HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-11-05, Page 1T SALE •til'— ..CI THING IJALL & Co. ¥ERI NG : flag Tweed, at $9, $10,. • fans. � ern S? 50 to '. from ,. to 2 50 I Overdoats at from EST ir.te•r,l. •1 .: had, as TY LES hF�� f'Gnotl; are el th•* Stock to OHS' HS' &LO1}IiN Q Cheaper than Ever. Call schen Raying. GtT .R&N TEED=.. LIGALL & CO.: _play and Fancy Dry Goods,. Miles, Shawls, &c. ray in which he keeps,. boob building. would_ any city, towia or �cmiuion. The tax- mgratulatea on their i . a Trustee Board Bch int rest in and ability- t manage our is ludic i.teil by their tits. Olirl P out, of Us. 1 a Brea, loss by the from I ieasles after' ss. He nas a family the olelest of which is a erip do Mr. R. - •aker, f innerly with has leased premises uthcott, and. entered. his own account.— !ison, sorb of Mr. R. illage, 1s'ho has just studies at Goflerich,. ' to take charge of a' `oII. —Mr. T. 1)earny, ,es toorllall for hist` ,,,s, has tremoved his. .r salool. to FauSona's r Mr. W. 11. Cloakey,' ,ted up the carpenter; ,Mr. 1 rT. Parkbouse,' the col,,ract of the can but say that Mr. ie a god choice in gentleman to do the "ZcCauzhey has -e - W dwelling house al All he. carpenter, the firs coat of pias-. €I: M,rrls Plowing Id their match on the &. W. 13 ryau_ Morris, he ;21st inst. The -fiat could be desired, ie.+etators were on the `lumber of plows was :dere beiu._r only eight e in each of the men's a the fury ,',who ranked (t prize—first class— tourer plow ; 2d Win. plow ; `':d Alex. Stew SecouJ class—First Russe t. Humphrey e1 Wel -h, 'McTavish ru Ta. Icer, Galles c' . ovs` cla. s—First prize, .m, Gilles & Alartin Kibbe, I . R. Wilson Iia prize were given. l ibb rt ow an cid(' weather e cawied the farmers d housing their root tci the unfavourable - Jumble to make much t=s are very good in id yield excellently if three weeks more to i,f,ertnatiun has been 1,1cota stating that }'Mr. formerly (ef this part, --isfnrtiuie of losing liis .id children by death. 0 c'ss his wife siccumb- itliul malady typhoid icy s after his clhild ren ith the same disease. i learn this witti regret. -t lie+ liberal wages i4l on the other side to work iti the lumber need a. r;reat many of the vi May of Cram- Mie ram — Mid Fiigan. Among ;.tone to better theca- - of staying tilt sinter ' wasting Leidy re Me srs. T. rtli. Je. e•pli Campbell, V ennor, and i)uncan; I.ENi-fft:I T ..Ai Cll,j.ti.— r rl.that mother sad ac blab in fibbers, where - I ler eaitiO to his death. pplea in the orchard. 0'u t week be fell from an it on his head, receiv- ,u the effects of Which lls,wiug horning. De- a pensioner for the Iasi vi tin served his time in ✓ ac: ai. sergeant, and was- and respectable man en. Fie was in Sea - fore his death, and re- nd that he never felt He must have beei1 0 years of age THIRTEENTH YEAR. WB OLB NUMBER, 674. - • • E111[BR 5 1880. } HURONI U S E THE ONTARIO HO • . S Mj T H & W ARE IN RECEIPT MORE NEW GOODS. S T. F. LADIES SHOULD SE New Dress Goods, very handsome, New Dress Goods, very hands New Dress. Goods, ve New Mantles, Ladies' and Children's, New Mantles, Ladies' and Chil New Maift les, Ladies' an New Woolen Goods, Half' Squares an• NewWoolen Woolen Goods, Half alf Squares quare New Opera Shawls, Cardinal and Bla New Opera Shawls, Cardinal an New Opera Shawls, Cardin New Underclothing, all sizes, New Underclothing, all si New Underclothi New Far Caps, Ladies' and Childre. New Fur Caps, Ladies' and eb New Fur Caps, Ladies' an New Far Sats,. Ladies' and Children New Far Sets, Ladies' and Oh' Nov Fur Sets, Ladies' an OUR me, handsome, rens, Children's, Scarfs, d Scarfs, and Scarfs, k, Black, 1 and Black, es, g, 'all sizes, 8, ldren's, d Children's, 5, tdren's, 3 Children's, New �S inceys and Flannels, New winceys and Flann Is, New `9inoeys lid Flannels. GENTLEMEN NEED-ING New Overcoats, Men's and Boys', New Overcoats, Men's and New Overcoats, Mi New Lusters, Men's and Beys', New 'Meters, Men's and New -Waters, Men New Tweed. Snits, Men's and Boys', New Tweed Suits, Man's an New Tweed Suits, M. New Lubber Coats, • New Rubber Coats, New New Linder -Clothing. �,� Nev., L'nder- Clothin New tgew flats and Cape, New Hats and Cap. New •tUOVLD SEE OlLPRITT� BOOTS AND SHOES AT CL The folio Manitoba, 0 fished in' th week. It is cock, a form of Hallett, a I, d will est by our re G ders. lin wing hat slight y, if of d mattes pert. ining take his •;•portu • iy of for' • .you a few it:++• s for ` eir benefit have come 1 nder +• own obse durinc my s',journ h :re. `Vhe. t Em .rson, • e the 14th of l+ a to ee le eratur: was of r nate .e, the �+ercury reg ing h -e 33 bei ow 'zero b ime i1 began •to • melt, a rathe late ;• =fore seedi :d; b after, .pring fairly re wa . not th ; least impe t the i : rmer add nothin right ahead ith his wor ,er, u, to S:ptember, lis nt, wi h a sh; i wer just eeded. Duri'i g September een co sideralrle rain, ;and dull, loudyays, which d har est op ations,' but i leare •[' up, and the grain ate in i'ipenin on accoun •f and I.pring, has now red. .ome o the grain been Iightly llalt a we had on : the ch ha our se o that the f E ng lett tober Clint rom 'M r resid' 3 I'� �MANIT dated N 1880, way New E Charles �. of the to read with proceeds: r' reade ly' interes ed this Prov' nee, ardi whi v5ti JB ,ret` I flu tt,1 and ons int oys', 's and Boys', 8 oys', and Boys', Boys', n's and Boys', libber Coats, rndere1othing, ate and Caps, ODS AND rived last, t chilly some that it wa. mons up th so th but g sum pleas was has man tarda now was back gath vicin'ty ha frost whic tem er, 'w have pring, before h the sprint as the ant of e fa ing, s f the :pring at th efore repare feel s , on Sere. carri false after t they Wi•nipeg send any co nary. ; stO' •- at 1 VI Ce. I on notici SE PRICES e• 1 111 e • ar er eri frc ou •mus the ripe whi Las late ace in t plo out the so t ing to I all the, an• not but th e e fro • Mr. se ms to Pr vines, bina not v of ht�c io sho •.t!just Lind t PeI �' We Show an Immense As ortment of the above Goods, and they veil' be found marked at di very low prices, which has made the Ontario Dry de Good.; House so popular with the nblic. •ri. SMITH M & WEST, ria MAIN STREET' SEA ORTH. 1880. FA LL 1880. We nee now very bus Opening New Fall 1 Classes for the Sew meats, of oar I usin.es, • for this Season is one est and Finest eves Seafo:rth . STAPLE DEPA:R the Staple Department we e Grey Cottons, `white Cotto. bags, Skirtings, Towels, Tow Ducks, Denim., Hoilands, in this departniiiUt, for vale, cannot be sur- passed. nverY day ;ood' of all Mal Depart- •. Our Stock of the L arg- broaylh.t to MENT-In re showing New as, Prints, Tick- ellings, Tablings, &e. The Goods • • ar • turned h e se Io n. DRESS DEPARTMENT —'In Our Dress Department we aro showing Now Flack Lustros, Black Cashmeres, Black Crape - Cloths, Colored Lnstres, Colored Cashmeres, The Nev Shades in CosVumo Cloths and Fal l Suitings, and Fancy Figur d Goods in great variety. Our 12 cent lie nal ad. Fancy Figured Lustros cannot b eq t make any mistake -12 cent' poi Yard is the price of those Goods, and you cannot match them at the money. We bave a Splendid Stock of Plain and Check1d Winceys, which we are showing at very low prices. MILLI N ERY ---In Our Millinery De- } partment we aro showing.a Beautiful Stock of _ Tpaces, the Latest a, and the Newest This Department merit. ed ove Ives w t:of to me h med. 1 pthe p mon 0 t1 eir m t .an t t ink t ho wo ad occ a,n.ge iiply ith at elle a lty is ask se ur set elled nd see iscour he Pe hang: • agon cross r; oxe s rath. apect, =will Flowers. Feathers and Styles in Hats and Bonnet Trimmings in the market- i; tinder fiist-class manage OUR MANTLES We have the, Largest, Cheapest and Bust Stock of. Mantles a • e I in the County. These Goods werepur- chased at'_�uction by oar Mr. W. H. Hill, in Montreal, and cannot be show aas low by any Other House in Town. Remember that we I have a large stook and are determined to sell every one. • LOT I"'1 I N G—In this branch OURC of our business we fire ` NOTED," and are 1 pleased to inform our customers that in aur endeavors to get Fine Goods. for this Depart- ment we have this season. far surpassed all our former efforts, and ire now showingc'a Grando Stock. Scotch Suit wtilo dw in 25.6 eat Canadian t}� from •�15 per Tweeds, a Large Stock heap. A Beautiful Line of French and Engll''sh Worsted, excel- lent value. ITER—Being A. 1, we can shown us t+'at ding done a 11 he' grain w ll; b 11 frosts c apparently do eveir some heat was s 7th of May ; this he plo ging not be u . Farmers ,are n that &�s soon as th. round three or four they eau comhienc y will be well on w t he _tim • we could c • •• the gra pd last.spr • mewh t annoyed, o : ceivins wort fro +' e one • as v sited_- pa d bac soma disp eports abon this n anxi us ing airy have sly been which journ:y:;is s lie ho •n e lin • isg_us • ut for • nate y `tlieyl iunip ha visit as ve.plc I:r in 'Tian ght, •f Se s,v elle • Wel he .e ceptio lid I am so s t is term° , Iw,ich,jI It is au h �• t t e - pee: 1 uon.men t le era_n a s of . inni e utile ewh ovine to se •like In he`d this o wild torie a. rs.! his eu lr wbac s, ruFansl r bette iu pulsar lie ijh our t , r turn I: fort rest celtif lyuft 11; . '1 tt ng Ls th 1' st a fMr 1 Se al +I Me t a for cat mu us ye co &C sit r !la a 11 on, ear. as fon one usy t is ches in o sow, eed- ince galet McNa ave t With egion, sit it, ani to . deserves aught ld relyi got off e stre '•me, bl� the p at it. men 1f suc ha,ract has limit ney to •y ca re is [[ld car: py the for thei ave di• I• resell ay wi the g tier fe lenient '•go 0 ip on- rio anitoba rag'n , it cou'n ry ; d out eas t' to h the ot'all Pro- eed on, o th, ho the the ti he gar - it as On 'ave liked re- UN - eel ases rrry first like, h s 9 to ser posit int one. sher t which w e .g 'S about jmo t. spring he fro potato hick I ging-jc{€uffiney 'Th •bina river i, 'no uch dr, dad +To . ust bel n asi have t ✓ ads a over be ri ery ailed ve m trike ith Glace a` d har' succeel� in get Thi count provi - thato not a if any scene try p0 euerg deme Mr. merel t9 th vitati raise coura one o has n of th' great settil. ent :r bri :rious he alk es acr error onside Guarantee a. Perfect Fit every time. Gentle-- to fo men leaving their orders with us can rely on 1 sten basing garments made to please them . steel a` st ' And FURNISHINGS Department Hats and Caps, Gloves, radar Clothing, &c. Y GOODS—In our Fancy FANCY a Fine Goods Department we ire Gloves,gHosiery, Stock of Frillsrigs, outlies, Corsets; &o. Don't `fail to see our 7en line of 4.tatton Sid G1ot es, not to be equalled at the price. --- .B u i/ers will do well to see our Stoc In. our Gents' c are showing New ies, Collars, Shirts 14 fare malting their Fall Purchases. HILL BROTHERS, SEAFORT i and prey. last taut Co. whi+ thre tabu actl; I1s11 • thre spri bus for 1 ke Bwn eroul •: n 1 E a' to o stri li sw apart t;i,an i the t`hia )e I Obs is ken s eF ;his f a,ll: action; p, w t JO ao a ri his i elan' I ar ab otien 0, 'pa 11 threugh. y hen ono wo data Ke a d wird eall 618 and whi Mr era one hankf for o h 0 n e t bt. th_ try, buy va t1: Il o, 0 9 est Lie So ere or th 1 0 • n to al tO go fram barn of er awn. the ol NV come t b count y, wh reason to; e g au e ample ow. is bar found apii, ent st ble. ne ho ee for aw mil in o • grea bene y are illy m Mess s. M ave a 'team dant d, b what e 9.v els an cre. 18 hich Ie is his erat t to e ori threa our rage ave trl er ea to itheu iss st ere here the co s aos e e mber; t• ever s. Irac rdly nu ✓ Qn v . "Th dread yet, a as the of it n he 28th a pro ed a gr thing being ard and Aly iFaber of red and ` eta les r I prairie fires, :d here, have a we'', trust.. -w !grass is:very s ing burnt is CDAnLES S 29th o'f + horse w d successf, presented, arrying of tickets, the latter on e hick are se t troubled not this rt on sc- all. Yours, DERCOCK . Canada. !the Mor ants' Bak e agen 3,y oft 'r is to l)e cl sed. ;Buffal res id to 1 iii the . rth�;vest lir Patter 's heat D eave the 9th of Opo `khan shot t an:hot on the ban ✓ the • ther day. give. !and j bears r, of etrolia, in Mor aa William tel keeper in Galt'o ga business is yer say courts at is manY ye tie litigation goi all prea C Onto st the she eat of rontenac. The unto Courici or= th . • ` rection of th y fell • New Hamb Mr. 0 Over Reaum , Las • Ne acres of 90 b *hers to the A ho e thief nam sted 1 at week n B' is to ()tried at St, 'Nitre ? doctors et ' 1 as s 11 ser ving terian he alai ach. ioultry old th qad ere 11 au, at Ions ban est. creek the b f Bart alk- a 8 It token eing where busael --A 200 po 7th a any day. tag _A on' Quebe Ohio $45 fo by allege neete Tern S e S10 11 en lett ex cer ten iffi th o Rot rri Ors hiC • t oth at abo SeV is 0 9 ci ri of ill in als ere 11 ha h is a tea I settle not ill be neig r 6 thei au 54i- itti to ad in one ra capi al ith, a ke an uild ee, em les uzi ach en is oat eX- ere ood irty Ow d at cernb made whit WYtt year ri e re ell &opt 11 farm4ra in ssex, had resPective !were va, • directors nnaal ex he 13th to bank ma ob era ar 00. en bri *tlal as CU leaders are f4r them. idrsgewassh es he same sa rt liver -grey f aro gang pa Michiga na $2 per I !that they rano` wil ip tr ith -the ra lw age . James Beverley, Boa ed o oats, Of th Plrovid lpo Poor Hpus for ery tamer - 11. toba party mber. en ucks the drat Ming ers COM f far on to a anka —Ea nears of t Railway repart th passes Without ea the line come. fence* a —ATLI Wm. Ca millionaire, died on, years nd stamp*. childre nephew proper dollars —Th Credit • the qr Valley trade. —Di at pros valenti studeri so great ha miners s d gates bei tl rner • ;escaped town i :.20 feet arcel eing nui see t in the ay 1 tha e bu e Or ke es eete e t will recei , estimated Spur Line connect th Vall!ey Ra It a genet to a nae e rrh nt. The d'sea4 is aterloo a at Trinity suffer rid which other. The cause t, fotna ar Amherst- 1 sonad which will kille ance to t Tor fit, fu aves his two k of his mi lion ay on be- eir nto 1 of rind Trunk Will use he C ays past. . Humph rg, found hiriking it to: the fcartridg up ia it with thum lized. evolver I of pi some lb le at I ett lad isms o on their new hutch to the credit I lie Staffordville. ' power be took it quence et a, finger sadly dem lie still lives. I —IA handsome well •knewn 1 cop 20 3)pars ago, I pre the Hamilton °the place flat at the ed his fare - last Sunday, ay, It is there b were apt; red w Gil ray,' and v es • 1 f •om the Pres- at th istowel. rttiaing three hu , which is p few days a children, den iiled at s the ve ion llt 113 1 det seve rkin ownehip, eh by dogs. 1 Lell n, While pl Ontario their father's ha ecided to 1 to it. They had at Brant- 1 their own lives, of Feb- i ennt Toronto 1 aura, al D'Otori- i Sam el their way 1 Bed ith other day, 1 of ei cur g a lar B were on lin. of he Paci thel side- alp lin wn as t ed '4 avily heir ha uta were ng the 1085 ontemp erner, the loo 1 • • ces- and om- that redit ffalo ts Bu ost pre - s„ and the ore than itizens for sides the s ex ban an was feed hav rglais who ork sum Lieu • ar. She asmet here by'a friend. Their estinatior was about five ' miles below instance ance f the second ><na 'Thisis pf ia. this kind which has occurred in that }mmediate vicinity within the last six months. endo n E n1 —Sir Ai T. Galt sails forg Saturday �• - - understood that Sir John second vi ;Canada being pia ext. acdonald will not pay a it to England this year. The acific Railway business is ed in the hands of High tion in B Of Gen. I3is Hon Who was near other losiv ghted two lt, the n the been u the er. • ce ing • 119. ear Halifax, t ciden ally set fire ro ' escape with barn Ond. its ffalo, on Thursday, in honor ✓ Judge Sinclair, of Hamilton, resent upon invitation, and took a seat onithe platform near the dis- tinguish sold 55,0 forty-sev The Hu 664 bus 1 Ameliaaburg Grangers have 0 bushels of barley, averagieg u pounds, at siXty-five cents. gerford farmers have sold 13,- 18 of barley, forty-six and a 0 Me? EAN BROS., Publisher8. $ .50 a Year, in Advance. the results of these visits will be an to : guage carried by one of the others • increased demand for Ontario farms, and lifts the tie while the others spike d`€ that thea rail in every alternate sleeper.. and no fear need be entertains the price of cleared land of good quality These again areifollowed by three other declineia consequence ine I, who finials spiking the rails ; .and will permanently he!railwa:, is built without noise, bias of the Canadian emigration t, the t , y Northwest, or trouble, at t "e rate of about three- day,b. a ,scot 1_ � Gough, beingdissatisfied quarters of a m e per y � John B. g e With the reception he has net with so of Men working in time and harmony. far in Canada, ads has arbitrarily refused to Hugh McLean, who a short time fill his engagelnents at Chatham and age was taken to the London Asylum, elsewhere, a :proceeding which Will dis- escaped from c appoint the eitizens, and cause the Me- chanics' Institute a loss of the amount of their printing and advertising quarter ents in the store. —Tw ty-one thousand five hundred and tw nty barrels of apples were shipped from Montreal during the week en mg October 30th, against 18,- 487 the 1 week previous. Of the 'lot, 13,376 ent to Liverpool, 5,468 to Glasgo 'and 2,676 to London. —A d utation of gentlemen from york County Council visited the Waterloo House Refuge last week for the Pur- pose of obtaining information con ern- ing the working of that institutio , it York t proceed with Abe erection similar ary states t 1, was so me , that he tr ct of an at imp es - of on his tent on as gra on he e Colony trona Wilmot t thtre. tier long ana favor - e keeper of the light- th of th river Thames, as a poi r. storm shows was do 93 per total 900, a the other arne g on trip uth ed aying r tither men luml be The r lef aS hrei e Railway. on of'the Sons of ld their annual the 7th Of De- visio s are to be ys fo cheap rates. III oa cli an oa oint lat the mo Saturda upon s son T ht tha Mrs. husbau . Brow Ridge, go and. kota, a O t118 east, ia ush On the the other erm left /31e k for sts of 1st wage !paid Pe he•w ts to pct 0 fOr th Ridge na his son rs that they er, and it is 22 years was k uth `of th ay last was kee her s legality on ve eeds is as bel me," hi to Ham . Wh the sw raft c ck door front. 'It is for T tont herb La ive the gen Li age of 78 ley at one t the Catholic skim° 150, far ten Onptain II. H. aile3 he ill er c at 1 is eiug day lope d adainst the prop n th grouad that 6g and ho es litho Miss W le, who hpuae and lot to er and brother i poo yo ng *a int sur eyor, !co mit ing imself th king long the treet ea saner, whil on horseback, as s ag east. He as d'.did -Jot hear it ap Ye tin si leav the him age, ist 8 OT 9,1 he deIc cen etc. dtric ia Tri her sis et la na go la di nee , variety, pounds,. Or ate of the be 19.st eight regaled. in: was a tailor , at Toronto, rtie suc le• e Ess tart ave ere On had left 801 (311 ear eper of t th er 's father y years ty years ted. It ent will esso to at few sola his far itla his family w his friends at receiyed Word that lost in ene of the t est 44 the 9 011 oth- -T River as frozen over, so that peopl working man, an crosse on plauks. 1 It subsequently nicely on his feet, so that the loss of the partly ppened up, but aid not liebome fruits of his summer's toil will fall heav- freezi g process will he a little later Kinloss. Mr. Purvef4 of 8E4 biril passing by bie place on Monday, anti knowing that he must have escaped frorn the Asp-. luta, induced him to come with biM into Lucknow where be delivered hitn into the halide of the authorities, who had him sent back to the Asylmn. ; —011 the 16th. ult., While Johni Lamb, Of Glenelg, was taking a llama of manure through a oiece of bush, between the farm they livie on and another let they own, a high 'stump of a tree Was sna- clenly blown down, and the young WW1 truck on the head and felled to the ground. About fifteen minutes after he was found by his baother lying on his —The Frnit Preserving Contpany at Tilsonburg, Ont., is running night and :—The resi. ence of John Boyd, of Niagara, was ntered on Friday morn- ing by two ' !unknown men, who ran- sacked the beuse for money, and de- maaided, with! loadea pistols, that the anoprietor of ithe house should. deliver up his name+, Passers-by heard j the day and expects to use 25,000 I bus e a cvies for help, and scared the hut ars iof apples this season. These Ore evap- 1 alvay. Great complaint is made of the lorated, that is, dried by a speedy sweat- laxity of the police, who never suceeed ing process, instead of the lordinary , hi obtaining a conviction, although method of drying. -The !Company 1 crinaes are of daily ocacurrence. 1 has sent a quantity of lite product to --One day, lately.; while Mr. Wheat Toronto, and also makes shinments -to Donnelly was passing through! the Liverpool. . tOwnship of Adelaide on his way from —Information has b en received at Lucanto Glencoe, with a load of ferni- Ottawa that the Brazi ian Parliaraent tnre, he met with an accident by which has voted the subsidy $50 aoo to a his load was upset, elle of his horses line of steamships bet een the ports of killed, and onaiderable damage done a. It is also to the con eats of the wagon- no ill be placed DU Mairle OUt a bill of 1$200 against the 11 prObably run alouncil„ and at a special meeting * compromiae was affected for $92 cash- 1 n the road on Robbins' hill. --About four months ago, a lman ; aaned John Ross, aged. .105 yeatt, was ; -ound wanaering around the streets of i London, witlhout means or friend& He Was arrested as a vagrant, and. said.he ad. been sent to London by the an- horities at Woodstock, having for erly _ la ived in Mid Zorra. He serve . the under disc . ssion for some time by the benevolent lauth.orities, but nothing has beetatIone. The poor old fellow is now Y of , that country and Cana °f a stated that the yeast:de pview of the ravages of the greati during the winter months bet# een Hall - Of October 16th, on the lakes,' at upwards of $500,000 datnagei e to vessels and cargo, and that; ns perished. There were 171 d in all 66 vessels damaged It or less extent, fax, St. JOhn, Pernambuco and Rio e Janeiro. ,I —The grain stacks, hay atia stables 'of Mr. Angus McCallum, near Nelson- ville, Manitoba, were destroy a. by fire 43 one day lately. A, ;park ifrom the 11°1 cause of the disaster.' Mr. McCallum 0 : A year agc• to -day t e ea is au upright industaious and hard - as 3 at getting the river an hun avor cr res res ngin es n iton th yes era ida otel g onor the e Archbishop nkuoVn, and editeis. Mr. , is !probably Quinn. owing , of Rat Port - chased at a quattz mill, Rat Portage, , Council 'have sal to employ streets e hard- th it w vith die ,000 town, and left circ mstances ed Walker, a ed nicide by und. He was with • a young the aeed. an old anan creasing the ack hear Whit - ruck by a train ome hat deaf, roacLing. The recently1 to Holy 3 11 • 24 1 9 the 1f t o for the li wine ge of at the ped tiona, and iS record of ramp in Eng- Geelp to drive bit c Pt to Wal the f he plod and the ht a 45. ow in g te. dit ed en lea\ ing that the policy hitherto Scotia and a well knewn and wealthy --In an action for seduct on, tried at but t weather continues mean enough for an thing. the Essex Assizes, Mr.i Justi e Armour a helpless to the juty ursued by —Last z ecting the shipped 41 rdicts had don, Engl his in •ention of giving $50,000 to eil- juries to ;bring in light v failed of, its object, tamel !, to reduce the nuMbet of Buell a lions, and , h. ' f history in Dalhousie he thought it was time to ry the effect ; of heavier verdicts. he lary accord- ' past the an His efore dow Colle will gate made bald his r prese men purs who Chu abili sala was Ada two ing. hop but lock pow nig scio la ake his gifts to ;Dalhousie Sggr4!)- Fa $110,000, the greatest gift ever ay a native of Nova Scotia. I ! ne evening lately, Elder ATClii- ted him with ' a highly coriipli- containing 0.00. Mr. Shacla r, it Zr, has setvedthe Lobo Christi n h as preacher with great zeal and. for many years withoat any ohn Waugh, the young man who eeks ago, died • on Sunday moan - The previous . Thursday strong were entertained of his recovery, n Friday he ' suddenly became awed, and the , decline of 'all his rs, which hold began T s for several hours before d eury C. 'Hogarth, of thet Mut*, near Culloden, a ,f me circumstances, aged about 31, g a wife and two chiliiren, eft e Thursday morning, 28th ult his other farm, across ,t e! 11 Li • as Fit r. John who a , starte razi owS ith • 11 g and t and a q him, an une to Out hundre tably raise he xperim ad in sev the on d mark comma One of roa es that te Railr ult. on th rt the rt I ot da ear, 2,010 9,er ree sec io s ant ty in en yes ha in t is nt as al i st y se mu icat tho atn th ad i cal go ran chil while tritve was interre ing from anXious to the Grand coach was coinfortabl plabed int river. On rar', Mein • • abo ing con reac arri Tr he as it er yre, Sarnia, wh, en t On 18 IS Yeg eul0smnint 411%. vatn 43r7Ot nk ted up, th hig ree Oar f othe E pro rchas o put pount been viat ces e it d Pe on th t ned on 1 at and onti rt G nd he ed. aeross the oint Edward, took care of arri ed from d her to the pia the tens led rme to gave ish nip fo for s of of f er twenty farra stock eedMg next seiven or can be pro - mailer bac being e on Royal bly to ut of k the their rt. g last Shell imself re ex - sheep rming 11 of goo hav hou fro be hea an dis Ca da ed Pi cas br co wa Ce is 80 la ill cuirre hitt a ichiga ee ft la • 10 which Course e Mar - Friday, a male railway y lived Detroit s suffer - being ued on atiot by Here a a.de as ady was 11 UM -ay uncou- in nd his vir ring the Rat Portage post 0,000 worth of furs to Lon- na. They probably cost cash business is never done with the natives, to whom probably not more than $200 to 4300 per &M1111111 ie paid. out These furs would bring. aboat $300,000 ein the English market,_ so that an iaon, can be formed of the —Dorchester, New i15,3ru wick, Peni- was sentenced to death ra y years age tentiary, has a man n me Young, who manse buSiness done by the' Hadson Ba Cornipany. Of course they have hu. areas of posts all over the country. , in Prince Edward Islan for arson. British Columbia to the Atlantic. His'sentenee was collimated to impris- . fro onment for life. When D puty Foster ! . =The half -yearly meeting of the presented himself at! the °land prison i Grand Trauk Railway Company was: last week to take ch 'rge Of the con- I b.eld at London, England, Oil the 28th victs, he found Young hi chains,and I ult. There was a large -attendance of was informed that he had actually been 1 the share alders, Sir Henry Tyler Fra- in chains for 22 year , an' for twelve 1 siding. years had never seen the ontside of his i year endi he report stated that the half g Sane last, the last three d the last week, were respee- iehly of the prospects of the The report was unaninaously voted to Mr. Hickson in n of his services, eanecially tien with the Chieage extol' - 'tie driver, was inailcuta fot negligence in musing at weir eeton -Junction, on the Hami- deliberating for two hours the jut' months a accident occurred to Mr. Geo. Fischer, It spoke Waterloo township. While driving to- wards Breslau, accompanied by hi daughter, the horse iuddeinly shied. t one side 9f the road, ca ing both to tumble out of the vehicle. Mr. Fischer • sion. atruck I;na his head, land received very 1 —At t serious, if not fatal injaaies, his skril calf, en being badly fractured. The daughter crimiusl although considerably br ised. about th dent at not concern. adopted, lriencgo conne —A. somewhat uu ome to dinner, but has net been sympathy with aadebtor, was given at a • in disch , Hai' ;wife Meeting of the creditors of Mr. Wm 1 row esca fda Lir oilmy a or or Hewitt, hardware deal r, of Toront ,, the jury taking a favorable 716W of the grseeaenttysdiilaseterseseed at his some days ago. A To onto creditor 1 case. warned him that in. his po- Wm. i moveda a Montreal creditor seconded, ! sition la had great responsibility, haaa The funeral of the late Mr. and all agreed to the following resolua 1 ing a la ge amount of property, and tion : "That this reeeti g syrepathizO ; often in ny valuable lives in his care? afternoon, aud was largely attend- , k 1 with Mr. Hewitt in resp ct to his pre- i and it as essential that he ehould sent fihancial position, nd that, in th:e I strictly dhere to the rules of the C01:4-- ( e salie pia ed was I opiniop of this reeetieg,, all creditors f : patty. also hoped hisease wohldbe The i United States land ' Mr. Hewitt shou grant him an alas - 1 a warni g to him and others , in man - lute discharge rona t eir respectiee I aging th ir trains. debts,•his embartasmen being purely a i —On Thursday morning last wee4, inscription ipla, e is ver a centuryil an extraordinary and unusaal scene that have pot been . He 1 matter of misfortane." All creditors , interred in a vault in S . J. mes' I present at once Biped 14s discharge, I took pl co in the Court of Queen's etery, deeigned by himael , Which —The most consiste t temperance ! Bench t Montreal. Just before the f unique pattern, and cos 0,500. man of the times is a farmer (we have i court o ened, two lawyers named At - left a will, and lais fortune (11 $4,- not learned his name), ;who on Sat - 1 chamb ult, Q. C. aud Quinn,i got into a ,000 will be divided betIre his ' day week brought to the Owen Sou: d 1 war of words, which. ended in ,Archam- the homestead, and promise o the prisoner, and the juag , rging him, said he haa a nat- e from conviction, owing to et iu which ght from the WO, and the e of silver coin gal tender for; e, brother, nephews and 'b other -in- , market a load of the b t : bault s riking Quinn on th.e mouth and , he having bean childless. i has yet been offered a t. a scene (4 tumult ensued. Qpinn ea; :ea. Mr. Demean Sinclair, D. .'S , and I The price agreed upon th members of his pairty recep y re- • though the ruling- pric tu ned to Winnipeg from eubdi iding cents,i The holiest farmer asked if t 8 lownships,some p5 miles north est of ' grain 'would be used in the naanufact Turtle Mountain, in the suuris aistriet. of liqaor, to which the buyer ropl. d manse Mr. Sinclair reports that the130. hi the . that was the purpose fOr which it was others !for stealing $15,000. ; The lart- lo ahty surveyed ia a, dark loaini with a . reqpired. The farmer at once refuSed pleasantness arose from the ; bitterness ' clayey subsoil. The region. is well ! to sell it for such Purpose. "Well.," with Niihich the Cafie had been carried ! watered, with some good tinabjer. Sonae , said the buyer, "I can purchase it or on. 'he court opened immediately 1.1 swiamps and an inamense ravine inter- , milling, but can offer you only 45 ce ts. after t e tumult which such an lin- sea the area surveyed. In the a ter is "All right," replied the farmer, and - usual ccurrence had caused, and Jones w at is believed to be a fine aa stone - cept it he did, thus losing 14 cents er was seatenced to five years in the Pani - est barley th t the mark •was 59 een was only upon t e parole e .app ° policemen to arrest Arch's. nd the latter gave hie perso appear in. Court. Mr. Qu' in the case against aones and quarry. The arable land conai t as a bushel, Or $5.60 ion his load of 40 - tentiary. 1 ! --A farmer named Rollinga, residing gOeral rule, of rolling prairie. -6-ame bushels. - of' all kinds is plentiful. Ducks, prairie —The building of the Canada Pa4fic . near Sarnia and who has hitherto been c ickens, and wild geese are 'alse very Railway is being pushed ahead with considtiredvery respectable,was arrested p ntiful, and could be killed by throw- . something like speed, and is now with- , lately i on a charge of stealing sheep ing stones at them. ! 1 in about twelve miles of the Portage. from 1tt, neighbor named Taylori and —The Toronto Mail says : In no pre- The mode of :work, although apparent- was Mowed by the Magistrates to LOIN year' has Canada been vi hied by ' ly strange, is claimed to be the best : go on his own recognizanee to the - *sts,bent : adapted for this country. A couple of i amouat of WO, has, it is stated,junaped farming ; men start ahead with axes, and clear : his ba ' The arrest of Rollings, who is Ithough away any bush or impediments in the i very r s eetably connected, was a sur-. he win- way. Two' or three ore come after ! prise is neighbors, but now that a t ort the these and lay the ties which are elm- , clue hes been femaa he is suspected a val of more English far era' dele- plied to them by teams which ha.ul havina been guilty of the theft of g tes, of \an English nobleMan, and , thena from the side of the line where ; mime ous valuable sheep and ;other others \to are specially desirous of ! they are dumped at the end of each , firm 9toek, which have been &gasp- v/isiting the Northwest. These facts day. Another gang then comes along 1 peari g from his neighborhood in ,0, iery. ulti 1 dicate the incaeasing interest felt by i with a hand car loaded with rails, - mys ous naanuer for a long time• e old country in this Dorainion. It plates and bolts, and lay the rails on ', back.i It is further stated that in, order i also gratifying to learn from! those top of the ties, bolting eacla rail as laid to diftert suspiciort and create synal Who have jiiiit concluded an; inspection down to • the proceeding one, and. pro- : pithy, he committed a number of lout- + i ceeding onwards as soon as the rail is rage* on. his own stock about the Bach large numbers of agricultur on seeing for themselves the c pabilities of the country. e are now drawing towards ✓ season, our despatches 4f our lands, that ' their quaL than meets their expectatione, the only drawback is a 1.94 olass farming in many section est such as cutting out I the and that 1 laid. Three other men °erne alter these, o of high- 1, one of whom has a pry, with which he 1 tongees of some of his cattle, and others . Among • moves th rails into position, according I of a like character.