HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-10-01, Page 2t !. 4 t 7 031 • 3."3. "-"-$ :41 1,.`• •-• 77" H HUR SANDTP, MIESON. AMUSING EXPERIEN ES IN IL SCOTCH SCHOOL OA,RD.. OE -APT it II. "Aye, man, ye're ght for once," said. Jock, putting his fee en the table be- tween Sandy and th chairman. Then looking the 'former a I over with *aeon- temptuous grin, h continued, '"Od ye're no such a foul s ye look." The Board stare aghast, and the chairman, at last, b oke oat With se- verity— • "Pay respect to t e Board, sir." "What board?" s eered Jock. "This Board, el ," exclaimed the chairman, striking he table to empha- size his words. "Whet, this ane " said Jock, indi- cating the table, b kicking it with his heel. 'The &hula Boa d o' Whinnyknowes sir." "Where cis't ? let' "How deur you a the Board?" "Board here, where is this won veeiible 7" "We're the Boar "What,. you're th "Ay, me, and Mr Saunders, and.—in. Board." "Oh, ye're all b my word, ye look Ii "Look like boar mean ?" exclaimed man, rising from, hi "Mean ?--13109411 the imperturbable "Expleen yoursel "I'd better no ; y and your face is re "Expleen yours hound," roared t dy'e mean by seyl boards?" "Expleen yours self !" chimed in th Jock crossed his and then said, slo a see it." 4ah that way till oard there—man, erful board ? Is't Board ?" Jamieson ack we're and Mr. all the ards 1 Weel, upon e it." s, sir—what do you he indignant chair - seat. hat I say," replied a 'Peacock. sir." mightna like it, enough already." l', ye ill-mannered e chairman ; "what ' we all look like if! Expleen your - other members. egs on the table, ly and sententiouS- ly— "Weel, if ye wu 1 have it, ye all look as stiff and stu k 'up as, the deal boards in Geordie Gordon's backyard, and there's just ab ut as !Ale polish on you I" I The exasperated Board rose to its feet, and the °had al an, pointing to the door, ordered Jock out of the room. "We'll turn ye o 1 t of your office, ye scurrilous blackgu = d," he cried ; "we'll depose you; ye viii: in 1" "Depose me, wi ye ?" said Jock, leisurely removing • is legs from the ta- ble, and rising • quite calmly. "Then there winna be a i o an -jack left among ye that can spell •.:S own name. Put that in your pipes 1 nd! smoke it." And Sour Jock, itla a loud laugh, marched cut of th , room, banging the door after him. This was rather a facer,for the poor Board, who had h rd.ly begun to feel their feet, before t ey' were knocked off their legs. 1 - ' Sandy did not gut :pier it for several days. But, one ha rn pa°., lie received a large blue letter ; anf. then, who can picture the joy. an c nseious pride of the Clerk and Tre au er of the Whinny- knowes School Bo rd, as he opened the first official enve ope, with the awe- inspiring words, -Oi Her Majesty's Service," printed i tl4e corner. "And see, Elsie w man, there's the crown—white, on blue ground." „ "Aye, Sandy, h t who would have th,ocht ye would e er comm :to this ?" "Come to this, 'oman! a'body (liana think so little o' y ar man as ye- do, woman 1 It was t be expeohit.' • "On, ay, I kent -e was glide at the uptale ; but, losh me,i Sandy,we mann let folk ken o! this " "Ken ? to be BU 0, theyrmaun ken." '4But how will e do it without look- ing like braggin' ? It's a tpity the folk at the market sho Idea, see it." "That's weel- minded, Elsie woman ; the morn's marke day ! I'll tale' it i my pooch, wi' the end etickin' out.". "But gin ye sho ild lose the letter ?" "Ale hatewe'll t k.' out the letter, and put in a bittie we topaper." 'An' gin anybe y should steal it ?" "We'll preen it in, and that'll hold it - firra." "It'll be fine sp to agin Joe Naismith, for erawin' owre ys last fair." "A man that carried the shoulders." “Whaur did he bide ?" "I dinna ken." "But how did -he get it on, dors?" ' "Lifted it, to be sure." ' “And whaur did he carry "What gars ye spier so Ilene, woman ?° The man in our parish." "Wha tent ye about him "I heard the minister an inie amain' about him one ',Then it maun be all tru "Of &arse; it's true." "Losh, but he must hae strelig—weur nor Samson; .the world did he get in bel "Can ye no let the puir He didna .spier your leave "Will he be leevin' yet.?" I "I dinna ken, and I dine care!" "Because it would be an awfu'.thi gin he let it fa' 1—whaur 112i ght we row till?.' • rid en hi his shoi t till ?" any qu idna bi fl the do ight.'; been awf but ho 'tV' I au alert. 0',. ‚-I "Ay, Pse warra «t he'lllook blue when he sees this." In high glee Sa, dy strutted off to:the market next day, ith the official letter sticking conspicuo ; sly out of his pocket. With great hi re ility—a humility which we would, do well to copy when •honors fall thick upon us— Sandy replied to tfie congratulations of friends • — "Ay, it was anhonor I didna expeet, and maybe didna eserve." To whieh he rei eived the memorable reply— "Sandy, ye're ti e very man for it." "Elsie, ' said he when he got home, "ye must gang in o the town, and get a, new shewl and. 1 onnet ; it wiring" do for the wife o' one iu Her elajesty's ser- vice to gang like o her folk." "And did ye ga them glower at the market ?" • "On, ay, woman, ibut they all said I was just the manIt was a pity I hadna the ;letter o show them, as weal as the envelope. Let's have another look at it," The letter was produced, and while Sandy re -read it, Elsie busied herself trying to decipher the writing on the envelope. "What's a' t Pis, Sandy, after your name?,' Sandy took t e envelope, adjusted his spectacles, an read— "Alexander J: mieson,. Esq., Post- master and Gen ral Merchant, Clerk and Treasurer to the School Board, Whinnyloaowes, ast Lothian, N. B." "Aye, Sandy, ao d. are ye really an N. B., and what'll I so?" "You 7—the sae e euld fool ye aye was," "Hoot -toot, 5: ady, ye manna say that, or folk'll be speirin' what ye was yoursel' when ys married me. But what's this at th tail end o' the let- ter ?" "That.? that's have the honor to be, Sir, your mos humble and. obedient servant'—" "Wha's your amble and. obedient servant 1" "Their Lords ips in London, of course." "Aye, Sandy, ut ye Mum be a great mar:eland maw p oud this day." "4y, but worn: n, there's an awfu' re- sponsibeelity con eckit wi' it; the weight o' Atlas Was nae ng till't." "Wha was All 1" I: CHAPTER III. And now Sandy was up in ledgers, abstract and cas numberless forms and clauses, not one of which h head or tail of. "Sic a work," said he,." ing ava. Could they no h "How muckle have ye pa how muckle's in tan The transference of caused some discussion also the resignation of teacher—for the question get another: "Adverteese," said. Tams . 0, o the e books, a oompulso eouldena bout nae ve just s awa, he soh t first, the ol wher d • , I "Y€'l- not have a To 1 ndy's dis began elieg ibin a last dr « for h a taarki "He is H race, d'ye call it ? e." ce Ow, ce, myser." is ffatius t's n the ac IcVit i her. Just ok like wi y ? th candidate cl4a, and at m: 11 olump, re - y ell. nam "Th Roma "Oh was H. a' the will y Thi 'Sandy Evide the ca and, "H: first V g 1 Th and if: expen a smi e "Drl It is count t -W . "It by hi the w tip s It& d schol et for 'p "A that' punis wool. "C 561 for ti anyh and t with Th >pleas disag and pox, ment -Aft Sand time - at th baw mea' "• 0 work On the ity—e 14 Code mak' ken ‘: nam ej- it is -dem "C er iii at t glen ter Soh —b and • 4 TB ‚B : I : a, 'ci II oe 71 airly ragge ctuel y bee ly, for he to to idate,11cooll a ding i eI you e o' hat oh cendi site sa s lved t� hay e of Sandy a d t i:Ie b gan— e et decorum es eet and gee ) , 's th is good for a hi then ' aCtl3f, quite if r laithe ' , of M.11538-- rken that ; isruh. ne d' . that gars u t n hat all hair a 11 hope o en a latou •s me. ie s b�i a t e st t 10 ni n t bae , a mare j 8 to ha • "Adverteese ?" replied Saiady, ne ly distracted. 4"Od, dy'e no think I ye plenty to do ? All the re rnsibee ty falls on me." A teacher was at last s: ected. ut the Board chose first to s e him, aa d. examine bini. That is to sity, the at of the Board undertook the seei g ; Sandy undertook the era al Ming. As this was the mos import: nt function the Board had s yet e ; r- cised, it was delegated to their Meeting. There was a full attend:isee of m:,1111 bars ; eager anticipation as depi ed on every countenance exc:fit San:, 's which wore an expression t. quiet ig- nity ; and the other busine was qu li- ly dispatched. Sandy DOW took his seat Ib�-ide chairman, emptied his ps dkets e number of papers, which arran methodically in front of I im, gav short cough, leant back i his oh wiped his spectacres, and a timate the beadle, who ac -ted -as doorkeepe the Board, that he was prepared to ceive the new schoolmaster. The candidate was cond cted to he side of the table opposite Sandy, •d the social standing of the Board e- ing so high, nobody asked - im to sit down. Sandy cleared his throe ; the est leant forward so as not to ., iss a w d. They had all, at some period of t eir 'lives, heard other peopl, , or en themselves, examined by a school as- ter ; but they had never b fore he rd one examined. –Are you the young man, sir ?" "Yes, sir, I'm, the candid te." "The what ?" "The candidate sir." "I want to know if you'r the ow teacher ?" 1 he a ed a ir, to to re- -4Certainly, sir.'T "How long ha,v "Ten years, sir "Ten years ? time." you been a teach an, tht'a- a "It is a considerable "It's a very long time, sternly, who had no id tines being dilated, by a "And were yen a scho I Is •?" ime, sir." sir,'' said Satdy a o , his adec-' in ee domi ie. lm ster an o the time ?" Sand inquired. The candidate aisedi his leyebro ii astonishment, an said he Iliad. be schoolmaster all he time. 1 "What for did ye u,o sal that were man ?" said Sandy testily, who imee n ed that the caa.didate was encing 'it his questions. • - I 1 "And have ye got Beet on ?" 4 ay ,. continued. 'Yes, sir ; I have ben - succersfu teacher, and possess igh cortifio: te and testimonials. ' "Oh 1" said' Sandy, Wit a pu expresSion : "would you repeat ha "High certifies es and t stimon ls." i again, young ma 7" "Ay, just that,T saidlSan y, tryi to look as if he quite un erstood the words ; and then grasping at the ; one that seemed easiest o co prehen ion, he continued— I "And they were high, were they 7 "Yes, sir ; they wer3 considered- er high." "Oh—d'ye say eo ? Ab ut how ig might they be, now?" The candidate again brows in sheer bewi evei, he kept his corn plained that the 'write monials had for ed a of him, and ha ben to express that o iniol in cates. "Aye, yes—of Sandy hastily, wi let it be known had been require come free ?" "From Catton "Whaur's that derson. "Ow, ye gomer whaur my mithe "But whaur is' "It's in—a—bl forget my ain whaur exact13 "In Roxburgh candidate. "Ay, in Roxburghs is ; any fool kens that dy whispered to the c he'll do. But wait a heckle him now.' Sandy leant fozwar an impressive marline tone resumed— "Now, sir, I've got I may say a meet trio • to put till ye, and I you'll give me a straig Can you road Latin,- s "Ys, sir." "You can 7" said partly at the unexpe completeness of the raised his derment. itenance, an rs o the t igh op ood en heir c :11 cour e—eaactly," o di not shoos hat any explan "a d here d ide, ir." " ed. Geordie 1," s id Si.ndy, "t was born" ?" ersieted Geo so me! its in ---'o am:ne t —it's a . , yo ng n art ?" hire" a `swered th 11 y eL ow- 6X - S ion ugh bifi • aid ion y 1 Afi- at's die. I'll • IS ire; ;" a air ee; 11 on , an Tao enta req tfori r-?" of cour e d then an an, "I thin I'm going t the •`Jab e i in a so em t important us, qtieStio est, sir, the yard anafwe Sandy recoiin ted apiditY an nd part ppant :ply, what he considered t e ment of so grave a questio "Certainly air." "You're sure o' that 7" aid S trying to think of s met ing to next. "Oh, quite sure." y a ea d sa 1 h e t 0 to Ii h h a a I e 1 1 to s: writ and not poc pose Lor you' men sign 21 Sm the you,- ‚non 1 ?' a o .that 1.1 th great 1' 13 • ery friend t Man bo ok d.1 Had lade, in a the t laity at th t ; so wit etetr eorf that?' hishe What' a 1 tiLati 's to won Boa bcx at z rci • 11 inly, !sir, w e ,I think y a Ye'r ila firs -r ; I an heir rest Who ••er ndy' learn ng, , andi ate, ho able cast in o subject . to: lo g deeply IS ar nked ihe Boar the meetin w thel palm ,w le and rel,r ste an ation; acro.s » -1 anditlate e y riot n, j at d w winn eine show e, e, S. dy e cla thatates B to glee itho head t's ant, on rfee 1 sir MrI'. le fu enf roarin'oley a the eervelniat. sehela that ;' presse tagryeeed. ing eye p0 smallint aske wit helY de: e j t to La -ti' naei l i f c urs as 33t, °13.t I Ifs d teNt t fbrthi I 11 s o. Or, p V id e pl ne aing fa h ts Efl a' ! II1 to 41 or tai 11 II II Sm ut ut it a ainl One ams TOM 1, si his Bo ere .11 r. 8mi h, aun be , sir," ai the t lime it h s ecc:nt , he la -i' I k n s, 0, se', it ow le t the ye and y: se sum 11 gi ye ter da ee, I Lon on.' Bo on airily o to situ. t r u'll a ht's. s an ; e sorts e :ry e s un PB i cer qui y a o You m r al t a jus d, a joy e triu an ark gr his 1 ers rus e; ho exc it,in '1 e, woman, no s ulm ter 1 t Lat n one o' the dei s a hernia'. ., the a in' of it ple: 1 'of et. T cle um; o de mait hi s l' !" Ti e m Os 1 qua t 's s lary pou from Sa con t usly invite IIT6 f the eihoo his 1).16;1 dgin ion • he quality gall f which rece frci Ian r. arni son and h an ilia corn t ' ' caith he' o 1 indulge oth r aci tr was s en in pub i ha, cter, nub • , ev : • to Ace irgl he g invi t oh, : lid t A 'ice ii!Ike ke laid fp his'. ing the II ob ; firs r ee sc der goo c rn at a t p rs ad Else, that lie ha nes ilth r. S hi 1 e. T rig ste e .ha'ii req i e e ts tlema, tho g co ..e ee PP cou t A o di I ,h and s beau e re nab r, alai San rec 1:s , happy- ebri t, wherein mo ; -in-law, o wit otitis , the 1p or 'he as offiei dceu e adroi y slipped per, s • as to rem acr s the centre shil ig stamp o Sm t 's thumb 1 one .. ontli after Mr. I ox.Janai Ge e al Itteroha to t School B the following re rj i e—bne o' SI ion -l;:'d, weak ed, : rrotY,hee.d 11, do mg ll 14 th at '11 oo an ou I 11. eic the al • ti • 08 ll t. 11 tri - t a bl t w wa you sity h perplel g t u I ca po yo ?" yo e wh t con teac ity,, b -avore he ma abo Matt o us111 waut. 'do t 'for p0 -un Y n np I 7 i' the no no ii tic. Or hat iSa d5/' e s he ph an I'v 1 ex de d ut an e ed, Is ter as p dy, th _Bo , a of e ha ld le ' p U it it o his, e c rn acio nabl tie he ool any d t BO ith I IS or on, ulfil t at Lt e ra ions bra eiri y w o-luc a m das itho gig ts, thi ye S of i the cove ard son, t, Cl and; ark lock knee d ho SI op ad LITS if er rest uni ma to a. am ng im ne 61 Bo ad.: so n,,: when idi nd (t oh rd tol give S e 1St, ch iincl ee. nes r. t t u pn n e ly lace d into • )alre h sky' w aster * 4 Sa end• e import mi • I • • ▪ B at doc 011 Jo eta ov ter, a his w ned t d hiba age hr u e e ind w as t s fi e eat o Mitsii Tree 4 lin us epi hishy Le l▪ e m foe ii y n s . -IA miego "to h ccaio ucati pted t e he tr 1)3 re 1 owe dy w ord nt bu ht ke hied 't a, th Mr. el -e ed gel. , eo a f:1' leis n CI tiiao•dtt c ' e ' cl rk' a ' I just in th steg o a Migh kis if 1 hs bayou! hi icite elm 'p of blue Then I was YiE e dellitSr; ' ilidt- a the shop Stma ter I a. ✓ and reaa &e,, ancrirr scon ; t ,, nter d ' ut-a ay -co liedehcy, wh . ; tip N E.1:10 IT THE SEAFORTII, INSURANCE AGENCY. V‘T_ Fire, Ma INSUR I r: It I • IS tiJ II • II as 0 SS 0 11 a 111 11 I : • HAVING bees the past f effect insurance -w-Ar saw ne, Life and Accident NCE AGE1NT. in the Insurance Businen for urteen years, I 'am prepared to on all kinds of Property at the LOWEST POSSIBLE RAT 47 None but firs -class Companies represent d. I AM A SO AGENT FOR THE CANAD PtRMANE LOAN AN- SAYINGS COMPAN The Oldest in he Domin4n. Money adv nee on Real Estate at Seven, per cent. AS AGENT •'OR THE STATE LIN STEAMSNIP COMPANY Sailing bet eon New Yorkland Britain. W M Vci A T S 0 Main SU et, SEAFORTH, Ontario. OFFICE *" the Mane In Campbell's Block, op oeit on Hotel. SEWIN. /WHINE JAMES WATSQ Dealer in all kind e of First -Class FAMILY ND MANUFACT ING S IN1 MACHINE Knitting Machines, -Larn,Mo Sad Irons, Se,4)irtgr...illachine pairs, N edles,r045'Attachm i &C., &C, -- I am the (may Agent in this part of the C Pir the Celebrated WHITE SEWING MACHI Which bas snciceecled is. taking the First for two years i succeseion at the Seaforth Fai over all its Go petitors} er un I. ri 0 73, Also Agent or the Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A Wi son, Wanzor C, ana any Ma a customer ma want. All Kind of SewiHng Mabh Repit4ed. Second -ham' Machines ' taken in exeha ge ce part payment or New Machiries, and Mae nines sold on easy onthly payment. Sufis action- Guaanteed. JAME $1; , Ay A S 0 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Mansion Hotel Campbbll's Block, oppowl If -NV-1110T. OF THAN JAMES CAMPBEL A CAR F TER a reiddenee of seven years in 1.,; --- begs to eturn his grateful thanks Farming and ercantile Public generally f goner ons sup ort given him during that and begs to st te that he hoe now on h fulLassertment of all kind e of e the 668 S.• Hen, o the r tie ti e, a DRY GOODS Alp qROCER E And will always be ready to mete out to th good articles at as reasonable a price s a in the Trade. He has a large quantity of PORK (Sid of first-class g ality. 1 Earthenwar of every deoription. Glas White Lead, ( &c.) and a general thent of Colors. Boots and Shoes a Specialty, from known firm of Hyman & Co., London. Any article necessary ior a pountry be obtained. , ascot- th w ll - nor can eh' or Patent Med. eine in all the lines. All ki nds of Farming Produce tak n, exchange. 657 - IJAMES CAMPB 188,6' MAN itOBA. I G R E N Vy- AY Special Passewniglr start taftnafor Man .41. Tee I AY in ea 0 P '11 • On the irst TUES mouth. Freight lea s the day revi dates. Due n tice will be g parties. Rates alwa s the lowe t, an taken to have arrangements satisfactory. Persons je ning these pa from all care n bonding ba stock, &a. tie to all the above von of all uthre the greates pains ost envie end ties are re eand gage, freig t, ive gage re 150 P nds of B Mr. Green y goes thr ugh with "eh atty. For particulle apply to • IjOHN KNOX W. R. Age t, 635 Ce trzdia BUTT TI AVING -L-1- one will be fon BUTT The Highes 659 JOH WRO AS 0 R R AND CHEE ented the Store in Stark's r north of P. M garey's Bak there at all Urn s res dy to p RAND HEE d. arket Pri e in ash will b for a Goo Article. S. ROBRSON, Beef WILLIAM$ & ANERS &be f.‘ • TER I - ONTARIO kick, ry I chase E. paid tli. Bills Disco nted. Drafts Dnted. Mone 9n Estate at Lowest Rate. 655-52 JOHN 'WILLIAMS • III1FOORp%NT NOTICE. 1880. ip1/4LL B- . I , YERS OF DRY GOODS. TT 1\T C 1\T & DIRECT IIVIPORTER, SEAFORTH, AUCTION SALE —e-OF-- THOROUCH RED CA Horses, p and Sw44. THE FOURTH A 1.Pahorthorn C Cotersvold and land, China and the auspices of the NUAL SALE ,Valredilt tele, StaitionOlares, .eicester pe. Berkshire Igo, mien HURON LIVE S ocK ASS() Will take place up n the MOW OF HURON, f e - (INT CTOBER 20TH, m. And Following Dav ,pommeneing at TWELTie o3tflock, noon. i Anionpt the Sto k will be foundthe valueble pule bred PlitICCIE reize bull, Priceof Seahne Elmhurst [50e5] 2 /35, Roses of Rion, (keel. t 692] 2442, oleo egg's, including Duke et nesai, and other eni ale of feshietah14. pedigree f rom the noted her s of Messrs. H. Snell, Attn.)), Sproat.Elcoai, Wa hington, and otlirs. Aloe several splendid thoroughbred st liking and breeding mares, among whch is "Godelich Chief," a half brother to the ceIebrateciCanadian Teil a Gtohrooeaumegr il iecibhtri eal lade db. t r °illy) .ei`i is Lucy," 0, ' beautifully te, whoseiraf;agbeiroyencesno: hounded uede odaittsie002:20001. al ebs a I a et Improvedl y Stook, Which will be eflered after; ths sale of tt Lake Huron, and is twhivseilthe7GtrhiaenBudes ef to:1131ff: pacaennr:td:GeGBerte°11adteat Cheelltnilebs°' Raiways. T e Nora::: Transportation Company's Steam nt call at this MS—Twelve months' ere it] withont ha t / rest, will be given on furnishin eectrity eels - rectory to the owner of the atm old. ekelia. count of 8 per cent will be allowe for wish. There is an. pie a commodation ler both man end beast. and the hotel rates ar leery reason- able. - The A esociation lwill endeaVor o get Reduced 11811:tallongauteess1are now ready, and 111 e forward- ed einma.p ypliciv Tato FLR BIGA NCGINS,L SGRAHAM, nEtAP9re1sSideecnreAtt,uaCerritinloiele .:01aerieb. AUCti ON SAL OF A VERYT4ANTIUHAuBLEozrat vs. )3reckenridge, bearing date t ..13OURTviSmtrenTstatuoirtt,h jennoirodre Judge Thefa ic.thFracodannynci: of Huron, made in certain suit 1 r keruidge August, A. I). 1E80 there will be ft redhefliorousalr of with the approbati n of the eaid jutilg4, on SAT- URDAY, the 2nd dray of OCTOBER. 1 at the QUEEN'S 110'1E4, BRUSSELS Twelve o'clock, noon, by C. R. C o d , Auction- eer,.Lots Number qeven ana TWel ell' and 12) in the First Conce sion of the tot li p of Grey, in the County of ['iron, each Lo c ntaining by mar- ket village of Brutsels, and is one ' ea the beet ni, ad easnrement One Hundred A re of Land. Th property is wi bin one mile an quart-er of a gravel road; six iles from th -0 "Ting -Le- farms in the town hip. Over on hurl edema being the entire intent of both lo s, -e eiterezi and in a state of . cultivation ; there is a -fine hardwood bush of about forty ac e , and the re- mainder of the llt, is timbered Ili excellent rail timber, cedarl black ash a hemlock. A Government drain has been surveyed 'which will t: tone h Lot 'I weive, and drain the alek portion of that lot. The fenees are good ; there ifi a barn' anda small frame !houe, together wi th a well and a pod ()railed on the prepdrt , and the whole farm is in an edmirable 13 atie f culture. Title indisputable., TERMS—Ten per cent. down t e of sale, balance in thirty eggs without inte . t. A por- tion of the balance may be left 'optit mortgage, at sever, per cent. :Possession ma?, he had on the 15t of October next. 1 For further pakticulars appIY to Seeger Morton, Barrieters Goderich ; or 'C. . Cooper, Auctioneer,Brussels- or to ( igned) W. It. SQUIER, Real e iesentative. ALCOMSON &1WADE, Ve dor Solicitors. Dat d September , 1880. 668-2 1) 1\T GODE COUNTY Would SpeciallyDirectthe Attention of th r immensely numerous dis omers and the italic Ge zerlly to the • iMportant facif, that never -since Seafort tihas existed, VERY IMAM - there been Imported has UCH A PRODICIO6S STOCK OF DRY GOODS OF ABLE DESCRIPTION. It is aisb particular‘ worthy of notice that THE WS has been Carefully Selected by OURSELVES p ensuring that 6. ch Department will be completel onily New and in all respects o the requirements of our customers .4 of the Stock rsonaly, thereby filled with not Alegant Goods, out Goods that are peculily suitable GOODS Call would be .ppreciated by us, if only to Take a REE of S GOODJS—It is impossible not to get suitd i erything is lovely. Variety immense. Prices rangi all. Our cu4emers are surprised we can sell these CASH Es—Blacks in tMallERthe cetera of the sh des.-• WIN be su olok Thrrough. this Department. g within the reach coda so low. all widths, all kinds, and ail shade. Colors, rainbow, but beautiful new arid fashionable Eys—Tn these Goods we have always -had the r putation of selling ter goods at lower rates than any other house. T, is season we have eased ourselves. --Full range of Dark, Pompadour, and Rainbo PRINTS sortment of Dark Ground Sateens. FLA NELS--Full lines of every kind. Plain, Fancy ool and Unions. No advance on these Goods. S—Sco oh, TWEEDCanadian, French, Halifax, frish, ngland, Platt s, and Bliss' Goods. Every reliable m arket. OUR CUTTER MAKES NO MISTAKES— bar that in n& LINE A Spots. Big As - Heavy, Light, All Yo kshire, West of e f Tweeds in the G ntlemen, please Ns—All sorts of Irish and Scotch, purchased in Belfitett and Glasgow. Special Line ofinne, Satin, Bleached, Double Damask Tablings. Very hoice Goods. tiis sufficient to say that these Goods ARE NOT adv COTITricOe ,NforSo—uri dons makes are so well known. This is the a"neceodttoinn mporium " o this section of country. WIIMITER BLAsers—Have no effect on those who *ea our All Wool kinder-Clothin. They are thick and Warm. WEDNESDAY, HATS, CAPS GOVES, &C.—A Full and Com lete Assortment nobby Hats and Caps, Glove, Ties, Cellars, &c. I • GROiCERIES The Grocery business having increased so rapidly, we have been obliged. t make further room for this line. Everything that there should be in a rst-class Grocery Establishment will- be found there. The Highest Price given for Butter 9,nd Eggs. BOOpTrieSes.AND SHOES—This Department is hilly assorted.. Popular A LARGE STOCK OF- FINE • C QTH ING We call the attention of all in want of Clothing, and ask for 6,21 inspection of our Stock and a Comparison of Prices. Orders (3,r ' FIRST-CLASS SUITS IN TWEED AND WORSTED GOODS Will have our special attention. Having imported our stock of these Goods this season, customers can depend on getting price, riht. 1 7 ID IT INT C INT dc T.3 IT DANCIIG SC 00L, i I PROF. CHAS. F TZER, Late of ScafertIL but now of la3/ andel:Attires lz peat pleature in (informing the Jolt t2438 of Ses- fexl.h and TiCiuiti, that he has s odiated with himself PROF. STPHEN The Celebrated Dancing Mastr, e of New York, for the purpose of givin instructions in all the la test .dances of the da . Prof. Saville conies highb reconameneed,ha n tistimonials froin some of the:best dancing eters in Can - ad, including rof. Davie, o Toonto, and 4 others of dancin fame. The foll Wing &nem will be taught: frew Lancers, 0 •• inal Lancers, Soeiety Waltzcs,i Glide Waltze iek erbocker Waltzes Bohemian Polka with ad and heeland glide step, Rockaway—Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, French Quadrille, Plain' Quadrille, Ca edonian Qaad- rne, also the New National G rd ---arranged by to join should band in theilta e early, as the Prof. Saville, !Mei of New lorld. 4/111, intending clues :will commence the first we:k in October, if possible, at Cardno's Music :' :11, Seaforth. Pref. Fetzer will ;be at Carlin° s 6 all, Seaforth, on Saturday, Oct.' 2, between t ours of 2 and 4 &click P. M. for the purpre.-: Of enlisting pupils end givin all necessary In or/nation. WERVS.—For, Children, $6-; to Ladies, $li ; for Gentlemen, i. O. The te all consist of two ty-five lesson ! 5682 FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCOON. 1 , , A. ItA.RE CHANCE TO 10E1' A 4.)Z 00D FAR!L. f , i Public Auction, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MR. J. P. BBIV has been iineted by the -(5-/- proprietor, R. WM. FO W ER, to sell by S AP:MTh, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1880, at I o'clock P. M., that Valuable Farm, situated in the Township of Bilop, on the Huron Road, t wd miles west of s aforth, known as the Came) on Farm. The pa contains 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared a u a high 'stte of cultivation, to: balance is well- timbered with hardwood. There iElnot a foot Avast° land on the farm. Plenty of water, b6t *ell and river. Cornice table bui dings, a splendid Orchard, end ornamental f,Ae The farm lati positively be sold witho4 rese e. TERMS -2 -,-"Ten per cent. of th urchase money on the day of fqe; sufficient o he balance to make up $2.000 within SO day hereafter, and the remainder o time tc snit p &tors. 1 WILLIAM FON Elt Proprietor. I. P. BRINE, A ctioneer. 669-2 THE ZURICH CARRIACr FACTORY. HESS Sz HABRER T.TAVE alwayti on hand, aim make to Order. Wa ons, 1/leighs, Carrisoseee,Bur , 'Ctittertsl, and every other articlein their hey pereonally superintendtheir own bud no ne EP, and can guarantee a goodarticle both es to aterial and workmanship. 1 i or Style an Finish their, *ork cannot be su passed by the large city establishments. epairing promptly attended i to. i Give us * tr al and be con -need that we (nu satisfy Touts to uality and p ee. In-. Hess is will known to the public, having been in busines in Zurich for o erlA years. HESS HOWLER. [ I ' NOTICE TO DEBTORS. gi lin McINTYR Tot E G to state -A-P large numb 'which, if not pa J. P. Brine fo ha better take 6 wurfrrs, 4,,,Cleaforth) t they have en their books r of aceounta Of old standing, d at once, will handed to Mr. collection. Farkas interested otice and save! ' urt cost. tiemtr/ii &WILLIS. R B R T T, Wholesale and tailDealer it,RATHDR. SHOE FIN SE4278 00fBETvliteo, 1)1 m rate. A T 18olicited. All orders by Mil er otherwite pro ptly filled. *ono bat the Very Best Stoe..41( kept.NBBETTer: * OCTOBER t O Jamieion at ers clerk in the Comme neighboring market "Gooa morning said the juvenile rei nata•roe. "orning," answi loOking up* "You ye heard thi What newer * -4About your sch.:1 Had Sandy beene spark, had he sat di mould not have jun disk quick-er than lj 44Eb, what's the! with ' exolaii "Why, he's boltei “1301ted Whe Tel1 rue• round the eon/Aar clerk's arm. 4 -Nobody knew yOung gentleman>, andy's peturhatiol •cheque for 150-, an - the bank?' "'That's bb -in grosnpa Sandy, with a whole quad him in advance to 1 With four pound—a trice I paid him-iz OWn• pocket, far 114 ffere Send.y pnli would not do to let; bag. “But that's neitb he continued ; nelnYwbpeosrtt kmaatnatne8fItll out o' charity. 13g doited fdiot I B1 cached ;";and, in wi bait ehulent' bareheadedS "Stop a minute, the clerk with a gi tween. Sandy and of tboluint blue paper andwit hl ililStanhedrInoeorkefridt°13i mowed to read It "WurszvyrsO "One month afti order sterling, thevlulume r°ef el - 4 "Read What's wi per, Kt. Jamiesk important," said a leer of satisfact' 4118-tatiured73; read as bil "Accepted -134 Whinnyknowes. "Wee!, what la a Sandy,ft‘..,,ewrheiasilliere:Oelrunlee:dx to the schaobnaete right, and I've eon 131leIllteiYat"he last strt' camel's back. The bill 'fell hands, he fetched able to hear, and tleFflor°°trh*ree aide night and 4 brain levee whiol overthrow his reas withu this life. But weal' the first thing he was to forswear to] liquid, whose brai had entailed on hil and. the next publi his 'seat on the Sc! Bandy continues but is very sensitiv uMect of Schol wheortldroewvenns ismentetnol 4'Wheesht, man . ; Heying— love o' gudentse, to the wa."." A ord.1 In the first piaci 0:Aire confidence her. If yeti have eote and been jilted, lie you have loved at toward her, Ana went, tell your NO letters, and photdj Tina. dried roi for her to disc:Ivo may be rureanagi trunksfor aniuset Half the heroin wretched by 8011U were kneePtt frrotomtht business het-weena fear the novel wri try would be ad* !does 103a our n-: aone up in the Charlotte TemplA ithenwaornildalloldweeol ehould be worthy' denee. Young el 11a(s) tlaerthilielyppinintrsefls bears your ail home, who wear to you those rig which the mum. titled vou. It is always matters your wi, ly informed, L ;amount of your sources, that she penses accordiug ning up bills an •ttavagant faneie . of ten would exc Come, if she hue. affairs spoa, an consequences of 'bzrytitasuill and interest WO: the neck of the $ Female vanity, it has been pain And then we home and to pe vonaan's love, w cherishing to k curbing your ev tieular about th tbochaeropekfiett:ofanyodurt: • of Itoobuacucsoediutioce your hair. We ewore in her pr Make up the life. and are wo were never out s.