HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-01, Page 3, 188(). SALE ATTLE I Statne„ of Valuable tout, ttattaaat staileePo 'Cigat ratter WICIATION r dROMins, R r, os ZOTH, 1880,,- * at TWELVE nd the valuable -lure f Seahata lag the Duke of r' Sharon, Good. hneble pedigree 1:1. Snell, Attrill, 1 °there. Alga Li stallions and " Srated Canadian 'Al of Impreveol tter ths sale of el on the banks_ >u the west by of the Buffalo Trunk) which arey and Bruee the North-West utertf call at this idlt, without in - 7.4g security satis- ek 6old. A dis- ed for eash. x for bath rasa ,re very reason to get Reduced , will be foriard. , Seaforth, uton. Caneer, Goderich. kLE Lan IN THE ' Isaac Francis .re of the County ; of Breckenridge the 27th, day of ifered for sale, Judge on SAT. -ER, 1-_:80, at the at the hour of Cooper, Anetion- wave t1.1. and 12} awl:whip of Grey, Ot containing by Acres of Land. and a quarter of 1,16 thriving mar- ne of the beet -3e hundred acres, ots. are cleared ; there is a, fine 1ere, and the rs. ti with excellent r•el hemlock. A. rVeyed which will back portion of there le a barn ; tier with a well Ireperty, and the I kat() of culture. , at time of sale, • st, A. por- upon mortgage., iay be had on the L,ly to Seeger Sr ▪ C.. E. Cooper, ; relopc' Solicitors . sI liepiesentative4 663-2 )llO�L FETZERil if Goderich;takeEi ue citizens of Seal associated with Mr cle ne sai me loo ing spa de wit • • To rot ole you ohI Sa th he ra ne Out a ca cit ru th tw ab of on rn orc ate - S. at to ri ml ca lie ab th hr ov w. SAVILLE" ter, late of New b ..1g instructions in s •iy. Prof. Saville w 1:ving t.ketirtionials h i masters in Can- Nt Toronto, and a , following dances uriginal Lancers, 10 is, Itialiek erboeker ! toe and heel and to I, 3 and 4, French li.leelonian, Quad- eard-arranged by k. All intending vitLES early, as the week in October, 0 e Hall, Seaforth: Ws Hall, Sea -forth, h he hours of 2 and pose of enlisting Va F information: ; for Ladiea, $8; Y ,,:x will consist a 1. KA 2 i be SALE h f VT1OS.in VG GET .11k XX. hi tt instructed by the VLER, to sal by RCIAL HOTEL, DOTOBER 2nd, Valuable Farm, McKillep, on the Ses,fot di, known run e iztains 100 -nd in it high state - ell timbered with of waste land on h well and river. idid orchard, and ;ill positively be • pnrehasemoney the balance to tt thereafter, and ,nrebasera. Proprietor. 66s-2 E FACTORY. ))KRER 1.1 make to Order, traitigetailug- her axticlein their ti their own tumi- d article both ag work cannot be ablishments, ed to. Give us s ean satisfy you as public, having over 12 years. 3.•.• HABEREB. - - E3TORS. IS, Sea/011h, on their books a a of old standing, be handed to Mr. Parties interested court costs. -RR & WILLIS. Ty LEATHER and Deecription. k kept. Terns.' All orders by mall R. N. BRETT dc • _. • , . --- - - .. . - ii . _ . I . , 1 • ' I 1 V • • • - . 1 ,•:•.1... . - ---- - ..- t .Z ,. • OCT 11BER 1.2 1880. •I 1.. ' ..'' ' mg II • I I 1 I •• , . HURON EXPOSITOR. 'i • ••-• -4,0•1••• , •LAY ' ; ' . - .•• ..--=-1.• I., - - - • I -Ir III i 1 1 i • 3 . .. 11111111111MEMmmenummil 1111.1111111m.MMIIIIIIIIMM11•111.1111111111.11=M1111M1111141111MMIIIIIIMMIMIMIIMICINI . Arai tan at once recognized as a rk in tee Commercial Bank in the thing she did was an angel in hoope perfectio ',. skirt a'td he vt,s brim. .• d • an. I , aw n• y b or obd to upe i. :0, ea I rly of, and. spri et them ,g, and in . Dominion 0_1s32.1.1!E_DAL Ethibition, - SILVER : Higliefft Toronto : MEDAL Award, Exhbition, ' ' I , 'THE G LDEN LION MAIN -ST s SEAFORTH. . TEA TE TEAS. :• 1 - , ghbOri 4 g market town. . ;Good morning, Mr. Jamieson," representative of corn, chignon. You talked onit _ best to, he , smil a th !ni ' ; -s 'la or ,e. put d h• ta • : r . omits Now, fu •• lof sum- eh about he Ottawa, 1879. : • 1980. 0 e -----....-- COWV TH:E It V:11 CROP T ARRIVED. i the j venue roe. your prettiest smi up her hand rcliiel, es, and til:St apt, •• e to pi k e real y • so :tr o 0 :ash .dven tames ea • in ring con - he por- • •-• . ' f 1." .-.... 1 1 1 1 . 'Moroi d g," answered Sandyowithout on every owe ion to "the firer," ' t , oug Close 11 t, • g i• • tvisio I boards 130. I FALLi 1 80. ;::' , ..f1 T xi ' king uic. I heard the news, I suppote ?" command, How is it it. w?. , do ' e . up. , oP f : 6 -ab a, Chaff for 'cushion inches r.' •i .t.,- f CD • tste !• r C) :Ai. . A. II !XIS You've What news ?" said. Sandy, yawn- • About ourschoolmaster' You come • Ilona Your clerks h ve ., some bank w ich . tired en idle held You and : ad/ °rolls. sane* ; 1 eurities Ofi th of to ci k. ite b. o o cat t the eave bpe • ilco_ : o ,I. , a es air ontra boleti ut in p the !and i each end . Aatraincie cur bees JOHN K1 D D (tIAOR , 0 ‘t- 1 H 1 • • • • „ • , . .131a-404", 1 3:0 1 z 1 CO Grocery .THit and rto n St -or -e SPOT the beet Tad Sa dy been struck by an electric rk, ha. be sat down on a needle, he ad not -aye -jumped, up from his k quic.er than he did. Eil, W 'ars the matter, man ?-out ill it l'' he• exclaimed. 'Why, • e's bolted!' . . • "' 'Bates ? Where's he gone till ? Li me that ;" and Sandy came has failed, so rue. name on it as indorser test, and of °rase. .sorts. Your wife has h: able a day as You The coat ha*-.. b cook has give w huff, the cistern ody's not: has you d just as nave had. Oa full o' 'toting an. has spru •• o 6:1 tie • t th yo, r i to pt.- oat f MAO t• te, t e ft in a a lea a 1 ;lot , ibean . of shu1.i qu tl: ho stO piss •ti -1 1 Is en e ey k , e br re b to ul: h i One the on th e int , w • Ibro . u • rly, : vest 1 he i s .e•dre • ea, 1 • .a of • spa°, • s, .1 • t ith y • e I dition t m ly u n eg th:. pp winter a er at bY t emit o -I use s.! V :41 tithe tnag co to at' of this - ids and . middle combs for the a lit- the first ' es your e it in • :a BE'Gs' . hie S' to call ns.any Customers sued assortment OVES rom the : . • I i ' the Special Attention and f he public of 1 , 1 I si-o\iE . - BEST Manufacturer Dominion, viz,: ' gene in t 1 his ally to 1 1 OUR FALL . . . _. , _ I' have. Much our 'at's 7 ---=' --=-4".•=.--- -,........ Om IMPORTATIO - - Pleasure in Announcin Fall Importations are. N S that w _ ' i TO HAND • ' . • 71- ()if - the Butg . o Hand. ,3. TS -1- value tor Just try cheap., FRESH And a ni JassIn°184 Currant Prunes, • wliera. your monefever is New Teas-141)0*re so a welleeleaged . n ROCEMES facia 'ed all tehe'e 1,;oernusrd, 3331 It ally, Pine Ap ried Apples. ' !Son can get Sexed in Stafortia. reallygooda114 Steck 01 Fresh 1 AN PROVISIONS :II ilia of VBIJITS, mash fklit4CiattnetIery,131ten le 4elly, Figs, Raising, md the counter and gat hold- of the rk's aria; - -Nobto . y knows," observed that baby has had an : cried all day, nd a man is neve w : ttack of tie ylour wife aried wit • olic,a. d ried a lie lies . y the • us ply li fr of U: 'el yo. Ibox .1 T ng b a u:. le • hie Iby ii the t they : Cons Ise, of : -ill now nt sup- good ar- W ' :B VCK , OP B.11.4.N.F RD. • 1 HON Y IN 1..- 13.1 BOTTLES. ; mg ge tlenaan, evidently . enjoying ady'a paturbation. "He has forged a Rue to. 1'40, aud got the money from • bank." • 'That's naething, man, naetliing.," ailed S ndy ; "the blackguard's off di ft w o ole 'quarter's sola•ry I paid in to bury his mother wi' fretful baby o he; aching fit. to pli gether as best she tea and butt rs hand.. The tea is smo .34 toast is burned that fact also, an. , ,arm, au , Ihas got: Could, an the • toas -you IS'ii,y blaok-you li a Iter he: d Oper to- pours o t With o e tice. T le mention tic an ;.v yo ' suoae pl: sub yo. : h ' eed ate •n f- . r-: v: a. v th stiff ' pply all t kid n lie Me t oo sti. or of i : ttiotte ;mast co iloii a 0 cut A Ito lk d w n -, the : re in i thins ' 11 folio t shel of tell eed ti, sence of ae hive, th insure ii out our , you will , but if our bees • These 11'7 STOVES ich can an possess gany only be Apia Inspection of Ad e h anta tate 7n. es , by • ! WE ARE . - Than ever before, GLASGOW MARKETS, SHOWING A MUCH ykRGER and having visited the LOND N, our , STOG' , ,MANCHESTER, a Some 25 cents Try 212 pound. Try m. per poun Try m 65 -cents . Try in it is realy the beet Tea or pound. New Japan Teta 1 Black 'Conan . ! Young Eryso er pound. Gunpowder 4a good value. put at i ' !Tea I Te i 1 et • , ' in the market, et 0 and 00 cents par • . at 50 and 60 tenti i at 45, '50.4 165, 80 and I so cents per pound, 1 ' a. ad&nee ; ;h four sound-a.whole year's alloo- .le I pass him in advance, onto' my trfock-t, for helpin' me-" Roe S tidy pulled himself up. It aid not do to•let that cat ont of the upon the a:object splendid toast y ntake, or to the • Jones over the partner, an.d Mrs very by refer dr meta enderful •• ay. Jot Jones i e if: 'sr r:ad e: y enlar:e to tie used 0 of M s. is yo r &anent y wh in' tolpo bees knew th t i inte ei t y o tit y nee' condi urse •der to ir n-e:o.: 'er of ion; f 4 / th 40 the e ad.! flit WV6,1 to. ther soon mid lazy correct 'con. as or i examine eJr stupid. theory of ition and you see vou areF W ; WARRANT nd Defy EVER Competition in l'ric o STOVE1')301•0•V" Qua t '. . Styles will' be found Right, and ices avorably with any Previo s . will compa e ',eason. - c A goo tired Bunt BAWD, Fd Pot Barley, -supply of tbo 3 Smoked lour Shorts, raham Flelux, t011\T-S- superior Smoked Suitt aeon, Plain Hams :and ran, Porineeril, Oatmeal, Oats and Potatoes. instanced as m sad house caper. afr i :of • ud work an • imaginee 1 1 ,T,'• , 'But t at's neither here nor there," a You kick yOur soots off ere it is yoar ee stead will .I r for •tnet sing and -,- 1,..., I - . FRUIT JARS.' - i FRUIT JARS. eontin ed, "the villain's run off wit ' best h: t and top coat, and , a bran N' porta antel I gied him the loa.,n o' I'm fool, most Poiavemeitt, paper cellar en "what . in, the baby?" I lee nd thro -sofa, once .do no s 1 our soiled • wond r ail . th t board we bu a in bo vi. 88 la th e you for y• .. b o e a I es 1 and t mats to only .11 ou, then tquit the grace it *.' 1--1 MAIN 1\1- IC , i STREET, SE: 1 ORTH. 8 IN DRESS .. . , :GOO DS WE A r E 1 S H. CYVVI NG A vet)] all sizes price, wi.1 . ,4 large etock of inassIGem which, being Imuglat be sold yerv411liaap.; f . Fruit iare, of before the rise In , . " i 0' oha ity. Ugh! a mad I 1 an b in I untie t c ntemt on our '11 1 1 - kt. G. AULT, 1 ' 'Street-sea:forth aited i iot !- But the Man must be By this tiro.e Your wifeh: : , Ought t e li le a-votites t 6 bee . We ike cus- Fl A Ilayam S' - . .PE - ,ched ;" and, in his agitatioti and ex- ament, Sandy was actually going to di bare teaded into the street. 'Stop minute, Mr. Jamieson,' said infection -she your boots with I ly, and you eleva ask her "What is elergy, ha: ctoiss.- S to e your etre her e ,p:ak trews b picks p mi d- a d k up to to4i tar eri e o nd kra ra enjoy iness ,e a lo ar chi' poits pot blim b aris well :dough erhea •a ulg from a to to on for which BANKING "1---- - iti I I, H 0 USE. LUSTRES, , CASHMERES, SI:IAN . • LA ci-TRy i CLOTHS - i- CLOTH, a THE COMMERCIAL S E A 1? LIVERY 0 RIT El . , , - • a ,clerk • ith a grin, as he stepped be- such a_rate. rt got V. ga th e n It e con nev • tn ea uali • siness ed. a 1 . iWrath. i Fi0I1 -So dy the, door. "What Young hushan ernembier hat u y e V MERINOES, ay LYN •CLOTHS, R.BES., ten and . y t -t• ' uit thi: ?'•' and he pat the. thin strip promised totiloae d cheria her. e- B b -8 it Qu er Narnes. AI' I'- 1-1 A_ I e . - Trilv si, purchased. °Stock and Trade of the blue pa ;ter with the shilling the co -tier into Sandy's hand. tandy -ooked bewildered, and need t read it mechanically- - "W - iNNVENOWES, July.20, 'One o onth after date, pay stamp • ' corn- . • 1874.. to . my member that .you , py homer ottd her, and brotight find her happiness.. The cryingichild yours as well from_ as t ok her frienda her to yo , which ta, era. .It• i rem 1r 4 i a h p- tho by d Ihome to dys Yo is .1 just : s w co th. pr ha la ' p t, n -e i ec:ntly is be rs e ; teres : a coil aim or frt a ku10 'In e: lo •• coll•ction to ited 4 ecali• spme 1 by ;n London,which : 11 th r -1erro, oth strano 1 t of i Bibles editions of the r'ason, :J uJamea. . SEAFORTH, BANKER 1 - 0 : AR 1 a i SERGES , DEBEIGES, s - IN ALL THE SA MELANGES NEW SHADES,, EENS, f -t-t co.. George carrying added s former, First- e ercial Live ov " hiteley„ begs oo on the busines vetal valuable large stook. . fon sComfort -el-table-Hos, , in 'oreeS b11 s Seafortb., from Mr. state that he intends the old stand,and has and vehicles to ithe hut -rebid-es-and-Good Will be Kept Ler the aura of one hundred pounds rling, li aloe received. much your ditty Itt soothe it as -it h. he o care s. tut I fo ;o it as • you i A. th o f g llo he B ••ing: 1 I • ell. , EAU; IOH were' , I- David Covbred and open its glee, and Carriages, -and foram. ' “JotiX " $1.1ITH." would never have pain • and in. jetipa '0 • ad ane dy of he i tien.e. i • liN • : h t uten e Bi .1e -T t free! earliest 0 ce in SOrel II t le- premiseS u tel, form*ly occup4ed r -I by . Double Speck red SingleWsi Arrangeme las always ready t18 Arade Witk COOn• 'Read vhot's written across the pa- r, Mr. Janaieson. ; that's the most p.ortan ," said the clerk, while b - • ' • routht it into. re and, an cd.aa.y by da'tt, th y nd e•ery • world for he Watt a cry II, • You • is e - ove 1; ton g „ e . bo m by k 'ta Cr k t to wn. es, i: berg p t la, , uteri ' e A 4ntf L: in B ,• A. movable de issued . 1450. the Ban O f Commerc . 1 VELVETEENS Navy, in Beautiful. Shades Prune Petunia) &c. 3 a Black Bro - a Order aterdi left at the eta • Nen. les or Islay of the hotels eer of satisfaction lit up his pasty to her heart the :nder mot 's he: t h a !g B bl ,---W s se c•.*ed fromVI . proptl m attended to. 1 tu-res.. • • - Sandy ead as he wag bid.- "Aeee • ted -pay abler at the post office, hiDllyk , owes. ALEX. jAIMESON .11 tWeel what have ye done?" said which isteVe for her child • She attends to please. you full of - - to vtur ; s'a symPa' I wan• Is e grille biself and lly: she : o e it of read r ugs d.ring , "1 e y ni erro It reec f 4 t e: sa 1. m Ou; i xcia i preee t.' • A. lea --Th: "Afraid • version . 1551. Geneva N E • TES AND • glish • and BILLS 'DI ' COUNTED Foreign Pxchang'e Purchased 1 I BROCAI)E Leading • D VELVETS and S Shades. TgXNS in all t e . , BAK 11 RY' AND WiV. - i ONFECT IDNERY. ,the hot StOVI3 CO e 00Ctilik It gray e- ve Si n s tha atp la ly kno ..its the . • Ii ady, i. a voice preternaturally calm, . • and sauces you lik ,. • she !e• ; rms 111: ,B ee lizs Bi le, lfr -I m Its re a ming of FO BES 11,0TH'gRS ier his mint exeitement. - tWe di:cotiuted the bill a month ago the sel oolmaster, thinking.it was all =,h,t, ata I've come to you now for the thousand and One • . • , wife can perferm, :lid quite her? • I . Do d'uties W1.1 - how . • h•r only = you a ? Do o G hr la la :6 'ion BIB hes o iii., out the 7 of Sc (Ma: lea ptur e 1 ing i es.) . s -the nglish; mselves his trans- result of exiles at FARMERS' SALE 11(TE. • rOUCHT . ,.! A LARGE SIOCK OF LAD I ES jACKETS AN D , READYMADE UISTE 'Su T_T A -Ls- 0 for th, row Started -Misiness d Stand, next , where they int • • / , in Willismeoes a CarmiehaeVs Hotel; sea. dito sive Mil satisfaction net." • It is th last straw that breaks the rael's b.:Gk. The b 11 fell from poor Sandy's aids, h= fetched a groan that was piti- le to h at, and dropped heavily on a floor.. For thsee weeks Elsie sat by his bed- le nigh and day, fearing :that the y0.11 ever say her - serves like as a feathe Mrs. joitee Do you ev. now, or not 'the becomin Do you ever on tiptoe to c er (raise offee amber, ? Yo; t ble r r pra, 0 her • rib iss '6 VO tt is excel e her spoil g: can sat • adil 6 oUgh. se . her _olden neat-fitt ng on at - • 4 er whe r cravat, her a e ' ake 11 h this a c I rl dress o er thro t the sta, d s you u e Y , th G d a • th m c t n ri d 'ze• a r a - shots va g i.e ill e ab in 1 o was r uppl:n I vere f ace.' : ty • Met ema:ei t it n a • • e Eng 0 d • r aphic , " by James " Bible- v, ' i 2. ish faa' ueen. the p I. ; ; 1 error 9 ; 1"BI stead Bible Elizabeth isent an om a re- hich oc- seed - are f peace- . rafts Isstied, I ,1 of ' inters . ImeY to to the payabl Bank of Allowed ai on mortgages, Nine Per gent. at alk 'o a merce. on t f Branches poe om S to ! . Yen to , Also New &g Coatind Splendid V Also a Fug, Furnis i . ter Tweeds, Victoria Twills, *Fa ierproofs . &c. . : lye in Winceys, Shirtin4s, Flanneis, Stock of Lace Curtains, Carpets, mg Goods. Our usual Stock of , &c. and Linens. 31eltons, Won. ed - all ktnds of Ho se . 1 in every Welid. Deliv alvtatea Confect We f and lib branch of the 4 • ng Cakes .04 Prompay 'sir' ring done prerePfly. top ,on half onery ,and Fru Ily bops to ral patronage bfasiness. . i ali alter Onion tended to. We also intend tie al new and full stock af 84 1 the .gosd will and hind f the citizens of Seam& eta feyi.which supervened would t t to do ? , m It rs A. I. and vic nity. N.othin RI like good breadoind that erthro • his reoson., even if he escaPed Oh, ean bi .11. t ;,. be tore eil -, e reap. it b From t render"- 410 . ' . we intapd to have alw Tsi. Ill WS ife. you sa , a • courtiet a w man ; an When1 he mar ieP in: f J rein h , aii., 22 -• "I: there no I, A ALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITE.D. 653 I • FORBE13 IBROTILeIRti, Bakers. f But S tidy weathered the storm, and that seSt of t ing :nds. ' , tr a be nets: • f II 1.2 lui) in Gilead ?'' 1 e first ,hung he did on his recovery is to fo -swear for over the insinuating . -wt wink that i • court:- tap be 'ns a • all t the alti e r, marri riefi and fr in A . 1 68. osi b From e game R. JAMIESOINT ,. 3 SEAFORTIL SEOORTH LAX MILLS i raid, w ,-ose brain -stealing roperties the results of . varied 1 obseArat on t • : t b tra . • " osiu" i i he Douaiivi R.j OHN L • GAN) • { 4 al enta led. on him so heav a loss, lat. id frie ds vt; s on A. I. b9. , J HN 11" EATtIE tl the 1 -ext public act was o resign 3 seat e n the School Board 1- " i Sandy continues a resolute ,teetotaler, Lt is ve 'y sensitive and touchy on the bjeet of School Boards. If the trd ev- • is mentioned in his hearing, ; drow , s any farther reference to it by among a :. cirtle we are eatis-ted that and wife tee der you are dis * sed to - -busine Do eonesP:r Brown Let men lout h. that when w: env, • . • , him to Mae our of ma betw tess-"s call it la on kno any on - . al feelin. -en •oiliness,' -pays. h well ' - We a. •husb nd • ' at y u •eno . ridi ule -one ci p y." a T e cti -ea . 1 le e a e re ing he o 11. ick • • : th. e e rigs "I•shes- has ible Bibles wae . -- of Ruth, went t that' From left out. It rora the iii., 15- into the e titent." the fact of the L S • AS JUST ' -ETUR,NED AFORTII , 1.4B0. SALE OF I HE TR ADE MI S . I ' T i -i E S EA FO P.er AL INSTRU . E - M N . H + EMPORIU ' T Ts 8 -a- ts- trly. ,ia or ing th 'which ILL Desire) ,alf • e en reasons Iialtenns 0 man, who Is e has enftIonent, er, to keep the sessontthe bje e will give thei dispoeing Of his Flat to a 4Tood sake aly to rannap A prop. itlX8GX411.'aill) ill 8ple13.. in lug steadily dur- fiti3 in COLIrie0Li011iffith 4chaser. ying- - r And aurel no care or e r ion is to t I at th th neg coa i al a name t. Exodus, xx., - VIONEY 0- LOAN. "Whe: slat, mon, wheesht ! For the . ve o' . deness, let that flee stick fast e thew '." . great to sectu e to - short of a Hutve I • ou wh on ea h alls li Ur. -a ha p 13 1 a; co ..) 01. 111 r w D 1 1 ' thei . : 1 rinter was fined ESSRS . BROWN R TH & CO. S 0 'I.' 'I' 13 R 0 ill I-1. . . R 8 , Amy ra tes o amount of mo ,hr interest, Oil :8 6 to Loan ou reasonable Od fam security. • _ THE END. - home. K.V.I • HORN .1 Toe -hue ibld Being one inch : , 1 • . oFF CE-=0anadia • itarta of Commerce tittild, ! • a u • re nd. : lf nm h thic • , was pub- . • . • . Ingo, S eforth. BEATTIE. A ord to Husbands. Autu an . anag en.t.i li h d. t Ab id en, . D. 16 C. . here he has pnrelased very Fresh chap, as tine a , • .OHN In the firet place give your wife your itire co•fidence-have no secrets from Mk. A. J. IE ng , , , . eenters Maaatua: :b timely and ansi editor gives ' e Davie f e in the folio i the . t T e e ' he ine:a. dlin GI i le h. So nailed 20th • from apter ,of 43.rable - . . Stock of MAN UFACiP i HERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL • RS IN THE GELE8RA7 E G E ISA,' P 0 R I . ., tj M. a tr. If you • aye courted any oth.er girl, id bee tilted, tell her all abeut it. If hu. hay; loved another, and "cooled' , ward er, and. broken thei engage- gusLitumber AlIthe suocessf . • to winter ea condition in of that .. ely : s r journ 1 apiari tad hay ng ' to : s stocks • aid: . know a i sp tn • t 1 c oe, e 1 tion inatax . ' e hic • t, • ' I rinte J elle ; e n s' d te ibl et as d: , "The If viney: -We., : a Bib of rd. A. D. teld by 6 printed ROCERIES As was AND ever shown L in Seaforth. SS ARE EXCELSIOR OR , Ally, THE I- e liberal hopes busine Subscriber h stainers (mere patronage iin y strict integritiy H to merit ex ik -Having by thanks bis numerous ents and others) for their 1 the pest 7 years,end and close attention to confidence and trade in 'enlarged his ,. Lent, te 1 your wife. Burn a 1 the oia ttefs, a .d photographs, and locks of tir, an dried roses, and leave nothipgGriatoinve.rs, r her ti discover some day when she ay be anarna,ging in old desks ot Linke fo amusement. dwindling, p . objects must mer and fall must be complied the desired sealed. honettstored Plenty of epParl be el • At •es 1 1 u bses tions t sepure ode dun g least thr e with to accomp • • • "; a 1 Pi t in th: :uinmer. rear : ; t es; the s ni0 condit'one is ' Y of "° 2 the all Do 'I et: NS 1 I °O t 1 II ' T • tO e ins oil: e 17 09 i mg 1-)' lead o a s a lurd at N • • e und• ;tee :. • ' eX 1.18i S Bi ring t ta t • -) perse ; -e .Psa le -So " aographer iftet " Print- *ted him riles cxix., . ailed from Epistle ,,,,. ir!fts a erally ,1f,Oulci : .0 Call and , find Exami and it a the .th, to their e . ocds . ublie and gen- profit asser EV:ERY I The Factor ti i 1 1 INSTRUMENT - is situated on the Corner of Espl If/ARRANTED. n 1 . de and. Lorne Streets, Toro to. ' the fu ises d TH For mx at the nre.- ring the wmte , HEQT quantity of gg Emporium eel; prem - he is now prepared to„pay . CASH PRICE od Fresh Eggs, Ileum -ea . ' Half toe heroines in novels .are made retches by Some seeret theirhusbands we kept from them; and indeed, if it yodng 3. A*warm-Ittae • p'ass off 111 eicese the same tithe, e.• .in hich w retain of molt um, cept in e h:at an a far no th 8, • u :re0 J e• de i ' • in till the , stead v o th d "M!mn \ "Murder erse of • re -e a . rs being ."., A. D: s . din prices. J`OHN LO I Seal rth. PIANOS I AND ORGANS OF OTHE MAKES SUPPLI D 1 MAIN Wanited :&R,b hy the sub crber,725.tons T, SEAFORTH,. ,01 sea dry ere not for this want of. confidence the bees to fly cat • uring thT 1.0 [ ial 13ibl: Wholly . I . ' , clean /heat straw. D,. D. WILSON husband and wife, we permit days frequ:ntly • iu th e )axteu ato 'but . OTT 41 , . atiuees between ar the wet writiug branch 1of _ ind us- •y woul I be driven back to first pH -a- warm latter part of' win It these simple occ .,A.? er and' -quireitai '1 • ring ally ts spr og are f ll1 , p l tea 10p and:b I • copi-s I dia ,. rue t : , twelve off. urs, D. 1877. • , . A few V Pood Reliable Agents Wanted. G o men. liberally dealt with. , 1 r TH HiEAD i'llOTO G ALLERY a ples ito d our modern books would be Dile up_ in the Lord Mortimer and harlott: Temple style, complied with, w tenths of all the bees, and an ,equa bat believ a aladie: amou • ; t I ef at n nei 'ding out the • Si 'would at . a e 17,s°t69,w"i'S . c of o --- thaocutsan ' . fihned. 1 - .01 th SES.-- by t t "Dar tLis a • well b experi- e'y's Con - -Heave T 0 , F A FR' S . ADDRESS SCOTT ROTITERS Seafor h. / . . . . Pict res of I? re Moit Taken 4 A. Calii• Seaorth f. If a a an selects a a oman out of all le wort; of women for a . wife, she iould b worthy to share his co,nfi- ' there should be mal howling of once disappear. would then assu ..e inviting and lime met This an as; ative. .toitey ) w - ct indh trt at nee st tea. " t 't ion e If i !Powd ea g 'or kis . 1 r" fee the, k w tha r tor: ad ;'' 1 r an s no h A.rabi: s su.per • or ev: a bee. any to - knovit vt used in A LOT , I , 1 OF Le .H 0 I OR D . BE . & Co ., Toronto: OA L AND .EE SAMPLES. S ': Ithswn by minx* samples a A, L the ample'. 4- 'IL mace. h oung man- e ; my day work, *am.), as .you ten get a3ay a earth y interest so near your heart 3 the h apiness and welfare of. her who ears yeir children, who keeps your name, and yields in June and July tains. l•ess acid tit: the season, and fcr ter winter food t is thic D. that s this re an fall • reate -on oney nion i14 is a, pett ; h ace c•••ni.i3a, is, 1,, pt s e .esdesI tisfaeterv I resta wher alltitt.t • , les te I tie o horse orthless It, the perfect as been with the ; rse hay- omidness to I -ivr av a. 1 r B. - • Y E D THE SEAFORTH AC -BICULTURAL 14 LEMENT EMPORIUM. day a Calder's ont . _Ili& drapery, dear ah4 hrird nt tolors, and xneothand clean faces, sualx as ea be made ord • 133, years of practice and . expel enee Old pie 'tikes copied and enlarged as • tweed. Negatives pre grved. ome, w o wears your ) veru those rights and privileges : to -hich t 6 eovenant has en- during these ra • honey should b uths MI remov frames of from the 0 ,e. 1 ut oh b min nes :a es rctly that : be he cora- bserved. ; . (:11ILDEit, PrattlealAxiist - ANDREW . Oppes te tbe Com oo • ,Cfal Hotel. 650 - .. marria,ge tied ye . - It iS lways best that in pecuniary hives and belput and airy roota fo away i I. winter a, 1g dark, dry purposes, it a, I. iy s for ch holieiS from $60 h: • to ve after $100 o ords been pie than -7(E;. Et S • Ito . C. WILLSON, PROPRIETO ANCH R LINE. tatters 'our wife should. be thorough- and their places 4n the f -nab ve be filled t e w uld aV previous13 bronght, , 1 . TNI ED STATE' MAIL STEAMERS Sail •f- infor se ed. Let her know the exact mount if your income and your re- Durces, that she may regulate her ex- eases a cordingly, and thus avoid mu- ing up ills and the indulgence of ex- ravaga. t fancies. - Not one woman out f teu w mid exceed. her husband's in- with frames full in the centre of dearth of honey i just feed a little brawn sugar each trance of the hi e, will be pro -Mote , "s. co the hi the fl syrup f evening thus r and by did undatiot ; • Ors I.a ona i 2e h set 'it'd- i occurs-, the est the en, bree I jug time the ney a sin Let Be tat. 0.4a tat7,ic a 1.0p we ate sig is I all 1, ecicine 'e we Ai her th- e 0t . Fa- o oprietot dei PI Or A ti t storth- the *ed. cons ine and se: & Co. is op 't Lyma for Canada as. 631-52 ifference. der this. that the on eodh Toronto, Sold. by -1 ASH Fiel, i PAID FOR V Seeds, Drie LOVER, pples, , - A 141U li.,' MAO •., H ; L STOCK OF PLIOWS ON AND I - 3 • , . , Consisting of the Following Kinds : I . , EY'S- NO. 13 TH1STL CUTTER PLOW, • t. ••-• .very Sett:ad GLA.S W (via Lon Direct : TIC ETS for .Liv now, hdan parts 0 any al. er first-class 1 Pre ,aid Passage wish' g to bring o The Passengerac foam NEW 'YORE and onclerry) and LONDON ool, Londonderry., Mat- „Europe. Fares as lOw as Op. , ntieatea issued to persons di friends. odationof Anchor Line ',elegance ome, if she knew just exactly how his ,ffitirs a 3 od, and. what would be the '011seqn noes of such. excess. The old temet .- nd sha.wl would be worn an- alter ve tr, and the millstone of , deb•t ral inte eat would not be hung around he nee • of th,e family bread wnmer.. Fema is not hall so b lack as fall flowers rt diet eestt yo host of youn v it away- . A d know thitt b es labney in the/ b should take the tractor and. .1w read' willpet; gorous w. s those w • re not in es in int by tls replac 1 :rs • i le i : tatalit e0 to ort : re po:teO ed to - ore fall, yon g the exff- the ..ptt elle 0 t ,f 1 1 • j a 1 'lr : Sti sa a ou s . ! = m the t isios e to the Of pp ton: tato o Inc f no a oltton Eve but a, " •o trietore he ry for x erience is pressed e iroprieto ng Tray- naple. act Wistar's • s to soy, It the use' s favor- of the UTT W' . , 1 I o t• R AND ....-AT- ROBE Pi EESE) - SON'S OL1 HILL. IVIA POR ER'S.NO. 40 CHILLED S- PATENT PLOW, NO. EY'S NO. 10 SOD PLOW, .PERRY AND TEESWtTER 'PLOW 1 . 2 I GANG PILOWS • Ste a era are unsurp 510:. ppiy to& DI ii, ' NO 10E OF 16ISSOLUTION,. xr 0 IICE is hereby '" h retofore subsi .'". is d pr and corn - oorli 9 the'Post OftleelSealmth 2,vezi that the Partneriblp g between us, theunder- e vanity t has b ;en painted. t behavior at co:nabs in th: ce of h re of th hil7p, a h ceees ..e eedm. de- w ic eau :v -11:r w:s f fo : s r •, Oire y cured o t s' conti .g a severe 'Vance „by lin ter and Cheese E periam. .. A Full 1 ' , tock of Straw Cutters Horse Bakes, ur 271, signed as Merchant (form oo ly at E8111021 the Village of Blake, e), has been this day And t .eti we come _to iorae aa d to perso•nal appearauce. A voraan't love, whpen neWw, needs some thsrishi a to kee. hen you went partment excites the b ps tivit takeya, and . w dvent ge to th.e in*•t ich the of and i i notving consequ•ncta • tense ac- nea t • a • se riands ei t of t ed. t is I, a 0 • e 3 it sae , and 1 al quarinta 011,, have f everal of i es, who- niad it of SYS ERS RE El\IED f ushers) Boot -Cutters and all Implemenits 2 1 - belonging to the Busi4 ss. i diE801 • . by mutual c the se d partnership S milli ; „ at the Vilbi,g. Clam : against the agent. Aildebts vs/100o re to be paid to James ot Rinke sforesaid,and at • Id partnership itte tO be Smitheoly whorls . . very par- toke thousa • d•s :If poun • s , 4f he toy, e: s rvict in rob• ving t em of se- . 1 prese ed to the iss. dijameto 4 Dated at Zurich thisii xmrtin., your wife, you were deelar i bout the tie of your eravat, and le fit o your boots, and the parting of tour ha r. We don't iraagine yoyouever while you c• la olainers fingersaor s an. •your pocket: w dilater on t le • outside ei • e I with . au Odering • y of h Suck pur han s in 1 our )4 hive Bali viar: $t ' d , lee ia, Out: Os ghs ith and an thaa 0 Ito tness of ha -e bee. atbottla. S• breath ingjl afflicted. d. y a IbTHE . ' *YSTER OPEN A EASON SE Fl I N G MACHIN .S., .A.'. USUAL. I , - , 1. . . Wanzer F, Raymond, Royai Singer,. and o her the ea e will be sett, : 9th d y of Septembe , . , WitneLe- MICHARL i, ii, -P- 3-880- RAMIE A MILLIE. pHABLES CLARE. LLER43674 3wore i , her or left.the marks 15 NOW . - The ence , presence, ti tobacco taice on her father's porlor tarpet. appear sO 1 y. is goiug on, e When t • HOOD. wi i ha ve-t a, prop la r: EA ERR 1 -1 1.118 LleW powder a fo tthh 'hi Machin .warransewin - • , l' whines Repaired on thei'ShorteSt Notice, and orit . C TOD. You •sed to carry her flowers arna enough of he frames of tba e epace' in th . com to se c nt insu e : • • 0 .en :ath ng , an. he . ` teetill,. punt nto atmg. ying le retort • J. t 100,s, .s , F0 i_ii • Oils, N . i es and Attachraimts Eattra3ro on ';liand. CAMPBZ rorintriel Land Surveys' • D . 'Civil Zn r. Orders by mailpromPt books i Make tip Re. all s were ne and other trifles ; but trifles the happiness or misery of ' ' are worth attendins to. You er mit of humor then; every- 1 . sufficient num go into wint extract all t _ P ; .er r I e pty of the • uarters grabs co on a. mining be La h ' s tl ne , -.,....., , , 4 I,: 1 I alat : I ri ;" r hte: :. -11 pri , t, 1 s e 45 eie:t r truggist ae • little ts. 626 • ....--.4.., ;diet- ge or "Tea 52- . . 0170 A g6 ‘,.., mid it Co., An ..- . , - - . , ''' ' EK -$12 a da a . Costly Outfit fr e. a, Main , _.-- -....-- - - ,- , , ._„. -_-__ ho Addre rs,,----,_=- e essil s TRU ,-,- '.--- . ' 1 - - ' _ .ose - O. C WILLISON Main Street, Seafort , I . . ;H I ;II ' - . . , . . - - . • it Mt nded to. 79 IX - iciiileinnia, Intact , 1 t . 1 i ' I_ 1 - - . --