The Huron Expositor, 1880-10-08, Page 51880, on Monday, oe, U en Store at Walton, a mantas $1 in bilis a.n4 consisted of one no 1. The finder a Lulling the. same TRg ExisosiTon Lag it to ItOBERT $70 - FURNITURE • Auetion, at the 1, SA.TuRD.A.y, o'elOak, a Tian., a, conaisting ofezd, lades, Chairs, Cap. Idattressos, LNIES 3tioneer. 67a2 CON FARM eived instruction,: LU DER, to sell hia S, in the To-wu- ores raore or lea% r. 151188ot fires aro dearest pod writer, a Aug house slvet, gond underneath. This le anti within sit 4bont 19 acres of 1-sle—s,000 to bc ail of gale, .:51,600 awe insuch time per eerit. per an - le to be held on kat of &larch, 188i. [RALLIIIANN, Ana. 670r1 - A L E ftED CATTLE SHEEP* FAum, BER 19, 1880, 0•01.00., noon. re will son by females and .& er Sheep—rams sad r$ 8, SMITE,, I.tiddleaer Ca., Ont. aderiab. !SERIES 'ItNOLD TARED, L.nzaeryman, begs to forth and the sar- is Stook of ENTAL TREES ry department. ;rho ap, and can eafortit on the duy from the rune 2 feat high for r Roproaented., Give Al] Coranaunioationa RIVOLD, PARIS, oT. 40TICE eh pleasure Ptlitxt of surrounding ur *OA of 'antit, INv very con:1- We have just er shipment ,t0 so much y lad# that Also a few -TilttO and from thU Our stock olored Sat - vets, Feath- ibbons, and excels all i. ($0 n't art iflt UCL rV� goLTlbt rePY(#1/1111101 Algitql than at any Our Trim- t1snntt. De - Jai to that of hunt, em - Novelties in of which are bottom pdrt# -1,nd only one I be pleased any Friends ROTH RS -k, Seaforth. 13 • QcToBE1 8, 1880. Dater sting Items. Five men ave been suffocated while cleaning Oewers in Paris, France. —The first snow of the season fell en Mount Manefield, Vermont, on the 23rdT SheeedPtltemebser" — daughter of Theodore Tilton was married a few days ago to Dr. Felton, of Naw Orleans, in London, England. . —The police have seized four thous- and Socialist prints and pamphlets, including numerous copies of revolu- tionary journals published in London and Zurieh. _ --Jeremiah Dania was fined heavily at Chicago, for driving the horse Crocket beyond the limit of his- physi- cal capacity, in the recent race between .nien and horses.' ' - —Constables ere stationed on the Czar's new yacht Livadia, at Glasgow,, on account of reports to the effect that the Nihilists were preparing to hide nitro-glycerine on board of her. —A young officer of dragoons named valet, who deserted his colors the other day to run off with another man's wife, has just been sentenced by court- martial at Chalons, France, to two years at hard labor.- 1 —The famous . trotting horse Pros- pero, by Messenger Durde, record 2.20, died on Thursday of last week, on the farm where he was bred, near Goshen, N. Y. Mr. Wm. ;Parks, his owner at the time of his death, gave $20,000 for the horse. —Enterprising citizens of Chicago, in connection with : Scottish capitalists, have organized a great enterprise for the construction of a railwey from Chicago to the city of Mexico. The route is be- ing .surveyed, Dallas, Texas, will be made an initial point. —At the_ wedding reception to Dr. Denton and. hi bride in Hancock coun- ty, Ill., 70. gtiests were dangerously pois- oned. It is supposed that a drug was introduced into the drinking water. 'Some guests are, alarmingly ill. No deaths hive occur -red yet. , --The Papal Nuncio has presented, in a splendid marble and ebony casket the gift of the Pope to the infanta Mer -cedes, and a rich satin robe, covered with lace, displaying the escutcheons o Spain and the Pope, made and embroid ered by the ladies of the Roman nobil ity, at the request of the Pope. —In the novelty race at the Eri county fair at Buffalo, two horses driv en by Earl N. Koster and. Godfrey Kline, collided head to head. Both men were seriously injured, Keste probally fatally, and the horses wer badly cut and injured. The shook o the collision could be heard for some distance. • —The Pan Preshyterian Council, the present session of which closed las Friday at Philadelphia, Was largely at hitb., the most - eminent divine he all arts of the world. Rev Dr. Paxton., of New York, preached th opening se on. Dr. Calderwood o Edinburgh, was - elected chairman o the session. • It has been decided to hold the next mectiag in Belfast, Ire- land, in 1884. e r e t Tea Spoons DUNCAN. Jewelry In this. Departmei Jewelry Goods h sell the and ave a as GOLD A Gold and Sil er J Jewelry. Watches in Cold a in the best En Ladies' Gold ,,nd J Ladies' and dents' t we have every any Goodi, a vanced in p, ice ' rid t 1 Gold, Silver lind Pa Clocks in aiFlhe ane at old rices. This Dope, talent i known to the publie—and a 1 Clocks will have pier best atte S L\liR th id G ,• • • ngi,pu ak. ny e will con PO 00 JE‘41*LR lry; L41title Silver, at pries sh, A erican ai Bra nger 1e std' PLAT T • —Queen Christina aedthe little In- fanta are doing well, despite the horri- fied.oppositio-n of the native naemberg of the royal house. The. Queen's English head nurse and.the- Arch -Duchess Isa- bella Of Austriahave- insisted on having the little princess swathed and dressed in healthy Anglas-Sax.ou fashion,- and, so the Spa.' nish swaddling clothes have been disdainfully rejected. , —A tenant- farmer awed Sweeney, who Was under notice to quit, has been arrested in Connection with the murder of Lord Mountmorris. The murder has caused the greatest sensation in Dublin, and it is expected the affair will induce the Government to take decisive steps . to control the utter- auces. of the land agitators. • The jury on the inquest on Lord Mount- morris have . rendered - a verdict of murder by some, person or. persons un- known. —The peopleinseveral counties of Kansas are said to be suffering fur want of food, owing to the failure of crops. The local papers are charged with con- cealing the fact, lest it should injure the State. In Norton county 1,800 peopleare in absolute. --want of food. The. wheat crop -in the above county has failed. June the ground was plowed up and planted -with coni, which has been destroyed by a web -worm. One family lived eleven 'weekson wheat. and bran, another three weeks on corn- meal. —The Queen narrowly escaped an accident during her recent journey to Balmoral. At a station called Soli- hull, not far from Birmingham, a signal nasal was overtaken by violent hemorr- hage which so weakened him as to -in- capacitate- him for attending to his duties.. The poor fellow, however, had presence: of mind enough to - place his lamp on the line with the danger color toward the- engine, the driver of which was thus warned to reduce the speed of the: . train. The • .signal - man was afterward found - lying exhausted near Ins post. - —Lord Mountmorris was murdered on Saturday night,: 25th ult., at Rush - ren, within a. mile of -Clenbur, county Galway, Ireland. He was found, lying on the side of the road in a pool of blood, lifeless„ There were six bullet wounds in his body. He had email estates, which he farmed to some ex - teat. He had, fifteen tenants, with whom he had most unhappy relations. Q-uite recently -he . obtained ejectment decrees against two of them.: .As magistrate he was u upopular, and at a m.eetiug of justices,- which ho had been atteudiug, a resolution was passed call- ing upon the Government to adopt co- oreive nieasures. —The Mark Lane- Express, in its re- view of the British gr-ain trade during the past week, says : 'The mine and floods during- the week have greatly -damaged the crops still standing in the North of Scotland. As the threshing proceeds it isfound., in the midlands especially, that the yield of Wheat is eonsiderably below the anticipations formed during the brilliant harvest weather. This caused growers to 'be holder in resisting a decline. A de- cided reaction has taken place, raising values 114 to 2s per quarter, both in London and the country.. The supplies of home-grown wheat were- compara- tively light. but parcels suitable for, milling sold readily. The larger mill- ers, however, have not shown such in- clination to increase their stock as they would have done if the improvement in price promised to be the first step, to a prolonged rise. There is not Pinch eliance of prices attaining anything but lets an ffB tons) ign in eha 8 41R EPAIRIG tion, ad all srk ICY GOOD able Spo ns, Table I ni'ves, Butte KIMV Salt Stafl( BAC Tobacco Punches, large vai Meerschaum -Pipe 1, cased an large assortme t. Com Pipe Bowls, Ste -m4 Bands ai Briar Pipes, larg' stock in • ber, rubber an other st LAS Vases—La tre variety Cut Glass ealts—We Cut Glass herrnorn( 1_ 0011 'The balance o our Croc of. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Mc Plates, Bowls, &c. 1 si te e 0 e to d wi c la es. TR THi ept in these ilnue to sign in Jet the times, s m 1es. er ca and u 'the ant d. h rench —w o is well lry, Watches or SILVER I ON y. Ci ncascd ition ai Mouth B. D. s—all er , in LI Ld Fp7 rid lot :or ap s. a S /Ma CI hiZ84.. I h C ay ME SPECtA Full assortment of all Spectacle in the market. Spectacles fro le 25 cent Carving K Bread Kni Bread Ku Pocket Ku Cork Sore LEAT ges of the 3 Ulf to $2, UTLERY. eives an es, But ves and. •V68, a v s, Cau E Shawl and Rug Straps. Pen Holders, Penci s. N •A Large Assi ante ill be L 'elebe ted Dia se t Ian a 68. t c ers 1 end Op .11 Is midi Wel r Knives, Telil tcher Ki veS, fly of di rept ners,'K fe Sh N go 05 ake ill ers, 850 red in 1, 2 Ra pr af 8, .haurns, a horn, am- ap, and consists ea Pots, Sugar ctacles—the hes* it. , a full I ne. handle d 4 bla vcc. •ses, a larg of To eared vari ty. nnias, s o uii.er,s • P4 ce • DUN(A .0- ; u al tom a • kiURON • .EXPOSX+40R. OTT-trein, e S jock is c T E H E EMPOR L • t IUM, StAFORTH, FOR AND CHPITC-ALS 1 . r'k rise and Cattle Medicines, Faqy Ggoti8,i4c, Dye Stuffs our li dder M m of Tartar, plete. • ill Itair Bp AleHand Toil enjoy, Alin Shia for cleaning ,Per Rem mel's,l& 8 it Bottles Sac all kinds, in all prices. Cold Cream face &c. shes, 8 rrors. t Soaps Winds() er Compound, E Indigo Compord, Indigo, M Ow enume Goo aving Bri. • st is con Visedin.' part of II; 1%1 tract Logwood, Blue Ston , 'Cochineal, Solu ion gents, Handy Package eyes, Ljnio Package Dyes—in fan our 4. Me a f w of such ^a.., our Fan shes, TooPi Brushes, Nail Brus4es, Cloth Brushes, c, trne, Castile Soap in bars and dakes, To let, such as I)ure Glyc a GI °mime It Se, &C. ing Sop,). Also L.S.lver Soap loth, removng grease, reu vating Kid G1 uniery, s c11 as Florida Wa Perfu ey inLquantity llay the ounce, et PON Smelling flat (. n ubber, Ito ineOonitas i r's Gljr The abo e I vpi an's 0 and Gronn's 'Nurse White end 13 Sha Shaving Sac 'Own, for th iIlg Soa , Pear's So Vitl n Stri Tail -Board, Hair for Lir4r Oil, Ca pop osphites Pierce's Medi er, Ayer's Sa The G-reat S ler% Extract Our ens void ntion, CALL A at S aforth. Ink, Hum Spon Feed Edis Teab Ches Shou Blau Ther ten erg all krds—Jock ts) iiprofasio4. Court Plas bs, Back Combs, Si and Bone, frOm 5 cents to 5 a IvOry, Bone, Horn and Ru for Cleaning Silver or Glass. Erasive -S *es, &c. Dog Soap, forlkilling fleas on dogs. ' 1 er, Lubin's, _Atkinson's, Coudra.,ys, Ilendr se Bouquet, Ylang Yieng, jockey Club,Whitese, Kuli Ku 1 • : 1 1 . to fr Club Sachet Powder by the ouI , PP ce. Preston ors, all kinds. e Combs. arid Load Combs. Dr cents. Pocket Combo in ,Horn, Bone, Rubbe her, a full assortment. Sundne 1, Co ssing bs/ and Nickle 8 lver, rine Jellv, GlyeerhAe and Rose Wa er, Rose Glycer ne Jelly, nd re all elegant preparations foiL the skin, such as sore kau4s, sore lips, roughne of the hand cl and rrTooth ow er. Face Powders, all d ecrm ptions, for beautifying he coplexion. Cosinetique B ack, yPaste, Pa isian Tooth Paste, te, Ede's Cherry Tooth Pa ; Moastache. 'lose Lij Salve, . having Boxes, Pear's Shaving T4,b1ot, Pufft and Puff Bo S 1 o 8, ng n' IT de le ill he e pbell'sluo al ]isoer aperilla, oshonees R traivbe OC II 4 •ani, Per's 0. violet Powders, all pries, both Imported and panaclian. Sundries. Steel an.d all oth john Bowi and Violins. s and Peneils. ey's Homeopa his Medicines —Fine Turkey Sheep's Wool Bottles, Breas Pumps, Nipp Abeorbent I3lts and Holma —0no of the ipost elegant an ote tors, for t e consumptive Braces of all kinds and Trus ook, Paper and Envelopes. eters, Rubber Balls, Lampsi kind, Violin B idges, Violin Specialty. Bath, and Common. Shield, Rubber Tubing, ipples, Teething Bier, &c. 's !Aver Pad. 4. economical necessaries fo the preservation of the teeth. �r a person with a weak ch ..st. ses of every description. Slates, Mouth Organs, &c. MediOines we always k IMP Vi lin ep a Full Li e. yid]. give rou a list cfr the principal one : Scott's Emulsion of od Liver Oil, Ho Bitters, Electlric Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Hickson's Tonic Bitters, Fellows Hy- g Balsam, Tr mmer's Extract Malt, Tilden's Extract 1I lt, Extract Malt with; Hypophosp Awe y, Pierce's Fay rite Prescription, Allen's Hair Restorr, yer's Hair Vigor, Luby's Hair ew- er's Cherry Pctoral, Green's August Flower, Boschee's erma,n Syrup, Leibig' Extract teat, medy, Vitaline1, Vasaline,Veetine, Familine, Eclectric qii, Pain Killer, Medice., Discovery, ow - Pills of all kin s, Ointments Of all kinds, Salves, Plasters &c. a ve the and plus • Wor Ber carp weav sum of Mi Shep The was 14 — LI i 1 y moderateil Vel, if only subjectto legitimate i uences of supply, demand, as I the American sur- , far exceeds 1 the -estiMated Old. a aefidenok, he strike aMong the workmen at which began recently with the nters, has 4 -ten ded to the turners, rs and other workmen. It is as - a serious serious Ipleese. daughter of Senator MeMiliall nesota, was married. to Mr. Frani ard, ot St.1aul the other day. ohoefltuhefoefratl el r2t5,poilio.the bridegroom Canistoga,1California., despatch- says here is greatil xciteraeat over the : repor that the sp 'rigs of that place carry large quailtit es of gold in solne • If is 8aid the iowner of the springs nrptrrocacetislitdoldgfrotorixow the water t:r ie n barrels 4 fi Water. The gold is • ghest grade. 1 The springs are umerous. , 11. harles S. Reed, the noted agri 'at,- declares tnat Emeland could compete wit but Arnerica could rear pigs as well as prospects are ini ganiz tion of the in En bring as ot • tion. has b by a front of the very cultu never Nort sing can dii better than 1tbat. I want you all to srng. Now 1 want to say right here t at you all nke fun of ray sing- ing, t if you all !Sng as well as do you wpl do -well1 do the best I ean, and tliat is all th4 an he expected of any olive. I can eke a joyful noise and you can all do th —A, singular r took plate at the recent annual regatta in Shetland. Shetland women are noted for their /thing- in managi a boat, and Sheriff Lerwick at the s 00XWalli to three damsels in a con- a crew of men titter Eagle. The tested, but ultis On by the Shetlan minutes on a ha, Ok Railway Com- be placed large around and about 1e International 4rtionnt of freight 6, which tests its ecessitates the • !America in wheat, not grow barley nor England. Farmers' ving, but the reor- nd needed. land as : as in Ireland, to riculture to the same perfection.er industrieSi en Dir. mo44's congregation at eid, Mass., i the other day did. not suit hin,lhe said : “Oh, you Thom, who was time, ffered to az strapping Shetlan test between the from e revenue mato was keenly mate' was easily 1 , damsels by over fn mile c =se. —Tile Grand T pany are causing quantities of stone the seVeral piers Bridg . The Jo, and p senger - full capacities, provementa. Negtiations, it is said, are being perfeetedi to double its capes ! city b3t duplicatin t e structure, there- by malting a double track; also to have a drive Way for hor eg and pootpath for pedestrians. The o biiiial plan of the; bridge will be carred. out when the im- provements are intao. —Stornoway, ohs 1 town in the Is- Iand f Levvie, owes a considerable debt t Mr. Win. B ea, and there can be no question; tha his "Princess of Thule't has done much to- increase the the 0 ter liebrides. On her three last passenger traige byl he "Clansman" to crowd el, and enquiry reveals the fact ' „ voyage that stouter steamer has . been that a ery large proportion of the tour- ists on board have! been led to take the trij to Stornoway chiefly. by read- ing th Hebridean.'stories of Mr. Black. This ise perhaps, tbe best fruit of all his work. —.A man at Autwerp, Michigan, thought he discovered a way to th ve his sister-in-law ont Of his house, w - i out co mating whit the law wou1dy-4 gard as an assault. 11 This was to: take up theichair in vv144h she sat and dump : it out through the 1window, including its occupant. He 1 ed a legal right, accordiug to his theory, to do what 1ie. ' pleused with his i wn furniture. Ale executed his plan With violence, Thorte4 he AV& careful not to touch the wenaual, she was badly hurt by y the fall. A `- ; ! jus- tice di regarded. hie argument, and fined : him -1. 15a.i ndsome riing 11:11343. sat day after day at a -desk by the window ot a store at Hillsbor* Ky. A handsorne young email seWed almost as con- stantly at the wincl4w of her residence, jui3t ac oss the street. They began' a flirtation with handkerchiefs, developa t into courtship with notes, and fela4Y, 'eloped—all witheut exchanging la' Tokeii word untilthe night of the flight. i Another reniarka,blefeature lef the caie was the Net that the woman Was the wife of the Rev. Fames A. Caywobad, a highly respected 'Methodilst Pa—sthril Ahmead-Bartiett and hie affianced .. ,., wife, Lady Burdett -Coutts; as seen. riding togethr, caused Olive Logan,(a• womai,) to -write 0 the Philadelphia Times as follows: 1 :"What a contrast! He is a fresh, blooming youth of eight- and -twenty, erect, i ay, the full sap of life bounding thro &a his veins, atte t- ed by his sparlang eye, his peaela y cheek, his ruby Iip1; she .shrivelled unto de,crep tude, dresSed sensibly, as he- *, fits heiage, in a Iblack poke boiniet, beside w hose sombre lack of style the headgear of some Quakeress is gay anil extravagant in form and color; her shoulders wrapped in a dark woOl- len shawl." I i .At the Presbyterian Council in Pbiiadblpliia, Dr. :McCosh, of Pri4e- ton, e *tomized adpaper on “How to deal with young igen trained in sole ce in this age of unsettled opinion," gig. advice was to deal: tenderly and late- yi pare t em thoroughly with every possi- ble in Ilectual equipment. -Teach. rs i should. be cautiousi of speaking in n author tative manner -of sOjects n which hey were not themselves tbr- oughlinformed. Ile remarked that of the twelve hundred graduates ef i Princeton College during his preidency, : only four went away -unbelievers. Of ' these feur three are now in the Dalifi- : try, and the fourth is high in the theo- logical class at Princeton. , —Mies Betsy 'loath, of Greenville, COM1., Icelebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth last -Monday. She does not appear to be more -than 75 years of ago, • and is in full possession of all her facul- : ties. She has lived all her life riear her ' . . presen home, has always beeu tem - perste, iii her habits, and for 45 years has eaten but two meals a day. She had her photograph taken on Monday for the first time., sitting in an old- fashio' ed. straightibacked chair which was bo ght by her ancestors 200 years age. Although she ha lived epposae the traik of the 'Norwich and Wor- cester Rsilvoad for 40 years, and has had siz. nephews, three of Whom 1Iav4 been conductors and three engineersi in its em loy, she has never steppL upon a st-eam car. 4 is, so Immerse that it is impossible he to give any extended idea. D BE CONVINCED. PRESCRIPTIONS REFITLLy.*ictEPARD. HICKSON; & Co., Druggists, Seaforth. •