HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-22, Page 7.SS. lI MEDAL zest Award, Exhibition,; 1880„ 1880. T e JOn of ;iia€ lit general ly to /VES i rer in the NTFO RD. ridvautages tecietted k ken,. 1C STOVE or Quality. 7DD-, C RTH 668 (tr1 E Ney, pstoisT Accident GETS ce Business for am prepared to Property at the RATES :s represented, at THE' ANENT IrOMPANY. aoaay advanced nt •THE COMPANY; PANY;: sea Britain. S 0 14, 4, Ontario. Block, opposite FHINES TSO"g. irst-Claes LJ FACT U R® CHINES . - urn, Mowers,. .'.Machine R- 1 ttachrfrents, art of the County WIXI N E the First Prize the Seaforth Fair, & SFilsort, Howe, and any Machine Machines in exchange as es, and Machines IScut tef.d. O N r .I' OETII. eek, oppos:te the 668 G MILL, FACTORY auk his nnmeron nage extendedto a in Seaforth,and th a continua -nee ild do well to Ora tt keep on hand a ashes, Doors, f f, , SJt iny[ s ktiafaction to those µ,atronage,aano,ia lovCused. tom Planing OADFOOT. I:JTTER k- IL & Co. Cr THE IN CASH €,anter in Tubs. :,7;ere,ts ,Storer. Lca Co. OLR t}JEESE.. fe in Stares Block, Egarey'a BakerY. :s ready to purchase HE ESE' eh wilt be pail ie1e- r Seefortl*- OCTOBER 242a, 1880... a....m-,— 31cOo01 Education. written ,dor the Expositor. At a recent meeting of the Cornfield Debaters, young Mr. McCooI was asked to air a few sentiments on Education. after professing to be entirely out of such a commodity, he made the follow- ing remarks : Education, friends, is a nice game. at takes one Mau and 40 to 75 children to play it The Man is a thing that crams, wears cid clothes, boards cheap, and passes examinations. He is bound to consider hifmself under a. deep obligation to such members of the great unwashed as allow him to eke o.at a scanty subsist- ence on the salary drawn for playing this interesting game with their chil- dren, He must be able to calm his choler when an honest yeoman tells bim what a soft time he has, how he never needs to soil his fingers, and al- ways has his money sure on pay day. Ile mast manfully resist the . tempta- tion to knock down the honest yeoman, for he would very likely have to bowl - over &dozen of hima day, and the mon- otony would make him weary. The children are articles supposed by fona parents to be embryo Primb Minis- ters, knights, authors, poets, humorists, and such like quality. At Cornfield the Man and the children assemble in a place called a 'school. It is a house built in the shape of a T ; the cross section is painted a dirty yellow, and the rest is supposed by the oldest inhabitant to have once been painted white—but he is not certain. The children sit on benches two by two. The Man sits on a chair or walks about. In his eye is an expression of axed decision andresolute impartiality to wealth and power ty. The Man is especially recommended to cultivate an Eye calculated to seat terror on the vitals of all evil doers, and to inspire thein with a sense of sure and swift re- tribution ; at the same tine it must beam with approval on any who show a tendency to eschew the vanities and fascinations of the wicked aad perverse. The Man also winds the clock, rings the bell, and bosses the game. The grand. end on the part of the children is to make as much noise as they can without the Man hearing it, and to eat up as much behind the Man's back as its consistent with im- munity from corporal punishment. While the Man is making a part of the children wise enough to live at the rate of i 14 a week, and buy farms for their brothers while earning $10 a week, the rest of the children must surreptiftons- ly play pude, flirt, cough, chew gum, eat apples, pull hair, make faces, write notes, read novels, build air castles, keep up a reviving state of mischief generally, and study up the weak points of the man. If their scrutiny should detect a. flaw in his character, that flaw will be discussed and dissected in turn at every fireside in the section. The one who can make the most out- rageous noise without the .Eye seeing him, is considered to be a most astute aria accomplished. individual. If he puts red pepper or assafcetida on the stove, all the girls fall in love with him and all the boys envy his reckless daring. He can get a bite out of any apple that is brought to the school. He is looked up to and admired. His opinions are asked, his sayings are quoted, his deeds are recited, and his so- ciety is universally courted. He walks home with the girls, and sets the fash- ions for the boys, If he wears one pant leg in his boot and the other out, so do they. If he cuts his boots open in front at the instep, so do they. If he invents anew cuss word, it immediately be- comes all the rage. He soous knows as much as the Man, and after a while leaves the school. He becomes a social star, and calls off at dances. " By-and- by he is elected councillor, and when he reaches middle age he is sent to Parliament to make laws for quiet peoyle who stay at home and mind their own business. " When the children are all grown up and have families of their own, they will sit by the fire during the long win- ter evenings and tell their offspring how they used to fool the Man ; how Tom Smith pretended he was deaf, and had to be told six times to do a thing before he would do it ; how they used to copy sums and get some one to write their cam positions and draw their maps. Paw will tell how he and Maw's brother Ted. sawed the hind legs off the Man's chair, so he sat down on the back of his head. Then Maw will tell )row the Man used to stand his walking stick in ,a hole in the corner and Maw's cousin Baldy would crawl under the floor and hold it till the Man would get mad and jerk and then—oh 1 Then there will be stories about pins with a freedom of detail quite allowable in the bosom of the family: Again and again will be told how pour Joe . Coote, that's dead and gone, invented a cer- tain machine, whose ingenuity and effectiveness was all that could be de- sired. Paw will show how the needle was fiyed in the bench so that one string would pull it up, another would pull it down, and all the while -clothing could be seen. Then he'd tell how tvlien one day Joe had the trap faxed with the string rouud his foot the Man undertook to explain some algebra to aoe, and sat down beside him ; how Joe's miud becoming absorbed in ab- struse calculations he moved his foot, and then ilr*=* And the offspring will think what a fat time Paw and Maw used to have at - school. They will wonder if folks used to be 'cuter than. they are now, and leentally picture themselves, giving an account of their own school days•in the faturd. Then they will go to the school and try their level best to outstrip Paw acid Maw, and they will worry the Man till he leaves the school and goes off to study_to be a doctor. Peruvian Syrup. p. From Abram Mead, t'sq., of Littleton, glass. "I have for several years suffer- ed severely with Dyspepsia, accompanied b)r w eakness and nervous ii ritability, which made life a burden to me. Noth- ing but the simplest nutriment could re - Main in the stomach without pain. Seamen and windy evacuations, un- comfortable feelings in the head, bad taste in the mouth, catarrhal symp- toms, inactivity of the liver and bowels, piles, general debility, and a nervous skate of extreme susceptibility, made up a, diseased condition rebellious to ordin- ary medical treatment. By the advice of an eminent physician of Boston, I commenced taking Peruvian Syrup ; at. once I began to experience benefit. After taking three bottles, all these bad feelings have left, my ealt and I enjoy life as tv 11 as cheerfully do I r c mm Syrup." A thirty -t . pa containing a treatise 'niro agent and other vain ble menials from disting iahe clergymen and other:, win to any address. Seth. V'1'. F proprietors, Boston. Epp's J. coG. Grateful- and qor for ng.— thorough knowledg I f the nature . which govern the ierati ns of it than and nutrition, n. by careful plication of the fin . rept ties o • selected cocoa, Mr. .ps Our breakfast tables '•itis flavored beverage, *klatch many heavy doctors' bills. It is by judicious use of such article of die a constitution may be gradually up until strong euo h to i esist tendency to disease. Hundreds of maladies - are flo at arnund ready to attack a& whe there is a weak point. We may e many a fatal shaft b keep: ng cur. divest w r fie Hood, d 'a —Civil. er- • is restor.d, everndP,eivat r e pamp let as a mk ids capers, es t- physieia a, be sent free owle &, oils, Y a>77t g i1 as pro, decd a deli Tritely ay save us the that ui t vtn tub- us :ver ca pe pr wit lal periy nourished rams.' e gazette. Soli only elled—".fames Epp & --pathic Chemists, 43, `. Street, and 170, P.ccadill 482-52 in pa ets , li o sen hreadn�e die iiy, Lonabo.," I Facts that We If you are suffering wi cough, cold, asthm , bro suinption, tickling i tie th affection of the t r at know that Dr. Kings l�Te- will give you an inarrle iate know of hundreds of c ses pfeitely cured, and tha wh m icines had failed, No car show half as an, cues. Now, to give you proof that Dr. Ne will cure you of asthma, br fever, consumption, severe colds, Hoarseness, or . y th dijease, if you will sal at Co.'s drug store, yo sari g tle free of cost, or a e ,lila, for a1. 657-52-2 , now.; h a s'*ere ehitis, eon - oat, or any r lungs, we • Disce ery, relief We it has din re all other ether reipcdy - permar cut satisfae ory Disco ery coughs and nchitishay" oat or I ng1— '. Hick :n& t a tri 1 ot- size tittle 41 uitoN r. As T. (tARa Z So loiter, Cinder' _A'BA 4 C. even. WI LIAM s oner in B. B. teppra er. Aeconn reaso. ble teams. , RON, HOL rHolton in C amoron, Q. 0 Brietar, A t4rneysn I 7730N, Barrie = ie. ocn, G i der: h, • rt. alar M, G. 0 m• b• nd OD FB: 0 Ie t o lo OG RSi w, olisitor1 Mago: •c B10 Cara ulai H..0. MEYE KW, Solicit for to ng affdavit Solici, .r for the B Priva funds to lou ON & MEYE aw, Solicitor Conve +ccrs, Notari forth •', dBrues Is. Invest +tonee,a t Eig yearly/p' Jde, BENFN. The Bove 13 ha mdtua'consols . Al be psi. to Mr Bene sties. , Nov.127, 18 BEN at Bar Ch k, W entid , Bar in 0 in the nk df at 711 titer and !Attorney -at , cern one ander, 4e. gbanf. Ti at krufids to cculleotioe. 602 titer and Atorney at leery. Cgmmissio+er Province Of Mani + •a Hainitoi,Wing to b pier cent. ' MC AUOE , Barris Os and IA titor in CianceryandIneolve e Publlo, rte.meee 28,otio,of iva�te!Fund: t percent. Into estt,pay - 6 Bq.1W. . MB!E .thiel ay ban issolved acro me due1thp ft n wh will p all, lia l; j MESH. BENS() II W. C. MEYER. it QLMESTE LAW . CH'AN.pER & Iu , AND 0 1iyEiFANCIN FFIOE, ain St eft, S afort he Cons'7tdated Bank .f anadian auk of,C name d Village I?hoperty bong • s) loaned clot mortgage h. - e rates of interest. Char& :s private parsons upon t e ies, wii•hont l any expense q • A r.?{HOL•MESTE 1, Scott Block, 11 SOL y1 ITORS for Ct ada an the in Sea , rth. Ear anti To n a an so). . o. (priva a fun on iti:.. at tearonab moder e. Mon invested fo beat .I tgage securi the le er. S. G. l CAUG HEY, ey oy et4 to le b3 i1• .,Enterprising • ru Messrs. E. Hickson & ( druggists of the tow, thtimes and ready to of their many castor jun received a supply )ertiedy that is asto,iis its marvellous cures) l )iscovery for Consum Colds, Asthma, Brobc Phthisic, Croup, Whoa lin i in the ehroat, L{rs' ne s, or any Affection Lungs. This remedy as thousands can testif believe it call at M:elsr•, Co.'s Drug Store, and free of cost, or a regul Si. As you value you trial and be convipcf re, eet ers. of tl m Dr. tion itis ing of \ Dice, B f the Thro pos tively • f you . E Hick et a trial it s:ze bott r life, giv d, s_s tho already have been. 6 7.52.4 11 rrgisth 'o., th, lwaye the der They fat won c leve z to nda ave rful s. the wozald by . - e King's Il(�ew rdnn Cough; find Hay ever, Cough lea- abie- and u'res, :11 not a>li. 1 ottle e for It a ds 1 You Have no E xcuse Have you any excuse for su with dyspepsia or liver complain there any reason wby you shoul from day to day cor}rplainieg wit stomach, sick' he ache, .1✓,abitua tiveness, palpitation of i the heart, naiving and b he stomach, • and disag comic g up its' &c. No fault if you d burn, waterbrash, pains at the pit of skin, -coated tongu. taste in the_ mouth after eating, low spi: positively your own to your druggist and gel a bot Green's August Flower fir 75 'your cure is certain, butlif you this, get a sample bottle fo ` 10 ce• try it. Two doses : ' ill reliev: 626.52 -aa t Warning. A common cough r cold be trifled with oftc ti when is converted into a serious fatal pulmonary disease. dent, aware of this, 'Bryan's Pulmonic{{ tVafer which has sustained its_r over twenty years. The efiieacious and exert a ni inf}uence on all the bronc mgnary organs. Sold by and country dealers at 25 I Astonishing' the For a perfect renovation and enfeebled constitution, ness and general decline suf'ely and speedily prods t cure as does Electric iderful cures are - ant ld. For Kidney and 1 plaints they are a per feet not give up in despair, for ters will positively cure, ar evorythipg else fails. Solt son & Co., at 50c. a bottle. • FRui HIE U AFL. S PARIS, ION Old and Poi ular a `e t d the peop o of ting Tom nship1i that IE L 'RIQ 5 � nr3 rymrin, begs aaforth and,the ekn its Stook ad I AND ORNAMENTAL TRE now complete11in ev Tees are • ery deliir•red vn .e day the are series. ry depar ,111 ltezp, ea/'ort d z] He is offerin z Ncr ay Sp ; c me, w$10 peir''hundred. ii Is ' ci ext All 7 soup the 0 d cos- promit; earl in l o� bl f or is 1; b,t n 3iou. shonlc n ve neglegte i nd ge et 11j he mo ' ru romptl s. aa putatiO are a{lrifay st belt i5cial ial an pulL Iall dr st per bo a 1v fo nen Ivo wo orld of exh u,sted female ea,k- , noththg so ces ajemaas hen • th 'am- RA Ni. Bit - here itters nishin rinary specifi Electr a that ens, th, roan th z W -J 0 L 0 Z 0 Z 03 0 2' m 1 0 m m 0 z Z ')IO01a\fd tx1 z a H b i> w Lxi Pi r 1.4 cn 0 t> H .�i w 0 0 ►)q 0 t L1 0 z 00 ro H tJ '9 30-E•dd M-01 . F Rv rees Guarant•ed as R res b.ted.. Nur' ry a ' rials 1 Oonri unicatitin S repli d to. CIS RL .'S .R'; 0 670.8 . BRQ4 SEAQ 0 F luNIDE 'T FULMRAL SHS COFFINS A O 0RTI �+ F S, HO A BANKEI ONTARI}O. A TEND D ON Tip! RT a8T O 'ICE. 1\i S 1 R1 O U D WAY 1 ON AND. . SE F0 HIRE. R EIVEb A PYA E O TE*R Til by E.1 ick 662-26 How to Get The great secret of ©btai first to practice economy, old Deacon Snyder says, w rry the life out of ,me to do .tors' bills, but neje,- I h ric . Health and happin Inc in our little hoes ply because we us no other med but Electric Bitters, nd o6ly costs ce is a bottle. Sole by E . Hicks. n Col 6132-26b • • pr sit ich. ing rich and, as " It u ay eno ive str 11 ess rei hold, a Siff, food ed, to noug k i su nal cin fifty Delicate Woil en. •Mises of female weakness, delica eenled constitutions, an i those t in from Stomach, Liver rind Iii Co plaints, will find Ele( tric Bitot speedy and certain elnre. The sic prostrated should rejoice that reliable remedy is placed Within, reach. Health and happiness will follow where Electric Bitters are Foir sale by E. Hickson t : Co. only 50 cents. 622.26d Buckien's mica Sale u u an ter rs a. a he- re)' ,sed. Pric The best salve in the world for cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rh uai. Fever Sores, Tette, Cha aped id , Chilblains, Core's, aind all .inds o Skin Eruptions. This salve is 3uarant d to give perfect satisfaction in every a e money refunded. 'Price, Sc2pe bo 44'or sale by E. Tlickson & Do. 65: <52 Tea erry. - ,.The new powd r for •rhitenin. teeth, purifying th breath and at ting the mouth, the brig'itest, c little toilet gem extant Ask druggist for "Te berry ," pric 626-52 Gl�e .v1 les , ,yo 35 • R STER EASO1 3 NO OPEr4T GG'p, SEAFORTH Oppos to the Commercial Hotel. ITA Serofnla, Salt Iheu +. , B sipelas P p1ee,, Ringworm, Tatter, Vitalize enret{ Fein sold bDruggist II. -THE GIti Soli iii Setif firth by den & nd . 00: pys'pepsia, (Jaundice, 1 Constipatiot , `Piles, Sick Eeadabhe 1•Debility, &p. le porepla tits. .Vital ne i Piice,1 1 per bottle. E, Hi .n. ELEo7"r rc TY1 TH la s' E Oft;•Neon a 'l'1= Tint GoLD.-.Pain ca not et: nd w the cheapest m tic ne ev r common: sore t• roe 0 eb' Chitin} } 'Fifty a nte' w, -t ha T ing c h 1�. It ,Dai iv:ly calx and catnip. Fif y c nt:'ort the back, and t • o sum : ctua Years' standing. Tie oll, wi aifew f' them.•yl tt•reth: from ifferent .arts o na shoal silficien ly s1at'sf th Collar of !Sparta, On ., rit• Dr. Tilton* 'E ectii•io Oi , ha you, t nd'wlant +• or n w it Urfa." cam.; Mc u re, of haveo)dall th: ag t 1ef , it it wail s1 w at rst, • t t. k, Cole, of, [Iona, rit s, " tea; Thonias'Eclec , is sly I m equals it. It is i• ig ly : echn have nee it." . J. e• fond, ",Send,I ,r.e at o oe a i• rther Oil, I Neve oil one b' ttic le thing se.1 so w-11 and :iv su Lion.' I. Tho psonl ood me a Sae mor: Eclec ric Oil, out. N thing tak es 1 ke , t." verto ;f • Q. rite '4 Th- E a ere tf eiinta,onh.re an th Send a turth-rsupply Gibb 41o., B • ckingb one g els of Eclectri• ra well.' d1d • y alt), Cent f N. THQ NOB OP - Agen a or the D SeIeo .4 and Ele tr ze E. h son •' Qo, r Lnmdd :oIb7E Co., Tordntf kson ca, Co.; Lurn its 634 OE Sion ECLEC7,11 0 irrs WEXGWII err it 1s used. It i ad c One dose cure ttlhat cured bron cued au old strip atari•h, asthma, s Cured crick i itrtlaine back of re oxtraets 1*o tt h `ve been rete ve .i;, hieb, we th nk, in st skeptical J. et, 'Pend me 6 d e esldalllhedf ono d es are traly won, ua k1in, writes, `•, eels like a cha spinaid now." e orwart 6 4 ze r1y out, not iedby those h' ha_ esville, w -te:; all ply of Ecle tri. t, II never saw n 11 general oldie a a d, writes,"S n lave sold enti ell. It filer & Reed,ti rio Oil is,gettin; ,daily called fox1a"Lameelrites,"Sen n . find it to alers. Prio i4 .N Y. onto •Ont:;' o' iTs.—Eclectri. in Seafortbl +I Oats and ; • 684-52-2 s e 0 ce in the prenitzs. es under son's, Rotel, fofmerly occ the Pank of CoMmere NOTES AND BILL English and Fcg Pure FARMERS' SALE DI1C6UN E IOTE HT. b nge Drafts Issaed, pay ble at of the Bank of I Com all Bra ches erce. t from S van to Money to Loan on M rtgages, Nine Fer Cent. BUGGIES, ByG IES. Parties desiring to urchase N t and Substa tial Can fiud them at M. :GRA. near the Market. BWh LUMBER AGON ch He Will Sell h ap. !top ng and Hors maker t the new sta Shoeing member d. the old.. LIT ER HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per *I. troll BILTJS CUT; TO ORD PONY MILL, IN The Subscriber] bac a YARE1 IN LUMBER Where 479 kinds of Lumbeir oan TH PINE LOP MAS 'WNEI TtTTirliTTPT TT T TT GRO TTTTITTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT ERY STORE NEXT TH Our at 40 50 cents Can't 6 :cent Tea in the D 00 !DENT, EkkipK, (00 CENT 9REEN, 30 CENT 35 CE1\ Th and. Stria. TTITTTTTT TT TT T TT TT TT TT TTTT E POST OFFICE be Beat. The Best 6 GENT JAPAN, 6 CENT MIXED. copP BEST VALUE IN C Goods aai) all of the Best Quality FFEES. 45 40 CENTS. nd recommended for Flavor OSE, SEAFORTH. 1880. BOOT AN • Give ith under lilie, and 1880. SHOES. P00 -14S AND SHOES. of .Pall Goods is n w Complete in every be Sold at Remarkably Low Prices. Will De m a Pleasure to SI ow you the Goods. • in Street, S‘eaforth. ITUTES tar The public are 1111 is growing (-mite commln tof late amonz certron class ;they are 3" sold out-." "bk t 'hive another article in, as ocammommlnixonrunme substitute's are matle sen on the rre•tretiniriiion of and cheapest dregs. es - seitht hv tilt! tieai-r ti' MNIONEKIP half what he nays for frentnn, Rey. -wh'rh Ler bOttle upon the imitation articIP.- than he can on the FOR CHOLERA. MORBUS, CRAMPS, SUMMER OR DOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS I11,16VALLS.D. IT CURES AL 110ST INSTANTLY_ The PAIN -KILLER is. puti up n oz. and 5 oz. bottles. retailing at 5 and so cents respectively, arge bottles are therefore eheapesta SOLD BY ALL lilEDICINE DEALERS. 314 CI- fia ing sad left at repeive !, 1 ril Mil F, - tip 't Lte0 0. 0 0 co ca 0 cc ING. PAINTIN PAINTING. HO SE SIGN is prep tewashi n 84 You pt atteu ed to'do sll kinds of House and Sign. Painting, Paper Hang - g ,Satisfsetion Guaranteed. or no charge made. Orders g.s, Lumsden dc Wilson's, or Wm. Robertson & Co.'s, will SPECI NdTIOE, TO LADIES. e hav Much pleasure informin the Udit$ of c ulitry th t our Mat of gado, Ittantliot &c. now v6ry COM - p et and t at we have just to nd a other shipment td by every liTdm that w Gnaw in X-tilb and of Black ard Colored *Sat- in Plushes Velvets, Feath- er Flower ons, an ot e s t wn, (04 nit art g numino, Woof Antis, ar a so lar 'Or thani at any in VI lig 00 Trim - m d Ilat 4.nd goupft De- tTent equal te that of an At kidingthintilt,- em - brae]. g all 'the Novelties in eTarriimy.mings, all of which are offer d at tk).tt bottom prim ms caish, and only one price Wei will be pleased to see ouri Many Friends KoFFMAIrfl BROTHERS, i FOR ALL THE PUR- ing Coati ven es It, Jalirl diet`, Dyspepsia, and Breath, He a 11- 1_ ti0X/8 and Skin Discs - Liver Co mplain -t, Gott, Ninralgia, flilia Dinner Pill. And Purifying the lood, are the most congenial plargative yet perf °tea. Their effeote abundant y ahem .how nu li the3- Excel-04411er Pills. They are safe &Oa pleasant to take, but powerful to ' cure. The purge out the fool humOrs Of the blood ; the stimnlate the -Sluggish or disordered organs intO action ; and tbley impart health and tone to the trbole being. They cure not only rthe every mot ereincut clog ineri, and our t est citizens, son certificates ot cares perkt 3ed, and of . gre t benefits derived from the,.e Pills. They are he safest and b ist physic tor hildren, be - eau e mild as well ! as afectual, ,Being sugar veg table, they ere entirely barrole s. .Prepared cal nd A nalytioal Chemists. So Id by all Drug- ' gist., end Dealers InMeclioine. 11 TR DE MARK. Be ore f fling cure fon Seminal W4 ak.ness, Sperma- tor bea, lni-reierc34, aril all disease that fellow as Ft querice of self- abuse, es lees of memou, uni).•ersal st• it ude,1 pain in the ba , ?Amines of visiOn, premature old age, and no other dis- cafes that lead to iniqvnity or cons ption and a phInt, which we deeb e to vend free by mail to every one. The Sp4e..fic edicinelq sold by all drogpiste at $1. per pscksge, Or fix packages for matey 14 addressing Tnr, GRAY MEDICINE co. Toronto. 1 668 52 Sal ctel Sal Sal TR A E MARE: Afte CENTRAL DRUG STORE EXETER. A COMPLETE arid Full Stock lo Drugs and Obtxr.ical cwastantlyon hand and warranted Of the Best Quality and at Moderate Prices. Atedieai Wines and Liqnors can heried on as h elder Brae, s, (*lit Protectoxiii&c.,elwaye on bar d. Aho Stationery, Sohool Books.Fancy ds, &c. 'Ire Central Drud Store, (Winan'ii old stand,) directly opposite theleentra.1 Hotel. J. S; PORTeR SEAFORTH. I -,m de itermined to Clear ,Out my ss of Cost. I TuttosE IN WANT!, it will pay -tit m to rimer- 11,7arerooms directl opposite .M. it. Counter's asat Side. i .1 r 1 0.414..p.3:3_ 31j fi. CA.MPBRIIT Provincial Ismd.8nzveyor