HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-17, Page 23 • t. MR. TOLMAN. "NQ," said she, "I don't wish that. If he is studying, as you say he in, day and iaight, I do not wish to interrupt him. I should want the book at least a month, and that, I suppose, would upset:his course of study entirely. But I do not think auy one should begin in a circulating library to study a book that will take him a year to finish, for, from] what you say, it will take this gentleman at least that time to finish Dorrnstock's book." Asad so she went her way. When P. Glascow heard all this in the evening, he was very grave. He had evidently -been reflecting. "It is not fair," said., he-. "I ought not to keep the book so long. I now give it up for a while. You may let her have it"wh.en she nomas." And he put the Dormstock on the counter, and went and sat down by the stove. M. Tolman was -gr eved. He knew the , ight druggist haci done right; itut> still he was sorry for him. - " hat will you do 2" he asked. “Will yon stop your studies ?" _ - "{yh no," said Glascow, gazing sol- emnly ieto'the stove, ''I will take up some other books on the diapason which I have, and will so keep my ideas fresh. on the subject until this lady is done with the book. I do not really believe she will study it very long." And then he added "If it is all the same to you, I.wilt come around here and read, as I have been doing, until you shall get a regular assistant." Mr. Tolman would be delighted to have himcome, he said. - He had en- tirely given up the idea of getting an as- sistant ; but this he did not say. - It was some time before the 'lady came back, and. Mr. Tolman was afraid she was not corning at all. But she did come, and asked for Mrs. Burney's Evelina. She smiled when she named the book, and said that she believed she would .have to take a novel after all, and she had always wanted to read that one. L -I wouldn't take a novel if I were you," said Mr. Tolman ; and he tri- umphantly took down the Dormstock and laid it before her. She was evidently much pleased, but when he told her of Mr. Glascow's gen- tlemanly conduct in the matter, her countenance instantly changed. "Not at all," said she, layi,.g down the book ; "I will not break up his study. I will take the Evelina, if you please." - - And as no persuasion frdm Mr. Tol- man had any effect upon her, she went away with Mrs. Burney's novel in her muff. "Now, then," said Tr.. Tolman to Glascow, in the evening, "you may as well take the book along with you. She won't have it." But Glascow w:onld do nothing of the kind. "No," he remarked, as he sat looking into the stove ; wben I said I would let her have it, I meant it. She'll take it when she sees that it ..continues to re- main in the library." Glascow was mistaken ; she did not take it, having the idea that he would soon conclude that it would be wiser for him to read it than to let it stand idly on the shelf. "It would serve them both right," said Mr. Tolman to himself, "if some- body else would come and take it." But there was no one else among his subscribers who would even think of such a thing, One day, however, the young lady came in and asked to look at the book. "Don't think that I am going to take it oat," she said, noticing Mr. Tolman's look of pleasure as he handed her the volume.. "I bniy wish to see what he sayson a certain subject which I ' -am studying now ;" and so she sat down by the stove, on a chair which Mr. Tolman placed for her, and opened. Dormstock. - She sat earnestly poring over the book for half au hour or more, and then she looked up and said, "I really cannot make out what this part means. Excuse my troubling you, but I wo=uld be very glad if you would explain the' - latter part of this passage." "Me 1" exclaimed Mr. Tolman ; "why my good madam—miss, I mean—I couldn't explain it to you if it were to save my life. But what page is it ?" said he, lookinge at his watch. "Page twenty-four," answered the young lady. "Oh, well, then," said he, "if you oars wait 10 or 15 minutes, the gentleman who bas had the book will be here, and I think he can explain anything in the first part of the work." ` The young lady seemed) to hesitate whether to wait or not ; but as she had certain curiosity to see what sort of a person he was who had been so absorb • ed in the book, she concluded to sit a little longer and look into some other parts of the book. The night druggist soon caro in, and when Mr. Tolman introduced him -to the lady, he readily agreed to explain the passage to her if ' he could. So Mr. Tolman got hiel a chair from the inner room, and ho also sat down by the stove. The explanation was difficult, but it was achieved at last, and then the young lady broached the subject of leaving the -book unused. This was discussed for some time, but came to nothing, although Mr, Tolman put down his afternoon paper and joined in the argument, T- urging, among other points, that as the matter now stood he was deprived by the deadlock of all income nom the book. But even this strong argument proved of no avail;. "Then I'll tell you what I wish you. would do," said Mr. Tolman, as the young lady rose to go ''come here and look at the book whenever you wish to do so. I'd like to make this more of a reading room, anyway. It would give me more company." After this the young lady looked into Dormstock when she came in ; and as her holidays had been extended by the continued absence of the family in which she taught, she had plenty of time for study, and came quite fre- quently. She often met with Glascow in the shop, and on such occasions they generally consulted Dormstook, and sometimes had quite lengthy talks on musical matters. One afternoon they oar -e in together, having met on their way to the library, and entered into a conversation on diapasonin logarithms, which continued during the lady's stay in the shop. "The proper thing," bought Mr. Tolman, "would be for, these two peo- ple to get married. T take the book and st hearts' content. And tainly suit each other, greatly attached to m tics: and philosophy, them either plays or sii told me. It would b match." Mr. Tolman though ter a good deal, and at to mention it to Gl : : c did eo, the young man pressed the opinion th no use..to think of sue it was evident from subsequent discourse thought of it. Mr. Tolman gradual) y anxious on the subject e night druggist did not s take any steps in t a e weather was now begi er, and Mr. Tolman re little house and the probably much more c able in winter than in were higher building house, and even now h that the circulation c quite as agreeable - a$ of books. He thoug about his airy rooms i city. "Mr. Glascow," said he "I have made up my- sell out this business." "What !" exclaimed you mean you will giv away leave the place ie' they cosh d it to thei h' y would o r o th 'y are bd si • al mathem a aideither to g � , asthey ha an admirali1 ver this m t 1 ;t c etermin When c •for d, and el x t j it ould be is ing. Bb is, m nner eta Cha he ha i • ame q 'ally as ' ncline ter. be wa` that shop w oomf er. Th about n to f.e would • circulat good d:s3 eighbori t! afterne to sho' ther. P and tlier ?" n,. "I s d leave eked. in t Were now everIf is Must e ld be expeo ,I. s," Contin it would love mat, • here to. claimed ac Ba • "Yes," replied Mr, give up the place entir city." The night druggist had spent many happy Shop, .and his hours -th coining pleasanter tha> Tolman went away, alt t Nothing of the kind c of any new proprietor. "And considering Mr. Tolman, "I thi well for you to bring y to a conclusion while you." "My love matters !' Glascow, with a flush. "Yes; certainly," sai "I` have eyes, and I kn Now let me tell you When a thing is to be to be done the first tiir chance. That's the w Now you might as wel here to -morrow afteri propose to Miss Edwar to -morrow, for she has away. If she don't c pone the matter until - But yon should be ready don't believe you.can see you don't meat her here, ily is expected back ver what I infer from her employers, you won't ci at their house." The night druggist war about it. . "There is nothing to Mr. Tolman. "We kn lady." (He spoke tail informed himself about '1 the affair.) "Take my et vic here to -morrow afternoon— rather early." - • 11 • k 'u a F e 1 0 b 0 t Mr. all; bat' one, here I do com: n, p en' • • 1 IT; Tole ani;. about i t. . I thi it ouj t is a:g b• busin aro epare,• o e is e wo d? , s e, we'll p st t - .iLext o-nt orrow.I er uch w e for hat fs+• oon; and f is ours of re to 'visit ted to O. thi k," s ow all about , for+ he nth partie, �, and: nd o •: r r 1e The next morning Mr, To an w up to vis parlor on the : sec nd fl and brought down two blele stu chairs, the best he had, nd ut t+1 in the little back room ofhe hop.: t also brought down one o t o kni knacks and put them on th man piece, and he dusted and brightened the room as well as he ed ld. He e covered the table with a ed loth ftp the parlor. When the young ; lady rri ed, he vited her to walk into tribac roo look over some new book he; had got in. If she had know, he j prop. to give up the business, s e would thought it rather strangehat he sh be buying new books. Beat she kn nothing of his intentions. hen s was seated at the table i wh reon t� now books were spread, M . Tours stepped outside - of thehop door watch for Glascow's appicoaoh He so appeared. - - "Walk right in, ' said Mr Tol "She's in the back room iloohing books. I'll wait here an' keep out Comers as far as posibl . It's pleas and I want a littlefres i; air. I'll you 20 minutes." •• • Glascow was pal?, it his hands under his c4, feet rather far apartl, blockade on the door -ate there for some time looki ple outside, and vvonde people inside were, doi girl who had borrowed and who had never r about to pass the door standing there, she cr other side of the stree not notice her. He wa the door, and wanted. kept Easter eggs. M happy to say he did not. allowed the night drug s twenty minutes, he wen tered the shop door, giv very decided ring as d cow came down the tw from the inner room. he went Tol an, tail, and the hat he 1 m lit of rne it, ea, erie nugp flot ora 11 ow if e To' man as a v ry Ube ill • • • a ma that. 'Wh estabi found factor .�y said had a think in s e 1 t ,'In man. ed on able Wh (and h Hoein for pr Re A Unio house and- whic "The with landla 1 was a Poe's agreea him a antest whethe the i f1 never l,. pecte to its heard liquor acqui his w scar' takin publi marks the .p z "dear good r to or, Wed the g tirin great Mrs. and and was Mr the 'some i versa ing deepl extre to hi with time ing, wrap all d stone Stick. he w main i writi abon'. wood azy for su, ti a Mr. !Tolman re merit of ruse erythipg gong look ten Canterfiel ry please& ere wa en or so long e est me 1" "Why, $ibje e. I nevei iday imy, he went home Jh t evening found himself quite willing to ore up ,the ill he admade. felt than threw $ necessity ng his sanity. If T' 'SND 1 it rn ai d HE H RON E .e thing BB , RE L ESTATE 0 FOR S • t,E—T a east half d to the 4th .onces en, L. R, s -d Co.,. T he acre. .LEA s ; ge idIi, .builor Ingsto 'an1lfed f: very Bettis- state of tiitivat pn. Appy ssro HOLMESTED,tly 6, aforth. earn yo nger, stir," au• .must lave tim did not siigh.= b i`terest you tim it w' t gclalme Mr. iTol- sts of 'iz.te est crow had a More enjoy- iscen. es of ew or La rrespo den; of rgus tom • andingion a ro e Boulevard i oe boarder- av," an rsBr njnd atter at ersthat rim reeabl�y ccentri le. turn, his fa ature. she'hsl encs d, and hat lie e. Aft • at he • at pre: maid • the h: bit a: . Whil e bo ever 1 -ft thf is lite any rs, an • the hat sh so: n fishers : t t ddie w: ail , M son to sell v al the act id at- wa: th t care e i3 bestow:d unde +• rued :mm e s o st affion t • cad th gres sent fro !her Brenn says that +• Wind lgi - n, an t o� oody ' one bsorb i ' ly m est, orks, t wa: h head ow . d e wool. stat ou ring on y .1� : n , and ande•l th or rem in fo h appin he g ou After t • ese I ap dente: tote hiss o•• for upwv :tl e His 1 s re ✓ byt ••: v s scribe ii wi his . •+ st; •oura tale w • • an • ut bli - e res: •: ed wo••ani ening ore + was co e bible • w k, o can:: he p at lov • g r L: do ilem.' Th he la child e he ne er dre ost a :l ear • g t her oidd:," a "D ]ing,' nd Mre Ole • ea •enna ' • visi s quent, but,. he neral feu • d t nuscri • t, he ched' omo e e Cher : • d s nes, •' • ich; Poe yard e. SU rise city ' did and her, ily wer finrepl d. evier se f bettor never fo' as er he left ai given th ter rdi fait rat oft ari by s dy. d an old at 84th street t is oitY, in la, he Wrote rd had a talk was Foe's Brennan 01 find . that elations with the pleas - the quoetion him under el said she tementsus- er place * Alio mileusutsbeavoef rs. Clemm ons te the eated re- made to e that her *eunagi has net intended being intoxi- iela.smueh as folly and un - s wife had ek tenderest n ern if he eteriptiOn of rain ary con- maintaia- ng to be ✓ referred it to Walk nd Often- the Morn- gt the woods th a small t reveries and re- hree days n thinking ally tp the ginia, who I girl than at that bleed ves- an invalid oftentimes wn stairs, bsisted be- e was that eter quarrel- ed. her except .1 He Fused , he Would ,he both ad- 8114 did enter or sttewn es AMU was sligh and a Ma time sel, havin The twee of lit led, a in th to ea h dress Mrs. were -it she with that to th large from Th ture whic the s bedio DOW n ame the li never by th historli et • Is tr a ID g the bell a etepa that IS face show d that it was all right wit ina A. few days after t Me. Tolni sold out his stock, goo - ill and tures, together with th fureiture lease of the house. An ho ehould' e sell out to but to. Mr. scow ! piece of business was of the hal should not be married soon, the young lady was cha me to give her position as teacher nd overnes a family, and come an take charg 4f that delightful little sto e nd that cull - /hug little house, with most eve v - thing in it that they wa t One thing in the es a, liLitent Tolman refused to s 11 That Dormstock's great work Ile made couple a present of the o urae, and tween two of the earlier ges he plae much more than that o t e ordin weddieg gift. "And what are you; I g to do they asked of him, :vir all ths:e things were settled. them how he was goin hen he to, told them what it was, tiotwY1 real G. They did not think hi 1 31 lead ;Or e it Rave , A passe Amer hou se Until one, t neigh child spent seven lady other pliaat ol toilet seven him t tee p .the fo (two t ame etruc- is wife, was the main ad a steal" it door play 11 i?robalaility, WI disturbed gs" of the ular ac howev r, co sis hood, only se were t .home. DS In ne om, d ten thing ter In th mpr ing as co so ple e hu rrang: hair ress thi imp wing onve er, do you comb your te yo is hea try Caw times yours EP natur tions a care ties o has p a de may It is b of le. ✓ recently ilea below an, whose OMB. The f twenty - an e* in the nte n of the e the old pupied the flan' comb for h. During i POSITOR. SALE. f Lot 21, in the es. and in a gqod n the premises to MoCAUGHEY & 6664 the east half of Lot No. acres, 84 rcriles fr m the To oonvenie tx to se, 0431. The JAMES ICIARli , opposite Egmond Ile P. 0 SALE.—For else of eaforth, tint n4 s of the very rtie tars app y to 24 -L. For sale the onse and lo is a frame, the lo contains one of t e best building sit There is° a good ell and all apply to JAS. H. tENSON, S FOR S gmaiedv at If an acre d lies. in Egroond he necessary c sn- VERY VALTIA; LE FARM Townshi of Sta ley, Count ing 177 acres, f ame house quantity of cede. on this pro Range .A. Bayfiel , 39 acres. feet. A ply on e premises or to JO N ESS N, Land A of nd uron, co rt . Also Lo hip. Title 14, the per - 665 -8 more or ess, 85 o which a.re stumps ; the bal ce is well wood. here is brick hoe the f ; le convenient to posseesi n will be given at al further articular apply to e premises ROBE T MeVET st of L 36, Co cession 5, T County f 'Perth, containieg in bush rid paet v. There hewed. og hoes s log stab lie Clair h, at Iri htown, and d and free from ard- and plen- and past or n the red . with ono bai ard, and Seafort running any time. I 65 the n3rth hip of If •es of ere d and fe the rem o the prom s of the m les of D I be- sold at iseply to half bert, llent inder 808 0, RE - Cone Eldon 11 H. R. Se keramith, co tain- ing 100 tee ; 82 leered and a first-clas state log hoes , 'with s one cellar, ndi well fun turd ; bank barn 36x6 , stone fo da ion, and ood on a go d gravel road. For fur her perti niers apply to the prop 'etor on Ma: pr misee, or if by letter to Ohiselhur t P.O. JO se • V AB FOR S LE.—For sio 7, Bibb rt, contain 75 are leered and the bale bush, here is a new bri ontleilliugs. here is abp hard w ter and it, good orch The f01,31 is well fenced and It is sitnated on a good grav in 9 miles of Seaforth and an /vIitchell; half a mile from sal payment. Apply • to the premisee ox to MICHAEL 0. ot 18, C 00 acres, h • use, two se, and othe da ce of so ol. Easy te LEY, Sta noes - bout wood ranee good and rder. with - from ins of the 653 orlon ellent the the , with nd et same rther o the 0. 629 100 oul- good , fruit good good 01180. Miles spars raises -12 VARM FOR SALE.—For sa 1" 18, Hulk tt, containing , clay loam land, about 66 er , is good hardw 'tchen, th good wel int/ cre running ted I mile Seaforth a good gr obtained o premises o , propriet premisi This f m is situ and 10i mike fro from Brussels on perticu ars can b proprie or on th ac es Of ex c es of whic mile 0 n pump, Orr ugh the air cati on VARM FOR SA of he town acres, 8 acres el tivation- and go trees all now bea a never ailing er wells, 1 rge bank barn 36 The far ie situa ed within t of the village of B yfield. F apply to S. MeLE N; propri or to JOHN ESS1 N, Bayfiel .—For s axed and ne half of c g orchard ng. The f • y, ntaini go state, o n e 17 acres th premise 0 eet with 14! welling further parti one hundred acr s of land, are cleared, free,' m stump good cultivation the bill with hardwood s here is a fr barn and. stablea; also a yo the mune dilate cc from from SOaforth, all good funning! past the farm, and quarter. of a, nue. This Is in the t wnship ther pa haulers premised, or to d will be s pply to t rncefield rsmith, cent Masa 75 of 'eh ce is well t* bered house and rame g bearing o hard s from Bruc field, plp, end and 7 miles airket ; grave toad chop' within hree- e of he best arms proprietor n the 646 VARMLFOR SA Lot 6, Couce 84 acres 60 of wh' under g bored wi and log 00 IIIM011 farm is R Mop, village the hest ro ad lea within a apply t CAN. od writhe house, ing to- b n the to nd is wit mills, a between markets ing to ea mile of t the pro tion ; the len is we tim- -n line ire •Ween Grey an `Me- in two rail e and a half f; the n the Coun y, with good ereevel h place ;:t ere j3 a good a rietor, Sea orth JOHN UN- IMPORTANT OTI ES. SON & Go., Portlaed, Maine. 62 pies IN - 52 $10 to $1,000 In St every month. Books sene f thing. Address BAXTER Wall -street, New York. ested in Wal e explaining e Co. Banke 687 pAINT1NG—WM. R. F EW, late of 1 , begs to intimate the inhabite. trusted to him finished n first-class Office, m antime, at D. D. ose's Grocery unee ery- , 17 52 Soot- te of hae en - 2 publicat on Of thi notice in I TOR (S pternbe 3rd, 1880 made to he Judg of the Su County o Heron, by Jame Huron, 'termer, be appoi idea so of Sa uel John the `few ship of ' uckersmit intestat , on the Eighth da James Carnochae Coco laws whid got. ell elect d. c 'cled us b eakft, e us many hea lt up -until stro ky ten. end to !tub le aladi fatal h by k ed; wit pur attme.es old only Epps dic Co. Pice dill , Lo 011 SC/1116- trouble tu d comfort- dge of the rue, . a. nu:de rp bap yi: bles with tors' bills. neh, articles ay be Oad- °urge yes Civil er- kets label nateopath- e Street, 82-52 tut y .dreds BITOIM there many well prope vice G ic Ch and 1 • y given that days from th THE Honore E application w in • the County' of ted Guardian f the James Carno hen, Car ho d of TE a ter rat be the the oehan, 1 la of the Cora ty of parted elite eeember, 1879. MONE -11- i proved ft rms only, t 74 per cent. ',. ter- • est, pay141 le yeer y ; private rind! ; charges .. od- erate. JOHN S. PORfEli. 31 Isits ONE - TO L AN—In 1 rge or small 'I'LL on first. el se security at 8 percent. y interest Privet funds, oe on the install • siodoo LEND in larg nit borrowers. Clinton. Apply H. Hale, Olin Or small Paivate fa st papal) n. 66 arty ent 28 urne at rep- ay- por- nees rth 25 , ONE TO L1 AN—On pro ed Farm r arty, at 8 pe cent. inte est. Interest able half yearly o yearly, eel deaf ed with a tio n of t e principal, if so preferred. Ex light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaf MONE —The undersign hag a large en of li. motley for immediate nve merit on first m ortgages on farm property Se en and a half per cent interes yearly ; rinci al as ma be agreed upon. . H. BE SON Solicitor, ea - forth. 'THE GOLDEN! LION, MAIN -ST., SE ioRTH UR FALL IMPORTATIONS TO AND. tee have Mucli Pleasure in Announcing that th ur Fall importations are Now to Ha ulk of E ARE SHOWING A MUCH LARGER 1-(iCK an 1evet before, and having ASO -OW MARNF,TSi oar visited the LONDON, MAN TER, and Sityles Will be fciund Right, and Prices will qompare Favorably with any Previous Seasdn. IN. DRESS dOODS WE ARE A DEBEIGES s oiisrING PERSIAN LOTHS, LANGTRYi CLOTHS, EVELYN- THS; IN litiLL THE NEW SE1ADIZS, ELVETEENS Beautiful Shades of Black, Navy, Prune, Petunia, &c. ROC DED VELVETS and SATEEN Le ding Shades. brown, all the LARCE,STOCK OF !..ADIES' JACKETS AND READYMADE ULSTER& Also Hew Ulster Tweeds, Victoria Twills Waterproofs, _Melt Siplendid alue in Witiceys, Shillings, ;Flannels, &c. Also a Flit Stock of Lace Curtaitis Catpets, atld all kinds1 el House Purntishing Goods:. Our usual dtock of Linens. A CALL RE.SPECTFULLY SOLICITEDL THEISEAFORTH!ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMOIOUM. WILLSON, PROPRIETOR. FULL STOCK OF PLOWS ON, HAND, Consisting of the Following Kinds : MiiSSEY'S 'NO. 13 THISTLE OUtTER PLOlik OLIVER'S NO.40 -CHILLED PLOW, PATOIT PLOW, NO. '2 MAI SSEY'S,N10. 10 SOD PLOW, PORT PERRY AND TEESWATER GANG 41.10WS. Fttli Stock Straw Cutters, HorSe 10.4, G -rain Crushers, itoot Cutters, and all ilqlernents b4ont4ing to the Business. SEWING MACHINES, AS U UAL. The Florence, Wqpzer F, Raymond, Royal Singer, Sewin Machines Repaired on the Shortest Noti.6, warran ed. Oils, eedles and Attachments always on hand, nd other nd work 0 C.! WaiLSON, Main Street, Se forth. HE VARNA GROCERY ST E. jap 12, at R.- Haly's ,' All kinc4 of Fresh Groceri4s, 0 usual, at q.OUR, OATMEAL, AND CORNMEALiAT R. HAXXBY'S. D es, Madder, Fustic, Oudbear, Extract Logwood, Iniii and Package Dyes. , Pure Paris Green. i The above are all for :title on the " Small Profit and qui k Return System " at the Varna Grocery. ROBERT HA Bt Varna. PAINTING. PAINTING. HOUSE kND SIGN PAINING, GRA V4S, is prepared to do kinds of House and Sign Paint42g, Paper Hang - in and Whitewashing. Satisfaetion Guaranteed or no charge made. Orders le at Wilson & Young's, Lumsden it Wilson's, or Wm. Robertson & CO.% will receive prompt attention. SEP 'E` ii. 17, CHANGE N BUSINESS MRS. Esms to eta ▪ pith. that the Stove Brigham to GEORGE Wit ITN she ho pee the sem extend ed to them the self for so many yeare to her 'custom , and the er EOM, CHA, BES and ; who have haid2he "Wirel- ess for sever4 'ears, led liberal Detre 'will be has been 11.000T e4 to hee- 1 I TN connection wit the above the P4ersigned -a- beg to state that they will conti nle to keep on hand, at the Old Stand, a full stock! of STOVES F ALL kiNDS ivr - Tinwcvre of Ev Ty Descript en. W. are algo pr ared to do, ttstent Work of Eye ii Descripti on the Shortest Notice and Che • briefness in all its ranches, they lep e to eon - Having a thorong Practical knowletse of the tisane the large patronage whith hes rbeen given • WH1TN'E BROTHERS. N.33.—All parties ilndebted to MrS. Whitney will please settle th ir‘ indebtedness with her at once, as the mw fi ; open new bo and the old business must b blosed, Parti deeiringto eettle can do so at he store of Wh4 y Bros: until the first of October- After th date the aceourate will be put ;into other ha de for col- lection. THE NEW.CR .? !JUST OWED. Grocery a' Provision Store TS THE SPOT Wirkere yon can et the beta- t -L. value for our oney ever offered. in Seaforth. Just try hie 'New T 0—they are really good and cheap. Ale() a well elected Stook of Fresh FRESH CliZOCER ES AND PROMSIONS, as Oranges, Lemo 13 Apples, Dat ,4Orasherry Jam by the poun ;Black Curran jelly, Red Currant Jelly, Pin Apple jelly, F gs, Raisins. Prune s, Dried Appl Some of the beat 35 cents per pound. Try my New Jap pound. Try my Black Co Try my Young per pound. 65 cents per pound, Try my Cruirpow it is really good val PIRO iTn OnTea at 60 and 60 cents ea Dust in th inlet, at bit at 40 and 0 cents per A good supply of Cured Hanle, Snao Bacon, Flour, Sho Pot Barley, Graha FRUIT JAR A very large stoc a 11 sizes, 'which, be price, will be sold v isao hese superior S o d Bacon, Plain s, Bran, Cornm Flour, Oats and P ea Sugar ems and' ▪ FRUIT 10 -MIS. of Glad Gem Frerit jars, of g bought before t30 rise in 7 cheap. Main Street So -forth INSURANCE EAFORTH ND LAND MERCY. Ts AGENT for S snot Firet-Clase iock, Fire "IL and Lire Insure et Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on he most favorable, rms. Al so Agent for several of the best our So- cieties. Alec' Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Farm and Village PropertY. improved Faavn,s for Sctle. $50,00o ta Lean at Seven Vier cent. Agent for the sale of Ocean Eteame Tickets. OFFICE Over M. Morritron's' 1St re, Mein Street, Seaforth. 645 BAKERY -AN FORBES CONFECTIO,, NERY. Ti AVE now sta ed business in a &resoles -Li- Old Stand, t to Caimichaerie otel, Sea - or th, where they intend to give full ita isfaction in every branch of eir business. Weddii79. Cake Prompt Delivering done always keep on h !Vs fully hope to and liberal patron and vicinity. Not we intend to have 653 FO SEAFORT romptly. We alai !intend to nd a new and fnli -stock of and all oth,4 ,Order•1 Attended i pin the good asfili and kind irtg like good brati.4 and that Bps BROTHER0,!Bakers. FLAX *ILLS. did order, to keep the ing the seater; the b . MONEY ITO LOIN. ings, Seaforth. 4 Any amount of na0 ey to Loan Om reasonable ra tee of interest, on d farm security, OFFICE --Canadian Bank of Cominerce Build EAT IE of dispoeinis ifof: his Mix le terms to 'a Igeod active likely to marl ef it prop - t Flax sown, Olin vim- enefits in conneetion with EGG EIYI•PORjuM. THE Subscriber hareby 'thanks numerous -L• elastomers (merebants and otheneefoi their lib eral patronage during the past If years, and hopes by strict integrity and close attention to business -to merit their confidence ands trade in the future. Having greetls enlarged his prem- ises during the winter, he is now prepared to:P117 THE HIGHEST CASH 1.3,1310E For any quantity of Chood Fresh Ego, tleuvered at the Egg Emporiuta, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the subletriber, 25 tons4Of good-drp clean wheat straw,. 1 fenra:: dowiwb,:tilhfottildobrilcratsrigra-otaliineuluotirttinea.ielalit toingadeeiviipd:serwt:e and that Artneed,u,inbeittzeorw,a: 1 Ira s d:havet;reyrit DaYhet aPefil ri vettebl ilelleaa/rutuneht 6:1 eit; ;11 aa the, he eneymisy,,,, an.: her 84 -mixer pe wisaeCitittagselaruesinnt BeinwhilogfoseewesnNevni:latieledBerel he done in the rdone in the Ott Zirwhil ea] egaomi ithhee feel 1911T: itt th1•36 Shakespeare's to some ears* of white nat4 hats, and rose) ing, will have for the harassl f alhop eetant rphgwipoe yol era;:ny;b:neeo,rwifsil to whom the 4, no really W scream may la! than of losing servants beton taught sell -p cies as a duty bbe:ar:e: pare -not qualities t partly to Valli tribute& Th addicted to I morbidly aped murder in ortl What they ea7 er even they .eontrive grates, a -scree rt0 meaning, stare it &wail for th'e memo What harm really trying itnove to our of Occur -every aow, however; little determial letters. Upeti -0Tbnuhtetlari;;;;eourii, to 0116 Of ilb3 aDsietkettadnys, erayeel before him. platform torel right,'" or som for a moment Me oluyof tits odu scream gs ewneeertantetns tr,h e wt7 Ilisksalledoefgrsttheeoll •woman, and Robert Ct York on eap' very full. eke father of Jo facturer and' of Rochdale MOUS Abe w men who h was sent b. ixtrt farmer, the land wh and yotir eh that theera as it aoes n of his 'pre health, a do life as a jou and. et, half a after this t Lancashire tern -line& to Some men capital. 3 - tory on a sy and would 13 Betting ou for the least the interes was mutu sell to p power whic much he e bound to d less richly