HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-17, Page 6• 6 A Big Fin Dakota. Mr: John W. Taylor has returned from an extended trip north-westward, having visited. St. Paul, going thence to ° Fargo, on the Red River of the North, in sompany with several other gentle- men. These gentlemen were on a .j tour of inspection as well as pleasure, look- iag after the wheat and oats crops that are now being- harvested, and which will soon be seeking a market. The entire party, on invitation, visited the famous Dalrymple farm, 25 miles west of Fargo, and took mental- note of the largest cultivatedarm on the • Western Continent. It contains 36,000 acres under plow, 24,000 of which is now in wheat and 12,000 in. oats. It is a grand sight, and well it might challenge the admiration of visitors. Last Monday morning the several superintendents of divisions put the reapers to work cut- ting the wheat. these -125 reape M. Dalrymple strict business work being performed on a forty -day contract with each workman at $1.75 per day, he boarding them. The har- vesters: all board et large dining halls prepared expressly for the Dalrymple family. Each reaper is operated by three horses or mules. There are 375 of them en these reapers, and the click of the sickle is music to the farmers' ears. Whenshocked and suffi.oiently dried, both wheat and oats are threshed from the stubble and without stacking. The threshers are operated -by steam, and, like another kinds of work, is done with thorough system. The estimated yield by harvesters and proprietor is about 18 bushels of wheat per acre, and 90 of oats. The wheat product of this one•, farm foots up 432,000 bushels€ -about 900 oar loads, or 45 train loads of 20 oars ;per train. This immense crop will go to the seaboard by way of the lakes, through Canada and the Erie canal, and is expectedtonet 60 cents per bushel at the farm. Mr. Taylor says that a large emigration is going into that section, but it is his deliber- ate judgment that the soil of'. the valley will not long endure the successive cropping to which it is being submitted. He thinks, owing to the thin alluvial surface, and the; gravel and sand sub- soil, that it is far less durable than the Boil of Iowa, and that settlers will ulti- mately be -disappointed. It _ is' a de- lightful country, and very inviting to the eye.. The Northern Paoii<ic. Rail- road now extends) 100 miles beyond Bismarck, and is going steadily west- ward. The road ie an excellent one— declared the beat new road known by the railroad officerof the party.—Du- nue (1'owwa) T imo. Is The Eastern ` Peach Trade. • The peach trade New York city is, - far the most part, midnight bnsuess. Hundreds of men miss their sleep at night in order that) the peach eating public may have it favorite fruit fresh on the breakfast tables. To give our readers some idea of the way in which peaches get from :the Delaware and Marylandand New. Jersey orchards, a reporter one night Went to the station of the Pennsylvania) Railroad in Jersey City to wait for the) arrival of the peach train. At this time in the peach sea- son the trucks begin to gather at the Cortlandt Street Ferry about 11 p. m. The drivers look surly and sleepy as they come down West street in num- bers which fill the ]barge ferry -boats on every trip. Their only ocmpany going over consists of a few milkmen, who go atthe same hour to meet the milk train. When the ferry boat reaches the other side, the drivers wake up, and wake their horses up also, for they fre- quently race toward the peach yard in order to secure advantageous positions inthe street leading to it, so as to be first to get at the cars. Most of the trucks arrive an hour before the *train, which gets in about 1 o'clock. Some of the drivers stretch, a blanket across their trucks and try to catch a few minutes' sleep, while others assemble in some neighboring rum -shop to make the time pass swiftly. Many trucks. are often used by one firm alone, and are under oharge of a "boss carman," who has the numbers of the cars which he expects. He finds the cars and then sets his men to work. A bulletin is posted up every evening giving the number of cars to arrive and telling to whom they are consigned, the informa- tion being telegraphed in advance of the train. Meanwhile the peaches are jolting along on their journey from Delaware and Maryland.. They are picked in the morning, then loaded in the empty cars left at each .station, and about noon the train comes along and picks up all these loaded oars until they amount to about twenty, when .another train is made up for, although the whole arrival is generally called the peach train, there are often four or five trains of about twenty cars each. Each car is generally loaded to the ceiling, and holds between 500 and 600 bas- kets. One day's receipts frequently amount to forty or fifty thousand bas- kets. As the train} time approaches, kinds produced in • the drivers and loaders collect together, • nothing, however, 1 forming a crowd of one or two hundred, to be found in • Mr . each provided with) a lantern. They been found there; tl could make a creditable torchlight pro- measuring thirteen cession if they were not hopelessly dis- extreme length, an organized. The scene is a weird. one in a half quarts. One a single effort, migl boarding house witl The perishable n naturally de aracted standard article Mian excellence of heir freshness. - B crystalizing has t this prooess the erted into a delict which form it is ret balk compared ' an retains its prop paired by any cli sed an achieveme echanical ingenuil portant bearing eaper food, by utilizing prices th au '.regulating con� m• eggs may be t jury, either to the oles, and at any ti their. original ding the water dally, taken aw soeating comps dNewYork. .N xtraneous matters e process of ciyst simply a consoli lk and albumen. s of eggs are pres the year by lim There were 125 of on a single farm ! anages hie' farm on inciples, his harvest • the bosses, and when they im have probably both forgott tion of their cars. But at last they get to • rk, doo a are broken open without cere e b ony, ai4d the peaches are handled •� i `kly inti the truck is fall. One h • b ed ab d twenty baskets make a' goo bl bad for a one-horse truck, an they ei :h abo, t 3,000 pounds. Bo de ar.i aid ov:r each tier of baskets and • e load built up five or six basket: igh.' the trucks get their loads t• -y start a sea trot for the ferry, and e o b sideral, rivalry exists as to Which s : get first load over to the of , . On t ferry boat the en, wi' b heir c freshly filled, 'again keep him co pany, so that the beat on s c b a t might be called a big dish o peach and cream. - Arrived on the New Yo aide, klai trucks are unloaded as quit as pose ble at the different stores, : nd the sent back for mddr loads. e wor generally. continues till day g '. t. t thi e situ y The outing of th _peach s makes fair business r a tuber d e• en. Th regular price a 4 oe is a b :t ; out this they must pay ferry f :, : driver wages, and the use expend; of hors and stables. The drivers r . ;for $2 day during the peach season : nd the .employers ge erally give 'him the' breakfast in a• ditio, on are, , nt of th extra work.— '. Y. Tribu 'Variety ' • the Dail 1 :ood. Though goo b wheat, -or g • beef, o good milk, m : y cacti furnis c a perfec food, or contain all of th' element needed to support life, it is • o . bestt depend upon ny one arti Je of fo alone, except the case � ' nursin babes, and ten the mo •b r' shoul have. a suite, le variety. T obtain variety, some thousekeepers my go round of diff rent 'kinds Q pie an Dake, all equa ly bad - perha thinkin that if the pa try is• well su plied wit these, little other cooking is necessary, It- is a great r istake. Cake nd pie d not supply m oh actual foo , and th good material that` is used n them i put into such ithape that the stomach i wearied and dige%t them. of the tiredneE men and girls, because their i ori oat by the effort t This accounts for muc is complained o!� by wo They are half 'starvec ood is poor. Tie use o much poor trash called dainties (I don' abuse these things because I dislik them ; I have a sweet tooth, ;and kno my own weakness- well�eno ` gh' to un derstand the eakness of others), spoil the appetite f , r substantial If stomach is fee' le for lack of terial in the b oodOmade c6 our food: and ir) to repair and it takes f d unwillingly is tired with o erwork—oven the concentrated conglo rich cake and astry. Ane fallen into in s ch a case is i one thing afte another bet us, until the s omao beoom it can hardl bea anyt slow starvatio a must "cease to do ev to do well" ---n some food; but is wholesome. The proper fruits, ..vegetal food, the lett€ meat, egg or m With palatab: preparations, e freely used, me found to be n and strength, and fat -prepon� fare of white b: pie, and a 1itt1� steak, often see sity to one who has to strength. Coffee cannot ply its place. It dos not gi but only stimulates t, or ca making one fee strohg while influence. No Irish ng f strengthen us. You would h dly believe, try it, how hea; tilt' plain ishing variety f food is e those who live with reaso plicity. It is easier in every feel much better and more tided, with no unreasonable confectionery, pickles, or It lightens the are of child fully. It make the cooking ple and easy, a d, last but n saves the doct ter, Agricukuri Cryst The egg traffi risen to an impc prehend. The in New York city fully to $8,000,0 0 the United States single firm in that handled $1,000,900 ood.. Th good ma nstantly o its war because' i work upo. ratioaa o mor easil o give n ase it hurt s so wear ng. It i n t onl 1;" nt must pile "leer' t onl give un unwhole eat plenty of that whic 14 ariety is one >les grain a r consisting its ver e Graham specially whe at is seldom craved oessery to h;gh healt int when' st, rch, suga orate as as in e comm, ead and butte , potatoes sauce—beef, especial]. ms ain absol i te neces put fortl : silly sup : strength is it out under it s reall ads up o d anima f health •lis form• oatmea e milk is • a bd .. •I ..11 until yo nd, nour joyed b bile aim y. ,Ali i g od nal raving fo iimulantst r In wonder pnore sim, }t least,it is bills.—Paid Roches' t. w zed Egg': this co roe which; ;negate t lone mu dor sums, to $18, ine of bis worth of UI itta. ag; n rt' ha few com action mown, and i 00. ss -Ess durin traffi truth ✓ coun sinal gs bei equa •coos: incipa e hav d use o hav oa egg, rhes i t an: s, with •odern day, s ha lie a e pe upo broces to, an• s con nt, i ighth eggs rs un is in e en mos tion o waste year thi "thou to the store: ly _ by arti- f ' egg Loui: other ed in roduct of the nanti- spring rested 0, n: the year. In Cincinnati, too, th must be proportion tely large I I the great gallinace us tribe o rob try barnyards con routes i n degree to Inman a. baistenc e ing rich in nutriti.e. propert'es to one-half their, en ire weig L. duck• and hen egs are . the p lfnerica. eke we are idagascar, ie giganti and' a hal l holding of these t. supply omelets attire oa from thee, of diet. , T eggs dep�nd it lately the seen resorbed natural eg ate ambeii t laced sev 'ith burr erties for mate. T st of sci y, and h: on the q preventi roughout! tumption. ransporte equator i ecanbe co dition s w itch has a The nes are in salts or are intro lizing, th d ted mixtuee Immense; rued in tie ng. Thin the night, with engines puffing savagely about, and the crowd of rugged faces, half illuminated btt the lanterns. In the background are the unknown wilds of New Jersey, wit the dread possibili- a ties of bulldogs and mosquitoes. • c But the sport is _et to come. A lan- t tern is seen swinging far down the of track, and the cry spreads, "Here she by comes." The driers run for their ve and as the train rumbles by, spreading a smell of` peaches as it goes, in the boss truckmen note the car num- a bers and shout their orders to the driv- im ers. Now the t;rrucks make a charge d from a dozen directions toward a com- m. mon centre. Driving in tti.e dark is not im very pleasant to a ' tired . and sleepy , ch driver, and when cdllisions occnr (and ' eq they are almost inevitable) there is apt ! a to be a contest in profanity which.must ( for bring a deeper blast) to the red cheeks 1 inj of the country -bred peaches. Trucks 1 po rush up and down the lines of cars, to and it is dangerous; to stand where a ad truck can possibly come. , The horses, fi partly revealed by the flitting lanterns, ; de look huge and hideous in the dark, and an the apparition of one of those "1,600- pounders" Doming "head on" a few th feet distant is apt to make one jump to , is the: length of his ability. The bosses yo are running around to find their drivers, tie and the drivers are hard pressed to fend of to 111 • dig , xr or eg . v n - e is n I r 1r ... 1 be phi t n u b the! ale bo' I l b "1 deal:ra fre:l, , so Use! . 1,b ho• :ver th parent f are cry. ,an' rY m , t ere el re th ng p i al ry tb ng. e-gs 'A twve've to fi n• b. ,=1-llinb a c:t�t: p r'do: i:dla• ooh is e e te,i ii t uart ood for t'sao pt im o h: t imp the di nt fan fired o all"z egg not s de rais due fro an'_ tee Doc pi: fit Inl b)I. a `E higier. dozen. establish mu► 'h fo is.ho rea tee l eho and egg bef .re, lar: ao alr dy tioof she kin In i im pet ore o d c tpohi dente: uti ati pu 1 t as bine tic $'oinl tial. e 6 e n T ny ptxrpos- except' mon trick or some eggs so treated for 'tion i$ easily prao- esiocation process, ends hemlines ap- to five more limed make a pound of ban when fresh -are e least: tainted wi111 t sit . ce at` e ;o : t experienced eggl t there is no Profit in ompat'e with pro - ie gle Iden will lay en doyen eggs per an' aterage of thin. ', and the birds thus sed acid fed for less) the hole periods e per ozen is much •uy hem by the n eastern produce they will sell so f a dollar. There e crystalizing pro, me quite general, timulated ae never d supply receive this source. The d e'creasing consump- n :land and France reciation for this d with any other4 sell at one dollar four dollars pe It is thought that pr preserving for, tiny of our hens and acceptable, as well sinews' and (domes- Cinci7tnati Oonanse7 ma titi::, ple o cou try cwt T pie ors) wh : e it nore ninan this tactic ten ve ne • find Vir nue and Ikon ered bu ame,gt ma'd fo tha it i be ti mer 1 ha ped ' fty! han car one 1. un( Sat rda cha is ii colo :ed. the .:tor to d spo ing the to o n nothing u to carry er he on Sime the no r strilc erin it, b eralask wick Coz1, ow: od Pe, staj P to y n f vre lllljlra abonn it 11. a un e t f sulrii try Y um olw tedt in one EMS ed n the • fro eek us art el ion er SI thering. re in large quail • red by colored pent ber, who sell it to t fifty cents per s sell. it to the pro- s at Petersburg ed and prepared fo t4 be Wised in tan The gathering o te become so • eat be regarded as E1 ago the virtue of very ;little' known, ye y little was gath- tl was !found, to be lithe -world, the der *tidily increased—so ty thee of t e cons aut m et day, fat ay or imp ove th blue. er to 1.1 awe fro ho call "art ng Mitf rd •11 nigh drin ink. is a lead eaitot maa good tee i in va ichif e llett to re ai 11 i be h ilea pain ed op th rest urea k tc States. te t stove. Al th be grade( lly e hen brou ht to 7Hiprising things one a to find that people ' duties to lperforin y at -site* year' do eot aiiner or even once ti more !easily made te hich' Hawthorn :lit " midi whieh Miss li; fir think teede 1 is u less te try t Must 'ot, ar in Ott htil The! water 'should f every hetel and in l' the 11Jnited tea, set the teapo th )tack' of th ted from it, the able one may we4 Si 1 SOUth Hair n, te he d borne, at Exetei Sept '20 and 1. East Wawa osli B an h, at Belgrave, Oet. 6. M ell, lt Mi oh , Se SoUth Perth, at St,,hlary Turnberry B an h, at 27 ank 28. 1 to• wal, Sept. 29 and30. ghata, pept. 22 and 28. on, October 5 Ito 7. mbe 22 and , esd' Sept. em F it Jar Stira am] Sugar, try WEnt ON & YOUNG, they al) the heapest. 654 AGIINTS aormIns, Se o sell Musical C. rivate IAtp es bad bted t oe Faa Lae' mll feed it 11 _Per ton. cash everyt f The s • mild all an Tat atte • to te Lire G • ntle en fav o being alai ANT D. anted bY Score tr . Good men 'liberally ARMER IMOTHY POEL ASH PAID FOR Field Seeds, D UTTEI 0 IC TO S. Ap es, AND C W. S. plOBER L.$6A1 SE FOR A$ JUST BE URNED LR SALE OF ADZ & 0o., ere he has p Very oheapj as took of Fres 641tOCEItlES AND ife alliance Agent; m property at lowest 0 aing to the re- l. s we, request all par-, an& settle their ac. r feseot W. B. Mile in tO next week tor the an 8 Applications; left at re ill be attendedta. 666 • We ate now sell.) $9 pe ton ;1shorts, ES D Calf skins dfr.f 113 amok trade,I .eenena. 654, Lowai Mower," in- s, -wig° will be sold st-class Lawn Mower ufacturod, Wm. tirely tic3w in design test for Fall Wear. heir orders can rely • As was ever shown in W RE th. o Call and Examins these 41)ocls and Eater - 12: Arr AIR ce in the premises nder son's Hot formerk occ th,e Bank Commer e. E. Da id - ie by NOTES AND BILLS D SCOItINT D. 11 rehase ge FARMERS' SALE NOT S BOUGH rafts Issued' payable a all Bran hes of the ank of Co merge. Interest Allowed orn Deposits. ney to Loan on Mortgages, at froi79 Seve Nine Per Cent. ,AR*D1ftARE, gTOVy AND— 'MAIN $1,EET, SEAFORITN. and se my Stor of ARVESt nt, in ELL A Call and see me sell cheap. OLD PRICE whether you buy or not, e r: AS GOODS AT *MODE An. m0.RRiso • SEPTEMBE TE Pi,ICS w .A..tWA."Yka ON HAND, A FULL STOICk OF GROOEFOES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWAI1E, Flour, Feed and Provisions Mill Feed, &c. EXTRA GOOD VALUE IN TEAS AND SUGARS. Rem mber the Place. 'A all Solicited. TRUTH GROCERS FLOUR, FE STRANGER THAN FICTIOItl." d Dealers in oROCK We have one of the LARGEST, CH Stocks West Of TORONT SELECTED be Seen to be app Convince the Mos PARTICUL Skeptical that the above is R. LAIDLAW & RY, OLASSWA EEDS, FRUITS APEST, and BE T GoOs and Prices &c. ust ALL and we Guarantee to TRUE IN EVERY AIRLEY, Seaforth. tETTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT OROCER'Y STORE NEXT TH Tea at 4 TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT E pd§T OFFICE. and 50 cents Can't lbe BO*. The Best 0 cent Tea in the Doininio 60 CENT BLACK, 60 CENT GREEN, 3 CENTS. a 60 69 GENII-, JAPAN,- OEN'r MIXED. BEST VALUE IN COFFEES. 40 CE -NTS. 45 CENTS. 15a' These G‘ods are all of the Best Quarty, land recommended for Flavor D. to. ROSS, SEAFORTH. 01 ED Ss - ti go 0 co 0 tr le sa tal 0 crgcl og cfo Is 0 cfo so CD la PD (111 la fa Ss 0 en pf so So P co c• t, so .441 O CD CD D. 0.74 0 15 ee a el rn so 1-3 ti so co ri o ts 4=. )-4 IVBO.I.INVIAI 088 Fo op 011ANGE OF BUS NESS. SA.FOR1111-1 016-1\1-1)12,"1" SEAFORTII, Onte April 3rd, 1880. to keep on hand, at the old stand, Main Street, Seaforth. 04 fall assortment of Plows, Gang Plows, Scuffiers, Land Rollers and all other Inaplements in our line. Crestmga, and School, Church, Garden at.d Lawn Chairs a, specialty Repairing promptly and neatly done and satisfaction auaratateed. Give us a, trial* ALFAED R. NOPPER.} JOIN W. NOPPER. NOPPER BROTHERS. SEAFORTH, Ont, April 3rd, 1880. Having disposed of my business, 1 must call on} an those indebted to me, either by note or book account, to call and settle the same before the' First of May, as after that date 1 win place eyerythiug in the hande of the Clerk of the Court fo collection. JOHN NOPPER. 'CARD 90 THAN,4 JAMES CA_MPBELL rAarynirTingbEqlklatiodremrelliedtineornnancethuitg*:basitiltealfneZtleher:1441-414istatit agelf.brpers, tioliPsPia°tre -414rbagnow O441144.0717"1.: n asaorment of *HT of DRY O'OODS ,Atip GROCERIES'. And valkliways be readY; tO1 mete otq, *it' good artnfies Alt as resat:able a prize iniftliteha7el-arge Iwo:arty poRx Earthehware of every description. Glom White Lead, (James', &c.) and a general ment of Colors. Boots iind Shoes a SPeeialty, from the known finm of Hyman &CO., London. Any article necessary ,foX a country *lore be obtaixtpd. lot Patent ;lie dieine in an the lines. All kinds of Farming Poduce taken, essizve 657 JAMES OAXPRZEZ. THE ',COMMERCIAL LIVE AilTHUR. PORBES,' . TT AVINIG purchased the Stock and Tradoref George 'Whiteley, begs to ' state that he carrying +II the business, in the eta steadied added seVeial valuable horses andvehicleetj formerly large stbek. None but Raiabie Hai's0.4 Will be Kept. • Spe,ciaZ iArrangemente Made With ash enerciat Men. Orders left at the stabieS or any of the leek promptly !Mended to. , SAS11,100OR BLIND FACTORY._ THE subScriborbegs leave to thank hientftlill -a- customers f& the liberalpatr,onsge eiteadatta trnsts-hathe may be favOred with a -continuo" h°firathaitogiectas11176,nattwihiglito°fOhnutricl'nuvielllogict)P5VIlani large sto of allkinds elf Dry ine Lumb*r, Sashes, Dlors, Lath6 &c, r who may favour him witktheir patronagemiteil Patti ular attention iaid to Custom Bashi' Pattie desiring to Subst urchase Neat sad ntial Bug es, Carries s or Democrats, Can Etell them at fWM. GRABS -MS near t 1 market. 1LUMBER WAGONS W He Win sen cheap. Rep mg and Barite Shoeing Prompt- ly Attended to. Remember the ald maker at the new stand. GRASSIEt And ev man, requireu !it this season Of the year some hing to give toUe to his systetasud ill I VIITALINE d. Ilse VITALTNZ in all Affectionsof lei Will do the blo the Kid per bot Sold Dinned GRAY MEDICINE CO., Tarot, J. S. PORTER' iSEAFORTH. 11. ant doermined t61 Clear Out mg En Stock of Fitemiture regorS- TEM tai N WANT, it ill pay lham to *seer. ices before parc-hasing elsewhere. X give air discount to t 'aose paying osaliz.857 ipecially to newly married, couples. 'Marcia h jewelry Store, Street, Seater* 625 4GHN B. PORTER. CHEAP ONEY., At gen Per Ce41 Interest, Pay- able Yeizrly. vt. owl WEBS Allowed' tot pay principal at sal A. G. MeDOUGALle 657-12 Dry Goode 4lerahank Bettfolg4 ABE NOW PAlaNG THE For The Finest Quality a Butter in Tale RenzetiabOr th,e novo Sevens SW, pTEMBE our Bich Me intertsterpoomig p-Coarturerdaer 17istisiawh eca:T:tuhkitPehnimeDDixtedttik r, whose income is wealthy living. Of intrenclaing . on hi tear at e' ,TY11 n9e° x86 lit it al Taari log late Senator Jones, frileilwaingth°1116:bleadeSliriviTaoalliget 3 ai 813 nhVi 33:3118 e8 t oe:!tguhhs ett t'ainespext, with a yearly ore vaini0118, and the exp aloe defray thereout are vr.u.double:Lhesatasrevteh:see 00: t it the top of the list come eveintes of the otheoorrftihmbroee th etteMeekey was thirty y 6SS boy in irean Ton tgo he was bankrupt, erefete, hope for ali. bi4:sYsyte1111±01:13.1:10unireaxealsinfanhpaele"goOefs 31133111146 eiWiY417,i'iVashhldie:ria:PmPgpelax-tehse: rt-une and possess an esis.large as that of t estminster. Already the iie ef his property is SA 155,-000,060,, agaillSt the / eeta ji r x 1;11) c a 11;6111; ewr4 t lee 161518eY'l uit tau: 'Sa.al a:kttae he:t.PterPiotne tha8teHl 112: seSeWe' sen13 as° ethleeffr s:eaf's '11:14:11 -0,iiccane -01.1;:waienenyh,obsitnuimesb;leditv At length he addressed t time.' There was a dinner' after the party had. ram/1i remarking, in what he n compliment, 'You're the t and the best judge of good company, saying, “Noo, iald Your glass heartily ; been such a pairty in nay my dochtetts marriage." = be, James," remarked 0 abet this is a very -differen =a James replied, 4tTri everything 19 beautiful in i • . rather bashful youn/ his fast appearance into so unlucky as to make severs: I tunas mista,kgs, Beeman 1, more confasedalle sank dee . mire, until at last lie left -deepair with this apolog have said. anything vet to mean anythittg, I beg to —The other day a eounti alesson which involved ant: elasses a teacher labored vi togive het pupils a correct word. One little girl sail thought it was a great big she neliev,ed she Ind seen tf MAD who makee believe to - when he isn't I Sometime give lot of money to a eh make people think that 1 than anybody else? 41/N "for , he gives only a Queer Prayt ed up a prayer for Queer): 1 these words : "Oh; Lori 1 servant our Sovereign ladj Graait that as elle grows a Ithe may become ft nevenasA, en her with Thy blessing EV6 a pure virgin before forth. sone and daaighters that she may go forth belt like e, he -goat on. the mom Carriage Ilor The Farm Journal (El it is quite eurious tha,t, rise witnessed in the bro .ona classes of hones, Teat , 'horses command a* high tively, than any other. 111 scarce, and for the .reasol undersized,. Carriage h dueed by crossing stas breds 'upon large, jean mar, as. There is mouey RiiaoAation. of 31 Great Brit - The total number of hare Great Britain in th this treat was 2,618. fact that 1,433 of this mee, and among the MB Clydesdale stallions. the exported animals is s 08- Last year the wh vatea was 2,257. Death. of a The Ann Arbor Courie tea a few da,ys ago from blood. vessel. It is sa ts Were in progress ng for the races a this fall, and Itgleout the State wil of his demise. • Good for W Gordon one g, at a roup, he w and he was neve each an invited° araa Sir Adam F nod. to pass e been tasting 'never drink SO early in