HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-08, Page 8• 8 R NOT A WORD, MIND, TO i DINAH .ANS. 'Not a word., mind, to Dinah Ann 1" Dinah Ann herself, th wife, having. strolled . down in the sWeet stillness of ti night, heard these snggestiv� the gig Oiled up at the gat busbandescended from it. pleasiug little woman of seg and th' ty, with dark bre bright, fresh face, and a n pensity to take her own house and out of - it. D speaker's the garden ie summer words as e, and her She was a en or eight wn eyes, a �taral pro - ay, in thse awing bank from the gate behind the well 'sept hawthorn hedge, she wait d for what was to come next. "Not a word, for your life, mind, to Dinah Ann. "No fear," replied a voice, which she recognized as tat of her brother, Harry Leete. •'I .know what tegmen are.. She'd be for—for revolutionizing the house, and herself too, once let her get an inkling of this. No fear, James. Take care, on your side, that youdon't lose that—or let Dinah Ann find it." "I'll take care. - When are you cone - beg to smoke a quiet pipe with me ? I shall want your advice as to--" "One of these evenings," interrupted the lawyer, as he drove on }gip the lane. "Good night:" James Harbury, subst. tial farmer and agriculturist, came t{ rough the gate and turned to fasten 't. Had he turned the other way, to he left in- stead of to jthe right, he would have seen his wife standing against the hedge as close as she could stand, almost - into it. He dic- not see her,' and went straight up the path to 'tine house. When his footsteps had died away,Mrs. Harbury wound her light summer gown over her black silk apron, caught hold of her lilac cap strings, lest the cap should fly off, and ran swiftly up the narrow sidewalk, got round_'to the back, went through the house, let drop her gown andehtered the sitting room, all calmly, as soon a - her bus band.. "Got back?" she excl med, with quite .a look of surprise. "Just come," repliedthe farmer "Harry drove me in his gig." "What brings Harry up here in hi gig at this time ? and why did you no come back with Hall?" inquired Mrs Harbury, who liked to be at► the begin ning and the end of everything. "Harry had to come," said the far- mer, who seemed to be walking • about rather lestlessly—and vaho never thought of such .a thing as refusing to satisfy his wife's questions. "He got a message from the .Down Farm to go over there without loss df time. I thought I might as well come with him, Dinah Ann. As to Hall, I left him stuck in the taproom of the Tawny Lion; he didn't order his gig to be ready before ten o'clock." "Just like Peter Hall 1 You'd have taken the reins yourself, James, I reckon, had you come back with him." own mare, wit; .oh he eithe rode drove ge. tall, sten years, ve some fea ing as ui farmer , sentin g cultinee anc�esw cc-�nld vi *ieniper e all peo love of "warm uuivers ing. of hien. Too saving, his,wife wo tell hini, and where was the I use of she world t,sk, considering she hi neither ohiek ier child ?-11-and ev now and then she • would imake t • money 1y, for she was a dear lover o smart attire and of. having pretty thing about her. James would wince a to be careful, but he ever we kth of telling her she; spent t He was fond of her and she I; er chick nor child. In that f_. had laid a sharp sting. They had be married eight years now, and the st' was wearing itself away. Pilule sate all thins. He had never 'given cause f r an unhappy thoc}ght—un to -night. He had never bad any crets from her, except thaly. he ue brought to tell her I what t m was that he was enabled a the end of each year:. Din erall 9, being sick. (He was ier ' man of nine and thir y hair, with exceedijngly, ban t'.res and mild bine {ayes, loo Mike the popular nmtion . of a man could look; and p a. marked contrast tb his tag neighbors. So far as appe ent, none of them, rich or po e with Ames Harbury, and x and bearing were alike gentle.; ad one fault --though perh le would not call it a faui �aoney. That he was one of t i e cat" farmers in the -district, • as lly believed, and the! most s : v- 1 bid . her the lent much. him. Neiti could b exact su put by t Ann Harbury did not care for tha she new that, however much it mig be, it was all for her.f- But she did care for this -this m5 s terious :;Secret which had come to h: hearing to -night. She knew how go looking James was, how universally was liked by : man and woman, a what. a kind heart he had—She put i ''soft"—and something like jealou began W tormeij her spirit. - 11 0 c • •: 1 e e When James came in again, the su per tray was at one end of the tab and Dinh Ann, an maternal light her eyes sat at the other end, near.t ; lamp, h ving - taken up heir ' knittin The farmer's general manner was ea+ s and plaid, though he had certain t seemed estless'after leaving the gi; . 1 but. now he was calm again. "Well " she said, as he cut himself slice of a cold boiled beef, "and ho did you find. White Bess ?" "Oh, he seems comfortable," he r plied, to . king round for the musta pot. "You deceitful villain ! You kno you did not go near the stable," thong his wife. . 'You are sure you think so she added, aloud.. t -- "Ay. White Bess will be all herse again to morrow, Dinah Ana.'" "It's , ore than I shall b ,," thoug Dinah A n, "unless I can c me to .t bottom f this." He ate his supper ,nearly in silent: like a mien who is •mentall preocc. ndhe enjoyed it too for hew: gry• , do you ever hear anythin tat Emma Land?" , Harbury laid down ;his kn.1 and fork in surprise- at the q estion an looked across at his wife, Whose fat was bent over her knitting.. "Do I' Land ?" you ask n "Oh, he'll not get as - bad as that. Bat I say, Dinah Ann, it's a sad thing about Partridge at the Down; Farm. A day or two ago he went out . with the laynaakers—and you know what a man he is to work when he does set about . it —got into a heat and drank a lot of cold eider. It struck to him for death, o make his they say, and Harry is gone t will." "What; a dreadful thing!" exclaimed Dinah Ann, who had a feeing heart, with all her curiosity. "Ay, 'tis." I think I'd likle a snack pied. A very hur "Jame now of tl James 1 t 7r e 8 e • e ever hear anything `ef Emm: he repeated. "What can make hat, Dinah Ann ?" ``What can make me ask it? I don` know. T'he query happened' to tom into my mind. Why -should I not as of cold beef, Dinah 'Ann, though it is it ?" late. I got talking to your brother in hia office and missed. my t a, so I've ''Do I hat p" had nothing since one o'clo. k dinner. "Ever ver ear of bar ?" While Phcnbe puts it on, I'll just go and take a look at White Bess." "White Bess is all right," said Mrs. Harbury. "So ranch better that Evan thinks you might have ridden her in moat be.l You know she did, Dina to -day. No need to go any. see her DOW." Ann." "Better, is she? I should like to "But Eihe may write from the We Indies. Perhaps give her a look." psi she does. Does eh He took up his hat, which still lay on write to you•_?" ' ' the table, and went out. Mrs. Har- He shook his head to imply a reg: I tive,'and occupied himself with hi bury's- eyes followed him ; they were supper again. Emma Land had one full of speculation, and her mind also. upon a time been a somewhat sore su• "I don't believe he_is'gone Ito look at ject between them, for Dinah ,Ann w the mare," soliloquized she. ; "He'd not jealous in the old days. disturb her, now he hears the is. all "De yon ever see her, Jamfee ?" right. And how absent and idgetty he "See who ?" seemed. There is some mystery agate, "You know. Emma Land." and I should like to know what it is. "I cant think what has put all thi 1 wonder whether—I should not think into your head to -night, Dinah . An --no, I should not think he can have How is 4 ?" stolen out to meet somebody," she coon- 'But coo you ?" eluded, her tone dubious in spite of the "Do I what ?" stress laid on the "not. '-'See leer." Stepping lightly into the kitchen and "Why4 how could I see her ?! re giving her orders to Phcebe about the turned he, in a sort of he gess tone supper tray, she caught up an old , that his wife fully though was pu waterproof Cloak that hung ni the back on. "She is in the West Indies and passage, threw it on to hide her light ' am here" dress, and crept out after her husband. i "She may not be in the It was a very light and beau iful night .now."- -in fact, it could not be. said to be yet 1 "I don't know where she as dark as it would be, and that is never there for all I know, and I' dark in the fine nights of summer. does not} matter." ' ran her ' "Ask no questions and you must be : stories," [thought his wife, q lime familiar to her in her siness to i da s all of any I ret they I shoLiId not at all won na Land has c "There is no sense in it—hat I see. "But do you ?" "Why where i think—t long ago, you know she went out to -I - as it ?-the West Indies, her friends there.—ever' s Nigh upon eight years t "For him to lose his tea, thoughts, "of all things. I some un couemonly urgent b' induce James to forego a me kind. I do wonder what se have got between them. 'Nut a word,; for your life, mind, to Dinah Ann,' cries he. 'No fear,' answers Harry; 4I know what women are—and she'd l� revolutionizing the house, and her- self too.' Yes, that I should, but it's them I should revolutionize, not my- self," she emphatically pronounced. "It may be that old love affair cropped up again—that woman who threatened to bring an action for breach of promise whenJames married me. Perhaps she has been writing letters to him. 'Mind you don't let Dinah Ann find it,' says Harry. Or perhaps -perhaps James has been foolish enough to let her meet him.- Harry,; not a married man him- self, and a lawyer, would lend himself • to any earthly thing without scruple. All lawyers do. This rural district, remote from the haunts of wily men of the world, was givon over entirely to farmers and farm- ingiuterests, simple minded and simple mannered people, w?io lived out their uneventful lives in the routine of daily duties. The small market town of 4 Northam, four miles distant, was sleepy and primitive, never awakening frons its slumbers save on the weekly market day.. It had its parson, its doctor, and its. lawyer—Harry Leete— I all three of them being nearly as slur- pie as the farmers. Not simple in point of intellect, it must be under- stood, but as to life and manners. This' (Thursday) was market day. Jarnes Harbury had gone to it in the • gig of a brother farmer, Peter Hall, his but Em again." "May we heard rr east Indic i. She' sure i 11 hear n oting th drool gir er, Jaynes Mme bac. e. Two or three ears ag she had married out ther "Who heard it ? Who sal "I know I heard it ; I re quite well ; but as to who sal get thate--your brother, I thi she had married a cousin." • • t it? ember it it, I for- k. That "Oh ! Tot that that's u likely, for she was wady to marry anyb dy. She'd have m rried you, you k dw. ' She laid traps for you." "That s about true, I believe ; but I did not fall into them, Dinah Ann.' And laughing good naturedly, Jaiues I.rbury turned from the supper tray to reach hi°s pipe. Dinah Ann rang the bell, resumed her knitting, and fell into an unpleasant reverie. A few idays passed away, thiiiigs= going on smoothly at the farm. Dinah Ann had recovered her temper—at least, she displayed no signs of its beings ruffled. James H!arbury was as usual, save at times he seemed a little absent and thoughtful. One afternoon he went up stairs to change his everyday coat for a better one. "Wheiie are you going ?" cried Mrs. Harbury} quickly, as he cane down again. "Only into Northam. I stall be home early." . "Into ' Northam 1 It's not' market day." ' "No, but I've got a little basine�s there—about those sheep, you; know, tsina wn "O1 cog of w:: it 'ft) —.• a itg d: y o .ess•r tho gh "I sh me le MirH.r ish it eady an - sie "I �a `t o or • er labiaihtbito Bt ah:11 g a/ • oil ill. tlow mit orro to= a• orro td:y's for•ets +a as ,. ti ++• a to • o :' :o is this ul' lik: to ag tine • tol• ET, y ays on t. rni 0 e arne;. eady " j "Bit, iI in , A: ake ou thi fte o -m. ro in: tea "WI y anf t yo, "B si ess " he is gi• b:ingj•st alli..• o t:god b "I'l b tell, w odd :d si•e•, Th s n rw se ting ag:'n rid! .u.n to Leat/ • g i e , rse and he w s c oss • g to the atter ion wa: caught of bla k ante'.' ,:, pufing ney o a ar . •• buildi • merl 'm de 1+• serve a: ware on e , ui • it the built. As it ' as ut o bti fa:tu::df an 'ter, or en :red by wont 's end o nth' rmy na u a ythoug uche t. i `l e a ad In e e 1 ce nde real ze t y, pon ad eo:ntl ben t han ea ht. me Ha: anti m . ve wad it, hat ea ly me lil om hi ••: Ano her e nd s •` 1 no • er, hen lke erly : nd fel'' upo a low . wil desp: rr. 'G d e; vena !" a el in, h lis bee sto pi lanky is of t • e fa icor n er t e w: rld is • e atter ? amec. Let •• e n fot "Ca pior nd ed !" e nhap y {iiia "' ring p ou'v: ruine e. "H so. he he d" as spgges io 'Let e r ' b her: is be ;. pain In He nun h s an s ar • u r ctio•s, otiat s e'c• is ch, st r t any part of 1'ghte• th s fi ," a ga "Ph. b. lige ed it. he fln e i t p� per t ken to E •e ` kin' fri b ank s : re b was a d' 11 b p a in soak hat i t e'fire to you, should be ut out about Risi.g rom th sto Anil '• . n• ere the crea not con• e • e u w th h sten :d ie d rs, s t do a d b ri .dI is sad u found i Si so, his ace i h ids. I I "No , acmes, yo jus a hr this m sans -i -if you o , t of ou senses. Co k ow.' I !, r "Ye:,•u,m y know to lifting • iys ac nd its esp p aced in he ep ace •f t n ce, i •• y! o gr en ek i ba kn.tes,; nd an• b rut. "T•ey e b rut Di "Di • ah A ii p use • t enot=s opt. fro ?" on -�irot er to ye before d er 400. uali ,I •• d n' s a ish nest as • e his fo tun in L ndo an itt:d t ur. oth:r f+ e n es .om: ehe." w J; st't.11 hio of put a a ace as fo j sa ety sere an '• ; t �4sth he be. o0 evl I r ceiv : d the i an Tool. alid t and. uyane• s cava and e Wil eflv:m innott �nbo•. l." talk - m Short hen • r sha s, o ! a yeg t hi ith ou y • da ou at my you so could a bust- 's busi- n yway h you, pulsive had no wn and many th • you, getting I can't hall go ph . ti . And, ght�' around, e go into it ro • away, tvif: Mr James, wren a drove he ata' a yard. gi;; ver • Evan, o' t e, hen•this y : hug: volums on cf ti a chim- g t: et �� as . for - b ewhf use and aver ane was se now, was p brpo l: what - a bo'y from rid, �i r. Har- t Of •d re. He ' • •• an t hi h r. wn .1 11 r. ale rr s Alla • , 1 •'oo• �4 ipie., Dinah 0 ier some "'�' hat in t is spasms; q Ca is phor." olai . ed the ison rather. the ;.itiablo you, James. echesr?" a i . all di no get to m. "Who nate a bre coal Whiter de one yell of broke oeeded, sed ut- n stool n1 • • • p • tcler ahho • h fully e to - to nigh a es,t it z' 1 and ld!t1 ;Neel n yt! Is 10 • '21-1 i den in his d her. se has The orrow . But at you Dinah ing had ht—he e table She t:l� .m what ar;. t no 1 quite e, I in :nd to • 1 •. "Fr•m ile : go, I t a rie with i to adse hi is not :o he has m is bac .� ag eek e t t rest ro y b ought t dro•e "An,; n y u co ld i to su h h le." "I did it wI nti t never 'sed `'Sal ty u stair i "Th : is «Svh, i : . "An wa o$ it." I"Ah, afraid � to spen "An. so stmli•et meekly rej and fre :h hive k ow "Wel , I b enri ht co fides ce ce lure t f wife, b is a los He a this yo r br fo it." '.Wh be ore with th gasped: 'Din h ' Ah, is andwh :re I ave iv D nit you Dau 'I do 't h sit.a1c 'WWI ,I little. as we last Th rs you sai. to gig. .;It ex • 1. e 3' `w," ir. gat bo. 6h 'Wh k `ew e ra ost my rog e th ugh out th. • now, e debt r me, the nig e said, `I had rl d fur , $500 y are nn." e did long on, I away coney. ut he him ; and nd last lad in - 5100. I Har- e, Jam:., how ing ban notes a fiirna c: fire N ebody ever e ftirn.ac was re lot your b ream- ?,, eam?» tb, I jseewr should see at O in Bair locked" ay: to ked.'*' ke ' is neva to .n out t h: i t u oa ed of r th r t`s im euriosit ." 'But farmer, teteen t and the pr Ben "Not : dr Not a w.rd, 1' Dinah . a nu 1 h re e • t is ; yo were ono• an want wo . ld Dinah nn—a ami g nexpectel ," he ' Bo • nets ;'an frills ail t t: bles yo ' not ere ' o s op." - t s ► aures,? yo a have ycttr a t of hu� an • ever,h a con - is t� ife if she s a good ure to be paid u . It $5 0. y b•siness.,nN•rth- on , as to 9ctn s It with ou a good in v s ent 11 f ii ni eoneeal hi bo yon igh ry my not r me me t f the hap ess. rai d, to da at r as a 141 41 a DI ha • he said : about c an. if I don' feel like I an effee di sk:d she ti al gree side it. earDiet ur be wit oo fright, thing , ill " he t been ,p was nd y u go 0 u picio 11 saa 1 se— mes nn !" ver. me OW ate hat of the a my d the be- ery nd h n he so st five a tly, t beg d to n On as so rr ed s to la a re cal Notices. FRUIT trA, FRUIT JAIM3.—F th Gent Fruit .Ter' Strawberrie and Sugar, t BON & YouNG, hey are the eapest. 654 Atea.-4Wanted by SI AGENTS' to sell Musica ing mill feed in lots of not less than half eaforth. 6361t I will pay tie h ghest cash pricee for any of wool picking , Hfdes, sheep and caff livered at my u iture store. No truck cash for every me. Joan; S. Pauxim. il OT tint rell Belle 8 iort s. nut rad To Been* en.—Fo Sale, a lir ula Is of first-clas$ one, 'neon actign, and s ver &Arable instrument. It ost the 19.te Se fort Band $85, eadl be sold t a rare ba-tga n, o very easy tank of payout t, upon sat sf dor • ast of Prisebyterhin Church. an doo 84 'rat door south of the Catholic Church. 496 • ato a Ontario Veterinary College, laforth, EXTRA • FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES GR MORR ISON'S, SEAFORT ALWAYS ON HAND, A PULL, STOCK OF CERES CROCKERY AND GLASSW Vlour, Feed and Provisions, Mill Feed, Sz,c ess and cer plc tee given 1/required. ffice and Res dence, on Jarvis street rth ours from re. Whitne DERBYSHIRE. L, • Surgeon Dentist, GOA f the 'Royal College- of at Surgeons of Ontario. '0 new brick block, Main 8 eaforth, at prepared to ease and ski] (1 CA.R1RIGHT, LI o/ rental urgeons of Ca Office—Ind' n Block, Marke t., has now op tied out an Mai h Queen's Ho el, where he will be . Office open mt. Tuesday iu every taste ftlee s in eeti lege ada LEGA Solicitor, Godetich. 53I `,-/ Solicitors in ObancerY, &c., Goderich,1 Ont.' ILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. and Co Auctioneer . mis- and S loan. Car- qr taking aftl licitor for :he fal attention t avite in the Province Bank of • collections. of Manitt amilton, Wing. :2 ba. : m. IP at Law, S • ol thandBru.selet arly. The above .rm utual (souse paid to Mr 88. licitors t, iBenson I in Cho, $23,000 has this d. All accon who JA cery and Insolvency If Private Feuds y been dissolve . ts due the fie, will pay all IES H. BENSON. ONVEYANC Bank of Co .. .. e Property b a persons up.. out any expe to 58 it by to *W- AG rce D ht the e to LAW, CHANCERY, 11 Canada an Perm and To pd sold. Money inveated et mortgage the n acuities, AND OFFICE Canadia ,and Villa for priva wit RITISH Oat. W e Quietest, tided Hotel entrtiodions pplied. Go XCHANGE HOTEL, God COX , Proprietor. This is o get Comfortable and Best in the Province. The ROom d the Table and Bar _ lib 11 stabling in connection. 6 rronnding country that h nags as General House Pa Sign Writer &c. All wor finished ia first-class Taforth an qinmenced gtper Hanger, rhsted to ffice—in Ryan' block, Main Street, Seal -r Orders left at D. D. Rose's will be pm) ttended to, hi. R. FREW. HE GREAT EMALE RE IEDY.—Job failing in th ewe of al those pcinfu ngerous diSe see to whio'n he female con issubject. It moderate all excess an will, in a sho t time, brill on the month d with regill ita. These ills should n t en by Pomp,' s daring th first three m Pregrancy, as they are en e to bring on c nage, but est ny other tim they are safe oases of bier yens and Spinal Affect s in the bac and limbs, / tiguc on slig e ion, palpitati n of the la art, hysterics ites, these en s will effect cure when all edy, do not ontain iron calomel, anti Inch should be eref-elly pre erved. Job M eilir York, Sole roprietor. '1 00 and 12i to, Ont., gen ral agents or the Demi ✓ urn mail. S Id in Seat° th by Hicks 11 1 a of on - are lly -52 cot- s of has ter, en - le. tly 2 a IP 1 8.1 ses e litu- re- ir be ted. In ex- nd her rful Full nts To - on, -52 PALE FACE HA.GGAR COUNTEN —an attenuated,' feeble rame—an imp tom and an ab once of nut blood. If the enf bled pl • built up in pue a case, it b to the biro ds of diseas 1 fortifying age t, Northrop - and nervous It is a to digestion, c and nervous. tem to resist th ifying properti sique is not the needs o ompt and ce 1 issues, and besides brace se hcaladie to which the i ted are special' pro6o. AS an appetiser, n superior, and it is highly 00 ducive to a re s te of the bowels and liver. cues of pm. r of a malarial type, it is peeially offline i ken when the t has pas ed off. Fever e, billions rem ttent, d b ague, and e, are among th forins of seases begotte sma, which it tradtcates. The choice S e, which hOlds ts ether i gradients in is en admirab e vehicle fo diffusing its t r is agreeable, st efficacious, a lasting and th vigor may be 1 voila persons t there is no ir art its good eff a ire properties of lire virtues of atpa g could he f tors than to y valuable ;me Quinine Wine, MAN, Toronto. a a its, ingredi nte the purest d: Its effec s are pot flee -ou h. A r Monition of h oke forwa d to by weakly ho se it, always euppo em rganic disease cts. It ma be truthfully re, wholes° e tonic, with al high order but to claim acea would femme be abs rth4r from he wish of its xaggerate e virtues of 'eine. Ask your druggist CE ed the in ed- 00- uic ine the din the as lar die nd of rry lu- nic ts ud lth nd to id er- it rd. TO - for GOOD VALUE IN TEAS AND SUG RS. Remembe the Place. A Call- Solicited. OUTH STRANGER THAN FICTI 13 GRO6Eit$ and I.) FLOOR FEED We he,Lele oine of the be Seen to be Happreciat CARDNO'S BLOCK. eters in CROCKERY, GLASSW RE, PROVISIONS, SEEDS,' ,FRUI S, eze• LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and EST West of TORONTO. Goods and Prices Must ie• al GthaVt EthetjaSboAvel Ci s ATLRI-UaEn d wl Ne GruEarVa tee to RY THE VA NA GROCERY STORE. Gem Fr tit Jars at B. Crocks and Milk Jo an at R. Haxb I?. Haxby's—Che FLOUR, QATMEA Dyes, Maddet, Fustic, d The above are all for sa the Varne Grocery. 's ; All kinds of Fresh Groceries, as usu for Cash. utter ana l at AND CORNIVIEAL AT R. HAX6if'S. dbear, Extract Lognrood, Indigo and Package yes. Pure Paris Green. e on the “ Small Profit and Quick Return Syste ROBERT HA XBY, Varn OK STORE, SEAiORT14. " at ING OF SCHOOL BO9KS. CLOSE PRICES.. !BOOKS! C. W. P_AIPST beas to inform the public generplly that he has now on hand fuli Stock ofall Booka now in use in all ublic and High Schools. ALSO A FULL .frAINE OF SCHOOL -STATIONE Y. See my 1128 -page Scribbling Book for 5 cents. W. PAPST, ARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTI4. POST OFIF10E STORE, WALTON. -I- oNcE MORE respectfully be leave to return thanks to my nutnerous customers for theft -kind n estron;ge during the last 1 years that I have been doing business amongst there, and kindly solicit a co tinnance of their favors for the future. I have jus t received a Large and Well Selected Stock of RY • GOODS cf all descriptions. Alse always : on hand a full assortment a G ROC R I Es—TEAS a 8 ecialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the Co nty. A Large S ock of BOOTS nd SH 0 ES--Men6rson's make. Crockery, Glassware, L ps and Coal oil, Hardware, Paints a d Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicinesi Bacon and Harns, in fact e ery- thing rectal ed in a general store Ask for what youavant if you don't see it. Cash or farm pro uce taken in exc ange. I would also ntimate to all parties indebted tO me for last and previous y ars, to come an eettle by cash or ote before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put Into other hands for collection. No i rther noiice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TER S. —I alai also aluator for the Dom nion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan soei ties tit in the Dom` ion. The above SO iety loans money on good farm security for a term of from three to twenty yea , on the most favord le conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. --If you want your life insured give me a ca 1, as I am agent for Vie Sun Mutual Life Aseurance COmpany, one of the best Life In- surance Co panics in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't or - get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business, Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clever, Timothy, Turnia and other seeds on hand. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTINo. HOUSE kND SIGN PAINTING-. A TIMM publi pa eharg eh hope ext nded eel for so OCT i liER S, '18 1). OF BU INE8s E WHITNEY, 8 to et te to her -ens Ormiersend that sh has diaposed 0g her WHIT EY, who have had the prinot. of the usiness for Bev ral ea:mead the sa liberal pat na wilt -14 many ylars. 1. O hand, at the 0 d Stand, a fuliistocr of re Wor of ery Desc9•ivion mtg. bu ess a all its branches, they' hope to con - to he old and NV 14Enown house. fot SO Nally parti indebted to' Mre. Whitney settle ir indebtedneSs with. her at Orle new fi open new booke and. the old statist e closed. Parties desiringto eet so at he store of 'Whitney Bros; ret 0 tober. After that date the please as nsine il the unts un ill be p t into other hands for col- aec lee 11110 0 RD OF THANKS. JA IES CAMPBELL, A ITER residence of seven years in Walton, '.:3- begs o rettt hie grateful thanks to the Far big a nd Mere ntile Public generally for the gen a ons : . pport 'yen him during that time, and begs t . State hat he has new On hand a OOD AND Grp-06E111ES, And -will a ways be Ile has a large of first-clas quality Earthen are of White Lea , (Same ment of Col rs. BO Ott3 8.0 Shoe be obtained. All kinds f Far 657 ready to mete out to them xeasonable price as any nantity of PORK (nideoten very desoription. Giese, Oil, a Specialty, froni the 'wen- ary for a -country store cast n all the lines.: ing Produce te)ten, cash or JAMES 01 MIPBELL. 18 0 ITOB41 1880 II the irst Fr ight lea es tb date . Due otice part' es. start from R tes always the staakptiees &stool:hi:1r; jeoiniarnrgan fro all care in bo 50 Pounds 635 Re the most favo HEAD daa- previous t ail the above ill be given Of ell future ements most :noMplete and hese parties iarozi released :ding baggag fitight, live through with each party,. to ; Centralia '11A 1( OF "COP,AIERCE OF 10E, -ToRs4ro, h of this Bank ebiatinuee •hich interest lie allowed on the p towns and citiee in eat ritain, and on the Uniteel and s up Capita- , esiden SEA 'OR Drafts on a Cana a, on Stet e, bought 0 ce —Firs 639 SEAFO SASH, DO gni subscrib -k- au tomers fo him Ince nommen= business in neefortbaad of thi same. Bran door South of thel COmmercial A. H. IRELAN,'Manager. rbegs leave to thankihienumeron then eral patronage extendedto Pa ties intending to build would d web to glee handaa him call,as he e large .stock of allkind Dry Pine ,Lu? Blinds and Particular aft ntio ouldings,Sh," jigs, ith their patronage,a8 none paid to Cu 'toni Planing 20f JOHN BROA F OT. C SH FO TTAVING ed be Store in illtark's Block, One doornorth of P. Megaxern- Bakery, I BUTTER! AND CHEESE. The ighest Market rice in Cesh ISM be i w. , o_BER,„„„i 4 . GRAV S is prepared tie do ell kinds of House and igia Painting, Paper Hang- 659 • cli A WEEK1—$1 a day at .124oj:'Sne:e °re:8111.1y ng and hitewashing. Satisfaltion Guaranteed or no 'charge made. Orders eft at Will3on & Young's, Lumsden 86 Wilson's, or WO. Robertson' & CO.'e, WIli. $7.44 --1 made. Co tly atilt /rte. Addrees TRUE pad 1 60'52 CTO To Tlm Fa eater o are yen going to no vial Willie' ma, and Robert, au vat woo andbabyanereseee Ana old Dobbin in baday t -you *Ter need ask, neighbor el Teo - is the farmer's gala tla 3fOlit3ureY MuSt be well aware To 114fair. I 'Well, some folks ND* *that's are foreed W./Or Valve:some late oats to harvest analeareest afford tO shirk Trate,lourh.e learn, neighbor Sin.* the boys have all gone a Tied 'TOM Stayed st home whe wiey'd 14.118 been in the barn 71Is a jolty for boys and girls vq-b. the city's alluring din, Canchisrm them away from the Ifor the gold they are hoping VItere health peace, and .001, -with mils no life eau com Dea yOung-rolks and -obi need. ho So Ihri. See we are off—to the/ Van the amusement of e reprint name eacelleut st altc,;" in Edinburgh: In a' 'country parish. elm and very energetio preae 'elating for the parieh min • -warmed with hie subject i he need liberties with the „rite contistent ;with its condition, soraetirnes weight of his boay on. 400 his arms towards Abe at other times bringing hi with a heavy thump. been anxiously wa.tehing visions of an assessment anee of the fabrie. At la ed to be approaching a preacher, pilitear his - wrought himself iato fervor, which would vented itself on the ricket as he was gathering Mx final buret, he was enuffe warning Voke of the lair "14ave von brought asked the Rev. Mr. Wood of a middle-aged couple to be rna-rried. neeentar “Oh, nertainly„" said t bridesmaid as witnesses. The bride, so address female eonsin, whom. th- - had not previously seen, imitation, a man was oleo "Step ve awe,' alsans, Jen set out ae desired, time, returned with the tt cousin being a bloomino younger than the bride. When -the parties had a,rrealged, and the ;minis to proceed. with the cereal groom suddeuly said, nW wee. sir r ter. it wad be the same to yo -er bee that ane—pointin "A. DIOSt' extraordinary make at this stage 1 I'ita late to tslk of Such athin tone of calm resignatio evitable. "Wed, then, gang on; Flexion had none into tit batber, ane obf his parts shaved. The barber wa heavy bouts of drinkin hie la'and was, in consenti at his work. In shaiing on the occasion referred a ern suffieiently deep lower part of the face wit mitister turned to th said, in a tone of solemn see, Themae, what oODID "Ay," replied Thomas The Rev,. Mr. MeDoug was once at a fuueral, stepped up eloee to hi -coffin was being lowered and said, very solemnly, occasion like this., Peet letting doun the coffin ?' thoughte of eternity, s ; aye think I'm elerizal friend, for the far north of Scotian to speak to the ferryma what dangerous bit of s in respect of a too free the course of their 'Tat, Donald, ao you that you would be bet Qtrogether, especially at oat so often when the s will you no' be soenetiro yOurselt -occasionally ; but, Don thinking seriously ab -thinking, and rn ten. y de. If yon will promie altogether, I will." “Aye, well," replied very kind of you, I'm would give you a prorai that I wade's, be able you see, it mieht be a I sorry to think that gettin' your dram, whi Before the erection* the Castle Rock, pass barton had to be 'cony Leven. to the Clyde s boat rowed by two stur -elderly ferrymen. On ea himself on the gun One of the old ferryln danger to any one so Tope -of the steamer e to the bovr of the boat Vern the )3:18di of his a by telling him to "min