HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-15, Page 5• • • ; ss' 4 s OCTOBER 15, 1880. ; The 30eptioal Shoemaker. their Wiest ores for the sameesemeeseae • 1 HE HIJROX "I have read," said the ehoetnuker, thefr religiot s duty to jo ras . "a good deal about the heathen gods, for Xe •eisiton share ant I believe the account of Christ is us te and. cakes, taken from some of the heathen writ- ings or other." "Will you abide by your own decision on two questions that 1 will put to you?" said the Bible reader. "If so, I ' will freely do the same. I will a,bids. By your answers ; by doing so we shall save much time, and arrive qrdeker at the truth," "Well," said he, "out with it, and let are but y eome- the $ilers, the door of amazed wh eat the tea in the oentr grown. Fr that the ju yearsold, father ; its (abont 480 tens), and it ing wciod, he . He 'could make; a year froth river, an ably be $1, shin Kiang wn the rive Goverorner . But he foreigners charge is uick. '---Coi us see if I can answer; there few things but what I can thing about." "Well, my friend," replied t "my first questian is, suppose were Christians, .according tc count given to us in the Goa corning Christ, what would be the state of society?" He remained silent in deep - and then was constrained to e reader, all; men the au- • con - thought, y, "Well, if all men were really Chri tians, in practice as well as theory, of course we should be a happy brotherhood indeed," "I promised you," said the reader, "that I would a‘bide by your answer ; - will you do the same ?" "Oh, yes," he readily replied '• "LW 1319.11 can deny the goodness o' the sys- tem in practice ; but now for the other question; perhaps I shall get on better with that; you have got a chalk this time against me." “Well, my next question is. this sup- pose all men were infidels what: then would be the state of London and, of the world?" 1-1 He seemed still mare perp and remained a long time silent, he reader doing the sa,me. At length he said, "You certainly e saw' have beaten me, for I never efo the two effects upon Socie y ; now see that where the Christian, builds up, the infidel is pulling down. I !thank • you; I shall think of what as passed this afternoon." Training Heifers to This is sometimes called "breaking," but the term is too harsh, apd 6ugges- .-- tive of ropes and clubs. While opposed to harsh treatment in training heifers of feeding her, while tience in e side both tions, and e s'ubject. k. • to milk, we do -not approve her on sugar and singing to we waste hours, days, and. p • overcoming her dislike of th process. It is better to lay sentimental and. heroic nc take a business view of t With bat one or two heifees it is easy enough to pet them into pesfect ity, but this plan will not apply in large herds, when heifer§ must be caught up after they drop itheir first calves and handled while in al semi - wild state. The point to be accom- plished is to teach her that yon neither mean harm- nor foolishness, but simplyI business. To accomplish this yoU must be reasonable, firm and patient, admit that she has not much sense ; un- necessarily fractious and • feolishly timid. Prepare yourself to, meet these failings with those human qualities which are apt to overcome thorn. The best practical method to accomplish this that we have ever seen . Was the following: Put the heifer in stanchions between two old, quiet cows. A strong man sits down to milk her just as he would an old. cow. She is not apt to fl make ank movements because those old cows are there, and she: has a wholesome respect for them. When she lifts her foot to kick, the strong left arm of the milker meets the blow halfway, way, and. returns immediately as though nothing had happened. In fact, the milker should proceed just as if he had milked. her a thousand times, and. pay no more attention to her gyra- tions than is necessary to protect him- self in the prosecution of his work. With this treatment she soon learns there is nothing gained. by opposition, and quietly submits. The best regu-- lated dairies are those where the cows are treated with firmness, Made to know their places, and keep in them. A cow is as easily spoilt with over-iu- • dulgenee as with too harsh treatment. —Land and Rome. • In a Chinese junk. As we wished to see rt little of the genuine boat population in this, the centre of China, and compare notate ho were c the stern n they saw eaves, whit) 1 province m the ow k was tlie aving been capacity carr woo four oyag on tile grey would pro he went to Hankow; d Sha'ez wit make 0,0 sigh, "Y0 now; the' walktoo Chronicle. H A elate scraping k a knife. —When starch at a the Y are ri sugar, diss rear! dorm.' nee of ou ard, ord. They nded, old ma and ,wd.ed around. Ca,bia, looked at we did not is t e custom h er letlaeranefi is tw y-iseveit built h' 8, 09 picul las engaged i ooffir u an • eai point ta point his earning: 1 ; pr ie 1 is a Pfis•o ) ankl Jack t sal elle ' migh add d,1 with hay neeboat ow and. the San Praneise usehoid ell is mor Iles and f does the w washing fine 1 ; the laS sed put a lve it tho t be pleasing. DiShee should alwt clear, hot water after h ed in soapskids. Noihi *1 ..pleaant a certain sti ly ta leave find that i • pair of ca, in th n• ice d cor 1108 and wash the the dress. Woe ha wh wore do not co 1 lad ma • cal is ste es. °Wine PPea lot p n look and glas more or 1 fond of ex far from adage, th straight i not fond by j a Si no es are for carr when the to throw manner little sup course, t but we f in which themsely looki di ike ea h other the of ' starin at one an spectacle , which 0014, hag than t would be guage to express. crease th benignity but W0131 n can look with a di agreeable beyond t e power of have obs rved that ladies w never use make un lushing use compro speo are,. or imagine t exchisiv ly in the eo sex.I • teres —The statue o was unv iled in York, a ew days Sir Joh Steel, a years ag . It rep sitting p eition . The the table t kiuess that who do the addition tO co sleeves top is a dfs can th ess sleeves, a dishes 3-11t5. conienient for ing pens than rk i less time. ace do not use 1; wa er in which httl fide whi ugh , and. Ue 000 O 0 AA O 0 A A O 0 ILA AA.4. 00,0 s b rinsed vine ben was g imore u to iaotice a he sea is like- osvii 4ork 1 a long apron a ith 4 . rabbi r ensek of hap i- • on over on s et tea end ev n ithont1 injuri 111 en in S known c snectacles, aider glas ey are apt semi -echo 11C13 to fena rticularly is unpleasa s. generall s to the ?we remes, and treeing it a woman o the face f being del ctacled la •ot very w ng Bisects, use glnese heir heads hick appea rcilious. s appears, cy we hay omen ha s of the ex g imptiden 1 • • • upon their habits, my friend and_ walked down the banks of the river. The Han, at its mouth, is about three- quarters of a mile broad, and upon its •waters are gathered junks of .every de- scription. Here is the square bow and towering stern of that big fellow from Sha'sz ; he -belongs to Honan. His junk is built on a curve, the stern being about five feet above the line of the bow.- Let us go on board and have a glimpse at the internal arrangements. The sailers are grouped. around the gang -plank, smoking their pipes, hav- ing knocked off work to see the "foreign del -ills." So, mounting the plank, we get on the deck of the craft. evidently such a close before. They cm beards, and • the crowd, . • these mariners never had interview with foreigners feel our clothes, admire o remark to one old man i "Why, they are older than ;you are, they must be fifty." The.old 'man said, "No, those devils' beards ly." As good temper° d the best to give these pe in Chinese to the old growquick- answers are pie, I replied au 1"Did you ever see a devil ?" fhoyetaiied aghast at my speaking to them in Pink own dialect,and remained selenti for some littbe time„ when one -of 'the youngsters sang out, "Ile speaks our - Chinese language," and the spell was; dissolved. Immediately the usual set :phrases came forth, "What is your !honorable name and age ?" and a _multitude of other questions, to all of which we re- sponded cheerfully. No -W came our -turn... We asked for the owner of the boat, and the old mane, who Was captain or pilot, took u,s into the stern, where we found the owner surrounded by his family, quietly seated at a table balancing : his books. lie arose and demanded. angrily why we had been allowed to come on board, but. onr usual charm, speakina in their elm; tre cost $15,000. —A fire occur/. Saturday night. leries were badl its. priceless treati of the Louvre am pair. Thle misfor to a domeetio fir the Prefect of th of Paris were B9. ---Ottlies one h whichsetakted in Grove, Ira., at 8 ago, ninety-five five p. m, The ever started in The distance w average time pee me one Minute the edit naffs at St. Peter tamed before GO them that the a the constitution displeased. the C onthe stibject w per, and that it would 'be pre sti ution, own tongue, prevailed, saluted our company. girls and boys, together men whom we caught from i behind the cot screens, now came 0154 rooms, and at the fat the children surroun d the customary Chinese women, like all those provinces, were very f faces !La small feet. ea iusimple cotton 4 -5•)•rse5.5-5.5 r. rid be politely he 'little ones, with three wo- peeping at us on cloth door out from their er's command earisandgave salutation. The of the central ir, vilith painted hey1. were dress- loth1 s, reserving The malady is revalent am Y rk. It is sai dr d h rses in u St go Compan ar more or les so At.euuo a al o ve near .ea •11, nd the :feted y the s4iiei each. • —A letter h B Collig, a L eut nant of ti ins im that t. ha a care tb4 next two t e 1 yes of s o •ner , as well ubli Castle. ti e m tter as s a sert the hand t em. — ere is 9. m aounty, T ixt re of na celibrate th eir arriage ber 1630, ill ck . Drury tia Bevil c: me Lucretia hey are not t ore 'n 1788 i fir t e father as iorninS am d for the • nob; d, and ens ally ever 1 11 t t t g • ecta,c_es. arming women as rule, e becoming 'to o give a se 1- stic, serni-ele wear rs, whi h epoBse ping, in ft 1 woman, 1 give his 1ok er. are not 'thane we re the pr dish ld hould ver11 ok a m erately . Mo fitted 8, C011 they a ightlY , at fi met e is n kno n gl , we re $ard1 at t ladi s' by net re equen ly, e obied peek a t sighi, a cases of 'wide ile, nst.aapes ava pecta we met err ugh t eys e m ossible for asses , rely the colinte a rough pressio mal alansYseBB f ti_e ia 0E1 ole: mEle t pan, o the r e le 0 01 1 TAILORS AND CLO ALL POR pec whi sex rt -sig for consequ rind Pemo aigre G eor . .rap •„rtm 'wee I! ! ITOR—TEN PAGE H H A H A A HEUIIL A A 11 1 AAAA 11 11 A A maw., ANDERSON, sE A T NOTIQE AND k) MPULSORY nce cr et f ur Store lein si4g Trade, we La 'ger Premise ene, the Sore' nt, next door So ce where ‘toll • ciotch, French mported into if nt se L LLL LLLLL S1301IVI 'S'E.E{I}-1.14Cr1D CIMV FORtH MOVAL too s al for our have bee compell . We hoe fitted u rmerly �Cuied by th of .ihe ontrea found th Large glish i nd Can thi Mlarlekt • ut sin Ite 111 ert Bu 118, tral is the wor was' begun s nts the poet the or of Paris tion o malted and t aged e is !pre the a,p ne. rano the So Mu eyOn ably itme 6 arc ve n st 111: ed dar er pi ra e from a. 111., 8. feW ved h w t e 1 . tilat co 22 il an e of the ' first three Second f the chief Iiour g have!been elikoff.1 11 nuaI discnss ussia has that InOthing be alioWed g th present re re to dscuss wn s the epi the liomsos in N t of tile 'five h n y thc Fiftl.i ems early two h dee ecte . The - edi intli 1A.Veliu line ve Allred °rise rtio df .hor B a peiI abo 4ed f 11, Om, Stor is daily th •Onged with eusto day. popular Sat sfacti n evinced at th Haudsouie a d Noby S ock of Cloths, Hit oods. and I4n1.4Y o g gt I represented lY• i 1 t e , b'rd 1 tic ‚4 111 It DO sn ssed nd, i and he nth al the e p t as ng II up tb the •Iicr whicb it ca iS e ar 10 1)8 they tak It th e B 'C)Ifliflellt 1 estruc iori if Iice are eee sible, s vell lturow o rried c ,wh and tiet nt awe IMO $ t1111111 ;'it1 1 rel ntuck s futur ri Caroli ther ey ha ce. uple wife a ate now unt, vil nd , he uson4 K e. and n wife, n herafit' 1:10,a • been «ix • 11 has Smteon, y c4.iof Roue do w 11 to c an hip, ressi add dyrn h's aii ffl all tha OAKHALL, Is le P1 ers. Saleis Large and and CaPs EI AN have everything c ow it. We sell Go as any other and E PRIC4' res, and 10 !IE unected w ds for wha r superior 11 the os(ive]y N YMADE our Merchant Tai° lothing, conflating ys' Overcoats. Par ed. These Goods CREAT CLOT o buy Clo4iing, Hat Y & A. CLO ing epaet Me 's, Ypi es shin re all ne IN ,Cap• s StrESTITUt - ear The public are cautioned against a iurowing quite common ofi late aniong a of medicine dealrs. and which is this : W enasked fi.r bottle o Pain -Killer, they suddenly scover that tiey are "sold out.” "but have enricher • nick iust ae grod, if not better." which they will suppl at the same price. The obi ect of this deception is trans arent. These substitutes are made up to sell on the grea. reputation of tlie PainKiller ; and hemp,- compoumie of th drugs, are boaght and chea by the d. ler ut abeut half what he pays for the genuine Pain- tiller, which enables hins therefore to realize a few cen.s more Profit per bottle upon the imitatien article than he can on the PS, e ustom which certain claes tftrg d to at Mr , Tel - t As- dian WEEK. 'nc easing froM day to B gant Display of our altd Gents' Furnishing 7111J V ;1 genuine. FOR ClIOLEIZA litORUS,CRA .1.10) ALL SUMMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PO -KILLER 11NQUALI.ED, • IT CURES ALMOST INSTAN , • The 1'c114-K1i.1.tt; is put upi-rt bz, and 's oz. b ttles. retailing at 25 anti so dents reweetively,—are bottles ave &ereforeobeapest. SCILD BY ALL MEDICINE D:EALER& 3 '' cf; g.g a'-e't1;174...P.Ifii ii>os.0•1• p,,,4 -.40#'4 0 • 05 fr . 0 ..:•.::", .--t o'...,,_.--4 ,g,...n„,P Cs cZ;f.cb/54.- mt.. , 0 5•4 ce., -se ie pm •51 le 7.7 •ii- 0 0 ,- 1:15 •••-••••3 i 0 ' - .tiEl Z -•'-o 1°' 0 - T., o., .s-- 6,-,-. v•-•,, -,,,s, );:x e a 0 •„-;• -9 a :e e-.. 6 ,.., 0 w... .i-417-* Co•• , 0 . ts. c, tr •-• 0 ,,„. Oz$ -4 ar. 0 • to "" Cr IQ •••'• ''' ° rn g;,,i :!--. %•••• ••• 0 S.- rt. 32 ,-,:, ✓ ,:. cf) 0 ?..- 01e 61 2. wee er • - s e re, 0 a' ti, .°41,* re : le c• 0 !:,. 5'4' 570 g CO is -'g's I:1; ei21. F., ,,, •-.3-4 ,•;* 111 ..• `t- - tr; olu, .-,t4 - 07. P 0 't 1 /..3 g 0-.1:1 I" oo'Z''' = 0 .... F). li ce . Z • ClOg. , Lr 0 '1 cr se' il Tr, fa _ — .;•.:; 0,, —1•.• CO 5 tg0 0 e 0. .sseee — wIroserse a' IITI24e, Pi reii i:i i 112 gig*. a k;:t - °-• ° a' m'cuo 0 C t.6 0 7 18i3O MANITOBA. .1886 GREENWAYS. Spc ial Passenger Train for Manitoos will start from 0n the First' TUESDAY in each 0 cn co 0 rn co rn h o r line of ibusineas, tbr are. ;Nothing mils- cn s Mar ed viatio NG. eiti a Large th 8 nd Boys' • ing in this an annot fed HARDWARE. % 4 34 1 1 rni , . - : m 1 (1) > i 0 -Tii ; !! m 1 --I 1 i i 1 nd Se ect ,lint, na B • OADT 0 0 T ill . to m ke 0 tO 0 pq 0 V1 tri ti 4'sw tid 0 tv 11) 0 1-3 Iri 11 •Noolavd BANKING HOUSE. M. Z -)L BANKER 1 - SEAI'TORTII, ONTARIO. • Office in, the pre vises under Davi sons Hotel, forme ly ocCupied the Bank of COM911 MC. NOTES ikHD BI Engliet ;and F Pur LS red has ISCOUNTE ElFehan d. FARMERS' SAL NO ES BOUGHT!. Drafts lesued, pa able atall, Branc of the Ban. of oramerce - Interest Allo ved il Deomits. Money to Loan on Mortgag s, at ill= Stye Nine Per nt. OCD niontli„ trieeti. ight lea-ves t1 day previonsto tbe above dts. Dae notice; -will be given of all Intuit par etas always the lowest, and the grestestpains taienatoy. ti3ohavrr e aangements utost complete an iag Persbas joining; these parties are released girenak,ite. ailcare bOuding baggage, freight, live to 150 Pounds of Baggage Free. liai r.miertieceunanwayarvegohrough 'ith eich party. For JOHN ENOX, Vt. W. R. Agent, centrals 635 88 MR. JOHN SEA HAS iUBT RETUR MESSRS. BRO OJRTH, OM THE TR ED •LE 0 Vitt Where he has pure ased Stoeko1F GROCERIES AND "71 < ; Aft was ever show 111 His Custam,er, r erally would tTaoCpalrlicaene.dExam na the in JOHN 13&1 B USE OF THEW e ts' Furnishings. 44 s o Seafor ! I SEAF01tll UNDERTAKE 6, &o. TiP T ERALS ATTENI EDIE UN Tii Eli) SHORTEST N TrE. i C 'FFINS ANDSHROUD il& ALWAYS ON II NDi . HEAB.SE FO HIRE, '4 YSTEFiS RC. - IVED. 4 , • E OYSTER SEASON 18 NOW OPE AT . RIGG'S, Opposite the ComsrcIai Hotel. AYERS HAIR VIGOR 1 FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO I T S NA T URAL ,-;'ic '01 TLA0LBI_T YAArNaiD, ing years, siokres, e a re diappoint, merit, and hredi- /ty ;predisposition (,'' , 4 all turn the hair ray, and either of is • ' ai .., _.,2 ;$,.• ' \4•005, them incline it to 4 ,• e N shed prematurely. Ayer's HaVgor, f 441 by long and erten. ir eta that it stops the falibig outeolvf6th-ueshe'aragPr° itura:: diately, ; often itt.evrs the growth, and always slimly restores I color, when faded or gray. It stimulatesThetitnhre organs to hasitastatie- ity, and pre8etVCi both the hair and its beauty,. • ' '.- I Thus brashy, we k or sititlyitair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; losthair regrowwith lively ezpressloa ; falling hair Is checked and :- , • atablished ; thin hair thickens ; and faded or gray hairs resnMe their original color. Its oper- atios is sure and harmleici. It cares dandruff, s i 'teak lall humor, and' keeps the soldp cool, (demi and ,oft—under,Which conditions, diseases of the ncalp are impoSaible. As a dressing ser ladies' 1. hair, the Vigor is praised for Its grateful aud agreeable pmfutile, and valued for the soft lustre end richness at tone It imparts. Prepared by DR.. I. 0. AYER ei Co, Lowell, Mess, P,ratotti cal and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all -Drag, s ' 41sts and Dealem in Medicine. 989-62 8- 1 ,1 i5- ! r 3 : RUTH & 0.1 ry chep, as fike esh GLA.SSW BEI in Seforth. tILJGGISI BUGGIES.. .1.i arties deb farina to purchase Neat and Substantial ; • • ; Bugies, OrtiriNges or Dieusecrata, ban find them at WM. GRASSMS near the mrket. .; He has also a nunaber of splendid • LUMBER WAGONS Which. Ile Willi Sell Cheap. Wpairing and Horse Shoeing Prompt-; Ily Attendd -to. ReMember the ola maker at the new staild. • WM. GEdiSIE. - FT.Tizta\Txrt,... - I I . _S. -PORTER SEAFORTH _____.__ . 4, .-,..;;;;"11;r. • Lain determined to Clear Out m140, Entil'e 8tock qf Furniture rog4zrd4 less of Oast, • a 11 the Iiittbkic ensi red i to thleir pr4fit e Goolis and seal LO AN, Safortis- THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to sweep' tamprices before purchasing elsewhere* give a large tlistiount to Wise paying.eash, pecially to naively married. Couples. Wareroomsditectly oppOsite M B0012abele:/! Mammoth Serelry Store, Main Street, Sitaforthli East Side. 6 JOHN 5l'OBTEIL; . • CENTRAL DRUG Mt, EXtTER INT • 1Q F TI rr CM 1c, .1# ; A COMPTETE and Fu Stook of DisgssUd Chenibielsconstantlyonhand and marrantied., of the Best Quality and at Moderate Priest. r; Medical Wines .and Ligttors can be rolled on As ; hest qnIit. A complete stock sof ;Trit*, 1-1; 11' Shoulder Braces, Chest 1Protectora, GonoTobbdesaincutle.;t1:010D13rtnagtiosnther:e: 8(wohinanool Boo,soltl --; �atel. 662 directly opposite the Cerit.ritiI E1 (31- Mai INT 3:),„...4, H-1 GRAY, the Inventor IT IT I MST Was a ;celebrated physicialaof 1,mado4 Ear vrrauNx ,effected nowt -erste eain 1311A3VItTicle.LINEi continued to LINO t salts onthiO side ot the Atlantic. vrreLltsZ, V per bottle. SOW by alt druggists. THE DRAY MEDICINE -CO. Sold in Seaforth E. Hie Lumsden & ;Wilson, andff.S. Reheats. ;se 4; 1 • ; is ; - !!, LUMBER FrOR _ S':.k, ._„_,..._ . , IIERL004 First Quints, V Per Ifit. r* 1 i from*3. iR M E RS BILLS CUT *0 'ORM ;1 I 'All 1•04gth, front 10 to waireetea the .... i ' r PONY !MILL, IN MOE- lai40 E 1 +h 6 ci e'atibotsrib0 has aloes * s 1 1 1 LIJMBEI: .. YARD :IN SE000 7 Wherealt' of LuMberT7innobbriti TRADE e ebtelue4. tommi,; i 479 - 4 1 1 . * R * 13 0 1Ple ri orH. s CASH PAID F .rield Seeds, BurrE A D CHE ,.. RO ERTS0 and Ch eta Em rim. ti • :lig 1: - ! More TOring a. , .E tor ENGLISHREMEDY, An,- 4- faihn: .eure for SeniinallVudmat,11 i 1 torrima, fs ; potency., tuff ell. *beams *at s ;2s s ;r1i all a seg co in selilibuseoig uss untreroa , tnde, paha ;ha the beik1 vision, preimature old - ,lind tour Asti eases that mid to 'mad or ecnaassi141011, 3 prematureArave. Poll- rtioniorati .30 phlet, whiiah we desire mad ball Oil every one. The -Spec Meallatetts druggist. t V per package,* alit: 16. or wi be sent free by aft on ratOgay 1• islarseslina TM. :GRAY fr6 Co" Toro . i 1. . _ i 1 I - 117 • • LLL .;•f.; • .