HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-15, Page 44 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wrapping Papers—C. W. Papst. Shawl Lost—Expositor Office.. Dressmaking—Miss Moody. Cotton Yarn and Warp—Smith & West Farre for Sale --J. R. Ross. Brussels Monthly Cattle Fair. Conveyancing,—C. R. Cooper. New Goods to Hand—Thomas Kidd. Watchmaking—M. 1'. Counter. Dancing School—Prof. Chas. Fetzer.. Iron Pumps—Win. Robertson & Co. Photography—Wade Brothers. Teacher Wanted—William C. arnie. Card of Thanks James Mann. Girl Wanted—Expositor Office. Seaforth Pork .Fm..ctory—Hugh Robb. Estray Sow—Louis McDonald. Farm for Sale—John S. Porter. {`stray Heifer—William. Campbell. th. ugh Jams Carroll I. as obtain :d a sh rt respite, through t ie disagree e1 ent of he jury, there will be found erg fe who can free them:kslves from the herd that if he is not o : e of the ac ual pe petrators of the cri •u e, he was an in: tigator of it. At lea t the evidgnoe th a far taken, and the cross -exam -na- tio + s connected with e ` whole ease pont so strongly . to . is concl ion, th t we should be sorra Inde : t. see hi u acquitted or even s pt at ber on ac • ount of one jury .,ving ail to aee upon a verdict. A t .y 1,� !xvot01Y. nn rut an® SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1880 sec do The Donnelly Murder Trial.. The trial of James Carroll for corm plicity in the now celebrated. Donnell murder was completed at the Middle sex Assizes oil Saturday last. Th principal witnesses gave evidence ve similarto that given by them at th coroner's inquest. At the conclusion o the case Judge Armour delivered aver able and lengthy charge to the jury He thoroughly reviewed the evidence and his charge was decidedly unfavor- able to the prisoners. There is not th leash doubt but the evidence bears on the Judge's charge, and strong and ap- parently biased as it was, it was not one. whit more so than the evidence and the conduct of the witnesses justify. .• A synopsis of this charge will be foundin another column, and from it a very fair estimate of theevidence given can be formed. The jury, however, after due deliberation, failed -to agree upon a verdict and were discharged. There are yet four indictments against Carroll to be tried, and five against each of tle- other prisoners, but the evidence in each case will be pretty much the same as that given in the hearing just closed. What further steps will be taken by the Crown prosecution is not known at the time of writing. The evidence of the boy O'Connors was the principal, or,in fact, the only erimiu_ating evidence against the pris- o ners. But this evidence is very posi- tive, and the most searching cross- ° xaminations have failed to shake or d estroy any part of it. If this boy w ere not telling the troth, it is impos- sible that he could adhere so closely, on all occasions, to the . same story. The astute lawyers wouldbe sure to pick a fl aw in it somewhere, but notwith- s tending their many and dexterous ef- orts, they have been unable to do so. T he little fellow adheres to the same story, and neither coaxing nor bullying c an induce him to waver in the slight - eat. But, strong as O' Connors' avi- dence is., the actions of the prisoners and their friends, as disclosed by their own evidence, is almost as damaging to th eir cause. This vigilance committee had held frequent and lengthy meet- ings shortly -before the tragedy occurred, _and the subsequent conduct of those who attended these meetings showed that the Donnelly family and their doings had occupied a very large share of the attentionn of the vigilantes at those meetings. Add to this the fact that every member of the committee who has been examined or who has yet come under notice, treated the murder of the Donnellys and the burning of the house with the greatest-indiffer- e nee, -although they were all near neighbors. The Whalens, who saw the fire at its commencement, did -not go near it for hours afterwards, although +`d freedom to t hey lived within a few hundred yards in itch manner a o f the place, and Johnnie Connors had crops es the progress told them what had occurred. The mandsl; lower rents Hyders, the Thompsons, McLaughlins competition ; more . and others heard of the horrible affair an on the following morning, but instead of pro hurrying to the scene to verify the re port and learn the particulars, as most y 8 ry e f Y • e t Ho SU SU 80 its alr un is t vat ha ing the con an• has not it bl. eT has (�o per poo off t sa Wit con: other Irresppon lat.ive Body t is not in Canada ple are becoming re of an irresponsible are crying out to b a dangerous and . The dissatisfa • se of Lords in E • ed larger proportion posed it possibly con hort a time ; and th bolition, or radical :ady entertained in xpected. \The Loud + e representative of sm, has warned the e already gone too fa the popular will as House 43-fCommo :field has counselled in cons nonce of re-consid red its ori on and passed the and the Burials Bill majority ; and, w e significant still, L represents the cant ative element in the openly declared in mons that if the H lsts in thwarting th le, some change in t e House of Lords —a declaration whic tremendous oheerin iderable sensation. nt skirmishing bet Houses comes to a battle the tem one fleet pass Eng of t riper of the House er of the House of + of to be trifled wit the feeling of the E e may also mention ge of the Ground G ish Liberals have ful eir promises to the te w o: e votes` were so influ ing t em power. The L parties under ordinary woul have almost una pose the measure, as the hat ord. Beaconsfield's they : hould not male a s sero • dary measure 011 tke stitu ional struggle, prevai gl� w ich may end in the p er a rule at the hands to ts. Heretofoke Br a fa m� in ti ve m of en th t sp rt br d st uc ria t si paifi B mare an t the p farne their wo td the de a yrs were prohibited f ie hares and rabbits n which preyed apo doing serious dam he landlord night now and t en.o rapidly and has b ive in recent years much angry nd se umerous me: .orial; atory promise fro he landlord's plea weight than h3 te s vermin •wi'oitght esent agitati n B s are likely o obt claimed righ s ri not for a oRnen in this conn • nit cu f t _to q to cohaaensation for nex ements at the exp ati ible oom alone tive u overn retie egrad ion gland than d have possi odific quart n Timm nglish', ords t in wi expre s ; Lo t to his co Mal roanc by a c t is rd H ous a ibera he H use pf will e cons '11 be was r and heth een tl epena f Lord Coins: and glish that 1 me B' Bed a ant' f: tial i rds .ol rcums imonsl have ousel' and o ve of a co ed; a•stru' issolut on .f t their own ish t om de and at h} : r the crop , e, in ord:r ave a 'day s his "gam " come so d$= hat it' gave ions discu -. nd in retur�i. polio °ia,n are wars c f ant's drop on. TJnd r fish tenant in more f hts whic be denies is- that •der 4g .0 the the dy om ath the las as- ve had of ,is cost ich er- ey nd- coy w, it ton ailit atio rs s,w con fat. hst used P el use eter ynsi �lerh r?o clt c i - me ps rt, n- a V, 'of ds. the on ruse Lo pf itut nee s- •ei ed po n - :r the re two sup' n T e ons is it• re; eopfe. �y t e. 1te doth r arm s r gi E be h lances o aefo , th 't the na fro ail • hey fnrth • the farm tivate sue e times d: iffset fordig le taxatio austed.' 'n of 1eaas. u INews of to W:ek. eaths ire n re in the ' icin xi a. I - e prep f sI N.—i: ng Zjlhee iia to r tish R -Tie refjge n up heir . abed n on again. -Pi tsburg b flea and bbalae ail ` ay accid G -T ' e Russa,a. m: ny political uati •n at St. da ly more ex- would naturally do,theyappal.- . y ibEL f yW EVER:- o ou e people Y pp � ell w fey r have oo d e ntly treated the announcement with 'ity f lley West, glc t he greatest indifference and went BURMESE AGGRES ab out their ordinary avocations as if nothing unusual had happened in the n eighborhood. Besides this, many pf thesepeople were about late on the night of the tragedy, and not a few in sold scr ps of hum some mysterious way happened either as telics of the terrih e to be awake or to have been awakened there on Saturday nih about the time the tragedy occurred, THE IjEAR SCOWL'. and the flames of .the burning building Government is ma, in arrests, and the si were visible. And still, none of ,hoe' Petersburg is becornin who saw the refection. of the light, and citing. knew it to proceed from a fire caused Paoli STErrIENs: by the blaming of a neighbor's bnildiug, Ste:pens, of Fenian "%o cove ed by a New to thought it worth while to raise the Wed esday in a des it slightest alarm or even to mention the con 'tion. circumstances. These] peculiarities, NEW VINE DESTRO which are shown from their own evi- the phylloxera has app Swiss vines in the Cant dance, given in the most guarded and Like the potato bug, it i careful manner, are in themselves Aree_ican origin• sufficient to direct suspicion to the A CHINAMAN'S E!NTERP members of the vigilance commit- Ymg Sing, of the China Steam Navigation Cgmpan tee ; and these peculiar circumstances to establish a line of steam and actions when taken in conjunction China and Havana. with the very positive evidence of the DEATH FROM COAL O hey O'Connors, irreaiat hl leads one to of Chicago, last Mond temp to overflowing in the conclusion that the horrible tragedy -then it a match. A» e was at least expected by all the mem- red, and the woman 'wit bers of the vigilance committee, and burned that she died bn ruing. anFUL RAILWAY. ACCID NT. - On day night, at Pittsburg, Pa., one most terrible accidents ever recorded took place. a engine of one train plunged at full speed into the rear car of soother, whi ;h wag ''so overloaded with passengers that the I ba , of Burmah, is s to ak war on the 1 REFUSED SHELTJ Jess its, who had talo in Italy, are being driv TOUT PIM DEPRAPITY. n •0 E He: Cen tare orie y, was dis- k r porter on to a. d starving n ally! of are a amongthe 'n • f St. Gall. s : d to be of IL ay that if the leading spirits of that oom- mo . mittee were not the actual perpetrators SatnrE of the crime,: they were at least privy to of the it. We think this will be the conclusion of every person who carefully reads the evidence takenat the recent trial. Al - ISE. -Song erchanas' is trying rs between .o :. Bright, nig e t filled i. a the dark, and pl. ion occur- s s e horribly th following wa si w a n r d th e A h ' of a ..r to, fiftee ESTE ' AN S sa o w o ate a kphc�ith t tar. ¥arbbor i ae(Jt 195, and b. tiers. Ai I\fol:LIFI Ir and r k T i(lro rim se rile n_tha d. away with, n. tones ado al li ro fat ma ma is ee ••f hts vie ily a Ym ARSO dere n mi con w th to ne BO in ov vii er toy for ah Gr Fr sh ne co we shown, a jud'ed,fr wh ch too !the gronn $301 and pri el in t pur hale I $34t. Th cl -s sw the was in ► rha ity a the frothe pri also try colt plea beh gret our offic tore of t le •• ro alm ng.1 H ar a fist Thee lyth: P of ad': e, "las bdr not 1hast," abu dant verifid respect to ow of the Moral r •.oh Agricul- So iety, eld at IB ' on ' ed - day 1 st. was t : e 1 :t of the sea- , but w�as a.. ong t • e; N :r� bes held he cci' my his year.: I 'ere ••ere r 1,0 ent es, which i 00 in ;ad ice of ny f. mer veer. '. he wrath - as d fight' •1, and t 'e ounds and a we cro i ded fro i ..: rly in the noon intil 1: te in 410 e : ning. he w in :very depart e • t was.od. in, 1 airy' Product, 1 oots nd its m: de t• largest a• a best is-. ever sen l n Blyt . he ou side w sivaa equ:llv god. to h ses, rlyeteiv ry 61 ss was we filled and • tn •• s . mos k: ii. le ere e sev� n •:neral pursose trams • d• t it ch rac r ma ° be! im t le fact tha • the r_am , the a ret pride, : s sola Ion to : s America a buye 'for he t :: m which sok se end! • : he : vy di'a ht class '• was .1 by t i e same ge' tlema •� for : you:g stoc in he se eral ale:: excell : ht. In c: tle, n u' a anally rirg:• dhow, • oth s anal Grad s; a : • the �aal- nim:' a may Wel be jug ged nama and rep;tation: of e win ,pre. he Sena az...arks ill ants, e s ow Wae leo re ct rid th °the depart report bey° d On . sting the :Ment otic able y ar a yea in est eve de artmen .. he fo .. the re Twe shed,. e are Mu of Zonary mned o years' en LOR. red the $h e Che alp 813, d'ed as bur ed .-Th 1 a eping p nt is re orte d which' is he tro bles, ng of is et. URON wer: •id- ven pe :ons d or burned, d.• s.-Oue of arsons, the stantinople, th, and the servitude. Gout , the non i.i the• e, off Bos' October, 1st, th millitary Leagpe in agit tion. to h ve a expec e1 to but there is 11 • VT ttss g holm helm at .014 ea 118 year old fi GI NERAL- ge dings tic email, roe T eid _2d Jo yalst Friel Sho Ro Arch Broo old g Rich lst risme HEA ldin wo ya el gel y, T hos, VURP st yea eph M. 11 Ta mar ond. idiom old filly, ls Henry. F Cries B Connell, 2d ' CATTLE -- 1st Snel old heifer,' l'st Heil r calf, 1 Bull alf,,J Icat Chas Mile Two ming old Gow st Tw d Ge ob 1, obt FOod ear 1o1 gd oh eifer, Rees, 2d W Ti Rose, p G Cunt ling aa Son, d Joh ling ewes, .1 Grieve, 2d I rain, 1st •H 'leery. Ra Gate lst OW/111. 1 GD LAR 880,1 hn OR a ke he ZE LIST DRA kson. Michael ear old; old mg, Jo os. Mc Dickeace GhT. Tea be t Mar el ng, t Art Mich erring d rt carr e 2d D s Poll year Stowe t. Bread clot, mes Henry GRIMED lche mmin .1 f wo king oxen, Jos ph Howe 2d hem a Ro Gowan. ; Yo e of taro wo lin Gummi d. Cow Ro oCneumpeairngo,i dstWeeres: 2d MeGowan. (3. 2d Jamea Pott t. unarni g, 2. Jam s ing. Pai she r - we la bs, st Jo otter. n obert Mart n. P st H. Snell ipsS,cii ti Sneer inee. Age ni air shearlin ewe ar littered i i188 sow lievin Weil rung. Boa iitte boar, 134.1 bert 1880, lst S. ray ushels fall Lontelage ushels fall wheat, 1 Howson. lay kind, 1 n. Two b 88 of as x. 1, P spring eth at, Lo Robertson, 2d bushels fife, 3,vhe wheat eny other* 2d Robt, Johne barley, lst Jas. 13 Two bushels larg Jr. Two Push* bushels peas, sro, 1 211 Jas. McGowa large, J. Tenably seed, 1st Alfred Barrel of flour, One bushel potat6 Miss O'Rourke, Nine field earrote 2d A. Tyerman. red, lst Jae. Bar Nine Swede tut gd jas. Mach. 10 Melon, 2d A. Tyer1/1 wurtzels, 1St Dr.; A bell. Two pump A. K. Robertson Three water melp 2d Andrevv Cu ions, lsti Thos. Frarey. Two he Roberteon, 2d 8, cauliflovver, 1st Sellars. ,Nine C Swede tbrnips, Dania P than 48 po John Tayl lst Jas. SIT Nation, s. Barr o bus nd, lstR on. T rr, Jr., 2 hite oat as. McG Two bu One bus rr, 2d A a s, any ot 1st josep "b2gdard s, lst Jas ns, 1st G Two sq etre Dr. 1 s. Barra Tub butte Robt. Joh er in rolle o. Collison A --TEN P 14GES. lir. Two hanan, 2d Is spring bushels A. Reid. JAB Barr, lst an. Two *els peas, timothy Hoover. kin , 1st Ho son. ots, ott. Jr., gel • an, lst on- tzels, ODUCE. nds, arr, Dairy ch,ee e, 1st Buchanaini Factio y cheese, (for pounds mire s g r, Thos. kel John Scott. 1 apples, 5 of each, st Jas. Po ter, ;Naples, 1st Robt. oadfoot, 2d S. M Ion, Plate of 9 bore RUM /3, ls Mellon, 2d John erritt. Pia o Northern Spies, st John &lett, Thos. Fear. Plate of 9 snow apples, 1st John Sprang, 2 S. Mello . Plate of 9 Rhode Island Greenings, 1st Tyerman. Plate of fall pippin ' lst of 9 any other name variety, ls Jo Sprung, 2d Thos. Fe r. Twel einem winter peers, 1st os. Hoa 2d Mellon. Peck to toes, ls tiGeo Culliston, 2d S. M4 Ion. Six uncla Two named varieti of era s, 12 Twelve peaches, 1.7a Thos. o re, Jas. Symington. C.Ilection ard Allan Hobson. Can ed fruit, 1 t Mi ulliton, 21c1 'Thos. Tear. Gra e win ear, 2d John Sherri t. Pai se, 1 nd gd F. Windmill Pair h Le orns, 1st L. Thorpe 2d F. i dmil air black Spanish, . Wind 11 Pa ratlines, light, lst . Thor 2d Windmill. Pair ahmas, k, on of fowlEiL any breed, 1st OT11 air Iron harrows, 1 t Scott tew- uggy, open, 1st Joh Brunsde d M. am.mer, 'Scat Stewar Gang artin. Grain erad s, Jas. sten. 11 88 11 Ho car n arr, Solo ma cGo hes, cker arr, eck Hob Joseph 0 heads an. me Nine , not less ston, 2d Bro ISS 011 ive ton. gd ter 24 fall el - S. 9 124 A. ate rd S. es ar. of se. 24 en 0, SS t• before as chase fr 1 able one The si e• Septe es 1c rt 2 pe y r kr s Taylor; Blyth : J. Stewart, Benmiller ; Wm. Herbison, Goderich township. Horses.—Wm. McMillan, Hullett ; Wm. Sproat, Tuokeismith ; Jas. Gieun, Col' orne. ' y Cattle.—W. J. a Biggins, Stanley; Wm. Smith, Bluevle ; John Sample, Gr °"y. Sheep and Pigs.-=Robt. Ellis, Luck - no ; 'John Washington, Auburn ; Joh Ce Itis, Belgrave. : T plementa and Poultry.—Thom s Ca ert, Hullett ; T. Colles, Blyth ; J. . Mitchell, Westfiel . ishe El 88 on t Mit pau Hay ha an man and tr4 co twe ne Coflt eo,t nraoirste dPv luacacei and Toro Perth Items ere were 1,232 entri s at Pa ston fair. This new Presbyterian church at St. Mr. Archibald McFall, of Wallace, cant removina to Nebraska. A new bridge bas just been fin - on, the Mitc lell gravel road a. Several sheep 1,ere worried by dogs e ferm of Mr. Seth Davidson, neat helll, the other night. The Grand Tact Pk Railway Coni ha e contracted with Mr. W, G - of istowel, 20,000 ties. ch ol section 4To. 7, Hibbert he dy he fad ce he he r. Daher of chool has Downie uring co f their Se ctober at other m ases of diphtheria 4en closed until the ch.eese and butter pany have sold the tember make at 130 ruing the expres ing in to Listowel, ran foul of teers bele ging to the Messrs illing one ad breaking the leg er. ndrew heep bre ra lamb fro in the vicini of Toronto. he new Pre he open y Rev. ev. Dr. Cave to. certi cal at the *naafi nation. Fro to th Minister of hid P per4 re -read, secon G de A. -- he returnin from the Log of Mr T ernes .M tton, his wife, lif Dani Y o, and a dth,er person, we the McC1 cherty fa ma but fortu.nate none f thimn were nit. Sippel, in North Ea thope, near Tay medical assis ahce could arrive Heard, of Efarriston, p nd two vie year olds—f e es turned t e scales at 1,07 ber committed IS der of Elma, thoroughbred. C a.celebrated at of Richmond H he price paid 1111 has ots- ock was Concession 9, Hullett, Farm Stock • not invalidate it, and it is believed tlie matter will be aired in the courts. The question is a very important one, said there is a doubt about it the sooner t e doubt is set at rest the better. —The murder of the old man Pie Brunel, at Plantagenet, seems to ha heen committed for the sake o $ 'Which he possessed. The victim live alone, and was murdered while le vi or going to his work. 1 —Judge Armour, in the Mid. lesea Court of Assize, on Monday annoince that as the thne of the Court vtoulo n t allow it, no further trials of the Bi dulpla prisoners would take !place thi bail, ,but His Lordship reserVed s d cisiop until after he has had. an o porl- tunity of consulting with his br the jadges upon the subject. The pris4iner havel been remanded to jail to wai this decision. 1If no bail is gran d, special commission' may be issu d try them a.butif neither is 'done he will remain in prison until the S ring ARSizeS, when they will again bel 0 brought up for trial. Aution Sales. Wednesday,!October 20, 1880, on Lot 31, Concession 11, McKillop, ann. Stock, Implements and Efonsehold ur- niture. Sale ti commence at 12 o' ock boon) Richer Phair, proprietor A. Dalgetty, auctioneer. Monday, OctOber 25, 1880, On Lee 8, North Thames Road, Usborne, F rm Stock and Impleriaente. Salle to om- mence at 12 o'clock noon. avid il- Concession 5, McKillop, Fa S ock and Implements Sale to °rpm nce at 1 'clock P. John oran, ro- Friday, October 29, 1880, pn L t 1, yterian church ed for divine s ti Rev. Mr. Wilson. g services were con- Paefessor McLaren ,'of Knox College, Implements. Sale to commence at o'clock P. M. Wm. Cowan, proprie er- j. P. rine, auctioneer. Fri ay, October 22, on Lot 2, Con sion 17, Grey, Farm Stock and IM meats. Sale to commeace at 12 o'cl noon. John McFadz an, proprie J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Tue ay, October 26, on Lot 5, pupil of the M repented a grade e ent intermediate this he appealed ducation, who had nd awarded him a it - bind Implements, Sale to commenc 1 o'clock P.M. sharp. John Scott, prietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. an ng CAMP ELL—In McRillop, on the 28th ult., the r• wif of Mr. James Campbell of a son. re STRO1NG—In Wingham, on the 6th inst., the of vile of Mr. R. S. Strong, Jr., of a son. ly the wife of Mr. Geo. Movbray of a aon. BRIGGS—In Varna, on the 25th `ult., the wif f as Mr. Edward Briggs of a daughter. es- le- ck qk at TO - 11 • Marriages. ng A. VIAL --MOBRIS—On the 7th inst., at 18- resi ence of the bride's father, by Rev. . Pri hard, ' assisted by Rev. Mr. Si ea • right, Mr. Wm. Stracban, to Miss bare! Morris, all of Colhorte. ee_ LAWSON—STACY—On the 2 th ult., at Den DOMESTIC MAMMA CBES AN en yards full cloth 1st re. Po Miss O'Rourke. en ,yar s ade ell wool flab el, Mrs. n yards union fl el, let ol blankets, lst G. Young, se. Patch quilt, t Miss H m as Pollock, 2d , chard So g cabin quilt, 1st rs.I Mu a Miss Nash. Whit quilt, Joh overlet. 1st Gordon Young, 2d °Gowan. Pair woo len Om i cks, 1st Miss H eaten, 2d R urrayfield, 2d Mr Irwin. G itts, 10 Miss Poll c . 2d Mrs. ock. Wallac ing, s IES' ro hers. ock, ome- ash, e all Imes ton, let ers. eld, her lst air bert tlet un- lst het ket, rra iss 1Satab, Potte sh ra Ro Ro ep, ti and ist ed Spr Joh o ed 113 ed 1 o ed ier. Pro 0, RObert ed in 480°, Els bert GoAer Bits ma.i—Ag son. P ar littered 2d. aDonald. 1st 2d S. Gray. G pus Jos any bus Buc bus vte hiLyon pther Id els Sone a el fall w eat 1. AA 01 11 Re rtson eat eat Tw R. elve Fi re. Wallace, 2d Mi e Pol rk on cotton, le Mrs iss Nash, Fano nit 1 t: Jas. Symington? 1d rs. C rd board work, 10 Mrs Wa Bachanan. Pencil aw g, Thom, 2d Miss Nashal Ph togra h Senior. Raised Bei wool .w 1st Flat Berlin wool wo , 1st Mr r. Carder, 2d Mrs, Thom Berlin re th„ J. Seat. Feathisr fie ers, lst 11 J. eryi, lst Mrsl Wallace, d tee kn.; foot, 2d Mies Bucharia . Sofa au h n, Rag mat, lst Mies Itu hernial, 2d R t.1 ted1 quilt, Bliss; Do cle. Pair g 4 Ale, Murdock. Set single h Nalili, 2d Gordon Yo g. Pate gent's pants, lat Marge et Cumm. g, Katy Collitou. •Darn 613. sock et Eito Cumming. 1' Ladies.—Miss Reid,1 Hallett ; Herbison, Gcaderich township ; Km. BS son, of Denver, formerly o Brussels, to ur Charlotte Ann Stacy, of B4ussels. a end place, and by the same, Mr. Joseph patriek, -formerly of Brussels, to Miss M r- Ellen Folkes, of Denver. 0. SADDLER—HANS1EKER—At Brussels, on 6 28th :alt., by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. James S BLAIN—I-SAMPLE—On the • 5th inst., at he tO esid nce of the bride's father, by Bev. one , Mr. John Knox Blain, of Parry So to Miss Agnes Sample, of Grey. 18 rd aol damn ber 30, was 'wer —Caned —W ile 'some me the fa of Mr. Rob ope4 the other da,y, r. G.101iyer, got hi the cohpling rod of Mg it off end other well. the as. ve- ar- iss he the year endm 05. Their natio rid, 10 ; Unite tries, 7. _Religio 71; Church of En 4, 33 ; Methodist, Were threshing on rtson, North Eas a dog belonging t tad entangled the machine, pul lee injuring him valuable one wa under the car on, and is doin g - s. tel, Wingham, on the 5th inst., by Rev. S. 'Jones, Mr. Jas. Sampson, to Miss Jessie c - Donald, both of Grej. RF,LLY REYNOLDS — On the 29th ult., t 111 Cheri s Kelly, to Miss Susannah Reynolds, 11 TRIEBNER—SANDERS—At the residence of the lnide's father on the 5th inst. by Rev. E. y t- a. Robinson, Mr. F. Triebner, to Miss Fan O Sanders, all of Stephen. EILI1ER—On the 28th ult., at e ce of the bride's father, by Rev. S. Mr. W. IL Wenzel, of Crediton, to second daughter of Frederick Eil r, .—At the residence of t father, on the 7th inst., by Rev. ve, assisted by Rev, F. O. Thorns n, Mr. ,Oexander Gardiner, to Miss Janet Ke 1 all of McKillop. Church, Irishtown, on the Oth inst., by v. Dean Murphy, Mr. Michael Lambert,, of Du lin, to Illate, eldest daughter of P. Moyle Esq., of Maintop brida'S father on the 22nd nit., by Rev. Smith; Mr. Elias Potter, of Goderich, to Mi Ellaabeth Iveson, of Hay. the 12th inst., by Rev. Mr. Graham, Mr. Jo . Nicholf3on to Miss Annie Wright, both of bride's1father on the 30th ult., by v. ib te Miss Charlotte Green, a Turnberrty4 Perents, on Mill Creek, in Amexica Valle Lnke . Thomas Scott, of jamis n, Ca forniol, to Miss Carrie E. Kerby. on the 5th inst., in the Methodist Chum Mitchell, Mr. Nicholas J. White, of ton, Exuma E., third daughter of Cha . Tun Esq., of Mitchell. I in WEN ZE resid 1- Myer, GAR IN e bride' g I —A the last meet ng of the Town 'Comic in Listowel, ; motion was car - tied to advPrtise in t 6 daily Globe and Mail, or four sue essive Saturdays, offerin the; sum of 20,000 in bonuses iu the owni not coniieting with: indus- tries heady este, dished ; the said. anima to be appertained according to the nu ber of hand: employed as fob lows, iz.: For 25 hands or more, hands or more, $7,0 01; 100 hands or more, 10,000. —A eading land d tiler in Stratford says th re is an incr esed iuquiry for purcha es as laves ments. Mortgage securities being scar er and less profit- able, o ipitalistenaust seek other invest - menta. He has beei approached by the age t of an Old Ountry loan com- pany, f r th purehas 'of 500 acres of wild. land at $8 an ac 0 in Elute. and Grey, where they rb baying 2,000 acres tb al view t 1 improving and 50,000 cres m Meant ba for colonizing old con try eemigrants fatally, ha pened ear Trowbridge. Mr. Robert eorge B 11, a young man about years of age, as, on the 28th ult., at Work with a s a of horses on' his father's farm. In going up behind one of them to fix a chain which had got out ef .order, the aimal switched Mr. Bell in the face 'Oa its tail, and, in ordeal to prevent i from doing the same again, he caugh its tail and gave it a slap in the hip wi his hand. But in doings() it kicked II m in the abdo- men, and left him raaseless on the ground. After some erne, when some- what rePovered, he w taken home, and for severrd days s ffered the most • excruciating pain. : e• continued in that state with emerge. ally less painful spells for eight days, ••hen death put an end te his suffering He was an ex- emplary young man, a will be much Gen.eral Ne The new Grand house at Prunibo is ab —Six Men lost thei Pit near 8tella;rton, N. by the water braking them Waal the forem have been. recOvered. —A gentleman pa Grand -Trunk train goi Monday night put off t boro because hie was tr et the date of iwhich claimed that the lapse VIP a It ems. Trunk station ot completed. 'lives in a coal S., on Tuesday, into it. One of n.. Four bodies senger on the g east was on e cars at Scar - ening on a tick- ed expired. He f the ticket did • DODD13—In McKillop, on the 7th inst., David, so i of Mr. Charles Dodds, aged 6 years and 1 BRAWN—In Exeter, on the 25th ult., Mr. Jo FARQUE SON—On the 5th ult., at ''ordy Af 1 East A awanoah, Mr., Wm. Tarquherson ' wife of Mr. Henry D' ing, aged 237 B. ' Geo. Gedbolt, aged 59 years. Spring Whetst, Fife, per bushel.... 0 97 to 1 05 lig 0 60 Tallow, per 11) 0 05 to 0 06 Cianrox, Oct. 14, 1880. Fal 1Wheitt,per bushel 0 95 (0 0 96 Barley,per bushel ,. 0 50 0 60 Potatoes, new . 00 1109 . 00 1200 Clover Seed. '?t OcT �� oBEk 5 1$$O!. 98 ds 711Pi°)irivi2teedtr.; 68:2rint7gt1114111 5s 3d, peas 7 911 eeTe 60:0;:rieTho, ose;_____„4_,t6.61036._d.114,1, ett, lit 4Pt °b72511eccatStgiCh'61/53ti9Y1°P'; -----...°PenSgrt4lit!ii;°°1-r—j!ileke.371e%t°1t:142'1°' eggs2,5pce;r11°dore, 188a tio)8 1009 TORONTO, Sept.14.--Cattle--Porlae market—F rat -class 3fe tot; keno. actes ese12—leT ti (1 ) ae3aenet ' fri trsah i rot Inh kear:r no roOda ti oe t . a2et et dttko .§: for sh ppin run being from $3 aa 4hwTi leihgat ehBat og. an5nvHceeerfoxor 113 t otTi :hue ea lhaosgli nes t, ail 31538e git000do istiolt for fa ones. NE OBS, NEW COO JUST ARRIVEP AT CAM BEL 'S CLOTHRC HOU Magnifieent Stock of SC T H SUITING', It.. Of the atest Designs, to 'eh he mew, invites the att ntion of the ublia. Re In /173 f ear bu these Goods will be" fetuid, on help* t ion, to compa favorably with anything toil s een i any onse in the Trade, Perth* a *lent' ii is its ed to his seleetion of 8001eR /3 UIT GS, w iclearvenf the Latest -aid Nog SCOT H TWEEDS over all others for Variety of IDesigne, for tete billty and Dar bility of Textlure but ahoy e wear and teer 'without gen* After such a 'bountiful Unto, rosperity, it is safe tuanticipats for T TAILORS' GOODS ordingly media ample Providoe and. In for standing t out of sispe. and retn.rning 1 a Large Dem* MERHA And 1 have at to meet that d HATS AND The Stock is Though I do n House To do say hat I House i Town :all the 'Suitable for F can rely on • It competentniee CENTS' FURNIS111114 unusually Large and Complote. t advertise inynelf as the "wily In this line 4if bueiness, yet, I can give as good value as say In a few dayS will have a 11 and Wintei. My enstorden vies and at ressonableptioes. WRAEPP A .W1LL SELL FOR 13 E MONTH Wrapp thg Papers and Paper Begs at COST to Clear Out the Entire Stock. THE STO K CONSISTS OF 111;nir la"la Bi4gagel Brown B gs, No. 00, Brox ...Bags, No. two, and Br*: Atgs. White! Tea #11 W. PA ST, SEAFORTfl. SEAF RT PORK ACTORY GI -T 133, e any ltuantity of POk, subject to Ike egulatrions-: We will lake off 2 potmaa A if ry, and if soft. Shoulder II' end fol lowing pflr Minor Sbuck, 25 SI M iThe mad s ages, Bolo STORE W ext d or to Killoran Ryan's, where ock of all kinds of Ctired Meats, Sen- na, Pork and other Cuttings, Are. E OPENED THIS WEEIL iv e me a trio . Nothing buil a good ern* HUGH ROBB, Begot/b. RE ac -Os dealt an nearly free Loin stumpe,10 hardwood b sh ; there is a new blank barn, oth:er beering ere d ; his fann is well fenced lath cedar and bl ck as rails, also eVer 100 rods Of beard fencin ; s farm is in a good state _ ivation,- lad oiler half of it has been lYin8 pa ture for a number of years,with good wellies'. fro the vi age et Gordo, 5 from Thou:eh 1 fro school, d from church ; this farm is a gre t bargai , and can he bought for $5,500— $2, 00 eash own, the balance to be secured bY mo tgage on he farm at 8 per cent. interest, fa ab ; posses ion givenimmediatelly. For farther par iculars a ply te the prophet* ou the prem - re es or if by letter to GoiTie peat eillee. RO S. 671 TRAY STOO TRAY IFER—Came into iihe premises of '.4=i the tin ersigned, Lot 24, Atowneen. Line. Steil} ey, abo t the first of September, a 2 -year old. 1r ed and bite leffer. The otner request.! t .4 prove property, pay chargeel and take her away. WILT TAM CAMPBELL. 871x4 L ST -01 light Colorl4d Shawl wee cist on Tuesday last, somewhere between tho ethodist Church and R. JandesOn's Store. 17re fi nder would confers favor by leaving it st the 1 ed at on OFFICE, Sea ED4-A Good Sen t Wane. e. Apply at THE ,EXPOSITOR 1 FT -I I