HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-10, Page 8is 4 8 THE H EON tiroxt SEPTEMBER 880, *non txpooitor. DISTRICT 111ATTERS. sr^ Ii.IDD's EMroxrLml.--Day and Night Opening Up Goods. - No time to write advertise- ments.. Stook altogether complete on the 16th and 17th. Don't fail to visit my Show Room. Never before so attractive. Look at my Mantles. I guarantee I have the Largest, the Beat Select- ed, and the Cheapest in' Town. No trouble to chow them whether you Purchase or root. Dress Goods, Millinery, Wool Goods, and all the other departments felly assorted. THOS. KIDD'. 666-1 THE attention of our readers is direct- ed to the Large Stock of Ohoiee Seotoh Tweeds lust received ret the Oak Hall Clothing Establish- ment. These Goods are entirely new in design and ooloring, and are the Latest for Fall Wear. Gentlemen favoring us with their -orders can rely on being spited at the lowest prices. RALLY & AnueesoN, Oak Hall, Seaforth. 666 PIANOS TUNED.—Professor W. B. Mil- lor, of London, will bele town next week for the purpose of tuning pianos. Applications left at SCOTT BROTHERS' Store will be attended to. 666 Ultimately, however, t IMPORTANT NOTICE.—O wing to the re- earlier life commence cent changes in our business we request all par- him, and his strong c ties indebted to us to. caul and settle their ae- Out, His death was n counts. Hlcxssoe & BLEAsnrnL. 666 particular disease, but AGENTS WWNTED: Wanted by SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, a few good energetic Agents wearing out of the phi to sell Musical Instruments. Good Then liberally was a kind and levet dealt with. 666 father, an obliging lie LOOK. OUT FOR HILL BROTHERS' advar- eons gentleman, a got txsement next week. Piles of New Goode to bo devout Christian. . Tl opened this week. 66G place on Saturday, and 1 attended. He was A SPECIAL PBrZE —The Beaver La- y Crosse Club will offer a special prize of Harpurhey Cemetery. $5, at the show in_ Seaforth next week, the Seaforth Presbytf for the best collection ofoult of anywhich deceased was an kind. The .collection. to be judged by ber, at its last I mee the regular judges, and the entries to minute expressive 'j of tl be made in, the usual way with the loss sustained' by hi Secretary of the Society. Before coming to Ca was married to s a sister of Messrs J Scott, of Roxboro. sisted of five sons and Mr. George Habkirk, Mrs, Francis Scott, being the eldest of th Habkirk died in the twelve years aftetwarr married Mrs. Isabell still survives himJ 1I the Presbyterian Chin' for Aver thirty years, a deep and earnest int work. As a man he was loved by all who kne though quiet and reti was always ready in anottentatious Way to hand to the needy, or, aid in any good wor eleven years ago he wa strong, vigorous man, a what it was to be sick - • e h s d x O 0 0 fig 8 11 e; their sympathy with h's Mr. Ha1� Ci Janet Sino and Roie family ee daugh ti cKillop,i, a Tuckers•. it family: ar 1851,:a Mr. Hab • ' eilans, as an eld4r 'n Harpu Ch always too st in cher erred atld him, and • in msli i wn kind a end a helm ncourage a Until bo n exceed n�ly scarcely n w even' a : y. labore o ' is to tell stitntioi due t st to a g kcal man. • husband bor, a c citizen aid funeral to as very is r pried in t he seseidu n Churc, 3teemed nee fig reoorde3 r sense of removall t 0 of a e- 1 - r, g t d ap ga a d 'FANCY BIRDS.—lr. John Dalziel in ,� Tris HURON CRICK T forms us that Mr. James Langstraith f from match between outh of this town has imported from his ed North and Satin 1 brother, Mr. Hugh. Dalziel, Reuel Edi- ed in or of then on nth tor _of the Field. newspaper, London, in favor of South. England, a pair of Scotch fancy cent the rain inslippery, the win aries. The cost of these rare birds was wet and' whi $20. Mr. Langstraith is quite a bird howev ly with the pi fancier, and very highly prizes his new however, was a very i importations. BAzaaR.—The ladies of the Canada Methodist church intend holding an. apron bazaar on the show day, Friday, September 17, in Rally & Anderson's old stand, when a number of useful and farcy articles will be offered for sale. A good, substantial hot dinner will be served from 12 to 2 p m Tickets for the dinner, 25 cents each. A social will be held in the evening in the same place. - • GOOD STOOL.—Mr. George Sproat, of Tuckersm:th., last week sold four year- ling thoroughbred heifers for the sum of $180, or an average of $45 each. Grade heifers of this age world bring from $12 to $16 each. This shows pretty conclusively the advantages and profits of breeding good stock. It costs just about as much in labor and feed to raise the common runts as the good thoroughbreds, and the latter bring about three times the price of the for -- mer in the market. • THE LIVE STOCK SALE. — At the meeting of the Directors of the Huron Live Stock Association held at Clinton on Monday last, it was decided to hold the next sale on Wednesday, October 20, and the following day, in the town • of Goderich. All the thoroughbred - etook will be disposed of the first day, and grade and cortin on stock will be taken up on the second day. We are glad to be able to state that this sale promises Co be the most successful yet held. Several of the very best herds in the Province will be represented, and there is already very considerable in- quiry from intending purchasers. The catalogues and. other announcements are now in course of preparation and will be issued in due time. . OUlt TAXte.—We understand that the Finance Committee have decided upon the rate of taxation for the pres- ent year. The rate to be levied is 17 mille on the dollar asbessment. This will raise the surn of $9,169.27. Last year the rate was 15 mills on the dol- lar, but the assessment this year is $33,000 less, than last, making a differ- ence of about one mill. The taxation this year, therefore, will be in reality only about one mill !on the dollar high- er than last year, Wheu we consider that this iucludes the ptiroilaiet Money for the new hose, the cost of erecting the hose tower and the various other a.clditional expenses connected with the new water works system, we do not think any ratepayer will feel disposed to complain of the trifling addition in • Duncan & Dineen have purohased the old established drug bueiness of Messrs. Hickson & Bleasdell, and are now busily engaged taking stock,. pre- paratory to assuming -possession. Owin to their rapidly increasing business the Messrs. Duncan were becoming, ham - pored for store room, and the store of Messrs. Hickson. & Bleazdell being next to their own, they purchased the entire stock mainly to enable them to enlarge their premises and gain more room. When they have arra,ngements noW contemplation completed, they will ha,ve one of the largest and most com. plete mercantile eetablishments west of Toronto. We heartily wish our en - and hope their new veuture will prove So successful that they will soon again be compelled to enlarge their premises to accommodate their increasing trade. — Mr. John Rogers, TITE Leta Wlemeet IIABKIRK, -- Mr. their stock of drugs William Ilabkirk, Sr., died at his resi- it as soon. as it is va dence iu McKillop, near Seaforth, on occupant. It is grab. had attained to the ripe age of 85 years. and increasing their For the past seven weeks he had beeu —Mr. Robert And coufined to his bed, but previous to and Mr. Wm. that, considering his years, he enjoyed. with their families, excellent health, and when younger Daketa about. the I was strong, vigorous map, possessing • mouth.—Mr:-Thom an excellent - constitution. Mr. Hale, gone to the Old Co boroughshire, Scotland, and with his were obliged to take family emigrated to this country iu ! to Brucefield 04 the year 183i. Forty-six years ago he them by the Great settled in the township of McKillop on 6f being unable to g the farm where he resided until his . Chambers, wife of death, At -that time this part of On- formerly of Seafott tario was an unbroken wilderness, and dren went with the Mr. Habkirk was one of the first • set- party on Tuesday I tiers. Re lived, however, to see it con- band in Manitoba. verted into one of the finest and most learn that Mr. Chit fertile sections in tbe Province, and to try and is dbing his untiring labors and the labors of Hickson, of Toronto others like him, we of the present day Wednesday last. are indebted in no small degree for the here will be pleased leesseeee wed eneneeete we now enjoy. so well.—Mr. Riggs least fully as interesti as cricket matches lista y aret was a fair attendants lof sped, The match was condu amicable manner by not an un. leasant wor • • e : n spoken on either side, a.. both vi •rs and vanquished acoepte•1 the situ ti without undue jub-ilat'.o p on the! o side or mortification on te other. / T !family. MATCH. --t picked to ron, was y, and reit n acro i she groun interfered The m t:resting o to on -1b n e Y al e t - a •k e - e of of a t e a d e s 1: y- -alt =d of as n - h, at re re t:`d in the contest having st 8, t •following is the score : NORTH HURON—FI Si' INNINGS. Davies (Henfryn) b G. Baird Hawke, Wingham,.,1 b w Bai d.! Dennis, Clinton, c -NYeCosh, Ib 'arneron.... Johnston, Wingham, l P. Ban i ,b G. Baird- Lasham, Londesboro, d McC $ s , b Cameron Harland, Clinton, b G.iBairc Ransford, Clinton, b framer ' n Coopor,Brussels. b Ca*nero:o. Leavens, Brussels, o McCos ' , Girdlestone Hyslop, Brussels, o Joslin, ameron Bray, Wingham, not out Byes............. Leg .byes }... vides No balls. r•• Total i.- -• SECOND IN.I1 Davies, Henfryn, b G. Bair' Hawke, Wingham, c Joslin, b Dennis, Clinton, b Canieron Johnston, Wingham, o D. Bdir Lasham, Londesboro, c Carder Harland, Clinton, b G. Bair Ransford, Clinton, run out. . Cooper, Brussels, o Cameron, b Leavens, Brussels, b . Bi rd Hyslop, Brussels, not put. Bray, Wingham, b G. Bair Byes _ , .. . i Total SMITH HURON—FI S - D. Baird, Seaforth, h w, b a• Girdlestone, Seaforth, b R:ne Cameron, Seaforth, b ' ansf rd McCosh, Bayfield, b Ransforc}. G. Baird. Seaforth, b Hykio Rutledge, Bayfield, s Lesson Caldwell, Seaforth, b Hysio; Hyndrnan, Exeter, b Ransf roslin, Seaforth, c Bray, b Briggs, Varna, rnn out... Broadfoot, Brucefiolcl, not tit . G6......rs n e e 2 20 0 2 11 6 16 1 1e Pa 3 0` 13 6 .5 .l 4 03 0 0 ..4 his 3 Es. 6 a .2 Gr las • A th 3 on 0011 stor war an goo tral ins er ioh st of t SO ion: Ottit All ma as the pri ne. Tu do Ja ber Mr ma for on ing av em. wi pia da, t ana Ho fin da tui dr: nu est W of to his to im ho ione • a for •• erly s, nes 'thl t, co fort busin - as in tand. Pr° ctor . f th ears, 'rete here he tion I11 mu e Huron i excellent bile mato a. e t t omers m !hhe too roe of 4,tli eeond 77 d if he we year, { Sev d iy too atte i:u ga ` es. .. es Mc of 1: i Ken ealf :Iso w int m. Ande iuA. .11 keivera ye a onda ne' , is Sa bat ::y haii,sol .lary y ling Ihim gucc�er� . a Se�,fort' i it g a', mate —Mr. J. a u ca of Sq his me on 110 sh wi ne lea Ro lo Sh fri 8.11,4 her au 1 on beiraperrgniEleni ented a and ber of • an ippen, eeg°uladr arn th oved. e from chiba ured b eeks ago in j he a.gri a O3'5 CU at at isn Feet e of re CO C.— . . tio atlut 811 ithl hab his f hich hat has r Cori pttl. th 01 • 11 1 , tinhhe eyr ti; a thatiL sus, Jo n 4int dMidr nilcIt ifs ove 90 ng it f r`the ell ult . Baird b Baird.. • rd Total SECOND I Cameron, Seaforth, not ou Briggs, Varna, b Hyslop._ Byes. - Leg byes Total • • LOCAL BRIEFS.—Til been dissolved. Dr from the businesst—T ing of the Towno Cou i night, owing to lac Tuesday fonWimiipeg • ceiving an immense lumber frorn the G having it piled in forth show opens, o There will be a big lett, was in town o Mesgrs. James and " turned from Manito contract for the Ore awarded to Mr. Mo Mr.-. John Ward is and Dakota market visit to friecds ie.' t from Seaforth to 1.t'xhibition, wilt be a the 18th inclusive tickets.—Messrs. L • 1 26 .12 6 2 .15 2 96 ▪ 12 12 0 5 2 33 firm of Coll man an ufac boreal , 'Alas cil on iBlo day of :a quor d, left her on t join her bus- yard.—Th Sea - Thursday ext. svj here on Fri - test week. The al -Dr. Aicheg u, of lusive, and turn ftom the 1 th to 3?50 for r tarn d iatend ,rem ing ttei part of hie re with 'a rgc es ern on ac *Mit st bp join her $ us - Will) are gl d to bark likes the • un - Yea in tow 1 on is many f iehd.s t ee him lo king a. remove his 71 Oa .871 SO for Ow Bi cir da be a for e me Pr itiv Me se es. At th he c ur clea ed th e bad an h all that .th evi h hire for la p6 ter, to b Piz to dist ibu fai to ee colte peitte mat bride beih e way part ✓ M nit •i. ETHI uth Hu• rd,/ f Bi les y. ere tri e, an 1143 RC Ch stian, 't, known period for ug a,Ind thi 11 h ti 1 1 g : g... , an i o t h g ; s' d a gMn th. u0:� •tf f • le an 88 11 hes Pre ea bi rid t th a o 0 10 11 rs of by Mr; Ecl- e.! He keeps and morei, Oen- who hafebeen band fon 8f3V ing to Goder ue giving in. Alex. Wilson been makin Id this week i place ill th igheston kin the Donrio being 8 an &not be sur ucknowlCale others Moser Steware an a large ;nu lute been -male dc Co.' stor for Cliicage :chiesday even lug made him els on Sat going to hoar ere are som Aikens w old ring lby Mr. Catnero trout his, tri has . resume ti We iegr h is not ,`31UC ock arrive yesterda d, btifore "Au 1 a 18 It 11 10 Ind this: after- bert on lat bare de hiadwhere a th and happ an, mother f 1 11 • tals g a 111 111 Oa 1 pa tl ha, wi h buy su fro 13111 ni really S ol at eadc to a Seri sc opt. al epair T past th .chai di t at musi 80 Ci ars, 26 nd pr eds wes 'a le 131 Da 110 rs a ted ho s th ace Sc of t as or tur 13. of ea 4 1 11 11 • • 1 a 21 2 div on in Ne 11 d st • le • ar • 811 C 88 id op, S VC cove ur o letif store, pr 1. y, Ce trali n' Tuesday la HiOiles th I II :Cerlimtel, Esq., ingoR. Manning, 1' Manning were o heft with the T es ay eveni feathre Canada Bibte 4 h se will also be d of God in his 1 U 11 uc rs a te as t 11 11 • as res by ter, Usle dere tarBle- aria ith bala to f 1 1 eXa as r he d M lle eko Oa after t on Fr' Holm ay evening last, when Re . delivered ;a very interesti, Ireland d the Iris • Proce Os about $a0 this* k some of t enmigh to catch a, *yea pounds and the was the the gam Tue day a ing. tide 1 urn - Monday ni e sports of Ki nd were fort onster one, ed the sca rter. Coats a qu f Joh St ey. GE OF Deeae—At. ectore of this Sta termined to hange o ding of the OW 0 lYth Show b ing days as those 'selected An. The show w I now be he day and Wean sday the'llt f October, -in All intereste e in mind. will be out in d Itt of rn te e at r. Meet of ley Br ach thTeudeas acco xed f tead two shou The few f on days rinted - CtuuscH MATTER .—On Mond a deputation fro Huroh Pres met' the people of e Rodgervill to ascertain the op ion of the Exeter congregatio . The meet' very :fairly attendea and. after discnesion of the in tter, it was d is sep ration. The putat on the was g'ven. So th uesti n of Oh 111 10 day 1 who near movi ter gav cam fortu knee sho all au& Mrs has to b unf par fall Miss to thef rec the far one of Th Mc sev in pin Mr thi Th per he new brick soo me' the -Osborne ' ERIOUS SCA st week as m the stove ay, and the ashing upo ate lady, sea to the soles ng manner!. ne in the to her assigt old. the paih unate one, lel presenc a victim ter onery was ✓ home, an toe or put uffering are good h • t of the ay - gni:ition of the trustees, and that the Cl rk be instructed tp draft a by-law in ac or4ance with the above resolution -- Ca ied. Moved by Mr. Nigh, second- ed econdped yr. Mundell, that Mr. Grumett 'be :paid for building a culvert on the 2nd ccdncession, L. 4. S., opposite F. Walters. The following sums were granted iu charity : Thos. Downs, $2 ; Mr . Shafer, $2 ; Mrs. McNamara, $2 ; Co ra Siverance, $1•—Carried. Moved by Al . Mundell, seconded by Mr. Han- na tat .this Councildo now adjourn to t again at Kyle's Hotel, conces- sion 8 on the lst day of November. Varna. TEAFIERS' INSTITUTE.—A1 meeting of the Varna Teachers' Institute was held • in the school house 011 Saturday, Sep- terab r 4th. In the absence of the Presi electe ent, Mr. Alex. P. Shepherd was chairman pr4 tem. After read- on ing a d adoption of ilhe minutes of the fit, thereby accruing a double profit, as a large of of good catty sell to better advantage•than single ones scattered throughout a neighborhood. BRE,9c-Dowl`. — While the Misses. Logie and Fif , of Lumley, were driv- ing down the ondcn Road last Satur- day with a s kited horse, the draw- bolts of: the s afts broke, freeing the horse from t e vehice and precipi- tating the occ pants upon the muddy road. !It was ortunate that they had recentl picke up Mr. Collins, teacher, of Sect on No. 2, Hay, Who temporarily • mende the ri weth ovable parts of the harness, nd son them on their way without axing r ceived any seri- . ous MAR 6 FOR d 1 ETS.—Fall wheat 90c, spring 95c, c, patte 35c. Towne ce—The Oddfellows in - ere nekt Thursday for monst ation to be giyen there by -that society They,take wit,' them the Brus- NOT SOLD.—The fa; s that were put up by public auction.11 t Saturda,y, one here and the lAher at iCranbroek, were neithe of them sold. The one that was offere for sale at the! Queen.'s Hotel is to be put up fpr sale' 4 the same place on Satarday; 18th inst signed his position as Brussels Cricket Club has be the v club with t urday Sua aving Toronto, to ta aud previOus secion, Mr. Geo. Baird, Sr., ors. read n in resting and carefully pre- pared essay on "Some of the means teach rs can employ, to induce pupils to prose nte their st dies after their echo° daye are en ed." He noticed some of the causes Why children ac - last quire a dietaste for study, and suggested means: for preventing or ren:loving that distaate and at the same time inciting in trte minds of the Pupils a love of por- es- h severing study. Mr.. J. W. Hogarth then roceeded to show hie method. Iof he deal" viz.: ayes, Tides, Ocean. Currents, aS e Rainbow. In connection with and dreiv diagrams en the blackboard, showing how the varjousnolors of whibh a ray f white light Consists are separ- hie ZO ull an" i ed the for ING AFFAIR rah sue Mr. F ancis in th act full of. boili one- o the onten s of th the fe:t of ding t em fr Fae f et in se, s•reame cau ht the hbor who c 1 condition the ',oiling ed ately r thou h un foot t the most intens es fo her M9 filo obert as re he 8 f th tr; Mi 50 a for tal of concessiOn situated oh nthrop, to rm contain a has it leas n annual re al gangs of ti neighborho and hewing dward Mc who are sel ea quantity 9f ere will be son of BI tit, 10 or 11 yell a lit which nt' de he was sters general farmyard, he little f it of a stack, er he lost h' y to the gro tlong time. nePrTe0 V inn ht again. Service o Sun. the 9 Were pr ached ab in the afternoon res .On Monday, at. Urge cohanany yo CO g's grov where we held, the pastor, Bio delivered, by the or ulster of Wood- be Of clinten, and up 'ter. The Cen- for hell as otganist, rat Will offering, TIIE BEST YET. ea was served, Tile ' ade what its 11 If 11 a recor uple of weeks hot id to hail from Mr 'and represented few hgements with to egtablish ittnimalg in the .this section. bp on heind to in getting a who are anx- 'red of/ which !every direction hut, ana some the s tigers were also Sc o /day fixed for the tau Ira inst.obut we mo Otted that the W Ma Jos Ma for Ma • a six sired large wei in He 011 ser mo e aboh Sc ngements made iiils found their that the only riginator of the nite a nice little elards occupied ge posters. - Se the chnrch on at and was largely were sobjected da Which Itev. Mr. ea• '„ addreseed the waL, 55 to- cpunty pur ea. in the base - $452 Moved by tof the lchurch. 'ebber, Occupied by r. Elgie,' county p L5552; ; ljtoetgails, ring a rate .o , on the doll oses, the so e of 1t; mill ay purposes d; the sum of • ed the sale ays ago sold. year old h by Lord H sum of $2 ed. about 146 as shipped nday last., especially le the best th woe Reeolt ending obta t by Mr. Ge Pepper 188, Senior th Hetet Ste aggi Fitzg .848 M Fitzge on Janet he Co ber 1 a 11 eng uare mara g oak rece ve $80 pointed. out in this ;list of names that eet. There is ,not would. still further reduce the number'', number of Brusselites k tlais part, and but enough has been quoted to shotv on W driesda to viO • Camp ted on h con rising hael ve ye 140. en at ged i oak super 00 per • • Al • 'ott having re - resident of the Mr. E. E. Wade n nnaimmoutly appointed. to fill acancy.4--The ,Seaforth cricket 11 play a friea'dlfr! game of cricket seed f on_ one another m the formation sented to - in follo-yeed, and the Institute adjourned were, atcli on of the rainbow. A friendly discussion m ion - tee sine die. ing, e ne of my Or this s uu- the ost ing an ✓ of in t me the r Un - have ater. oved speedy 11 ot his illage 84 Slip USborne. ing al temper, as friend Justice sup - I think I can reason calmly on bject yet, but lit always appears mind that • al person is being were the el their mate pusheli into the outside track when he THE throws down his weapons and cona donia menc s to rub the places where he has Passe been it. I do not and never have in .weath this d scussion intended to depreciate and t the e olastic attainments of Section Pk Pr No. 1 or to institute any invidious cora- filled profes Johns pitriso,ns between that , section and °there. What Mr. qustice attempts to be Donal °oust e into such a, mumble'. maY briefi explained. assumed the data and o hers. Mr. A. S6ett, of Brussels given 'n hie former •article to. be cor. made he highest j um* in the Canada ten. n the whole, the day's proceed- reot, tea t "That nearly forty persons ings as a splendid subcess. The con - (he did not say teachers) had been cert iti the evening w' s largely attend- treined in that school. This premiSes adlduaed the fact that most country schoole had giver the educational, trainihg for life to more than that number of persons. The ;remainder of Mr. Jiistiee's preliminary oration is of rile a character that it will be heritable to pass it without no - He then says, "The following is of those who ,ave secured certifi- cates, ' and among t e names given are 0Gra. Blatc fora. Does Mr. Justice not know that up to the present time these Mre gentlemen have never received *credit , 'nu from the proper authorities, nor have are certificates he ascribes to them. Then, Tecu they ever had .in their possession the chop- drivea to make out his first published is ancti conce esent in the dire extremity to which he limber. numbers, he enters Thos. Hyslop in offere ritends both the first and second class lists of Quee oath. names. Other discrepancies could. be All% adver ext. EB.—The cricketers who repre- the Brussels °lab in the county at Clinton, im! Saturday • last, n their arrival home that even- tertained at theet)aeen's Hotel to the cltib. Though- not corning ad to know that the members of fellow member in that day's b appreciated te work done 'by celehration here yesterday off very siccessfally. The r was 11 that could be -desired, ere we e up -wands' of 1,500 peo- sent. The programme was well lad ca .ed out The following n, cha pion of, the world ; Mc- rWoo , Brothers, Smith, Little pu more a list list will be given next week. BRIETS.—Icnox church Sunday school last, ia Mr. D. Stowe 's grove, kindly held their anunal on Monday lent for the occasion. A pleasant after - 110011 was spent.—A White frost was quite visible On the sidewalks early on feren , was cut in the garden of Mr. C. R. ooper last Monday.—The west half o lot 35, in. the 5th concession of Waw nosh, ou which there is a fine saw ill, will .be offered for sale at the sell House, Brussels, ou Satur- 5th inst. Mr, C, R. Cooleer is the neer.—Lote 11 1,nd 12, in the 1st sion ct Grey, 200 acres, are to be for Sale' by &action at the 's Hotel, oh Saturday, 25th inst. . R. Ceoper ,auctioneer. See isement next week.—Quite a ent to Lucknow the games. 111 of age, met ht have hed that togethe musing him ow climbed here by som balance a nd. He was mained ono He receive and • will Weleave y, of the 4t an A.meric of b aforth smith d sto 0110 OU follo the mode ucke its go kses, t has heti b : Fifth for James McAr A. Roger 9 ce Bell 116 Lang 88, - ie Fairbair Daniel Bel ie Imrie 65,i Tho d form—Frank la as Livinget ne 43, All the me bersipresen A letter frt, the Coon rvalent the Mr. Nigh; that ' the o , the school and 5 11 I Hooper, of St. and delivered a ,088. He was Gundy, Metho- • choir of the tn ting as organist. -"Ei report showed Pu e attendance of rai reasurees hands fn $41.92. Gross of 11 For $2,9 • • 1 9 • , with What persistent mendacity Mr. Thes fads are well,known to the par- t ties ore immediately interested in n , this iscussion, and it Was only for the a state of the case that I entered the lists s at alll. In conclusion, I would ask Mr. Justioe tce remember that "truth is a, _ jewel' every ,one should wear in his e bosom," and if he cOntinuesto call me s no herder names than euphonic, I think 1.1 I will be able to surtrive all the rise he d can get out of—A LOVER OF Tareu. y. t HOWIE DIED .—Me. Garvin Ross, of e the London Road, l+st a valuable farm horse last week, velar suddenly, by b. - fl am in ation X I of the 3ra concession, has sold his intl. Li ported carriage- horse to Mr. Thos. d' Berry for the sum 4 $95. This is a grea bargain, as the marked price was feta ith diver o ean fe ou bu • b cehtl price lea con, hors SC • • e, B.L.--One Sun y hight recently Fen'. BOM tramps went into . Mr. Chris. 8' of pl ms. Pity we couldn't erect a n Sear -tramp. 1 8; LEIVANTED.—One tla,y last week Mts. IS of Paradise," took - er 'ticket at Hen- , Ball for Detroit. A Exeter gentleman is left that village the same evening, hay - bora Wa as tio au t. s ine ilex his destination , the same city. 0 min' Methodist minister of Kippen, has re- turned from his tri to the old country. "t'' We are pleased. to 1 arn that his health 132, le Unproved and that he enjoyed him -- arm, self well while away. He thinks there t 10o, 7 is na place in the world like Ontario. thir tile 78 ay 49 ld 57 d 48 ng 40 nail: me Mon for t rpose tive 3,368 1.65- 00ths nship purple/ niring a rat on the d interest and 900, requirin the 6th concession, has some of the best apples in the county in his orchard, One taken from hig, tree, of the twenty- ounee variety, measures 14 inohes round the bulge and 14, inches roupd the buds. They are nearly all of ti i- fornt size, and the (tore is not over n inch long. Now, beat that I Hensall. RE MINED. just r turned Come ry; loo is ag in in the igliest grain be he temb stock dispo this f are e coun SH last timb the is a wish r 14, fo We t e of ir, as pected y. PMENT n, has eek in r from Mr. D McLenpan has from his trip to the Old ng hale and hearty, and e mark t ready' to pay gores fOr all kinds of orse and cattle fair will s village on Tuesday, Sep-, the 884 and. purchase of ink thoSe having stock to ould ao 'well to attend large -number of buyers from different parts of th'ta hipping his large stock of he diffe Lit stations along ondon, Huron and Bruce. T. J. ushing ad go-aklead man, and we note for eaceful, quiet, law-abiding peop e, lent e are fen' v to see some of the youth a e beco lug rather rude noti able ia the evening, and it is sur- prisi g howl parents i will allow their chil ren to nun the streets all hours of the night, thereby doing them the grea est inju y they can, to say nothing of th annoy nce they become to people on he str et, especially ladies. We I need of com laint in this* respect. trus , hower there will soon be no I ,R aawaaahOne day last week an at - tem t was ade to drive Mr. S. Fair- bair 's fain us racer, "Gray Bird," in d le har ss, but Gray Bird, not be- ing accnsto ed to being driven in har- ness and fe ling it was his 'duty (as soon as the ord to start wag given) to b t his sop osed rival, started off at a furiclus rate f speed. The driver hung im, but pray Bird was de - shake hirnself free of all en - which lie clid (rather un - HE GREAT NV OOHS MILL1144ERY SE SEAFQ A. G. 1‘14 OUGIA Beg leave to ti RIO ounce that ''they1 Inue ion re - sea of Neat Goods, tb.e Of the Purcha ited all the Country, a ARENT of our 1T1r. *fully, who vis- rincipal M-arktite in the Old Bought , The Larges Stock wei Ever Had at OTTS Will find No &ranee m Goode this Sea- son, bia as Cheap nisi taunt. CALL EXA E OUR Raw S tine ath60 cent's, 70 oente 90 cents, $1, New R all18,008 and New Erie* ee all prices. New oolen 'nd Silk Shaw New T pastry !Carpets at 511: ellts, 60 cents, 70 cents, 80 ' ts ani9O cent .1 New Cottons, 'te end art New Tiokings and New Tow0. pluc ter CUM fairl seen in the ma and scor ily to hied to rances but the fu ooking fel ma reu4 Abcineeee.—William Shirray, son of CAR BUB lerle Shirray, of Hay, met with a bad thation We 2,916ol accident one day /est week. He was cier ontaini Legisi cutting oats with] a reaper on his hol goods urn of father's farm, whea the horses ran by away. • He was thnown from his se ' and the wheel of the machine pas ' over his leg, injuribg it severely. oonde year urn. o qniva ed. d. Tha machine was badly wrecked. This -1013ths is the second runaWay he has had this ills ca season. es, the GOOD SALE.—Mrt Wm. Campbell, of i of 21 Vthe 2nd concession has sold 11- steers, Sehool three and four yeare old, for $50 apiece. qniring Mr.ICampbell is a great benefit to this are foe , neighborhood, because lie buys a num- • sinking , leer of cattle from Ids neighbors every I al rate vear, aud after feeding them sells them -100ths of a Mill on the d Ilari and to advantage, and every locality had nion Schoo Section N a few such men, there would be a cOm- , the anaoa t required be the petition for the primary farmer's bene - ere Cen the reac possible to check theifiames, and on ac- count of the intenee heat nothing could be done in the way Of saving the con. tentp of thei car. Mr. Purdy was long and,favora,bly known, as proprietor of the Hensall House, and having lately disposed ot his business, was moving into Loudon. We are pleased to leant, however, that Mr. Purdy's lbss will be made good. to him, aed we unite with his Many friends in wishing himself and family much prosperity in their new home. mjETI We .receive the BaIancie Stook. Buyers axe respectfull and see our Stock of DRESS GOODS Atli) as thie season we will iMILLINERY • WE VVIII.L SHOW ONE LINE quick style), and when last 1 Of Dress; ti.-'oods, contana nO 6,000 yaristell village was leading his at 20 cents to 80 collie; eeer yaxd. back over his shoulder in a i ner, as much as to say, THE GREATEST szr.—"Vite regret to report EVER SEEN- ncsday, September lst, the re. It ppears the car was discov- to be on fire a short distance from , ralia station. and. so rapidly did flames spread. 'that before they - was also otherwise injured and bruis ed the station !.tt was found im. C 0 M E FFERING ERE. Direct Im oilers of Staple nrd Vancy Dry 6004 in:nery, Mantle Shawls, Ate. THIRTHE 1880. Opening agents of o for this eat and STAPLE the Staple Del ings, Shirting, Ducks, Der:in in this &part DRESS I:I Our Drese De Black Luetr0 'Cloths, Co/0/i The lgtV7 SnitingS, and variety. CU make any mie price of these Stock of Plah We are showiii MILLINE partment Flowers, Fee Styles in nal Tritunainge is under first OUR IVIA1 Largest, Chd in the Camel -oilseed. at AO 'Montreal, an. ether Honsei have a large' -every ene. OUR OL of out lenei pleased to i endeavors t merit we ha 'out former Grand stoa Tweeds, a Line of Fre lent value. Guarantee exteuleavin ga FURN IS Furnishing „Rats and - Under Clot FANCY Goods Dep Stock tri Corsets; lc at the priee Buyers I before grta HSU. BR NEW OPENINC Per r PRINTS Choice Pal tug Print DRESS French Fancy 5 Lustra attentien Velvetee FANCY meta Off itnd STAPL Best Er EE 'try Fi MANT and TN' Ilefore of IP ear We she bought els than any believing t fair one. We tha age larestowr