HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-29, Page 5imam
IIiOCTOBER 29 18SO JP 1714E HURON S QR IEXPQ'IT MIN= the old note, which he no sooner got ud men were f OJDg ng t IL(d into his hands than he tore up and seat- be al Nq%lCe 13. Parr Line of s' GREAT AUCTION 8 ILE tered the pieces &.bont the floor Wiley.. 6bout d rk-.' On The 'Sunday mornirg TILE le bly abc at � dtcl : i Bron air Or ,he IMMENSE Sul LC ST O bel, , GCES'* a -OF— — FOUND. jar proceeded to examie the renew- YOuDgiman was 8 lei f Cai le 11 H6n es. be h 31d at tells iels I------- r Aurn ng fro* Bruce- oi ail, -,vh ich, to his astonishment, he ursd 0 embu r 411J, 1880. At �IIC Fair f-4 EE -S RUFFALo RqBE FOVND-1 �Onnd On Oet4er -f and when L)6at I itlf 161d, be Ins! I ontl piing handf, W ey, near -found hd only the siguature of Mr. J. that place a w tweela c d of E tockic 61 1_4 `1i A F, �C770 RY 16th, n the Gosben tjoe, SLIol
1). Roauld, the more valid name of M, r. nd Ei Dpen, he met.two,men IL�0.11 Youxe bve fu lline� of S. Orvelrs, a am -all Siked Bu MOO %be a team goin6 D LO: C (prated Callik an AND is ud wagon .1 Tbe ou-ner ca -m li've it bv catllilak at the resident '
Jmnes Ronald ba,ving been omitted. The wa bb. - ; F4?M 31TOZX. of EDWARD OBIN86N, Lot O�, onal othe., Ciparf;,' gon was th 2y in of er t) Cie tra e oaded with no pctor r price,,it 'Si nd THOS. KIOUS Em' im, SEAFORT This was pointed ou, rf hai he i , PORI Stanley, onpayi�gforthis t at Once to Mr. thought looked 1 yc tir racrE tot he: u an frel r t fj�6in'M)n- e bal �s, llA11CHIBALD BINHOP hao been i lets net -Rona)d, who was asked to complete the and as lcov- 672 to I ered over with HeXI by Public A4,,Ji on, at the T. is mes oad .oil (loth. One man Ch OL :'iel,ij cse�Fuctory,on WANT:ET)., iD 2,enewal note. This, however, he re- wRG sittlug on the front drivin� and �he 1J Elip 9 AN fused to do, upn, which the teller I wil ay lie 1: ighest ca';b cee le r an y q ant [ty other was' stand i a g on SERVANT WA D—Wantett st Once z gocia os, she( and La genern the Lack,jand of w A Pic 5, Ilia S14, I ser Sk E Appl -thre&tene criminal proceedings unless learling over on the loa� WE NESDI �r, NOV. 100880 TH kAD (MADE CLOTHNIG DEPARTMENT LANDER, Clinton, O' is no liv 1; No Yt MRS. R� CAL -
The - n-1 � at a y ft riliture I tore mor or �ra le, I oftl ]I 3r cv(rytoling. i -TC HN POWFA. 65 669 the matter was settled then and there. doubO- but these are ti e part es ',1w, 3o, Alien Ten Milch! Cows 9 A lively titne ensued. but Ronald per- corn nd a r a ilber of WANTED TO I mitted the ii -801 (oUbG 11" VE, 0116 0 fie .1d to lent, two robbery, and as no At _ cOmfortabItj Dwellina Hquilea, 0 -tPd in his foolish course, and fillally tber trace has be �! bessl 1 asc, Dt't ed, ar d cl S't It It at? En got of them, at is er e , Croe azy a ad G as altuat-W., Apply it WADI, B left the. barril-div office without leaving �Supposed t The hagnes Poad Cheese Fac ve either bid en IN THIS DEPARTMkNT HAS EN VERY hey ha tie al f &06 or tc ry, �dy BUaINESs forth. AOTHERS, Sea- value received. The matter then I " i the ( out tv. We hav �Ieceivqd this iel 670 9-y oodssom at Rol"A Teni, Coal r isi. ewhere 'an tb 3 neighborhocd, ie lo �� or N ew Sea, With Two Acres of Lind Att 661ed. over for a few brir8L, 0 SUOCES8FUL, AND THE SAL W& hen a warrant pr else tlik I li:::: a in n 1R§ 1;XTRAQ DINARIL!r LSITUATION NTED, —As iwol-ing house- at theylay ovE r in sovae . id- Is, Blac ki i i I J&pI Lu , %v Blacki i apaus The owsareall go to be in -ceper or c,,x2panjon to an cild lady; -willing mc cannot be 0 and RUP]POR d
was issued, and Mr. Ronald was arrest- ac Is vien by any Is u ic in LARGE- W t1ICH AN E&SILY!Bt AOC)OUL�qTED FO':). to ml
U e during, 1Suuda3 and pipce4ed u,' Itirl and . - .1 calf- be.Cbeese Fact ory is one of the best in ake herself vlaorall
i 1 le, a, A (qu died, I y ugefulL Apply at.the
rbt before Squires Hunter Y TO fLw. 87tti tu tic 11 EXPOSITOR icy ref Ino Ilia( idid dairy-, 69-2 C urn Ing an very heav S �, ; Or 'MY L for 116 find R& rteeivedvoAll - colliki-y. rermH of poyment Et ECTED STO61K. EACHERS W1 NTED�Wan, ed,, two teacheft
lway. Parties alltIll anything 11 for the posecutio, IMr. J. D. RoniLld; fer, as Frt iti i in tb IveW reat;Onable. -On :the Stock 14 months, ed and brou r .1 i o-4th'e journey (In Sun lay nial't. tie gin ra,: instmee WHEN YO' EXAMINE THE PAICE, STYLE and Shaw, Mr. E. E. Wad�e appeared loss is a M ed 6 e-er the country, and is locatt d in it i.ple I AND FINIsa M11 c A GE AND WELL S as oniv been a short tim� eddit v ill be given on f jlrn Tboliling thir� crass certifc*1te fmale) 'for heb ce -6, P - s brother. After a leDgtby the mercantile ovi iia is, to - isl Ing alp ved joint acted for hi in ("r( Flour %,Feed I ill,fing it and South school Secti.
Ib iAs will.' e 0 X.V11111 notes. digcount of 8 .4, Stanley, examination; the prioner was go -o ve us a LU, as 11 , cents on the dollar will u d re- seen, be offerB a -it ft f Ill be tilloited for 14te" A�ppl:" atating �eeil_ With teati, eve] Ii e, for cash. $ale to Commence ab 12 berELL -award for le tO,x, and will lot -be old O'clock 600114 omials,.to WIL�IAMC r, go(!ds at tb U I I I I . L Isecyetary, www� icad orn I Tweea and WorstcI4 Suits, froin 9 P. o., ont. =&nded. dcoverV of t Onecair6r&mei 0 1 Ill MENIS SUITS MyStock-of mews ' ; - be T 6ARI INER, P opri ter. to,820, are ackn 71 ,OW81 ci�ledged to be, for style and price, the best ever offered I n8eafnrth. pf the tbiev�s. Lan iptg; ii d La lip ROBER 6 is to be ho ed li�t IRV 3 I I fInfj t as C I Ila U tind nywhe -e w� it -M WANTE TO RENT—Want �:oth will be discoyered. Pei LD DISHOPS' Aucl ioneer. '3 AR ea to rent .1 ARCHIBIA F
Of Oi 0 to. We import our . ro&e. y dire �t, at d buy a for ci tali, i i the Cry lowx for a tirm o 3 -ears a, good fsrm containing
013 v,my.—We have to announce s, bout. 100 acres, Intl converient1o, markets and price: th ts In Tweed, -Nap and Canadian Etoffe, all sizes and prices, e b(low tb AT 11 L, chealbebt in the market. 8choolsr A liberall Yen I twill;bermid for los-11 .4
r of M rs. Ichabod Stock should be we1l I ir re., U 1 it w, T, 4 "I ell DARIN 8 ith reg et the death cared MiRS— wi, i nit bt IeLt figyAre(J0, S, 811@1 1 Its .4 place. Apply t
Ina Toilet %V; m, I lock, P. 0. bow.erman, wuo has been the victim of - for t is. seas o E Itable 0 WX- Z-ARRI.STOX, Uar- cireful 3,tten- I and" glish Chi ia, Tea S6ts jkjll�i 672x4
_3L, I W -health for some tim Mrs Bower-� I to their -Heaitl Me ISE01-tiniq1t to Lboose from. of M.kY BE COX ITTE-D I AUT B ealth is i as 'Oodsandfl4doi��-Iour bcfote 6VIr- R OATS'—'To suit all, both in in ateri, al and price. BV, ANTE. RS f to M 'Necessary as Good. Feed. Thi ,man died at her home on Tuesday, 19th 11 � our''r lity ); TAITEEDt§ in the Newest Patterns from co - Fine Worsted in all shades, the findst
IS JUT -111M tast price pad 5 5 AUCTION SALZi Can be procu t, ry , it I - - -___ ___ 1 4 �i inst., surrounded by her family and Aig i OALDER IS NEVER AS"tEEP and ost quali�y, xo:& ro i by using 13:ick- in 14rm ii,oduce, 6721 : - i ..gfqj,an� 01her nufactured for the RcadTm�d Trade.
friends, -&D:d on the following ThursdaY_ FOR SA IN THE -OWNSHIP OF Son's Conditiop Pov,ders'l a 11FARA . I
HE 1.1 11 . . I HAY BY PU LIC AUCT101 - —The subsoil -
A L TA YS A WL & her rainains were 00aveved to the flactured only iZn ber will offer to sale by pubille, auction, at E. Hic I I ` BOVS'�AND ZURI,.0 "H4 M41RJ t J;nion cemetery, followed by a, large o.'s Drug sto:,:,�, :1FETS. .'N'OUTH'S—Boys, and Youth's Suitf3,',`Ulsters, Over- 'i':DE10RERTIS TEL, a of b a Ma. 2y frien Is and the coatf, Pon J'ack -e
9, at I o'clock proce8l>1011 of people, -who assembled to 1 To 1vant ets, in any material, -and. at On. FRIDA , NVEXBE* bth, 180, the publi� at- Ini-ge, 81IPI)3yiDg t iem wit i f ret -c As' ri�es; that wfll conyince 1 all that Ieirapor than any other hous%in the trade. 3EAF It' Oc .28, 198). A of �he Fhntogru1)hi, &rt, the litesti No. 21 in th� 7th Conceit
pay her their, last tribute of eapect. we -h Half of Lo Sion
I'Of the Towaship o Ray, Auction� Sa] es. 11 I nc*est deHig, R, - a; rew onably oi r pries, contaifiliag 671 Mr. BOWertuan, who apaed neither 0 1c8 to 0 9) 2 S Irk 2-g! :Them t,,Fjfe la, , This is e in ain seer6 ( f my success II 'Ile P LSt,
I.- 0 97 tv I (I on which there is: It frame honse,ilog barn, aia 0, at S A 9! and will! be my mgttb f, OE FURNISHINGS—Arrived ihis week, a full assortment in I thriving young c reh&x.d, Abo4t 40� 1101*8 We lay, November 10, hat .,Rbd )he .Moa,ey tior.pains to relieve the stiffer- I Wednesc ff, el it-sh. 0 98 to I 0) t )r thi futare. Pictilires ings of his beloved wife,'w" the Thames R blow when evleorea and in a 1 ood rta
absent ead Oh- 3ese ctory 0 ts pol 8 to t) 2 taken wilen tbe teinp4.9t a k CIO da I y line. te of oultivatiun. Is
from bou e at the titne yTal 11 a hover aliove us, when thunder and lightil of her de a th, IblO F actory. � !Prop( rty au&Far' Nas per bas.: el. ...... ; � Ill ng situated within 2J rullev of th t riving vill'age Of
8 to 11 0 6 lages, when it rains, WI -en it snowH, and when SItIck, Sale to cotij 0 8 to 0 6 t ]I.gXiDg cyOE) a long distance to proen re B rb �y y er bi Rhe ...... Zatic L h, and 3 mijbs from Hensall. Tt�xnia M&de
raen( e at J,L t-Jb e 8 brighti rays forth-lic mai ter CA�DIGAN JAcOPKETS—Hea�V, Canadian make, eXtra, good valu a. ELI)p ur her particulate I -B tt r, oJ Lo 0 8 to 10 11 anShine on. Robert G a medicine which was recQrnmeaded to tt r, Nlb.L What the wea�btsr mayibe. �v to Boi-souberry, Anxich, or to Tianes
pro ieto!r - B ... 0 to 10 2( ... ........ Cal er alwaFs take I rL P12( to A rehibald Bishop, actio: good impression and 'turns IArmstro itruit
him as ane which -had iuvarialy 91"Ven leer gs ........ ..... .... 0 I 0 6 a �O. 1111',P -r I IbR. ....... �7 to -g d. Pletar fraries r., r-Opr, �tor.
t 13 I.(
8 00 to Old Pictures copiedanil Cola) relief, and sometimes proved an effee- Saturday, Noveni )er 1 18k all t 6 —Shirts and' Drawers in Fine Lamb' and HeaN y qtock. I.. ..... .. Reme ter th('People1i Eavorite, CADH flian 8 10 to 9 0 kept in N DERCLO MING
I", AV601 -e in -hilar cases. His expres- Commercial Hotel, Seaimtb, E 3i 'te of H des, 1; �r Ill The PiOneer Gallel-3 plintsite the Con merdiax pri littlit. and Flannel Shirts,r� tu&l cut sit. f . All ces ; White. O_�ford, Reg Collars, Sear! a,
I I -to 0 0 Ilaiii kerebi(fs, 16 S11Lj!; In th -atter of' Ole 0 )6 Hotel. Ithe'lateiJi6but StodJat. co -81 cc]) A e! Oh'. . ........ 0 115 to CAIJ Elt, eufortl vCS, Mitts, and Wool find Merino oi EX`017
sions of grief when. he returned home i Sale ;d 0 9( se in Endless Variety.! Tol Estate of -04N STODD
St IC(red il)t, r dar el B.�-No ric-pre 1 , A14T, late of the f.1-I.e fann �,.F 1,; n ence at 2 o'clock ' I I I 0 Q1 I a JECD ill total d arl Dessa est, y IN illage Of Egmoudvllle Decestseil-T-he Sf t(, b less 0 7� Execu
friend aad comfurter now- cold aud &' Holjnested, Solicitors for E_xe� ItOrS tot i will land "testameni f olluStod-
I pe) Ill 8 al, no 0 -so to 10 3T M, ANTLE AN[). DOLMANI -9 of the last
colorless, maybe more easily irnagilled J. P. Brine, c P 'at 0 CL ;—S�ecial Attention, is directed to i dart, late of thVole,e of Egm0haville, decear-
an ticiie r. Ar Its, ier big...., ...... 0 0 to 0 k M4 L irge tock of Tadies"Witntive anit Dolmans ;.'oveDr W different samplep; 'well cli�, han'XI. j,�d, have hisLrneWil Atr. Jo
6 60 to i SOTO y rinimed, lind beyond doubt 121 per cent. cheaper tha the can be parchiis�d tioneer to off er for' sole by Public P. Brine, And -
i T :esday, 2d of NovibLub)r, i than ,described.. -Mrs. Bowerman, was y i Auction At the
9, Concession 0 (6i 6 f, O !O 6 i CIS W ere. ey. ... .1 ..... I i
i i I 1 I&L HOTEL, in the TO WN of SEA-
-A held in the hihest esteem in this neiah- 17, Farm PIAINO A D OR -G borhood, where b:pr untimely deatb, in Ili d Implements. ',�ale I D 001:111nenf,-e on SATUA-DAY, the I.Ah d of iNO_
CLINT4N; Octil 2$,l 8 t,he -1th V 0,010C4 P. 1 i . ( - 1C. M. DUNL 11 tee ebee M igia in all' BE , 1, 0, at�2 o'clock P. M the following -ear of her acle, is a inatter of EL M. Thoul is T d, I
bull, ra a a a c @ D 99 Mil sic if 8 ei ee sn� H arm iry p(r great and general regret. She was a p oprietor A Dag3l,-ty, at ctioneei-, UY forming patt of the SP in g Wheat, pe: -bl is Lie]. j,.,. 1 18 a njpoeiltl� ; advanc& pupi it' ece vi , 0111-
y baughl to -wr[te I Ott P, i 0 2 i% i mencing at a pxiiat Ilistant ftom -he north-west
;Saturday, Octobei-30, I B80, �,I, .1 loving a -ad amiale mother, a true 0 Ldb mnHie froin s and, tbi s enabling comps: iiers to allgle of village lo; -number eight. On the east
Coueds"iOu 13,_ 11 Ba lc,,,pbr bvshe 4.. I 1,0 wlite bbeir own COMP(si ions; careful aUention 1 Mead, an witho b au euemy, we be- es 1w st of Zaricb. 1?0 t R. I- 1. I ua� side off Water stree i in the said �Vlflwge of Eg
pel b ven to y �b i 'IiUne� 81 &ISO theI11086 Lpprcv- oung e. in cheve, in existence. arm Stock and Ir RL BUYER IN T 'OUNTR She was much ip. emE -Its. Qe to (110 for stii rgthc ng an I 01
I ..., .!.. 0 2 i d vocal training H iOLD borth, sixtyde-
nmence -ees west; thenco mouth tbirt.�,_. degrees, weat
Ving, Potatoes Dew s0 A �d I 0 ing the vt?lc0 given when desii ed witi ou b ex,ra, liked aDd respected by a, large ircle Of o'cl, )�X. reo. K. i6xchainsailate -fielinkstoispost;thenee
PI-OPrietor; E enl.-)err 7, ae . ............ j. (11 @ bances, vvho,. in conam Bos� r acqat wi t.h W )15 chit Re. Pse of instralte t for pract ueer. ice; harf es Frida Ela 7 n A � 0 mod Blesidencel In 0.6orge Si reet fi -at !.north tixty degre S.. west Ave chains to a
-mbe. I oursalves, much regret her death, and Nove 5, 18 tO, at I)eich A d Direeb from Canadian Man liost' theilcen-urthe
Idoor for 41 I inVite Comparison, de�y th-irt y degrees,icast six chains
ZnriGh C1 vel ead. =of Main s4edt, 'eafo rth. 67, COMIx-fition, and give Fivie Elf -r Ve�illt. Diloce""t 9 tWelltY-fte 1113 ,lost, i thence South
deeply sympathize with the fanii!y in Va. d -able I Itr M. Ti othy See]_ 8 0 @ 1 I - - -'— ___ _ _, �w k h : Mantles, Dolman, JVJLAnt�e ft -P a
@ 25 1.8 to a Vel�vets, MmmCe Cloths, Ulster Cloakings, 8nowls, Fur6, Trimmings, Wool Goods, Blank, hve Flannel,.,, Wineys, Prints, a�ad it full line of Canadian HosiC �ore or less, to
the s tioti and loss they have Sie to commence it I o'clock F. M. t�, sixty degrees, east
$400-00 -:REVYARD. I a y
the place o1beghnmn . Th abovp prapert will
TOmas Johnston, r., p ropriet 26� �Spribg Wheal RPO( ri, Ic i be offerecl in the fitot place in one'p-are-P-1, and if
not sold will then e off cred in Lots havin
B'aqseDbe,rr 9s & white,! U�dcrsi&xicd wil AT Worac. atictiol - - JM r St6&Cy, our general et, Is 3d;. I ie a Rewaid (f $2)0 a,u_ b, 10�� d ; o ts Os 2d; baAley, n " ill lead fo he i e a and twentyifive links by a
Wednesday THE woodworker, being favored by the Noven iber 3,1880,Lot 11, 7d 1 for fronts go of one Ch cord -
UST ARRIVED, SOME BEAUTIFUL THINGS ing to v. plan which will be pro
C(,nLee6siob 4 11. coveiy of he Good e fr, n: MR stoi e i Kip-' depth ut two chainE and fifty link', eacb.at'
eaE !h tamn breezes lias, now his windmill in JR. S Tuckers"Imith. I .5s 6 pDrl "!71s (d;; le'fl pen on h 23rd Oeteb w r tile fall blast, and is actively employed saw Far in Stock an d i 1 2 P 1�tn 3nts ; 6'se ph 62 oh s (16s 6 C_ t of Morning th a will give it I e w xd if i of sale. TERMS CP SALE—Puchuser8will be
ina material for use in his line of busi- D., rson,proprietar :J P. Bi iue, audtion - $400f,ril rmationtli i requiredto Pay Lon, e day of xiil� a deposit to
atwill Uad to the ,ecoi - the Vendor's Solicit ra of ten per 6ent. of their
xavy Blue ee eryofthessidgoods a Cashmeres, Lovely Shades in Bareauu4 C).1 ness. This is certainly a great saving TO, t, 2 33A the dection and con- Seal Brow F I F I whe vlotiop of th parebase. mone further Ruin suffiient 0 e thief or tliieveo. Piano a4d Plain;, -Extra Value in Ru�sel Cords. to $1 0 of bane power, aud appears. to be the .10; Dats, 34cl 673-4 make with the dep�bi one-th
I ENM iCHAFFER, lien. ird of their pur-
C'%V(41vry--A fiesif v3focl ergelfj a ,(I c! chase money withMone month in and
whole secret wliy'our ingenios work- ,,i v4.#. %%.,Rtk'J2VN Pa 81 09c to 611 lba rby, 68C to 3 to day the balancef pil
man. can produice first-class work at so et citti ill a- vnlri#43 of fog -IC4. 75 ii%v ;ola kq 60 s-131 0 In, one and two
te of aj
years from da,
IC, WiLt.h
iutere�ta,t seven per
.0 -7 'ch 0� ; cc,, . per an of purcinase money to
cheap a rate. Ut Ck of goidand t4flyer eiveflt-A-y for bu t�r .20c A P LES A Yllis uoy ur lilies in th 0 ods Departinenty f
potat es Per bushe e ress, is
� t Mum;
'r di:iz, ! I be secured by mortgage on the ropert-y, or by
Ilig 13,1�ontptl y a [ I 1-11 S C S X d Price, tar Si 97)i anytIbiwg notes with satisfa� ttoy ell
ear. Wnicli ro 3N t�,' 5c; �e IVari evideil to by nit -pit. ety, 91tyle an
I i NTED by the RD; scribe dorser.q.. The par-
Kip-plen. C1 tW.* JDIJIAL can Ten Then8all IW ehaserg tit th-c time oi sale to sign an
Bus) duri g the ue) t two V e reemnt for
Gn.ki\- B uyin�,.L_21r. ickP60,11'.% 0141 tilnflf�� �o purchase.,
Sweuertoiij di, xal 0 pp; cool ing Turil Itic a n 0 t the conalleLion'of t er b,f,ore' offer d in the ouse. �19
i t of a third of the pure iase mone, alld satis[;t,to y
swco all Exeter, is our rain b yer here now �kels. P, 10 PEA],, 1 6,--,'N liety,earloaft D. D. N S Co., Se &nee. the puii
of montilis al bt be son I Pon payment
L� 0 Wentd.
Birt s. 673 seciiiiYfor the ba
He pays good prices, and is taking in a -hasere to be
Of a tle and 1,"I, live) h,L gS arived!, bly enlit'led to posReabilm. As betwe n the Execu-
large HARTLEY--In. on the 211th, i. tora and purcallsers Of Pr; e xeeu�
aw(?uut of grain. This is consid- I' CARP TS—AN IMMENSE STOCK IN �ALL WOOL, UNIO , L Is., rai a .0im S C,hari �blnce e e- -ered to be one of the best barl wife of Bev. A. Y. Har ey of dallfgh tore slial-I not be liab 18 O contribu
ey ma,r- I I I rl e to tire ex-
BRATTIE-1, Scafol-tb ginDlUg f 1%st,�%�,-ek, 0 utiog a glu� in K. liduse Of a iny fences neeessa�y to . e erected for
I ( the Wdrd 11 s I tl�e - aL -
kets in the countv, and farmes from r. James Bet ic the Proper Y. or fai-th r partioulars
wife of r of a dftuglit!l, rr r' etE fol� both U4 V, a 0 nsi er STRAN RAM-Camea o Lol, 15, cooeqsijoil AND TAPESTR�Y. the abl B d& e mmy railes distaut are daly see here 1: WRITELEY--lil Sfafol-t:1 on the 2.1th Ws E pply to the unders tied-, to 8 11 l Carno-
unloadin- their wagons &t.Mr. S wife of Mr George W it0ey c r a son. i P_ - bput 4,00 a� 5, M(Iii,110p, aboutlt�e. lal, of Oc;ober, A Oban Esq., E- tile or 1111 in in
wener- gradeyewliiig ram. Theowlier can Itive thl., ol IYANS-lix Brussels, tt 0 nar. 5.e, I Bace'fiel P '11.r 217th,
tor,'s Rtorebou,se.L the l4th idsl w ered a! Vicer 0. 8 aforth, Oewb ' L R. 11 I A fime (In 1, roi-irip property and pi-ying charges. S I MOCAUG11EY & F oto-dca, tbeibj,havi g Net LNIESTED, Policitore for
.,%y ife of Mr, Wm. Bryatis of a )u. the The 1tGTT'_0_N'-At Teeswat ARC D. k c REGOR. THOMA -KIDD 6eaforth. CONCLRT AD . 1 1 . 673x4 r, on tI c 6th insl,, the broug t �Lorri Ohp,; ario. S Itbel price javeiiile co . ; I I I . 678
iicet in St. Andrew's wifL- of Mr. Dougald Mrgnson of : I I . I ;.- -_ Iwere 01, tl1o, cher4' ought freE tA'1' C Bvinuille, . on the 18th Theprdmi eso A cle red io 4, Tueki-rs nit E AL E ST� hUrch, Kipperi, on Tuesday evenirs-, Is,�., the Y1 E S I, iti�CFs�ign ed, ife of Jr- J Waltera, of ago 1 6 Mal, 0 1 Re SALE.
still t f the Sabbath school SE'ND-In Hullett, on the Uth ill� trhe da3 �ett, r, red and white Steei THE �OLDEN LION Iftb. inst., in aid 0 TOWN about I e fj rS Of
F August� it
gob at co si old at 25 MAnT I , -Thliouth *1
library was quite a success, notwith- wifts of -Mr. E. Tow Calf. �Tbe oNTnel,* clin Is b the Same on pr)vin FOR 6 -A -LE f of Lot Nk'w
13SI! d of a ion. 17 i to I 3C eq h r �Wut 3,13 9 pound, a id' P 11 01, the 10th U)nCession Tolusbipof Ale -
19th inl;t,, he, _1 3
_ett!r, On roperty and paying c aiges. standing the unfavorable state of the.' t MRS. ROLLI i I I I I ' n leabei Lttl 3 2C td .lie per '11). iA DAY. I i i be W iio of Mr. Johil Fish ) I rn, V, S. of amson. I 67'44 KillOP, , tilinjug 50 RcX rst-cl0s laind 45,of
roads &ud weather. T children T aite cleared Una the balai e haIr'
AYLOR--Iii Hay, on the 1,2th in �t. the 'w�c of w e r' kic dwood
DL er the leadership of Mr. Blaar, wi h 1r. John Taylor of a diurbter 0 HEEP )ounded it th( he llremjil".
U a -re are 0 t
e Game oung- timber. Thf, rB
4c e I'b,:bi were I �olk t I I I and stalolt it it; Sitt a1ed withhiS Imiles of Sea;-
ab:310 t It log honse
LAKE -In Ex( at tbdse 0 PoDild on Lot 7, lor., twc Z, Miss Ifuut presiding at the� organ, -ter, on the '.5tb in., b'i the of h,,(, eKce tio S. forth and miles fro: n Winthizop, sid is Uow oc-
Mr. And.rew Lake of a 0 S. Mosliane lRame. Tile. oA ner con 11five the some on payinr renderod 80VOral, pieces Very nicely, I , ! :
o cupied by John Blakt.. For terms 1&r., apply tie
20 sb '-pp � n v though tl,(,,y had rses. JO11N MALONEY, P(uud- Ionly & few -weeks 11 0 1 r mttk fro�a Har� (XP'(136CEI. !If not claimed th� y will be sa a tc� J'011NZ U� P JUTER, eaforth, V4L 516, eacb, or ;�t f1hel-i M0 practice. The music was interspersed 1andy Packa:,1,e and .U_�.10 ate- lof ceper.. IM1,2 0 Pckage Dyes, -v 63 2 e t pet 10( 1b I e Aloo R 81M-31'or sale the bou�h D fL low A Co" LOT IL by short addr6sses by Revils. Messrs. -a anAproduce is Lea 1)f atl e ?�ol re T. 1B. Robinson, STBAY PIGS-Cnm 6 irto t e pren ises of East half of Ldt 21.1 conces n 4, L_ R. 8-
rilliant colol i t E Tuckersmith, contai Ing 50 aCT43
! er� pet 1b. the Lot 4, Concenion 6, Hui- e nearly all
& C -Is lbm !, 4rge numb r 1 , ii tl( Smitli, and -),ICC'oy and lUessrs. A at, E. Hidkson 8 , ndid Murdie aud 'Jiller. After the pro- l(ft, t'A 0 PI F, OLC white a d the other i;po Aed. adin a is
St re. ao.Fa I rery m 3,pket DS61 anA all im4tnlrained. The owner lierty t wit i miles of
gratlame had been -faitbfully goe oDove tbeim by proving l;ro tit tb gre r10 L e 0 Ina I h 01 f t nd payin S136101-th, oil a good.gr Ve tbrouh, six in the iiame of 9 E ,pe,,e,. P A. FERCU8.)N, ild� T !ere is a good
the orohard. and p lenty of -tvater- This is :a are
Marricacres. enol g to su. t e 172i =1 - p ese quin s 4 lot and one of the be' t in Tucker6
Gbildren and- their parents, preseuted GR UNT-MARSHA 1. LL tile I. it N
Mr. 1311air with a beautiful writiu- desk, I bride's fat hor, oil the th in%t b 141 t, sell as 5 c convnient to school and in a sple I - I to 5 ;VC 68od �aj enee ot t I( ! of b it bers.' Cd, m n tob," NE AND RELIABLE QRY GOODS
STIiAY OW-Sti a.Tf4d from ille pren de(s of Hftrtley, Mr. Edward p ogs the undersign Apply on the premis"s r to Sea 0 - P ant, to*'Miy A b wou d ed, at Wo Vi elegant old pen and an alb i both of It.od qville. brin:y 6cJ The isi pply lo- olk Sow, a 11 *hit e. An� i or= ation ti iat will r74-6 In ; i TJ1OMAS LEECH. totell Of a i,shee a 'd airntit, on onin: &I will I 0 Suit- f tlsj,E ouse of his -denyinor POLLOCK- OWSOIN-A lam )s w lily ht'l: a mb I li-AR11 FOR, SALE- -For Sale, J_,oi Concession the 27i li by Rew. 1q. we 8 lily ed. LOUIS I A efforts on their beha. M r. Blai cDO1 4ALD, .self D es. (I I ol the -e(1011'03' n
r was I 17, Townshill of 4rc -Ou acres -
P Rock, son of selli i a� I Oct, bd, S(I., of Ila -, i altorrether t,;Lk0n by surprise, but mad. e about 70 Jr, 0 fl om hitumpB, .50 0 4 tit. .5�
to l4i ( M 4 contand I
O Irailliall JR 6ae I .1, 8�ylelc -nd Pril-L._�- will COmpare daughtpr of Btwly s soldl t $ .75 e'a' y anlc!y. ght, elled, alld in a state of culi vation ; the
]EFSTAY r-TEER.-CR 0 nto hepremsei of bultncL- is well There is A good frame
'ST an t repl . thaniing the donors for I)owsou, Esq , Qf St $3.92 (3 wi I be f�und Ri a
The meeting was RIVE' 1IlNDMAl1SD--At A :C an C; Season. ng
0 P. On 7tl concoss 0. J�avorably with any Pre Oral -their beautiful gifts. OcArsigned, Lot, r of b ar4a and log bonae, g4 iod well and I kestri OrLeb-
broLlIfIllt to the 27th in';t., by Itev. Nrr. peu, ie, M I 01 C Eljbbrit,ab�ut the middl of' a. close by singing- the r. J Inds d une, a step rian ard� Is near the VillageLof Walton
M fEwen, to M, is Doroi I�y Hill (1, aarsb, bo' and is con -
h have the so marketIRY
Me on ycnient to both Scalrth and Drum
N.'atio�nal Authem and protiounchig the of the 4 11111 yeois old. ! The owner file Cie 0 atlip, sivat] provinglirqerty a"md p iing ex )eDsee. JFC EIN with a ood gravel read eading t each. For
benedfation. HOQl)-.TA)dES-Un Walt D, on tl e 13th 721: :4 to the pro, '-ictor on the
11 -writ I P1 a IAN alit it me. 11�40np li.Pat" II fa)rt EVIENSIVE ROJIBERY.—Kippen and the Baugh Mr. J lin ffood�- (f :�Olilk Ifd eri il bro0s In I I
bro0s Pre iSQ8 Or to WSItok. O� C �14, P1 I-jiJI(I Orris to Miss Sapplij: -J Jame, daughtq� (f poel lel - t ok STItAY E4 -C into be preir is R of TE ITH. 667-4x
surri,yunditig country have beea not a 4, R A JR101iA I I ns, I 4 IFE11 IN I)R SS QOODS W__ E A R' of Gric 4 SHOWING little excited during this week' Y_ gq "ace. Poo, or, :iol:.. the Undersigned, Lo !24, B rownpon Line, over a I ton, oil bile 13til i6t rL6.1 I taDI(y, Ut F, O -R- ---AL,"eftig Lot 15,4 Concession
�out the filSt Sevhpluber, a 2-� ear n lilt, etipt ,,FAR
0 "r. Will. 'Jackt; 17, Grey; contaiitI4 Ifio acres, xb�nf 75 aerts
mostL dariuc, burglary, committed n Ill I AM14111JO te beifer. 11heo nericir(qliest- nl* old reo end �vbi d, both (I Morris.' icles:i-ed, and is in a g od state of itultiNvation, Satur(ILLV Ilight last, by which the Sto lay Iii(Itnix 11 .1 her re- . . .21 '111 a Vi Is (d to pi ove property, Pay el- argeE and ta N,w and Re)iable Lustres at the Golklenildon. TbLfe is' a gooA bank barn built I
onj!th) away. 11111, IA'TNT CAMP -BELL. st season;
of)NIr. Heur�y Schaffer was ceared of Uth inst., I)y .1 03 IvAPP-1 +411 0 I ion. .0,
MbIli co N't"Cl %1)4
IN, �N w and R s at the !8iw-; 10 by �6 also a log bain 40 by W
of E S
goodis to t1te v&lue .41,500. The Crock-er, of Brussels, to C krlotttj andfa very -.good ne, frame house;
�f Grembush. Ug S _'STRAY Sl�REP-Camd �i to ile premi4ei of IN w�ana Reiliable Aferinoei3 at the G61d e Lion. �J- d burg the an signed, LO �lars obtained an entrauce to the ;RAR.T-GILDERS t 14, CoDCN14013 1% t.Ul- N w and Rel'able Serges at the Gold�n Lion. orchard. The from Sea -
G odc rich, Oil fais 11), 1'2 miles
4 store by cattitig out a. portion of th '2th in. out e first. c
st, r 11 !-inh�r , of Jes from Brssels. - Te =a reason -
e Joll- W, I I fit if q tem er, five $beep. N w and Rd iable DeBeiges, !it the GO:lde Lion. forth and 9 Ini
Miss Alice Gil lie owner i s. requegte able Jor part cit-sh and alance on U lie to suit
d o' prove property. )a,'. N W Land Re! 'able Persian Cloths at the 4 ion.
the ma -u BAKIIII-SNE LL -On the I th inst , at co IJIn Iden L
Mah�ofa back vvindow id the store- inrell. to dt.-rs, of it Ely D N�; DS C. hit'r[Tes, and tln�c them o0y. 11AED BED- house, adjoiuftw the rear of the 0,4i iii I purchasex. F,)r furthe
:1 n I f F �111D, Bonde4boro Post, Offi6C. N and Relable Langtry Cloths f Par' lui al -8 a. p y to I i
(Icue of the bride's fat) Lb the 1 _T Iden. Lion. Or
by 1 ev. 4 or On the premies �or by letter
etter 0 waltGn
aker, 0 Evelyn Cloths at the Q Lion-. bu-il(ling-. They then. pried the store 1�11tcller�'Alr_ John It Grey to- -it w i I New and Rej� able
( S A -1) T , or lopen with a crowbar burstin"Loff silip, to Selinn, Ami, Y CA TLE-ConlId nto,�tlleprcrmsfitof. do C 711� N w andR I able Sateen*8 at the Golaen �,Jon. clauglit(.r j1 1a' I 1. I thwundeit,igned. Lot IL Jor-cEssion 7, rtek- AUM FOR SALL_-, and Elivabeth Snell, of, the toNvuship! I �: The nrth 'of Lot 9,6,
Ithei�side casiuor of the door fra,me so New e imith�. on OW Font III d�� of the mon! h of and Re able Me] anges -at the G61defi !Lion. 1F
Lot 27, and the ea�t half of LoLtj �2-8, 0 tobei-,;twc cattle 21ears iksiOD -A', L. R. S., Tack
Oct �he door w"as opeued without ti e ARSTRONG—I)AYS—At'� CNIV PH 1 (P� MiN ' d. The owner Can er,
onut X �! HO JSE triftb ; 200 a
)rest, on tthE res for sale
lock �eiug pried back. 90CUrillg 15th just., by Itev. S. Boswort h v,) theisame on proving, Iropex y and payihig Or two f150 &CTCS a
Jas. J�A 50 acres
el pousef. W1 LIAM wiq 'HT. 6731 'r espdctively; first-clasi, buildingB,
entrantce, they went to Nvok to clear veterinary4ur-con, of Gorri t. tc r7 g,tod fenceE,
I - �u 0
iss B. Da f H riRt FASHI NABLE SHAI iud orchard ; the JaDd, � a ill a good st*e of culti-
01it the ture. ii�hey took several piec ALL E NEWES"T AND Mosk 'GRON'E Vation, !swell watered is well Hiuitted
E UI )TT--MT'T J'STBAY Sb�EP- nto Lot 11, ccn( 0 - Wroxeter. on _C to
f tweedq, flannels aud dress d ion �be middle of Sep Any person .
t.i HE S bi r b 0 P infdrn: 8 tiny serous J ting a goo
goo s by Rvv. G wn"Mr. Rob f -S lut'riallop, a.wbj, farm, in A
from �the4helves, an pJJeL Of E liott, Ito _MissLizzie Jal c, ditti-liter Of 0. cw im el I ])tit aid a 13 j�gt op�nod lip a t i mber, four,e*es; two of tb,,m hu ve eftr n arks, -0(1 locality, will do we 11 to JOok at t '.s one be -
a: have side inialka. The (w 1. liu�ing
lioliert al.of J iq 6th �011c(!sslonl 3er elsewhere.
Which �Vere 011 the ConntET They also of a gni �tlo ( ofi y For par4eulan, q and u-rms
!an have the sinle by property and _Ipay ipply' to JAMES LAANTY. -on
H)wick. GOO"DS HAr WILL SU IT 11 :be premiscii, or
emptied several shirt boxes, tal-_,ing the Ing cha, es. PTRICK REIN.NL -Ml 1 LL- HIT �137 in ; - to X 31zCA[GHEY A
Itl 3 A AL V, 67 I rt arO 12
Shirts aud lea,viuil the emp.ty boxes in tUe Iqth C "I NG S9 1OLMESTE arm rs,, U, thei places. Theywereevid tdepts bacca'White of Godeii FARMS F OR SALE -For Sale, Lot, 8, -Conoco-
STRAY ST FVR-S(ra3vJ fro Lot 6, CID I en tly t E at -Omly -11716- i Rion 100 4crea 8o of t Steen --one .1
EPRY-On thel9th iust.,ilby QCsf Ion rey, two I vc ai emilif des 1; B1 P, u,,�iuess, and )4udestood the ' - . ;� , I lu of PJ a, r, 17, -McKillop, Gontatini
V4-n(-rRble A.�chdvaeoli i FIwood, Mr Ii % %bite face thelither sp)a d lue 4 Alf' id 9 t ledvi er trai,�ue and
Va of goods, as they took only the 11*0t, to Alice S1')roadvcrry-, both ;f re and'; Whi e.!� Any pers�u giving Such injoer. Petunia, (t e. 1 vhicli &I e cleareo, well renced, and d' t Itses Sid a
in) ion ab ,il) Ireeftomstniaps; tbereare wologho 40Stvalitable, and left several pieces of (�(ilvr,iich township. NCLISIWA I] FR I'CH1fiRST 0S lead to t ir re(overy wi I be good frame barn 40y(;0 feet; there isiligood b�uir-
-dea. 3: LF alition p 4,VI3I3ELL-K11)D- . ii E W had C-- At. tb I I 11 I )at Pu ably rewai plen eftrnou coten goods which they f the Lt asigil 14 U . ) whkell . . . I g orchard and fLgQO(Jator; flietimber
974xf Bocaded all eading A37mdes a �6-'ns in a1Z i adi h hAdc-'s father, 113 ev. A D MCDOD Id lie.. 0191 estly I 6, all hardwood; is wit) n a infle, 1111di a half of
a He h a no TRAY REI -'Ell-stka fron Lot 23, the village of Walton, where are _t4relm, xnWs aud, no doubt examined. They fts;isted. by Rev. Will. Gr th *in 'o in"iteF, tl 0 ion flic puilli
I yn. Iso have bad a light with them, in, Vr. ohn 11. Campbell, of Toronto, -i- ear bil t i llq�o (ods �11 11: be fbu ape cession 5, !I cKillop, itill it tIte midale of Cc asy terma
ind-rly of Woodstock, tort rb(.,%, eltle.qt (Jais� Y ic Ito F '00 S, C.; P , , 7
avo: bly wft� f D bing O u itit la if I f payment. -Also the -A. at half ol t 37, Con,
aa uothiucf in tbe store aave what was 11, tj c lilor, . aVO: be
tei of John Kidd, Esq., of tj I�rse t faii.ling he red edlor wi if 0 cession IS, McKillop, a d weat half f Lot 2%
iis own. he Tfftde, i! 11arti asilar a A LaP 1 iV Jackels and ided Ift-rded I%6v, had been misplaced or �oa givio e tock a A be
tite,716 to 4' 8 selectio 111tt 'whileu*uf6 foreiend, iny per. 9 If I S in be sold ch 1) y 10 is !Of �SCCT-_H Liu info m4tioll as will lead o her recovery n ill i (listlarbed, I;ut uo burnt initchqs Or M cVII.T.A.\--rE1.L-0ii the 27tb inst., b ;I Il S IVII ch ale )f' tL .,the T, e$�'Lud Most t v jae Revel a] properties in I cafor and Egmond-
sly rewarded. GEPRGE LOCKHABT, allYthiuct of tlmt kind could be seen. TI Cnlih, Mr. Peter Mc Men, of Hibb(l t i q :i , . ; : , U her I t iitab viffle. Apply to A. SrItO.N%GL dAlint, '5e& -
to Mi.- Mary Ann T ell, of the salne lilticu. ea rth 11. O.. 67` 11- fie wiudow at which they gain- fA irtb. (;72x4
der t I11
ome ster Tui, eds, I _iclo ed ail eatratice wet W S A ye a number of boxes, S C LYI-D ORI�STOLENt-Stiaye I or stol ne r"%IVO'GOOD F SALE, -Pq Fale Lot
C, C, 11"pr M4 Co itings. Deaths. rem Henssil on then ig b of he 21st of 7,'conces ,contatning 1-00
hion 6, McKillop,
.V -c over which they had to a C I i no Jorl_N� enIzillit1l,rin tho 2SIh Ale, eICDJ !1(' 1116i tat ion f 1 qt�peri orit,; ept, a. Inilch ow, light red about � years old. a xes, jilso East hr.lf ol L o t 8, on the 7Ltil bui so carefullv was tbii do Va I bow horns, a nd point br Len o ' each. k 'MrWy Aiiii Stvvh, wife of Nlr. -N. Johiistc !over all o 4ers lia 46 y8f s Of" wiltRiDiD9 50 acres. Tb(- hun-
that Ito single eticle flad baeu removed t TO.NIn Ta4ek 1 70 Iiillty4i ( Dinabi tv O)l T(Xtollc, hb gi Ina Such, filtormaLi,i. as ,ill ledd o Id e all in a
0 d �cd kscre farin hi.9,60 a�cr4cs cleared and'. gooll
1 _e
Or T -In (Talt, -or sin d teor ut in flie 18th inst. I I, 4' r cov ry wit I be suit aVly rewt i-ded . ed, Etid the uply rn�Lrks left i E' a P ling s6p ine,of Goo& si ite of cultivation. Tb4re is a good fraime house
E F BURN�.Hcnsal 01 'pring 17aS aill diSti OLC t print ot a. m n ddy boot -'Ili tt, as -k9 'Out L. a�p h� a bonit 'I balivest, 6j2 , A v I ng orehard, &b,o it never jaili.ng.1
J01"'Stoll, wift! of Mr. GeoJ L 1) ed I I -ai
Yetirs q leistel I � an d O'e1, I it J'loccased we. of V. tog1a It tigic is 811ish flols�utic ate w tk-r- I On t lit' 81118.11 filim thare are '45 acres
I Ug Pro Scaforth. 0INDKEEPER'S NOTICE—Came into tlle Full t ef mircd;' froc Izom stumps,I. 'well fenced a:Iad drain-
ollap&per ou the floor. Havi of a L tl,g C I matil fe ock',ol Lace 06tains. Cmpetl-, and a 'Ured the goods, they took them out of SCOTT -At Boxboro' MeRillop townsh' eaforth Ponad on the 21E b day (if Octobe.,,o2 d "ilids of lfov_p�e- FuT- ce Lc, boilningq,a, 900ilorebard. and plenty of Ill, on Ill le 9 24th in,'.t, A gR oilelarge so.waill one 4mall <,lie; if a t nish i w.i 7oo 1.3 I'll. the storeh' 911CS Dicksod, wife of Robe rt M 1'. ISR N17 TAILO : A our usual tck of Linollil$. �niont to schools, ara
Ouse door, which opens on to RS Q 0 S I w� Lter. Boi faims or,, iooiavic
I r h � I Pged 62 years, t4ke out )a or befo e Tuesda T, the 23rd da- of wi thin 03 mi _8 of Seato h and 5 Ing
the Loild(iu R :1 es from
,in(! 7 nionb, .9. !I oad and conveyed them W�A_T.TERSln Benmiller, oil tl�ie 19th lust., t it) And I illa B ecol ding maeb 0 pie I, rov Novoi., her next, they will be 0A by Public A i3- Dub.in,witli agoo read leading to ea& Place.
y j Sion Mr. J. W It r c*00n, at tb Market Squma, Applyto the proprietor on the premif4s or tj
a Wagon which hac ink.nt son of tim, t 12 I -been stauding a _e RL to =a
DICKUN-In Ga the i�3rd inqt. .1 af) th E. LUS 13Y, Ponnd� caper. 673-3 B(cebwood P, 0. -TAMES REID, W2 Ilear by. The marks of the wagou, and . , damif!pj - ickson, of Me] �LOOK FOR IT. Vhere it had turned, were quite distinct 116 years and sixth ,on of Mr..Ttyhn Di iiilop,, HA'rS N1 11'"ENT 3' FIJ 9�'Nlpics IMPORTANT ANNNT— ago 6 laolithE. ARM FOR SALt-Fir Sale, Lot No' 22, -Con-
cill the road oil the following morning. TROTT-In Abeline,*DickillSOIL ]Count')-, Kane, STOCX FORISALE. Cession 8, L. 11. S., �uckersmith, c4ntaining
linualloby argo a 0111plete. on t ite 26th inst n, t 75 i which
X0 U noise,or soui4 was heard Hatrinah Trott, reliet of 0 e Th ongb I 0 Ott verie yse f isI t e " only I I EnERBAUL&MBSFOR 3ALE. w NVinterb d ened out as fast ar a, cleamd, fr(.e from stp. mps, and in -a! state of
r late David Trott. and Inoth L-� of Mn: S. Tra. Honse ' il 1, 0 I tb' , ii cof; TO 8, yet, I. a let numbet 1 o s are coming to hand daily, and 7'11 be op
40"t the place that evenin a, and uoth- I enc r Leice f le th d Cultivation; the bilanceis we,R�tinlbcred
n until Mr. go d v iitll nV r I ported ft Oil One h1w as possib th
1119 Of the robbery was know" of Seaforth, ageA 75 v Ae say b xt I CAI .1 gi ; a- I 90 fie a mbs, from ini P us re dering our stock ote of the most complete in the County. goo
I12 a law wi hardwood; them is A frame house 4nd frame
0 se ii ays X v ill, bove a a I� ly O t e undersillzned, Lot cc nceaRi- tiefilars in vertis(ment next week. Lookfor barn and Stables; sUo a young beating, rchard
kl-Ttwish, who has allax-ge of the store 1111di emlion caso be evirlirel b L p e2 NAM. 673x I Iloilo nakersmith. M JJJLek nlpd "Foliallic a' is fl miles froni�raoefieid,
loci Altt-ratiyc- 61 at 411vi COA r- G ii�a splendid water
'ktered it about' 9 O'clock Sunday C r ox h I in ga)me istance froill Hippen, find, 7 miles
14 not-' W. F11411hollable 001 d I SES FOR SALE-Fdr Sale, Two He I from $cafortb, all good Inarke
yet no trace has been got rooilm, 4-:1-ft-etly OtiriCong 0 el rosil
the good or asi
6 oxighm and;C Ids, croisp a S, it able cv. Fall and ra. agbt two Near old, GeldirgE, bay cq,��r d a school _g or robbers, On Saturday .4yrtsp o� c 14 ining p fthefarm,t# imboal three
ter. slid Fi ed b.v Lord Iladdow-; Also one Ware ro- El ight" m" o1brenthilas A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLf�ICITED r
9 a strange team arud two un- t g, oth foir ch. �c n rel. baving t�dir'Garqoe fii i itnade by it o 3 quys old and une well-bred Durham B nqt. rters of a mile. d Thisis hip; Vill p one of t)ie J�est ISM
ill the townr. an gold cheap. For fur-
diwas a nal ittleat 4 callsoot tic Norl-pnom cl ete Meehan] es a.�i at reagot aille;'pri,eq �s. men were noticed"passing south ti rp rS old. Apply on Lot �32, Cnicestion 2, tl,�cr ptirticulalm sprPly t he PxoPrJ4;ron t1le
Ce n nd i4isnple. k". 11 40keog, O.- 41 31 I il op, or addr"ir, Seaforthi P. 0. (,'inton, and the same team I IT J. Aleatl ROBE 1. s, or to Brucefi+1d P, 0. 30L7S Me-
CM:1 Alati. CA Pl� LLI foi-th Sum r R)xboro. BAFORTH. pirf,TTIlSe
VY it) AM1ES0X,3 t'S j 664
4 I