifferent, c that the child had died soon aft tragic death of the mother. . 1 Z .1 111 • 01 • b- ild aa raj, of d ; 1 1 11 n ter ' a fishi o o e even y Li an op be t, exciter e a ose who fi st s that as an. e elef ng t of t th posi r t Their uncert the more teeder fathers; but it Father Gonzalo search for the had come into posse schooner, and as off he find and brin the to Santa Barbar aliv• having passed s nee t f the islandand no on be spot during hat t ility of the deal of niversally a,cce ted, al roof of death had ound. But when Tho een, at the • cl idwinter, comi he signal he w provided his sear the matter wa persons congreg la fate lay he hearted of the as no ; until 10' faun an ezns ost. boma8 Sion o red $2 °man Fift e ftban ha,vin me, th • [1 11 as J se of g up t s to h had eettl ted 11 II e m'l r-1. : ;ater, othe s • . 'foldibqr win ri, owoe had fr. • le, tab:a heoertieeth snoe to ru: iti th boa mei, ooti6erning be ivtir4p.bef beings 1, u d no Irace o :11 liet #11, a0 whet g r the w B beatento1 g:litth. in tile d ed 5teririni g e 1 de w uelool a ly eve). I be k:n. Te as 1 ft id y rockS close t t e s ilohresta4.1an so linmsatiolled filo - t 1. 1tled he Isiasteeer . and to gigrea deep. w n of.a other ecte ✓ e return of jeftrizig., byr uog I II : e xfiltmil t nfeoton , II:nil:dee lir a f w er tal e er vet ild hi. t esed s iftly n, an 0 1 co t trne t Of the Mallmind, nd thou ht •li. Sa. Nicola: sma res to , an s ha n th ha rf, o prob- ooner hore ; ly uti 09/11 s lef t u ha ours eroi sea- wa crig, sle. Iinie P ,U3Y fu need from Tcirn J S the t tp. se n or fo nda th th la. gu re di el en n e ries Ime f e 81 i ht uil ia w ; th ix tuadre ate:1u' ' failin ere w la but nc peli es ere s • • of •Crions • C30. th cieno th land, un he fou , n a cir le, roper s bee gamier chief, a ph rifiees re offe several o las, or oplarly een Elea s of th .feffrifis o beds of San s, hp on elo thE on we tal ar clI d g WOnd n4ich he vicini vee lis y otherl in he foil mg out a d e rge by Mit efftie dia. s sta t d en the ride f 1 otte awa [•-A d „ was sou rn e 4 of th ing clito see thP imaybi d ma'u to nort eou est be P spo o an uns The azu ire St00 ee ed spit th punshi But les overed 14)0 he knoll lazil • he ant gra s of 4apar hel o t wa ed ts of t ed ow tin san ant with t waft:d fro its p so o n ihau w et es fre h ess of Thje tte ut knyt liff e the ks W r lthou ds f t ern lbark virth beat/ The t. er er thic tran d w al lay rink •g s rf. Th pa y m,ai tern • II t 6 eae ight th 'sand, cmpi zed heir sh °an • urin hei sta,y no Or 1;1P Or 0' go 'lila tter-i :ds, hi he is e e t Ile salis c tacks 1 sso o u jncisi rnad ower 8 a el w, mina ar re in mam, ski n o ides e s lte „an wo, dl d p lost id f the s cau t in paete p eds ea- ee , or ith ddo I i he so a; storm noi an so shy t eye un sua s gl takefro t e I med. ro al sicie ied: Bef f 1 Stip tea at a s er 11 lan slip an :t to ' Sail • cola ban lie day' d h des rb d lone, by t e 01 hod: of tibe land et ab ve the each, steep gu c es to hags. Nit rs of fowl, ;f1 sea- roetqhmerit, titie mall n in the 11 , and tild dogs, tall and t,1 ng aei papnedilar tad h lefai-rhti de by th rem s of a 0. of whalle:' ribs and o adjIn t vdarnas. Curve of a • to This e j y eith r the es dent ce of ivorsh here ed.: Be had p eked vessels of st e and •entint B andskime ue uraeolsif islan the f a liked best t well Nicolas. So b bus of otter an sal thine the interes lof • aroused, a 4 arly rea b at w tted idiver, accorap nied itanndo crew o In - an hun -beds event iles effect d ne island, and cl where he o te ficent view Of and east. 0 cific koiled o •eeked b s or land n vIiiili Met, c 1 , es o tb t nfolde over t e wi soft b eeZes FA1 abo th dotte th ea trays, w On, reposed 6 ers ick, d ughy ftk clusters dillerf t at had I •lie alit the salt sea Wi r dd. .n t linger •ri • gliiI,wsiitcliie btiliaeey fo nd i 111. ., , al, I gh g theirs rp =, [ stoat of se-li A th inefs,g di ithe edge Of. e i weeks . Oar stud OVere by can s, •'ter ; 'spring the ! liff, so t i one !had °cola n ander ar from e. eie el the -side f ir tent Were pi 1 - da :t ft leep on e ed i the he Ja t e 1 flip the nb- lay, the the ,its Or hey eL it. age ed et; is; on ng. ing es, - ost it us 1 1 p- ail,111 an about f r 114r a g004 di ar seal. he ,after a: we' k r eked. The t e uireal of the se ead u on swayln iIkelp to shu Ou etfithiestv ile 1 in r sem tiv hat it a es al h. loose tid ci w t one c . testr tched a 41 th Bch o r; le t be vici t Nic ilis, a ble storm a, o or igh y , carrying a an dr g g the anchor, 13 the had to eimpr vised ith et ne. .During t pe ail r f died he saw mi gu th head and of t udi Th •ug t„ a wiasnae spr ee d to: be u i[i g u and de ed of e late hec ening a dti e ea ttaill as call d, ap,p tit on 1 ad va 'shed. n ei h d he atilaeoreir was en- ru er tg= 1San guel, m t re ti Sa sabar , where t g e Or' tory of he ieckoniag ghost of ola liaunt:d for long ti e msj cif the .super titious ro.l se 6 nd uise f the o 0r -hunt ed bri . any a dition 1: netvs* f [ph to if thes a. Ev rything n a t b fora ; not a leaf b &tubed, hot a track w s ed. I I n , 18;3, t tter-m:n roade a d t O San Nic las a chorea ff no t -eas side, aid es ablishea a p o sho • . he party eonsisted of tai Nid ver a sherne n named 11) an !Rho went am ng rs he brig' et of C grley Brown, an li c k &de crew of Mission n 0. he e ening after the arri al, Nidiv r Br n stroll dIseVeral iles down e bee enjoyingheir pipes d scuss plans for work. t was tie those limPia h suchas CaIi- rtmia knows night ,when the st hie lri e a ; .war aom t e low en the burn:with an am le, andMOT: Ofragran e in the air. ut 1 it an le il le e t' h getir. ie /IP is 11 n Y 011 0 that ary o effri s 8211811 hold chi 11 yela 0. tne t isitd prob he pates wasf. actual' ght • r hough 8911 ffries' a balni e bay ave di been su d. Gr the 1111 at wfla day Of withodt Splayed Oessfu , ups f Elan 111 iv 6e Cctnt f4mer wai !fin Othe day by the aistra fo lea ing `7. stre for eve al h 'erin4 Th charge mals 11 • co I I a :$1 and co ts Lon4on Po ie 8 horse tied in tins Wi thou t • y 'a cruelty io ag HURON EXO XONEY. MONEY TO LEND --Money o loid on imprbved /arms only, at 7 per :,ent. eat, payable year y ; ,private fan s; eh rgee erte. JOHN S. PORTER. M ONEY TO LOAN -In larg or e J -T-4-, on firseelass sincerity, a per ineret. PriVate funde, or on the plan. Apply tog W. HILL, Settfo th. $40 to Si 1l ,000 Inv" el dry month. ooks sent = thing. Addreett BAITER & Well -street, NJYork. JfONEY TO LAN -On Impi orty, at 7 per cent. interes able half -yearly p yearly, as de tin of the prin ipal, if so prof liht. Applyt. HOMAS D. Ont. srrbR good inter- Mod - 831 all en s ent. year y stallrneat 628 Wa B fox tunes innkgeatvea rfr- 17 58"-e2 arm Pie)P--- rest pa- ith e par - Expeller Sea eo2r5t MOTEV.-T undereigned h money fott immediate in v m ()Agape on fee property: S pei cent. intcrad. yearly prin ageed upon. . H. BENSO forth. I FOR a la go s tme t von and pal as m Soli titer LE OR T L 910 RENT -Th -L• roome ob present occupi gisen on ;the C AVG HEY & RARE CH ri with lec use Thie property i genital purpose RORERT BRE re1011 SALE. -4 1; d Mill, male satiated it the Will be sold ell SECORD, COSS - 1 ' •1 piOPEIM itFor sale the prettient Pc upied si is a frame, the 1 one of th bee There is a good veniences, and wl apply to JAS. H t comfortable «ick , on Main St et, S by Wa N. Wet of FebruaryAp MEWED. • ' CE e-Twen ty-1 d barn for sale ell situated fo Title indiep . , tore afor 050' ly t s of on' far Ap r Sale a first alas P1 Ow and in good run • ng ourishing To 1. of Seaf spa . Terms ea.4 . E qni S • & CO., God ich, nt. EGO'n.:DVILS EF RS nise and lot i n'gen ndei y Mr. S. Carne n. be contains half i n se .6 eliding sites i Egi ond 01 and all othe • nece sary be sold cheap. For partie NSON, Seat th. - - 15 ni do rt REAL TATE FO I S., LE TI`ABM FOR 8 • E. ---The Sou(] half f L IN -A- 11, on the 1Concession, TI math p of Mc Kith*, containi Et s0 acres firotia se 14nd, 6 o which are, clea e and the ba uce hard oo timher. There qi.n on the premi 8 9. 1}g ons and stable.' It iii s Waled within , mil a of Sea forth and 8 InuIe5I rom Winthrop nd i no , oc cupied by John (31 ke. For term , &c.,i PP y t JOHN S. PORT 1 , Seaforth. 67 x4 A CORNER LO FOR SALE. For sale th Jel• 1 East half f Lot 21, °once, ion 4 L. . S Tuck ersmi h, ci aining 50 aq es, n eerie a cleat! ed and in a plendid state I d cu tiva ion and all nnderdrait d. It is wit,) n 6 mile o Sealcirth, on a glICi gravel road. 1 here ia a •oo orchlard and p1ect of water. Thi is a 89 ar lot, and on of t e best in Tuck ren' h ; it i CODY went to s 7 sot ard in a s i endi loc lity Appl on tile Ns oises or to 3 afort P 0 TH AS LEBO] ,, 67 -6 ICE FAR 1 01-t SALE -11 r Sal, L t 2, ing 100 seres ; 8' eared and la in net c ass tate Oncess-on 11.S, nickel! mith con ain- of cultivation ; else balance is ha dwo d b sh log house, wit,h stoe cellar, andwell tini.sl ed bank barn 86x60, stone foundatr n, a d ood stabling; good bl mg orchard an 8 w lls; nt to hare chool aud post office ; is itu- ated within 8 mi e of Seaforth an 4 of Hen all, on a good grave ad. For far er p ntie tars apply to the prop tor on Inc pr ses, or 1 by letteeto Chisellm • (['.0. JOHN 1. STEELE. 654 VARA! P01 SAL -1-• 7, Gr y, con cleard, an is in Therais a good. size 01 by 60, and aere goo implement builc pretea. T.. 0 far forth ra 9 mile. able r par cad purch ser. F3T proprietor o P. 0 IR0D --Being Lot 5, concession ng 100 Renee bout 175 acres good state cf cu tivation. nl: barn buil last 1session ; so a log bik n 4 by 50, ew frame d lin house; in *a, and a 1 ood healing is only 12 Ini] s fr in Sa- ora 13russels. seem reaSon id balance on time to atilt u iiher partieula appl • to the il itiliim the eemeit oro. sorby le r to Walton 1 - 72x4. ANITOI:A.-, rilected Farm ots Locali iee, fo Sale Cheap;,c ,700 select from - The owner, from pe sena Lion, is will ng t.: guarantee that ny p eh &sing can getnt. per ann ,1 at t m purchase o ey b in tercet at 2 pm. three years, if he E dr sire it, whe the m oney does not geed g an acrd Par de sire to pu ohm • t the 'preent w pr who axe unwilli to hakard buy ig w have net se , ni bus save mud d in ri expense of a pen'al visit to Ma toba Lo A. STRO G, d Agent Seat thILI. VARM FO SA -a: Lot 27, and Rion 4, L. R. S, in one pare 1, or respectively j firs - and orchard the I elation, is well wate roads, &c. Any p good ItalitY will fore bn ing elsewhe apply t JAMES the preenser, , or t HOLMESTE , Br 11 VARM TO SAL -I; 18, Hul tt, co clay learn ]ad, cleared end n a g.bk state of cu •emainder i gol hardwood b remiss are a srp 1 log house, frame kitche , wit • ood well and good spring creek unnin thro This (ara is situat 1 mil from n and froth. eafortlli, and a nem Brusse son ( :ood g avel r s adieu:hers e n bo'o, tainedon appl iroprietor m the Pi, Mises or to 'HOMAS GI PIN, oprietor. -The north u11 o east half of 4.ot 28, Comics- kersmith ; 200 acres for sale of 150 acres and 0 acres ass bnildingge good fencies, d is in a good -tate f culti- 0, and is well eituat d as to on Wanting a gr od fa , in a well to look at this one be- . For path= ars a d terms VRENCE & E llOTI R ton MESSRS. MeCAU HE & stars, Seaforth 67 est ere to inspee- rty Our- ek, ith ernl of ure ase ies ho ces, ut tat they andthe Apply '68-4r Lot 26, -For Hale, Lo 2, co • cess on taining 75 across of e -cellnt ut 66 acres f, wh eh are ,ilvatii n, the sli. In the ded i p, with tulip, and gh th lad. rlock P. 0., ont t e same ad. nrther eatio to the ax -lock P. 10, 629 eAllil3 FO SA. sion 17, McKill hich are cleared, ree from 3tuxups ; = t ood frame barn 40 ng orchard and pie 13 all hardwood; i8 he village of Wel hurches,nehools, le f payment-Alsolt4 ession 8, McKill. k• oncessiop 9 eMcKi Wise several propeilt ille. Apply to A. ,-For Sale, et 8, containing PO Her 11 fenced, underdrai ere are two loga louse 0 foot; there 3a go y of good watii. 1; the ithin a mile ad a n, where are store ; price $5000, (11 eas e west ball of Lot 1 and west half of la will be sold chest s in Seaforth end En TRONG, Lana Age rth. WO GOODFFAR S FOR SALE -Fors - . • 7, dpeceseion i, McKillop, col tatni eres, else Eaet ha f f Lot 8, on the 7th iou of Meleillop, a aining 50 acres. Th eifrom acre Ifarm I acres cleared end in tate of clltivation. There is a good Irani nd young orchard, so a never faili 3g sp ater. On the sme farm there tre 45 , cleared, free m St pa, well fene 1 and d. Log t)nilaingsi good arehard0isd pie titer: Both farms a convertiont t echo ithin 8 miles] of S atorth ' and mile, ubsin, with a good rad leading to each Apply to, the propriet r on the pr wises Beachwood P. 0. J iES REID. onees- s, 8001 ed A, d an a d be r - timber halflof terni5 Cr - nit 9, e- • send - 1, Sea - 72x4 -.- le Lot glOO ones- bun - a good horse ng !of acres drain- ty of Is, are frem plaee. or t) 67p VARM FOR SAT 1P For Sale, Loti No. 2', Con- cesion 3, L. 1 S., Tuckersmi con aining one hunched acresi if lan4, abouti 75 of whieh are cleared, free fron stumps and ii a s ate of good cultivation ; t e balance is •ell th•bered with hardWood ; the. is a frame ho 3e an frank° btirn and stables ; ql a young be ring o chard ad splendid water; s 8 mires fr m Bru efield, t e same distance rom Rippen, nd 7 miles f ore Sertforth, all s sod markets grav 1 road running past the far ste and a school within three q miters et a mile. 1 !his is one of t 3 best farms in the township an1 i11bco1d che p. Fir particulars a p to the pro ietor n the piemises, er to .11tu I efield P. 0. MIL 3 Me- 4LLA.N. 664 T .00K HERE — ,500 FARM F R SA - For Sae, Lots No 7 and 8, Cone sien 2 ick, containing 200 ares more or 1 se, ab acres cleared and n arty free froth st mires cedar and black ash, and the balan hardwood !bush; the is a new bartk barn, two barns eta ep wit cedar post, two go hcuses, log stable an other outbuilein s ; bearing orehard ; tlefarm is well :e ced cellar and black ash r ils, also over 1 r b erd fencing ; this f4jrm is in a good st e ltivatio re and oven al/ of it has beers ly p sture for a numb r f years,with goied w pl nty of !stoic° wa et the yOar roun ; is 4 fr m the village o Qlorrie,i 5 frorta Wrox frau school, and 2 irolin churth ; tht. f great barain, and ;calla be bought er ,000 mai down, the balance to be seem In rtgage on the !erne et 8 per cent. ntere a erm of years, to sill parchaser ; tit1e ind ab e ; poseession giVert immediately. For to cIfflee. pa ticalars apply to lGorrie post e proprietor on the is s, or if by letter It ES. 1 Of E - How- ut 160 ps, 10 good other d log good with da of te Of in 1 and miles ter, 1 is a 500--- d by t, for stint rthr rem- . R. 671'e A DUNCAN & DUNCAN/SI SEAFORTH D, AND NO MISTAKE 1 THE RUSH HAS COMMENC IT S EXCEDINGLY GRATIFY OUR EFFORTS ARE CR UNIVERSAL APPROBAT I FOR VARIETY, CHEAPNE • GTO US TO FIND THAT VVNED WITH SUC ESS, NI BEING ACCORDED US 8 AND TASTE. WINCEYS ! BLANKE $ I I EPTEMB.It 5,• 1880. SEAFORTH PpRKFACTORY 1 TX GI- 1-11 1=1, 0 13 33 HAVIVG commencea business for the pan and Winter Trade Is n039 prinred,astimai, to purchaee any quant ty of Pork, subject to fol lowing regulations] :We will take off 2notasel, ' per hundred if dry, hnd .3 if Beta stealer Shnek, 25 cents. SOMETHING NEw. The undersigned 1411 also open a store hs:avfolurt net teototrattlotry iollneratb:need lenatantsoieeatharla complet 4 stock of all Wide of Cured Meata, Sala sages, B slogna, Pork and other Cuttings, lee, STORE WILL BE HO:GEHNERDA0DTBH,18:1:':7 6k7eipt, and aatisfaetion glisranteed, Give me a trial. N birg t good 1 DARING BPRGLARIES MAY BE COMMITTED I BUT CALDER IS NEVER ASLEEP HE 4' ALWAYS AWAKE I _ e Art, in the leteet stees; FLANNEL 8 la • TO THE Wants of Mtn many friends and tbe • - public at large, supptying them with firsts cl work of tlie Photograass ! ing ; and newest &idler s at reasonably low prices, This is the inain secret nf my sueeess in the plata and will he my inotto for the future. Pictures c taken -when the tempest blows, when dark hover shine no, when thunder and -lighna 47urpassed , rages, when it rainss4 w en it snows and 1 the enn'l bright ra re Three of 0.C.1? LEADING LINES, and Cannot be for CHEAPNESS an QUALI.7q1. BLACK AND COLOR pashmeres are the Dresses of the Sea veryone is pleased with them. We have the mpotted into Segforth, and the Cheapest. D CASI-FIMERES. ou. Everybody wears them, and Largest Steck of these Goods ever orne and see them. ANCY DRESS GOODS IMMENSE VARIETti. Electrie Black Velveteens, Decidedly the Best. ILK AND GRASS FRINGE s shine foithno matter what the ;weather ins4 lye. Calder always takes -a good impression anal tnnis out a No. 1 Phto. Old Pictures -copied a 4 enlarged. Picture frames kept in sock. Titre m eer the People's Favorite, "T he Picineer Geller ," opposite -the Commercial Hotel. OALIIER, Seafrth. 1. B.. -.o Picture taken in total darknes. •SEAFIpliTH FLAX NUS. BLEATTIE TS STILL Desirous ed disposing of hie M1. ax Mills! on reasonable terms to a geed 'active business Man, who ill likefy to manage it prop. MONEY TO LOAN. . ' erly. H4 has Eilfflei nt: 118X 80V11, and in sple- dd orden, to kern th Mill running steadily dur- ing the season. the enefits in connection With which he Will give the, prehaer. ings, See.fOrth. JoHN BEATTIE. gln Any ampunt of 1 mo en tfaormLoan on reasonable . ra Ot'eFaF°IfCiE-IlterCes.ale'laoelnian°Bln of -8CeoclirrcanitYerce Build EGEM 00 R IUM4 I._.......i.......... THE Subscriber hereby thanks his numerous mete/mere (merchats and other) foe their liberal patronage durin the past 7 years, and hopes by Eitrict inteerit and 010136 attention to 1 • business tb merit their onfidence and trade in , • the futnr . Having gr atl. enlanged his prm. Rises durin 7 the winter, he is now prepared tes.IV THE IGHEST CASH PRICE IN ANY QUANTITY• For any qt‘ntity of Good. Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, = MAIN SREE4, SEAFORTH. rillings, L ces, Ties, Feathers, Flowers, in the Newe and Most Fashionable makes. ILS OF TWEEDS AT ALL for Ch , T par wi ully a ALL KI . We shall [ I THE 'Wanted ), the subseriier, 25 tons -of :good Am , cleanwhea straw. D. D. WILSON THE ZURICH CARBIACE FACTORY. HEOS & TiABERER HAVE Iways on hand, and make to Order, Wu gant, tinegit, Ceenristigeog,Bnge gees, Cis rum eetary otherarticlein nada line. ! - They peksonany superintend their own busi- ness, and 61.1a gnaranteel a good article botkai to materialland •werkmreship. LAST YEAR'S PRICES. For Style and Fieleli their work cannot be - surpassed lby the large city establishments. Repairing promptly sittended to. Give nl! trial and lee convinced MO we can satisfy youtes to quality mind rice. Mr. Hesse is well known to the public, haring been in harness Zurinhior over 12 years. 686 tr Ess & HABERER. NOTE THAT PARICULARLY. KINDS F CLOTHING MADE PO OR ,ANTEED EVERY TIME. e have a re iceness and can guar ]3 LOOK iHERE. OINCA ESE HAIR RENEWER. En. FIT GUAP- MILLINIERY DPARTMENT. G arkably unique assortruen o Goods e y unrrva e Elegance.. Being conducted by a thoroughly practical Mil- ntee satisfaction in every particular. S s s 1q0 0THER Prepiasitien yet discovered does -` its. w ik so quickly ne satisfactcnily es the Cl/sTGALE E. It Lever ails to restore GRAY HAIR or FADED HAin 1so its youthful tolor and life, as t contame the SPECIFIC ALIMENT which is the life of tha hir, and in thie etety ite NATURAL COLOR ie RESTORED with rapid- ity. It curies Dandruf, Atehing and Erneitions, and keeps he heat; dean, sweet and health - It is a very deeirable air Dressing, impartingto the Hair a ggilken luetre Riad softness which is the admiratio1 ef all. Trvl it and be tonvined. Sold by DrUggists, and ill! SEAFORTH by J. S. R0/3ERTS at 50 eon to a hottl. 668,52 ------- - 'VITT Lt., „IC - PIANO AND ORGAN RS. C. DUNLOP Teaches Music in all -13-1- its branches ; Mt; sicat Science and Harmony a speeialty ; advanced pupils taught to write music from !sound, thus enabling composers to Svrite their own compoei tions ; careful attention given to yonng beginners ;ialso the meet approv- -'44 ed. vocal training fon et re] Igthening and deeeIop- i' big the voiee given when ;desired without extra charge. Use of instrument for practice ; charges moderate. Residence Gi George Street, first door east of Main Street Sbaforth 672 , . ANCHO LINE. I UNITED STATES M IL STEADIERS Sail Every Saturday no NEW YORK and is deparfinaent has been greatly enlarged with the idea of bringing 1 on 18, ! GLASGOW (via London erry) and LONDON Detect. h the other epartments of our imten establishment, and will be kept ! i sort9d. with • 1 TICKET .. 110W, ands. • DS CELADES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WA naeav;ii r to maints,ill our reputation for Good Boots at Low Pri for Liverpoo, Londondrry, Gies parts of Elaeepe. Fares as low as any other fist -class Prepaid Baesage-Certificates issned to patrons ! wishing to bring out theirfriends. The Passenger accomme ation of Anchor Line • ! Steamers are unsurpaseed or elegance and come • fort. Apply to S. DICRSOA, 593 As thei Post Office ,Seaforth $440 .00 RWARD. es_ THE male sienee glige a Reward of 290 • -1- for -sac infointatIon as will lead to the re - covey of the Goods stolen Ar hi n store in Kip - pen on the I night of the 123rd Octeber or the morning of t e 2Ath ; er he $400 for inf ation that will lead to the retov- ery of the said goods and th detection and con- viction of the thief or thiev 6e3-4 HENRY SCIEfArel, Kippere TOCK IS '111.1.Y ASSORTED NOW IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. A pUNC 1 i IXTAN TED by the Subsci bere, Ten Thousand v T Bushelis of App es during the next two months; mnst be sour er sooking varieties; no ! [ sweet apples. `wanted. 673 D. D. 'WILSON * Co., Seafoth. R N. BRETT,' , SEAFORTti, I Wholesale an Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHOE F DINGS of Eriery Description. None but the Very Best igtock kept. Terms e R. N. BRETT moderate. A Trial 8o1iaited4 All orders by man or otherwise Promptly filled.," else DUNCAN, - DIRECT IMPORTiERS, - APPES APPLES. Cali will be Appreciated by Us. SE AFORTH, ONTARIO. T1 S. CAMP 0 Laud Surveyor BEL.A..L, priRsviD4Diia • -a-••• and Engineer. -Or: ere by resell prompt 17y9sttended D- 8 cAim amas Lf ane the Greyho from Asia tante In Tarlton', n't oa In Ireland I the In Italy am al All over the -wor e ssnaaay, and era hosiaag the deer Swit, ste,ady and 'never tire and I To the stately sta And little of /rico ese born ta /or illy mistreat! rre waywaed, and. When friend or 1 There's fire rind The white and. all ▪ .8111 the Bloo lee the slenth-ho ‘Twixt order, Ann many a ilk. I am known afar And nay terrible • the Dish Wo With my pointed I guardthe meek laza keep them Ali much an the Ands= sti-ouger I4Behold me here With short, stron The inighty hell I And even the lion But, as a breed, And not Much eo "lain the Newlo I love the 'water, 1-5311 sometimes Please to eXt,1$6 11 And many a life I From the cruel tie *The Spaniti azn But in every land I am always faith, I have eilken hal Ton may treat me= While I live, and *Black and Tan Bold, handsome a A hundred rats lie From eaeth-retrete Ands° it happens; (An old Latin wor, "I am the dog ef I drag thele eledg I 08:13. run and lea Fro. kind and true In iehorend hute I toil for them, "Mynarne te Ben' When the MOW 133.Ta., Ton May hear my To gnide the lost Although wear Allover the worht "1 am a Mastiff— s, . y noble. dee In England I're. y And my bay on nee fought the 7.1 My Wen& I pot York Evening ingT:heRR°03:11m: 6 T(dtheerlharis history foam. the ide [LeeSighet13111'61118lWeia T3latins„,a 1of 111; years old, an the first prize Paris Consery four competit years of Ae, b the unanimo best anastere this tansies.' p heerrntatlifieftr,y% antn. by Iayi taved two deal Violin. 'Witho only lads natnr liina he finally number -of Ur The long )OV were passed in eomrat ntheevelbd14 placed the vie if alinatinassaiodfn obeyed and better thelll tibol ue hp; test I ie have guit These objectio mother„ urged music loving PvilottlYina of Ther: from city to e and hotels, an enough to Wt. Niciagave Masai, Dire istehhoinizeatinaleadiatet. gins the roma father had no [ Wee the little lona years ne struction? Aladdin in th lanap, .and ten spondea by gi montWy for h. laytehre_Tirulaibheare.,81 sart's iustruat' sePoborifferls:sa:1;:filesAriwraole:tio:hfei eA:in[c°7:11gibhn.lotabilartE.L an of Wingliana, h tional tai huc et:: ('ilits on the nd I: 2 '3:11 -came to Wing oi, znent. Quige to meet his e Yeas clased sb tlakiadrientgbheisavis hn, with wh fallen in levee aged hia adv infatuated This was tie X1101athe ago, parents aid a rtiley, but ittliepairticilti:unghe wte yet 61