HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-22, Page 31886. TE ARRIVED. OCTOBER 22, 1830. HE H —w+Ae•f_-.i----.INNS ??, Store iz gt-t the beet red in Seaforth4 really good and r of Fresh - ROvISIoNs= FRUITS,, and, 4:tett, Graf berry rtrrit del.y,Rect , Figs, Raisings OTTLES the market, at end 50 cents per ..0 and 60 cents 50, 55, 60: arta; 'eats per pound,, r Smoked Sugar 'lain Hama d; re cal,- Oatmeal,. Ind Potatoes. klf TARS'. U. Fruit jars,af' Fore the rifle in Feet. Seafarth FACTORY 1E3- 113. • for the Fail :pared, as usual,, t, subject to the eke off 2 pounds [oft. S hoalder - N E VY W. a Store in ftyu n'er, where I a chaice and ,,:d 11 eats, Sao.. (thugs, dc. THIS WEEK.. a good article Bli, S€afarth_ 1'I AGENCY. RONG pass Stock, Fire s, and is pr•epar- stable terms. . best Loan Sn .'chase of Farm ✓ Sale. 'ren per cent. :arnship Tieketa- :es Store, Main. 645 '°i I U . t his numerous others} for their list 7 years, and )se attention to ce and dada in :rged his prem. prepared topay ;H PRIDE Eggs, delivered S.FORTH.: ions of good: dry ` WILSON LSON k FACTORY ERE make to Order;. %nget#, Rug i urtic1 in their ,heir own bust article both as work cannot he ashmeuts. ta. Give us a to satisfy You aa public , having - Er1'2 years- TIA.LERER. RENEWER. tI iscovered does *act •illy e.4 the restore GRAS y(bittbfel color FIC ALIYIENT in thi+a way its .EFJ wit it rapid- -a a apid -ane Eruptions, € e and healthy. t.,., i:::l:artingto • t :,!s which is the be et minced. ?ltfu by d'.S. 603- fit GALLERY. Taken by l silt. M R'LES.: ate oatul.les of 3 on, can get any. apery, clear and lean faces, such 1.4 practice and ttrid enlarged as €t`raut's.tal Artist. . 650 E. EAMERS Sail: W FORE and and LONDON donderry, Gies- Fares as:Tow as - stied to persons' 8. of Anchor Lina gance and com- Ofhce, 5eaforth A Groan From a Gillle. Lassen shouldna gangto shoot, Na,nat (fillies cannot help hat hoot, Ha, ha. Ion deuce bodies arena' ftttin'' Wi' the gudeinsn's to be pittin', Bide at home and mind your knittin' t Hoot e.wa t •Wimmn's Reohts' is sera weel, Och, aye! For hizzies 'wha've nae heartsel ; Forbye Wlnimen's Rechts is aibilins wrang When nat'ral weak mann ape the strong, An' ohaney cups wi'oan' runsang, Aueh,$oiknies show dna try to craw Sae fast ! Their westlin' thrappies canna a blast law SinLeave to men -folks bogs and ferns, An' paitrieks, rnnircocks, braes and cairns. And, lassies! ye may midbe bairns— To:IdLT (X) his mark. Gaieties. It is said that a baby will cry no harder if a pin is stuck into him than he will if the cat won't let him pull her ous height and tel' tionable upon ot. of appearance ' commendable it less boots are looking and opp jdresses are -no' !short, a pretty e "La Valiiere" is fancy shoe. T the shoe which Louis XIV. It high heels. Th ten thousand i ' fluent' -s ; and business is to getout fr:Im under' Otherwise he would be as lazy poplar tree. He is to get soul good out of the . 1 God is drawin every one's po but it does not f yet : e pear w shall be. Patio ce, co' rage, tru delity, self-saori 'ce, s: ffering, these are the elements • at are t etitute it. But ow' th : y are to e • together, what a e tbei oombin ti we do not -know but t : at when w€ to be with Chris in th t realm w] our future lies, o r est te will: ur anything of whic our "magina ion Conceive here --t at we know. I • • a :t• ar a h 0 Ladles' Paris bootmakers, fashionable ladies to French heels, s stitu low, flat ones, a no jduce boots with o he appears like goii g to t as this style of . hoe is coming, and thoi gh h arrow ler gra only, uZigai, man sed to v Ivor roe is the la shap now • _"What is the worst thing about riches?" asked the Sunday School superintendent. And the new boy said, "Their scarcity." —A jolly -looking Irishman. Was sa- luted with the remark, "Tim, your house is blown awv y." "Deed, then, it isn't,"' he answered, "for I have the kay in my pocket." . —An apology—' 'B ut, Freddy, how could you ever think of calling aunty stupid ? Immediately go to her and tell her you are sorry." Freddy goes to 'tike undressed aunty and says "Aunty, I am sorry you are so stupid." —The following advertisement ap- pears in a Canadian newspaper : "Will the gentleman who stole my melons last Saturday night be generous enough to return me a few of the seeds, as they are a choice variety ?" —The following advertisement" ap- peared lately in an Irish newspaper "This is to notify Patrick O'Fiaher-ty, who lately left his lodgings, that if he does not return soon and pay for the same he shall be adverised. —An old Highland Clergyman, who had received several calls to parishes, asked his servant where he should go. The. servant said, "Go where there is most sin, air." The preacher conclud- ed that was good advice, and went where there was. most money. —"Which is the more delicate sense, feeling or sight ?" asked a professor in Columbia College. "Feeling," respond- ed the student. "Give a proof Of it, gloved, for hi with an example," said the professor.. j them to the le "Well,my chum can feel his moustache, j been loitering in another way, The gold embro on the instep jewelled buckle Boots cut open with the very hosiery now in these stockings in appearance, slippers ; but u featly sure that tion to that pa tore, it is wiser yond plain'dar kind, and slipp tared by those high, may safel. that art can ac flare's defects. I 're "Why is Fre The whole mother, brothe Fred—stood Dots. aving ve up • g for t: is tgal e otherje� tr decided is bf _prep ss' wer nds the ere ie Mess, ,a festly {a shapelin 11 -comp necessi. est nope is copii as w.rn in th a as wi o e and t kid is dead oc d, w i ich it re len .eing : hamois .ol dered • lack ve; t as fo • r loop of gol in th n the front a el .gen ly em h market.. S ox eedingly, re - ome of th: s : lady PSI,' s ay dire" e humie t a eat not it h se e f the Very s and shoes glom ho, if their chaff be tr > seed to ompli;.h to rem • ea k •i fi e 10 d k and 9.1 T.s t vely The of a • i it fl- on- pttt ins, io e e :ass can oed ing the tro- his pie, be- ter- jec- hese ping eel - t e' • -1 v: :• • 1 U but nobody can see it," responded the student. These days no one is safe from the charge of plagiarism, B. went to church last Sunday (a thing unusual) and, upon being asked his opinion of the clergyman, said, "Oh, his sermon was very good, but the prayer begin- ning with 'Our Father' I think he stole it entire. I know I have heard some- thing that it was strangely like." -,,A doctor in Scotland made a nerve andbone all -healing salve, and thought he would experiment with ,it. He at first cut off his dog's tail, and applied some of the salve to the stump. 4 new particular, in a and had yet to boots, overcoat tens, when ro pounded this c old family cat to take posse chair. "Don't you behind." Fred turned cheeks a little which Mary his outer clot others had -w minutes, he w fam'ly— fat e and : isters, ail itin,,• mune be eady t. e. Tardy FY ut, • oing not a • ; , aimless sh is hair, p, •• uffler, 'a h. sister Ma ndr nn, as th ke. across t icon f the ci cause he' 1 eel? BI i m t• e glass with his 1 tail grew out immediately. He then . "Always belt applied some ' to the tail which he cut great failing. off and a new dog grew out. He did as other boys ; not know which dog was which. So an far, and can American paper says.; always thelat —Says the master of the house tp his ready to sit do servant as he prepares to lock himself rest aro ; per? up in his study and work, "I am not i in a book, an if any one calls, mind ?" A quarter o his hair till t an hour later he rings the bell. N seats. I shou answer. He rings it again. Still n how often to, answer. He opens the door furiously his name on t and cries to the servant in the anthabit has he f chamber. "Didn't yciu hear me ring the last mina' you idiot ?" "Yes, sir,- but you ha on.. Sunday m told me you. weren't in, and I couldn' or dreaming o think of taking a bell's wordbefor seems to thir ours, air:" church till it —"Where were you when the firs Then he is in. shot was fired ?" asked the lawyer. find this, . tb was lying down on the sofa." "Mier whole family was your husband ?" "He was lyin he generally b down on the back gallery." "And you all. children, where were they ?" "The Well, it is were lying down on the sofa, fas very bad onj asleep. Any other member of you dreamiug, a s family lying down ?" "Well, if m Promptness ill brother-in-law was here, I expect h • woud be lying down in the court hous He is a lawyer, unless he has reforme recently." • • 1 • Gems of Thought. There is a crisis in..every man's his tory in which it will assuredly be mad manifest on what ground he is restin; by what motives he is actuated, and b what objects he is animated. Not the dauwn, not the sunset, eac of surpassing beauty, males the da; but morning, meridian and eveninj So not the -hour, nor - the momentar, impulse, however grand or noble,make the life, but the years. When Christianity has a dwelling i at man's heart it cannot be hid in life. It must make character, an character can no more live without e pression than a tree eau retain vitalit and put forth no foliage. The most godly and trustful sou are not freed from hours of depressioi There will come times when the sig will triumph over the faith, and t want of any tangible evidence wi make the eternal verities seem remo# if not unreal. Years give to same men a finer -hak- suggests a co many of the heart, but from, others gg they take more than they give. Strong A. beauty—one w hearts resemble gardens which age for; I fear, hese I many, 3 • time, intrepidtime that ejve .treat' ! Th e ve lar chard icioucoats of a bet eive ¢m s of very king blies; Dred. bow itii a ntre. orn red 0 : of eking ancy per- ' tten- trtic-_ best ufac- ges are. dall yna- r and l xcept d and ;O with e had hngin fashion, d n -his lid mit- ry pro - sedate ie floor : shioned tLiways 'sF fling like cat's t it?' nr e e. at he get est e m ch ni efo ng BO of al rea a ve gs ly a .'r fa actio good, and', sate while tardine Charact There are f many more W lack of space French cry o coarse, in the an:observer notice : -f Two young bride and gr chiefly the f Y plums out of s on the lid. A. party of judge,at lea time very pr sons essay. The passen tirnated the le deck, and do times. An Italian e Lilperta" ass'dnous 1 pleased "exp : ssion lady plays V dian Ano in the sal on. An ith n ha as o d. o hu f: dred of us, and as re tuned away for the The 'tourist'ss cry is the —"A Berlin !" Of e ship's cdmpany d many tylpes. I. , whom. I to . e to e om severs1 signs, t they eat sugar box with a chromo a by the laugh sed, hurried into , by the 1 time the •r him, full five y. I' Yes, t at . is his. s quit ' motioned n as fast, jump as fi well but he is •o He is seldom ever iv'hen :the c !absorbed or . briish ng their • • t ce,rds are it' and Bib their sinfn phets, for w: t qthe tree.° ii,oberonsly." 'without its Party of a uSly well, t he has th 1tB. •• • 1 Q '.P 0. • 0:tod gain cal assoc tricks Oat re infl; oto sed al ti 1, wha rik ? to s, moot ut ne s odyn . up hem:nwif an a 8431118,T f A. p`Urs ully,' and i tabs: ip�ati•n, no prima ry- l aby. tante ice so de: d y tha e th illage th : t chi d .ppea senge� s gat • er u c ks ani' lea e. you.g m.n vi+is ld, ••J:anin: Moire the fl::sh.a•d tib d life, nd • ilj Pa' men in t th. few tett dec . in a entl ' ha ch th:y >hn nal ® :of -Pa tic t • e 'atea , sill . T ere , in t e Ili in hr.pr mot er; $$ tam. '—.`L'zieataac/ • f of gm ations. back aiah xx rs ham would �f them -sick ' 1 1 his ei — t an - es, o the v. 16, d"satt whist Ibis - hat I igage- p tite like the r : regards slim neighbor' with dith awe.' lls of a snake hen ita•pears groves oo. So the a•aGent s, wra es and ai �I I ng to s the articularly there - 10,1. He w: nta to _: for his enter- gesof sin,-w•ich is cb i dr e t'umblin; about v ry ti `'sy mann -r, and p . e little dears ; w a ou going to sea or t iugs 1;; Once, eV en in isms, •• :news ca a that had broken her crank- asj grits:Wing and griev- • st of w ich a littl maid fore an ` said, "N • mat - 'v got pin I'll g' ve the • One o lping s t he h ghejst tat .smb u e.e:ping. t is b st t • ings about t it eq : ireja the face tiero the wo •� e, �j, every day in the 'rise mann, their aftars, calm,jindepend -pos eased in eme geucies. bel trait a ',ch: ranter are ntly eultiv: ted.' any class of n ca be s: 'd to ave virtues t n th in, i is the oussekeeper o ever woma ,would set i as a• aim ,w rthy of all t st an • best in: er, to Gond lered • oine, a great deal sof nd re :1 beaut .;would bet g nyf: cos one ,:lovely ar by th: additi ui of thos: es a = out the . Oyes and ome from aving fret e I •, or !—work,, too, : h' en`g: ped in, wodl no 2 ere are times he 1. ppiest wife and it onging of .Thoreau s at Alden Pond, and a lytio • 5.nI t owing t e li•1 f eatone th which f of 0 8 u a e a meals will ge to wash are .ta i orry to Iteil you rks stan�d against of register, such a to of !kiting till e he st rtsi And e will e t reading, ething,I nd never getting_' really for ost ti' Ito . go. flutter, an can't d the, that ; the to help filth; and ip the'. bail, after 1 abit ; b t -,it is a d must leave off to doi g i stead. has done untold.ltitudes of lives, destroye m riads. f 1;87 �Iar; nl fi 0131l •f t th fano t icycli one tabs' er w gth s h ho is -from Boston, I f then} passes his in read ng Emer- o walks. of clear eads a, co howev elodiee hacking o has be makes greener, fuller, more leaf whereas the Man of the world is cove ed by yeaxs with dried up and. disfigur - If there is any true, satisfying enjo r_ and never a seeks to pre timber, by j - she must fin ment in this world, it is what t e . if She is to d Christian eaperiences when he looks faith through loss or sorrow, within t vail, and. sees himself a redeemed a sanctified saint, where sin can nev enter, where sorrow is unknown, whe tears are never shed. Trouble that makes a man think b - By her si yond his body, and be,yond. thie world, rail. I a,ske you faint under adversity ypu are not response. I -fit to go into God's school. Therefore Ah, this se bless God for any adversity that.\\may sickness in come upon you. It is hard dealiag at maladies are first but bV and by it will blaze With I very violent, r- : and ludicr , friends, and himself, Bn al game that fiv r- ards and t of B oulder and anxiety, a good deal of burdensotneness, . did you play y Another • Alas ! she e now she is pb waters. the thanksgiving and gratitude of et nity. The human race were created wi grinding material --a good deal of e ery, a good. deal of gravel, a good d of hard soil, a good deal of bitter stiff ing, a good deal of fear, a gOod deal aUty e bea ate ring lon er. salad at e, an ther a hi as I p an pardon FIN • • ayer playing his d did AS He sp up ce on stated with a hen a n he pi - couch. that we a eerlIS • n a ear poo an 11 ne t One Paness .s, is untl lun h, he laconi4 e love, Both oth ex ansien ol ng th OV r your the worl play that • ouge lltor ess m Med Lehli cease aperl e doe eu taks epin res ats erY 1 en tato atte i read to thin the ere arse 1 ptee- an ho ent and e of on- wo- ust be- t is ap- ed. ns - ked th, ver if ure bly her Mires crag - had ow ted 110 the 11 RO AUC iItPNEERS- JP. B " INE, Lipe ed Anatfo • Conn y of Hato . I Bales att parte of the County. ' 11 orders le POSITOR O lee will 1 e romptlyatt: EXP 11 • 11 e fon dk they' must be ce th dange ;of s g at, ever sensible the f ily, owing Oa ; ev ry such ktgMir Ind .- and who reMind the r gu roast lady was served w taken up 4 Out t the Go ,.get 4cl of take th WIIS an4 ized y t ey have pi la the in ent has • • • • at 1 to 11,1 111 col th, mon y re olve urds who me ime and ersia ps law arme ounc ng a rou t ter mar e est • ions • ne Ceat eps t woul han ian COMIne assacr ove • st it e t is on • 1) wnie nd 1, Ielative to the c h helfatims of sad oil. lauded also tro ruct mg t raim —T hose ac uch 1_1 the ave i?roe nd the Ar, ck e it iY! • 10 le a • ide ked ent sITd; insionimmoommume er fo the ded i all at theft. ded for ER ANI' !lin giv n to thorn glt- gliah mar - son's new o 015 WILANCIS OR ASA AUCTIO LAND AGENT.— pedal oaten sale of landed propekv farming it bred stock. Cattle s§1 eted for the ket. Office and Anotio Booms, Ac ner the lg- nes ble. WS USO Sts bes ery • t the SI he ma sev Etal ed pa etw to ears, Mollillop. 13 Rides of Landed Pro Implements. All oide under -doer at Walto celosion 14 or at Lead °mien 12, will be pro bills, note and stem Leadbury. ent te st of it h r pee's' attenbi erty, Farm. s left with e ptly attend ,s furnished g :vett to took , and he r of, the et 29,Icon- te. Saha 639 ested 'n the Beafo deaire to oome meta are requested to hen Beeietary at once., ION—All p h Curling 01 ars for the e in their n ties inter - suing year 670-8 atter di t e 1 the ills e, eaten , our After hiCh e ass ts 01! Section tors of said 669.4 w.g.DE VXECUTORS' NOT -A-4 estate of John St Farmer, deceased-- mlaims against John, 8 of Egmo farm the 10th day of Au before the Ist day of Messrs. McCaughey Solicitors, the full and security (11 any) date we will prooeed the deoeased among t having reference only ter ral on the ch- omprsleed f t, is itot, it see mote faithf alto his -new, w fe t y Polis I lady. dy fortd a frtis liad equi oine atio 100, ter Ilar evil a, t tragaling ir ho efforts ti at have kle i 181944, the lateet are stated to be ti e population is and Eu Iopean, an 7,403 sq are mile .t.on is extreme Seat govern own st etching cl the oast. I It ransferred succeeded d from the overmnent • • thur Gordon, t been 1 promot eala dela es NceuX, stat f unab n th hey whtp • miand ladie cries slight drove struc emit the o team bid r their t6 th happ ed uP their team a wil t they et a bug dr off int the ditch of arning, to i which st a, entidiawa,s paid. h buggy smashing eree , and ore or lees cup ts. Th pal not the slightest ttle an, lea ng the n m to aje 11 en rt- on - CE.—In the uardlate of 1 persons oddard, late r, deceased, at last, are r December ne Iticulars of eld by them. distribute e parties en to the elaima 11. • shall then have notio pqrsuara Statutes of Ontario Chapter 107 and WILLIAM Mo LLAN, Ere John Stoddard's will. MeCtiIIG-FTF, le I • general serve t. Apply to Id LANDER, Clinton. !once al good 669 WANTED TO ENT—Wanted comfortable welling Housee, situated. Apply to WADE BRO forth. o ren onve HER two ently 670 •L-A- goes to learn pa county. personal a Cabinet Maker, Clint ANTED.—W Met Making:3! tad pprea Best hop in 6 '9x4 TEACHER WA. ED.—Teache -L. School Seetio o. 15, Steele tificate preferred, pply, statin and salary , to JAIES SHAW, Vs rrEACHERS WAN TED.—Want 21"- holding third class eertificat North and South School Section for 1881. Apply, stating salat 1'. 0., Ont. Want d for (male) for 4, Stanley, with testi- otary, Blake 671 cat, payable yearl •!pthate funds M ONE int eresIt. TO L "—In large Privet f lade, or on t ly to N BILL, Seaford! end oa good eal small earns 628 $10 to $1 0 thing. A dress Investe "" Stocks a sent free ea MONEY TO L 41—On Impro • able half -yearly o Yearly, as desi tion of the prin p 1, if so prefer light. Apply to 1r OMAS D. RY Ont. ainkesWfollitente B• an era, 7 d. xpernies 625 -1-v-A- money for immediate invest mortgagesion farm property. Sava per oent. interest yearly; prineip agreed upon. J . BENSON, larg sum of ant n first and a half 1 as ay he olieit r, Sea - 688 A WHITNEY PHOTOG Exec t rat 1 MEDICAL. donee south side, o Goderieh St eet, geon and nd real- rst door 34? Accouche first door e 11 Un varsity, Physicia , Sur r, Seafo!th. Ont. Office} and r duate of eon and 496, ID MUSIC E APHY IN AL Os_ 0 'STUDIO din the 1 test and most improved. ing whole ale and retail. Picture an on the ost reaso factUre for cash We me n busines Bell & o., Guelp Ont. Ofil e and Residence in re r of 'Doran & Ryan'a. ails prompt13 attend to, night or nese and orificates given if requ ed. 407 ." • goonj. etc., Coroner for the ant of Huron Office an:S Residence, on Jarv etre t north, directly op °Bite E baforth Public oho ,I. DERSYSH of the Royal C lic Surgeons of ,, Mrs, Whit, w brick bloc 5, is on no or civ he a fert de ty ve as ea ch le. e two Ve de y. or, ew r. io- as g tr rma ver to by ched to r CO n„ seine cont C nd not en Wa ons it to • m- aken by Female ha of Pregraney, as carriage, btit at a ave all cases of the pains in the bac ge Dental tari Office ooree in Mai Street, 01 I• Member of t ental Surge 13tratfind, Ont., has now opened Seaforth, at the Qtt prepared td perfo ease and 04111. 0 en's Hotel, w all dental ee open first T eltoY clap, o 111 1 College Canada rket Bt., office in ye e will be operat ons with .14sda in every 668-52 $72 taade.Era ly Outfit free. $12 a day tgg A W,EEK in your own to SON & Co., Portland, Maine. 11 A dr ss TRUE 626-52 eau@ and 626.52 Addr Air Y to the Samples as STIN- 626-52 he Quietest, Mos Comfortable and ueted Hotels in e Province. applied. Good abling in con edtio Paper Hanger Writer, & A rusted ta am Maher" in rat -el Office—in Ryan's look, Main r et, or -orders left a $ D. Roae'a 11 be behind in urchaser. 3 SEAFORTH, ONT. ITS BRANC tyle of the art, Picture Frame Wreath Frames made to der. adian and A.merican. man able terms. We buy our i and CAN and. WILL sell AN ANY OTHER and don't you forget it. , Organs, but will supply a fapturers kept in Stock, and soild strttraents direct from the ina.nn- • EALER IN THE COUN.TY principally in Dominion a y ake of Piano or Organ desir its Taken in Excha Full Value Allotqe ad d. s ahead. in giving the best vame BROS. Seaforth. is one of est 10n - m -tins are of Boot • bitants of at he has worlq en - 88 etyle. promptly 632 PEE GREAT -A- Periodical unfailing in 010 dangerous dive!). ion is subject. F MALE REM .-0Job Moses care of all t se, within" and moderates re es and re- edladies, it is 11) ultarly Baited. ime, bring on pe - daring the fir three months hey are sure t bring on Mis- y other time t ervous and 13 nd limbs , fati of the heat • IS a es to UTH STRANGER THAN FICTION and 'Dealers in' C ROCK E WY, GLASSWA GROCER FLOU RI FEED, P ROWS! 0 Sg SE EDS, FRU ITS, 14 have one of the LA RG EST, CHEAPEST, and BE IELOTECI Stocks West of TOR NTO.- Goods and Prices be Seli3n to be ppreciated. Odtivitice the ti ost Skeptical that the a ove is TRUE IN EVE whites, these pills will effect a en remedy, do not tain iron, ea or anything la 1 to the co arefully prose sed to Northr ital agents le contain' 0 rnde d.rivers of 'the wilsa should RM. New York, BC Of for poatage en 11° return ma• il. 8 Bleasdell, 8. tten tim eless le 1 CARD O'S ski CHANGE OF BtSINESS MRS: E. WHItNEY, DEE4RES to state to her cu4onters toad the publie that she has dispoaed of her Tin and Stove Business !to her sons, MALES and GEOR E WHITNEY, who have the princi. pal rge of the business for se eral years, and she h pee the same liberal pit ronage will be erten ed. to them that has been corded to her- self for so many years. TN-contieetion with the above'thenndersIgned -1- beg to stat that they will ontinue to keep hand, et the m Stand, a fu stock of ST113VE OF ALILI. KINDS Tinware of Every Dese "Pam. We e algo prepared to do Custom Work of very Dese ption on the Stortest otiee, a9-40heap. Hating a thor ugh practical owledge of the business in all ts branches, t y hope to con- tinue the large atronage whip has been given to the 01 and well-known ha se for so many years. WHITNEY BRCiITHERS. will please Beta once, as the ne„ ,old business= settleican do so until the first 665 I ties indebted` to Mrs. Whitney theirindebte eas with her at firm open ne books and the at be closed. arties desiring to at the store d Whitney Bros.. October= Aft r that date the pat into !othelr hands for Sol - 3112181E. WHITNEY. A OAR TIT IV. OF -I[HAN KS. JA1VI S CAlViiPBELL,. 4;3,- begs to Warn his grab ful thanks to the Farming and ereantile Public generally for the generous sup rt given him during that time, ;,:, arid begs to state that he has now on blind II full issortme t of all kin& di DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, And iwill always be ready to Intete out to them good articles at as retisonalble a price az any in the Trade. I He has a large quantity 0 PORK {Bide, &e.) of first-class quality. Earthenware of every desoription. Glass, Oil, White Lead, (Janne', &c.) anid a general assort- ment of Colort. I Boots and Shoes a Spectialty, from the 'well - Any articici necessary for a -country store can be obtaiued. AR kinds o Farming Pro:ince takitn, oath or 657 JAlikES CAMPBELL. CANADIAN BANK.Of COMMERCE. HEATi) OFFICE, TORONTO. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY Seafoith. FIRST-CL*.SS GOODS A al Affections, tic o slight ex- , hy teries, and wh n all other itu ion. Full 0 and 12f cents the Do nion, ver 50 p' by maden. 654-52 • MORRISON MODERATE PRIOE SEAFOR ALWAYS ON HAM), ruLL STOOK OF ofROCE iES OROCKO Y AND GLASSWAri Flou Feed and Pro4i ions, Mill Feed, Remember the Plade M. CHANGE OF SE to k ep on hand, at the old. stand, Main St o s, Gang Flews, Scuffiers, Land Rolle a ep iring promptly and neatly done and s tie 1113, D It. NOPPES. EAS AN D AIR Call Solicited SEAFORT AFORTIi, Ont., April Ifrom John Nopper, we eet, Seaforth. a, fall as JOIN W. NOPPDB., Having disposed of my business, I m r by note or book account, to call an as after that date I will place eve IC fo collection. rd contirlue a all other Implemente in our line. en and Lawn Chairs' a specialty. action guaranteed. Give us it trial. NOPPER BROTHERS, eith BUY 90 st Se FORTH, Ont„ April rd, IA04 all on all those indebted to ine, tie the same before the Pirstl of a in the hands of the Clerk id he JOHN NOPPER ORE, WALTON., POST OFFICE 8 0 CE MORE resneetfully beg leave to return atronage during the last 12 years that I hat' t a contin nee of their favors for the futur of DRY “OOD rge Stock oal Oil, Ha required in exehan e and set hands for also val ;#3 ioi: R and SH and diFare, Paints and Oils, thi a general store. Ask for take e. I would ago intimate le by cash or note bef Ileetion. No further no othe ter for the Dominion Bs i the Dominic) The above Society lo enty years, on the most favorable condi give me a can, I am agent for the Bun taara ee Comp 'ea in the Dominion, and get give me a cell. I am always atten tiect on. Clover Timothy, Turnip and ot what y to all pa re the ice ing and a money ritual t ndnete er s anks to my numeroue customers for their kind been doing business amongst them, end kindly I have just received a Large and Well Selected Also alwAys on ',ma a full sassortrnenti of r quality and price, are the best ln the Cou4ty. McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, LaMps tent Medicines, Bacon and Hama, in taut every - want if you don't see it. Cash ;,r far* prOduce ties indebted to me for last and raviolis yeOrs, d of this month, or the accounts:will be pttt into vestment Society, 0110 of the bestiotsoeieties di tin security for a term of fro threat° f EgIN813BA/sICE.—If you want your insured e Assurance Company, one of the bes Life In- tel the most economical principles. on'tfor- n hand. 56,000,000. PreeideAt, Hon,. Vb. McMaster. SEAFORTII BRANCH. The Beide th Branch of hris Bank continues to receiie dep sits, on which interest is allowed on the Most falorable terms. Drafts on jail the princip towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain; and on the United Statee, bought and Bola. Offiee—First door Boull of the Commercial Hotel, f 689 1 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. THE .0111111VIERCIAL LIVERY AR HUTt TTAvrriG urehased the oekand Trade of the -LA- Co nisi Livery, eaforth, from Mr. George W teley, begs to s ate that he Intends carrying on he business he old stand,and ham added-sev et 1 valuable hore s and vehicles to the formerly lar e stook. None but IBeliable Horses Till be Kept. Covere4 Ana Open Bugg* and -Carriages„ and Orders leit at the stableS r any of the litatele SEP.FliRTH FIlit,X MILLS. TS 8 la Desirous of 1 isposing of his Flax , basin se an, vibe is likel to manage it prop- s/I erly. He as sufficient sown, and in Bylaw! did or ei, o keep the Mil ratting steadily dur- ing the se son, the benefit in conneetion -with which he will give the prire! sser. -IIVI-S)NEY T91 LOAN. Anylamorint of money 'Lel L0612 ITU reasonable rates qf interest, on good farm security. IS WA LIT9 %Pp -IN WILL! MS &00. WitOXETER, 1 ONTARIO. • DiscOunted. Drafteliksinied. Money Lent tan Real Estate ati °west Rates. J014.7 WILLIAMS & Co. 6. 58-i52 NC) HOE TO 'OHEBTORS*_ McIpTRE Sea/rant Tt! tc !tate that they have on their books A% -1--F large number of neonate of Old standing, which, if not paid st once, Will be handed to Mr. J P.j Brine for collection. _Parties intereated 665 Wholessl BIM b modera or otbe szAroo and Retail Deal r LEATHER and FINDINGS of very Description. t tbe Very Beat Stook kept. 'Tenni A TrialSolielted. All orders by mall Re promptlyfille B. IL BRETT