HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-01, Page 8�
8 -
Varieties Combined. _X "OOJL ul:
*UT O's 01�v 0 01ROV. I pretty, analaxernplify ,%�ith'y teat ;
- i�gllee Lf�l
what wonderful things patu ' can to -
.- - �- . i . - L duce. - - � , . ,
_. � I —*.--
_ DISTRICT — MATTERS. . cordanot) with previobs SU -11 D1111- . 0 . 18=611b
— ___ ___ — the Rev. Mr. Patterson of #ayfieldy C1
I �
To BANDSUEN.-I Or Sale, & Circular
E -flat Bass, brass,: of the c abrated Distill m, : 0. liyered, his lectur�,'in tne Iresbyteriall.
16 of firgt-01118S tons, plot 0113 action, and is a cry church, in this town, on M)nday ev - -
deArable instrument. It cost the late Seaf ing last. There wag d fair attendatic, a,
Band ,.�j86, and will be go A � at a -rare barmugain, on but not nearly so large as t bte mer: ts )f
. Tery ci:sy terms of payagnt, upon, satisfac�oiy the lecture deserved. U .. Pattl rs(
security b,aing given. Alpl to ROBT 0KXrl3JloL1 y
Seaforth. I . � handled hissubjecti "Cow r, the Kilt,.
A. G. M,cDou . aALi, it Co., haive opted lish Poet," well, and his edture w La
,. , ,
out, a -lot of 01hildreus' X ssus'and Ladies' Uls', rs, both interesting and ins ructive, Int
Tery suitable for this dal al weather. Chilft si " fact, it must have Sur, - 311 many th it
*1.25 to ,Al.7,-5; hUsses", $2.00' to $8.00 ; La es', so excellent a lecture could be evolve
VA.00 to $4.75. The3 Are wonderfully c 3ap, � "
comfdrta'bleninddresr,S-,tinitweU made. Allsizets from so peculiar'& subjbet At the COE.-
"Ubehad. Stock very, ioi uplete. 669 elusion of the lecture t�l
I 13 chair na I., I
1-1 — � Ii ade I si few ooi n- I
COURT VroTou No. 52, 1. O. F. , Rev. Mr. MoDonald,� I
Meeting will he hold'oli L Tuesday evening next, plimentary remarks, ,Nhei. 1 Rev. : ]�)... i
Oct.5th. TaoxA�k BTER .. I 18, R.- S. 669 . MCCOY, in proposing a vote: of th ks, .,
,,OLiD PiGiruiltiris coliedl, oularged, -and paid Mr. P61terson a well-deaekv3l,
finighedinallstylesof 6ha art , at WAnz. BA.ox., tribute for the� excellent lecture he hill �
"W"hitney's Block, Seafori Ir. 669-1 � I delivered. The vote of i1anks w
. - *__ seconded by Rev. Mr. art, and ca ri a
GOOD HonsEs Som .—Mr. M. MeTag- unanimously. The R(,.v.']M r' Patters)
gart,, of Clinton, has jold the ,handsome . 4 - I
carriage mare which. he exhibited 'here also preached in t1d same chuft,
.1 morning and evening ion t ib: preiii:
on the show day for .1he sum of 0170. 1 � : 1.
. Sabbith. � .
Xrk John Sbiple , Of Hullett, ueax - � . � I
Clinton, has also s �1111 � his driving team' , . - - I
I NIT.r.-j Li the I16-
wh ch took the seed rorize at Seaforth minion Exhibition of 18 7 , held sit
show, and first atli'j eter, for $250. All I
' he Ottawa, Hon. J. H.., P, ope, ! inistBr Of
these horses were I urchased for �'t Agriculture, offere . a I 11rize ... r the be4t
American market. Mr., McTaggait's essay on jleuro-pn um onia anathe 0 .-
and one of -Mr. Shipl 3y's was sired by he sub ... J t
. � . tagious IdNeases of cattle.
Old Sir Archie. - being of great importai ice f r m an ..
I .. - , t, of vi
cultural and e4mereij al poi Of vi "
. .
IETY.-We b"ve the six essays received were, sub it I
Tur L&Dm' AID $OC I , I
been requested to a; a that a meeting to the judgment of Proitfeiisof,, Willialtils,
0 - o rep rted
of the ladies of Sea Ic rth wi 11 be held in' f Edinburgh, Sootla � d, V,
the Towin Hall, on �ednesday next at - �
. 1. that the prize shoul ' be a r e -to
I ng the essay signed ," Vi 0
2 o'clock, for the pul, ose of reorganizi of , et taiVe I a, C1
theLadies"AidSocity. Theladies r WILS follAd to "ba
I s which -Bubsequentl3
this society did ay . n ,a service fast been written by 'Mr. I G. 1C. Dunce A,.
I . .
year in relieving the sufferings of ,the
. .1 � veterinary surgeon and demonstrator of I
- Poor, and we arq Mach pleased to, �,no- - anatomy, -&c., Ontaxiq Vetei - -inaxy CO.- I
tice that, they inten I again d ' uring. the lege, Toronto. The. essay has beeta I
Coming season to ] P osecute the good. printed Inpamphlet 1)rm, and is boi -!
IfOl�k_ We hope tb meeting on Wed - extensively circulated by the DepN I
_ , . ; ;
I esaky will. be lar �� , % ,T attended.. . ! ment of Agriculture. Mr. Ionncan,% '
. T - . _. � � �
. � a practitioner in G(derich for sevei. .
CaMP-L'1NENTA-RY.�-'. u referring to fthe yea,rs, and. is- a native of th a tow
- , nslap.
"ar.. Itat the Proy'ln- . I
Fine Arts Departme of Stanley, Hismany friends I tIlls
ciall�xhibitiott the! Itaimilton Times county will -join with i is in hea C61 L-
. I I
� . 9 .
says: 'Mr. Win. G-lisswell, R. A l of I I
"I . gratulating him on hi highly creditall), 0
- e I with two �18 . d in wishi r g .
seatforth, is credit oi. 4nd ,success as an essayis 9_8611 -
several water color i, one a view of Ithe him continued an ces! , and usefu!ln0i is
White Mountains, itnid. the other off ',the � .
. . . i his profess r � :
. 111 i 11 I ! ��
I I - �
coast of Maine. 'Wo have always �a,d- - — .
I �
wired Mr. Crasswells wairine pictures. SHOOTING MAYCIf.- he fth an, n . .
His water colors, late giams." Mr. ,match of the 33rd Battalion Riff 7
cress -well has been very sucolessfal - 0 a sociation was held Ion ihe ra age I in S ...... - I
. prize winner this year, as :formerly, forth on Tuesday la t. The weA L r
both at the Toronto nd Provincial Ex- was extremely unIfav5rable, being , t
. hiblitions. � and disagreeable, jan(J[ a strong a de
. I
- wind prevailing mois,t f thel day -wh (h �
GRA_ND Cim" E:X_ , Rsiox.—The Great inteif;red materially iyith t�e shootill ,,.
Rxcursion of the ar Will take place to Notwithstanding thes " drawbacks,iho:li r-,
and Ni .. Falls,�. ( h 1 � I - .1
Buffalo wer 1he ei�er, the match—aS, veryj Succe elf ,
1V ,
Qrand Trunk Ra-ilway,. on Tuesday, there being a good,nuMber of co pf 1-
Octobeir 12th. Tieket9 good for ten tors and some exce eut-scores: 1, U ie
I isecured for' all following is a-lia,t Of tlie -
daye. Ghet%p rates Ore pri wi nE '3,
I places of interest at theFalls. A 8PIen- the aggregate points 1� ado bir each! o d
did ol�portunity gi to see the E Ili on,.7 i 1`i, I
� 9-U8 - the amount of money .
illuminated with ti . wonderful electric -: . - . I I .1 I
. i FMST MATCH-RANGES�� 00 50Q Y_ R ) .
light. Those who turn by the ex6ur- FIVZ SHOTS AT 1� H RANGP. i , �
sioR train will ha all the atternoon - ,
and evenin art the FF1 ,a or Bu .0 A . Wilson, lot prize, $10 .. ........... yoil t I I
- 9 . � ffal - M. Mouroo. 2nd prize, $9 ........ �.i .... I ......
Crowds, Will take ao�, h antage of. this � do- Dr. Gouinlock, 8rd prize, 68....I. ....1 ........ i . 3
lightful trip. Ticket4 from Seaforth James Young, 4tb prize, 3 . e ...... i.. I ....... I 1.
� . .J. A. Wilson, 5bh prize, $1 .. ..'... .; .......... I
.and raturn $1.75. � 1 'I i A. W. Bleasdell, 6th prize, $5 ................. ; . 1
- _ I_ � .0. Wilson, Ith prize, 34 ...............
. : !...
... 9
A SPLENI)TE) Pi,pluim.-Mrii- C. � Rii N. Robson, 8th prize, ......... : *:,. ,. * ,
. I ,it P-Hawthoim, 94h prize, 'i ..; ........ .�
lCooper'-Of Brussela,Nrais in town solic - D. Stewart, lObh pri�e, $1,. . : .......... : 1::: '. 7
ing Orders for a be � LL L-tiful oil ahrOnlo Of M. MoDermid, Ilth prize', I J ... �
I � 1. ........ ..... 5
. the late Ron,. Go ia,Rrown. The pie- - iND 600 ir, .
turia, entirely I � :� ently of . - e sub- SECOND M.&TCH-RANGES 500
ject, would be an ( ri iament to a,ny par- 0. Wilson, let pflooe, $15 .. ............. Pointe 5
lor. It is sold for I e remarkablv low A. Campbell, 2nd prize, $12 .... 4 ........... :.;.I 4
1 price of $1 50. Nr. Cooper hai the Dr. 'Goolinlock, 8rd prize,$ 10 ....... i ... :.:.,. 2
I M. Monroe, 4th prize, S9..... I ; :.I 2
agency for several Of the town #,nd J �
- '*"':*'* * " '�
. A. Wilson, 5th 'Prize, $8 ............. I ........ 1.
township municip i. i0s of this county. C.Bethnne,fth prize, $7..6 ....... 1 .......... 5
. Should a,ny of our ders desire to to- t J. A. W loon, 7th prizei $6 ...... �.!i ......... �.
. eure this portrait �f the grand old W. S. itobertgon, Stb prizef!$5 .... 4.1 - I
1 .... ..... ;
. J. G. lVilson, 9bli prize, 84 ........ ! �
statesman, and the. annot conveni 1 ......... I .
I 011i ont�- .Tames 'Young, loth prize, 63. -.1 ... --i ..
� i ,
ly do so from Mr. oper, if they ,'will A W. Bleasdell, - llth prize, $i'. *".. � ...... _ iIl
I -- � � !
xxotifv us of their , :re, we Shall glaaly DI Stewart, 12th prize,$' ........ I ........ !.
; :
- P. Cavin, 13th prize, $1 .... ....... : .... 1* ' ... ' 3
Procure one for the�al, I- '
1� , AGGREG TE " i . I
_�_. - ; �
, M. iIonr000, let prize. the 0 tarlo Rt 0 Asaoiial'
-,. A'MF.Ax TRtcx. I n the second lay I tion Badge and $10 ...... .. : ... I ... ..Potnto 6.
of the Sea,forth Shiow, Mr. Wm. Ire- '
I C. Wilson, 2nd prize $8 .......... 4 ............ I 5
Jand, of the Mill Rdad, left his toa,m D�r. Gouinlook, 3rd pnize, $6 ................. � D
If . i -
and carriage at Molptide's hotel. On A.Wilson, 4tb prize, $3 ............ I ......... :,� I
returning forthernMith'a aftetnoo, he I 0 1 .
11 1� � LOCAL BUIEFS.-WO n0ti�e by 'tUe
foundthaitBomoro ,ion had taken . a Manitoba Free Press � that Mr. Frari,, . a
pairof good ne-v� ic6shions from. �s Fowler., . of - Hullett, has r 4ed aafobT
vehicle, and -ief t iaql�,;q, ad of them a ] Mir in that city, with the, tock te shipped
of old worn out oneo.1 A girl at the ho- from here-& short U ' I Vor man
tel saw the man . b perpetrated the m( ago TV
axe now busily engage fitting i _ 1p)r.
mean act exchangiE d the cushions, nd ' for ,
I tion of the old marke hou34 An U-
Mr.McBride,the .qprietorof the �O- gine and bose Youse.- The i ii I gin which
tal,,isboundto proaqGute and fell during tWA, week wais; Mo-st'REl-
him if lie does not g - p o .
� , - . ive U. the a len � come to farinerg, as it will h alp the tic -
property at once. If i the exchange was . I grass and M ill giN 8 t,�,�,e f 8 11
erpetra.tor has ere i nips [in' - 1
made an a joke, the f, wheat a good start. -r 1berE will � be a
this had plautv of time t6, return them, _'
, cheap excursion to NJ agarl 6 Falls a r d
but if the act was dtone with disho, eet Buffalo on. the 12th inst.--Mrl. J 3
intention, the guilt�, 1 perison wouldilot I - I . . J 16f all,
hektNtetocommitja ver muchworse ' Darie of the 5th c)nceEsion -
. . . I I I y �. I
. . I Killop, has left with u a a pearl whi h
� t . 6 �
crime. . I � . . ,
1_1 I ; measures over 111 inches bh e ope w iYl
- , I I 1
RF.xr-,�yi.-Tho e4.1ertainment gi I and 10 inches the other. ,± his� is - I lie -
Ven I I . �
by Remertyi) the ceeprated violinist -*ill I boss.pea,r yet. -Mr. Johr 1 Go, enlc c k
shipped a 1 ti
this town on SaWrI2111" y evening last was lot of splendid bat e last
0 ,
very largely atten ,_ considering the Monday. -Professor Remelly.i, 0.16 061, 3-
evenina, and the . . . . . -usually high price bretted violinist, was ,he gdesti of 11�
0 0 entertainment wa M � . ting I is say in S31L-
for admission. Th� F3 � ever, Esq.., du , � I �
fortb.-There must , pi'l -
very fair altb iavo� ibee � I
ou-gh *e many . � .
better for JOSS 11101]14y� As & vic,li., is,t,, pockets around, on the day W , , I
A— T.4 I- '; i �]
- . "U.
we should say Rem i is. all that h3 is here. Mrs. Hulliaton of T eke a
k R. I y � were - - � I - .
'claimed to be. Hi4 : erformances had heK purse, conlaini 9,04 takEll
Simply wonderful, liz ' the others who I from hel, pocket, &ud] frs. Annah Ry.7
l . 11 1i
tookpart in the ei�tertainment were ,1 Of the same townshil,' also) � 1 ab r
. I b 101, �n-
abaircely up to the i�axk. Mrs. Clara ,lit fortunately it only COE taine
, I , gie i 60 cents.�Wla undeastaill t4�atl I e
D. Stacv, and Mr4 Edmund DOCE , I . . �_
Ma.y,be good musi I B, but they, are I country hereabouts is j Ust' -now i1ufes; -
- .
. �
rather prormis- 11
-,, too high tor ed for a . with shoddy I cloth . edl'xB. ._�Parli s
Cuoug audience. Th9y both have good I anxious to got swind led 1 should � L U ,
voices, but.althoug,, it may be fashion- 1"from, them; those who are not, shAl
.- able, to sing so that not one word of the I stat the dog- on the first sRoddy p6al r:
Selection can be atiderstood by the who comes around the house, or �
I �
I .
f_�udience, it is lleithor interesting Inor bucket of scalding wat r v: gorously pu
. d.
instructive to listen �o vocal musid So suddenly adn!iiniBliered, wpuld noit' a
. I ,
rendered. Howevdr, we suppose njost . him any harm. -Business A improvi -
. -
of the audience atteaded to see �ud During the past weeki tb 3 towa � 18,
. - 1
hear the great violi4i at, and in him 1. ive been crowded nea�lly' ev ory da� ,, I 11
are- sure they could in ot be disappointed. 1 our storekeel gettink i �-1
� mis ar6 r pidy .1
. .1 I
___ _" -
- I I of their large' fall I at eki .-,Mr. R. L.
. 11
A Twn; Pu:sxPx1h,.-Mr. J. B. Hen- ! Sharp carried off the tat prize or i Si
. dersoll, of the ILI# on Roacl, T � uckler- i handsome driving hors. - a- theUillo
, smith, has co.-Atrib0ted to our musqum show, and wonli . 011le in lid., .a
- I,- - I ¬bLer rard curiosity in the shape 'of a I Goderich, had he been . allowed IQ i x
I 11 . . . . .
mona�er twin punj kin, or rather pair , hibit.. He went to � Godedch wit I
Ltf pumpkins. . Thi Curiosity is c6m- intention,of allowing, but � lid lot r E
P�] Zi i I : T
posted of two . Ldris gro'win- f116M. , there in time to mlake ME entrii:,. .1 r
. .
the One Stem, and Joined-ttagetber ear Sharp is a great admirer o goo . d - rs
the opposite aluird. � n flesh, and is particularly
I all other respects . roud of hi
they resemble two d stinct and a ate � fine river. -This is. Provi cial E x jbi
bodies. The combii led product of the tion week, which accounts for the 1.97ot
one stem measurea; 19i
� . inches around. weather. -Messrs. Geo. S1 roa I G
Us E. Cres8w 11 I f Tuckerarr_ t anA 1 eo�
Mr. Henderson ha� also, left ,,A,if,b 1: - - ith, atte (
I ekr�h c ,
aoinoj� Samples Of m4i Ced Corn. He pl mt- I the North � Ounty E how hela al
ed sovera,l )�aillii of 0 - Corn alongsio] 6 Of Stratford last Friday, i a juQe' ol
0 I I I
the commdii Corn, lo the peculiar I a I . .
_ . � ix- i sheep,.-A.pples are almos � a � in
ture that has been��: oduced. in SorL 6 Of i thei market this season. FE rme S all Id
the ea.rs is very an JV,iSi1lg- While Some " grow fewer fall SpIples -&nd - mo wi ;et
I . I
of the ears of the Corn are the same i fruit. -Parties desirinc, .cq,talogues; of
0 .
as the seed, others fire the 89-raell in ', the stock tp be sold at the stock aa e 3 a
"a I
4-1i'o �,
f� 0 I
1� i I
n rie
tilia,pe, both as to � b and Corn, but the I Goderich, on 'the 20th, an noi;t :b
collar is mixed, and i is a. Combination '
I sufoPlied'on ap',plication to the Sepre-
between that of th� two varieties, while I ta'ry.-Mr. Beattie has f3.n Shed threah-
other ears are the "Ime shape &a I the ' ing his flax. tt is a SP1 Idid crop f 4is
� culnuaGn, but have! the color of the, two I Bellsou all d prices both f r eed aild -
. �
. :� �
. : � - � I .. �. w I
V 11� Ut 4A V JA 0 11LILL-," 1JULV "L �w . �._r — __ - ____ - - - of a WERIN 111111111010��Mff a aral .5 . %4V I
. - I at, res got � I uk � the night I
51k ti Iis ye& - aining a 80�;Fa�6�13_a_�d ridicu - I 'v�e-r-e-elected —cap--ta-in-a-f- " the Conte des in Hay . I I 1: I Vve
I an I . . . I �
veil . Z lie -is S;211 imp, ,V 4 off I i ! !
�, Vd t hen he had sobere .
att - n the *tor in charge, and acited accordingly NW01 ,h a spirit -of ow, fair, and w I I I : I .
, -I e. gla I I
: � .
Stry for e( fo :itb, and Ire a I . nth gate I poAL ich sho 'ed that they no] .t In h - I - �: .
ndu � U,"u ing founalie, 'ad been re -AND- ' I -
I '. I I .
. .
hat it is likoi lly, 191 lo sia wel1li,for, the en! been 1 � enthus!iasm wh A . I I �: i
i L I ' pc lit 1 both melint busines he -ed 032 of his I airid garnings.-A I �
� s. B0 t -victory favor- I t I
erpriE inj I et )r A th( As as for he pe Bon w 0 ..Sd i ,,�n' and � 1. :
, pr r r 0 r I � : . I - . from Uslorne, on fair diety I .� : . -
, i , _ -
he to 7n._ CA Seaforthl show Mr. lsuch a docu lit as this, ,shows Uiob I edJohn, who led -away Ili$ men triumph- young than , I U SE -
. . � ' ik #eely of a ger M111,LLIN :RY
. : firs i prize ffistrac or,, one full of � antl &:; warm supper.; dra in omething $tronj , P
y Jl;c partake of , .
rame . 1n was awarde �. � .
M rate . e It . water. IThe re ult was thO loss of the .� L
hine, ' 10 11 L w a a enorn �nd pie. After dy to the de- 'a .
4 ending pro I ,I � ; :
- :1 :
.- !; !
I. I Sea- ... at anch incriddil able� i Maud � Of the inner mau,,!a large n watch which OF- . �. I � i I
. .
e pi ize li it -0 i 'It , . �_ �;. � I
'or a k iitt 1hg Mad to hope sin rE ly .1 mp - I 9
ioraitte d: rou �. � t k I bly abointn' umber use of li�s limbs and a
! i� I at him $45 O-n1v a sho'rt iime since.- � , � : .
I .
- a g no . . ed. I asalaintolaa iUMr. Bishop"s yard to test co . . 4 � � ; �
.Orth i Ile ..chi 4 it a re econ Iii for trick will not 3,godn be i)erpetrat , , - , �: - . I
. " in f �6'nt of [ED. NOTE. -T �ie above wi a intended f r I ist the speed and enduranc� of some young Mr Win, Robbins, to lives near en .... I
i . . §1 i
ilib nest and ha, ri� so: e si a I ile *Orkin aV a thre WKW7- - � i �0
as rec aivi6d too If -te.) I I i- -at1lietes, the most prorn�4ent of whom traia, jy�b ; g rE U _-M I W. - �: �
-heir I Ili inei t addit6on i6ae, but w . I - Ii
. A *eea. Th 11 I I � � '-'T,.
. ek ... frq�n I C?
� '
. -y essi F. itffnian thei -9, and i . I — ! O.. 1 . ,.- � were Belleville Bob ftom Rummer's ma ,Ihin6 last we , the a � I! I : . i
3 b � ke his . Later hil ia t .
ma h �p is exce ' gly :oiedit- I! I staril. . t� *cott, of Lum- Btack and broke his . . -4 . � ;
, .
&e wo � i I . Roos ,land W. and J.W ' � . i � --- 1;. � I
I I ;
: . . _.
ible t Z) he , a ater Mr, flandersOn.- 1 GOOD THUE RING. - ,0if Friday last, ley. iteseyoung men��Exe allstrong we th 19 broken lim . ad, to be ampu- I . . I - :L . I
I U L We ' ' hat .
. a 8 I I I Hs ONTARIO
ion the f tat3d d' " have 3, uqt .learned t SlEAFOR .� .
. � ;,
Dar C I ason has Oved .safely to . Mr. Wtni. Reithwell, Mr. ruilneis and were it not that they are . . ;
I P _'. �, . � he dieX Wednesday n roing.-A �_Out : . .
wi th t 11�pe reshed 748 bushels somov�, I at lac�k I ,
4 ' . . . T
U C a at I 01 1 im orted Samuel a I ell th Ing in spq04, we have no , , - I
. , �
I S... , . I a expected �ome t I da of fall wheat i 5 hour 3 and 45 mitinti as. ' doubt Pit what they woOld make their dayi� Since a man 11 i was ma. ng : � . I . L
, , ' 3 —
. . . -
ats'll'i'' , his way! northivard, sedly to � ! see I
D tell
a XW? i I athletes. Thell following are I i i .
Dr Sai ur lay I er a6hoc 1,t'ast e t nitig, The Mi chine used. Was a "Michigan mark Si . � 1. f. � .
I I 1 'roo I pre- - Wartior, " dri en by &'Waterous engule. the names of the oU he took his, wife, asked permi 11 U to eave Iwo --I
the chili Oren 1: n. Mr. Ballwin , era w �, y horses and a at A. G. McDOUGAL, L & Co.
Belited I l I ass i ad a The wor i a well done and the grain charge Of the sports for ' the evening :_ gria: �Eig colt at a I I ,
.. . W I 'dent ; Mr. A. far�nerls near libre, tating that they , .1 I
valuable , gold i of ,oleanly iihre hea. Xr, Rathwell WOUld Mr. Jol n Harris, Pre�i I . �
r g as a pouy Lr . 8 , . �
,. la�e too Mn , ave to announce that th
I 'it I I , ell fat* ed .;to go far F hav�just re.
their 384 eelx I &lid af fection pri. 1JO his �, like to know i f @, * y obi ter thresher I as Bisbop, M. P. P., Ger�ieral Manager; w I ceiv3d 10 Ca,seo of New . G00di, the
. I . I I � . an4 that he would Ced or them in a .
I � t ink hc cafi -beat tb is. 11 Reftr e, and �
11 .- Ce around � the conciaitto . . I -11 I :
-hoo' .The �� I . . . i. Westlake,' John -it in � i
lesivir g 1 ihe � ", " . 0 4 James HoAton, e ders. day or two. As he h ailed to p �
, , i . im. . 'I Persua
the R)n tan.. MI,( Chuz ch has I been If Be, hew ul I like to �ear from h 4 1 ; M
I , . % I . I si,soi_ SECONC, SHIMI . e �
� I I __ ! . i NT
paintad, and ii�!morellerr_ � I _. -----.a— 14&ua� AGAIN. - MeO.Brs. Steacy & an appearancet there it istrong ; I
, n w presentf , . .1 . . I I
. : . 0 . . 11 . K�ra,14 , ca lo makors of this vil- cio ns Phat they were 4ol' t from I lome . I � t I L
. .
Ing N Ip ara a �3,ej . The th 4 pri . I : Id 01). mag .1 Of th� Purchases of our ITIr. 10k*y,� .j,ho ,fig.
I .L I on tJw Fi en
� Ne, Su . ,� I . itea it -11 the Principal Markets in lt
6 'N r. John Wright . .
I I ,NT III- .
- L FARM ILE I I ceeded in ci�irry�lng off the first person in ond . ship --
heavy d SUE lt w o y ear o: di fillF, at the P Of I W 'ah had been na Bo wht � , he ;01,J
Seadfar-itt � show� r4ed ; p I ze for their lumber Wagon at the I -ate he of voung cattle
was , awe ; 11 o Mr. I covij�try, a i -
. the 11th doE celisioi I has rented '. iis . im - ded and . I . : 7
. 1 4 in Exeter, uncla im�ol were a R by I L I I
fair hdl : . I
Jame; i I IcM hb,e I f ultiatt.if It was 4 fatm of 60 so, es to I 'r Wm. Sellars, or :
. � I L . I . I ! : � _; � th pouhdkeeper in L : E x4or Nort] L on T7 Largest ,9,tock we Ever 11.ffad ,U 1
LL i --------------- 0 ,le
returi ieo� 1. as Ot! k 01 n 0 * ! I : .
in ,t� L $1 5A YES . i . .... I I I
. If � 3 iliOt- � 3 years for . day last -w -Rev. S..': ,T. Allen, who
� L i ; I . I
I - W. I P � Hullettl :
. . I . - .� ZC0.
f i � 1 i CORRECTION.�In thi, prize list of o 1 . I I t4e Ve ;Lowest-Pri I .
� 1�1. - Xr. John Me hall charge of Bethesda B�ble Chri tian , r�., �
i .. � � as S*&I,)W L 1, .
. ! T lake. � 11, : - t I i T F,.A. 0 D. - - I � .—.
I . i . - r. ! 7hom I ; �
.r i . , . ; I I Seaforth sholvr, X I I ' . Clburch, in Usborne, last� year, b. re- I ;
I . - 1. 4 Iotesh of Brucefield, l*s been engag- I I
. L6(Ai ITFa S-4� ?a; rmerE have ostily was ere tiod ith tb e first prize fo I -7sr-rom I
LL I . i School Moved to Cleveland, 3-hioi last O fer- 0 I :E] IRJ a
" tat n O!f a earn& 6 6i�. S to Cher for next at n i
Ctat , r ze was awar� led 434 " I I �
finish ad see, ng, ni I in eX I'll . en ,,e, was married to' Miss D h, of - :
I pill . .. sebtiou No. 1. The o*lary- is 6350.1 will I �nd No AAv atnee in our Troodli t1ds fiet&. ,
in ty, r, Some Of thei he . . . I
good 4 rc IV .. . - , 've to -Mr. , altei wauow, of: McKill)pl - Lc ndo , on T. la8b.-Mes a. D. son, but as Cheap as 4J*n*1. -
A. . � I
noixl s ae - V -11E ir whol 3 � f a a near Leidbur y,- I an4 a very handso, ne Tfiere were 14 applitpa,uts for the posi i
� .No - J I 8, 'Postmaster; Isaad CalAing, and ' ; I -
doubt, i �is bitter to risk 1 �4 fall wheat .colt it is. . -ti6n. The teaching Profession seems to 0 1 - I
- i T . ;
- . , . � _� � . W , C irling are expected home from ; L
0'ro rather L i .
L. I
n': f It Slit' ild I to 4 pool L , b4 very much over -ran. -. , - . I CALL AND EXAMINE OUR
eve" � - ' i . . 3.e. . -ETTiJ Mi Ad )a this week. � , , :
ven good, . . . 11 � I
: , I . 0 : New Satins at 60(
. , hich � Vlsb��] : Gooto_ iroia HULL -Mr. Francis . I
than pi Ing " whea, 4 ' , I I f I I t - I si 70 cents I 90 cents, si.,
wfll]3:)t ave'tgol mire tll 3 r 110 L THE I Scll:ooL DIS�'IITIC. � We' hav Fowler, of the Huron ro4d, received the' i . I E ,; Pit I]
� . � 8 � I . Brucel L .I 10 an4 $1 2). � I
ond rize at the Mk- itoba Provin-, � � iel I. I I
bush( i er cre.- -1 usine 30 is i pr6v- received another lett6r from a "Lover 8 . 4 I � I New'saks at 75 ce - -81 $1, S1 �26111$1 74 filad $.2. .
Ing - . . ff t of Truth," in reply t .. 6 � hat last written' Ci Exhibition, hold in'Winnipeg last (I'MAIN.-Mosars. Di ivid[ UcLeHa and 'New French and Ge Yxman Mantlepi. :
Uall " %n� � I ill 1)6 di I ly . . I i fI 0 'Yr., hav 3 leased the com- New Real Laces am d New Fxinge% all prices.
. I
I .. �
LLL re. In p , W k , it the yearling Durham bull he J 'in Young,, i
repro t LLLted th f . acel,t of by "Justice," but .118i� the controvet's " le Station, a, a are New Knitted Wool Goods. ;
at rehouse' at t n .
"I - took ' ih him fron� here a few weeks pany 9 :
Mr. e. 1, th 3 pe plop M%1 I ,Mr. must end. son to time. , a as we C&nILO I Wi � [,an en and 1 �ill- Shawls. I
; . . lool �� � I . ] I iL nds�� of. pr Ice. 'olored Pren(h Mer �
to ; � , L see that any f po. can result by con ago 1E 6 also received 4rst prize fbr d no N PU�611868ing 0 � n New c . I .
Axt a si I dr. C11ii!g0j' ' . . . . inoes. ;;
to )y I I o, has T I both .
� in� A �Smilio .& Market and tinning it, We halve ; �Oncluded not to: yearling Durham heifer. � IT ey are exper encioad buyers, and New Black French Merinoes. I �
left tlie . � - air 4 New French dashi iteres, .all Neir 8hades.
I is th5,�:!Irload.l :The insert this let lot &is it ` oes, not thr) vi ;'BIG Oxmi.-Mr. Geo e Dale of this w, , no doubt, get t1i New Black Cashrafres. .
, :
taken h A p li t 'acroj .1 . . I [ BOVED.- I .
business,for ,!L ( L tondu -,tbd � said I any new light upon tha ubject, and as townsh p, while at the"Crich Show on -Mr. R. W. lKarks has re- New Tapestry C � .ets, sit 50 celxts,,60 -cents., 7,Q �
. orl3 I i I S, L 90cents.
11 , U. :, . r. J.1: 1: "Justice" is F1 i ay. last, purchased the oxen which -0 overhauled an4. veiry much im- . le land Gfe f . . I
firm i vil , no Y, be as i I med � 1 by , � t aeassailo�d party, .he is rid ' � ed his Storehouse Oil - Main a eet New ottons, . .T. :
Smili 3, Oho vill'i lo hils boso,, as . 4 the' entitled to th 3, 1 at reply, and by p:ib: took :the second prize. These oxen pr I ew Winceys. .
. . � � re m-ent !
. I . ere 0 tied by Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, oini g his Store. 1%is-droproi;
past, �o sati �. y all.- Mr. i iwin's hiihing this 1 tter 43 i would doubtless - w New Shirtings! and New Blsnk,etb�. I L
I . appearance Of New Flannels 1 .
now hoi Late i i no&, ly fiuisb ' I I Will claWi his rig t.--Eb. �Xl?. - . . and we ghed 3,625 pou-ads. They are a . . I I 1
74 : . I I . ere ever the street. The lower flat of, this New Tickingsl w To,welrmgeo. 'L ....
I . . 0 . I . I -
be qu.t4e a or dit i o timself 'Tan'd' lorna- seild to )e the heaviest that w . I
. . . .
L - Mr. buIdin ol, will be occupied by Mr. B. . � - .
I I Newell as an agriculturitil wareroom. - _W__P M13 X: i I
Mont to t, 11 11 e. r�he - ldeag,rs. Morris. weighed on the Zuri6h scales. "i ,
It:: . .-,
'. Dale I rehased them f Mq _U X: r1c
er h - a 4s, . 'a, a Val � pt or a . . .
Whit a, ;. lilug ITEMS. -Most of the farmers in t hi I Mr. Ne 11 will ke here a full stock . t I ;
- � 'en Y 'he a halt - I -ill recei*e die Balunce of our1mmiouge .
I ) 'a op c 3nts per pound, , and when he -
this 8 it I e ,an a 6 I�ov . I joy r- locality have finish,61d putting in f al ta t, m fattened wilL no doubt, make Of M welps im; � eints,. The to We v I . .
. _- Dt . took 'one cl�l a wheat. -J. B - MoCas' "Coo tod 9� Stock. B e respectfully rt�quosted to caU
benef t. : . I. tail Oy, who an( . � uyerl; ar �
� I �� a haw ome profit o* hii6 purchase..' putatio of David M ,-well as a Manu- and 'ee our Stock of I .
half I A a in rth, a 3 no,w &t hi i'ciderl. in taking a 3rd �Iass bertificate, � is at I , !
. ,f fa(Aurer Stands big 4, aEla Mr. Ntiow-oll � � Z �
i !#11 ope a, don, -an is, present assil tipg ,his brother, If D. J . beino ah energetic. uIshing, young man',. I I
mill we I Pro- . __ - DR:kSS G000S )
� � Ashfiela, 0' kN0 M141-NERT
. - I `6' �i_ I I
, � ne
p re to meet the wants Qlf i all those McCasey :U: itil about the 20th to � I essful busi- I , I
ng r I � . THt HA11TE sT.-Fa �6rs are engaged hd will, no doubt, a; I a, a 0 . : I
i stgaiathlemaki ag(&�� iden We October,whiEn he :will start fo - rm B ofore making their Fall and Winter'li,archasei.p.
� . , of .
I d th shing their graini which in nit at ness am . I I i I
would a dvi ,&�Ildoncernelibogive him Training sch)ol.- . John Wilson, 0 I i . 0 Ong the farer n as tb1s seasort�we,vili I i I �
11 . .
a tria gis h fol in ir good reputation Morris, haBraefintly'Durchaseda grand � � - aing out well a viqim*ty. . . ! � i
c4ses 'a turi I, with the ex- 8,11 I
I I I , ]REFIENTATIoN.-Prior to Severing his Eclipse t 11 Fon,nerj Dis
and p el itant Bdc(est, wi4 no doubt, Sawyer ThreBh ng I144chine, from the 0pti(n of spring wheat, which has a i plays
It - 8 &tie ct"On-toan. I I I It, CO., Hamilton ptove 1 almost a total failure, and will connection with the schoN in section I I i
i Bur I I t � firm of D. ;_S� Lw, er , � �
I I I I Smith, Mr.: Henry cam
I ii ' N . 3, ucker,
.. � 1. I . I Mr. Wilson is 'an; d band at the , ii�t b much next.year. There is N . . W9 Wt L tHOW ONE LINE
. ; � .
. . .1 . I �
:. -. 1E Y. I; . . i , . I I . 17 I I � this eron was presented with :& most com- I I -- .
� .. . threshing bu 61788,06va, no doubt, il a laq of fall wheat sown pl Ii � ltie ary and afl . octiogate address,
. a , soaso farmers will have compara- . ,Of 11oreas Goods, contsinirlg!,6tl� YATU11111
P.Bles(INAL,.-M). Henry #. u , Shall I receive liNral , tron ied by a . . to ring, . - ppr
'If I 1 0 ,lige. . . ti1've][3 sowing to do next spring. - SC 3OM ani .1 a gold at 20 cents to 30 cents y4rd. I
�o .11- I !
of Ro Ito arvil I e, W, lo has %�.tiad Im cor- . � � I y'thell upils of th 1 C 11 . The ad- . ' ' I
. in � � . � Sm i4us AcCIDENTS.---�An accident of b
-respoildantofthe IXPQSITQR, fot 4 1 ' I le THE GRE.A.TEST I :
. I . . I .. drass I as signed I - -
I Wseriolis nature happe4ed to R. Ross, . I I 11 ; E I I I � �
I �
time,haslet ere , I to Michi M.r-Lalt Monday mor in � . ila�s by Annie ilia � IT : . 1; vE. I I .
I I �d g E�b . - . . of the .13th concessio4l, ABlifield, on Be a10 I .1 - - — - - -
ga4. MX.Mir hall is a cleV ' &I man was discov re . I I r I -
. er Young the body of , . - 8 was M, Antosh, Elizabet c ayne, and � .
. �
. �
_ I Thursday the 16th ult. ,.I Mr. ROB - 2, 11 C d � X a E H. .
E) lie wil - -',do 'well in � � I If -9 A A -D SEE
man, and w: h6 lying on the GrIand, Trunk track alDu rah Oiuclair, and was ead by ' . Ile I I - ; C"r I
p ,- � � � piece of , Sl I ;r � .
I I I - .. r, 11.1 etigaged in logging, WU,eu a - - i
his no iw bon � . . three miles- West O I St. Mary - 0 I . . ell. Mr.. CameroA made a.1brief �__ I
- r was hitched Camfol . .4
! timber to which his tea' I I
oiiber c � ; Sex. 1h I MOUGALL & -Co.;
.- -1 . �.lotel - ;cut in at a feeling rep, ) � A. I
. CAi rE TO( 11 'IF. A n 'body was do Ellil two. , Iviolent striking him ly in kvhich he expressed -
Aly c4agrin. man a,p `t * ly roun , �
, coo - , I .
smitl n I u. itom were sk% . peals *ve been ab)uii Swung I . , regret it severing his connection -with
6&OD3 nighl 'ceeettly. .� , . 5 aod br6iking one of his� logs so badly tb a School, wished his pupils ever r suc- Direftpo of splewndF4ncybry Goo*
I T -bey li unted twenty-one rellros I Of age, with, ligh . L St .
I , hat the bone protruded thtiough the I Will ery, Mantles, Sha*18"U.
nd i i�bthfng complexion, ittria notl well dreBsoa. I , I I .
U.niiii I ate : io it, %ut f )1;1 ; . I , ce6s in the future, and thanked 'them ,._ i . I .
_ , I
but 01,11 --nal (A if, C Skin. i . I I . I
the �j "king of urrently. reported. and is geper IN I [ndly Ifor their beautiful 0ift, and more I I - .
. - ,
�. nship that I I �� .6 - 6
solace i . .* . other accident, �ut one of -a less I Ild , a expiessed WhIE 4.1k.- i'A'n �
Scent" race, audi to this to- hil i n they Oan t good pribes,' and not
'I Mr. John Henry, So rions nature than thsLt which befell. especially for the kind wilatie . t> .� t� _ I -
unfortunate Eniin wai . . I -UpIll 1.
4igappoatnteni Wey surflalted Ithem- I in thell t6o flattering addkess. stor it thf reby runni.r.g Aw risk,of -
. . . , -
I r. R a, occurred to Mr. W. Cowan, of I � t
delvef. ,o:l Bto'. enI. d:. hot , being a former resde�t of Hibbert, who bai I . � . I losii g in p�ice, to say no6lbin of the
.p ! . I _ - field, on the ' � . . - I , .9
D levc i ir Isil... i -.heir ap P13 obs for' sd�ha t onces�non, A0h . I I 1, I : 4
able t 6 . -� they been residing in M#nit I I ; was ie In k epir g it over. JI t �
I I , I , - ; � I
. lay. Mr. CoNjan was drawing : -Blyth. I I �
- vi t - a sit I 1OUS0 they , time, and w, lo ]wa's kpown to be bn hi I 84 � 't HORSES.___�Mti. James I i
the �9
the �9
the �9
th�6 to re natin d 6 3 the �' S� I.IPMETS f OX -
I - , ,- -�t BRorm,_i. I of I I
. a, �Ilo`a_do potatoes, wheA the tongue of AR: -The youngest 8 ii �
were )a sain �, s1nd f( arin at the Oc- road home, �Iu w4at manner th) i Wh te shipped from this;� st.a.t4on on . �Ili
I . 4� � e det ' � de _": .
I the wagon becam. 91ched from the D , McLennan had the mit,dortunewh 1; � I
, ':
Cupart wou'la:! 0 t(h ti � a.. i in. their dreadful aeddentool � 1 edisnotkno . - * - WeQtiesaa�a carload ofP'linehorses, I
� �, , ef .o 1] " nokyoke, p I
M�. , � i - — causing the 1,horses to take riforming on the horizpntdl bar on Mr. Whit d I le bu�,iness in the
haste a nulo lber Of t Jae I . ON or the . - ` e- i OOR a arg �
. . i : T lesday, to break one ' f his � ' I ,� � I
! I I � I �
.1 . 11 8 � -1 � I
bridge(fan djaelarter k and , tmet. uridh. � f#ight., While endeatoring to top 1p Irma. horse line.
I I . i Z I I them, he was thrown ,,,to the ground-.,. �� dica.l. aid was a, i � once summonea., IF I
The "arnan ind d' n't vQ 0 . lug prizes foi, I . ; I C mrnl MIL. must be
� * l, Pull OALITTED, oll falling his'wrist ana fracturing it. andheis pro ., favors, 'ly as : �
. 1, .
I I .
his aster out of the wa 3..; implements and p9i try are omit ted I pati1ants are doing could be expected. I i� I � well patronized, judging oy the qnan- I
. I Iiii bOthCaSeS the - � tity of aipples d-,, dly hrongh� there. Mr. -
. ..
A T) I DLI.. n Fri �,y � ni&t last from the roE Ular prizc list of the Zwick I A CnANGr..-,-Mr. D. IL McKi4non I .
I All I ell. j I Bernard Thompson is at t4e �pkess and
. One Er aftreat d Mrs. show, which appears! � another � age of - I ,W. io has been i ageni i I for ithe Moi6treal -
some persor or pore . . P I � I see#as to under taud how knA when to I :
Maxplial's dow it. a BIlaE i I anner aplemi nts.-Double i roil �� � re, . ...
. � this issue-:: Ii� � Exetev, - T 3legraph CoMpaw, Jie �- for the! past -1 ��
I . .
I ff bet Jacob : � A . 'as the necessary squeeze to � insure
They III It Only shEwed th( t'a"i1r. harrows, � 18 -,huell. Lumber ei o,ht ! years, h ii�sign6'd, and J. M. 91" ,
� �
. OB: T 'ART. -Mr. Rob A BiBsett, who � I I . . . ji 11
tail, In ,cut t t6 th 3 bone Oind I ft 'bor wagon- at inti arm, 1 L Schnell. 6at- Eamilton, of ithe REM. of Lawrence & goo Ci.
bleedin It: un 3� 1 i� rr orl iing. Jf tb le ist &I 2d He:SE & Haberer. 0 )ei 1 vqas � L great sufferer fc r some months, B am' ton, has been. f a- A CCIDENT. -'1L . painf ul a0cident befol ;
� , -a . was riagge, Ist a. died it his- brother Th)maB' r Lpp6inted hi suc-
I . esidence ,- i Mr.. Francis B.. t6hfoid, of�tbia -village, :
- - ,
done 1�atrckitfi a steptdo far .. if buggy,lst, Lud 2d Heas & Hable -ei . � CESSO The 6flice will be transferred . � I
e nesday of last week. Deceased (36880
. : I oil Wf a TRW days aggo, while 6nga Old mioeing a
for,revenge L; Cal i aPord Dit poc r con- covered bi: Cr , ist - & Habe -ei. � . ctober. I -
. . . My Aess . young man ofl good business OIL th 1st of 0
Was . I I i restless horse. It appearai some water
� is rpeti ( a Hess .& He - [�*iii OBI .. .
asi� is p - 40d i pon a ! ",oih u_kiity.�Wia announce this week had e. anvil wIldle .
solatic)131 Wagon woo . work, eitr . , s, and of a kir�dly disposition. been spil Led on th '
duml: a,nimi,II ,which -,iiniftot incut borer. Horielrake list Win. moleal, the d ath of .Sir Wm. A . G. ( olles, � I
. % : For number of years te was a mem- cooplig some holis, thus �Oausitig it to .
hattel. The do r j. 'a pi: ri�o"CUY docil6, 2d Johri Watson.. : E ortland cutter, IE t whic happened On. Suiaday la�t, at 2 - J I
. . q . e i 1 V ber'o our Council, ant:1 - was well and M. � - give a very Ion([ � report, wWch so start- I
and an one malicil usly d-Cliried could James BeE� 11 yo, '.. gess & Haberer. , I .
- I . . ly I favor4bly known in this locality. His I p. . ' Mr. Colles li�%d been a�li�g for .the horse � I. it gave �
' __ led, . a, sudden
. 8 I I .
easil3 injurl) her, aid Mrs.'M�rs all is Round bact eltier t and 2d He 8 q� the past two, or three years, in Tonse- � �4
. , . f Unerrl on Friday last was one of the , . w :
; . , din;
6 ha : I . t spring, sendin unclillichea k,orse-
a *idovr . I I :)n t] , ect of Haberer.. .1. H 11. I Jacob I LILence of his having- had � a severe fall I I I
. W, large, t! we have seen in Exeter. . q : �. -
"I,' real , ! shoo 'nail into 'It. Blatchfora's- leg ill -
all her neig bors i We ei =eive Schnell, 2d hil.-' ?pel. Poultry,— I . . from his door: Step, by which he injured 3
11 . . I . I
,14 Ot C I. . 11 SUDDF,N Dr_,ATH.-On',Satnrday after- � flicting &'deel� and. pa, out. We
who-vasm aalblio�t lit 2-mmi, such 'Pair geese, 4 To eph ster. Pain ducks, , his thigh. Un to a' � few M;oiith;s ago he I
� � �. K . : � . I
, I
Eye � g t I nell _. ,'d- Joseph Postal,. I noon last our town wa� Startled by the I . hopiet, however to ,see Fralicio soon -able
an 0, it] -a -Thai 0, -opeve , must 1st John S c 9 4 ' had been improving, whell his disease I _-, : ! �
- I I I FOEtef ! SnUOUnCement that Jo4n Brawn, Sr., a to ifesume lis'"Nork. j I .
have be - r 3 `1nali panil L, Jokieph' .. : I ii abBees1a, from the eff 'ets, of � . i
len p ompti d c e, a.n d Pair black � t turned to a 0 1
1 tair lead in his 4 1 . - I. I
, 3 of E ect fienclisb . colleo: lot I �y trade, had drdpped c .
Eder the cloa ,b Pair dorkin o%,� Jose 1 Foster. - . . . whichholdidiiotriicoverl Thefu'lueral.
. I D �
done � k . . I own h use. On enqo�ry, the report 13russelz- �;
coweTiwe, ild the Party I hg' did' it tion of Pige ns, 1st V11 -2d Christopher i . I . took )I&C. on Tuesday from his laiie re- I I . I
I i
i too true. Az He had been . I CKET PICKED
Could! not fac e the : -eal ot;'ect of � his Bushlin. collecti ) o of rabbits, 1st P . HAD His ... ,.-Mr. P.
I - J . . A Sfflen6e, a!Ud proceeded tO the cenietery - .
i an I - ith his-grandohild, and sitting � . !
disap r)val an � to but propel Christop ell . P � I playif) . ., at Cli ton, accompanied �jby. the �.. - mobre, of Bru,. sels, bad hiii pocket pick-
�! I . I -
i I . i down, ae raised his h de a �
I ,
r IS 2 � � � , � i air ga tt le . ; i . _ nd picessed masons W ed �f $150, wh: ch was taken! from him
Ive ,ge. I 11 , Brine. P els, .Win. th , aftd Knights tem0fars, of ' hich �
� I- . � em� t )his forehead, t4hd fell - forward : . I while in a croN rd at Hsirriiibtirg station,
I , . I Pair Muscovy duck , �xtra, J. Pra E . i I I � . . I h ber. . !
I . . w%8 a mem i
I . isec ,, �
. , _ .. I f . � tho'u L saying a worit. When ra I # . I '
i Iftoolaing I , - . ; Wi � . fe L . I on I he Great Nfestern Railwe�yj on -sat- L
� I � : I I Up life was !TY�Hoiio, F:EvEia.�T I Oid ver is i
I .. I extinct. I)oeceasea was 61 1 y
' ,
SH LPI F,D.-'-.*r. W. Shilh glaw of tU I , B1 � aile. I mlaking $ad ravages on out our urd iy last, bol'h his haitds 'being on.
' ars, of age, was ver�j smart and ac-� , .
ace has sdippeliEeveral 'ar loads of ' ., ( gag 3d at the t e carrying bapkets of I
. BuyiNG. kii. E.: Nicho vi0a%e. There are at pr li�nt so e seven pea_
Pi I I WHF,A.T . i . a I
leimb 3 and of live, a,, id enjoyed good 1�`ealth a 'hes. t �
catt 'Le for e ..... a,stern ' ,enerall , ; I
� Y. i .
I -ocer, is prelI& an a - L I
I . t Wingham, general gi 0 011 , o have b en 'tricken down � ! I
ei,g t 0 '
� " � I , .1 AI.AuxET.s.-lTor the ]fast week there I
mait oati i du I 11 I t Ile Past - IV,. ek. to bdy wheat in Bluevale.- We t- -at it i In the eStly part of t$ day he had I h the � 1 epi e '01 but &a yet we ha.,9 e been: a la quarlity,of;wheait and _� �
I Cuqv� LESMN -)Ve aro� pleased to: cdallj1ained of a pain i* his chest, and wit . , " I .
� I . he may receive as k dod a share,of; pit- none have succumbed . �
.1 . - -
, . agairi at noon, but was �' round as usual &Ile ap to 8 &.-. , other arains I g -i it lie f 0110,wirt,
, .
� I
notic 3 t iat I It, i" e t r Mon4sOn Is again tronage as his PT13630essors. � i 0 1 1 . I � to the dis ase4 C . idering the state 0 - . 4 .g I
1� I ' 7 d i Y. I are the prices- Fall wheit, �92 to!qac.; i :
. . 71,
a,b16 -;o )e a � on ao5 . He b beE n ;! laid :I an P rtook of his ' eals heartil
. I I A FARh',%'ELL GATHERING.- eEar . ' ' bac i ��
� nl,c . . -a rbii; boyhood e led a Godly', I our � I" I
np di Lri ig t � Frol. of, some � y4rds at preal �nt, it spriug,986. to 51; peas
. IS p at few 1.7ftiK, . '. , 55: to � 60c..; oats,
I I � y I Andrews d Pennington, and the r ' ` 11 _4A � �
I � . � ! life, a was a most cd sistent member 'isinot surpriBing therels typhoid ver, I �; q - .
severe Eprain i IhE knee 4 -� I . 2.8 to 30c,; bar Ley, A5 to 47c.; hay,, $7 ; .
I �. W3, : 'I � , - families, Be out )q Wednesday 22nd � le wish to rid 1 heni- ' !
Rli-ENG_v��%--T R . of t 11i ethodi9t Clint h, in which for and Should the peo eg,gs, 15c.�- butter, 18 to 19b. I f . .
J oi F. I" n1t., for tho far -fa 61,Minnesolaj, On I ,. '
. . eld ( i solves of it, tUey o- ight to observe Strict -
I .
son hft ).engs&d : for the I yeari e had been an O ce bearer. He XG meetin I
- 1 dr departur I .§
the evenin� before relis n e - A Rr,AmX Roo.m.-At .&' - g of
7 , . � � - anliness and thto -free ! applicat on of . I I
year .8E 11 to: tcout ut e the �rdno- is t 1, always had a mild ,lid a pleasant cl� I the Mie4aides Insti-
� .
Man . ; , I the Directors f ,
I I . . .
of 1, . t aininE the Young � idea: 110 to of their fri( ads �ssc ni bled at t4,e � leE [- wordJor every one, �nd was highly elt loride of hn�ie, b(th Of ,� which a -e the. tutQ held on N Tediliesday eveiiing last, it _�
. I dance of Xr.Jo isl,rrier. Mr.,'IIiii- ; I d by al CISS4 38. Hii Widow 9 eatest 'enemies 0 the disease, and wai'aecid,ed tc open at o4ce a i reading
shoot" whi fi he I as v, wy - e , ciently I I'll i esteeme . 8 ,
1 I 1;1 I minS, more aant wa elected ohairnia It � succeed i 1, kee 4ina -it at arm's I ;
clone for th past t vo yeE r b is noiv beco * I and t�wo sons a�Lr left tti mournhis loss. gdnero,lly P r, � '
I . . for which I ositi�n � roan in conneetion with the Institute. -
0 ibuz.q I Tha orang * . .. Ell"' 9 -' . Parties Should �also- be c ireful
I � -I �n of thii ery po , The funeral too . plac' on Monday &I,-. length . :
3E. - I ;,; . v pular. I Aft�r a few remarks,11 �e I It th, 3y drillik. Mr. Leckie an Mr.. Wade, off,eped two
vicinity M'unte their '4.egal: a, ano: , , t , last an4 was ��hrgely attended. a�' to the wat ir roomsfor.the winter frei.6-6f! bli-arge,
chairman c allpd on! " fr. Farrow, M. I., , ernoo I I I I I I It
Y�r I 1 0 1,
' ' � i of ftanized church I i . wh1ch offer ma's accepted IiIy i the Di- I
. to - troni ze: thE j who, after deliveripk a fine lecture f 11 I
turned bg.ut 4A M1 8'8-,, to " Prior t the da' *
. . : I . � I ; - 4 xeter, for many I alton � � I
spices Of th I choira d organs in A . I W % -by
-icnic MI* the ,� Q SaME - , . '2* � "I rectors. The roomsare td be ready
I encourage tent to thiose who were lea, :
Pordei - oil; Mdnd�y hey #poit them- . . : I I years . Brawn led t, e service of song To rs, Ans.-'It is expected at a the 5th of October. We ihopia to see
. I
ha", I M ing, read andpresen ied them with an ,il the , Bible C ri i 'Or Of For- this Be lem w � car, : . i I and1iberal-,
Solve 3'8 $ ving i i, an eKbellerit time address, wl ich POBSC �Sed 90 muc -eel- !� I 113hristi., , Presbyterian, Ciburt of the Canadian Order of very ly', - � . r
, : I I, . I I Mb urclies. One of the )atronized- I , ; I
I and . thodist ch eliterg will be organized iln Walt I :
P 11' �hob ing of symt eithy, thal it will be 4 so iroe � It � . I
P330TOORA. Hy!. ThE ", O&SPI, . . � .
- 1 I OC&LETTES. -A numbq'r of GipseyS �
. . i most i teresting featu4 a it- the services a ortly ' I �
. I
I �
gallery whid-h ha b en fo %he y as few, of comfort � 1 io t . hemm aen far aw4l.- 'ta- ' ave was the s4 igin g of a beau- NEW CH-uRcH.-The English l t, I _ �
t . i at the : .are camped justnort4of Bri elof
weeks hivill Chi c I �v 1. . C.H 4 -, ass
I urst )l0 in isif ' froshmeuts were t eTi passed a'rodnii, : tVpl a them, comM6 .... ing with ap- is getting near completion, and I.-S''exz- �� �Ionaay night last we�e, robbed. of
I fly * - . I '
will rerilovl to .. 1; mley ; )n: 0 day ; after which all ex t0nded to then, a , I .
! I I a , I son . clays are ,nded," by repre- poeted. to be opened in about a , on.th. �
. . py , thy $3,00, a silver,!' watch ana a :revolver.
Now a y L mley � iends, pu,,, have' orrowf ul h lid an ' 'shed them e el . I I
- � a . w1i i T y ; Klentati es from each i:iof the churches It is a fine edifice. I I I oy . eiiii � as .
I I � Th did not 4iscover th ' 1,o untR
a firs b Jasd O* p �� � , i I . I I
� � p , unity tilpf , taining I anooess. . -
i : � I I- � — I I slbove� named'. In t e evening, at &.1 JPERsoN.-AL.-Mrs. Potter, of K�Ilear- ''
true pi ture of at h i iogg', as� Mr. 1 1 � 11 . . . earillynext mo ,` As y� �their7is no
p , I i I 1- I I Olt
I I I . . : meetirt of the Mi thodist Trustee - dine, thewife of Mr. Potter formerly club to t
! Luoey. � �
Storiama�n I,'. an e,, � 3rt inTl his drile , 01 I , I : I I � I he thibf .-Mr. Ts: nias Floteh-
. .
. i I . i � : I . � f Board, of which be bai. been la member,, 1 ot Seaforth, is visiting her- friend here, er has been �ppaiilted a4ent for the
,. .
, I .
busiresS. ,, I I __ � .*; i . --Mr. George: H&D- . . 0i M I I 1 4
� . I -
: resol tion to be e � iveyed to rB. and loohs� hearty a -ad well.
-based fr � A , Aniericau E as and Doininion Tele- .
MC VE VEIN' I - A move 9. at has been I kirk, of Hibbert, pore � . r. I Brawn was unanimosl passed ex- � TEACEE,R EN.-G1GElD.- , . .
rt'. : w )ks, cmeern- - Stanley', apair 11 B i Brawn , . . %he trust es of -rabb. Comro I lipt,ce -of Mr- Ober-
on foA fo lie 1pa wo' I MeE wen, of �fl e y i � - -y 0 � 8 In p
I I �i I . . . . have en -
� -
0 'ere, tion ' d est '� ishii: of a � .promising oung hilh . ps sired �y - 311d. pressin the high este -m in which he N-�alton Public, Sc�iool ' ,gaged. ho he left towi�l.-On Tues-
iug t a � y �' 0 ate I I tz6r, w '
,; ' was he 1 by the Boar ' deep regre h rvi8es of Mr. JKenneth McKenzie
Pres yt3ria; chur I L'Unao "the' ntrol Ente�prise, for which he paid a I he ad- ; . ' I da -1 - last Mel srs. Vanstoite, & soils
: . . i 1! . -ad aa their eacher . I r I -
I . k,ccoun of his sud remoTal, a for ne�xt year.i M - pui Chased an4 had delivered at their
h I . M. . I � ` . . .
oft xetoi divislin. HisiB �o very ; some an I -_ i
. i i . I . . . 't Bymp4thy with Mrs. Brawn in McKenzi is now attendipg the C iiitoV
I I I heartfia I Mi 1, 2,000 bu�hels of whep.:t. Thomis
Aesir ib] e pr I ject, and tho',' e w o ad- ' A TIGHT-,:3QuF,Ezr. ; hile Mr�. Ja 8 � .1 � � �
� , V . . her sad� bereavement.. L� High School He passed his ,Mna- Shelton also r'ceived a
here to ihEL,t e Or* atioril. a'Ve .grea � Horton, was putting he bridle 'on his i .. P large- quantity.
� .
�to �, I I tibn in ei�l i t Ski obtained a second _J
ra al 1 o -Stt' . e, I ,You g Welcome," the I Locf%.4 BRiEirs.-H. -�� . Hall, ]Esq.,. � y as I ohn der is buyi4
distd, ac& 6 Ld I -v orship. � imported h .g -apples for
. � � kel Re is MA I
�io � - -ado B �ertifical i high re- �
I SU. ription ' other do , horse ecidentally - a tero- i 1� arri� f I .
A suin has 1) en rl ' O'd by 81 � 6 ,It B bor, late of Lou" on has opened 0 i thEEngliahm ,. t.-W.A.Mccracken
� . . I . iy 6 10 . myMen4ed 'as a:clevo'r stude t and
!wi lis f oil, Maki hg him feel rath',')r , a�a Offi e in Samwe 'a block. -Coal las: i Thursday at the Wingham fair re-
alrealy whi almo�t Cov i the ped on I . ,
I I I Pill, no dplubt, prove an officient each- -
. . I ; I
outl . ; :1 I I Says, heis a , " t. Dealers at I �� , '
I . � uncomforta le; �T . � stoves; :re at a disco:* I C , d in alli 16 prizes.��-!]Iis Honor, .
. I . 1. �_, I I eilf. There were a large number 9f api.
I 1. enja p ;
Pri, � A �I . t f 1 't, esent have as many Second-hand ones � -
s(INA.L; ____�] � IR 0 to and I little on o oncei,o heavy horses for ,' PX . � I , e Toms., din Wednesdai W, t held %
. I I
lady, of the ree ress, 1-Iondo. ,.are the time bei g. . 1 aii new in stock. Has the N. P. any- I )Iicatlon�l for'the positiolb. cot rt for the rbvision of th� voteW Usk I
, � ..
. , * .!i f
eir �other-'tv i-1 I Tacier- - thing tq do with it fl -'Geo- Thexton, ! I I I Th -,re were 4.51' appeals, ab,but� half Of
oo,-4.-Q e of our I I I i . ! I
visiting, at Vi 8, ?fr. -GoNr, So � I Hensall ''
01 I -hill Smith yout I � ii� I . I . 1.
John D tt .--�-M .1 Thon1las, rE In " a and his lady love, tDok ,4ate of the Family Drug Store, has sold i , 'i I I wh1ch were sdstained.-This week WO
I I t ea o venings Sao or * hiBl�ousiness'snd 4p SH�PPE�.-One day this week Mr. ob,r erved a nui�aber of onioi - �
law i3 b 6rnd or a da+ � Olin hge their depart f �. ,cepted a situa- . nj grown in a
� I . I I iii �. _' 0 � I
, - . "
St. Marys C I gia, Instio.be,�holo6ks the kingdo f matridaorty. We hoUe , tion in 8eaforth. Mr., Fowell,, late .of. Sl�illfnglaw, one of our local cattle get tl,eman's g4rden in Brussels, which
I . . I . I
hearly.--LMr. ow ki an, lof Cro�dition, that they Eyo g hilro to enjoy th-e � Woodst k is now � in ' charge. -A bUyers, shipped a, car load of fine stock 11168,stired 13 �'Uches in oftil 08#
I y Ion QC I L ournferen .
I . . 4 i
was callin , DO his Iri 1148 �011 p1laasurtis of Imarriea �[ife, and that the�r;� $10,000 libel suit is taIlked of between , from this,station. � : They fr ' the seed. � The GreY
I I were o�n _t__
� - . . .
Satu day I' t._I!i�i Thapaa: '�icho a greatest tro4bles &V!. be little ones. : Et' hi V circles in this BusENE s. -Despite the wet Weather Brinch Agriciiltur hola
� , I I M ; pa les moving in ig . al Societf Will
r 0 � .
is eu� 1,aE ed i a f mis' i g X�t. � J 'Brint- b 'SPORTIVE.- - A. locality. Mr. G. D. Griffin, of the . of this w ek, a large quantity *of g -aba is their annual f,411 fair at BrIl4sels, on the,
I . : . ENTERPRI�ING AN t- I I -
re illene � Frii4o Leslay, ! Dominion Watchman,. was in town being bro ght to Hon -Sall, which meets �
nell'E now ,� - .01 ' I Omas .. Bishop, M. �., erec�e on We4r 7tb and 8th of, October, Th4raaay atia
, .; i dcl� ; 4 .
a I ! , last the fra . i � h. -Plank crossings So soon with ready sale and good pric� I I
is an excell I t Ihar I h' ' 4waea laist wee le� and I Friday of next1 week. I
. ST U0 � GF, D I (uXl:k, .-A " �ior a, & table, w - * 11 I ; —.-- --L �
either pecu- cothpletedw1lbe tmtter a hajidsonie decay that our Vi�lag .
go Council intend our atreet13 present an appearance ,which i i
liar sensatid was a' ticed im�rl, . I he ap- i putting own a number of flag a . tone I strikes the eye of I the beholder that Great valliety bf Piot'tira Frame I
il some building, and will ad, ligreatly tot 4 . I
.; � - .
of th6 memio rs: -ol i h 14 E. ifo, ur'ch, pearance of I Lis:1 pron iseli. The I h C, �a 1 crossings this fs,U.-4-Exeter Public` Hensall is a live business place, and we Mo alding,who'lleslale and ria*il, at W&d6
I . � i I I . I .
hisilh-irst; a v "o , I -. - Seboolisthe" most economically man- think it is wise of the farmers 'o sell Bros., Whitney"s Blook,8eaforth.
c . - . S U 4 is ;(, i; lliliiitll aBt, assembled ati an early hour, when � I I __ I
- . ; ; . : . i. � . . I .1
: . i '. I 1 � . . - ; I � -
. � . I . . I � . .1 I ; I
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I ,U.av,,e open,ea this wee
I stock of Hats RnA Cal'
I I . �
� � . I
1 �about 7
� i I
I - I i
I � �
i I i I ; -
i � numa VA __1 f 0
, a
! . FRALF TH. R. -
� a I
7 -
� �
: I
� . The Goods exe, Rew a
I I latest American -and Ej
t I I :
: : I I
� , I
: � :
. . - . .
- .
_-Bequiring a New Hat 61
The Finest Line-, woritt
. be -sold for �52 50, an,d
similar reductions. -
I . . ..
: I
i ON.E LOT 01
L .
i : � �
i I
I :gngfiah Stiff ana 9- oft
� � be. sold for 50 icents, ani
� .
I . �
. I
. �
I � ;
i Vor 25' eertts,to -cleair,
I Xen"s Almas in NU 00110:
I 11
I �
. I ; i
. : .. I I'll
: �
I '. :
i � �
� ;
I � Ave !111ASO tall attentiol
i made Clothing DepaTt
; .
I opening out , : I
2 -
- .
.. [ . In XeWt Tweed Suits,�
ntaf% Suits, Boys' Tweed Sui
toats. X,Ws Ulsters. Ri.
Men's Rn'bboer coats. .
I i V �
, I I
I � - ..,
i Try Us Bebn You, J;
� . I
i .
; .
I . i . -
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I . �
I - we are. no,w V--ery %
. Olvefting N*w- Val
I � 'Clausen for the. *,
"ents of our Meoda.
i . i 0 � I .."
� . felt ;Xh * - eason in 0
1 1. . est and Finvot el
I -
I faratortilk. . �
I i
: �
i I - . .
i I ,
. .
I : tho Staple Department *
I � Gro)r Cottons White �4301
. Shiiting'i,,Towo1;R,1
tiI MgS,
I Ducks, Denims, 1110111&`n�.
i '
� r y
t . in Wedepsxtimelit, to -
� ps:Ssf,d,, � .
I � �
I � :.
I .
- i . I
I �
Our pres's D4artineut I
i . ,4 B1PALuqrc-;, Wack Cas
I . 00thIs -icolorred - , , . 811�
I . � 'The _N�w f 31heoA,-E in C --ist
I i suftlngA and Fwatyp,ig)
� I vaxitvy. car U) caat�"
Z_ FigutredLha.stres cannot!
I - .
M qlke -guy _=-14tA,e-12c1i
i pr%te.01 t
, , hese'Goods, ani
I __ them at the mollev. - N
i Stnek of Plain ,and �Clx,6
. -
I V(- OXCI shoNVjn,(Y at Very l<
I :
; -
I -
i .
i MI'LL1, NERY—lu "C
I i PfirtnI60t Ve Ste Fh0*'n1
I . I
. Flowers. F,eathers aud�
1. � Nry
� � - , les in Rats a-ud BoO
i I T_tiwxni.ugs in the markiloiL
I il is7txnZer 11ist-daels M"all
J L - ,
I 1�41rgefst, Cheapest and
iu the County. Thete i
- ,.h4se,1 af_&nctlon by 40�
. L
I i
Xbotreal, and rnmlot lbil
. , t4er House in Tewn�
. i
. � h2mm a large stwsk and I
. vwry one. I 7
� of our busli ,
ness wie arl
pleasea so inf,Arm. our 6�
. I
endeav*rs to gek, Fiat 4,
� '
I ;
I ,
ex i
. ment, we )mTfe thfi; a, .J
1 ;
our former effortso aw
Gmnd Stock. .9'C'ot0h 1
1 i
tit from. -zlfii per Suh
1 S .1.
Tweeds -a L . t
. �Uet ".
. ' 'OECD'
Lilile *1 FreucljaJ
lent Value. - �
I k -i
Z �
I a Wrfttt,F�
i ;
� miert leaving their orde
: �
r � ;
I h, aving garments madal
I .
. "
t I
r !
! -
HAtS land 40fi,p8,G10Ve1
I .
Under fllothing� &c.
� ,
I � I .
GooaB Department vt
S -tock of Frillinga, ED -
-Colnactt; &e. Don!t U .
line of 4 -button Kid<W
at the price. ii
a I
I 4
- ,
Buyers will do V1611-1
4fort making their I,
lit V