HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-15, Page 2PAGES. fi,ur on expooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. Huron Notes. - Mr. Allan McDonald has been. en- gaged to teach in, school section No. 3, 14orris, for 1881. - —The Morris fall plowing match will be held on the farm of Mr. E. accide Bryans, lot 6, concession 5, on. Thars Grey, day, October 21st. farm of —At the Provincial Exhibition man, Messrs. H. Snell & Son, of Hullett, took caught $75 in -prizes, and, P. McGregor, of ins, Ina Brucefield, $92. —It is expected that the annualcoun- ty plowing match will be heldabout the 28th of the present month., but'the loca- tion has not yet been selected, —Mr. M. O'Hara. met with a a very- painful accident last week . in Mr. Belly's saw mill, at Blyth, by having his hand cut by one of .the circular saws. - -Mr. D. McQuarrie, of the seventh concession of Morris, grows apples weighing one and a quarter pounds aticd measures 13i inches_ each, `Lots of cider there.. —Mr. James Denman, of Grey, has purchased at the recent sale' of the "Experimental" farm, Guelph,la young boar of the Berkshire breed, sired by an imported one. - —The ninth annual match of the Huron, Rifle Association, will be held at Athalecot Ranges, Clinton, on the 14th inst., when 595 in prices will b? offered for competition. - 1 —Mr. Archie Scott, son of ; Donald + sentatin. Scott, Esq., of Brussels, took 1532 ist 4 able m4nne prizes at the Hamilton Caledonian ; —Mr Ro gaines hist week. He got four first prises cession of C and two second. ! - ba on atuitday 'last . Wee —A resolution hase been passed by dell, it will be remember the Clinton Town Council, on a vote of there a out itwo years ago, .0 to 3, deciding to have all new side- ; 6.40 acres of land near a walks laid. with the planks runniug par- Bridge Creec, about 140 allel with the streets, Winnipeg. He speaks very —At a recent meeting of the Clinton the country, anti;intends going Public School Board., it was decided to the spring. re-eur;ae all the present teachers for —Th. next year at their old salaries., except ed for tl Mr. Taylor' who is to receive an ad- ham Cu vance of 550. ' . Moffatt —The drill shed -in Clinton has been. Vice -Pr rented by a firm from Stratford, for the sentativ purpose of pressing hay for the New Mr. Joli York market, considerable having al- John N reader been put into bundles for ship- Bray ; Lent. son, J. —Among the gnoeessful exhibitors. at J. 11IeC' the Southern Counties show, held at St. Thomas last week, was. Mrs. R. B. Smith, of Goderich, who_ won several first prizes, and: one aapecial prize for fancy work. --Mr.: James Wilson has disposed of his farm, situated adjacent to Rivth, to make itihis f Mr. E. Watson, of Clinton, for the sum he has sold Ir of 53,500. We also learn that Mr. Joseph 13, cons, stint Combs has sola his farm to Mr. James wagon, or 5 Wilson, for $4,200 es, 50 acres sore —The suit entered by Mr. James 800, to Clark against the Messrs. Watson tt Mr. S Hamilton, of B,lyth,has been postponed new con until the spring assizes. Sufficient time spring. was not given for the defendants to pre- —The pare hence the postponement. , assessment and taxation of th —Mr. D. McLennan, au extensive ship of llowi,ek this year:, '1' grain buyer along the line.- of the Lon- dent assessrieut is 518,330.50 don, Huron and Bruce Railway, ;intends resident, $3,d40, making the su removing his residence from Blyth to of $18,367.203 and as the .rate Clinton, the latter place being more dollar is.: empty rate, twe. mill centrally located for his business. quarter ; township rate, one mi half ; railways, seven -tenths of the 'above rates on the total ass of $18,367.20 will xnake the am be collected this year by the co (who will sooji be on their roti elnsive of school taxes, for con poses, 4,132.62 .62 ; for townsh poses, 2,755..08 ; for railway 285.70, , eking a total of $8,173 —Th Wi,pgham Advance notified the prosecutor that he will ex- week sa Ts : It is not often th pact x 1,000 of him as damages. . for false thing of a very exciting, natur irnprisonrn ut. pires in our isually quiet- toN —Mr. James Madden, of the town- this week we; have to record ship of Stephen, challenges i'1r. Thus. which hp,s caused a• great deal O'Rourke to match him at boldiug out prise to lelmoet every one. :Oil a heavy weight. The test to be for morning it was reported that M 5100 a side, and to take place either in McKibben, aed about 17 years Exeter or Crediton not later than . the daughter of Geo. McKibben, E 15th of No_vernbrer. of our wealthiest citizens, had ' —The trustees of school section No. l out" and got' married to a g 8, Goderich township, have re-engaged named Micael E. Quigley, the services of Miss Hamilton for next merly kept a fruit store here. year, at a slightly increased salary. port turned ut to be true. , 1 This will be her third year in the sec- Miss McKibbon went to Bl tion, since coming to which she has Monday evening, where Mr: given complete satisfaction. • was waiting for her ; .they th —A large number of tho friends of ceeded o. t e Episcopal M Mr. Robert Ferguson, met at his resi- minister and fere legally m rri deuce at Lakelet; township of Hovrick, underst ncl hey immedia ely previous to his departure for Manitoba, for Port Hiir la, where, it .s s and presented Mr. Ferguson, his wife -Quigley, has a situation a to and daughter respectively- with a lamp, operator the a comiterpane and a set of glassware. ' —.The iron f —Mr. H. Townsend, of the 4th con- jail giv f 11 int cession of Howiek, has air appletree in statistic. i ins full bloom, which was . only plauted this year. A. plum; tree on the farrn of Mr. Edwin Sparling, on the 5th conces- sion of Howick, is now in ' a beautiful state of blossoming, after having borne a peel 4 ield this year. ' • -Tile debating society at Johnston's sehool house, in the township of Carey, has been reorganized for the +fall anti' winter maths, with the folloiug offi- cers : President,. James Waruer Vice President; D. Robertson Secretary- Trea'urer, A. IIiSiop:. They have a large membership and live officers, who will no doubt make the society a suc- cess. The subject for the first idebato is, "':itesc�lved that the Pacific! Rail - roust, when firiisliod, will be beneficial to Canada." ---Mr. Ambrose Naylor. who has re- sided in the. township of 'Morris for the: past three years, left oil Tueeda�• me -ru- ing; of last week, with his family, to seek his fortune in Mauitoba. Nearly. one hundred of his relatives and friends were assembled at Beigrave station to see him off and wish him a last fare- well. He carries with him the gopd wishes of all, those with whom he has associated, and it is hoped he will suc- ceed in his new home and become as highly respected there .as he has been in this neighborhood. —The last Greenway party for Mani- toba was not nearly so 'largely patron- ized as some of the former ones. The following is a list of those who accom- panied the party from this section : Mrs. Johnson and 4 children, Varna; G. McLure and Thos. E. Hays, McKillop;. Mrs. Monson and Miss Jory, Exeter ; A. Naylor, wife and two children, Bel - grave ; Thos. Gre+enivay, wife and five children, Centralia ; Mrs. McLea,n, Misses McLean - and three children, Stanley ; Major Kirkby, wife and five children, Leadbury; W. Gilley, Corbet; Joseph Rollins, wife: and child, Cen- tralia ; Mrs. and Misses Teskey, Sea,- • forth ; oh . Parsons, Cr Collins, Mis: Collins an Exeter, Gey.. Anderson, Dew, Thomas Downey an Exeter ; - —Th tr stees of. School l .S 6, MuK flop have secured the of Mr. Alex txder Johnston, so Irvin John ton, of the 8th •One Mcglllop,. Mr. Johnston, is young an and a good` tea b her. • —A fiery serious thresh ng t occurred in the ow n Thursday of last wee Mij. Wm. Bisho;. on of Mr: Rich in the tumbling ro shin and was seri. fatally nju ed. At er a sitting of t Kempt • ille Council dedide a fire :ngine from Mr.J. Brusse s. - The engine co: hose c: its !200 extra. is expected' at Iroquois. engine competed, but ova every t st. ' —M Fre. Bryers, some ti e past been teach Sectio No.17, East Wawa, land, h: s resigned his posi for Vie aria rUniversity, Co he wil stn y for a B. A. the in enti in of ewentn the legal prpfession'. —Mr. George Ball, of presented with a nicely graph a1lum!and a large pi Sabbath School class last ternoon, on the .eve of his Georgetjowu Minnie line approp:pinto address; and P tel and I Helena Waddell lir. Bull replie srt Tindall, of rev, returned f dito on darn l R. 0 •• rd of usl elv to ►, R t .$2 not Th •�b ho ng i osh ion, our egr ►ly. •• rus :on tur Sab epa he 6t ni ade i the om d, .nd lac ilex ; Mrs. readied Brussel ch ld ; Johi i Collins t• l p day.Th: oervill ie laugh le were 1 dead m —Mr. J Ya ncessio of Goderi there in'1 acres to respected 'ships for possessio stand tha to reside he has bo ion No servieet of Mr asion of clever achiu ship of , on the young oe, got thresh - if not hot, The th urchasEi iil� the di Haid, of slihool in 00, two tember, a er sale ,written e Silsliy :lows: • Fi aten - in ' 2d Berns 1St Kate has for 3d Wm. School division at Zet• Chapman, lid istoii White ss 1: to 's tic es okig ul bne hl to ria e ndle 5 025, ext r e r hi i�ht a sue tim: bn S' • ' a foun ion ' ti m, a orris, ? ua wh:ire" in w. s that snipe •eo- in v: in:l{or . he 'hod f R . hepp: d, of t e 1 t f h : tildes epi e„ is n hi , hav'n + et led s eli his f: of 20 rg 1 oiinell, • a�' hig ly a if the • able to pat cash, • e to J nuary. ' o un er- g pp: rel in =ids •ing on . in Io a, ere sisal farm. .I • ng • S •o•1 R es p pis of eiieut lass• eetion Np. deter �, ine -amid: tions th C1: ss dl h rray. w ' +.'s, 2d flit •'•d 1st 1 and left j inior di , where 2d Adam e, with Second cl: dopting Mur ay, d'Ri clash part E 1 els, was c B1: ckw :Il photo - of his lice Patter ture fo o lo*wi read ai sl att Knechi- Ali, to the pre th el a snit. :llis zie th conT J Kin rt/ 11.1 syM W f a e vi Is 0 t h ar t Kat Firs 211 rt.y class aaijt ath af- he pupi ers Fi e M e M cKe andel M e Yo Tam ie 75 lie 6; 38, —Jai on 1 utt sn zi e ell 11 regor man 173, 145 eitli tel C' 83, g 54, the f pits tow :n fr 1st lou, is t e uc r; U b g nn Manito- Ann] r. Tin 103, ent up Ken, took up gte433 called l west of 11 class ighly 9f I1inn sack in t follbwiing are the office) •s -elect- 1 ie ensuing year for th fling Club ; Patron, I ;-President, Mr. Geo. ssideEnt, Mr. John Inglis e, M . W. T." Bray ; c in Anderson ; Treasu elands ; Secretary, Mr omr.nittee—Messrs. J: orton, J. Dinsley on. Skips—No. 1 , 'John Anderson Geo, McKay'; No. 4, S. Kent. —Mr. Janes Smith, of es nosh, has been on a tri to and is so much taken up with an.ces there, that he has- reso uture home. Ace is farm, lot 19, co of 50 acres, to M ,700. He had sold e time previous ohn Webb, of St. ur-poses moving try in the early part tch Bray : No. r, ith following is a stateme —The East Wawanosh fall show, held at Betgrave, was this year fairly successful, although not very much in advance of former years. The weather was very wet and unfavorable, which operated much. against its success. —Mr. Parmetter, of Toronto, who was arrested at the instance of Mr. Hugh Moore, of Clinton, oil a charge of fraud, and subsequently dismissed, has in cc nuection with Gov,rnor of the I3 s the following cou •erning 'that W1ug- r. -Geo. " C °Kay - 0 repre- ; y aplai er, M�r1S w. .E;y Andel;- i y u nd: a eK cN cG pp •rr ont 4m i • ri u W. Tit t e p No. 3,e eh _., inati+ Wawa- 1 Glass akota, Cant appoarH I class ved tb j a rdingly cession el . Rich- 1,F uother S. or $1,S J eleus.; , to th€i f next' -in of the 14 town 1 e resit. uou- °'G total cm the ,ter and a !ire and a;B a mill ;,;.` ssment. not to ectors; • jH IM 'S� ds), ex- A y pur- tr pur- 1 :8 0 is liz et 14 0,: 37, 12( 5.M 98, J -es Joh 121' Tho AreLi slowing i of s heel Ship a r! Sep ianrliE 3d 3r Vizi, e . P. 4odk. ook, or- har ass—i-1 r, 3 a O a 0 n t s ports. highes s of ti 2, Hav, by &c., ars St Wm Fourt Mary hird el o: dthan, (As. T Kristin: d, • d JoL- nceOak ldswort K: tie Du d Magg'e is Agnes 3d frith• is the s In Schoo. e ,• cloth o —J:nnie t Fo rth el: E1 za Mon 41, Leslie t1a A. die 97, Ma 70, A ooper M 'rale 3' •al. 186 i ayma, M•nteith 1 ry Copp a, man cooper n • clas c can 1 nnon 1 Cha Doi. orkman ' mbrorz 4. he sa se tion ' • e mont 1 br vi':: io ardse, et Lavi vi 2d J :n hird 1 h Lavi a rie S 3 J. G1: ra w 'arter U or Hun gi O gi x. dson, 3s1 ss jun or Ri Cart H ry4 avid is, I lift , John k Woo ith, Jo felt ed nd t onaimo vs. CO lia 111 eisan Olom re last Witheut ry. t any- plaintiff, hie trans- °minion Loa a case ill of stir- 1 '&esday 01- s Ern, se eldest . ono of cleared ho for- 'avs seems , co th 0111 ty I ac t. a Consent 8011 ere t fir pi. ngliaC ierc ut ji t. per r se rme Va started fo th sed ilway. re err d. to resting 5,100 or pl 55 for the siear lending 30th Sep ember, breac 1880 : of Octoh ufinr in jail daring th year. bY R on e 1st Wm. co naitted ship. co milted pr t of court, fel beim us of - 2, sl ooting pl elty to alai- su to the jal dui Mg the year la insane. For the more d b en fences there -were for forgery in iLff's with intent 1,irape 1, for crt t •N as br mal 2. The longest senteileo n jail dame 6s fr er was 6 mouths and 16 day • t e aver- ol nes age number () days for ea IV /LS' nearly 25 The daily. p rison era VMS average than of er et cy II • detidn al sid ieti sin in th is It as al gag( d sedhee d bee a 101 e. CO h p isoner aver ge of ast year. but it is ac - the shortn ss ef the sentences. The number f pi sellers married 62, unmarried 98. Thi looks hard. Post of litst w' ek is too good to b lost : Caine to Br ssels last 5 turd y and partook pretty freely of tan le -le . On thinking a,bont home, their earn were didn't know Which trona t othe , and the conseque4ce was that be got his companion's team instead f hi own. On account ofl somethina .g ing ,wrong with the roade, he turned dow Mill street into Morris, instead of taki g the road to Ithe right, gettins down 3,1 miles froth Brussels, and • -ing of an enquiring mind, he turned to 'the right at the school house, and get hig ciff the road drove into a cedar sw mp, where he anchored.1 Rousing mse f, he mana.ged to unhitch the ho es nd let them go, and he, as he tho ght, truck for home. He travelled. on all night, day morning he entered- Bly h re dy for his breakfast, you may be sur . He su tie di tie of th one ms Bee 1 moltSer vs.. n fl• r tripas. ision of As] Queen 13. er wits eha name of nosh to te th pe'soner who th 6f the jail t one year' imiar h Queen ;iv pe. In this Oa cep se ttl ug je f, pt te ere Zan e I Drew Vs. DreSv The plaintiff. ania Ore and five in tte ng earpenter nd d hotel keepOr. It endant hom as hns on ssere Lane ches irigst ndre ssizes sed Ni Be 11 A a 0 or Li tio nd eti se a nd jec rd co Mo die tO Or 5. t of s Ina Live n of cordii Inves et for jectm laint Stan e pu for los w r as Shirr tiles oderss 8 a`Jle ird 'o a ,Shit t r a Shi 2d sfor M ria, 1M' u r a las • ZEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - F..RM FOR aAL -TThe So'u half of LotNa 11, on the 10th Cbneessioir, owua�hip of Mc - Kit iop, containing 10 acres fire .lass hand, 46'0 whi;ih -are cleared nd the 1i :nee`hardwoq ti bor. There aro t i $ he pram see a log hoes an stable. It is s t�1atbd Wit a 8 m les of Sea for and 8 miles 1 Care Wint tit, and is now ee cn' ed by John.B1: leo. For tt r • :, tic., apply tt JO ,. N S. P JRTER Se? forth. ax V:I'RV VALUAB • Lots 1 and 2, To nship of Stan in' 177' acres, fia qu ntity of cedar R Igo A, BayftcId, 6t Concession, .G fee . Apply on th or o JOITN ESSO ARM'F the B.TI{.i e , CountY o 11 �1oule fin n't is prose 3$ ores. der ch `Peva promises to i, Land Agen 11M FOR SAL e—For Sale, 17, Township f' Grey, cont= tit 70 acres e1 aired,. Jr e fi ed, and in a rod atate of nee ie'well tim tired, Ther and log hens , good well a . Ie near the Wage of Wa ient to both Se tlortlt and t a good grave road ,eadi. her partieulare apply to the mats or to Walton P. 0. TH.. ing v e wi ftn TE C lug 8 of ba ve rk, ol- 08. OICE FARM F SALE oncession 11, 1X.R 8., Tuck 00 acres e 82 ale; red and In ultivation ; the ninny() is louse, with stolit Oellar, barn 86x60, etoue found ling; good beati tg 'orchard ent to elittech, hob], and p 2d en , good grevel lett ato Chiselharstl .0. JOHN nal Se t lew or arY 11, J Th 1 71x4 R S LE-Bein orth oneession, Hui n, contai ba ; ii larg ty. so Lot 1 go 66 Cres on th ship. Title pe IS. D. ALLAN t, Bayfield. 66;1- Ming 100 acre ie a good fr d bearing or g to each. F VILLIAW MO For 8ale, Lot 2 remieb, contain firste ()lase stat hardwood bush tion, and pet ud 8 :wells; cob st office ; -is site nd 4 of Hensel' erniees, or if b. C. STEELE. 65 - LUAIITJE FAR,' FOR S; LE—Lots nortl ✓ elf of north half 1 and 2,004 cession 6, town all 'eared aad free f ore stumps aud stouts ; so -2, best ditty loam ; auil Jags, good hewed log hous m_ with frame_kitolien, ew frame barn 64x64 fee goof bearing orchar ; this fat. is -situated 2. For futther partieulire apply t THOMAS Me LA. OHLIN, on the premises, oe lif by letter to 1 • nts Fo le S*8 13 ow il Ithl F011 SALE eseion S, L. one bundred acres are (leered, free from goo cultivation ; wit liaaelwood ; thee bar end stables ; al, 'and salendid mat er ; the eame distance fro Seaforth, all - run ing past the far qua tors. of a mile. in t le township and thee particulars ape MIL Of. For Sale, Lot No. 22, Con is a fraine house and frame ein , and a eel oce within three - his is one f the best farms Mill be sold cheap, For luta 664' For sale, tic:a 2, eoncessioia M TOR SALE.. clay loom hold, abp f rem hider is geed pre is( s are a email er a e kitchen, with' • Thi tare) is situated part! ottani can be ob h- pro rietor (n the pr 2 ad teen ej ot e die y do ont wit out ju sent 1 tgage for for p This ht b nshi ichiga an a clam defe d the ber h V. hi ise a al , of 01 t aged he her ta 013, by ly Pi a es of lan uit olen stem ed ith. t ug Mc lea ed gu wing it to arri a, olbor ie Sa th worl Pr en a but raha t for 11 Actio rdict Isaa his in tl here wal the He on fird Ric thi the e to of $ Act efen la MI ugus jum fall a was ant i abor. ard case Crow tered ppear on fo ant e of ot was al had. accused p ej II I aining se epees of excellent it 66 aere,a of Which me state et bultivetiou, the hardwodel 'busli. On the log boas , sided up, with ooe vell'en1 aural), and mining augh the lana. eaforth, atbut the same ood graeel road Farther allied on a plication to the raises or eo Harlock P.. a, NITOBA.— Se eted Fat- sela ti home- 1 he i., rner, from tion is illin.g to g arantec eh hate 'est at 12 per cei t. per area) 1001i y do( s not exee d $3 an ac hey eo eeen, may thus save am exp ‘ae. of .a person I visit to to ,e, IIONG, Lan 1 Agent Se Tp pres 00 on. 'Posseseion el A E CHANCE —Tveenty- *ye acres of land Thie ire either fartn 1 gard Able. Apply to es ROR 615 Lots - Beat 21,700 acres tie t any party pea eney back, with e the purchase e. Parties whe • low prices, bat lying what the3 h time and the anitoba. Apply forth. 668-4x OR SAL OR T LET. ceueied by V. N. Wat lick store, with irposes. Title balls ia ut • h- ee. er- $500 om etna nti aSe ring e diet 0, ut. by ac- al - ay, SALE.—For Sale a fi -a- ill, neerly new and In go W111 be sold cheap Teems IJOLE FARM 'FOR east half of Telt No. 4 County of 'Hare; e a miles from the Towa ent to sehool. The len tell ty. For further patti VA Tuck acres cons best JAM Egra Pl prec is a one Ther Nettie et class Planing d running order, wn of Seaforth, aey. Enquire of de ich, Ont. S• eaforth, an is of the ver niers apply to premises, or tO 521 t su,le the house end lot in Egraosuiville oecupied by Mr': S. Caine on. The honse rie, the lot contains half en acre and ie. the best building sites .n Egmondville• a good well and all othe necessary eon. a, and will be Rola cheap. For particulars nee folk r as lead to ably as Qnt. for Es! h undersigned, at Walton, year old Sure o v all white.. Aue inforret tion that will lie.recovery of tine arum I will be suit-, esn for prop let d end ut da 180 1 VI IMO pa ab ro- de- ter er of or 1,0)i go4ul Hari Au g ti ettch will dersigned* Let 10, Concese on 13, Hullett, he middle of summer* t o dark spring he owner cae bite the la me by proving o. On 5, arIcKillep, obeli the middle of st, Harting Heifer, red eolor with hite on t tee ehcad. Any per on germ eormation as will lead1 te her recover suitably eewtteded. GEDRG LOCK he undersigned, about the first of Joey, Ewe ed a Laza ; both are mar ed ky a note in th eak part of the light e rs. Any infoe mati ;n1 lbading to their recovery will be thank fally ieeeived. SAMUEL SM LIE, Lot 11 mminionmem 668x4 Con. 2, Tuckeramith, Hensall P. .$. Pra tan eas • erg for b for ast ho sa ote 00, cis ac- orn ar- ry. ng of ed, is at- om as se - he en - nue p in - did nut nto his ext Elan r a od Atiff er. last Grou givin mon IIAN Coun Seat 13( thrc lea t som ten will at la Offic -H. J LOST OR FOU EY LOST.—A purse con aini r iday, supposed to be les on s. Any paean returnin the ti formation leading to the recov will be liberally re arde A COOPER, Constance, . 1 ETBOOK LOST—Lost, me Mo alnd Sage's Hotel at Welton, Pocketbook containing $15 in xnall change. The bine owns llar note, one foer and ohe 1. se's Hotel, Walton, or T 17. Exaosrro S• eaforta he Silo+ same 01' day, 0 ed • of le he find r the sa a-1 rieing three yeses old. Well brolce tr.) harness. Apply on Lot 84, Compassion 5. McKillop. JAS. DORRANCE. 665 AelS FOR SALE—Robert "Charters, Mill -8-a" Road Tnekerarnith, has a mimbee of good Leiceeter Ram Lambe for sale. IROBERT CHARTERS, Egmondville P. 0, 668x6 OiS,SE13 FOR SALE—For Sale, Two Heaery th- -les. Draught two yeer old Geldingse bay color 'Ile and red by Lord Hadelow ; also one Mare rife re_ ing t years old and one well-bred Darham Bull at two y ars old. Apply on Lot 32,1Coneeseion 2, McKillep, or addresteSeaforth P. 0. 'ROBERT. Of SCOT Roxboro, 1 667 '1 1840. FALL1AND WINTER. THO KIDD' EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH 1680. GRAJD OPEN My Mil nergili Openi yet ieached. Or ers Taken. PIECINL FEAT IS SU g kas been the Most ,Succes.sful have itry. Large Parcels Sold ana Many RE IN TH1$ DEPARTMENT H CHOICE G ODS AT REMARK Striking Vi4ue in Black, Col veteens.• The Best Mantle Velvet at 44 75 'in Canada. LOW F1GURES. • MANT E liEPAF! MENT—As I anticipated, my Mantles are giv- ing miacitel eatisfactio Many Sales made on Opening Days, and some selected and leid Look t my Dolmans r en $4 50 up. Don't fail to', visit this departMent before put - by b those not intendh g to purcease; they are going! by twos and threes into the same farail3... I have eleeit edly the Largest and Cheapest Stock in the.Towle. meat tectir Fresh oFtESS FURS ready tale • See nea lock, well lined au • its it—Allow me to Call attention t1:0 this depart - y choice lot of these goods at prices which, I am convinced, will ink Sets at $28; Prime Mink Sets, uo better value ha the. at my Mink Caps, only $3 ; Choice Mink Caps, South Sea Seal ' Ladies' and Children's Furs ; The Best GermareMink Muff, rimmed, for $1 25. GOODS E Very buyer of Dress Goods should inspect my mag wilco t stock before purc rising elsewhere; I have the Hest Value in Black Cash. ni yr .s—Look at theta 'e ds at the followingpiices : 88 cents, 50 cents, 60 cents, 65 centS, 70 cei ts, 75 cents, 85 een s $1, $1 05, $1 25 and $1 50. Colored Cashmeres, lovely shades, ta a8 ents and 50 cents ' Extia value in Cc lored Lnstres, every shade; Blacks at .evel Free , Eveeything New i Te7eed Effeets and All Wool Goods, from 20 cents to 25 cents. xi price n the Fellable Brat (1, "Princess Louise" ; Splendid Linen Russel Cords, very low i 1 tho the most reliable Colors n hand. _ BLIANK LOTHING DEP in°B1RaeleGs aEndTC—olors for $1 25, all shades and size:4 on band t That I sell the Genuine 2 -Button 2- utton $1 Kid Glove in the market ; Full Range in Blacks and K ET'S !—The Best Value in Canadian and RTMENT—Five Thousand. Dollars' Worth of Beady naee Clothing just a rived and marked off ; All Purchased Direct from the Best Can. Manefacturcis, wh r none but fie st-clatse worlenett ale employed; These Goods are all en by mon ieceiving •a aries' which no retail house in America can offer ; Every Gar- ment s anepected before a towed to leave the prennsee, consequenely we have to cam. • NO Iniethe. to will fine by callipg on me that I show You this clasa of -Work a lrea y ad up much lqv r in mice ndbetter.finished than any Ordered week you cau buy. HING GO DS—Everything New in Furnishing Goods, at •ably low figures; Tb t Cheapest ar d Best Lines ever offered in Wr ol Undershirts ices at raw( 1.s ; See my li le at 75 cents for, the tet. FURNI W ill find 1'9 y Ste tk Wei y teo nplete. I haecl notbeng but Reliable Goods. I marl ' them at tile Lowest Living le -relit, and give M* USUAL 5 PE(? CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. her you parchaeing. No 'Ts (ruble to Sheer Goods, wish ta buy or not. poi4rT_Aavrx TO BUILDEF 1 Would call t which he FARMERS OTHERS. • 6 attention of be public to the following b ir en aged at III throp, four and a half mile ELM—A large SOF MAPL BAB MAPL 131.0 BA S WOOD PAT NT MO CED TAN BLAC G PT cut from err+ —Dr , cut to the foel —D„ cut to the flol rye ut to the foil ABL I FENCE—Let POST —Split and Round A. BIC— rent one hundred o ASH AIL —A number f anches of business in north of Sejtforth ; AW -MILLS. SAW NPLLS. logs. Bills for Et:aiding, Fetncing and Ditehing filled on short h and 2 inch on •.hand ; also a considerable quantity in log. wing sizes: as, la and 2 inches. owing sizes : 8x3, and 4a5 inc es. one hundred and fifty cords. sale. RIST ND FLOURING 'TING ion) tly.Atteadeel &) and good work Warranted. Flour. Coarse and Fite Shorts, an end h iddlmgs, always o9 and. DRY 600DS A large stock, corneae ing the latest patterns in Twee s, Ducks, Cottonades, Shirt- GRO ERIES A latge stock of all4 e leading lines constantly on han and selected with care. BOOn FireAs.ND HOES—A well a ted etoek, hem Men's Heftvy Cow ide to Ladies' Finest Kid. HAT ' AND CiAPS And late h's Felt, C.oth ana Strew. Sizoe well assorted. EAR WARE—Pre Fled and Cut, K 13011,-, L. ete, Hingee, Screws, &c. A very rum lot of Ifervest To ale. FUI-NITURE Bureaus, Miirols,ir bles, Chain, Bed etca ds, Cribs, Lounges, &e. The n dereigned, having 'pc best facelitirs ter buying and light expenses in carrying en Ins business, ffers his custernena. o articles above mentioned et low pricee. A. GOVNLOC JON farnit prices. eoanty AD M. at rem exami to ord feathe Is, as tion. rate. DRESO TO THE ELECTORS. H.—" Good orning Jones*, Where are you going to 2" S,—," ram oing down to tea. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new re, you see ine is getting yed out and I want to get sonie first rate Itineiture at very lOw Our Imlay w nts a new crad e and they say that he hes tbe vsery best and cheapest in the 11 RESS the Fre °BEETS ON begs to state thee e his stock before purchasing a, wood and lumber taken i0c UNCIE ormerly, under his own supelv is Beet* of Caakets, Coffleas,p nnerals attended in the collet nd Independent People he has removed to the premises 1 le is now prepared to furnish eve urchasers will lied it greatly to framing a apecialty. All work change. ything in the Furniture line heir advantage to call sed tended to. Furniture made guaranteed. Farm produCe, ision, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- ends, &c., will be found complete, and at the very lowest T. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH. IMOTIRTANT NOTICE. NOTICE. IN S f one 40 -horse Engine, one 20ehorse Engine two 5 -horse Engines, new and second-hand Boil- ers, a ot of Flour Will Machinery, $ w Mill Machinery, 1 Plo s, Gang ,Ploivs, Lan Rollers, Straw cutters, orse Poe'vers, Brass ittingslfor Engines, '3f as Pipe and Gas Fittin Cooking Stoves, And a laigesaske tinent of Castingit n general nee. The above Stock will be sold cheap, to make room for the manufacture of other* icles. Orden! taken for Engines, Boilers, and all kinds of Mill Wank. Repairs attended to on the shortest notice. Address 18 U TION S LE OF 1 THOROUGHBRED tA TILE Bones, 86.eep and Swine. TEE FOURTH ANN AL SALE of Vithiabes ',heathers' Cult' , Stallions Mare% I Did, China. and Blffirkihire Pi *, timer HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOC ATION • ill take place upon the SHOW GROUNDS, ODE RICH, - ONTARIO, COUNTY OF HlgRON, ON A d Following Days, Cemmencing at TWELVE o'clock, noon. Anaong 3t the Stock -will be forma the valuable p re bred Plincees prize bull, Prince ef Seaham [, 92] 24432, also Crages, including the Duke ee n se, and other animals of fesbionabi pedigree bleeding mares, areona which is " Godoich C fief," a half brother to the celebratedCanadian S ock, waich will be effered biter Os sale of Tef GtlIerimagitetihil.eneidsgabeneluvtelifsupuseidtuedateodn otnheiteasealeit by L ke liar xt, and lathe terminus of the Buffalo , a a Go 'rich Railway (Grand Trunk) which c =wets t Clinton wieh the Grey mid Brace TERM —Twelve menthe' credit, ev theta in- t (rest, w 11 be given on furniehing secoe*ty -utile- rectory t the owner of the stock sold A dis- c nnt of per cent. will be allowed for e sh. There i ample aecommodation for eta man aed bale . and the hotel rates are ve reason- Sicretary, Seaforeh. THE SEAFORTII NCE AND LAND ACIENCY 1 Also A ent for sevem of the beet oan Bo- de ies. lso A ant for the Sale sad Purchase of Farm an Villa Property. $ 0,00 to Loam lin Sel:ett ptr cent. A ent for the sale of °dean 2teantehi Tickets. Pi EPIC — Oyer M. Morrison's State, Main 84 et, Se 'forth. 645 HE AVE CI ICH CAR IACE FACTORY. ways on ha d, and make to Order, ne s, and an guarantee a good articla both se to 7 ateeia and workman hip. , or Sty e toed Finish their work etennot be nied.e.Pialicrinowia to the publie, having to nr.anliteee, bee in bu iness in Zeal h for over leayaers. -I" mist° ere (merchan .0 and otherslifor their lib ral pa renege &urine the past 7 years, mad hoe es by the futur Wet integrity and close attertion merit their nficlence and trade in . Having grere enlarged hes prem - the winter, h is now prepared teem CASH Pill'OE Fresh Eggs, delivered THE IGHEpT Fox any qiantity of 'peed 1. anted by the sttbscri er, 25 tons of ood dry .ele wheat straw. ! 0 0 f --I 111.E. O NG LESE H#IR RENEWER; m OT IER Preparaticin yet discovered does It 'LI its elk so q nekly nd satisfactozely as the CI .GAL SE. It uever ails' to restore 6-IIAT Ma. lif e, a it contains th SPECIFIC ALIMENT . NA URA COLO is 11 STORED with rapid- ity. It c res Dan tiff, tching and Enaptions, and keep the he a Oen , sweet and bealthy. the i: air a silkenl etre d softnese width is the ad •• itation ef all Try it and be convinced. Sol by DrnTegists, and hi SEAFORTH by j. B. 131 T E HEAD PH TO GALLERY. Pi tures of A CI 0 A day 88 ex p nen GL Dire now, and all parts of Eatope. Fares *low as wis ing la bring out the* friends. a S te niers are unsurpassed, for elegance ape. com- fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 1 593 At the Post Office, eaforth LL AN 11 A; the Sampl every day we at (=alder's au be made o rien e. Old 1. Negatives ANDR site he Com ANO are _Moil Taken by SE SAMPLES. k. and uch as yen eau getany nig. ich drapeey, -clear and ly ycaret of peace -ice and ictutes copied and enlarged as ereial Hotel. 650 OR LINt. ITED STATES MATL 13T+RS Sail Every Satatday from NEW 011K and SGOW (via Londonderry) and , LONDON N TICE TO OEBT0,13S. Mc NTI' RE .1 Seaforth -DI (1 to state that they bave on their aooks s arge number of acchunts of old standing, whe In it not paid at once& will be handed to Kr. had bett r take notice arid saye court -co . AU TI N SALE OF FURNITURE ER will be sold by tablic Auction* at the Bee eta Hair oth Sofa, Tabies, -Chairs •Cup- see—Taing—lumber fro p lp aaui, yn tii:falyi vbway, will, eons emoi: t TT:till:I:is ,brto.on,:glat presentation had b hrences were- cone 'plaintiff for $612.02. The Queen. Vs. i prisoner was char The property alleg buffalo robe. It ap e the' robe was Mere praetical joke than , : persriSoillnertillsethrlwihigee. Ana was subjected ' b;eit4t)srf, Ps beet tie' oak'n Le eanlelcomplain to action of the boy w : acal4:set,hreedfioaertroatillfaeanoIrtougbruil:1 , reported. having s -found that the DiekSon, has to al laity discharged,his lately given birth has been ineareera months on the eba time expires on the she will be thrown, the e ountry in a. he having no friends o under ber exist They consider it a jail authorities 4- eompelled to loo zrovistleAbobpyevithheizta tueome home for They also reported change being inade alth.ough seven out in: favor of 43, reaelee the number of jure fifty-six entries a, AlL7t1.e i ei re 1 11 +6 n 13t 4, a.° nwe I dairy department very fine lot of he among the attract the display in tb: AV;.a,% OrOaltl yet so ostrif illeadniea wenosritioanve tbe work of Miss miratien et ale' same room a eate his own make, w where be ex -celled. ass neuel, was a le, work, and. her lab several liret prize Hogan. of Seafort al‘lHbrse.aTutrall. Y/i win(); , work. both of whi also a large exhibi prize winner. He not -extensively sh IS few fine atina Sheep were good, a, few implements wae first-class, es Owing to the late press, we ate limb therefore have to Carpenter, 2d De mare, T. Word- elding„ 13, Law gelding, John lie filly, John liem :a::: Lh9ynrseelis: snare, 1st Thee. Dow. Sucking 1 tynch. Foal, is Plouggeerrss: T°11)ree )''y year ola heifer, 1 Laren. One yea 'palish Flaherty, 9 man. Two y 'Lawrence, 2a N; jbN t(eelsahl jsinIt:, Isl.: t.111La ini: di ag e221 Sheatling ram, 1st Thew, Gat Pair ewes, Istif ley. Shearlin 2a T. Gourley. Kemp. Aged Aiken's, Ram Pair of ewes,1 Breeding ewes, Shea,rling ewes, - T. Gourley. E SWINE. —Age Warden. Be Aged sow, P droppea in 188 Stewart. Masse sJt.ti:Dwh.taSrBtt re. wa b, , sa ril apt:. W. Wallace. 3. D. Stewart, .°‘Tvi.hfIe43)aw,.tf31,silejewt.aw.Drti. 0-nAree Alen Treadwell, R. lst W. Aikens. thaff wheat, Aikens. Los other variety, Iiodge. Bark