HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-08, Page 10.
! . . i . � I . I . . I I . -
I I I I .
I . i � I � . - I I � ! ii I I . I i .
i � . i � ! � � I I
; 0 1. �� I � I
. i I i ; I 1 . p I .: � OCTOLFER .
; � . I .
, . t �� I I ,
. ; � I
. i . . I � � � �, � a I 1. . . -8 1. 0.
i . : i , � . � . T14E HURON E PO OR � .
I 1b . ! -Ji=_1 I I i I 1. '11 . 1, . I I . - — . -_ 1. -_ �. � —
. I � I -_ - w . I I L I -----_
. i - ; I � - . . I I I . I � � .
__ . i . - - i -
� . .
— — - . I . i I ;, ; I G� 1. i y i Il.
— . . ry this Be ; ,ason = . Bei rers � ily burdened - AT OR i
I i . . . � i - I . .
, . I � . pw �-ities from sold, best matched tea , best .so dd le on's crop. and i consider ble portion pf � Howick is already, heavi . TLH� � RE
paid on it and sold here cheaper than t, . , fstmin I im - ements. with bonuses, it win .pay the people at
, borse, and in future th bu�.ersi '! who . Han i r8od's PI I .
I is nol laborhood viEited thi i, Wastern ij I I ..
the native axticle, which we , ave in th' I � One - e the t .
I ft U I 0 -0 tXV00itot . I � -if e , well* to gra at this to secur I
doors. Fair at - Loqdo tilig weeki.—A'-p-H. purchase stock will be ritertaine L : y ortunatel � none of t stock wex ;
. �
I .. I IF I 4 . �
a undande almost at our very I . a I railway facilities which the new ar- �
t � I housed at - - ibe time. I ;I Henderson � .1
- - 1 08 can West retu to frcm -Ma �Iitob,a on the committee. i I I i
—,-- . I Perhaps slome- of ,our pblitici' I 0 LCO t will Corti ivie. them. . —ikN- D— : I
— �
. I tell us w4a,t is the matter. � ,)Mesday list Our beat bar ks ate due � DissA.TisFA a 1OBB L Will lb nBiaervl�ly over on- rangemen 91 1
.! . CT 0N.—Sev ral exbibitc I - i . �
! i . . I . who are contiguous to the
DISTRICT MATTERS. � '97,� thousand ilollars.- We u aderstand that I Even those I i
- . good square , moo 1 of of articles from this seat: on at the E a at I
— .orl a , I
I _-, , Mr. West f I -1 � . . I -sely I . ;
— I Jhte buildings � Great Western would be. immen I .
-1 --.,.. - .
I troil 4ried t and p enal lican, ra,re Riding ,show hold at . Wroxeter t 'a there is. an insurance on I ;
_ i STILL . XTENDING.' , The K, on , buffalo lm . t! Mutual. The I benefitted by the competition which the ' 'SE�17 �
IRav You i Star says that the chilled plow$ mann- dishes hero, �ut very co in, judges on some of of $800 in the McKillop ' Grand Trunk would afford. We are MILLINE�Y H .
. PUI,VPS ARE THE BEST.—If )ii'arficlea week, claim tli at� the .
.t � , . , I U
, -
� r3quire either a Cistern, *ell or Force Pump I I factured, ty Seegmiller, Carter �k Com- 4f dietin the! Northwest. Biith Ay.be thearticles either were incapabla . c)f reflection f rolm the buri itrig buildings 1 Bure the go . f Howiok will . I
will pay you to buy an iron one. We claiin for I I I ir . e distinctly seen for miles � d people .,o I I i
i Ily coming into as very goo a, W401 esome fo( d"I .'a fellow judging, or awarded the prizes t Ia- could b I � ; � . I .
our Well and Force Pumps the following ailvan- I pany are 1rapb . general ban' re ish Ithein, but ferior articles. : - � I stand great ly in their own light if they I I -
tages: Ist a money for deep wells t Use in Quebec as they have in ;Ontarioi w!)a nough to I � � around. I I ; I -_
.-They cost les' - . . our 19 . fe - Mr. Epi ing's . - . CONCERT[—Tiae cancer i i given by Mr. . do not grar t this bonus, providing they . OF— . I - -
than wooden pumps. 2nd. -They are anti-freez i The War a axe now producing W plows for ' . . , - I
Ing, %a the cylinder and valyes are fivo - I ruce:fdie . . re sai I the guarantees that the . I I I
feat below Mr. E. B., Hollis and others i i No. 4 school I a . f
onday, oi�ud over 4,000 of them have boefateak.� We are gla � t . X,
. the base, and consequently below freezing point. ; p . _' S. mith, I In house on Friday even ! road will be assumed and worked by .r 1 1 . t -
. Sid. -They will last longer, have a much nicer ap- , been sold! within the �� past two years. W -est 1061ting sa well.—� lr.,,�. '. S. CHURCH SERVICE8.'- Sabbath ing lo,st was. very � i - I . T
I ; Min In in ri - �
. ,
than wooden i It I ' 1111 . r thb�ou Itbred � being Co union a a itnt le exceeding- the Grand II!runk axe sufficient. .r i I-1 :E3 I WM,
pearancel and are far healthier k is nolb often .that 'a,xi ln�'ple ent the noped breede of . . I successful. Considering Q I I i I S
can be . Pastor, � RE � i I .
4th.- d i Loidl� as stock, mill bav a sale at his place,! Church, Brucefield, * v- ly wet and.,unfavorable "Vening, there 1 1 ' - i I - -1
,�)rtr Force Pumps a hito public favor so ra . I p I I . I
ring I . . I oxeter. I
=s a, Welloir Force Pamp, and when '.%%'. I sp * . dge, . I ty, on Mr. Thomson� will be ssisited by,Rov. a bheprogramme - . Wr . . . i . I - . 11 I
" �
PI has done. ' : lVaple Lo . : was a good audience an ' .
. , �
� ri orce Pump is vAluable for Washiny windows, I thi,B 0 V�li . t I
; � I ,Tuesd%- �, 1he 119th : ins . I,, r4 S mith A. McDorraid, of Laton , .late of Me- —A very large quaritity of soap '
1 ga, Teiiieles, and for Extingulgohing Fires. � . I . - I was well & istained and c it,rried out to , soArb -
when in Swaforth to see our 1, THE ssizF.s.—The Huron � Assizes I ill off, r m fine animals and the Killop,'and bi6ther of Mr. Donal'. W * all pros- __�_ I -
Don!t for -get to call . , INY 8,113 ` -a - the delight and amusemE xi�t of I eha)�ped hands in Wroxeter on the last I I - . I
- . I 0 1 * � . . - ,
Stock. Wn. RoDF.nTsox & Oo., Hardware Mer- 1 opened .. Gr,deri c*h on Monday, last; be- retputat on' of his st(ick will'no 1�. oubt Dermid, of St4nley. He will prea,.h -at ent. As a ibomique Mr. Uollis is not I daylof th of our country I - I - .
chants, Se&forth, Ont. Sign of the Circular Saw. I .1 � ,. . . Ow* OMO I � � '
- ins - home sadder an . 'AFO,R . H, ON ;,Ri
fore His ordship Mr..Justice Ot ameron. �,ttrac�t ituire wers from all sectio 1B.- the usual hours. No doubt in& y of easily beat an, and on th � becasion he ! abiffio went d v I Hater Sf� ; 0
"O. a & � . I I 1, f . , I
11 Photographic Studio and , I This beirig Mr. Cameron's first 1 appear- Xr. J.. I . G g h lec tar 11 Stiotiord I-- Ift is vi men, satisfied that they. could buy:soap I I
WADru Rum . . 0 Mr. McDermi a rle . ialtY I was well a ipparted by 'M o1sars. Herbert, I I i I
� &nee on tfie Bench in this Colin the �p thot 29tb i � Why TO n at tb a', Me- i ;Will avail the selves of this opp rt'n- Nopper an I Fetzer. As a -little f ail is , cheaper in the grocery and get . just as . i I
itney's Block, So forth , I Ps U, I - . I I —
-Aphy in all its branches execul 'Ile I y ,hai tjitute or some O: � our tem- I n to him OIL Sunday'next. relished b, - the biest of n? �n, and women I good an article. I
"I aente& Mr. ir , . ,; I ] 1
. Xusic Emporium, Whi .
Phictogi �ed a,n & Bar of tb county, repre I ' � 1� Inal : ity of listeni I I - I . I
latest and- the most. improved style of the art. M C. Ca�neron, Q. C., preser1tted His eff, rt to � . ___7 * R-ETUJiNED-To BusiNEss.—Mr. Win. A. I . i
I I . . . . pqrstice orga�i riatiox a make W . I . too, so wai theI. entertab t -m" ant in No. 4 1 � ; 'I I
Piatur�c Frame Moulding wholesale and retail. � . i knocking around for a I - I
. Lordship! with a congratulator and secure I is serv, ges f! ir a lact, xe he ��e ?— . , Walton. relished b- thdse who brAved the ele- .-Manson alter I 1_� ,
Picture and Wreath frames made to order. Fianos, . I . I i . . . to A. .XeDk�UGAL'
Lto . PRO L few years has decided to return to
I � a he We IL& Ve 0 anc - in � thly PERTY PURCHSSED. - meats to i ti the 0011cert. . We tin- �, . ; I �� I& co.
i CGM1 , , I � i
and Organs from the best Canadian and American iffiria6litary ada.ress NO severa Mr. RAAA .
d sold on the mi . f I tand IEI I I
manufacturers kept in stock, an Dst a brief but eloquent an -feeling school ' rep III vi hicb w 11 I eive IEL Ferguson bf McKillep, has pur 1118- ders ollis atends giving Wroxeter, ndto re -open his tan�ery, I i
ments direct I made I I I I Mr I � ; .
: , J 1 .
leaafauable terms. We buy our instra, - response.,-' The business before the 04itteatiola n V week. — J� f tball ed the properoy in this. v ill age knoN 7n as other similar ntertain ents through- which has been empty lately. ! We I � i
from manufacturers for cash, artit can and will n � n t( 11. Now � i I welcome Mr. Manson back among us, , ;
It any other dealer in the county. Court is! pretty heavy: 0 the civil club ha bee otIgauizedl .) , I theMeTaggarl propertY,CODBistitg of out the to, vnE; ,ip during the winter,and I Beg leave to Alnuo ce that they I'm just're. :
seR cheaper thsr � � . 7. 1 0 Ice
,u forget it. We I - and venturs, to prophesy &good paying iN ed 10 Calse of Xew Fairz I
We mea.4 business, and don't yr. I docket tliere are eighteen cases entered fdr sore abin .--�Ameetingof:the era-., three quarters of an- acre of land, with we can asEure readeii -she is deserv- I e� 40061 the ;
o,n end� Bell &Co., I I i : . r i business for him, as a tannery.has been I i :; I
deal. principally in Domini, for triall; one of �brea promise, bers, of she e !forth Fire ... B "gad 0 will � �dwelling, Btable; and � orchard thereon. ing of liberal VatrOI k' wherever he i i - , .
Guelph, orgam, bat,pi-ilisapply any make of Pia . . I � I i i
- � , � .
no i Mr. Forf. u- one of our wants Gver since it closed i , i I
aken in e e I, Lalf. �ast i seven 'The price is $23 .50 cash. i .
or Organ desired. old instruments t x- I three of � ductiQu, one of Blander, five be held this 0xiing at I � I f may appear. I � I I
. 4.11 �� i . I _ I � .
in. I . I . up a yeax ago, which the towi
I .1. a �Pl udid bargain.. He in- a has I felt I I �
change and fall value allowed. Always behind in of ejectmIellt, and the balance on f?r the trans ion o -iltantl busi- Bon has got . . i I I
- �
. . . I I I . I � I 1 1 i .I.P. :
nd 4'ecoTints. nes . : I I 1 1 - I . rem g � o Walton an Ch.ut on. 1, - i IE INT i
misrepresentations - alwa3 s ahead in giving best a .� 11� ff it alp I severely. SECOINDI -'.r---- H : ; I
� - , i ItenaB ovipg �
value to the pur&Is:13r. 670 11 aurance ,policies, notes, -1 - �._ i ! , � d residi 2g The I an- . � � .
On the eRminal docket 4ere Alre three I t . � ion the property. In Mr. Ferguso t CFRO� THE NEW 1U.1 CURLING CLUB MEETING.— � i i � �
. I I . � .f i ;
I - �IU6 1 � i - .
71AL TO THE PuBLic.-M. R. i . 7alE �. � i � nual. meeti ag of tht! Wroxiater Cuiling . :
S,,Pr,C cases; one of rape, one 611 forgery, and .� . I I � people of WaAO will have a good a FATAL 3CALbING Ace II)ENT.-A sad I I 1 1
1 1 1
. � EC)IDY, 4 . ail ! . � club waas wr 1 1 1 : :
- a' d for the parp I I
C0UXTP,A,,'"'atC'hT11 er and Jeweler, lias just re I to to - 11 t by zen .0"i his f Of th 3 Purchases of buir. B11r. nlrt Who *. 1
. . one of I ;roany. The Crown. is p , -- The new cider mi !I bt � .- He inte�ds disposing In. accident occurred at tbd residence of club Was
- I
mved a, fuH stock of Plated -Ware, Watches and sented by Mr. Colin McDlougali, of St Mr. I Jai a0s.B1,0 -4ton is dc ing I an exteri. . stock by auction on the 113th inst. n - ing officers and other business. The � I
Clocks.. inspection invited. All goods sold on I . .1 . . I Mr. Levi $mith, of Clintd , on Thurs ;the Old
- � I �
their own merit.and warranted fts represented. Thomas.' A more :extenaed report oi gi I I following pfficers were elected - Mr. Cost try, and B . �.� 1 : I
; � n eal. It is. running 'I fhost . -____F . �by his 7 ungest child i ow�lt I - . I
dil . i - I day last, *, hen �
Poisonal attention glyen to the repairing of I I ! I ;
dirigs will'be given I next Weak . tight a d. y And Cannot X,eep to'i and Mrs. homas Gibson, M. P. P I ;
I .1 I i :
W,atches, Cloaks and .Towelr.r. Remember the Prooee � . � ullett. received ixtjuries which rbsulted in its . I I �
I I I I I�T_i) I I I
place, tree of Bilver-plate in window, directly op- i I tho. do" P,bd.;, Sweet cidir seems be; OFr wN A lalp.�Xr. Joh� Mills, of death. It) sedons that !the. children Patron a 44 Patroness; Robt. C i . I
I I ! 1 . . � i �
: : I
WATERWIORKS CE all the ot . i I the 14th cono os�ou of , Hallett, lei b )n were play, ng in the kitdhen, the baby i I -
te J. S. Porter's cheap cash furniture store. THE W.',1NGRA LgBulk I President -; A. L. Gibson, Vice-Prel t
. 1 3� The. Largest St�ckwe. Eve,,- Had at 1' '
09i TION.-Igie have to thank the $ecretari , VOCA Must i �.- lProfesaor H:)Imes 1 dent; Rev GOO. Brown, Chaplain. D. � . .
. , . I . 1ELst on a trip � to vieW, the Ia: id sitting in, ihe cradle clos 3, by, the stove, ; :
I m anal Monday the Tery 10W,68t PliCes, I
HATs AND CAPS.-RiBsid ISXITH & of" the Wingliam water,*oi celebra. In MCK. Wa Aer, Secretary-Treast ter -; � . q
. 1� I vocalist forn: 3rly of W' nds'in Xaw York 1 tEte and durin 1 the mowienta�y absence of I
I . . i'ltrif 'a a I �
Wz&T's advertisemept of irats and Caps and *lass 1 ,and visit ,fri( . 3 i I . �.
. a -ted two si ,ng I n tie Mrs. Smiih in anotla , part of . the Robt. Gibb)ns, Esq., Honorary B [era, A
Readymade'Clothing. Their Good' should be tiou eViminittee for an invitation and 1, Blythy h Is stw I g eo, and the Eaftern PIrovincea. If J. us6n and . . -1 1. I s - :
� � *ater on � �
s ich ih6 �ld . . the ber. Messrs. Brawn, Robi - t . I
seen by everyone requiring an out-fiti. 670 � conagAinaiiantary ticket, to attend' the in Farr i)w'B H: 11, be well I country suits him In may �. purcho Be house, a kettlo. of hot I I - I
; . I I
cele4ration which will be held! on Tues, ing
� I ,patronized. !Pr%cti(e in sing very! land ruck MOII�t, were elected Managing Com-
. Show This 'Week . I a Stove was overiturned b 0,"' being at
SMITH & WEST ,as he- is esirou of .getting I � , J I
New Mantles, and extra day nexti. The order of the c6lebratioi - ,much require(,, rhei Tuitisn I :1 � I mittee. It was resolved that the club
Nex Black Caahmeres, I I I v Y; larger farm tb an be 8 i Ha Ile t. with a quilting #ame, Ito hot water OTTS r -r 16 M 3�' IER, S ,
- n J i I
in Ladies' Cloth -for Cloaksl&nd Mantles. I will be ai� follows: (11) A Pro e8si4u 0 ! loheapBixt � i I ixig tho bkby about tlle waist in a should sffill&te with the 0. R- C- C- C-, ' . i I
value 11 ep: eBsc ns for I tie i . ! �
: .3 art., Alti werwilli Mr. ills a pleagant scald ; .
. - 4
. Z
— , . 'hough medical I
1579. I ' entrance fee of 01 - � .
.� ( guests, citizens and- firemen am 6rail, I b sides some 11 � c�bra, 1 asons. .The J inior, trip an I shocking riannier, and al q i and that p@T . I �
. 'a every p osperit , we shou I O. . , �
* ' ' . w
way staiion through �the principa , i asol . t of assistance wad member shouiabe charged. i . � I � Ln our G � I ds fh*g Se*. .
I � class, twelve! is for wen r-fiv& immediately called in, � win f md No Ak,d-r4nee i
ROOT CROPS TO BE JUDGED. -WO are * . ? h � sorry- to lose im as � a reside� . I � . I
e � � A -'heap as 1 -To at.
'traets, afid thence to the T wn Hall, cents, ir1clu411 , school children. o alleviate its AND Loss CAaE.-A couple s6n, but as 4� 1�z
. I I . Hurpn, and for hat reison we would very little e - . NILOVII
I . , f .
requested to state that all root crops 'i t ould be done � . I � � I
"bere a. dinner will be proNidiiadi; (2) IRis, -The 3aw mill own d by I tead-J Of libighbo a in our usually quiet , iown I .
- I F . , sufferings, and death endb,d its agony on I I
. . entered for competition with the Tuck I 'n just as soon tKat 1 he sho ild not bei suit ed 1 � � - -
Testing V the waterworks: (3) Fire- ing, Duff.& Of cn�psn , situat d n rithel had a disp 'to anent the ownerobil of a
eramith Branch Agricultur'al Society i ; I in'the East. !At! any ra be we fail y Lie Saturday vening. : I
men's to4rnament-two 1 prizes of; 041) �Great* Westerill' Stationi Was I rin I I couple of lo %ds of slabs, valne, pro ailily I
� : I ed 9 .
willbe ex.amin6d by the 1judges on I . � can do about 1 we'll i I Huro . - _1W t ;
I � as , . . 11 i a in PRF.19EN ATIOR. Last I eek- on ar- CA _L AN,D EXAMINE OUR
. : i
and $20 will be awarded to tbe sucoess- i down on galuram night]- Th I fire' ! � about5OCEntS. Oneofthemcited' the I
Wednesday a,nd Thursday, October I . I Buy part of the orld. riving home from his 1wedding tour, I � - 7
� . I : I .
," - th "broke cut r 1.0dial 31V 4fto t 6 men i I - I
� .
or . L L - by 3 � . :
ful compotit a; (41) Sp ,ecbe4 : I � - : other to appear before one of our n 3igh- : I
. .
20th &'Ild 21ab. All parties having eu- . I I 1114 , I ; I ; Rev. Mr. Stewart, paa�or of Willis' ' boring J. 1?.'s with. the following repalt, �
, I
. � 6f
I M. P.*s O�. the county anal others WAR b a girda i I Ur- a—. I � linton, was E arpristo .
tered root crops would -do well to bear L , � , . . i left foi - suppe: and d so I pidly I . i F1, �ib I Church d by a latins ati 60 cents, 70 centsi 90 cents, Si, .
, ' I � L
; I � I �the buildi d' be I . Complainai It to pay M25 inside 20 New
this notice in mind. � delivere4',at the Town Hall. 'WO 1wIB- I � that nc itb i n g' i L coil I Npw EliTZBTRISE.�Xessrsj Wi "a a e num er of the in Embers of his -- %, 110 and $1 25 .
! for our n6ighbors a in ace afniaerr- ' days or go o jail. The account in! our New Us at 76 ce 11411,9, $1, $1 25,
�! saved. :There was a wagon nd ' ' I o the* . I cougregati calling ul"m him at his . - $1 75 aua $2.
� inew � a )UggyL , a ded r pre VlOas . and I
BIc; Coo.,zs.-Mr. Poter Hawthorne, oustratio�, and hope t lat their I burned, � �lpo';, a I the maphillbry and a. , & Wilson have � d estimation stando as nearly as One I can New each ' � - wa Mantles.
� - . I � . . I business of ago'n Mal ng 4'nd ,I laek- -residence. After the pax ty had assem- Now I Lacas NewFriuges,. 1. price& .
gh, - I z
waterwo*6 win prove . ly Bati4fac - quantity bilaii iber. The loss is esti- . . . e r rend gen a * d with the naked dye as follows: New . I .
, .
of the town line between nullett and I �
ma By bleain the parlor, Ive tl - ) u go tted Wool zZZ oods. ,
. I
MaKillop, informs us that he has shot tory, an& that they may not be brolngli t mated "t 1 �$ - 000. Itisured A ! the' , smithing tha . of plow ng. . Tfl, . �Compl aina t. -Dr. to S5.25 cash,l 11 0 0 t New --- colon Wnd,S. I Shawls. I �
I . d akina a is ecialit 1. of mat, who was, innuall, iss dy , �. � -
I . . also inten t3 .y . 101 Isia. I .i
Ioi monster ractoons, in a field on the I � -, nit fo i , 2 IBM are kib- . . 'r by satisfaction of knowing New olored Fran Nerinoes. .
into frequent tequisitim, � �nt ;that phce a r4 I ",000, Th . I time $2 0 I �
. I Mr. norant o 'te i him - , * New n . - I
farm of Mr. Cash, third .� ato i tcess-ion of whein required for service' they will scription''pape a in circula,ticia. soli(itina shoOing. Wilson b ing a.voter ni xy f what iw 'te was in i1that the Blabs ain't his'll. Defendant. k . -
, i t I ' � - I
- -
: , ; 1, � . . t�l Burgeon as We 11' as a practica, I , IG Be vited to imeet the' e 41,13 Oi his con- New reneh C4shm res, &H New Shadet. I
McKillop. The largest of these weigh- nrove effective. I *7 � ,aid to Enable. them tc) ret�uill thif fall. r. to lost -ime $2. Cr. by satisfaction No �
: I i I 1. I . I . : Ishoer, will bi able to carry on -this gregation, together witb: Mrs. Stewart, P. . w l.dk Cashmerls, �
W—_ !, � 11 I . I ' I I �.
ad 21i pounds, and the otheri would r, � branch of this usinesgin a most it te.li- when an a ddr6ss�wasrekd and present- bf knowing that the slabs are his'n. So 'New C, &pastry Carp ts, st 50 cents 60 a8i Is .
MoRb IMPORTED Hoitsxs�._4r. Ch%rlE 8 ' [ � 1 Stai2ley: . 0 Xon BCO'it bays to go to law� I , "Uts, 80 cents e nd 90 cents. . I -
average 13J pounds each... These are � I . . -1 I - I . . -
I Masoil, of Brucefield, arriveill home Iror i. . I gent aina efficierit magner. This firm ed to him by Mr. A. Mathesoit. When I . � New "ottoi 'ftit( and Oray.
. I I , I . � 11 0— . .
Coons worth hunting, and 'Mr. Haw- STMLI,ANO�'] R.- r.S.4McLei , . . Now %vinceys. .
the Old Country on Uturday last. A B the 12 1 . I of I is too well and favor ly known I a I he . the address was concl4dail, Mrs. T. I - � I
tho . I . Ili cohicession having soh, his a, . . Hensall. New 3hirtings .and 7ew Blankets . -
rne thinkathat none laxger will be I N . Z
. . ; Ik Purse I .
! . people in the' vicinity 0 Kinburn to e- Jaelwon presented him �vitli � .
: we before stated, he brpu t: With I hir a , ; . -T.-Mr. W New Flannel I
� . '
captured this season. ' . 6xm,� I to's alac this s reek lefq for : lani- 151PROVE IEN . C. Charter$ is ' -
three 44vy dranght Bta lions. One quire commendation f om us, and. e containing $200 in gol After receiv- New Tickin and 1 ew Towellings, .
i11 � I � - tN .
. I Aa, � V rhere b has )urcbas0 lan I and . and pur �: the reverend I adding to and improving his dwelling I I .
-'---*- — I these is two years old. � e ig-abeaut.- . I . . are sure that'their tie departure will ing the addresa and pur I � - i . .
. . ; , I �
RAR,F. E-XCURSl0-_;.It is luot often I intends,going i 'to farmi g more ( &p- I Ion King street. William will have his . I
ful bright bay, with whit hind feet an I : xteu-4 be abundantly apprecl� ed and tat ell gentlitima, made a brief, neat and i I 4 . .
� I . �, r : �
that a chance is afforded for visiting r. .sively. I . i . dt propriate eply, expressive of his - i . I i . �
a white I* I � I � feel- Louses coil '1110 diOus and convilonliflont, and I .
iiie in the face. I He is ail im- - ,bythe people of Hallett. . I . .
� � : .
Buffalo and Niagara Falls, on Bach � . IroR DiXo�A. --�-Mr! Go rge4 Anilorson . . 1 � ; ,,this fact i not lost alight of b -his 11q _U � 1 m7mx: .
I I . . I , i __6 ings at thoa being take *', by - surprise, 1 � I
mense, massive animal, ith1 pleuty,Of 7 , ----I — I
fat,vorable terms as on Tuesday, October . I I ; I i
. . I .1 Dr Dakot enants. -
. . .
hair, good bone and sp endid adti A , of Stanley, left on itiest y 11 a, , Exete �- � I and than f u1ness for tl 6 generosity Of I I
- 12th. Thewhole afternoon aind even- . I I Where he on a via to his Bons i � I ' � It ,Rwi.-Yonr corresp Ment . I
- . . : I his congregati6n, and oped that bell i HEARD
and for his class is very E tylish. I 16 is FUNZI-ftAL S-MUMON.- The Metho� iist I . We 'will 'recei�e tVe Balance of ollr Immense
-wed for sight seeing and a I I goolted it th t $tate � �
Ing is allo . : .� . who are � 100 . I We d 9 letter -this: week from Mr. Sto,,k, .Buy, �
I Iii ay togother' With I his par tier, who, as a receive , _rgi a;T,e espectfully requpstea to call :
�� Chance. to. see the great. electric light really a' most superior animal, ar d i , hope Our: e tie oil ion ImAll y enjoy a church was fi lea to ex -,ess on Sui anger, lie ho; ' in, i Thos. Pearen, of Manitoba, formerly and spe our St6ek I i
I ' , ;
i When the pastor, Ro . 9 , aracingstithe i
- ,.t
A .
- shows firie . Clydesdale blood. T [!a i pleas 1p d � morning last v J Bbr d brou . of this, village. Mr. Pearen speaks in I 11 I
I illumination at night, without extra � � �� : ant hol 'ay, and t1vot ho in a �
I .
other two axe yearlings,. �ne 'a baN a � il � . ig R. Gandy, preallied n excellent i er� would in u tually aid one another in do- I I I q
. . .
I . , i . � a &I 8. glowing terms of that country, and says I
eharge. The tickets axe good for ten I e othei, a black. They, also, ata F I- safely: 'etu"1711 I ,uch invigora � . . . �i ience tc he Ing, every good. 'Word aud work. Mr �
'he train le&v at th . , 1 1 Mon, having- apecial ? refe IDRISS - 000S AND M11LIVERY.
days. T -es Seaforth proved. in la ,h . � I . - I 06 I ri t be � i I I
parlor an'irnals. Mr. Ma;s011 is one f I , I sudden demise ( f the 1�te J ohn Bi -a n. Stewart Was then seveml y introdui d ,that many parts of it ca no Bur- - I
, ' i .
. . passea for ts scenery or fertility ol soil. � . .
6.20. Fare only $1.75. 1 . � AN � Oitl), 991DE 5T. Mr.- -D. W . to all preE ut ;j refresh ts, which had . I
I . .
. our pion6er importers, a has pen I . i , . I ATTEIIPT TO COMIIITI SUICIDE.-Obiis. .
IF � I dispo ied I 111 A I � 0 jMr- Pesir will make eir Fall and 1Vint1rPurch&sei4 .
- I Youill avib; f, III! biJB far 0 � a vood Bottler, B
of vered in � the face of sforbunes � atid Wilkie, who fbr� some time has been bei abur danily Provid, d by the party, I - as season ll .
U-001) SHX,Zp.�Mr. Win.. Grieve, I the3r conce3siono' Stanley left OX land We! WIE h him every. success. I .
� . I
discouragiamenta- which I � I ; working it the flax imill in Exetei following a pleasant ti ine was spent in. : I i . 11
, i .
-MoKillop, purchased two very .fine would ha''re The y &M accompanied. 1�y - Mrs, social intE rcou; e, all bEind brought to ' Pzusonkr,.-Mr. John, Webster, who i I
Leicester sheep at the Provincial Elhi7 utterly disheartened Many -less coup youill . North, attem id to c6mmit a i de on . ra 0
I � a , for P( r lage I l, Pr drii i, Ma n itoba )tA nic: a close by thel singing of the doxology i as.bebu � engaged in Mr. Pickard's Eall * se Foll,mer Pisplay-s.
0 1 . -io'..,nc - I In
bition at Hamilton last week. Mr - I : . 'ZP
' � hge us and plucky men: He' has h: Id r CE I Saturday nilib, last � at the i
Grieve: is rapidly t' his sharo of both -good and lbad 11 u I' '�f lJg' his"i throat w th a 1presbnt and ,;prayer by the istore for the past year, left for hishome
near v bich &, ) Way lavo tw) Bons - House, by cu'. by those I I .
-a da 4 �r r i ling IMr. Youi I I . . I .
. I
Ine but if peIrseverance -and u 61,14 . I . 1 3 wo 0 . - InFlor-enc last Saturday. Mr. Web-. , _. .1 7
I f in I T�l 1 his' I —_ I
the front ra,nk as a breeder of f and push meet ill ir tend a ma . IOMO in I the 1'rairi jack-thife. - r1h u ds, thou , .8ari, paa � tor. if
I �I, 1. � I I I - .
wooled sheep, and his recent -purchases just toward, our old fx:�en& -will. at 1 . � ster thbug only a short time in Hen- I
I I . OU13 . as yet rovecl fat , and I . I I
I Provii ice hei 9 %fter. His son R Dbert I � 'HOA
' mad I ` 4ave not . - . I � Howi6, . - .
Make hi6 for' it is under Isall, madelhimself many friends, , and WE W1 ONE LINE
tune out of horseil flesh � bre at I
will be a valuable addition to his ail- I . . � whovr&Ia,wi�lihimonthef rm, ten - Dr. Moore's uu R41ILW ,y BONUst`T�e President "we vel:� much regret that his atit&eh- I I
ready good flock. Mr. Alexander we since'roly hope that his re6ent.spI I a- ment be ma I recover. Strong dIrnli 0 � . I I
. I remail gli4q,for'iOmOtillLea least, . I � and Secr arY !of the T(wonto, Grey and, .
Davidson also: purchased at the Exhi- I did im�ortatioxls will go at libast a:gc bil I . and.a. low, d( ;p6niding state of in ind� in . I . ment for la�s old home induced him. to of 101ref4o C�eodv,zontfdning 6,IdOO vards,all
, Mr. YDaill W tsione f tl e pioneer real- Broce R d1wa , accolm �auied by the -' leave our idst, and we sincerely finite at 20 dents to 30 cents per ' ard. -
ways to)val the accompli6lament of . thei c-auses as igned for the rash i 6( t.� I Y I
bition a, very superior Leicester ewe. � �a enjoye I T i �
� I ; I dents of Stailey, arid fe)v 14 . ohi�f Ong �neet of the I Grand Trunk, . -with his many friends in wishing I him
- . I that obj ct. � .:, � I � I . . S6D*EN D IATiff.-Mrs. Godbolt', iSr. , . I .
0 � . I I � ' I
. more 'ally the eatO6 oA hi' visiteil Gc tirie 11ast weeh'for tho purpose . much hapI driessi and prosperity. a
4— � 1, I .. p nei bors.
FARm PURCHASED. -Mr. Win. Fowler I � , . of Winchelsi, 1, died very suddei i'y! OT .
* LOCAL Bitizirs-.-Speci Ithp,nke;g�vixI His I any trieja4 will] , �ret is re- . . -, of interviewinatthe mulaicipal authori- THF, Q:REATEST 0F.VERING
i .1 1 7 '
I has. sold his "Cameron.Varm," on the 9 rem I re, I . Mondaymor4idg last. Her son -i: Al Rr,-ENGIoMD.-Welluderstand that all
services will be held i Stil Thomisil Moval f 11$tanley, an Will unite in I ties upon he propriety of' submitting I EV _PIR PEE N HE#B.
Huron Road,to Mr. WalterRichardsont . I � . Dr. Brawn, bf 1 Wroxieter, who cs, me � - the teache -a in our school have been re- I
. Church on Sunday tie - at' the isi 8,1 wishbig hirrL improved loalth. and i to the tat epa3 ens a by 4aw granting a I I . I
Of Grey, for the Bumof $5,700. Thi i I � I I ' I� .1 down -to bury, his father, the late T(hr ; en gaged fa. - another year. We tbinh the . I I
I I'd prosperity in lis we . ne. t�
. 'a 113 hours 7- Rev. 'A. D. �McDiiltni it l 3tern he' bo 'us to enab'e the company to -widen
a, splendid farm and well situated' . ; � . ' , . I Brawn, who Ot ath wai 'ao n . . I trustees di well in seen i their' ser- -
_ , but ,Budder.. 'do f : ring . . '
on - lb ; FIELD It ZW A � I . � .
preached. in .BrucefiEld S - THk IB&y &x' A. -V I Boxv .-L- I the. guage and re-lay the road with din i C C HE . _AJ_D % SEE �HEJI.
the buildings and fencin axe consider- � ! i: I ticed in ti columns last week re vIcos, and serve the � thanks 0 the, - I I
� 9 bath aft�ernoon last for the Iliev. Jo 11 the Ia it mee'tii ig of, the Sta; ley C Axici I steel rails and make otl ior much needed 1 4 . - 1 11
ably Out of repadr, which accounts - for . I - mained over tbr the services bere: or . . ratepayeralin general - and t our oung I
. Ross.-Ih�r. T. E. Hayg, Ree�,e of c- a de uta,ti('),Il, consistilig � of Messrs ; im .ents. ,At this request of the I - �
. � provery . . I I
- the seemingly low figure. Mr. Richard- 13 all I Sunday, ani visited her, When �h gentlemani friends should aliso fe � in- I .
3 . . -
Killop, lbft on Tne daV on a tour of in- � Essor, St � b iry find : Th Dxnpw lit o: delegatiou the i ReEive summoned EL debted to hem fcr havinga secured tin a I � I , " , . I I �
son intends sellinc, his ow!a* farm in seemed mile I better. 1an usual. :� He I
0 . :
: : g of 1 . I V
spectiolli to Manitoba. - Mr. Geo6re 1 Bayfial I w4s wesMit t:) � dvoc, be the hadonlyjus lefton :ihe inornIng, a . special meetin the Municipal . nt A. G. MCDOUGALLI& 00
* I kept in our midst two i an cfi� exe Ile � .
Grey and removing to this one. We Thomson, brother-in-latv. 4 Mr. Id. � cause o "the Bayfield and South Huror ;I oil:aind invited &-.,f many � of the I . i � I
&re glad that we axe going to have so . I : . Monday for !home, wben a riessig Co young ladies, and as forre,ur lady i ' -
R. Counter, who, has b9en. berdr orl' a Railvi a Ir. A.f ;er a Dnsider4 ble discus. I rattpayerfl,aB could be seen in the short , Diretit lnipoxL Staple and Fan Dry Goods, "
I . ti. . . -, in ais- I �
. good a neighbor. , I ll I came with the, sad news of her do : friends they are not backwa,rd in .. Py
� I
visit for several weeks,- left on. Tues %y isiou,during,waich the adir%xitalwaalic" time allowed to 'meet aild consulf,with i � i 3imuery,1 Mantles, ShawI4, &c.
. . - - I � I u. .
- � - I . 31 IJ8 in � g the Tr astees for their good sex.. Be in I
, I i I BiRiErs.-, deBsrs. Calling and I . .. . � I o � I � 1 .
for home. He is located on i the C m- . disad, re litage a of sai d ra.IW10 v i;vere , re. the Goun, �.il on' the n4atter. On �- the I .
. I I M " I a Drl"fll'n- . I � I .
AN OLD Fitim-4D HE4BD Ficom.-We da Pactific. Railway I I - have returt 6d: from Manitobi, I I, having again engaged our princips, i
- about, i250 in es spectiv ly br) ght f rwardi it W1 mov AW meieting of 0;o(Incil P'eing convened, I �, I .� I i
learn from. the Victoria Warder, pub- 0:." Ir. fact by Mr. P. id i secor (led b _ a I I I OURP YLPACKING Ei .1 � .
Al C thi , � . .
, West of Prince Ait�hur's Lainding.- speak in;glowing terms of the Prfiif M: t Company, , . H'aus 1- A r ong , alas B-I-Ist :e * " u 11 2dl N Hays,
, puglas, ai I , r. Beattie, Presiden bf the i I - I
_.. lished in Lindsay, that our old friend, .. r 1 ; . I i our villZai induAries our pork p .
James Houston, of Tucker5mith, a'B Mr. 4. i Province. 7i form r has purcha3ed --stated t1at arrangemlents had been t I . ing 8d J.- Ran kiii:� 4th Saxah, - Dorrarico.
Orly a reBi- . . M4 ia ley, ffiat, in ace( i da 0 1 I I I .� I 1, i
. Mr. Joseph Stevenson, fbrra I . and taken ap �4 000 -A gi eab I eats'blishirlent ranks bigh 4 Il , I , ior second lass-Ist Bella Dicksou
strawberry vines in his garden wh 1i with tb a pe�t t ion p revi usi v pr ie to concluded with Mr. l4i,icksou, General . . t of Sen .)
dent of Egnaorldville, is still an active . � . I 11 iila�( acreB, a ;' 4
u it for th i many of otir its attendad :' be imporbanc�. Tbebusines iscarriedOn 24 (* r. Aitchisorl, 3d J. 'Walke r, 4th J. L.
are now bearing fr I e secc !2d to the QouAp 1,'the��� Cie k bp ins Mate I Manager )f the Grand 'Trunk, to'lease . I . � .
wdrker on the right side. In giving an 'Western Fair I WAnesdayllst.�'- L byMessrs,G and,J.��PeW, wh are
0 time this zseason.-Meq'srs. Wilde to drE it, andl, T riblis". 1 a by -1 w, g � wtiN I I Oil I Q 1 , ,
account of a very successful pie-nile. t. . I 1 11 - ' th � road J or -a term of years; and the I ! y Brc wn, Junior second clusa�-lst AJe-
I Brothers, photographers, successors � to the sit ' of 7,500tc ttidint),hectorstruct number of witnesse "are -BUnLI led agioemerlb had been sent to England both practical men, as well'i n of line Sparling) ,2d Maxian black- and
1arge capital, which gives the. a I .1
P connection with the Presby t I 19 - I dr� Bayfie" d st,d'S:)uth . luroi . . .i 11� to ant1l woul 1. no o confirmed. If !, I I ,grea �
held in ' Charles Mobre, are now lo0ated her , tiou cf 1 th : from Exetor�to court at Gode- doubt- b I I �� t Jane Cuthi 1, 3 I Maixy MeOldre, 4th R.
terian Sabbath School at Sonya, i " 0 1 � .. I
. . 9,nd - are running their bugines al ) testimoniy in the caf 37 V� - the amou it rE quired in, bonus frz)m the 1 . Rot ertson. Senior -first class - ist
is f il Railm �, a 'I by -h w to b4 i pr entee give ise of D xf . � �adyantage,ia the market- as in the
says : "I'Mr. Joseph Sn %rticu-. blast , - first place � they are under lap obligation Bel. �& M-cC are 2 � : i
. I P, . They are enterprising businI�qiiss to the Elebt 7 -a on the 15th j', lay .... No - Drew. -Death has be n Idoing ME W [)r, i manicipaitieE along Ithe line were � i Rol ertson, 3d
y, deaerves to be mentioned as hav- i * . his gra,tted, the guage wo � 41d be widened, i . ,try on, f -h . J. I 16ilans, 4tI L Aggie Grie -Junilor
larl F Vi�
I men. -Mr. John Scobie, witli his failn-� vemb,-ri tie i. ThA mAion wai car. O ate to an !ala'rming extent it. to the banks for funds to a&' thei
. I ..
ing spared neither time nor,trouble.' x . M I . 3 . 4988, Old in the s6cond place --Ist ii
I I -for Goderich on Mo nlday.� Ir. xied. I vicinity. rs:iDiI1iD.g,of_the Eedmil the I . -i . the firsf class R. AitcInson,pil Rwhel,
ily, left. I . I I whole of the westbru track relaid * . lPus' : ans, 3d D.- �
- � I i le I I � . I . 4— _ concession '_ I - . are eauble4 to buy &II4 seIlOn th ver Nei R. Dotilds, 4th George
Henry , Colbert, of the EgmOndv � tephen,. died sudde il� oil Nvith steel rail , the r4l1ing stock to - I � -
ATTLE . I � 4 � 8 S. I I � I . I
11U.RoN C Awto.,L-D.-We men. b:rewery, has had his reside i � i 7 �Bruf , el � Sunday last, and Tlic)mas Tbomp.ou, liest teirms. It was qu. : Di I -son.
. . � , I I . ite a� sight o Be I
tioned last week that Mr. Francis nog in. t, � at . I I : I I inelved an I ainplified, aiud the road run I I I
village Ire -painted and otherwisd im. Nwmri Go' .- 4 of Exeter N ...th, af te� a Iingef: E 9 ill - by the Grand Txunk Company in Coll- , �heir astolishment after tb e last pick --The followina its a corre
� Fowler had received first �rize- for a � i I ops. Otr merchaut3l hav ' . I In t report of
I � I I
� I I
. - now : a 4 1 Ixigseason� It was completely era .1
proved in a.ppearauce. it, is� all). dd in Aa E toch-B C'f . fa LI, anii ' ness of abou two years, passed V W111i Oil neotion ,with their genieral system. The v era : - the standing of the pup" 6f School
yearling DurheItI heifer, and a second � �T . "I ' ' las . t. I I I I .
. I hatils4leat! residence in the placa Witte r Y,00 8, n I oppe () be ilbin � , i . amount desired from Affie township of , med frori . I I
. � g f Tuesday ever ing .� the ground ftoor to t See tion No. 101 Morris, -a I
prize for a bull of the same age .and I . �, t I , I I - . I . - on ge'a-
I . ; f - I rafters with tl�;e choicest kinds of di�-
J I ; . . I I -
i . , I i i good CO I uct ana
Mr�.. F. 'N. Sella.rs left town' on Sabir- good 'r ide - � Howick was t 16,000. 1i lengthy discus- I I era]. proficiendy, .
. breed at the Ma,nitoba Provincial Ex. I rl ! xcicili op. . feren ` ase ,
. day. His family remain w1i rie Co T TMT.�The Dan�U Met hodist i t� cured meats, and we -are pi , punctuality, f r the na
hibition. We have since, �eaxned that I 8 � . I : : I I . I sion ensued, which wa,F� participated in - say . �� im ense as ; e s oc I ''I
th , ased from ), fr. Goo. I I I I RECTE I I . I .fort; le by Couimillors and loutsider� alike. va6, ber- Fifth class
to heifer was purch � at Port Ryerson, Norfolk co#nty, WI ile I will IN e a 0()nqert i a tho q -'own :1 Hall, COR We Were misil -1st Isabelli
it was -not anything like suffici t 2d Addi King, 3d Wm.41 J '
he purs-Res biB studies at Ann Arbuir'. Oia.Tue3day-1,107elling next, for tb � bene. asto our stath enf. rriade last Nit Oak re- During ti is A: scussion the opinion was . 0 � I �o * . . ones,
Sproat, and the bull fro Mr. G. E. L . ; ! � -
fa - -Mr. .. . R. Counter has. ha the at ow ; fit Of I eif 8 Iriday sQhOQl frand. 1� goo I the! free meet -the demands for their meat, mid Fo th claits- Lst Win. Frw4r, 2d Re-
. Cresswell, of Tuokersmilth, This shows I I specting the! nting of Mr. WiOatb very ly xpressed that a $116,000 '
I windo of his store re-fitbed� ItisroW1 progi uamet:: 8 lout. I , I : - farm. Mr.Wrghthasnot renkd�his bopuswoildiiot carrif at the polls, on account of its excellent quality th�y bec,,a Peac:)ck, 3d Elizabethl MeVittie.
what is thought of Huron thorough- - I � . I S q (I. . . � i had no trquble-iii getting a much Iiiiaher - Se lor t I , � C , lieli,,Xones, 2d
. I .
of the handsomeot Nv�ndows in 1; MA 11.ETSII�� Fam lvh"t,* � 3c; spring, farm and hasn)interition of doi ill sffl�e of the Councillor,4� contending that , ss-Ist Nei '
breds by the stock -mien df the Prairie O'no I � I V . I
t . .1 town.- Work on Mr. D. D.Wilsonla 11 W 4 95C V $1 ; 1 I IC to 5.7c; oaftis, 276 11,t_-tESS.�Di)htheri�a is- Working its it would be a difficult, matter to pass price than, other dealers in the markidt. Edmund 'Smi rj I .$a IBM Gibson.
.'Province. I . i 11 . is, a 0 1 . � I
— I . " if . " . We might!say they will again be in. the Jur ior thirA ... I
I 0 i buildin; is being p:u�hed jahoad rapic ly ;� to 28,. 7 bald tyl 45c to 1,524 , haill $6 tc y " the' eastern side cf evein a $10,"000 by-law. In answer to a I I I 68-lat Joh� H. No-
. . - I I . .
I � I . .
. d the 0 - ; gds, 15d; win n Killoi 0 hat re ark bir a centlemar�presentibhat market this season, and farmers -csn Vit iie andjau( MoVittie, 24 Lucy A -
Two EXTRN PAGLS.-It 1 will be no- &n brick work is noW nearly oolni $T; 1 u!tter,�" 9 ,to 2 School Sectio I 0. 8, Me . the , �Ir
I r I . r , t! per barrels ; �'a ght by Miss .. C 1 rely upon receiving the -very s d lat BrechE -
ticedthat we publish this week with pl eted.- -M.r. John Rogers, akne of�, : a " ter a' plea bla n picb ed, . � . i . this, school, ta a,f g I'll 3 bo us prEviorii grantied to the road � price for their pork. � i mrid& Seemd
Tm,. Exiwsrcoit two additional pa oldeatia-erchants, has closed up -bi - Pobatl) a�2 MOYI&Tl,.isn w1ciose4for a time atil hail nob been a payin:,, investment for ' cla, 8-18t ,Mag
ges. , , ]%- u�,, to 30o, I i , , . I : I I gie Calbeckk,! 2a J-osib
, � 1 "I 7 i
Thi,i is readered necessary by the malm- ' bee I I . rom.ft . Ilie, 3 M :Johilstou� Sellior
. ness he -e and. talks of going to A�i i Nol 0 3i. 'Ge(rge DuvidBoxi, bar- this malignahtl di§ea'a has �I!f
1`1 T I . 7.7 0 I Idi- thQ111111licipality, Couicillor Weir,ex- 1 (F - n occasional correspondent.) � Sm , ary .
I � - I �
. '. � I
oth advertisements of 'Messirs Duncan to6m, wbtere be will again enga I neBs in iker',� ays he cannolt fill he do. cated. I ! . I Reave P�.rkius and' Aenry Perkins, I sTicr-. t DxsPzxsxD. - Our -vill*e , class- -1st 'Aggie iiorre4 2a Jane
112LI . � go ln.�. �e_ 1, I . 4 f .. � i I . JU . I I fira I .
; ;
& Duncan, which show f6lr themselves mere ile brade-.-Deliveries of 'tain I mands in Ili i line tbis tall-, the prder . THri, ,Boss AO-PLE. r. J� I)Urlw, Lf EsIl., advance some sprong arguments I Squires aro getting their hands inl nice- Wr ght, ,81 Le ' Tunior
. . ,�dwina �Ji4, ,
I � 4 ' firs, i class Robb 12d Annie
� .
and which will well repay caref ul per- on our in&rketb-coutinue large. So krth come in so f sto:' V'hen a4ed if the I the 5th concession 1of McKillo I has sho' wilig that Howick ; had received a 1 ly. - Scarcel a day now paases witholat I I at I Sarah I I .
I . . � I . . . q I � , : . y . -I I -
. usal. By this arrai�genaleut "notwith- 1 1.8 One cf 'the best graiii. markets in, P.,:W a the ciuse, be BaiddLe CO d no growing i bi Orchard an enbriaitoug ar- gr,eat lift towards civilization and pros- !- some suit from the adjoining Vill I Bric henrid , �d Noble Johiiston,. 414i
I . . '
4 . a
Stan armerSB( QM ' i that. It's easy 13"OA inig whic . I country. IThey, get the name Axiiiet Eak,t. ��
ding the large space! t.aieu up by Woster4 Ontario, and the f , ad -mi- . pie, the MeEl, urement, of: -which i4 17 perity by the advent of the line. Conn- of 1
. I I I .. - i beilag I I I
w1vartiBing, we a.re eiaabltid to give our to knOW it, as they come frotia. fax'' and side 'f poli�i,,s Geor e b90 8 0. I inc es one ay an 16 iI1C lea 0 ci ora o 1 ias on in Jacques ex- I fearless and unprejudiced in t � ,ills- i The fell lowing is therep�rt of the'
to this market. -Mr. Gi� W. dm: r I : 1, atailding of a pupils il
-Teadiers nearly three c6lumns more 1 near n_ AM SoO.-T lie far -in of t a Brock - 1 other. Mr.. urie's oichard is har to plKined t 'at the were -satisfied that I charge of their duties. ; I . a i WiAthrop
- � . . i . 11 �y I
reading matter than usu�l. Consider- I lock, Of Hauailton, Dephow of Mrs. entidgE est�le, co osed of lots 1.1 and beat in qua Atity and - qualit orth,ast, east ane Boutheasb parts 1 PERSOIXA�-Our much esteemed cifi- sch , for Septe,42ber .- The
I I V , Y. " a n ., i . . O , Mc., 1�. i I - p
of the towns rd standing is �asqd
I * �
able local news. a,nd orlgi�'al matter will I Graba.m, of Egraondville, was awarled , 12,i in t he & 3t cone ssien ,of Gi e Y, 20) thin a - largei - I would iike to b �&4 , bip wo Id oppose the I zen, Mr. K D. Fleming, artist 86111 on good coi�duct,pro-
Provincial L . . I n I ! � I I .
be found on the second a6d third pages first prize ait the � for a -r I- I acresi was � $ ld I ly uqt on at. th 3 from. I i granting of a bonus, as they were sup- 1 sign write�, has removed to Winghax�a i ficienev an, diligence: Fifthlclass-IA
I I � . . � I - - I � . - i
. I
(f this issue. toctura drawing. The desig n Waal no I Qdee-al H6 e , Bri ssels, ou Sat urda- , I Mom: BIG WoRic. ' a, p1liod wit� r i1road facilities by the : �: where he ihtends learning the traNe Annie GoN nl Ck, 2d Dani6l McFal-
1 . . . I -Three mei it J I )ob . _ :of I : � I - �
. : . I . . . - zean. o*t th class.- Ist IElizab.
. last, and Was - pure a ased : I y M r Johi i Stewart, Jar lea Ritchie and Jot in D exi - Great We 3ter , and a&vised tho' repre- 1, cu. A-� he is a gentleialau of fine I
- - for the Troposed new Parliament bu*ld-' �: . tter. F eth
I GOAL OIL. 11 : . 1. � i . I
I . aclb't the arn'turi . ave no doubt he M1 8 I Ale,- i er, 2d � upbemia GoVenlock, Sa
complain b�itterly of the recent rapid Soafor.t Cur ng Club will be BrusBe iwas auct* , , .threshed 161 .. . r, - ves to reduce -to : taste, we � Cali I Third classi-Ist Tsa- -
Housekeepers generally i iDgs.- meeting of the: members of the Taylor ofi�rey, for 55,650 -1. R. coop. nis, all belonging near L sentati t will :
. I li � held ! at I or, , I io near. ushols of wheat i- I ol $ 1 0,000 or $12,000 in o cder to make the an excellent workman. His affla e i Jes, i
increase in the price of � � � I I I . , ' i . i I
� co 1 oil. With- . the CiJimmercial Hotel on Tuesla� Fil Emini's Corpri!EITIO '-,.-I)ur fi�erme hour. They Ed o threshed 05 blis - e13 by-law blaccessful. Mh Beattie said be i manner and courteous demeanor� won - b Pell 1: Calder, -A Daniel S�hras, 3a
. , r . � I I
.in tbe past fe* months p ices have ad- I evening next for the election of offic -inten I to *npete f6i tl e pr .ze oil Tues -1 in'30 minute . This work was d no was not'antliorized to accept so low a 11 �bim many friends here. and no 4oubt ! Hir m. Blan0ard. Second !class lot
Is I . I . t �
I w , es W I soon surrouid �' Jo h Kdiany, 2d. V
,eut. This ad- a,nd baqkiDg otber arrangements for t day re a gbam celebratioill with one of Glasgow & Mop e,rsc 11% fig1n d at I the same alibi Vm. enny, 3d
vanced a,bout 100 per q a I to as this. He ad expecte . 8
I I �
vance is due to a comb irtation an the Coming winter. -Several of On 3 �. of 1 the operi[xi'a, of their .-waterivorks., ; I J I
r to i -) . . �� End Shake I achiries, on tha m of -., � least $15,000 f rom HoN, dick as its share . him in his new field of I&bcLr with a full an Govenlock. Fira -1st An -
part of the CcLuadian ref . ,�
iri�ers and crudel men h,�.Nre been spending the MOB 1o,f The best to I e running frow a certadiii INTr. ThomaBtici lot 16 on. thr., 14% of the $300,000 required, to' widen the :1 hat of joi good fellows. We wish hiba drew Cald6r, 2d Hugh Alexander, 3a
. I - I i �
[41 pr I I I ; - � ;
erving their bez , t Be b use i . . .
oducers, and it is not likely the i this w4k in Goderich a point � to th � 1 Be b � pplocki thel: concession. , I I I gugge. Ill othar munic ipalities in BiBted I every succ(,ass. '3 ,' Katie Ca I
I . I I I I I . r.
top has yet been reache4l. We under- ! . � I i _______ . - - -L 5 !
_ loved country in the capacity of ju - door,t�%kingy ) Wi;h h se oh,! ST.R-CCK By LIGHT.NnqG.- �uring :;h� on 'such a Iredu ctiou as' this frdin the � � -The follo, - ing shows the arith-
� . 1 ) t the cart . , I I I
. . . I I I I .
- stand that the Messrs. JOhngon of this men. -On Mondav last, while ou I running to t -lei hydrant, atl aching and I the C4mpany I $chool Re � ! fTe Cal st djing of Luml" school
, lip ! thunder stoini� on Tuesday Entaninil sum aakeld cf them , . ports.
.town, who are extensive aealers, ill I I ; ! I .1 11 . I me py
nt Whig wa� � -tairi , 10II
oil, ; way between Wi, hrop and all tbro eflon ,to a 06i .1 spot-! last, about S, clock, the barn o a ,113' wotild falli far short of the amciFnt re- I The following rerorb, baselid on prdifi- ! for he moi:th nding Septerriber3oth:.
have imported a consilpment of I � 1) . . . I I
the Mr. Ro ert H. Johnston, of ta y, ;,The te t is a goicid. ope. ,� farm of Mr � Thomas Honderiscii, loti quilred at a the a me wo Id fall ' ciency I and good conduct! showis tfie ! Fif � clas 3-�st Kate Elleringtou, .
. . - . I I 1�
American article, which, after paying � droppe his pocket book fro M1 his kI MONINLY FAI�.--Mho mc)nthly cattl I Af�er c erable T I -e pup�ls of Roix- JFo� h cla�+Is s Stleacy and
duty and transport cha;.rgeB,. they will I I - . 1. 1 29, %concessio i 10, McKillop, wa$ E tri L through. I urther - correct standing of tl
I I et. It pontained about $15 in - A a. ; fair be Ut� Br 4ssels, on Septem ber 30 � I 0 I. the ' boro school, McKillop, for � the month ! Jes I to AndE rso#, 2d Rachel Bishop an(, '
. I by: lightning �vnd set , on fire. Bef 3rt - ais o�ussion, a r 3solution authorh Ing I - Bi �
,leaving - bDth. Boiler anything con [d be done to save it li� ,, submissioi i of i by-law for 512,5 00 was of September: Fifth class - list F14a � Robt. E ng
Tie able to retail at a very slight aq- [ The finder will be rewarded on wasla elk %til,endel 'by � . at
I I . . Senior third -1
TO -nee on current pricesifor Ca,nacliah, ! it at this office.---7The Se0orth Firem an I auxid. bu era,, � Uere wex to :95 head o whole building ... as a mass of flarr esi; jan in ly pa8sed by the Cout cil,and � McClure, 2d Betsy' Dodds, 3a Ja 6 Th s Green cod, 2d Lizzle Green-
. -1 � '
Oil, while the former is miuch purer an ac , ... I I . ' # ird-18t IKaggie
11 I !cattle and 1i yrB i Ou e E tated he would ,recom- : Black, Uhi� A. Dickson. Fourth class ;woo . Junior Fyfe �
. itendacting to WinghiLin oil TueBd I the groqids, 0. , -ag house i n4 I I . I
better than the latter and is preferred to #om W and the barri, drivi I r, Be -11 . q "
a- hich '71 hel:,d were sold at good1prices stables, with: their contents, W 3 3n� I -1stLiza'Hays, 2d Nellio Hays, d ! and. Harriet HaXrig, 11 I
;ete c at� C mpany to accep� that I i
in the Firemexlla1 Tour I ' I I th� . 2d Wrilhelmins-
11 cOn8am6r8,_, even at a considerably rine.-at. ; I �
1, 8
t, tl li I I I
� � 0
�_ I Ort I
r �lo p
tb ' k
il , Vol M , st e
k I
- ., H ad
6nig 1�
0 se 1
lil� b
4 1 a
� 4 tA,
: y L-1- I
hi I 0
d 1�
. , I �', I 1
2 x I lit
i1av 9,
06 0
1 �
i P ,
u IL: I
I 11 �
p �_
1i 01 ,
� .
:1L, �l
I h
ill h1a
I L -1 b�_, I
it, n I I
' I
I r hi I
I *
I h'
71 �! Ii 11 -11
�l th
h , I �Y��_,
al lef
in in � i
I I "
i Itc
I I �
I 'rtad
I �
; y .6 i .
i � D, onsu e nly rti � ve, 4th Maggie 'Walkar. ' Kyd , 3rd licca :Cann.
! May they come boMA19 with t to 1; The commit ied: make it a rp le of 1 Jivinj tirel 4. The o I . - s.Elizabeth Grie -1 1 second
ltdva,ncerl price. There must be some. $40 pt1ize.-Messrs. ' prizes to pax; des who sell i I he I uges I that were )ve neral 31, i clas -1st � nk
. . -Teo ge Steacy and Fran-
. -
rig when oil can, be and Alelx. Davidson have Bhi'ppea a ,er number of a , also fo� p0tiesx an old mowhig machine. Thes� buildt, will be a nsi4lerable oppositictial . -
thing radicaily wro James, McGufhe I � rei g I -It is the 9 or Inion thait there , Senior third class -1st Jeanie Dicksc. I
c-arried hiandreds of miles, a Ileavy duty 1 E)Cei I it in the : 2d Mary- Sparlina, 3d Adeline Wr_ , Hor -'On, 2d aggie Ellerington, 3A -
1. I i � I I 171 . � .
coll'il- ing m0ab in fattest I I , -
� �3 I ,000 boxrels of apples to the old r ley ; al3o f ! beas ; ings containe,d the whole of the sea township p this by-law. But, although rance, 4th , LTohn Hays. Junior thi'd i Eup 4 :
� � ; I '. . r i I �-emia ]Kvd .
� . � i � . I � . . . � -_ �
. ! � . I I � . I -
. . � �
- I I * I � . � . I � � !
- . . � : I . 1 . � . :
i � . . . :� . � i . I i : � I
. I . I J .1� . ;
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i i , . 1. I I . I � � � I I I
i: � -, :
i I .. I
. � i - : � . I : . I F
moololph.-- I I [ ! I .. . I i � �
I I : I : I .1 . . i i I , i � I . I - I � i I I .
. . � I I
sialirm a.wv�
1. :
_____ � .
yallues -from -51 90 to �
- �. 19- Mgnt)k Cot -b-9 froin 6% 14 I
I *3 I � I
Blwk lCashmeres froln 760
0 -
;a F,aaey-pms �Gtoodtsbom*
. .
- -
V � �
A- - vxioto frow,60 -to 14011 �
0 J &ray ranualts very rhosp, ,
� I I
. .
. wlulcev fieln Be to Boo-, I
� .; I
N I . I - �
-UjIderelotlAng, I
. .
A 4Mndwn's Undetc-lotbing,
.0 .HOOP $jliru) - � I
14 - 7 � I
i� Bl"k V�inges. I
I C01=40a IFTinge]ii, , -
- <
0 . Chenille 8biLvIs, �
. -
1-4 .
AR W-001 Long gbs'wls, I
0 .
14 .
Ia Tineel and FAI3,6)r . .
. I
M Uuebings In VeSt vaxiet3
:�f . - 4
-4 � '1?&%dy=,&d000tfii119,, r:
:� I .
. I . .
- ; M,dn�s 13xlits from $7 so �
14 . L . J
.4 :' lafees 10vermats, $40' V�
. 1
04 ,
.. Boyle -,Sults, $6 t* 1$8 60, i
.4 L �
. �
19 - � I
X L Boy�"o VarZoiatS, $5 to $1
. L I
a : . l
. -Xtes undertilott".191 __ i
Ia � - '
I 14 � 'Xt�� H.'atS, 'rAery icb",I .
14 1 1
, .
. � � :
W xteis CS1113, .
: .
14 � i Boye nats, I .
I , ��
� I
'� I i BO.Te lCaps'- Ac -L, &t. - .;
. I I
� L I
- _. 11 -,------
I .
. L
- -
i .
I . . I
Before Ion Muke your Vniq
. . i
1 � �
� . . . I
- I .
.. SMITH & V.
I I I L .
. . . . . . . .... F. i
�� ., �
11 I .
. I - I !
. I .
� I
: 10 - .
. . 1890. i FA L.L I �i
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i- � ...Q�
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i .
I � : I
i . I
I JR T T__J 1-2 IS, ME;
. a
I 4 z -4
. ;
I i I :- _. —1
t i �
I joy �4
1 We Y4�re stow. very bu .
I ,
. ovJesigns New IFIL11 41-4
__�' ich***�* -fair the -Serifti
1: i
lne,utg of �0-ur 13saftLess. �
� L � Jr, itbLtf 'Nfeaeo]a _10 '.os&e 10
. �
- L . , 4 I -*test ever 1
- -1 - ,eisti ia# _. F,t
. Sfeitfo�rth. -
I � I �
� I I L
� I
! .
� � . -
I. � .
� I
11 : the taple, DepSit-MLIPPut, -We Aft.
Grey Qptitous, W&Ue -0010=;
, * #,Towels,Toi
I .... L , E;Wrtmg -
� .
; , ,!Deribus, Hollauds, 141
I : I ment, for vsinie, -,
I M � I 4evalt I
i ' .
Vas, ed.., ;
. � .
- . , 1. . -
I I .
.11�' . L I L
� -
- a 1 -
t S. L q
I �
Olb � Drim Department we $M-,
. 'Ell -,'k 1�ustrfafs kisik Caghwev
I Qu �hs,-,,Coj;or�& Lustres, V010)
I � The NAe'
.W Shades in Costume k
Busino"An Fwaq Ig*a 4
L d J 7 F1 . .
� .
vxxiety� 'Cut 112 'cent Unle Z
I V*-aredLostres ioannet be _-q
make �amyxaistske-12:eents J!
Mee ot thefte ki0oi and yon!
. I .
- I them at -the maoney� -We U
jBt-oek:Qf Min aud ,Checkea I
� 'we isre jshowing:st very low Pril
. ��
- Our A
t _
� I psrtw�itwelate Nhowing:& 33�
. I Flower -A, F,estbgrs ,Lnd. La"'
-Stylos in M, ts -Aud Bonnets, � ,
- . Trit Inge in a&LrUt- i.
. nmi -the,4
. . - � .
. is nuder A-rst-d"a =SM901110
. � �
Largieet, CheAped Wad Bat 8
. in the po=t�% Tlwaa ,Good
,ch"ed'at AiLetion b* our Kx
. - I -
. RMtrealland caim;t beishov
. rAer nouse in Town. Ileu
hale -a lArge sto,ol- ana are Ae
� - AtN
,bt:our, busiuess we arre ,
please, - ' �our tug
43naeavors. . etFineGoods
Iment,*0 b this Beason V
0i former etiorits. and AM �
Grand Stuck. Scotch Tweed
tY froln $15 per Snit -to -�,
T'Weedlt, h Large Stock ialwa
Line of Frenchtmd EngUsh
,G"rai�ti,e a Berleot Fit &ver
Morl leiviing their orders vitl
. hviring garmenft made to ple
--- :
- It
Ftumishingl)i; .
.PAA;�Ientwei f
R&ts a,n<l Capts, Gloves, Ties,
Under Clotbin_'
_A�_. Goods Departmient we are -
�, atook Of Vrwmgs., nuffles, �
I &O to i
- - , .
. line of 4-buttion Xldgloyw, W
at the price.
. Ptlyers will 4 wa to I
befort =king their Fa
R ��