HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-17, Page 7TEMBE iR 1880. RD O 'THAN :ES CAMPBELL . esidnttcr of seven years return his grateful thank kMerogi 'en tile lId generally/0zp Tort hlmdurin =tate that he has nom U14 'nt of all kinds of OODS AND 1,3ROCERI Fa be ready to mete out to at as reasonable a price as 7T targe quantity of PORK (Si quality. :re cif every description. lames', &e.) and a genera i rs. Shove a Hyman & Co London. from the. : adon, e necessary for a country sere licine in all the lino, Farming Produce taken, ea sti .TAMES CAPODZ E t1PdritERGIAL Welty { EAFORTR. CH U R FOR.BESe irchased the Stook and Trade of tht reial Livery,. Seaforth, front . eley, begs to state that he he business in the aid stand,atid; I valuable horses andvehicIes to e stock. None but r'orrcfr rtable l'ekiclesand Goo ble Horses Will be .dept. Open Buggies and Carrisgear ant ingle Wagons always- ready fore*. rangements Katie With menial Men. at the stables or any of the hot*. nded to. 11TH PLANING MILIe [GG AD BLIND FACTORY tow berbege leave to thank hien or the liberalpatronage exteudesite tmencing bushneas in Seaforth stay be favored with a cantina ditg to build world do well to Kir is will e"ntinue to keep on hand t ':all kinds ref Lumber, Sashes, Dort, `Furl Mouldings, Shingles !dent of giving3atisfactior.tekti .ir him with their patronage,as ate workmen are employed. rttentian paid to Custom Pfau* 1OHN H. BROADFOOT ' IES, BUGGIES, airing to purchase Neat ead Substantial Carrlax,rexor Democrats, hens at W I. GRASSI—NB rket. e ) a number of splendid MBEIt WAGONS He gill Sell Cheap; nd Horse Shoeing Prompt - to. Remember the old e new; stand. - WM. GRASST. KINGTVIENI 'ESSIONAL MEN , requires at thi•ta season of the to give tune to his aystertt aitd r work. 'tTE, a:eaasiur; all impurities from VI IALIN E in all Affections of Did by all Druggists. Prise, $1 AY MEDICINE Co., Tarontaa h by Iliekson & B1easdall, on, and J. S. Roberts. 66:14 INT I r-LIT-TIR,EL. TER SEAFORTK -arrF•(l to Clear Out iiy to k cat` Furniture regard-- . 1.' ANT, it will pay them toaeaer. ut•f .re purchasing elsewhere. 1 )ur:t to those paying sash, ea' y married couples. tiy Opposite M. R. Caatater'a ry Sun e, Main Street, Seaton 3: JOHN S. PORTER. P MONEY.. 0 TO LOAN 1'AItll PROPERTY, .'r f 'e72 t. I t erei't, F F(lle Yearly. • allowed to pay principal at sal cat charged only on the uVPa' to G. McDOti GALL ry Goods Merabant, Seaforth. BUTTER 1 OUGALL &- Co. NOW PAYING THE PRICE IN GASP cat Quality of Batter in Tube- Ee Three ,Sevens Storer Seclortlr. :cDOUGALL 8e Co... SEPTEMBER! 17, 1880. Four Rich Men. The Liverpool Courier gives some Baer interesting particulars as to the fear men who are eiupposed to' be the most wealthy living. Of these, the Dearest is his Grace the Duke of West- jnster, whose inCOMO is set down at 00000 a year. Taking it at that sum, tmount which the Duke can spend without entrenching , on his capital is 2,000 a day, £90 art hour, and £1 108 ante. The next man in the ascend sag stale is Senator 1 Jones, of Nevada,. whose income is valued at £1,000,000 sterWig, giving him a right to spend, if belies, £2 a minute out of revenue. e head of the Rothschild family owes next, with a yearly income of ewe millions, and the expenses which be can defray thereout are, of course, double as great as those of the Senator. At the tap of the list comes Mr. J. W. Dkay, with a revenue of £2,750,000 a day, 300 and hour £5 a minute. The fortunes of the other three are insigni- ficant if compared to this gentleman's wealth. For they were the growth of m5y years, either of successful toil or tacky speculation, or both combined. air. Mackay wasthirty years ago a penniless boy in Ireland. Sixteen years ago he was bakikrupt, and now he is the owner of therichest silver mine that has ever been discovered. There is, therefore, hope fbr all the penniless boys in "ould Ireland." We commend to them the example of Mr. J. W. jjackey, who, it ay ears, is now only d5 years old, and if .e goes on at the same rate as durin the last sixteen years, will have a pie time to treble his fortune and pos ess an income ten times as large as that of the Duke of Westminster. Already the capitalized value of his property is set down at 05,000,000, against the modest £16, 000,000 of the Duke. • James Spans e's Wife's Funeral. Early in the present century there lived in a village in Scotland a retired farmer, from the parish of Dun, named, James Spank :e.. He was somewhat eccentric, and made use of language not always apropos to the occasion. At his wife's funeral he was at his proper place, supporting the head of the coffin. .The road was not very smooth, and once -or twice Ito stumbled on the way. At length he addressed the bearers ; "Canny, canny, 'billies ; it's nonsense to mak' a toil o' a pieasnre—tak' mak time." There was a dinner at his house after the party had : returned from the Gburchyard, In due time he asked a fernier of the parish to brew the punch, remarking, in what he meant for a compliment, "You're the best drinker, and the best judge of good punch in the parish." When all; were ready he pro- posed a bumper to the health of the company, saying, "Noo, gentlemen, tak' your glass heartily ; there hasn't been such a pairty iu my house since my dochter's marfiage." "That may be, James," remarked the minister, "but this is a very ;different occasion ;" and James replied, "True, sir, but everything is beautiful in its season:" Gaieties. —A rather bashfjul young man, upon his first appearance into society, was so unlucky as to make several very unfor- tunate mistakes. Becoming more and more confused, he sank deeper into the mire, until at last he left the room in despair with this apology : "Ladies, if I have said anything which appears to mean anything, I bog to apologize." —The other day a country school had alesson which involved an explanation of the term "hypocrite." In one of the classes a teacher labored very earnestly to give her pupils a correct idea of the word. Ono little girl said she always thought it was a great big animal, and she believed she hid seen one at a show. "Oh," said the teacher, "a hypocrite is a man who makes believe to be real good when he isn't 1 Sometimes a than will give a lot of money, to a church just to make people think that he is better than anybody else."' "Well, my papa is not a hypocrite," spoke up a little girl, "for he gives - only a penny every Sunday." Queer f Prayer. staunch Presbyterian divine offer- ed up a prayer for; Queen Adelaide on William IV.'s coming to the throne; in these words : "Oh, Lord 1 save thy .. r.. servant our sovereign lady the Queen. Grant that as she igrows an old woman she may become a iiew•man.' Strength- en her with Thy blessing that she may live a pure virgin before Thee, bringing forth sons and daughters to the glory of Clod; and vouchsave her Thy blessing that she may go forth before her people like a he -goat on the mountains." Carriage Horses. The. Farm Journal (England) says : It is quite curious that, in all the enter- prise witnessed in ;the breeding of vari- ous classes of horses, really fine carriage horses command ip., • higher price, rela- tively, than any other. They are always scarce, and for the reason, as we be- lieve, that the average farm horse is undersized. Carriage horses are pro- duced by crossing staunch thorough- breds upon large, handsone, roomy mares. There is money in this class of horses. '1 "'Deed, Sir Adam," replied Willie, "you can drink when you like, but II nnaun drink when I can getit." —Mr. F. G. Widddws, the ex -monk, was entertained to a farewell social meeting in Dundee on the 1 th ult., previous to his departure for Canada, and also in celebration of -his birthday. There were about two thousa.4 persons present, while the platform !was de- corated by plants and flowers ; jsupplied by Mr. Widdows' _friends. Tie chair- man, Mr. Wright, presented ]r. Wid- dows with a pursecontaining seventy sovereigns, for the purpose o meeting the expenses a his eonrney t• Canada. Bucklen';s grrica S The bestSave in the wort Bruises, Sore , Ulcers, Salt Fever Sores,atter, Chappe Chilblsins, CCcirns, and all Skin Eruptions. This Salve anteed to give perfect satis every case, or inoney'refnnde 25 cents per box. For sale b son & Co. ' Stop That Chug. • If you are suffering with, • Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, 11 Fever, Consumption, oss of voice, t kling i the throat, o any affectio �. of the Tbroator Lu gs, use Dr. g's Ne„ Discovery for Con umption. This is the great rem dy that is c: sing so much excite ent by :its 1onderfnl cures, curing thousands : of hopeless cases. Over one million bottl:s of Dr. King's New Discovery have .4en used within the last year, and h e given perfect satisfaction ill every nstanco. We can unhesitatingly say the this is really the only jsare dire for t oat- and lung affections and can chee Wily . re- commend it to 11. Call and get trial bot- tle free of cost, or a regular si . for $1. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 661-3 for cuts, Rheum, Hands, kinds of is guar- : cion in Price, Hick- • L UNSOLICITED TESxIS:t/NY. — airfield, Me., April 28, 1864. Gentle. :n—See- ing numerous a ertifica.tes in ter a Maine Farmer, endorsing the meritof the Great Lung R:medy,' Wistar' Balsam of Wild Cher , I wm induc:d and I take great ple sure in giving .uplicity to the great en e it aocomplis r .drin my family in the year 1856. D j "ng the summer of that year my .son, e enty'A. Archer, now postmaster .in is place, was attacked with spitting . Eef blood, cough, weakness of lungs, an l general debility, so m ch so that o famil physiciandecl red hips to ha : a seat- ed consumptio.. He was t111 r medi cal treatment or a number o months, but received .o benefit fro •1 it. A length, from t• e :elicitation o himsel and others, I as induced to Ieurrchas: one bottle of ' istar's Balsa.. of Wil. Cherry, which benefitted him :o much .I obtained an • het, which in a shor time restored im to his. usu: f state o health. I can safely recomend this remedy to oth :rs in like con •tion, for it is, I think, all it purports t be—the Great Lung R: medy for the ti• es. The above stateme t, gentlemen, i my vol- untary offerin _ to you in favor of your Balsam, and id at your dis u nsal. As ever, yours, Al DREw ARCHER. POOR HORSES, There are of poor horses dragging out a existence, suffering from a V' diseases, rendering them alm less, that would be restored to and sound condition, and a v to them of whch their-- own dreamed, would they but use within their reach. From on rn b C2 g � m -rt 4 m • ry os nti CD Exportation of Horses from Great; Britain . The total number of horses exported from Great Britai}s in the first hall of this gear was 2,61li. It is a.significant fact that 1,433 of this number went to France, and among them were numei:+-' nus Clydesdale stallions. The value of the exported anirn!als is stated. at £151,- 6`J4< Last year tijo whole number ex- ported was 2,257. 1 • Death df a Pacer. The Ann Arbor Courier says : J. F Schuh's famous pacing horse, Bay Jim, died a few days ago from the rupture of a blood vessel. Itis said that arrange- ments were in progress to put him in training for the races at the different fairs this fall, E•nd that horsemen throughout the State will be pained to hear of his demise'. - I 1 • Good. fpr Willie. Willie Gordon,ne of the to n offi- ears of Mavbole had, an unquenchable offi- ce, and a very ready tongue. One morning; at a, roup, he was offereid some drink , and he was never known to de- °bne such an invitation. Soon after- wards Sir Adam Fergusson, of ilker- mn, happened to pass that way, and he accosted Willie : 1 "Ah, Gordon, I see Sou have been, tasting. You should -never drink so :arty in the day s this." ousands; iserable riety of t worth- healthy up given sL never e means to three p es "Dart d rs a d A abian L all asea prod s It ; and eds h R melaber the n s' atre Hur p ckege, orthr OO t.1 prod r'Store a Enedic deal oi' dition ,Pow- e emedy'' will sa sfactoaryre- tified to the fact. d See that the o. is on each yn ala, Poronto, nada. Sold by 1' Tneesel a Tt w itenin the t b each, a• d sti t e bright st, co e tot. sk you b rryyil" prce 35 Wl bigll b9ani eilo3 trio disea , 1 p e per ; �owdthe ting the mouth,1 st, Tittle toilet: gem uggist for "Tea- __ s 626-52. eaul. some thyan i. nice, m loiion, showing the 'health ? .x,11 can eu by usin leo- ufre bleed, a d all -VJ tcIinach Live Kid- 0 Organs ; are s eedily � 2 sss aid all atten- ler a never failingQta 1y= cu: a where all he i le tric Bitters n of ! the it wonderful . Eickson & Co. E A SIGN nvie iti ..ore ale : r, co e8 0 the es o 1perf adva En I the nays, ena rin a o Urea. F• r new dent ailyioents, tb ✓ medy,'and posi o hers fail Try a d tae co vince eripia. or sal at 5 . Cent a bo I E+ Al the as the{ me Hcat pati O cii i s 1119i it ✓ al 'Orin t the: fro a I other here e'rL them is t g b ttl hica yorld eat eing f es ; bu Elect is val t, and re me rythi be co op & 2-26a ead. looks up to Chica- este' n Metropolis of hili ad of all com- et' th less so, in 13i ter. From their' the have a `vanoed e ; fa s 9, poswitiarvely Curinadofg l e fails. To t ili:ced. For ale by s.t 50 .cerits per ow The first >.jectin 1' togs ri ; the •s h5a1 TI e first ea bions: y an saving ; by usi 0' a n's Au aides nde t sufferer yspe Sia, iver C eh sI Sic eadach tutu flora e , Habit t e Had, rvons Pr y u need not suffer guetiFlow r will r b ttlef 10 o ts. Re t rely spld) all first C Oix Lo Exe He Ki Bru 1 Cli Bly Wi OIN 0 n., n, id part.. . r. 11 n. fiel ten• h ha s Done. with the .mericpeople n(1, ow to reg 'a good be brained ' b energiy, , s cone (good health), !.ver. Shoal yon be aiy Of the ffeets of t, 1.ndigest on, &c., pitatioii of the heart, 41oStiveness, Dizziness of rtion, Low Sp' its, &c., ei day. Two doses of on : t once. Sample izo 5 cent . Posi- ng: sty. 2 8 8 an • Br tf l eel. xed. Expres0. . M. P. M. 21 5 55 6 26 3 8 49 7 40 6 9 15 17'53 ('a 925 ;7592 945 8o8 ; 0 1:2 80. 8 25 1 15 f8 522 00 -- ,9 25 ixed. Express. • M P. M. 0 55 6 20 10 6 55 115 7 24 1 45 7 43 200 759 210 806 00 .825 41 4 2 SoCIT Wi ha , depart. Bly . Cliten. Brn. erfiel Kip en . He's ll. Exer .. G :nd. T Tra MI 1 'e Seafo f 11o••rr: ori WE$ Ex sues, Ex .rest; Mi•e Tyr in....,.1 Ili T 0n Fit: Ex ;r es Ex r P(s Mi e T. Mi. e '1 CIA 7';35 8' 01 S,1 3 ..44 R llwa�`•. C1i 'ton Stations as .. , ... b CLINTON.— S F Ii'�$. F 0 1'.»M. 8:30 P. M. 5 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 1A. M. 8:45 A. M. in. ' 6'P U. 1:45 P. M. S rprtaus. CLINTON. (0 A,1I, 7:86 A.M. T •ain:095. ;:1I. 12:40 P. M. a n :16P. 3I. 3:30 P. M. r: in,.. 5 'P tM. 6:55 P. M. a r:'Iv eiia Railway. e Brum I station, north and south Tra as un sle Or: t TNG • i O [STH. 10:25 A. ,3:13 P. .9:28 P. GO No sou'rg. Al com 555 A.. M.' A cont 12.118 P.M P.M cn0 z 0 -n m 0 0 c r V CD -n Z 6 m 0 —1 1-3 1 t� tcf LeJ tj 0 0 14 H O w SOUR C KV$fOH1 auo gAVEC H a m rn O 0 kxf •4 1• .1S X ,. 1- s ..' • 4111 OY TER RE EIVE 000 A K pi000 AA AAA K K Ptai :ire C. uttone e £ It11 III= of la MEI Qpp# air • wtich. t'iit EMI 1121111118111111 e Pa.in- d cheaper f what ables hi i r bottle ESQ st a custom which certain class When asked for enly discover that her article just as''. imply at the same, ransparent. These great reputation of nded of the vilest e dealer at about in -Killer, which cents more .rofit le Than he can on the RAMPS, OM?LAINTS 'KILLER I NTLY. bottles. retailing at therefore cheapest. ALERS. )— TG. SCOTT, M.D. Acooncheur, Seal donee south site o1 G east of Presbyt.rian Ch W31. HANOVER, McGill TInivorsit first door south of the Graduate 0 nrgeon d residence h. 496 nart r the County of Huron e,! o Jarvis street. north, I I oeth Public School. .1 0 cn 0 0 Sn Sur eou Dentist, Graduate vs of Ontario. 011ie brie bloick, Main Stree Ont. Office and Resid Ryan's. Calls prorap Charges realm able. H day. A stookif veter nese and cod mites gi erilry ur noe in ear 13 al tended nary medici roes xamin on, Gradti e, Seaforth I' %Morin o, night d es nn hair as to sound 0 efts and ski 1. do • Me bero the Royal Coll nta Sur eons of Caned --a Idian lock, Market St , no r en d out on. office i le f.tel, where he will e fill dent I operations with CfficiL ta en every `In ell - 668 62 0 • 0 tj 1-3 Cn 0 1-3 tJ 1-3 .09 1-3 I tri ci ej 117/ 0 0 0 —1 cn 0 0 OTHY quant ty at Lam TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Y 11 If A • LL UAL S3O'II`�.l'a SIIaI LO'13 HALLY ANDER ON SitittIFORTI-i COMPU ANp SORY OEMOVAL,. In consequence of our Store be and inCreasing Trade, a great expense, the Stor George Dent, next door S egraph Puke, where will sortment of Scotch, Fren Tweeds ever Imported int ng too small /or our large e have beeu compelled to es, We 4caFe fitted up, dt uth, of the Ilkfontreal Tel - be found the . Largest 1§- h, English and Canadian this Market. OAK HALL—AN ACTIVE WEEK. Our Store is daily thronged with oust ers. Sales increasing from day to day. Popular Satisfaction evinced at th Large and Elegant Display of onr Handsome and Nobby Stock of Cloths, H ts and Caps, a,na Gents' Furnishing BE WISE, AND BUY OF US. WHY ! Because we have everything connected with our line of business, 13,nd plenty of room to show it. We sell Goods for what they are. Nothing mis- represented and as cheap as any other and far superior. STRICTLY ONE PRICE—All the Goods 'Marked in Plain Figures, and Positively No 1Deviation. READYMADE CLOTHING. 7 UNDERTAKEPS, &O. FUNERALS' ATTENDED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. CANADIAN, BANK OF, COMMERCE. HEAD !OFFICE, TORONTO, Presidenfi Hon. Win. McMaster. The Seafortli Bratch of WS Bank continues to receive deposits, on which inberest is -allowed on the most favontble terms. Draits on all Canada, on I G States, bon the principal ilowns and. cities in eat Britain, end on the United t And sold. door South Of the Commercial A.. II. IRELAND, Manager. TRADE fat CO. C211 MAI I • After- Main& as a seque ce et self-abuse, Oa loss of memory, vision, pre stare old age, and many other dis- eases that 1 ad to insanity o 1corsnmption. ands premature r ve. Full particular:it in our pam- phlet, which e desire to Ord free by Mail to every one. T e Specific Medicine is sold by all drOggists at 1 per packagei, or six packages for $5, r wil t sent ee b3 or receipt of the Co., No. 10 /tie cherries' Bloek, Detroit, Mich. 647 CENTRAIL DRUG slang EXETER. CI CO CC CI tea Ce A COMP and Full 1 latock of Drugs and Chemical con stantly on hand, and warranted of the Beat Wality and at Macrae Prices. Medical Wince and Lionoirs can be relied on as Shoulder Brea s, Oh( st 11:1,oteetors, &c., always on liana. Alto Stationery,illohool Books, Fancy The Central Drag tore, .3 Winen's old stand, directly opposite the Central Hotel. C82. C. ILIITZ, Exeter. THE WESTERN FAtil. $12,000 OFFEBET5 W PRIZES. WILL 13E HELD IN Tint C- ITY OF LONDON ON THE 4nr, 5rer, 6r14,17r11 AND PTA OF lpIRIZE LISTS and EntrY pape;s may be bad on application to the Secretary. All entries are requested' to be made on- or before 25th Sep- tember. Railway a ri semen s have bon made for One Fate London and return. Steam Motive Power furnishech Size of tinn- Minute, 60b. , Exhibitors to previde their own :WM. MCBRIDE, Sem etary. Western Feir Office, Londoe.„), September 1st, 1380. LVAIIIER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality,' $6 pet M. PINE from SO. BILleS CUT TO °EDER, All Lanitth, from -at 50 Peet, at the PiOWY 3+1CILLAOP Where all kinds of Lumber Aata be obtained. LEGA 0..AldERONi HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers :-/Ton.Selicitois in Chancel, Groderieb, Onti. M. C. Cameron, Q. 0., Philip Bolt, M. G. Cara; 508 I sioner B. R., Wroxeiter. Auctioneer and Appratser. Accounts and i notes colleeted ran reasonable terms. 356 FEED. in -la -Ens, Barrister end A.ttortey-at- Office, Masonic Block, wieahana Trust Funds • to loan. 'Careful attentioate cottieceons. 1362 7_7 W. C. MEYER, Ban-iiter and Attoneey at ' Solicitor Chancery. Coroinieeioner Solicitor for! the Bank Ofl'Htunlilton, Wirghara. Private funds to loan at7iito 8 Per cent, 336 We have added to our Merchant Tailoritg Depart ent la Large and Select 13. Stock of Readyglade Clothing, consisting of Men's, Yout 's 111.nd Boys' Suits, and, 'Men's, Youth's and Boys' Overaoats. Parties wishing a ything in this line will do well to call. and iespect. These Goods are all new, and 'cannot fail to make nn impression that i OAK HALLITHE GREAT CLOTHINC HOIS OF THE WEST I PO 0 d 'Clover Seed in ny 65-2 Is the P ace to buy lothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. HALLY & ANDERSON, Oak pENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney Conveyancere, Notaries Public, elle. OfficeS-8ea., 'laves t at one , at Eight per tient. rtterest,payable Y6aTrillY:aboivelfirm bite this tlay been &soared by 4 itioa- be paid to r. Benson wjb-13.)#14.:siiP.s.BYBaNiljilliaoilb.ii- MCO4OGHEY & -I-I IIIESITED, Scott's Block, Main Street, Sesiforth. 1.40:6:71°t.rtilln Town and T T.Aperty ;bought mModenerseyteiprivate funds) loaned ion inortgAige se- curities, at reasonable rates of lateeest. Chatgaa Money 1n!estea for priroutersons npon the Hail, Seaforth 04t ' tile leudett 1,31i •